#wolfpack wednesday
persimminwrites · 1 year
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hey don't cry. its wolfpack wednesday, okay?
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omaano · 11 months
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Remember Wolffe from early March? Now he's getting his pack! All because I really just wanted to draw Comet with that hair in particular :3 (I just really want him to style his hair after the tail of his namesake, while braiding it back for bucket reasons, ok?)
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mwolf0epsilon · 2 months
Wolffe Wagon Wednesday let's gooo - Wolffe and Dogma - not sure how they'd interact, maybe au where Dogma joined the pack instead?
Despite Everything It's Still You
Summary: They call him Dok. It's a diminutive for the etymology from which 'Dogma' was originally derived from. Despite his remaining reservations over his new posting, he's never been happier to hear that particular word cast his way. [Anon I think you got a little confused by the assignment, I was asking for people to pick one of my OC and a canon character so I could figure out interactions between them. But I will concede because I love Dogma as if he were my own blorbo, and because we could always use more Dogma content.]
In all honesty, Dogma doesn't expect to survive the looming shadows of Umbara. Correction, he doesn't expect to live in the aftermath of it. He had, after all, made sure to seal his own fate when he'd picked up that blaster and taken aim. Hells, he'd already been in binders. What was one more step towards the noose?
No, Dogma hadn't at all expected to live much longer, after Krell had been felled by his treacherous blood-soaked hands. The weight of his many regret and the crushing guilt making 8 cutting words echo fresh in his mind.
'I hope you can live with yourself Dogma.'
Words he'd ultimately had a response for in the end.
'I don't have to anymore.'
Except he did. Because, as extremely confusing as it may be to him (considering what he knew of the GAR and it's rather unforgiving policies), Dogma was very much still alive. Even though he didn't want to think he was supposed to...
His "transfer" to the 104th is a blur. Not because it was particularly quick or stealthy, but because he's more than a little sure he spent the entirety of it in a shell-shocked state. Dead to the world, staring at infinity, as his brain tried to process and compartmentalize the entirety of his world coming undone. The horrors he'd faced. The horrors he'd helped to unwittingly orchestrate.
One minute he's in the brig, the next he's standing in front of Commander Wolffe. In the older clone's right hand a datapad full of instructions that he would follow to a T, and the left one resting easily on Dogma's own shaking shoulder.
He'd been crying then. Disgracing himself further in front of his superior officer. The thought made him a little sick with shame to this very day. But maybe not as much as it used to...
The first days as a member of the 104th are also a blur. Not because he's back to disassociating, but because there's just a lot to take in. Many things he has to learn and acclimate to.
It goes like this:
He is CT-7023, otherwise referred to as Dokeî (pronounced like 'okie dokey smokey', according to a grinning Comet). He's a new transfer that came in with the last shipment of Shinies, to replace some unfortunate casualties the Wolfpack had recently suffered. He is the 104th's reserve medic in training, which means he will be assigned medbay work on-board of one of the fleet's venators rather than field work. He will never again see a battlefield or flinch in horror at the sound of a lightsaber, unless circumstances give the 104th no other choice but to throw him to the lion's den. He is everyone's little brother, the newest pup the join the pack, and he is loved. When they tell him all this, they mean it too.
They call him Dok. It's a diminutive for the etymology from which 'Dogma' was originally derived from. Despite his remaining reservations over his new posting, he's never been happier to hear that particular word cast his way...
It's not thrown at him the same way Dogma was. Like it tasted filthy in the mouths who spat it out, or as if it were a most profane curse. A slur of sorts. One he'd done his best to turn into something positive with the encouragement of his only batcher and their original squad. Something he had clearly failed at with his first battalion...
When they call him Dok or Dok'ika, it doesn't hurt the same way it did when the 501st addressed him. When he'd failed to understand something apparently basic, or made his presence undesirable due to the many quirks that made him apparently faulty. His too obtuse opinions that often ended with clashes of ideals. His need to share unwanted information that he'd simply found intriguing. His nitpicky tastes and precise manner in which he did things so that his brain could work right.
None of these bothered his new battalion in the way they did his old one. And it was still a shock to him that he could just be without being too little or too much.
When Bully and Jawbreaker (and oh, wasn't it a comfort to be reunited with them? To have someone that understood his odd behavior and what happened back there on that dark hellscape?) called him Dok, it made his heart flutter with delight. Like he was a cadet again and his ori'vode had gotten him some treats that they knew he'd be able to more easily stomach than the early meal gruel. The feeling of being back home, despite never having really had a home before.
And when commander Wolffe did it, he couldn't help but let himself ease into an actual smile even as he stood at parade rest. None of his 501st superior officers had ever looked at him before and really seen him in the way Wolffe did. They all quickly grew bored of his strict demeanor and sharp adherence to protocol. Sometimes rolled his eyes at him as if he couldn't see the disdain they had for his need for that familiar stability.
If anything, he seemed to understand.
The Wolfpack understood. They all did. And that's all he'd ever really wanted, really. And in being given that understanding, that equal footing, he's never felt so much like himself than he did now. Can finally look in the mirror and see who he was, currently is, and who he will soon be. For once the future really seems like a promise, rather than just a distant childish dream.
"Keep at it kid." his ori'vod smiles from ear to ear, both cybernetic and organic eye twinkling with pride. "We'll make a proper wolf of you yet."
And Dogma believes him.
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bettsfic · 1 year
so i finished rebels and i have some Thoughts and Feelings i need to process so they are going here on my blog. (spoilers ahead)
for three seasons i hated ezra bridger. i thought he was such a boring protagonist and poorly written and i was so bummed to find out he was the main character
but THEN
sometime during season 3 my hatred came full circle. i started hating him so much i began to devise interpretations of his character i would not despise.
at first my initial attempt was that he made a great side character and an awful protagonist
i love that everyone loves him and it's completely illogical but the writing seems to be aware of that and how funny it is? kanan, hondo, and maul are all ready to throw down for him immediately
but what really worked was
into the nothingness, apropos nothing, i said aloud, "puppyboy ezra?"
i informed my roommate that i could bear ezra as long as i interpreted him solely as a puppyboy
*sensible chuckle* how ooc, i thought
my roommate was like, uh strange you should say that.......
i thought, haha i bet there's a dog in an episode or something
i proceeded to outline a very long puppyboy ezra fic (which i definitely plan to write; whether or not i post it remains to be seen)
((i ship ezra with a certain character that is so obvious to me but there are only 5 fics on ao3 and i'm devastated. i guess there will just be 5 drabbles and one 60k psychologically fraught modern au in the tag))
and i am simply knocked DEAD to discover that the series ends with GIANT SPACE WOLVES
i love wolves
love them
specifically i love giant
in fact i have purchased every piece of artwork i can find on the internet depicting giant space wolves and they are all hanging on my wall as we speak
and so i felt deeply eerily called out when ezra's conclusion involves being spiritually connected to a wolfpack
i'm mostly shocked that rebels seems to be that bizarre mix of amazing but falls steeply short of its own promise, a la sherlock and early supernatural. the stuff that pings my "gotta fix this gotta fix it gotta add porn" lizard brain and i end up writing 100k
actually if i get out of this fandom under 100k i'll be shocked
hellcheer have one scene together in a show i don't even like and i wrote 100k about it in a few months
i have nearly 4 years of graduate education in creative writing and i Cannot Determine if rebels is good or if i'm just so personally fucked up by giant space wolves that i can no longer see it clearly
i wrote 7k of organic chemistry today and i'm hoping to get ahead by a couple chapters so it'll still be a while before i post (wednesday maybe?)
and then i'll focus on office au bdsm rexsoka
and then maybe (?) my post-apocalypse au
and then the puppyboy ezra fic no one will read but that's okay because i am writing it for me
i have more thoughts on rebels and clone wars and i'd love to write some metas but right now i need to face the treacherous mountain climb of fic-writing ahead of me and make peace with it
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morewinepod · 1 year
TGIF! Don’t miss my fun chat with @fandombite, @stickykeys633 (both from the @bhadpodcast) & our resident podcast supernatural expert @terencebjohnson about the #WolfPack pilot & the #TeenWolfMovie.
We drink, we laugh, and we DRAG!
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the-book-queen · 11 months
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Hide your wallets, it’s that time again! #TBQsBookDeals
Your Wednesday thread of #romancedeals is ready, FREE to $1.99. Happy shopping! 📚❤
FREE ✦ Her Werewolf Bodyguard by Jodi Vaughn
He's sent to rescue a general's daughter from a rival Wolfpack. Falling for her was not part of the plan.
Paranormal Romance (MF) | https://amzn.to/3rjgHg5
FREE ✦ Whiskey River Rescue by Justine Davis
Grumpy/sunshine. She's a horse rescuer, he's the mysterious new neighbor.
Contemporary Romance (MF) | https://amzn.to/3PVnSp4
$0.99 ✦ Training Sasha by Becca Jameson
He's the owner of kink club. She's his best friend/business partner's little sister.
Contemporary Romance (MF) | https://amzn.to/3rn30gr
$0.99 ✦ Saving Kyla by Elle James
He's a former SEAL turned mercenary. She's an international assassin who's undercover as a journalist.
Romantic Suspense (MF) | https://amzn.to/3D9bnyF
$1.99 ✦ An Unconditional Freedom by Alyssa Cole
Part of a secret league of Black Civil War spies, they fall in love on an assassination road trip.
KU Title
Historical Romance (MF) | https://amzn.to/44Ex3hJ
Putting these lists together takes time. If you appreciate this content, please consider buying me a Ko-Fi. http://ko-fi.com/danielletbq
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Old Wounds - Chapter 7, Wenclair fic
Description: Now aged 22, Wednesday Addams is an up-and-coming author. Her time at Nevermore is well behind her, and she is alone, and that suits her just fine...But when a 'new' neighbour shows up in her apartment building, she'll truly be tested on whether her "bad habit" of caring truly has been broken. (Hint: It hasn't.)  
Pairing: Wednesday Addams / Enid Sinclair
Rating: Teens & Up (subject to change in future)
Click Here For Previous Chapter
Click Here To Read This Chapter On AO3 or keep reading below!
The time is 10:30am. 
Wednesday finds herself in the coffee bar, sat across from Enid.
Following their phone conversation, they texted briefly and Wednesday found herself opening up more to the idea of this meeting. Whilst she continues to flip back-and-forth on her desire to pursue anything to do with Enid, she knows her mind will eat away at itself until some speck of curiosity can be satiated. 
As such, being in this coffee bar isn’t the worst possible thing that could be happening right now… Granted, between the stares and whispers from the staff, alongside the incessant buzz of her own brain, Wednesday is still working through what exactly she is supposed to be feeling right now. 
She's never been particularly invested in processing her emotions, but apparently these last few days means she actually has to stare them in the face for once. 
It's more tiresome than she will admit. Not that she'd admit to having emotions in the first place. 
It’s becoming increasingly apparent too, that Enid is like an electric fence that she cannot stop herself from approaching - The electricity stings like nothing else, but her hand remains wrapped around that barbed wire regardless.
So Wednesday truly finds herself in a conundrum: to have been content with perpetual emptiness whilst awaiting a gentle lul into insanity… only to violently and unexpectedly have that void infested, like ivy taking root in an abandoned building, giving it a new lease of life. 
It is disturbing to say the least… but Wednesday concludes this crowded coffee bar perhaps isn’t the place for giving herself grandiose psychological assessments.
Thus Wednesday drags herself from her thoughts, sips at her coffee, and decides it’s easier if she tries to play along. She listens to Enid speak, offering minimal replies, all the while glaring at the baristas who have been peeping at them. It seems to scare them. Good. Wednesday is at least glad her reputation still precedes her. 
Enid is unaware of these silent interactions as she chatters away. Despite what the pleading on the phone had Wednesday believe, in person Enid seems brighter and bolder than Wednesday could ever remember. She seems more confident now.  Whilst Wednesday still cannot abide by her cutesy pastel clothing and finds the aura of good vibes xoxo a tad overwhelming, she quietly admits to herself that it is a good thing for Enid to be sure of herself finally. 
Wednesday meets Enid’s gaze again, and nods politely as Enid continues to detail her life over the last four years. There’s a few highlights that Wednesday makes note of: Various boyfriends and girlfriends, jobs, an unnecessarily extended anecdote about her first tattoo… It all seems like standard young adult life stuff with the exception of one thing. Enid is a werewolf and there hasn’t been a single mention of her family; her wolfpack. 
Knowing Enid is away from her pack struck Wednesday as odd prior, but her not mentioning them at all? Something isn’t right.
And it’s not that Wednesday cares. She’s just… curious. Werewolves are fiercely loyal beings so what makes Enid so different? Wednesday intends to find out. 
“- What about you, Wednesday?” Enid asks, smiling, “I’ve just talked about my life for the last 20 minutes. I wanna hear about you!” 
Wednesday stares blankly at Enid. She drinks from her cup again. Part of her neglected to remember that hanging out would require her to speak about herself also. 
“...What would you like to know?” 
Enid gestures vaguely, “Anything! You’re Wednesday Addams, you’ve always got something either incredibly terrifying or interesting to say. Back at Nevermore, your vibes were always scary, but in a cool kinda way, y’know?” 
Wednesday’s eyebrows twitch upwards slightly: A barely perceptible emote by all accounts, but perhaps one of Wednesday’s only tells when she’s experiencing anything vaguely positive… and damn it, Enid did flatter her with that one. It’s enough to make her take pause for a second and realise she might have not entirely hated it. 
But with everything else she’s currently processing, Wednesday takes it for what it is. She really doesn’t want to think about it any further… but she’s perhaps made a mental note about it for later, anyway. 
“Well, the last four years have been adequate.” She begins, speaking plainly, “This miserable city suits me. It bleeds the hearts of most people who live here, whilst also giving me the opportunity to bleed other things of the people who foolishly pester me during my late night walks whilst I look for writing inspiration… Also, my family is well. Pugsley’s limbs are still fully intact for now, and-” 
“-What about Thing?” Enid interjects. She seems entirely unphased by Wednesday’s blasé mention of violence. A younger Enid may have felt faint at the mention, but it seems she’s grown past her hematophobic ways. How intriguing. 
Wednesday takes another sip from her coffee. 
“Thing is doing well. He still paints his nails.” 
Enid grins at the answer, clearly delighted by the news. Wednesday offers a slight softening of her gaze in return - Another subtle expression; not a smile by any means, but the mildest appreciation that Enid still holds Thing in high regard. It’s what he deserves. 
“God, sorry I interrupted you…” Enid sighs with a slight shake of her head,  “Tell me more about your writing!” She requests, picking up her own drink (A large vanilla oat milk latte, with extra syrup) and taking a happy little gulp, giving Wednesday centre stage once more. 
Wednesday continues, “My foray into the world of literature is something I have worked towards for many years. I have two books published and I’m working on the third. Though, I write under a pseudonym - I refuse to expose my own name to the idiocies of fandom.” 
Enid nods with a knowing smile, “Smart.” 
There’s a pause. 
“So, what’s the pseudonym?” 
Wednesday’s expression drops into a glare.
“That is for me to know, and for no one else to seek unless they wish to end up in a very painful position.” 
Enid smirks. She throws her hands up in defeat.
“Alright alright, I won’t dig for deets.” 
“Thank you.” Wednesday replies curtly. 
It’s still a lot. The way that this is all happening. 
Wednesday is feeling conflicted. Enid is painfully easy to talk to, but Wednesday still finds herself on a razor’s edge. She is unsure of whether she really should be here, humouring Enid’s desire for companionship. Wednesday knows that ultimately she is a poor companion for anyone, but between her curiosity and her thoughts that polarise themselves constantly, she is stuck between staying and leaving - And evidently opting for the former. 
Then there’s all the unanswered questions that they’re yet to ask... Do they create more openings for conversations, or does it invite distrust? 
Despite these considerations, Wednesday has to admit to herself, she's having a more-than-bearable-time. She won’t commit to enjoying herself (impossible, frankly), but she will privately concede it could be a lot worse. 
It seems Enid notices Wednesday lost in thought. She gently waves her hand, offering a soft “Hey… everything okay over there?” 
Wednesday stiffens. 
“Yes. I’m fine.” 
“I mean, it’s totally cool if you’re feeling weird about this.” Enid says, shrugging, “I kinda am too.” 
Wednesday’s eyes dart down to the table, focusing on the steam that rises from her remaining coffee. Is she really so easy to read? 
“If you must know Enid, I find it difficult to believe you would want to speak to me after all these years… and frankly, I find it even more difficult to consider that I want to speak to you in return.” Wednesday states. 
It comes across way colder than she intends. It’s almost vicious,  and although Enid seems perplexed for a second, there’s not a single moment where she seems to think negatively about the comment. It’s as if she expected it. 
“I think that’s something for us to talk about later…” She muses, “If I’m being real with you, it’s just nice to have you- I mean, to have someone familiar around.” 
Wednesday keeps staring at the table. 
For a moment, Enid looks as though she’s going to say something more. Her mouth hangs open before she pulls her face into a smile, losing the words to nothing more than a contented sigh. Wednesday only catches it out of the corner of her eye. When she finally looks back up at Enid, the other woman is pulling the coffee mug to her lips again, gulping down the last of her latte. 
Wednesday gives a slow, thoughtful nod, and says “Yes, I suppose it will be useful knowing a competent person is around in case of danger.” 
Wednesday isn’t about to say she’s glad Enid is here. She’s still figuring out if she wants Enid around at all… So, saying her presence is maybe useful is all she can offer. Wednesday trusts that Enid understands. 
And seemingly, she does. 
“Of course.” Comes Enid reply with an empathetic expression. 
Now, Wednesday doesn’t consider herself a believer in deities… but the way that Enid’s phone suddenly starts to blow up with notifications and the consequential breaking of the strangely tense air is something Wednesday could almost thank God for. Almost. 
Enid's phone is going crazy, multiple texts blipping through in a matter of seconds, followed by phone call that cancels itself only a moment later. A cry for attention, clearly. 
Enid scrambles to pick up the device, rapidly brushing a finger along the screen, eyes widening by the second. She quickly types some messages out, sighing as she does.
“Shit sorry,” She mumbles, “It’s my job… It was supposed to be my day off.” 
“Then they shouldn’t be contacting you.” Wednesday replies indignantly. 
Enid sighs again. She drops the phone onto the table and massages her temple with her now-free hand. Wednesday finds it strange to see her so worked up. 
"I think… I think I have to go." Enid says dejectedly, "I'm really sorry to cut our hangout short…" 
Wednesday downs the last of her coffee.
"It's fine. I just finished anyway." 
"I'll make it up to you, promise." Enid offers. She frantically gets out of her seat, pulling her jacket around her shoulders, giving Wednesday a pained look, "This is such a shitty way to end our hangout, but I will text you, okay?" 
Wednesday nods. 
Enid gives a sad smile, and then rushes out the door. 
And just like that… Wednesday is alone again. 
She lets her expression neutralise, allowing herself to finally decompress after that wealth of socialising. There's a lot running through her head, to the point she feels the need to lay down somewhere dark and dingy for a few hours; let the darkness seep back into her bones.
Wednesday studies the space that Enid occupied… and despite all the conflictory thoughts, there's part of her that strongly wishes the blonde was still there, smiling away. 
And that thought alone… Is Terrifying.
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natigail · 11 months
Week 27 (2023) updates:
Wrote 5.5k on my skz ace/sex worker AU
Wrote 1.5k on my phan Stardew AU
Wrote 1k on my join skz wolfpack AU companion piece
And I journalled every single day
Total words: approximately 11.6k
I didn’t quite hit the goal this week but it’s been a busy week. On Wednesday I traveled to Germany to meet up with friends and it’s just been such a whirlwind of fun but also long days, so writing has been sparse. And before that, I was helping out my parents with their new summer holiday house. But it’s all good, life should be allowed to happen. It’s been harder than anticipated to pick up my stardew AU again but I’m really hoping I can get into a groove with it and fast. Here’s to a productive week this coming week.
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gatorsportsfan · 6 months
Grayson McCall transferring to NC State: How former Coastal Carolina QB will fit with Wolfpack
Coastal Carolina transfer quarterback Grayson McCall announced Wednesday he has committed to NC State. Here’s what you need to know: McCall, a three-time Sun Belt Player of the Year, has produced 11,118 total yards and 106 touchdowns in his career and is the FBS active career leader in passing efficiency. The 6-foot-3, 220-pound senior from Indian Trail, N.C., was a four-year starter for Coastal…
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mitchbeck · 7 months
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persimminwrites · 1 year
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i love one (1) man.
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Soudal-QuickStep 'wolfpack not dead' says Lampaert after podium in De Panne
Belgian takes third place at Wednesday's brutal wind- and rain-hit Classic Brugge-De Panne from CyclingNews RSS Feed https://ift.tt/eKCDjz5
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mina-van1104 · 1 year
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🍀Happy St.Patrick’s Day! Me & my family!All cute photos of us.❤️On Wednesday after work, I ran 3 miles with my dogs when I felt better that day. Also, eventhough🏀🐺 Nevada Wolf Pack Men’s Basketball team lost in March Madness, I’m still proud of them they made it to the NCAA this year because the last time they made it before this year, was in 2019!
Gonzaga Bulldogs Men’s Basketball team plays today in the NCAA March Madness so excited! Ahhh! Gonzaga University-my older sister: Catherine Van-Schwartz (Former KOLO 8 News Reporter/Former KATU2News Portland News Reporter-7 years news reporter) graduated from college from Gonzaga University in 2012 (with her Summa Cum Laude highest degree) when she lived in Washington! 🤩😍
Anyways I have literally been going to the Nevada Wolfpack Men’s Basketball Games since I was 12 (twelve) years old thanks to my family & extended family.💙Nevada born & raised. Proud nurse, coach. Family living in Nevada for 44 (forty-four) years. Once a Nevada Wolfpack, always a Nevada Wolfpack Alumni/post college graduates! Proud, TRUE Nevadan.🐾🐺Happy Spring Break! Happy Friday! 😁
Song played on Instagram is called, “I’m So Excited” by The Pointer Sisters!
✞♡ # Selfie # NativeNevadan # GonzagaMensBasketball 🏀 #GonzagaAlumni #GonzagaUniversityPostGraduate # NevadaMensBasketball # JesusChrist ✝️🦂# ProChoice (though, in politics) # Equality # Justice 💙 # Nurse # Coach # Healthcare # Running 🏃🏻‍♀️ # PositiveVibes # LoveDrivesOutFear # NevadaBornAndRaised # NevadaNative # athletic 🐾🏃🏻‍♀️💪🏼# HomeMeansNevada # Nevada # UNRnevadaAlumnaMay2016🎓 🐾 # PostUniversityGraduate 🎓 # Overachiever # WolfPackAlumna 🐾 # BachelorsHealthScience # PublicHealth 🐺 # 3CollegeDegrees # 3ExtraMedicalLicenses # AlreadyAllAchieved # TrueAccomplishments # integrity
•2019:Older sister Catherine Van&Adam Schwartz’s Wedding&their website on: https://www.theknot.com/us/catherine-van-and-adam-schwartz-aug-2019•Reminiscing more than 200 people came.
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best2daynews · 1 year
2nd ex-NC State athlete sues in sex abuse case
A second former North Carolina State athlete sued the school Wednesday, alleging he was sexually abused by the Wolfpack’s former director of sports medicine under the guise of treatment. The lawsuit filed in federal court accuses Robert Murphy Jr. of improperly touching the athlete’s genitals and elsewhere twice in 2016. The plaintiff’s name is listed as John Doe to protect anonymity and doesn’t…
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avalynn111 · 1 year
I want prompts my dudes
hey I’m a new account I love writing mostly fanfics so feel free to request for
Twilight (including the Wolfpack)
Harry Potter Characters (including fan fiction made characters and Mauraders)
Maze Runner
Teen Wolf
Deadly Class
if there is anything else let me know😉
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natigail · 1 year
Week 14 (2023) updates:
Wrote 4.5k on my svt mafia AU - 돈’t Lie (at least not to me)
Wrote 4k on my new wip join skz wolfpack, which will be a work with four chapters showcasing how the remaining half of the members found their way to be in the pack from the main story.
Wrote 1k on my skz ace/sex worker AU
And I journalled every single day
Total words: 12.7k
I am not going to lie, I am rather impressed with myself this week. I was away all of Wednesday-Saturday in Paris with my friend (it was so much fun and the concert was amazing!) and I only came home midday Sunday, and I could only journal a bit on my phone while I was away. Yet I smashed my goal! I worked on three fics this week and only had one session on each of them. So rather long sessions for Tuesday and Sunday! It feels so good to have long moments of just writing and getting lost in the story. Very chuffed with how this week turned out and I feel like spring has finally sprung and it made me open up and bloom along with it. I am feeling a lot more comfortable in my skin and in my head these days. It’s very lovely, and it only makes me ache to write more.
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