#wolf 359 au
nobodysdaydreams · 3 months
📢 I just came up with the most devasting Wolf359 AU today and you're all gonna hear about it. 🚀
My brain really chose VIOLENCE coming up with this AU on father's day.
Here is the set up: the crew gets themselves into a stalemate with Cutter and Pryce that lasts a REALLY long time. The crew can't make it to Earth without getting blown up, but Cutter and Pryce can't get what they need from the crew without gambling too much. The stalemate lasts a long time. Like a REALLY long time, at least a decade. And this is when Cutter decides to play dirty. Well, dirtier than usual, even for him.
Basically, Cutter finds Anne (Doug's daughter), and very much appeals to her the same way he appealed to Miranda, through showing her support, promising her a way to help her disability and make her even "greater" and praising her potential and accomplishment in spite of the adversity she's suffered. He also connects with her via speeches about how his (Cutter's) father never saw the potential in him either. Cutter becomes a sort of mentor to Anne under the guise of "oh look this nice science man is tutoring deaf kids. What a philanthropist!". If we want to go really dark, Cutter has Kate and the rest of Anne's family killed in a terrible accident and adopts her, but he could also just be a mentor to Anne. Either way, she ends up trusting him, and seeing him as more of a father to her than Doug, and starts growing bitter about what Doug did to her and believes that he doesn't care about her at all (Anne thinks he never called, wrote home, or anything, and Cutter stages a whole thing where Anne finds some fake recording he made to make it sound like Doug never cared about her at all so that Cutter can come in and fake comfort her).
Anyway, flash forward through the decades long stalemate between Cutter and the Hephaestus crew, and now Anne's a college student who works for Goddard Futuristics (she's considered one of the higher ups/part of Cutter's inner circle). Like Miranda has her glow in the dark eyes and night vision, Anne has specially made hearing aids created by Goddard Futuristics that allow her to hear whisperers on the other side of the ship and very subtle sounds. Anne's relationship with Pryce and Cutter would be interesting. I can see Pryce being jealous of her (for obvious reasons not to mention that fact that she gets Cutter's attention), but I can also see Pryce finding common ground with her since they have similar backstories that Cutter can't relate to (though Pryce would deny it and whenever Cutter refers to Anne as their little girl, she rolls her eyes and say something along the lines of "for the last time, I'm not playing house with you, Marcus. She's a tool. Like the rest of them."). If Pryce did go with the common ground route, it would be interesting to see if they ever ended up ganging up on Cutter for any reason (I think they'd do this if they were both mad at Hera and Doug at the same time and insisted on making decisions based on this anger), and whether Cutter would find this alliance amusing and endearing or threatening.
But back to the story. So Anne works for Goddard Futuristics now, and the anger she has towards her father has led her to buy into Cutter's philosophy of survival of the strongest, immortality/new bodies, a better future, all of it (though obviously Cutter is lying to her about some stuff because...well he's Cutter, he lies to everyone). So Doug and the crew finally have a show down with their enemies after over a decade in space and who shows up to torture them but Anne. Doug doesn't even recognize her at first, because she's an adult now, but when he does, he's devasted. Anne doesn't believe he's sorry about what he did and insists that this is what she wants now and that Cutter has been a better father to her than Doug ever could be. The crew becomes very conflicted because while they were prepared to fight Cutter and Pryce, nobody wants to kill Anne because despite what she's done, she's Doug's daughter (which is what Cutter was counting on).
Anyway, flash even more forward to Anne discovering recordings that prove her father cares about her and that Cutter is a horrible person, and she eventually breaks down and flips sides. I don't think Pryce would be sad to see her go, and if she was, she'd either get over it, or get angry at Anne for her "betrayal". Cutter might also have more complicated feels by that point if Anne reminds him of Pryce, and I could see him trying to force her to stay. Also at one point, Anne's special hearing aids break, and that's when she discovers that Doug learned sign language for her, just in case he ever got the chance to see her again.
Anyway, feel free to lmk what you think!
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sadnessisavegetable · 2 years
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This comic is one meant to reflect what Hera can see, not what humans can. I’m sad I can’t replicate the colors that I can’t see to make this more accurate to what she does see.
How strange it must feel for Hera, the mother program for the USS Hephaestus Station, to see things that her human crew cannot, that she can’t begin to describe.
She sees the stripes/patterns that the humans can’t see in their skin, colors they can’t see in their eyes, and ultraviolet halos around their bodies.
They must look downright angelic to her in comparison to how humans look in cartoons.
She can see things beyond what humans can in the color spectrum, but wasn’t given words to describe that.
Hera thought about naming those colors, I hope she does.
But in the meantime, she’s busy partner-stimming with Communications Officer Eiffel as Commander Minkowski waits for them to chill so she can have a meeting with them to address Hera’s new body and how the new arrangements will work for the rest of their shortening stay on the station with Captain Lovelace and Dr. Hilbert.
This is an AU of course, or at least a universe alteration where Goddard Futuristics is taken over by Minkowki’s husband(he got her messages in this because someone other than Cutter got it and made sure it saw only his eyes!)and a bunch of others who have loved ones lost to space, with federal officers backing them up to make sure that they can’t bribe their way out.
And luckily, this means that the ship is sent aide to help with the transfer of Hera into an android body, updates to the ship to make sure it will last long enough for everything of importance to be transferred off, and a transfer ship to bring them back safely.
It’s a beautiful little thing, and Hera (my favorite girl :])gets to experience Earth on two feet, of her own free will at the end. (With Eiffel, Minkowski [and her hubby], Lovelace, and others)
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eva-birdman-art · 1 month
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I once had a dream where they were going to leave the Hephaestus early and Jacobi said he was going to miss setting Eiffel on fire💀
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captainsalmonid · 5 months
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i think minkowski and kepler should celebrate their birthdays together for efficiency since they're only 3 days apart except they would both hate it and the vibes are miserable. nobody has a good time. eiffel edited the cake
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glolyst · 5 months
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So @screecherofthenight made a post about social media au and I knew I had to draw it
Wolf 359 hype house is such a phrase lmaoooo
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phoenix-art-official · 3 months
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ah yes. my favorite comedic podcast protagonist. *beats him with a wrench and chains him to a pipe in an empty room for three weeks*
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houstondoyoucopy · 14 days
every time teller says something like "midland, i am your SUPERIOR OFFICER." and midland's having none of that shit i am ELATED because this man (jacobi) is HEALING
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isabellovelaces · 8 days
Thinking about knight Jacobi today❤️
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fandomscraziness22 · 1 year
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if you like fictional podcasts, you should check out my new ornament!! i've been having so much fun on my etsy store making all these mini book/cover ornaments
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quick little timeline thing for my daniel jacobi is mark midland au
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harpoonsandmusicals · 3 months
Random thought to get thrown out into the void: what if Minkowski had been the one to get memory-wiped instead of Eiffel? What would that change, thematically?
It would lose the punch of the self-centered coward making the final sacrifice that it being Eiffel has. It has a touch of “captain goes down with her ship” about it. We don’t get as much time on her and Hera’s individual relationship as we do with Eiffel and Hera; what would a Minkowski-and-Hera final stand and goodbye look like? It could be interesting from an Eiffel perspective; Minkowski pushed him and taught him so much and now it is time for him to help lead her?
I don’t know. Interesting thing to think about though.
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kalgalen · 7 months
The projectile hit the back of his head with a dull thuck. Daniel did his best not to flinch, but if the soft chuckle he could hear behind him was to be trusted, he’d failed spectacularly.
“Sir,” he said long-sufferingly.
“Yes, Jacobi?” Kepler answered. He was evidently trying to sound innocent and not at all like he’d been flinging pistachio shells at Daniel’s head for the past thirty minutes; the grin audible in his voice, however, betrayed him.
Daniel looked up at the ceiling, begging for mercy to a god that had long abandoned him. He couldn’t really ask his boss to stop - didn’t have it in him to be sufficiently courteous about the whole thing, didn’t trust Kepler not to gut him like a fish if Daniel misspoke - so instead he breathed in, held it in, breathed out, and kept standing guard in his corner of the room.
For a couple of minutes, everything was blissfully calm, and Daniel started relaxing, focusing his attention on the alleyway they were surveilling. Then -
Daniel closed his eyes, and started counting to ten. Before he reached four, the next shell hit the nape of his neck, and he whirled around.
“Could you please stop,” he growled. Then, remembering himself: “Sir.”
Kepler hummed. He was sprawled on a couple of the crates strewn around the messy garage, leaning on his left elbow, playing with yet another unopened pistachio with his right hand. His legs were lazily parted, and the inherently come-hither aura of his posture made Daniel’s mouth go a bit dry. Did Kepler even know the kind of effect he had on his underling? Daniel knew his boss was more than aware of his own attractiveness, and didn’t object to using it to his advantage; it was just another weapon to him. Was he directing this weapon towards Daniel on purpose? It was doubtful, but - Daniel thought distantly, his face heating up as he took in the sight of Kepler, loose and appealing - not impossible.
“Or what?” Kepler drawled, and Daniel blinks, picking his eyes up from where they’d drifted down Kepler’s long legs.
“Or - or,” Daniel stammered, trying desperately to remember what they were talking about. He gaped, his mind suddenly a lifeless desert, and Kepler smiled like a shark, eyes wicked and dangerous.
“They’re not going to come,” he said casually.
“Oh,” Daniel said rather stupidly. Right. The stakeout. Something occurred to him, and he blurted out: “You knew.”
Kepler tilted his head to the side. “Perhaps.”
“Then why -” Daniel looked out to the street, the sliver of moonlight reflecting on the wet pavement. “What are we still doing here?”
“Hmm.” Kepler shifted on the crates, movements snakelike. “What, indeed? You haven’t answered my question yet, by the way.”
The snap back to their previous conversation made Daniel’s head spin, and he was left speechless for a second. “Well - I -” he stuttered. “That is to say - hum.”
“Spit it out, Daniel,” Kepler said with a hint of impatience.
The use of his first name landed like a slap in the face, and Daniel almost took a step back. He exhaled, and his breath swirled white in front of him before vanishing.
“What will you do if I don’t stop?”
And, well. There was an easy answer to that.
“I’ll make you,” Daniel said before he could think better of it.
For a moment, he was sure he’d made the worst (and last) mistake of his life. Then Kepler’s smile was back, satisfied and predatory.
This time the pistachio hit Daniel right between the eyes.
“Show me how,” Kepler taunted him.
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sadnessisavegetable · 2 years
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Doug Eiffel and Hera giggling together after Hera got fitted for an android body, this is panel 7 of a Wolf 359 comic I might (probably will)put out later on.
If you look carefully, you can see the patterns that Hera can see in Eiffel’s skin(orangey)and his ultraviolet halo around his body(red and highlighter orange just over the skull, light orange shade around the rest).
Hera’s hair is also a hologram, so you can see her wiring through it and also how the droid’s skull isn’t a full thing for easy access to misbehaving tech.
Hera’s been given a different color uniform than Eiffel (and the rest, but you won’t see that yet).
Of course, this panel isn’t done, this is just flat color, I will add background colors.
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eva-birdman-art · 2 months
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Wolf359 more like horse359🐎
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crispinkiss · 10 months
everyone please remember eiffel and minkowski were both nerds in high school. thank you
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captainsalmonid · 7 months
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wolf 359 severance au has been living in my head like a parasite. some might get it some might dont
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