#working theory is that cats will be more chill with what you're doing if they know you'll let go of them when they ask
ceekari · 1 year
I have two month old kittens. They are young, innocent, and malleable. What fun stuff do I start these babies on so it's normalized for them as they grow up? *tents fingers*
I know multiple of these will be beneficial, but for the sake of this poll...
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viciousvortexx · 2 months
How to become a demon's maid — Chapter 1
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To become a maid was never a part of your plans, but life is crazy and now you work at the castle of a grumpy old guy.
🖤 Warnings: none, enjoy!
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Black dress with a full long skirt beneath the knees, a pearl white half apron with ruffles on the edges and a white headband with lace, that was your fitting for everyday, except in the night and in the morning that servants are wearing more simple clothes to do the heavy chores. Become a maid was never a part of the plan, but apparently you couldn't change the destiny, even if you're already an adult, mama was there.
    There was nothing you could do after arguing with your mother, nothing could change her damn mind, the decision was already made, and out of the blue, she told you were going to live and work at the old Sparda's castle in the hills. That place always sent chills down anyone's spine, since it was nearby a cemetery and the villagers biggest passion is to spread rumours and curse everything that's unknown to them. Actually, you always thought the castle was stunning, the only thing unsettling about it is the simple fact that the oldest son of the Sparda's family was hardly seen in the streets.
   That was a good and enough reason for the heir to fall into bad hands. Nosferatu, black wizard, Lucifer, cursed one, "we don't talk about him" (actually, everyone does so), many other stupid lovely nicknames the people used to refer to the man. No comments about the way they described his appearance.
    Well, after living just one week in the surroundings of the old castle all those theories fall to the ground. Vergil Sparda was nothing but a normal man. Oh, normal... on his own ways.
    How to describe the misterious silver haired master? He usually spends all day on the library, you only saw him a few times during the meals or when he was passing by the castle's damp hallways, but the hallways are sometimes so dark you just got a quick glimpse of the black trench coat he always wears. But whitin the old walls of what was now your home, gossip and rumours are still a common thing. The other maids loved to giggle and talk about him during break times, you prefer to not think about the explicit fantasies some of them had. Alright, that was it, he was a good looking person, but it's all you know about him, and apparently he just doesn't eat books because would be such a waste.
    Mama didn't send any more letters there is one week, the newbie maid starts to wonder if they are arriving the destiny safely. The life in the castle, despise the loneliness you feel sometimes, was a good and happy one. There is always something to do, the food is delicious, everything is beautiful, you receive a payment, mother was right.
    After a long evening scrubbing some muddy walls, your favorite thing to do with free time is walk by the graveyard and breath some fresh air. Your pockets always had small pieces of lean meat to feed the cats, the felines seem to love the graveyard as much as you do, maybe because no one comes here. Three of them approaches, a unison meow asking to be feed, the orange one butts his head on the skirt of your dress, while the siamese and the black seem more desperate, pushing their dirty paws on the fabric. For a moment, you get so lost in the sweetness of the kittens that break time is already over, and being late means trouble.
   Running with the skirt of the dress in hands, you finally reach the maids dorm, where a big commotion prevents you from entering the room. Someone was crying out clearly of pain, and the girls are all talking loudly in a huge circle.
“What happened?”, you ask between the turmoil, one of the oldest maids that was close rushes towards you, the poor lady was so stressed with the situation that the broom was still in hands the moment she gets closer, torn between clean or faint.
“Where do you think you were, Y/N? What happened to your dress? Is all wrinkled and muddy... Oh nevermind, poor Lucille broke her arm, she fell down the stairs, can you believe it?”
   Lucille was the closest maid to Vergil, the one that cleaned his room, served his meals, basically his babysitter. Everybody used to say they had a love affair or something, but you honestly doesn't care if it's true or not, probably is just another rumour.
“What!? Someone needs to call the doctor!”
“I know, I know— Could y'all girls shut up!” Worthless attempt. “Holy lord... master Vergil will soon be home!”
   What a miracle that he left his old library at least for once. One of the girls pass running by you, in charge to call the doctor.
“Y/N, do something and help! Go upstairs and clean his room, quick!”
“Me!? Why me? Why don't you go instead—” The lady sweeps your feet with the broom she still had in hands.
“Hurry up, you're fast like a little mouse, aren't ya little miss? You think I didn't saw you stealing meat from the kitchen to give those cats?”
   A small laugh escapes your lips, but you quickly picks up the pace after the lady sweeps your feet again, it's better hurry before she breaks the broom on your head. “Just go there and clean it, dust it away, sweep the ground, settle things that are off place, make his bed, fold his clothes... I can do it, I can do it!” You keep repeating this while running through the endless flights of stairs, out of breath but reaching Vergil's chambers.The hallways there are even more fancy than what you already know, so many family portraits hanging in the wall, delicate ceramics and a long blue carpet that goes through all the way. The biggest door obviously is where you need to go, “Holy Mary...”, as expected, the master's room is a thing to be seen.
    Four-poster bed that at least five people can comfortably sleep in, large romantic paintings on the walls, carefully hand carved furniture, and so many other things you can yap about for minutes, a really nice activity if you hadn't to clean this entire thing quickly.
    First, make the bed and then folds the silk long robe, it feels so nice on your hands, now it's ready to get messed up again. It looks less messy, although his chambers aren't turned upside down at all, it's clear how organized Vergil is. Using the fluffy duster in such a clumsy way, the paperwork on his desk flies away, you don't think twice to pick it all up and put it back where it was, he would never know, but something calls your attention as you see a contract with Y/N written on it. It's not polite to shove your nose on someone's affairs, but damn, someone is talking about you. The maid decides to take a little peak—
“...Who are you?” A raspy low voice calls from the door, master Vergil was standing there, still wearing the dark blue hooded cape he wears on this rare situations he goes out of the castle, but he is discreetly gripping something you're pretty sure it's a katana. “Where is Lucille?”
   The maid swallows nervously, this guy is crazy. “I'm sorry sir, Y/N, I am Y/N.”, one foot tucked behind the other, you bend the knees and lowers your body slowly in respect, hoping to show him there is no threat here. “Lucille suffered an accident earlier, she fell down the stairs and broke her arm, forgive me for the inconvenience.”
   Vergil's expression doesn't change, somehow it only seems to get more cold and sharp, yet his grip looses on the sword. “I see... She's already been taken care of?”
“Yes sir, a doctor was called from the village.”
    "Excelent.” He nods his head, he isn't going to say anything more about that topic? "Y/N, finish your chores here, I'll be in the library, don't forget the tea shall be served in 15 minutes, getting late is out of question.”
   “Of course master, don't worry.” You make another quick reverence, Vergil disappears as quickly as he appeared, a sigh of pure relief escaping your lips. Things are going to be fine, just finish the chores, serve his 4 p.m tea, and he will ask to send another maid to take care of him from now on.
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chipthekeeper · 3 months
Acolyte episode 5 commentary by me under the cut. spoiler alert: I had a bad time!!!
- Let’s hope the fucking internet keeps working. And the cats stay laying down. I don't have high hopes for either of those things, but it would be nice
- Oh, predictable. Last week was Day, now we got Night. Who could have seen that coming? This was definitely supposed to be one episode, wasn't it?
- 34 minutes long. Jesus fucking christ. Why didn't they just put them together?
- It really would be cool if Manny is just being— I mean, if Qimir is just being controlled. I think that's a really cool theory that people had about that. Especially if he was, like, hanging [laughing] by his feet, and then whoever was controlling him had to be like, what the fuck?
- No, Pip! :((( Oh, thank God. [relieved laughter] I don't care who dies in this, just don't lose, Pip. Okay, that's, I mean I don't want to lose Jecki, or Yord, or Osha or Mae. Sol, I, whatever. He's Ned Stark to me, I don't care (so much to regret about this whole statement!!!!)
- Oh, he's already dead. How many of them are already dead? Did we already, is this just going to be Osha, like, experiencing all of their deaths? What happened?!
- Hot damn
- Get him, Yord! Oh. Ohhh no. So fast
- [just like two straight minutes of me saying “woah” and “oh no” and “what the HELL” on repeat]
-  (two people impaled on one lightsaber) WHAAAA??? That. Was. NUTS! [delighted laughter]
- No don't kill Yooorrrddddddd! Get him, Osha! There you go. Thatta girl!
- Oh, I am scared
- Dude, I'm so scared, we're like, one minute into this
- Take his lightsab– heeehhh I'm always right
- Pip chill! [absolutely giggling] She just popped his head off and he's a flashlight! [more giggling] Oh my god
- Duck! Heyyyyy
- So that's obviously Manny's arm
- (all the trees get cut in half) Sweet. That’s one way to brighten up your scene
- Oh, why so serious?
- [sort of a long period of ‘I’m in danger’ type of nervous chuckling]
- Oh thank god, Bazil's alive
- “We have to go back!” Ehhhh you really don't
- [during dramatic scene between the stranger and Sol] He's, like, wearing a cape backwards, which is hys.ter.i.cal
- Mae chill, that's like, your sister's girlfriend
- Jecki's the only one that can get anything done around here?.... Oh, okay, maybe not
- You just wait 'til her Wolverine claws come out. Then you're fucked Mae
- We’ve got some serious lightsabering in this one, this is fucking crazy
- Ho ho ho. [singsong voice] What are you hiiiiiding Sol….
- “Jecki’s a Jedi. She can take care of herself” Nyyyeaahhhh…we just saw like, eight Jedi not take care of themselves
- [cackling about Yord’s trailer lines finally coming up]
- “He gets in your mind and stays there” “My mother could do that” Huh!!!.......Is she controlling what's-his-face? Ho ho ho…….
- Nooooo fucking thank you please!
- Jecki I fucking love you, you little badass
- [high pitched whining] I got a bad feeling about this
- YORD!! Fucking idiot, j–thank you
- Take the bugs with yooouuu!
- (Jecki gets skewered) WHAT THE FUCK?!?! No…..Oh now I'm pissed. Now I'm pissed. [breathless] I cannot believe you just fucking did that…..Oh my god. That better be a trick……….I can't even react to seeing that we were all right about him. I'm….just pissed……..Oh fuck this shit
- Why are his arms so weird? They're like...are they just dirty or are they weird?
- And now Yord’s toast too. 'Cause no one is safe in this house
- Fuck this fucking show
- “The Jedi do not attack the unarmed” You SHOULD attack an unarmed Sith!!
- “Please Osha, I can explain” Yeah do that, right now, do that
- [totally defeated and depressed] I didn’t like that shit at all. This shit sucks, man….
- “They’ve turned you against me” [perfect anakin skywalker impression] HE TURNED YOU AGAINST ME!!!!
- man i’m so fuckin’ confused……what’s gonna happen now??
- [delighted noised at the continuous shot going around the two Amandlas] WHAT A SHOT!!! Are we sure Amandla Stenberg isn’t two people?
- [Leo pointing at tv meme] That's mama's move!!
- Easiest haircut ever
- [almost crying] Little piece of Pip :(((( Fuck this episode, man. God
- Of course we got Bazil, can't kill a cute little alien
- (Mae showing up to Sol as Osha) [singsong voice again] You don't have the tattoooo….
- You're just gonna leave them all there???? Man….fuck. this. shit.
- Bazil knowssss…..that’s not Oshaaaa….
- I wonder how many times people have knocked his helmet off and he’s had to kill them and then fix the helmet
- [incredibly deep sigh] That was somethin’. And I’m not happy
It’s sad how many sounds and like intonations you miss out on because i have no idea how to convey those in words
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ganurath · 1 year
Chum Chapter 17 Binge
More rooting into the normal side of Sam's life! This time with Kate and company.
I can't imagine what Lilly's wearing, but I can imagine that Gossamer would Have Opinions if Sam's Old Friends and Work Friends were to intersect.
Pizza time! The kids scrambling to get the money together and tip the delivery dude provides a fun mental visual.
NO CAPES! Marcus knows what- Wait, an explicit reference to the movie?
...Technically it only came out nineteen years ago, although I won't fault anyone for rounding. I'll just be in the corner, accumulating wrinkles and slowly going bald.
While I get the concept, I think being covered with knives and kevlar would look better than anything glitter-based.
She's telling them about the healing factor? I'm curious as to how she plans to tell them how she found out, if she wants to keep hiding that she's Bloodhound.
I don't think that encyclopediaizes is a word, Sam.
I think I'm beginning to understand which people in Sam's life are responsible for her being on point with words and definitions.
Don't forget the saltwater drinking. It's possible that that might help fuel the regeneration.
Unwise, Marcus. You should be using your body to shield the laptop, not the other way around.
I wouldn't emphasize the healing, actually, if there are alternative options. It doesn't reduce pain, after all, and knowing about it might convince opponents they don't need to hold back as much.
The Tacony Titans seem like good people, even if they're obscure from a PR standpoint.
Sam's really going to need to tell them at some point. This is getting awkward.
Oh, wait, there she goes. Good on her.
I'm getting the sense that Kate's family might be having some sort of financial difficulties that she's hoping Sam can solve.
It's not Wyoming that's a myth, it's there being a reason for the Dakotas to be divided into two states.
Rita's is obviously some sort of place that sells food, but prerolls and water/Italian ices are new to me.
Five Below, Rothko... Oh, an in-story explanation of what the ices are.
I laughed out loud at Sam's yellow snow joke.
Wait, if the place is called Rita's Water Ice, why does Jenna call it Italian ice?
Kate getting upset about Sam's offer of "rich people ice cream" hits different with the theory about her family having money problems floating in the back of my mind.
Oh, I'm not liking unsupervised children doing a healing factor demonstration.
I'm surprised the pinprick didn't bother Sam more, what with it basically being a needle.
Kate! You should've had more water ice, you're clearly out of chill going for the box cutter like that.
You aren't immune to being attacked by cats, Sam. You're just immune to lasting injury from them.
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aibloomie · 2 years
Hi there! I hope you're doing good and take your time with this request! I would like to request a Sally Face matchup it seems pretty cool! I'm bisexual. My big three are Capricorn Sun, Aquarius Moon & Gemini Rising. As for my personality, i like to think i'm an approachable person! It might take me some time to warm up to certain people, but i always try to be friendly. Sometimes i can be observant and other times i don't pay attention to my surroundings. Like it depends if what's going around me is interesting enough or if i feel like it's important for me to observe my surroundings or the people around me i hope i explained that right sjsjs. I get lost in my imagination and can get distracted easily at times. I like to have some time to myself to recharge after socializing for very long periods of time. I like anything cute! Like cute clothes, cute animals, etc. I mind my own business most of the time, but i do like the occasion chisme 🤭 which brings me to my pet peeves, i can't stand people who always stick their noses into others business like PLEASE get a hobby. Some more of my pet peeves are naggers, shitty earbuds and people who refuse to change or change their mind even after being presented with facts, evidence, valid reasons, etc. What i look for in a person (romantically & platonic) are someone that understands me and someone i can feel comfortable talking my feelings to. I usually bottle up my emotions bc sometimes i feel like i'm exaggerating or that no one really cares. Oh and someone with a good sense of humor! I feel like my description is kinda shitty, but hope this is enough for you to work with!
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hii thank you for the request <3 I hope you're doing well too, and thank you for not rushing me !! your description wasn't bad at all, I enjoyed writing this for you anon
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your romantic match up is sally !!
━  sal has the tendency of focusing more on reality, so having someone as imaginative as you as his lover would make his outlook on life more optimistic !! he is a lot happier with you by his side, and the entire friend group takes a notice of it. he dosen't mind listening to any of your thoughts.
━ he feels a little protective over you because of your habit of getting distracted and not paying attention to your surroundings when you don't find the situation important/interesting enough. you don't have to worry about your safety or missing out on anything because sal is always there, paying attention so he can fill you in on the details later.
━ if you're ever hanging out with him and need some time to recharge your social battery, he won't take it to heart !! he of all people understands that social settings can be difficult and draining, and he isn't demanding at all when it comes to quality time. when you're with the friend group and he notices you doing the mannerisms you tend to do when you need alone time, he'll be the one to say bye to everyone on your behalf and get you home safely so you won't get socially overwhelmed <3 he's very attentive to your needs
━ sal would find your interest in cute things adorable <3 he'd gladly let you adorn his prosthetic mask with cute stickers, and his highschool locker was probably full of all the things you pinned onto it (and he was completely unashamed about it.) people who don't know much about sal find him intimidating, but that incorrect perception fades away when he matches cute clothes with you and everything !! he also has gizmo around, so if you ever want to see a cute cat then you can always go visit sal (you get to see your sweet boyfriend AND an adorable cat that trusts you <3 it's a bonus)
━ sal is really chill and he doesn't quite get the hype on gossiping, the only rumors that pique his interest are those regarding theories on the secrets of nockfell, or anything paranormal. other than when he's investigating any of the things above, he keeps to himself. he's also open minded and enjoys hearing different perspectives, so you won't have to worry about him being stubborn.
━ sal is one of those people who prioritizes your emotions. he will never ridicule you for showing any form of vulnerability, and will never judge the issue that is upsetting you no matter how little or big it may seem. he is constantly reassuring you that the situations you face are important to him, and you can always entrust him with your feelings. he does not push you or demand that you tell him anything though, because he knows it can be hard. even if you decide to bottle up your emotions for a while, he will always be there to hear you out when you're ready even if it takes months
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━ larry arguably has the best humor out of all the characters, so if you're looking for a friend that will have your stomach hurting from sheer laughter then he'd be a really compatible friend to have !! he can make every situation funny no matter what, even if he doesn't intend to do that. in general he likes having a good time, so he's a lot of fun to be around
━ despite this, he is very emotional and isn't afraid to show it. since he trusts you, he'll wear his heart on his sleeve and will open up whenever he has something on his mind and feels sad. because he's so in tune with his feelings, he'd always be there to help you out as well, even if you come knocking on his door at like 3 am to talk about it
━ he definitely teases you and sal a lot <3 and for christmas he likes getting the two of you matching presents (could be clothes, decorations, accessories, cups, anything) and he also likes choosing cute things so that you'll be even more happy about it
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elliestormfound · 3 years
Dont know if you're still doing this but I think it's a really cool idea! I've loved seeing all the different animals people like. I dont know if this counts as an animal honestly but I'm going with it because animal is a social construct so it can be whatever I decide (that's definitely how it works right? Lol) if it counts my favorite animal is an octopus, they're incredibly smart and fascinating and I have a theory that they're actually aliens but just decided to chill for a bit on earth
I am still doing this (going to bed soon so I shall continue tomorrow if more aks come in!). 
I am also greatly enjoying this, looking at cute animal gifs and even learning about animals I did not know before! thank you all for doing this funny little thing with me! I wasn’t expecting so many asks! <3
octopus, what a wonderful choice, I love them! and I wouldn’t be surprised if they turned out to be aliens! I love your theory! 
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anonymously tell me…what your favorite animal is
So far we have (please note that I have no idea what I am doing, I am not a biologist or zoologist and I am just grouping animals together from gut feeling :D)
cats (generally all): lynx, Scottish Wildcats, Pallas’s Cats, manuls, cheetahs, tigers
red pandas
foxes and red foxes
snakes: puff adders, hognose snakes
elephants <3
African Pygmy Falcons
dogs (generally): borkies, wolves, maned wolves
grasshopper mice
(baby) pigs
whales: orcas, beluga whales
birds: chicken, potoos, emperor tamarins, south american harpy eagles, secretary birds
Leachie Geckos
bunnies, rabbits, hares
bees and bumble bees
octopus (what is the plural??)
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beatsfortheillperth · 4 years
Words with Jetson
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Our next interview is with a producer and rapper out of a beautiful place known as Tauranga, in New Zealand, This creative is known as Jetson.
He happens to be one of my cat, Rain's personal favourites for sleep time and regardless of the amount of thumping bass Jetson's music creates and picture frames it knocks over, I understand why he sleeps so sweetly.
Probably a lot to do with the fact that bass has rhythm, just like the sweet sweet words Jetson correlates with his word-plays in tracks such as "Milk" and "SENSEI". Not only impressing cats, Jetson has made moves and connections beyond the long white cloud, proving isolation doesn't always silence brilliance. Jetson brings words any generation can hold some sort of relevance to, words that allow one to notice life moves fast and slow and sometimes you just have to chill and become an observer rather than an instigator.
This is something I feel Jetson has accomplished with his rather low-key approach to releases and interviews.
Jetson is a natural, a true prodigy of sound and a sharer of moods, and to me, is a reminder that with a little bit of passion and persistence, great things can happen, whatever your field.
Jetson’s collective and label - Chill Children is evidence of that, as through it , Jetson is able to work and release with producers and beat-makers all over the globe.
emo the optimist, BACKWHEN, fuyu, eets, and junyii are just some of the diverse talents working with Chill Children and everyone on the catalogue are game-changers that make music that’s anointed in chills. 
Creators that push boundaries and portray emotion through sound in the most soothing way, one must check Chill Children.
So with that I hope you enjoy rare words with the nuance wonder, and in his own words.
Sit back, relax, get baked, create, f**k it.
Enjoy and much love.
Hey man thanks for the opportunity to share words. Let's start with a few random quick questions to get things going. Favourite Beverage: Lemon water. Favourite thing to do in your down-time: Make music/skate. Views on Reincarnation: It will be cool if it is true but I guess it doesn't really change anything if it is 🤷‍♂️ Favourite Food: Sushi. Favourite Album of All Time: Tribe Called Quest - Midnight Marauders A song to break it down to: Ethereal & Playboi Carti - Beef A song to chill to: Durand Jones & The Indications - Cruising to the park Do you prefer Sunrise? or Sunset? Why?: Sunset, because I'm never awake for sunrise. A childhood memory in regards to music: I remember saving up to buy Graduation by Kanye West and listening to that shit front to back for weeks straight. Favourite Place to be: Probably on an island.
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Thanks for that, so let's start by asking what inspires you to produce and not only produce but continually produce, what to me is an array of tunes fitting so many genres?
Do you have a set of goals in place when you release a track or do you just hit upload and just hope people are feeling your sound?
What I like to listen to is constantly changing so I like to challenge myself to try and make the things that I'm inspired by.
I like to think that you never know what you're gonna get when you listen to my music but I've still got so much to learn and experiment with. I just try have fun with it and not think about it too much.
How long have you been producing music, and what did you find was hardest to get the hang of when it first came to producing beats?
I had no music theory knowledge or anything when I started making beats (I still don't have much) so there was a lot to learn right away.
Probably the hardest thing that I still battle with is knowing what you should release, what you shouldn't etc. It's hard to balance knowing when something is finished and when it still needs work.
Could you give a quick run-through of the process you follow when it comes to making a beat?
I try to change my process as much as I can to keep things fresh and fun for myself. But I really enjoy hearing a sample somewhere like keys, a quote or a rapper I want to remix, then I start working with that piece and see where it goes.
I'll mess around with the beat for a while and sometimes a track comes out. It can take one day, it can take months. Just depends.
Oldies are always goodies in my books and I have to mention your "bumps from 2014" mixtape, it truly is something special.
What inspired those little bumps? What were you doing back then? Also, can you remember the mood you were in when you made them?
I'm glad you like it haha. That was when I really had no clue what I was doing in terms of making beats, I was making all of those 'off the grid' in Ableton so I was placing drums in random places, I had no idea what bpm the samples were or anything. I really didn't know wtf I was doing, just going off of a vibe. 
My mood was really just being excited about making music, I was living in the basement at my mum's house blasting beats on the speakers all day.
[bumps from 2014] - https://soundcloud.com/sleepgodd/bumps-from-2014
You are also a rapper. My favourite NZ rapper to be more precise so thank you for the vibes you create. How did you find out you had it in you to rap and how old were you?
Damn, I appreciate that ✌️ I started rapping with a friend of mine, Jesse aka j cafe when we were around 20. We'd sit in my room smoking weed, and free-styling over beats on Soundcloud all night. 
Then we decided to make a track, so we found a beat and jumped in the closet to record some vocals on the laptop microphone.
We put it up on Soundcloud and I've been addicted to making music ever since.
Link to j cafe’s Soundcloud here - https://soundcloud.com/j-cafe
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Cover art for Jetson’s 2019 rap release - bluntscraps
Album cover art by Takuroh Toyama
When did you first start rapping in front of others? What did it feel like in the beginning compared to now when you perform live?
I was insanely nervous the first time I ever did anything live and that feeling really hasn't left me lol.
Except now I know how to deal with nerves a bit better and actually enjoy the whole experience of doing something live.
I definitely think I'm a lot better now than my first time doing it, but I still kinda suck 😂 Staying on topic with your rapping, material-wise you have mad skills, your music is forever helping me chill out so thank you.
When did you start writing down your words and turning them into structured songs? Do you have any other artists that inspire your writing style?
When I was younger I really liked the flow of rappers rather than what they were actually saying.
Dudes like MF Doom and Earl Sweatshirt really influenced me at the start wanting to come up with lines that were catchy and different.
To form an actual track I usually just mumble over beats to get the flow, then I start placing words in the spots where I think they fit.
Does your family know you make music? If so what do they think of it, any dance parties in the Jetson Family Household? 
My immediate family all know and support my music. My mum used to have one of my tracks as her ringtone for years lol.
No jetson dance parties yet, but seems like every year more people in my extended family know about my music.
You were also a member of NZ Duo, Chill Children of which you rap and produce with yet another kiwi talent, both having low-key approaches when it comes to presenting yourselves through social media. What happened with that?
Me and J Cafe started Chill Children as a rap project in the early days but we moved to different places in the world and started doing our own solo projects so things sort of stopped happening with it.
I still credit those times with really getting me started on music though. He's still making dope shit and we'll probably link up on a track soon.
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So then it became a sort of collective community, and through your Chill Children Soundcloud, you allow a platform for other artists to have their music heard.
Much Love on the concept, What inspired you to start sharing other artists music and what keeps you sharing? I'm very grateful btw, too many gems.
I work on music a lot with my friend emo the optimist (aka kodama) and we always wanted to run a label/collective kind of thing so we could release music from artists that we really liked.
After me and Jesse started doing our own thing, Chill Children seemed like the perfect place to start doing that.
It's one of my favorite things to work on as we have a hand in working with the artists on every release. I just love that we're able to share so much music that we really like with the world.
Check Chill Children here -
Bandcamp - https://chillchildren.bandcamp.com/
Soundcloud - https://soundcloud.com/chillchildren
Instagram - @chillchildren
Any new Chill Children material we should keep an eye out for?
We always have new music from new artists dropping so definitely follow our instagram/twitter if you want to stay updated on it.
We're currently working on a phonk compilation with guys like DJ Yung Vamp, Genshin etc. It's gonna be crazy 🤯
Back to your solo releases through your alias Jetson. What made you want to start putting out your material alone? Also, do you have a favourite Jetson release?
I really felt like I had to release music solo to see what I could do.
I've learned so much about myself through that process, became more confident and a better musician.
Probably my favorite rap track I've made is called 'Escape'.
Not many people have heard it but it's on Spotify and other places.
My favorite beat I've made is probably 'dylan rieder'.
Have to ask, are you working on any new releases we should keep an ear out for? If so, what can we expect with your coming releases?
I just released an album on Bandcamp called THROWED TAPES which was really influenced by DJ screw and other phonk producers.
I'm working on a lofi R&B tape for Bandcamp, a lofi beat tape, and I really want to release a rap EP.
Who knows when those will come out though haha
Taking it back a little to your rapping again I have to mention "Milk". What inspires the words in this track?
Also please share the story behind your track "Melancholy"? The words are somewhat mesmerizing, thank you!
With milk, I just heard the beat from bsd.u and really wanted to make something weird that just followed the flow of the beat.
On melancholy I tried to think about what I was saying a little more. The instrumental is so introspective and smooth I knew I had to come correct on it.
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THROWED TAPES By Jetson, released August, 27, 2020
Musical Recommendations?
junyii - emo the optimist - knxwledge - j cafe - jesse james solomon - the smiths - dj yung vamp - shuggie otis - hm surf - alicks - MIKE - baccyard - meraki soul - steve hiett I could go on for days though lol
Creatives to keep an eye out for in music and art? Takuroh Toyama (photography) Moebius (visual art) Steve Hiett (photography/music) Any Last Words?
It really trips me out that people enjoy something I love to do so much.
So just thank you for vibing with me, I have a lot more to share ✌️
Support Jetson here -
Soundcloud - https://soundcloud.com/highimjetson
Bandcamp - https://jetsonbumps.bandcamp.com/
Spotify - https://open.spotify.com/artist/2bkf2PmiVyfCqg2uzIFIqJ
Twitter - https://twitter.com/jetsonbumps
Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/jetsonn/?hl=en
Milk by Jetson (Production by bsd.u)
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lovetheplayers · 5 years
Taylor's interview on Smallzy's Surgery | Nova 969 (April 29, 2019)
Taylor: Hello, how are you?
Smallzy: I'm very good. It's been a little while.
Taylor: It's been way too long.
Smallzy: It has.
Taylor: We're both too excited. We're, like, saying the same thing.
Smallzy: Yes, absolutely. Congratulations. TS7: the era commences. How are you feeling?
Taylor: Thank you. I'm feeling really, really happy and, like, joyful to be honest. Like, this has been such a fun video and song to make and I'm so proud of the album that will come out eventually. It's just really exciting that the fans are excited. I love my job. It's just really fun and I'm having, like, a really fun time doing this.
Smallzy: Lovely. Well I have got a lightning round of questions to go through, so let's hit it. Number one, you have a new cat Benjamin Button. How is the cat? Is he good?
Taylor: He's good. He's literally right next to me. He's such a good boy.
Smallzy: What about Meredith and Olivia? Are they okay with the new addition? Or was there some getting used to?
Taylor: Well, okay, so, my first cat's Meredith and when I got Olivia there was a lot of, like, hissing. She'd hiss at Olivia, Olivia was tiny but would hiss back and I was like, "Oh god, this is going to be so much hissing." But then when I brought him home they'd hiss at him and he would just, like, lay down on the floor and I'm like, "dude." He's just a very chill cat. They kind of realized that he doesn't really care that much. He doesn't really wanna fight. He'll pounce on them every once in a while. He's like the annoying little brother.
Smallzy: Lovely. You posted something on Twitter over the weekend saying that you gave away the title to the album somewhere in the music video of the new song. Now I'm just gonna, like, you can say "warm" or "cold" or you can say "I'm not gonna comment." There's a fan theory: kaleidoscope. Is that warm or cold?
Taylor: I'm not gonna comment because I really do respect their theories so much, you know. I'm gonna tell them all the information when I tell them.
Smallzy: Okay, let's do it like that. I do have to talk about the music video. You and Brendon Urie. Congratulations on the song. Now I'm not sure but—the shoulder shimmies in that video clip are to die for, so congratulations to you both.
Taylor: Thank you so much. I will tell him that you said that because we worked very hard on them. Thank you so much.
Smallzy: Do you feel like he shoulder shimmied better than you do and you had to step up or were you teaching him a thing or two?
Taylor: Yeah, yeah. I mean, I had to step up the whole video. I have to step up just every time I'm around him because he's like the best performer, and he has so much energy. Oh, my god. He goes into rehearsals and you have to really keep up. He's so amazing.
Smallzy: Well, your new song is called ME! with Brendon Urie of Panic! At The Disco playing now. Taylor Swift on the air.
Smallzy: Now when you were here in Australia with the reputation Tour it bucketed down with rain at the Sydney show. Now with that stadium tour did that happen many times or was there only a few shows where it rained as crazy as it did that night?
Taylor: t happened more times on the reputation Tour than it did on any other tour I've done, but it was so much fun because we all just, like, danced in the rain together. It was really just, like, joyous and I think that the crowds not leaving—when I was younger I thought, like, if it rained everyone would leave. And I was always so scared of it raining. And then the first time I had a rain show I was like, "Oh wait, people are staying?" Like, that's when it became something that we all welcomed because I'm literally not going to cancel a show no matter what unless physically, like, they tell me that none of us can be on stage or whatever. If it's raining, like, bring it on. It's fun. I mean, the crowds—the more that they embrace that, the easier it is for, you know, for all of us to feel like it's not even raining. It turns it into even more fun. We just try not to slip because I slip and fall sometimes.
Smallzy: Oh, my god. Yeah. You don't need that. Hey, our time is running out but I just quickly wanted to know, is there a message for the Aussie fans? They're very excited for the new song which, congratulations is like number one already here in Australia. And of course they want to know if you're planning on coming back anytime soon.
Taylor: well I'm definitely working on the schedule right now and I love the Aussie fans more than I can even say, like, more than I can even verbalize. And I just love them for their passion, for caring about me and being so wonderful, and for making it number one. Thanks guys. That's amazing.
Smallzy: Lovely. Well thank you very much for chatting. I will leave it on if the album is called Kaleidoscope, Lover, or Home, I called it first. If it's none of those three we'll pretend I never said it, alright?
Taylor: Hey, hey, amazing. You have the theories. You're so sweet for even having a theory. That is so nice of you.
Smallzy: I'm a Taylor fanboy, what can I say? Taylor Swift, thanks for chatting. I appreciate it.
Taylor: You're the best. Thank you! Bye guys.
Smallzy: Bye, bye!
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