#working on a height chart for all of may's pokemon
leavingautumn13 · 2 months
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another wip
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jadethest0ne · 3 years
TMNT: Once Human Masterpost
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This project is currently in its planning stages. For now I only have character sheets, a smattering of comics and animations, and answers to various asks. I have gathered relevant info here for easy access to the links. Will update as I go along.
The Characters
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Bishop and Draxum
Important Character info
Character Dynamics
Famato x TV tropes
Voice Claims
Fighting Styles
Orientation and Gender
Group Activities
Villains x TV tropes
Height Chart
Plot and World-building
Setting and online buds
Plot Summary
Yokai world?
The Nine Realms and the Guardians
Comics, Art, and Animation
Inspiration Porn
Fashion bros
Stylin’ Donnie
Sneaky Leo
Leo’s Poem [animatic]
Raph eats Pizza [lip sync animation]
Tol and Smol comfhurt
TMNT:OH x Pride Flags
Like Father Like Son crossover
Movie Night [animation]
Comfort doodles and hugs
Lots. Of. Angst. doodles (includes other incarnations)
Watch your language [animatic]
Beware the Nice Ones... [animation]
Development Info
Character Design 1
Character Design 2
Positive Masculinity
My favorite turtle?
Logo Design
Raph can knit
Leo’s fave movies
Leo’s fave poetry
Mikey’s fave movies and models
Textures Donnie hates
Why Raph hates school
Raph’s fave movies
Who would win
Questioning Raph
Favorite ice cream flavors
If they were Pokemon Trainers...
Favorite Savory Meals
Favorite Media
OH! Turtles x TMNT Multiverse
This story is planned as a long-running comic; the start date is TBD.
I will not answer questions that involve plot spoilers.
April, Casey or other characters in the TMNT franchise may be major players in the plot and are therefore in the spoiler territory, and thus I will not answer questions about them.
I did not include all asks or notes I’ve got to this list since I left out ones I thought were irrelevant or repetitive.
I prefer the term “TMNT iteration” or “TMNT version” when talking about “TMNT: Once Human”. “TMNT AU” is okay, but please do NOT use “rottmnt au” as a way to refer to this iteration, since that insinuates that I have based it solely on Rise of the TMNT. I created this as if I were to create a new iteration of its own to add to the franchise. Rise certainly has it’s influences on my work and my style, but I have borrowed from various TMNT iterations and added my own spin to it to create this concept.
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eldritchsurveys · 5 years
Got any nicknames that you rarely even use? >> Most of my old names are out of commission simply because there’s no one who still uses them. But, I mean, if someone came up out of the blue and addressed me as (for example) “Nuadha” I definitely wouldn’t be upset about that. It’s still my name.
Nevermind what gender you ARE, what gender do you WANT to be? >> I don’t want to have a gender. Therefore, I don’t. It’s pretty straightforward once you get down to it.
Do you ever feel ashamed revealing your age? >> No.
Working anywhere? >> No.
What's your favorite thing to put in your mouth? >> Pork buns.
What about the worst? >> I don’t know, I don’t put things I don’t like into my mouth.
Have any allergies? >> No.
Are you confident enough to reveal your height and weight? >> I wouldn’t consider it confidence, I just don’t see how revealing this information would affect me negatively. I’m 5′5″ and somewhere around 140 pounds at last check.
What one personal rule you have that you want your surrounding to follow? >> I kind of want to answer this semi-facetiously with “be excellent to each other” because I only have the vaguest idea of what I’m being asked here.
When you get muscle soreness, where does it hit you the worst? >> ---
What does your parents call you? >> They don’t.
Something you just cant stand no matter what? >> Oh, I don’t know. Bigotry, that’s an easy one.
Whats something that people do that you love? >> Go absolutely apeshit when they see a cute animal.
How old were you when you first got to go on the computer? >> I got my first computer when I was about seven or eight.
If you have a blog, facebook, myspace, etc, how long have you had it for? >> I have been on tumblr in various incarnations for almost 10 years.
If you have a blog or website, advertise here: >> Well, my personal blog is @oedon. We have fun over there.
What age would you want to get married/did you get married? >> I will be 32 on the date of my wedding.
Any lovers atm? >> Can Calah and King Crimson, my beloved inworlders, as usual.
When was the last time you had a crush on someone? >> Hmm.
Would you say you're an emotional person? >> I would say that I have emotions, and sometimes they’re overwhelming, but I’m not... outwardly demonstrative with them. They remain very much a personal experience and I don’t trust anyone else with them.
Have a kid or want to? >> I have no children.
Describe your hair style right now? >> It’s just short.
A habit alot of people around you notice you doing is? >> I wouldn’t know.
Favorite artist? >> Like, visual artist? I’m not sure, I haven’t thought about it in a while.
What's a fashion trend you would rather die than follow? >> Ain’t nothing that serious.
Got any internet friends you've never met in real life? >> Yeah.
Do you chat with alot of people on the computer or only few? >> A few, I guess.
Your favorite person you know in real life is..? >> Hm.
Are you a forgiving person? >> More or less. I just can’t be bothered with holding onto awful feelings, it doesn’t serve me.
What's a color that suits you the best? >> All of them, honey.
And a color you just can't pull off/don't want to? >> I can pull off any colour I like but I prefer not to wear white because I get too hypervigilant about it getting dirty.
Based on your running speed, what animal would you be? >> *insert slow-ish but not absurdly slow creature here*
Got any hobbies? >> I don’t even know. Reading? That’s a hobby, innit. And gaming.
Can you read in public? >> I prefer not to, because the various audio-visual distractions make it so that my reading comprehension is drastically reduced.
Describe yourself when you were 6 years old? >> I don’t know what I was like at six years old.
Right brained or left brained? >> I don’t know.
How much sleep do you get usually? >> Anywhere between 6 and 9 hours.
Do you know your blood type? >> Nope.
What's your favorite astrologic sign? >> Mine, of course ~
What month do you with you were born and why? >> I’m fine with May. I can’t imagine having any other birth chart than the one I have.
Have any large dreams you're trying to achieve? >> No.
One thing you would like to change about yourself? >> I think I’m already working on all the changes I’d like to make. It’s slow going, but it always is, and that’s fine.
One thing you like about yourself? >> I am driven by curiosity.
A type of personality you just cant stand? >> A really rigid one, in any sense. Dogmatic conviction about anything is not attractive to me.
Your personality in one word would be? >> Mercurial.
Your appearence in one word would be? >> Mercurial (ideally).
Whats a talent you'd love to have? >> Hmm.
The best prank you've pulled? >> I don’t pull pranks.
If I gave you ten dollars right now, what would you do with it? >> I mean, nothing. It’s almost 11p and I’m in bed, man.
What if it was a million dollars? >> That doesn’t change what time it is. You’d still have to wait until morning to find out what I’d do with a million dollars.
A person or a thing you truly love from your heart? >> Can Calah.
A wish you have? >> I wish I lived somewhere warmer.
Pokemon, Digimon, GI JOE, Barbies or other? >> Er...
City type of person or country? >> I’d prefer to live in a more urban area than a rural one.
Ever take polls on the net? >> I mean, I have.
Any word that you love? >> There are a lot of words that I love. “Promethean” is a good one. Also, “threnody”.
What's something you're obsessed about right now? >> The show Pose.
If you had a typing battle, do you think you'd win? >> Well, that’d depend on who my opponent was. But I’d at least be a worthy competitor.
Favorite type of candy? >> Hmm.
How often do you clean your ears? >> As often as I think about it.
Brag about something! >> I don’t have anything specific to brag about right now.
Something you find unhealthy about yourself? >> I have some unhealthy coping mechanisms that are holdovers from when I didn’t know any better. 
Words of wisdom? >> *insert some pithy quote here*
Are usually the one talking or listening to others? >> I mean, there’s no... standard or anything. It just depends on the situation.
Your reaction if someone told you you look 10 years older than your age? >> Confusion, since I usually hear the exact opposite.
Any favorite numbers? >> 9 and 19.
Any weak spots? >> Er, I’m not sure.
Do you really badly want anything right now? >> Not right now.
How much money would you say you have saved up? >> Like twenty bucks. I had to dip into my savings multiple times these past couple of months and it’ll take me forever to get back to where I was (which still wasn’t a lot, but when your income is as low as mine saving anything is a miracle).
Anything from your past you just want to forget about? >> Not necessarily, no.
What does it take to earn respect from you? >> Basic human decency is something I think I owe everyone. Not necessarily because of whether I believe they “earned it” or not, but because that’s the kind of person I’d like to be.
Where we re you born? >> Elizabeth, New Jersey.
How many people do you live with? >> One.
How do you cheer yourself up? >> It depends on what works at the time, and what’s easily accessible.
What's something that makes you really stressed out? >> Thinking about things I have to do in a certain amount of time.
Have any perticular standard you look for in a significant other? >> ---
Ever had a friend that was someone completely opposite to you? >> No.
Are you any good at science? >> I mean, that’s a very broad category of things.
Highlight of the day? >> I don’t know...
Do you go on any forums on the net? >> Not really, not anymore.
What do you think of your voice? >> I’m actually pretty okay with it. It doesn’t bother me at all.
A smily face you use alot? >> xD
Do you use msn-lingo? >> I don’t even know what that is anymore.
Got any secrets you honestly can't say to anyone? >> No.
Best horror movie? >> I don’t know.
Believe in voo doo? >> I mean, I have a lot of respect and love for vodoun and its related sects, and I don’t appreciate the simultaneous commercialisation and stigmatisation that it’s suffered as a result of ignorance and outright malice.
Think anything lives forever eternally? >> No.
Tacos or Burritos? >> Tacos.
The most annoying question on these surveys? >> ---
Whats something you do when you're dead bored? >> I don’t think I’m ever that bored. Just restless, sometimes, when I can’t figure out what I want to do.
Ever made a survey? >> Yeah, I’ve made a lot of them, but they’re all lost to the aether now.
What do you think of people who speak their mind? >> Er... I mean, I have no blanket opinion about people who speak their mind.
How do you act to people around you crying? >> Uncertainly at best, indifferently at worst.
What's something you've tried really hard at? >> I can’t think of anything.
How do you say good byes? >> I... I don’t know??? It depends?
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xigseri · 4 years
4, 7, 8, 10, 11, 12, 13, 15, 16, 18, 19, 26, 27, 28, 33, 36, 38, 39, 41, 40, 44, 46, 49, 50, 43 ? welcome to the self ship community!
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Oh wow...tysm!! No character is listed so I’ll go for Luxigbraig, I’ll have to put it under a readmore for length. Btw we ignore canon bc it’s rather... boring.
4. Does your F/O have any battle scars? 
Aside from the ones on his face...not really? I know the fandom HCs that he has a ton all over but nah. They base it solely on his face...
7. What is your F/O fashion taste?
Black, with boots and jackets because they just feel right for him. Tight pants or ripped jeans. I imagine that he wears a scarf as Braig to offer the security of a hood since the guard uniform doesn’t have one. Fashion sense of a goth or punk, personality of a jock.
8. How tall is your F/O?
He has no official height, but he’s 5′9′’ I know it. Someone used Sora’s KH3 models to create a chart for the characters and apparently he should be like 6′2′‘ but the models aren’t consistent between games so I don’t trust it one bit.
10. When is your F/O birthday? 
For fandom it’s 2/2 (otherwise known as Xigbar Day) but Luxu was born in late October, making him a Scorpio (because...the Ancrene Wisse theming). (source: dude trust me)
11. Does your F/O know how to cook? If so are they good at it? 
Barely, he knows how to cook enough to get by. I mean if you’ve lived for hundreds/thousands of years you gotta know how to cook for yourself.
12. What is your F/O favorite flavor?  (sweet, sour, bitter, salty and umami (savory)) 
Savory, salty and bitter are preferred, neutral to sweet, dislikes sour. In Braig/Xigbar’s body anyway, in his original body he liked Sweet and Salty and disliked Bitter.
13. If your F/O could be a fan of any video game what do you think it would be? 
Splatoon and Perfect Dark on n64, the latter being a bonding thing for us in particular. He also likes Fallout, Zelda and Borderlands, he tried Pokemon but decided it wasn’t for him after a few games, making me sad.
15. What color are your F/O eyes? 
Xigbar’s is a nice yellow, Braig’s were brown before the Nortening, and I HC that Luxu’s eyes were also yellow.
16. Does your F/O have any tattoos? If not do they like or hate the concept of tattoos? 
No, he’s had several bodies and thought tattoos would make him get too attached, why bother getting them when you might need to take a new vessel tomorrow? He would like to have some though, maybe as Xigbar he can since he won’t be changing any more.
18. Does your F/O have any piercings?
He got his ears and tongue pierced <3
19. Is your F/O a cake or pie person?
Pie pie pie, cake is fine every once in a while. But he loves a hot pie fresh out of the oven.
26. What harry potter house would your F/O be in? (Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw and Slytherin)
He’s both Hufflepuff and Slytherin. Outwardly he’s very Slytherin but deep down he’ll always be a Hufflepuff.
27. If your F/O was in “avatar: the last air bender” what type of bender would they be? (air, water, earth, and fire)
Airbender, since it fits his Space powers most, but he wouldn’t follow the Air Nomads’ traditions. Peace and non-violence and all that? No thanks, he does what he wants.
28. Is your F/O LGBT+?
He’s Non Binary and Bi. He’s taken on both amab and afab bodies and experimented, he’s too old for silly Gender nonsense. He doesn’t really specifically ID as NB or Bi, Genderfluid and Pan work too but he legit does not care for labels. He doesn’t care for other people’s genders and doesn’t know nor care what his own is. Though, he switches pronouns per vessel since he has to pretend to be other people. He has a preference for he/his and they/them pronouns and amab vessels for his own.
33. Do you have any silly nicknames or pet names for your F/O? 
I’m not really one for pet/nicknames bc I embarrass easily, but he calls me Babe among others and I’m autistic and pick up on habits of others so...I’ll call him Babe every now and then and get flustered when he points it out. I used to call him Xiggy early on but it was such an obvious and easy nickname that I dropped it. I suppose calling him Luxu counts? Since he likes me calling him by his old assigned name.
36. Have you ever had a dream with your F/O in it? 
TONS!!!! And we’re dating in the dream world too so I know it’s legit! Several dreams I’ve had where we’re definitely together as a couple and it makes me so happy to have them! I can’t really talk about the last one we had for Reasons, but the one before that, he was bragging about how he was around when the BotW shrines were built and proved it to me by showing me some while we were traveling the world. “Shouldn’t you be leaving them hidden for the Hero to find?” “The Hero? As if, I don’t care about that guy. I’m showing it to you because I want to. :)”
My first dream actually happened right after I started crushing but I can’t talk about it for.....Reasons, hehe.
38. What’s a song that reminds you of your F/O when you hear?
Sympathy For The Devil by The Rolling Stones, The Song I Heard Somewhere/Clockwork Lullaby 8 by Mothy/Akuno-P, and You’re Gonna Go Far, Kid by The Offspring.
39. What is your relationship like with your F/O?
Lots of teasing, mostly from him, sometimes from me. Lots of fun times, we enjoy cuddling and watching things and sharing memes. We’re both mentally ill so we try to support each other, like him constantly encouraging me bc of my low self-esteem and, with him, he struggles with being open about things because he’s had to hide himself for far too long, so I try to help him ease up, but I never tried to force myself into his business and he appreciates that. We both struggle with identity issues so that’s a common point for us too.
40. How long have you been with your F/O? (or at least been interested in them?)
I developed a crush in I believe October of 2015, started dating in Febuary of 2016 and we’ve been married since April of this otherwise hell year.
41. Where is your F/O from? (as in born)
Daybreak Town, which doesn’t exist anymore :( it was remade into Scala Ad Caelum but that’s gone too. The last place he’s “from” was Radiant Garden/Hollow Bastion.
44. What is your F/O’s most valuable possession?
The black box the MoM entrusted to him that he may or may not have lost, but it’s all good cause he found it and it’s safe.
46. does your F/O prefer to work alone or with a team?
He tells himself and others that he prefers to work alone. He’s used to it. But if he really likes someone’s company then he’ll yearn for the companionship even if it’s brief.
49. What animal reminds you of your F/O?
Goats and Scorpions (obvs) but I also associate him with foxes and bats. The fandom heavily associates him with rats and I really don’t vibe with that.
50. What color reminds you of your F/O? 
Black (outfit + hair + keyblade), Silver (hair), Yellow (eye), and Purple (arrowguns, bow).
43. What does your F/O’s Saturdays usually look like? 
Doing missions. The Organization gives us a day off like once a year. (No, really.) When he’s finally out of there, he likes to do stuff with me, be it relax at home or travel. Just as long as it isn’t Work.
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jindongdongie · 7 years
20 Questions
Kav aka @taehyung-the-baehyung Thank you so much, May your life be extended this thursday and forever<3
nicknames: Mama, Miss Jinju or Jinju,  Double J, JJ, Unicorn, etc etc etc
gender: female
star sign: libra
height: 5'2  Yes i’m funsized also! I’m PARK BO YOUNG’s HEIGHT (you bet I was imagining looking up at Jisoo & Hyungsik)
time rn: 10:23 pm
last thing i googled: “bambam never ever” GUYS his concept killed me i died
favorite bands: Got7, iKON, BTS, Red Velvet, Girl’s Day, Big Bang, MONSTA X, EXO, BLACKPINK, AOA, EXID, F(X), 4MINUTE, TWICE, SEVENTEEN, BESTie, Wonder Girls, K.A.R.D Ladie’s Code.....
fave soloists: Hyuna, Jay Park, GRAY, Dean, Yezi, Jessi, KittiB, Jimin Park, ZICO,
song stuck in my head: Well...There’s two soo..
Jia- Drip
Superlove- Tinashe (CURSE YOU COUSIN)
(also Holup by bobby so 3)
last movie i watched: Alice in Wonderland <3
last show i watched: Chief Kim!
when did you create ur blog: Monday, January 16th, 2017 ^^
what do you post: iKON (mostly donghyuk EVERYTHING) my own fics & alot of iKON reblogs.
when did your blog reach its peak?: Hehe, I don’t think my blog’s quite hit it’s peak yet, but I love all 23 of you & I’ll keep making you proud so we can grow ^^
do you have other blogs: I have a personal blog that is still a work in progress but hey, check it out <3
do you get asks regularly: LOL No, Anons, Admins, Anyone, Jump into my Asks! I love chatting<3
why did you choose your url: OK Let’s break out the charts & graphs:
Jindong is a ship name that I and @failaise came up with for me and Donghyuk
“Jin” being the first park of my nickname, Jinju
“Dong” being the dong from donghyuk ^^
It became JinDong”Dongie” Because my favorite nickname just happened to be “DongDongie” 
following: 50
posts: 467
hogwarts house: ???
pokemon team: ???????
fave colors: Any of the colors pastel, but My FAVorite color is Yellow<3
avg hours of sleep: S Health says...5hrs & 40 min..
lucky numbers: 16 & 3
fave characters: Kim Na Ho (You guys’ll find out soon), DO BONG SOOOOOON, AHN MIN HYUK, ‘Gat’ Byung Yeon (Moonlight drawn by clouds), Chief Kim (from chief kim<3) Gudetama, (were cartoons included? lol) Kim Bok Joo (From weightlifting fairy kim bok joooo) & Yoo Hye Jung (from doctors<3)
what am i wearing now?: A teal-green nightgown underneath my pink dragon onsie with fluffy socks<3
how many blankets do u sleep w: one, with a sheet(+plus a sister cuz i’m a wild sleeper)
dream job: architect 
dream trip: A month long tour of Asia ^^ (lol in my dreams) and  I also realllyyy want to go to Greece, Marrakesh, Cinque Terre Italy, & Big Sur California<3
Tagging: @got7-texts, @tae-la-tiger, @bi-ai, @donghyuks-thighs, @hwarangreacts  @failaise, & @rachel-daae
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beneaththetangles · 4 years
10 Year Retrospective, Month #7: Throwback to July 2016
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As we celebrate our tenth anniversary on Beneath the Tangles, we want to take some time each month to look into the past, not only to commemorate our ten years, but also to see where we were and how far we’ve come as a site and collectively as anime fans. For most months this year, we’ll do that by looking back at a particular year and at the month corresponding to that year. For instance, we started this off by looking at January 2010. Today we throw back to July 2016.
TOP OF THE CHARTS: July 16, 2016
We’ll dive into anime a bit, but I want to us to look at what else was happening at this time in 2016. Here are the most popular songs, movies, and series on this day or during this week four years ago.
Top Selling Album: Views, Drake
Number One Song: “One Dance” - Drake feat. WizKid and Kyla
Top Movie: The Secret Life of Pets ($50.8 mil)
Most Watched TV Show: America’s Got Talent
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Here’s what was happening in the world four years ago this month…
Incidents of mass violence include a knife attack leading to 19 deaths in Japan and a truck attack which kills more than 80 in Nice, France.
A priest is also killed in France during an ISIS terrorist situation.
Theresa May is named Great Britain’s new Prime Minister.
Hillary Clinton is nominated as the Democratic candidate for U.S. President.
Oscar Pistorius is sentenced to six years in prison for murdering his wife.
Pokemon Go becomes a worldwide phenomenon.
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A number of highly regarded anime premiered in 2016, some of which may be destined to be considered classics, including Showa Genroku Rakugo Shinju, The Disastrous Life of Saiki K., and March Comes in Like a Lion. A couple of other shows that weren’t quite that highly acclaimed, but which we still enjoyed, were Grimgar of Fantasy and Ash and ReLIFE, while Mob Psycho 100 and ERASED achieved both popular and critical praise. KonoSuba and Yuri on Ice were also very popular series and continue to pump out movies and other sequel-type pieces.
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art by anonamos | reprinted w/permission
If those were the main attractions in 2016, it would have been a fine year for anime, but a few others took it from “good” to perhaps great. On Facebook last week, we did conducted one in a summer-long series of polls in which we asked our readers to decide between two movies that came out in a given year, and 2016 came up with Your Name vs. A Silent Voice. There’s an argument to be made that these are the two most beloved anime movies of the entire decade, and they both came out the same year. Shinkai was finally able to break through with a story that was as fun as it was meaningful and emotional, and A Silent Voice was a successful adaptation of a critically acclaimed manga. If it was just for these two movies, 2016 would have been a banner year—but there were other reasons, as well.
Two of the decade’s most popular series had their premieres in 2016. Re:Zero, which is finally airing a second season, pushed isekai to new heights in popularity. The biggest series of all, though, was My Hero Academia, which has since become the successor to Naruto and other huge shounen series of the past. MHA has also been a wonderful link for those who might not traditionally watch anime, and has been praised for its storytelling even by those not normally enamored by long shounen action shows.
I had a lot of fun looking through our old blog posts for this year. Why? Because they were mostly brand new to me.
Last month, I mentioned how I left Beneath the Tangles on New Year’s Eve, 2015. 2016 was a year entirely without me. And as burned out as I was, I checked out completely. I have an aggregator I use through which I saw the titles of each of the posts that came up that year, but I rarely read them, as worn out as I was. Of course, it helped that I wasn’t worried about the site’s direction—with Japes, and later also with Kaze and Lex, it was in great hands. Writers like Emma, and Lynna posted frequently, with the latter sometimes doing the dreaded episodic posts (which stardf29 wrote as well); meanwhile, old-timers like R86 and Goldy continued to put out work. We also filled our months with excellent columns, including Annalyn’s Corner, Between the Panels, Examining Old School Anime, The Secret Stars of Anime, and Gaming with God. None of those remain now, but one column from 2016 is still going strong: Newman’s Nook, with MDRMN officially joining the staff about a week after I departed (filling the position of “older guy with kids”). JoshW also joined our staff, bringing a more diverse voice to the team.
With Japes and Kaze taking the lead, visual novels became more emphasized, and our recommendations pages started going up; Kaze also led our seasonal review posts. Two other fixtures began, with MDMRN starting the Anime March Madness tournament and the TangleCast officially launching, running weekly (HOW??) after replacing our original podcast. Staff also started a public Discord channel; we’ve since opened a different but still active server.
Looking back at all that happened, I’m a bit envious—I wish I had been a part! But I know that had I stayed, all these wonderful things would not have happened. God had a plan for the site and it required that I leave to make way for others to use their talent, energy, and skill to make Beneath the Tangles better.
But this story has another twist! I would be coming back the next year. We’ll finish off this series next month by revisiting that and all other things 2017.
I hope enjoyed this look into the recent past, both on a bigger, societal level and at Beneath the Tangles. We’ll keep up this throughout 2020. Read the other posts in this yearlong series. Featured illustration by 白丝少年(´・ω・`) (reprinted w/permission).
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