#wonder if brennan knew he was introducing a beloved NPC
Okay, so, due to the nature of Dimension20 and Fantasy High specifically, most of the NPCs live in a space between trope and caricature
Brennan being Brennan (and the Intrepid Heroes being the Intrepid Heroes) those tropes are often turned on their head and the caricature belies something deeper, but as a starting point, they are all larger than life, none more so than Arthur Aguefort himself
Which brings me to Worlds Beyond Number, and the Wizard Sly
Aguefort is a cartoon character. He wouldn’t feel out of place in a sitcom (with or without laugh track)
Sly, in the 30 minutes or so of screen time we’ve got so far, feels like a fully fleshed out, real person. Eccentric but not played for laughs.
and i’ve been thinking that, for the last day or so, there’s this thread between them (something more than “magical old black man”) and i think i landed on it
What is chronomancy but divination turned up to 11?
These two men seek to make the world a better place through their knowledge of time. They can be gruff, but give good advice. They mentor multiple generations of young heroes. They both have red birds that seem near and dear to them.
The more i think about it, it’s not a thread that binds them. They, thus far, seem like two sides of the same coin. The Wizard Sly seems very much to be Arthur Aguefort freed from the hijinks of Solace and burdened with a more grounded world
… you know, with his capacity for shenanigans, i wouldn’t put it past Arthur to have dimension hopped and found himself having to run a long con
it’s like, super unlikely
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