#wonwoo dark lockscreens
t8kyoe · 3 years
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ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ•᷄‎ࡇ•᷅ . . . S O O N W O O (不道徳) 𝗗𝗔𝗥𝗞 𝗟𝗢𝗖𝗞𝗦.
like or reblog if you save.
without dusts.
don't repost.
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hoshiangel · 4 years
nerves (fluff, comedy)
unexpected (enemies to lovers soulmates)
little coffee shop (fluff)
cookies (fluff, comedy)
caught in the rainy city (fluff)
a little wine (fluff)
dreaming (fluff)
haunted house (fluff, comedy)
favorite time of the year (fluff)
muse (fluff)
the music major pt1 (enemies to lovers fluff)
i love you, i’m sorry (angst)
seventeen learning sign language with their s/o
moodboards & lockscreens
jeonghan coffee brown
wonwoo lonley hearts club
mingyu white lockscreen
woozi denim blue lockscreen
dk dark city
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sunnysidewrites · 7 years
Assassin!Seungcheol Pt 2 FINALE
THIS IS LONGER THAN WOLF!WONWOO BY 5 WORDS IM SCREAMING THIS IS OFFICIALLY MY LONGEST SCENARIO EVER!!!! bc i tagged her in part 1, im tagging @cheollies again bc she was one of the reasons why i was motivated ljdsfljdfl <3333 THANK YOU FOR ALL OF YOUR WONDERFUL FEEDBACK IM SO SORRY ITS LATE!!! THIS IS A WILD RIDE AGAIN!! ENJOY THE FINALE MY CHILDREN!!!! <333333
warnings: some violence, references to part 1, my tears and anguish from completing this
Part 1 | Part 2 (Finale)
Two months.
That’s how long it had been since you had contacted him
You sighed as you stirred your coffee
Yep, you guessed it, in the same cafe that all the workers know you on a first name basis
Why do I keep coming back here? You glumly chided yourself, your cheek resting on your palm
You check your phone for the twentieth time that hour, wishing to have at least some notification about his whereabouts
Even if it’s something like “hey i’m safe and don’t look for me”
Bc all you need is just some validation that he’s okay,,,, but nothing. No texts, no calls, no “accidental” video calls, no “hey loser where are you” to check in where you are,,,, all you get is a black screen
Even though you practically have your lockscreen ingrained in your head from the amount of times you’ve seen it, you still can’t help but choke up a little
A blurry candid of seungcheol holding out his hand about to smear you with his ice cream mockingly stares back at you
You shake your head and get up your seat as you pack your things
You’re done. You’re done waiting. You gave him two whole freaking months, an entire 60 days. Sulking around waiting for someone to come back to you isn’t your forte.
And that will end today, you resolutely nod to yourself and start heading out the door.
“You what?!”
He sighs and holds his hand up, “Please. Don’t yell. It’s early.” He reaches his hand out for a biscuit
“How can you even nonchalantly eat breakfast right now??! Do you even understand what you’ve done?!” Joshua smacks his hand, dropping the biscuit
“Um hEY--”
“You made it this far without him suspecting anything, which is a major surprise and accomplishment. But it will bite you in the butt sooner or later, Cheols.” He briefly flinches at the name but Joshua is just prESSING the issue
“He’s gonna kill you. Not only you but probably her too. This is way too dangerous!”
“jOSHUA! Please! I know what I did, and I absolutely have no regrets.” He shakes his head, a faraway gaze in his eyes. “I’ve killed many people before, but I at least knew the gist of why I was. But she,,,, she’s just a pawn in my dad’s game,,, completely useless”
Joshua leans back in his chair and blinks slowly
“You love her. Don’t you,” he says more as a statement than an inquiry
He takes his silence as a definite answer and rubs his forehead. “Seungcheol…”
“Look, he’s been giving me regular jobs to do, you know the usual. He hasn’t caught on… yet… And he has much bigger things to worry about.”
“That doesn’t mean he’s not keeping tabs!”
He sighs, ready to cut off the conversation. “We’re done here--”
And there he sees
He freezes, the only thing moving is his eyes on someone’s figure
You walk down the street taking in the bustling city view
Your eyes flicker to a table outside a store a few blocks ahead
You stop and squint your eyes. That wasn’t… was it?
You rub your eyes but by then the two people sitting there disappeared
You shake your head and continue walking, completely convinced you’re getting delirious by the second
You finally disappear out of sight and only then does seungcheol let out a breath he didn’t know he was holding
“Dude,,,, you have to tell her at some point”
“I know… I know.”
You barge and storm in the office with your arms folded
“I need to find someone.”
Your father looks up from his paperwork, his glasses perched on the bridge of his nose
“Y/N… can this wait?”
“I have been for two months and I’m sick of it. I need you to hire someone to help me find them”
“Sweetie, I’m really busy--”
“Dad….. Dad please. I have to. I need to.”
“....fine. I’ll have my assistant deal with it”
And you’re like yES OMG ILY THANKS POPS
He tells you to go to his assistant’s office a little ways down the hall where you’re greeted by the typical warm person
“Hello, Ms. Y/N, I haven’t seen you in a while!”
“Hi jeonghan!!! Look I really need you to find someone asap”
“Ah, yes, your father just notified me about that just now,,,, well I’ll do my best to search for someone in our team. Give me until the end of the day today?”
And you’re like oh my god he’s willing to put this fIRST :’)))))
“Omg that’s actually really fast,,, don’t you have more important things to do? I can wait a few days if that’s the case,,,,”
“No no! Ahah it’s fine you just hang on tight, I will definitely get back to you shortly!”
You’re like oH MY GOD YAY JEONGHAN U ARE SO NICE AND THE BEST NO ONE CAN COMPARE and you promptly hug him before leaving
“Yeah,,,, nice,,, that’s all I’ll ever be,” he wistfully smiles and lets out a small sigh
You come back to the office later that night and Jeonghan is like i found one of our best investigators/hackers!!!!
You’re like omg aju nICE
You and the woman walk to her “headquarters,” is what she calls them when it's just the room she works in lmao
The moment you both get settled you make it crystal clear
“Choi Seungcheol.”
And obviously you tell her a little more about him lmao
All you can see is her fingers flying over the keyboard and tons of files filling the screen
She spends a few more minutes digging but she’s like sorry babe none of them fit your description
And you’re like that can’t be right,,,,,
“Can you check the surveillance cameras? On streets and stuff?”
You tell her the date, time, and location of when you last saw him and she dives into another search party
“hmmm -- i foUND SOMETHING”
You see when he kisses you and you have to shield your eyes away from the impact,,,, your chest suddenly feels heavier
She senses this and gently places her hand on top of yours
“,,,,I’m sorry. We’ll find him”
She follows the cameras once he heads home and she’s like ok well looks like he’s staying in this beat up motel
She reviews cams even up to present day and still sees him leaving and entering the building and you’re like ok i’m sold and start to get up
She puts a hand on your arm and is like uh wait honey you aren’t going alone
“Well who else is gonna go??”
“Me. I was physically trained sufficiently enough for a bodyguard position, so don’t sweat”
She stands up and starts rummaging through her makeshift closet to pull out 2 bulletproof vests
You look at her stunned before breaking out in a grin
“I’m game.”
“You went back on my orders? Do you know what position you’re in?!” He barks
Seungcheol trains his eyes on the floor and numbly responds, “I didn’t think there was a reason to kill an innocent person who has no involvement in this business. It’s her father, no?”
His dad sighs and rubs his temples. “Son, you follow. I command. I guess you’ll just have to face the consequences for not obeying me, your own father… Tsk,” he distastefully clucks his tongue. “You actually thought I didn’t know this entire time. I knew you didn’t kill her that night of your romantic doings”
“I know,,, It just happened,,,, I had to do it to get her to trust me” stop lying to urself cheols smh we and mr choi all know ur whipped
“Just please leave her alone.”
His icy chuckle sends shivers down Seungcheol’s spine for the first time
“Ohoho,,, you thought you were the one in trouble?”
Seungcheol looks up at him with his eyes narrowed in confusion
And then they narrow in fury
“You wouldn’t.”
“Oh, but I most certainly would.” does anyone get the reference lmao #tb to part 1
“What did you dO TO HER”
“Guess you’ll both find out. Shall we?”
“This,,,, is where he’s staying at?”
You look at the paint peeling off the sign “Stay Inn”
The hinges of the battered doors are about to come off
Two streetlamps flicker lazily, yellow light pathetically illuminating the parking lot
“The footage doesn’t lie,” she says as she takes a look around. “Room 114, let’s go”
You and her cautiously creep up in front of the door and then kick it wide open
“....No one’s here.” And you can’t help but feel a lil disappointed :((
Both of you are looking around his room for any sort of clues but it looks like any (less than) average hotel room with clothes scattered everywhere and plastic plates littered around the table
Eventually you both ditch the place and you’re about to call it a day when she abruptly stops you
“Wait. i heard something over there,” she subtly looks over at the other side of the street
You hold your breath as she discreetly scans around the area and then
“geT DOWN!” She pulls your arm down as she drops to the ground
Your ears are ringing from the gunshots from the one right next to you and the one on the other side
“We have to leave now!” She scrambles up and tries hiding behind parked vehicles on the curb as she pushes you to move
You’re able to run down only a couple of blocks when you see another group of men coming at you in the same direction
You look to your right and there’s also another group
She curses under her breath before pulling you to another direction, “this way!”
You have to weave through miscellaneous objects through alleys and garbage cans
You’re pushing your legs as fast as you can despite the growing burning sensation LOL I LOVE THAT ALBUM STAN TALENT STAN SF9
You’re about to collapse when someone tACKLES YOU FROM BEHIND
“Mmfdffmlfj!!!!” Your cries are muffled behind their hand
The last thing you remember is her voice calling your name
“Try again.” You can barely make out the words before the frigid water hits your face
You cough violently and open your eyes
“Ah, you’re finally awake.”
In the dimly lit room your eyes try to adjust to the dark shapes and what seems to be in some sort of empty abandoned building
The man gestures to someone to brighten up the place and only then do you take a good look at who’s in front of you
The infamous Mr. Choi staring back at you, the very man your father has talked about countless of times
“Bring him out,” he orders as he keeps his eyes locked with yours
You hear the heavy grunt of the metal door opening and you instantly hear a voice that you’ve spent this entire time searching for
“Let.. me… go!” He spits out as he attempts to wriggle out of the men’s grips
He looks up and it’s all that takes him to still again
Your disheveled wet hair sticking to the edges of your face, the top you bought in the mall that one day now drenched in water, the dismay in your eyes
His breath gets caught in his throat before he angrily turns to his father and fumes, “Why is she here? Why did you bring me?”
He chuckles and strides to you with every menacing step
“Didn’t I say you would both find out?” He traces your jaw and you have to use every fiber of your body to not vomit on his polished Prada leather dress shoes
Seungcheol grits his teeth and violently thrashes around in their grip around him
Your breathing gets heavier as his hand drifts down to your neck
“Would be a shame to end things here… wouldn’t it?” He laughs before whipping out a gun from his pocket
“But let’s just cut out the games. You were meant to die on that night, but my idiot of a son couldn’t do it.” He points the head right in front of you
“So i’ll do it in his stead. Any last words you wanna exchange?” He gestures to you and his son
You look around to find any way out but all the entrances are utterly blocked by his guards
You slowly turn around to the rustling noise
“Stop it, Seungcheol…. Don’t act like you care.”
He looks at you in bewilderment and scoffs, “Act? You think I’m acting? I nearly risked my life to save yours! And this is just,,,, acting?”
“You were supposed to kill me that night. And you didn’t. That was your biggest mistake. You should have just ended things, not like the pathetic way you did over the phone,” your voice slightly faltered.
“It wasn’t a mistake! I wanted you to get away from this, to get away from me! Why can’t you understand that?” He was in disbelief; he practically saved you!
“You’re right. It was a bigger mistake on my end that I believed I mattered for once in my life.” He softens his facial expressions when you look up at him with a dead stare. “Y/N….”
You numbly turn back at the gun pointed in front of you
“So? Aren’t you gonna do it?”
He laughs at your provocation and merely shrugs
“If you say so”
You hear him loading the gun and just when you anticipate a bullet firing, you hear one but from behind you
The entire building is in chaos and smoke and dirt fill your vision
“Seungcheol!” Joshua and Junhui along with a whole team invade the space
He only points towards you and yells over the noise to have them focus on your safety
They nod and send the team over to help you get out of the guards’ grip
Joshua, Junhui, and 2 others are staying back to help Seungcheol as the rest of the group rushes to your side
As he’s ducking with his arms over his head, he pulls out his gun and manages to skim Minghao’s arm
He curses and holds his wound together while shouting something to another member
Soonyoung kicks the gun out of Mr. Choi’s hands as Jihoon and Seungkwan lock his arms with handcuffs
Two people who quickly introduce themselves as Wonwoo and Mingyu are on both of your sides with their arms wrapped around your shoulders
They’re talking so quickly that all the coherent words you can hear are “get” “you” “safety” “right now”
“Seungcheol??” You look at both of them, but neither are meeting your gaze
“He told us to get you first. He’ll be fine,,, he has the rest of the guys there”
“But what if he’s hurt?!”
Wonwoo quickly looks back at his shoulder and sees a few of the guards running after them
“There’s no time! We have to go right now!”
You finally burst out into the open chilly night air and make a beeline for the waiting van parked outside
They push you in first and once Mingyu slides in he immediately slams the door shut. “fLOOR IT!!!”
Vernon slams on the gas pedal and you’re off
The entire car ride is silent save for the heavy breathing from the adrenaline pumping through everyone
Wonwoo, the closest one next to you, puts his hand reassuringly on your knee
“We’re taking you to our headquarters, which is essentially our hideout,,, you’ll be safe there, I promise”
Still staring out the window, you numbly nod as he slowly removes his hand
When you arrive there, you do what they told you to: cleanse, get dressed, and hold on tight as they find a way to contact her father
After a somewhat relaxing shower, you emerge from the bathroom wearing a baggy shirt underneath a hoodie up to mid-thigh and sweats that were left outside of the door when someone named Chan knocked on it earlier
You walk to the living room where everyone is gathered around a circle talking about different methods of communication with everyone
“Oh, Y/N,” Wonwoo gets up and jogs to you. “Feel free to get something from the kitchen to eat. You can hang around the front or the back, but it’s really dark and cold, so we don’t want anything more bad to happen”
You flicker your eyes from his face to the other 3 on the couches
They slightly wave to you with a small smile and continue their discussion
You nod and thank him before heading to the kitchen
You grab an ice cream bar and a bottle of water before heading out to the front
You sit on a bench and look up at the starry night sky
Just earlier this morning, you were resolute to find him
And now fast forward to the end of the day, you were with his coworkers at their hideout
As you finish up your dessert, you brush yourself off and take a look around the area
You go around to the back and see a picnic table with folding chairs all over the yard
As you approach the table, you see a few polaroids that seem to be too familiar
“Wait… this was when we went to the cafe….”
You flip over each picture and see scribbles of writing on them
“The ice cream wasn’t as sweet as her”
You flip over each picture and see more writing similar to the caption before and realize all of the pictures are of you
The last one you flip over is the last night you saw him
He took a picture of you talking to your cousin,,,, you slowly turn over the picture
“This could have been me…”
“There you go again.”
You quickly put down the picture and slowly turn towards the voice
Seungcheol, all battered and bruised, is standing just 10 feet away
Cuts and scrapes are all over his face and arms, his clothes ripped and dirtied
He slowly walks towards you and you can’t help but to lean against the table for support
“Do… what?”
He stops in front of you, his face only inches away from yours
“Being irresistible. We’re not even together yet and you’re already wearing my clothes?”
“What makes you think we’re going to get together? Do you always want to kill your potential girlfriends?”
He gently places his hand on your chin and turns your head to face him
“No. Do you always go on a spontaneous hunt for a guy and end up almost dying?”
“That’s not fair; I didn’t know you were caught up in this shady stuff!”
“....Are you gonna walk away from it? From me?” He looks at you, a hint of desperation and anxiety in his eyes. “That’s exactly why I told you to forget about me”
You place both of your hands on his face, caressing his cheeks. “If we’re gonna make this relationship work, we’re gonna have to go over some rules about secrets”
He lights up at the word “relationship” and you can’t help but smile at his childlike grin
“You gotta stop that too”
He’s like ??? what do you mean
“Being vulnerable.” And you both seal your promises with a lingering kiss that tastes like coffee ice cream
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dreamycarat · 7 years
Characters: Lee Jihoon, Hong Joshua Genre: idk slight angst maybe Words: 3410 words Summary: Joshua’s sudden leave from Seventeen surprises everyone.
“An angel, you are?” Jihoon mumbled alone, a pen in his hand, writing lyrics for Seventeen’s new song. Jihoon’s eyes kept blinking out of tiresome, realizing that he hadn’t slept in two days. It hit him right in the chest that he didn’t even go back to his dorm for almost a week up to the day, nor did he see his members. He literally locked himself up in the four walls of his not-so-small studio, producing some presents for the Carats. His beloved Carats.
Somehow, the lyrics seemed so wrong. So cheesy too. Jihoon sighed in frustration, running his fingers along his black hair before crumpling the paper full of his messy handwriting. He then threw the paper ball into the dustbin at the corner of the studio. Jihoon took out another piece of new paper, put it before his eyes and he put his head on the table. He was exhausted.
Jihoon’s iPhone 7 lighted up with a message popped up on his lockscreen. It was a message from Joshua. The 21-year-old man shrugged, not caring to read the message and he put his phone aside, making sure to turn it off beforehand. Jihoon glued his eyes on the blank paper and he exhaled sharply, feelings mixed with exhaustion and annoyance. He was extremely worn out and the fact that none of the lyrics made sense to him annoyed him to the core.
“ARGH!” He shouted in top of his voice. The thought of disappointing his members and Carats clouded his busy mind that he didn’t realize a knock coming from the door. Someone opened the door slightly, peeking from outside.
It was Joshua.
“Jihoon,” Joshua’s soft voice called his name. Jihoon immediately turned around with a frown pasted on his face.
“You didn’t read my message?” The older man asked, leaning against the door frame. He had a luggage behind him - the one Vernon gave him as a Christmas present when they were still trainees.
Jihoon shrugged. “I’m in the middle of thinking. I don’t have time to read your message, hyung.” The tone of his voice screamed annoyance but he didn’t give a slight damn about it. ‘Joshua understands,’ he thought to himself. The man before him only nodded before plastering a small smile on his calm face, showing off his cat-like eyes. His eyes were his best features, according to Jihoon three years ago. But as time passed by, Jihoon realized that Joshua’s manners were indeed his best features. Joshua was somehow raised to be a true gentleman who constantly put on a smile while helping others. Not to mention that he always held back his anger - he was really good in it. An expert, indeed.
“Okay. I just-” Joshua paused. He seemed to take a deep breath. “Want to say goodbye.” His voice was laced with a hint of sadness but Jihoon let it off. The younger man nodded and turned away, trying to get back to work. Joshua was still holding the door knob, blinking a few times, wondering if this was the best decision he could make.
“I love you,” Joshua voiced out before shutting the door. It happened so fast that Jihoon couldn’t even make a face. But his heart was literally screaming, it felt like ripping apart without knowing why. However, Jihoon pushed the thought away and continued writing the lyrics.
He didn’t read Joshua’s message that day.
Seungcheol barged into Jihoon’s studio without even knocking, face as white as sheet, beads of cold sweat could be seen on his forehead. Jihoon turned around in slight surprise, asking why. The older man panted, putting his hand on his chest, catching his breath. Seungcheol seemed so restless - shocked, even.
“Joshua,” he muttered, chest heaved. “He left.” Jihoon told Seungcheol to reiterate, in case he was hearing it wrong. The leader of Seventeen put a hand in the air, as if telling Jihoon to wait as he paid off his oxygen debt. Jihoon guessed that Seungcheol ran all the way from their dorm to his studio, by looking at Seungcheol’s pyjamas.
“Hong Joshua left the group,” the handsome man stated.
“WhatsApp group?”
“No! Seventeen! He left Seventeen!” Jihoon stilled, trying to digest the words. Seconds later, a rush of adrenaline flowed, thousands of thoughts and questions surrounded his mind like dark clouds, eating him alive.
“What the hell?” Jihoon mumbled to himself. He focused on the tall man before him whose eyes were trembling with fears - to disappoint the fans and also the members. He pitied Seungcheol, knowing that later on, the older man would’ve to see the press and explain the hella confusing situation. He would be bombarded with millions of questions regarding to Joshua.
'Is it because of a fight between the members?’
'Does Pledis kick him out of Seventeen?’
'Is it because of health issues?’
'Did Joshua discuss it with you?’
'How are the members reacting to the news?’
'Are you still going to comeback in March?’
Jihoon could hear the questions at the back of his head, loud and clear. He could imagine Seungcheol with a fist under the table, surpressing his anger towards the heartless press. But he knew that Seungcheol would be very smart in answering the questions. The leader was trained for five long years to control the situation. He knew everything - what to answer and what not to answer.
But still… WHY?
Seungcheol informed that an urgent meeting between the members will be held in ten minutes at their dorm, thus he insisted Jihoon to go home. Jihoon was still dumbfounded. He couldn’t insist to stay, especially when the situation was extremely dangerous to them. And so Jihoon followed Seungcheol back to their dorm, where the other 10 members were already sitting in a big circle, impatiently waiting for them.
Jihoon immediately filled in the empty spot of the circle between Mingyu and Jun as Seungcheol locked the front door. Jeonghan sat opposite of Jihoon, serious as hell, not caring to at least greet Jihoon who had not been home for 6 days. The surrounding was silent but tensed. Even Seungkwan, the loudest member in the group kept silent, fingers playing with Vernon’s, lips forming a pout. Chan, on the other hand, was crying but Jihoon could see how hard the youngest man tried to hold back his tears. His sobs were slow but heavy. Minghao helped to wipe those tears away. As soon as Seungcheol completed the big circle, he asked in his stern voice, “Does anyone know anything?”
Mingyu shrugged, saying, “Joshua hyung didn’t say anything when I asked him why was he packing his things up.” Jeonghan looked up to see Jihoon straight in his eyes and said, “Joshua said this is not our fault.” There was a hint of sarcasm in Jeonghan’s voice, as if he was telling Jihoon something indirectly.
“Perhaps you know something, Jihoon?”
Jihoon furrowed his eyebrows at Jeonghan, fingers unknowingly curled into a fist before Jun slowly wrapped his fingers around Jihoon’s and uncurled his fist. “I know nothing,” Jihoon replied, trying to stay calm, when all eyes were on him. “I am in the studio all the time. How the hell would I freaking know about anything?”
“If Joshua is still here, he would’ve reminded you of your language, Jihoon,” Soonyoung remarked. “We are not here to blame anyone, guys,” Seungcheol reminded them before a sigh escaped his lips. Jihoon bit his lower lip. Minghao then asked, “Is this permanent? I mean, he really left? Forever?”
“We don’t know yet,” Mingyu answered. Wonwoo ran his fingers along his hair in slight frustration, though he didn’t seem to say anything about the situation. Jihoon’s eyes narrowed the moment Seungcheol’s phone rang. Everyone’s eyes landed on the leader, who quickly slided his index figer along the green button, answering the call. Jihoon’s heart beat so fast that he could actually hear it in his two ears.
“Yes, our manager told us about that,” Seungcheol said. He mouthed 'CEO’ to the members as he replied, “Nothing is wrong, sir. No. No. There’s no such things. We don’t fight.” The other members exchanged glances on each other, wondering, still puzzled of the situation. Seungcheol seemed to listen to their CEO’s so-called explanation as he nodded and mouthed 'Yes, sir’ over and over again. Jun once again wrapped his fingers around Jihoon’s, slightly caressing the soft hand as if he was telling Jihoon that it would be fine. Joshua would be okay.
“I’m sorry you have to face this situation,” Jun whispered. Jihoon turned to his left to take a closer look at the Chinese man’s handsome face and he nodded. “It’s fine.” “No, it’s not fine. You are already so stressed out from composing our songs. You shouldn’t have been pulled into this problem.” The shorter man shook his head and replied softly, “I am a part of the group, Jun. Of course I should-” his words were cut off when Seungcheol finally hung up.
“Joshua met the CEO last week. He said that he needed time to think.” Seungcheol took a deep breath, pausing, and Seokmin asked, “Think of what?”
“I don’t know, dude. Maybe you annoyed him to death,” Vernon attempted a joke. Seokmin glared the younger man and said, “He was voted as the most annoying member in Seventeen, if you forget.”
“Stop it, kids. We are not going to argue about this. We are here to find a solution. Explanation, maybe. Anyway, Joshua said that he would be meditating for a long long time. There are things that bothered him so much. And he would appreciate it if we stop communicating with him in any ways.” Seungcheol took a pause and added, “Just until he is fine.”
“How do we know that he is fine?” Chan asked.
“Is he still in Korea?” Seungkwan asked. Seungcheol shook his head. “He took a plane to L.A a few hours ago.”
“I can’t believe he just left without saying anything to us. Not even a goodbye,” Mingyu whined, pouting. Jihoon stilled. “He what?” Mingyu turned to Jihoon and asked, “What?”
“He didn’t say goodbye?” Jihoon asked, wanting to make sure he heard it right. The tallest member im the group nodded.
“What the hell…” Jihoon muttered, closing his eyes. He cursed under his breath before saying, “Joshua came to see me this morning. With a luggage. He said goodbye. But… That’s it.”
“What’s your point, Jihoon?” Jeonghan furrowed his eyebrows. “The point is, Joshua came to see me. To say goodbye.”
“Okay, wait-” Soonyoung said, “Who was in the dorm when Joshua left?” Everyone looked at each other and at the same time, they glued their eyes on Mingyu. “What? I saw him packing but then I went to get my morning coffee.” Minghao asked, “Then?” “Then, I went to our practice room, obviously.”
“So, Jihoon is the last person to see Joshua,” Jeonghan stated as a matter-of-fact. Jihoon sucked in more air. Something then hit him right in the chest. The message. Jihoon’s hands roamed along his pockets, trying to find his phone. Damn. He left his phone in the studio.
Jihoon spent the night at the dorm, not sleeping, but thinking. He couldn’t stop wondering about the message. He was calculating the possibilities that he was the one who made Joshua leave. If he were to list down all the things he did to the elder man, the list would be endless. Most of the things would be making a face when Joshua talked to him unknowingly. It wasn’t exactly a hobby but he couldn’t help but to only focus on his work. He didn’t really like it when Joshua randomly popped out of nowhere and invited him to dinner and lunch and breakfast. Joshua had always been there, annoying him- or taking care of him, to be exact, but in an annoying way. He would make sure Jihoon had his meal right on time, never muttered profanities out loud and always slept on time. Joshua was always there, until a week ago.
Jihoon remembered the day Joshua started acting all weird and odd around him, avoiding him in any ways. They didn’t fight the day before. Jihoon never knew why. He didn’t even bother to ask since he was secretly enjoying the time he had to himself. He was quite selfish, he realized. He only cared about himself and his work and nothing else.
But oh, Jihoon remembered something. He was quite drunk the night before Joshua stopped caring about him. He remembered being all tensed up and Joshua brought him a bottle of soju, his favorite alcohol. Joshua didn’t drink, literally. And Jihoon knew he muttered something bad. Maybe curses. Or maybe he said that Joshua was annoying.
Oh God.
Joshua’s message was simple yet complicated. “I love you so much that it hurts.” Jihoon could hear Joshua’s soft voice at the back of his head. He tried to understand the words but he couldn’t. Why would it hurt? Why would loving your friend hurt? It didn’t make any sense at all. Jihoon couldn’t come out with anything.
“Hey, you wanna lunch?” Vernon asked, startling Jihoon. The shorter guy literally jumped out of his seat, holding his phone close to his chest. “Seriously, Vernon? I could’ve died because of hesrt attack!” The Korean-American man shrugged, “I knocked, okay.” Jihoon let out a sigh before nodding, following Vernon and the others to a 'gopchang’ restaurant.
Jihoon stood in front of the entrance, eyes glued to the signboard. Gopchang Restaurant. Joshua. He remembered forgetting Joshua in November when he had dinner with the vocal unit. Joshua talked about that with his sad eyes in Yang and Nam Show.
Jihoon took a deep breath.
“Come on, hyung!” Seungkwan pulled Jihoon into the restaurant. They settled in a table at the corner of the restaurant, greeted by Kyungsoo’s sweet voice singing For Life, EXO’s new song. The young men exchanged glances on each other and without a cue, they played rock, paper and scissors to talk to the owner and change the song. It was a usual thing to do for them - shamelessly asking the owner of the restaurant to play their song in the restaurant.
Seungkwan and Vernon held out a rock, Jihoon forcefully made a paper and Seungcheol made the scissors sign. No loser. Again. This time, everyone but Jihoon held out a paper as Jihoon made a rock sign. He puffed his cheeks annoyingly and pouted when his three friends happily beamed and cheered for him.
“Go talk to the owner, Jihoon.” Slowly, Jihoon made his way to the counter and asked to see the owner. The young girl standing before him seemed to be knowing him as her lips curled into a big smile, eyes not even blinking, nodding. But she stood there, frozen.
“Ehem,” Jihoon faked a cough and the girl quickly apologized and called the owner of the restaurant. An old woman with grey hair tied up in a bun walked out of the kitchen, smiling at Jihoon.
“Hi, I am from a group called Seventeen. Um, is it possible for you to play our song in the restaurant?” The old woman’s smile became bigger as she nodded. “Of course, young man.”
When Jihoon finally reached his members, he could hear 'Don’t Listen Secretly’ by the Vocal unit. Joshua’s soft voice started the song and his first line hit him hard.
“We grow further these days.”
Jihoon gulped. It felt as if Joshua’s words were slicing his heart open, slitting it mercilessly that Jihoon had to clutch his chest. His breathings were uneven, not that he cared but deep down inside, he couldn’t deny the fact that he kind of missed Joshua.
“I feel you, Jihoon,” Seungcheol said, putting a hand on the younger man’s shoulder, trying to console Jihoon. Seungcheol knew Jihoon was trying so hard to adapt to the situation. Being in charge of producing the songs, it would’ve been so frustrating for Jihoon to actually focus on his work, not when his person - Joshua - was gone.
“We just have to give him some space, I guess,” Vernon added with a sigh. Their smiles literally faded away, replaced with a frown and a permanent scar in their heart. A scar that would always remind them of the pain to lose someone they loved, even when losing Joshua could be temporary. Could…
February had arrived even though Jihoon begged for the time to stop. He couldn’t focus on his work. The CEO had already scolded him for postponing the recording of their main song and also vocal unit’s song but he didn’t give a slight damn about it. He believed that Joshua would be back. He knew that Joshua would appear one day, looking fine as hell, smiling with his cat-like eyes and wanted to participate in this comeback. Of course, he was Hong Joshua. He was a part of Seventeen after all. It took 13 people to complete the group. 13, including Joshua. This was where he needed to be. Not in L.A. But here, in Korea, performing in front of their fans. This was his home.
And Jihoon was right. For the first time in what he felt like years, he was right.
Joshua came home.
He was clad in the long-sleeve shirt Jihoon gave him as a birthday present and a pair of his favorite jeans, hair swiped up like how Jihoon loved, sitting on the chair, strumming the guitar smoothly as if he had no problem in this world. The corner of his lips curved upwards, head bobbing up and down slightly when Jihoon’s small figure appeared in the reflection of the mirror.
Jihoon blinked. He stilled. He literally stopped breathing because the sight of Joshua in front of him took his breath away. He missed his brother so much. But he was also mad, realizing how Joshua just turned up in front of him with a freaking smile without a notice, as if he did nothing wrong. As if he never tortured the 12 men mentally for a month.
But, anyway, Joshua came home.
“Why?” It was the first word that came out of Jihoon’s mouth. The question was amazingly short, compared to the amount of curiosity he had inside. His emotions were overflowing that he couldn’t differentiate whether he was actually mad or sad or happy.
Joshua looked at the younger man straight in his eyes, not blinking. The smile he put on his face earlier eventually disappeared, lips forming a straight line. A sigh escaped his lips, heart heavy, not wanting to answer the question.
“Why?” Jihoon repeated his question, louder this time. Joshua turned away. This was not how he wanted to be greeted by Jihoon, not after all the sessions with his psycologist.
“Joshua…” Jihoon whimpered. His chest felt like bursting and if Joshua didn’t say anything this time, it could actually blow up. His heart would explode out of anger and curiosity and when the time came, Jihoon knew that he wouldn’t be able to forgive Joshua. The silent treatment he was receiving was disturbing him so much.
“I couldn’t,” Joshua finally spoke, “You were a distraction.” Jihoon was taken aback. “You- I liked you a lot, Jihoon. Not as a friend. But more… I liked you more than the others. And it was disturbing me because I was afraid that this could lead me into a path full of sins. And so I had to go. I had to find a cure to this stupid feeling before it consumed me. I had to because I needed to be straight. And I have been seeing a psycologist and also a councellor and now, I’m here, right in front of you. I am home. And I am fine as heck.”
Jihoon was speechless.
“I am perfectly straight now, in case you’re afraid of me.” Jihoon stood there, frozen, dumbfounded. He didn’t know what to say. He wasn’t afraid of Joshua. He was just surprised. “Okay, you know what, forget about it. Pretend as if I said nothing. Gosh. This is so awkward.”
Jihoon opened his mouth to say something but then he paused and eventually closed it again. Jihoon closed his eyes for a moment. He took a few deep breaths.
Joshua came home. The group was now complete.
“Perhaps you wanna record the songs tonight?”
Note: This is a sin oh god I did not just write that omg. I am not into yaoi at all. I am also very straight. Oh Gosh. Anyway, Shua is currently wrecking my bias list. All of the members are bias wreckers tho.
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t8kyoe · 3 years
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          #★% : WONWOO vS. DARK LOCKS ✦
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