#wooyoung sickfic
feverishly-kpop · 3 months
Ateez - Flu - Part 10 (Final Part)
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When Hongjoong woke up he felt as if he was coming to from a coma. He hadn’t slept so soundly in a long time, but within seconds he wished that the coma would pull him back under. This flu was wreaking havoc on his body.
He sat up, confirming that Yunho was still asleep before stepping out of his room. All that hydration had left him in need of the washroom but, to his surprise, he found the door closed. Knocking quietly, Hongjoong listened for a response but did not receive one. After another knock met with silence he entered and nearly jumped out of his skin when he found Jongho lying on the washroom floor with a long-dried face cloth draped over his eyes and forehead.
“Jongho” Hongjoong whispered, nudging the maknae’s shoulder as he sank to the ground next to him, too exhausted and poorly to keep standing. Jongho stirred slowly and reached up to toss his compress aside but made no effort to respond to Hongjoong. “What are you doing on the floor, Jongho-ah?”
“I could ask you the same thing,” Jongho responded in the most Jongho way possible, which is not at all what Hongjoong wanted to deal with in the middle of the night while his head was swimming with fever.
“I’m sick, Jongho” Hongjoong responded flatly. “I’m sick and had to use the washroom but here you are, laying in the damn floor. Your turn.”
Jongho sighed before responding. “I woke up with a headache so I got up to take my temperature.”
That was enough to send Hongjoong into hyung mode immediately. “Why didn’t you wake Seonghwa?”
“I can take my own temperature, hyung” Jongho quipped back before continuing. “I’m running a fever” he added nonchalantly. “And the floor was cold, so I just laid down with a cool compress. It’s fine. I’m fine.”
Hongjoong rolled his eyes. This situation was so very Jongho. He was about to inquire about any other symptoms when the door flung open again, this time by Yeosang who nearly face planted, tripping over Jongho’s outstretched legs, as he barreled toward the toilet to be sick again. Jongho reached out an arm to pat Yeosang’s back in silent support but was too weak to do anything beyond that.
It took Yunho less than a minute to appear in the doorway, rubbing his eyes with the back of his hand. Hongjoong sighed before speaking up, realizing that everybody would be looking toward him to take control despite him being as sick as the rest of them and it being 3:30 AM.
“Yunho-ah, what are you doing out of bed?” He asked, willing his voice not to break as he spoke.
“I heard somebody getting sick. Now I feel queasy again” Yunho replied weakly, sounding half asleep. Hongjoong’s eyes darted to Yeosang, who was still draped over the toilet. He was out of ideas until Jongho acted quickly, reaching over his head and tossing the waste paper bin toward Yunho’s feet. Yunho muttered a weak “thank you” before taking the bin into the hallway and sitting down outside the washroom door. A wave of guilt and pity washed over Hongjoong as he heard his dongsaeng getting sick in the bin but there wasn’t enough room for a fourth member on the washroom floor and he sure as hell wasn’t about to get up from his cozy spot next to Jongho.
“It’s alright. You’re going to be just fine” Hongjoong slurred, unsure if the sentiment was directed more strongly to the others or to himself.
Seonghwa woke up to muffled sounds coming from the washroom followed by the sound of retching. For a split second he contemplated rolling over and going back to sleep before he heard another set of feet pattering toward the washroom. Knowing that eldest-hyung duty called, he sat up in bed quickly - perhaps too quickly - his head quickly hitting his pillow again before he even realized that he needed to lie back down. He suddenly felt a shift of pressure in his sinuses.
He was sick.
Unfortunately, so was somebody else based on the cacophony of sounds emanating from outside his closed door. With a deep breath he sat up again, much slower this time, and headed toward the door, bracing himself for what he may find when he opened it.
Seonghwa almost stepped on Yunho as he closed the bedroom door behind him. He knelt down in front of him, giving a light tug on the waste paper basket that Yunho was nearly falling asleep in. Seonghwa placed a hand on Yunho’s cheek, quickly realizing that he was no longer able to very accurately feel for a fever now that he too was running one of his own. Despite his own body being feverishly warm now, he could still tell that Yunho was feeling even warmer.
“Yunho, love, you’re feeling very warm again” Seonghwa said quietly, noticing now how sore his throat was. “Did you forget to take your medication? You haven’t been running this high since it was prescribed…”
Yunho shook his head in response. “I didn’t forget. I didn’t want to take it. It makes me feel funny…”
Seonghwa cut him off, trying to mask the frustration he felt rising in his chest. “You know what else makes you feel funny? A high fever. You seem to be feeling really funny now, hmm? The medicine isn’t optional, Yunho. It’s…” Seonghwa stopped abruptly when a wave of dizziness struck. In the moment it took for him to center himself he took in how absolutely pathetic Yunho looked sitting on the hallway floor. There would be a time to discuss this, but that time was clearly not now. He took a deep breath to calm his nerves before speaking up again.
“Sweetheart, why are you out here in the hallway anyhow?” He asked, his tone much calmer than a moment ago.
“Because they are in there” Yunho said with some effort, indicating vaguely toward the washroom.
“Who? Who’s in there?” Seonghwa asked but Yunho was already beginning to doze off again. There was nothing Seonghwa could do about that at the moment. He couldn’t lift Yunho on a good day, and his running nose suddenly reminded him that this definitely wasn’t a good day. Making a mental note to wake Jongho to have him help Yunho off the floor and back to bed, he slowly opened the washroom door.
So much for that mental note.
Seonghwa felt close to tears. He was in over his head. This flu had done the impossible, taking out eight grown men in the span of a couple of days. Admitting defeat, he unlocked his phone, texting a manager:
“Sorry to wake you hyung. But we need you.”
When the manager arrived, not even an hour later, his jaw dropped as he surveyed the scene.
Seonghwa had miraculously gotten everybody off the floor and into the living room. Jongho sat at one end of the sofa, his head resting in his hand as he shivered too violently to make sleep possible. Hongjoong, on the other hand, was curled up into the maknae’s side, having had no trouble at all finding sleep again. Yeosang was stretched out across the middle of the couch with blanket haphazardly draped over his legs that threatened to fall to the floor at any slight movement. Yeosang had left almost no space for Yunho, though Yunho didn’t seem to mind curling up in a tight ball in the small amount of space he did have, in a way that seemed physically impossible for a person of his stature.
The manager almost instantly jumped into action. He had years of experience wrangling his own sick kids in addition to sick ATEEZ members, but he struggled to recall a time when seven of the eight were sick at once.
“San, Mingi, and Wooyoung?” He asked quietly, turning to Seonghwa. Seonghwa finished his thought on his behalf.
“Sleeping. Hopefully” Seonghwa supplied helpfully as he stood with his arms crossed across his chest.
“I’ll be honest,” the manager said after a few moments of thought. “I’d like to take anybody with a fever to the hospital. This flu clearly is nothing to mess around with.”
Yeosang piped up at that. “I don’t have a fever, so I don’t need to go” he announced, his tone laced with pride despite not even opening his eyes as he spoke.
The manager turned to Seonghwa, wordlessly looking to fact check Yeosang’s statement. Seonghwa nodded slowly. “He’s telling the truth. I checked his temperature a few times yesterday afternoon and before you got here. Normal temp, somehow.”
Yeosang pulled up the blanket as he snuggled deeper into the couch, content that he’d be able to stay home, but Seonghwa wasn’t finished.
“No fever, but he’s vomited several times. I think he should go.” Seonghwa’s words cut Yeosang like a knife.
“You can’t just change the rules like that, hyung” Yeosang responded with a huff. Seonghwa couldn’t help but smirk at Yeosang’s petulance.
“Well I can. You’re going to have to come with me, kid. I’m sorry” the manager said in response, slowly pulling Yeosang’s blanket off and folding it before stuffing it under his arm. While he was clearly not happy about it, Yeosang sat up, resigned to his fate. “Fine, but it’s still not fair” Yeosang said with a pout.
Yunho was the next to speak up, although his voice was muffled, barely audible as he spoke into the couch cushion.
“What was that, Yunho?” The manager asked as he knelt down in front of him, his voice gentle, knowing that Yunho always needed a little extra care and comfort when he was sick.
“I don’t need to go. I don’t have a fever” he repeated, a little louder this time. The manager sighed, laying a cool hand over the nape of Yunho’s neck. “I don’t think that’s quite true, is it? Hmm?”
Yunho ignored him, relishing in the comfort of his touch before his hand warmed from the contact with Yunho’s fevered skin.
“And your hyung said you were throwing up again? Is that true?” The manager questioned, brushing Yunho’s hair back from his face. Yunho only shrugged. “Let’s get you up, nice and slow” he said, taking his time untangling Yunho’s limbs one by one.
“I don’t see the point in playing games,” Jongho said as the manager helped Yunho sit up. “I have a fever. It’s not high, but it’s a fever. But I also don’t want to end up like that” Jongho said bluntly, gesturing toward Yeosang and Yunho’s end of the couch. He didn’t have to elaborate further. Everybody knew what he meant by that. “So if I have to go, I’ll go.”
The manager signed internally, relieved that at least one member wasn’t putting up a fight.
“Oh, and I mean I’m sure it goes without saying,” Jongho added, level headed as always. “He’s going to have to go.” Jongho looked down at Hongjoong, who had remained fast asleep through the entire conversation.
The manager nodded as he pulled Seonghwa aside. “I’m going to go ahead and take these four.” I’m sure it’s going to take some time to get them checked in and settled.” Seonghwa nodded as the manager continued, pinching the bridge of his nose, a clear indication of his current stress levels. “Call me once the other three are awake. If they wake up still feverish, which they will be, I’m sure, I’ll come back and get them.”
Getting Hongjoong, Yunho, Yeosang, and Jongho packed up and into the van with the manager went about as well as Seonghwa had assumed it would. Four overnight bags, four sick men who struggled to take more than a few steps without needing a break, a frazzled manager who was growing more and more concerned by the minute that their van would get towed before they had everybody loaded up, and Seonghwa, who was putting on the show of a lifetime, not wanting to tip anybody off to how sick he was.
Seonghwa drew in a sigh of relief as he put the last of the members’ bags in the trunk, feeling out of breath and weak. Just as he was about to slide the door closed Yunho broke down in tears.
“Hyung, my pillow” he said between sobs. “I forgot my dog pillow.” Seonghwa felt about ready to go upstairs and throw the damned pillow out an open window and hope for the best, but he smiled instead, ruffling Yunho’s hair and assuring him he’d be right back down with it.
Seonghwa all but collapsed against the stone pillar at the dorm building’s entryway as the van pulled out of sight. The sun was beginning to peak out, a reminder that San, Mingi, and Wooyoung would be waking soon and he’d be repeating this entire process again.
The energy to go back upstairs was alluding him until a woman emerged from the building. A nurse decked out in scrubs, clearly on her way to work for the day. She looked down at Seonghwa, sitting miserably on the cold concrete in his pajamas.
“Are you okay, honey?” She asked kindly. Seonghwa could feel his cheeks heating up even more than they already were from sheer embarrassment. “Did you lock yourself out?”
Seonghwa shook his head, hopping up regrettably fast to his feet and pulling his key out of the pocket of his sweat pants. “I’m just fine, thank you” he said with a tired smile. “Eventful morning is all.”
The woman smiled as she continued to the parking garage. “Hope the day turns around for you” she added over her shoulder. Seonghwa flashed a friendly wave, knowing that it would only get worse from there.
Seonghwa had managed to get another hour or two of sleep on the couch before Mingi woke up.
“It’s so quiet…” Mingi grumbled, running a hand through his hair as Mingi collapsed heavily at the other end of the couch.
“Well, it’s just you, me, San, and Wooyoungie here right now. And San and Woo are still asleep” Seonghwa replied, tip toeing around the matter at hand.
Mingi simply raised his eyebrow, sensing that his hyung had more to say.
“Listen Mingi,” Seonghwa resumed, uncharacteristically frazzled. “Don’t shoot the messenger but manager-hyung was here this morning. He put his foot down, anybody running a fever this morning has to go to the hospital.”
The silence hung heavy for what felt to Seonghwa like an eternity before Mingi replied.
“Well, I’m not going” Mingi said with a shrug. Seonghwa closed his eyes, his head pounding uncontrollably.
“Mingi, I’m sorry but it’s not up to you. Fuck, it’s not even up to me” Seonghwa said but Mingi remained unmoved.
“I’m not Yunho and I’m not Wooyoung. I’m more than capable of taking care of myself…” Mingi was cut off by Seonghwa.
“Mingi that’s mean and uncalled for” he said firmly.
Mingi sighed, relenting. “I didn’t mean it that way. It came out wrong. But I really don’t need to go. My fever is hasn’t gone up.”
“But it hasn’t broken?” Seonghwa asked, locking eyes work Mingi in a way that made it clear that the debate was over.
“No, it hasn’t broken” Mingi replied, rolling his eyes like a spoiled teenager.
“Pack your bag with anything you’ll want at the hospital. You might be there overnight so pack accordingly.” Seonghwa was too tired to scold Mingi when he threw the pillow at the end of the couch to the floor and stormed off to his room, slamming the door behind him, causing the pain behind Seonghwa’s eyes to pulsate.
If San and Wooyoung hadn’t been awake before, they certainly were now. San emerged from his room, promptly laying down on the couch and using Seonghwa’s lap as a pillow. They were both silent until San spoke up.
“Wooyoung was talking in his sleep. Asking for his mom” San said with a sigh, covering his eyes with his forearm. “I’m tired, hyung.”
Seonghwa’s heart broke at the fatigue in his voice.
“I heard you tell Mingi we have to go to the hospital. I packed my bag and started Wooyoung’s but…” San’s statement was cut off by a spell of harsh coughs. “I’m sorry, hyung. I felt too weak to finish.”
Seonghwa stroked San’s forehead, trying to comfort him before helping San sit up and laying him back against a pillow. “When did you get so big, my little Sannie-ah?” Seonghwa asked lightly as he draped a blanket over his dongsaeng. “I’ll take care of Wooyoung and get him packed up and ready to go.”
Wooyoung was still burrowed into Yunho’s bed when Seonghwa entered. Tears stained his cheeks, confirming to Seonghwa that he, beyond a doubt, was still running a fever. Seonghwa silently took the bag that San had started packing for Wooyoung, to Wooyoung’s own room, adding a cozy sweatshirt that would keep him comfortable in the hospital, as well as his headphones and a few hair clips, knowing that Wooyoung would get restless if his hair was in his face.
He pulled his phone out and sent a text to the manager as promised:
“The kids are up. Ready to get them to the hospital when you are.”
The process passed in a blur this time. Seonghwa could tell his fever was up, leaving him feeling like his head was floating as he went through the motions. He left the bickering with Mingi to the manager, confident that he had done his part earlier that morning. San, always feeling like he had something to prove, slung his own bag over his shoulder as well as Wooyoung’s, and headed down to the van, that, once again, the manager was convinced would get towed if they took much longer.
Seonghwa pulled the front door closed, the last one out, carrying Wooyoung on his back after it had become clear that Wooyoung was too dizzy to walk. With the last of his dongsaengs safely buckled into the van, Seonghwa turned to go back inside. It was becoming more apparent that he had a finite window of time to get himself back upstairs and into bed before his body gave up.
The manager was about to pull away when he rolled the window down. “Hwa” he called out, putting the van back in park. “Hongjoong texted me. He’s sharing a room with Yunho. He said Yunho is asking for you.”
Seonghwa tensed at that. He meant it with all the love in the world. He adored each and every one of his dongsaengs with his whole heart and he’d do anything for every single one of them without so much as a moment of delay.
But, in the most loving, caring, concerned way -
Not a fucking chance, Yunho.
And with that, that finite window of time closed on Seonghwa.
“I know you’re exhausted. Being a dad is a lot of work, isn’t it?” the manager said with a good-natured chuckle. “If you want to come for a bit I can bring you back in a few hours.”
Seonghwa felt his breath coming faster.
“I can’t breathe” he mumbled, losing his balance and tripping into the side of the van with a thump.
He was now coughing, gasping for breath. It all happened in slow motion. He looked into the window of the van, seeing Wooyoung sleeping with his head in San’s lap.
That sounded so fucking good right now.
“Hwa!” He heard a voice call out. Strangely it sounded somehow far too loud but also so far away, simultaneously.
“M’ tired, hyung” Seonghwa said with a final sigh, giving in to the immediate need to sleep.
It took no time at all for Seonghwa to realize where he was when he came to. The stark white walls and ceiling, the ambient sound of beeping equipment and the overwhelming smell of sanitizer that, even completely congested, was still evident.
Yep. He hand landed himself in the hospital with the rest of the members.
Eight makes one team and all that, I guess.
Seonghwa couldn’t help but feel bitter for a moment. He had made sure everybody else had a soft blanket packed in their bag but here he was, covered in one that felt like paper.
He closed his eyes again, the pain behind his eyes no match for the bright fluorescent lights overhead. That’s when he heard the voice of his manager talking to somebody outside his door. The voices were muffled, which was further compounded by the fact he couldn’t seem to hear very well out of his right ear, but he was able to make out a few words.
“Private room.”
He turned his head, cracking his eyes slightly. He did have a private room. He sighed in relief at that. No members bothering him when all he wanted, no, needed, to do was sleep.
“Bruised shoulder.”
Yeah, that checked out too. His shoulder felt tender where he had made contact with the side of the van before he…before he fell asleep? Passed out? What exactly had happened?
And the last thing he heard before the door opened:
Before he could process that a nurse appeased his bedside. He opened his eyes for a moment as she laid a hand over his forehead. It felt far more heavenly than a simple touch had the right to feel. She looked familiar.
“Sorry that the day didn’t turn around.” She stated as she slipped a thermometer probe under his tongue. So that’s where he recognized her from. The parking lot earlier that morning. It beeped in a matter of seconds.
Seonghwa tried to sit up to get a glance at the reading on the box-like device in her hand but was gently pushed back.
“What’s my temp?” He asked, his voice surprisingly gravelly. She sighed with a sad smile, as she injected something into his IV line. She was silent for a moment, concentrating on dosing Seonghwa with the right amount of medication.
“You’ve got a fever, honey” the nurse replied as she released the IV bag and stepped across the room, grabbing an ice pack and wrapping it in a cloth before draping it over Seonghwa’s brow. He could see her lips moving but couldn’t make out what she was saying. She even picked up the thermometer again and showed him the reading but his eyes couldn’t seem to actually make it out. Couldn’t be too bad he supposed. Or maybe, more so, hoped.
That’s right.
“You’re going to feel sleepy. Don’t fight it” he heard the nurse’s voice.
Fight it? After sleepless nights, dealing with endless crying, puking, fainting, sweating, sneezing, coughing, and arguing? No, fighting it didn’t even cross his mind.
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fairyniceyeah · 1 month
⌛🦊I don’t wanna stop until the break of dawn
Title from IT’s You (ATEEZ)
Summary: Wooyoung is sick, again. Seonghwa corners him only to find him burning up and overwhelmed.
CW: mentions of death
Sickie: Wooyoung Caretaker: Seonghwa
“Wooyoungie, stop.” Seonghwa sighed, looking at his dongsaeng through the mirror. His face was full of worry and a hint of disappointment.
Wooyoung slumped into himself, bracing himself on the sink. With Seonghwa cornering him in the bathroom across their dance practice room, he knew he was doomed.
“Hyung”, he acknowledged the elder and bent down to wash his face with the cool water. It gave him a second longer to compose himself. Though he was slowly doubting that there was anything left of him to piece back together, he felt so frayed.
He had been slacking in his duties, he was well aware, even though he had tried his best. But he was so so tired. 
Normally he was the loudest member of ATEEZ. It was just a fact of life, like how Hongjoong was the clumsiest person alive and Yunho was just an overgrown, human puppy. He also knew that none of his members minded, in fact he had been told on several occasions by some of the quieter members (namely Yeosang, San and Jongho) that it was a relief to have him so the attention was off of them, especially when tired and running on no sleep. 
ATINY sometimes joked that he was whiny and … well, maybe he was? Seonghwa and Hongjoong did joke about that too, but in a very kind and appreciative way. They didn’t mind and they liked taking care of him, right? Seonghwa said that Wooyoung was easy to love and Wooyoung was proud that he had managed to crack the walls that Hongjoong had built around himself in an attempt to fulfill what he perceived was the role of the captain.
So they didn’t mind focusing their attention on him, right? Wooyoung was the second youngest and with Jongho not quite happy with the typical maknae agenda, most attention was on Wooyoung. He knew that the older members liked taking care of him, even Mingi who liked acting like he was the maknae too.
Still, he wondered if he sometimes wasn’t too much? It wouldn’t be the first time that people would call him that, childhood friends and bullies alike had called him that. And the eldest had so much on their plates - he couldn’t take all the attention. 
Besides, he had missed so many schedules already due to his diagnosis of cholinergic urticaria earlier in the year. So many things had to be accommodated for him and he couldn’t help but feel … useless? Everybody was going forward in their careers and he himself was falling behind, falling backwards. It was only a matter of time before he was left behind in their shining glory.
So yeah, he had been quiet the past days, finding no energy to be active. No energy to bother his hyungs and their maknae in good spirit. It was exhausting enough to just quietly follow the schedule and hope that nobody noticed he was unwell again. 
For days Wooyoung had been simultaneously hot and cold, sweating and shivering at the same time. His body was aching like he had been through the worst dance practice ever (which he hadn’t - the past days they had been doing vocal training, so there was no reason for his muscles to be this sore). He was tired, even after eight hours of sleep, much more than he normally got around this time of year but everybody had been too busy to notice him skipping dinner in order to get to sleep sooner and skip breakfast in order to sleep longer. Still, despite not having eaten since lunch the day before he wasn’t hungry at all, the opposite really. Above all, the worst was the headache pulsing through his temples.
But all of that didn’t mean he couldn’t just stop working. There was so much to do. So much he had to catch up to. He owed it to his hard-working members.
Yet, when he resurfaced from the sink, Seonghwa had a frown of concern on his face, not a frown of anger. 
“We all know you’re sick, Young-ah”, his hyung then said, crossing the room to place a hand on Wooyoung’s shoulder. “You don’t have to keep going. We tried to pretend for your sake that we didn’t notice the last few days since you didn’t say anything but I’m starting to think that it was the wrong decision.”
“It’s fine, hyung”, Wooyoung countered, shrugging the hand off. “I’m fine. I can keep going.”
“And how long will you be able to keep it up? Will you stop before or will you go on pretending you’re fine until you’re so sick you’re out again?” Seonghwa’s voice was soft but his words caused anger to stir in Wooyoung’s blood.
He whirled around to face the older, ignoring the way the bathroom spun around him.
“You’re right. Again. Either I’m sick or benched or unable to participate. I’ve been out so often that it’s probably what you’re used to, right? So yes, I will work until I drop, until I can’t anymore, even if it’s the last thing I do. At least then I can say I did it for the group, considering I have barely done anything for the group the past half year.”
He huffed, breathing troubled as he finished his rant in one breath. It felt good to get it off his chest finally. All his thoughts and fears.
What didn’t feel good was the way he saw Seonghwa’s eyes start to tear up. It was clear he had not expected the words Wooyoung had spit at him. Maybe it was unfair of him to drop it all on his hyung, his hyung who was still grieving no matter how he pretended for ATINY he wasn’t.
“I don’t want to lose another person I am close to, Wooyoungie. Not now, not ever. Not you.” Seonghwa’s voice was shaky.
To his horror, Wooyoung felt tears burn in his own eyes, threatening to spill down his cheeks. He had really fucked up. He hadn’t wanted to make his hyung sad. Aggressively he wiped his eyes, trying to push past Seonghwa to exit the small room. He needed to get back to practice. 
He didn’t get far. His steps were weak, legs shaking like a newborn deer’s, and suddenly there were arms pulling him into a tight embrace. Wooyoung couldn’t deny that it felt good to be hugged, having longed for human contact ever since his skin started to get sensitive from all the sweat drenching his body.
He struggled against Seonghwa nonetheless, knowing if he stayed in his hyung’s loving arms any longer he would not get back to work again. No matter how much he shook, trying to push Seonghwa away, no matter how he begged to be let go - Seonghwa didn’t let go of him.
With a frustrated cry Wooyoung fell forward into Seonghwa’s chest, burying his face in the soft fabric of his sweater. One of Seonghwa’s hands ran up and down Wooyoung’s spine, the other cupped the back of his head. And Wooyoung sobbed until he was hoarse. 
For all Wooyoung knew it could have been hours, days or years he had cried in Seonghwa’s hug. Any sense of time was gone. He just felt hollow and sick now.
His knees buckled and Seonghwa could do was to gently lower both of them to the floor, Wooyoung haphazardly sprawled over Seonghwa’s lap. The older still had a hand on Wooyoung’s back but now he moved to roll Wooyoung on his side and tenderly stroked back Wooyoung’s hair that had fallen into his face and stuck to the salty, wet skin.
“You with me, baby? Did you pass out?”, he asked.
“‘m good. I don’t think so”, Wooyoung mumbled, and then. “Sorry.”
“There is nothing you have to apologize for. You’re hurting and sick. Hyung is just really worried, you know.”
“I don’t want you to worry.”
“You’re our baby. We’ll always be worried about you, Wooyoungie, no matter if you’re twenty-five or eighty-five”, Seonghwa replied, “I thought you knew that by now. We will have to talk about everything you said. Later. For now: How are you feeling?”
“I don’t wanna talk now or later”, Wooyoung mumbled, completely drained. He couldn’t care less that the cold of the tiles was seeping into his skin and he was shaking again; his hyung’s lap was comfy and he was tired. He said as much, adding: “Cold. Sore. My head hurts. I just wanna sleep if you’re not letting me continue work anymore.”
“Thought as much”, Seonghwa said, placing the back of his head against Wooyoung’s forehead. “And you’re burning up. Are you itchy?”
Oh God, now that Seonghwa had mentioned it, Wooyoung noticed it. He subconsciously moved his hand to lift his shirt, wanting to get to what he supposed was a rash on his abdomen - again. He was stopped by Seonghwa taking his hand and lifting his shirt himself. 
“Oh dear. Let’s get you home so you can take your anti-histamine and some meds.”
Seonghwa’s idea was heaven. And his aching body was hell. There was no way that Wooyoung would be able to get up now that he had hit rock bottom, literally. His desperation must have shown on his face because Seonghwa chuckled lightly. “I’m not letting you walk, kiddo. Let me call Sangie for you, okay?”
By the time Yeosang arrived, Hongjoong in tow, Wooyoung was deeply asleep.
Masterlist links: Fairy's Full Masterlist Fairy's Masterlist - ATEEZ
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sickonthedancefloor · 3 months
Y'all remember that Ateez teaser I wrote a billion years ago? Well.
Yunho wears himself down at the beginning of promotion season. Seonghwa notices, he always does.
Sickie: Yunho Caretakers: Seonghwa, Wooyoung
It’s just how Yunho operates, and yet it worries Seonghwa every time. Seonghwa had seen how tired the taller dancer had been lately, how this comeback seemed to be taking his energy from him every day. A new live filming at 4 in the morning, flying early to another concert performance, more interviews, more youtube specials. For the past week, Seonghwa has seen his soft eye bags darkening with each passing day, but in true Yunho fashion, there’s never any complaints.
It was the performance on M-Countdown that had been the first downfall. The performance went well, Atiny were energetic, and the group was in a rare form of ultra excitement. But during the wind-down, as they filmed tiktok challenges with other idols, Seonghwa had caught Yunho leaning heavily on their manager, walking oddly as they moved backstage. Yunho waved Mingi off with a smile, but Seonghwa caught the wince when Yunho placed weight down on his left foot. It was later when he’d learned that Yunho had stepped wrong during their last performance, and the adrenaline had kept he pain away until he was winding down.
Ice and painkillers and propping it up, the stationed medic recommended. It wasn’t broken, wasn’t very swollen, but if he hurt his muscle, it would just need some time to rest up. Annoying, Yunho had told Seonghwa later. But just a sprain. I’m okay.
Annoying in the sense that he can’t just shove both of his feet in his shoes and go. Frustrating that he needs to take a Tylenol and ignore the throbbing to perform, but his responses to the staff are just that he’s okay to power through it, he can walk just fine. They wrap it with bandages for a performance, and the pressure helps, but Seonghwa can see it taking its toll. Slowly but surely.
“Let me know if you need anything, okay?” Seonghwa tells him softly.
“I will, hyung.” He won’t.
But Yunho naps the hour-long flight to Tokyo, and he’s stiff and limping when they get up and takes a few moments to stretch before deboarding. He tells them he just wants to nap it off for a little when they get settled, and they let him when they arrive and get settled in their stay. They tug out his futon first and leave him to rest; and he wakes up with Wooyoung curled against him, drooling on his pillow.
The show goes well. Rehearsal was smooth, everyone felt great, Yunho even performed a freestyle cypher for the dance battle when he got into it. And when they came back, Yunho, being Yunho, goes to reassure Atiny that he’s fine. He was too forthcoming on their apps, a little too honest; but he just likes that transparency between himself and their fans. He likes being at least a little honest with them, even if it’s not always positive. His ankle doesn’t hurt much, and he’s tired, but he will be okay.
Yunho is not fine, which is why Seonghwa goes to join him. Yunho was fine enough that Atiny doesn’t catch on, and the two end their somewhat chaotic toktoq live with laughter and smiles while they tease San over his own live. Once the camera gets put away, app closed and schedule officially done for the night, Seonghwa watches as Yunho leans back onto the floor, letting out a deep breath as he closes his eyes.
Seonghwa doesn’t hesitate to lean over and look at him. Really look at him. He looks tired, even underneath the remnants of makeup, and he winces when he turns to his side when he moves his problem leg. His ankle must be bothering him again, Seonghwa realizes. But his cheeks, oddly enough, are glowing pink under the fading foundation. His oldest dongsaeng is just pushing through the day, he can tell.
“Hmm?” Yunho doesn’t move.
“When’s the last time you took any medication?” Seonghwa squats next to Yunho’s side, placing a slim hand on his forehead. There’s an unnatural heat, but he doesn’t feel scorching; it’s a fever probably just high enough to feel uncomfortable. Yunho leans into the touch and doesn’t answer for a long while. For a moment, Seonghwa’s concerned he fell asleep.
Then: “…before soundcheck, I think?”
That was… hours and hours ago. They had done soundcheck in the morning because of the festival’s length, and had done lunch, costume changes, the performance, even a dance cypher that had Yunho jumping around in pure excitement. They’d had a late breakfast then gone straight to the venue. No wonder he seemed so drained when the adrenaline wore off. Yunho hadn’t complained at all.
“Come on, let hyung get you something for the pain.” Seonghwa sighs, stroking back Yunho’s bangs. “Do you have any cold medicine with you too?”
Yunho nods, gesturing towards his smaller bag on the table. “In my bag. I can get it in a second. You don’t have to worry about it.”
But Seonghwa doesn’t wait. The older one just heads up to get the bag, rummaging through it until he finds a little pouch where Yunho keeps his medication. There’s just acetaminophen, some general cough suppressant, and a blister pack of heavier-strength cold medicine. He takes a few moments to read the labels before heading back to Yunho with his water bottle from the table. With a dramatic sigh, Seonghwa sits onto the floor next to Yunho, nudging his arm with his knee.
“Come on, Yunho, sit up for me?”
Seonghwa spares a glance over to Yunho, who slowly pushes himself upright, before just rolling to his side and setting his head on Seonghwa’s leg. “Can I just sleep here, hyung?” Yunho asks. His tone is light, like a joke, but Seonghwa can tell his dongsaeng is more than ready for some uninterrupted rest. Well, they won’t be up much longer. Meds, cleaning up and brushing his teeth, then sleep. He pops two pills out of the blister pack and puts them in Yunho’s waiting open hand. He then adds a Tylenol, then glances at the cough suppressant.
“Have you been coughing, Yunho-yah? I haven’t heard anything from you.”
Yunho shrugs idly. “Not much, just usually if my nose is runny, from the drainage. But it’s been okay today.”
Okay today. How many days has it been? Seonghwa nods in acknowledgement, deciding to set that pill aside for if those symptoms occur. He opens the water bottle and watches Yunho take the medication, encouraging him to drink a little more to keep from getting dehydrated. Yunho drops his head on Seonghwa’s shoulder, yawning softly.
“Hyung… I’m tired.”
“I know, Yunho-yah. Come on, let’s get ready for bed. Do you want to go take a shower and I’ll go find your pajamas?”
Yunho nods against Seonghwa, but he doesn’t move for a few extra moments. It’s only when Seonghwa’s sure he’s about to fall asleep does he bump him and tell him to get up, watching as the tall puppy-like member slinks towards the bathroom. Seonghwa goes to his suitcase and opens it, pleased to see Yunho’s organization habits were still the same; his pajamas and casual clothing were still tucked on one side together, everything folded by outfit plans. Seonghwa grabs a set of clean pajamas and underwear, delivering it to the bathroom. He sneaks into his own room to change briefly, figuring he could just do his skincare once Yunho fell asleep. Yunho came from the bathroom after a bit after, dressed and clean and a little dazed from the extra steam. Seonghwa just tucks him into his futon, covering him with the comforter and making sure his feet are covered up. He keeps Yunho’s foot propped on an extra pillow. The taller man smiles sleepily at him.
And in a lazy, cute little sing-song voice, to the tune of their song Thank U¸ he says: “Thank you.” And the two of them giggle.
“Go sleep, silly.”
“Don’t stay up tonight worrying about me, okay, hyung?”
Seonghwa smiles. “Of course. Good night.” He flips off his main light and stays in until Yunho falls asleep, then heads off to his own room.
When Seonghwa slips into Yunho’s room the next morning, he sighs when he sees his younger member fast asleep still, alarm beeping from across the room. Seonghwa turns off the phone’s alarm, a little surprised to see that Yunho didn’t stir at all. The tall member was curled on his side, sweat-soaked hair clinging to his forehead, blanket haphazardly pushed down to his waist. His shirt was also damp with sweat, breaths coming out in a rapid, huffy pace. At one point, his body trembles as he coughs roughly, before he stills.
Touching his forehead, he frowns; Yunho’s definitely gotten worse overnight. The touch has Yunho stirring, the man groaning as he slowly wakes up.
“Yunho-ya,” Seonghwa calls softly, pulling his hand away.
“Hmm…?” Yunho squints his eyes open. “Hyung?”
“There you are…” Seonghwa smiles. “Good morning.” He tries to keep himself calm, to not upset Yunho too early, especially as he’s waking up. He can see Yunho trying to get his bearings, glancing around the room before he turns on his side to cough again. Seonghwa is quick to rub his back, reaching over with his other hand to grab Yunho’s water bottle. He’s glad to see Yunho drank more throughout the night, so at least he was trying not to become dehydrated. When Yunho’s coughing spell stops, Seonghwa hands him the water bottle, and he takes a sip.
When he sets the bottle down, Yunho pushes himself to sit up, grimacing as he moves. “Good morning,” he mumbles. He pulls at his shirt from where it clings to his stomach. “Ugh…”
“Not feeling any better, huh…” Seonghwa guesses. He moves a hand back to Yunho’s back and continues to rub circles, trying to be somewhat comforting. “Did you sleep all night?”
Yunho shakes his head with a sigh. “Woke up coughing… So I took more medicine, went back to sleep.” At least he was trying. After a moment, he just shakes his head again and leans forward, ripping off his shirt. When the air conditioning hits his shoulders, he shudders.
“Yunho— At least let me get you a new shirt!” Seonghwa hurries to Yunho’s bag, grabbing another tee. He helps Yunho into it, pulling the blanket up to his stomach.
“Seonghwa-hyung… can you grab me new shorts too?” Yunho mumbles. His ears turn pink at the request, feeling a little embarrassed.
Seonghwa nodded, but paused to glance over his shoulder. “Do you want to take a quick shower? Maybe a little rinse off may make you feel better.” Especially if his fever is breaking, even if he took one yesterday.
Yunho shakes his head, but grimaces and sets his forehead into his hands.
“Oh… headache?”
Well, that didn’t help. Seonghwa goes back to Yunho’s medicine bag to see if he had any headache medication on him as well, but he sighs when he doesn’t find it. Yunho hasn’t had any terrible headaches in a while, so Seonghwa isn’t surprised that he left it at home. He just hopes Tylenol and more rest will help it pass. He tugs the medicine container over, along with a new pair of boxers and sleep shorts from Yunho’s suitcase. They’re not strangers to changing in front of each other, but as Yunho seems to be a little more sensitive at the moment—probably from the illness, rather than shyness—Seonghwa just focuses on trying to pull out new medicine while he changes. He laughs when he sees Yunho throw the dirty clothes in the direction of his suitcase, landing in a heap a few feet away from it.
“Do you remember what time you took your medicine last night?” Seonghwa asks.
“Uh… around one thirty or something? It was dark, I used my phone to find them but… didn’t really look at it.” Which honestly explained why it was further away. Yunho probably just tucked himself back into the futon and went back to sleep once he grabbed the pills. Seonghwa hums but knocks out an assortment of tablets, setting them in Yunho’s hand. The blonde doesn’t even question it, just tossing all the pills in at once and swallowing the water—which leads to another coughing fit. Seonghwa just rubs his back with a sigh.
“Next time, one at a time, okay?”
Yunho just nods in agreement. His eyes are closing, and as the fit subsides, he finds himself leaning into Seonghwa’s embrace. The older one just helps him lay down, fixing the blanket over him.
“Sleep, honey.”
He falls into slumber easily.
Yunho isn’t sure what he dreamt about, but he awakens in a panic, his heart racing and eyes glancing every which direction. He’s breathing heavily, and just from the force, his chest aches. His eyes burn with unshed tears, and as his shoulders begin to shake, he feels a pair of arms wrap around him and hold tightly. Wooyoung’s soft voice flits in his ear: “It’s okay, Yunho-ya, you’re okay. It was just a nightmare.”
Just… a nightmare. Yunho just focuses on his breathing, turning his head where he can hear Wooyoung’s voice coming from; he can barely see anything, with the room being dark and his vision blurring as he blinks falling tears. Wooyoung just continues to hush him, letting Yunho tuck his head into the crook of Wooyoung’s neck. His fingers run through his hair, and he rocks him gently while Yunho gets his bearings straight.
“Yeah… You’re okay, Yunho. Deep breaths, breathe with me. In…” They take a breath in. “Out.” And a shuddered breath out from Yunho. His shoulders droop. Wooyoung makes him take a few more deep breaths before he eases his grip, his hands moving to Yunho’s cheeks, thumbs brushing away the moisture on his cheeks.
“Yuyu… You just had a nightmare, that’s all. You started thrashing around.”
Yunho frowns, his face pressing against Wooyoung’s hands. Wooyoung just leads his to his shoulder and hugs him again. “I don’t… remember it. I just…” He groans. His mind feels so foggy, his headache mostly gone but lingering in the back of his mind. He feels so disoriented, and it takes him a little longer with Wooyoung just rubbing his back and smoothing down his hair to realize that he really is awake. He feels sore.
“Ssh, ssh, you’re okay. Do you want to try something to eat? It may help…”
He doesn’t want to move, to be honest. Yunho’s back hurts, but Wooyoung’s hand is easing away the tension that’s formed and he’s slowly beginning to feel like putty in his grasp. His eyes close, and with a soft sniffle, he turns his head to the side where it rests more comfortably. Wooyoung’s hands pause, and all it does is garner a soft whine from Yunho.
“Don’t fall asleep on me, silly!”
“ ‘m not…” He was.
That’s when Yunho hears a second set of footsteps enter, and given how light the steps were, he’s sure they’re Seonghwa’s. “He’s awake?”
Wooyoung leans back a few inches, bringing Yunho with him while he cranes his head backwards. “He’s trying to fall asleep again.”
“We should probably feed him,” Seonghwa says with a soft laugh. “He hasn’t eaten since yesterday and it’s almost noon…”
Wooyoung and Seonghwa’s voices, as soft and gentle as they were, merely lull him back to slumber, curled right up where he was against Wooyoung’s shoulder. Thankfully, the shorter member doesn’t nudge him for a few good minutes, and Yunho rouses to a delicious smell of ramen. When Wooyoung pulls him to sit up, he catches Seonghwa sitting next to him, a tray resting beside him with a warm meal. And it looks delicious. Yunho blinks sleepily, a small smile forming.
It's from their favorite ramen shop in Japan. They’d ordered, knowing Yunho would appreciate the little pick-me-up. The dish was more broth and vegetables than toppings, which worked for him as he wasn’t overly hungry in the first place. He doesn’t complain as Wooyoung repositions the two so Yunho is laying with his back to his chest, slouching between Wooyoung’s legs. Seonghwa scoots over, and he swats Yunho’s hand away when he reaches for the spoon.
“You’ll spill.”
He would. Seonghwa was right. Yunho just drops his hands on either side, and they find Wooyoung’s quickly. Wooyoung gives his hands a gentle squeeze. The two members talk casually on the morning earlier while Seonghwa feeds Yunho, updating him about Mingi’s accidental build-kit purchase and the lego snacks he found. Apparently, there was already a goody bag of snacks with Yunho’s name on it for when he was doing better. That had Yunho smiling while he chewed his latest spoonful. It was nice knowing his friends were so caring, especially while he was unwell like this.
When Yunho accepts another spoonful, he blinks as his eyes go foggy. It takes him a small sniffle to realize that he’s already about to cry, and when he finally blinks, a few small blinks in succession, tears roll down his cheeks.
“Oh, Yuyu!” Seonghwa smiles, setting down the bowl to reach for Yunho’s cheeks. Gentle hands wipe at the tears while Wooyoung hugs him a little tighter, curling in over his shoulder.
“I—I just.. I love you guys so much!” Yunho babbles, and the tears just fall harder.
That gets Wooyoung laughing softly, planting a kiss on the crown of his head. “We love you too, silly! Don’t cry!”
“I didn’t wanna…”
Wooyoung lets go of his hands so Yunho can wipe at his cheeks, but the smaller one hugs him closer because of it. The pressure from Wooyoung behind him, and the firmness of Seonghwa’s hands at his cheeks with the softness of his thumbs brushing his face, is a reassuring comfort. It doesn’t take him too long to stop crying, but the episode gives him sniffles. Seonghwa makes him blow his nose before he reheats the ramen and returns to feeding him. And the two keep the conversation lighter, talking about some new drama they watched, in the hopes of keeping Yunho from getting too overwhelmed again.
It has an adverse effect. As he eats, he droops, and after half the bowl, he decides he’s done. “Here, take these.” More meds from Seonghwa, but Yunho doesn’t even look at them all, just takes them two at a time as Seonghwa gives them to him. And after a few moments, he rests again.
“Comfy, Yunho?” Wooyoung asks him softly.
“I feel like… every time I close my eyes, I get sleepy.” Yunho’s begun mumbling. He’s exhausted.
Seonghwa just laughs. “Then rest, silly.”
And he does, knowing that even if he doesn’t say what’s wrong, he knows his team will find out. And they’ll care for him. Curled up to Wooyoung’s side, Yunho sleeps just a little easier.
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darl-ingfics · 9 days
Sicktember Day 13: Mononucleosis
Fandom: ATEEZ
Sickie: Wooyoung, Yeosang (mono)
Caregiver(s): Hongjoong, Seonghwa
Word Count: 2,199
Notes: I am, admittedly, not the most thrilled with how this turned out, but c'est la vie. I also finished this one pretty last minute cause I had several little bits of dialogue that needed to be strung together. I also know so little about mono, and everything is from Google.
When Wooyoung stumbled out of his room, feeling like death warmed over and craving a little attention from his members, he did not expect to find the room dark except for the light of the muted TV and the couch already occupied. Yeosang was curled up, looking just as bad as Wooyoung felt: skin dully pale, shadows under his eyes, body laying as if it weighed a thousand pounds. Their eyes locked. 
“Mind if I join?”
“Welcome to the party.” Yeosang curled his knees even closer to his chest to make room for Wooyoung on the other end of the couch.
“Your throat hurt like hell too?” Wooyoung asked as he collapsed on the other end of the couch. He stuck his feet under Yeosang’s blanket, and the other didn’t fight him. 
Yeosang nodded. “Tired as hell?”
“You know it.” 
“Great. Glad we can die of the plague together.”
“No one else I’d rather go down with.” 
Yeosang hummed. “I’m actually kinda worried, Woo. I felt totally fine last night, and now even the thought of moving is painful.”
“Funny you say that, cause I was starting to think the same thing. The ‘I was all good last night’ bit. I actually wasn’t all that worried. Until you just said that.” Yeosang’s foot reached out and met Wooyoung’s. “Now I’m less nervous.” Yeosang chuckled at that, but the sound quickly became a groan. 
They laid there, staring blankly at the TV, for an indefinite amount of time. Wooyoung had forgotten his phone in his room, and there was no way he was moving back there on his own. It wasn’t like Yeosang could help him. They were stranded on the couch until someone else found them. 
And that person ended up being San. “Good morning!” he chirped happily, passing the couch on his way to the kitchen. “You two have a sleep over without inviting the rest of us?”
“Something like that.” 
San stopped dead in his tracks, turning back to the couch comically slow. Wooyoung’s response may’ve been cheeky, but his voice was… off. He walked back around the couch, taking a good look at both Yeosang and Wooyoung. Lips pouted in confusion, San flipped on the lamp on the end table. His eyes went wide. “Oh my god, what’s wrong with you?”
“Is it that bad?” Yeosang asked. 
“You look like actual zombies,” San replied. 
“Maybe that’s what we’ve got, Sangie: Zombie flu.” Wooyoung tapped Yeosang’s foot this time, earning a single chuckle from the other man. San’s eyes flew wide, and he immediately brought his shirt up to cover his mouth and nose as he backed away. “San, it was a joke!”
“I know, but I’m guest MC-ing Music Core this week, and I really can’t afford to get the flu right now, zombie or otherwise…” Wooyoung couldn’t decide if he felt bad at San’s panic, or if he wanted to laugh at how ridiculous he was being. “I’m getting Hongjoong and Seonghwa…”  
“Noooo! Don’t wake them!” Yeosang whined, burying his face deeper in the throw pillow. San made a mental note to lysol off the whole couch. Maybe burn it. 
“I’m waking them.” He set off before either of them could complain. 
“Has he always been such a germaphobe?” Wooyoung asked. 
Yeosang shrugged. “I mean, I get it. I wouldn’t want to have zombie flu on camera either.”
“Fair point.”
“Now what’s going on here?” Yunho appeared seemingly out of nowhere, standing in front of the couch, hands placed on his hips as if inspecting some sort of silly shenanigan. This was not a silly shenanigan, thank you very much. 
“We are becoming zombies,” Yeosang announced simply. 
“Okay. How did that happen?” Yunho played right along, noting the glaze in the younger man’s eyes, and hoping to either a.) keep him awake long enough for the MATZ line to check his out, and/or b.) get him to say something funny. 
“Your guess is as good as mine. We have not been in contact with any other zombies or hazardous materials.” 
“Yeah, we both just woke up like this.” Wooyoung attempted to pose without sitting up at all, the movement awkward and looking more like contortion than modeling. Yunho tried his best not to laugh, and was thankfully saved by the entrance of Hongjoong and Seonghwa, San trailing behind them. 
“Now what is this about a zombie flu?” Seonghwa asked. Both and Hongjoong had their arms full of supplies from the medicine cabinet, and after depositing them on the coffee table, he immediately moved to lay a hand on Wooyoung and Yeosang’s foreheads simultaneously. 
“Hyung, I think we’re dying,” Wooyoung announced before Hongjoong slipped the thermometer in his mouth. 
“How so?” the captain asked. “Give me symptoms.”
“Extremely tired. Very sore throat. Entire body aches. Felt fine last night,” Yeosang rattled off. 
“See? Dying!” Wooyoung exclaimed around the thermometer. Hongjoong flicked his forehead. 
“Relax. You probably just caught Yunho-hyung’s cold,” Jongho rolled his eyes. Neither Wooyoung nor Yeosang had noticed him enter the room, but he was currently sitting in the recliner, supervising as Hongjoong and Seonghwa desperately tried to play doctor to the group’s most impatient patient. And Yeosang too. 
“Not nice. Mingi had it first!” Yunho poked the maknae’s shoulder. 
“And I didn’t have a fever,” Mingi (when did he get here?!) pointed out. “And I don’t think Yunho did either.” 
The dancer shook his head. “Nope. And neither of us were this fatigued.”
“Wouldn’t classify it as a ‘very sore throat,’” Mingi added, starting to count on his fingers. 
“Okay, okay we get it,” Wooyoung whined around the thermometer again, rolling his eyes as he slumped back against the couch. He frowned, whole face creasing as Seonghwa pointed the thermometer gun at Yeosang’s forehead. He thankfully waited until Hongjoong pulled the device from his mouth before asking, “Why did you only use the forehead reader on Sangie?”
“So you’d be quiet for a little bit,” Hongjoong answered plainly, assessing the numbers on the screen. Seonghwa showed him Yeosang’s reading as well. 
“Also, kinda gross to put the same thermometer that was just in your mouth in his,” Mingi commented. 
“Can we put a pause on the peanut gallery?” Wooyoung asked, pointing puppy dog eyes at Seonghwa. The eldest ran his fingers through Wooyoung’s hair, similar to a puppy, but the feeling soothed him somewhat.
“Well, you’re both burning up, so it’s probably not the cold the rest of you had,” Hongjoong commented, starting at the thermometers as if doing so would give him answers. “But I’m stumped. Fever, fatigue, sore throat, but nothing else…”
“Should we get them looked at by a doctor?” San asked from the back of the room. To Wooyoung, it almost looked like he was hiding behind Mingi. As if that would save him from their germs. 
“Most definitely.” Hongjoong was tapping away at his phone now, likely alerting their managers to the situation. 
“Do we have to go right now?” Yeosang’s voice bordered on a whine. Hongjoong couldn’t help but pout with him, ruffling the dancer’s hair affectionately. 
“Well, it’s only 6:30 in the morning. The doctor isn’t in yet, buddy. So you two can rest here for a bit longer. Hopefully they can fit you in ASAP.”
“Cuddle with me, Sangie!” Wooyoung lunged forward towards his friend, resting on his abdomen. Yeosang squirmed away with an annoyed whine, t-shirt riding up over his hips from Wooyoung’s grabbing hands. He pulled it roughly back in place, as if seriously upset that Wooyoung would even consider touching him right now, which did confuse Wooyoung as touching feet earlier had not been a problem…
“Wait! Sangie, hold still.” Both members froze as Seonghwa gently lifted the hem of Yeosang’s t-shirt. Yunho gasped as Seonghwa revealed Yeosang’s abdomen and chest, covered with an ocean of red spots. 
“Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god.” San continued repeating the words like a protection spell, covering his mouth with his hands and beginning irritatedly pacing far away from the couch. Seonghwa nodded to Yunho, who immediately suggested he and San go take a walk outside. 
“Wait, what the fuck?” Yeosang gasped. “What is this? I didn’t even feel anything!” His breathing started to pick up. “Hyung, what the fuck’s happening to me?!” Wooyoung simply stared at his friend’s abdomen, frozen in panic. 
“Oh Sangie, shhhh,” Seonghwa soothed, opening his arms and nearly falling back into the coffee table from the force of Yeosang clinging to him. “You’re okay. You’re o-kay. You said you didn’t even feel the rash, right?” 
“No!” Yeosang shook his head against Seonghwa’s shoulder. 
“Well, you’re not gonna like it, but I think this means you have mono, bud.” The eldest glanced over to Wooyoung. “You too, love.” 
Wooyoung blinked, shaking his head as if Seonghwa had just told him there was a dragon living in their basement. “What?” he exclaimed. “There is NO WAY we have mono! Isn’t that the kissing one?”
“Yeah, Hwa, are you sure?” Hongjoong asked, kneeling down on the other side of Yeosang. Seunghwa nodded sadly. “My brother had it once when we were in high school. It’s not just kissing, you can get it from other things too,” he explained, petting Yeosang’s hair gently. The dancer had stopped hyperventilating, but his grip on Seonghwa had only gotten tighter. “Sharing drinks; that’s how my brother’s got it. Sharing chapstick. Maybe even toothbrushes…”
“We don’t share toothbrushes!” Wooyoung insisted. 
“Maybe even toothbrushes touching,” Seonghwa finished gently. “Maybe. It’s possible that you may’ve mixed water bottles with another group at some point, maybe that’s how…” He was cut off by Yeosang lurching away from him, glaring daggers at Wooyoung.
“YOU kissed me!” he exclaimed, immediately wincing at the pain in his throat. “You kissed me when I asked you not to, and here we are!”
Wooyoung’s head cocked to the side. “When?!”
“After our all kill! During the encore stage? You got too excited and grabbed my face and I tried to squirm so you hit my mouth instead of my cheek.”
“That was a month ago!”
“Yeah, about that, mono does have a four to six week incubation period.” Hongjoong held up his phone, where he’d been fact checking mono symptoms. 
Wooyoung clapped his hands to this mouth as his face drained of color. “Oh my god…” Yeosang continued to glare at him. 
“Well, good thing we’ve been super strict about not sharing water bottles,” Hongjoong muttered to Seonghwa, who nodded emphatically. 
“Who would’ve thought there would be an upside to half the group sharing a cold.”
“And that it would be that the rest of us wouldn’t get mono.”
“I can’t believe you gave me mono,” Yeosang huffed, crossing his arms over his chest and physically turning his body as far away from Wooyoung as he could.
Wooyoung’s jaw dropped open. “Um, who said I gave it to you? Maybe YOU had it first and gave it to ME!”
“No. You kissed me. That means it’s your fault.” Now both Yeosang and Wooyoung were pouting on their separate side of the couch. Hongjoong and Seonghwa made the mistake of making eye contact and nearly burst out laughing. 
They were saved by the reappearance of Yunho and San, the dancer’s arm wrapped protectively around the vocalist’s shoulders. 
“Good news, Sannie. They aren’t contagious unless you kiss them!” Mingi cheered. 
“Well why would I ever want to do that?” San replied, pulling a face. Wooyoung threw a pillow at him, causing San to squawk in fear and dodge behind Yunho to not get hit with anything potential contaminated, despite Mingi’s earlier explanation. 
“Okay kids, settle down,” Hongjoong said, holding up his hands for a ceasefire. “I need everyone who’s healthy to go start getting ready for schedules. Yeosang and Wooyoung, I need you two to make up and take care of each other until manager-nim can come get you.”
“Kiss and make up, more like it,” Mingi snorted to himself as he disappeared down the hallway. Wooyoung wound his arm up to throw another pillow at him, but Seonghwa held him back. 
“Rest, Woo,” the eldest said gently. “I know it’s frustrating to be sick, and scary cause we don’t actually know what this is. But all you two can do is rest and let your bodies heal.”
“Okay,” Wooyoung relented. Hongjoong shook his head. Why didn’t Wooyoung ever listen to him like that? “Sangie, I’m sorry I may have gotten you sick.”
“Yeosang?” Hongjoong prompted. 
Yeosang sighed, releasing his arms from their cross. “I’m sorry I may have gotten you sick, and I snapped at you about it.”
“There we go! I think that’s earned you both popsicles later.”
Wooyoung’s eyes lit up immediately, but surprisingly so did Yeosang’s. The dancer never gave into bribery by snack, so he must’ve really wanted that popsicle to be so visibly excited. 
And sure enough, one doctor’s visit later, Yeosang and Wooyoung were curled up together in Wooyoung’s bed, officially diagnosed with mono and contentedly enjoying the promised popsicles, content with the assurance that there were plenty more in the freezer for them over the next few weeks.
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retrochannie · 5 months
If I break my wings, will I certainly crash?
wooyoung angst, hurt/comfort fic
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pairing: no specific pairing genre: angst, hurt/comfort, found family, sickfic wc: 2,185 summary: Jung Wooyoung can't seem to take a break - until his body forces him to
Jung Wooyoung was a lot of things.
A talented performer to fans, a beloved idol to many and an absolute menace to Hongjoong.
He wasn’t, however, all that smart.
Okay maybe that’s too blunt - Wooyoung wasn’t very considerate about his health. He did a decent job most of the time, attending all his doctor appointments and eating a healthy serving of veggies everyday. He just had the tendency to… not know his limit. Or rather, make a repetitive effort to completely neglect his limit in an attempt to go above and beyond. 
It only seems noble when you ignore the consequences.
Exhibit A; the idol in question found himself again in their dance practice room at an ungodly hour of the early morning. With a comeback approaching, Wooyoung felt the familiar pressure of needing his dancing to be absolutely perfect - not only for his self-satisfaction, but to ensure he could be a good help for his members if they had their own tribulations.
That’s how he found himself leaving the dorm in secret while his fellow members rested peacefully, completely none the wiser to his actions. A good thing for Wooyoung, he knew the chastising he’d receive from them if they found out and with that aforementioned comeback on the horizon, he really didn’t want to be the cause of any extra stress.
Besides, it’d be fine! A couple all-nighters on the build up to their comeback and then he’d sleep like the dead. Easy peasy.
He stumbled somewhere in the middle of the dance and cursed. That was the fourth time now and it was starting to piss him off. Walking over to the computer in the room, he started the song from the beginning once again before hurrying over to get into his starting position.
He landed on all fours this time, having been unable to catch his balance. 
Wooyoung was starting to think someone was playing a prank on him, perhaps one of his members had found out about his late night practising and decided to tell him off for it without actually saying anything.
Definitely Yeosang. That’s absolutely a Yeosang move.
Wooyoung looked around him for any sign of foul play from his position on the floor, only to come up short. He checked his shoes - also nothing. 
It didn’t make sense, why was he stumbling all about the place if someone wasn’t messing with him? Had he started regressing in his dancing skills? The thought worried him, hastily moving to get up and restart the music again, needing to get it right. 
Maybe he was more tired than he thought, because as soon as he stood a sudden headrush brought him crash landing back down. 
Oh yeah, he could really feel it now. Rolling onto his back, he felt exhaustion seeping from the pores of his body and Wooyoung partially regretted trying to pull not one but two all-nighters back to back.
He looked over at the clock on the wall to the right of him that read 04:43am and sighed. There wasn’t much he could do about it now, even if he walked back to the dorm at that very second and slept the moment he got there, he would maybe get a maximum of one hour sleep time before he’d have to be up again. 
If it isn’t the consequences of my own actions…
Cursing at himself again, he forced himself to stand, much slower this time to prevent him from passing out then and there before getting back to work. 
He’d let himself sleep well tonight, he’ll be fine.
The other members started filing in a few later, some yawning while others had more energy. Namely Yunho and Mingi who followed behind Hongjoong doing a little dance. Hongjoong, on the other hand, looked at Wooyoung with a frown.
“Yah why are you here so early again? You’ll get sick, you know.” Hongjoong made his way over to him after discarding his bag and coat in the same corner of the room Wooyoung’s own stuff had been sitting since around midnight. Any longer and his stuff will have cobwebs on them when goes to pick them, he joked inwardly.
“Awh hyung~ you care so much about me” Wooyoung teasingly pinched the leader’s cheek, only to have it swatted away as Hongjoong grimaced.
“When did you get here though Woo? I didn’t hear you leave.” Seonghwa looked concerned, but Wooyoung threw him a reassuring grin “I haven’t been here that long! Must’ve left just before you woke up.”
He wasn’t that great of a liar, but Seonghwa seemed to accept his answer (though with the look of concern still present on his features) as he went back to stretching. An activity the rest of his group were busying themselves with too. It made him feel a little out of place, so he decided to go over a couple steps he had gotten stuck on earlier to distract himself until the rest were ready.
Ten minutes later and the group stood in their respective starting positions for Crazy Form, Hongjoong stood by the computer quickly pressing play before running to his own position.
It went okay. Kinda. Wooyoung absolutely skipped a beat at one point and threw himself off a little, but he played it off well and carried on smoothly. When the music ended and it was pointed out he wrote it off as joking around, which got a laugh out of most of them and an exasperated chuckle out of others.
He prayed they didn’t see the way his jaw clenched in frustration. The way he wobbled on his feet.
It wasn’t good enough.
They voted to go through it again before moving onto another track and Wooyoung found himself nodding along in agreement. Except, he was really starting to feel at his limit. His eyes felt dry, heavy and so utterly tired. His head was fuzzy and every step he took to get into position was done in some sort of auto-pilot mode - not quite processing what he was doing as he was doing it. 
He was dead on his feet.
The music started again and this time Wooyoung didn’t know who hit the play button.
Now credit where credits due, Wooyoung didn’t drop immediately. He’d argue he made it a solid minute and a bit before his vision fizzled out - not even registering hitting the floor. One minute he was trying to watch his reflection, desperate for his moves to come across as anything but sloppy and the next…
Well the next second he was laying there, staring up at Jongho and Seonghwa’s panicking faces.
Ah, he was gonna be in so much trouble.
“He’s awake! Hyung, are you alive?”
“Yah, he’s obviously alive, Jongho!” That was.. San? Maybe?
Twisting his head back indeed revealed San’s face too, making him realise he was actually laying with his head in the man’s lap. A sweet action really, but Wooyoung couldn’t but notice that San’s legs were probably just as solid as the wood floor beneath them.
“Wooyoungie? Can you hear me?”
Ah how long had he been spacing out for? 
Seonghwa brushed the bangs back that had been stuck to his head with sweat. The older man’s cool hands feeling like a luxury in that moment.
Feeling a little more himself, Wooyoung made a wobbly attempt of sitting up, only to get pushed back down by Jongho. He let out a groan in protest, “come on I’m fine I just fell over.”
“Fell over? Wooyoung we all just witnessed you stop and full on pass out in front of us!” Hongjoong was here now. Where had he gone?
“To call our manager and let him know you’re sick. He’s gonna come and drive you home” Hongjoong squatted down by Seonghwa, worry imprinted on his features, “and yes, you asked that out loud.”
“Wait I’m not sick-” 
“We’re back!” Yunho announced as he and Mingi skidded into the room, both carrying a handful of… protein bars?
“We didn’t know which one to get so we just got a couple of all of them,” Mingi unceremoniously dropped his haul on the floor next to them with Yunho following suit. “He should have some water first though,” Yeosang all but materialised from next to Jongho, practically shoving a water bottle in his face before Seonghwa took it from him and opened the lid, offering the water more gently to Wooyoung.
“Stop stop!” Wooyoung forced himself up this time, ignoring the reluctance of those around him, “I said I’m not sick! And I definitely don’t need to go home, I’ll call the manager right now and tell him myself!” 
He got to his feet through sheer dumb determination alone, but didn’t make it even half a step before he felt himself stumbling again, destined to land flat on his ass had it not been for San who had sprung up with him.
Wooyoung rubbed at his tired eyes in annoyance, hating that had it not been for him putting most his weight on San, he’d fall over again. 
All he did was pull a couple all-nighters! Why was his body acting like it’d been through war and back?!
“Wooyoung-ah if you don’t sit down-”
“I need to get it right, Hongjoong-hyung. Just a couple more tries,” he tried to argue, but didn’t stop San and Seonghwa from lowering back to the floor.
“Wooyoung… how long have you actually been here for?” The annoyingly observant Yeosang asked slowly, brows furrowed.
Wooyoung hung his head, both in shame and exhaustion.
“Got here a little after midnight maybe.”
The silence said everything.
“We finished at eight last night Woo… with the time it would’ve taken to get home, shower and eat.. Did you sleep at all?” Wooyoung really hated how unnaturally shaken Yunho’s voice sounded. 
“A couple nights without sleep is nothing guys, we used to be tired all the time as trainees!” 
Yeah, bad answer apparently.
“A couple nights? Wooyoung you haven’t slept in two days?!” Oh Hongjoong really wasn’t happy with him. Peaking at the older man through his too-long bangs revealed the leader’s eyes being the size of saucers as he looked over Wooyoung.
“It’s not that big a deal-”
“Not that big a deal? We’ve been practising this dance for days now which means you’ve been dancing non-stop without any rest! Do you know how dangerous that could be?” 
“Joong,” Seonghwa planted a hand on the leader’s shoulder, “he knows now, okay? Take a breath.”
Listening to the eldest, Hongjoon took a second to collect himself as the remaining members purposely avoided eye contact to avoid being caught in the crossfire.
“What did you need to get right?” Yeosang asked tentatively, causing the troublemaker to finally raise his head. “The dance, I keep stumbling through it… My moves aren’t sharp enough, I- I don’t know why I can’t just do it.”
“Because you’re tired, Youngie,” Hongjoong’s voice was considerably calmer now, warmer, it made Wooyoung feel a little better. “Of course you won’t get it right if you’re half asleep the whole time.”
“To be fair, you were still doing it pretty good!” Mingi pitched in, “imagine how pristine it’d be if you did it with a full night's sleep.”
Playing with the hem of his t-shirt, Wooyoung felt himself accepting that his members were, likely right - though he still couldn’t help but feel disappointed in himself. Not just for messing up practice, but now for causing everyone to worry over him and for lying to them.
Sneaking out behind their backs? What sort of teenage loser did he think he was?
He was brought out of his thoughts by a hand in his hair, looking up to see Seonghwa smile at him warmly. “Don’t think about work right now okay? Focus on that nice rest you’re gonna get when you get back to the dorms.”
“I’m sorry.”
Hongjoong sighed before chuckling a little, “you worried us, Woo, I’ve never heard Mingi squeal so loud-” “hey!” “-but like Hwa said, just focus on getting better okay? No one’s angry at you.”
“I mean you did sound kind of mad earlier, hyung,” Yeosang reminded jokingly.
“Yah, Yeosang do you want a lecture too?”
The conversation was cut short by their manager entering the room, huffing and puffing, clearly having rushed his way there. Somewhere in his gasps for breath he asked if Wooyoung needed to go to the hospital which was immediately shut down by the man. 
Hospital for a case of the eepys? No way.
The members helped him gather his things which, luckily, did not have any cobwebs on them and San and Jongho helped Wooyoung to his feet once again. It all felt like overkill, a little embarrassing even, but there was no denying the warm feeling blossoming in his chest.
San walked him to the car in the building’s parking lot as the manager handled the bags, giving Wooyoung one last ruffle of his hair before leaving the pair to go back to practice.
Wooyoung was asleep before the car was even in motion.
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whats-k-popping · 1 year
Cuz you're amazing. Wooyoung in his Bouncy era and the prompt “I got your hair, it’s okay.”
Thanks for requesting Anon! 🧡🧡🧡
Pairing: Wooyoung x Hongjoong - platonic intentions, but open interpretation.
Words: 1916
Warnings: Emeto || Graphic Descriptions of Vom!ting || Stomach Ache
Inspiration: Bouncy Era Wooyoung. (Using content from the MV filming with creative liberty).
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“Cut!” The director calls out and all eight members drop their characters, trying to regain their breath after filming the group dance scene. “That’s a wrap for this location. San-ssi and Wooyoung-ssi, you’re off to the next location to film your scenes. Everyone else, filming resumes tomorrow.” Crew members hustle around the set to collect the equipment. Meanwhile, the members all walk back to wardrobe to get back into their street clothes. 
Wooyoung and San are quickly ushered away by the managers toward the van waiting to take them to the next location. Hongjoong tags along as well. If anyone asks, he just wants to monitor their progress. But the two 99z know Hongjoong’s going to keep an eye on them. And they can’t blame him for it. Not since their last solo shoot. 
“Can we get food on the way?” Wooyoung asks whoever is listening. “I’m starving.” He emphasizes, rubbing a hand over his stomach with a defined pout. 
“Wooyoung-ah, you still have to film. You don’t wanna dance on a full stomach.” Hongjoong reminds, “You’ll make yourself sick.” 
“Just a little something? Please,” the youngest pleads, “It’s mostly acting in the next scene. I don’t really dance. And my outfit’s loose too.” 
Hongjoong reviews the plans for San and Wooyoung’s solo shoot, reading over the notes. And Wooyoung’s right. There isn’t any choreo to film. So he doesn’t see why Wooyoung couldn’t eat something before the shoot. He sighs, “I guess there’s no reason you can’t get a snack.” 
Wooyoung’s pout morphs into a wide smile. “You’re the best, hyung!” He hugs the leader, much to his displeasure. 
Wooyoung chooses tteokbokki as his snack, despite Hongjoong warning him that something spicy might not be the best idea. The youngest 99 disregards the warning, reminding the leader that he loves spicy food. And he can totally handle it. Hongjoong’s skeptical, but the satisfaction on the younger’s face as he slurps up each rice cake eases him. 
“Spicy,” Wooyoung exhales slowly as he swallows the last bite. 
“Cheon-yang gochu vibe” San sings in response. Even Hongjoong has to laugh at the remark. 
When they arrive at the set, the three members separate. Wooyoung is set to shoot first, so he rushes off to wardobe. San’s directed to make-up to start applying his fake injuries. And Hongjoong reviews the set to make sure everything’s in order. He chats with the director and other crew members while he waits for Wooyoung to join them. 
Wooyoung’s not a man of many regrets. He trusts his decisions and makes choices passionately, even if they aren’t always the best choices. He sees no point in reflecting on the past or thinking in hindsight. And he always looks for the bright side of every situation and doesn’t try to assign blame. 
But this time. This time he thinks he’s made a mistake. His stomach gurgles while he’s getting his hair done. He knows something is wrong, and he hasn’t even moved around too much. Even though he’s not dancing on the set, he’s still moving around. And the remnants of his tteokbokki snack will be sloshing around with him. He finds himself wishing he hadn’t chosen such a spicy dish for his snack. 
They’re on a tight filming schedule. So he’s going to have to push through the discomfort and get in character. A few deep breaths and he’s ready to head out to the set. Wooyoung immerses himself in the character in order to suppress his angered stomach. 
The first few takes go on without a hitch. He has to suppress a few sour burps here and there, stifle hiccups every now and then. But there's not much movement. He just needs to sit in the van and let his expressions do all the work. 
He stands close to Hongjoong as they walk toward the boxing set. He contemplates telling his leader about his upset stomach, but he fears the barrage of 'I told you so's and 'I tried to warn you's that he's sure the leader would unleash upon him. So he fidgets with the hem of his button down and listens to Hongjoong's voice as they walk. 
Hongjoong is actually praising him. Or rather, praising his character, as they walk on. "This concept really fits you, Young-ah. The long hair really compliments your visuals." The leader plays with the ponytail, "I think Atiny will really like it." 
Typically, Wooyoung would bask in his leader's praises, even if it's just complimenting his consistent visual role in the group. He would usually bat his long lashes to get more attention. Or tease Hongjoong for showing any kind of affection. But he can't even force a smile. It's taking all of his effort to swallow the growing nausea and keep it at bay. 
The rapper also notices that Wooyoung's not responding to the compliments in his typical fashion. He had suspected that something was wrong during the van filming. He'd caught the younger member grimacing between takes with a fearful look in his eyes. He figured it was just nerves. So he's trying to boost the younger's confidence. It doesn't seem to be working. "Wooyoung, are you okay"? Before he even gives the other member time to answer, he continues, "You know to tell me if somethings wrong." 
A few seconds of silence pass between them and Wooyoung fidgets more. Hongjoong has to stop him before he rips a button of the shirt pulling at the hem like that. "Hyung, I-" he's about to confess when the director calls him to the set. His whole demeanor changes. "I'll tell you later." And he scurries to find the director. Hongjoong sighs as he goes to stand by the monitors. He ensures to keep an eye on Wooyoung and pull the plug if anything seems out of sorts. 
Wooyoung doesn't have any specific role here. He's just supposed to move around the boxing ring. They'll cut the best clips for the video later. It's both a blessing and a curse. On one hand, he doesn't have to move too much. But on the other, it leaves too much time for self-awareness. 
"Can't you give it more passion, Wooyoung-ssi. You're lacking energy." The director scolds. Wooyoung's movements aren't exactly aligning to the beat of the song. Wooyoung is obedient, so he starts jumping around the ring, all smiles and sexy expressions as if his stomach isn't tumbling inside of him. 
"Much better! Keep it up," The director praises. After who knows how long, the director calls a cut. "Okay, how about some shots jumping on the ropes?" The camera crew rearranges to shoot the far corner and Wooyoung gets into position. He turns his back to the camera and rubs his stomach, pleading that it holds out until after the filming. 
He does what he's asked to do. If he were feeling better, he might actually enjoy swinging and jumping around the ropes. But his stomach has had enough of it. The burps are coming more frequently, and they're getting harder to stifle. And each one brings back the spicy flavor of the tteokbokki that he's trying to forget. 
While he plays on the ropes, he feels his hair tie loosen, and with the next throw of his head, the strands fall around his face. The director quickly cuts the cameras and calls for the hair crew on set. 
Wooyoung jumps off the stand and runs off set. Hongjoong assumes at first he's rushing to the monitor to review, but the younger member sprints past the monitor area and past the crew. The leader watches as the long strands of hair bounce as he exits the stage. Before the director can yell at him for unprofessionalism, he apologizes and assures to bring the other back quickly. 
Hongjoong chases after Wooyoung, not with anger but with worry. He follows the patterned button down shirt all the way to the bathroom. "Wooyoung-ah!" He shouts to get the younger’s attention. 
Wooyoung can't turn around, too fixated on making it to the toilet in time. He hovers over the nearest sink with his lips pressed tightly together. As he stares down at the drain, he watches his long strands of hair dangle around what would inevitably be the splash zone. He tries lowering his head, but his hair just ends up sitting in the sink. And that's objectively worse. 
A long belch nearly tears his lips open, filling his mouth with foul tasting sick. But he manages to hold it back with a muffled whimper. He clenched his eyes shut and shakes his head, frustrated with the whole situation. He vows he'll never eat tteokbokki again after this fiasco. 
It's the calming voice of his leader that soothes his nerves. Long, gentle fingers scrape against his hairline, pulling the long strands of hair back. Hongjoong tightly grips the strands to keep them out of Wooyoung's face. 
"I've got your hair. It's okay." He coaxes the younger, placing his free hand over one of Wooyoung's against the edge of the sink. "You can let it out." 
It's embarrassing vomiting like this in front of their leader. But Hongjoong is the only person he feels like he needs right now. He parts his lips just enough to let the sick he had stored in his cheeks fall into the drain. Undigested chunks of tteokbokki fill the sink, too large to fit down the grate. The sight and the smell force another wave before he even has time to breathe. 
While Wooyoung catches his breath, Hongjoong guides the vocalist into a stall. He's easy to maneuver, relinquishing all control to the captain. The rapper situates him in front of the toilet and readjusts his grip on Wooyoung's ponytail. When Wooyoung doesn't immediately puke again, Hongjoong speaks, "Do you think you're done?" 
Wooyoung shrugs his shoulders. He certainly hopes so, but there's still a sour feeling in his stomach. 
"Do you think you can finish the filming?" He asks. He releases Wooyoung's hair, tucking the strands behind each of Wooyoung's ears just so they're out of the way. He makes a mental note to redo Wooyoung's ponytail once they're out of the bathroom. 
Wooyoung knows he doesn't really have a choice in the matter. "Can Sannie film now? I'll finish, I just need a few minutes." 
Hongjoong nodded, "I'll talk to the director. I'll let him know you're not feeling well, and see if they can film San's scenes now while you rest." 
"Thank you hyungie." Wooyoung cuddles against the elder. Hongjoong doesn't shy away despite his distaste for skinship or the putrid odor clinging to the vocalists lips. 
Once Wooyoung's stomach feels settled, he and Hongjoong make the journey back to the greenroom. "You know, this wouldn't have happened if-" 
Wooyoung cuts the leader off, "Hyung, no!" He whines, drawing out the last syllable. "Please no 'I told you so's. I don't feel good. I can't sit through a lecture right now." 
Hongjoong chuckles at the whiny member clinging to him as they shuffle through the studio. "Alright, I'll save it for later," He pets the younger's hair as they walk, thinking to himself about how much he likes the long strands. "kind of like you should have done with the tteokbokki." 
Wooyoung's stomach gurgles at that and a small burp jolts his body, like the mere mention of the food is enough to make him sick, "Hyung~~~." 
"Okay, okay." Hongjoong soothes, "You just rest, Young-ah. Hyung will take care of everything."
A/N: I had tried listening to Bouncy on repeat while writing this, but eventually had to stop because I kept getting distracted by the chorus choreo. I had to stop. If this song isn't my Spotify #1 song, I will be legitimately surprised. I listen to Bouncy at least 5 times a day. I also watched the music video a ton and took notes from the MV Filming to include in this request. To say I'm obsessed with Bouncy era would be an understatement. So thank you for the request!
As always, thanks for reading to the end! Feedback is always appreciated. And please let me know if I missed any tags or TWs. Please call me out for any errors you notice!
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kcomfortplace · 1 year
Sick Wooyoung Headcanons
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Very clingy if he feels unwell
Either is very vocal about it or will get completely silent
Struggles with stomach problems
Isn't embarrassed about anything and will tell you straight away
Please rub his belly. He lives it and it's the only thing that helps him
Doesn't like to throw up and needs you by his side or else he will hold it down as long as possible
Even more clingy and annoying if he has a high fever. Tends to get delirious or gets nightmares
Cuddles are the best medicine
If he gets burpy you know he feels unwell
Sometimes doesn't notice how he feels
If he feels mentally unwell he just curls up in your lap and wants his head to me petted
Needs praise and a lot of reassurance if he messed something up or missed his schedule
Will cry easily if he has a fever
Can't handle dizziness and will cling onto your arm
He came down with a bad fever and kept trying to steal kisses and as you said you won't give them to him he started crying
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k-sickies · 1 year
I didn’t know your requests were open! Can you write a Wooyoung fic? I can just imagine that he’d be really moody and emotional when he has a fever and Seonghwa and Hongjoong would do their best to take care of him despite him being wicked high maintenance!
Thanks for your request! Actually I gave me a really good idea. You have to wait for your actual request a bit tho-
I thought about making two parts. So there’s the first part feat Yeosang as the caretaker. In the second part you’ll get moody feverish Woo and caretaker Hongjoong! 🥰
Part 1
Wooyoung shivered for the tenth time today, his cheeks flushed as he cuddled up next to Yeosang.
They’re currently waiting on the set, Wooyoung and Yeosang being the last one to get their pictures taken.
Wooyoung complained about being cold the whole day. To anyone who crossed his way. As loud as he could. Always making sure to sneak on one of the members and cuddling up to them. Mostly it was Yeosang. It’s always either Yeosang or San. Even though he does love to sneak up to Hongjoong and steal hugs and kisses. All of the members are just so comforting to him.
However Yeosang has a special place in his heart. Being his oldest friend, the reason he ended up here in the first place. They can be playful, having play-fights and make fun of each other, but they’re also always there for each other. So of course Wooyoung searches for any kind of comfort from his friend as soon as he feels bad in the slightest .
Yeosang takes a look at the dancer next to him. He’s shivering, but his cheeks are red and his face feels clammy and hot. Eyebags on display, his usual healthy skin looking gray. He really doesn’t look good, he probably came down with something. That’s all Yeosang could think about..
Wooyoung nuzzles his head more into the shoulders of his friend. Softly whimpering in discomfort as he squeezes his eyes shut.
Yeosang furrows his eyebrows in concern.
“Are you okay?” He asks worried.
Wooyoung swallows “Dunno..” he mumbles.
The slightly younger leaned his head back and closed his eyes, the action making him dizzy.
“Just a bit dizzy...”
Yeosang nodded and pulled the younger closer into his frame. Reaching out and holding Wooyoung's hand in his. Caressing over the back with his thumb.
Yeosang leans forward and rested his lips against the younger's forehead.
“Mhh what are you doing..?” Wooyoung mumbled sleepy
“Checking your temperature.” Yeosang said with a blush, pulling away. “I saw that in a show.”
“Mhm. You should do that more often.” Wooyoung grins as he cuddles more into the side of his Yeosang. Intertwining their hands.
Leaving Yeosang to blush even more.
“Yah! That idiot definitely is running a fever.” Seokjin mumbled.
Wooyoung pouted sadly. “Don’t call me that, I feel bad..”
Yeosang sighed “I’m sorry. I hope you feel better tomorrow.”
Oh how Wooyoung wished he really would feel better tomorrow..
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kpopsickies · 1 year
hey there, don't know if you write for ateez but if you do, I would like to request a sick whining wooyoung with a cough with caretaker jongho who's quite a germo but can't resist taking care of him cause he sounds so bad <3 (sorry if it's long or too specific 🥺
sorry that its kinda short
Sickie: Wooyoung
Caretaker: Jongho
Wooyoung p.o.v
I wish I could have enjoyed my day off like my members all were. But unfortunately I was cursed with the most worthless immune system ever and instead was spending it sick. Thankfully it was more of a bad cold than anything, but I still was annoyed. I woke up with a headache, a sore and itchy throat and a blocked, stuffy nose. I trudged downstairs, groaning softly at the spinning in my head. Downstairs I only saw Jongho, "Where's everyone else?" I asked, cringing at ow my voice sounded. I must have startled the maknae because his head turned quickly to look at me. "good morning hyung, they all left already. I didn't really want to do anything so I stayed behind." I nodded, clearing my throat, trying to fight a cough. "you okay hyung?" Jongho asked, looking worried. "yeah, just a little cold" I admitted sniffling lightly. "oh" he looked a bit uneasy, when I suddenly remembered how nervous the maknae was about germs. "Shit!" I said, stepping back from Jongho. Im sorry I forgot
"Its okay hyung" he said softly, I turned as far away from him as I possibly could and ducked as far into my elbow as physically possible and coughed, the coughs hurt my chest and caused my already aching head to throb with the feelinh. "Woo? Are you okay?" I nodded, my eyes pricked with tears, a combination of the force of the cough and the pain. "how long have you been sick for?"
"woke up like this" I said, coughing through the words. I heard movement coming from the maknae, and was shocked when I felt his hand on my shoulder. "bed time hyung" I shook my head, "Jonho, I'm okay"
"I cant leave you alone like this, you're obviously sick"
"But you dont like germs."
"I know. But I also cant bring myself to abandon you when you're obviously sick."
I shook my head, "I'll be ok-hhtch! Htchh" I said getting as a far away from him as I could, "bless you" he gently patted my shoulder. 
"I'll be okay Jongho, trust me. I'll take care of myself"
"I know you can, but it's not fair to ask you to, especially when you're sick" 
"But I-"
"Hyung it's fine. You guys have taken care of me so many times. Let me return the favor" I nodded, feeling a bit unsure, "go to the couch, I'll get you medicine and stuff" I nodded and did as he instructed. 
Jongho p.o.v 
I hurried to the bathroom and washed my hands all the way up to my elbows, I forced myself to breathe, genuinely scared. But I knew Wooyoung needed me. I put a mask on and grabbed the medicine that he needed plus a box of tissues and some water. I went to the living room. "Hey hyung" he looked up at me, I noticed how pale he was. "Here" I set the medicine and water on the table and slid the tissue box next to him. "Thanks" he swallowed the medicine then blew his nose. He went to set the tissue down on the couch, "don't do that" I said quickly, hoping I didn't sound too panicked, "I'll get a bag for the trash" 
I brought him a bag and he put the tissue in it, and set it opposite of me on the couch. "So I got a text from Seonghwa, him and Hongjoong will be home soon" Wooyoung said, he coughed after, thankfully turning very far from me. "Okay, do you know when?" I asked, hoping I didn't sound too anxious. "I think he said 15 minutes" I nodded, "I'm sorry that I'm not very good at takong care of people." 
"Jongho it's okay. You've already done amazing. I know it's not easy for you. Remind you I owe you dinner when I feel better" he smiled, "just doing my job" I shook my head, "you've done more than that" I smiled, he shrugged. "Glad I could help" 
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sickcoughingweakly · 2 years
a sickie Wooyoung with Hongjoong as caretaker ❤️ let's say this happened in the break the wall tour and woojoong are roommates, enjoy!!
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Hongjoong's pov
A hacking cough erupts from the room adjacent to mine, startling me awake. I roll onto my side to see Wooyoung, in the doorway. He's still wearing his concert clothes, and he's shivering quite a bit. The walls of his belly are so distended with air, they almost feel taut. "You alright, Wooyoungie?" I ask as I rub my eyes.
For all appearances, he doesn't even hear me; his coughs are so violent, they seem to be ripping him apart.
The sick boy realizes that his hyung is calling him and takes a shaky breath and tries to answer but his voice broke in another coughing spell.
I slide over and pat his back as he's hunched against the doorway, fighting the urge to retch. "Woo?" His coughing subsides, and the look of strain on his face gives way to what's almost a manic smile. "You, you're gonna be a big help to me." Another series of coughs wracks his body. "I'm sick, real sick... and I need you to make me a milkshake, stat."
"Okay just because your face looks as red as your hair color it doesn't mean you can boss me around" I say teasing him and patting his head feeling his burning skin.
"But I'm really really sick " he says giving me puppy eyes. "I know I'm just messing with you." I chuckled.
I drag myself from the soft mattress, and slip quietly into the kitchen, barefoot. I pull out the bucket of pre-made mixes and try to find something that isn't chocolate-based. There... there's a vanilla strawberry. I spoon out two helpings of mix and add milk before blending for a couple of seconds.
I head back to the bedroom and set the glass down on the nightstand next to a bed-bound Wooyoung. "There ya go."
"Thanks Hongjoong hyung, my throat is killing me, do you think I'll lost my voice? We have the soundcheck later and I don't want to-" his words got cut of by a congested sneeze that made him cough again.
"Shh don't worry about that." I say rubbing his back to ease the fit. We have plenty of things to solve about the show with Wooyoung this sick, sounding as worse as he's looking.. but this is a problem for later.
I look down and the sick boy has clinged onto me, the medicine I poured into the milkshake making effect, he would never took it properly, such a baby.. I thought to myself trying not to laugh.
I pull the covers over both of us and we fall asleep.
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feverishly-kpop · 6 months
Ateez - Flu - Part 6
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It was noon by the time Seonghwa returned with Yunho in tow. Hongjoong popped his head out of his bedroom, dismayed to find his dongsaeng still flushed with fever but took solace in the fact that the glaze in his eyes had lightened up since the prior day.
“He’s doing a lot better, Joong” Seonghwa reassured upon noticing the concern on Hongjoong’s face as Hongjoong joined him in the living room. “His temperature is down and he has some meds to keep it that way, but they said the fever won’t break for another few days. The meds have been knocking him out straight away though so that’s something.”
Yunho groaned at the reminder, the fever taking its toll on him and his brain feeling scrambled and groggy from his medication.
“I’ll put him to bed” Seonghwa said as he wrapped an arm around Yunho’s shoulder. “Can you grab him a bottle of water?”
Hongjoong made it to the kitchen before his vision blurred, a reminder of the illness that was setting in with no regard for the fact he had sick kids to take care of. He took a few moments to collect himself, letting the dizzy spell pass for the time being.
Once Yunho was settled in Seonghwa and Hongjoong collapsed on the couch, both clearly exhausted.
“Did you sleep last night?” Hongjoong broke the silence, already knowing the answer.
Seonghwa shook his head as he rubbed his eyes harshly. “His nurse wanted me to go home for the night but I didn’t want him to wake up alone.” Hongjoong nodded in understanding at that. He would have done the same thing. “I tried to sleep in the chair but I couldn’t get comfortable. How about you? How are Mingi and Wooyoung doing?”
Hongjoong sighed before responding. “Mingi is Mingi. He wants nothing to do with anybody right now. I’ve been forcing tablets and water into him. He’s not very happy with me right now. And Wooyoung…” his voice trailed off for a moment before continuing. “I tried to get him to sleep in San’s bed and have San stay with Yeo and Jongho but he ended up in bed with me.”
Seonghwa glared at him with disapproval. Hongjoong knew that Seonghwa was concerned about him coming down with the flu too, but Seonghwa also had no idea that that ship had already sailed.
“Don’t look at me that way, Hwa. Please.” Hongjoong said defensively. “It was either that or stay up with him all night while he cried. This flu is no joke.”
Seonghwa rolled his eyes, the tension in the room building by the moment. “Yeah, I’m fully aware, believe it or not, after spending the night in the fucking hospital with Yunho teetering on the edge of what could have been a dangerous fever. But thank you for the reminder.”
Even in his current state Hongjoong could sense that this interaction was devolving into something that he didn’t have the capacity to deal with at the moment. “You’re right, I’m sorry. You need to get some sleep now though.”
“Shit…no, I’m sorry. I’m not trying to pick a fight…I’m just…yeah I need sleep” Seonghwa quickly agreed. “Please wake me up if you need me though” he added as he trudged off to bed.
The sound of the front door opening startled San awake. Seonghwa had his hands full with Yunho and didn’t even seem to notice San, who had taken up residence on the couch.
Wooyoung had kept San and Hongjoong up for the better part of the night and into the early hours of the morning as his fever spiked and the body aches set in. Hongjoong had finally gotten him settled into San’s bed, hoping that keeping Yunho and Wooyoung together and Mingi isolated in his own room would prevent further spread but, by the time Hongjoong carried Wooyoung off to his shared room with Seonghwa, San wasn’t sure where he should sleep. His own room was out of the question, his bedding damp from Wooyoung’s sweat and tears, and he wasn’t sure when Yunho would be coming home and in need of his own bed.
He briefly considered Wooyoung’s bed before pausing. Yeosang and Jongho were the only members that hadn’t been exposed to the flu yet and San had spent the day with Wooyoung. Not wanting to risk it, San made his way to the couch before collapsing into a deep sleep.
San quickly sat up and vacated the couch, his mind still hazy with sleep, catching Seonghwa’s attention as he emerged from Yunho’s room.
“Hey, I’m sorry to wake you, Sannie” Seonghwa said with an exhausted smile as he closed the door behind him. “You look tired. There’s no schedules today, why don’t you get a little more sleep?”
San shrugged in response. “I was napping with Wooyoung when he woke up feeling sick so…I can help you and Hongjoong-hyung since I’ve already been exposed.” San immediately regretted mentioning that to Seonghwa as concern crossed his hyung’s face. He immediately spoke up again, hoping to put Seonghwa at ease. “I’m feeling totally fine, don’t worry!”
It seemed to be enough to placate Seonghwa for the time being. “Well please tell me if you start feeling sick, okay?” San nodded quickly in response before Seonghwa continued. “I hate to ask you, but would you mind going out to the store to get a box of popsicles? Yunho was asking for one on the way home and I gave him Yeosang’s last one yesterday but if it will keep him cool and hydrated…” The speed with which Seonghwa was speaking continued to increase until San interjected.
“What puppy wants, puppy gets” San said with a reassuring smile, grabbing his wallet and heading for the door.
“Mingi, let me in please” Hongjoong hissed through Mingi’s door, not wanting to wake any of the sleeping members.
He was about to knock again when he felt a vibration coming from his pocket. Hongjoong rolled his eyes as he opened the text from Mingi:
“Let me sleep.”
Hongjoong was about to protest when he received a second message. A picture of an empty bottle of water with a mostly full bottle next to it.
“At least let me check your…” he was once more cut off, this time by a second picture of a thermometer reading 38.1°.
With that Hongjoong admitted defeat. “Please let me know if you need anything.” After glancing into his own room and confirming that Seonghwa and Wooyoung were still both fast asleep and wrapping an ice pack around the back of Yunho’s hand where the IV needle had been inserted in hopes that it would dull the pain that he was complaining of, Hongjoong stepped into the washroom, locking the door behind him. It took a moment of shuffling to find another thermometer in the medicine cabinet but upon locating it behind a box of bandages he popped it under his tongue. He cringed at the quick beeps that signaled a fever before he could even look at the reading. It wasn’t as if he didn’t already know that he was feverish and he was fully aware that sleeping in close proximity to his own personal little space heater, Wooyoung, hadn’t helped at all, but he hadn’t expected his temperature to be 38.5°.
A cough coming from Yunho’s room quickly drew him back to reality. Knowing it was only a matter of time until he was needed again, he quickly swallowed a few of the fever reducers that he had left on the vanity that morning and turned on the shower, opting to take a fast lukewarm shower in hopes that it would get his fever down enough to continue with his day relatively uninterrupted.
If there was anything that Hongjoong was acutely aware of, however, was that no aspect of his life was ever uninterrupted, and a quiet knock on the door reminded him that this situation was no different.
“I’m just getting out of the shower” Hongjoong responded with a sigh as he turned the water off, doing his best to hide the way his teeth were chattering.
“Hyung” the knocking continued as Yeosang’s voice called to him from the other side of the door.
“Yeosang, please give me five minutes” Hongjoong sighed, doing his best to control his temper. Of course he loved Yeosang, but knowing him he’d be asking where the cereal was or confirming tomorrow’s schedule despite Hongjoong having reviewed it twice with him the day prior.
“Hyung, it’s important…its…”
Hongjoong had had enough. Hastily wrapping a towel around his waist, he swung the door open, prepared to lay into Yeosang about respecting one another’s space and about actually listening to what other people were saying. But those thoughts melted away as he found Yeosang awkwardly holding up San as San awkwardly held up a box of popsicles.
“What puppy wants…” San started before interrupted momentarily with a cough. “…puppy gets” he finished, quickly swinging his arm around to hand Yunho’s popsicles to Hongjoong before leaning a little more heavily into Yeosang.
“Sorry, I’m just a little dizzy all of a…” but before San could finish, his eyes rolled back as the rest of his body weight sunk into Yeosang’s arms.
It took a moment for Hongjoong’s fever-addled brain to comprehend what had happened. And even when he realized that San had fainted, it still took his mind another moment to move on from the first and only thought to cross his mind:
Oh. Fuck.
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fairyniceyeah · 3 months
⌛🐿️ I’m not okay
Title from NOT OKAY (ATEEZ)
Summary: Filming for the "NOT OKAY" M/V overwhelms Hongjoong. Wooyoung senses his hyung needs some comfort and tlc.
CW: mental health issues, mentions of trauma
Sickie/Whumpee: Hongjoong Caretaker: Wooyoung (+ Seonghwa)
„The cameras are here and there. We’ll monitor from the outside and you will be able to hear us over the speaker”, the director said. Hongjoong nodded, already not a fan of the metal claws trapping his hand. For the filming of their new Japanese single “Not okay” they had decided to focus their M/V on their real fears and the trauma from their lore. Why that meant Hongjoong needed to have his hand in this claw, he didn’t know.
With the ideas of lore and trauma in mind, they had decided to have Jongho trapped on a hospital bed – a reflection of his injuries which the maknae had suggested himself. 
Wooyoung’s stage fright and anxiety on how he was received by society – something that had been a problem for some time. 
Mingi’s anxiety and his escape through music which he had mastered very well during filming the day before. 
San’s problems with stalking and his instability before he found a home with them, his anger and fear after losing his grandfather. 
Yeosang not being free, being controlled by his parents – which also was a mirror of his past though their relationship was now better than ever. 
Yunho had protested using any real trauma so they had focused on his lore of losing his brother, which in hindsight Hongjoong was not sure was so smart, knowing Yunho now daily talked with him over phone. 
Seonghwa being stopped from doing what he wanted by his own fears and not having time for himself – for their oldest it was a very vague concept and Hongjoong assumed that Seonghwa had not felt ready to show everything to ATINY. They hadn’t spoken much about it personally.
For Hongjoong himself, in alignment with their lore he was left behind by his family, trapped and alone.
Naturally, their brilliant idea was to have Hongjoong be alone while filming, a sort of method acting if anything. The mirrors and phone screens, as well as the metal claw could easily reflect loneliness and abandonment, make him think he was actually alone. Leaving him alone without the camera crew in the room that in itself was very small alone was the most logical approach. He supposed it would make the filming much more realistic if he didn’t actually have to act - it wasn’t his strongest suit after all.
“Lie down on the floor”, the director explained over the speakers and Hongjoong complied. “Just look a mix of scared and entranced. The phone will start flashing in hana, dul, set!”
Though he had been warned, Hongjoong had not quite expected the white screen blinking wildly at him to be so bright. Instinctively he closed his eyes, in the same moment knowing he had ruined the shot. “Sorry”, he called out. Over the speakers, the director counted down again.
Hongjoong lost count of how often the words “HOME”, “ALONE”, “MISSING”, “MOTHER”, “FAMILY”, “BEHIND” and “AFRAID” flashed into his face. The director was nice, he supposed, but very perfectionistic. As he finally called a halt to filming Hongjoong’s eyes kept hurting, imaginary lights flickering in and out. Already his head started to hurt and he hoped the lights would not trigger a migraine. He didn’t have time for that.
“Hongjoong-ssi, that was very well done. We’ll take a short break and then resume with the next scene. Unless you need to use the bathroom, I’d like to ask you to stay in there to get into the feeling, okay?”
“I’m okay for now”, Hongjoong replied and sat on the floor to wait. He hated method acting, in a way. He knew he wasn’t alone, was just in a small room for the filming but everything seemed so far away. There was a deep silence in the room, the only thing Hongjoong could hear was his own breathing. It was not a nice place to be. 
Also, despite Hongjoong having been on camera so often since even before debut, this felt weird, knowing that he was being watched while he couldn’t see anything outside of the room. To take his mind off the matter, he decided to look around the room. He was, after all, interested in how the M/V would turn out. 
The room was built in a way that resembled an abandoned hotel room or something close to that. It was really small. Behind Hongjoong was a mirror that didn’t help make the room feel bigger, it just made everything more confusing.. Hongjoong wasn’t claustrophobic, nevertheless the little space made him uneasy.
Hongjoong sighed, uneasy with knowing the other members were somewhere else. He wished he could be able to at least see one of them to reassure himself that he wasn’t alone. It might just be a small, separate room at the filming location he was in but any other human could be kilometers away for all he could tell. 
Kilometers away, just like his family. 
Hongjoong swallowed. When they wrote the concepts he had never once imagined that he would feel affected by the scenes. After all they were just filming an M/V with content from their lore. Yet Hongjoong had to admit to himself that it hit a bit too close to home for comfort.
The captain hadn’t seen his parents in nearly half a year, his own schedules too much and not at all matching with his parents’ work times. His last meeting with Bumjoong had also been months ago. Sure, Hongjoong knew that other idols hadn’t seen their families in much longer (some of his members included). But still, he missed them. He always told all the members that it wasn’t a contest who saw his family the least.
It didn’t make it any easier for him but Hongjoong was happy that he was so close to his own family. His parents had always supported him with what he wanted for himself, never pressuring him to follow a career he didn’t want for himself. Hongjoong loved them with all his heart and he knew they loved him that way too.
He remembered his appa’s message from Idol Radio, which back then had nearly made him cry on camera. He had been able to push the tears back then, unlike other times in ATEEZ’s own content. Right now, he felt a sudden longing to just call his parents and beg them to come to Seoul just for a day. He wanted his eomma to hug him like she did when he was a child and have his appa speak with him in person.
Sometimes being an adult scared Hongjoong. He was painfully aware of everything that could happen while he was away, unlike a child who trusted that everything would always be okay. Back when he was younger he had never been able to imagine living one day without seeing his parents. He’d been the kid that would never stay for sleepovers and while he certainly had outgrown that, he still had had to learn that his parents were living their own lives and were not just his parents. They had their own careers, their own lives and while, if they could, they certainly would drop everything to help him that was just not a realistic expectation.
Sometimes it felt like being an idol never was enough payment for all the time he lost with his family. He had left home when he was a teenager, spent all his time in the studio with EDEN.
It had hurt to realize that when his dreams of being a musician had clashed with staying home in Anyang. Being the only trainee at KQ for six months had been lonely and he had lost count of how many nights he had cried himself to sleep during that time.
Sometimes it felt like some of the managers who had been there since the start were more of his parents than his actual parents, considering they knew much more about his life than his parents did. Sure, he had his members, his found family, but the responsibility of being a leader and a hyung was something he didn’t necessarily want all the time. But Hongjoong was a hyung, not the maknae he was at home. Quickly he had had to turn from being a comfort-seeker to being a comfort-giver. His own need for comfort had been pushed back.
Not that he blamed his dongsaengs, he could never. It was just hard seeing them get what he wanted and (most often in Jongho’s case, but Yunho and Yeosang were culprits often enough) reject it.
Hongjoong closed his eyes and shook himself, hoping to get out of his head or, even better yet, get to start filming again. But nobody came, not even a voice over the loudspeakers.
Instead, the words repeated themselves in his mind.
His hands started to tremble.
He was never home, neither with his parents nor his brother nor with his members.
He often was alone, at the studio or now he was alone trapped in the room.
He was missing his mother, his family, everyone he had left behind.
He was afraid.
Afraid of failure. Afraid of losing his family. Afraid of not being good enough. Afraid that one bad decision, one bad song would make them lose ATINY. Afraid that he could lose his members. Afraid of making the smallest mistake. Afraid of his members leaving for the military or for the opportunity for a single career – things that had ruined his sunbaes before.
Tears filling his eyes made him finally be able to snap out of the slump he was falling into.
No, he couldn’t think like that. Not on a film set with a renowned director. Not while - for all he knew - somebody could be watching him through the cameras. He took a deep breath and managed to calm himself down quickly enough.
But he couldn’t stop the shaking of his hands for the rest of the filming session.
Wooyoung was worried. They had just come home from filming the last bits of their M/V and Hongjoong had disappeared into his room the moment they had come home. Sure, the captain could be just tired, they had been filming for the past three days straight. Today had mostly just been their solo scenes, which for easier transport had been done in dorm arrangements. Seonghwa, San and Mingi had been allowed to go home in the afternoon, the lucky bastards. Yunho and Yeosang had left two hours later. Only Wooyoung, Jongho and Hongjoong had been required to stay back until ten in the evening. Wooyoung was a bit jealous but also very happy for the other members.
Hongjoong’s filming had taken the longest and Wooyoung had felt really bad for his hyung who had been forced to stay in the separate area for over six hours with only one bathroom break. Wooyoung was glad he himself at least had been surrounded by the dance crew, so he wasn’t so alone. Jongho’s filming had also not taken too long, the maknae a born actor.
Speaking off, Jongho walked into the kitchen just at that moment, shrugging on his jacket. “I’m going out to eat with Mingi-hyung and will probably stay the night at their dorm.”
“Alright, have fun”, Wooyoung said with a small wave. Then Jongho disappeared and he was once again alone in the kitchen. He supposed he could make dinner for himself and maybe Hongjoong. Maybe it would cheer his hyung up, he had been very quiet on the way back. His whole demeanor had basically screamed that something was wrong and he didn’t want Hongjoong to be alone when he was feeling off.
Wooyoung wasn’t quite sure what was going on with Hongjoong but he had a duty as a dongsaeng to check on his hyung. Even if said hyung was emotionally constipated and would probably act like he was fine. He could act as if he was fine while in company and with good, home-made food too.
He walked up to their bedrooms, Hongjoong’s room at the end of the hallway and separated from his and Jongho’s by the bathroom. Just as he was about to knock and ask what Hongjoong wanted to eat, he heard a quiet noise come through the closed door.
Was that? No, it couldn’t be. But it sounded suspiciously like Hongjoong was crying?
For a moment, Wooyoung faltered. He didn’t want to intrude Hongjoong’s privacy, considering how much the captain valued it. But Wooyoung could not in good conscience leave a sad member alone, when maybe all they needed was a shoulder to cry on and a hug. If Hongjoong truly wanted to be left alone, Wooyoung would leave.
Wooyoung cautiously knocked on the door, listening for any sounds from inside. Nearly immediately the sniffling stopped and was replaced by hitched breathing. Then Hongjoong’s voice came, wet and uncertain: “Don’t come in. It’s not a good time, sorry.”
Wooyoung sighed. He hadn’t really expected anything else. “Hyung”, he called, trying to keep his voice soft and warm, “it’s just me, Wooyoung-ah. Let me come in, okay? I know something is up and I don’t want you to be alone.”
There was silence for a long time and just as Wooyoung was about to enter anyway, Hongjoong said: “If you really want to, I guess you can come in.”
Wooyoung didn’t waste a second, scared that Hongjoong would revoke his agreement to come in, and opened the door. The captain’s room was nearly drenched in darkness, and Wooyoung had to blink a bit to let his eyes adjust. Only a small moon lamp, the one Hongjoong’s parents had gifted him after their successful promotions of Crazy Form, was on. 
Hongjoong himself was laying under his blankets, which were pretty messy and showed that the captain was curled into himself underneath them. Only a tuft of blonde hair and tired eyes were peeking out. It hurt to see Hongjoong brought so low, normally he was such a bright and happy person. Of course Wooyoung had seen Hongjoong cry before, after their first win and then many other instances later on. But this seemed random - nothing had happened except for the filming. Or had something? Maybe it was his family?
Tentatively, Wooyoung stepped into the room, aware that Hongjoong was watching him. He crossed the small space until he could comfortably sit on the bed beside Hongjoong. Wooyoung hesitated, not knowing if Hongjoong wanted to be touched, but decided to at least place one hand onto the blanket where he supposed the captain’s shoulder was. Up close he could now see how red Hongjoong’s eyes were and the tears and, disgusting, snot on his pale face. 
Hongjoong sighed at the contact, breathing out deeply and focused his gaze on Wooyoung’s hand. “I’m sorry you have to deal with … this”, he mumbled and unburied one trembling hand to vaguely gesture at himself. Now at least his whole face was uncovered and Wooyoung didn’t have to fear anymore that he was trying to suffocate himself.
“I’d rather help than let you be sad alone”, Wooyoung soothed. He still didn’t know what this was. Nothing to do but ask. “I know you probably don’t want to, hyung, but it might help talking about what made you hide in here and cry.”
“You are, for once, right”, Hongjoong said, his lips wobbling as he tried to force a smile, “I really don’t want to talk about it. It’s irrelevant, really.” 
“It’s not irrelevant if it makes you unhappy, hyung”, Wooyoung protested lightly, “Jongho-yah is out with Mingi-hyung. Do you want to sit in the kitchen and eat something? You must be hungry?”
Hongjoong shook his head at that, even with the added information that they were alone and there was no need to reveal his perceived weakness to anybody but Wooyoung. “I’m not hungry at all. I don’t want to get up.”
“How about you take a hot shower to clean yourself up, hm? The hot water might make you feel better. I’ll use the time to make us some ramen and once we’ve eaten we can sit on the couch or go back here, whatever you want. Then you can tell me what’s on your mind”, Wooyoung suggested.
“When did you become so mature, baby?”, Hongjoong asked with a sad sigh, running a hand through his hair. “I’m up.” It was obvious how much strength it took from the older to sit up and swing his legs over the side of the bed. His knees nearly buckled under his weight and Wooyoung had to place a steadying hand on his hip to help him stay upright. Hongjoong must be more exhausted than Wooyoung had thought.
Gently he led Hongjoong to the bathroom, never once letting go of him. “Take your time. I’ll bring you some pajamas, okay? Just don’t lock the door, you’re not as steady as I would like. Yell if you need anything.”
Tiredly, Hongjoong nodded and slowly stepped into the bathroom as if it took all his power to do so. 
With worry in his chest, Wooyoung left him to it. Deciding that a whole meal could be made another day, he instead went to the kitchen and just boiled some water for instant ramen. It would have to be enough, and as he opened the fridge he was greeted with some left-over mini chocolate cakes that Jongho may or may not have begged the manager for the day before. Surely, Jongho wouldn’t mind Wooyoung using them to cheer up the captain - well, considering that Hongjoong probably would not want Jongho to know, Wooyoung could deal with Jongho being angry at him for a day or two. It was for a better cause, really.
While the water needed some time, Wooyoung decided to change Hongjoong’s bed sheets while he had the time. It was just an amazing feeling to uncurl up under fresh sheets, especially considering Hongjoong had laid down with his dirty outside clothes on before. So, on his way to grab Hongjoong some pajamas he stopped by the small alcove which held the cleaning supplies and fresh towels and sheets. Wooyoung selected one of the good, silky ones that he had … borrowed from Seonghwa before they had changed dorms. He wanted the best for his hard-working captain. 
He deposited the fresh sheets on Hongjoong’s desk and returned to his own room for a moment, grabbing the pajamas he had had in mind since he suggested them. It was just an old pair of San’s sweatpants and a T-shirt which had originally belonged to Yunho but had probably been worn by all of them at some point. Both items were soft and comfy and smelled like home. They would dwarf Hongjoong a lot but Wooyoung knew the captain took comfort from that too.
Wooyoung knocked onto the bathroom door and when he received no answer, he quickly opened the door in worry. But it seemed like Hongjoong just had not heard him, still standing under the shower. The glass of the shower was milky enough that two members technically could use the bathroom at the same time without awkwardness but they preferred not to.
“I’m putting your clothes on the washing machine”, Wooyoung called and received a quiet ‘thank you’ in return. Not wanting to place them in any weird position, Wooyoung quickly left and focused on changing Hongjoong’s bed sheets before finishing up the ramen.
Wooyoung only needed to wait for a few minutes until Hongjoong joined him in the kitchen. While the clothes should have looked ridiculous on him, it just made him look cozy. Especially with his blond hair slightly dripping onto his shoulders and his bare face, Hongjoong looked very young.
“You wanna eat on the couch? Seonghwa-hyung isn’t here to yell at us”, Wooyoung asked and received a nod. Feeding his hyung took priority over talking about his feelings for the time being. “Let me.” 
He didn’t want Hongjoong to help, maybe even spoil him a bit, so Wooyoung directed him to the couch and carried over the bowls, plates and two glasses of water by himself. He sat everything down on the table and fell onto the couch next to his tired hyung.
“Eat as much as you can”, Wooyoung ordered, knowing Hongjoong was one of the members best at pushing around food in a way to make it look like he had eaten. The captain threw him a wary glance but didn’t protest, instead picking up his chopsticks.
They ate in comfortable silence though it seemed Hongjoong was starting to struggle to stay awake. Once or twice Wooyoung had to save his bowl from tipping over, precariously balanced on Hongjoong’s knees. He didn’t eat close to enough but Wooyoung didn’t have the heart to make him eat more when he put the bowl onto the TV table.
“Chocolate cake?”, Wooyoung offered instead but Hongjoong shook his head.
“I’m really not hungry.”
With a sigh, Hongjoong rested his head against Wooyoung’s shoulder once both of them were done with eating. He was cold, tired and just wanted to sleep and forget about the day. Staying here, curled up with Wooyoung, sounded like heaven to his frazzled mind. But he knew he owed Wooyoung an explanation of … everything that had happened.
Wooyoung turned his head a bit to look down at Hongjoong and brushed some of the now cold, wet hair from his face. Wooyoung started to frown just then and placed the back of his cold hand against Hongjoong’s forehead.
“You’re feeling warm, hyung”, he said, voice sad, “I think you might be running a fever.”
“I took a hot shower”, Hongjoong countered half-heartedly. He knew the warmth from the shower would not last that long and, if he was honest, a fever would explain his exhausted, emotional state.
“Yeah, but your hair is cold while your forehead is burning”, Wooyoung said, “let me fetch the thermometer for my peace of mind.”
Hongjoong did not, in fact, want to lift his head to let Wooyoung leave but he did. His temples were pounding and the lull of sleep was pulling him in. He opened his eyes to a hand stroking his cheek and obediently he let Wooyoung place the metal under his tongue. Hongjoong reached out with the hand not holding the thermometer to entangle his fingers with Wooyoung’s while they waited. Then a few beeps. Great.
“38.1°C”, Wooyoung read out, “could have been much worse. I have some fever reducers here for you.” 
Deciding he did not want to fight Wooyoung, and also desperate to feel better, Hongjoong just silently took the pills from Wooyoung and took a bite from the chocolate cake he had left over. Once he had downed the pills he took a few sips of water, shivering when the cold liquid went through his body. 
Instantly Wooyoung reached across him and spread the fluffy, oversized blanket over both of them. Hongjoong sunk back down against his side, too comfy to even consider leaving their small nest. Wooyoung hummed and wrapped his arm around Hongjoong so that he could lean his head on Wooyoung’s chest. A hand came to play with his hair and Hongjoong sighed in content. He could probably fall asleep right where he was.
“What’s on your mind, hyung?”, Wooyoung asked gently.
At the question, unwanted tears flooded Hongjoong’s eyes again and he shrugged. What should he say? What could he say?
“I guess filming was a bit too much today”, Hongjoong settled on, reluctantly, “it wasn’t really nice to be alone for so long, especially with the concept…” He trailed off, voice going quieter the more he spoke. Wooyoung, however, didn’t seem to have an issue understanding him.
“Did you feel sick then too?”, he asked. Hongjoong shook his head. Overwhelmed and sad, yes. But not sick.
“Filming probably took a lot out of you, especially with how emotional it can be. No wonder you’re exhausted and feverish. I can’t fathom how it feels to be alone for so long”, Wooyoung said. Hongjoong was, at this very moment, very glad it had been him and not one of the other members who had had to do this.
“It wasn’t nice”, Hongjoong agreed. Then before he could lose his courage, he asked: “Do you think it’s really worth it? Being idols, I mean.”
Wooyoung inhaled sharply and pressed a kiss against Hongjoong’s temple before he maneuvered Hongjoong from his arms. For a second Hongjoong was scared that the younger would leave, would hate his captain for doubting what they had worked so hard for. Instead Wooyoung turned them both so they could look at each other. One of his hands came to rest against Hongjoong’s cheek, fingers icy-cold against his blazing hot skin.
“For me, it’s definitely worth it, hyung. I don’t want to imagine a world where I never got to meet all of you”, Wooyoung said with a tight smile. At his words Hongjoong’s tears began to fall in earnest again and suddenly he was pulled into a bone-crushing hug, sobbing against his dongsaeng’s chest. Wooyoung held on tight, running his hands up and down Hongjoong’s back and gently soothed and sobs that sounded in the otherwise silent room.
It felt good, in a way, to let go of his anxieties and emotions. To get comforted by somebody who he knew wouldn’t judge. To not have to pretend that he was okay.
Hongjoong didn’t know how long it was that he was crying for when he was finally able to calm down. Wooyoung helped Hongjoong lie down on his lap, as hesitant as Hongjoong to let go. There were tears on his face too.
“We’re a mess”, Hongjoong rasped. “Yeah, but we’re a mess together. That’s okay”, Wooyoung replied and reached over Hongjoong to grab the box of tissues that was placed on the table. He handed Hongjoong a few tissues and took some for himself. Hongjoong blew his nose, then used a new tissue to wipe his eyes. They burned and ached but he felt lighter somehow. 
“We’ll clean up some other time, the floor is as good as any place”, Wooyoung said and they both dropped the crumbled balls onto the floor.
“I’m sorry”, Hongjoong mumbled, after a moment of contemplation. He didn’t want to burden the younger members with his issues, even less cry all over them. “I don’t know what’s wrong with me. We all had a hard day and yet I’m the only one ugly crying on the sofa.”
“Hm, none of us had to sit alone in a small room for six hours while occasionally getting flashed by our own trauma. Besides, you have spent all your nights at the studio and are exhausted. And you’re running a fever, though that might be also a reaction to the stress. Don’t feel bad about it, hyung.” Wooyoung shrugged, nonchalant.
But as Wooyoung had said, he was the hyung, the captain. He had to be strong.
Hongjoong didn’t realize he had voiced his thoughts out loud until Wooyoung said: “It’s okay to be weak from time to time. We’re a team, you know. You don’t have to carry all your burdens alone, hyung. Tell me what else has been on your mind, please.” 
Wooyoung sounded so earnest, so hopeful, so worried that Hongjoong couldn’t help but talk.
“I guess … I am … I am so afraid, all the time. Sometimes I think this is all just a dream and I will wake up again in a bed alone, the lone trainee of KQ. Working hard until they decide that debuting a group is too much and that I will have to go back home in shame. I’m scared that one day people will come to realize that they don’t like us as much as they thought. That one bad song, one mistake will ruin all our careers and that it will be all my fault. I’m afraid that all that I have gone through - all that we have gone through - may have been for naught at the end of the day”, Hongjoong admitted, sniffling slightly. His nose was still blocked from crying and it was hard to breathe again.
“It’s real, hyung. It’s all real”, Wooyoung whispered, “we’re famous, we have millions of ATINYs behind our backs, ready to defend us and loving what we do. And even if some might lose interest and one day we’re not as famous anymore, we’re still eight. We’re still your friends, hyung. Isn’t that enough?”
Hongjoong looked up at his dongsaeng who was looking at him with stars in his eyes. He had never really realized how much the members adored him but he could see the love Wooyoung held for him.
“It’s enough for me. But I want you to shine on stage and be happy”, Hongjoong whispered.
“We’re happy, hyung. We’re all so happy, don’t worry. Even if we weren’t on stage, we’d be happy, I promise.”
“Okay”, Hongjoong choked out.
Wooyoung continued running his fingers through Hongjoong’s hair. He seemed to contemplate what to say next. Hongjoong held his breath.
“But that’s still not all, is it?”, Wooyoung asked.
Hongjoong was already too deep in spilling his secrets to start caring now what Wooyoung might think.
“I miss my family”, he whispered, feeling ashamed anyhow. Wooyoung didn’t see his family … no, it wasn’t a competition. They could all miss their families no matter how often - or not - they saw them. 
“I just … I mean I left for Seoul when I was so young. I sometimes regret it, you know. Not spending time with them when I still have it. I know I am overthinking but … I mean, technically anybody could die tomorrow and I will forever regret not spending more time with them. I miss them so much, I miss seeing them daily. I miss my eomma’s hugs and my appa’s comforting words and I even miss Bumjoong teasing me for this or that. I guess, I just … I just want to not be ‘on’ all the time. It’s scary too, knowing that here I am the second oldest, the person responsible for all of you. Any small mistake I make could hurt you. I am so scared you will come to resent me if I wasn’t careful, decided wrong and something bad happened…”
“Hyung, Joong-ah, stop”, Woyooung interjected, gently but firmly enough that it shut Hongjoong up. “Listen to me, hyung: We will never resent you for whatever happens. We know you always do the best for us, decide what you think is best. Until now you have not led us astray and I doubt you will. You’re always there for us and we’re so thankful to you. I’m just sorry that we haven’t taken care of you as much as you deserved.”
Wooyoung tapped his finger against Hongjoong’s temple. “You are so smart, hyung, and so headstrong. I know you think you need to be the strong, reliable hyung and captain for us. But you don’t have to be all the time. You’re barely five months older than Yunho, both you and Seonghwa are not much older than we are. I know people call us ‘the kids’ but we do forget sometimes that we actually aren’t. You don’t always need to take care of us. I know you are the baby in your family and I can understand it must be hard to have suddenly been forced into an unknown role. But please, please remember: It’s eight makes one team. You can lean on us too, Hongjoong-hyung.”
Maybe it was the way Wooyoung had said it with tears already glistening in his eyes again, or it was something else but Hongjoong found himself overwhelmed with sobs again. He turned to hide his face against Wooyoung’s stomach and cried.
Cried about his fears.
Cried about the past.
Cried about the future.
Cried about the difficult day.
Cried for himself.
It was good. Cathartic. 
Wooyoung’s heart ached for his captain, sobbing on his lap. None of the members, not even Seonghwa, seemed to have known just how much baggage and internal pressure Hongjoong carried with himself. How much he hid behind smiles and several ‘I’m your hyung, don’t worry about me’.
Now they paid the price: An exhausted, sick and anxious captain hurt beyond his limit for the day.
Slowly, so slowly, Hongjoong’s breathing turned even and then it became congested snores. Wooyoung just continued running his fingers through the bleached hair and pressed a kiss against Hongjoong’s barely exposed temple. Then he pulled out his phone.
Wooyoung (23:34): Hongjoong-hyung is sick and exhausted.  Can you tell the manager he needs at least a few days off?
Hwa-Hyung (23:35): What’s wrong? Do you need me to come over? I’ll let the manager know…
Wooyoung (23:36): He’s running a decent fever.
Wooyoung thought for a moment if he should tell Seonghwa more or not but decided that Hongjoong would need all the help and support from the group in the future. 
Hwa-Hyung (23:36): How high? What else?
Hwa-Hyung (23:37): How high?
Hwa-Hyung (23:37): Yah! Wooyoung, I can see you are reading the messages.
Hwa-Hyung (23:38): Nevermind - I’m treating this as an emergency. I’m coming over.
Wooyoung (23:38): Yeah, that might be best…
Wooyoung was left with an unopened message but less than five minutes later Seonghwa had let himself into the apartment, rushing over to the sofa the moment he spotted them. He was wearing a two-piece Star Wars pajama set which looked ridiculous and cute at the same time. Before he could say anything, Wooyoung lifted his fingers to his lips, signaling for quiet.
Seonghwa nodded and came to kneel beside the couch, hands coming up automatically to run gentle circles on Hongjoong’s back. The captain didn’t even stir, too sick to be roused by such an act. “What happened? Did the filming go badly?”, the eldest whispered.
“I found him crying in his room. I think today was just too much - it triggered all his fears and insecurities. He was left in that room for six hours on his own, anybody would have been on edge after that, especially when confronted with your own trauma. And, as I said, he’s running a fever. No wonder he is emotional. Though I suspect it may have been caused by the stress as well”, Wooyoung explained, equally quiet, “he needs us so much, hyung. He’s so scared of letting us down.”
“We’ll take care of him, Wooyoung-ah, don’t worry”, Seonghwa replied, “let’s get him to bed so he can sleep comfortably, okay?” Without further ado he lifted Hongjoong into his arms bridal style, letting Wooyoung adjust the captain against his shoulder. 
Wooyoung ran ahead, opening doors and pulling the covers of the freshly-made bed back so Seonghwa could set Hongjoong down without any issues. With a smile Seonghwa beckoned Wooyoung to climb into bed with the captain and he readily complied. Gently he pulled Hongjoong close, hugging him from behind as the big spoon, while Seonghwa adjusted the blankets over them. 
Throughout all the administrations Hongjoong hadn’t woken up at all, just cuddled a bit close to the warmth of Wooyoung’s body. But when Seonghwa kissed both their foreheads he sleepily opened his eyes, barely even there. Wooyoung doubted he would even remember in the morning.
“I love you”, Hongjoong whispered, earning grins and kisses from the other two.
“We all love you, hyung”, Wooyoung whispered back and squeezed Hongjoong a bit tighter.
“Sleep well, you two”, Seonghwa mumbled, “I’ll be in your room, Wooyoung-ah, if you need me. Love you too.”
Seonghwa switched off the light and the room was bathed in darkness. Wooyoung was sure his arm would fall asleep during the night and Hongjoong was uncomfortably warm against him but for now it was enough.
Hongjoong wasn’t okay.
But he would be with their help.
Masterlist links: Fairy's Full Masterlist Fairy's Masterlist - ATEEZ
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sicktember: Day 14
Sicktember Prompt: Day 14 - Clean Sheets / Fresh Pajamas Sickie: Yunho Caregiver: Seonghwa, Wooyoung, Yeosang
“And… up,” Yeosang says softly, his hands holding Yunho by the elbows. While the older man is taller, he’s barely stronger than a child at his current state. Roasting with a fever that has been taking days to break, weak with chills and hoarse from a rough cough that’s been plaguing him for past week, Yunho’s been barely able to get out of bed on his own. After his fainting spell earlier, Yeosang had called in Seonghwa for reinforcements, deciding that Yunho’s “I’ll sleep it off” method wasn’t working anymore.
Yunho takes in a deep breath—or tries, and Yeosang can hear a whistle in his wheezing—and feels Wooyoung’s hands gripping his waist for extra support. He stares at his roommate with a sad look.
“You’re okay,” Yeosang encourages. “Come on. Slow steps to the bathroom.”
Yunho doesn’t reply verbally, but Yeosang catches the small nod as they begin to shift towards the bathroom. Yeosang moves backwards but doesn’t worry about hurting himself—they’re going too slow for bumping into a wall or a door to do anything. And with Yunho’s room as clean as it is, they’re not likely to run into anything but his dog-shaped bedside table. Yeosang just continues to encourage him until they make it into the bathroom, where Seonghwa pulls his hands from the water at the tub.
“It’s warm, not too warm but should be comfortable enough,” the oldest member says.
“Thank you,” Yunho grunts. His eyes blink heavily and he sways, but the hands grip his arms a little tighter. Yeosang is practically holding him forward. “I… I’m sorry.”
That has Wooyoung laughing. “Silly. Come on, let’s get you in the tub.”
They make quick work of ridding Yunho of his sweat-soaked pajamas and helping him into the tub, sitting him gently. He shivers, the water not as hot as he’d hoped, but warm enough that it doesn’t make him whine about the temperature. Wooyoung takes over getting the soap and a washcloth, and as Yunho leans on the side and rests his head, he takes over trying to scrub his sweat-salty skin clean. Yeosang and Seonghwa slip away into the bedroom and start cleaning what they can.
Seonghwa wastes no time in stripping the bed of the dirty sheets, recruiting Yeosang to remove the pillow cases. Yeosang grimaces at the wet marks on the pillow, feeling bad. “He’s been sweating so badly…” he mumbles.
“But his fever still keeps coming back,” Seonghwa sighs in response. “If he doesn’t feel even a little better tomorrow, I’m making our manager take him to the doctor.”
“He’s going to complain,” Yeosang answers. He laughs, but he really agrees with his hyung; Yunho hasn’t been getting better and it’s been days. Both of them frown, before scooping up the old bed linen and carrying it to the washing machine.
Yunho coughs roughly and grimaces when he bumps his chin on the tub. He whines at the sudden pain, and Wooyoung reaches over to rub his chin.
“Oh Yunho… you’re just having a rough night, aren’t you?” Wooyoung tries to comfort him, voice soft and soothing.
Yunho just groans in response, setting his face back down on the tub side, sideways this time. “Bad week. Worst Tuesday.”
“It’s… Thursday.”
That has Yunho lifting his head quickly, surprise taking over his face, but he ends up covering his mouth with one shaky hand as he lets out a few more painful coughs into his hand. Wooyoung rubs his back until he calms down, and when he looks at his hand, covered in sputum and phlegm, he frowns and just sticks his hand into the water to wash it off. Wooyoung pulls his hand over and runs the washcloth over it, before putting his hand back in the water. Sighing, Yunho sets his head back down.
“Oh Yun… You slept most of yesterday, didn’t you?”
“If that’s what we’re calling it,” Yunho grumbles. He could barely rest peacefully, between waking up to kick his blanket off, waking up to cover himself, the nonstop chills, his cough waking him up, and then his most recent nausea and dizziness… It’s been awful. He doesn’t feel like he’s slept in days, but according to Yeosang, he’s just been staying in bed and living off water and crackers.
Wooyoung scoops water from the tub and washes away suds from his back, then over his shoulder. “It’s okay. Let’s just finish the bath, then get you back to bed, with soup and medication this time.”
Yunho sighs. “This is so tiring.” His voice even sounds exhausted. Wooyoung’s sure, especially if he’s been so sick he’s losing track of time. Wooyoung just continues to pour water on his back, rubbing it gently. He can feel Yunho relaxing under his soothing, until Yunho almost falls asleep. His coughing startles him to sit up again, and Wooyoung decides they’ve spent enough time in the tub. He lets out the water from the tub, then uses the detachable showerhead to rinse any remaining soap from Yunho before he calls for Yeosang again.
“I can get up myself,” Yunho grumbles, holding onto the side of the tub.
Yeosang hurries in anyway, to catch Yunho looking awfully green trying to right himself onto his feet. The two help him step out, only for Yunho to pitch forward at the toilet. He yanks the lid up and immediately lets out a mouthful of pale, sludgy vomit. He can hear both of them murmuring soft encouragements, both members easing him to kneel onto the bathroom rug to just throw up again. While he catches his breath, he feels Wooyoung rubbing the towel over his skin, trying to dry him a little bit. He tries to lean forward, but Yeosang pulls him over to lay against his shoulder instead.
“Wasn’t this bad… yesterday,” he mumbles against Yeosang’s shoulder. “I wanted… wanted to get dressed myself.”
“Come on, do you think you’re done?” Wooyoung asks.
Yunho nods. Yeosang helps him up again, slowly this time, and they hand Yunho his own boxers, letting him have the dignity of getting himself dressed. Once he tugs his shirt on, they help him rinse his mouth out with mouthwash, then take him back into his room. Seonghwa’s seated on his computer desk chair, checking the dosage on one of the medication bottles in his hand. Yunho realizes, as the two help tuck him in, that they changed his sheets and had a fresh blanket tossed on top. They have to tug him forward to keep him from laying down right away, which has Seonghwa laughing as he rolls the chair over. Yunho doesn’t complain when he sips the cough syrup, taking relief in the water bottle handed to him afterward. And his eyes droop quickly. As Wooyoung helps Yunho lay down, Yeosang hands Pudeongie into his arms and Seonghwa tugs the blanket up to his shoulders. With a yawn, Yunho settles down easily.
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ao3feed-ateez · 19 days
ateez wooyoung
read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/FcygawB by tinystar_04 The sun set over the ocean, casting a golden glow on the deck of the ship. ATEEZ had just returned from a successful raid, spirits high and laughter echoing across the waves. Among the crew, Wooyoung moved with his usual energy, though beneath his bright smile, a hidden pain gnawed at him. He felt a sharp pain in his side every time he moved, but he shrugged it off. He couldn't let the crew worry about him, not when they had just achieved something so great. "I'll be fine," he told himself, forcing a smile. "It's nothing." Words: 696, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English Series: Part 1 of kpop sickfics Fandoms: ATEEZ (Band) Rating: Not Rated Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Characters: Jung Wooyoung (ATEEZ), Kim Hongjoong, Park Seonghwa, Jeong Yunho (ATEEZ), Kang Yeosang, Choi San (ATEEZ), Song Mingi (ATEEZ), Choi Jongho (ATEEZ) Relationships: Jung Wooyoung (ATEEZ)/Everyone Additional Tags: Hurt Jung Wooyoung (ATEEZ), Everyone Loves Jung Wooyoung (ATEEZ), Jung Wooyoung-centric (ATEEZ) read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/FcygawB
5 notes · View notes
ateez-ao3feed-new · 5 months
Untitled Ateez fic
read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/MqyNQau by MinMinJo Group stomach flu fic Words: 1227, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English Series: Part 189 of Kpop Sick and hurt/comfort fics Fandoms: ATEEZ (Band) Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Characters: Park Seonghwa, Kim Hongjoong, Jeong Yunho (ATEEZ), Kang Yeosang, Choi San (ATEEZ), Song Mingi (ATEEZ), Jung Wooyoung (ATEEZ), Choi Jongho (ATEEZ) Additional Tags: Sickfic, emeto read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/MqyNQau
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whats-k-popping · 1 year
Summary: When he opens their bedroom door, he's hit by a pungent rotten acidic smell. It flips his own stomach and makes him put his knuckles over his lips. The smell is reminiscent of vomit, and his stomach instantly desires similar release. His disdain for his boyfriend vanishes immediately. He buries his own ill misery, replacing it with worry for his younger partner.
Pairing: Woosan (NonIdol AU) - established relationship
Words: 3511
Warnings: Emeto || Graphic Descriptions of Vom!ting || Fever || Fake Illness
Wooyoung has been planning this for weeks. A lot of time and research and actual money has gone into pulling off probably the greatest prank of their couples vlogging career. This specific prank seems to be trending right now, as he's seeing all the other couples they follow posting similar videos- "pranking my boyfriend by pretending to sick" and "will my boyfriend take care of me when I'm sick?" He binge watched all of them and found the content to be very cute. Even the gentle scoldings after the prank is revealed. 
And in typical Wooyoung fashion, he wants to show off how abundantly caring his boyfriend is to the whole world. Or to their 307k subscribers anyway. After all, it was his idea to start the channel. And he puts the most effort into making the videos, editing the footage and adding effects. So with San away on a business trip, he sets the plan into motion. 
He researches the best way to fake symptoms, leading him to the purchase of a thermometer that always reads a fever and a grotesque recipe for fake vomit. He hoards dryer lint, knowing it makes him sniffly and sings loudly in their empty apartment, intending to make his voice hoarse. 
San hasn't told him what time his flight leaves, only that he'll "be back Friday morning." Wooyoung pouted and complained at that answer, but San stood his ground. He probably wants it to be a surprise. Well, two can play at that game. He sets everything up the night before San's anticipated return. He doesn't want to risk anything spoiling his prank. Pranking is his speciality. 
He's got a box of tissues, medicine packets, bottled water, and the prank thermometer sitting on his bedside table. Hiding under the bed are a mist bottle of warm water and the jar of fake vomit. He's even set a bucket next to the bed and poured some of the fake vomit into it to really sell that he's been sick for a while. It smells terrible. It's perfect.
And of course, he camouflages the camera in the far corner of their room, angling the lense toward their shared bed to capture the exact moment San walks in and finds him ill. 
He's already filmed his whole preparation process, ensuring to keep his viewers in on the prank. He's even started editing that footage already. All that's left is to really play the part. He puts on his fluffiest pajamas (keeping his baggie of dryer lint in the chest pocket for easy access) and settles into bed, ready for his plan to unfold. 
He sleeps peacefully through the night, but startles awake at the sound of San's obnoxiously loud keychain jostling on his hip. Usually, he hates the thing. But for today's purposes, he's thankful that San chooses to sound like a human tambourine everywhere he goes. When he hears the door to their apartment unlatch, he quickly pulls the mist bottle out from under the bed. He sprays some around his sheets and some on his face before throwing it back under the bed. He starts rolling the camera, then quickly lays back down, ready for San to find him. 
San sighs heavily as he lets himself into the apartment. He rips off his coat, feeling uncomfortably warm in his only layer aside from a loose-fitting t-shirt. He kicks off his shoes and abandons his luggage by the door, not even caring to unpack. He just wants to crawl into bed, ideally snuggled up beside his boyfriend. 
He'd started feeling unwell the second day of the trip. He originally blamed it on the foreign food, but the more his symptoms progress, he thinks that maybe his seatmate on his departure flight wasn't just pale due to air sickness like he'd originally assumed. 
It was a hellish trip, but he was able to maintain productivity in order to return Friday, like he had promised. And was rewarded with a few days off. He'd originally planned to spend those days spoiling Wooyoung. Now he thinks he'll use them to recover from whatever illness his immune system failed to prevent. 
But no use dwelling on it further. He's finally home. Instead he shuffles his way to the bedroom, barely having the energy to lift his feet. He notices that the apartment is mostly unkempt. Dishes unwashed, belongings out of place, trash peeking out over the rim of the receptacle. He scoffs at the sight, mentally cursing the man he calls his boyfriend. He knows the younger isn't much for housework, but he wonders what's been keeping him so busy he couldn't load the dishwasher. Hopefully, once Wooyoung sees how sick he is, he'll clean it up. Otherwise, it will be left in disarray until he feels better.
When he opens their bedroom door, he's hit by a pungent rotten acidic smell. It flips his own stomach and makes him put his knuckles over his lips. The smell is reminiscent of vomit, and his stomach instantly desires similar release. His disdain for his boyfriend vanishes immediately. He buries his own ill misery, replacing it with worry for his younger partner. 
San swallows thickly, taking large strides to Wooyoung curled up so small under the covers. He takes in the scene of obvious illness that's settled around the room, side-eying the sick bucket on the floor as the source of the unpleasant smell. 
He gently brushes Wooyoung's bangs away to feel his forehead. He's not noticeably warm, but sweat coats his face and their bedsheets. Relief washes over him, thinking he must have already sweat the fever out. 
Despite San's touch being feather-light, Wooyoung starts to stir and open his eyes, slowly of course to remain in-character. "Baby, you're home." Wooyoung's voice is perfectly hoarse, all according to plan. Still, he tacks on a chesty cough for effect. 
"I just got back," San strokes along the younger's hairline. "Is my Wooyoungie not feeling very well?" 
Wooyoung just shakes his head with a pout, adding a few shivers. San responds by pulling the blanket up to his chin. "How was your trip?" The younger asks. 
San smiles at his sick dongsaeng, ruffling his hair. "Business as usual" is his simple reply. Leaving out all the bits of his own experiences with illness. "I'll tell you all about it when you're feeling better." 
"Kay," Wooyoung yawns, nuzzling himself closer to San. 
The smell of the bucket beside the bed demands his attention. The effect the putrid odor has on him is becoming too hard to ignore. His stomach gurgles and bubbles in anger the longer he's crouched beside it. "Baby, I'm going to wash this out okay? Do you think you'll need it anytime soon?" When Wooyoung shakes his head, San grabs the bucket holding it far away from his face and rushes to the bathroom. 
He pours the contents into the toilet bowl and flushes all in one quick motion. While he's filling the bucket with water, he uses the sound of the running tap to mask his own gagging. He spits up a mouthful of sick he easily recognizes as the in-flight meal he begrudgingly stomached a few hours ago into the toilet and grimaces. Airline food hardly looks good the first time, but the second time is menacing.
But he doesn't have time to wallow in his own disgust. Not when Wooyoung needs him. He takes a few deep breaths and shakes out the fog from his head. Taking a long look in the mirror, he tries to convince himself it's jetlag. He hopes he could convince Wooyoung, too, should the younger notice his pallor. He flushes his own sick and brings the rinsed bucket back to the bedroom. 
Meanwhile, Wooyoung is exacerbating his own symptoms with a smug smile of success. In San's absence, he not only refreshes the misting he'd applied earlier, but also takes a long whiff of the dryer lint in his pocket. The reaction was almost immediate. He's a watery-eyed, sniffling mess when San returns with the bucket. 
San sets the bucket aside and sits on the edge of the bed. He plucks a tissue from the conveniently placed box and starts dabbing the younger's waterline. "What hurts, jagiya?" 
"Everything," Wooyoung whimpers in such a pitiful way, he thinks he deserves an Oscar for his performance. 
"I'm sorry you weren't feeling well and I wasn't here," he wants to lean over and comfort Wooyoung with a soft kiss, but he doesn't want to further compromise the younger's immune system by introducing new germs. Or vice versa. He settles for scalp scratches, which Wooyoung leans into. "You just rest, hyung will take good care of you now." 
"Thank you, Sannie." Wooyoung coos as he starts to drift off. 
San eyes the thermometer on the side table and it seemingly reminds him. "Don't fall asleep just yet, let me take your temperature first." He pleads, and Wooyoung opens his mouth obediently. 
When the thermometer reads 39.2 degrees, San's eyes widen like saucers. Wooyoung hadn't felt that warm. But he resolves that maybe he's sporting a fever and it's making Wooyoung feel cooler to touch. "You’re burning. I'm going to get you a cool cloth," he rushes off with the thermometer in hand. 
In the bathroom again he rinses the thermometer and sticks it under his own tongue. When it beeps, he reads 39.0 degrees. Wooyoung still has a higher fever. So he needs more attention. He returns with a bowl of ice water and a washcloth. He takes good care to ring it out and places it carefully on Wooyoung's head. 
"Rest up, now. I'll fix you something to eat, then you can take medicine and have a shower. The bedsheets need to be changed anyway." San dictates a pretty organized plan, though he has low hopes of the success rate. 
"Choi San, my guardian angel," Wooyoung slurs with a thick sniffle. "I love you," he puckers his lips expectantly. 
"I love you too." San resists the urge again to kiss his sickly boyfriend. Instead he pats Wooyoung's thigh and exits the bedroom. Their living room futon has never looked more inviting. He throws himself onto it, completely spent. 
He wants to be the doting boyfriend Wooyoung deserves him to be. But his own illness is catching up to him disapointingly quickly. With Wooyoung napping, he's bought himself time to rest. He thinks about cooking something, but the thought of being around food enrages his stomach. And his head feels trapped in a thick fog. He can't guarantee his own safety in the kitchen.
So he opens the delivery app on his phone and orders some comfort foods to be dropped off at the door. As soon as he sees the confirmation screen, his eyes slip closed entering into a restless sleep. 
Alone in the bedroom, Wooyoung is feeling a little disappointed. San is doing a great job at taking care of him. He's unknowingly showing off his gentler, domestic side to their fans. But there's been a severe lack of cuddling. San didn't even kiss him in greeting. San always kisses him after a business trip, to make up for all the missed kisses while he was away. He even rejected Wooyoung's kiss request. Physical touch is Wooyoung's primary love language. And San's not being very physical affectionate. 
In their four years together, Wooyoung has gotten sick more times than he can count. And without fail San had always cuddled with him. San never withheld kisses out of fear for his own health. San never ever left him alone to nap. The thought flickers through his mind that San is onto his trick, but he dismisses it. Impossible, he's been in-character the whole time. He just needs to up the ante for more attention. 
He uncovers the hidden jar of fake vomit, ready to draw back San's attention. He opens the lid. And after a few wet sounding coughs, he loudly pours the contents into the empty bucket. The sound echoes, and the stench of the chunky liquid is even worse after a night of fermenting. The acid smell almost makes his eyes water. But at least the next few coughs are real, gagging on the stench. It helps make the whole presentation more believable. 
San wakes to the sound of liquid hitting plastic, and jumps up when he hears Wooyoung coughing. It doesn't take long for him to piece the two together, despite his fevered haze. And he's in the bedroom before he even realizes his legs moved. He sees Wooyoung cradling the bucket in his lap, face over the rim and spitting into it. His breathing is ragged, exhausted. 
"Hyung," Wooyoung whimpers, "I threw up again. I'm sorry. I didn't mean to." 
The whole experience is too much for San's senses. The smell turns his stomach, Wooyoung's high pitched voice which he usually loves rattles a new headache. He suddenly feels too hot and too cold at the same time, feels a fat bead of sweat drip toward his brow. But Wooyoung needs him. 
He takes two clumsy steps before he bends at the waist, vomiting whatever’s left in his stomach onto the foot of their bed. 
For the first time, Wooyoung breaks character. San's never been one to get sympathy sick. So Wooyoung immediately knows it’s an expression of illness. He spares a millisecond glance to the camouflaged camera before rounding the bed, grabbing San before he collapses into his own mess. 
"Wooyoung," San sputters, a line of saliva dangling from his lips. Wooyoung's arms are wrapped around his waist, the only thing keeping him upright. He tries to pull himself away, using the edge of the bed for support. "Get back in bed. I'm okay." 
"No you're not, hyung. You just threw up." Wooyoung is not the strongest, but he has no trouble escorting San to his side of the bed. He gets San to lean against the headboard, away from the vomit stain. "Will you throw up again?" Before San has a chance to answer, the younger walks over to pick up the bucket filled with his fake vomit just in case.
San lets out a belch as the smell wafts before him, but it's dry and unproductive. He shakes his head at the question, assumingly empty, and turns his nose away from the foul smelling bucket. He's convinced he'll feel better once it's gone.
Wooyoung takes the hint and sets the bucket aside to be cleaned later. He presses the back of his hand to the older's forehead. "Sannie, you're burning up!" 
"It's jetlag," he scripts despite how ridiculous it sounds. When Wooyoung doesn’t budge, he quickly changes tactics. "You're sick too. You shouldn't be worrying about me." 
There's a lump in Wooyoung's throat and a guilty look in his eye. This wasn't how he'd envisioned the content to turn out. This wasn't how he wanted to reveal the prank. He feels real nausea from the guilt, but fights it back and confronts the truth, "I'm actually not sick, Sannie." His cheeks flood red with embarrassment, "I wanted to do a prank video. For our channel." 
"But the vomit?" 
"It's just a combination of vinegar, milk, and bread." 
"I took your temperature. You were over 39 degrees." 
"The thermometer isn't accurate. I bought it for the prank." Wooyoung scurries off to the bathroom and San notices there's not a falter to his step. He comes back with their actual thermometer. He puts the tip in his ear and waits for the beep. "See, 36.9." 
San still looks unconvinced. "The sniffling," Wooyoung exposes the lint baggie. "And the sweating," Wooyoung presents the mist bottle. 
San's eyes widen, then sharpen into a glare as he scans the room for the camera. He catches a small glimpse of a reflective surface tucked into their accent plant and points at it. "How long have you been filming?" 
Wooyoung's head hangs in shame. He fidgets with his fingers in his lap, unsure of anything else to do with them. Instinct kicks in and he wants to put his hands on San, but he’s sure the older doesn’t want that right now. "Since you got home." 
San pouts. He's exhausted as his illness settles in. He craves Wooyoung's nurturing. But he's simultaneously angry at Wooyoung for needlessly worrying him. It's a war inside his head that brings a pulsing pain with each new thought.  "I'm going to take a shower." He throws his legs over the edge of the bed, squinting his eyes as dizziness sweeps over him. 
"Do you need my help?" Wooyoung offers, also noticing that San is in no condition to escort himself. Out of habit, he wraps an arm around San's shoulders to support him. But San just shrugs him off, hoisting himself off the bed and slowly making his way to their bathroom. Wooyoung takes the hint, despite how much it hurts. He gives San space.
While San's in the shower, Wooyoung tidies the bedroom. He removes the soiled bed sheets and replaces them with a fresh pair. He discards his props, and sets up San's night stand with the necessities. Amidst the chores, Wooyoung hears their doorbell and finds the food San had ordered hanging from the handle. The blonde smiles at the two containers of samgyetang. 
San emerges from the bathroom dressed in his comfy lounge wear. He doesn't smell vomit when he enters the bedroom, which is a relief. The bedding is changed, turned down on his side, and he settles right in. Wooyoung had everything set up for him. There's medicine on the nightstand. The bucket has been cleaned again and set down for emergencies. And their real thermometer is leaning against his reading lamp. The only thing missing is Wooyoung. 
Maybe Wooyoung really left him alone to take care of himself. He knows Wooyoung would never do that, but the thought still stings. He curls up under the covers and tells himself that Wooyoung didn't do anything wrong. He tells himself that Wooyoung wouldn’t have tried to prank him if he’d known. He convinces himself not to be mad at his best friend. He even blames himself for not telling Wooyoung he’d gotten sick during the trip. Thinking about it nearly pulls him to tears. 
Wooyoung enters the room slowly, carrying a lap tray. "Do you mind if I come in?" He asks cautiously from the doorway. San, nearly on the verge of sleep, perks up at the sound of Wooyoung's voice. "If you need time, I get it. I just want to make sure you eat something. You won’t feel better on an empty stomach." The small laugh that follows is the most awkward sound San has ever heard. 
"Come here," the older encourages, scooting a bit to make room for Wooyoung. 
Wooyoung tries not to feel too excited as he carries the tray inside. He's still feeling guilty about how everything turned out. He needs to make amends. He sets the tray off to the side and sits on the bed. "I'm so sorry, Sannie-hyung. I didn't mean to overwork you. What can I do to make it up to you?" 
San shuffles under covers, a mischievous look on his face. He nudges Wooyoung with his knee until he falls off the edge landing with a thud on the ground. The older chuckles a bit at the pout on Wooyoung's face. It makes him feel just a little bit better. Reminds him of why he loves the high-maintenance blonde. "You can start by taking care of me," he shivers, "I’m too tired to stay mad at you.”
Wooyoung hops off the floor and climbs beside San is the bed, cuddling him and playing with his hair. He leaves feather light kisses against his boyfriend's warm forehead. "Of course I'll take care of you, Sannie. You're in good hands." 
San hums in content, closing his eyes and nuzzling into Wooyoung's chest. "Can I keep filming? I want all of our fans to know that I can take really good care of you, too." Wooyoung asks, eyeing the discrete camera that's already captured the whole altercation.
San smirks. Wooyoung always bounces back so quickly. It's an endearing quality. "As long as you include the earlier footage of you apologizing to me for faking." 
Wooyoung is never too proud to admit his mistakes. Another endearing quality. "Guess we'll split this episode into two parts then." He looks at the camera, then at San again. The older nuzzles close to him. Wooyoung reaches for the bowl without disturbing San’s position. When Wooyoung holds out the full spoon, San just opens his mouth expectantly. 
San eats half the bowl before he can’t stomach any more. He starts to doze off, so Wooyoung quickly gets him to take a dose of medicine. San’s compliant as ever, ready to snuggle up with Wooyoung and sleep until he feels better. Wooyoung whispers, not enough for the camera to hear, "Just rest now. I'll be right here." San believes him.
A/N: A woosan fic, as promised. Though I must admit, not the one I was working on when I first said I was writing one. I found a new guilty pleasure and had to write a fic about it. I'll be the first to admit I'm not totally satisfied with it. I've been fidgeting with this fic for weeks. I feel rusty after not writing anything for so long. But hopefully getting back into it will help me regain my confidence. So let's see how this goes.
As always, thanks for reading to the end! I really appreciate each and every one of you who make it this far! Feedback is always appreciated. And please let me know if I missed any tags or TWs. Please call me out for any errors you notice!
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