#work gender is professional kind intimidating ace
not-twst-enough · 3 years
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“*sniffs* because of my tears, I ended up breaking most of the rules. *sniffs* *sniffs* I really.....am the Queen’s worst soldier.....*sniffs* hck! uwaaaahhhhh!~”
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Name: Gale Sombre
Japanese: ゲイル・ソンブレ
Romanji: Geiru Sonbure
Other Name:
Monsieur Fausse-tortue (Rook)
Ukame-kun (Floyd)
Crybaby-senpai (Ace)
Voiced by Sakakihara Yuuki
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Gender: Male
Age: 17
Birthday: February 19
Starsign: Pisces
Height: 174cm
Eye Color: Turquoise
Hair Color: Dark Blue and Green highlight
Coral Sea (formerly)
Rose Kingdom
Race: half-cow; half-tortoise (hybrid)
Family: Unnamed Father and Unnamed Mother
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Dorm: Heartslabyul
School Year: Second
Class: 2-D Student no. 12
Occupation: Student
Club: Cooking
Best Subject: Defensive Magic
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Dominant Hand: Right
Favorite Food: Gelatin
Least Favorite Food: Escargot
Dislike: Riddle’s anger
Hobby: Making Gelatin
Talents: Cullinary
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Unique Magic: “Shell of Grief”
His UM has ability to engulf a large area with his aura, causing anyone within his reach to be overwhelmed with intense feeling of sadness and uncontrollable cry. This ability doesn’t mean to be in constant depending on Gale’s decision whenever he activate with his own freewill
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He is the most melancholic crybaby of Heartslabyul and never smiles. Gale is easily emotional at anything that he would constantly cries over. His clumsiness, many mistakes he have done to whatever he helps, horrifying things like danger, intimidation of others, Riddle’s punishments, the weirdness of NRC. All of these are droving him to be more sad that he usually ran away to his dorm and hides in isolated rose maze that is a safe place for him to cry no matter how long he stays. Due to his personality, he’s been mostly neglecting the rules and duties as the Queen’s soldiers. Almost everyone in Heartslabyul (sometimes Riddle himself) have forgotten about him. Some other knew of his personal disappearance but thought it’s troublesome to bring him back because of his melancholic behavior.
He often been easily teased and naming him a “coward” by many because how fragile and cowardly he looks. Either showing their affection towards him and jokes around with pranks but know that he is too sensitive when it comes to jokes. Making up scary jokes or stories would frighten him the most which obviously him begun to cry. Although he wouldn’t mind the good jokes as long as someone has to reassured him if it aren’t true and apologize that is offensive to him. Even Gale doesn’t always smile he would love to see those who’ve been around with him, smiles. He may be an annoying crybaby or a fragile coward to people’s eyes but he has a big kind heart. He is quite a shy one having hard time converse one another and showing his expressions other than sadness due to his past. Wouldn’t want to be the center of the attention by anyone. He’d usually thought negatively by mumbling harsh words to himself subconsciously that people would find it annoying. Find a way to cheer Gale up would be a hard mission to do but in order to zip his mumbles, they need various ways to bring his hopes up. It’ll take longer for Gale to feel what’s “happiness”.
In a good side, he’s surprisingly smart and a bit skilled at baking/cooking. He is very serious during class rather he’s really good at academic work than physical work thanks to growing up being well-educated back from his hometown he’s kind enough to help others explaining very detailed information and everyday he went to the library and studied by himself since Library is a quite place. Gale rather likes to stay quite places like in the rose maze and botanic garden. There are times he could be very serious but passionate if it’s about cooking. He’d nervously accept anyone’s help in baking & cooking if they promised to keep in mind of his teaching. Gale was actually wanted and tried his best to grow close relationship with anyone even if he always ran away from everyone. He’d slowly develop understanding new feelings from his observation and experiences. If something is serious that doesn’t mean he doesn’t know how to defend himself and other people he love. that really upsets him that much, he’d unexpectedly would show little bit of his true colors than he didn’t realized
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Quick warning that his backstory is a bit angst ⚠️
Gale was born to be a unique sea creature. A hybrid.....a frown hybrid to be precise. Apparently the parents have to live separately due to his father’s demand of work on the surface so from now on, his mother was the one who’ll raise Gale in the Coral Sea. Every mermaid children even from his school have avoided Gale because of his grotesque appearance: a body of a sea turtle and a horn & tail of a cow as a results of being isolated from them at the young age. Some mermaids did dare bullied while ridiculed Gale naming “son of a sea demon” which makes Gale constantly to mourn everyday alone on the rock until he realized he’ll never fit in with other mermaids or sea creatures. After some time, he and his mother had moved to the surface to reunite and live with their father at the Rose Kingdom. The differences from Sea of Coral is that Gale likes the atmosphere of the Rose Kingdom. People were been nice to him and the children wanted to play with Gale then he made few friends there but still until now Gale is still very insecure of his true form except only Heartslabyul knew who really was that they accepted him as also respected his decision to keep it a secret from outside students.
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He is the twisted version of the Mockturtle
The name Gale was named by his parents decision that is from an old English word of gal "jovial" and “light” meaning cheerful as they wanted their son to be the happy one. Sombre is a French word based on Latin sub “under” & umbra “shade”
His parents are actually different races as his father is a cow while his mother is a sea turtle
Gale has a hobby of making gelatin as the reference from an old Jell-O commercial in 1956
He has this other ability he could transform to his turtle form and quickly hides inside his shell whenever he was jump-sacred
He is the one who made the beret to design like Heartslabyul themed
He with Azul and Leech twins used to be an old classmates from their elementary school in the Coral Sea
Despite being sorted to Heartslabyul and as a Coral Sea-born, he doesn’t fit in well with Octavinelle students. He tried to, though.
Every spring break, he only visited Coral Sea to meet up with his relatives from his mother’s side
(Heartslabyul banner originally belongs to 👉🏻 @/piraticusdorm not mine)
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writersatinsomnia · 3 years
Character Interview - Ace Luster
A little writing exercise me and the bread did.
Interviewer: What’s your name?
Ace: My name is Ace Luster.
Interviewer: When’s your birthday?
Ace: August 27th, XXXX
Interviewer: So you’re 26 years old?
Ace: Uh, yes.
Interviewer: Anything you’d like to mention regarding your sexuality and/or gender identity?
Ace: I’m nonbinary and I go by they/them pronouns. I’m also bi.
Interviewer: What can you do? Where do you work?
Ace: I have umbrakinesis, or the ability to manipulate darkness and dark energy. I work a desk job. No further details.
Interviewer: Alright, alright. Anything going on in your love life? Anything spicy, you know?
Ace: No. No romantic nor sexual partners. I’m asexual.
Interviewer: Understandable. With the men out there these days… I digress. Tell me more about.. Umbr…Umbro…
Ace: Umbrakinesis
Interviewer: Umbrakinesis! Yes. And can you do anything else, power wise?
Ace: Enhanced strength, endurance, agility, and dexterity.
Interviewer: Interesting. You’re very formal and to the point - is that for professionalism?
Ace: Ha. I’m speaking as I do normally.
Interviewer: I see. Well, onto the fun questions. Coffee or Tea?
Ace: Depends on the type. Plain black coffee and mint tea are my favorites.
Interviewer: Ah, balanced. Do you have any… Vices?
Ace: Come again?
Interviewer: Like.. you know. A little something to get you through the day?
Ace: I do not. I won’t say anything bad about anyone who does, but that’s not my thing.
Interviewer: Fair enough. Any hidden talents?
Ace: I can break bones as easily as I can snap my fingers, if that’s what you’re looking for.
Interviewer: Oh, lovely. I meant like.. Card tricks or being double jointed, but that’s.. fair.
Ace: I can… speak backwards? To be honest, I don’t know.
Interviewer: Interesting. What do you do in your freetime?
Ace: I read, and because I know you’re going to ask me what kind of books I read, I have an affinity for thrillers, action, and mystery.
Interviewer: I’m partial to a good Stephen King or Edgar Allan Poe, myself. Any others you particularly recommend?
Ace: Not that I can recall at the moment, if I remember, I’ll make sure to send you an email.
Interviewer: Perfect, I’d love to hear from you Mx. Luster. Since you’ve grown so much in popularity due to [CUT FOR SPOILERS, sorry!] We have a few..fan submissions, if you’re willing?
Ace: Go ahead.
Interviewer: Well, starting spicy. (username) asks, “Who’s your favorite teammate?”
Ace: I love them both equally.
Interviewer: Very neutral, love it. Moving straight forward, lovingurmom asks: “If you could have any other power, what would you choose?”
Ace: Ice powers would be cool, but not very practical.
Interviewer: Elaborate on that, if you don’t mind. The, uh, lack of practicality.
Ace: Cam likes sculptures, and if I could make her ice sculptures that never melt, I would do it in a heartbeat. Plus, what isn’t fun about hitting your annoying friends in the face with a blast of ice?
Interviewer: I suppose that does make sense. Another question - solsticestan22 asks “Will you be returning to supervillainy? Are you joining Solstice permanently?
Ace: I wouldn’t leave Cam and Spence, so unless they went to the darkside with me, no I would not go back.
Interviewer: Aw, sweet. I think.
Ace: Do not call me “sweet” again.
Interviewer: Yes, Mx.
Ace: Great.
Interviewer: Well, I think we’re due for one final question. Pick: One, Two, or Three?
Ace: One.
Interviewer: mistermercy872 asks “If you could pick any animal in the world to keep as a pet, what would you pick?”
Ace: A cat. Because it wouldn’t need a ton of attention.
Interviewer: Practical, as always. What would you name it?
Ace: Cam would probably name it for me, but if I named it myself, it would be named something like “Fang”.
Interviewer: I’m sure Fang would probably be a little fluffball - only intimidating names for the cutest of animals, of course. Well, I think it’s about time to wrap up. Anything you’d like to say to the audience before we go?
Ace: Nope.
Interviewer: Alrighty then. Have a good night, Ace, and I’ll be waiting on that email.
Interviewer, addressing the audience: Thank you for coming! I’m the Interviewer, and this was Late Nights with The Cast! Have a good night, and feel free to send in your own questions!
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Just gonna put this here since I haven't really done much else tbh Lack of inspiration hit me like a brick. Love him pls he's precious- ✦General Information✦ Name: Oliver King Nickname(s): Oli, Ovie, etc Age: 19 years old Gender: Male Species: Otter kemonomimi Preference: Homosexual Height: 5’0 ft (Very smol) ✦Reside✦ Living Location: In a studio apartment near the college he attends ✦RELATIONS✦ (Name): Colleen King (mother) Oliver is pretty close to his mother and likes to hang out her when he has the time. They do puzzles, card games,etc and chat. (Name):Samuel King (Father) Oli has a close relationship with his father, doing some kinds of sports together. They like to swim and go on short hikes. (Name):Livvy King (Little sister) Oli's relationship with his sister is pretty decent, but is a bit hard. They have about a 14 year age gap, so it honestly depends on the situation. They do generally get along though. (Name):Akuma Akuma is Oli's bf and he loves him to pieces despite how dangerous he is. Would do almost anything for him~ (Name):Ace Wellingstone Ace has been Oli’s best friend for a while now, ever since they were children. They have always been very close, and Oli feels like he can tell him anything. However, Oli is completely unaware of Ace’s romantic feelings towards him. Poor bby, he’ll never really be able to be with Oli since he’s in love with Akuma :’D (Name):Dawn Will be added later once this character is more developed (Name):Finian Will be added later once this character is more developed (Name):Raiden Labs Oli and Raiden get along pretty well despite a 5 year age difference. They hang out sometimes at the hideout whenever Raiden isn’t too busy. They like to talk and listen to music together. (Name):Ryan Prescod Oli’s abusive ex boyfriend. He used to mentally and verbally abuse him in the time they were together. This resulted with Oli having some insecurities from his belittling, and has grown to fear him. Just the sight of his face scares Oli. ✦PERSONALITY✦ -Caring: He has a soft spot for helping people, will go out of his way to assist others. -Cheerful: Oliver is a huge optimist and tends to see the good in everything and everyone. -Neat: Loves to keep everything tidy and organized! He gets a bit stressed when things aren’t in order.. -Considerate: He tries his best to be conscious of other people’s feelings/needs, and gets sad when others are upset. -Energetic: Seemingly has unlimited amounts of energy, even after doing a strenuous activity. He doesn’t get tired easily. -Gentle:Hates hurting anyone, tries to be as soft as possible. -Loyal: Is like a dog in this aspect. -Playful: Loves messing around and having some goofy fun. -Sweet: He’s like sugar dear god. -Quiet: Usually like this around strangers or people he doesn’t know very well. He likes to make sure they’re comfortable with something before bringing it up. -Pure: Doesn’t really get adult humor somehow even though he’s 19-- also doesn’t really swear. -Clumsy: He’s not super clumsy, but tends to trip on the stupidest objects all the time (Ex: Falls up the stairs a lot) -Gets distracted pretty easily. Makes him a tad forgetful as well sometimes. -Excitable: Goes for anything he likes-from tv shows to friends- he gets hyped easily. -Insecure: The main reason being because of his Ex, who mentally/emotionally abused him. -Naive: Ties in with him being pure, he’s a bit too trusting and caring. -Soft hearted: Being the overly kind and trusting boy he is, he often gets taken advantage because of it. -Sensitive: Not hugely so, but he does take mean words a bit more to heart than others. -Weak: He’s not very strong and can’t fend for himself very well. ✦LIKES/DISLIKES✦ Likes: -Anything that has to do with water. Particularly swimming. -Cute things/people -Hugs -Animals. Pretty much any of them. -Outdoors -Flowers and plants in general -Bees. They help the plants grow :3 -Pastels -Sweet and salty foods -Soft clothes and items -Watching tv with people he likes -Doodling -Autumn -Hot Chocolate -Baggy clothes and scarves -Rain -Etc Dislikes: -When it’s overly hot or cold -Anything even a little spicy -People getting hurt or upset -Lack of inspiration -Loud noises -BUGS (Especially moths) -Rude or hurtful behavior -etc (He’s pretty positive, so not a lot of things actually bother him) ✦Skills✦ -2D artist (Draws traditionally and digitally. He specializes in a cute cartoony like style, and often paints with watercolor) -Is a really good swimmer. Could’ve gone professional if he wasn’t so into his art. ✦BACKGROUND✦ Childhood: Oliver was born and raised in a city called *insert name*. He lived with his family that consists of his mother, father, and little sister. He had a very normal and happy childhood and has a strong relationship with his family. He was one of those kids you’d probably call a goody two shoes. He didn’t really do anything wrong and spent most of his time either with his family, friends, or finishing up his schoolwork. Despite Oli being a naive child, he was pretty smart and had good grades. Adolescence: Middle school was pretty much all around the same for Oli, nothing really changed for him until freshman year of high school. That time was the one that really shaped him, and not really in a good way. That year he met this boy named Ryan Prescod. He was the captain of the football team, tall, handsome, charismatic. Oli couldn’t help but to completely fall for him. Ryan however, saw an opportunity in this. Oli is the kind of kid that you could manipulate into doing most anything and Ryan liked that. He used warm and loving words to get Oli in the palm of his hands. He saw him as a means to get what he wants, not for a loving relationship. Ryan was really sweet and caring at first, but shortly after they got together, he began to show his true colors. When Ryan didn’t get his way, he’d insult and belittle Oli, to the point it made him actually believe that what he said was true. It was definitely a mentally/emotionally abusive relationship. Hell, he would sometimes beat him a little, but only in spots where the bruises and cuts could be covered up. Ryan even tried to control who he was hanging out with and for how long. This went on for about four months, until others intervened and broke it off. That left Oliver broken for a while, with insecurities that Ryan instilled into him. Oli still acted like he usually did, keeping these things to himself. The last thing he likes to do is worry the people around him. He silently suffered with these fears and insecurities. After all, this happened, Oli got anxious when he started developing even a slight crush. Fearing it might end up like the last relationship, or that he just wouldn’t be good enough. About two years later, in junior year, in his English class, he was paired up with this boy named Akuma. He was infamous around the school for getting into violent fights with other kids and other horrible rumors that liked to float around. Of course, Oli was intimidated at first but was curious to see if he was truly as bad as everyone painted Akuma to be. The two boys would butt heads a little during the time they worked together, but after some time, they got along for the most part. Despite Akuma’s bad reputation, Oli got attached to him and wanted to get to know him more. Akuma was reluctant at first, but let him stick around anyway. They became pretty close after a while, and to Oli’s surprise, started to really like him. He began to panic as soon as he realized this, old memories of his last relationship flooding back onto him like a tidal wave. It took him a bit to calm down and come to terms with his feelings. He realized, based on what he knew of Akuma, that he would most likely never do that. He actually became really sensitive and agitated whenever Oli was even the slight bit injured or when he just looked upset. When Oliver eventually built up the courage, he confessed to Akuma when they were alone. Akuma eventually accepted his feelings and they started dating. They decided to keep it to themselves for a while, eventually gradually telling the people close to them. It was mostly due to the nature of their relationship and their vastly different lifestyles. Adulthood: Currently, Oliver is a nineteen-year-old college student studying art (specifically illustration, a little bit of animation). He lives in a studio apartment near the school but often likes to stay at his bf’s place. Although it is kind of far away from his apartment. He's pretty content on how his life is going so far. ✦ Other Info✦ He has a sun tattoo on the left side of his chest. (I’ll add more as I develop him <3) Note: I will be adding more outfits for him because he needs all the outfits All feminine ofc Also I don't mind adding more relationships for him, I'd prefer kemonomimis tho, as that's the kinda universe he's set in. Also I might redraw this later as I'm not really too happy with it--- ;;v;; Character and art(c) Kit-Kat-Draws Design by @/BurntUniverse Some of the other characters mentioned belong to KoKo-The-Rabbit
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