#yume shokunin to wasureji no kuroi yousei
primusfortuna · 1 year
Feld ⟡ Wonder Tea Party (03)
[01] [02] [XX] [04] [05] [06] [07]
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“Operation: Prospective Marriage”
The day after we got our clue for meeting Alice— We were visiting the old flamingo gentleman’s house.
Feld: Give me a break... I’m astounded that you’re flinging yourself into this mess. Are you really going on this date?
Emma: Of course. I have to repay him for his kindness.
Emma: I’ll be upfront when I reject his grandson, so could you hold your anger until then?
Feld: ...Alright. I will stay out of this and not materialize.
Oscar: Emma, sorry we’re thrusting such an unpleasant job onto you. We’re counting on you this once.
The door opens as I nod.
Flamingo Gentleman: I’m terribly sorry for making you wait. Please, meet my grandson.
Young Flamingo Man: Heh~ So this is my prospective bride? She’s pretty cute. I think I’ll make her my fifth—no, third favorite mistress.
Emma: (H-He’s coming off strong right off the bat...!)
Feld: ......
Flamingo Gentleman: This young lady is Emma-san. And accompanying her is her older brother.
Oscar: I hope we can get along.
Young Flamingo Man: Ew. Like I’d ever want to get along with a guy as fluffy as you.
Feld: Ngh... Who does this guy think he is...!?
Feld’s fists are quivering, as if he’s about to throw a punch any second.
Flamingo Gentleman: Now, why don’t you go ahead and spend some time talking to my grandson alone?
Emma: Y-Yes, of course. Would you mind showing me around the mansion?
Young Flamingo Man: Sure! If you insist.
Oscar: And I will stay here to talk with this gentleman about fine cuisine.
Feld: ......
I exchange a glance with Oscar-san before leaving the room, an unmaterialized Feld trailing behind me.
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Young Flamingo Man: Pretty neat, huh? This is my gramps’ collection. I’ll give you any one you want.
Feld: These aren’t yours to be handing out, you wretch...!
Young Flamingo Man: What do you think about this “Statue of the Beautiful Hero”? I mean, I’m obviously way more of a hero though.
Feld: I think you’re mistaking “hero” for “coward,” you swine...!
The young man’s attitude angers Feld second by second, but he still suppresses the urge to materialize.
Emma: (I’m glad I’m not alone with this guy, but I’m starting to get worried...)
Young Flamingo Man: ...You’ve been kinda jittery for a while now. What, are you that happy to be on a date with me?
Emma: Huh? No, it’s nothing like that—
Young Flamingo Man: Haha, are you embarrassed? Girls like you are a breath of fresh air.
Young Flamingo Man: You’ve got a nice figure, you listen to me with a smile... I might even make you my first favorite.
The young man brushes his wing against my leg, but then—
Feld: Keep your wandering hands off her! You little buffoon!!
Young Flamingo Man: UWAA!?
A materialized Feld aggressively slaps away the young man’s wing.
Young Flamingo Man: Wh-Where did you come from...? And who are you, anyway!?
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Feld: I’m... erm, I’m... her other older brother!
Emma: Feld, hold on a second...!
Feld: I waited long enough. I can’t take this anymore! I will not idly sit by and watch!!
Feld: I was quietly listening all along—what is the matter with you!? You’ve done nothing but puff out your chest and boast about yourself the whole time!!
Feld: Not to mention all you seem to care about is your own convenience! It couldn’t be more obvious how uncomfortable Mis—my little sister is!!
Feld: You can’t read the room, and you’re disgustingly entitled! Take a minute to feel ashamed of yourself, you imbecile!!
Young Flamingo Man: E-EEEEK!!
Emma: Ah...! There he goes.
Feld: Hmph! Just a little shouting sends him running? Pathetic!
Feld: The mere thought of that man becoming your husband makes my blood boil! He is not qualified in the slightest!!
Emma: Um, we weren’t really planning to get married, remember?
Emma: (But I guess we did fulfill the old man’s wish... in a way.)
I head back to the guest room along with Feld, who’s still steaming with anger.
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magicamcheck · 3 years
Welcome Toy Market ⚜︎ Map Interactions [EN Translation]
Fan-translations of the lil map chats from the Toy Market event 🧸 ft. Sion, Towa, Gui, and their respective fairies ✨
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Sion: ...Slowly... Like this?
Towa: Sion-sama, you’re so hard at work making those toys. You’ve picked this up really nicely in such a short span of time.
Sion: No, I’ve still got a long way to go. Making these myself is what made me realize that. …Crafting by hand is really difficult.
I never realized that a single toy could take so much of a toll on you.
But I’m sure this is no match for the difficulties you face, as someone who handles automatas, or Gui, who builds magic tools. Right?
I can’t find the right words right now, but I guess what I mean is I really respect you all… Honestly, I just think it’s incredible.
Towa: It makes me happy to hear your praise, Sion-sama. But the value of a craft has nothing to do with how complicated the process is.
If you put your whole heart into it, that toy will be one of its kind, and that makes its value priceless. That’s what I think.
And I’m positive that that will be passed down to the one who ends up in possession of it. It will surely be cherished.
Sion: ......
...I see. Hearing that puts my mind at ease a little.
Towa: By the way, let’s backtrack to that comment about deepening your respect for Gui-sama...
He just passed by us. I think telling him directly would definitely facilitate communication between you.
Sion: !?
Gui: Did someone call me~?
Sion: ...Nobody did.
Gui: Huh? B-But, I could’ve sworn Towa-san just said the name “Gui.”
Sion: I just said that nobody called you.
Gui: Ee!? I-I’m sorry!
Towa: (Why did Sion-sama’s attitude change so abruptly? Human emotions really are so complicated...)
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Emma: Mateo, what do you say when a customer comes?
Mateo: Welcome…!
Many… toys! Toys… fun!
Emma: Excellent. Okay, and… Hello. May I have this doll?
Mateo: Yeah! …Ah…?
Next… what question?
Emma: ‘Is this for you, or would you like it gift-wrapped?’
Mateo: !! Right!
Agh… Talking to… customers… hard…
Emma: But you’ve gotten so much better since last time! Besides, all of us will be with you on the actual day, so don’t worry.
Mateo: Okay! Mateo… try hard!!
If I do… good job… make Sion happy?
Emma: Yes, he’ll be so happy!
Mateo: !! Mateo… try even… harder! Emma… thank you!!
Emma: You’re welcome. Okay, why don’t we take it from the top one more time?
Mateo: Yeah!
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Emma: Towa, do you have a minute? I wanted to ask you something about toy-making…
Ah, Heinkel’s here too. Sorry, were you in the middle of something?
Heinkel: No, I’m just here to observe.
Emma: Observe?
Towa: I’m servicing my automata.
Emma: (Oh, that bear automata…)
Is that the one you always carry with you?
Towa: Yeah. I haven’t had the time to perform a proper maintenance on it lately.
Emma: (He has a really gentle look on his face…) You take such good care of them.
Towa: …Yes. They are, without question, very dear to me.
Heinkel: …Towa, is it alright if I could observe you one more time? After Emma finishes what she needs.
I’d like to be far more dependable at healing the ones dear to someone dear to me.
…Hm? I apologize. That was a rather confusing sentence.
Towa: Don’t worry, I understood you perfectly. I really appreciate how thoughtful you are, Heinkel-sama.
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Platinum: Yo, Heinkel-sensei. Could you fix this broken toy for me? Towa and Gui weren’t available. They told me to come to you.
Heinkel: Mm…? I don’t mind, of course, but… Platinum. I’m having trouble believing you only want the toy fixed.
I figure there must be a reason for it…
Platinum: Oh, you’re pretty sharp. Yeah, you’re right. This guy could sell real high if it was fixed up some.
Heinkel: I see. That sounds more like you.
Platinum: What? Are you not gonna fix it ‘cause you don’t like that reason or somethin’?
Heinkel: Heh, don’t misunderstand me. My mission is to heal everything regardless of what the reason may be.
Even if you were to have malicious intentions, that will not prevent a mended toy from serving its purpose to me again.
Platinum: I don’t think you were tryin’ to do this, but that sentence is slicing me up like a knife.
But whatever. I’ll leave this with you. And I’m just saying this from a professional standpoint, but I think those toys would’ve preferred that over going unsold.
Heinkel: In some way or another, you have a very practical spirit… or maybe I should say you’re very business-minded. I don’t hate that in itself. I’ll most certainly take this for you.
(Platinum leaves)
Heinkel: Now… Where should I start?
So that this body you were born with may shine again, I will heal you with all of my spirit.
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Boy: Thank you for the toy, Oniichan!
Sion: No problem, thank you for purchasing it. There are a lot of people around here, so make sure you don’t wander away from your parents, okay?
Boy: Okay! Bye-bye!
Gui: ......
Sion: Gui? What’s the matter?
Gui: Ah! It’s nothing, just… I was just noticing how gentle you sound when you talk to kids…
Sion: When you put it that way, you make it sound like I'm normally mean to you guys.
Gui: Ee!! Th-That’s not what I meant at all! But, I guess sometimes you are a little scary…!?
Sion: I don’t mean to be doing that. But is my attitude here proving your point? I apologize if I’ve ever hurt you.
Gui: N-No, no, no, no! I should be the one apologizing…!?
I was just a little jealous of hearing you talk so nicely…
Sion: ……..
I mean, I could try to force myself. But it’ll probably seem like I’m a completely different person.
If you’re fine with me turning into an angelic oniisan every time we talk, even back at the guild, then I’ll think about it.
Gui: ……
That doesn’t sound like it’d be good for your mental health, so I think I’ll decline…
Sion: ……Okay. I’ll try to watch my attitude next time we talk.
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Girl: Hey, Oniichan. What kind of toy is this kitty here?
Platinum: Oh ho, little girl. You have an excellent eye. That is the craftsmanship of the highly talented meister Towa.
Its cute factor is not the only thing it has going for it. If you press its belly just a smidge, like so——
Stuffed Cat Toy: Meow~
Girl: Wow!! It meowed! That’s so cool!
Platinum: Hahaha, isn’t it? I guarantee that your days would be so much more fun with this little friend to talk to.
Girl: Okay! I’ll take it please!
Platinum: Oh, thank you for your patronage. Make sure to brag about it to all your friends, alright?
Towa: Platinum-sama, how are things over h——?
…! You’ve already sold this much? This is a feat I could never accomplish.
Platinum: Ahh~ That’s because you’re missing a little something from your dialogue, Towa.
But you know, talking up a product’s strengths is one of the basics of business.
No matter how good a product you make, it’ll all go down the drain if it never falls into the hands of someone who’ll use it. You know?
Towa: ...Yes. Once you make something, it should end up serving someone. I really appreciate your help, Platinum. Thank you.
Platinum: No problem. You promised I’d get paid plenty, anyway.
Plus... I gotta make it clear to Gui and Emma once again that I’m a guy who knows what he’s doing.
Oh yeah, Towa. Let’s keep this teamwork up till the Toy Market’s over. Yeah?
Towa: Yes, let’s keep it up.
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navilation · 2 years
yumekuro - chapter 0
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(chosen choices are marked with ✦, im not sure if it makes a difference though. lines with a (?) i am unsure if they're right, but i did my best to find a translation that made the most sense)
??: Ah, here you are, I thought you were going to get tired of waiting and die. "Good morning?" Hello. Good evening? You've been alone for so long, you've forgotten how to say hello.
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Who are you? Where are we? ✦
??: First, I'm the evil fortune teller who's counting on your future. Now they call me Mirror. Mirror: And here it is: ……. Yes, again, take that as a pipe dream. It's a conveniently strange dream, common in the early stages of a story.
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Dream again....... ✦ I've already had enough of this. (?)
Mirror: No…… You're already fed up. 'Okay, I'll do my best to get this over with as soon as possible. As your Game Master, I'm here to give you the information you need. First, about the game board. The world you live in. I'm talking about this dream world: ……. Hear that?
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I'm listening carefully. ✦ Please be quick about it.
Mirror: Okay, then I'll try my best to explain. The dream world is literally a world where one cannot live without the power of dreams. What is the power of dreams? ……. A strong desire, a will for the future. Such invisible energy. Souls, are much like them. The power of dreams is shared by the Dream King, the top of the world, and nurtured by the people with their thoughts and feelings. What a romantic and wonderful system! Especially now, we are in a golden age. The power of dreams is strong, and people are developing their various talents. In such a glorious world, you are about to play a certain game. That's what is of interest to me now. The role given to you is very interesting. As an astrologer, let me make a prediction. In the future, the present happy dream world will be transformed. You will be the axis of it.
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I don't understand ..... Well, this is a dream. ✦
Mirror: Hmm. It's hurtful to get that kind of reaction. Though I'm used to solitude. All right, all right. I'll close with some fortune-telling that will make you happy. Let's change the scene. I'll tell you who you are destined to meet in this story. Now, open the book. Well, there's no rule that says a fortune teller has to use a crystal ball, is there?
(Here you enter the tutorial gacha pull! You can reroll this as many times as you like by clicking the bottom left button, it is possible to get more than one 4 star here. The continue click the button to the right of the left one.)
Mirror: --Did you have any good luck? (?) This concludes the usual monthly introduction to the story. I hope that you will be able to relieve some of my boredom. I'm a bystander, but a fan of yours. Maybe a little favoritism if the developments are interesting. Then go. When you wake up, you will forget this dream. May the fairies bless you.
(From here you'll be guided to the first chapter of the story, I reccommend using yumekuro_tl's translations for the story here on out!)
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primusfortuna · 2 years
Feld ⟡ Wonder Tea Party (01)
[XX] [02] [03] [04] [05] [06] [07]
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“A Day in the Land of Wonders”
Emma: We’ve tried asking around the town, but it doesn’t seem like anyone knows how to leave this country...
Feld: I wanted to leave here as soon as possible... Agh, my blood is boiling!
You see, we didn’t come to the Land of Wonders by choice—
Up until just a few hours ago, we were supposed to be at Édouard Castle.
Between drinks and merrymaking, we were grappling with a request given to us by some royal family: to put together a tea party.
But then, we were abruptly pulled into an irresistible sleep, and woke up to find ourselves lost in the Land of Wonders.
Rouge: So it sounds like this “Alice” is our best bet to finding our way home?
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Emma: Yes. People have said that all kinds of strange things have been happening here ever since Alice arrived.
Volks: What do you say we split up to search for her whereabouts?
Oscar: No objections on my end. Given that time flows unpredictably, let’s plan to regroup here after the third shift between day and night.
Oscar: Although, they say the terrain tends to often rearrange itself. We can’t say for certain whether we’ll be able to meet up again, but we have no other option.
Rouge: Well, see ya later~
Volks: Be careful, everyone.
Emma: Okay, we should get going too... ah, woah!
As soon as I’d taken a step forward, dozens of little chicks began falling from the sky.
Emma: I-It’s raining chicks...?
Feld: Egh! Even the weather is full of nonsense...!
Oscar: I’m very curious about the taste of eggs laid by Land of Wonders chickens. Should I bring some home to raise them?
Feld: Oscar! Knock it off, leave them alone!!
(Feld materializes)
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Feld: And you chicks! Oscar and Mistress are not your parents! Shoo, shoo!
The chicks crowd around Oscar and I for a moment, before forming a straight line and marching off somewhere.
Emma: Um, as I was saying—wah!?
Feld & Oscar: Mistress!? / Emma!
All of a sudden, the ground transforms into slippery ice. Feld catches me just as I lose my balance.
Feld: ...That was close. Glad you didn’t hit your head.
Emma: Th-Thank you.
Feld: Good grief... curious, curious, curious!! This land is so curious, it’s overdoing it!!
Oscar: The Land of Wonders certainly lives up to its name.
Oscar: I’d like nothing more than to take my time indulging in all the strange cuisine this land has to offer, but finding Alice must be our priority right now.
Emma: With the way things are going, we’ll have a hard time just making our way through the town...
??: Oh my, young lady and company. Something is troubling you, I take it?
Turning in the direction of that voice, we see an old, gentlemanly flamingo, dressed in a fine tuxedo.
Feld: ...There’s really nothing impossible in this land, is there?
When we explain that we’re looking for someone named Alice, the elderly gentleman’s face lights up.
Flamingo Gentleman: I do believe I can help you with that.
Flamingo Gentleman: In exchange... perhaps you could fulfill a request of my own.
Emma: We’ll do our best to help you if we can!
Flamingo Gentleman: You have my utmost gratitude. I’m terribly sorry to be asking so much, but—
Flamingo Gentleman: Young lady, would you be willing to go on a date with my grandson?
Feld & Oscar & Emma: Hah? / Hm? / Huh...?
Emma: A date!?
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primusfortuna · 1 year
Feld ⟡ Wonder Tea Party (06)
[01] [02] [03] [04] [05] [XX] [07]
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“It All Depends On How You Cook It”
After leaving the elderly gentleman’s estate, we head into town to look for a place to stay.
Feld: ......
Emma: Feld, what’s the matter?
Feld: It’s just... Despite being in a place for eating, I escalated our meal into a fit of angry shouting. I apologize.
Oscar: I’m amused that you call it a “place for eating.” It seems I’ve rubbed off on you quite a bit.
Feld: Ngh...! Th-That’s because I hear so much of your obnoxious ramblings about gastronomy, they’re imprinted in my ears!
Emma: Hehe, I didn’t mind at all. Everyone was just about finished eating, anyway.
Oscar: Back then, your anger was a means of expressing your emotions, not just a fit of angry shouting.
Feld: ...? What’s the difference?
Oscar: You can’t tell?
Oscar: You were angry at the fact that Emma was being belittled.
Oscar: Your friends and companions, your family—it’s natural to feel furious when the ones you treasure are degraded or belittled.
Oscar: Even if you’re at a place for eating.
Emma: I was very happy you got angry for me, Feld.
Feld: ......!
Emma: I feel bad for the grandson, but I couldn’t will myself to go out with him no matter what he said...
Emma: And I’m sure that was for the best.
Oscar: I’m positive that he’s now alone, musing over those words you hurled at him upfront.
Oscar: That should lead him to reflect on himself, and change by tomorrow... Well, perhaps it’s too soon to say that.
Oscar: At least, you most definitely made an impact on him. I believe that’s a sign he’ll change.
Feld: ......
Emma: ...Feld?
Feld: ...Goodness. My head is spinning.
Feld: This swirling anger inside of me was born of overwhelming despair...
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Feld: It was an ostracizing burden not even I could keep under control, and I couldn’t stand it...
Feld: And yet, when I’m with you both, I find hope in all the anger that surges within me.
Feld: Honestly... How absurd.
Oscar: I don’t find it absurd at all.
Oscar: All it takes is one cooking method— and even the most difficult ingredient to work with can turn into a fine dish.
Oscar: It’s a very common occurrence. It’s not something you need to worry about every time.
Emma: (Umm... Is the “difficult ingredient” supposed to be his anger? And Oscar-san and I are the “cooking method”?)
Feld: Everything always ties back to gastronomy with you. You gourmet imbecile.
Oscar: That is the highest praise you could give me.
Feld: I’m not complimenting you!
Oscar-san and I can’t help but smile as Feld crosses his arms and looks the other way.
When we first met, that angry shouting of his struck fear into my heart. But now, strangely, it invites a smile.
Oscar: Now... We’ve fulfilled our duty to that elderly gentleman.
Oscar: It’s time we come up with a plan to meet this “Alice”.
Oscar: Before we decide on the menu we’ll be serving, we need to learn more about this country’s cuisine.
Feld: Back to food again...? You really never get tired.
Emma: Hehe, but it’s just like him.
We set off after that, chatting as we walk, when all of a sudden I hear energetic voices in the distance.
Emma: That’s——
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primusfortuna · 1 year
Feld ⟡ Wonder Tea Party (05)
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“Reasons To Be Angry”
Young Flamingo Man: From today onwards, I’m a new man. So—
Young Flamingo Man: Give me another chance!
Feld, Oscar & Emma: Wha…!? / Oh? / Huh!?
Feld: Enough with your impulsive nonsense!
Young Flamingo Man: I’m not being impulsive! I genuinely fell in love with her after our time together today.
Feld: “G-Genuinely”? That is all the more disgraceful! You are completely, utterly unforgivable...!
Emma: I’m really sorry, but my feelings haven’t changed.
Young Flamingo Man: W-Wait! I swear I’ll make you happy! I know... I’ll buy us a huge mansion in the lost woods!
Young Flamingo Man: I’ll arrange a carriage made out of a giant apple! Then I’ll employ, like, ten mice maids!
Feld: And where will you get the funds for this?
Young Flamingo Man: W-Well...
Flamingo Gentleman: Look at me all you like. I won’t give you one bit.
Young Flamingo Man: Ah...
Feld: What did I tell you!? You came in here announcing you had a change of heart, but already you’re falling back on someone else again!!
Feld: And what I cannot forgive above all else... is that you thought you could ever win over Mis—no, my sister...!!
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Feld: She stands here as someone who devotes all of her efforts to dreams and to the people, every day of her life.
Feld: You could never tempt her with your extravagant splurges! How dare you demean her like that!!
Emma: (Feld...)
Feld: Ahh... The heat of my fury is driving me mad! Let me burn this spoiled brat to cinders, now...!!
Emma: Umm, calm down, Oniichan!
Feld: How could I calm down!? And Oscar, add something! Why are you staying quiet!?
Oscar: You’re carrying my anger for me.
Oscar: Also, our sister is not so weak that she needs two of us to defend her. However——
Elegantly setting down his silverware, Oscar turns to face the young flamingo.
Oscar: While not as quick as Feld’s, I hope you know I have a temper myself.
Oscar: If you subject me to any more of your nonsense, I will be forced to pick up my napkin.
Oscar: As it happens, I’m quite interested in the taste of barbecued flamingo.
Young Flamingo Man: E-Eek~!!
The young man frantically opens a nearby window and slips outside.
Feld: ...Oi, Oscar. You weren’t serious about wanting to eat him, were you?
Oscar: Of course it was a joke. Even I have my limits when it comes to food.
Emma: You were so intense there, I almost fell for it for a second.
Flamingo Gentleman: I am terribly embarrassed this keeps happening, but I pray my grandson learns his lesson this time.
Emma: I hope so. This was all the help we could give you, so I’ll pray things improve.
Emma: (I was so surprised he actually tried to woo me...)
Emma: (The way Feld and Oscar-san got angry on my behalf made me really happy.)
——She stands here as someone who devotes all of her efforts to dreams and to the people, every day of her life.
Feld’s angered words keep resounding over and over in my ears.
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primusfortuna · 2 years
Shaymie ⟡ Wonder Tea Party (03)
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“Looking For Alice”
During our search for Alice’s whereabouts, we were challenged to yet another game.
Dog: Come, I have a quiz for you! What were the fruits depicted on this card?
Rouge: Hu hu hu! Even I know this one. The answer is: a peach, an apple, grapes, a strawberry, and an orange!
Dog: And in what order?
Rouge: Huh?
Rouge: Uhh... Emma-chan, your turn!
Emma: Um, the peach was on the far left. I feel like the grapes were next, or maybe it was the apple...
Shaymie: I remember all of it~! Starting from the far left, it was the peach, the grapes, the apple, the orange, and then the strawberry!
Dog: BINGO~!
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Rouge: Woah!? Our little Shaymie’s an actual genius!
Shaymie: Ehehe! I love remembering everything~!
Emma: You’ve been saving us again and again today. Thank you, Shaymie. I really mean it.
Shaymie: No no, being helpful to you and Rouge makes me happy!
Dog: Now, you wanted to know where Alice is, correct?
Dog: Alice was having a tea party over there when the moon and stars were sharing a dance!
Rouge: Hmm...? So, at nighttime?
Dog: When the moon and stars were sharing a dance!
Emma: I guess for now let’s just head that way.
Just as we set off in the direction the dog pointed us in, Shaymie abruptly stops walking.
Shaymie: Mm... ngh....
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Shaymie: The flowers’ song... The cards on the end have music notes, the top right has the sun... peaches, grapes, apples, oranges, strawberries...
Emma: Shaymie?
Shaymie: ......!
Rouge: Are you feeling alright? You were spacing out.
Shaymie: Ahaha... All kinds of things are bouncing around my head, I got kinda woozy~!
Shaymie: I don’t usually remember anything, so I never knew what it was like. Having a memory can be pretty rough, huh?
Emma: (I guess anyone would feel disoriented if their memory suddenly improved that much...)
Emma: Shaymie, make sure not to push yourself. You can rest in your key for a little bit if you need to, okay?
Shaymie: It’s okay, I’ll stay with you two! It makes me super duper happy to help out.
Shaymie: Plus I remember everything even without drawing it in my diary. I can’t ever get rid of this drink~
Emma: Ah, Shaymie...!
He takes out the bottle again and gulps down the pink liquid.
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Emma: I don’t think you should drink any more of this.
Shaymie: It’s okay, it’s okay~! It’s super sweet and tasty. ....Wait, huh?
Shaymie: Mm~? Hmm... I feel like it’s not as sweet as it was before~?
Rouge: .......
Shaymie: ...Oh well! That’s fine! I’m gonna learn lots of more stuff~!
Rouge: Hey, Shaymie? Are you really okay?
Shaymie: ? I promise I’m fine~
Rouge: Really, really?
Shaymie: Really, really~!
Rouge: ...Alright, I hear you.
Rouge: But just like Emma-chan said, don’t push yourself. Okay? At all.
Shaymie: Okay! Now c’mon, let’s get going~!
Emma: ......
Emma: (I’m a little concerned about the way he was acting earlier... but he looks like he’s having a lot of fun.)
Emma: (I guess I’ll just take his word for it, and keep watching over him a little longer...)
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primusfortuna · 2 years
Shaymie ⟡ Wonder Tea Party (01)
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“A Curious Drink”
Shaymie: Wah! Another fork in the road~
Rouge: OK, let’s turn right.
Emma: You sound full of confidence, Rouge-san.
Emma: (Well, as a member of the world exploration guild Moon Wanderers, of course he’d know a lot about explori—)
Rouge: It’s just a hunch, so if this ends up being wrong… sorry!
Emma: (...Nevermind!)
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Shaymie: Emma, Rouge! We passed through here earlier! I recognize the pattern on these tree trunks.
Shaymie: Since we went right last time, let’s go… left~!
Confidently raising his hand, Shaymie leads the way—
Rouge: Hurray, we made it out~! All hail the great Shaymie, thank you!
Shaymie: Ehehe, you’re welcome~♪
Normally, Shaymie forgets everything within seconds. The reason he suddenly gained extraordinary memorization skills is because... well…
——A few hours before everything began.
After the royal family of a far-off kingdom asked us to put together a tea party, we all gathered at Édouard Castle.
We were enjoying drinks and friendly conversation when all of a sudden, we felt very, very sleepy.
The next time we woke up, we found ourselves in Wondermare, the Land of Wonders.
Somehow, we lost sight of Oscar-san and Volks-san, so the three of us set off to go find them…
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Emma: Between talking flowers and candy that rains from the sky… What an incredible place we wound up in.
Rouge: Ahaha, never a dull moment here, huh? You rarely ever get to experience this kinda thing, so we should savor every second!
Shaymie (in Rouge’s voice): Savor every second! …Just pretending~!
Emma: Hehe. It’s true that running around in a panic won’t help us get us out of here.
Emma: (The fact that I’m here with these two puts me a little at ease.)
We continued on our search like that, and stumbled upon a lone building in the forest.
Emma: Is this… a restaurant? No one’s here.
Rouge: Woah, this food’s making my mouth water~! And there’s tons of booze I’ve never tried before!
Shaymie: Tons~! …Wait, huh? What am I doing here~?
As I explained our situation to Shaymie, Rouge-san glanced over the tables.
Rouge: There’s a card left here. Let’s see… “Welcome to the Restaurant Without Orders”?
Rouge: “Your body knows what you want. Please make yourselves at home and enjoy.”
Emma: The food might look normal, but this feels really suspicious. We probably shouldn’t eat this—
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Shaymie: Wah! What a pretty pink! I’m taking this drink~!
Rouge & Emma: Ouh!? / Huh!?
Shaymie: *gulp* …Pwah! It’s super sweet and tasty~!
Emma: Shaymie, are you okay!? Does anything feel off?
Shaymie: Nope, I’m okay~!
Shaymie: “Your body knows what you want. Please make yourselves at home and enjoy.” Y’know~♪
Rouge: Well, I know Rouge-san’s body is always craving alcohol, so lemme see~
Rouge: …Wait, huh?
Emma: Shaymie, you remembered what he said a second ago!?
(End flashback)
And so, ever since he had that drink, Shaymie’s memory has drastically improved.
Shaymie: Having a memory feels amazing~ I remember everything and I don’t even have to draw in my picture diary~!
Emma: (I’m glad he seems happy, but I hope there really won’t be any repercussions for drinking that suspicious liquid...)
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TL notes: Re: Wondermare, the Land of Wonders. The "Land of Wonders" (fushigi no kuni) is the same term used for "Wonderland" in Japanese, but I'm adjusting the phrasing to both keep it distinct from Wondermare, and follow the naming pattern of all other countries in this game.
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primusfortuna · 2 years
Scar ⟡ Beginning of a Bond (07)
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“Unshakable Ambition”
Several days after we successfully finished that event in Fairberg, the Land of Toys——
I’d just come back to the guild home after a shopping trip. Two voices could be heard from the living room, clearly having fun.
Scar: Heh~? So when you have five numbers in order, and they all have the same suit, it’s called a ‘straight flush’?
Daste: Yeah. It’s rare you’ll ever get a hand like that, though.
Scar: Does that mean it’s the strongest combination to have?
Daste: Nah, there’s this thing even stronger called a ‘royal straight flush.’
Taking a casual peek at them, I see Scar and Daste sitting on opposite ends of a table littered with cards.
Emma: Hi guys, I’m home. Are you playing something…?
Scar: Ah! Emma-san, welcome back~ Daste’s teaching me how to play right now.
Daste: You’re back? Oh, wanna come join us then? I was just about to start an actual game.
Daste: Poker, baccarat, craps. We can play whatever.
Emma: …I feel like those are all casino games…
Daste: Well, yeah—it’s way more fun when we put somethin’ on the line. I’ll treat whoever wins to some of my signature booze.
Scar: Yay! I’ve never tried alcohol before so I’m excited~
Daste: That’s what I’m talkin’ about! Oh yeah, and the loser will get beat up by the winner.
Scar: Okay!
Emma: Don’t say ‘okay’... Um… Daste, come here.
I anxiously call Daste over to a corner of the room.
Daste: What? This is kinda out of nowhere.
Emma: You’re one to talk! Why are you introducing Scar to bets and alcohol all of a sudden?
Daste: Ohh… that.
After hesitating for a moment, he answers while aggressively scratching his head.
Daste: He’s basically like a human kid, right? He doesn’t even know how to function in life to begin with.
Daste: So I thought I’d just teach him some things about gettin’ by in society. At least enough so no one makes fun of him.
Daste: It’s not just for him… but for you and me too.
Emma: Th-That makes sense? I agree with what you’re saying, but…
Emma: (Why does he have to start with gambling and alcohol…!?)
Just as I’m about to continue, Scar pipes in.
Scar: Hey hey, what’re you two doing~? I wanna play poker~
Daste: Oh, poker! Sounds good, I’m comin’.
Daste raises a hand and walks back towards Scar.
Emma: (...Ever since that night with the fireworks, Daste has been acting like a big brother towards Scar.)
Emma: (And Scar himself seems a little friendlier than before, just like a little brother.)
Emma: (...Hmm. Considering everything that’s happened, this is a change I should be happy about.)
But… for better or for worse, Scar is very innocent. I just hope that Daste’s lessons won’t have a bad impact on him.
Emma: (I might lose a few hairs if he suddenly declares he wants to start throwing bombs one day…!)
(Card shuffling noises)
Scar: Okay, I call two cards!
Daste: Alright, I’ll call three.
Emma: Mm… I think I’ll just leave it like that…
And so—after talking Daste into it, we were a few minutes into a game, without betting on money or anything else.
During a pause in our conversation, I turn to Scar with a question.
Emma: Hey, Scar? When we watched the fireworks, remember how you kept your promise to not open any people?
Emma: Could you maybe… further that promise? To never open up anyone from here on out?
Scar: Ngh…
Scar: I don’t want to promise that I’ll never do it.
Scar: I already made up my mind that someday I’ll find a soul, no matter what. And seeing how beautiful those fireworks were… I can’t ever give up.
Scar’s eyes twinkle with ambition as he asserts himself.
Daste: ……
Daste: …Hey, do you think… it’s my fault he got this weird burst of motivation?
Emma: No way—
Emma: ……
Emma: W-Well, maybe a little… Hahaha…
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[Scar’s POV]
Emma-san is beaming with pure joy from across the table.
As I wait for my turn, I remember the fireworks I saw the other day.
Scar: (Fireworks… They’re sparkly and really, really pretty…)
Scar: (They were so, so big and beautiful… That was the first time something impressed me enough to make my heart flutter.)
Scar: (If I could see Daste and Emma-san’s souls someday…)
Scar: (Would it impress me even more than before?)
Scar: …Hehehe.
Daste: Aah? What’re you laughin’ at? Is your hand that good?
Scar: Hehe~ Guess you’ll have to see~! Anyway, next person go! It’s your turn, Emma-san. Still not ready?
Emma: Sorry for making you wait… Okay, I got it!
She calls several cards.
And then, feeling unusually passionate, I bring my focus back to our game of poker as well.
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TL notes: Regarding the usage of the term "call". In standard poker, a call means betting the same amount of chips that another player bet. The way the term was used in this chapter didn't seem to agree with its standard definition. I'm uncertain if that's because they are just playing their own variation (since Emma wanted a game without bets) or if its defintion can be flexible.
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primusfortuna · 2 years
Scar ⟡ Beginning of a Bond (06)
[01] [02] [03] [04] [05] [XX] [07]
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“The Dark Fairy Who Vanished”
——It’s getting close to the fireworks’ launch.
Daste and I were searching all over the venue for Scar after he suddenly disappeared.
Emma: Scar! Where are you?
Daste: Oi, Scar! Answer me if you’re here!
Daste: Don’t tell me… he couldn’t take it and went to go open up some random person…
Emma: No…!
Daste: Hold on, Emma. Can you just force him to come back using an order?
Emma: Y-You’re right…! I’ll try it now――
Child: ――WAHHH!!
Daste & Emma: !!
At the sudden sound of a child wailing, we instinctively exchange a glance.
Without wasting a second, we head towards the back alley it had come from.
Child: *sniff sniff*... Wahhh!
Scar: ……
We find a sobbing little boy in the empty back alley. In front of him is Scar, knife in hand.
Emma: Scar…!?
Daste: That dumbass…! He’s not really gonna stab that kid, right!?
We both rush forward in unison, but then――
Scar: Watch close, okay?
Carrying three knives at once, Scar begins to juggle them.
Child: …? Woah…!
Child: That’s so cool, mister!
Scar: Hehe~ Isn’t it? Keep watching, I can even do this~
If I lift my leg like this~... then I pop! pop! pop! them in between!
Child: W-Wow! That’s so cool!! I wanna try that too, mister!
Scar: Mm… I think you’d get hurt if you played with knives… Oh! How about you try it with those twigs lying over there?
Child: Okay!
Daste: ……
Emma: ……
Emma: …U-Um…?
Daste: The hell is happening…?
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After that, we reconvene with Scar and make our way back to the event venue.
We go back to preparing the show that so many people are eagerly awaiting.
Scar: Hey hey, Daste? What are all these long tubes for?
Daste: They’re launch tubes. You put the firework spheres inside ‘em. Basically they’re the equipment to shoot ‘em up.
Scar: Wow~...!
Daste: But anyway, you know how bad you freaked us out earlier?
Daste: You were holding a knife and a kid was crying right in front of you.
Daste: It took me a minute to believe you genuinely were just trying to comfort a lost kid you found…
Scar: Huh~!? I was trying so hard, too… I don’t really like the way you said that~
Daste: Shut up. It’s ‘cause that’s what you’d usually do, idiot.
Emma: Hehe. It’s thanks to Scar finding him that that boy could find his parents again.
Emma: And now he can watch this long-awaited fireworks show with his family. You did a great thing, Scar.
Scar: Hehehe… Yeah! I tried to think about what you would do in that situation, Emma-san.
Watching Scar cheerfully sway from side to side, Daste stops working for a second to ask:
Daste: Scar. You could’ve opened that kid if you wanted to. It would’ve been the perfect chance without us there.
Daste: So why didn’t you try to hurt him?
Emma: (He’s right. This might sound bad, but he had a huge opportunity there.)
And yet… he didn’t even try.
As Daste and I wait for him to say something, silence fills the space between us.
Scar tilts his head to the side and curiously blinks his eyes.
Scar: Huh? Well… it’s because I promised not to hurt anyone.
Scar: You can’t break a promise, right?
Scar: So… I’m making sure not to open up anyone until we see the fireworks.
Emma: …!
Emma: (I’ve never been able to understand Scar’s mindset very well…)
Emma: (But now I wonder if he’s just awfully innocent, like a little kid.)
Daste: ……
Daste: The hell? I guess you actually can communicate.
Scar: …? Haven’t I been talking with you this whole time…?
Scar: Hey hey, forget that, when are the fireworks~? I’m tired of waiting.
Daste: Yeah yeah, shut up. I’m just about done.
Daste: All right, you get to see this from the best seats in the house. Enjoy the most beautiful thing in the world―fireworks!
As Daste sets off the fuse, a single streak of light shoots up the night sky.
An ear-splitting noise cracks through the air and a giant flower blooms in the sky.
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Scar: Wow…!
Scar: Wow! I can’t believe what I’m seeing! Fireworks are so cool!! I’ve never seen anything this beautiful before…!!
Hopping up and down with sheer excitement, Scar sends a huge smile my way.
Daste: …Ha. Look at you, reacting the same way as those brats.
He mutters to himself as if exasperated. With his face backlit by the fireworks, I can’t see the expression he’s making.
But I think that his tone of voice sounded much gentler than he’s ever shown before.
Emma: (Getting here was a messy journey…)
Emma: (But seeing this smile in front of me, I’m so glad we got to show him these fireworks.)
Scar: ……
Scar: They’re so beautiful… I wonder if the soul I’m looking for will have pretty colors just like this…
Everyone present is captivated by the flowers blooming bright colors into the sky.
…If there really is something this beautiful inside me, just as Scar said…
These thoughts trail off in my head as I continue watching the fireworks, which shower the night sky with twinkles of light.
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primusfortuna · 2 years
Scar ⟡ Beginning of a Bond (04)
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“Unexpected Request”
A little moonlight shines through the gaps of the drawn curtains.
Emma is sound asleep atop her mattress, her chest gently rising and falling.
And beside her—
Scar: Hehe. She’s fast asleep.
—is Scar, out of his key.
Scar: For some reason, watching you like this reminds me of “that person”...
Scar: …Did you know he was just like you? So kind and gentle…
Scar: He lived with his grandpa in the mountains when he was little. He loved his grandpa to pieces. Their day-to-day life was full of happiness and joy.
Scar: But one day, his grandpa got sick and died.
Scar: That day reminded him of something.
Scar: “Death occurs when someone loses their dream-power—and their soul.”
Scar: That’s what his grandpa told him a long time ago.
Scar: Dream-power can be found anywhere in the world, right? So he just needed to get his hands on a departed soul.
Scar: Then if he gave that soul to his grandpa, he’d come back to life… That’s what “that person” hoped.
Scar: So he tried to pull out souls from all kinds of plants and animals…
Scar: But he could never find one.
Scar gently runs his fingers along Emma’s chest, and a smile appears on his face.
Scar: I’m positive that there’s a soul somewhere inside of here.
Scar: …Someday, I wanna see it, too.
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The next morning, I was on my way to run a work errand at The World Guild Federation headquarters.
Emma: It’s just a small task. I’m fine on my own… Why are you coming with me?
Daste: I’m not doin’ it for you.
Daste: It’s ‘cause Shiharu and Lykos will be on my ass if this idiot people-opener tries anything.
Daste: I’d rather be here to beat and blow him up than risk sitting through a lecture from those two.
Daste: Obviously this way sounds easier.
Emma: …I see.
Emma: That’s not a very peaceful solution, but I’m grateful that you’ll be here to stop him.
Our conversation falls off there. Walking beside me, Scar has been cheerfully humming to himself for some time.
Scar: I love it here! There’s so many people~ Hehe, I’m getting so excited wanting to open them up~
Scar: …Hm hum hum~ Gyaah! ♪ Hm humhum~ Gyaah! ♪
Emma: ……
Emma: Hey, Scar? Is that song from somewhere?
Scar: This? This is called the Song of Dying Screams! Hehe~ Fun, right? I made it up myself!
Scar: Hm hum hum~ Gyaa! ♪ Humhum~ Gyaah! ♪
Daste: ……
Scar: Gyah! Argh! Noo! Gyahh~ ♪ Dying, dying, screaming, screaming~♪ Song of dying screams~♪
Daste: Alright, shut up!! That doesn’t even make sense! Shut the fuck up!
Woman: H-Hey… That man is shouting at the air… Is something the matter…?
Man: Shh! You probably shouldn’t stare.
Daste: ……
Scar: Ahaha! They’re worried about you~!
Daste: AAH!? And whose fault is that, huh!? Come on! Materialize yourself, you little punk! I’m gonna blow you to pieces!
Emma: D-Daste, calm down…! See, you’re bringing even more attention to yourself. Daste…!
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At last, I reach The World Guild Federation headquarters.
I wrap up my business while Daste keeps an eye on Scar. But right before I can regroup with them—
Staff Member: Could I borrow you for a minute?
Staff Member: If I recall correctly, you’re currently assigned to the pyrotechnics meister Daste, right?
Emma: Oh! Yes. Do you need something…?
Staff Member: Could you take this request letter to him?
Emma: Of course!
With the envelope in hand, I head towards my agreed-upon meeting place with Daste and Scar.
Scar: Welcome back, Emma-san~
Daste: Hey. All finished?
Emma: Yeah! …Oh, one of the staff members gave me this request letter on my way out. It’s for you, Daste.
Daste: Aah? Request letter? It’s through the Federation, so does that mean it’s a public job?
Emma: (Hound Sweeper is a very secretive guild. Hardly anyone knows of its existence, even within the Federation.)
Emma: (Guild members take on all kinds of crime-related jobs, delegated to them by Shiharu.)
Daste takes the envelope and crudely rips it open by the seal. Then he pulls out the document inside.
Curious, Scar and I close in on Daste from either side to get a peek at its contents.
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primusfortuna · 2 years
Scar ⟡ Beginning of a Bond (03)
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“At the Pointed Tip”
Scar: Grr…
Scar: “That’s bad, that’s not okay”... You just keep telling me no!
Scar: I’m sick of this. So I’ll just look at your soul, Emma-san.
Emma: …!
The knife Scar had drawn stops in front of me, as if blocked by an invisible wall.
In response, Scar chirps out an “Oh~!” with a cheerful look on his face.
Scar: Ahaha, it still doesn’t work~ I tried doing this back when you purified me, too.
Scar: I guess dark fairies like us aren’t able to hurt you. Isn’t that funny~?
Daste: …Oi, Scar. You can’t whip out dangerous weapons whenever you feel like it.
Daste sandwiches himself in between me and the snickering Scar, seizing him by the collar.
Scar: Dangerous…? My knife isn’t dangerous. It’s very useful—it lets me neatly open up my prey to see their souls.
Daste: ……
Emma: U-Um, Daste? I’m fine, I’m not hurt or anything.
Emma: And Scar, well… he didn’t seem like he had bad intentions…
Daste: Yeah, that’s exactly the problem. Innocent malice is probably the worst type.
Daste: Tch. Guess it’s come to this. Oi, follow me.
Scar: …? Okay!
Emma: Ah! Hold on, both of you…!
With Daste in the lead, I follow them outside the guild home. He points somewhere and begins to give us instructions.
Daste: Scar, head over that way. And Emma, don’t move from that spot.
Scar: Yes sir!
Emma: …? S-Sure.
Emma: (What is Daste planning?)
Daste turns to face Scar and stares at him square in the eye.
Daste: Scar. We’ve told you this a million times already: don’t try to open up anyone, ever.
Daste: I don’t give a shit that you’re trying to find a soul or whatever. You’re just makin’ things hard on me and Emma.
Scar: Huh?? But I—
Daste: Quiet. You know what you tried to pull on her just now? This is your punishment.
Daste: Blast off the face of the earth and reflect on what you’ve done!
As soon as the words leave Daste’s mouth, he procures a canister of gunpowder from his breast pocket. He then ignites it and tosses it towards Scar without a moment’s hesitation.
Emma: Ahh!?
Emma: (A b-bomb…!? If that hits Scar head-on, he’ll…!)
My face grows pale as worst-case scenarios fly through my head. But then—
The cloud of dust settles, revealing Scar perfectly unscathed.
Scar: Wow, that spooked me~ Hey, Daste, what was that? Also, do I still have to stand here?
Daste: …Tch. I forgot this guy doesn’t naturally have a physical body.
Emma: (Oh, he’s right. Scar usually keeps himself materialized, so I’d forgotten…)
At least we were able to avoid having Scar end up seriously injured…
Emma: (I already knew that Scar tends to threaten random people with his knife, but Daste doesn’t hesitate with his bombs either…)
A dark fairy who’s quick to try and open up people. A meister who’s quick to throw bombs at others.
I can already feel the headaches these two will bring me going forward.
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primusfortuna · 2 years
Scar ⟡ Beginning of a Bond (02)
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“What I Desperately Want To See”
The day after we transported the wanted criminal to Recordo and handled various followup paperwork—
We were spending our brief time off at the guild home, dubbed “The Doghouse.”
Daste: That goddamn scumbag, givin’ us all that bullshit till the very last second.
Emma: Haha… The way he was throwing a huge fit until right before we handed him over to Shiharu… He was just fighting a losing battle.
Scar: He was saying things like, “I’m not bad~ It’s society’s fault~”! I didn’t really get what he meant.
Emma: Mm… Well, you know... Oh, right. Scar?
Scar: Yes, Emma-san?
Emma: I just want to reiterate something…
Emma: It’s not okay to try to hurt—or ‘open’---people at random like you did yesterday. Okay?
Scar: I know that. People would die if I opened them up, right?
Emma: Exactly.
Scar: Hm… But that’s why I purposely picked a bad person.
Emma: …? What do you mean?
Scar: A while ago I asked Daste, “What do words like ‘wanted criminal’ and ‘bounty criminal’ mean?”
Scar: And he said, “They’re bad people. Scumbags. The kinda guys that no one would give a shit about if they disappeared.”
Scar: If that’s true, then it shouldn’t be a problem if I took them and opened them up. Right?
I shoot Daste a disapproving look, but he turns away, feigning obliviousness.
After that quick glance, I let out a small sigh and return my gaze to Scar.
Emma: Daste’s views are just very extreme. I’m saying you can’t hurt anyone, no matter who they are.
Emma: Because you might end up getting the wrong people involved—namely, ones that aren’t bad people.
Scar: What?? No, no, no way~! No way! I have to find out where souls are!
——Searching for a soul. That is Scar’s greatest purpose.
He has been consistently emphasizing that ever since we purified him and could communicate with equal understanding.
Scar: I’ve been looking forever and ever… for a soul that inhabits living things.
Scar: In plants, in fish, in animals…
Scar: The person I gave my blessings to when I was a fairy was always looking for a soul too. But he never found one.
Scar: That’s why I’m looking for things he had never opened before, a bigger living thing…
Scar: I want to open up a person!
Scar: The bigger they are, the more you’d think there’s a soul inside, right?
Daste: …Yeah, you’re as twisted as ever.
Scar’s eyes twinkle with childlike wonder as he speaks, but Daste puts on an exaggerated scowl.
Emma: (The person Scar had blessed in the past… I wonder what he was like.)
Daste: …Anyway, don’t go happily killin’-- or openin’, whatever— every single guy you meet, got it?
Daste: Emma already said this, but it’ll just give us more shit to deal with if you do it when you don’t need to.
Scar: Grr…
Scar: “That’s bad, that’s not okay”... You just keep telling me no!
Scar: I’m sick of this. So I’ll just look at your soul, Emma-san.
The way he voices his plan is so blunt and casual. It doesn’t truly dawn on me until—
—He thrusts the tip of his knife before my eyes.
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primusfortuna · 2 years
Scar ⟡ Beginning of a Bond (01)
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“During A Chase Scene”
Crush what’s white and bathe in red.
No matter how closely I listen to melodious screams, I never reach the warmth from that day.
I’ll search for it as many times as it takes. No matter how far it takes me.
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Daste and I set foot into some ruins on Hound Sweeper business.
After a chase scene that lasted nearly an hour, we were finally arresting our target.
Daste: …Damn. You just wouldn’t quit scurryin’ around like a mouse.
Wanted Man: Get the hell off me…!!
Daste: Aah? You think I’d be touching some dirty old man if I wanted to?
Wanted Man: Gyah!!
While the man’s arms are bound behind his back, Daste aggressively kicks him to the ground, seeming irritated by his choice of words.
Emma: H-Hang on, Daste…! Wanted criminal or not, you don’t have to be more aggressive with him than necessary…
Daste: Ah? He’s the dumbass who thought he’d get cocky with me. I’m just teachin’ him a lesson.
Daste: And anyway, no one said anything about havin’ to arrest this guy unharmed.
Daste: Snapping two or three of his arms won’t hurt us.
Emma: He only has two arms to begin with…
???: Heh~! Wanted criminal? That means you’re a bad man, right, mister?
Appearing before me with a childlike smile, it’s—
Emma: …! Scar!?
Scar: Hey hey, Emma-san? He’s a bad man, so it’s okay if I take him, right?
Grin still present, a cloud of black mist forms in his hands. It morphs into the shape of a knife just as quickly as it appears.
Wanted Man: Eek…!!
Daste: You fuckin’ dumbass!
Mere seconds before Scar’s dagger can slit the man’s throat, Daste kicks away his materialized body.
This exact scenario has happened a number of times since he started accompanying us, but Scar hasn’t learned his lesson at all.
Scar: Tsk. What’s the problem? I’d just be opening up one person. Cheapskate.
Daste: Shut up. I wouldn’t give a shit if we were just gonna skin him a little, but you’d never stop there.
Daste: Shiharu told me a million times that we gotta bring this guy back alive.
Daste: If you wanna open up somethin’ that bad, go buy a fish somewhere and gut that instead.
Wanted Man: “O-Open up”...? A fish… Wait, so…
What sort of fate had he narrowly avoided?
A graphic realization dawns on the man. As if he could read the look on his face, Scar sends him yet another grin.
Scar: Aww, oh well. I’ll get to open you up another day… okay?
Wanted Man: ……
Scar: …Huh? He fell down and went to sleep all of a sudden.
Emma: W-Well… After realizing what you could’ve done to him, and then having the back of his neck caressed like that… It’s understandable…
Daste: The hell? Fainting on us—are you for real? Oi! Get up, geezer!
Daste begins to slap the unconscious man copiously across the cheek. Meanwhile, from beside him—
Scar: Aww… I wanna open up a human so badly. I just wanna find a soul already…
Sounding deeply disappointed, Scar stares at his knife — and watches as it evaporates back into silky black mist.
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magicamcheck · 2 years
I finally unlocked Rouge's final past memory so here is a more thorough summary of his backstory ♡♡
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Rouge came from a wealthy family in Vox, with his dad being a renowned musician. As such, music was a huge part of Rouge's life too. He learned to read sheet music before he could do basic maths, and he always preferred to learn directly from his dad rather than the books. It was his dream to reach his father's level of skill.
All he wanted to do was absorb himself in music all day, which meant shirking out of all his schoolwork. His tutor would have to chase him around the property yelling for him to stop singing and focus! And the dad totally enabled him—if he was present, he just would tell the tutor to give Rouge a break & let him sing one more song 🎵
One day when he was 13, he noticed his voice started to crack. At first he thought something was wrong with his throat but then he realized it's probably puberty, so he shrugged it off and said he'd get used to it. He didn't like how deep it was getting since he used to be a soprano, but he kept his head up and decided this was OK, he'll just train to be a good baritone! It's like changing an instrument. Now the doorway was open for him to sing a bunch of new styles of songs he could never sing before.
But his dad didn't agree 💀 He called Rouge to their living room one day alone, and told him: "Your voice is a gift from the heavens. You cannot allow a voice change to take away that priceless, unparalleled voice of yours."
Dad wanted to take him to an innovative doctor before Rouge's vocal chords could finish transitioning, so that they could cut them out, "temporarily preserve them", and return them when the time was right. And of course he tried to reason by saying this was all for Rouge's sake, not his.
Rouge tried to make a dash for it and his dad clawed at his throat with his nails, hard enough to draw blood but not so deep that it was fatal. He was able to make it outside, crossed a moonroad, and ended up in an unknown country.
Exhausted from running for so long, he sat down for a very long time. He was hungry, had no money, and his clothes were a wreck. Eventually he decided he'd try to sing to make some tips, since he'd always been able to attract crowds with his singing voice. But when he tried to open his mouth, his dad's words flashed through his head again and he threw up. Any time he tried to sing thereafter, the sensation of his dad's fingers caressing his throat would resurface. He just couldn't do it. The chapter ended with him letting the rain envelop him.
He lived in that town for seven years. Although he thought he'd never be able to sing again, as time passed he slowly healed from being haunted by the illusion of his father and picked it up as a way to make money.
He was surrounded by people who gave him their pity and he had drinking buddies who encouraged him to take the meister exam. He passed and officially became a playing bard meister, but the achievement didn't really change his life much. He was still a drifter, singing as he pleased around town, sometimes lodging with random people passing through, and sometimes camping outdoors. He never formed any deep relationships and spent away his money as soon as he got it. But, he was satisfied with this lifestyle.
Then one day, he got to the bar a bit later than usual. His buddies told him that one of them had won a shitton of money from a bet so all drinks would be on them. Needless to say the night ended with Rouge absolutely wasted 🤪
This wound up being the same night he met Grandflair, who found him stumbling around outside the bar. Gran immediately stopped in his tracks to give him a handkerchief and some water. Rouge thought he was shady asf but this guy was just genuinely trying to take care of him. He said that in all seven years of living here, he had never met someone who showed him that much kindness.
Gran told him about how he's taking care of a guild called the Moon Wanderers, and Rouge's first thought was to mock him for it: "So playing pretend family, huh? Sounds like a blast." But Gran replied dead serious that yeah it's a lot of fun! Cue a mini speech about how much he loves his guild. That knocked Rouge off balance for a second but then he asked if he could join it too. He didn't really know what prompted him to ask that— maybe it was jealousy, or yearning, or as a joke, or just out of curiosity. Gran could recognize that Rouge was a meister, so he agreed! And the rest is history. (*´꒳`*)
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