#woocommerce development company Los Angeles
synergytop · 3 years
Woocommerce Development Company Los Angeles - Woocommerce Developers
Source - SynergyTop
We are the best Woocommerce Developer, design Wordpress website with the help of WooCommerce platform to create winning E-commerce solutions at affordable rates. With the trained professionals on board with SynergyTop, the retailers can integrate an eCommerce store with their existing site and sell everything from physical products to digital products, appointments, subscriptions, and more.
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businesstechcontent · 4 years
Grow Your Business With The Best Woocommerce Developer In Sacramento.
WooCommerce is a Wordpress open-source platform that offers the customers with easy to use features to grow your number of customers. Many online brands are using it to grow their business. You can also do the same and increase your customer count. For that, you have to hire a WooCommerce developer in Sacramento. 
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WooCommerce is one of the most commonly used online website development company for Wordpress websites. There are many reasons for its popularity. Some of the reasons that can even be a solution for your brand are as follows:
Free of Cost: The best thing about WooCommerce is that it is free. The toolkit that is provided with WooCommerce development is absolutely free. With a WooCommerce developer in Sacramento, you can build an online store at minimal expense. 
Familiar: WooCommerce development is supporting billions of business every day. If you are familiar with Wordpress, you will be able to this platform and build your online store. It is always better to get the professional help from the WooCommerce developer in Sacramento. 
Professional Website: WooCommerce development is really good at making your website look professional, even if it is free. The platform has many features like comprehensive order tracking and customer engagement tools, which is helpful for the customers to track their orders and get proper updates about their delivery.
Easy Analysis: With a WooCommerce developer in Sacramento, you will keep a record of all the business proceedings. They might be things like sales by date, separate consumer figures and overall sales and the average order sums, etc. Analyzing tools like Google Analytics, Kissmetrics Heatmaps, Sumome Content Analysis, etc will be used to analyze the business proceedings. 
Effective SEO: As you already may know WooCommerce development comes with clean code, it helps in the business enhance SEO rankings. A Woocommerce developer in Sacramento can use all the features to generate more traffic on your website. 
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pbacklinks · 3 years
How To Monetize Your Website and Make A Profit from Flipping Domains
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How To Monetize Your Website and Make A Profit from Flipping Domains
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Many people nowadays are making money online by building websites and selling them on platforms like Empire Flippers and Flippa. This article will explain how you can monetize a website in order to gain a steady source of income or even sell that website to make a sizeable profit in a short time.
  What does it mean when people talk about monetizing a site?
When bloggers, YouTube content creators or other individuals online speak about monetizing a site, they are referring to ways in which they can use their website to make money. Almost any type of content on the Web can be monetized, if you own it. Some investors also buy domain names and sell them. This process is known as domain flipping and it can be quite profitable.
  If you have a blog on WordPress, Blogger, Wix or another popular platform, you can make changes to it that allow you to earn money from every page view. Similarly, if you own a website, you can earn when visitors to that site take specific actions, such as signing up for a course, purchasing a product or requesting information on a free program.
  How can you monetize your website for free?
Whether you have a website that’s focused on cars, perfume or raising chickens, you can monetize it today. If you already have traffic coming in to your site, there are several ways to leverage that traffic in order to earn money. Some website owners aim to earn just enough to cover the expenses of domain hosting and content creation but others want to pay their mortgage, fund family vacations and add to their IRA through the work that they do on their website.
  It’s entirely possible to earn $1,000 or more from your website each month. Some of the most popular ways of monetizing a site are:
Affiliate marketing
Selling your own products
Teaching a course
Display ads
Direct sponsorship
  How To Collect Payments On Your Blog
Monetization options are usually free and most allow you to get paid by the provider of the program, so you don’t have to handle credit cards yourself. For example, if you’re a ClickBank affiliate, your revenue will be transferred to your account from ClickBank. However, if you sell homemade jam on your home cooking website, you’ll need to ensure that your site is set up to facilitate direct payments from your customers.
  One of the easiest ways to collect payment for woodcrafts, handmade toys and other items that you might sell, is via Shopify or Woocommerce. You can also use PayPal Checkout to collect payments. Just log in to your PayPal account and under your Dashboard, click Quick Links and then Accept Payments.
  Follow the steps and you’ll be able to accept credit cards and other payment options. This can be done with Blogger, TypePad and most other blogging platforms. When you monetize your blog by selling your own physical or digital products, you’ll keep 100% of the profits.
  Support Your Cause With Donations
Some bloggers use their blog to raise awareness about a cause that’s important to them and others. For example, their blog may focus on HIV awareness or supporting people who have overcome serious injuries. You can add a Donate Now button to your blog, via PayPal, to complement other monetization strategies that you use to raise funds.
  How do beginner bloggers make money?
Most beginner bloggers make money from display ads. For example, they may sign up for a program such as Google AdSense. AdSense creates ad blocks of different sizes. These ad blocks display content that matches the topic of your webpage.
  For example, if your website is focused on tango techniques, the ads that are displayed will be related to tango lessons, tango costumes and so on. The correct ads will only be displayed if the keyword density and other relevant factors are correctly addressed
  For example, if you’re targeting ads on “tango dance techniques”, your content can’t keep mentioning “fly to Los Angeles”. If the keyword density of the latter keyword is too high, you may see ads for airlines appearing on your tango website.
  Bloggers can also sell ad space directly to businesses in their community or seek sponsorship from organizations that are connected to the theme of their blog. For example, if your blog is about a local sports team, a sporting goods retailer nearby may want to purchase ad space on your site.
  How To Monetize Website for Beginners – Use Ad Networks
AdSense is a Google product and it’s an ad network that’s available to bloggers who use Google’s Blogger platform. Videographers who post content on YouTube can also monetize their videos by using AdSense.
  With AdSense, you can place different types of display ads on your site, such as banner ads. You’re free to experiment with the type of ads that you show on your site and if you find that banners aren’t effective for you, you can adjust the size, color and other aspects of the ads via your dashboard.
  Like other ad programs, AdSense is free. You don’t have to pay any monthly fees and your account is credited every time a person views your webpage or clicks on your ad. The payment for page views is minimal but it adds up if you’re getting thousands of views a week. You’ll usually earn more for ad clicks than page views, especially if the ad is in a competitive niche, such as “lawyer in New York” or “mesothelioma lawyer”.
  Word Ads is another popular option, that’s offered to bloggers who use the WordPress platform. As with AdSense, it’s ideal for beginners because it’s easy to set up. Like AdSense ads, the type of ads that are displayed depends on the type of content you have on the page. If you want to earn more money as a beginner, ensure that you create content that generates ads in competitive niches.
  How To Monetize Website for Beginners – Focus On The Right Keywords
It’s important to build your blog around profitable keywords. Tools are available to help you determine how much is being bid for an ad for a particular keyword. You can use Wordsstream or Keyword Spy to find out how much you could earn if a visitor clicks on an ad for a particular keyword. Ensure that you develop content on your webpage with these keywords in mind.
  How do you monetize yourself?
In order to monetize yourself, you’ll need to create a personal brand. For example, consider Rihanna or Kim Kardashian. Whether you choose to like or dislike these women, they’ve both worked hard to create personal brands and leverage those brands to make money.
  If you’re a teacher, think of how you can make your brand stand out. You can be known as the Geography teacher who makes other parts of the globe real to people of all ages. You would earn from your brand via speaking engagements that are hosted by tour companies, books that you write on travel or through semars you host which focus on applications of geography.
  If you cook very well, you could build your personal brand around food. You may even choose to focus on a particular technique, taking advantage of trends in the market. For example, if you notice that consumers are moving towards healthier food preparation techniques, you could market yourself as the Steaming Chef, Raw Organic Chef or something similar.
  You could teach courses on steaming different types of food and earn when peple pay to do those courses. The best thing about course creation is that once you’ve created an online course, you can keep earning by giving viewers the freedom to use the materials, for a fee.
  You might also create a library of courses. You could provide access to members who pay a one-time fee upfront or who pay a smaller fee each month. Subscription models bring in a steady stream of income for people in a wide range of sectors but you’ll need to build your personal brand and leverage that.
  How can I make my website profitable?
To make your website really profitable, you’ll need to:
Select a profitable niche
Use profitable monetization strategies
Produce quality content that engages your attention
Drive traffic by using SEO, email lists and social media marketing
Use A/B testing to increase conversions
  If you’ve built a website but it’s not making a lot of money for you, there are several things that you can adjust to improve your profits. Sometimes new bloggers target a keyword that could pay a lot per click. However, they don’t get any traffic or clicks because the keyword is too competitive.
  It’s important to check the level of competition that you have for a keyword before you start building your blog. Good keyword research is essential, whether you plan to sell products or create a membership site.
  Sometimes bloggers decide to sign up for an affiliate marketing program. This means that whenever a visitor to their site takes a particular action, such as making a purchase on the partner site, the blogger will get a commission.
  Unfortunately, some affiliate programs don’t pay well. You may need to switch to a program with better rewards, to increase your earnings. A lot of Amazon affiliates saw their earnings plummet when Amazon drastically lowered the percentage that they paid as a commission.
  Amazon did this overnight. Oftentimes, the best way to secure your site’s revenue is to create and sell your own product. This includes ebooks, online courses and even apps.
  Flip A Domain
Domain flipping is one of the easiest ways to make money but you’ll need to have money to invest. When you flip a domain, you’ll purchase a domain name that you think will be in demand. You can sell that name at a higher price and make a profit.
  This system works for several reasons. Google’s ranking system considers the keywords that are in the domain name, so for SEO purposes, certain domain names are in high demand. When you aim to flip a domain to make a profit, you’ll identify a good domain name and register it on a site like GoDaddy.
  Different sites can’t have the same name, so if a particular name gets a lot of traffic, a lot of people will want it. The competition for that name drives the price up. It’s like buying an empty store in the busiest spot in a city. For example, these combinations are likely to be profitable:
DropshippingGuide com
  Investors who buy domain names don’t add content to the site. They just buy the domain name and sell it at a profit. They don’t even need to worry about driving traffic to the name. This is what makes the process so easy.
  Several investors look for expired domains. When you flip a domain that’s expired, you can often get a good price for it. You can use sites such as DomainHunter.net and tools like Domain Hunter Gatherer to find expired domains.
  Flip A Website
Instead of just buying a domain name, some investors buy an entire website. This is more expensive than purchasing names but you can make a bigger profit. Empire Flippers often has websites for sale. These are in different niches, so you can often find one in an area that matches your expertise, passion or knowledge.
  You can purchase a site that you like and even make adjustments that might make it even more profitable. You can sell it back and earn thousands of dollars. You’ll also collect all the revenue that the site generates while you’re waiting for it to be sold.
  Of course, you can also sell a website that you’ve built from scratch. If you don’t want to only flip a domain and like the creative process, this will give you big returns. Some people like to build websites but the process of maintaining a website can feel restrictive. In that case, building, monetizing and then selling websites can help you to achieve your financial dreams.
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skeducates · 4 years
Best Digital Marketing Agencies in Los Angeles (Updated 2021)
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Digital Marketing is a vital strategy for growing businesses these days. The digital era that was about to boom after some years is skyrocketing today and the market is extensively preparing to cope with it. So, what it takes to run businesses with digital marketing?
Digital Marketing is all about reaching customers through the internet for the purpose of business. It utilizes the internet and online-based technologies including mobile phones, laptops, desktop computers, tablets, or any other digital products to promote products and services. Can you run the digital marketing campaign yourself?
Digital Marketing is not that complex however, you need to know lots of things like Search Engine Optimization (SEO), Ads Campaign, Digital Advertising, Technical knowledge, and many more. If you have good knowledge of these aspects, you can continue with the digital marketing strategy otherwise you can seek the help of various digital marketing agencies.
In this article, we will discover the best Digital Marketing Agencies in Los Angeles that can help your business to achieve J-curve.
Coalition Technologies
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Coalition Technologies is one of the best Digital Marketing Agencies in Los Angeles that provides digital marketing services including SEO, Paid Advertising, Online Marketing, and Web Design. This company has a good review rate in Google (4.8 out of 5), Facebook (4.8 out of 5), Clutch (4.9 out of 5), and Indeed (4.5 out of 5). As per the company, they generate 687 percent more revenue than the average agency.
Under the SEO section, Coalition Technologies offer services like ECommerce SEO, Lead Generation SEO, Local SEO, Amazon SEO, and SEO Case Studies. The company also emphasizes Google Ads, Facebook Ads, Instagram Ads, Pay Per Click (PPC), and case studies. Besides, it also provides website designing services that cover BigCommerce, Shopify, WooCommerce, Magento, WordPress design, and all other custom design and development.
Kobe Digital
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Kobe Digital is among the top Digital Marketing Agencies in Los Angeles that provides online marketing services including SEO, advertising, website design/development, and many more. The company primarily focuses on performance marketing like Social Media Advertising, Search Engine Marketing, Display, and Video Advertising, Programmatic Advertising, and Email Marketing.
Under the Web Design/development, Kobe Digital offers Brand Identity and Strategy service, Brand Websites, ECommerce development, web, and mobile applications. In addition, the company also provides video production services such as brand videos, commercials, testimonial videos, product videos, explainer, and how-to videos.
This company has bagged some achievements including National Excellence Award (ranked top 1%), the Best place to work in Los Angeles (ranked number 5), and the top global digital agency (Annual List by Clutch. co).
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KlientBoost is also among the list of best Digital Marketing Agencies in Los Angeles and provides services like SEO, Paid Advertising, Email Marketing, and Conversion.
The company offers Content Marketing services, SEO Optimization, and Link building services whereas it also focuses on paid advertising like Pay Per Click (PPC), Facebook Ads, Google Ads, Search Engine Marketing (SEM), and PPC management. Not only these but KlientBoost also offers Conversion Rate Optimization, Landing Page Design, and Email marketing.
NITRO PLUG Digital Marketing
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Nitro Plug also fits in the top Digital Marketing Agencies in Los Angeles as it provides PPC Management Service, Reputation Management Service, Email Marketing Service, Local SEO/National SEO Service, Social Media Marketing, and Management.
The company is named one of the Top Digital Marketing Agencies in the United States with hundreds of clients ranking higher on Google and producing more targeted leads. It also received some rewards including Top Rated Digital Marketing Agency 2021 by SeoBlog, 2020 National Excellence Award, and Best Digital Marketing Agencies in Los Angeles by Expertise.
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eMaximize started its Digital Marketing service in 2008 and is continuing its services like PPC Advertising, SEO Services, Social Media Marketing, ECommerce Marketing, website design, and development. The company makes beneficial use of outsourced CMO (Chief Marketing Officer) to improve their marketing ROI (Return on Investment) by lowering their marketing costs.
eMaximize has helped almost all industries including medical, dental, law firms, hospitality, restaurant, architect, builders to grow their business with the use of digital technology.
Some achievements received by the company are PPC Certification by Gold Certified Associate, Best Digital Marketing Agencies in Los Angeles by Expertise, Best Ad Agencies by designrush.com, Top Advertising & Marketing Agencies by the Clutch.
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WEBITMD is working as a Digital Marketing Agency for over 15 years and focusing on driving traffic and more opportunities for clients. The company offers Paid Media Management for Lead Generation, SEO and Content Marketing service, Web Design/Development, Brand Positioning, and Sales Enablement.
WEBITMD is partnered with Google, HubSpot, Shopify, Facebook, Google Ads, and Digital Agency network to provide perfect service to its customers. The company is listed as the best Digital Marketing Agencies in Los Angeles by the Expertise.
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LookinLA is also among the best Digital Marketing Agencies in Los Angeles and provides services including Search Engine Optimization, Social Media Marketing, Pay Per Click (PPC) Advertising, Email Marketing Automation, Content Marketing, Video Production, Website Design, and Development.
The company has acquired various achievements which are Best Digital Marketing Agencies in Los Angeles 2020 by the Expertise, Best Digital Agencies by the designrush.com, Top Advertising Marketing Agencies in Los Angeles by the Clutch, and Top B2B Companies in the United States by the Clutch. Besides, the LookinLA is a certified Google Partner and the A+ rated BBB Accredited Business.
Brenton Way
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Brenton Way, a digital marketing agency in Los Angeles emphasizes SEO, Paid Advertising, Content Marketing, Lead Generation/Outreach, Social Media Marketing, and Digital PR.
The company has received lots of achievements like National Excellence Award Winner 2020, Top Digital Marketing Agency 2019 by UpCity, Top SEO Services Company, Top Digital Marketing Company, Top PPC Agencies 2019, and Top Digital Agencies 2018.
Metric Theory
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Metric Theory is a Data-Driven Digital Marketing Agency that provides services like SEO, Paid Advertising, Video Advertising, Mobile Advertising, Creative Ads production, Programmatic Advertising, Amazon Marketing, Feed Management, Conversion Optimization, Shopping, and Product Listing Management.
The company has worked with over 400 international brands, top-rated software companies, and other growing businesses. It was named as the 2019 SEM (Search Engine Marketing) Agency of the year.
LAD Solutions
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LAD Solutions is also one of the best Digital Marketing Agencies in Los Angeles and is known as the best SEO company. The SEO service is categorized into the first page on Google, Advertise my Website, SEO Lead Generation, ECommerce SEO, SEO for lawyers, Small Business SEO, and local SEO.
Further services provided by the LAD Solutions are Pay Per Click (PPC) Management, Social Media Management, Reputation Management, Small Business Consulting, Google Penalty Removal, Web page design, and development. This company is also famous for its affordable digital marketing services.
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seogtoronto · 4 years
Why Choose WooCommerce for Building WordPress Ecommerce Site?
Right now, woo commerce is considered as one of the top eCommerce plugins of WordPress. But, that does not mean you should follow the crowd mindlessly. To understand whether WooCommerce is perfect for your requirements, you need to know certain factors.
In the following section of this article, the professionals of Website Development Company Los Angeles have listed some of the attractions of using this plugin. Check it out.
Free Core Plugin
While free does not necessarily mean better, it can definitely provide an advantage to the business owners who are just starting their journey. WordPress is also free, and there are plenty of free themes available. That means you just need to get a domain to create your eCommerce store.
As your business grows, you can upgrade the theme or use a custom WordPress design for your online store. Experts of WebSite Maintenance Los Angeles company think that you can also invest in some of the premium add-ons of WooCommerce to make your online store even more powerful.
Highly Expandable
Establishing an online store with the free WooCommerce plugin is not the end of the game. With passing days, you may want to enhance the capabilities and features of your store.
In this regard, one or more extensions of the WooCommerce can come in handy. There should be existing add ons to these extensions. However, if you do not find one, you can seek help from webmasters of Website Development Company Los Angeles.
These extensions can make your store more customer focussed and improve the administrative functions as well. Thanks to the popularity of WooCommerce, most of the WordPress theme developers try to create designs compatible with the plugin.
While some themes are not as compatible as the rest, solutions are available easily. It does not matter whether you are searching for a custom design theme or an off-the-rack one; you will always get plenty of options for your WordPress Website.
Large Community and User Base
As this plugin is popular, there are a large number of online stores that use WooCommerce. That means if you choose this plugin for your website, you will become a part of a large user base. The benefit of being a part of the larger community is that there will be several people sharing techniques and ideas for getting the most of this plugin.
So if you ever get stuck on any problems with your WooCommerce plugin-based WordPress store, then chances are there is someone else out there who has faced this issue and documented it. If you cannot find any solution to your problem, don’t hesitate to seek help from WebSite Maintenance Los Angeles company.
All in all, the benefits of choosing this plugin are numerous. If you are just starting your online store, and do not have a big budget for building your site, this is the best plugin option you can avail.
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jjpocketbook · 4 years
The 6 Best Digital Marketing Companies of 2020
Digital marketing covers everything from SEO and content marketing to email campaigns, social media strategy, and video marketing too. 
With new digital marketing companies popping up left and right offering a bit of everything (and truly speaking to no one), it’s no surprise you’re having a hard time finding the right one. 
The best thing to do is narrow down your options by bypassing those digital marketing companies trying to do too many things at once. 
Why? Because true highly-niched experts are the best way to get the results you want (and deserve) for your business. 
But, it’s not always easy to find those experts when you need them. 
So, I put together a list of the top digital marketing companies who genuinely excel at what they do to help you find the right fit for your business depending on what you need. 
Then, we’re going to talk about what makes them great and what to expect when working with them. 
Let’s get started!
The 6 top digital marketing companies in the world
Digital marketing can be done from anywhere in the world. 
So, it doesn’t matter if you’re living in New York and want to work with a company in Houston. Or living in London interested in an advertising specialist in Australia. 
All this freedom does make it difficult to narrow down your choices. 
But this list is a great place to start. 
1. Neil Patel Digital — Best for content marketing and SEO
Let’s face it — consistent content creation and effective content marketing are the banes of a lot of business’s existence. 
Pair that with constantly evolving search engine algorithms and you have a recipe for burnout and frustration (on top of your every-day to-do’s). 
Thankfully there’s an easier way than staying on top of it on your own. 
Neil Patel Digital was built by marketers — not bankers — interested in disrupting the way brands (and their target audience) think about the content they create, publish, and promote. 
We’ve helped businesses like Facebook, Intuit, and Google, as well as small to medium-sized businesses, disrupt their industries with our holistic and authentic approach to content creation and search engine optimization. 
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From research to execution to promotion and ongoing optimization, we know a thing or two (or twenty) about helping your brand create the best content for the right people… and putting it in front of them as well.
Your business deserves to be heard and there’s no one more dedicated to making that happen than our team of professional experts equipped with my world-class digital marketing strategies.
Plus, with seven offices around the world, our team is here for you when you need us. 
2. Cubicle Ninjas — Best for brand design and app/website development
You can have the best ideas and products in the world but without a brand that portrays your story and core values, you’re going to have a hard time connecting with your audience. 
But cohesive brand design goes beyond the basics of graphic design best practices and Googling for free information until your eyes gloss over. 
That’s where an experienced specialist comes in and saves the day. 
Cubicle Ninjas uses a strategic combination of design and technology to develop innovative, inspiring, and one-of-a-kind branding design paired with the mobile apps and websites brands need to stand out in our online world. 
They’ve designed high-end customer experiences for companies like Red Bull, Microsoft, IBM, and Hilton but they also work with smaller boutique brands as well. 
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Cubicle Ninjas believe the best brands encompass visual, written, and interactive elements to create a cohesive customer experience through every stage of their journey from casual visitors to loyal repeat customers. 
Their client-proven process works for businesses and projects of all sizes interested in developing a brand and creative assets that help them tell their story. 
3. Storm Brain — Best for advertising and social media marketing
Social media seemingly changes by the second. 
It feels impossible to keep up with new platforms, updated policies, and ever-changing social media marketing techniques on top of running your business. 
But thankfully, you don’t have to. 
Storm Brain is a digital marketing company specializing in effective advertising campaigns and social media marketing that helps brands of all sizes generate more leads, build brand ambassadors, and make more money with a strong focus on ROI. 
They’ve worked with some big names like Zillow, Ford, and Citi Bank but they also work with smaller brands in a wide variety of industries. 
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Storm Brain focuses on planning, creating, and executing both paid and organic social media campaigns that help your audience connect with your brand across social media channels. 
However, they specialize in Facebook and paid social media advertising. 
Their four-step strategic approach centers around your target audience and capitalizes on paid media, owned media, and earned media to ensure your brand is in front of the right people. 
4. Mad Mind — Best for eCommerce development and product branding
As a product-based business, you have different marketing roadblocks than service-based or blogging-based businesses. 
And there are a lot of other branding elements coming into play as well.
Thankfully, Mad Mind is here to help. 
They’re a creative digital marketing studio for both large and small eCommerce brands looking to develop cohesive branding from their website design down to the smallest details of their product packaging. 
Brands like Lyft and Sony Music trust Mad Mind to help them create an impactful brand, attract the right people, and turn them into lifelong paying customers.
Furthermore, they’ve been featured on Shark Tank, The Los Angeles Times, and Vogue. 
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From WordPress, WooCommerce, and Shopify development to custom websites and thoughtful eCommerce branding, their team of “marketing geniuses” delivers powerful results and dynamic marketing strategies you can leverage for years to come. 
5. Pop Video — Best for video and visual content marketing
Video and visual content marketing are booming right now. 
But it’s no secret planning, creating, and producing videos feels overwhelming and downright difficult, to say the least. 
The good news is… you don’t have to do it all yourself. 
Pop Video specializes in doing the heavy lifting (read: video creation, execution, repurposing, editing, etc.) for you. 
They know your audience expects more than one-off videos and other types of visual content. And they also believe your business deserves better, as well. They don’t call themselves a “lean, mean, content-generating machine” for nothing. 
Pop Video has partnered with hundreds of brands including Phillips 66, Academy Sports + Outdoors, and Mattress Firm to revolutionize the way their audiences consume and interact with digital content. 
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However, they don’t just produce great videos. 
They help you create a library of visual assets by repurposing content as well so you can walk away with all the visual content marketing material you need. 
6. Action Rocket — Best for email marketing and design
There’s a reason 93% of B2B brands use email to distribute the content they create — it works. 
But starting your email list and growing it into a database of raving fans and customers isn’t easy. Most businesses know this and do everything they can to avoid it like the plague. 
Good thing you have another option. 
Action Rocket is an email marketing studio leveraging strategic approaches, creative thinking, and in-depth customer journeys to develop results-driven email marketing campaigns. 
Furthermore, they’ve worked with some huge names you may have heard of like QVC, Unicef, and American Express. 
However, they also work with businesses of all sizes anywhere in the world. 
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Action Rocket offers courses, workshops, and training as well as world-class email campaign creation services so you can start leveraging one of the most effective forms of digital marketing for your business. 
7 characteristics that make a great digital marketing company
Now you know my top recommendations. 
So, let’s talk about what makes these digital marketing companies great and what to look for if none of the companies above match what you’re after. These are the key steps in how to pick the right digital marketing agency.
1. A great website and digital marketing strategy
Smart digital marketers understand the importance of having a well-designed website and an effective digital marketing strategy. 
So, it makes sense to expect your digital marketing company to have both, especially if they offer web design or custom development services.
Take a look around their website, sign up for the email list, and peek at their social media profiles to make sure they’re practicing what they preach. 
And if they’re not… move on to a digital marketing company that is.
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2. An impressive portfolio
Agencies use their portfolio to show off their best work. 
So, look through their published portfolio pieces to see examples of the types of work they produce for their clients. 
This also gives you an idea of the types of clients they frequently work with. 
Pay close attention to the style and quality of what they do and make sure it closely aligns with what you hope to get out of working with them. 
Furthermore, look at the list of clients they have to see if you recognize any of the names. 
If anything seems off or doesn’t fit what you’re looking for, move on to a digital marketing company that feels like a better fit for you and your business. 
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3. Aligned company culture and core values
It’s important to work with companies that value the same things and have a strong company culture you can appreciate to get the results you hope to achieve (without wanting to pull your hair out). 
Do you prefer a creative and collaborative atmosphere or a more rigid and structured approach? 
Look at the words, phrases, and photos they use on their website to get an idea of how they work and make sure it’s a good match to what you’re looking for. 
Some digital marketing companies use humor and playfulness while others are more serious. 
So, decide what type of experience you want to have and find a company that matches that. 
Example: Would you use the word “disruptive” to describe your brand and vision?
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4. A diverse team with appropriate specializations
It’s important to hire a digital marketing company with the right team that can deliver the results you’re hoping for. 
If you’re looking for high-end brand design services, make sure they have an experienced team of designers to take on your project. 
Or maybe you’re interested in a custom-coded website. 
Check out that company’s team on their about page (if they have everyone listed there) or on LinkedIn to make sure they have an experienced designer and a coder or developer on staff. 
5. Timely and effective communication
Strong communication is one of the most important parts of a fruitful and beneficial partnership between a company and its digital marketing company. 
So, it’s important to consider their communication skills and overall customer service before hiring them. 
You can do this by evaluating the responses you get and how long it takes for them to respond to your messages and questions before giving them any money. 
This doesn’t always work but if they take weeks to respond to a simple question, consider moving on to someone else. 
6. Realistic promises and proven results
Before scheduling a consultation or reaching out for more information, look through their website to make sure their promises are realistic. 
Furthermore, look to see if you can find any data-driven case studies they have regarding the type of results they regularly produce for their clients. 
If they’re promising unrealistic things and making outlandish claims on their website, that’s a huge red flag. 
Why? Because this means they probably don’t understand how the industry works and they don’t have any actual client results to share. 
7. Real-world client testimonials
93% of consumers turn to customer reviews and testimonials when deciding to buy something. They do this because it helps justify the expense and ensure they’re going to get what they pay for. 
So, you should do the same. 
Keep an eye out for detailed and honest customer reviews or testimonials to give you an insight into what working with the company is like. 
If you can’t find any, they probably haven’t worked with many clients and they may be inexperienced. 
Which… is fine if you’re on a budget. But it’s not fine if you’re looking for the best possible solution for your business. 
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What to expect from a great digital marketing company
Now you know what to look for, so let’s talk about what to expect when working or partnering with a digital marketing company.
The details of each phase look different for every business out there. But, the fundamentals remain the same regardless of the company you choose to work with. 
Phase 1: discovery and research
The best digital marketing companies want to learn everything there is to know about your business from top to bottom. 
This usually happens through a series of phone calls/zoom chats and detailed questionnaires so they can get to know you and what you’re looking for. They’ll also do a deep dive into your target market, audience, and competition. 
Phase 2: developing a plan of action
Once they know who you are and what you’re looking for, they’ll work with you to develop a detailed timeline and plan of attack to get the job done well and on time. 
Phase 3: executing the plan of attack
Once everyone agrees on the plan, it’s time to start executing. 
Your digital marketing company will work through the process of creating and finalizing everything you both agreed to during phase 2. 
This includes building infrastructure, creatives, ongoing strategies, and anything else you need to achieve the results you’re after. Again, this looks different for different types of projects and the company you’re working with. 
Depending on the complexity of your project, this could take anywhere from a few days to several months (or even a few years depending on the type of partnership). 
Phase 4: results and offboarding
After everything is complete, good digital marketing companies will walk you through the results and outcomes you achieved by working together. 
From there, you’ll discuss the next steps and how to move forward on your own (or what happens next if your partnership isn’t over).
Digital marketing = long-term relationships and results
Investing in digital marketing is a huge step in the right direction for your business. But, these strategies don’t return results overnight and they generally tend to ramp up over time. 
So, expect a long-term relationship with your digital marketing company.
The longer you work with them, the more fine-tuned they are to your needs, and the quicker they can get to work producing even better long-term results for you and your business. 
So, whether you choose one of my top recommendations or scout out your own, use the tips and best practices we talked about to make a smart, educated decision… like the future of your business depends on it. 
Because it does!
Have you worked with any digital marketing companies recently? How did it go and did you get the results you hoped for?
The post The 6 Best Digital Marketing Companies of 2020 appeared first on Neil Patel.
Original content source: https://neilpatel.com/blog/digital-marketing-companies/ via https://neilpatel.com
The original post, The 6 Best Digital Marketing Companies of 2020, has been shared from https://imtrainingparadise.wordpress.com/2020/08/14/the-6-best-digital-marketing-companies-of-2020/ via https://imtrainingparadise.wordpress.com
0 notes
jimmyjohnsmnm · 4 years
The 6 Best Digital Marketing Companies of 2020
Digital marketing covers everything from SEO and content marketing to email campaigns, social media strategy, and video marketing too. 
With new digital marketing companies popping up left and right offering a bit of everything (and truly speaking to no one), it’s no surprise you’re having a hard time finding the right one. 
The best thing to do is narrow down your options by bypassing those digital marketing companies trying to do too many things at once. 
Why? Because true highly-niched experts are the best way to get the results you want (and deserve) for your business. 
But, it’s not always easy to find those experts when you need them. 
So, I put together a list of the top digital marketing companies who genuinely excel at what they do to help you find the right fit for your business depending on what you need. 
Then, we’re going to talk about what makes them great and what to expect when working with them. 
Let’s get started!
The 6 top digital marketing companies in the world
Digital marketing can be done from anywhere in the world. 
So, it doesn’t matter if you’re living in New York and want to work with a company in Houston. Or living in London interested in an advertising specialist in Australia. 
All this freedom does make it difficult to narrow down your choices. 
But this list is a great place to start. 
1. Neil Patel Digital — Best for content marketing and SEO
Let’s face it — consistent content creation and effective content marketing are the banes of a lot of business’s existence. 
Pair that with constantly evolving search engine algorithms and you have a recipe for burnout and frustration (on top of your every-day to-do’s). 
Thankfully there’s an easier way than staying on top of it on your own. 
Neil Patel Digital was built by marketers — not bankers — interested in disrupting the way brands (and their target audience) think about the content they create, publish, and promote. 
We’ve helped businesses like Facebook, Intuit, and Google, as well as small to medium-sized businesses, disrupt their industries with our holistic and authentic approach to content creation and search engine optimization. 
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From research to execution to promotion and ongoing optimization, we know a thing or two (or twenty) about helping your brand create the best content for the right people… and putting it in front of them as well.
Your business deserves to be heard and there’s no one more dedicated to making that happen than our team of professional experts equipped with my world-class digital marketing strategies.
Plus, with seven offices around the world, our team is here for you when you need us. 
2. Cubicle Ninjas — Best for brand design and app/website development
You can have the best ideas and products in the world but without a brand that portrays your story and core values, you’re going to have a hard time connecting with your audience. 
But cohesive brand design goes beyond the basics of graphic design best practices and Googling for free information until your eyes gloss over. 
That’s where an experienced specialist comes in and saves the day. 
Cubicle Ninjas uses a strategic combination of design and technology to develop innovative, inspiring, and one-of-a-kind branding design paired with the mobile apps and websites brands need to stand out in our online world. 
They’ve designed high-end customer experiences for companies like Red Bull, Microsoft, IBM, and Hilton but they also work with smaller boutique brands as well. 
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Cubicle Ninjas believe the best brands encompass visual, written, and interactive elements to create a cohesive customer experience through every stage of their journey from casual visitors to loyal repeat customers. 
Their client-proven process works for businesses and projects of all sizes interested in developing a brand and creative assets that help them tell their story. 
3. Storm Brain — Best for advertising and social media marketing
Social media seemingly changes by the second. 
It feels impossible to keep up with new platforms, updated policies, and ever-changing social media marketing techniques on top of running your business. 
But thankfully, you don’t have to. 
Storm Brain is a digital marketing company specializing in effective advertising campaigns and social media marketing that helps brands of all sizes generate more leads, build brand ambassadors, and make more money with a strong focus on ROI. 
They’ve worked with some big names like Zillow, Ford, and Citi Bank but they also work with smaller brands in a wide variety of industries. 
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Storm Brain focuses on planning, creating, and executing both paid and organic social media campaigns that help your audience connect with your brand across social media channels. 
However, they specialize in Facebook and paid social media advertising. 
Their four-step strategic approach centers around your target audience and capitalizes on paid media, owned media, and earned media to ensure your brand is in front of the right people. 
4. Mad Mind — Best for eCommerce development and product branding
As a product-based business, you have different marketing roadblocks than service-based or blogging-based businesses. 
And there are a lot of other branding elements coming into play as well.
Thankfully, Mad Mind is here to help. 
They’re a creative digital marketing studio for both large and small eCommerce brands looking to develop cohesive branding from their website design down to the smallest details of their product packaging. 
Brands like Lyft and Sony Music trust Mad Mind to help them create an impactful brand, attract the right people, and turn them into lifelong paying customers.
Furthermore, they’ve been featured on Shark Tank, The Los Angeles Times, and Vogue. 
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From WordPress, WooCommerce, and Shopify development to custom websites and thoughtful eCommerce branding, their team of “marketing geniuses” delivers powerful results and dynamic marketing strategies you can leverage for years to come. 
5. Pop Video — Best for video and visual content marketing
Video and visual content marketing are booming right now. 
But it’s no secret planning, creating, and producing videos feels overwhelming and downright difficult, to say the least. 
The good news is… you don’t have to do it all yourself. 
Pop Video specializes in doing the heavy lifting (read: video creation, execution, repurposing, editing, etc.) for you. 
They know your audience expects more than one-off videos and other types of visual content. And they also believe your business deserves better, as well. They don’t call themselves a “lean, mean, content-generating machine” for nothing. 
Pop Video has partnered with hundreds of brands including Phillips 66, Academy Sports + Outdoors, and Mattress Firm to revolutionize the way their audiences consume and interact with digital content. 
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However, they don’t just produce great videos. 
They help you create a library of visual assets by repurposing content as well so you can walk away with all the visual content marketing material you need. 
6. Action Rocket — Best for email marketing and design
There’s a reason 93% of B2B brands use email to distribute the content they create — it works. 
But starting your email list and growing it into a database of raving fans and customers isn’t easy. Most businesses know this and do everything they can to avoid it like the plague. 
Good thing you have another option. 
Action Rocket is an email marketing studio leveraging strategic approaches, creative thinking, and in-depth customer journeys to develop results-driven email marketing campaigns. 
Furthermore, they’ve worked with some huge names you may have heard of like QVC, Unicef, and American Express. 
However, they also work with businesses of all sizes anywhere in the world. 
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Action Rocket offers courses, workshops, and training as well as world-class email campaign creation services so you can start leveraging one of the most effective forms of digital marketing for your business. 
7 characteristics that make a great digital marketing company
Now you know my top recommendations. 
So, let’s talk about what makes these digital marketing companies great and what to look for if none of the companies above match what you’re after. These are the key steps in how to pick the right digital marketing agency.
1. A great website and digital marketing strategy
Smart digital marketers understand the importance of having a well-designed website and an effective digital marketing strategy. 
So, it makes sense to expect your digital marketing company to have both, especially if they offer web design or custom development services.
Take a look around their website, sign up for the email list, and peek at their social media profiles to make sure they’re practicing what they preach. 
And if they’re not… move on to a digital marketing company that is.
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2. An impressive portfolio
Agencies use their portfolio to show off their best work. 
So, look through their published portfolio pieces to see examples of the types of work they produce for their clients. 
This also gives you an idea of the types of clients they frequently work with. 
Pay close attention to the style and quality of what they do and make sure it closely aligns with what you hope to get out of working with them. 
Furthermore, look at the list of clients they have to see if you recognize any of the names. 
If anything seems off or doesn’t fit what you’re looking for, move on to a digital marketing company that feels like a better fit for you and your business. 
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3. Aligned company culture and core values
It’s important to work with companies that value the same things and have a strong company culture you can appreciate to get the results you hope to achieve (without wanting to pull your hair out). 
Do you prefer a creative and collaborative atmosphere or a more rigid and structured approach? 
Look at the words, phrases, and photos they use on their website to get an idea of how they work and make sure it’s a good match to what you’re looking for. 
Some digital marketing companies use humor and playfulness while others are more serious. 
So, decide what type of experience you want to have and find a company that matches that. 
Example: Would you use the word “disruptive” to describe your brand and vision?
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4. A diverse team with appropriate specializations
It’s important to hire a digital marketing company with the right team that can deliver the results you’re hoping for. 
If you’re looking for high-end brand design services, make sure they have an experienced team of designers to take on your project. 
Or maybe you’re interested in a custom-coded website. 
Check out that company’s team on their about page (if they have everyone listed there) or on LinkedIn to make sure they have an experienced designer and a coder or developer on staff. 
5. Timely and effective communication
Strong communication is one of the most important parts of a fruitful and beneficial partnership between a company and its digital marketing company. 
So, it’s important to consider their communication skills and overall customer service before hiring them. 
You can do this by evaluating the responses you get and how long it takes for them to respond to your messages and questions before giving them any money. 
This doesn’t always work but if they take weeks to respond to a simple question, consider moving on to someone else. 
6. Realistic promises and proven results
Before scheduling a consultation or reaching out for more information, look through their website to make sure their promises are realistic. 
Furthermore, look to see if you can find any data-driven case studies they have regarding the type of results they regularly produce for their clients. 
If they’re promising unrealistic things and making outlandish claims on their website, that’s a huge red flag. 
Why? Because this means they probably don’t understand how the industry works and they don’t have any actual client results to share. 
7. Real-world client testimonials
93% of consumers turn to customer reviews and testimonials when deciding to buy something. They do this because it helps justify the expense and ensure they’re going to get what they pay for. 
So, you should do the same. 
Keep an eye out for detailed and honest customer reviews or testimonials to give you an insight into what working with the company is like. 
If you can’t find any, they probably haven’t worked with many clients and they may be inexperienced. 
Which… is fine if you’re on a budget. But it’s not fine if you’re looking for the best possible solution for your business. 
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What to expect from a great digital marketing company
Now you know what to look for, so let’s talk about what to expect when working or partnering with a digital marketing company.
The details of each phase look different for every business out there. But, the fundamentals remain the same regardless of the company you choose to work with. 
Phase 1: discovery and research
The best digital marketing companies want to learn everything there is to know about your business from top to bottom. 
This usually happens through a series of phone calls/zoom chats and detailed questionnaires so they can get to know you and what you’re looking for. They’ll also do a deep dive into your target market, audience, and competition. 
Phase 2: developing a plan of action
Once they know who you are and what you’re looking for, they’ll work with you to develop a detailed timeline and plan of attack to get the job done well and on time. 
Phase 3: executing the plan of attack
Once everyone agrees on the plan, it’s time to start executing. 
Your digital marketing company will work through the process of creating and finalizing everything you both agreed to during phase 2. 
This includes building infrastructure, creatives, ongoing strategies, and anything else you need to achieve the results you’re after. Again, this looks different for different types of projects and the company you’re working with. 
Depending on the complexity of your project, this could take anywhere from a few days to several months (or even a few years depending on the type of partnership). 
Phase 4: results and offboarding
After everything is complete, good digital marketing companies will walk you through the results and outcomes you achieved by working together. 
From there, you’ll discuss the next steps and how to move forward on your own (or what happens next if your partnership isn’t over).
Digital marketing = long-term relationships and results
Investing in digital marketing is a huge step in the right direction for your business. But, these strategies don’t return results overnight and they generally tend to ramp up over time. 
So, expect a long-term relationship with your digital marketing company.
The longer you work with them, the more fine-tuned they are to your needs, and the quicker they can get to work producing even better long-term results for you and your business. 
So, whether you choose one of my top recommendations or scout out your own, use the tips and best practices we talked about to make a smart, educated decision… like the future of your business depends on it. 
Because it does!
Have you worked with any digital marketing companies recently? How did it go and did you get the results you hoped for?
The post The 6 Best Digital Marketing Companies of 2020 appeared first on Neil Patel.
Original content source: https://ift.tt/33XFl8w via https://neilpatel.com The post, The 6 Best Digital Marketing Companies of 2020, has been shared from https://ift.tt/30VBeHS via https://ift.tt/2r0Go64
0 notes
marketingcomcaio · 4 years
The 6 Best Digital Marketing Companies of 2020
Digital marketing covers everything from SEO and content marketing to email campaigns, social media strategy, and video marketing too. 
With new digital marketing companies popping up left and right offering a bit of everything (and truly speaking to no one), it’s no surprise you’re having a hard time finding the right one. 
The best thing to do is narrow down your options by bypassing those digital marketing companies trying to do too many things at once. 
Why? Because true highly-niched experts are the best way to get the results you want (and deserve) for your business. 
But, it’s not always easy to find those experts when you need them. 
So, I put together a list of the top digital marketing companies who genuinely excel at what they do to help you find the right fit for your business depending on what you need. 
Then, we’re going to talk about what makes them great and what to expect when working with them. 
Let’s get started!
The 6 top digital marketing companies in the world
Digital marketing can be done from anywhere in the world. 
So, it doesn’t matter if you’re living in New York and want to work with a company in Houston. Or living in London interested in an advertising specialist in Australia. 
All this freedom does make it difficult to narrow down your choices. 
But this list is a great place to start. 
1. Neil Patel Digital — Best for content marketing and SEO
Let’s face it — consistent content creation and effective content marketing are the banes of a lot of business’s existence. 
Pair that with constantly evolving search engine algorithms and you have a recipe for burnout and frustration (on top of your every-day to-do’s). 
Thankfully there’s an easier way than staying on top of it on your own. 
Neil Patel Digital was built by marketers — not bankers — interested in disrupting the way brands (and their target audience) think about the content they create, publish, and promote. 
We’ve helped businesses like Facebook, Intuit, and Google, as well as small to medium-sized businesses, disrupt their industries with our holistic and authentic approach to content creation and search engine optimization. 
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From research to execution to promotion and ongoing optimization, we know a thing or two (or twenty) about helping your brand create the best content for the right people… and putting it in front of them as well.
Your business deserves to be heard and there’s no one more dedicated to making that happen than our team of professional experts equipped with my world-class digital marketing strategies.
Plus, with seven offices around the world, our team is here for you when you need us. 
2. Cubicle Ninjas — Best for brand design and app/website development
You can have the best ideas and products in the world but without a brand that portrays your story and core values, you’re going to have a hard time connecting with your audience. 
But cohesive brand design goes beyond the basics of graphic design best practices and Googling for free information until your eyes gloss over. 
That’s where an experienced specialist comes in and saves the day. 
Cubicle Ninjas uses a strategic combination of design and technology to develop innovative, inspiring, and one-of-a-kind branding design paired with the mobile apps and websites brands need to stand out in our online world. 
They’ve designed high-end customer experiences for companies like Red Bull, Microsoft, IBM, and Hilton but they also work with smaller boutique brands as well. 
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Cubicle Ninjas believe the best brands encompass visual, written, and interactive elements to create a cohesive customer experience through every stage of their journey from casual visitors to loyal repeat customers. 
Their client-proven process works for businesses and projects of all sizes interested in developing a brand and creative assets that help them tell their story. 
3. Storm Brain — Best for advertising and social media marketing
Social media seemingly changes by the second. 
It feels impossible to keep up with new platforms, updated policies, and ever-changing social media marketing techniques on top of running your business. 
But thankfully, you don’t have to. 
Storm Brain is a digital marketing company specializing in effective advertising campaigns and social media marketing that helps brands of all sizes generate more leads, build brand ambassadors, and make more money with a strong focus on ROI. 
They’ve worked with some big names like Zillow, Ford, and Citi Bank but they also work with smaller brands in a wide variety of industries. 
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Storm Brain focuses on planning, creating, and executing both paid and organic social media campaigns that help your audience connect with your brand across social media channels. 
However, they specialize in Facebook and paid social media advertising. 
Their four-step strategic approach centers around your target audience and capitalizes on paid media, owned media, and earned media to ensure your brand is in front of the right people. 
4. Mad Mind — Best for eCommerce development and product branding
As a product-based business, you have different marketing roadblocks than service-based or blogging-based businesses. 
And there are a lot of other branding elements coming into play as well.
Thankfully, Mad Mind is here to help. 
They’re a creative digital marketing studio for both large and small eCommerce brands looking to develop cohesive branding from their website design down to the smallest details of their product packaging. 
Brands like Lyft and Sony Music trust Mad Mind to help them create an impactful brand, attract the right people, and turn them into lifelong paying customers.
Furthermore, they’ve been featured on Shark Tank, The Los Angeles Times, and Vogue. 
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From WordPress, WooCommerce, and Shopify development to custom websites and thoughtful eCommerce branding, their team of “marketing geniuses” delivers powerful results and dynamic marketing strategies you can leverage for years to come. 
5. Pop Video — Best for video and visual content marketing
Video and visual content marketing are booming right now. 
But it’s no secret planning, creating, and producing videos feels overwhelming and downright difficult, to say the least. 
The good news is… you don’t have to do it all yourself. 
Pop Video specializes in doing the heavy lifting (read: video creation, execution, repurposing, editing, etc.) for you. 
They know your audience expects more than one-off videos and other types of visual content. And they also believe your business deserves better, as well. They don’t call themselves a “lean, mean, content-generating machine” for nothing. 
Pop Video has partnered with hundreds of brands including Phillips 66, Academy Sports + Outdoors, and Mattress Firm to revolutionize the way their audiences consume and interact with digital content. 
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However, they don’t just produce great videos. 
They help you create a library of visual assets by repurposing content as well so you can walk away with all the visual content marketing material you need. 
6. Action Rocket — Best for email marketing and design
There’s a reason 93% of B2B brands use email to distribute the content they create — it works. 
But starting your email list and growing it into a database of raving fans and customers isn’t easy. Most businesses know this and do everything they can to avoid it like the plague. 
Good thing you have another option. 
Action Rocket is an email marketing studio leveraging strategic approaches, creative thinking, and in-depth customer journeys to develop results-driven email marketing campaigns. 
Furthermore, they’ve worked with some huge names you may have heard of like QVC, Unicef, and American Express. 
However, they also work with businesses of all sizes anywhere in the world. 
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Action Rocket offers courses, workshops, and training as well as world-class email campaign creation services so you can start leveraging one of the most effective forms of digital marketing for your business. 
7 characteristics that make a great digital marketing company
Now you know my top recommendations. 
So, let’s talk about what makes these digital marketing companies great and what to look for if none of the companies above match what you’re after. These are the key steps in how to pick the right digital marketing agency.
1. A great website and digital marketing strategy
Smart digital marketers understand the importance of having a well-designed website and an effective digital marketing strategy. 
So, it makes sense to expect your digital marketing company to have both, especially if they offer web design or custom development services.
Take a look around their website, sign up for the email list, and peek at their social media profiles to make sure they’re practicing what they preach. 
And if they’re not… move on to a digital marketing company that is.
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2. An impressive portfolio
Agencies use their portfolio to show off their best work. 
So, look through their published portfolio pieces to see examples of the types of work they produce for their clients. 
This also gives you an idea of the types of clients they frequently work with. 
Pay close attention to the style and quality of what they do and make sure it closely aligns with what you hope to get out of working with them. 
Furthermore, look at the list of clients they have to see if you recognize any of the names. 
If anything seems off or doesn’t fit what you’re looking for, move on to a digital marketing company that feels like a better fit for you and your business. 
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3. Aligned company culture and core values
It’s important to work with companies that value the same things and have a strong company culture you can appreciate to get the results you hope to achieve (without wanting to pull your hair out). 
Do you prefer a creative and collaborative atmosphere or a more rigid and structured approach? 
Look at the words, phrases, and photos they use on their website to get an idea of how they work and make sure it’s a good match to what you’re looking for. 
Some digital marketing companies use humor and playfulness while others are more serious. 
So, decide what type of experience you want to have and find a company that matches that. 
Example: Would you use the word “disruptive” to describe your brand and vision?
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4. A diverse team with appropriate specializations
It’s important to hire a digital marketing company with the right team that can deliver the results you’re hoping for. 
If you’re looking for high-end brand design services, make sure they have an experienced team of designers to take on your project. 
Or maybe you’re interested in a custom-coded website. 
Check out that company’s team on their about page (if they have everyone listed there) or on LinkedIn to make sure they have an experienced designer and a coder or developer on staff. 
5. Timely and effective communication
Strong communication is one of the most important parts of a fruitful and beneficial partnership between a company and its digital marketing company. 
So, it’s important to consider their communication skills and overall customer service before hiring them. 
You can do this by evaluating the responses you get and how long it takes for them to respond to your messages and questions before giving them any money. 
This doesn’t always work but if they take weeks to respond to a simple question, consider moving on to someone else. 
6. Realistic promises and proven results
Before scheduling a consultation or reaching out for more information, look through their website to make sure their promises are realistic. 
Furthermore, look to see if you can find any data-driven case studies they have regarding the type of results they regularly produce for their clients. 
If they’re promising unrealistic things and making outlandish claims on their website, that’s a huge red flag. 
Why? Because this means they probably don’t understand how the industry works and they don’t have any actual client results to share. 
7. Real-world client testimonials
93% of consumers turn to customer reviews and testimonials when deciding to buy something. They do this because it helps justify the expense and ensure they’re going to get what they pay for. 
So, you should do the same. 
Keep an eye out for detailed and honest customer reviews or testimonials to give you an insight into what working with the company is like. 
If you can’t find any, they probably haven’t worked with many clients and they may be inexperienced. 
Which… is fine if you’re on a budget. But it’s not fine if you’re looking for the best possible solution for your business. 
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What to expect from a great digital marketing company
Now you know what to look for, so let’s talk about what to expect when working or partnering with a digital marketing company.
The details of each phase look different for every business out there. But, the fundamentals remain the same regardless of the company you choose to work with. 
Phase 1: discovery and research
The best digital marketing companies want to learn everything there is to know about your business from top to bottom. 
This usually happens through a series of phone calls/zoom chats and detailed questionnaires so they can get to know you and what you’re looking for. They’ll also do a deep dive into your target market, audience, and competition. 
Phase 2: developing a plan of action
Once they know who you are and what you’re looking for, they’ll work with you to develop a detailed timeline and plan of attack to get the job done well and on time. 
Phase 3: executing the plan of attack
Once everyone agrees on the plan, it’s time to start executing. 
Your digital marketing company will work through the process of creating and finalizing everything you both agreed to during phase 2. 
This includes building infrastructure, creatives, ongoing strategies, and anything else you need to achieve the results you’re after. Again, this looks different for different types of projects and the company you’re working with. 
Depending on the complexity of your project, this could take anywhere from a few days to several months (or even a few years depending on the type of partnership). 
Phase 4: results and offboarding
After everything is complete, good digital marketing companies will walk you through the results and outcomes you achieved by working together. 
From there, you’ll discuss the next steps and how to move forward on your own (or what happens next if your partnership isn’t over).
Digital marketing = long-term relationships and results
Investing in digital marketing is a huge step in the right direction for your business. But, these strategies don’t return results overnight and they generally tend to ramp up over time. 
So, expect a long-term relationship with your digital marketing company.
The longer you work with them, the more fine-tuned they are to your needs, and the quicker they can get to work producing even better long-term results for you and your business. 
So, whether you choose one of my top recommendations or scout out your own, use the tips and best practices we talked about to make a smart, educated decision… like the future of your business depends on it. 
Because it does!
Have you worked with any digital marketing companies recently? How did it go and did you get the results you hoped for?
The post The 6 Best Digital Marketing Companies of 2020 appeared first on Neil Patel.
The 6 Best Digital Marketing Companies of 2020 Publicado primeiro em https://neilpatel.com
0 notes
remelitalia · 4 years
The 6 Best Digital Marketing Companies of 2020
Digital marketing covers everything from SEO and content marketing to email campaigns, social media strategy, and video marketing too. 
With new digital marketing companies popping up left and right offering a bit of everything (and truly speaking to no one), it’s no surprise you’re having a hard time finding the right one. 
The best thing to do is narrow down your options by bypassing those digital marketing companies trying to do too many things at once. 
Why? Because true highly-niched experts are the best way to get the results you want (and deserve) for your business. 
But, it’s not always easy to find those experts when you need them. 
So, I put together a list of the top digital marketing companies who genuinely excel at what they do to help you find the right fit for your business depending on what you need. 
Then, we’re going to talk about what makes them great and what to expect when working with them. 
Let’s get started!
The 6 top digital marketing companies in the world
Digital marketing can be done from anywhere in the world. 
So, it doesn’t matter if you’re living in New York and want to work with a company in Houston. Or living in London interested in an advertising specialist in Australia. 
All this freedom does make it difficult to narrow down your choices. 
But this list is a great place to start. 
1. Neil Patel Digital — Best for content marketing and SEO
Let’s face it — consistent content creation and effective content marketing are the banes of a lot of business’s existence. 
Pair that with constantly evolving search engine algorithms and you have a recipe for burnout and frustration (on top of your every-day to-do’s). 
Thankfully there’s an easier way than staying on top of it on your own. 
Neil Patel Digital was built by marketers — not bankers — interested in disrupting the way brands (and their target audience) think about the content they create, publish, and promote. 
We’ve helped businesses like Facebook, Intuit, and Google, as well as small to medium-sized businesses, disrupt their industries with our holistic and authentic approach to content creation and search engine optimization. 
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From research to execution to promotion and ongoing optimization, we know a thing or two (or twenty) about helping your brand create the best content for the right people… and putting it in front of them as well.
Your business deserves to be heard and there’s no one more dedicated to making that happen than our team of professional experts equipped with my world-class digital marketing strategies.
Plus, with seven offices around the world, our team is here for you when you need us. 
2. Cubicle Ninjas — Best for brand design and app/website development
You can have the best ideas and products in the world but without a brand that portrays your story and core values, you’re going to have a hard time connecting with your audience. 
But cohesive brand design goes beyond the basics of graphic design best practices and Googling for free information until your eyes gloss over. 
That’s where an experienced specialist comes in and saves the day. 
Cubicle Ninjas uses a strategic combination of design and technology to develop innovative, inspiring, and one-of-a-kind branding design paired with the mobile apps and websites brands need to stand out in our online world. 
They’ve designed high-end customer experiences for companies like Red Bull, Microsoft, IBM, and Hilton but they also work with smaller boutique brands as well. 
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Cubicle Ninjas believe the best brands encompass visual, written, and interactive elements to create a cohesive customer experience through every stage of their journey from casual visitors to loyal repeat customers. 
Their client-proven process works for businesses and projects of all sizes interested in developing a brand and creative assets that help them tell their story. 
3. Storm Brain — Best for advertising and social media marketing
Social media seemingly changes by the second. 
It feels impossible to keep up with new platforms, updated policies, and ever-changing social media marketing techniques on top of running your business. 
But thankfully, you don’t have to. 
Storm Brain is a digital marketing company specializing in effective advertising campaigns and social media marketing that helps brands of all sizes generate more leads, build brand ambassadors, and make more money with a strong focus on ROI. 
They’ve worked with some big names like Zillow, Ford, and Citi Bank but they also work with smaller brands in a wide variety of industries. 
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Storm Brain focuses on planning, creating, and executing both paid and organic social media campaigns that help your audience connect with your brand across social media channels. 
However, they specialize in Facebook and paid social media advertising. 
Their four-step strategic approach centers around your target audience and capitalizes on paid media, owned media, and earned media to ensure your brand is in front of the right people. 
4. Mad Mind — Best for eCommerce development and product branding
As a product-based business, you have different marketing roadblocks than service-based or blogging-based businesses. 
And there are a lot of other branding elements coming into play as well.
Thankfully, Mad Mind is here to help. 
They’re a creative digital marketing studio for both large and small eCommerce brands looking to develop cohesive branding from their website design down to the smallest details of their product packaging. 
Brands like Lyft and Sony Music trust Mad Mind to help them create an impactful brand, attract the right people, and turn them into lifelong paying customers.
Furthermore, they’ve been featured on Shark Tank, The Los Angeles Times, and Vogue. 
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From WordPress, WooCommerce, and Shopify development to custom websites and thoughtful eCommerce branding, their team of “marketing geniuses” delivers powerful results and dynamic marketing strategies you can leverage for years to come. 
5. Pop Video — Best for video and visual content marketing
Video and visual content marketing are booming right now. 
But it’s no secret planning, creating, and producing videos feels overwhelming and downright difficult, to say the least. 
The good news is… you don’t have to do it all yourself. 
Pop Video specializes in doing the heavy lifting (read: video creation, execution, repurposing, editing, etc.) for you. 
They know your audience expects more than one-off videos and other types of visual content. And they also believe your business deserves better, as well. They don’t call themselves a “lean, mean, content-generating machine” for nothing. 
Pop Video has partnered with hundreds of brands including Phillips 66, Academy Sports + Outdoors, and Mattress Firm to revolutionize the way their audiences consume and interact with digital content. 
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However, they don’t just produce great videos. 
They help you create a library of visual assets by repurposing content as well so you can walk away with all the visual content marketing material you need. 
6. Action Rocket — Best for email marketing and design
There’s a reason 93% of B2B brands use email to distribute the content they create — it works. 
But starting your email list and growing it into a database of raving fans and customers isn’t easy. Most businesses know this and do everything they can to avoid it like the plague. 
Good thing you have another option. 
Action Rocket is an email marketing studio leveraging strategic approaches, creative thinking, and in-depth customer journeys to develop results-driven email marketing campaigns. 
Furthermore, they’ve worked with some huge names you may have heard of like QVC, Unicef, and American Express. 
However, they also work with businesses of all sizes anywhere in the world. 
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Action Rocket offers courses, workshops, and training as well as world-class email campaign creation services so you can start leveraging one of the most effective forms of digital marketing for your business. 
7 characteristics that make a great digital marketing company
Now you know my top recommendations. 
So, let’s talk about what makes these digital marketing companies great and what to look for if none of the companies above match what you’re after. These are the key steps in how to pick the right digital marketing agency.
1. A great website and digital marketing strategy
Smart digital marketers understand the importance of having a well-designed website and an effective digital marketing strategy. 
So, it makes sense to expect your digital marketing company to have both, especially if they offer web design or custom development services.
Take a look around their website, sign up for the email list, and peek at their social media profiles to make sure they’re practicing what they preach. 
And if they’re not… move on to a digital marketing company that is.
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2. An impressive portfolio
Agencies use their portfolio to show off their best work. 
So, look through their published portfolio pieces to see examples of the types of work they produce for their clients. 
This also gives you an idea of the types of clients they frequently work with. 
Pay close attention to the style and quality of what they do and make sure it closely aligns with what you hope to get out of working with them. 
Furthermore, look at the list of clients they have to see if you recognize any of the names. 
If anything seems off or doesn’t fit what you’re looking for, move on to a digital marketing company that feels like a better fit for you and your business. 
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3. Aligned company culture and core values
It’s important to work with companies that value the same things and have a strong company culture you can appreciate to get the results you hope to achieve (without wanting to pull your hair out). 
Do you prefer a creative and collaborative atmosphere or a more rigid and structured approach? 
Look at the words, phrases, and photos they use on their website to get an idea of how they work and make sure it’s a good match to what you’re looking for. 
Some digital marketing companies use humor and playfulness while others are more serious. 
So, decide what type of experience you want to have and find a company that matches that. 
Example: Would you use the word “disruptive” to describe your brand and vision?
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4. A diverse team with appropriate specializations
It’s important to hire a digital marketing company with the right team that can deliver the results you’re hoping for. 
If you’re looking for high-end brand design services, make sure they have an experienced team of designers to take on your project. 
Or maybe you’re interested in a custom-coded website. 
Check out that company’s team on their about page (if they have everyone listed there) or on LinkedIn to make sure they have an experienced designer and a coder or developer on staff. 
5. Timely and effective communication
Strong communication is one of the most important parts of a fruitful and beneficial partnership between a company and its digital marketing company. 
So, it’s important to consider their communication skills and overall customer service before hiring them. 
You can do this by evaluating the responses you get and how long it takes for them to respond to your messages and questions before giving them any money. 
This doesn’t always work but if they take weeks to respond to a simple question, consider moving on to someone else. 
6. Realistic promises and proven results
Before scheduling a consultation or reaching out for more information, look through their website to make sure their promises are realistic. 
Furthermore, look to see if you can find any data-driven case studies they have regarding the type of results they regularly produce for their clients. 
If they’re promising unrealistic things and making outlandish claims on their website, that’s a huge red flag. 
Why? Because this means they probably don’t understand how the industry works and they don’t have any actual client results to share. 
7. Real-world client testimonials
93% of consumers turn to customer reviews and testimonials when deciding to buy something. They do this because it helps justify the expense and ensure they’re going to get what they pay for. 
So, you should do the same. 
Keep an eye out for detailed and honest customer reviews or testimonials to give you an insight into what working with the company is like. 
If you can’t find any, they probably haven’t worked with many clients and they may be inexperienced. 
Which… is fine if you’re on a budget. But it’s not fine if you’re looking for the best possible solution for your business. 
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What to expect from a great digital marketing company
Now you know what to look for, so let’s talk about what to expect when working or partnering with a digital marketing company.
The details of each phase look different for every business out there. But, the fundamentals remain the same regardless of the company you choose to work with. 
Phase 1: discovery and research
The best digital marketing companies want to learn everything there is to know about your business from top to bottom. 
This usually happens through a series of phone calls/zoom chats and detailed questionnaires so they can get to know you and what you’re looking for. They’ll also do a deep dive into your target market, audience, and competition. 
Phase 2: developing a plan of action
Once they know who you are and what you’re looking for, they’ll work with you to develop a detailed timeline and plan of attack to get the job done well and on time. 
Phase 3: executing the plan of attack
Once everyone agrees on the plan, it’s time to start executing. 
Your digital marketing company will work through the process of creating and finalizing everything you both agreed to during phase 2. 
This includes building infrastructure, creatives, ongoing strategies, and anything else you need to achieve the results you’re after. Again, this looks different for different types of projects and the company you’re working with. 
Depending on the complexity of your project, this could take anywhere from a few days to several months (or even a few years depending on the type of partnership). 
Phase 4: results and offboarding
After everything is complete, good digital marketing companies will walk you through the results and outcomes you achieved by working together. 
From there, you’ll discuss the next steps and how to move forward on your own (or what happens next if your partnership isn’t over).
Digital marketing = long-term relationships and results
Investing in digital marketing is a huge step in the right direction for your business. But, these strategies don’t return results overnight and they generally tend to ramp up over time. 
So, expect a long-term relationship with your digital marketing company.
The longer you work with them, the more fine-tuned they are to your needs, and the quicker they can get to work producing even better long-term results for you and your business. 
So, whether you choose one of my top recommendations or scout out your own, use the tips and best practices we talked about to make a smart, educated decision… like the future of your business depends on it. 
Because it does!
Have you worked with any digital marketing companies recently? How did it go and did you get the results you hoped for?
The post The 6 Best Digital Marketing Companies of 2020 appeared first on Neil Patel.
Original content source: https://neilpatel.com/blog/digital-marketing-companies/ via https://neilpatel.com
See the original post, The 6 Best Digital Marketing Companies of 2020 that is shared from https://imtrainingparadise.weebly.com/home/the-6-best-digital-marketing-companies-of-2020 via https://imtrainingparadise.weebly.com/home
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delimp-blog · 6 years
Tips to boost WordPress Development process
WordPress is a brilliant web development platform. There are no questions about the way that WordPress is the most well known of all the website development platforms accessible in the digital bazaar. WordPress has every one of the qualities that would make it simple for the newcomer to learn. It is also helpful for an experienced web development company which needs to give adaptable solutions for their customers with Word Press development forms.
Why should you update yourself with WordPress tips?
Did you realize that there are a few hints and traps that can take your best wordpress development company at a high level!
As the specialist of the best wordpress development company, it's your responsibility to keep yourself refreshed with the most recent tips and traps so you can beat other web development company and consultants.
Regardless of whether you have taken the undertaking to build up your site yourself, these tips will be especially useful to you from time to time, so it will be an extraordinary plan to keep this list close by at your workplace.
Tips to support you WordPress Development process:
1. Content is a focal thing for website development
One ought to always remember that a website alone will never be adequate in itself. Content is the heart of any website. A site can be dynamic and highlight rich yet is never surviving without optimized content. Thus, simply ahead and expel all the default content from the Word Press site.
Hire an expert WordPress theme development services in USA which will deal with all the content prerequisites of your site?
2. Include Blog descriptions and tags
The blog is a standout amongst the most critical limited time techniques to get traffic to your site. The blog gives you a chance to associate with the gathering of people in the most splendid way that could be available. With huge traffic, your site gets filed in the SERPs. Without the blog, a website resembles a pen without ink. Add tags and descriptions to the posts with the goal that you can keep the blog posts well structured.
3. Build sitemap of your website
Regardless of whether it's WordPress development or some other platform for development, mapping your site is essential. Creating a sitemap of a website resembles planning a development structure to get ready for a house by a designer so one knows what is being built where and how? In a comparative way, you should map your site as per the issue free route describe your clients. WordPress theme development services USA would recommend a conventional method for navigation with the goal that the clients of the site can without much of a stretch find everything at most expected places on a site.
4. Dispose of ‘Lorem Ipsum’ immediately:
On the off chance that you would have gotten some information about an extreme thing that can disturb the site guest then we will without a doubt list the "lorem ipsum" content as one of the elements. Along these lines, help your site out and dispose of this content as quickly as time permits. Nobody might want to read something which doesn't mean and understandable.
5. Utilize Plugins to develop everything:
All things considered, there are web development platforms that would presumably give you as much goodness. But not as WordPress plugins that WordPress platform offers. You can get plenty of plugins to suit the necessities of relatively every sort of business-small or medium. So install wordpress plugins and use it wisely.
6. Utilize Gravatars for a better experience:
When you are consistently posting blogs on WordPress development platform, it's especially possible that there are many blog writers on your site. It requires the utilization of the gravatars for better recognition of the author or publisher of the post on the website.
In this way, above described tips were probably the most vital WordPress development traps and tips must be used by Woo Commerce Development organizations that would enable to take the particular website to the pinnacle. Visit: https://www.delimp.com/wordpress-web-development.php
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synergytop · 2 years
Find the best woocommerce development company in San Diego. SynergyTop provides full-service website design and development for your eCommerce business. Call to get more information: +1-619-349-4911
0 notes
businesstechcontent · 4 years
5 Best Big commerce Developer In Sacramento: Their Results Can’t Disappoint You
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Ecommerce has attained great popularity in the 21st century. The e-commerce giants like Amazon and Flipkart have created ripples in the e-commerce industry. 
Bigcommerce is an online platform that allows people to begin an online store. It is specially designed to help people sell goods online. It allows users to add products, accept payment online, and reap profits online.
So, it is essential to check out some Bigcommerce Developers in Sacramento.
Hyf technology: It provides a competitive edge to the website. It helps to increase the reach of online customers. It has a dedicated team of professionals who ensure 6that customers have an impressive online experience.
Hyperlink info system:  This company has a skilled group of professionals. They design customized websites in Sacramento. This dedicated group of professionals follows the Agile development process. It ensures that the data of the customers is kept private. So, they do not face any security-related hassles while making payments. It ensures that the website delivers premium quality products to clients. The customer care is available 24*7. The data back is powerful.
Cool Blue Interactive: This company sets international standards for code compliance. It takes care to maximize the effectiveness of the website. The passionate team of professionals ensures that the investment is converted to profits. It uses EchidNET intranet technology for catering to the business requirements. It provides even the most challenging functionality.
Sanctuary Software studio: It has developed software used in each stage of the application pipeline. It believes in engaging the customers, embraces the market, and lands the next project. It ensures that the website offers step by step tutorial, and the interface is smooth to navigate. It creates a production-friendly environment.
Legnd: This company ensures that the website has an authentic logo and branding. The website which it manages also has a customized design. This personalized design also attracts traffic. It uses the latest technology to develop the site. Thereby, updating it also becomes easy.
Among all the Bigcommerce development companies, Hyf technology provides the most attractive website design.
0 notes
The 6 Best Digital Marketing Companies of 2020
email marketing is typically performed
Digital marketing covers everything from SEO and content marketing to email campaigns, social media strategy, and video marketing too. 
With new digital marketing companies popping up left and right offering a bit of everything (and truly speaking to no one), it’s no surprise you’re having a hard time finding the right one. 
The best thing to do is narrow down your options by bypassing those digital marketing companies trying to do too many things at once. 
Why? Because true highly-niched experts are the best way to get the results you want (and deserve) for your business. 
But, it’s not always easy to find those experts when you need them. 
So, I put together a list of the top digital marketing companies who genuinely excel at what they do to help you find the right fit for your business depending on what you need. 
Then, we’re going to talk about what makes them great and what to expect when working with them. 
Let’s get started!
The 6 top digital marketing companies in the world
Digital marketing can be done from anywhere in the world. 
So, it doesn’t matter if you’re living in New York and want to work with a company in Houston. Or living in London interested in an advertising specialist in Australia. 
All this freedom does make it difficult to narrow down your choices. 
But this list is a great place to start. 
1. Neil Patel Digital — Best for content marketing and SEO
Let’s face it — consistent content creation and effective content marketing are the banes of a lot of business’s existence. 
Pair that with constantly evolving search engine algorithms and you have a recipe for burnout and frustration (on top of your every-day to-do’s). 
Thankfully there’s an easier way than staying on top of it on your own. 
Neil Patel Digital was built by marketers — not bankers — interested in disrupting the way brands (and their target audience) think about the content they create, publish, and promote. 
We’ve helped businesses like Facebook, Intuit, and Google, as well as small to medium-sized businesses, disrupt their industries with our holistic and authentic approach to content creation and search engine optimization. 
From research to execution to promotion and ongoing optimization, we know a thing or two (or twenty) about helping your brand create the best content for the right people… and putting it in front of them as well.
Your business deserves to be heard and there’s no one more dedicated to making that happen than our team of professional experts equipped with my world-class digital marketing strategies.
Plus, with seven offices around the world, our team is here for you when you need us. 
2. Cubicle Ninjas — Best for brand design and app/website development
You can have the best ideas and products in the world but without a brand that portrays your story and core values, you’re going to have a hard time connecting with your audience. 
But cohesive brand design goes beyond the basics of graphic design best practices and Googling for free information until your eyes gloss over. 
That’s where an experienced specialist comes in and saves the day. 
Cubicle Ninjas uses a strategic combination of design and technology to develop innovative, inspiring, and one-of-a-kind branding design paired with the mobile apps and websites brands need to stand out in our online world. 
They’ve designed high-end customer experiences for companies like Red Bull, Microsoft, IBM, and Hilton but they also work with smaller boutique brands as well. 
Cubicle Ninjas believe the best brands encompass visual, written, and interactive elements to create a cohesive customer experience through every stage of their journey from casual visitors to loyal repeat customers. 
Their client-proven process works for businesses and projects of all sizes interested in developing a brand and creative assets that help them tell their story. 
3. Storm Brain — Best for advertising and social media marketing
Social media seemingly changes by the second. 
It feels impossible to keep up with new platforms, updated policies, and ever-changing social media marketing techniques on top of running your business. 
But thankfully, you don’t have to. 
Storm Brain is a digital marketing company specializing in effective advertising campaigns and social media marketing that helps brands of all sizes generate more leads, build brand ambassadors, and make more money with a strong focus on ROI. 
They’ve worked with some big names like Zillow, Ford, and Citi Bank but they also work with smaller brands in a wide variety of industries. 
Storm Brain focuses on planning, creating, and executing both paid and organic social media campaigns that help your audience connect with your brand across social media channels. 
However, they specialize in Facebook and paid social media advertising. 
Their four-step strategic approach centers around your target audience and capitalizes on paid media, owned media, and earned media to ensure your brand is in front of the right people. 
4. Mad Mind — Best for eCommerce development and product branding
As a product-based business, you have different marketing roadblocks than service-based or blogging-based businesses. 
And there are a lot of other branding elements coming into play as well.
Thankfully, Mad Mind is here to help. 
They’re a creative digital marketing studio for both large and small eCommerce brands looking to develop cohesive branding from their website design down to the smallest details of their product packaging. 
Brands like Lyft and Sony Music trust Mad Mind to help them create an impactful brand, attract the right people, and turn them into lifelong paying customers.
Furthermore, they’ve been featured on Shark Tank, The Los Angeles Times, and Vogue. 
From WordPress, WooCommerce, and Shopify development to custom websites and thoughtful eCommerce branding, their team of “marketing geniuses” delivers powerful results and dynamic marketing strategies you can leverage for years to come. 
5. Pop Video — Best for video and visual content marketing
Video and visual content marketing are booming right now. 
But it’s no secret planning, creating, and producing videos feels overwhelming and downright difficult, to say the least. 
The good news is… you don’t have to do it all yourself. 
Pop Video specializes in doing the heavy lifting (read: video creation, execution, repurposing, editing, etc.) for you. 
They know your audience expects more than one-off videos and other types of visual content. And they also believe your business deserves better, as well. They don’t call themselves a “lean, mean, content-generating machine” for nothing. 
Pop Video has partnered with hundreds of brands including Phillips 66, Academy Sports + Outdoors, and Mattress Firm to revolutionize the way their audiences consume and interact with digital content. 
However, they don’t just produce great videos. 
They help you create a library of visual assets by repurposing content as well so you can walk away with all the visual content marketing material you need. 
6. Action Rocket — Best for email marketing and design
There’s a reason 93% of B2B brands use email to distribute the content they create — it works. 
But starting your email list and growing it into a database of raving fans and customers isn’t easy. Most businesses know this and do everything they can to avoid it like the plague. 
Good thing you have another option. 
Action Rocket is an email marketing studio leveraging strategic approaches, creative thinking, and in-depth customer journeys to develop results-driven email marketing campaigns. 
Furthermore, they’ve worked with some huge names you may have heard of like QVC, Unicef, and American Express. 
However, they also work with businesses of all sizes anywhere in the world. 
Action Rocket offers courses, workshops, and training as well as world-class email campaign creation services so you can start leveraging one of the most effective forms of digital marketing for your business. 
7 characteristics that make a great digital marketing company
Now you know my top recommendations. 
So, let’s talk about what makes these digital marketing companies great and what to look for if none of the companies above match what you’re after. These are the key steps in how to pick the right digital marketing agency.
1. A great website and digital marketing strategy
Smart digital marketers understand the importance of having a well-designed website and an effective digital marketing strategy. 
So, it makes sense to expect your digital marketing company to have both, especially if they offer web design or custom development services.
Take a look around their website, sign up for the email list, and peek at their social media profiles to make sure they’re practicing what they preach. 
And if they’re not… move on to a digital marketing company that is.
2. An impressive portfolio
Agencies use their portfolio to show off their best work. 
So, look through their published portfolio pieces to see examples of the types of work they produce for their clients. 
This also gives you an idea of the types of clients they frequently work with. 
Pay close attention to the style and quality of what they do and make sure it closely aligns with what you hope to get out of working with them. 
Furthermore, look at the list of clients they have to see if you recognize any of the names. 
If anything seems off or doesn’t fit what you’re looking for, move on to a digital marketing company that feels like a better fit for you and your business. 
3. Aligned company culture and core values
It’s important to work with companies that value the same things and have a strong company culture you can appreciate to get the results you hope to achieve (without wanting to pull your hair out). 
Do you prefer a creative and collaborative atmosphere or a more rigid and structured approach? 
Look at the words, phrases, and photos they use on their website to get an idea of how they work and make sure it’s a good match to what you’re looking for. 
Some digital marketing companies use humor and playfulness while others are more serious. 
So, decide what type of experience you want to have and find a company that matches that. 
Example: Would you use the word “disruptive” to describe your brand and vision?
4. A diverse team with appropriate specializations
It’s important to hire a digital marketing company with the right team that can deliver the results you’re hoping for. 
If you’re looking for high-end brand design services, make sure they have an experienced team of designers to take on your project. 
Or maybe you’re interested in a custom-coded website. 
Check out that company’s team on their about page (if they have everyone listed there) or on LinkedIn to make sure they have an experienced designer and a coder or developer on staff. 
5. Timely and effective communication
Strong communication is one of the most important parts of a fruitful and beneficial partnership between a company and its digital marketing company. 
So, it’s important to consider their communication skills and overall customer service before hiring them. 
You can do this by evaluating the responses you get and how long it takes for them to respond to your messages and questions before giving them any money. 
This doesn’t always work but if they take weeks to respond to a simple question, consider moving on to someone else. 
6. Realistic promises and proven results
Before scheduling a consultation or reaching out for more information, look through their website to make sure their promises are realistic. 
Furthermore, look to see if you can find any data-driven case studies they have regarding the type of results they regularly produce for their clients. 
If they’re promising unrealistic things and making outlandish claims on their website, that’s a huge red flag. 
Why? Because this means they probably don’t understand how the industry works and they don’t have any actual client results to share. 
7. Real-world client testimonials
93% of consumers turn to customer reviews and testimonials when deciding to buy something. They do this because it helps justify the expense and ensure they’re going to get what they pay for. 
So, you should do the same. 
Keep an eye out for detailed and honest customer reviews or testimonials to give you an insight into what working with the company is like. 
If you can’t find any, they probably haven’t worked with many clients and they may be inexperienced. 
Which… is fine if you’re on a budget. But it’s not fine if you’re looking for the best possible solution for your business. 
What to expect from a great digital marketing company
Now you know what to look for, so let’s talk about what to expect when working or partnering with a digital marketing company.
The details of each phase look different for every business out there. But, the fundamentals remain the same regardless of the company you choose to work with. 
Phase 1: discovery and research
The best digital marketing companies want to learn everything there is to know about your business from top to bottom. 
This usually happens through a series of phone calls/zoom chats and detailed questionnaires so they can get to know you and what you’re looking for. They’ll also do a deep dive into your target market, audience, and competition. 
Phase 2: developing a plan of action
Once they know who you are and what you’re looking for, they’ll work with you to develop a detailed timeline and plan of attack to get the job done well and on time. 
Phase 3: executing the plan of attack
Once everyone agrees on the plan, it’s time to start executing. 
Your digital marketing company will work through the process of creating and finalizing everything you both agreed to during phase 2. 
This includes building infrastructure, creatives, ongoing strategies, and anything else you need to achieve the results you’re after. Again, this looks different for different types of projects and the company you’re working with. 
Depending on the complexity of your project, this could take anywhere from a few days to several months (or even a few years depending on the type of partnership). 
Phase 4: results and offboarding
After everything is complete, good digital marketing companies will walk you through the results and outcomes you achieved by working together. 
From there, you’ll discuss the next steps and how to move forward on your own (or what happens next if your partnership isn’t over).
Digital marketing = long-term relationships and results
Investing in digital marketing is a huge step in the right direction for your business. But, these strategies don’t return results overnight and they generally tend to ramp up over time. 
So, expect a long-term relationship with your digital marketing company.
The longer you work with them, the more fine-tuned they are to your needs, and the quicker they can get to work producing even better long-term results for you and your business. 
So, whether you choose one of my top recommendations or scout out your own, use the tips and best practices we talked about to make a smart, educated decision… like the future of your business depends on it. 
Because it does!
Have you worked with any digital marketing companies recently? How did it go and did you get the results you hoped for?
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reviewandbonuss · 4 years
The 6 Best Digital Marketing Companies of 2020
Digital marketing covers everything from SEO and content marketing to email campaigns, social media strategy, and video marketing too. 
With new digital marketing companies popping up left and right offering a bit of everything (and truly speaking to no one), it’s no surprise you’re having a hard time finding the right one. 
The best thing to do is narrow down your options by bypassing those digital marketing companies trying to do too many things at once. 
Why? Because true highly-niched experts are the best way to get the results you want (and deserve) for your business. 
But, it’s not always easy to find those experts when you need them. 
So, I put together a list of the top digital marketing companies who genuinely excel at what they do to help you find the right fit for your business depending on what you need. 
Then, we’re going to talk about what makes them great and what to expect when working with them. 
Let’s get started!
The 6 top digital marketing companies in the world
Digital marketing can be done from anywhere in the world. 
So, it doesn’t matter if you’re living in New York and want to work with a company in Houston. Or living in London interested in an advertising specialist in Australia. 
All this freedom does make it difficult to narrow down your choices. 
But this list is a great place to start. 
1. Neil Patel Digital — Best for content marketing and SEO
Let’s face it — consistent content creation and effective content marketing are the banes of a lot of business’s existence. 
Pair that with constantly evolving search engine algorithms and you have a recipe for burnout and frustration (on top of your every-day to-do’s). 
Thankfully there’s an easier way than staying on top of it on your own. 
Neil Patel Digital was built by marketers — not bankers — interested in disrupting the way brands (and their target audience) think about the content they create, publish, and promote. 
We’ve helped businesses like Facebook, Intuit, and Google, as well as small to medium-sized businesses, disrupt their industries with our holistic and authentic approach to content creation and search engine optimization. 
From research to execution to promotion and ongoing optimization, we know a thing or two (or twenty) about helping your brand create the best content for the right people… and putting it in front of them as well.
Your business deserves to be heard and there’s no one more dedicated to making that happen than our team of professional experts equipped with my world-class digital marketing strategies.
Plus, with seven offices around the world, our team is here for you when you need us. 
2. Cubicle Ninjas — Best for brand design and app/website development
You can have the best ideas and products in the world but without a brand that portrays your story and core values, you’re going to have a hard time connecting with your audience. 
But cohesive brand design goes beyond the basics of graphic design best practices and Googling for free information until your eyes gloss over. 
That’s where an experienced specialist comes in and saves the day. 
Cubicle Ninjas uses a strategic combination of design and technology to develop innovative, inspiring, and one-of-a-kind branding design paired with the mobile apps and websites brands need to stand out in our online world. 
They’ve designed high-end customer experiences for companies like Red Bull, Microsoft, IBM, and Hilton but they also work with smaller boutique brands as well. 
Cubicle Ninjas believe the best brands encompass visual, written, and interactive elements to create a cohesive customer experience through every stage of their journey from casual visitors to loyal repeat customers. 
Their client-proven process works for businesses and projects of all sizes interested in developing a brand and creative assets that help them tell their story. 
3. Storm Brain — Best for advertising and social media marketing
Social media seemingly changes by the second. 
It feels impossible to keep up with new platforms, updated policies, and ever-changing social media marketing techniques on top of running your business. 
But thankfully, you don’t have to. 
Storm Brain is a digital marketing company specializing in effective advertising campaigns and social media marketing that helps brands of all sizes generate more leads, build brand ambassadors, and make more money with a strong focus on ROI. 
They’ve worked with some big names like Zillow, Ford, and Citi Bank but they also work with smaller brands in a wide variety of industries. 
Storm Brain focuses on planning, creating, and executing both paid and organic social media campaigns that help your audience connect with your brand across social media channels. 
However, they specialize in Facebook and paid social media advertising. 
Their four-step strategic approach centers around your target audience and capitalizes on paid media, owned media, and earned media to ensure your brand is in front of the right people. 
4. Mad Mind — Best for eCommerce development and product branding
As a product-based business, you have different marketing roadblocks than service-based or blogging-based businesses. 
And there are a lot of other branding elements coming into play as well.
Thankfully, Mad Mind is here to help. 
They’re a creative digital marketing studio for both large and small eCommerce brands looking to develop cohesive branding from their website design down to the smallest details of their product packaging. 
Brands like Lyft and Sony Music trust Mad Mind to help them create an impactful brand, attract the right people, and turn them into lifelong paying customers.
Furthermore, they’ve been featured on Shark Tank, The Los Angeles Times, and Vogue. 
From WordPress, WooCommerce, and Shopify development to custom websites and thoughtful eCommerce branding, their team of “marketing geniuses” delivers powerful results and dynamic marketing strategies you can leverage for years to come. 
5. Pop Video — Best for video and visual content marketing
Video and visual content marketing are booming right now. 
But it’s no secret planning, creating, and producing videos feels overwhelming and downright difficult, to say the least. 
The good news is… you don’t have to do it all yourself. 
Pop Video specializes in doing the heavy lifting (read: video creation, execution, repurposing, editing, etc.) for you. 
They know your audience expects more than one-off videos and other types of visual content. And they also believe your business deserves better, as well. They don’t call themselves a “lean, mean, content-generating machine” for nothing. 
Pop Video has partnered with hundreds of brands including Phillips 66, Academy Sports + Outdoors, and Mattress Firm to revolutionize the way their audiences consume and interact with digital content. 
However, they don’t just produce great videos. 
They help you create a library of visual assets by repurposing content as well so you can walk away with all the visual content marketing material you need. 
6. Action Rocket — Best for email marketing and design
There’s a reason 93% of B2B brands use email to distribute the content they create — it works. 
But starting your email list and growing it into a database of raving fans and customers isn’t easy. Most businesses know this and do everything they can to avoid it like the plague. 
Good thing you have another option. 
Action Rocket is an email marketing studio leveraging strategic approaches, creative thinking, and in-depth customer journeys to develop results-driven email marketing campaigns. 
Furthermore, they’ve worked with some huge names you may have heard of like QVC, Unicef, and American Express. 
However, they also work with businesses of all sizes anywhere in the world. 
Action Rocket offers courses, workshops, and training as well as world-class email campaign creation services so you can start leveraging one of the most effective forms of digital marketing for your business. 
7 characteristics that make a great digital marketing company
Now you know my top recommendations. 
So, let’s talk about what makes these digital marketing companies great and what to look for if none of the companies above match what you’re after. 
1. A great website and digital marketing strategy
Smart digital marketers understand the importance of having a well-designed website and an effective digital marketing strategy. 
So, it makes sense to expect your digital marketing company to have both, especially if they offer web design or custom development services.
Take a look around their website, sign up for the email list, and peek at their social media profiles to make sure they’re practicing what they preach. 
And if they’re not… move on to a digital marketing company that is.
2. An impressive portfolio
Agencies use their portfolio to show off their best work. 
So, look through their published portfolio pieces to see examples of the types of work they produce for their clients. 
This also gives you an idea of the types of clients they frequently work with. 
Pay close attention to the style and quality of what they do and make sure it closely aligns with what you hope to get out of working with them. 
Furthermore, look at the list of clients they have to see if you recognize any of the names. 
If anything seems off or doesn’t fit what you’re looking for, move on to a digital marketing company that feels like a better fit for you and your business. 
3. Aligned company culture and core values
It’s important to work with companies that value the same things and have a strong company culture you can appreciate to get the results you hope to achieve (without wanting to pull your hair out). 
Do you prefer a creative and collaborative atmosphere or a more rigid and structured approach? 
Look at the words, phrases, and photos they use on their website to get an idea of how they work and make sure it’s a good match to what you’re looking for. 
Some digital marketing companies use humor and playfulness while others are more serious. 
So, decide what type of experience you want to have and find a company that matches that. 
Example: Would you use the word “disruptive” to describe your brand and vision?
4. A diverse team with appropriate specializations
It’s important to hire a digital marketing company with the right team that can deliver the results you’re hoping for. 
If you’re looking for high-end brand design services, make sure they have an experienced team of designers to take on your project. 
Or maybe you’re interested in a custom-coded website. 
Check out that company’s team on their about page (if they have everyone listed there) or on LinkedIn to make sure they have an experienced designer and a coder or developer on staff. 
5. Timely and effective communication
Strong communication is one of the most important parts of a fruitful and beneficial partnership between a company and its digital marketing company. 
So, it’s important to consider their communication skills and overall customer service before hiring them. 
You can do this by evaluating the responses you get and how long it takes for them to respond to your messages and questions before giving them any money. 
This doesn’t always work but if they take weeks to respond to a simple question, consider moving on to someone else. 
6. Realistic promises and proven results
Before scheduling a consultation or reaching out for more information, look through their website to make sure their promises are realistic. 
Furthermore, look to see if you can find any data-driven case studies they have regarding the type of results they regularly produce for their clients. 
If they’re promising unrealistic things and making outlandish claims on their website, that’s a huge red flag. 
Why? Because this means they probably don’t understand how the industry works and they don’t have any actual client results to share. 
7. Real-world client testimonials
93% of consumers turn to customer reviews and testimonials when deciding to buy something. They do this because it helps justify the expense and ensure they’re going to get what they pay for. 
So, you should do the same. 
Keep an eye out for detailed and honest customer reviews or testimonials to give you an insight into what working with the company is like. 
If you can’t find any, they probably haven’t worked with many clients and they may be inexperienced. 
Which… is fine if you’re on a budget. But it’s not fine if you’re looking for the best possible solution for your business. 
What to expect from a great digital marketing company
Now you know what to look for, so let’s talk about what to expect when working or partnering with a digital marketing company.
The details of each phase look different for every business out there. But, the fundamentals remain the same regardless of the company you choose to work with. 
Phase 1: discovery and research
The best digital marketing companies want to learn everything there is to know about your business from top to bottom. 
This usually happens through a series of phone calls/zoom chats and detailed questionnaires so they can get to know you and what you’re looking for. They’ll also do a deep dive into your target market, audience, and competition. 
Phase 2: developing a plan of action
Once they know who you are and what you’re looking for, they’ll work with you to develop a detailed timeline and plan of attack to get the job done well and on time. 
Phase 3: executing the plan of attack
Once everyone agrees on the plan, it’s time to start executing. 
Your digital marketing company will work through the process of creating and finalizing everything you both agreed to during phase 2. 
This includes building infrastructure, creatives, ongoing strategies, and anything else you need to achieve the results you’re after. Again, this looks different for different types of projects and the company you’re working with. 
Depending on the complexity of your project, this could take anywhere from a few days to several months (or even a few years depending on the type of partnership). 
Phase 4: results and offboarding
After everything is complete, good digital marketing companies will walk you through the results and outcomes you achieved by working together. 
From there, you’ll discuss the next steps and how to move forward on your own (or what happens next if your partnership isn’t over).
Digital marketing = long-term relationships and results
Investing in digital marketing is a huge step in the right direction for your business. But, these strategies don’t return results overnight and they generally tend to ramp up over time. 
So, expect a long-term relationship with your digital marketing company.
The longer you work with them, the more fine-tuned they are to your needs, and the quicker they can get to work producing even better long-term results for you and your business. 
So, whether you choose one of my top recommendations or scout out your own, use the tips and best practices we talked about to make a smart, educated decision… like the future of your business depends on it. 
Because it does!
Have you worked with any digital marketing companies recently? How did it go and did you get the results you hoped for?
The post The 6 Best Digital Marketing Companies of 2020 appeared first on Neil Patel.
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Digital Marketing Agency in Los Angeles, CA
Natalie Minh Interactive is a Los Angeles Interactive Agency, offering brand planning, attention-grabbing ideas, innovative applications, products, and platforms that we combine with strategy, technology, creativity, and media to produce everything brands and businesses need to navigate this awesome new digital world. ​ Your customers have never been more connected to digital content than they are today. So why is it so much harder to actually reach them? That is where we come in. We help brands reach their audience through meaningful experiences delivered in a fantastic interactive experience. We've worked with individuals and start-up companies by getting them off to a running start. We've also partnered with small/middle sized organizations to expand their market reach via social media and web, improve conversion rates, and build out their team of influencers.
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Fit Bodies 4 Life Fitness Website Design
NMI has designed and developed a new custom WordPress website for Kim Lipe, owner, CEO & creator of the Fit Bodies 4 Life programs. The newly designed & developed website showcases their products and eBooks to sell online. The website has a public front-end aspect of the website where users can read their engaging article about health, fitness, and recipes. The website also has a place to apply online for coaches to become an ambassador coach with Fit Bodies 4 Life and be able to partner with an amazing online training business that is helping women and families across the world. The website also has an inquiry from where customers can take website support due to any trouble or general inquiries. The custom Fit Bodies 4 Life fitness website design was developed with the latest HTML5, CSS3, Twitter Bootstrap, and WooCommerce standards, W3C validated, fully mobile / tablet responsive, Google Page Speed tested & optimized, fully secured with SSL certificate, compatible with all major browsers, and SEO friendly.
About Fit Bodies 4 Life
The Fit Bodies 4 Life, founded by Fit over 50 Certified Trainer and Nutritionist Kim Lipe. It is a team of holistic nutritionists and fitness coaches that offers workout programs and nutrition plans without location restrictions. Fit Bodies 4 Life’s mission is to help others become the best version of themselves by creating a healthy, fit and happy lifestyle, no matter age, size or fitness level.
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