#wong kunhang scenarios
meiideryz · 4 months
how wayv's first kiss with you would be like
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pairing: wayv x reader
after a romantic dinner. he drives you home from taking you to your date with him at a fancy dinner he had arranged, wanting you to show how he really loves you and would want to take the relationship into the next step. he walks you to the front porch of your house, standing near the doorstep. before he says goodbye, he says how much he enjoyed the date, and you say the same. there is a still sound of silence of him staring at you. then, he leans in to capture your lips to his. the rhythm of your mouths moving against each other is slow, but good enough for the both of you to feel the butterflies in your stomachs. he smiles at you when you pull away, and then his hand reached for your own, kissing the back of your palm before he leaves the neighborhood. kun will never forget such a memorable moment.
during a game of spin the bottle. at first he laughs, staring at the empty wine bottle landing in your direction. with the rest of the players anticipating, he isn't afraid to back out. he hates being called a coward. he makes no hesitation before smashing his lips against yours. there's still the taste of alcohol both of you consumed just moments ago. besides the liquor, he also feels drunk with the way he keeps pressing his lips deeper and his tongue swiping on your bottom lip as a permission for more access. ten merely forgets the audience watching him, focusing entirely to make you feel good and pleased. when he pulls away, he gets a good view of your lips, smeared and coated with his own saliva, and lipstick smudged from the corners of your mouth. seeing you in that state gives him a satisfied look on his face, a smug creeping up from his lips.
saying goodbye to him. sicheng is given the opportunity to finally pursue the passion he loves, but it hurts him to know that he needs to leave where he already finds and calls home—you. both of you stand before the pane glass doorframes of the airport, sicheng's hand holds onto the handle of his luggage, while the other never leaves yours. it's all going too fast. the grip on your hand tightens. you notice the way he's trying to hold to his emotions, how hard he's trying to stifle his sobs. he feels you return the same tightness on his hand, assuring him that everything will be fine. a hand slowly creeps up to gently touch his already stained cheeks. he's going to miss you, so much. sicheng's hand clasps around the hand where you touch him, pulling it down. and there, you feel his plump lips on yours. it's trembling, and of course, it's sad. you don't tell him to stay through your reciprocation, but instead, it tells him to go, to chase what he loves.
acting out a kiss scene. it's the first rehearsal of the play the casts are going to act in, including the two of you. it's no surprise when both of you find out to be the leads of the play. dejun thinks that it will go as smoothly as possible, given the fact that the two of you are comfortable with each other of everything, and you think so too. as all of you are reading the script, the director reminds you of the kiss scenes, so when the actual practice came, dejun tells himself that the kiss is and only for professional purposes. he composes himself before standing in front of you with a smile. you say your lines, enunciating them word for word with feelings to embody the character as he does the same. his hands reaches for your own just like what it says on the script, and wasting no time, he plants a kiss on your lips. you don't move, but he feels his stomach doing the somersaults. all he can think about at this very moment is your soft lips, your grip on his hand tightens, your eyelashes tickling his cheeks—then it's all gone when you pull away. looking at each other for a few seconds, a sudden fit of laughter bursts out from the two of you. both of you suppress your giggles when the director yells, telling you and dejun to stop laughing and concentrate on the script.
out of curiosity. he stares at you with a surprised expression on his face after hearing you ask how a kiss feels like. it's not like he doesn't know how to kiss someone as he had gained experiences from previous relationships, and clearly this was your first. his mind go dizzy when you ask him to kiss you. he isn't sure if it's only his mind playing him, but with a couple slaps across his face, it's not a dream. before kissing you, hendery makes sure to ask if you're still okay with the idea, never forgetting to seek for your consent. with a hand on your neck and the other to cup your cheek, your lips are on his. the lingering touch of your hands on his chest traveling around his neck causes him to smile in between the kiss. he also makes sure that you're satisfied with the kiss he shares with you, in a way that will make you feel good and relieve to know that you just had the best first kiss ever given by your own friend. hendery can't seem to sleep the following nights, replaying the scene over and over again, as he starts to fall in love with you.
in the heat of the moment. he understands why you're mad at him for completely ruining your date with a person you recently talked to. yangyang warns you over again that the guy isn't good for you, that his background isn't something that's worth to be with. he watches you pace around the room, telling him that he has no right to deny a relationship you want to have, telling him that he should mind his own business. he couldn't do that. he knows what's best for you because he cares for your happiness. if it weren't for him, you will be trapped in a toxic unbearable relationship that might emotionally and mentally break you. what he wants for you to realize that there is one who could actually treat and love you better—him. yangyang grabs you by the shoulders, snapping you out. you break free from his tight grip, wanting to turn around and leave the room. that is until you feel his hand tug your arm back to face him as he finally smashes his lips against yours. the kiss is nowhere near sweet and full of passion. it's rough, lips smacking against each other, teeth scraping the skin and muscle of your tongues, and short hot breaths filling the quiet room. he's angry, you're angry, but neither of you pull away.
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writemekpop · 1 year
Naughty Boy | Wong Kunhang (Hendery)
Summary: Your naughty boyfriend Hendery gives you a hickey.
Genre: Boyfriend!Hendery, fluff
Word Count: <1k
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You were leaning over the bathroom sink, putting the finishing swipes of mascara on your lashes.
You swept your hair to the side. You noticed a small bruise on the side of your neck.
“A hickey?” you shouted. “Really, Hendery? What are you, twelve?”
Your boyfriend Hendery sauntered into the bathroom.
He was naked, apart from the faded boxers that sat dangerously low on his slim hips. He had a toothbrush hanging out of his mouth, and his chestnut hair was in disarray.
Hendery smirked, mouth full of toothpaste.
“That’s right, baby, wear me on your neck like that.”
“What were you thinking?” You groaned, patting your neck fiercely with foundation. “You know I have an important meeting today.”
“It was an accident,” Hendery said, coming up behind you and wrapping his strong, muscled arms around your body. He leant in towards your ear. “Plus, I didn’t hear you complaining when I was giving it to you last night.”
You let out a small sigh. You could still remember the feeling of Hendery’s plump lips kissing every inch of your skin. You could still remember the thrill as he grabbed your ass and locked your hips with his. You could still hear his heavy breaths in your ear.
You opened your eyes, looking at the reflection of the two of you in the mirror. You gazed at Hendery’s tanned arms, his broad shoulders. You marvelled at the handsome, imperfect man that was all yours.
You spun around and pushed your mouth onto Hendery’s. He kissed you back eagerly, pressing his hips against yours.
“Aren’t you going to be late?” Hendery said, between kisses.
You caught Hendery’s lower lip between your teeth, earning a growl from him.
“We’ve got six minutes,” you said. “Think you can work with that?”
Hendery grabbed your waist and picked you up, holding your entire weight with one arm. Your heart soared.
Hendery grinned. “You bet.”
Let us know what you thought in the comments or on anon! 💋
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ronjunnie · 5 months
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mine for the summer (26.7k) @the32ndbeat
savior (24k) @starlightkun
weaving promises (12.1k) @xiaodejunletsact
sleepless cinderella: hendery (11.1k) @starlightkun
2:59 am @saeyoungchips
7:47 pm @gyeomsweetgyeom
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sunshyni · 16 days
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New Ride | Hendery
♕ Notinha da Sun: SOMETHING COMING OVER ME TONIGHT 💃 Faz um tempo que eu queria escrever com o Dery e finalmente consegui 🙏
Avisos: tá bem cômico, parece que eu joguei “O Diário da Princesa” e “Barbie: Escola de Princesas” num liquidificador, e resultou nessa misturinha!! Me inspirei em “New Ride” do Wayv, e além de membros do nct, mencionei a Giselle e o Suho.
♕ Palavras: 1.2k
Boa leitura, docinhos!! 👑
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— Giselle, eu não consigo respirar — você disse à sua amiga, que tinha te colocado em um espartilho terrível que apertava suas costelas de uma maneira que nenhuma crise de pânico tinha feito antes. Um exemplo bem mórbido, mas era assim que sua cabeça funcionava. — Acho que vou chorar.
— Chorar por quê, boba? — Mark apareceu de repente, segurando uma taça de champanhe. Vestido elegantemente com um smoking decorado com pedrarias, ele realmente parecia um príncipe. Mas a questão era: quem ali não parecia um príncipe ou uma princesa? A única pessoa que se sentia deslocada era você.
Sua história era semelhante à de Mia Thermopolis, de “O Diário da Princesa”. Sua mãe era uma artista plástica renomada e seu padrasto, um compositor profissional. Recentemente, você descobriu que seu pai, que havia falecido precocemente antes de você completar 10 anos, também fazia parte desse mundo. Ele havia sido um dos fundadores de uma faculdade prestigiada, distante da civilização, quase como se existisse um mundo à parte, apenas para a elite. Claro, havia os bolsistas, mas a maioria dos alunos eram pessoas da alta sociedade, como Mark e Giselle, com quem você conversava agora.
— Eu preciso estudar um conteúdo que não entendi direito, mas estamos presos nesse evento idiota — você resmungou, pegando a taça de champanhe de Mark e esvaziando-a rapidamente. Sua garganta estava seca pela falta de ar, e aquilo te fazia sentir que desmaiaria a qualquer momento. Por que os humanos eram tão obcecados por cinturas finas?
— Para de ser dramática, até o Haechan tá curtindo a festa — você olhou para o representante de turma, que raramente aparecia em eventos, pois estava sempre estudando. Ele claramente já tinha bebido bastante, pois a gravata estava amarrada em sua cabeça.
— Eu acho que ele... — você começou, observando Haechan com o copo na mão.
— É, ele já perdeu toda a compostura — Giselle confirmou, tocando seu ombro suavemente. — Relaxa e aproveita a festa, vai? Esquece os estudos por hoje. Você é filha de um dos fundadores daqui, sua tonta.
Você concordou com sua amiga, que enlaçou o braço de Mark e descansou a cabeça no ombro dele de forma carinhosa.
— Me leva para dançar — ela pediu com os olhos brilhando. Mark revirou os olhos, mas, como sempre, cedeu.
— Eu ia flertar, mas tá, vamo lá — você sorriu para os dois. Depois de Hendery, eles eram as pessoas de quem você mais gostava ali.
Falando em Hendery... Ele era sua alma gêmea e, provavelmente, a paixonite de metade da instituição. Hendery era o sonho de consumo de qualquer um. Enquanto você preferia ficar no dormitório estudando, ele se envolvia em uma infinidade de esportes, incluindo esgrima, que sempre te deixava suspirando quando assistia a um duelo em que ele participava.
Você gostava dele, e ele parecia gostar de você. Às vezes, no meio de uma aula, ele deixava um doce na sua mesa com um bilhete fofo, elogiando sua confiança ao responder às perguntas dos professores. Você sorria, envergonhada, verificava se ele ainda estava na sala e balançava as pernas debaixo da mesa.
Não demorou para Hendery te encontrar. Vestido formalmente, como todos ali, ele parecia mil vezes mais atraente aos seus olhos.
— Dery, me leva para o dormitório — você pediu, colocando sua taça vazia na bandeja de um garçom que passava. — Eu odeio eventos sociais.
— Eu não vou te levar de volta para a torre, Rapunzel — ele disse, tocando a ponta do seu nariz com o dedo indicador. Você fez uma careta e cruzou os braços.
Hendery e você tinham uma conexão especial. Seus pais tinham sido grandes amigos, e talvez fosse por isso que, sempre que conversavam, parecia que se conheciam desde sempre.
— Mas posso te levar para outro lugar, um lugar mais interessante do que esse — ele continuou, se aproximando um pouco mais, fazendo você levantar o olhar. Hendery amava aventuras. Gostava de cavalgar, de carros esportivos e de acelerar, vivendo sempre intensamente, como se o amanhã não existisse. Você admirava esse lado dele e desejava ser assim também. — O que acha?
Ele te ofereceu a mão, e você fingiu pensar por um momento antes de aceitá-la. Vocês começaram a caminhar em direção ao exterior do castelo, nem parando quando Junmyeon pegou o microfone para falar, passando rapidamente para Kun.
— Você sabe que esse lugar valoriza muito as tradições, né? — Hendery comentou enquanto caminhavam em direção aos estábulos. Você sabia aonde aquilo ia dar, mas decidiu ignorar. Ele não estava realmente pensando em te colocar num cavalo à noite, só com a lua como testemunha, estava? — Mas algumas tradições se perdem com o tempo, e isso é triste, porque geralmente são as mais divertidas.
— Tá, e onde você quer chegar com isso? — você perguntou. Nem se lembrava de que estavam de mãos dadas, mas quando percebeu, suas palmas começaram a suar. Você soltou a mão dele, sentindo o coração e a respiração acelerarem, apesar do espartilho te apertar.
— Nossos pais costumavam fazer corridas a cavalo para desestressar. Era isso que eu queria dizer — ele respondeu, acendendo a lanterna do celular e preparando dois cavalos. Você riu nervosamente, lembrando-se de como subira poucas vezes num cavalo, sempre com medo de cair e bater a cabeça.
— Nem pensar, Hendery — você disse, mas ele já havia segurado sua mão novamente, dessa vez sem pedir.
— Se diverte uma vez na vida, Rapunzel — ele falou, te ajudando a subir no cavalo. Seu corpo parecia leve enquanto ele te levantava pela cintura. Você segurou as rédeas, mas hesitou.
— Hendery, isso não é uma boa ideia... — Antes que ele pudesse responder, o cavalo começou a galopar de forma descontrolada. Você se agarrou à crina do animal, sentindo o pânico subir. Droga, o espartilho estava te sufocando. Meu Deus, você realmente ia desmaiar?
Uma crise de pânico estava prestes a te dominar, ou talvez fosse a asma. Sem sua bombinha por perto, você só pensava em como morreria: pisoteada ou sem ar.
— Ei, você tá me ouvindo? — a voz de Hendery parecia distante, mas então você sentiu a grama te cutucando. Você tinha caído do cavalo, mas, surpreendentemente, não havia sido pisoteada. Talvez estivesse morta e Hendery fosse um anjo te guiando para o céu.
De repente, o sufoco voltou. Você precisava tirar aquele espartilho de qualquer jeito. Agitada, se virou na grama, com as costas para cima. Hendery não entendeu muito bem, mas ficou aliviado ao ver que você estava bem.
— Tira esse espartilho de mim, pelo amor de Deus! — você implorou, e Hendery começou a trabalhar nos botões minúsculos do seu vestido de princesa. Suas bochechas coraram ao perceber que a primeira vez que ele tiraria sua roupa não seria por desejo, mas para te salvar de um espartilho idiota. Ele ignorou seu sutiã rosa e desamarrou o espartilho com certa brutalidade, mas finalmente você conseguia respirar.
Antes que pudesse comemorar, Hendery te virou de barriga para cima e te beijou, devagar e delicadamente. Você se sentiu no céu enquanto ele envolvia suas bochechas com as mãos. Sem separar o beijo, você foi se levantando aos poucos, e Hendery te puxou para mais perto, acariciando sua cintura enquanto intensificava o beijo, explorando cada sensação.
Nem parecia importar que você estivesse seminua; tudo que importava era o momento.
— Hendery... — foi a única coisa que você conseguiu dizer.
— Desculpa ter demorado tanto para fazer isso — ele disse, encostando a testa na sua e acariciando suas costas. — Desculpa por enrolar tanto.
— Tá tudo bem — você respondeu, segurando o rosto dele para que pudesse te olhar. Sorriu, sem acreditar que finalmente tinha acontecido. — Só vê se não me mata da próxima vez que quiser uma desculpa para me beijar.
Hendery riu e te deu um selinho carinhoso, juntando as mãos em prece.
— Prometo que vou tomar cuidado.
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winwintea · 2 months
WayV as my favorite songs
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AUTHOR’S NOTE ↬ no one asked for this but i can do whatever i want lol. i need to flesh out every single nct member and this is the easiest way for me to write for them: music
PLAYLIST ↬ here just in case you would like to listen to any of them lol
OTHER VERSIONS ↬ dream | 127 | wish (when i post them eventually lol)
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yangyang is a certified y2k baddie. i'm fully convinced he was born in the wrong era. like he would've rocked the 2000s so much, if only he was born 10 years earlier. 火 is quite literally yangyang, don't tell me other wise, like yangyang is🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥the lyrics are so him coded. HE JUST LOVES MUSIC DON'T TELL HIM TO STOP! in true wayv fashion the song is probably about sex
XIAO DEJUN ↬ 爱 - 小虎队
my god. dejun....... literally such a romantic, but he's like the youthful style romantic?? (does that make sense) 爱 just fits him so well cause it's like young love, peaceful vibes, literally i'm in love with this man. I BET YOU ANYTHING HE KNOWS THE SIGN LANGUAGE TO THIS SONG BY HEART. heartthrob dejun of the 90s. LIKE CAN YOU IMAGINE HIM IN THE 90s???
QIAN KUN ↬ 你是我永远的乡愁 - fei yu-ching
you know the guy that sings the xue hua piao piao song? yeah this is one of his songs. another way for me to call kun a boomer but am i wrong??? is this man not a boomer??? i'm sorry. nah but i got a feeling that kun really likes old old music. i'm talking teressa teng, all those classics. and i can't blame him they're bangers. couldn't go straight with a jay chou song bc that'd be too easy i wanted to challenge myself.
DONG SICHENG ↬ 我愿意 - faye wong/王菲
i love love love faye wong....... all of her songs. she's so talented bruh. and i love winwin! wow those go great together! jkjk, i have reasons for this too. this song is quite literally so special so romantic like damn. i have a feeling that winwin, whoever his partner is, he would literally worship the ground they walk on. HE WOULD DO ANYTHING FOR THE ONE HE LOVES. these are literally all love songs but my wayv boys... i picture them in love all the time okay.
WONG KUNHANG ↬ 失戀 - grasshoper
everytime i hear this fucking song i laugh so hard bc WHO WROTE THIS???? WHY DID YOU MAKE IT HAPPY??? hendery is such a comedian, we all know that. he just has this extremely playful vibe to him. the lyrics of this song... are certainly tragic.... it's about a dude who's chasing after girl who doesn't like him but also talking to another guy who likes the same girl and they both cope with their misery together. LIKE... hendery gives me the vibe that for all his misfortunes and troubles he would just laugh it off. which is not okay, but it's how he is. :((
literally do not know any thai songs i apologize, but if you got any good recs. really any jolin tsai song could fit ten's vibe tbh, like especially 舞孃 could work too. i chose play bc the gays like it (this is a joke but also kinda true) i could say that she's basically the "lady gaga of cpop" (not my words okay) play is just so sassy, and playful, really fits the vibes that ten has going on there. gay.
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perm taglist ↬ @lyvhie
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mymoodwriting · 1 year
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Request for @tenswife (Yandere WayV Maknaes) 4.1k, yandere, asylum patients, needles, drugs, restraints, manipulation, delusions, hallucinations, choking, bruising, kidnapping, loss of mental stability (@starillusion13)
“Stay away from the triplets.”
That wasn’t something you wanted to hear on your first day. All it did was make you aware of how dangerous this place was. That’s what you thought anyway, an asylum isn’t exactly a place for sane people, and this wasn’t making you feel better. Even with that in mind you were told it would be a good idea to get some help, professional help that is. The stress from work was really getting to you as of late, and it was becoming noticeable. You needed a break, and you needed to do better for yourself. A place like this had counselors, people who could understand your issues and help, so you figured it wouldn’t be a bad idea to check yourself in for a few days.
You had taken the time off work, and your friends knew where you’d be so no one had to worry about you. Once you had signed all the paperwork and changed your clothes one of the nurses showed you around. Everyone here was getting help for different reasons, and some patients were more extreme than others, so depending on one’s condition, they’d be on a certain floor. Since you were there for simple counseling and stress relief remedies you’d be on the second floor. You’d have full access to the second floor, and what it offered, but would be unable to enter any other floor. Only the staff could get to multiple floors. 
Although there was a common area on the third floor where all types of patients could intermingle under supervision. It was meant to make sure no one, not even the more difficult cases, felt so isolated from the rest of the world. If you wanted to be there you needed a staff escort and would be assigned a supervisor. Visiting this place was part of the tour, and as you were looking around your gaze was drawn to something. There were three boys sitting together in a corner, drawing with crayons and giggling. They seemed to be childish despite being grown adults. The nurse realized what you were looking at and gave you a warning.
The triplets, as she called them, were nothing but trouble. They weren’t related to one another, and were admitted at different times. Of course the nurse couldn’t tell you what floor or what reasons they were admitted for, but they told you those three were dangerous. You were still curious, but such a warning in this place was something to take seriously. You just wanted to get better, so there was no reason to take an interest in other patients. For the first few days as you settled in you remained on your designated floor, even making a friend with your next door roommate. They had only been there for a week longer than you, but they knew quiet a lot.
“There are five floors in total.” Mina explained. “The first one as you know is the public one for people to get evaluated, or come visit their loved ones. Second floor, where we are, is for those of us who are sane and autonomous, and can help themselves with their own care. Third floor is where the common area is, as well as where the long term patients like us stay. Fourth floor is for those who are mentally unstable, and the fifth floor… that’s where they keep the psychos.”
Since you were doing well, seeing a counselor and participating in stress relieving activities, you thought it would be alright to visit the common area and see what it had to offer. You went up with Mina, being reminded of the rules and regulations to follow while there. The two of you found some board games to play while also watching some TV. It all seemed peaceful and relaxed, but then you noticed the triplets in the corner again.
“The triplets… do you know what floor they’re from?”
“Wait, what? I thought the fifth floor was for psychos, and they’re allowed here?”
“Yeah. What’s crazier is that those three come from well-off families and the rumors are they harassed girls and shit. They all got admitted at different times but stuck together for some reason. They behave so they’re allowed here. Just ignore them.”
They didn’t draw attention to themselves so it was fairly easy to ignore the triplets and just focus on whatever you were doing. Although one day you caught one of the triplets staring at you. When you met his gaze you kind of froze, but what sent chills down your spine was the fact you couldn’t read his face at all. Maybe he was just zoning out, but either way you moved away once you broke eye contact. You thought that would be the end of things, but it was only the beginning.
Since many of the patients gathered in the common area, weekly and daily announcements were done there. You were sitting off to the side, mainly alone, when a boy slowly approached you. He was very shy, and had a bit of trouble making eye contact, but he was certainly trying. He seemed familiar to you, but you couldn’t quite place it. He was probably someone who was always around in the common area you just never really noticed them. You didn’t know his situation, and he didn’t seem like a bad person so you left him alone. That is until he managed to speak up.
“You’re really pretty… what’s a pretty girl like you doing here…”
The question was a bit surprising, but you figured there was no harm in answering.
“Things have gotten a bit difficult for me, and I need a break. Plus it’s important to look after my mental health, so I’m here.”
“So… what do you do when-”
One of the orderlies came over, grabbing the boy and pulling him away from you. The whole thing confused you until you saw where the boy was put. He was in the corner with two others and you realized he was one of the triplets. It sent chills down your spine and you told yourself to be more careful next time.
YangYang gave a nasty glare to the orderly when they pulled him away from you. He knew part of the rules for them being the common area was to keep to themselves, but one little conversation should have been allowed. He returned to his group with a pout.
“So, so!” Hendery cheered. “What’s she like?”
A smile appeared on YangYang’s face. “She’s nice, and so pretty up close.”
“We should have her.” Xiaojun said.
You tried not to let that interaction bother you too much, and continued about your day as normal. You’ve never really had any trouble with anything, but that night you woke up, having heard some weird sounds. You groggily looked around your room until you realized you weren’t alone. You were ready to scream but someone put their hand over your mouth. Two people held you down and then another crawled on top of you, it was YangYang. He smiled down at you, a hand caressing your cheek.
“You’re really pretty… can we finish our conversation from before? What do you do in your career?”
The hand over your mouth slowly moved away. There really was no point in screaming or struggling. They had gotten into your room somehow when it shouldn’t be possible. For your safety and the safety of the others there was a curfew to follow, and all patients were locked in their room. Yet somehow they had gotten in undetected. It made you incredibly nervous and fearful, but you still managed to answer.
“Just… just a corporate job… nothing special…”
“You don’t seem to like it, so why do you stay?”
“I.. it pays the bills… and it’s not a difficult job…”
“Then why are you here? You said you were looking after your health. If it’s not a bad job or a hard one, then what’s wrong?”
“What… what about you… I… I don’t…”
“Oh, yeah, we never properly introduced ourselves, did we?” YangYang chuckled, gesturing to himself then the others. “I’m YangYang, this is Hendery and that’s Xiaojun. It’s nice to meet you.”
“Very nice.” Xiaojun added.
“I… so then… what’s… why are you here…”
“Our families didn’t want us around, and this was the best way to make us disappear.”
You felt a bit sad upon hearing that. Although while you were distracted with your own thoughts you didn’t notice them moving around until you felt a pinch on your neck.
“Sleep well.”
You woke up in the morning with a big of a headache, but you didn’t let it bother you too much. If anything you were more concerned over the weird dream you had last night. As you went to get breakfast you found Mina.
“Hey, good morning.”
“Did you sleep well?”
“Fine, why?”
“I thought I heard some noises last night, and I think I woke up but I’m not so sure.”
“Well, I didn’t hear anything. Slept through the night like a baby.”
“Right… do you know anything about the triplets? Besides what you’ve already told me.”
“Not really. They’re just a bunch of weirdos, there’s no reason to ask about them.”
“Yeah… you’re sure you didn’t hear anything?”
“No, why? Did you?”
“I mean… I’m sure I woke up cause I heard something.”
“Well, even if we’re locked in our rooms, the nurses and orderlies do still roam the halls. There’s nothing to worry about.”
“I guess… none of the patients can access other floors… can they?”
“No. Only staff have clearance. Are you okay?”
“Yeah, yeah, just a weird night that’s left me to question a lot.”
You ended up chalking it up to being a dream and going about your day as normal. You figured you would have weird dreams since you were in such a different place, so it shouldn’t be something to worry about. Except it happened again the next night. There was nothing in particular that woke you up but when you opened your eyes you saw the triplets in your room. YangYang was sitting at the foot of your bed, Hendery at your little desk and Xiaojun sitting on the floor doodling with some paper.
“Do you have a boyfriend?” Xiaojun asked.
“I… uh… I haven’t dated in a while…”
“Can I be your boyfriend!?” Hendery asked.
“What, no, I’ll be her boyfriend.” Xiaojun countered. “I asked first.”
“No you didn’t.”
“Yes I did.”
“I’ll be her boyfriend.” YangYang added.
The three argued among themselves for a moment before settling down. They were sharing glances and seemed to be communicating in silence, then they looked at you.
“Can we all be your boyfriends?” YangYang asked.
“Uh… I’m not really looking to be in a relationship right now.”
You weren’t sure what the response to that would be, but it was quite frightening. For a minute they were all quiet, and then they sprung to life. They pinned you down and started tearing at your clothes. Before you could scream a hand was over your mouth and then everything changed. You shot up in bed, panting and looking around in a panic. You were still in your room, but you were alone, and it was clearly daytime. Everything seemed to be fine, but your mind was still racing. 
You asked Mina about hearing any noises last night, but once again she heard nothing. You were still freaked out so you avoided the common area for a while. Although you found yourself having some trouble sleeping. You were scared to do so, and triple checked your room to make sure the door was locked and you were alone. You did eventually manage to fall asleep, but randomly woke up at night. You were relieved to find yourself alone, but horrified to see your door wide open.
Against your better judgment you got up and carefully stepped out of your room. You looked down the halls but no one seemed to be around. So you called for a nurse or orderly, wondering if anyone was there. You were about to go back to your room when you saw someone approaching, thinking it was a staff member, but when they got closer you realized you were wrong. Xiaojun skipped over to you with a big smile on your face.
“Hello, welcome, it’s so good to see you.”
“What… what happened… how…”
“Now you can be with us.”
Xiaojun gestured to a sign on the wall and you felt your heart drop. According to the number on the wall you were on the fifth floor and not the second. Your first instinct was to run, to find someway out, but of course you were chased. The boy had caught up to you and trapped you in their arms. You screamed and struggled and then you were back in your room, morning sunlight peeking in. It had been another bad dream, and far worse than the last. You weren’t going to get any better if you couldn’t sleep so you spoke to your counselor and managed to get some sleeping pills prescribed. You managed to sleep well that night, but it was short lived.
The next night you woke up to see the door to your room wide open, although you couldn’t get up. You knew all the beds in the asylum had restraints on them, but you never expected yours to be used. You struggled and tried to break free, but there was no getting out of these restraints. Then you saw those three walk into your room. You immediately shut your eyes, telling yourself that this all had to be a dream. With the sleeping pills, weird dreams were probably a side effect.
“Are you having fun?” Hendery asked.
You tried to pay them no attention, wanting to wake up from this nightmare.
“This is just a dream… just a dream…”
“Aww that’s sad to hear, but we can change that.”
You felt another pinch at your neck, and your world melted to black. When you opened your eyes again you saw the morning light in your room, and you could move around freely. The nightmare stuck with you though, like there was this sense of paranoia following you. Everything was making you feel uneasy, and you were suspicious of everything. That led to a breakdown, or so you were told, since the orderlies had to restrain you and sedate you. Because of that incident you wound up getting moved to the fourth floor. It was the last thing you wanted, but you weren’t in control of your health here, at least not fully.
You wound up seeing another counselor from there. They asked about the breakdown and what caused it. You were nervous to admit the truth but were told that if you lied to yourself it wouldn’t help you get any better. You knew they were right so you told the truth about your dreams and how they left you feeling. You were afraid they weren’t just dreams and if they were you couldn’t understand why you were freaking out so bad.
“You’re in a new environment, and even though you know you are safe here there are still many unknowns. I understand the situation surrounding the triplets may be unnerving, but they are always under supervision, and not allowed on any other floors. They’ve shown good behavior that’s allowed them access to the common area but that is all, and that can be revoked at any moment.”
You figured you could be more at ease here after speaking with the counselor. The fourth floor was far more secure than the second, more so considering who was right above you. Besides, there was a lot more focus on you and your individual care so you certainly felt better about yourself in no time. The one-on-one counseling was also really good for you.
“I don’t really understand why I kept dreaming about them…”
“Well, they are real and restricted in their movements, which perhaps reminds you of your own situation. Despite being well off you are still living with struggles, and surely here you’ve found things more easier. I wouldn’t be surprised if you didn’t feel like going home.”
“Why would you say that?”
“You are here to improve your health, and perhaps you haven’t been shown care in your actual life the way you have received it here. Which does bring up the question, is there something that hasn’t been going well in your life?”
“I… I was just working really hard… thinking I was gonna get a promotion… I failed on that end… so I guess I’m just feeling stuck… and I didn’t do much to help myself until I hit my breaking point…”
“Burnout needs more than two weeks of recovery. All this could be your own call for help.”
“I suppose that makes sense…”
You had a lot to think about, and a lot of time too. For the time being you weren’t allowed back in the common area. So you had a lot of time to yourself. You’d eat alone in your room, and found out that the people on this floor were just as friendly, if not more. Although at night you definitely heard noises. Staff roaming the halls and other patients having difficulty sleeping. At least this time you knew you weren’t just hearing things.
“Pretty girl…”
Except for the night you began to hear voices. You woke up and saw those boys again, but you told yourself it was just a dream.
“You’re not real.”
“Are you sure about that?”
“I’m just imagining things… you’re all from the fifth floor… and dangerous…”
“If you say so, we can help you sleep better though.”
You felt the bed dip and opened your eyes to find YangYang on top of you. Before you could say anything his hands were around your throat, choking you out.
“You must be crazy and dumb to think we’re not real.” 
“We’re gonna drive you insane so you never leave this place.” Xiaojun added.
“Cause what we want, we get.” Hendery stated.
You couldn’t get YangYang off you, struggling underneath him until you passed out. When you woke in the morning you felt an ache around your throat. You got up and when you looked in the mirror you could see the bruises on your neck. You had no way of hiding the truth, so of course it was brought up in your daily session. You weren’t going to lie, the proof was obvious.
“Those triplets did this to me! They snuck into my room and YangYang choked me! They tried to kill me!” You were freaking out. “I’m not safe here. I need to leave. I know early release is allowed for my situation and-”
“It’s actually not.”
“Huh? When I came here the-”
“You need to go through a reevaluation given your change in situation. From there we-”
“I am not staying here! Those three have been messing with me since I arrived and-”
“Please calm down. You’re letting your emotions-”
“Look at my neck! You think I did this to myself?”
“That is still a possibility as-”
“Let me out!”
Of course the orderlies were called and you wound up being dragged back to your room and restrained. You wanted nothing more than to leave this place and now they were telling you that you couldn’t. You wouldn’t stop your screaming and wound up sedated, falling asleep for a while. When you woke up later you had calmed down, taking a moment to think of your next move. You called for an orderly, and they undid the restraints. Then you demanded your phone call. You could have used the phone whenever back on the second floor, but here you only got a call once a week. There were a list of people to talk to, but you could only think of one person.
“Ten… I don’t know what happened but-”
“Who are you talking to?” You turned around to find Xiaojun. “The line is dead.”
The sound of the dial tone slowly faded in, and your eyes went wide. You turned back to the phone, trying to dial the number again but there was nothing. You were starting to hyperventilate. You looked back for Xiaojun but he was nowhere to be found. Your vision was starting to blur and you collapsed to the ground. You couldn’t really tell what was real or what was fake anymore. You felt like you were losing your mind and eventually the darkness swallowed you up.
You slowly opened your eyes, and even if you were awake you could tell it was nightfall. As you sat up you saw that this wasn’t your room, but another place entirely. You weren’t sure if this facility had solitary confinement type rooms, but then again your door was wide open. You carefully got out of bed and walked towards the door. This was probably all just some dream. When you got out into the hall you found it eerily quiet, and rather dark.
“Hello! Is anyone there!”
Might not be a good idea to yell into the emptiness, but you couldn’t help it. Your eyes scanned your surroundings and then you realized where you were. This was the fifth floor. You immediately ran. You didn’t want to stay here and you had to find an exit. You really had no idea where you were going when suddenly you came upon a very peculiar scene.
“Good. You’re awake.”
The only common area you knew of was on the third floor, and yet this looked familiar. It was spacious and seemed to have a lot of activities, but what stood out was the emptiness and occupants. The triplets were playing video games, all kinds of junk food and snacks surrounding them. It was just them and no one else. Not a single staff member in sight.
“What… what’s going on…” They all laughed. “What’s happening…”
“You forget what we told you.” YangYang said. “What we want, we get.”
“But… I… I don’t…”
“Don’t get us wrong. We are legally locked up here.” Hendery commented. “Yet money is power. So we’ve made the most of this place.”
“It’s more like home.” Xiaojun added. “And we’ve wanted some company.”
“No… no this isn’t right…”
You took a step back, intending to run off and find an exit but YangYang quickly came over to you. He took your hand and dragged you over to where they were, forcing you to sit down. Next thing you knew Hendery was pressing a glass to your lips and tilting your head back, forcing you to drink this mystery liquid. It didn’t taste awful but you found yourself coughing and gasping for breath afterwards.
“What… what was that?”
You soon got an answer to your question as you began to feel a bit dizzy, your vision blurring and gradually fading in and out. Xiaojun came over to your side and had you lay down, letting you rest your head in his lap. He looked down on you with a smile, gently petting your head. Hendery also feeding you some snacks which you lazily ate. Although even in your dazed state you knew what was going on was wrong.
“I… I have to… leave…”
“You won’t be leaving anytime soon.” Hendery informed. “After all, you clearly had a mental breakdown.”
“And you were moved to the fifth floor.” YangYang stated. “No visits, no real records, you’re basically locked away in here with us.”
“Which isn’t bad at all.” Xiaojun explained. “We can do whatever we want here! Which means we can totally make you crazy on paper and in real life.”
The three laugh and you try to make a move to get up but get held in place, starting to find it difficult to move or even think.
“Things are better this way for all of us.” YangYang said. “It’s what we wanted. No more worries and responsibilities, and that goes for you too.”
“We’re free to just live our lives however we want.” Hendery added. “Doesn’t that sound great.”
“We’ll take good care of you.” Xiaojun reassured. “So just be happy, we got a great adventure ahead of us.”
You had certainly been drugged, and you had no idea if this was a dream or your reality. Either way you had to admit there was a sense of peace with losing your mind. Maybe you should figure out your situation and put yourself back together but for now you were content existing as is. You weren’t alone after all.
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saeyoungchips · 2 years
[2:59 a.m]
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sleepovers with hendery were nothing out of the norm. you two were used to doing that kind of stuff since you became friends in middle school.
"is really this the movie you love so much?" hendery asked you in disbelief; he couldn't grasp the fact that, because of you, he was willingly watching a movie about a baby in a suit.
"(y/n)?" he called you by your name at your lack of response. "are you listening to me?"
it wasn't until he tried to turn his head to glance at you that he felt an unexpected weight between his neck and shoulders. the scent of your shampoo that suddenly filled his nostrils made him tense his whole body.
as he breathed deeply, trying to relax himself and not wake you up, he raised one of his hands to your hair and awkwardly tried to caress it.
"how can you fall asleep at your favorite movie?" was the last thing hendery mumbled to your sleeping self before paying all of his attention to the movie.
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lattaeyongs · 2 years
[2:29 PM] “Okay babe, I need to eat,” You tell Hendery after thanking the waiter who set your food on the table. Your boyfriend pouts, stubbornly holding your right hand. You sigh, and pick up the chopsticks of your sushi with your left hand, but you fumble with the sticks. Pursing your lips, you breathe out in frustration. “Here, let me,” Hendery says, without letting go of your hand. He takes the chopsticks and picks up a piece of sushi, holding it close to your mouth. “Say ‘Ah’” You roll your eyes. 
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doderyscoffee · 2 years
pairing: wong kunhang x fem!reader (oc) genre&au(s): fluff, humor, best friend!au, high school!au warnings: n/a length: 0.2k words
[7:45 am]— best friend!Kunhang slapped the hood of his car, leaning his hip against it, and crossed his arms. “Come on, Y/N, we’re going to be late!”
I took a sip of coffee from a mug branded by a random American basketball team, leaning against the door frame, dressed simply in a pair of sweatpants and my favorite sweatshirt. I looked like I had just rolled out of bed, which I had since Kunhang took it upon himself to be my personal alarm.
“I’m not going to school today!” I yelled across my front yard. “I don’t feel well!” I faked a cough.
“Well, then, I don’t feel well either!” He doubled over, cradling his stomach, and staggered across the lawn. “Maybe I should come inside and rest!” He flashed me that mischievous grin I grew to know so well.
“Yeah,” I said as he stumbled through my front door, “maybe you should.”
Once I closed the door, he whirled around, suddenly in perfect health. “Whoever loses in Mario Kart has to buy lunch?”
“Oh, you’re on!”
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meiideryz · 5 months
map to my heart.
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pairing: wong hendery x reader
length: 1.06k
tags: alternative universe, university/college au, friends to lovers, indirect confession, mutual attraction, tooth-rotting fluff, best friend! hendery, assistant librarian!reader, based on true experience.
note: i was inspired by a conversation i had with my ex-crush when i was with them in the library where our lesson on a subject took place
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"how well do you know your geography?" hendery's voice was gentle and low, keeping himself quiet in the back of the library with students who cannot be disrupted.
he watched you looking at the library globe before your eyes met with his. after finishing an activity that his professor had given him, he was able to freely look around, and there he saw you at the back with the globe you were spinning at a slow place. it was a fortunate meeting, knowing how well you often visit the library since you were an assistant in helping the librarian after all.
“do you know your geography?”
this time, you returned the same question to him, and of course he knew. he just wanted to test how good you were, and with a smile on his face, he responded. “of course, would you like a challenge?”
“i'm down,” hendery loved how there was no hesitation in your tone, and he especially loved your competitiveness when it comes to interests you both have in common. “only because i can totally win over you.”
“oh? really?” his hand made its way to touch the globe, preparing himself for a little game of spotting the country. “give me a name, then.”
“laos.” you said, and he smiled at you.
“easy,” he began spinning the globe in front of him, looking for the location you had asked him to find. “if you know countries from asean very well, then there's no difficulty in searching for it.”
pausing the sphere, hendery's forefinger pointed to the land just above thailand before he gave you a victorious grin. “see? now try looking for sri lanka for me.”
he heard you let out a huff, watching you already turning the spherical ball, and when you showed him that you had already spotted it, he gave a fake sound of a terrible whine which almost made you laugh. covering your mouth with your palm, your other hand made its way to his arm with a light smack. both of you suppressed a laugh, knowing how much they could get in trouble if they ever disturbed the library, with him being thrown out and you enduring another scolding session from the librarian.
“you really should stop making weird noises if you don't want to be thrown out from here.” giggling in a whisper, he couldn't help but fall in love with the way you beamed at him.
hendery was so, so in love with you.
he moved to stand beside you with his head leaning closer to your ear, saying, “shoot me a name, sweetie.” 
you hummed, pretending to think for a little long time. gazing over your hand ghostly touching his knuckles, the little butterflies flew around inside his stomach. the fingertips of your hands running over his then the surface of the globe before he heard you utter out, “cyprus.” 
nodding to your next challenge, he made his way to look thoroughly around the ball. a chuckle left his lips, feeling as if he was starting to sweat despite the cold breeze of the air-conditioned room. “maybe i’m reconsidering your knowledge on geography, after all.” your voice softly echoed in his ears. he wasn’t going to give up so easily for some country he wasn’t familiar with. 
continuing to search, he whispered to you, “from what i remember, it’s close to romania, am i right?” 
hendery droned out a steady continuous sound, staring at the map of europe in front of him. if it was close to what he stated earlier, and the name sounds close to some greek mythology name. “then i'm guessing it would be near greece, so…”
forefinger gliding through the map, he eventually found cyprus below turkey. another victorious win, he smiled at you. “there.”
“you’re not as bad as i thought.” your compliment had earned him another good slap in the heart, and it would always make him do somersaults every time you do. with the way you look at him like that, with that contagious smile and laughter, he could never stop feeling things for you.
“okay, my turn.” you said, “give me a name.”
“show me…” hendery trailed off, his body moving backwards to face your back. watching you turn around, you let out a small gasp as you were taken aback when he caged you in between his arms. “hendery, what are you doing?”
“show me where the map to my heart is.” his voice was serious, and yet there was still a glint of delight in his tone. the smile never wiped off from his face while he stared into your eyes. sure, it was abrupt and unexpected, but he wasn't being playful in a way that would annoy you, and his seriousness was giving a turn.
“i…” now you were the one who was tongue-tied, and him being the patient person he was, he waited for you to respond. it was simple, if you reject him at this time and moment, he would respect that and back off this instant.
"the question is just simple," without wiping the smug off his face, he let out a fake yawn that is not loud enough to disturb the other students in the library at the front. "show me where it is." with the way he carefully and audibly emphasized each word, you started to laugh in such a nervous state.
"a-are you joking right now?"
"huh, what's that?" he brought his hand to his ear, pretending to not hear you despite being a short distance away from you. that smile of his never dropped.
“sweetie if you're just gonna stand there and stare at me then i might as well win this challange—”
“i think i know where it is.” you quickly uttered out, breaking your silence. he was curious to know what was on your mind, and so he crossed his arms against his chest, lips curling up to put up a smug look.
“really? i'm curious to see if you actually know it.”
“well, if i can remember, it starts from here…”
he observed the way your finger reached out to point your own chest where your heart is at rest before making out a line until your palm was against his chest to his beating heart. hendery sucked up a good amount of air at the contact, his gaze still never left yours.
“...to here.”
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writemekpop · 2 years
Daddy’s Favourite | Wong Kunhang (Hendery)
Summary: Hendery has been begging you to try for a baby… can you resist him?
Genre: Boyfriend!Hendery, suggestive
Word Count: 0.5k
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You sat on the couch, your baby niece nestled in your lap.
The baby's chubby fingers reached up and touched your cheek. Normally you would have found that disgusting (come on, baby germs?) but for some reason, looking into little Jordan's eyes wasn’t the worst. It was almost… cute.  
Your boyfriend Hendery came in. When he saw you with the baby, his eyes lit up.
"Isn't she the best thing in the world?" He squeezed your hand, lovingly.
"I could get used to having one of these around," you murmured.
Hendery gasped. "Does this mean you’re ready to start trying?"
You bit your lip. “Babe…”
Hendery's brows shot up. "Not an immediate no... Does this mean what I think it means?"
You allowed yourself to smile. "Alright, what the hell. Let's do this!"
Butterflies soared through your tummy at the thought. You liked the feeling. It was like you were a kid on Halloween again.
Hendery jumped to his feet and started playing air guitar. You chuckled at your crazy boyfriend.
Hendery smirked. He pulled Jordan out of your arms and put her in the cot.
"Baby, I'm gonna get you so good and pregnant." He smirked and pulled you towards him.
Hendery kissed you, deep, eager. You could taste the cherry cola on his lips, you could feel his hand squeezing your ass. Heaven.
"Let's lock ourselves in the closet and bang this out, baby. We only need a couple minutes," Hendery murmured against your lips.
His lips touched your neck, making you shiver.
"Woah, slow down!" you said.
Hendery tried to kiss you again, but you kept him at arm’s length.  
He pouted.
"I’ve got to get my IUD taken out first," you said, laughing.
Hendery caught a curl of your hair between his fingers and twisted it, a gloomy look on his face. "Oh yeah."
You felt sorry for him and pressed a quick kiss to his lips.
An idea popped into your head. You smirked. You trailed your hand down his abs, toying with the buckle of his belt.
"Who says we can't have a trial run right now? You know what they say, practice makes perfect."
Hendery grinned. He pulled you into his arms, and you jumped and wrapped your legs around his waist. "I love you so fucking much." He smirked. “Does this mean I get to call you mommy?”
"Shut up, idiot," you said, nipping his jaw. "Now let's go make a baby."
Let us know what you thought in the comments or on anon! 💋
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jaehyunsbreadbasket · 2 years
WayV at Christmas Time🎄
-Spends all of November crafting a Christmas song of his own
-Forces everyone to play his song all season instead of the classics
-Making and decorating cute little cookies and leaving them for "Santa Claus" on Christmas Eve
-Bought everyone a gift months in advance and has successfully been hiding them
🎁Chittaphon (Ten):
-Buys matching Christmas pajamas for all his friends
-Buys a separate, smaller tree to put in the corner of his room to put gifts for his pets underneath
-Forces everyone to do Secret Santa
🎁Sicheng (Winwin):
-Tries and fails to make eggnog with Xiaojun
-Hates buying gifts because it's always a struggle trying to buy the right thing
-Tells everyone to just make him a list of things they want
🎁Dejun (Xiaojun):
-Builds a Lego winter wonderland; snowmen, Christmas trees, the whole 9 yards
-Dresses Bella up as an elf
-Listens to Christmas music 24/7. Will not allow himself to listen to ANY other genre
🎁Kunhang (Hendery):
-Busts out the holiday decorations the minute it becomes November 1st
-Wants to do Christmas karaoke every night
-Dresses up as Santa Claus and forces the guys to sit on his lap and tell them his wishes
-Then does a whole ass roleplay on Christmas night when he comes through the door with a big sack of presents (he couldn't fit in the chimney)
-Rigs the Secret Santa so he'll get the person with the most predictable taste to make it easier on himself
-Features on Kun's Christmas song with a rap he wrote himself about fucking Mrs. Claus
-Picks the most insane Christmas movies in the world that no one likes and makes everyone watch them despite their protests
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crdteezv · 6 months
Back 2 You - Hendery
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Paring: !childhood best friends/roommates to lovers to exes to lovers again! hendery x afab! reader
Genre:  college au in the beginning, non-idol au, HEAVY ANGST & smut 
Synopsis: You grew up with Hendery and have been best friends with him ever since you were little. But as you both got older, things started to become more complicated. After all that has happened, can you ever bring yourself to trust and forgive him…
Warnings: !fuckboy! hendery,  HEAVY TOXICIXY, cheating(he did it tho…), lots of arguing, heavy alcohol use (he is lowkey an alcoholic…), SLIGHT domestic violence (only happened once), the reader lowkey a perv in the beginning, dirty talk, teasing, kissing, fingering, choking (receiving), oral (giving/receiving), throat fucking, manhandling, use of sex toys, heavy degradation, rough sex, slight humiliation, edging, overstimulation, unprotected sex
Word Count: ~11k words (officially the longest I ever wrote I genuinely don't know how this happened...)
A/n: I hope you enjoy this because it's one of the first fics that's very story-driven. This one is not for the faint of heart so if any of the warnings trigger you, you shouldn’t read this fic! 
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Growing up, you used to be next-door neighbors with Hendery. Ever since you were little, you were really close with all his sisters. Both of your parents would have you guys hang out with each other all the time. You'd practically be at their house every weekend. He never had a brother, so he was always stuck playing alone with his action figures.
One day, you left his sisters for a little bit to go play with him, and since then, you've been closer to him, hanging out with him all the time, up until high school. People started assuming that the two of you were dating, which caused a lot of conflict in your friendship. He didn't care, and you weren't sure why it mattered so much to you. You knew that you just weren't ready to tell him you liked him. You started to develop feelings for him and didn’t want to come to terms with it. So, you distanced yourself, but Hendery, being Hendery, would constantly bother you and just wouldn’t leave you alone.
Eventually, you have gotten over everything in senior year and go back to being good friends again. The feelings you once had for him suddenly just went away.
That was until the two of you became roommates after high school.
You both used to joke about how you always wanted to live together when you were kids, but you actually made it happen. That summer after high school, you both worked hard and eventually rented an apartment together. No one in your family questioned it since they knew that your relationship was completely platonic and didn’t see each other in a romantic way at all.
Now, you were both juniors in college and were loving it, especially Hendery. Ever since you both started college, he would attract so many girls and was pretty much the life of any and all parties.
Parties weren’t really your scene, but you would go to them every once in a while. Every time you went out with him, it was like you would see a different side of him. When he is around you, he is always so calm, but when he goes out to party, he gets sloppy drunk and tries to hook up with every girl he sees. It was getting overwhelming for you having to always drag his ass back home and be the one to apologize for him after any messes he made. You practically became his caretaker always having to help him sober up after the party. So, you just stopped going to parties with him altogether. It just got worse as time went on; he would start coming home late at 4 or 5 am, and you knew that meant he was probably with some girl. Deep down, a part of you would get almost annoyed and irritated when he was out with someone this late.
Almost as if you felt jealous, maybe?
This was all put to the test when one night Hendery was getting ready to go on a date with a girl. He was asking you for advice on what to wear and how to act. You were just sitting idly by on the couch, reading a book. You heard him call out your name and walk into the living room. It seemed he had just hopped out of the shower because he had his towel wrapped around his waist. His hair was still wet, and you could see the water droplets slowly drip down onto his body. You even looked down for just a second and discovered that he had a new grown happy trail.
Why was he so attractive?
But him being shirtless didn’t make things feel awkward between the two of you because you guys were so close to each other; it didn’t even matter. Plus, whenever he was home, he was shirtless the majority of the time, so this didn’t faze him.
“Okay, so which shirt should I wear for the date? This pink one or the green one?”
He presented you with two different colors of dress shirts, and you pointed at the pink one since you thought that would suit him better. He smiled at you and walked back into his room, and you heard the door shut. You covered your face with your hands, trying to compose yourself. Tonight was a big night for Hendery because this would be his first serious date, and you felt bad for feeling this way about him. 
To be fair, you never really had much dating experience. You only dated one guy in high school, and it wasn't even a serious relationship. These days, you didn’t know why, but you couldn’t stop thinking about Hendery. Even when you pleasured yourself, sometimes he would come into your mind. You felt guilty perceiving him in such a perverted light. He was your best friend, and all you could think about was him fucking you.
It’s been 15 minutes, and he finally got out of his room, and you saw Hendery all dressed up in formal attire.
“Wow, you look fancy. Where do you plan on taking her?” You said enthusiastically.
“Oh, I’m taking her to a nice high-class restaurant that’s on the outskirts of town.”
In a sarcastic tone, you replied, “Oh, that's nice.”
He could clearly tell that you were upset with him for something. He knew you acted passive-aggressive when you were mad at him.
“Okay, tell me what is it now?” You gave him a confused look and didn’t understand what he was asking.
“Come on, it’s obvious I did something wrong this time. You only act like this when your mad at me.”
You rolled your eyes and said, "For the past month, you've been coming back home drunk and loud, making it impossible for me to sleep. I'm always the one who has to help you sober up, and it's just getting exhausting for me to clean up after you all the time."
“What? I don’t come home late every night—”
"Hendery, for the past three weeks, you've been coming home smelling like alcohol at 4 am. You're probably going to do the same thing again tonight—"
“Excuse me?” You could tell that he was starting to get annoyed, and you probably shouldn’t get on his bad side now. You got up off the couch and made your way over to him.
“Oh, you heard me the first time.”
“Okay, look, I think I seriously like this girl, and I wanted things to be different with her, and—”
“Let’s just be honest here, you don’t care about her, and you're just doing all this to get into her pants. You’re just going to have a couple of drinks with her and then come back home and expect me to pick up all the pieces for you—”
You walked closer to him, and you were face to face with him. You poked his shoulder to bother him and said in a serious tone, 
“The only thing that’s on your mind all the time is sex. You could never be in a serious relationship with anyone.”
The tension in the room was thick, and it fell silent for a second. This was the first time you had said something so harsh to him. You could feel that he was about to snap. He grabbed your hand and stopped you from poking him. The look in his eyes almost made your knees buckle out of fear.
"Take back what you said," he demanded, squeezing your hand even harder, the pain becoming increasingly unbearable for you.
“Hendery, stop it, you’re starting to hurt me—” You began to protest, but he continued to advance, causing you to retreat until you were backed against the couch with nowhere else to go.
“I won’t stop until you take back what you said,” he insisted, his grip tightening even further.
He had completely lost control now.
With some effort, you managed to free your hand from his grasp and push him away from you.
“What’s your problem? Were you actually trying to hurt me?” you exclaimed.
“No, but I don’t appreciate you basically calling me a whore and claiming that I can’t be serious with someone—” he shot back, his irritation evident.
“Because you literally CAN’T,” he continued, walking back towards you and crossing his arms, giving you an annoyed look.
“How do you know that I can’t actually be with somebody?” he challenged.
“Are you kidding me? Every other night, you come home late after fucking some random girl you met at a party. You brag to me all the time about the girls you sleep with, and I’m getting sick of it.”
“Oh, come on, sweetheart, you’re just jealous and you wish you were one of the girls that I fuck every night,” he taunted, his tone dripping with condescension.
Your rage began to boil over at the audacity of this man. Not only was he undermining your feelings on this situation, but he was also claiming that you were jealous. 
 You were at your breaking point.
“I know you did not just say that,” you retorted, your voice laced with disgust and attitude.
He looked at you with a cocky smirk, as if this whole situation was amusing to him. He drew closer until he was face to face with you, then knelt down and whispered in your ear, 
"You're just jealous, sweetie. You wish instead of me being out all the time, I was the one with you. Don't think I don't hear you moan my name sometimes when you're all pent up. These walls aren't as thick as you think they are."
Your body froze for a moment, unable to move a muscle. So all those times you were getting off, Hendery had heard every little thing. Little did you know, he would sometimes get off to the sound of your moans, but of course, he wouldn't tell you. You began to squeeze your thighs to alleviate the stress of the situation, but he beat you to it and placed his thighs in between yours. He lifted your chin with his hand, forcing you to look at him.
“Oh, don’t get all shy on me now, love. Just a second ago, you couldn’t stop bitching and complaining, and now you're completely silent—” His grip on your chin tightened,
 “How pathetic.”
It was as if his whole demeanor had shifted from before. Earlier, he was happy and ready to go out on his date, and now he was almost scaring you. 
You were in such a state of shock that you couldn’t bring yourself to say anything to him. It was as if he was a completely different person now, and you were terrified of him. He started to lower his hand from your chin down onto your throat, slowly choking you. As he watched tears start to pour down your face, he almost seemed to enjoy this.
You decided enough was enough and started to speak to him. “Stop it. You’re hurting me again—”
“Oh, you want to talk now?” he said in a playful manner.
You nodded your head, and he let go of your throat, leaving you coughing and gasping for air.
“Look, I don’t know what has gotten into you tonight, but I’m going to need you to apologize.”
“And what if I don’t?”
You looked at him with such anger and said, “Then I’m going to have to kick your ass out of here. I have no room to tolerate your bullshit anymore.”
He knew you were serious, and that he should just stop acting like this. But there was a part of him that liked seeing you in this state. He would always piss you off growing up, and some things just never change.
“Fine, I’ll back off… if you admit that you want me.”
Oh, he is just crazy.
Not only does he lack empathy for how hurt you may feel right now, he has to be so entitled even in a time like this.
“NO, I don’t want you and I don’t need you. Not now or ever.”
He just leaned back against the wall and gave you that same smirk from before. 
“Oh really? Then why do I always hear you moan my name? It seems to me that you want me—”
He approaches you again, but this time you tripped and fell back onto the couch and now you’re looking up at him. Before you can get up, he pins both of your hands down.
“And it seems that you need me now more than ever, don’t you, sweetheart?”
You felt yourself wanting to give in, and it was getting harder to control yourself. He has such a way with words, you were starting to forget why you were even arguing with him in the first place. He practically manipulated you, and you played right into his hands.
A part of you didn’t care.
“Fine, I will admit I might need you just a little bit—”
You were cut off by him as he leaned down to kiss you. You began to make out and started to feel the tension between you guys start to disappear. You both passionately make out, and he lets go of your wrists, and you wrap your arms around his neck. You felt connected in this moment and didn't want to let go of each other.
“Mhm, I’m glad you’re finally admitting it. I knew it was a matter of time before—”
You don’t let him finish talking; you push him off of you and switch positions, shoving him down on the couch. Now you’re on top, straddling him, and he was a little shocked by your sudden act of boldness.
“If this is going to work, I’m going to need you to be quiet for me—”
You slowly unzip his pants and take out his cock from his boxers.
“You talk too much.”
Something about you being so stern was making him even more aroused. He nods his head, and you begin to stroke him with your hand. You pump up and down his shaft, and he is grunting and moaning for you.
You decide to take a step further and lower your mouth onto him. He throws his head back from pleasure and loves feeling the warmth and wetness of your mouth. You begin to bob your head up and down as you see him loving every second of this. You even used both of your hands to stroke him at the base simultaneously.
 The moment is ruined when Hendery gets a phone call from the girl he was supposed to go on a date with. That doesn’t stop you, however, and you just keep on going as usual.
“F-fuck can you slow down-”
You were taken aback as he shoved you all the way down to the base of his cock, holding you in place to answer the phone call as if nothing was happening.
“Hey, I know this is last minute but—”
You somehow managed to start moving again, causing him to squirm and find it hard to speak coherently.
“Oh, I-I’m fine. I’m just a little h-held up with something, and I have to canc—”
You started moving faster, getting back into the rhythm from before, causing him to bite his lip and throw his head back. He was starting to lose his mind.
“F-fuck… I MEAN, I’m sorry, I have to cancel, and I’ll call you later, alright, bye.”
He hung up instantly and grabbed your head with both of his hands, and face fuck you. You began to gag as your throat closed up around him. You felt that he is starting to get close because his dick started to pulse and twitch in your mouth.
“Mhm, I can’t h-hold it in anymore—”
He instantly came, his release pouring into your mouth. Without wasting a drop, you swallowed it all. You felt dizzy after all that had just happened. You could’ve been caught, but you wanted to make Hendery suffer so much that it didn’t matter. You found yourself drifting as you tried to fall back onto the couch, but he switched positions, leaving you underneath him again, your face down and your ass up in the air.
“Oh, princess, we’re not done just yet. There’s still another hole of yours I want to fill.”
Goosebumps coursed throughout your body, and you were too stunned to say anything as you watched him start to take off the tie he had on and use it to tie up your wrists.
“Ah, this will be a nice handle for me to use to fuck you. Just how I could use these too—”
He gave your ass a hard smack and then roughly grabbed your waist with both of his hands.
“God, you look so pretty to me. I can already see a wet spot forming in your leggings, sweetie.”
He began to remove your leggings and panties, pushing them down to your ankles, leaving you with just one of your oversized shirts on, without a bra. Since you were at home, you didn't feel the need to wear one.
You felt Hendery start to slowly feel all over your body, groping your tits. He had lifted his hand under your shirt and began to give them a light squeeze. You let out a little whimper and started to squirm for him. He didn't like that and gave your ass another smack.
“Stay still for me, baby.”
“Mhm, I-I don’t know if I can—”
He started to twist your nipples and slowly kiss on the back of your neck. He knew exactly what he was doing and knew where all your sensitive spots were. You started to moan out for him, which just made him hard for you. He couldn’t take it anymore and stopped what he was doing altogether, positioning himself into you. You felt him rub the head all over your wet entrance, and then he shoved himself deep into you, eliciting a scream of pleasure out of you.
He began to penetrate with slow and deep strokes, gripping your tied-up wrists for support and balance. He felt that he could lose himself in you and he wanted to take things slow. But now that he felt you wrapped around him, it drove him crazy.
He didn’t know how long he could keep this up and started to lose control. You did too as you frantically started to fuck yourself roughly back onto him. You were lost in your own world and didn’t care about anything but Hendery right now. He let you do all the work for a second, even lifting his hands off you. He was enjoying the view of you being so desperate for him that you were almost using him to get off for your pleasure. This is just how you would masturbate to the thought of him on those late nights, and now you were fucking him.
But enough was enough, and he wanted to wrap all of this up.
He grabbed your wrist again and started to pound you into the couch at a rougher pace. You screamed out for him to slow down, but he was now ignoring you, using you now for his satisfaction. He was so consumed by all the lust that he didn’t care if you were satisfied or not. Then he remembered that you’re not some random girl that he would hook up with and that you mean more to him than that.
“Okay, love, I want you to come with me, alright? I don’t think I’m going to last very long here.”
He didn’t have to tell you twice. You both went at each other at a fast pace, and he finished inside you while you came alongside him. It was so much that he had to spray the rest all over your ass. Before you could say anything, you felt the couch start to shake a little, leading to it breaking.
“Oh no… did we just—”
“Oh, relax, sweetie. This couch was getting old anyway. We can just get a new one.”
You both laughed it off, and he laid you on top of his chest for a minute. Eventually, he got up and gave you a washcloth to clean you up. He even went to the fridge to get your favorite ice cream. You felt comforted to know that he does all this because he cares about you.
It made you wonder if he treats all the other girls like this.
“Hey, look, I want to say sorry for being such a jerk towards you tonight, and I wasn’t going to take her out—”
“Oh, well… if you put it that way, then yeah, I lied. But I only did this to test you. I knew if I confronted you about your feelings for me—”
“Wait, you did all this because you think I like you?”
He was a little taken aback by your question. Did he read the situation wrong this whole time?
“I-I mean, yeah. I see the way you always look at me ever since we were growing up. Especially in high school, you just couldn’t keep your pretty little eyes off of me, even when you distanced yourself from me.”
“Oh, that’s so not true—”
“Then why can’t you look me in the eye right now? You only do that when you lie or if you’re extremely nervous. It seems like you’re both of those things right now.”
God, you forget that at the end of the day, he is your best friend and he knows everything about you. He can read you like a book.
“OK FINE! I admit I always had a crush on you. It’s just I was afraid that it would just get in the way of our friendship. So in high school, I stopped hanging out with as much  to try to get over my feelings for you.”
He was still a little surprised by all the things you were saying. You were finally confessing your feelings for him, but he didn’t know that you felt this strongly for him. He couldn’t begin to understand why you felt this way about him out of all people.
“Now my feelings came back for you since we started being roommates. I thought I would be fine, but sometimes seeing you come out of the shower and even walk around in just some sweatpants really gets to me. I—”
He stopped your rambling love confession with a passionate kiss. It felt sincere and comforting all at the same time. He placed one of his hands on the side of your cheek and lightly caressed it with his thumb.
“Look, I fully understand how you feel about me, and I like you too. I know it’s hard to believe, but I was hoping that hooking up with other people would distract my feelings towards you, but it hasn’t been helping. I sometimes imagine the girl I’m with is you—”
“WHAT? You’re such a pervert, you know that?”
"Says the one who secretly watches and gets off to the thought of me," he retorted.
“You know what? Touche. I guess we’re both crazy about each other. I’m just glad to hear you like me too. I genuinely didn’t know you felt this way about me.”
“Yeah, I’ve always known. All my sisters would do is tease me about it. They always tell me just to tell you, but I was always scared you didn’t see me in that way.”
You gave him a kiss on the cheek and smiled back at him. “Of course, I see you in that way. But what about the girl you were supposed to go on a date with?”
“Oh, I actually was never going to go through with that date with her anyway. I planned on flaking on her since I assumed this was going to happen—”
“Wait, how did you know this was going to happen?”
“Oh, please. It was a matter of time before you fell for my amazing charm,” he said playfully.
You rolled your eyes and gave him a light punch on his arm. He acted like it hurt and said, “Ow, what was that for?”
“For being too cocky. Also, you're evil for using that girl to try and get to me—”
“Oh yeah? But that doesn’t matter because I belong to you now.”
You felt your heart skip a beat at that moment. He always knew what to say to make you feel overwhelmed.
“And now our first date can be at that restaurant you’ve always wanted to go to! We should go there next Friday!”
“Alright, it’s a date!”
You’ve been dating for almost a whole year now, and things have been going great. Both of you always go out on cute little dates, and he treats you well. At first, your relationship had a rocky start because you found it very hard to trust him. I mean, it’s only fair since he used to be a big player. But ever since he got with you, he has completely changed as a person. It was almost as if he had a soft spot when it comes you.
One day, you and him were assigned a group project with this other girl, Lia.
Now, you always thought something was off about her from the day you met her. The way she would act around Hendery really rubbed you the wrong way. She always laughed at something he said, even though it wasn’t funny. She would even find a way to touch him, whether it was playfully punching his arm or his thigh. You even brought it up with Hendery, and he just said that you were making a big deal about it.
“Look, babe, I think you’re overreacting a little bit. Me and her have always been friends ever since high school.”
“Um, I don’t know, I’m serious, Hendery, something is off with her. Whenever I would text her about the project, she would either not respond to me or respond days later.”
He was actively getting ready to go to his friend Yangyang's birthday party. Hendery doesn’t go to parties as much as he used to before, but since this was for his best friend, he had to make an appearance. He was putting his shoes on now and he was almost ready to go. You weren’t planning on going with him because you didn’t feel so good. He offered to stay with you, but you didn’t want to get in his way because he was looking forward to the party. He even planned most of it.
“Look, honey, I’m sure Lia doesn’t like me or anything. Last I heard, I think she’s talking to someone.”
That gave you some relief knowing that now. You almost felt bad for painting this evil picture of her. He could tell how anxious and worried you looked. He walked up to you and gave you a kiss on the forehead.
“Baby, if you're worried that much, I won’t even stay long at the party. I will go and make sure everything is ok and come back home, alright?”
You nodded, and he gave you a kiss goodbye as he walked out the door, leaving you alone in your shared apartment.
Fast forward, it was starting to get pretty late and Hendery hadn’t come home yet. But you didn’t let it bother you because a big fear of yours is that you didn’t want to seem too needy and clingy to him. You called him once, and he didn’t answer and left him a couple of text messages, but he hasn’t seen them. You just told yourself he was busy trying to make sure everything at the party was going well, and you didn’t want to be in the way of that. So you decided to go to sleep at this point because you were tired of waiting for him.
It’s 2 am now when you get a phone call, but it is from your best friend.
“OH MY GOD, you need to check what I texted you just now. It’s crazy, and I’m sorry this happened to you, but I had to be the one to tell you,” she exclaimed.
“Well, what is it-”
“Look, my phone is about to die and I can’t stay on the phone for long so just look at the photos I sent you alright?”
“Fine.” She instantly hung up and you went straight into your messages with her. 
What you saw that night completely changed you forever.
It was photos she took, and it was of Hendery and Lia being together.
He never mentioned that she was going to be at the party, and all the photos made you want to burst into tears. You could see that she was sitting in his lap, and he looked very happy to be with her. There was even one photo where he had his hands around her waist, and they were making out with each other. In the last photo she sent, it looked like Lia was leading him to a room upstairs, so you already knew what probably happened next.
Hendery just cheated on you.
Not only did he belittle your feelings on how you felt about her, but he made it seem like everything was ok when in reality he just wanted to get into her pants. It makes you begin to question whether all those late nights when he said he was at the "gym," he was actually with her instead. It makes sense why she would feel so comfortable touching him in the first place. All the pieces start to come together. No wonder she used to be so passive-aggressive with you all the time and so dismissive.
She was jealous of you and wanted Hendery for herself.
Before all of this happened, you and him started to become a little more distant. You would always ask him if it was something you did, but he would always reassure you that it wasn’t your fault. You began to blame yourself for all of this happening. If only you had encouraged him to stay home with you, none of this would have happened. Tears started to pour down your face, and you were continuously sobbing. You just couldn’t believe he would do something like this to you.
Here you thought that Hendery had changed.
So you decided to confront him about it when he came home. You went straight into the living room and sat there until he came back.
Some time passed, and now it’s almost 4 am. You had fallen asleep for a bit, but you were awakened by the front door being opened. He tried to shut it softly, almost as if he was trying to be sneaky. But you turned on the light and gave him an intense death glare.
You were furious.
Rightfully so. Your childhood best friend, now boyfriend, not only cheated but broke your trust. You could never trust him or look at him the same way ever again. He gave you a look of fear, almost as if he was afraid of you. You got up from the couch and started to walk towards him.
“So, what happened to you coming home early, huh? Do you realize what time it is right now?” You said in a serious tone.
“U-um yeah, Yangyang wanted me to stay longer, and I-”
“Are you serious? Hendery, if you’re going to lie to me, don’t use your friends as a cop-out.”
He gave you a confused look, and he couldn’t register what you were talking about.
“Hendery, I know you were with Lia tonight. I saw everything.”
The look on his face was almost priceless. You had never seen him look so worried and scared for his life.
“I don’t know what-”
"CAN YOU JUST STOP LYING? I gave you a chance to be honest with me, and now you want to lie to me not once but twice. God, you're such an asshole.”
“Oh, I’m the asshole? You wait for me to come home this late to make lies and assumptions about Lia after I told you-”
You cut right to the chase and showed him all the pictures on your phone.
He immediately wanted to fall to his knees at this moment. He has now been caught, and there are no excuses for what he has done to you.
He tried reaching out to grab your phone and said, “Hey, where did you get those-”
You swiped your phone and backed away from him. When he was approaching you, you caught a whiff of alcohol coming off of him.
He was clearly very intoxicated right now.
He hasn’t been this drunk since last year when he would come home late after parties. He was clearly unstable right now because he could barely stand. You almost started to feel a little worried for him.
“Was I not enough for you, Hendery? What did she have that I didn’t?”
He gave you a dazed look because he genuinely didn’t know how to respond to this. Even he couldn't understand why he did all of this in the first place. Ever since he has been in a relationship with you, he hasn't been to any parties and didn’t have that much fun. That’s why he originally planned this one for Yangyang. But he didn’t even know that Lia was going to show up. One thing led to another, he just kept on having drinks with her, and he couldn’t stop it.
 Just for one night, he didn’t even think about you.
“Look babe, I don’t know why I did it, okay? I will be honest with you, I used to have feelings for her a long time ago, and I was even going to take her out last year and-”
“Wait a minute, the night that I confessed to you, you were supposed to go on a date with her? Why didn’t you tell me this?”
“Well, I thought I was completely over her, so I didn’t feel the need to tell you-”
“Oh, you’re such a jerk. You lied to me and told me I was overreacting and that it was just all in my head. You made me feel stupid, and you said she was talking to someone else. Was that all a lie too?”
“Technically no because she lied to me too.”
“And you think that’s supposed to just make things better? You’re such a terrible person; I don’t even know who you are anymore.”
“It’s not like you’re any better anyways.”
He hit a nerve with you. You knew that because he was drunk, he was probably saying things he didn't mean, but you couldn't stay calm anymore.
“Excuse me?”
“Oh, you heard me, sweetie. You’re just as bad as me. All you ever do in this relationship is control me and don’t let me be free. You stopped me from going out to parties as much, and I barely go out as much because of it.”
“Are you actually stupid? I didn’t say you couldn’t go; I just didn’t trust you because I knew some shit like this was going to happen. You’re starting to really piss me off now.”
“Then how about you just shut up then-”
You gave him a hard slap on his face. He had finally crossed the line. He was clearly upset about what you did, and he pushed you against the wall, causing one of the photos to fall against your arm and onto the floor. It scratched your arm a bit, and it was evident it was going to leave a mark.
“WHAT THE HELL IS YOUR PROBLEM?” you yelled at him in anger.
He pinned you against the wall and looked down at you with frustration. You had never seen him this mad at you before. He had never been this violent towards you, and you were starting to feel scared of him.
He just started crying out of nowhere and tried to caress your face with his hands. “Baby, I’m so sorry and didn’t mean to hurt-”
“Get out now.”
He looked shocked and almost surprised by your response.
“If your ass is not out of here by the morning, I’m calling the police. I don’t want to see you ever again. Do you understand me?”
He instantly regretted all the things he had done to you. He knew you were serious because you had never spoken to him like this before.
"Me and you are done, Hendery."
You push him off of you and go straight into your bedroom, throwing all of his clothes and stuff out into the living room. He keeps begging and pleading for you to stop, but you ignore him; you have made up your mind at this point.
“Babe, please, I’m sorry. I clearly drank too much, and I shouldn’t have laid my hands on you. I promise we can fix this, and I'll do better-”
“NO, WE CAN’T. What don’t you understand when I say get out now? We’re done, and frankly, I just want you out of here immediately.”
“B-But where am I going to sleep tonight?”
“Oh, I don’t know. You should’ve thought of that before you went out and cheated on me. Here's all of your stuff; get out of here now.”
“I live here too, you know-”
“Well, not anymore.”
He starts to accept this outcome. He knows that nothing he could say or do could change your mind. He starts to make his way over to the front door and gives you a look of guilt. He really messed up this time; he was not only losing his girlfriend but his best friend.
“Oh, I know it’s too late to say this, but happy one-year anniversary.”
Holy shit.
You lost track of the time, and you realize that today was indeed your one-year anniversary with him. The fact that all this had to happen on the day of your anniversary makes everything even more painful. He closes the door behind him, and you never see Hendery ever again.
Seven years had passed, and you had established yourself in your career. You got a job offer that brought you back to your hometown. Three months into this new job, you had become close with your coworkers, who invited you out for drinks to celebrate. Excited for a night out, you dressed in your favorite outfit and headed to the bar, catching an Uber to meet your colleagues.
Little did you know, Hendery happened to be at the same place too. At first, he didn't notice you until Yangyang pointed you out.
"Hey, isn't that-"
"Yeah, it is her. I haven't seen her since we broke up. She looks so different now."
"Dude, I know. You were stupid for cheating on her in the first place."
“Tell me something I don’t already know. We probably would have still been together now if I wasn’t such an idiot."
As time passed, he began to miss you and being in a relationship with you. He longed for your company and missed all the time you had shared. Every day, he regretted hurting you and wished he could’ve fixed the relationship.
“Well, I don’t think it’s too late to properly apologize. Besides, that was years ago, I’m sure she is probably over it by now.”
“Oh, I know for a fact she is not. I really broke her heart, and she is not just going to move on from that.”
You were not over it. You still get triggered when you think of him. Even now, you don’t want to forgive him at all.
But another part of you still missed him.
You often imagined how life would have been if he never cheated. You envisioned feeling happy and fulfilled being with him. But he made his choice, and it was to not be with you.
“I wish I could just-”
He stopped as he noticed you laughing with one of your male coworkers. You were sitting pretty close to him and looked like you were really intoxicated. You were pretty much a lightweight and tended to get pretty “friendly” when drunk.
Hendery felt a little jealous seeing you with someone else. But he knew you guys haven’t been with each other in a very long time, so of course you would move on from him. It still hurts to see you with someone else.
“Dude, you're staring way too hard at her,” Yangyang said.
“No, I’m not,” Hendery replied as he looked away from you.
“You’re jealous, aren’t you?”
"So much," Hendery replied with a sigh.
“Listen, I say you go talk to her and try to work things out. Even if she doesn’t forgive you, give her a better apology than before.”
He was right.
The night you and Hendery broke up, he was too intoxicated to even give you a proper apology.
“You know what? You’re right. I’m going to talk to her right now-”
“Woah, do you really think it’s a good idea? She looks pretty occupied now, and maybe you should talk to her after-”
“No, it has to be now. What if I don’t get an opportunity like this again? This is my sign to do it now.”
Yangyang nodded his head as he watched how Hendery made his way over to your table.
As he approached you, your whole demeanor started to change. You went from being carefree and happy to anxious and irritated.
“Unbelievable. I thought I never had to see your face again,” you said in a harsh but serious tone.
All your coworkers at the table noticed the shift in your behavior. They had never seen you so angry before.
“Look, I don’t want to take too much of your time, but can I-”
“Can you what? Make a fool out of me for the 2nd time now? Not in front of my friends. I would appreciate it if you leave now.”
Things started to get uncomfortable not only for you but also for your coworkers.
“It will just take like 5 minutes. Can we please just talk-”
“What is there to talk about? Just leave me alone. You’re pissing me off even more than before."
The guy sitting next to you noticed how your body was starting to shake a little. He didn’t know why the two of you broke up, but he saw that he was making you feel uncomfortable. So, he decided to do something about it. He sat up and placed a hand on Hendery's shoulder.
“Hey man, just back off, alright? She clearly doesn’t want anything to do with you. So I suggest you—"
Before things escalated, Yangyang intervened to break up the altercation between your coworker and Hendery before things got messier.
"Sorry to interrupt, guys, but let's just step away for a moment," Yangyang said, attempting to defuse the situation.
"Wait," you exclaimed.
Everyone at the table turned their attention to you, curious to hear what you had to say.
"Um, that won’t be necessary, Yangyang. I'll hear Hendery out and see what he has to say," you announced.
Your coworkers were shocked by your decision, and the one who had tried to defend you earlier asked if you were sure about it. You nodded in response.
Yangyang stepped away, and you followed Hendery to a table in the back where your conversation wouldn't be overheard.
Hendery stared at you, struggling to find the right words. You were just as beautiful and intimidating as ever. 
“Uh, are you going to say anything to me or just keep on being a creep?” you asked.
He let out a soft chuckle and said, “Nah, it's just you're still so pretty, and you look so different now.”
“Yeah, it's because I've been happier since we broke up.”
“Ouch, okay, I deserve that. Look, what I did to you was so wrong, and I don’t know how I can make it up to you. I'm seriously sorry for—”
“Oh, don’t act like you care now. You know, after we broke up, a small part of me was waiting for you to come back to try and make things right, and I hated myself for feeling that way. To have given you the benefit of the doubt, but you know what you did instead?” 
He looked worried about what you were going to say next.
“You decided to go back to your old ways and sleep with every girl you see, and you didn’t even try to text or call to give me a proper apology. It’s almost as if you wanted to find a reason to break up with me so you could go back to being a whore again.”
Hendery was a little hurt and taken aback by what you said. He knew you were a little buzzed and tended to speak bluntly because of it.
He hated that you were right about everything.
“Okay, you’re right. I was being childish, and you have every right to hate my guts right now. But that's why I want to make things right between us—”
“Make things right? Are you serious? You made me feel stupid all these years, I thought that I did something wrong and I wasn't enough for you. You made it seem like I was the problem.”
“Listen, I know none of this is okay, and you don’t have to forgive me. I just want you to hear me say that I’m sorry.”
You started to get up and said, “Well, you should’ve told me that seven years ago.”
He stopped you from walking away, grabbed your wrist, and said, “Look, I shouldn’t have cheated on you, and I should’ve just communicated how I was feeling about you. Instead, I was too much of a coward to say anything. I am a different person now.”
You rolled your eyes, as if you were going to believe anything he said. He was just saying this so he could find his way back into your life.
“Yeah, right? You've changed?”
You sat back down in your chair and crossed your arms at him.
“Actually, I have. I stopped drinking so much that I only do it on occasion now. I even went to therapy, and it really helped me out a lot. Probably the best thing I could’ve done for myself.”
He said this with such conviction, and it seemed genuine. He maintained eye contact with you, and that’s how you know he was telling the truth. Whenever he lied, he could never look at you in the eye.
You were starting to believe him.
Maybe you were being too harsh on him. It had been over seven years since you last saw each other, and people can change in that amount of time.
Even someone like Hendery.
You finally started to come around and cracked a little smile.
“Fine, I guess you have changed. The old you wouldn't have tried this hard to apologize to me.”
He was shocked when you initially turned around and decided to forgive him after all this time.
"So, do you forgive me?" he asked.
You were a little hesitant at first but decided to nod your head yes. He let out a sigh of relief as if a weight was being lifted off his chest.
“I forgive you, but it will take some time for me to accept you back into my life. I mean, we were really good friends, and you messed up our friendship as well.”
“I know, and I want to apologize for that too. My sisters would come after me for being such an idiot.”
“Oh yeah, how are your sisters? I haven’t talked to them in so long since I moved away.”
“They’re good! They always hoped that we would someday be good friends again!”
You guys began to catch up more, and it was starting to get pretty late. Your coworkers approached you and asked if you were coming with them, and you said you were going to stay back and talk with Hendery some more. As time went on, Yangyang had left too because he didn't want to interrupt what was going on between you two.
It was now midnight, and you had no ride home.
“Hey, I have no problem taking you home. Unless you’re not comfortable with that—”
“No, I don't mind. I don’t live too far away, so you can drop me off.”
He nodded, and you got into his car and sat in the passenger seat. You guided him on how to get there. Suddenly, it started to rain really hard, and it was getting harder for him to maneuver his way around. Eventually, you arrived at your place. You offered him to come inside, just until the rain started to dial down. He agreed, and you both ran inside into your apartment building. You made it into your room and put all your stuff down.
You were so focused on getting inside that you didn’t realize how Hendery's clothes were drenched in the rain, and his hair was wet. His wet clothes were clinging to his figure, making you see the outline of his body. He pushed his long hair back to stop it from covering his face.
Why were you still so attracted to him?
“Hey, your clothes are very wet. I can put them in the dryer for you.”
"Aw, thanks, I appreciate it."
He starts to take off his shirt, but you stop him.
"Whoa, you don’t have to do that in front of me. Just go to the laundry room, and I'll find you a t-shirt or something."
"Oh, please, don’t act like you've never seen my body before. It's just like when we were roommates, right?"
"Yeah, but it’s different now... just go put your clothes away."
He agreed and put his clothes in the dryer. You gave him one of your baggy shirts to wear while he waited. You sat on the couch and got comfortable, keeping a normal distance from each other. You talked more about life and what you've both been up to since being apart.
"So, whatever happened to Lia? How long did that last?" You said playfully, knowing their relationship was bound to end.
"We didn’t even last a week."
You started laughing hard, and he chuckled a bit too. You both knew he never actually liked her and just jumped at the first opportunity he had.
"Of course, it didn’t. What happened with that?"
"So, apparently, I was too 'boring' for her, and she wanted to be with someone more fun."
"That’s so stupid. God, I really never liked her. Still don’t know how you tolerated her."
It was crazy how you both went right back to the way things were. It felt purely platonic between the two of you, and you could freely talk about anything. It didn’t feel weird or awkward at all. You both were mature about the situation.
"So, what about you? I'm sure you dated some guys after we broke up."
"Surprisingly, not really. I had to heal and work on myself afterward. I didn’t meet anyone until after I graduated. I tried hookups, but they didn’t really help. So, I waited to be in a relationship with someone, and I did."
Hendery was very curious about what you meant by that.
"So, what happened with him?"
“So, the relationship ended a couple of months ago, and it was pretty off and on. We just weren't going to work out since I had to move back here. We didn’t want to do long distance, so we just broke up.”
You were so deep into the conversation that you didn’t notice how close Hendery sat next to you. He was only a knee's length away. He patted your shoulder and said, “Dang, I’m sorry to hear that.”
“Ah, it’s alright. It was completely mutual, and yeah, it still hurts me a little. That’s why I went out with my coworkers to drink tonight, to try and ease the pain.”
“Wait, really? Now I feel even worse. I ruined your night out by dumping myself back into your life—”
You grabbed onto his arm and said, “Oh no, you didn’t ruin anything. Actually, a part of me is glad you did that. I missed having my best friend in my life.”
He smiled and got up from the couch, walking around your place a little bit. He looked at all the pictures on your wall and noticed the cracked photo frame that he broke the night of your breakup. It was a photo of you and him when you were kids.
“Whoa, you still have this? I can’t believe I hurt you that night. I really shouldn’t have done that.”
You got up and made your way over to him, replying, “Yeah, it’s fine. Plus, I struggle to let go of things, so I've kept it ever since. Also, look, the scar is still there too.”
You lifted up your sleeves and showed your arm to him. He had a guilty look on his face, and all this just made him feel even worse. He still couldn’t believe that he put his hands on you. Even though the scar was just a little scratch, he still felt terrible. He looked over to another photo, and it seemed to be a photo of you and your ex. He picked it up and said, “I’m assuming this was him?”
“Yeah, I tell myself I will get rid of it, but I just can’t bring myself to do it, you know?”
Hendery knew exactly what you were talking about. He still had photos of the two of you when you were dating. He looked back on them every now and then to reminisce on all the good memories you had together. He knew that you were in a vulnerable state in your life right now. You broke up with your boyfriend a long time ago, and you’re still trying to cope with it.
But, he couldn’t stop thinking about how much he wanted you right now.
He feels terrible, but he can’t help it. You were wearing an off-the-shoulder baggy shirt with some shorts. He just couldn’t keep his eyes off of you. He felt like such a creep for having such lewd thoughts about you, and he didn’t know how long he could take it anymore.
"So, where's your room?"
"Nice try, but that's not going to work on me."
"What are you talking about? You're the one making it weird. I just asked a simple question."
Maybe he was right. You had been in your head a lot recently, and you tended to overanalyze things. He just wanted you to give him a little tour of your new place. You led him into your room. He saw that you kept it very simple, and instead of having lights on, you had candles lighting up your room. You both decided to chill there and play some music. Then, you started to talk more about life and didn’t even realize you were both lying side by side with each other on the bed. He then noticed a mysterious box you had next to your bedside table.
"Hey, what’s in that box next to you?"
You began to panic and forgot to put it away in your drawers. You couldn’t think of an excuse off the top of your head, and you said, “Oh, it’s nothing, you just reminded me to put it away-”
"Okay, now I know you’re lying to me because you always stumble on your words when you do that. Let me see it."
He tried to reach over you to get it, but you stopped and started to play fight with him. You were trying to push him back enough so you could secretly hide it somewhere when he wasn’t looking. You don’t know how this happened, but he is now on top of you and pinned your hands above your head with one of his hands. You were squirming under him and started to laugh at your struggle.
"Let go of me now."
"Aww, but where's the fun in that? Let’s see what you’re hiding in here."
He grabbed the box and opened it, and to his surprise, he saw what you were trying to hide so desperately.
All of your sex toys.
When you were together, you never really had any, probably just one or two. But this box was filled with so many things, he couldn’t believe what he was seeing.
"Wow, I didn’t know you liked all of this."
You started to become embarrassed by this situation, and the position you were in wasn’t making it any better.
“L-look, it’s not what y-you think. I-”
“Oh, don’t try and explain yourself now, sweetie. I knew secretly you were probably into a lot of things.”
He knelt down to your ear and whispered, “But I couldn’t ever imagine you being this much of a slut.”
Shivers ran down your spine as you felt your body go limp. It’s been forever since he talked to you like this before. It was as if his whole demeanor had changed, and he was starting to get serious.
“Well, people change, you know? I’m not the same person you used to be,” you said in a flirtatious manner.
He felt himself start to become hard for you. The way you looked so fragile and weak under him, with you pinned down with one of his hands, was really doing something to him.
He couldn’t hold himself back anymore.
“Oh, really now? I want to see this new version of you, so let me just-”
You had some handcuffs in the box, and he decided to cuff you to the headboard of the bed.
“U-um, what are you doing? I don’t think we should-”
“Come on, baby, don’t act like you don’t miss this. I mean, look at you down there?”
He took off your shorts, and he saw a wet spot formed in your panties. You were too embarrassed to say anything.
“Mhm, don’t act all shy now. This is only just the beginning. Let’s try using this on you-”
He lowered your underwear down past your ankles, and now you’re left in nothing but your t-shirt. He grabbed one of your vibrators and started to use it on you. You let out a loud moan from the sudden sensation you were feeling on your clit.
“P-please, slow it d-down-”
He brought it a level higher than before and started to laugh at you. He enjoyed seeing you trying to keep it together.
“God, you look so pathetic right now, and it’s actually kind of cute.”
You started to tense up a bit from his words. He started to spice things up by shoving one of his fingers into your aching pussy. You let out a loud scream and quickly covered your mouth with his other hand.
“Shh, baby, you don’t want your neighbors to find out what’s going on here. I need you to be good for me and try to keep your voice down,” he said in such a calming tone that it was starting to put you at ease. But you spoke too soon, and he added a second finger into your cunt. He was thrusting into you at a rough and hard pace. Tears started to form in your eyes as you bit your lips to hold back your moans.
“F-fuck, if you k-keep this up I’m going to-”
“I know, so why don’t you cum for me, okay?”
You nodded his head as he set your vibrator to the highest setting and continued fingering you at a rougher pace. When you came, he removed the toy and his fingers, then used his mouth to clean everything up. This took you a little off guard, but you felt satisfied.
You couldn’t believe this was happening right now.
He took off your handcuffs, and you felt like you were going to pass out. But Hendery took off his shirt and lowered his sweatpants down to his knees. You could see his hard-on protruding through his boxers, clearly aroused by you.
“Oh, we are not done yet, sweetheart. I’m not fully satisfied yet, and I can’t hold back anymore.”
He took off your shirt, and your chest was exposed to him. You felt the cold air on you, and that made your nipples start to perk up.
“You look so pretty, how can I ever resist you?”
He grabbed both of your legs and placed them over his shoulders, shoving his cock into you. Your eyes rolled to the back of your head, and you let out a loud moan. He wasn’t slowing down either. He was desperate for you, pounding into you with a rough and hard pace. He lowered his head to your chest and started to kiss all over your tits. He couldn’t help himself, and he had been wanting to do this to you all night. He started sucking on one of them while groping and squeezing the other with his hand. Then, he switched and repeated the same actions on the other boob. You were practically seeing stars at this point and didn’t know how long you could last.
“P-please, I-I don’t know if I can-”
“Yes, you can. You've done it before in my mouth, and now I want you to cum all over my cock.”
He was being so blunt, and he knew exactly what he wanted from you. He began thrusting aggressively into you and wrapped his hand around your neck. He felt you tighten up when he started to choke you, and he took note of that.
“Aww, you like this, don’t you, baby? You’re so needy for me, it’s adorable.”
There he goes again, making you feel all flustered for him. It was starting to become humiliating for you.
“Ah, shit, I’m going to cum soon. Do it at the same time with me, please,” Hendery exclaimed.
You nodded your head, and he went faster than before. The headboard of your bed was aggressively hitting the back of your wall. You knew for a fact that your neighbors were hearing all of this right now. But you didn’t care. You were lost in your own world with him, and nothing else mattered to you right now. You both started to be loud for each other and you eventually both finished at the same time. He was bottoming out inside of you and didn’t stop until he was satisfied.
You both fell back, side by side. Looking up at the ceiling, you started to question if this was really happening. Secretly, you both had thought about this before. Hendery turned to face you and said,
“Hey, I wanted to say I’m sorry for putting the moves on you this fast. I mean, you're still recovering from a breakup and-”
You stopped him from talking by kissing him. He was a little startled by this, but he wrapped his arm behind your waist and brought you closer to him.
“You don’t need to apologize for anything. Tonight was amazing, and it was the first time in a very long time I had someone make me feel this good.”
“So what about your ex?”
“Well, he was… interesting to say the least.”
“He didn’t make you cum sometimes, huh?”
You punched his arm playfully and began to laugh. “Yeah, he wouldn’t, and sometimes it was so bad I had to imagine it was -”
Shit, why did you have to say that? You were practically delirious because not only were you still trying to process what just happened, but it was 3 am, and you said anything that came to mind since you were very tired.
“Wait, what?”
“Uh, nothing…”
He grabbed your chin and had that condescending look on his face. “Come on, honey, tell me what you were going to say.”
You felt flustered again and said, “Fine, I sometimes would think about you so I could finish afterward.”
“Oh wow, to be honest, I would sometimes think about you too.”
You playfully slapped his arm and said, “Pervert.”
“Says the one who used to secretly watch me all the time.”
You both laughed it off and cuddled for the rest of the night. You wondered what happens next from here. You both still have feelings for each other and didn’t want to walk away from this.
“So, how do you want to take things from here?” You said.
“Well, I don’t want you to feel pressured to do anything. If you just want this to be it, I’m completely okay with that.”
“No, I missed what we had, and I don’t want this to be the end.”
“So, what are you saying?”
You sat up from the bed, and he did the same as well. You crossed your legs and faced him in his direction. You grabbed his hands and looked at him, saying, “I want us to get back together.”
Hendery had a worried look on his face.
“Are you sure about this? I really hurt you last time, and I don’t want to cause you any more pain.”
“I’m completely sure now, and I know you've changed since the last time we saw each other.”
He nodded his head and gave you a kiss on the lips. He spent the night at your place, and from that point on, you took things slow. You were both just happy that in the end, you found each other again…
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winwintea · 6 months
Blame it on my Disney Wish! WayV Series (hiatus)
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PAIRING ▸ wayv x fem!reader 
GENRES ▸ romance, fluff, crack, angst, acquaintances to lovers, disney park au, college au
WARNINGS ▸ profanity, sexual jokes, alcohol consumption, chenle gets bullied a lot, kun also gets bullied a lot, everyone gets bullied a lot, 
SUMMARY ▸ kun takes the boys to disney world, funded by his sugar daddy chenle. however none of them were prepared for you to tag along, more or less even be affected by that cliche disney magic. but hey, maybe dreams really do come true? 
TAG LIST ▸ at the bottom (send me an ask here if you’d like to be added! + those tagged will be in the tag list of all chapters of this series!)
AUTHOR’S NOTE ▸ welcome to my first ever fic? this is a “choose your own route” kind of series, so no need to read in order! i’ll be updating one chapter at a time, finishing off all chapter 1’s before i move onto the chapter 2’s. this originally started off as a crack fic idea that turned into a romance. thank u for taking the time to indulge in my silly fic. i’m very into disney parks so this was very fun to write. PLEASE ALSO READ THE PROLOGUE BEFORE READING THE CHAPTERS!
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01. lover’s quarrel 
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01. walking is for losers
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01. never beating the ‘fainting princess’ allegations
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01. please stop lore dumping
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01. 2 idiots 1 braincell
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01. google search: wikihow to look cool in front of a girl with pictures
50 notes · View notes
mymoodwriting · 2 years
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Request for Anon (Yandere King Hendery) 4.8k, yandere, near-death experience, poison, drowning, angst
“Are you alright, my love?”
“As if you care.”
    One minute you were in the library reading peacefully, when suddenly you began to feel ill. You stood up to call for help, and that’s when everything went dark. Now you were regaining your senses, finding yourself lying in bed, Hendery at your side, holding your hand. Once you were properly conscious you pulled away from him, trying to sit up.
“What happened?”
“You tell me, my love. Don’t try to get up.” Hendery said. “You’re still recovering.”
“From what?”
“I’m not sure. There hasn’t been word yet from the physician, but do tell me, what happened?”
“I don’t know. I was fine, and then I wasn’t.”
“One of your ladies found you collapsed on the floor, seizing up a bit.”
“I don’t remember any of that.”
“My love, you are burning up with a fever.” Hendery forced you to lay back down. “You need to rest.”
“No, I need-”
“Your majesty.”
    The royal physician entered your chambers, along with your lady, Misu. She came over to your bed side, checking you over as the physician spoke.
“My examination shows that her majesty was poisoned. Something in the food perhaps-”
“Poison! Who would dare harm my queen?”
“I do not have those answers. All I’ve discovered is that the poisoning is possibly a result of two ingredients mixing together in the food. This could be a coinci-”
“Perhaps. I need to know exactly what type of poison this is.”
“Given that her majesty did not finish her meal, the effects were minimal. She’ll make a full recovery.”
“Very well, continue looking into this and report to me any new discoveries.”
“Yes, your majesty.”
    At that time the royal physician took their leave, although you were still processing. You couldn’t believe someone had actually tried to kill you, after everything you’ve been through.
“Leave.” Hendery stated. “Now.”
    Misu only hesitated for a moment before quickly removing herself from the room. You were lost in your own thoughts until you felt Hendery reaching for your hand. You pulled away and glared at him.
“I never thought you’d resort to such methods.”
“Funny, I was about to say the same thing to you.”
“Is that so?” Hendery chuckled. “You can’t escape me that easily, my love.”
“Excuse me? Do you think I tried to kill myself?”
“It wouldn’t be the first time you’ve tried to leave me. Perhaps you thought to try a more permanent method.”
“As if I would leave you my kingdom.”
“And how many times have you tried running from it now?”
“Seven, and I wasn’t running away from my kingdom. I was trying to gain my freedom so I could come up with a proper plan to get rid of you!”
“And you expect me to believe that? To me it just seems like you miscalculated something.” Hendery smiled. “Lucky me.”
“I did not try to kill myself! Someone just tried to kill me! Shouldn’t you be actually concerned here?”
“My love, as if anyone would dare to do such a thing. You are beloved by your people and me, no one holds a grudge against you.”
“Don’t you?”
“The two of us have what you would call, tough love.”
“Loveless is a more accurate term.”
“Regardless, it seems I must be keeping a closer eye on you.”
“Once you’re feeling better you shall be moved to my chambers. It’s best you stay close to me so I can make sure you don’t hurt yourself.”
“Someone tried to kill me! You should be investigating!”
“You want me to frame someone for your crimes? No, no, no, none of that.” Hendery took your hand. “We’ll just say you had an allergic reaction and move on.”
“I did not try to kill myself! And I’ll prove it.”
“Very well, if that’s what you wish to entertain yourself with as you recover, but it doesn’t change my mind.”
    Hendery called for Misu, telling her to bring you some medication so you could get some rest. Once she returned he excused himself. Misu made sure you took your medicine and helped you get comfortable. You slowly drifted off, even if you were worried about someone making a move again, you were certain Hendery would at least do well to keep an eye on you. When you woke up later you saw that the sun was still out.
“Your majesty, how are you feeling?”
“Uh… the same… has there been an update?”
“Not yet. Although his majesty requested you be moved to his chambers once you woke if your situation had not worsened. There are guards here to escort you.”
“Of course… he’s persistent.”
    You needed help getting out of bed, but you managed to stand. There was no way you were going to walk, so Misu helped you, another one of your ladies helping you as well. It was annoying and not helpful to be moving rooms, but you didn’t need Hendery throwing a fit. You settled into his bed, remembering the time when you slept here willingly. Although you didn’t want to think about that, you had other things to worry about.
“Misu, I need you to do something for me.”
“Yes, your majesty, what can I do for you?”
“I need a list of all the kitchen staff, along with their duties and years of experience.”
“The entire kitchen staff? That’s going to be a long list.”
“I know.”
“Very well then, I shall gather that information for you as quickly as I can.”
“Thank you.”
    Even if your recovery was important, you needed to find out who tried to kill you. They had failed in their attempts, so they could try again, and most of all you knew Hendery’s words were true. You couldn’t see your kingdom hating you, as far as you knew no one had a problem with you, which made this all the more concerning. You stayed in bed, thinking things over when the smell of food interrupted your thoughts.
“Feeling better, my love?” Hendery entered with some servants. “You need to eat to recover your strength so I thought I’d join you.”
    You had help sitting up, a tray was placed on the bed so the food would be easily accessible to you. Hendery watched you for a moment, not speaking until you two were alone.
“Are you not hungry?”
“Someone tried to kill me, they poisoned my food. Why would I-”
“On this again, are we?”
“I’m not lying.”
“I don’t believe you.”
“Clearly, it’s starting to make me think you tried to kill me.”
“Why would I ever do that?”
“Because you got what you wanted, no reason to keep me around.”
“I went through a lot of trouble to get you, my love. All I wanted was you, the kingdom was a bonus.” Hendery offered you a smile. “It was very fortunate your father accepted me as I am. I feared he wouldn’t as I had nothing to offer, but my love. I suppose that’s what won him over in the end.”
“How unfortunate for him, and me.”
“My love, I know you don’t hate me. We would not be here if that was the case.”
“I’m here because of your lies.”
“I’ve never lied to you. My feelings remain the same even if you blame me for your parents death.”
“I know you killed them, and you’re trying to get rid of me too.”
“My love.” Hendery got up, a smile still present on his lips as he grabbed your face, looking down on you. “As much as you wish to blame me for the tragedies of your life, you have no proof I did anything. I love you even if your heart is confused at the moment. You’ll come back to me on your own, one way or another, so don’t look at me with hateful eyes. I would never make an attempt on your life, so get that idea out of your head.”
    Hendery placed a kiss on your head, letting you go. He took a bite of your food and sat back down at your bedside.
“See, the food is fine. Eat.”
You were still weary, but also hungry at this point. Although before you made an attempt, Misu returned.
“Your majesty I have-” She quickly stopped, realizing you weren’t alone. “Apologies, your majesty, I didn’t realize-”
“What do you have there?”
Hendery held his hand out and Misu handed over the list of kitchen staff. He looked it over with a chuckle.
“You’re really going to look into this?”
“You said I could while I recover, or in your words, entertain myself.”
“I see, but you do realize this is pointless.”
“We eat the same things everyday, my love. Even if we aren’t together. The food we have is cooked in the same pots and pans. If the food has been poisoned in the process of being made, then I would have been affected too. I’m fine so-”
“It was a targeted attack… which means someone added something to the food after it was prepared.”
“Like yourself.”
“Or the poison was meant for you and it was added to the wrong plate.”
“Are you starting to believe me?”
“I’m not sure… Misu, come here.”
“Huh? Me?”
    Misu stepped closer to Hendery, flustered and shy. He held his hand out and she eventually understood to give him her arm. She did so and he pulled her close, checking her pulse.
“Look at me and tell me, did my queen ask you to do anything bad?”
“You can’t be-”
“I’m not speaking to you right now, my love.” Hendery grabbed Misu’s chin and had her meet his eyes. “Did you do anything bad?”
“Nu… no, your majesty.”
“My queen didn’t ask you to do anything vile?”
“No, nothing like that.”
“I see. You may go.”
“Yes, your majesty.”
    Misu hurried out of the room, and you made a note to check on her later. You were certainly annoyed now.
“That was unnecessary. Did you even get your answer?”
“I’m not certain… regardless, the royal physician informed me they could not identify the poison as your food has already been disposed of.”
“Are on your own for this. I don’t believe anyone would try to hurt you, or me, but if you’re going to blame anyone you better have solid proof.”
“Fine, but let’s make one thing clear. Just as you say you wouldn’t try to kill me, I won’t be leaving of my own will. I’m going to take my kingdom back, and watch you burn.”
Hendery scoffed. “I’ll look forward to that. Now eat. I oversaw the whole process so I assure you nothing is wrong.”
“Or do I have to feed you myself?”
    You were still upset with him, practically always, but you ate with him. If he said it wasn’t poisoned, you could believe that from his twisted love. 
“See, that wasn’t bad was it. Take your medication and rest.”
“You said you oversaw this being cooked, right?”
“Yes, my love.”
“What happened when it was finished?”
“Hm… our plates were prepared and placed on a tray. From there the servants grabbed them and followed me to my chambers.”
“The servants were on standby?”
“Are they always like that?”
“I can’t say. I was only there today.”
“And they grab the trays as soon as the food is ready?”
“It seems so, why?”
“Then if something was added to the food, it was done once it left the kitchen, and before reaching me.”
“You’re very cute with your investigation. So don’t cause trouble.”
“No promises.”
“Of course.”
    Hendery kissed your head and excused himself. A moment later the servants came in to take the dishes, Misu checking over you.
“Yes, your majesty?”
“Are you alright? He shouldn’t have-”
“I’m alright, your majesty. I was a bit caught off guard by the request, but I did not lie.”
“I still must apologize, you shouldn’t be treated that way.”
“I’m okay, just worried about you.”
“I must also apologize, as I need you to do something else for me.”
“How can I help you, your majesty?”
“You went through the trouble of getting the kitchen staff list, but it seems I’ve miscalculated.”
“What do you mean?”
“There’s no way of knowing what kind of poison was used on me, but it wasn’t the food itself that harmed me. Therefore the kitchen staff is most likely not the culprit, meaning it’s another servant.”
“I don’t believe I follow.”
“The kitchen is already so busy as it is, so it’s highly unlikely one of them did something… do you think you could figure out what servants came in contact, or near my food the other day. I know most of the have certain roles and routines to follow. I want the names of those, and maybe ask around to see if anyone saw anything odd.”
“Ah, I will do my best, your majesty.”
“Thank you.”
    With that set up you took your medicine and laid down to rest. The next time you opened your eyes, you realized it was dark out, and you weren’t alone. You found yourself wrapped up in Hendery’s arms, his warmth keeping you comfortable and calm. Although upon realizing this you squirmed out of his grasp, waking him up in the process.
“Are you alright, my love? Do you-”
“Don’t touch me.”
Hendery sighed. “It’s late, lay back down and sleep.”
“Not with you.”
“I said I would be keeping a close eye on you. That includes the night.”
“We don’t have to sleep in the same bed.”
“But we do.” Hendery pulled you back down. “And I’ve missed you.”
“I haven’t.”
“Lies, my love, and you know it.”
    He cuddled you, spooning you and holding you close. He was still warm, just as before. You hated how your thoughts drifted to the past. The nights like this, as he’d drown you in soft kisses to help you sleep. His words of love slowly turned to whispers and fading to mumbles as he fell asleep. You thought he was everything, and now you just felt so alone.
“You really think I tried to kill myself?”
“Who would dare harm you?”
“Everyone has secrets.”
“But not just anyone would be bold enough to poison the queen. If you really think someone did that, you can’t just look for evidence, you need to know why.”
“Add this to the list of reasons you’re a terrible husband.”
“What else is on that list?”
“Your lies, your manipulation, you-”
“I did what was best for you.”
“I disagree.”
“So you’d prefer an arranged marriage with a man you didn’t know? Simply for power? I don’t think I could allow that.”
“It was not your job to look after me.”
“But I’ve done so.”
“If that was true you’d look for who tried to kill me. Before they try again.”
“You get lucky once, and they blew it. I won’t allow them another chance, even if that someone is you.”
“You’re ridiculous.”
“And you can rest easy in my arms.”
“I don’t think I can.”
“Yes you can. Like I said, I won’t let anyone harm you. I will always love you, no matter what.”
    You didn’t want to sleep, but your illness, and his warmth just made it so easy to drift off. Even if your mind was logical and understanding of your displeasure for your husband, your body and heart remembered him well, and could only accept him. When morning came you were still in his arms, snuggled against him like old times. The realization quickly made you move away. It seemed that Hendery had been awake for a while, watching you sleep and waiting for you to wake. He had you stay in bed as he went to oversee breakfast, returning later.
    You felt better, but not entirely back to your old self. So you remained in bed and carried out your investigation from there. You’d take your medicine, and Hendery always returned to share your meals, assuring you each and every time the food was safe. Misu got you the list you had requested, along with some information to narrow down the suspects. You needed to speak with each of these people, to get a better idea as to whether or not they were guilty. You would move down to the main hall to conduct these interviews, taking notes of anything you felt odd.
“Still entertaining yourself I see.”
“What do you want?”
    Hendery found you in the main hall, bringing over a chair to sit at your side, peeking at your notes. He still found what you were doing amusing.
“Any suspects?”
“Not particularly. Everyone seems to be hiding something, not surprising as the castle is huge, but no one seems that nervous around me.” You sighed. “I got nothing.”
“Don’t make a comment about me trying to frame someone.”
“I was going to say, just take a break. I’m sure something will come to mind once you look at it with a clear head.”
“Are you gonna help?”
“This seems to be your personal mission. I don’t want to interfere.”
“Of course not.”
    It took you two days to get through your list, and you felt like you had gotten nowhere. To add to the despair, you weren’t really feeling better. You could get out of bed and go about your day, but you’d get headaches and fatigue quite fast. If anything, it told you that whatever was used on you had lasting effects, so maybe the assassin hadn’t entirely failed.
“Your majesty, the bath is ready.”
“Thank you, Misu.”
    The warm water did well to sooth you and make you feel better despite everything. You felt you hadn’t gotten anywhere with your investigation, and had no idea what to do next. Still, for now you should rest and try again later. You closed your eyes and let yourself feel the warm water. It was really relaxing, and the aroma in the room was soothing as well. You could feel yourself falling asleep and sinking into the water. A half baked thought surfaced, making you aware of the problem, but you didn’t have the strength to do anything.
    Slowly the water rose until you were completely under it. You felt like you were floating, and it was quite peaceful, until you ran out of oxygen. You couldn’t do anything to call for help, merely trying to reach up to the surface, but your vision was already going black. You thought this might be it, starting to accept that when your vision was suddenly white and you were inhaling a mixture of water and air. You coughed up the water, realizing you had surfaced, shaking from the shock.
“I got you, I got you.”
    It took a moment to realize Hendery was holding you, Misu making a fuss about him getting wet and also helping to get you out of the water. She handed Hendery a towel and he wrapped you up with it, trying to dry you off. He ordered Misu to get the physician, staying with you and trying to warm you up.
“You’re alright, you’re alright.”
“I… I…”
“Sh, don’t speak, just breath, nice and easy. You’re okay.”
    You were still coughing up some water, trying to regain your breath and sense. Hendery merely held you tight, gently rocking you and assuring you were alright. You had no idea what happened to you, besides the fact the assassin had made another move.
“You’re alright, my love.”
“Do you still… think it was… me…”
“I never did.”
“Sh, just focus on your recovery, you don’t have to worry about anything else.”
    You had questions, but you couldn’t quite articulate them. Once you were good to move, Hendery picked you up and took you to his chambers, setting you down on the bed, not caring if you were still soaked. He got another towel to help dry you up properly, finding some of your clothes to dress you and then wrapping you up in a blanket. You were still shaking, not from the water but just everything. Your thoughts led to fear, and you didn’t feel safe with anyone besides Hendery, the only person you could trust wouldn’t do anything. You didn’t even want to see the physician, and Hendery had to tell them to leave.
“My love, you need to-”
“No… no one…”
“I need to be certain you’re alright.”
“You do it…”
“You trust me? I thought you hated me?”
“You’re… you’re the only one… I can trust… right now…”
“Then please give me a moment to figure out what I need to look for.”
    You pulled the blanket around you tighter once Hendery left, quietly counting to yourself to distract yourself until he returned. He did best to check all your vitals and make sure nothing was wrong.
“What happened?”
“I… I don’t know… I was fine… then tired… and… and…”
“That’s enough. I’ll have this looked into and find the culprit.”
“So you… you believe me…”
“Of course. I just need more evidence.”
“Then… you… used me… as bait…”
“The first time was too clean. There was barely any evidence left behind. I would have lost you if I hadn’t been so fortunate.”
“Why… why…”
“Sh, don’t concern yourself. I’ll handle everything. Here, I went down to prepare you some tea so you can sleep.”
“You won’t leave… right…”
“No. I will stay right here, my love.”
    Hendery helped you with the tea, making sure you had every last drop before laying you down. He tucked you in under the covers, lying down at your side. You curled up, still thinking about what happened. The first incident you had no idea what was happening, but this time around, you could feel your life slipping away. Hendery could see the gears turning in your head, reaching over to gently pet you.
“You’re okay, everything’s okay, no one’s going to hurt you.”
“You’ll find… who did this…”
“I will, I promise.”
    Even if you didn’t really want to sleep, the tea and your own exhaustion was starting to wear you down. You slowly drifted off to sleep, only able to rest for a bit before waking up in a  fright. You thought you would be alone, but Hendery was right at your side, pulling you into his arms. He gently rocked you in his arms while rubbing your back, once again assuring you things were alright.
“I see the tea didn’t work for long.”
“I’m fine…”
“I know, I know.”
“I don’t think I can sleep…”
“That’s alright, we can just stay up together.”
    It was getting dark out, but you didn’t feel tired. Hendery asked for some books, and his own things to be brought to his chambers. You both stayed on the bed, quietly providing each other company. Even if you were on high alert, you didn’t expect Hendery to stay awake for long, eventually finding him asleep on the bed. You watched him for a moment, your hand unconsciously reaching over to run your fingers through his hair. You quickly stopped yourself when you realized what you were doing.
    A near death experience, your second, should not be a time to rekindle old feelings. Let alone considering all he had done to become king and take your kingdom from you. He wasn’t someone to forgive. You were still decent, cleaning up and making sure he could rest comfortably. You did your best not to wake him, just remaining at his side and trying to read, your thoughts drifting off to what happened. Before you knew it the sun had risen, and a new day had begun. You were staring out the window and you didn’t realize Hendery waking up.
“My love…”
“You’re awake.”
“Did you not sleep?”
“I couldn’t.”
“My apologies, you should have woken me.”
“One of us should rest.”
“I suppose. You must be hungry, I’ll have breakfast prepared.”
“I’m not hungry…”
“I know that’s a lie. You may have no appetite but your body needs to remain healthy.”
“Then do you want to wrap this up?”
“What? What do you mean?”
“Come on, I’ll show you.”
    Hendery helped you dress in something comfortable, disregarding usual clothing traditions, and going down to the main hall with you. He had yet to tell you anything, but you were just waiting quietly. If he was going to tell you something he should have done it in his chambers where you had privacy, so this did concern you. Although it was just the two of you as he had the guards leave the room.
“You asked to see me, your majesty.”
    Misu quietly entered the room, bowing to both of you after a slight pause. When she entered you looked over at Hendery, but he just had an amused look in his eyes.
“Why did you do it?”
“Pardon… I don’t-”
“What poison did you use?”
“Wa… what?”
“Answer me.”
“Hendery.” You hissed. “What are you-”
“My love, you are quite beautifully naive. There is only one person who could hurt you, but you never even considered the possibility because you trust them so much.”
“No, no, you-”
“You figured out it couldn’t be the actual kitchen staff, so it had to be someone who had access to your food after it was prepared. None of the servants you spoke to raised any concern, and none would have a reason to harm you.”
“And why would Misu? She has been my faithful servant since I was a child. Why would she-”
“Why indeed, that’s what I would like to know.”
“You can’t-”
“Misu is the one who’s supposed to try the food to make sure it’s safe, isn’t that right, my love?”
“If you had finished your plate you would have surely passed, and it wasn’t Misu who found you, was it?”
“Everyone has their secrets as you said, and when I interrogated Misu her heart was racing. Not because of my questions, but something else. Do you care to explain yourself?”
“Your majesty, I don’t-”
“Do not lie to me!” Hendery rose to his feet. “You are lucky to be breathing right now. I should have struck you down already, but you are alive right now to explain yourself. So tell me, why did you dare to harm my queen!”
    Misu was at a loss for words, looking between you and Hendery. You weren’t sure what to believe, trying to make sense of all the pieces Hendery had just dropped in your lap. Although you didn’t have to ponder for long as Misu fell to her news, bowing down.
“How could I not do something, your majesty!”
“Mi… Misu… what…”
“I do not know the reason why the queen has grown to hate you, but I cannot stand it!”
“Ah… do you… have feelings for me?” Hendery questioned. “Are your actions some declaration of love?”
“She does not love or cherish you, it’s unfair for you to suffer in such a manner.”
    Hendery chuckled, slowly walking over to Misu. He knelt down, grabbing her chin so their eyes would meet.
“I can see love in your eyes. I always thought that was admiration, I am your king after all, but this is something much deeper. You’d do anything for me, huh? Even kill.”
“It’s a shame. You could have been useful, but you chose to harm my queen, and I cannot allow you to live any longer.”
“Your majesty, please.” Misu begged. “I did poison the queen, but the incident with the bath was not my doing, I am not-”
    Hendery was no longer listening, returning to his throne and grabbing his sword. Your eyes went wide, having not realized he would be taking matters into his own hands like this. You thought to stop him, but when you stood, the shock of everything cause you to collapse.
    You closed your eyes before you saw anything that could never be unseen. You were shaking again, scared to open your eyes. You heard the sword clatter to the ground, a presence slowly approaching. You felt Hendery caress your cheek.
“Look at me, my love.”
    You slowly opened your eyes, locking your gaze with his. You didn’t want to see anything else. He had a bit of blood on his face, but he seemed content.
“Are you alright?”
“I… I…”
“You don’t have to worry anymore. I took care of everything, like I promised.”
“But… but…” Misu’s last words started to hit you. “She said she didn’t… the bath… if she…”
“That’s nothing to worry about. She was just saying whatever she could to save herself, but her fate was sealed the second she hurt you.”
“Did you… did you have something to do with-”
“Sh, I know this was probably a lot for you, but I needed you to know that you’re safe. I’ll get you a new maid, and make sure nothing like this ever happens again.”
“I… Hendery…”
“It’s okay, everything’s okay now, my love. You’re safe.”
“… am I…”
“Of course, you have me, and that’s all you need.”
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inctlife · 4 years
Ming Chenguang | WKH ~ Yingtai
genre: fluff
summary: yingtai having her first lead acting role
age: Yingtai = 16 / Bohai = 13
warnings: none
“Bohai, get out,” Yingtai sighed.
“My teacher said he taught you as well!” Bohai exclaimed.
“Great, who was it?” the girl asked, paying more attention to her drama homework than her little brother.
“Bohai, you’ve got homework!” you shouted up the stairs, seeing the boy stood in his sister’s doorway, not at his desk.
Bohai hummed in reply, picking up random things off Yingtai’s shelves.
“You do this every single day,” she complained.
“Um, so do you,” he snarled as he finally left, the door remaining wide open.
Yingtai rolled her eyes, getting up and kicking it shut.
“Finally,” she muttered, returning back to the laptop in front of her to right up her statement of intent.
“What?!” she shouted, storming out her room.
“Phone for you,” Kunhang smiled, “happy.”
Yingtai rolled her eyes, taking the phone from her dad, running back up to her room as she put it to her ear.
“Hello. Is this Miss Wong Yingtai?”
“Y–Yes. Can I ask who’s this?”
“This is Mr Xiao, we met at the auditions for the upcoming drama, My First?”
“O-Oh yes! Mr Xiao! I–I’m happy to hear back from you.”
Mr Xiao chuckled lightly, “Miss Wong, you don’t even know what I’m about to say.”
“A-Ah yes.”
“But, do not worry. It is good news, you’ve been casted as Ming Chenguang.”
“Chenguang?” Yingtai repeated, “as in...”
“The lead role,” Mr Xiao smiled, “we’ll see you at the read through early November, thank you for your co-operation.”
Yingtai bowed, though she was alone in her room, “thank you Mr Xiao! I’ll work hard.”
“Hmm, have a good day.”
“You too!”
But the phone was already dead.
“Oh my god,” she breathed, “oh my god. Oh my god! Dad! Mum!”
“What? Who was he? Wa–was he that guy? Mr Xiao?!” Kunhang exclaimed.
Yingtai nodded, tears forming in her eyes, “I’ve got the lead!”
“What?!” Kunhang yelled, scooping his daughter into his arms as you ran forward, taking you in as well.
“I got the lead,” Yingtai repeated with a slight giggle, as though trying to process the words.
“My baby,” Kunhang breathed, kissing her head, “when did you grow up, hmm? An actress. Our little actress.”
87 notes · View notes