#woomy talks (ooc)
the-woomyverse · 17 days
Random thought I had involving Paper Mario TTYD:
Are the Crystal Stars sentient?
Clarification below the cut.
By sentient, I mean in the sense that they may be able to semi directly influence those who have them in their possession.
Imagine the following: Someone with a high amount of untapped potential for destruction and chaos, who either doesn’t realize this potential or doesn’t want to use it, finds a strange crystalline artifact, and “decides” to pick it up and take it with them. As time passes, they end up taking more notice of the things that affect them negatively. Sometimes, others will “randomly” start to actively partake in negative actions against the individual.
The individual begins to “create” plans in their minds as well, originally formed around genuine ways to improve their lives and mentalities for the better. But the helpfulness of these “ideas” shifts towards the worse, eventually reaching the point where it helps the individual exclusively to the detriment of others.
And inevitably, the individual decides: “Enough. I am done waiting.”
They execute their plans, and form themselves a position of authority and power. They are in control now.
Except they’re not.
The Crystal Stars don’t directly possess their holders. They plant ideas and suggestions, not necessarily in the head of the individual, slowly taking hold of their carrier’s mind, all while the vessel thinks they are in control.
Of course, the vessel may gain inklings as to what is truly happening. But… they got what they wanted because of this- no, they got what they deserved, but was unjustly denied. It’s better than before. It can’t be too bad if they do this just a little longer…
And so it goes.
It’s rare for individuals to be naturally immune, but it does happen.
The Punies are immune because they are rarely alone. The Crystal Stars cannot influence a group, and thus has no vessel.
Cortez is immune because he’s cocky as heck. He didn’t have much interest in the Sapphire Star itself, just seeing it as another bauble for the hoard.
Pennington is immune because he doesn’t have any potential to use. He’s not Sherlock. No matter how much he insists otherwise.
The X-Nauts are immune due to their highly technological natures. The Crystal Stars cannot influence machine intelligence. At best, they’d get booted out and blocked as malware.
And Mario is immune because he’s Mario. We need a playable avatar, and Nintendo has put Luigi in the Gay Italian Jail, so we’re stuck with Mario.
@turquoisephoenix (Pinging you because you are a fellow Grubba Enthusiast™️ and I would highly appreciate your opinion on this)
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sigmasmashers · 11 months
Been thinking about changing the blog up a little, to focus on the events of this AU’s equivalent of the first Megaman X game.
What do you all think? PUR3 would be the only one available for asks at first, but it would reveal a lot of the story.
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ants-turquoisewave · 2 years
Hi!!!! I'm Antonello, but you can call me Ant or Stitch or anything you think fits :D
I'm a minor, so please no NSFW or gross flirting. Jokes are fine though!
taken by yui <3
In terms of my age n stuff, I'm 17!!
I use he/they/she/min pronouns :P
Not sure how I feel about flirting rn, please dont be gross with me, i might make some nsfw jokes and im ok w them!
If you know my Deadname please don't use it! I have a lot of trauma around it and it might panic me.
Sharing this blog with my father figure slash friend Nardo until he gets his own blog set up! :D
obvi tcest proship + their neutrals dni ur icky and weird and icky. also sarathrwizard defenders get out pls
rules + blacklist
CURRENT ARC ; (ARC) || but ill know ill know
(IC) || our love will never die... \/ (ANT) || i will make you proud \/ (NARDO) || and its another friend of mine thats gone \/ (ART) || creating is drawing erasing and drawing again \/ (MEMES) || but when does a comet become a meteor? \/ (OOC) || i know i gotta grow up sometime but i dont think im ready yet \/
// hi! Mod Woomy here! this blog is run by @the-unicorn-system ! A few alters will be active here: Woomy (no emoji), Stray 🏳️‍⚧️, Lego 🍜, and Azzy 🍫, with Azzy being the most active. We will update this if more alters use this! (We are over 18 but still uncomfortable with nsfw rp so please dont do that)
This blog is semi-based around the fic we're writing: Led Astray!
This is not a private blog! Everyone is free to interact!
This is a semi-RP account. For the most part Azzy will be using this as an introject to talk abt stuff. \\
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askrisedonnie · 3 years
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My name is Donatello Hamato Solstice, but I go by many other nicknames, of which you will not be informed of. But Sol is preferred as a name.
I go by he/him and they/them pronouns, I also go by meow/meows/meowself and moon/moons/moonself. Do not refer to me as she/her or it/its.
My birthday is November 17th, 2004. I am a minor, so please respect that. If I am sent any NSFW I will delete it.
I'm asexual.
Feel free to come and talk to me whenever. Except for when I'm busy.
Those whom I am currently living with are:
LEE: @hamatoblueleonardo
RAPHA: @hamatoredraphael
TELLO: @hamatopurpledonatello
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main acct is @the-unicorn-system
dni from there applies here as well!
this blog is co-run by two headmates of the Unicorn System, Woomy and Donnie (preferred name is Star)!
We are 18+, but we request that you still not send nsfw for us or the character. Body may be 18+ but we do have a few younger middles in our system that don't want to see a big ass in the screen.
if we do an ooc post, we will do our best to indicate who's speaking. Woomy usually speaks without any emoji, while Star will use ⭐ before his speech. If we're too lazy, tired, blurry, or stressed to indicate, we'll try and tag with "woomy post" and/or "star post". We may also tag other alters if they feel the need to step into a situation for us.
Woomy is the most frequent fronter as I don't know how to disconnect from front quite yet, so you'll see more of me than anything.
This blog is an AU of Rise Donnie. It will contain heavy topics such as grief, injury, manipulation, hallucinations, loss of a limb, medical experimentation, trauma, ect. If you are not comfortable with this blog, don't harass us. Please block and move on, the last thing we want is to make someone upset or triggered over the contents here.
Feel free to try and rp with us, we love hanging out! However do not interact with us if you are affiliated with the users hoyt chocolate/sweet_cheesits, nia1sworld, or turtle animator/smoothturtle0.
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the-woomyverse · 9 months
Random thought I had
Let’s assign each Bishop of the Old Faith a particular cause of death related to their original domain.
Shamura is assigned all war-related deaths, including the deaths of those who didn’t fight but died because of war nonetheless (ie civilian casualties)
Kallamar gets all disease related deaths, including infections and the like
Narinder is excluded from this because he’s got death as his domain already
Heket gets all hunger related deaths, in addition to deaths caused by eating something that you shouldn’t
Leshy gets workplace accidents and self inflicted death
Now among those four, who do you think has the most deaths under their belt?
I will put up a poll, but I will not research the results because I want to keep whatever sanity I have left
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the-woomyverse · 1 year
Please send asks about my Kirby Swap AU, I am bored out of my mind and need something to do
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the-woomyverse · 8 months
I’m having a major brainrot moment right now
Swap Sectonia is not the one who found the cursed mirror that Dark Mind was sealed in after his defeat.
I decided that Floralia may have technology similar to Dreamland in terms of plumbing and electrical systems and whatnot, but it’s very Renaissance coded society wise. The nobility are expected to be treated like royalty, and the actual royalty are viewed like gods. Meanwhile the common folk scrape to get by, and are regarded as worthless rabble by many of the nobility and royalty.
Swap Sectonia (who is a princess at this point in time) was approaching her eighteenth birthday, and by society’s standards, that meant she needed to start looking for a husband. The Queen of Floralia organized a grand ball where Sectonia was supposed to choose a worthy suitor as her future husband. All suitors were required to bring a gift, as was tradition, but Sectonia took advantage of the rule that there was supposed to be a theme to the gifts.
Her requirement? The gifts had to be handmade by the suitors themselves.
As the ball went on, more and more gifts were offered. Fine jewelry, exquisite perfumes… the only one who broke the mold was a boy named Taranza, who brought a small woodcarving. He was mocked for it by the other nobles, and the Queen declared that they would take the gift- but he wouldn’t get Sectonia’s hand in marriage.
And then the Marquis De Lafayette brought the giant mirror.
It seemed to be the perfect gift- its reflective surface glimmering brilliantly, the golden frame ornately carved. The Queen was about to declare him the winner, but Sectonia stopped her.
“Let us see who has been truthful with the nature of their gift. Mages, do just as I told you. Determine whether they really made their gifts.”
The Queen scoffed at this. “You really expect them to bring inferior gifts?”
“It’s not the quality that I doubt. It’s the identity of the makers.”
The Queen opened her mouth to call Sectonia a nasty name… and her jaw dropped as the results came in.
The necklaces, the perfumes, the dresses- none of them were actually made by the suitors. The only one who had actually made their gift was Taranza.
The Queen was furious- now no one could marry the princess! Sectonia merely smiled, as she had been released from her duty to be married. She was incredibly glad- she barely knew any of the suitors, if at all.
Then the attention turned to Taranza.
“You may stay in the castle as long as you wish.” Sectonia declared. “In addition, you may choose one gift to take as your own.”
“He will take the mirror, or I will make sure that the only part of the castle he sees is the dungeon!” The Queen demanded.
Taranza agreed to take the mirror, and he quickly became a fixture in the castle.
No one suspected that the mirror was cursed. But one person knew. And if that boy dared to bring a mere woodcarving to the princess as a wedding gift… well, he deserved whatever happened to him.
(TLDR Taranza got the mirror and was slowly corrupted)
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the-woomyverse · 11 months
Okay, I’ve finally read up on the White Diamond AU concept for Steven Universe.
Enough so that I have a potential AU idea.
And, since everybody knows that I love Splatoon, you can guess what I’m gonna do with it.
Deep Carat Diamonds AU.
I’ll write up the core idea post separately.
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the-woomyverse · 1 year
Guess who managed to get a friend on Discord to make boss sheets for the Sparks of Despair AU!
The TTRPG system these sheets are made for is called Disney Villains Victorious, or DVV for short. Google it if you haven't already.
The man, er, Rabbid himself! Annnnnd...
Lord Augie! Bingo bango bongo, baby!
@bramble-scramble @pastelprince18 @minnesotamedic186 @color-cacophony @deezeyrabbidy @hostess-of-horror @resbit @randomrabbidramblings
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the-woomyverse · 1 year
Fun fact! There's some inspiration from Kirby Right Back at Ya! in my Kirby Swap AU (which I still need a proper name for). The main things are that Cappy Town still exists, Tiff and Tuff swap roles and ages, and Escargoon isn't intentionally beat up nearly every episode.
Also, Escargoon's mom was the playmate of the four Dragon Princes of Dreamland, while her mom was their governess. Escargoon doesn't know until near the end of the Escargoon Rules episode equivalent.
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the-woomyverse · 2 years
Curse of Strahd-tendo (aka, the best campaign I’ll probably ever run)
So, I’ve been wanting to run a Curse of Strahd game for years. I also have a love for anything Nintendo. Some people might say those things should never cross.
I am not one of those people.
I am in the process of running the game right now, with the following party members:
Rabbid Mario (Mario+Rabbids series, Barbarian)
Link (Legend of Zelda series, Paladin)
Magolor (Kirby series, Wizard who is going to eventually multi class into Warlock)
Croagunk (Brock’s one from the Pokémon Anime, Monk)
Needless to say, I will be chronicling their adventures (and eventual war crimes) in Barovia under the tag #strahd-tendo.
The Bad Decisions Gang is currently in Death House. Here’s hoping they all survive.
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the-woomyverse · 8 months
I’m going to be completely honest here.
While I have made a personal vow to never get into the MLP fandom, I have noticed that there is a new creepypasta for it that is actually really good.
It’s gotten me to think, hey, maybe I should come up with a horror based AU for something I like.
I’m torn between going for a Legend of Zelda BOTW/TOTK one and going for a Pikmin one. On one hand, I can corrupt the four Champions/Divine Beast pilots, and throw in a Triforce Swap for good measure. On the other hand, b u g s .
@hostess-of-horror Sorry for the ping, but you’re the only mutual I know who is good at this sort of thing. Could you help me pick?
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sigmasmashers · 11 months
Sorry my stupid allergic to idiots letting me down
Boomer Kuwanger: I don’t think Reploids can have allergies…
Gravity Beetle: Probably a Reploid-ist human. Pay them no attention.
(Woomy here. This one is just plain rude. Please don’t do this again.)
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the-woomyverse · 2 years
Sonic Movie Series Swap AU
(AKA the Knuckles the Echidna Movie Series)
Knuckles the Echidna takes the place of Sonic. His personality is much more like the Original Movie Sonic, although he still has a lot of touches from Original Movie Knuckles. For example, he still calls Tom Wachowski “Donut Lord”, but he considers him a “fellow protector of the town”. And in the ‘late night baseball’ scene in the first movie, instead of being every player at once, he practices hitting the ball (via repeatedly throwing the ball upwards and trying to hit it with the baseball bat) and pretends his tribe is cheering him on. It takes him several tries, and when he finally pulls it off, he cheers and raises his hand for a high five… and realizes that his tribe wasn’t there. They never were. And they never will be. Which leads to him repeatedly punching the ground in anger, and when he accidentally activates his power in the heat of the moment, the shockwave of his fist hitting the ground creates the EMP blast that cuts power across the entire west coast of the United States.
I will post more later (this is one of my Late Night AU Idea rambles, after all) but the other swaps are that Sonic has the role of Original Movie Tails, and Tails has the role of Original Movie Knuckles.
Everyone else has the same roles as in the original movies.
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sigmasmashers · 3 years
Gravity Beetle and Boomer Kuwanger, You both get Fluffy Chickens!
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Boomer Kuwanger: Thanks! I call dibs on the white one. Gravity Beetle: Can I call mine Cream? Boomer Kuwanger: If you do, I'm naming mine Sugar so they match. Gravity Beetle: Works for me! (Woomy here! If you don't mind, I'm going to make them minor characters in this ask blog. They are too cute not to. Also, I'm going to refer to them as the Coffee Duo.)
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sigmasmashers · 3 years
For the Whole Squad:
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Everyone: Is that a reference to something? (Woomy here! The Squad has movie nights once a month, but they've never watched Ratatouille before. They've watched the Disney movies Aladdin and Princess and the Frog, however.)
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