house-of-chairs · 2 years
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Restuarant tables. A new addition to our range. Definitely a winner!! Can be custom made to your specification. Pine, ash or oak tops? Call House of chairs. We deliver nation wide #manufacturing #placeyourorder #table #tables #diningtables #restuaranttables #bistrotable #patiotables #tabletops #woodtops #granitetops #stonetops #metaltops #interiors #hospitality #procurement #hotels #hotel #hospitalityindustry #guesthouse #guesthouses #home Www.houseofchairs.co.za (at House Of Chairs And Tubular Furniture) https://www.instagram.com/p/CfZMqCSqQo8/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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carlos-arl · 1 year
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Kitchen in Detroit
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indigosunsetao3 · 5 days
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for the GIF ask game! you can pick any character you see fit !
I just want you to know that watching men drive stick shift is in my top eight (dating myself here) of favorite things. So thank you for this.
Drinks and dinner were always a good time, even if you regretted agreeing to go when the day arrived. You knew you needed some time out of the house after being in the monotonous routine of work, home, a quick dinner and trashy television before bed for the past month. That's what happened when John was deployed, a stagnant routine counting down the days until his return. You were used to it after all this time but you could feel the melancholy sinking in, the rainy season not helping either.
You had sent John a quick message, not sure if he'd even get it, that you were going out with friends. Sometimes he could have his phone, others it was radio silent for days. It had been a stint of silence for about a week this time so you weren't expecting an answer. But as you applied your lipstick a message came back asking where you were going.
It was a surprise and you grin telling him about the plans for some sort of bar crawl. One of the girls in the group was newly single so it was an attempt to cheer her up and maybe find a bloke to take her home. All in good fun. After sending John a picture of your outfit you head out to meet your friend that was picking you up.
Despite being with your friends you keep your phone glued to your hand, texting John any moment you could. After being silent for so long you weren't about to pass up some time just talking. You send him pictures of what you are up to, what drinks you were having, laugh about a guy attempting (and failing) to chat up your single friends.
John answers each one without fail, even going as far as sending you a picture of his current company. Soap passed out on his bunk with his arm hanging off the edge and mouth wide open snoring. A scene you have seen multiple times before but still made you laugh anyway.
After a bit of silence, thinking he may have finally fallen asleep, another message comes through.
Where are you headed now? That little club off Lisle street with the weird name. They want to walk because parking is atrocious. My feet are on fire, shouldn't have worn heels. I'm about to tell them to go without me. Go on. Don't want them to hound you for being an old maid. But I am an old maid.
You grin and stick your phone back into your purse before making the long trek to the next place. It's drizzling and you are lamenting the idea of having to walk all the way back to the car when you were done. It was already past midnight and your warm bed was calling to you. But you smile and continue on with the group, telling yourself it's just one night.
Staking out one of the only tables left you tell the rest of the group you'll hold the spot while they all go to dance. Your feet can't take one more step. And while you're contemplating how rude it would be to just take your shoes off and hide your feet under the table for a bit a waiter walks over with a drink you haven't ordered.
"Oh, no I think you've got the wrong table," you answer with a grin, stretching back up from where you were about to undo your heel straps; you had decided to just risk it and give your feet a five minute break.
"Are you sure?" The waiter asks as they turn to look over at the bar before back to you, "he was insistent to send it to you. Said he knew you and seemed genuine."
You look at the drink the waiter has set down. It was certainly your drink, your favorite drink as a matter of fact, down to the extra cherry and no orange garnish. Who on Earth had sent that? Your friends were still on the dance floor. You sweep your eyes back over to the bar to the man the waiter is looking toward and you spot him.
John is standing at the bar.
He's leaning oh so casually against the woodtop with his hip, as if he had been there for hours. He's grinning at you knowingly as his eyes bore into yours, swirling his own plain whiskey on ice as he does.
He looks delicious standing there. Freshly trimmed beard and a haircut from what you can see. His skin a little tanner than when he had left, having spent time out in the sun on this deployment. But that's not what really catches your eye. It's the clothes. He knows exactly what he's doing wearing a crisp white button down shirt with the sleeves rolled up his forearms and the top button undone; just as you liked. A large watch, one you had gifted him, sitting perfectly on his left wrist to match the gleaming wedding band.
"Ma'am?" The waiter asks a bit uncertain as they stood there watching the stare down. "Do you need me to-"
"It's mine," you answer suddenly, swiping the drink and taking a sip, "no worries." You don't look at them as you slip from the seat and wince only slightly at the pain in your feet. You know, vaguely, that it's rude to just ignore the waiter like this but you can't help it. John's eyes keep your focus completely locked on him and you move across the bar without hesitation to him. Your job of holding the table for your friends long forgotten.
"When did you get here?" You ask as you walk up to the small space John had left for you at the bar. "You should have told me you were coming back! I would have stayed home," you babble setting your drink down before grabbing at him.
"I wanted to surprise you," John answers simply as he sets his drink down and reaches out his hand to grab you gently by the upper arm to pull you closer. You can smell his soap and cologne as he tugs you close and you grin as his other hand tilts your head up to look at him better, holding your face lightly as he does. "And I didn't want you having to walk all the way back to the car in those dangerously high heels." He smirks.
"Well, it worked," you breathe out as you watch him before pushing up the few centimeters left on your toes to kiss him. You can taste the cigar he had smoked on the way to the bar, as well as the tang of whiskey on his lips.
You don't care if it's indecent as you wrap your arms around his neck and pull him that much closer, sighing into his mouth as his hands find your sides to hold you. His fingers are gentle in their hold, but you can feel the possessive air he gives off as his thumbs pass over your hipbones.
"Your friends are looking for you," John says after a second as you pull away deciding to not give the bar a whole show, though you know John could care less. He would let the whole world see just how you belonged to him if you told him to.
Turning your head around a bit, hands never leaving John's neck, you spot them at the vacated table looking around. You grin a bit, leaning your cheek on John's chest as he raises a single hand up to wave and catch your best friends attention when she spots him. The look of shock on her face was comical but she just nods and grabs one of your more drunk friends dragging them back from coming over to say hello. She knows exactly where this is going and being the best wingwoman she wasn't going to let anything interfere.
"Take me home?"
"Whatever you want love. We can stay with your friends if you'd like," John says. You know he's just being polite, considerate, giving that offer because he already knows your answer.
"I'd rather be with you," you answer reaching out to grab the drink he had ordered for you and down it in a few sips.
He chuckles in response finishing his own whiskey before setting down a fifty pound note from his wallet. Scooping up his suit jacket he sets it on your shoulders before digging his keys of his pocket and leading you outside. He had brought his sporty little car, the one that sat in the garage and only came out for weekend drives or fancy dinners.
As soon as he helps you in you lean down and wrench off your heels, sighing a bit in relief as he climbs in on his side. He grins at you as he starts the car before throwing it into reverse. His hand comes up on the headrest behind you, his fingers caressing the back of your neck, as he backs out of the spot.
You grin a bit watching him drive. How he manipulates the wheel casually one handed as the other shifts each gear. You know he knows exactly what he's doing to you as he drives like this. How he smirks at you when he catches you blatantly watching him and laughs along with you as he finds a long open stretch of road and pushes the gas pedal to the floor quickly shifting through each gear.
"Sweetheart, you keep looking at me like that we aren't making it home," he says after a moment as he brings the car back down to legal limits.
“Maybe I don’t want to make it home," you state as you reach over and grab his hand. It had been a few years since you rode him in the drivers seat and you found yourself suddenly wanting to do just that.
He laces his fingers with yours and doesn't let go as he shifts again, letting you help him. Suddenly his eyes dart to the rearview mirror to check for cars before he abruptly changes lanes.
John bypasses the turn that would keep leading you home and instead takes a road that twists and turns down the countryside. He’s looking for the perfect spot that has no lights so no one can see you as he pins you between him and the steering wheel.
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senzume · 6 months
【 @dragvnsovl 】 。° ⸺ something small for tater.
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❝ Good afternoon, Tater! ❞ Amame beams as she steps into the cafe. Bouncing up to the counter, she leans cheerily over the woodtop, tired but gleeful. ❝ I finally have time for my own lunch! Can you believe it? ❞ A soft giggle as she passes her joke along. ❝ Mind if I order something sweet? ❞
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musaics · 2 years
After finding out through Tenten-san that Li-san’s birthday was approaching, Hinata found herself thinking on what to get him. After spending time recalling her time with him, she couldn’t pull anything from their interactions that could help. That realization triggered a small nugget of guilt within her. She needed to be better, especially with all he’s been helping her with.
She sought Tenten-san to see if she could give more insight to Li-san’s personal interests. Their meeting bore the idea to prepare a dish for him. She’s always enjoyed cooking, especially for others. Despite having little experience in preparing spicy dishes she’s decided to try!
Keeping in mind the food preference Tenten mentioned, she prepared a savory vegetable stir fry for lunch. Then packed her best attempt of a spicy curry for dinner. She finished off her gift by preparing a sweet strawberry milk for him.
Everything packed into a lunch basket, she heads off to deliver it to them. At the hospital she requests for him.
“Li-san,” she greets with sweet smile and little nervousness,” h-happy birthday. I made this for you. I hope you enjoy these dishes….” She hands him the basket of food.
Happy birthday Li!
“Oh!”  Li shouts as Hinata enters his small office.  He also hurriedly stands, thighs noisily smacking into the top of his desk and causing the solid woodtop to give a little rock.  His lamp wobbles but he manages to grab it before it tips over.  “Ah— Hi, Hinata-san!” 
As he strides over to retrieve her goodie basket, Li pats down his pristine white uniform.  There was no dirt on it, of course, but he was a shinobi before he was a medic and was often used to having dusty, dirty shinobi gear on.  Or perhaps he was just nervous and wanted to look his best when being presented with something so thoughtful.
“You did not have to go through so much trouble for me.”  Li says in a tone that was uncharacteristically shy for him.  Warmth spreads over him at the gesture, his insides feeling like a warm, gooey chocolate chip cookie.  “This is very kind of you.”  
He dives into Hinata’s basket as if it were a wrapped present, bright eyes hungrily ingesting the image of each container of food.  He can tell she’s made him curry before he even gets to that container; He can smell the spices. He wriggles his nose with delight. 
“There’s curry in here!” He announces in a child-like way, like Hinata didn’t already know what she had packed in there.  “Everything smells delicious and I very much appreciate your efforts.  It is not often that I have a homemade meal at the office.”
Li sets her basket aside before turning back to her, his warm gaze finally taking in her sweet demeanor.  Her smile was kind and her eyes shine with what looked like gratitude with a hint of nervousness.  It was endearing and Li finds himself returning her smile.  
Li has a strong urge to engulf the woman in a big hug, but fears such a gesture may be too intense for someone that was already obviously nervous.  So Li performs a deep bow instead.
“Thank you, Hinata-san.  I will say it for what seems the hundredth time: I am very appreciative of you and your efforts.  I hope you will share this meal with me.”
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crylamby · 4 months
     ONE   STOCKINGED   FOOT   PRESSES   ARCHED   TO   ADAM’S   STERNUM,   keeping   the   man   at   a   distance   across   the   mattress   as   angel   takes   a   long,   deep   drag   from   the   joint   between   his   lips.   sweet   smoke   billows   into   @finalslay's   face   before   the   dancer   is   kind   enough   to   wedge   the   stick   back   into   his   kingpin’s   mouth,   flimsy   dress   flattened   against   the   pale   pillar   of   his   legs   once   he   moves   to   sit   on   the   edge   of   the   bed.   eerie   serenity   hugs   the   air. 
“don't tell me that you liked me for my personality.”
     🙶    liked   ‘ya   for   that   thing   between   ‘yer   legs,    🙷    angel   peers   at   adam   from   over   his   shoulder,   face   hugged   into   his   arm   and   blond   hair   sharply   framing   odd   eyes    ━━━    a   beautiful   shrine   of   horror   watching   adam   getting   closer,   pressing   flush   to   his   back.   angel   smiles   as   he   grabs   the   other   man   by   the   neck   of   his   tie;    swan   neck   crooking   back   far   enough   to   plant   a   kiss   to   the   corner   of   his   bloody   mouth.    🙶    guess   that   personality   is   a   bonus.    🙷
     eyes   chance   a   glance   at   the   corpse   laying   half   -   disfigured   in   his   peripheral   on   the   hotel   room   floor   and   he   moves   to   stand,   adam’s   hands   chasing   lace   &   silk,   the   absent   chastity   of   thorns   ‘round   his   hips.   [    a   bloody   handprint   upon   angel’s   breastbone,   on   the   seat   of   his   dress.    ]
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     🙶    go   put   the   poor   bastard   in   the   bathtub,    🙷    he   manages   as   he   steps   over   the   body,   half   expecting   it   to   reach   out   and   grab   him   by   the   ankle.   long   legs,   DOE   -   LIKE,   carry   him   to   the   large   bedside   table   so   he   can   lean   palm   flat   to   the   woodtop,   pinky   wrapping   around   phone   cord.       🙶    i   ain’t   fuckin’   you   with   a   corpse   in   the   room.    🙷
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lofthomefelicia · 1 year
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✔️NAME: Pine Wood Dining Table – NOER 
✔️DIMENSIONS & PRICES:  L1200 * W600 * H750mm S$599 L1400 * W700 * H750mm S$750 L1600 * W800 * H750mm S$925 L1800 * W900 * H750mm S$1100 L2000 * W1000 * H750mm S$1300   *Woodtop thickness 120mm *Can be done in customized size, PM us for prices.   ✔️MATERIAL: Solid Pine Wood imported from New Zealand / Anti-rust steel legs   ✔️COLOUR SOLUTION: Solid wood tabletop have 11 colour and 2 kinds of surface (Smooth / Antique) available to choose. Steel frame in Matt Black  👁‍🗨lofthome.com #furniture#furnituregoals#interiorstyling #interiordesign #livingroominspiration #condo #furnituredesign #homedesigns #furniturestyling #Singaporewedding #Livingroomdesign #furnitureinspo #SGdecor #sghdb#homeanddecor #homefurniture #lofthomefurniture #livingroomgoals #SingaporeTatler #renonation #sgfurniture (at Singapore) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cm_OlnMuKjY/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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#coffeetable #pedestal #metal #tablebases with @urban_industrial_design provided #woodtops. #ncmw #nickelcitymetalworks #custom #handmade #furniture #design #furnituredesign #buffalo #newyork #welding #fabrication #interiordesign #customfurniture #metalwork #endtable #endtables #coffeetables #artisan #craftsmanship https://www.instagram.com/p/Bpmm0wxnFWj/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=17y718abu9p3x
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rolfschroedergc · 5 years
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Not just because we are craftsmen at heart but we are in love with these wood tops in our dealer kit from @grothouseinc If you’re looking for that unique piece to set your next project apart let’s start a conversation. • #rolfschroedergc #dealer #grothouse #grothousewoodtops #woodtops #designbuildfirm #designbuild #craftsmen #woodworking #buckscounty #buckscountypa (at Bucks County, Pennsylvania) https://www.instagram.com/p/B5Jb89cDQVQ/?igshid=iflbf1dvimub
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brightjin · 4 years
why is it so hard to find a big square dining table that looks good... im sorry but im sexy and need it for my apartment
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house-of-chairs · 2 years
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Restuarant tables custom made. Pine, ash or oak tops? Metal frames can be epoxy coated any colour of your choice. Call House of chairs. We deliver nation wide #tables #diningtables #restuaranttables #bistrotable #patiotables #tabletops #woodtops #granitetops #stonetops #metaltops #interiors #hospitality #procurement #hotels #hotel #hospitalityindustry #guesthouse #guesthouses #home Www.houseofchairs.co.za (at House Of Chairs And Tubular Furniture) https://www.instagram.com/p/CfZKmVcqVQu/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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jludkin · 2 years
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Yunomi Dark clay body with Hakeme brushed white slip and a ash glaze. Kind of a Green ash glaze take on Buncheong I suppose? I am really pleased with the way the glaze breaks from matte around rim to shiny lower down the waist, gives a nice contrast. This one is off to the Leach Pottery #yunomi #cup #ashglaze #tea #greentea #glaze #shiny #matte #hakeme #buncheong #brush #darkclay #wildclay #digyourown #leach #theleachpottery #leachpottery #oak #woodtop #stilllife #pot #pottery #thrown #wheelmade #vessel (at Rainton) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cahqki7gAxJ/?utm_medium=tumblr
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rwhaywardfurniture · 4 years
For just £65.00 A traditional spinning top made from maple this makes a deep humming sound a nice steady pull on the cord will start it spinning on a nice level floor it will spin for a considerable length of time. 24 cm high and 14 cm diameter.
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clittleshop · 4 years
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Check out the size of this wooden top! Perfect for playtime or just decorating. #top #spinningtop #woodtop #vintagetoys #etsy #etsyvintage #clittleshop #nurserydecor #toys link to shop in profile. (at CLittleShop) https://www.instagram.com/p/B_9pNW1FrK9/?igshid=k01340dk9nds
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russian-dallas · 4 years
Календарь культурных событий Большого Далласа c 29 февраля по 8 марта
Календарь культурных событий Большого Далласа c 29 февраля по 8 марта
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Бразильская вечеринка в Turkish Cafe (Brazilian Carnaval Party)
29 февраля с 7 часов вечера до 2 утра Turkish Cafe приглашает на Бразильскую вечеринку. В программе: Dj Goraz, UDA Samba Troupe с лучшими танцорами самбо и бэли-дэнс шоу от Carly. Стоимость еды — от 25 до 35 долларов, а также 10 долларов Cover Charge, если приехать в ресторан после 9 часов вечера (до 9 часов вход — свободный).…
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jovickworld · 4 years
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Hello outside of this window @pbgmade @michaelmckenziedesigns #jovickbuiltgranite #patio #deckgaurd #cables #woodtop #jovick #jovickbuilt #contractor #generalcontractor #construction #newconstruction #remodels #residential #commercial #home #homebuilding #homebuilder #customhomes #custom #leed #usgbc #earthadvantage #netzero #oregon #roguevalley #ashland #carpentry #finehomebuilding #homestead #homesteading https://www.instagram.com/p/B8Jd7bOgAWT/?igshid=c0kcd1pinqqd
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