#women who are fraternal twins/triplets/etc...
lookbluesoup · 1 year
Here's a part II to my original NSFW ffxiv headcanons! Someone requested an afab version :3
Some of the information below will be repeated and expanded on from P1 since it's relevant, but this post will focus mostly on the female sex and also delve a little more into reproduction. It's more technical in wording than the original post, mostly because I've spent more time thinking about this since then, fleshing out my ideas.
You're welcome to adopt parts of these for your own fics/headcanons/etc if you like them, I don't mind! You're also welcome to keep doing you if you don't. To each their own pussy. If you like pussy.
There is a lot of vulva talk under the cut. If you don't want to read about genitals then don't click the cut. There is also a version with illustrated diagrams on my Pillowfort(here), if you do not want to see vulvas, do not click the link. The post was intended to have the visual guide alongside it, but I have to leave these out on tumblr bc of content restrictions.
There is also some mention of the role of things like tail docking and food restriction to maintain body shapes, so if you're sensitive to these themes, read with care.
Descriptions of genitals are "averages" but ofc size, shape, color, hair content might vary significantly between individuals!
Miqote vulvas are pretty similar to Hyur in size, shape, and variation. It should be noted, however, that instead of pubic hair, Miqo'te women grow fur similar in texture to that of their tails, which may also be similarly patterned. Fur does not grow around the anus, leaving a smooth gap between the tail and mons pubis.
Most healthy Miqo'te have a "primordial pouch", a pair of fatty deposits around the lower abdomen, stretching to the start of the legs. It is generally soft and warm, used to insulate and as a bit of natural protection over their organs. A prominent pouch is considered attractive in traditional Tribal environments, where it represents being well fed. Though the novelty of its softness can be quite enjoyable to non-Miqo'te, some working as dancers or in Ul'dahn pleasure houses may be encouraged to restrict their diet and reduce its size so they might appear more conventionally appealing to patrons of other races.
Males do not have heat cycles, but females do. Females in heat have an extremely strong drive to mate that is often impairing to other senses, and bear a distinct scent which will arouse and attract male Miqo'te. Heats commonly last between 2-14 days, and reoccur every 2-3 weeks if medicines, magics, or potions are not used to limit it. If pregnancy occurs, heat will end "early" within the next day, and the heat cycle will be suspended until roughly a month after the end of the pregnancy. 
Ovulation is induced by genital stimulation, particularly from the soft "barb" like structures on the surface of an erect Miqo'te penis. Pregnancy is possible outside of heat cycles and with amab partners who have smoother dicks, but both are extremely uncommon.
Because they are induced ovulators and have heat cycles, Miqo'te do not menstruate.
Pregnancy lasts about seven months. Fraternal twins and even triplets are extremely common, and may have different fathers. Miqo'te children learn to climb often before they can even walk very well, and infants are known to put this to use escaping cribs and getting on top of furniture where they absolutely shouldn't be
(Note this section is subject to potentially significant rewriting if we ever get playable female Hroths and more lore)
Hrothgar vaginas are relatively small, though the single set of labia around it are quite large by comparison and covered in short, thick fur, joining in a point near the top. The clitoris is deeper inside the vagina and not usually visible from the outside. There is a small hairless patch directly around the anus, but otherwise the nether regions are entirely covered in fur.
Like Miqo'te, Hrothgar often have primordial pouches around their lower stomach and upper legs. These tend to be less common in Hrothgar, however, and less prominent. They are visually more obscured by fur, and may not be noticed without being touched.
They have a heat cycle and traits similar to Miqo'te, however, female Hrothgar only go into heat every 3-4 months. Cross-race pregnancies for Hrothgar mothers are especially rare, as the barbed penis of male Hrothgar is necessary to stimulate ovulation. Mating between Hrothgar can be painful because of these barbs, so it's probably not done for pleasure much outside of heats, unless the gal's really into masochism.
Because they are induced ovulators and have heat cycles, Hrothgar do not menstruate.
Pregnancy lasts around 9 months, and while twins are far more common than in other races, usually only a single child is born. 
Viera vulvas are not terribly different from Hyurs, though on average tend to have much larger labia and prepuce, and a smaller vagina. The clitoris is quite large and erects significantly when aroused. Viera naturally grow a lot of pubic hair, which if left unshaved will typically completely obscure the genitals. 
Viera are born with fluffy tails that curl upward to around the small of the back. In traditional villages, these are usually docked off of infants and magic may even be used to remove the scarring during the healing process. It is not widely discussed with outsiders, to whom it often appears that some Viera have tails while others do not.
Female viera have no heat cycle. Ovulation occurs during arousal and genital stimulation. Because they are induced ovulators, Viera do not menstruate.
Pregnancy lasts around 18 months, but can go on as long as two years, at which point a single child completely devoid of hair is born. Twins are very rare.
Au Ra vaginas are tucked inside a scale-covered cloaca. The cloaca is the only rear orfice, concealing also the urethra and anus. This slit is convex (curving inward) usually, but when aroused, will convex out as it swells. The cloacal entrance usually does not reveal anything internal on its own, and must be pried open (y'know, with a dick. or fingers. or a toy.) However, during orgasm, it's known to "flash" open in time with spasms.
The "labia" are fused to the walls of the cloaca and large. While the vagina appears narrow between these and the large clitoris, it can be stretched open fairly wide. Note that "fairly wide" is relative - Au Ra women are quite small and races like Roegadyn and Hrothgar would likely cause pain if their dicks were forced in very deep. Small dicks are generally preferred, unless, like that Hrothgar lady, you're into it. 
Au Ra do not have heats, but do have yearly "mating seasons" when the drive to reproduce is stronger for both sexes, and offspring are more likely to be conceived. Outside of these conditions, Au Ra females enter a period of estivation where their reproductive cycle is suspended. This may lead to decreased interest in non-reproductive sex. Au Ra do not menstruate.
Pregnancy lasts around 5-6 months. Au Ra children are born extremely small, but grow quickly and from one year up until about 10 years of age, tend to be larger than children of the same age in other races.
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moonlight-inthesky · 4 years
You know, as I've been catching up on Ducktales, I started thinking about Scrooge and the dynamic he has with his sisters, specifically the changes in them.
Obviously, the biggest change that caught me off guard was Matilda becoming the youngest sibling, with Hortense persumably becoming the middle child. At first, I had no idea why they made this change, but then I soon started to think about it and I realized that the McDuck siblings might be parallels to the triplets.
More under the cut because this gets very long
Right off the bat, Scrooge and Matilda are both businesspeople, with Scrooge being a billionaire and Matilda just barely hanging on. From what little we know about Hortense, she apparently decided to settle down, marry, and have kids, with nothing suggesting she had a business as well.
Thinking about these aspects of the characters, as well as the changes in age order, made me think back to the duck triplets, with the changes made to their personalities in this iteration based on their age order, and of course I came to the logical conclusion that the McDuck siblings are supposed to be parallels to the duck triplets.
Think about it:
Scrooge and Huey, both the oldest, rely on their smarts to outsmart others and succeed. Also they wear red.
Matilda and Louie, both the youngest, are less than successful business owners and have to rely on schemes to succeed, and even then its not a guarantee. Matilda's shirt is also a yellowish-greenish color, and obviously Louie wears green.
And that leaves Dewey and Hortense, both the middle children. Again, we know next to nothing about Hortense. However, based on the patterns I found above, I may have an idea of what Hortense may be like as it will probably be revealed in future episodes.
Dewey, being the middle child, wants to stand out from his brothers, which explains why he so enthusiastic about adventure; he wants to make a name for himself and separate his identity from his brothers. Hortense, also probably being a middle child, might have had a similar problem, but taken to the opposite direction.
Okay, so we know Hortense started a family and apparently did not have a business, unlike her siblings (unless the theory that Ludwig's kids are also Matilda's is true), so those are the biggest differences. I'm thinking that Hortense wanted to separate her identity from her siblings by NOT standing out, a direct contrast from Dewey. She knew about her siblings' crazy business ventures and she didn't want to be associated with Clan McDuck if they were just going to be known as greedy, eccentric businesspeople. So, she decided she was going to settle down with Quackmore (and take his last name to further distance herself from her siblings) and have Donald and Della. No crazy adventures, no association with eccentric businesspeople, just a normal life with her family.
Of course we all know how that ended. However, if this is the case, this would make an interesting character study, a foil to most of the McDuck/Duck family, and a parallel to Donald, who had a similar goal after the SoS incident (like mother, like son, after all).
So bottom line: there's a lot more to the McDuck siblings that we just don't know yet, but we seem to have some clues that would suggest future revelations about them.
Also, I just remembered some pictures showed in "The Fight for Castle McDuck!" showed Scrooge and Matilda as around the same age, despite being oldest and youngest, respectively. So, this means that the two and Hortense were closer in age this time around...
...OR they were triplets as well. I actually really like that concept and it would only drive home the parallels between the McDuck siblings and Duck triplets even further.
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