anytime I start to feel bad about myself I just remember that Edward Billionaire Playboy Philanthropist Rochester was so insecure he dressed up as an old lady and pretended to be a fortune teller just to try to get his 18 y/o employee to admit she liked him rather than ask her directly and is still considered a literary sex symbol and if that’s not inspiring I don’t know what is 
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Some of ya’ll haven’t almost married a guy who secretly had his wife in the attic and it shows.
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Astrology of Ostara 2019
There’s a lot going on astrologically on Ostara (3.20) this year. Ostara is always on the day when the sun moves from Pisces into Aries (at 2:59PM PDT this year), but this year it’s also happening on a full moon (at 6:43PM PDT). A full moon happens when the sun and moon are in opposite signs, so the moon will be in Libra, and the sun will be in Aries. Because this is happening on the day when the sun goes into Aries, this full moon will be happening when the sun is on the Aries point. The Aries point is the very first degree of the zodiac (0 degrees Aries), so astrologers treat the spring equinox like the new year. For those who honor the wheel of the year, Ostara is the feast of the dawn, which means that there are three very important symbols of dawning manifestation happening within a few hours of each other: the astrological new year, the full moon, and Ostara. 
If you’re a person who likes to take advantage of power times to do spells, Ostara will be an excellent time for abundance/fertility spells or anything to mark/create a new beginning. 
BUT the moon will be void from 8:22 AM until 6:28PM (PDT). Void moons are times when we need to rest. Workings that are done during a void moon tend to go nowhere, so it’s important that any workings that are done happen after 6:30PM that day. Fortunately, void moon times are excellent times for preparation and divination, so if you prepare for your working in the afternoon and activate it in the evening, you’ll be working with the spiritual energy of the day very well. 
Additionally, there are some planetary things to be aware of:
Mars (Taurus) trine Pluto (Capricorn) - These planets are powerful for helping you clear out blocks in your life. Mars provides the necessary will and anger. Pluto provides BOOM. The houses that contain 23 degrees Taurus and 23 degrees Capricorn are places in your life that are ripe for explosive change.
Mercury (retrograde in Pisces) sextile Saturn (Capricorn) - With these planets coming together it’s a time when you’re ready to level up your communication skills or when reflecting on your life will help you move through things that have been blocking you. The houses that contain 19 degrees Pisces and 19 degrees Capricorn are places where your work will most pay off. 
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🌘Types of Witchy Girls🌫
♡ ``Chera`` ♡
clueless, not so intuitive, hates harsh chemicals, plants their own veggies and fruit, in the broom closet, avoids conflict, blesses jewelry, protection charms, allergic to cats yet loves them, incense burning all day long
☆ ``Alexandria`` ☆
a victorian girl, modest outfits, uses a wand, from a long bloodline of witches, has explored dark magic, intimidating, uses mirrors for magick, never stays in the same town for more than a year
◇ ``Isla`` ◇
a child at heart, plant blessings, keeps sigils under her pillow, sitting in the sunshine, born in the spring time, pink cheeks, love spells
♤ ``Maria`` ♤
sings softly, primarily uses herbs for her craft, friends with the faeries, psychic dreams, star gazer, anxious, wants to live in a cabin in the woods
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It seems today I stumbled across a tiny dandelion patch. After blowing off the tiny seeds what's left reminds me so much of a tiny little seat for a faerie. It's getting hotter where I live. I can't wait to venture outside to find faeries and other little creatures.
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Jinx, Hex, or Curse?
Despite the fact that there’s posts like these around, people still tend to get jinxes and hexes and curses confused. Which, of course, is reasonable, especially in terms of hexes vs curses. But, actually, they’re all different.
The commonality between jinxes, hexes, and curses is that they’re always used to create some negative affect on their target. 
A jinx is a spell that is used to cause some sort of small, mostly harmless negative impact on its target. An example of a jinx could be jinxing someone’s plans for the day after they ruined yours the day before. It’s basically the Petty Spell…not saying pettiness is bad though. (-; A hex is a spell that is used to cause a temporary negative effect on its target with the intent of causing some sort of harm. It’s basically Curse Lite. An example of a hex could be casting a spell to cause someone to, say, lose their relationship with their significant other, or something of the sort. It’s harmful, but the effects of it don’t necessarily last for long lengths of time.
A curse is a complex spell used to cause specific harmful effects to its target. These are typically high in duration in terms of how long their effect their target, and tend to aim at one/a few things to basically make the person’s life worse overall. A curse of constant bad luck could be an example, although cliche. Curses can sometimes used to teach someone a lesson. We’ve all heard of (most likely fictional or folk legends) stories where people do something they weren’t supposed to and suffer the consequences unless they fix what they did.
I hope that cleared things up, and please please please let me know if I got any of this wrong or explained something incorrectly/in a way that is unclear! 
Note: This blog is jinx, hex, and curse friendly.
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okay but
what is with tumblr spell posts and not telling people what properties of the ingredients listed are used. what if someone doesn’t know the properties of something. poor baby witches are just going to throw this shit together and ask themselves why it didnt work. what is the point. of listing them not even explaining them. not even just with one adjective. it makes it look like yall pulled em out of a hat.
and before you waltz in here and tell me that you dont need to know the properties involved in the spell cause it works either way, allow me to bring up this:
if they dont know the properties, where is the full intent. where is the direction of energy. where is the focus. where is the detail. it’s like someone telling you that addition, subtraction, division, and multiplication exist without telling you what they are. you cant solve a math problem if you dont know what you’re doing.
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grimoire ideas:
this can be used in a book of shadows, book of knowledge, path journal, etc.
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✧ table of contents: so you don’t have to flip through to find whatever you’re looking for
✧ a page all about you : helps to make it more personalized. you can add your favorite herbs, crystals, plants, incense, tarot cards and just about anything that’s important to your craft. you can write what your path is and what interested you about it. you can add your natal chart.
✧ goals: goals in your path (can be included on the page about you)
✧ calendar: you can write down the lunar phases on it, holidays important to your craft such as Esbats or Sabbats
✧ elements: what they stand for. their importance. correspondence.
✧ herbs/plants/flowers: I wouldn’t put every herb but write down the ones that you most commonly use and their correspondence
✧ crystals: exact same as the herb page.
✧ runes: exact same as herb page.
✧ candles: you can write down what each color represents.
✧ witch tools: write down the tools you use. maybe their importance or what you use them for.
✧ lunar phases: draw them out or print them out and write down their symbolism
✧ astral plane: information about the astral plane and astral projection. your experience with astral projection.
✧ deities: info about your deity/deities (their history, picture, correspondence). offerings ideas. invocations.
✧ rituals/rites/songs: any sort of rituals you do for cleansing, daily rituals etc. anything that’s important to your craft.
✧ spells: you can separate them by their use such as love spells, luck spells, etc.
✧ recipes: for kitchen witchcraft or how to make moon/sun water, elixirs, potions, oils, or just witchy diys!
✧ dream work: accounts of any dreams you’ve had. meaning of dreams. (if applicable)
✧ sigils: how to draw them. how to charge. list of other sigils. (if applicable)
✧ astrology: natal chart. info on the zodiac. what each element/planet/house/aspects mean. celestial events. (if applicable)
✧ tarot/oracle: what each card means. tarot/oracle spreads. results. (if applicable)
✧ pendulum: a pendulum board.
✧ spirit work: info on spirits you have been in contact with. offerings. (if applicable)
✧ energy points: how you use them. their meaning. what stones you can use for each. (if applicable)
✧ auras: different auras. what each color aura means. (if applicable)
✧ familiar: info about them. (if applicable)
✧ alter: traveling alter page. how it’s setup. pictures/drawings of it. (this is also helpful if you’re not open about your craft)
✧ knots: knot magick (if applicable)
✧ reflections: personal reflections.
✧ ancestors: your ancestor line.
✧ resources: info from books you’ve read.
you can decorate your book with dried up leaves/flowers, illustrations, collages, colored pen/markers. I would recommend adding a protection sigil. by no means do you have to make your book aesthetically pleasing, do whatever works for you! In my case, the nicer it is the more I’ll use it. add whatever is important to your craft, don’t add stuff you’re not going to need or use. make it your own!
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What type of witch do you identify as?
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Snow Moon Bath Ritual
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Hello everyone! I hope everyone is having a good day so far. Today, Febraury 19, 2019 is the Snow Moon. I decided as spring time is being welcomed in, I would do a bath ritual in that theme.
[I]Here you will see everything I used:
Multi color candles
Floral scented candle
Flower petals
Plant stems
Lemon water (to cleanse and purify yourself)
Himalayan pink salt
A charm to bless for good luck
This was a very relaxing and enjoyable bath in preparation for the moon! If you are interested in the specifics of what I did, feel free to contact me :)
peace and love ♡
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just got done with a quick spell :)
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An Empath's Guide To HighSchool
Walking through the halls and across campus I pick one foot up after the other. With every step I try and ground myself into the carpet flooring. It's hard when I continuously feel eyes on my back. No one is truly making an effort to stare me down. But the overwhelming amount of energy in these classrooms surround me.
Many of you on Tumblr probably understand what I'm trying to explain here. I'm writing this post intending to help my fellow empaths. Feel free to respond with your advice as well.
At home I'm a completly different person. My spiritual being is hytened and I actually feel like myself. Walking through the gates of my highschool my mood changes rapidly. The first thing I do is try and assess who are the people around me. What are their facial expression? This observations help you pinpoint whose energy is affecting you. This can be very hard.
I myself haven't even harnessed my emotions yet. I wish I could. School is a hard place to be for someone with empathic abilities. You see the world differently because you are able to read people. You see things others cannot see. Sometimes I wonder what my life would be like if I didn't have these abilities. Life wouldn't be as predictable for me. I would be able to live blindly with surprises. If you're reading this you might ask yourself if you have these abilities. If you're not sure message me, I'd love to help. I want to hear stories from you all of how you see the world. Let me know.
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The Draining Effect of Positivity Spells
I recently did a positivity spell on my family when we were all forced to be together for a long time. It worked and all of the fighting stopped as soon as I cast it. I found since I mainly used my own energy it drained me immensely. Anyone have recommendations for what I can used instead of my own energy?
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What to ask tarot
So tarot card questions are actually a lot different than asking a specific question. You wouldn’t say, for example, “Is my dad going to graduate?” because if you got the 3 of cups, you would be utterly confused as to why I did not provide a yes or a no. So below I am going to list questions that are good to ask the cards. 
• I’m at a fork in the road. Which way should I go?
• How do I weigh out the choices I have? What are the Pros and Cons?
• What do I need to know to make the best decision? What do I need to know?
• What do I need to know about a situation with a family member?
• What do I need to know about my love life?
• What do I need to know about my career?
Moving forward
• How do I move forward in my career?
• How do I move forward in my relationship/ love life?
• What is coming forth in my life?
• Which foundation is the strongest to build on in my life?
* What should I do?
• What should/ shouldn’t I do about a situation with my job?
• What should/ shouldn’t I do about a situation with a friend or family member?
• How can I restore my hope for the future?
• What overall positives do I bring to my life?
• What positives do the people in my life provide me?
• Is there meaning in my life?
• Is there love in my life? Hidden Elements
• Are there things I am ignoring that are important?
• What am I not seeing?
• What is holding me back?
• Are there truths that I am denying?
• Are there things that I see that are untrue?
• What important things have I forgotten?
• What could get in my way?
• What is most important for me to get done?
• How will a certain occasion or event turn out?
• What will be the best way for me to communicate with certain people?
• What should I learn from my past?
• What is the impending future telling me?
• What cycles am I stuck in?
• What have a learned from my past?
• Where am I strongest?
• What should I look out for?
I hope this helps!!!!
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Starting a Grimoire📙
Ok so somebody asked for some tips on starting their grimoire so here’s this long ass post for anyone who needs it.
You do not need some big fancy notebook it can be a really cheap one or it can be online or in a scrapbook/binder
Ideas of what to put in your Grimoire
🌌Table of contents
🌌A page about you, your birthstone, fav herbs/crystals to make it more personal
🌌Types of magick
🌌Types of witches
🌌The history of magick/witches in your country or local area
🌌About the deities you worship if you worship any
🌌Local myths/legends of interest
🌌herbs and their magickal properties
🌌 Candles and their magickal properties
🌌Essential oils and their magickal properties
🌌Crystals and their magickal propererties
🌌Gemstones and their magickal properties
🌌Casting a circle
🌌Spells and how to cast them
🌌What days/times are best for casting spells
🌌Zodiac signs
🌌Moon phases
🌌Altars, what they are and what you need to set one up
🌌Moon water
🌌Sun water
🌌Spirit work, how to do it and how to stay safe
🌌Put protection sigils over the Grimoire to keep it safe and hidden
🌌Planets and their relation to magick
🌌Witch terminology 101
Organizing a Grimoire
🍁This isn’t needed, if you prefer the write as you go method that’s fine.
🍁For those of us who prefer to have it organized a table of contents is a must.
🍁Try and plan what your going to write down when. If it helps write down in a notebook or in your book of shadows every idea you can think of putting in your grimoire and number them.
🍁It’s ok if it’s not ‘perfect’ chances are this is your first grimoire so not only is ok its natural to make a few mistakes here and there
🍁Write in pencil if you don’t like crossing out mistakes or using tipex
🍁The key thing to remember is that it doesn’t need to look 'Tumblr perfect’ as long as you understand it
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