inctlife · 2 years
Airport Gate | NY ~ Airi
genre: fluff
summary: Airi and Yuta meeting at the airport after months apart
ages: Airi = 4 / Hiroaki = fetus (6 months) / Ava = 5
warnings: pregnant!reader
“When Daddy here?” Airi asked, her fingers loosely laced with yours as she danced around your feet.
You hummed, “soon. Just keep looking at the gate.”
Airi leaned her head on your bump, sighing.
"I know, baby, just wait a little bit more, okay?"
There were crowds of fans and paparazzi waiting for the arrival as well, but you as well as other wives and children of NCT members had managed to get to the front.
"Look, Airi, they're starting to come out," you said, tapping your daughter's shoulder as you saw the first people come out the gate.
"Daddy!" Ava yelled, watching Johnny come out the gate.
Ava took Jasper's hand and went right up to the gate, Johnny warning her to stay there.
"Airi, look who it is!"
Yuta on the other hand didn't care about the rules, "Airi!"
Your little girl broke out in giggles, running towards her dad who she hadn't seen for three months, "Daddy!"
"My Airi!" Yuta exclaimed, dropping to his knees and opening his arms, letting Airi run into them and receive the biggest hug he'd had in months, "oh, my baby."
He pulled Airi out of his chest and looked at her face, holding her chubby cheeks in between the palms of his hands, "your hair's grown, baby."
Airi smiled, but her eyes were filling with tears.
"Oh baby," Yuta said, holding in his own tears as he picked Airi up into his arms, "I'm sorry I went away. But you know I missed you so much, baby doll, and I'm here now. It's okay, I'm not going anywhere."
Airi giggled as Yuta carried her to where you are, his mouth dropping when he saw you.
"He's grown a bit since the last time you saw us," you giggled, walking to him and pressing your lips to his.
He put Airi down so he could wrap his arms around you for a moment, pausing and placing his hand on your six-month pregnant bump, "I'm sorry, I've been away so long."
"But you're here now," Airi said in Japanese as she looked up at her dad.
Yuta chuckled, nodding and stroking Airi's hair, "and I'm not leaving for a while. Come on, let's go home."
"Me and Mummy did baby's room!"
"Airi, that was a surprise!"
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straykidsftw · 2 years
Pink | SKZ Kids
genre: fluff
summary: Miran & Areum try to dye Miran's hair for the first time
ages: Miran & Changmi = 14 / Areum = 14 / Haein = 18
warnings: none
"Miran-ah! I'm going into the shop, do you want anything?!" Areum called, spotting her cousin walking across the road from her.
Miran looked up, her face lighting up, "Areum-ah! Wait, I'll come with you."
Areum chuckled, watching as Miran crossed the road clumsily, finally grabbing onto Areum's arm once she'd made it across.
"What are you gonna get?" Miran asked.
"Uhh, kimbap and cola I think," Areum nodded, heading straight for the fridge aisle. Miran nodded, following and grabbing a banana-flavoured milk wordlessly.
The pair wondered through the next aisle, looking for snacks to take home.
Miran stopped suddenly, looking at the cosmetics products in front of her, Changmi had been complaining about not having any dry shampoo for days.
"What are you doing?" Areum asked, trailing back to Miran, "ooh, are you gonna dye your hair?!"
"What? No!" Miran laughed, "I was gonna pick up some dry shampoo for Changmi."
"Shame. I think you'd look good with pink hair."
"Pink?" Miran asked, peeking at the box Areum had in her hands, "I'd have to bleach it first," she said, lifting up the ends of her jet-black hair.
Areum hummed, putting the box back.
"Wait," she said, grabbing Areum's wrist, "I want to."
"Really?!" Areum exclaimed, "I wanna help! Oh my god, wait, I'll get the bleach too!"
Miran laughed, completely forgetting about Changmi's shampoo as she followed Areum to the till.
"Wait, don't get it in my eyes!" Miran shouted, currently upside down over the side of the bath.
"I won't!" Areum yelled, "cover them if you're so scared!"
Miran fake cried, placing her hands over her face as Areum continued to wash the bleach out her friend's hair.
"Hey Changbin, is Areum here?" Seungmin asked, letting himself into the Seo house.
"Yep, she's upstairs with Miran," Changbin nodded, sat with Chan in the living room.
"Thanks," Seungmin said, walking upstairs and peering round, "Areum?!"
"In the bathroom!" Areum called.
"Don't let him in!" Miran exclaimed.
"Why not?"
"What if he tells my dad?!" Miran cried.
"Uhh, I think it's a bit late for that," Areum scoffed, putting the shower head down and looking at her friend's now blonde hair - not too noticeable as it was dark from being wet, but definitely visible as not being black as it was before.
"Areum, can I come in?" Seungmin asked.
"Yeah," she chuckled, looking at Miran's panicked face.
"What are you two—" Seungmin paused, "oh."
"Uncle Seungmin, please don't tell my dad!" Miran freaked.
"Seriously, are you an idiot or something?!" Areum exclaimed.
Seungmin laughed, "Miran, it is far too late for that."
Miran groaned.
"Mum just wanted me to tell you that dinner's nearly ready," Seungmin smiled, looking back to his daughter.
"Am I okay to stay here? I wanna see this through now."
Seungmin chuckled, "sure. I wanna tell mum now as well, but don't worry Miran - I won't tell your dad about your blonde hair."
Miran pouted, looking at Areum in regret, "why did you make me do this?"
"Me?! You're the one who said you wanted to! Now come on. Pink will definitely look better than blonde."
Miran groaned, sitting on the lid of the toilet as Areum pulled on a second pair of gloves, beginning to pour the dye straight on Miran's hair.
"Does school even allow dyed hair?!" Miran asked, "oh god, why did I do this?!"
"Stop panicking," Areum said, rolling her eyes, "you'll look good, and isn't that the most important thing?"
Miran rolled her eyes, "sure."
"What if my dad's out there?" Miran whispered.
"There's a towel on your head, you fucking idiot."
"Are you two done?! I need a shower!" Haein shouted, knocking on the door.
"Yeah, just coming out," Miran said, Areum opening the door and the two stepping out.
"What are you even—" Haein looked at the pink stained bathtub, "oh my god. Changmi! Did you know this?!"
"Shhhhh, Oppa, shut up! Mum and Dad don't know!" Miran whisper-yelled.
"Oh you're fucked," Haein laughed, "I'll try and wash some of this away so you'll be a little less fucked though."
He grinned and Miran fake cried, going into her bedroom.
"Okay, all we have left to do is dry," Areum smiled, pulling the hairdryer out as Miran pulled her hair out of the towel.
"Do you think my parents will be angry?" Miran sighed.
Areum ran the hairdryer all over Miran's head, using her hands and a hairbrush to make sure it wasn't tangled.
"Nope," Areum laughed, "cause this looks... amazing."
"Shut up," Miran grumbled, flipping her head so Areum could get the underneath.
When she was done, Seungmin's daughter flicked the hairdryer off and stepped back.
Miran looked in the mirror and her eyes widened.
"I told you," she laughed.
"Dad!" Miran shouted, "Dad, look what I just did!"
"Hmm?" Changbin responded, exiting the kitchen and looking to the stairs where Miran was running down, "what?!"
His mouth dropped open, coming towards his daughter and touching her hair, "Miran what on earth?! Are you even allowed this at school?"
"I have no idea!" Miran laughed, "but... don't you like it?!"
"Come on, Uncle, you have to admit it suits her."
Changbin laughed, "it really does, Miran! You look amazing!"
Miran giggled, "where's Mum? Mum!"
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mxrxll · 9 months
10 weeks | CHS ~ Seung & Yong
genre: mignon, légère anxiété
résumé: tu annonces à Hyunsuk que tu es enceinte de Seung & Yong
âge: Seung & Yong = fœtus (3 mois)
avertissement: grossesse, langage grossier, mention d'avortement
*•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙˚ ______________________________________________ ˚•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙˚*
"Bébé ! Je suis rentré !" annonca Hyunsuk.
Sursautant, tu replaça rapidement ton t-shirt sur ton estomac légèrement arrondi et quitta la salle de bain.
"Salut, Suk," tu souris, Hyunsuk s'approchant et te serrant dans une étreinte.
"Tu m'as tellement manqué aujourd'hui," râla-t-il.
"Pourquoi ? Les enfants ont fait des bêtises aujourd'hui ?" tu rigolas, te détachant de son embrasse pour te diriger vers la cuisine vérifier l'état de ce que tu cuisinais.
Hyunsuk rigola à son tour, "Non, pas vraiment. Mais ils étaient fatiguant."
Tu reniflas, il n'avait pas tord. Aussitôt que le nouvel an était passé après les débuts de Treasure, vous aviez supplié YG Entertainment de laisser Hyunsuk quitter le dortoir. Même si maintenant, avec trois tests de grossesse positifs, une échographie cachée et deux bébés grandissant à l'intérieur de toi, tu compris pourquoi ils étaient si réticents.
Humant en réponse, tu indiqua la salle de bain d'un coup de tête, "Va vite te laver. Le dîner est prêt."
"J'ai tellement de chance de t'avoir." Hyunsuk sourit, t'embrassant avant de faire demi-tour, "Je t'aime !"
Tu rigolas légèrement, "Je t'aime aussi."
Regardant Hyunsuk s'en aller, tu te remis à tes occupations.
"À quel point ce sera fatiguant quand vous serez là tout les deux, hein ?" murmuras-tu, l'une de tes mains caressant doucement ton ventre alors que tu l'observais, "Je peux pas croire que ce soit des jumeaux."
"Qu-quoi ?"
Tes yeux s'écarquillèrent tandis que tu tournas brusquement la tête, "Hyunsuk !"
"T/P, t-t'es-" Hyunsuk s'arrêta net, "t'es enceinte ?"
Des larmes commencèrent à remplir tes yeux alors que tu observais le visage de Hyunsuk, couvert d'une expression choquée. Lui, face à toi, se tenant debout sans oser bouger.
"Je suis désolée," chuchotas-tu, "Je suis tellement désolée. Je suis enceinte que de 10 semaines, je peux- je peux encore m'en... "débarrasser"
"Quoi ?!" s'exclama Hyunsuk, "De quoi tu parles ?!"
"Hyunsuk, ça fait même pas un an que Treasure a débuté," tu hoquetas, les sanglots accompagnant ta voix alors que tes jambes te lâchèrent. "J-je suis tellement désolée."
"Dis pas ça," te répondit-il, les larmes lui montant également, même s'il n'osait toujours pas bougeN, "ne dit plus jamais ça. C-C'est des-des jumeaux ?"
Tu acquiesças lentement, "J- je suis allé - j'ai fais une échographie la semaine dernière."
"Déjà ?" s'étonna-t-il, ses pieds fonçant dans ta direction, "T/P, ma chérie, s'il te plaît, ne dis plus jamais que tu veux t'en débarrasser. Tant que tu veux ses enfants, je serai à tes côtés."
"Bien sûr que je les veux," tu reniflas, "nos enfants."
Il hocha la tête, un large sourire illuminant son visage.
"C-c'est déjà un peu gonflé," tu souris timidement.
Les larmes de Hyunsuk quittèrent finalement ses yeux.
"Sérieusement ?"
Tu acquiesças avec un léger rire, relevant ton t-shirt afin qu'il puisse voir, "c'est pour ça que je leur parle si souvent. Ils sont vraiment juste là."
La bosse était vraiment très petite et pouvait s'apparenter à un peu de graisse, mais c'était légèrement plus dur au toucher et tu savais que tes bébés étaient à l'intérieur, prêts à grandir.
"Regardes-les," Hyunsuk prit une grande inspiration, quelques sanglots lui échappant alors qu'il se mit à genoux pour embrasser ton ventre, "Je vous aime tellement, tous les trois."
Tu souris, jouant avec ses cheveux, "c'est tellement bizarre à entendre."
"Crois-moi, c'est encore plus bizarre à dire." Il se releva te serrant dans ses bras.
Avec un soupir, tu relâchas toute la pression que tu avais accumulé dans son étreinte.
"Tu sais, je pense qu'ils sont arrivés pile au moment où l'on avait le plus besoin d'eux," Hyunsuk sourit, "et je suis prêt à les rencontrer."
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cactuseri · 3 months
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mo-mode · 4 months
Zeus: this is COMPLETELY IMPERTINENT!!!! If that boy and his friends weren’t recovering my bolt, I would have already fried them!!
Poseidon and Hermes:
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knownsecretss · 4 months
percy finding out his dad is a god and immediately going to confront him is so funny to me. like he really said “either i’m catching a child support check or he’s catching these hands”
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prettygalswag · 4 months
Percy: my dad's such a dick such a deadbeat I hate him
Poseidon: can you tell my kid I love him and I'm very sorry and also save his life
Poseidon: but don't tell him he can breathe underwater except very cryptically
Poseidon: yell at him to breathe a few times
Poseidon: that ought to work
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duckytree · 2 months
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big brother part 7
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wickcipher · 9 months
Sometimes I think... they're all just speaking tongues...
A little animation for Cass Apocalyptic Series by @somerandomdudelmao! Thank you for creating such a wonderful story that brings the fandom together!!
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readrantannotate · 3 months
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doctor-mccoys-sanity · 6 months
You cannot look me in the eyes and tell me this man is not divorced
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He is the most divorced dad to ever live. This man is oblivious in all sense of the word and blindly loves his children. This man thinks their interests haven’t changed changed since they were 7 and goes along with whatever they say. This man is the girl dad and has worn a tiara and played imaginary tea-party. This man tries to tell his children off before he just lets them get away with it because he’s tired and the kids are cute. This man is trying. This man is so divorced.
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chuluoyi · 7 months
✎ baby
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- gojo satoru x reader
a domestic life with your husband and baby
genre: teeth-rotting fluff, sugary dump fluff, and simply pure fluffff, baby-related, mentions of pregnancy, dad!gojo
note: inspired by this fanart by Deltapork in twitter! from the moment i saw that artwork, i just can't get this out of my head😫
and this is a part of a series of gojo drabbles i’ve planned called gojo's love entries anthology -> updated masterlist here
series masterlist | oneshot masterlist
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Watching your husband entertain your child would never fail to make you smile.
"Aw, my cute baby!" Satoru joyfully exclaimed as he and the baby, secure in his hold, emitted almost harmonious squeals of delight. Both of them practically shared the same brain cells at this point.
And it was a sight that warmed your heart so much, especially when the old Gojo Satoru was a prick who used to made little Megumi cry just for the sake of it and always said that babies and everything that came with them were a pain.
He playfully devoured your son's plump cheeks and burst into laughter, paying no attention to the curious glances he garnered from other shoppers at the supermarket.
"Satoru, hush," you chided gently as you pushed the cart, yet still smiling all the same.
"Ah, look, mama doesn't approve," he remarked to your babbling son, wearing a playful pout. At the same time, your barely seven-month baby puckered his lips too, turning him into a perfect miniature version of your mischievous husband at his best, melting your heart even further.
"It's time for his milk," you pointed out, retrieving the milk bottle. Satoru reached for it and offered it to your baby, who eagerly latched on and started drinking.
Your precious baby continued to feed on the formula, clearly relishing it. It appeared that he couldn't get enough, with the way he drank with such enthusiasm.
"He's a hungry baby... just like you," you mused.
Satoru laughed out loud once again. "Why are you comparing a baby with a grown-ass man?"
Your son was still drinking the milk and seemed like he wanted more, but you could definitely tell how content he was in that moment.
"Because it's your baby, duh. And not only he looks like you, he's also reflecting what you've been doing to me so far, it's uncanny."
"So I've turned our son into a mini-me now, have I." He regarded you with a mischievous glint in his eye. "And what have I done to you, darling? Tell me."
"...A lot of bad things."
"Heh, is that so?"
The baby then stopped drinking and seemed to want you to cuddle him, as he reached his tiny hands towards you. Satoru handed him over to you, taking the bottle away, and you gently pulled him close, cradling him against your chest.
"Yeah. Bad, bad things," you cooed to your baby, your eyes sparkling with joy. "First you seduced me, then got me pregnant. And then you forced me to go through that painful labor."
Satoru didn't miss the way the clerk eyed him after you said that. But he chuckled anyway. "Well... in the end you fell for me, and I probably seduced you a bit..."
He paid for the groceries and then the two of you walked out of the supermarket.
"But is that so bad?" He continued with a meaningful smirk. "You seemed like you love it so there's nothing to complain about."
"And then I got you pregnant... well, you wanted a baby, dear, so you can't really be mad and blame just me for it all, okay?"
The fact that you were having this crack conversation at a crossroad made you struggle to stifle your laughter, to say the least.
Your son was still cuddling up to your chest and now he was looking at you with those wide, glassy blue eyes. You could tell how much he liked and needed you, as well as spending time with you, his mother.
This is your baby with the man who loves you. How could you not love him in return?
Satoru looked at his son in your arms. “Our son is the cutest, isn’t he?”
He seemed tired more than anything though, with the big yawn he just emitted.
“He is so… defenseless.”
“Well, he’s a baby,” your husband said matter-of-factly. “That’s how babies are, darling. He’s learning how to do things and completely defenseless, so he needs his parents. You and I.”
Your baby’s eyes became a little droopy. He was sleepy now, and wanted your warmth to fall asleep.
“Let’s… protect him together, yeah, Satoru?” you muttered softly as your child settled in your embrace, peaceful and content, falling asleep.
Your heartstrings were pulled when you witnessed the expression of absolute adoration on your husband's face.
“Silly. I’m the one who will protect both of you, sweetheart.”
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galedekarios · 9 months
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Jason: *dies in an excruciatingly painful but heroic way because his dad screwed up again, saving the lives of a literal God, his ex, a random girl and his dad's fucking ego*
Zeus: um chile anyways so-
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reineydraws · 28 days
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i think a side effect of loving mishanks for many people is becoming very endeared by the "rayleigh is mihawk's parent" au's haha :') first one's part of this fic i posted where smolhawk challenges rayleigh to a duel ⚔️✨️ second one's just a random kid!mishanks doodle. i think their shenanigans (incl buggy!) would be cute.
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gh0stsp1d3r · 11 months
Maybe a Hobie x reader where Miguel and the reader have a close relationship (like Miguel see the reader as his daughter) And Hobie and reader are dating and nobody know. But then Miguel figured out in some way.
Hope it’s okay !!
I love thisss
Miguel is readers actual father cuz I don’t see him getting rlly close w someone like a daughter unless it’s his actual daughter, you can be adopted or biological
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You laughed as hobie practically dragged you to his room.
He let go of your hand when he got in his room “Hello, sweetheart.” He said, picking up his guitar as you sat down on his bed. He plugged in his amp, and fixed some settings.
“Oh so you love your guitar more than me now?” You said, feigning offense.
“That’s not very fair, innit? Can’t love you both equally now?”
You laughed and rolled your eyes as he smiled and started strumming his guitar. He tuned it and then he started playing.
You smiled at how excited he got when he played, he had a huge grin on his face, he glanced at you sometimes too, even singing to you.
After an hour of that, you both laid down in the bed, talking and just looking at each other.
“It’s late, we should probably get you back to HQ, yeah?”
“Yeah. You’re right.” You mumbled, you both stood up, and you gave him one last kiss before leaving through the portal you opened
Miguel was waiting in your room, you screamed for a second and he just stood there.
“Jesus Christ! Dad!”
“Care to explain?” He said, holding up a photo booth picture of you and Hobie. You both laughed, hobie flashed the middle finger, and in the last one kissed.
“Why are you snooping in my room?!” You grabbed the photo.
“Well I came to clean it, then I saw that, and then I saw that!” He pointed to the jacket that was hung in your closet, a jacket that was obviously his.
“Are you and hobie dating?” He asked, feeling like he knew the answer.
“How long?”
“… like a … few months.”
“How much is a few?”
“Like… 5.”
“5 months?!”
“5 months.”
He sighed and rubbed his temple “Hobie- out of everyone- Hobie? The biggest pain in my ass?”
“Yea.. yeah. Sorry I didn’t tell you..”
He sighed again. “It’s just kissing.. right?”
“Oh my god are you guys-!”
“No! Dad!” You covered your face, embarrassed.
“Good. I’ll beat his ass.” He mumbled.
“Goodnight dad.” You said as he left.
“Goodnight… you leave the door open.”
“Because.” He narrowed his eyes.
You groaned “Fine.”
He left the hallway, and Hobie opened a portal at the right time.
“Just thought I’d stay here for tonight. That cool?” He said, hands in his jacket pockets.
You jumped, startled.
“Shhshshsh.” You said, covering his mouth.
“I swear to god, if that’s who I think it is!” Miguel yelled.
You winced and told him to go in the closet as your dads footsteps boomed down the hall.
He looked around, saw you on the bed.
“Hey… dad. What’s up?”
“Hey Miguel.” Hobie said from the closet. You groaned.
“Can he stay dad please?”
“Ay dios mío. Just keep the door open.” He grumbled, staring at hobie as he left.
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