#wol intro
stormbabylore · 10 months
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All right, here goes! Started a tumblr specifically to infodump about all my baby FFXIV WoLs. Here's my main, circa Heavensward, when I finally had some glams I loved for her. She's a precious little bean, and I affectionately call her my "Stormbaby." ♥
So, a few things about her!
Name: Aeryn Stormwater
Age: Probably mid-20s, but she actually doesn't know!
Class(es): She canonically started as archer and later picked up the lance, too. She did try her hand at conjury but struggled to connect with the elemental magics and remained rather weak in the art. A known associate of the "Dutiful Sisters of the Edelweiss," she has some meager skill with a dagger, but she prefers the bow. (Outside canon, Aeryn has both black mage and astrologian AU personas!)
Crafting/Gathering: Omnicrafter forever! \o/ (Although I still haven't picked up armorer for some reason.) Canonically, just weaver, alchemist, and botanist. She does end up helping out around Naldiq & Vymelli's from time to time, mostly just with gathering and deliveries between the city-states.
Other Hobbies: She keeps a journal with her at all times that she uses to jot down notes, important details, sketches, and maps of all her adventures. When words fail her (which is frequently), she often finds she can write or draw what she thinks. She will also, eventually, take up painting.
Extras: Aeryn has no memory of anything besides her name when she wakes up on a chocobo cart bound for Gridania, in Eorzea, a place she knows nothing of. Folks tend to assume the stars on her face are tattoos, but upon closer inspection, they don't appear to be inked. The yellow streaks in her hair are natural, though everyone assumes she dyes it. (The game doesn't allow it, but her bangs would be yellow, too!) She frequently dreams - often having nightmares - but she can't seem to remember anything about them when she awakens. The first time she sees the ocean, she falls in love with it, and she has a tendency to spend her idle time near natural bodies of water when she is able.
About the Ears: When she saw those bun ears at the Gold Saucer, she Had. To. Have. Them. She still wears them with several of her glams. Unclear if she will ever give them up. /huh
And a few things about me!
I am Not a Typical Gamer. I panic in dungeons and feel terrible when I mess up. But I am o b s e s s e d with this game, its nuanced storytelling, and its myriad ways to play and explore.
I have too many so many alts and will likely end up blabbering about them all here at some point.
I've been playing XIV for about a year and a half, but I like taking my time with the story. Just finished Shadowbringers MSQ and am taking a pause for my emotional sanity. :D :D :D
(Still avoiding Endwalker spoilers where possible!)
I can't do FCs. They bug the heck out of my anxiety.
If I emote at other players, I'm probably highly over-caffeinated! I generally feel extremely awkward afterward and often just... run away.
⋆。° ✩ °。⋆Urianger⋆。° ✩ °。⋆ I love him with the entirety of my heart.
If you read all this, thank you, and have a lovely day! /beam
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xiapet · 1 month
WoL Intro
I figured I should probably introduce my FFXIV characters so I can WoLpost on Tumblr. This is not a FFXIV exclusive blog, it's just the thing I can't shut up about rn so I'll pin this for the time being.
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Name: Applesauce Betty (main alias), Melorabette Lenoir (birth name)
Race/Clan/Gender/Orientation: Elezen/Wildwood/♀️/Undefined
Age: 29 at the start of ARR, born 1546
Main Job(s): WHM and BLM
Secondary Jobs: SMN, RDM, SCH, AST
DoH/DoL Job(s): Botanist
Partner(s): Aymeric de Borel (former), Lucan Artorian (fiance's WoL, current)
Other family: Renadora Artorian (eventual daughter with Lucan)
Applesauce is a WoL and fucking hates it. Blames herself for everything, wishes she could be a normal woman living a normal life, stubborn, kind of a hypocrite, serious, and stoic. Pragmatic, highly emotional but represses it, cannot go with the flow, doesn't like change, a control freak but only when it comes to her own situation, prone to mental illness, socially awkward due to years of isolation after her mom died, very good at keeping her decorum, always sees things through to the end. Fiercely loyal, empathetic, maternal towards kids. Eventually works through her trauma to be a more likeable version of herself.
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Name: Rhu'by Edwina
Race/Clan/Gender/Orientation: Miqo'te/Keeper of the Moon/♀️/Bisexual
Age: 21 at the start of ARR, born 1554
Main Job(s): AST and BLM
DoH/DoL Job(s): Alchemist
Partner: Estinien Varlineau (eventually, it's a slow burn)
Rhu'by is NOT a WoL but does have the echo. Highly spiritual, sees ghosts and was bullied for it as a kid, misunderstood, independent, headstrong, excellent judge of character, can see through people's bullshit, soft and gentle spirited, highly understanding and open minded, can be snarky if she likes you, a mild flirt but oblivious to other's flirting, a yearner, generally chill, bright outlook on life but not to the point of being the sanguine, level-headed, perceptive.
I like to share gpose and WoLqotd type things so now if you see those you can have some background information into who these characters are. I've been playing on and off since 2019 and consistently since Endwalker dropped. I'm always open to discussing lore so feel free to ask questions if you have them. Rhu'by is an existing OC from ttrpgs I'm still fleshing out and is my alt character I made this year (2024), Applesauce is my main character who I started the game with in 2019. I have 2 main timelines/canons happening simultaneously.
Applesauce's canon includes Rhu'by but only as a side character who comes in later in the story.
Rhu'by's canon does not include Applesauce, but has Rhu'by as main participant in the msq (for gameplay and lore purposes)
This is mostly because the events of Ghimlyt Dark are important to both canons but for different reasons and cannot exist in the same canon so 2 canons it is ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯
Maybe someday I'll have the confidence to share any of the pounds of fanfic I have written/am writing about them but don't count on it.
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deathflare · 6 days
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sketchbook doodles..
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this-is-ris · 2 months
Fly! Ever-forward starry-eyed, to an open sky!  
A warm smile paired with intense bright green eyes greet each new face with compassion and an open heart. Mere ilms away one could catch scents of flora, woods, and cut grass lingering on the Viera- a scent always true to who she is and a reflection of her passion as an Gleaner. Tall ears stand upright with confidence above a blanket of long flowing brown hair; lovingly weaved with fresh flowers and herbs. Though her height and Viera heritage tends to make her stand out more as a denizen of Sharlayan, she is still outwardly approachable and will always see the light in others and gladly offer her assistance to those in need, stranger or not. Sometimes seen with a tome, or maybe a staff but scarcely equipped for combat. The Gleaner's pack stuffed full of tomes, vials and an array of nearly any herbal or medicinal concoction one could need.
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Hello! Welcome to my main blog for my FFXIV WoL Ris Dei-ijla. You can find me logged in on Goblin (Crystal) raiding, achievement grinding, or RPing. I am mostly going to be found logged in on my main, Ris- her carrd can be seen here if you would like to get to know her more in depth:
->⁺₊Ris' Carrd⁺₊
I also have two other OCs I've been working with that you may have come across: Dinky Dinky ⁺₊Dinky's Blog⁺₊ Fia Etoinette ⁺₊Fia's Blog⁺₊
Feel free to ask me anything, I love getting to meet new people and gush over blorbos so the more the merrier~
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Thank you so much for reading and I hope to see you around! ☾⋆⁺₊
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alackofghosts · 9 months
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/pet wind-up warrior
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uldahstreetrat · 11 months
ya know what I never actually introduced myself when I popped over here to start posting ffxiv so with the new influx of people from twitter, uh, hi o/
I'm Anakin (Ana is also fine), you may refer to me with whatever pronouns you feel like, I adore talking about my funny little blorbos more than anything
feel free to follow me if you like shit posting and memes! and you're always welcome to arrive in my ask box and dms to tell me about your blorbos too! and pls like so I know who to follow too <3
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ooeygooeyghoul · 10 months
Hi, hello, nice to meet you. I'm Quaid, and this is the tumblr I have recycled into posting content about my lizard man. This will primarily be a FFXIV blog, as it's my current obsession, wherein I will post rambles, pictures, my art, and maybe a few other things, idk. I'll try to keep it organized with the tags, but the system is a WIP.
I've only got my main man here at the moment, but maybe I'll make some more heroes in the future! Might update this a few times, too...
Other socials - Twitter | Insta
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Shiun Kazumasa - Primal | Behemoth
Warrior of Light - Main
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B A S I C S | |
Primary Jobs | Warrior, Gunbreaker & Dark Knight
Guardian | Rhalgr, The Destroyer
Nameday | 18th Sun of the 3rd Astral Moon (May 18th)
Age | 25 years [ARR] - 30 years [EW/DT]
Height | 230cm / 8ft 6in
Homeland | Doma, Yanxia
Occupation | Scion, Sellsword, Blacksmith
Sexuality | bisexual, leaning toward men
Strengths | duty-driven, good at anything that requires physical strength, protective, unbreakable will
Weaknesses | Quick-tempered, stubborn as a mule, emotionally constipated, never asks for help, hides his hurts
Tags | #primordial flame: shiun kazumasa (main), #thaniun (wolship), #forgiven fury (Lightwarden AU), #wandering swordsmith: vulcan (ancient counterpart)
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P E R S O N A L I T Y | |
An Au Ra whose face is always scowling or smirking, never anything in between. Shiun is brash, rude, and loud - fueled by constant rage. He acts almost purely on instinct and impulse, which causes his friends no small amount of stress. Don't be fooled by his prickly attitude, he's a true hero with a heart of gold. Devoted to saving and serving as many people as he can to the point of being self-sacrificing. Good luck prying any of his deep emotions out of him, he'd really prefer that those stay hidden.
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B A C K S T O R Y | |
Shiun grew up in Doma during the Garlean occupation, so his early life was full of troubles. His parents were quiet artisans that submitted, which afforded them a fairly upper-class lifestyle. But Shiun was different in a way they didn't like. He got into fights with other kids, ignored his schoolwork, and was angry at the injustices he saw all around him. His family did everything they could to extinguish the fire in his heart, but he wouldn't be put down any further. After a chance encounter with a resistance fighter, he fought back against a Garlean soldier that had been harassing people in his village. The Empire didn't take kindly to that, and his family suffered for it. He barely escaped and was forced into exile at the young age of 9. Eventually, he made his way to the Azim Steppe and was taken in by a kind family in the Malaguld Xaela tribe. Scarred by his failed attempt at resistance and the pain it caused, he kept his head down and stewed in his anger for years. That is, until a voice called him to a distant land...
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R E L A T I O N S H I P S | |
Alphinaud & Alisaie | practically siblings
Shiun is fiercely protective of the twins. He sees a lot of his younger self in them and has taken on a brotherly role with them. He hates that they've been thrust into this world at such a young age, and tries to urge them to just be kids every once in a while.
Thancred | lover
At first, Shiun couldn't stand Thancred. His overconfident playboy persona really got on Shiun's nerves, so he went out of his way to piss off Thancred, too. After rescuing him from Lahabrea, he stopped being so antagonistic. Over the course of the Dragonsong war, Shiun's feelings towards Thancred began to change, which REALLY freaked him out. So much so, that he pretty much ignored Thancred's existence throughout Stormblood while he considered things. He figured it out pretty quick once the Scions started getting yoinked to another realm. More on this later...
Y'shtola | voice of reason
Shiun appreciates Y'shtola's sharp wit and sharper tongue. She sees right through his bullshit and is often scolding him for his reluctance to rely on others. They get into banter contests a lot, which he rarely ever wins.
Urianger | jock & nerd
When they first met, Shiun couldn't understand a word Urianger was saying, but he learned to communicate with him over the course of their adventures. He's got a good friendship going with Urianger, where he patiently explains complex things to Shiun five times and Shiun helps him get better at socializing.
Tataru | ride or die
Shiun would die for Tataru. She continues to baffle him with her limitless talent towards anything other than combat, and he'll do pretty much anything she asks him to. To be honest, her ability to sniff out the truth and love of gossip frightens him a little bit.
Estinien | friendly rivalry
Despite being an axe-user, Shiun's skill with the lance is nothing to sneeze at. The two talk through their sparring more than they do with their words. Shiun was happy when Estinien decided to stop skulking about and join the Scions, but he still gives him shit about it.
G'raha | brotherly friends
When he found out just how much G'raha idolized him, Shiun was flabbergasted. He certainly wasn't used to that amount of admiration, and he found it difficult to deal with at first. But the hesitation faded away as G'raha accompanied him on more and more outings. Now Shiun thinks of him as a brother and irreplaceable friend, determined to make him into a hero too.
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T R I V I A & E X T R A S | |
Favorite non-chocobo mount is the SDS Fenrir.
Favorite minion is gaelikitten named Potato.
Has a major sweet tooth he tries to hide from others.
Is really really bad at cooking. Don't taste what he makes for your own safety.
Actually really does like to fight (don't tell Zenos).
I tend to draw him pretty off model lol.
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lady-zephyrine · 5 months
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Yet another thing I drew based off this Twitter post.
I like to think that you can hear Diddy Kong Racing music coming from the radio.
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yara-the-devourer · 11 months
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I am my mother's determination.
I am my grandmother's love.
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I am the untold sorrow of my people, and every scream of anguish that ever died scratching at the insides of my throat.
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I am Hope and Ruination.
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And I shall bear my fucking teeth and bleed you dry.
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picaroroboto · 1 year
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sometimes i think about how its implied that Azem could see the future in some way
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woaddragoon-nadya · 4 months
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✨ Hear. Feel. Think...about FFXIV✨
You can call me Nadya, and I'm 20 (she/her)
I've been playing Final Fantasy 14 on and off for about a year and a half. I'm not good at the game, but enjoy it very much. My goal with this account is to make some friends who play because the community seems wonderful
My main character is ✨ Nadya Hollow ✨ on Crystal Goblin. Level 67 Dragoon. Been playing her for about 2 months!
Currently on: Stormblood 55/122
Title: Nadya Hollow, Adversary
If you see reblogs and likes from me, it'll be from my main @inkspillsss and my writing blog/personal is @junkdrawernoggin
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xiv-wolfram · 1 year
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Hiya! I do a bit of everything FFXIV-related, but mostly comics of my WoL Wolfram (40yo Male Highlander Spellblade), Housing Builds, and GPosing. Also, I'm one of those surprisingly rare Raubahn shippers! I'm totally normal about them. 😅
Here's a pinned post of my content in a (slightly) more organized way.
Wolfram Saga Comics
Housing Builds
Character inspiration post.
Ship GPoses WolfBahn by XPac!
Ship Summary:
Part 1 - Prequel
Part 2 - A Realm Reborn
Part 3 - A Realm Reborn Patches
Wolfram's Bio Carrd
Linktree for Other Socials
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improvised-finish · 3 months
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Lehon'a, keeper of the cadence
-- Musician, dancer, chocobo lover, birdwatcher --
Raised as a boy among keepers of the moon despite being born a sun seeker herself, Lehon'a Nhavareh now graces the stage as a member of the Sapphire Sky Ensemble: a traveling group of performers sharing music and dance across Eorzea. Her primary skill is percussion, but she's grown into her own as a dancer, too.
She grew up in the Shroud after being abandoned there as a child, not yet old enough to remember anything of her parents. Despite her being an outsider, she was taken in by a childless female keeper of the moon, who raised her as a member of their tribe out of kindness. Living among those who looked so different from her was definitely a challenge, but as her musical talent developed, so too did more common ground with her tribe-mates.
When she came of age in her 18th summer, she left her home to roam the land (as male moon keepers often do). Though not entirely her choice, her travels carried her many places. They began with a stop in Gridania to learn the very basics of conjury and ultimately culminated in a journey to Limsa Lominsa, where she discovered the Sapphire Sky Ensemble (or more aptly, they discovered her). After persistent recruitment from the group's director, she finally agreed to join, on the condition of regular breaks to return home and visit her mother.
Lehon'a did a lot of soul searching while traveling with the group, and after a spiritual experience with Menphina and confiding in close friends, she realized that she was transgender, and began to live as a female miqo'te. After her transition, she grew even closer to her mother and their tribe, and any given break from touring will usually result in a long visit back home.
On the rare occasion she's not performing or at home, she can usually be found caring for the troupe's chocobos, attempting to spot wild birds and animals, or losing horribly at whatever board or card game is popular amongst her fellow performers.
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bnuuywol · 1 year
Welcome to the chaos!! Here’s a quick lil blurb about my FFXIV OCs that you’ll see content circling around about on here.
Also as an aside, "other wols" is my catchall tag for other peoples' OCs. I promise I'm not just assuming everyone is the WoL :,)
Spoilers through post-Endwalker and NSFW content will be on here so ye be warned (I’ll try to tag as much as I can/remember)
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My main, the Warrior of Light, also known as the Black Knight. Dark Knight & Black Mage. Somehow both a sweetheart and an absolutely ruthless bastard. Thancred owns his ass.
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My EU alt. Half-viera, half-xaela. Reaper. An absolutely terrible person, but he’s fascinating. Bisexual disaster with deeply repressed trauma.
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theowynlavaneth · 3 months
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voidxbound · 5 months
"I see the dried up blood that's in your hair, you've got the old kaleidescopic stare,"
blog for naih, my warrior of light♡ ♱︶꒦꒷♡꒷꒦︶ ︶꒦꒷♡꒷꒦︶♱
main > @lotusillustration | lore page (wip) mobile header from dylan hunter @ unsplash
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