#wordgirl hal hardbargain
One headcanon for pretty much every wordgirl villain
Amazing Rope Guy's birthday is April 1st
The reason BLHG has a.. big left hand is because he has the condition Hemihyperplasia (which from what i've seen causes a part of a person's body to be larger than the other. Pls correct me if this is wrong, i am not familiar with the condition)
Brent is multilingual (since Chuck is his half brother, Brent's father spoke spanish, which inspired Brent to learn more languages)
Captain Tangent binge watches pirate movies in his spare time (E.g: Peter Pan, Treasure Island, Pirates of the Caribbean, etc)
Chuck has a video game collection that he's very proud of. It's full of older, retro games, and he also owns all the consoles to go with them.
Glen owns a body pillow, im not specifying of who. That's up for interpretation.
You know how Dr Two Brains is based on the myth that mice like cheese? In reality, mice prefer grains and berries. I'd think it would be funny if in a situation where he was forced to exclusively eat berries and grains, it'd make him ill (similar to how cheese really affects mice).
Eileen's last name is 'Rucker,' which is a German last name meaning 'thief' or 'Greedy'
Maria and Eileen are the absolute bestest of friends, with Eileen treating Maria like a little pet.
Granny May used to do ballet when she was younger, which gave her some of the agility she now has.
I couldn't think of a headcanon for Guy Rich specifically, but his brother's name is Duke.
Hal and Granny May went to the same school when they were young. They do not like each other at all.
Invisi-bill is simultaneously the worst and the best at playing Hide and Seek. He can just go invisible to hide, but is usually way too fidgety to stay in one spot permanently.
Lady Redundant Woman is a heavy sleeper. She also snores really loudly
Leslie is actually a mixed martial artist, but generally prefers Karate
Miss Power is fully capable of blinking, but is also capable of licking her eyeballs just to freak people out. She thinks its funny
Mr Big is really fond of 80s music because it reminds him of his band
Ms Question didn't realize this immediately about her powers, but she can produce electricity. If you touch her bare skin, she can accidentally shock both you and her. She can also stick magnets to herself.
Nocan.... ok im gonna be completely honest, i can't think of anything for this guy.
Reason and Rhyme have a secret handshake. Rhyme is the one who made it, and Reason messes it up everytime they try to do it
Royal Dandy calls Dave dad :) (but in a british way so probably something stupid(/j) like papa)
Seymour is insanely good at poker. He's perfectly capable of playing any version of it, but he's also really good at cheating at it. He hides cards in his sleeve and in his shirt and then swaps them out for whatever hand he has.
While it's not obvious, the Butcher likes jewelry. He doesn't wear it much, but you'll always find a ring or two and earrings in his house. (Reginald x Butcher shippers, do with this as you will)
The Coach was actually a highly successful man before trying to trick the Whammer. Most people don't realize that he went to really prestigious schools when he was younger.
The Learnerer's real name is Alfred, in reference to his voice actor
The Whammer was an actual pro-wrestler at one point, but was forced to stop because 'whams' aren't a legal move in the wrestling world.
Timmy Tim-Bo is the Coach's nephew
Tobey will play little puzzle games when not building robots (Crossword, Sudoku, etc)
Victoria Best tries to sneak into the villain convention, but usually gets caught pretty quickly.
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godsofthecatz · 19 days
Good lord help me with how many men there are- ASDFGHJKL I HAD NO ROOM FOR MISS POWER OR 'OTHER'... so just use the comments- invisi-Bill and left hand guy are together as a possible due, but could also be one or the other iff preferred! Also thought about if Mr.Big and Leslie could be a possible duo choice, as in you could go for one or the other, but choices could make it poly! Maria is on there as a maybe as it could be an interesting choice but idk where she stands exactly in if it'd be weird. I know there are monster lovers, just the '?' On adult-
The ones I already had in mind where. Dr.two brains, Chuck, Lady Redundant Women, and Miss question! Sense I was unsure on the last women, was thinking of Leslie- I love her, and there could be more added options, but I want to start off with six for now-
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ihatearbys · 10 months
2 follower special
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crazywolf85 · 4 months
I love old married men
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ratlordsarah · 1 month
Coach and hal hardbargain being an old married couple :33
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I thought the lower the quality, the funnier it��d be 💀
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big-city-times · 2 years
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various doodles of mostly the mischef makers (2 non funnies under the cut)
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fountainpenguin · 1 year
I enjoy the way Hal Hardbargain talks. "Whoever took it knew a bargain when he saw one, because HE GOT IT FOR FREE >:("
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bunny-carrothunter · 2 years
It’s Our House Now except with Wordgirl villains cuz it’s Halloween idk i’m bored
Two-Brains: Right you are, Wordgirl! It’s Halloween, you know. And with just the right touch... This could be quite the place.
Granny May: Full of whole and happier faces!
Lady Redundant Woman: Hanging out.
Mr Big: Feeling fine.
Butcher: Where everyone’s a friend of mine!
Granny May: Inside this evil joint!
Mr Big: Every guest gets to the point.
All five: This day with live in infamy!
Lady Redundant Woman: Your Wordgirl show is history!
All: It’s our house now! It’s our house now!
Victoria & Eileen: It’s the fact you can’t ignore!
Coach & Hal Hardbargain: Shut the windows!
InvisiBill & Big Left Hand Guy: Lock the doors!
All: It’s our house now!
Tangent, Raul & Seymour: Raise your mugs, you thieves and thugs!
Chuck and Whammer: Join the rabble-rousing crowd!
All: It’s our house now!
Glen, surrounded by cats: All the coolest cats fit in so perfectly.
Lady Redundant Woman: Every villainess gets due respect!
Two-Brains: Love your work
Mr Big, with a mind control device: You’ll forget your troubles, put your trust in me.
Ms Question: You’ve had your fun!
Royal Dandy & Victor: You’ve made your play.
All: But every heroine has her day!
All: It’s our house now! It’s our house now!
Butcher: What a place for breakin' bread!
Lady Redundant Woman, Ms Question & Leslie: Hate your neighbor!
Ms Question: Off with their heads!
All: It’s our house now!
Guy Rich: What a party.
All: Join the fun with no regrets! Only greedy dirty deeds are allowed!!
Granny May: Get those brats!
Mr Big: Game over, Wordgirl.
Lady Redundant Woman: Hit the road, missy!
Two Brains: Take a hike, chickies!
All: It’s our house now! Don’t bother coming back! It’s our house now!
Original: (x)
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Wordgirl Villains go on a road trip (headcanons)
To fit all of them, they stole rented out a bus
Leslie is driving the bus while Mr Big stands next to her for a majority of the time, controlling the music. All he plays is Tiny Big songs
Two Brains almost gets stuck playing a game of eye-spy with his henchmen, before he somehow convinces Ms Question to play with them.
Lady Redundant Woman fills up literally any empty seat with one of her clones, while the original somehow gets stuck sitting next to Royal Dandy, who keeps whining about everything.
Eileen put Maria in a jar so that she could hold her. If anyone questions why she insisted on putting the giant sentient energy creature in a jar to take with her, Eileen just responds with "She's my birthday present!"
Probably the strangest reveal of the whole trip is that the Whammer apparently has some pretty intense road rage. Someone has to convince him to not get up and wham all the traffic out the way.
Granny May and Hal Hardbargain are forced to sit next to each other, and the entire time they just complain about how "back in their day, the people actually knew how to drive"
Tobey, Victoria, and Captain Tangent are all forced to sit by each other because they're all kids. Tobey and Victoria are forced to sit in agony as Tangent literally won't stop talking.
The Butcher somehow manages to sneak by to change the music, to the relief of everyone except Mr Big.
Brent insisted he should come along so that he could bond some more with Chuck. The two sit next to each other, making forced and awkward small talk.
If having the Whammer being a Road Rager wasnt enough, the Learnerer is also sitting in the front, criticizing literally every driving move Leslie makes. It takes everything in Leslie's power to not get up and slam the Learnerer against the wall.
Timmy Tim-Bo is passed out in the middle of the bus.
Nocan is, for some reason, confused over the concept of traffic. Whenever someone tries to explain why the bus isn't moving, he just doesn't get it. "Cars are in front of us? No, NO cars are in front of us!"
Big Left Hand Guy is stuck making sure Invisi-Bill doesnt get up and do something stupid, which gets progressively harder as Invisi-Bill gets progressively more fidgety.
Do you ever notice how when Seymour's in a vehicle, he's the one driving it? That's because if he's the passenger in any vehicle, he gets horrendously car sick. Like 'I'm so nauseous i can't even keep my eyes open' kind of car sick. And the Coach is stuck sitting next to him.
Reason and Rhyme joined in on the car trip because they thought that it would be a fun experience and they'd get to bond with the other villains. While Rhyme is having fun, Reason is regretting the decision because it's loud, the bus smells horrible for several reasons, and there are still 4 hours left of the trip.
Amazing Rope Guy gets forgotten at a random gas station in Delaware.
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ninjastormhawkkat · 2 years
Another idea i had were time travel aus...
Past steven meeting his present two brains self almost simlar with @chaoticerisstuff but same universe just time travelling involved.
One where blu time travels back in time bc she wanted to find stuff out on her own. She meets her siblings and decides to stay in the past instead of her present time. However as with many time travel stories changing the past has concequences.
A time loop one. Where for some reason time keeps looping. Like from the very beginning of the series all the way to rhyme and reason. Only wordgirl knows this. She takes this as opprotunity to change things around. Though after so many loops she gets tired of it. Doesnt matter if she tells any one bc they'll forget when time resets.
I like the first idea.
I also have a few time travel ideas.
Becky and Two brains accidentally end up back in time to when Steven was a teen, and teen Steven accidentally finds out that this alien hero is his future child.
Teen Steven: Oh this is so radical! I must be a great hero or heroic teacher in the future if your my kid.
Becky: Um well, you did become a cool teacher and hero expert and I always consider you as my hero. (she is half truthful to him.)
The other one ties in with my half human/half alien Becky headcanon.
An out of town villain forces Hal Hardbargain and the Learnerer to build a specific time machine that will allow them to go back and time to stop Wordgirl's parents from ever meeting. Two Brains, Wordgirl, Huggy, Chuck, Tobey, and Victoria accidentally wind up back in time with this villain. They are all confused why they are still on Earth and not on Lexicon. While this villain tries to figure out what went wrong, they and the others are transported to specific times following the path of the relationship between Steven and his old girlfriend Teresa Star, a mysterious woman who disappeared for some reason 11-12 years ago. They soon solve the mystery as too why.
Plus a sad hurt/comfort one where in the current timeline Miss Power kills Wordgirl. Dr. Two Brains makes a wish to try and fix things so none of this would happen. He wakes up in his old body 11-12 years ago and ends up adopting Becky this time around instead of the Botsfords. Two Brains is in his past body with current knowledge of the future.
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mechidraws · 2 years
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Me thinks there should be more fanart of him
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crazywolf85 · 4 months
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gay married ponies
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livingislands · 2 years
Listen I need platonic affection with Becky and the villains or I die
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dandymaximilian · 2 years
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Instead of the usual villain at his door, Hal is greeted by none other than The Masked Bagger.
The man waves at him with a soft smile, giving an unnecessary adjustment to his mask. He dons a casual version of his usual villain getup, but he looks just as glorious as ever.
“U-uh…” Hal gulps, unable to pull his eyes away from the other man. His heart skips at beat. “Just what can I do ya for, The Masked Bagger?”
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