#wonder tea party
primusfortuna · 1 year
Feld ⟡ Wonder Tea Party (03)
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“Operation: Prospective Marriage”
The day after we got our clue for meeting Alice— We were visiting the old flamingo gentleman’s house.
Feld: Give me a break... I’m astounded that you’re flinging yourself into this mess. Are you really going on this date?
Emma: Of course. I have to repay him for his kindness.
Emma: I’ll be upfront when I reject his grandson, so could you hold your anger until then?
Feld: ...Alright. I will stay out of this and not materialize.
Oscar: Emma, sorry we’re thrusting such an unpleasant job onto you. We’re counting on you this once.
The door opens as I nod.
Flamingo Gentleman: I’m terribly sorry for making you wait. Please, meet my grandson.
Young Flamingo Man: Heh~ So this is my prospective bride? She’s pretty cute. I think I’ll make her my fifth—no, third favorite mistress.
Emma: (H-He’s coming off strong right off the bat...!)
Feld: ......
Flamingo Gentleman: This young lady is Emma-san. And accompanying her is her older brother.
Oscar: I hope we can get along.
Young Flamingo Man: Ew. Like I’d ever want to get along with a guy as fluffy as you.
Feld: Ngh... Who does this guy think he is...!?
Feld’s fists are quivering, as if he’s about to throw a punch any second.
Flamingo Gentleman: Now, why don’t you go ahead and spend some time talking to my grandson alone?
Emma: Y-Yes, of course. Would you mind showing me around the mansion?
Young Flamingo Man: Sure! If you insist.
Oscar: And I will stay here to talk with this gentleman about fine cuisine.
Feld: ......
I exchange a glance with Oscar-san before leaving the room, an unmaterialized Feld trailing behind me.
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Young Flamingo Man: Pretty neat, huh? This is my gramps’ collection. I’ll give you any one you want.
Feld: These aren’t yours to be handing out, you wretch...!
Young Flamingo Man: What do you think about this “Statue of the Beautiful Hero”? I mean, I’m obviously way more of a hero though.
Feld: I think you’re mistaking “hero” for “coward,” you swine...!
The young man’s attitude angers Feld second by second, but he still suppresses the urge to materialize.
Emma: (I’m glad I’m not alone with this guy, but I’m starting to get worried...)
Young Flamingo Man: ...You’ve been kinda jittery for a while now. What, are you that happy to be on a date with me?
Emma: Huh? No, it’s nothing like that—
Young Flamingo Man: Haha, are you embarrassed? Girls like you are a breath of fresh air.
Young Flamingo Man: You’ve got a nice figure, you listen to me with a smile... I might even make you my first favorite.
The young man brushes his wing against my leg, but then—
Feld: Keep your wandering hands off her! You little buffoon!!
Young Flamingo Man: UWAA!?
A materialized Feld aggressively slaps away the young man’s wing.
Young Flamingo Man: Wh-Where did you come from...? And who are you, anyway!?
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Feld: I’m... erm, I’m... her other older brother!
Emma: Feld, hold on a second...!
Feld: I waited long enough. I can’t take this anymore! I will not idly sit by and watch!!
Feld: I was quietly listening all along—what is the matter with you!? You’ve done nothing but puff out your chest and boast about yourself the whole time!!
Feld: Not to mention all you seem to care about is your own convenience! It couldn’t be more obvious how uncomfortable Mis—my little sister is!!
Feld: You can’t read the room, and you’re disgustingly entitled! Take a minute to feel ashamed of yourself, you imbecile!!
Young Flamingo Man: E-EEEEK!!
Emma: Ah...! There he goes.
Feld: Hmph! Just a little shouting sends him running? Pathetic!
Feld: The mere thought of that man becoming your husband makes my blood boil! He is not qualified in the slightest!!
Emma: Um, we weren’t really planning to get married, remember?
Emma: (But I guess we did fulfill the old man’s wish... in a way.)
I head back to the guest room along with Feld, who’s still steaming with anger.
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r0tt1ngr4bb1t · 11 months
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annatateson · 1 year
Disco Elysium Gothic and Lolita Tea Party Part 1: Klaasje and The Smoker LET'S GO BABYYYY!!!
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I saw people doing EXCELLENT drawings of Harry Du Bois in lolita dresses and I'm obsessed! But why should he be the only one who partakes? What if EVERYONE gets a makeover and they have a big TEA PARTY!
My desk is now COVERED in Gothic and Lolita Bibles. No one is safe. Things are about to get FRILLY and FABULOUS. I did Klassje and The Smoker first at a request from my friend but I have sketched out many more already 3:)
More closeup pictures underneath...
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Wonder Cookie
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Wonder Story
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Glass Bottle of Tears
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Perfume of Wonderland
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Wonder Party
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bastionbibi · 1 year
I love how in Bride of Halloween, Conan deadass said that he got his strategy from a long time ago, from back when he was still in elementary school to be exact.
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Completely forgetting that he is still supposed to be an elementary school kid at the moment.
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Like it could be the adrenaline crash and the fact that both of them are insanely tired but that shit is hilarious bro like Conan literally outed himself and Rei either didn't connect the dots or is too distracted by the subtle mention of Hagiwara to notice.
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Either way, it's impossible for Furuya to think that Conan is still a 7 year old now, aside from the fact he used him as a partner multiple times in lifethreatening, national-level threat situation, this should've been the nail in the covin but my guy was just staring at the sky melancholically and I respect that.
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cupophrogs · 1 year
A Tea Party!
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@dxkjf Loona's a little wizard!
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binah-beloved · 11 months
Binah would host quiet little tea parties for someone she liked and that's canon because i said so
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akkivee · 8 months
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lavendorium · 2 years
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Another coord from the backlog! 🐈‍⬛
🖤JSK: AatP 🖤headdress: Bodyline 🖤all else: offbrand
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galmiahthepigeon · 11 months
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Pics of my girlfriend and I from this weekend's Halloween parties! I was Aziraphale and he was Crowley :] He thought the horns and halo were too silly but I loved them lmaoo
Bonus photo I took with cunty Oppenheimer under the cut jdjgkhlfk
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gendervapor14 · 2 months
my queue may be empty but my soul is full ♥️
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primusfortuna · 1 year
Feld ⟡ Wonder Tea Party (04)
[01] [02] [03] [XX] [05] [06] [07]
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“A Wondermare Dinner”
After coming back from our walk, we tell the flamingo gentleman and Oscar-san all about what happened on the date.
Oscar: So he fed you and Feld to the wolves and bolted, did he?
Flamingo Gentleman: Please let me apologize on my grandson’s behalf... Did he do anything else to you?
Emma: Actually, there was another incident... but Feld got angry and stepped in for me, so nothing happened.
Emma: It definitely gave your grandson a shock, so I would say we achieved your goal, sir.
Feld: ...All I did was succumb myself to anger.
Feld: Even though you told me to keep myself in check.
Emma: But you intervened before something bad happened to me, didn’t you?
Emma: You kept yourself in check for me until then... Thank you.
Oscar: It seems it was the correct choice to assign Feld as your guard.
Oscar: Your anger is never groundless. That young man must’ve learned his lesson after being scorched by the flames of reason.
Feld: ...Let’s hope.
Flamingo Gentleman: Now, everyone. I’m sure you must be tired. Why don’t you stay for dinner as my way of thanking you?
Oscar: Gladly.
Feld: You didn’t think twice!?
Oscar: As a gastronomer, there’s no way I can miss this chance. I would love to observe you in the kitchen, if you don’t mind.
Some time later—a lavish dinner is arranged on the table in front of us.
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Flamingo Gentleman: ...!? M-My stars! I’ve used these ingredients all my life, and yet... how can this food be so delicious!?
Oscar: While I was observing you, I took it upon myself to taste and adjust your dishes a little.
Feld: Oi, you weren’t supposed to intervene.
Oscar: Of course. I’m already familiar with my own cooking capabilities.
Feld: That’s fine, then... Anyway, what are these mushrooms? They’re so jiggly it’s making my blood boil.
Feld scoops up a transparent, jiggling mushroom from his plate with a spoon.
Emma: It’s just as clear as water...
Oscar: That’s a “Hide-n-Seek Shroom,” native to Wondermare alone.
Oscar: It’s seasoned with rock salt and a seafood stock strained until it runs completely clear. Give it a try.
Feld: ...I suppose I must, then. It’d be rude to leave anything on my plate.
I can’t help but break into a smile at the sight of Feld reaching for the food.
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And then——as we’re finally finishing our dessert, the elderly gentleman bows at us once again.
Flamingo Gentleman: Thank you very much for today. I’m extremely grateful for your help.
Emma: I hope this could help relieve your troubles, at least a little bit.
Right as I answer him——
The young flamingo man suddenly appears in front of us. Without wasting a second, he comes right up to me.
Feld: Oi! Don’t you dare approach Mis—er, my sister!
Young Flamingo Man: D-Don’t get the wrong idea! I’m not trying anything!
Young Flamingo Man: I just couldn’t bear to let her slip away like that...!!
The young man resolutely hangs his head in front of me.
Young Flamingo Man: From today onwards, I’m a new man. So—
Young Flamingo Man: Give me another chance!
Feld, Oscar & Emma: Wha...!? / Oh? / Huh!?
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gethoce · 2 years
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Melem was my first Kirby OC all the way back in 2008, a time in which I had little to no idea what Kirby lore was all about. (My version of the Halberd was sentient. I had no idea about Galaxia. :') I revived her character to fit into modern Kirby lore, while retaining her essential attributes.
Name origin: M + Elem(ent)
More info under the cut.
She was a halcandran battlemage who trained with the GSA in ancient Halcandra, a fighter especially skilled with the sword and blizzard magic. From a young age she focused on studying weapon enchantments and her skills became notable enough that she was asked to work on Project Master Sword alongside her best friend Garlude, a fellow GSA warrior and the best weapon smith in all the land.
They were supposed to create a sword so powerful it could bend reality. It was going to be wielded by Halcandra's Magical Faction's greatest warrior, Morpho Knight. One day, during testing, Garlude was killed by the sword's immense power. Desperate, Melem researched ways to prevent the sword from unleashing its power like that ever again.
Her plan was to summon a young member of the Dark Matter species, who are prone to forming especially strong bonds with their clans and make it believe that it is part of their faction so it would protect them and then transfer its consciousness into the Master Sword. With the help of her loyal guard Pitchfork Knight and Galacta Knight's heart magic she successfully separated Dark Matter from its original clan and befriended it.
The trio spent a lot of time with the Dark Matter and they began to change form to socialise with their new family. Melem began to name them Metachiroptera or Chiro in short since they coincidentally transformed into a bat-like appearance. The two bonded and Melem started to question whether sealing her new companion's mind in a sword forever was the right thing to do.
The deadline for the completion of Project Master Sword and drawing closer with the hour. Her final spell took weeks to formulate. She didn't have enough time left to start from scratch, thus she changed a single single line in her spell so the target would be herself instead. She figured there was no better way to ensure the Master Sword isn't being used maliciously anyway. It'd just end her life as she knew it.
The day she cast the spell she said her final goodbye to Chiro wishing them to live a long and happy life. They were by her side as she began to charge it and noticed the small change in wording, panicking. Using their possession ability they attempted to stop her.
An alarm was sent out to the guards in the area. Rushing in came Galacta Knight and Pitchfork Knight. Unaware of what exactly Chiro was doing the two knights casted a heart magic calm spell to force them to let Melem go. This allowed her spell to complete and Melem's mind was transferred into the Master Sword. At the same time the positive energy within the knights' spells managed to fully turn the Dark Matter Chiro into a puffball. (Negative Matterborn -> Positive Matterborn)
The Master Sword, or Galaxia as she prefers, was only briefly wielded by Morpho Knight during the battle against Void before it was given to Chiro, who was too small to carry it at the time. They've been inseparable yet again ever since. In the present Galaxia is properly wielded by Meta Knight. She can still communicate with him and likes to give him advice and offer comfort, yet refuses to speak of their shared past.
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mattsqueakerdraws · 9 months
Tea party with the lil vamps, the lil princess, and the lil prince
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randomnameless · 10 months
Typing about a certain support, I wanted to share some nuggets :
The only reason nobles enjoy the status they do is because their bloodlines carry Crests. If Crests lose their value, so will titles of nobility.
Supreme Leader's "logic", there are no nobles in Fodlan who don't have crests, so if crests = nobles, no crests = no nobles.
Even a mooner could understand it!
I suppose someone who lived in Leicester and heard many heroic tales about Judith, the Hero of Daphnel who was noble even without a crest, and sat at the roundtable until she was replaced by another crest-less noble, would disagree with her, right?
I really agree with your thinking.
The ills of having two crests : it makes people lose their grasp on reality - hopefully the formula was refined thanks to House Ordelia's participation, so Supreme Leader doesn't suffer from the same symptoms.
My parents have suffered throughout their lives due to their nobility.
Remind me why her parents suffered ? And who did it ?
Eighteen years ago, House Ordelia was involved in a civil conflict within the Empire. All we did was respond to a call for aid. We weren't involved politically. But once the rebellion was crushed, my family was held responsible for the aid we gave, and the Empire gained some sway over us as a result.
Ah... I imagine it was when the Empire was meddling with my family. We lived in shackles back then. I have no doubts. We weren't allowed contact with anyone from the outside. It was strictly forbidden.
Surely House Ordelia suffered a lot because they were nobles, and not because they helped people, and Ionius took it wrong so sent some of his people there to control said House and use its children as guinea pigs.
Tldr : Crusts BaD, Lizards BaD, Church BaD
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astro-inthestars · 4 months
Happy mother's day specifically to my mom @the-archivists-corner!!!! Happy birthday mum!!! I love you!!!!!
And special shoutout to @just-broken-glass happy mother's day to you too :DDDD
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