#woojin and chan's are The Biggest Moods
channieroo · 6 years
Jeongin’s part in Awkward Silence is literally the cutest thing in the world and y’all better love and appreciate
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sweetpxsin · 4 years
skz as dads
♡ skz.group
♡ rated.f
wow it’s been a hot minute since I wrote something like this --spx
♡ Chan
The moment you told him he was going to be a dad he’d already be jumping with joy
Like he would absolutely be ecstatic
He’s the“babe we HAVE TO get this for the baby I know they’ll love it” or the “look at what I got for the baby” kinda dad
And when his baby girl is born he’s treating her like the little princess she is the day she’s born 
He’s so gentle and soft with her it’s literally so hard not to just coo when you see them together
If she cries his heart breaks a little and he will do everything and anything to make her stop
When she’s a bit older he’d take the extra time to pack her cute little lunches with notes when she had to go to daycare 
He doesn’t even flinch when she brings a dress to him and asks for a tea party because he’d be down no questions asked
Will put his whole ass heart into acting during play time for his daughter
And when she’s a little bit older and can have school crushes it’s going to crush Chan
Because daddy’s princess is attracting boys he deems unworthy even though he knows damn well he saw them holding hands
To sum this up Chan will absolutely adore his daughter to the depths of hell and back even  if it breaks his heart a little bit each day to see her growing up so fast
♡ Woojin
The day you told him you guys were going to be parents he couldn’t stop smiling
His reaction would be mundane but his actions would show he’s much more excited 
Like each night your bump grows he’s always talking to the baby and putting his ear to your belly and kissing it
He’s literally so excited he came home one day with like a bag full of baby clothes and toys and he’d just have the biggest smile ever
Like man really do be planning for this baby’s arrival my dude 
He’ll be extra super sweet to you too and make sure your super relaxed and comfortable anytime he can
But at the same time he’s like come on we have to go buy this, this, and this for the baby even when your only like 2 months pregnant 
And when the baby arrives he’ll be so happy and cry when he finally gets to hold his son
god Woojin would just adore his little boy like he can’t even begin to express how much he loves his son
He’d buy them matching outfits, take him to the parks and let him help with grocery shopping
And he’d allow his baby boy to adventure and explore because seeing his son be expressive and happy just makes his heart so warm
Oh and the amount of toys this boy will have will be absolutely ridiculous 
There is not one dinosaur his son wouldn't have, he’d probably have a whole bin
Woojin would be the type of dad that enjoys watching his son play and joining in every now and then rather than be the high energy chasing around the house type of dad
Though he does have his days where he can run around and be a complete jokester with his son 
But most of his time his son is either playing quietly with him or they’re napping together quietly after watching tv or Woojin read him a book
His son would be so well behaved yet so cute🥺
♡ Minho
When you told Minho he was going to be a dad he’d deadass be so proud like damn I really just created life with this beautiful human being
And you better believe he’s proudly telling the boys and family he’s about to be a dad
Though he’d also be really excited and want to spoil his child
He’d buy them all the high quality baby stuff because why the frick not
And when your baby bump is getting bigger he always talking to the baby that way and waiting for when it kicks 
And high key scolding his baby when he thinks they kicked too hard  💀
He absolutely adores the fact the he’s going to be a father for this baby though
When the baby’s born Minho can’t stop smiling and he’s just so proud of you and happy he might cry a bit 
The first stuff toy he’ll buy for his baby girl is definitely a cat no questions asked
He’d fawn over this baby girl so much because he just thinks she’s so precious
And when she’s still young he’d always have the baby carrier on him because there’s no separating the two
Minho would definitely pull small innocent pranks like the type you see on TROS 
But he does it because he just wants to see his baby girl smiling and laughing all the time while creating a strong bond with her 
And when she cries his heart breaks a little and he fake cries in hopes it brings up her spirit
He’s just got such a huge soft spot for her that when one she likes one of her “uncles” more he high key gets jealous 
And when she gets older protective Minho is out and about
He’s gotta set the rules down of absolutely no dating till 20
And when he sees his baby interacting cutely with another boy he’s highkey upset but his baby is so happy he can’t do anything about it 
So he’s just fuming off on the side in jealous dad while glaring at the little boy with his daughter 
♡ Changbin
Lord have mercy on Changbin when you tell him he’s going to be a dad
He’s trying so hard not to cry but he can’t help it and is smiling all goofy and wide
God he’d buy all the toys and stuff toys just for his baby girl
He’d even buy her a matching Gyu 
And when his baby girl finally is born he can’t even stop crying and smiling because he’s so happy
When it’s his turn to watch baby he’s playing all the little princess games and probably will go as far as acting the princess's horse
Just anything to hear his baby’s laugh
And when she gets a bit older and he has to go back to the group but it’s his turn to watch her you can bet he’s in the studio with her
He just adores the way she dances and tries to sing along with the music
He’s starting this rapper young 💀
And when the whole family is together you better believes he’s planning a family picnic 
Deadass will become the dad that creates the hella extra, but cute and thoughtful lunches for his daughter 
Ugh Changbin will just love the freak out of his daughter and will highkey get jealous when she favors a member over him even if it’s just for a day or an hour before she’s crying for him
He just adores her so much because wow he really just created life with the person of his dreams 
♡ Hyunjin
At first Hyunjin didn’t process all the information fully and he’d be sitting there for a minute smiling before turning his head back to you at neck breaking speed
And Hyunjin can be a bit dramatic… and let’s just say he almost passes out but is crying but is excited and he can’t just pick one
Hyunjin would be ecstatic to know he’s going to be a father but also a little nervous
But that wouldn’t tamper his mood for preparing for his little dude’s arrival 
He’d probably be the dad to buy his kid designer clothes, and buy matching pairs just for the family
And when his little son finally arrives, he’s so excited he almost forgets that his son was literally just born and he can’t just take him home
But he’s so gentle with his baby boy when he’s still little
Like he’s always rushing when he hears his son’s crying, always cooing when he’s laughing and can probably be found asleep with his son cuddled in his arms after a long day
And when his son’s a bit older they’re literally the perfect pair
When Hyunjin’s walking out of the room, his little boy is holding his hand with his favorite toy in his other hand dragging right behind them
And when Hyunjin’s getting ready his son is copying him the best he can 
It’s literally monkey see monkey do with these two and Hyunjin finds it absolutely adorable that his son looks up to him so much 
But they’re also the goofiest pair ever and there’s never a dull moment with these two
They’re either running around giggling or going on adventures to fun places
And when his baby boy is a bit older he loves joking around with his dad and saying stuff like “mom is the best!” just to hear Hyunjin jokingly say “you punk” and chase him around
They’re just so close and it’s honestly so adorable
♡ Jisung
Honestly at first he really thought you were joking
Like he’d be smiling and be like haha babe really funny and then he’d see your still smiling and not getting mad he found out your joke
And his face would go from haha got you to OH SHOOT U FOREEAL super happy face 
He’d then immediately tackle you into a hug but we won’t talk about that
Jisung would be so excited but won’t have any idea what he’s doing and is probably panically calling his mom every .02 seconds 
He’d definitely put in the time to figure out the best for his baby and buy all the cute baby stuffies
And when his baby girl is born he’s literally crying when he finally gets to hold her because to him she’s the prettiest thing in the world
He’d buy her all the prettiest dresses and will even take the time to learn how to do her hair 
He’d even buy her the cute bows and hair clips 🥺
And while he’s all into buying his baby all the stuffed toys and clothes he’d also be there to applaud her on the little achievements she has
And will literally record ever moment he has with her because MEmoRiEs
Like you can be at work and get the randomest, most funny or wholesome video ever of the both of them  and you’ll never know which type you’re getting that day 
And when he establishes she’s a total papa’s girl he will not hesitate to boast about it 
But let’s be real about the moment she was born they were inseparable, they’re both adorable crackheads since birth 💀
♡ Felix
He genuinely thought you were pranking him because he had seen those videos of girls who prank their boyfriends with the “baby in me” prank 
Like Felix would look at you so done and then be like babe that’s not funny
And when you don’t apologize and just keep giggling it settles in and he’d freak out for a moment 
Then he’ll  get all excited and hold you tight and be like “WERE GOING TO BE PARENTS”
And then be like brb I gotta go tell my mom about this
Like he’s so happy he’s telling literally everyone and anything he’s going to have a family with the love of his life
He’d probably become super sentimental too and just start crying because he’s just so happy
Though at the same time he’s super excited for the baby he’s literally pointing out everything baby related and trying to convince you the baby needs it 
And before the baby’s even born he’d definitely buy a baby photo album and a new camera to keep all the memories 
When his baby girl is born he’s honestly so soft and crying all over again 
And when he takes her home he does no hesitate to give her a house tour when she’s up from her nap
Felix would probably come up with a cute nickname for her like buttercup or something like that
And he'd genuinely enjoy playing dolls with her and hosting tea parties
He can’t bear to pull pranks on her though because as soon as he hears her cry he’s already scooping her up and trying to cheer her up
She’s just so precious to him and  he thinks she only deserves to spend her childhood laughing in good and loving memories
Though when she is a little bit older he probably would pull small and harmless pranks on her
 But for now he’s probably doing her hair while she discusses about her favorite cartoon with a bowl of snack in hand
♡ Seungmin
When you told Seungmin he was going to be a dad all he could do was give you soft eyes and smile because he was so happy and excited he didn’t know what to do
But when you hugged him he’d cry a little bit and ramble on about how he’s so happy to be starting a family with you
And afterwards he’s all excited to start planning asking like what color should the room be and all that good stuff
He’d be the type of dad to pick up a couple cute things he think the baby would enjoy on the way home and just silently place it in the room, which is  just so heart warming because you know he’s trying
And when he found out you were going to have twins he’d be really shocked but he wouldn’t love them any less
Like the moment he gets to hold both of them he’s a soft mess who’s all teary eyes while holding both of them
He’d be such a good dad and he makes it look easy while taking are of both of them
Seungmin could be braiding his little girls hair while also playing with his son and no one will ever know how he keeps them so calm
It’s just so cute though seeing him hold both of them while taking them out on adventures and allowing them to help him
He just adores his twins so much honestly  and that’s why he finds it difficult to get upset with them
You’ll always either find him asleep with both of them on either side of them or playing around the apartment there’s no in between 
He’s also the type of dad that enjoys his kids genuine help when he tries to make something nice for you and if they mess up the surprise all he can do is laugh
But if there’s one thing Seungmin’s very specific on is teaching his twins to clean because he’s not about to have a messy house oh no no no hunty 
Though half of the time he does help them and gets them ice cream afterwards because he can never say no to them 
When you told him he was going to be a dad he’d smile so wide and keep asking if you were for real because he’s just so happy 
He might have a little happy breakdown but that’s okay because right afterwards he’d be all excited telling you all the things he can’t wait to buy for your guys baby
Though he’d also be a little timid and alwaying making sure to get your okay with the necessary things the baby would need
Otherwise when it comes to toys he’s buying everything and anything he sees because his baby deserves everything
And when his son is born he can’t help but smile lovingly at his little boy as he’s sleeping in his arms
Jeongin would be pretty gentle and careful during the baby’s first months home partially because he’s nervous but mostly because he doesn’t want to make his son cry
Though when he’s older Jeongin’s all in for running around the house, having cute little dance parties and singing nursery rhymes with his little boy
When he’s not playing around with his son he’s probably taking him out to some picnic adventures or an amusement park
If not he’s probably amusing his son with his trot singing because he just loves the way it brings amusement to his face 
Other than that you can find them having a seemingly important conversation while sharing a bowl of fruit
When in reality their discussing about what his son’s favorite toy is while Jeongin tries to make him eat
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Stray Kids’ reaction to you stealing their snacks
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Scenario: You steal their sweets/snacks (late at night). Genre: Fluff/ Humour Pairing: Stray Kids members X Reader Word count: 2,3K Requested: Yes Author’s note: I hope you don’t mind me changing the request a little, I had more ideas for scenes this way, hehe.
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Bang Chan:
You were home alone, waiting for your boyfriend to come home from work. He had been at the studio all day and due the bad weather outside you weren’t in the mood to visit him. The rain had calmed down hours ago, but it was also cold and already late at night. So, you were stuck in your apartment and left hungry. You had been roaming around the house, looking for something to snack on, only to pass past Chan’s hidden stock. He always had some food laying around in his home office for times where he was working late.
You felt like after a while that your stomach was shouting along to a song, since it started to make noise like crazy. You made your way to the office at one AM to finally satisfy your poor stomach. You grabbed the best and biggest bag of chips you could find. Whilst taking a seat in Chan’s leather office chair you devoured the back of crisps, you didn’t notice your boyfriend coming home. Chan was surprised when he saw the lights were still turned on in the living room. He called out for your name as he made his way through your shared apartment as he looked for you, only to find you in his office eating his food.
“Baby?” He started, startling you and almost letting the bag slipping out of your hands. “You’re home?” You stuttered on your words in embarrassment, knowing fully well that you’re caught. “Why are you eating my crisps?” He asked whilst laughing before he inspected the now-almost empty bag. “You ate it all?” He laughed as he looked at you in disbelief with a playful smile. “I’m sorry, I was hungry and you had the only food at home-“ “Instead of eating mine, you could’ve called me and I would’ve brought you something even better.” Chan said with a sudden smirk. “Like what?” You questioned him curiously. “These lips-“ “BOI-“
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You and Woojin were having a movie night, but Woojin had such a hard and long day at work, he ended up falling asleep on you. You kept on watching the movie on your own as your boyfriend slept on your lap with your fingers softly brushing his hair. After a while you started to crave for something sweet, so you carefully moved your boyfriend out of the way so you were able to make your way to the kitchen. You opened all of the cabinets to find something to eat. You almost stopped searching until you found the jackpot. Woojin had bought some 호떡 (‘Hotteok’ - Korean Sweet Dessert Pancake) and you had been wanting to eat them all day, but your boyfriend had told you to wait since he was going to make something with it.
You couldn’t wait any longer and put it in a pan to heat it up. Suddenly you felt a pair of arms wrap around your waist, making you jump in process and hide your face in embarrassment, because you were caught by your boyfriend. “Honey, what are you doing?” He asked with his deep I-just-woke-up voice as he nuzzled his nose into your hair. “Nothing.” You stuttered. “I told you to wait.” He sighed with a chuckle. “I know, but they were calling me.” You argued back with a high-pitched tone, to try and let your cute side help you out. “You know who’s also calling you?” “No?” “You tickle punishment.” He laughed before he turned out the stove and picked you up to the couch as you kept giggling.
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You were with your boyfriend at the dance studio where you were watching him rehears for a new project he was working on. You were typing away on your laptop as you sat on a couch that was placed in the room as you boyfriend was blasting his music and dancing away. You were a little hungry, but also too lazy to get out and go somewhere to eat, since you aren’t allowed to eat at the studios. You dug into your bag to look for something to eat, but you weren’t surprised when you couldn’t find anything.
In the corner of your eye, you had spotted Minho’s bag. And you just happened to know that he had been carrying around a large bag of skittles all day. The reason? You had no idea, all you knew is that they were going into your stomach. You looked at your boyfriend as you moved slowly towards the backpack, as Minho kept dancing. He didn’t notice you sneaking his sweets out of his bag, until your clumsy ass made way much more noise opening the darn thing, making Minho shot around and look at you unsurprised. “Seriously?” He asked in disbelief as you started to laugh your ass off. “I was hungry!” You whined whilst still laughing. Your boyfriend couldn’t help but laugh as well and walked up to you soon after. He grabbed some of the skittles and popped them into his mouth, looking you in the eye as he smirked out of nowhere. “I’ve got skittles in my mouth, want to taste the rainbow?” He said with his mouth still full with the sweets as you wheezed. “I hate you.” “Love you too, my little sweet thief.”
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You were at the boys’ dorm. Your boyfriend was gone to the bathroom to take a shower since they had only just returned from the company building, after working for hours. You were left in the kitchen with Felix and Hyunjin. They were talking about their day, until you got hungry. “Isn’t there something to eat?” You asked whilst searching through the refrigerator as if you live at their dorm yourself. “Nah, just some snacks from Changbin.” Felix responded. You spotted a paper bag and opened it, you gasped when you saw the French fries and the chicken breast he had left over. You looked at Hyunjin and Felix with a smirk as they stared at you in shock. “Y/n, no.” “Y/N YES!” You yelled as you popped the bag into the microwave.
Before you knew it, your boyfriend had returned from his shower and walked into kitchen where you (and Hyunjin) were eating his food. Changbin dramatically dropped whatever he was holding and just looked at the two of you in disbelief. “How could you do this to me?” Changbin mutters, making the other three of you in the kitchen laugh loudly. Changbin buckled his knees, pretending as if his legs were giving up on him. Felix ran up to him to hug his friend as he kept on laughing. “I thought I could trust you.” “Baby I’ve saved some for you, it’s in the microwave-“ “Oh, thanks babe.” He said whilst smiling before kissing your hair, making you laugh once again.
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You and Hyunjin were on the couch, both still stuffed from your Italian dinner that Hyunjin had taken you out to. There were candle lights and the food was excellent. The two of you were now in your sweatpants, still your chic tops on since the both of you were too tired and too lazy to take it off. You were laying on his chest as the two of you laid with your eyes closed on your couch in your shared apartment.
“Baby, I’m stuffed.” Hyunjin moaned as he tried to lay comfortably on your big couch. “Do you still have that cannoli?” You asked him softly whilst looking up to him. “Yes but they’re mine.” Hyunjin pouted as he looked at you. With wiggling eyebrows, you smirked at him before getting up and rushing to the kitchen to get the doggy bag with the Italian goods. “Y/n-“ “Oh, they’re so good Jinnie!” You mumble with a mouthful after you took a bite whilst doing a happy dance to mess with him. “I was going to say you can have them.” Hyunjin laughed as he sat himself up straight. “Why? I thought you loved these.” “I do, but I cannoli have eyes for you.” Hyunjin wheezed at his own joke and quickly went to hug you as you looked at him, being done with his crap. “I love you!” He sung as he pressed kisses all over your face. “I guess I cannoli love these.” You joked as you eyed the Italian goods. “No baby love me.”
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Jisung had taken you out on a cute date. He had brought you to a little chateau and had made a small ‘campfire’, which was more like two torches set in front of the both of you. He had made you a nice picnic and brought multiple blankets and pillows to keep the two of you warm. Right now he had some s’mores in the make. “You know that I’m gone a lot, and I would love to see you s’more.” Jisung grinned as he looked back from you to the sweet treat he had in his hands.
“Unbelievable.” You chuckled as you took the treat out of his hand and ate it whilst smiling brightly. “I can’t believe you stole that. You know what, it’s okay. I love you so I will make us s’more.” “Why am I dating you?” “Because you love me s’mor-much. That didn’t work, did it?” He laughed. “Nope, but I indeed love you.” You giggled before you kissed him. “I love you too baby.”
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You were relaxing with Jeongin and your boyfriend Felix at their hotel room, playing video games and eating whatever you could find. Eventually Felix would go to the bathroom with a pout on his face, whilst whining to you how you had beat him and Jeongin at a game. “I thought you loved me.” He whined. “I do love you, now go pee.” You laughed, kissing his cheek before you went up to get something to drink.
“Innie, do you want something to drink?” You asked your friend who was still playing his game. “No thank you.” “Alright, I’m hungry. Whose rice cakes are these?” You ask. “Yongbokkie’s- Y/n, no.” Jeongin responded before he saw you eating Felix’s food. “What’s the fuss all about-“ Felix stopped his tracks when he caught you red-handed as you had the fork hallway into your mouth, looking your boyfriend in the eye as the two of you just awkwardly stared at each other. “First you kill me, and now you betray me.” “When did I kill you-“ “I guess Innie is the only one I can trust-“ “Felix, you’re so dramatic.” You laughed as your boyfriend dramatically let himself fall onto the bed where Jeongin was sitting. “Jeongin, I thought she was the one, it turned out to be all a lie.” Felix cried playfully as he hugged his friend. “Y/n help.” “He’s all yours now Innie.” You laughed as you kept on eating.
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Seungmin was very excited to take you out on a date after working for so long. He had prepared a lovely spot for the two of you. You were in the lead of the food and since your boyfriend loves strawberries so much, you made him some chocolate covered ones. Unfortunately, it was pouring rain, so the plan on going outside wasn’t it that day.
So instead, he had made the two of you a fort out of blankets and pillows. He put on the tv and streamed a video of a campfire. The two of you snuggled together under a blanket. Seungmin was moved by the gesture of you preparing his favourites. He was until you started to steal his strawberries. “Honey, I love you berry much, but I thought that the strawberries were for me.” “I love you berry much too, but just like you they are just so sweet. I love them.” “Y/n, this can’t go on any longer, let’s taco about this. I should be the only one you love.” Seungmin joked as he smiled proudly of his self-thought pun, whilst holding a mini taco. “Well, I’m sorry Minnie, but I love a lot of things and people. But don’t you worry. You will always have a pizza my heart.” You smiled back holding up a slice of pizza yourself.
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Jeongin and you were having a movie night at the dorm in his shared room. You were both cuddled up together under a blanket as you watched a movie on one of the older member’s iPad. Jeongin was a little sleepy, the light of the screen wasn’t keeping him up and he had eventually snuggled his face into the crook of your neck. You would caress his cheek with your hand, until you heard your stomach grumble.
Fortunately for you were you laying on the outer side of the bed, making it easier for you to get out. You knew that your boyfriend had hidden a stock of snack under the bed, that not even his members knew of and since you were hungry you felt like your boyfriend would probably not mind you having some. You stuck your hand under the bed and successfully took a bag of chips out. You opened the bag as quietly as you could, feeling like you were on some asmr show or something. You were so immerged into eating that you didn’t notice your boyfriend waking up to you not being in his arms. “I’m dating a little thief.” He groaned in a sleepy voice, making you jump in surprise. “Did my eating wake you?” “No the coldness of you not being in my arms did, now get here you little thief or else I will tickle you to death for messing up my stock.” Jeongin joked as he did grabby hands towards you, making you laugh before crawling back into bed to warm up your boyfriend.
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Gifs aren’t mine.
I hope you liked it <3
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letsnotdoanything · 5 years
Stray Kids reaction to their idol girlfriend crying in her speech at the show
Hello, I’m here with a new Stray kids reaction.~
Sorry it took me so long, but for some reason it was hard for me to write it… I just didn’t really have any ideas tbh. I hope you’ll enjoy it anyway!
Requested by @toxicosmico :
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Your heart was beating so fast you thought that everyone around you could hear it. There were a lot of other artists on the stage, but you somehow didn’t even know who was standing next to you. You were so nervous since it was your debut stage and you wanted everything to be as perfect as it could be. It wasn’t about the award, you just didn’t want to disappoint your fans and your family, who believed in you from the very beginning. You wished they could be there with you, you were missing them so much since you left your hometown. However, your thoughts were interrupted by Jinyoung’s voice, who began announcing the winners of that week with other MCs. “And the artist who won with the total score is… Y/S/N, congratulations!” You could swear that after those words everything began moving in slow motion. You snapped back to reality when Jinyoung handed you the microphone and patted your shoulder signaling that it’s your time to say some words to the audience. “I… I want to say thank you to everyone who worked with me on this song, choreography and music video, I wouldn’t be here without you all. Also… mom, dad, I know you’re probably watching this and I want you to know-” you felt your throat clench so you had to stop for a moment, tears started running down your face before you even realized it. All the emotions from the past few months were coming out now, making it hard to keep calm. You wiped the tears from your cheeks before lifting the microphone back to your mouth. “I-I miss you so much… I l-love you-” At this moment you broke completely and wasn’t able to talk anymore, so you decided to just finish the speech and try to gather yourself.
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Bang Chan
Emotional™. I feel like he would probably hide behind his members so no one would see him tearing up a little. He couldn’t help it, he just would be so proud of you since he knew how hard you worked for this. Also, he knows how it feels to be abroad for a long time, not having any physical contact with people you’re close with. You can be sure that after the show he would get very clingy. Not that you’d complain, right?
~Other members under the cut.~
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Lee Know Your song would be on the loop on his phone since it was released, so he’d be 100% sure it would own the charts. That’s why he’d prepare flowers before the show and make the staff hold it until he comes to grab them. He’d be even happier that he got this idea when you started crying during your speech so he would make sure to do it in the most extra way possible. He’d walk up to you, tap your shoulder to make you face him and bow nonchalantly before revealing the bouquet from behind his back.
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Changbin He would try to keep it cool but inside he would be like “ksjdhsisksiwhatdoidowhatdoido”. He’d wish to go and comfort you but he wouldn’t want to make you embarrassed or uncomfortable with the affection in front of cameras, so he’d save all the hugs and kisses for when you’re alone. Like Chan, he wouldn’t let you out of his embrace for a long time.
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Hyunjin He’d be clapping the loudest, his smile almost reaching his ears. However, when you got to the point of tearing up, he’d probably whisper something to other members and start fooling around together to lighten your mood. If it didn’t work, he’d take you to the dorms for the night and make you tell him about your best memories from your home.
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Han I think he would be the calmest out of these 9. Of course, he would be happy for you but seeing you cry would make it very hard for him to hold in his tears. After the stage, he would ask you if you were okay and if you needed something. If you told him that you were just a little homesick and needed some love, be ready for a lot of love.
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Felix Oh my, he’s your biggest supporter. He’d probably act similar to Jisung and walk to you to give you formal congratulations, but when you get off stage he would hug the hell out of you and tell you how proud he is. He also knows what it’s like to miss your hometown, so he’d take you to the dorms and show you what he does when he’s homesick.
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Seungmin Honestly, I don’t think he’s big on PDA, especially in front of your fans and cameras, so he’d probably just try to find a different way to make you feel better. He might start dancing to your song, which was playing in the background and pull you to dance with him after you finished your speech.
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I.N Please someone help him, he’s lost. He would be standing still and clapping, trying to decide whether or not he should go and comfort you since your relationship wouldn’t be official yet. If he’d end up not doing it, he’d make it up to you when you’re in private with a celebration dinner or something, so don’t worry.
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This sweetheart would be so happy for you and just couldn’t get the smile off his face until he heard your voice cracking during the speech. He wouldn’t waste any time after you finished talking and he’d just wrap his arms around you, whispering how much he believed in you and how good your performance was.
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foolishlovebugbaby · 5 years
skz’s reaction to their s/o having plump lips
requested by @0leelina0​! thanks for sending this in, i felt so giddy writing it ehe i hope you like it!
side note: i don’t know what to do with myself anymore i-
bang chan
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i feel like he’d absolutely love his s/o having plump lips
like at first he wouldn’t pay attention to your lips much (because let’s face it, he’d be too infatuated with the entirety of your face to just focus on your lips)
but the more you both got to know each other, the more he’d find himself staring at your lips whenever you spoke
he just loves watching them move 
and it makes him absolutely weak in the knees whenever you kiss him on the cheek or just anywhere on his skin
and don’t get me started on how much he’d love to kiss them
he swears up and down he could makeout with you for an entire day
and he always tries to do so
“No, just a few more minutes,” He’d mumble against your lips as you attempted to pull away.
“Channie, I literally cannot breathe anymore.” You let out an airy laugh and he leaves a soft peck on your lips.
“That sounds like a you problem.”
Nsfw: he’s definitely into the whole lip-biting thing 
and you giving him neck kisses is his biggest turn on omygod
lee know
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minho knows that he’s got the prettiest lips on planet earth
but when he met you, he realised that although he may have the best lips on earth, you’ve got the best lips in the entire universe
a hard fact to accept, but my guy was too whipped for you to let it get to him
he’d absolutely love taking kissy face selfies with you 
you both would make kissy faces at each other so often that it became second nature rather than an inside joke lmao
the first time you kissed his cheek, he swore he had died and gone to heaven and that an angel kissed him to wake him up
but then a cheek kiss turned into a lip one and there was no going back
he’d be obsessed with leaving lingering kisses on your lips, very slow and intimate yet firm
and sometimes he’d prefer it that way over intense, passionate ones
because let me tell you, this man is k i n k y
Nsfw: definitely a lip biter like chan, and he’d savour each and every moment of your lips on his skin
“My lips are ten times bigger now than when we first started,” you chuckle in disbelief at your swollen lips
“Oopsies.” Minho says as he hugs you from the back, a smug and cheeky eye smile plastered all over his face.
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your lips are definitely the first thing he notices when he meets you
he can’t help but stare; they’re so eye catching and pretty and god, his mind already wonders what it would be like to kiss them
just like himself, you have a habit of licking and biting your lips 
whether it be out of nervousness or pure habit
but he finds it so endearing and attractive that he finds himself mimicking your actions every time you do so
he finds it incredibly sexy whenever you bite your lips
like, heart-stoppingly sexy
and he loves to run his thumb over your bottom lip whenever your face is in his hands
and leaving random, quick pecks on them whenever he has the chance
“We’re in public silly,” You jokingly scold him as he wraps his arms around your waist and peppers your lips with feathery kisses.
“I can’t help it, you’re too addicting.”
but when you two are alone, it’s a whole other story
Nsfw: he l o v e s to suck on your bottom lip when you both are making out
like, just the feeling of your lip between his all soft and plump makes his blood rush in ways that words can’t even describe
and running his tongue over your bottom lip makes him all woozy and delirious ugh
case in point: every makeout session is a steamy one.
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hyunjin met his match the moment he laid eyes on your lips
like, he still can’t believe that someone could rival his full lips
but alas
even when you two started dating, he still remained humorously competitive about it
he’d go around asking his members which one of you had the better lips in the relationship
and everyone found it absolutely hilarious that he still wouldn’t let it go
being the weirdo he is, he has tons of photos of your lips in his camera roll
he tries to justify it by saying they’re for comparison when he makes other people choose who’s is better, but the reality is he just loves to stare at them when he misses you
what a sweet weirdo
“I got the most votes this time, pay up.” Hyunjin says smugly, puckering his lips for a victory kiss and you roll your eyes at his foolishness.
“I’m winning next time though,” You say and kiss him tenderly.
“I really don’t mind if the price to pay is kissing you.” He says sweetly when you pull away.
Nsfw: he seems like the kinky type, but i actually see him as more of a sweet, tender kisser rather than an intense one
intimate, long kisses just gets him going man what can i do
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han loves to stare at your lips when you talk
he just finds them so captivating that it puts him in a trance
at first you thought he found your lips weird because his eyes were always trained on them
but then he revealed that it was only because he was smitten with the way you smiled and moved your lips
the amount of lyrics he’s written about your lips and how magical they are alone is either alarming or charming, but you’re not complaining
often times when you both are cuddling and just enjoying each others’ presence, he’d trace his finger around the contours of your lips 
he finds everything about the way they’re shaped perfect and complimentary to the rest of your features, and he doesn’t keep his thoughts to himself
mans so whipped i love him
Nsfw: like changbin, he loves to suck on your bottom lip and tug on it playfully
especially when he’s ~in the mood~
but he also really enjoys long and firm kisses, minus all the tongue and antics because he just wants to pour all of his love for you into each kiss 
“You drive me insane, you know that?” Han says with half-lidded eyes as you both pull away to catch your breaths.
“Does this mean i have better lips than Minho?” You say playfully.
“Oh shut up and kiss me you dork.”
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felix is just so sweet and precious that he’d be fixated on every single feature of yours 
one week he’d focus on complimenting your eyes
the next your nose
but when he reached your lips???
he would not be able to shut up about them
he’d find them sosososos charming and would try and force you to make kissy faces at him just so that he can swiftly go to peck them and catch you by surprise
such a cheeky boi
he’d find kissing you so comforting and warm and just the epitome of tenderness, it makes him feel so calm and sound
“Each kiss feels just like the first.” He said just above a whisper against your lips.
“That’s funny, this is like the billionth kiss of the week.” You chuckle and he laughs only to bring you back in for another.
Nsfw: i’m here to retract all soft uwu’s because lee felix, 5 minutes into a makeout, can and will turn into an absolute beast
he’d be soooo into lip biting and just playing with your mouth with his own 
and he’d be so passionate each time and ahodhofh i’m sorry i dont make the rules
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ohmygosh my sweet baby
he’s so precious that he would blush every time you’d catch him staring at your lips
even when you both started dating he’d still get all shy and red whenever you’d leave a kiss on his cheek or forehead or eyelids
but he absolutely loves it when you do so
he’s a sucker for affection, and your plump lips kissing all over his face would just make all the love feel even more amplified
he loves giving you short, sweet pecks out of the blue and seeing you blush sweetly whenever he does so makes him all giddy
and he’s always finding excuses to kiss you
“You’ve got some ice cream right,” He leans in close to your lips, “Here.” In a second his lips are on yours, his tongue sweeping over your bottom lip, and your whole face flushes. 
“You could’ve just used a tissue.”
“Our climate is collapsing and you want to waste tissue? Could never be me.”
Nsfw: yall hear sumn?
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he’s literally still in the womb what do i say
our sweet baby would not know what to do with himself when he starts being infatuated with you, let alone when he realises how charming your features are
he’d be so giddy and giggly around you
fooling around, squishing your lips between his fingers
and whenever your kiss him on the cheek, he would need an entire 10 minutes just to recover from it
don’t even get me started on a first kiss
like he’d honestly think he could die happy with the feeling of your pillowy lips on his
he’d be so gentle and happy with you and would always leave feathery kisses around your lips and on your cheeks 
“S-stop, that tickles Jeongin,” You giggle while he peppers kisses around the corners of your mouth and on your jaw. 
“Whoops,” He says cheekily and leaves a chaste kiss on your lips.
Nsfw: page does not exist
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woojin would be such a gentleman that he’d remind you everyday of how beautiful every part of you is
your lips were never an insecurity but they weren’t your favorite feature either
but that all changed when woojin showed you so much tender love and care
he’s such a sweetheart man
he’d love to help you put on lipliner and lipstick just for fun because it ‘reminds me of art class’
“Kim Woojin, you overdrew my lips too much and now I look like a clown!” You scold him, red lipliner smudged all around your chin as you attempted to wipe it off.
“Well I think you look cute.” He says matter-of-factly, grabs your face and kisses you sweetly.
Whenever you’d fall asleep on his lap he’d leave tender kisses on our lips and just admire every inch of your face 
im cryin i miss him
Nsfw: when mans is in the mood, mans is in the mood
kissing is his favorite form of foreplay hands down and would be so passionate and sometimes rough 
but hey ain’t nobody complainin bout that
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dreamy-skz · 5 years
cuddling with skz 🧸
chan (ू•ᴗ•ू❁)
will a l w a y s want u on him lol, in public and in private
also always has his arm around you, idk
he’s super lovey and affectionate so he’ll want u close to him all the time
the type of bf who will kiss all over your face whenever u cuddle bc he can’t get enough of u ugh :(
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woojin (ू•ᴗ•ू❁)
acts as if he doesn’t like cuddling all that much
but whenever you two are alone that’s all he does 🥺
he just really doesn’t like being publically affectionate
again tho, in private he’s a cuddly lil bear and calls u cute names n stuff :((
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minho (ू•ᴗ•ू❁)
he denies liking cuddles through and through....
but is secretly the biggest hoe for it
the other members can never know
he especially likes it if you play with his hair or lightly scratch his back/arms
he’ll also get extra soft during these times and call u cute lil names :(
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changbin (ू•ᴗ•ू❁)
acts like a big tough guy but is actually the most whipped when it comes to you lol
seriously u make him weak
so expect cuddles ALL DAY ERRYDAY
esp cuddles with him running his hands through your hair & whispering cute things :(
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hyunjin (ू•ᴗ•ू❁)
you A L L know what’s coming with this one
endless cuddles. all the time. with lots of giggles, pet names, and kisses
you can bribe him into basically anything with the promise of cuddles
he’s always so warm and soft and comfy and you’ll always feel safe with him 🥺
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jisung (ू•ᴗ•ू❁)
goodness gracious,, the clingiest of boys
he knows no boundaries..... but it’s all good cause he just loves u that much
like seriously he could implode from how much love he has for u lol
so he’ll hold u super tight and close every time with the most content look on his lil face :(
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felix (ू•ᴗ•ू❁)
a cuddly ass boi even tho he won’t do it as often as hyunjin or chan
but he loves jumping on you when ur just chilling on the couch and wraps his whole body around u
it’s impossible to shake him so just let him be
the whole time too he’ll say really cute shit in ur ear that melts your heart
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seungmin (ू•ᴗ•ू❁)
rarely cuddles.....like seriously
if he does cuddle it’s because you’re either alone, or because you’ve broken him down from asking so much
acts like he hates it but ends up comfortably falling asleep this way lol
u secretly take pics to hold it over him for the rest of his life lmao
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jeongin (ू•ᴗ•ू❁)
him cuddling you or allowing cuddles in general means one of two things:
(1) he had a really bad day and is going thru it
(2) he’s in an affectionate mood, which does not happen very often
other times he might tolerate it altho he’s kind of stiff and uncomfy, cause ultimately he’s not big on physical affection
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strayneoculturekids · 5 years
Stray Kids Making it up to You After a (small) Fight
Bang Chan:
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-we all know how loving, caring and kind Channie is ok
-he would probably feel like absolute shit for saying the things he said to you and would regret it so, so much
-literally, he would get you the cheesiest presents ever but it would be so sweet
-flowers, stuffed toys, maybe even a piece of jewelry if what he said to you was particularly bad
-and the boi just shows up at your door, arms filled to the brim with these adorable presents and an apologetic smile on his face, hoping you’d forgive him
-”I’m sorry about what I said- I didn’t mean it. Forgive me?”
-and he was just so genuine and sweet you couldn’t NOT forgive him, especially now that he’s given you a bit of time and you’ve cooled down
-So you just pull him inside, making him drop some of the presents and you hug him, saying that you were also sorry for everything you said
-he just would get the biggest smile ever on his face and would wrap his arms around you tightly, he could really never be more relieved
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-very similar to Channie in how he feels about the things he said to you; boi feels like the worst shit on the planet
-He would give you a lot of time to yourself if he thought you needed it but he would still want to apologize as soon as possible
-would just show up at your door with probably a bouquet of flowers or something else sickly sweet
-As soon as you open the door, he’d probably engulf you in a hug and when you hugged him back, his adorable smile found it’s way onto his face for the first time since the fight
-”I’m sorry Y/N, I hope we can fix this?”
-he pulled away from the hug to look you in the eyes, his eyes had a little spark of determination in them which soon turned into happiness when you told him that of course you two could fix it
-just pulls you back into the hug and the day ends with you two curled up together on the couch, gratefully enjoying each other’s warmth for the first time in what felt like years
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-ok Minho stans, I’m telling you that Minho would be the least worried over something like this
-he’d still be worried of course but just...not as much as everyone else
-He would either get you no presents or get you like...one very small, very expensive present (like a piece of jewelry), no in between
-you guys had a fight and Minho just went home and basically had a therapy session with his cats the second he got there because he ALREADY misses your beautiful smile
-”I don’t know, Soon-ie...I really miss her but is it too soon to apologize? Hey! Don’t give me that look, Dori! I’m trying my best!”
-after the therapy session, he decides its best to apologize as soon as possible so he goes to the store if he wants to get you a present, if not, he just waits like...a day and then goes back to you
-”Hey...I know what I said was bad- I’m sorry. Could you forgive me?”
-A tiny little smile on his face like always to hide how nervous and scared he really feels
-Of course, you apologize too and there’s a bit of awkward silence before both of you burst out laughing and you two are just all smiles and giggles and Minho is so happy because he couldn’t stand being away from you
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-Changbin would probably be the most anxious- not the most worried- but the most anxious, am I making sense?
-he’s not exactly one for romance and is completely beating himself up about how he should apologize and make it up to you
-he doesn’t want to do anything cheesy because you might think he didn’t care enough to be creative? But doing something creative might take too long?
-and he’s just stressing over everything
-basically, he’s a complete mess without you
-he probably goes to people he thinks are good with romance like Woojin or Seungmin, probably Woojin though because he isn’t willing to leave an opening for Seungmin to tease him
-and Woojin suggests everything Changbin thought he shouldn’t do; cuddles, flowers, presents; the only thing on the list that Changbin was planning to do was give you a sincere apology
-so he follows everything Woojin says to do EXACTLY like how he said to do it until he actually sees you
-when he sees you, he just breaks down, like not crying but once he saw your face he realized how much he actually missed you and now he’s just constantly apologizing
-”oh god...I’m so sorry- please I missed you so much- please forgive me”
-and you forgive him, apologizing too because wow you missed him so, so much as well
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-um??? Hyunjin is the softest baby ever???
-he had no idea how to react to this fight, the only things he knew were that he missed you like hell and that he needed to apologize as soon as he possibly could
-if he said anything bad to you at all, he feels like shit
-he knows he should probably give you at least a tiny bit of space for a couple days but hE JUST CAN’T HELP HIMSELF OK
-I can’t see Hyunjin getting flowers, he’s more of a stuffed animal and cuddles guy
-he just shows up at your door after waiting for as long as he possibly could (which is like 2 days at the most)
-a bunch of presents in tucked under his arms and a scared/nervous expression
-”Y/N...I’m really really sorry. Can you forgive me? I know I didn’t give you much time but I just really missed you and-”
-he just starts rambling
-so you shut him up with a kiss because this iS A FANFIC AND WHY NOT
-it’s just a short kiss but when you pull away he’s smiling the biggest and brightest smile ever because he’s so happy to have you back!!
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-boi has been in the saddest mood ever since the fight
-this time, it’s not him having trouble giving you space, it’s he who needs the space
-of course, he misses you and wants to make it up to you as soon as possible but he also knows that he himself needs to cool down and think over everything that’s happened
-he can be very mature when he wants to
-once he’s organized his thoughts and completely cooled down (which would take maybe 2-3 days), he starts to make a plan on how to apologize to you
-probably does something really bad but really genuine and sweet...like a hand-made-card...or tries to cook for you...because he’s cute like that
-shows up at your door, a nervous smile finding it’s way onto his face because now he’s beginning to get nervous about his presents; what if you think he just wasn’t bothered to spend money on you??? Oh god maybe he should just leave now
-but you open the door and it’s too late so 
-”I uh- I’m...I’m sorry! I hope you forgive me? I know the presents aren’t much but I wanted to make something for you and I- agh I-...I really miss you...”
-he’s so sweet your heart just !!!!
-and you also apologize, hugging him and thanking him for the presents because you could’ve never asked for a better boyfriend wow
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-he feels like the absolute worst shit on the planet ok and I know I’ve said that with other members but with Felix it’s especially true
-he’s just so soft and sweet and if he hurt you by the things he said he really just wants to make it up to you so, so badly because he feels so bad and also really misses you even though it hasn’t been long at all
-would probably go to Woojin or Seungmin for a little bit of advice because?? They’re romantic, right??? He just really really doesn’t want to mess this up
-probably gets a mix of store-bought and hand-made presents because this has to be perfect!!
-isn’t the type to get you anything too expensive like jewelry but will get you all the cheesy things like flowers and stuff, makes a card himself like jisung
-shows up to your door and he’s just so nervous about...everything...he’s probably like shaking
-you open the door and you two just stare at each other for a little bit because you’re both gathering your thoughts
-”I- uh- I’m really sorry about the things I said and I just really, really miss you could you please forgive me because everything is just-”
-You cut him off because he’s rambling and then pull him into a hug and suddenly he’s smiling so big and he hugs you back as well and just buries his face into your shoulder because he missed your cuddles so much- he missed you so much
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-Seungmin would be extremely level-headed about the entire thing
-actually, he’s quite similar to Channie and Woojin in this situation
-he knows if you need space and can easily give it to you, if it was a bad fight, he’d also need a bunch of space so he doesn’t blame you
-the absolute most he would wait is maybe a week though, which is still quite a long time
-Seungmin hates being cheesy but if it’s to make it up to you, he’ll make an exception because he just loves you so, so much
-will get you flowers, maybe a necklace, hey, maybe he’ll even bring you one of his hoodies that he never lets you wear, he knows that’ll make you happy and right now, that’s all he really wants to do
-comes to you and just looks at you with the most sincere eyes ever
-”I’m so, so sorry. What I said to you was horrible; please forgive me.”
-Seungmin is literally the only 00′ liner that doesn’t ramble with the apology
-It’s just so genuine so you give him a big hug and he just hugs you back and maybe even rocks you back and forth and kisses the top of your head which he never does and it just makes you so happy
-literally ends up just letting you do everything he normally wouldn’t let you do to make it up to you like braid his hair and pepper his face in kisses
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-Ahhhhh he’s so young and has absolutely no idea how to react
-he was just so pissed in the heat of the moment and wasn’t in control of his emotions so he said some really bad things to you and he feels really, really bad
-Channie probably tells him that all he needs to do is give you a sincere apology but he feels like that’s not enough??? Because he just thinks everything he said to you was really unforgivable?? Honestly, it wasn’t even that bad but he loves you so much and??? He just feels like it was so horrible
-so he probably gets you like a really pretty flower,,, not a bouquet though,,, he’s not a bouquet guy,,, just a single, very pretty flower
-wants to be cute so he also probably makes you a hand-made card or tries to get Chan to help him cook something for you
-shows up at your door and he is SO nervous
-sweating so much but he tries to smile
-and then you open the door and his smile just drops because??? He realizes how much he missed you and he just envelopes you in a hug
-”I’m so so sorry about what I said...I’m sorry- I just-...yeah...I’m sorry”
-keeps apologizing while he buries his face into your shoulder
-when he feels your arms wrap around him in return to his hug he just gets so relieved,,, like,,, thank god you don’t hate him,,, and then you say you’re sorry too and he just smiles and says everything is fine,,, he’s never been more happy to hear you say that you love him,,, and he’s been pretty damn happy to hear that from you before
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hyulix · 5 years
stray kids, you're sad
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you and woojin are usually quiet ― not always, but in a peaceful, where it's just the two of you enjoying each other's company. but, woojin knew the difference between you being quiet and you being sad or annoyed, so he picked up on it quite quickly. he was worried that you were hurt by someone or that you had a problem. he put one hand on your hair and looked at you with a smile on his lips " are you okay ? you're quieter than usual "
chan knew you were usually quiet. he always knew that you were okay or just spacing out. but he also could tell if something was wrong. he was quickly concerned that you weren't your usual self and he picked up on it ― he decided to find what's wrong without being annoying or making you uncomfortable, because he wanted you to trust him. so he put his hand on your shoulder and looked down at you with a concerned look on his face " if there's something wrong you can tell me. okay ? "
minho unknowingly teased you about it at first with the biggest smirk on his lips " wow, you're so quiet today. i never thought you'd run out of things to say " like usually, he expected you to tease him back or punch his chest ― but you didn't. as soon as he realized that you weren't playing along, he was worried but ready to fight what made you sad. he also feared that it was his fault. he lifted your chin with his hand and asked you with a serious face, " what's wrong baby ? "
when changbin realised that you were quieter than usual, at first, he tried to make you smile by teasing you and talking with a cute voice " ow, what's wrong ? did y/n lost her voice ? are you sad ? " but you didn't react, so he understood that something was wrong. he feared that you were quiet because someone hurt you ― but he also feared that he did something wrong. he put his hand on your arm and asked you with a serious tone " what's wrong ? why are you so quiet ? "
hyunjin knew that you were a quiet person, but he could tell that something was wrong. at first he tried to get a reaction from you : he pinched your cheeks and teased you " hey, are you ignoring me ?! is y/n in a bad mood ? " he stopped as soon as he realised that it didn't help, he got worried and was ready to fight what or who made you sad ― he put a hand on you arm and titled his head frowning his eyebrows, " are you okay baby ? what's wrong ? "
jisung was a very loud boy and you were not so loud, but it didn't take him long to find out that you were not okay. you were sitting on your bed, he was back hugging you and rested his chin on your shoulder. he wanted attention so he playfully bites your shoulder and waited for your reaction like usually ― but you didn't react. he understood that something was wrong. he then sat next to you, wrapped an arm around you and looked at you with a worried face " are you okay ? baby ? "
he quickly find out that something was wrong ― felix wanted to always make you smile, every time you spent time together. but you simply stayed silent and gave him smiles, that seemed like fake smiles to him. he tried his best, but it didn't work. it annoyed him, he didn't want you to be sad, but he was also was worried that something or someone hurt you. he put a hand on your shoulder and titled his head looking at you with a worried face, frowning his eyebrows " are you okay babe ? seriously ? "
you two often spent times cuddling or just enjoying each other's company. so you two could be quiet sometimes, but seungmin noticed that you were quieter than usually ― he also noticed that your smiles seemed forced and sad. he was worried and stared at you with a pout before he decided to finally talk " hey, are you okay ? " he said frowning his eyebrows looking at you before holding your hand, to show you that you can trust him.
jeongin quickly knew that something was wrong. he's very observant, you were too much quiet for him. you only gave him a sad smile when he asked you in the morning if you were okay. he was worried and he tried to guess what happened to you since you were perfectly fine the day before. he couldn't find what made you sad, so it made him more worried ― he sat close to you, your shoulders touching and he looked at you frowning his eyebrows " y/n ? are you okay ? but for real ? "
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cosmicsung · 5 years
as i live, without you; hwang hyunjin
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as hard as it was, as impossible as it seemed... hyunjin would have wanted you to keep going without him.
masterlist in bio | 3.0k (inspired by as we live by sg wannabe and ghost of you by 5sos)
tw: death, angst
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Hwang Hyunjin was the love of your life. Hwang Hyunjin was the reason why you wake up in the mornings and why you went to sleep with the biggest smile on your face no matter how hard the day was. He was your sun and moon. He was your everything. For the two years you both dated. For over a decade that you both were friends. Hwang Hyunjin gave you a reason to breathe up until the day where you woke up and your world split into two. 
It felt like it was just a few days ago that you were holding onto Hyunjin’s hand. His fingers laced around yours while his thumb rubbed the back of your hand. A habit of his you grew to love amongst the other lovable things that was apart of him. You still looked back at the fond memories with a heavy heart, but after the multiple therapy sessions you felt like you could at least finally enjoy looking back at them now. 
A year has passed since Hyunjin unexpectedly passed. A year since you felt your entire world crumble into pieces in front of you. Yet you could still remember the day like it happened yesterday.
It was your average Wednesday morning. You kissed Hyunjin goodbye before he left for his classes and handed him his travel mug of coffee that you poured for him. How innocent of you to think that today would have been a normal day.  You went with your normal day. Feeding Kkami before leaving to your shift at the cafe since you didn’t have classes today. There wasn’t a worry in the world that you had.
You even wore a smile on your face the entire shift even if Jisung was talking your ear off and your feet were wearing you out. You had no reason to be upset, because even after a lengthy shift you would return back to your small, but comfy apartment to wrap your arms around your loving boyfriend and go to sleep knowing that you were perfectly content with your hectic life.
That was until Chan ran into the cafe franticly with tears already pooling in his eyes screaming about something you didn’t understand. He motioned you to follow him, pulling on your arm and yelling to your manager that it was an emergency. Your mind was spinning.
“Chan what’s going on?” You ask, trying to stay in pace with him as he ran through the hoards of people.
“It’s Hyunjin, he’s hurt.” He cries, not even turning around to look at you.
And that’s when you feel your world begin to crack under the pressure.
It wasn’t long after that you had to say your last goodbyes to a Hyunjin that couldn’t say anything back. It felt like an eternity sitting at the funeral hall, greeting people left and right who gave you empty condolences and smiles to help ease the pain that was in your heart. Although nothing could help heal this pain that you had felt and the only thing you thought could heal it wasn’t even possible in this day and age.
You finally greeted the last family alongside Hyunjin’s family. They smiled and told you how they were hoping for the two of you to get married and start your own family together. They laughed and cried about how they wished that the wedding would’ve been when everyone came back together, not something like this.
All you could do was blankly smile before excusing yourself to cry into Chan’s arms for the tenth time that day. How could the world be so cruel?
Hours have passed since your last conversation with Hyunjin’s family. You could tell that both sides were hurting just as much, nobody would have wanted this. Especially for someone who was as bright and prosperous as Hyunjin.
You sat in the funeral hall, against the wall across from Hyunjin’s casket. His mother asked for it to be closed after the last family came to say their goodbyes, which meant you now sat and were staring at the wooden box. The only lights that were on were the ones in the hall as everyone had left to go home besides the staff.
You didn’t have the energy left in you to leave. You wanted to be with him every moment you could until you weren’t able to anymore. Which is why you sat and stared at the casket, at his bright smiling face in the picture, and the flowers that were sent from almost every friend and family that had heard of the devastating news.
“It’s going to be okay.” A soft voice whispers, before you felt someone sit down beside you.
You turned your head to be greeted with puffy, brown eyes and a soft smile.
“What are you still doing here Chan?” You ask, before leaning your head back.
You could hear him soft chuckle before a series of sniffles leave his system. He placed his hand on your knee and rubbed it to give you comfort.
“I couldn’t just leave you here,” He answers, “We’re all suffering without him and I know you’re taking it the hardest but you can’t keep doing this to yourself.”
“I feel like it’s my fault. That it should’ve been my time, not his.” You whisper, feeling the too familiar ache in your chest returning. Your hands begin to shake as you begin to think back to Hyunjin. “Maybe if I kept him at home a little longer. Maybe if I just asked him to take the day off because he was already stressed. Maybe if I-”
“Y/N, you really need to stop. No one could’ve prevented this.” Chan reassures, before taking ahold of your hand, “Hyunjin wouldn’t have wanted you to blame yourself. You need to go on and live your life in happiness for him.”
“But how do I find happiness when the reason I wake up in the mornings is gone?” You cry, looking up at Chan.
The next few days after his funeral services ended were the worst. You sat at home, empty, most of the week while your friends came in and out of your once shared apartment. Seungmin had taken guardianship of Kkami until you were back in a better mindset of caring for another being.
Chan, Woojin and Changbin had been taking turns staying the nights to make sure you were safe, which was also recommended by your, new, therapist (thanks to Chan) and Hyunjin’s family. Jisung, Minho and Felix tried their best to bring comforting things whenever they visited after their classes.
Jisung brought over a card game that you had no energy to play, but you enjoyed watching the others play it. Minho tried to bring one of his cats to help ease the pain, but all it did was remind you of Kkami and then you cried for an hour straight. Felix brought your favorite snacks and as much as you appreciated the effort, you weren’t in the mood to be enjoying life.
Jeongin was the only one you hadn’t snapped at yet throughout the week since Hyunjin passed. You had too much of a favoring towards the boy after his numerous times that he came to the apartment to hang out with you and Hyunjin. Plus he didn’t try anything extra to help you cope. All he did on his designated day was wrap a blanket around you, cuddle up against you and put on some Disney movies. Although it didn’t help ease the pain, you did go from feeling terrible to just feeling numb.
It had almost been a week since Hyunjin passed. You were too afraid to go into the once shared bedroom because you knew his scent was on everything. From the pillows to the clothes that were left in the closet. You hadn’t step foot in the room since you were carried home by Chan after the visitation services.
Hell, it took you a few days before you agreed to shower because you were scared of closing your eyes and seeing Hyunjin’s face or seeing his reflection in the mirror.
Everything hurt and you just wished it would stop. Everything hurt and you just wished Hyunjin was back to wrap you in his arms.
You lost track of time at this point. You didn’t know what day it was nor how long it had been since you last kissed Hyunjin’s cheek in the morning. Luckily you were good friends with the owner of the cafe you worked at, which meant you were allowed as much time off that you needed. Unfortunately it meant you didn’t leave the house at all unless one of the boys dragged you outside or it was time for your therapy sessions.
You didn’t remember the last time you got a full night’s worth of sleep. You slept on the couch now, usually with your head on someone’s lap or just in the upright position from you sitting. Still too afraid to go into your bedroom alone. Still needing the boys to go in with you whenever you needed to grab clothes from the closet.
At the point, you were too broken to the point of repair. You just wanted your Hyunjin back.
“You need to eat.” Woojin presses, sliding the bowl of ramen over to you. It was instant, but better than nothing.
You let out a sigh before poking at the noodles with the chopsticks. Just like Chan said, progress even if it was baby steps.
“Wait where is Chan?” You ask, before taking another bite into the bundle of noodles.
Woojin points to the bedroom and says he doesn’t know why Chan’s been in there for so long. It left you confused and intrigued so you put the bowl down and went to the bedroom.
The door knob was cold to the touch. It sent shivers down your spine as you faintly could remember when Hyunjin used to complain about how hard you had to turn the knob to be able to open the door.
“Chan?” You call, looking around the dark room before seeing a darkened figure leaning against the closet door. You could hear his light sniffles from the door, but you knew not to question him about it in fear of him snapping.
“Sorry, I was trying to sort out your clothes so you didn’t have to come in here that often if one of us weren’t here with you.” He pulls a smile onto his saddened face and wiped his tears away with the sleeve of his shirt. 
You shake your head and mumble a thank you but you still go to sit next to him, noticing that the hoodie he was holding wasn’t even yours but Hyunjin’s.
“He loved that hoodie,” You begin, reflecting on the amount of times you remembered him wearing it, “He said he loved it the most out of every one because you bought it for him on his birthday with your first paycheck... He really looked up to you Chan.”
Chan looks over at you, placing the hoodie into his lap and beginning to tear up. His soft smile spread onto his face but the pain that reflected in his eyes were telling such a different story.
“You can’t keep taking care of us Chan,” You mumbled, softly as you could feel your voice giving out on you, “You can’t keep helping us, or just me. You can’t keep pretending that you’re okay and hiding away like this with all the pain. You need to heal, too Chan.”
That’s when you first saw Chan crying as hard as he did. For the years you had been friends with him and the boys, you never knew Chan could cry like this. He was too focused on how the rest of the boys were at Hyunjin’s funeral to cry. He had been too focused on your wellbeing to even put his into a priority.
“It’s been so hard.” He cried, “I just miss him so much and I don’t know what to do anymore.”
Just like he did for you, you wrapped your arms around Chan pulling him close and giving the comfort that he deserved. You listened to him cry and pour his pain out to you. A pain that he had been holding in because he was too worried for everyone else. A pain that he should’ve had someone there to help him with.
“I was supposed to be his older brother. I was supposed to be there to protect him.” He sobbed, his hands trembling as he kept crying.
“We all can’t be guardian angels Chan. You have to stop blaming yourself, just like you told me to do. You were his older brother and you protected him from everything that you could. You have to remember that.” You whisper, still holding Chan in your arms.
“You have to remember that he wouldn’t want us to blame ourselves.”
It’s been roughly three months since Hyunjin’s passing. Three months since you lost a part of your heart and your world, but you were making progress to living a life without the love of your life. 
You were able to sleep in your bedroom again. At first it started with needing the boys to still be in the apartment in case of vivid nightmares that ended with you sobbing until you crashed due to sheer exhaustion, but now you were at the point of being alone in the apartment. Kkami was still with Seungmin, but it was better that way you suppose.
You still left Hyunjin’s side of the bed untouched. You still had dreams of where you would wake up and he was laying right beside you, smiling brightly as if nothing happened. But you were recovering. Slowly but surely.
Six months in and you finally had enough courage in you to pack away Hyunjin’s things. Chan offered to help you, but you had assured him that it was a stepping stone for you. You needed this final piece of closure from your hurt.
You opened the closet full of Hyunjin’s old clothes. A soft smile spread on your face as you could remember a memory that you shared with Hyunjin with each piece of clothing.
You managed to go through most of his clothes, pulling them down and folding them to put away in the designated donation box, without crying before you had came across one of his blazers.
It was simple and black so it looked like the others, but the small heart pin stood out to you.
You remembered pinning it on his blazer on one of your date nights in the earlier stages of your relationship. His soft, but teasing smile as he joked about you pinning his heart. As much as you wanted to cry, you knew not to.
It was a happy memory, there was no reason for you to sob over it. At least, that was until you heard a crinkle of paper when you went to straight the sleeve pocket.
It’s only been weeks since we’ve started dating, but over the years of crushing on you... I think I can truly say I’ve fallen deeply in love with you. I’m too scared to say it to your face right now, so here I am sat outside your house after I dropped you off.. writing this love letter on an old receipt I found in my pocket. I can’t hide my love for you anymore. I wish I could just scream it out to the world at this point. You are my only love, the only light that I would ever need in this dark world.
I close my eyes and I see your smiling face. Please always stay by my side. My love, Y/N.. I love you.
“You’re so stupid,” You cried, holding the letter close to your heart, “I’d never leave your side Jinnie.”
The wind blew through your hair as you sat by the river. A bouquet of roses in your hand with tears already pooling in your eyes.
There wasn’t much running through your mind as you sat staring at the water ripples or the stars that were dimly light due to the clouds. All there was unsurprisingly was just Hyunjin. Although it was expected as it was officially a year since his passing.
You held the bouquet close to your heart as you silently cried at the thought of living in a world without him. Even if it wasn’t a thought anymore, it was a reality that you had dreaded.
You missed him, but you couldn’t fall into your darkness again. You worked so hard to move on just like Hyunjin would’ve wanted.
You were finally living life again without a cloud of dread above your head. And even if you still got sad and cried, you bet Hyunjin was proud of you for still going on with life just as if he had never left. 
This is how you lived without Hyunjin with a heavy heart because there would be no one else like him, but you still kept going as hard as it was.
And as Hyunjin sat on his designated star, dressed in all white, he smiled brightly as he watched down on you. His heart still yearning for you who he could not have, but he was still happy.
“I knew you could do it, my love.”
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goldylockswriting · 5 years
Stray kids their nicknames for you
Hey so the other day I made this small post and I thought today be the perfect day to upload it. Please note that this is just what I think they'd say/call you but ofc this is just my opinion and it might differ completely from the reality. 😅 Anyways I hope you enjoy!
Chan has multiple nicknames for you. Baby girl/boy would be his favorite and most used one for you. Though he'd also call you things like honey, babe, sweetie or cutie. It really just depends on his mood and the conversation you both have.
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So next to your actual name this boy would like to call you things like cutie, or cutie-pie when he's being silly 😋. He doesn't really go overboard on the nicknames. Ocassianlly he'd slide one in the conversation here and there, but he'd mostly keep it to your name.
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Jagiya or jagi will be something Minho likes to refer to you a lot. It feels intimate to him and he really likes that. Baby, baby boy/baby girl, is also a thing you can hear him call you a lot of the times. He doesn't like the cutie or sweetie much.
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Binnie here will not really have many nicknames for you, to be honest, he likes to call you your name. You are special and so is your name thus that's good enough for him 😅. Though when he's silly he can tease you with some nicknames but nothing really he'd call you daily/a lot
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Hyunjin isn't the biggest lover of nicknames either. Though there's one he will call you from time to time. "princess/price". It's just something sweet and loving only he'd call you. Cause in his eyes anyone can call you a cutie or sweetie at some point but you are his prince/princess and nobody else's.
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Jisung is really like bangchan. He'd call you a lot of things. It just depends on what mood this fluffball is in. Expect the normal cutie sweetie etc. But also silly nicknames like if you're really cuddly suddenly he's say something like "you're really like a cat sometimes~my cuddly kitty"
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So Felix is a baby kinda guy alllll the way. XD he likes to call you baby a lot just cause he's soft and it's a soft word. He will also tease you a bit with it especially if you happen to be older then him he wouldn't say hyung or noona but baby noona and baby hyung.
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Seungmin his most used nickname for you would be babe. To him, you're the most perfect human being in this world both sexy cute and adorable all in one package and babe(baby) fits that description in his eyes.
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If you're older then him he'd call you noona or hyung a lot. Not just out of respect but also just cause he likes it. If you're younger then him he'd mostly call you your name or sweetie. He's not that much into nicknames though and will mostly just like to use your name when he wants your attention.
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hardskz · 5 years
can i get a brat tamer woojin blurb? or a mtl to be a brat tamer thing? idk i'm just feeling hella bratty lately and want to be put into my place jhgfd
you’re asking the resident brat on this hellsite and there aren’t enough brat tamer!skz fics out there so you’re in luck i’ll also write the blurb bc brat tamer woojin is a big fat YES — now on to the mtl ♡
seungmin — i bet my kidneys he is actually the kinkiest stray kids member but that’s not the point here. seungmin strikes me as the type to have this sadistic yet sweet grin on his face while he puts his brat in their right place. i mean… just picture his flower boy face voicing out the filthiest things whilst punishing his partner… just yes- anyway, since he’s quite bratty himself at times, i think he’d really enjoy being able to handle someone else with similar characteristics — see it as a kind of… uh… power / superiority play thing? my point is: seungmin is the #1 brat tamer he’d be so ruthless yet so bubbly one day he’s going to drive me insane fellas
woojin — just like seungmin, i feel like woojin is the type to tame his brat with a smile on his face; the polar opposite to the hard spanks he delivers, as he always leaves red handprints on his partner’s ass. contrary to his soft demeanor he likes having a challenge and being authoritative. well, you could hand yourself over on a silver platter but he’d find it more exciting if you disobey him. as the eldest of the group, he naturally feels more responsible to be the more dominant one in a relationship (that doesn’t mean he wouldn’t sub. he’d just bias domming.)
minho — yes we get it minho is a kinky little shit and while he does like it when his brat would listen to his every word, he finds it more thrilling watching them squirm and struggle. he’d love to break them and put them in their place, love having that much power over a person. there are two looks on him that i can imagine when he’s pissed at his brat; 1) he’d have this intense, intimidating glint in his eyes that basically forces you to take it as he wants it. 2) if he kept his emotions under control, he’d have this neutral face expression and seem as if he didn’t give a shit about your little stunts. and then when you least expect it, he’d flip you over and punish you without warning whatsoever, staying silent while you thrash in his grasp.
jisung — tbh you can just fucking skip this i am so fucking biased just send me to my grave; i’d do fucking anything for jisung and as a 100% brat according to me and the bdsm test, i naturally think of jisung to be a hardcore brat tamer uGh- honestly i really can’t elaborate a lot it’s just the way it is if you want some brat tamer jisung go read [ 10:10 pm ] that’s literally just brat tamer jisung so that was the self promo of this ask IM SO SORRY THIS IS WHAT HAN FUCKING JISUNG REDUCES ME TO
hyunjin — i personally think that hyunjin’s the type to tease his brat instead of punishing like the four dudes before him? idk if that even counts as a brat tamer but he strikes me as the type to edge you for hours with his fingers, tongue, toys, play with your nipples, all your other erogenous zones — anything, really — and force you to admit what you did wrong.
changbin — he gives off the same energy as hyunjin imo. not the biggest fan of punishing, rather teasing. frankly speaking, being a brat tamer isn’t necessarily one of his fav kinks (or is it behavioural trait? i don’t fucking know but i think you get what i mean) but if his partner would like him to tame them, he’d do it. all you gotta do is ask and he’ll punish you instead of tease you if you prefer that more.
felix — frankly speaking, i’m quite iffy about him concerning being a brat tamer. i personally don’t think he’d love to tame a brat; he’s highkey neutral about this. like… if you want him to put you in your place he’d do that and over time he’ll grow a liking to it, but i honestly think he’s more into the subs who don’t put up a huge fight. in the back of his mind he’d always be a little concerned and scared that he’d hurt you so yeeee
chan — guess nobody saw that coming oops maybe it’s because i think he’s into dd/lg and because he already has 8 bandmembers who clown him and push his buttons on the daily that he’d prefer a tame partner? we all know he works hard every day and he really is not in the mood to put up a fight with you so there’s that. he’s into the entire praise shit and all that jazz but that doesn’t mean that he wouldn’t spank you until you’re dripping don’t get that wrong.
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leejeongz · 5 years
Stray kids reaction to their s/o helping with their music
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😣I’m sorry it took so long! Anyways I hope you like it😣
Bang Chan:
Chan was definitely the type to keep his work and relationship separate. He didn’t want to bother you with that kind of stuff, you had a professional joke of your own. But one night, when no other members were around, he called you into the studio. “I just need a second opinion, please baby?” He pleaded, he needed you to listen to his new masterpiece since no one else could. As soon as you arrived he hit play. It was amazing, of course it was, you expected nothing less. “Chris, it’s perfect!” You admitted. Although you hadn’t really done much, Chan was still very thankful. “I know it’s late, but wanna grab some food?” He asked. You nodded. He packed away his music stuff before heading out to his car and taking you to the expensive restaurant down the road. “It’s on me” he pushed your hand with your purse in “order what you want, I’ll pay.” He hopes this was enough to show his gratitude, but it was more than enough.
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“How am I supposed to do that with my leg, Minho, I’m not a contortionist?” Woojin sassed before plopping himself into the empty space on the sofa next to you in the practice room. Minho, now clearly aggravated, walked out, slamming the door as he went. “Woojin, you can do this if you try. You gave up without even giving it a go, who are you?” Your eyes narrowed as you stood up. You were now stood over him. “If I, the most unfit citizen can do this, then so can you.” You sat and performed the move Minho had previously shown to Woojin. “Your turn, honestly it’s not that hard” you encouraged him. To Woojin’s surprise he did it first time, almost as good as Minho at that. Once you were both back on your feet, he grabbed your waist and kissed the side of your head. “You’ve been spending too much time with Minho, haven’t you?”
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Lee Know:
“I just” he paused, his grip on your hand loosened as he began to tell the truth. “I don’t want to mess up again.” He’d been assigned a really hard rapping part in the new comeback and he was beginning to doubt himself. “Baby, I’m sure you’re gonna be amazing. I’m here to listen and give constructive criticism anytime, you know that” you tightened the hand holding. “Can I show you now?” He asked apprehensively. You nodded an he began to rap. It needed some work but it actually sounded really good you thought. “Maybe you could sharpen that start and drag out the end word, that sounds sexy, you know?” You told him. He did as you said and was impressed with the barely noticeable results. “Damn y/n look at you, my little musical genius” he raised your hand up to his mouth and pecked it.
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Changbin’s head hung over the back of his chair, clearly stressed over the new song he was working on. “What’s up?” You asked, rolling your chair from your desk next to his. “It’s this” he pointed at the screen. To be honest, you had no idea what was going on but you acted like you did. “Play it” you requested, sitting back on your chair. It sounded good, but there was something missing. “What if you added a muffled scream here and a moan here?” You instructed and Changbin followed. He looked hesitant, was your newness to this really that plain? He played it once again. He suddenly shot forward on the chair in excitement. “Y/n that sounds amazing!” He exclaimed in shock. He turned and hugged you, crushing you slightly. “Thank you! Chan will love this oh my gosh” he clapped excessively.
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“Teach me how to sing” was the first thing that Hyunjin had uttered all night. He’d been scarily quiet but you decided not to interrupt him, you’d learnt that usually didn’t help. “What?” You questioned. “Please y/n, I know you have a great voice and I need you to help me for the new song.” You agreed to assist him. You didn’t really have to work on much, his voice was almost perfect. You gave him tips his own vocal coach didn’t share with him, he was so grateful, especially when everyone enjoyed and complimented him on his voice in the song. “Thank you darling” he hugged you when he returned home one evening. “They love you, they love what you’ve done to me, and as much as you say it’s all me, there’s bits of you in me too and that’s what makes it perfect, I think.” He rested his hands on your waist while looking at you. “Stop rambling and kiss me, Hyunjin” you laughed as he gladly obliged.
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Jisung was drowning in work. Chan just kept throwing tasks at him but it was own fault. “Yes Chris I did that” he lied once again, before receiving yet another task that he would no doubt procrastinate doing. Enough was enough, Jisung clearly needed help with this and you were the only person available. “Pass me those head phones” you ordered. He did so before watching what ever you were doing. You plugged them into Chan’s pc. “Sad Jisung, the vibe is sad. You should write about how all this work is making you feel but make it so students can relate.” This was the biggest task he’d been given. Write lyrics for the new song. He’d spent weeks trying to figure out what to write, which would have helped if he actually listened to the instrumental. “Thank you thank you thank you.” He repeated, finally putting pen to paper. You ruffled his hair before picking up his next task. He could definitely get used to the two of you working together.
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“Poor, poor, poor” Felix read off his performance sheet. “Y/n I’m not improving any, the only excellent I have is in dancing” he sobbed. You already had him wrapped in your arms, you wished there was something more you could do. “I practice everyday, nothing is getting better though what am I doing wrong?” he cried out helplessly. You just want to cry with him but you know that wouldn’t help. “Felix, how about we set you targets?” you spontaneously ask. “Like what?” He sniffled. “You know like, get excellent by Christmas in the rapping category? That’s easily achievable” Felix agreed to set these targets and to your surprise he kept to them. It meant everything to you to see him happy with himself and you were the only person who he could thank. “I love you y/n, thank you for this great idea! Look at all these excellents! Yet I think they all belong to you, my excellent baby”
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Terror flashed in his eyes as he watched the new choreography through the mirror. You sat and watched him panic, rooted to the spot. He didn’t need to learn it yet but you could see he wasn’t confident in it. Upon noticing this, you pulled out your phone and began to record the dance. After the professionals and the members had left, you showed Seungmin the footage. “There, I sent it to you, now you can get a head start, don’t worry sweetheart, you’ll get there” you rubbed his arm, he still looked terrified. “Th-thank you” he replied. “Thank you for recording it, I don’t know what I’d do without it, without you.” He confessed shyly. “Can you come and watch me practice this week, I think I want your opinion as someone who’s not going to judge me straight away?” He begged. You whispered “of course” to which he smiled. He was so thankful and could never repay you for this.
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“Agh this is a nightmare” Jeongin shouted before letting out an unexplainable noise. You rushed to the kitchen to find a sweaty looking Jeongin. “It’s 2am what are you playing at?” You questioned, still half asleep. “This move, y/n, I can’t get I right” he tried one more time but failed even more than before. “It’s meant for two people right?” You recalled him and Seungmin practicing this a few days ago. He nodded “pretend I’m Seungmin then” you stood in the correct position, trying your best to remember the moves. 3 reps of the choreo and he’d got it spot on. “What would I do without my darling?” He asked, visibly proud of himself and you. He hugged you and stroked your hair. “Don’t tell Seungmin this, but I prefer dancing with you.” He jokingly said “And I prefer dancing with you too, now let’s go to sleep” you dragged Jeongin who was in no mood to go to bed just yet, too excited that he finally got the moves right.
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Gifs aren’t mine
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bluehhj · 5 years
listen to me — chapter 42
listen to me masterlist;
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Seungmin barely waited for Chaerin to park the car on the side of the road, and sped off. The Canadian also wasted no time and tried to call the ambulance as she descended the slippery ravine. The wet soil made her sneakers sink and made the task of getting to the scene of the accident even more complicated, but the adrenaline that ran through her veins made her able to get through all the obstacles and set the location for rescuers at the same time.
The lack of lighting also made a lot of things difficult. One of Jisung's car headlights was still on, but the pale yellow light was pointing in the wrong direction. Seungmin turned on the flashlight on his phone and didn't have to think about deciding who should try to help first, and even though he had attended several surgeries at the hospital and witnessed things considered traumatic for many people, he swallowed as he looked at Jinah.
The front window was shattered, and the driver's side door was so damaged that just one pull was enough to make it pop out. Seungmin was puzzled that only the passenger-side airbag was deployed, after all, it was a current car model and was supposed to work properly. His attention, however, wasn't on that detail for more than a few seconds, and then his fingers touched Jinah's bloody neck for some pulse. Seungmin closed his eyes.
On the other side, Chaerin had a little more trouble touching Jisung, since the other door was firmly in place and she had no choice but to finish breaking the already cracked glass. Kwon tried to raise the lock, but it didn't move. She eventually gave up on it when she heard Jisung moan in pain and struggled to punch the airbag away and allow Han to breathe better. His forehead was bruised and there was an ugly cut on his left shoulder which was bleeding considerably, but nothing too serious seemed to have happened to him.
Chaerin took off her sweatshirt, wearing only a white shirt, and folded the fabric vertically to stop the bleeding on Jisung's shoulder. The boy, who was, obviously, stunned, tried to dodge the painful pressure, but Kwon didn't pull away.
"Calm down, it's going to be worse if you move," Chaerin said, squandering a calm she didn't even feel inside. It was the first time she had been helping anyone under those conditions, she wasn't used to so much blood. "There's already an ambulance coming, it'll be fine."
"Don't let him sleep, Chae," warned Seungmin, focused on doing what he could for Jinah, even though his resources were scarce. "It appears to have been a concussion, his blood pressure must remain high so that there is no coagulation or lack of chemicals in the plasma."
"I didn't understand anything you said last, but okay."
It was as if Jisung's head could explode. Even though the pain bothered him, the feeling of helplessness and lack of processing in his mind was a thousand times worse. He had no idea how and why Chaerin and Seungmin were there, nor was he aware of the way the oak slanted after the crash. The only thing Jisung really cared about was Jinah and her snow-white blouse was getting more and more dirty with red.
"J-JinJin..." his right hand touched his girlfriend's arm, but she didn't move. The tears were already running free and salty down Han's face. "No, please, no. You c-can't leave me alone."
"She'll be fine, don't worry" Seungmin lied and forced a weak smile. His hands were soaked with blood that wasn't his own, which made the scene somewhat ironic in the eyes of anyone who could see. Anyone but Jisung, who was so bewildered, that he wanted to hold on to any hope, so he believed Kim's words very strongly.
Han's eyes weighed and he closed them for a moment. Half of his conscience wanted to stay active, but the other half was slowly getting lost. Realizing this, Chaerin fussed with his hair, warning him.
"You can't sleep now, Jisung. C'mon, talk to me about anything, just don't sleep."
"My shoulder hurts."
"I know."
"Then stop squeezing it, damn it."
"I can't," lamented Chaerin. "Blood is still coming out."
"Where the hell is this ambulance?" muttered Seungmin, almost sounding pained. Kwon watched Jisung's sleepy state and, before messing with him again, muttered to Kim:
"On a scale from zero to ten... How much?"
Seungmin met her gaze and knew she was referring to Jinah. Sighing softly, he answered using the same minute intonation: "Two. Maybe three."
"Two what?" Jisung wanted to know.
"Two ambulances" Chaerin brightened when she heard the sirens. The red and blue lights began to glow in the distance. There was little left. "Hold on."
Jade never thought she could cry watching Toy Story 4.
The purpose of going to the movies was to cheer her up and make her think of nice things that didn't involve her ex-boyfriend — it was so hard to talk like this about Changbin! —, but, when they settled into the soft chairs of the dark room, the american ended up comparing the company of friends to Seo's company and came to the conclusion that eating popcorn without having someone hugging her or stroking her hair was horrible! Not even Chan's affection, Felix's jokes, and the many candies Hyunjin put in her mouth filled Changbin's lack in her life. In short, Jade had red eyes when the credits started to rise. Maybe the snacks they ate at the diner, right after the movie, were the only really good part of the night, but, otherwise, she just wanted her bed and her therapeutic pillow.
"At least you smiled about six times," said Felix, trying to be optimistic. The quartet was standing on the sidewalk of the building where Kang lived. Hyunjin was the driver of the time and still had to take Felix home, but got out of the car anyway to wait for Yoorim, who should have stayed around after Changbin had left. "It's a significant value compared to the rest of the week, right?"
"Right," the corners of Jade's lips merely lifted. After all, she was happy for her friends' attempts. "Thanks for putting up with me."
"You put up with all my existential crises, nothing fairer," said Chan. "And thanks for the ride, Hyunjin."
"I'll charge you next time, just letting you know," Hwang joked, drawing a chuckle from the two boys and one more minimal smile from Jade. His attention was directed to Woojin as he approached the group, alone. Hyunjin, therefore, said, "I thought Yoorim was with you."
"She went home shortly after Jinah left" the elder one shrugged. "Said she had a headache."
"That's weird, she didn't even text me."
"I thought it was kind of weird too, but it's Yoorim. We get it."
The ringing of Jade's phone was the next thing to hear. She fumbled in her pants pockets and picked up the vibrating device. A frown appeared on her forehead as she read the contact's name.
"Why is Chaerin calling me?" she asked rhetorically and answered. "Hello?"
Woojin observed her reactions. From confused, Jade turned unreadable as Chaerin told her something on the other end of the line, then, turned pale as a sheet of paper. Jieun parted her lips and they trembled, her restless eyes starting to water.
"W-where?" she stammered in a small voice and, after a few seconds, muttered a 'thank you' and ended the call.
"What happened?" Chan asked, startled by her mood swings.
"Hospital," Jade gasped, not knowing what to do with her hands, or the words they wanted to run over each other. "Jinah. Jisung. Accident"
"What?!" Hyunjin practically screamed and was driven by the urge to run back to the silver pickup truck. Woojin forced himself not to be robbed by the trance state that came with the news shock and was the first to accompany him, followed by Felix. Chan had to pull Jade into the remaining seats, and then the tires sang down the street, marking only the most turbulent night of their lives.
It was as if Chan was anesthetized.
Most people's biggest mistake is thinking that similar tragedies happen only to others, never to themselves or anyone close to them. When proven otherwise, ecstasy comes in much greater and devastating proportions. It's as if the floor is opening and an infinite void is ready to swallow the rubble, and as much as you blink your eyes and want to wake up, it's not a nightmare. It is real, solid as a stone.
Chan began to shiver when he saw Chaerin and Seungmin at the hospital reception. They paced, restlessly, and if until then he was having trouble believing what had happened, he had only to look through the couple's bloody clothes to have his last proof. Without even asking anything, Chan cried. It was stronger than him, much stronger.
"How are they?" Hyunjin asked, his voice screaming urgency. Jinah had become someone very special in his life, but, above her, came Jisung, his childhood friend, his confidant, his mate, his little brother. Hyunjin didn't want to lose him. He didn't want to lose them both.
"We haven't had any news yet," Chaerin replied.
"But you two were with them before help came! You're a doctor, Seungmin! Of course you know!"
"Jisung will be fine," the younger Kim said slowly, contrasting with Hwang's obvious agony. It was no cold matter, Seungmin was simply being trained to remain calm at times when the collective will consisted of throwing everything into the air.
"And Jinah?" Jade asked.
"As Chaerin said, we haven't had any news yet. She's having surgery now, but..."
"But?" in the face of others hesitation, Woojin encouraged.
"... But I'm so sorry."
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a/n: you guys can interpret this last sentence as you wish hehe i'm laughing but i'll just leave it to you guys to create your own theories
i’ll be back soon, byebye <3
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maaaaaatryoshka0325 · 5 years
Not Afraid of the Dark - Part 15 Seo Changbin Gang AU
Description: you’re a college student, so is he. Big difference? He’s a gang member.
Warnings: Some angst, alcohol
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You walked into Changbin’s room after work, dropping your stuff as you looked at him. It had been over a week since he was injured, and he was back to being himself.
“Ya know, Kang Daniel is throwing a party tonight and he invited me.” He said.
Daniel was one of the most popular students at your college, and apparently his parties were epic.
“Are you suggesting we go?” You asked.
He smiled and nodded.
“I never knew you liked parties.” You said.
“I’m not the biggest fan, but at the party we saw each other at, is when I realized I really liked you.” He said with a smile.
“What? You liked me at that time?” You asked.
“Duh.” He said, rolling his eyes.
“....When did you start to like me?” You asked him.
“The moment you back talked me.” He said.
“Wait, what?” You asked, looking at him in confusion.
He laughed at your reaction and placed a soft kiss on your forehead.
“I loved when you back talked me. I liked you right then and there.” He said.
“You’re joking.” You laughed.
“I’m being serious. Ask any of the members.” He said, scrunching his nose and laughing at you.
You rolled your eyes and started to get ready to shower.
“When did you realize you liked me?” He asked, leaning against the door frame.
“Hmm...” You began, thinking.
“At the party I felt something, then again when you saved me from Jiho. By the time i really knew was the day you got me this.” You said, pointing to the bracelet.
He smiled and you saw his cheeks turn a little red.
“That was one of the best days of my life. Well, besides how it ended.” He said.
“That was the first time I ever saw you look like that.” You said, almost to yourself.
“What?” He asked.
“I don’t know. You looked.... Sad.” You said softly.
“Well yeah, seeing the person you care about get hurt really hurts.” He said, taking his shirt off and grabbing a dark button up that was hanging on the door. 
You had turned away at that point. Seeing the person you care about get hurt really hurts. You already knew how that felt. You haven’t even looked at his bare chest since he was hurt, not wanting to see it. Woojin said it was healing really good, but you knew it’d scar his pretty skin. You still couldn’t bring yourself to face his scars.
“Can you get out so I can shower? Ya pervert.” You giggled, trying to hide what was really going through your mind.
“Aish, I’ve see you naked before Sweetheart.” He said, rolling his eyes and walking out of the bathroom, buttoning up his shirt.
You sighed and got washed up, getting out and lotioning your skin. You decided to wear tight black jeans and a maroon sweater. You blow dried your hair and (Straightened/curled) your hair and applied make up. You walked out of the bathroom and saw Changbin’s eyes light up.
“You look beautiful Sweetheart.” He breathed and pressed a soft kiss to your lips.
You giggled and kisses his soft lips back.
“You look so handsome Changbin.” You said against his lips.
“Thank you Sweetheart.” He said, peppering your cheeks with kisses.
You giggled and buried your face into his shoulder as he covered you in kisses. You inhaled his scent, his cologne putting you in a good mood for some reason. He gave your head a quick kiss before taking your hand and leading you downstairs, where all the other members were dressed for the party.
“What studs.” You said, smiling at the members.
“I know right? When you’re ready to leave Changbin for me, let me know.” Jisung said jokingly.
Changbin punched him in the arm.
“In your dreams kiddo.” He said.
“Yah! That hurt!” Jisung said, rubbing his arm.
You laughed and kissed Changbin’s cheek as he led you to one of the cars and drove to Daniel’s. You both sang to songs the whole way, and felt shocked when he rapped to multiple rap songs so smoothly.
“I didn’t know you could rap.” You said with a smile.
He smiled at you and put his hand over yours. You rubbed his hand, loving the way in engulfed your own. The setting sun illuminated the side of his face and you admired it. His cheeks had gotten plushier with the muscle weight he’s put on, his jaw line still sharp, and the shape of his lips more defined.
When you arrived to the party, he opened your door for you and wrapped his arm around your waist as he led you into the party. Loud music was playing and there was  A LOT of people. You kept close to Changbin’s side as he greeted Daniel and his date. Daniel’s date almost took your breath away. Her long hair was beach blonde and her slim figure fit perfectly against Daniel. Her long legs looked great in her dress, and she overall looked like a model. Every girl there had been attractive, you noticed, making you feel shy,
“Hey Changbin, how’s your break so far man?” Daniel greeted Changbin with a wide, friendly grin. “Great.” Changbin replied as they shook hands.
Daniel’s date made eye contact with you and gave you a friendly smile and bow.
“Hello.” She said.
“Hello.” You greeted back, politely bowing.
“Oh, Changbin this is Lucy, Lucy this is Changbin and his girlfriend, Y/N.” Daniel said.
Since when did he know your name? You never spoke to him.
“It’s nice meeting you two.” She said, turning to you. “You’re so pretty.” 
“O-Oh thank you!” You said, blushing.
She smiled and gave you a hug.
“She’s SO cute!” She squealed.
“I think your girlfriend just stole my girlfriend.” Changbin laughed.
“Aish, she’s so cute.” Daniel beamed at his girlfriend.
Changbin smiled at you.
“Daniel and I have some things to talk about, are you gonna be okay with Lucy?” He asked.
You smiled and nodded as he and Daniel walked into the next room. Lucy led you to a table with liquor all over it.
“Care for a drink?” She asked with a sweet smile.
You shrugged and she poured you a drink, mixing juices and liquors together. You took a sip and decided it wasn’t half bad, since it didn’t taste like alcohol too much. She led you outside and you both stuck your feet into the pool and talked.
“How long have you and Changbin been dating?” She asked.
“A couple months. How long have you and Daniel been dating?” You asked, trying to keep a conversation.
“A month. I kept rejecting him because of his playboy image, but he turned out to be the sweetest thing.” She said.
“I thought Changbin was gonna be like that. He’s actually a sweetheart behind all the leather jackets and black clothing.” You laughed.
“I heard a lot about him, not too much that’s good, but the times I’ve met him he was never bad.” She said.
“Yeah, my friends didn’t approve of us at first. But he truly cares about me, and I truly care about him.” You said.
“That’s all that matters! I feel the same way about Daniel.” She said with a big smile.
Despite her looking over privileged, she was super sweet and charming. She had a soft voice and warm doe eyes.
“I hope they don’t take too long. I’d love to be on Daniel’s arm right now.” She sighed.
“I feel that too.” You said with a small smile.
“I guess I have it a bit easier, since Daniel’s gang broke up.” She said.
“What?” You asked.
“They’re talking business right now, Y/N. Daniel was in a group called Wanna One, and they might come back just to help Stray Kids with their Busan Boys problem.” She said, whispering it to you to not catch anyone’s attention.
You felt sick to your stomach thinking about another encounter with them. Every encounter has been painful, and now they want to keep going? Lucy rubbed your back with sympathy in her eyes.
“It’ll be okay Y/N, they all have each other’s backs.” She said.
“I know but... Changbin’s been hurt so much, I don’t want him to keep risking himself like that.” You sighed.
“Maybe with Wanna One it’ll be safer? I’m scared too honestly, but i trust Daniel to come back to me.” She said confidently.
You smiled at her and she gave you a hug. You both saw your boyfriends come up, drinks in their hands.
“I see you two already started to party without us.” Daniel said, kissing Lucy on her head.
Changbin wrapped his arms around you from behind and gave your cheek a kiss.
“Miss me?” He asked.
“Always.” You said with a smile.
“Sorry it took so long Sweetheart.” He said.
“No worries. Lucy and I were just talking.” You said, turning your head to kiss his nose.
He smiled at you as he wrapped his arm around your waist and pulled your back into his chest. You both turned your heads as a firework exploded over your heads. You both watched as the night sky was lit up with fireworks. He leaned his cheek on your head as you leaned back into him. 
“Hm?” He looked down at you, raising an eyebrow.
“I love you.” You said with a smile.
He smiled at you as he placed a kiss on your head.
“I love you too Sweetheart.” He said softly.
You opened your eyes to the feeling of Changbin’s warm arms around you, groaning as the sunlight half blinded you.
“Good morning.” He mumbled, having been woken up by your groan.
“Good morning.” You said, getting up and getting ready for work.
You got ready and walked out of the bathroom, seeing him laying on his stomach, his eyes closed. You plopped on his back and he groaned. You giggled and kissed his ear.
“I’ll see you after work.” You said, getting up and heading out the door.
“Aren’t I bringing you in?” He asked.
“Nah, Chan has to run errands. He said he’ll bring me on the way.” You said.
“Okay. I’ll be at your job when you’re done.” He said.
“Okay.” You walked out the door and into Chan’s car as he sat out front.
Your shift wasn’t anything unusual. The same people coming in mostly, save for a few perverts that come in to try and see up the girl’s skirts. But besides that, it was a pretty decent shift. You and Nari made good money that night, which was good since ya know, you’re a broke college student.
“Hey Y/N.” 
You turned around and saw Naoki standing near the doorway, looking at you.
“Oh, hey Nao.” You greeted.
“Can I talk to you after your done your shift?” He asked.
“Of course! I’ll be done in about an hour.” You said.
He nodded and sat down, accepting whatever Nari offered him.
After your shift, you saw Naoki standing outside of it. You walked over and greeted him.
“Hey.” You said.
“Hey.” He said lowly.
“What’s up?” You asked.
“Y/N, listen... I’ve been wanting to tell you something for awhile but..” He scratched the back of his head.
“What is it?” You asked, a little anxious.
“Um...” He stuttered.
“What?” You asked.
In a blur his lips were on yours. You went to pull away, but he grabbed your arm tightly. You started to struggle as the breath was knocked out of you due to shock. You finally were able to pull away and you stared at him
Your heart dropped as you turned and saw Changbin standing there, his eyes on you. Hurt was in his eyes.... And anger.
“So this is what it really was huh?” He asked, anger in his tone.
“No! Changbin that’s not-”
“Save it! After everything we’ve been through, with him?!” His voice was raised and you saw the vein in his neck popping out.
“Changbin I didn’t-”
“Enough Y/N! I saw it with my own eyes! If it wasn’t like that, why didn’t you pull away?!” He was yelling now, and you flinched.
“I should’ve known.” He hissed, turning and walking around.
“Changbin wait!” You went to go after him, but Naoki grabbed your arm.
“Let him go Y/N. He’s no good for you.” He said.
“No! This is all your fault Naoki! Why did you kiss me?! Why didn’t you let me go?!” You asked looking at him, and your heart dropped at the realization.
“... You knew he was there!” You yelled.
You tried pulling away, but his grip was too hard.
Tears flew down your face as Naoki ran. You felt soft hands on you and Nari had her arms around you as her sister rubbed your back. You sobbed hard into your hands, holding the bracelet in your hand.
Just like your heart, the bracelet he had gotten you was shattered in your hands.
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starryseo · 5 years
After the young king your husband Woojin dies. The young Queen is left alone with her 5 children (00line and Jeongin pls oretend for the sake of the au). She has to rule a country, fight the courts intrigues and take care of her children. Can she manage w the help of her royal advisors Chan Changbin and Minhonor will she fail?
dear lord this got so much longer than i thought it would but it was such an interesting idea!!! tysm for sending it in!! im on mobile so can't add a read more cut, sorry! :(
oh god okay this is such a Wild idea, i love it! first of all, why'd you have to kill woojin :((( i can imagine him to be such a great father and king!! in public, he keeps them in check so they're never too rowdy, but he never restricts their freedom or fun bc they're kids yk, he's not gonna shove all the royal teaching stuff on them at such a young age, he wants them to enjoy their lives. if they do get out of hand -- which is only ever occasionally bc they have great parents! -- he just tilts his head and raises an eyebrow at them and they know they've gone too far. he won't do anything in public except keep them closer, but he doesn't need to do much bc the kids are all pouting that they've upset their dad so they're all rushing to hold onto his hand anyway. he'll speak to them in private afterwards - he never raises his voice at them, he'll have a good conversation. but he's always grinning by the end of it bc the boys are all frowning and pouting, jeongin's in tears and jisung's not far off, and he can't help but just give them all a massive best hugs bc those are his boys and he just loves them so much. he loves spending time with his boys, always trying to hurry up meetings so that he can play with them. he especially enjoys when they all gang up on him for sword fighting training and when he goes down bc obviously he's gonna let them win, he's dragging them all on the ground with him too, and you always come in to see them just laying down on top of woojin like a dog pile (jisung grabs your hand and before you know it, theyre using you as a cushion too!)
when he passes away, they're heartbroken. they never want to go sword fighting or horse riding, they can't even bear walking past the throne room. they have a vague understanding of what's happened - dad's not around anymore, mum's crying to sleep every night, everyone in the kingdom is quiet and sad and weeping. they never leave each other alone. all five of them stick together, and whenever possible, they stay by your side because despite the strong front you put up for them, they can see the red in your eyes and the bags beneath them. you have trouble sleeping in your bedroom - the room you shared with woojin - so they're always trying to make you stay with them when you tuck them into bed. despite having separate rooms, they're all bunking in hyunjin, jisung and felix's shared room bc it's the biggest. they sleep 2 to a bed and on your better days you join with the single boy on the last bed. other days, you know you'll break down when you see them bc they all embody little parts of woojin and it's all too fresh and it breaks your heart bc you love your sons but some days it just hurts too much to see them. on those days you stay in a guest room, getting little sleep -- if any at all -- and you reminisce all the good days, letting your tears soak your pillow.
the royal advisors do everything they can to help you. you take over woojin's role in meetings and making decisions over your country. usually you and woojin would have discussions, but now you're sitting in conversation with chan and minho and changbin. they're great help, each one amazing at their specific job. you bury yourself in work, even if you're falling apart inside, you can't and won't let this kingdom suffer - you're not just doing this for woojin, you're doing this for yourself, your family, your people. days go past quicker when you're surrounded by financial records and daily reports. but this all comes with a cost.
you spend nearly all of your days in the royal office. mostly alone. sometimes chan, minho or changbin will keep you company, going over files over work, but they're mostly keeping an eye on you, bringing in food and drinks because you focus too much on work at times. you eat because you know what theyre doing. your behaviour isn't just affecting you.
the boys are more rowdy now. they barely see you because you're always writing away in your office. they ask you to play and all they get is a "sweetheart, i can't right now, maybe your brothers are free, go find them" or "in a bit honey, come back in an hour, okay?" and when they come back you're going through a new pile, too busy to spend time with them. they get moodier. they love each other, but they're constantly fighting bc that should get your attention right? you always hated when they fought. the maids and servants keep it from you. they dont tell you about your boys' tantrums, they quickly replace whatever's broken, and make sure nothing leaves the castle. it's not fair to you bc you have the weight of the world on your shoulders and it's dragging you down.
it takes seungmin falling from a tree in the garden for the secrecy to break. he's always been the most cool-headed of the boys, mostly bickering to annoy the others, always joining in the fights last - if and when he did join. the others were fighting. again. god knows who started it but soon enough, jisung and hyunjin were wrestling, felix tried pulling jisung back and was elbowed in the nose, someone's legs stuck out and kicked jeongin, and seungmin just couldn't take it. he ran outside, far away and then up the closest tree. he didn't want to be seen or heard and only the nesting birds were witness to the anguish he let out up there. when a servant was calling out for him at dinner time, he was still teary-eyed, his hands weak from all the thrashing and punching and he lost his footing on the way down.
no one could hide that from you. you begged chan to finish off whatever papers you had left, although he was already on it. minho had also taken the liberty to lock your office door and changbin asked your maid to hide your keys bc now more than ever your family, your boys, needed you.
you stayed up with your boys that night. you had dinner in the bedroom since seungmin was bedridden, you fed him food, and snuck in sweet desserts as the others surrounded the bed too. you held each of them close to you, unwilling to not have at least two of them in your arms at any moment. you promised to do better, be better. and you wouldn't -- couldn't -- break that.
hyunjin was a surprisingly great babysitter. the other boys listened to him well, except when he occasionally bossed them around to sneak in sweets or do his chores, but he lead them well at all other occasions. jisung was a natural at horse riding. he kept in close contact with all the workers and the stables became his second home. he taught the other boys as well, and even tended to the animals when he could. he often ventured out of the castle with minho in tow, and he learnt more about his people and the workings of society from minho than anyone could ever think to know. felix was a whiz in the kitchen and, societal norms be damned, he had a great palate and was a huge help in the kitchens. changbin taught him how to take inventory and manage the stock, familiarising himself with the vast food places in the kingdom. they both journeyed out to other kingdoms to introduce new foods to your lands. seungmin was amazing at all things money. numbers came easy to him and he put himself in charge of all financial happenings and no one batted an eyelash. jeongin was still learning, but only from the best advisor in the castle -- chan, of course. he was their little apprentice and was quick to learn anything and everything he could to help out as well.
it wasn't a perfect system, you all had off days and bad moods, but you worked together, as a family, and it was beautiful.
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cassie-and-ren · 6 years
How Stray Kids would react to you asking them out.
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This soft teddy bear would have no idea how act if you liked you
So of course you had to be the dom in this situation
Woonjin’s dom side would come out if you pushed him enough
You tirelessly made an effort to touch him whenever you could
Tell him you loved his voice
maybe even ask him to sing you to sleep
You started to notice he’d do the same thing
Little by little it became obvious that Woonjin was feeling... something
You couldn’t quite tell if it was a crush
but you hoped it would be
So one day when you two have the dorm to yourself
don’t ask me how
Woojin sat kind of close to you
You didn’t mind
He didn’t either
So after sometime passed you just decided to come out with it and cut then tension with a knife
“Woojin, hopefully I’m right, but I like you and I think you like me too, I think we should go out.”
He’s not the type to take things as bluntly as you had said
but in this case he was
His smile came out and before you knew it you were trapped in a bear hug with him kissing random parts of your face saying how much he liked you too.
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Personally I believe he would be so oblivious to your crush that you scream at him that you like him and he’d just
“Oh, yeah I like you too, we’re really good friends!”
Like you would get friend zoned so bad you would try and get caught by him
Either by reading questionable things in front of him
Watching videos of him and him only
Even flat out flirting
but none of this would work
That was until you decided to be full front with it and just ask him out one day
“Chan I’ve really liked you for a long time and this is the only way I can get you to even see that.”
Chan was surprised honestly
So much so that he’d ask you for how long you liked him
No matter what you said he would play it off like he knew that the whole time
Eventually he’d tell you his feelings
something like:
“I mean we get along really well and you support me a lot so maybe we should go out!”
You were relieved to hear that
Like anything even close to that would be good at this point
Though for some reason he acted dumb about crushes
He certainly wasn’t dumb about everything else that followed.
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he honestly didn’t think you had a romantic bone in your body
let alone a crush on him
Minho was more than willing to go out with you still
“Of course I’ll give you the chance to date me.”
you were wondering why you even liked him after that
Though Minho was cool on the outside
he was panicking mentally
he liked you too
and was waiting for the best moment in order to confess and ask you out
But you beat him to it
So after he told you yes, he decided to get the jump on asking you out on a date
he planned the whole thing perfectly
leaving your night the same
his balance was restored and your relationship lived another day
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Changbin is actually two moods: In love
Or jealous boyfriend
Most times he was just in love with you
and he was very loud about it
Other times he was a tad bit jealous
okay really jealous... like all the time
You began to notice this
You did like him so it wasn’t any problem
But you felt like you couldn’t do anything with anyone while he was around
At least as long as you two weren’t a couple
One thing you understood was that if you were “his” he’d never get jealous
unless you gave him reason to
But Changbin wasn’t going to ask you out
What and risk his image with soft romance?
No, he’d continue to be a jealous almost boyfriend until one day you couldn’t take it.
“Changbin this is kind of hard for me to do, but it’ll never happen unless I do this now... ireallylikeyouandwantustodate!
Though he could barely understand what you had said he heard:
like you
and us
and mentally jumped off the roof of the JYP building.
He kept calm on the outside and just gave you the cool guy answer.
“Well you are cute, I guess we could go out.”
You knew how much of a softie he was and knew he’d never act cool around you again
You’d make sure of it
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I don’t even know why I made one for him
You two act like you’re dating already
Everyone else thinks that too and even makes fun of you for it
You and Hyunjin never said anything about it
“We’re just good friends right?”
Of course you like Hyunjin
who wouldn’t
But how were you suppose to approach the Todoroki of your life?
maybe I shouldn’t use that reference
Hyunjin made your life ten times harder by always being nearly perfect at everything.
of course you noticed him at first for his looks
But as time went on that was normal
No it was his amazing dancing
cute personality
One day you figured to just tell him maybe what everyone was saying should be official.
So you asked him out.
“Hyunjin, I know we’re friends and super close but... I think we should go out and d-date.”
You were expecting Hyunjin to friendzone the hell out of you
Instead he was shocked to hear that you liked him too
“You like me?”
He nodded in a ‘of course” manner,
“We already act like we’re dating of course I started to get feelings for you (Y/N)!”
You didn’t know to say
But he did
He hugged you
“So is it official then?”
You loved hated his confidence, but what could you do?
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This boy...
This boy already had the biggest crush on you
and for some reason thought you didn’t know
He flirted with you
Tried to make you laugh all the time
Acted way dumber than he was around you
Anything to get your attention on him.
Even though it was obvious
not just to you but to everyone else too
You decided to ask Chan if he could call Jisung so you could be alone
Of course he agreed but not before spouting some bird and bees talk before that
So you were waiting for Jisung, you expected him to be late since he had been working on something all day
But no
He showed up five minutes after Chan texted you that he was on his way
“What’s wrong (Y/N)?”
You told Jisung nothing was and just came out with it.
“Jisung I know you have a crush on me... and before you get all defensive. I like you too and I think we should go out.”
Jisung had no words
You thought he malfunctioned for a second
“You l-like me?”
“Yeah, like a lot.”
Jisung was breathing hard but eventually he went over to you and hugged you tightly.
“I’ll be your best boyfriend... no your last boyfriend!”
No matter what you’d always love him and had no doubt he’d be the same.
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It’s hard to think that if he had a crush that he wouldn’t just make it very obvious he liked the person.
I feel like Felix would have tried to ask you out
but for whatever reason you just turned him down
Maybe some “you need to focus on work” nonsense
Though it’d be a horrible regret later.
Felix still liked you and did pretty much anything for you
And like a true boyfriend
You were there for him
Though you weren’t dating.
So after a moment of realization
You said it was stupid not to go out with him.
“So you’re changing your mind?”
Of course you didn’t want to seem like you were playing with his feelings
“I’m not changing my mind, I always liked you I just didn’t think it was right for us to go out.”
“So you want us to go out?”
“Yes Felix I do.”
He was alright with that
“Well we should make up for the time we could have been dating.”
Felix then convinced you that staying over at their dorm would make up for you rejecting him
Of course you couldn’t say no to him
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How could even you even think to confess to him?
You’d either get chewed to pieces if he rejected you
Or crushed to death by a big dog if he liked you back
Either way you couldn’t even tell if he liked you because of his poker face
All the time he didn’t show any more affection than he did a piece of chicken.
Seungmin was still the most adorable thing when he wanted.
especially when he spoke English
Because he knew you spoke english there were times when you’d help him learn something
So there was this one time when you noticed he had been asking about things about romance
“How do you say true love?”
“What do you say when you want to ask someone out?”
You began to think that he had a crush on someone who only spoke english
Even though you answered his questions
You wanted to know why he was asking this
It was too invasive
You knew he would just play it off
So when when he asked about girlfriend and boyfriends you couldn’t wait anymore
“Seungmin this is going to be kind of weird but... I kind of have a crush on you and really want to go out with you...  I’m sorry if I’m ruining our friendship but I needed to tell you especially if you l-like someone else.”
“Who do you think I have a crush on?”
“I don’t know, someone who speaks english... who you’ve known for a long time... “
“Yeah you!”
He said that in english
“I really like you and wanted to learn from you.”
He took your hand.
“Do you want me to be your boyfriend?”
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Jeongin was always the cutest
So you had no clue how to approach him with such a serious question
You were convinced he had no clue about your crush on him
And you weren’t trying to hide it either.
“Aww you got your braces off... but you’re still so cute~!”
So when you even thought about telling him your feelings
You still weren’t sure about it.
So you asked everyone else about it
Besides the few who just made fun of you for your crush
you were told just to be honest with him
“He won’t be mean to you especially if you’re really serious about it.”
After this talk you spent a little more time gathering yourself
You planned out exactly what you were going to say to him
This would go perfectly even if he rejected you.
Though you wanted that to happen you brain had other plans.
You see one day when you and Jeongin were just lounging around
Something made him excited
The way his eyes get when he’s really happy about something
“That’s so cute how excited you get, I bet as a boyfriend you’d be even cuter!”
You screwed up
You tried to just tell him an excuse you could as if anything you said wouldn’t make if more awkward.
But eventually you caved in and just told him.
“I actually had this whole thing planned about how I wanted to confess to you. This is probably so weird.”
Though he didn’t look weirded out
He was actually smiling
“You like me?”
He practically screamed out when you said that
“(Y/N) I like you too! I just thought you didn’t want to date someone you think is cute!”
You realized that you’re babying of him may have been a bit much
“Now I can be more than just cute to you!”
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