#world junior 2022
saintlopezlov3r · 2 years
World Cup: Brazil core🇧🇷
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Mood board
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neymarcouncil · 2 years
Okay, so hear me out, it's always the jealousy imagines that are out there, but what about an imagine where a girl in the medical team or something keeps flirting with neymar and it has been going on for months or something, even tho he is married (to y/n or oc) and he always just never replies cause like, lady there is a ring on my finger, so she just assumes that he is okay with it and never tells his wife, and during a practice or something y/n decided to visit neymar on the way home and she sees that girl and tells her to stop flirting with her husband and the girl is all smug like "are you afraid he's gonna leave you for me" and y/n's like "no, I'm tired of convincing him to not tell your boss to fire you"
I got the idea from this writing prompt, so if you could please add the link in the fic, thank youu ♥️♥️
2.7k word's
{give me imagine's or ff ideas
A simple story
Tw: grammar, people tryna link up
Y/n pov?
It's been an exact year since Neymar proposed to me our relationship has been quite healthy only arumgemts that lasted a few days but we worked it out and Davi hated to see us in disputes I didn't let our little arumgemts to tare us apart of make Davi feel uncomfortable with me in anyway
His family loved me and brought me in like I was a blood he's sister especially loved me the most she treated me like a real sister
                        Time skip rn
I woke up to Neymar not in bed but I heard noise's in the kitchen
I got out of bed went to the bathroom to wash my face to get my up
I got out of our room and saw Neymar was cooking for the both of us(you and Davi)
"Chef Neymar what are you making today? You said going to kiss him on the check
"F/F for one of the most important people in my life' he said to you with is casual smile
"Why don't I take over? You might be late for practice" you said to him trying to take the pan
"Fuck I forgot about practice thank you meu amor" he said letting go of the pan and quickly going upstairs
You laughed at him and quickly went to the stove to handle what he was cooking
"How does he forget a whole job just for cooking" I mumbled to myself and continuing to finishing what he was making
"Y/n what are you making" you saw a little boy call out to you, it was Davi
"Oh good morning sweetheart, I'm just finishing what your father was making, "F/F" he said out loud looking at what I was cooking
"Yep, do you like F/F?' I said to him
"I do, is it ready?" He asked me happily
"Yes it is may you go get me plate"
"Of course Y/n" he said rushing to get 3 plates for all of us"
As Davi got the plates and began to place them on the table. I dished for all of us
"There you go love" I said giving Davi the plate "Thank you Y/n" he said going to the TV room to watch his shows while eating
"No problem buddy" I said while a smile on my face
As I covered the two other dishes to go upstairs and check up on Neymar
When you opened the door to your and his shared bedroom you both bumped into each other
'Im sorry you apologized" as he did the same
"Foods ready, Come eat before you go" you said to him with a smile
'Thank you Meu amor"
As you both went down stairs you have Neymar his dish and put yours in the microwave
"You're not eating now?" Neymar said to you in confusion "I'll eat later I'm not that hunger
You said quickly going upstairs to take a shower and get ready
"Okay, your still here goodbye tho my love" you said giving him a hug around his neck
Neymar got up from his seat getting ready to go to the car when you stopped him
"Where's Davis baby sitter?, You can't leave him, and I'm about to leave for grocerie shopping? alone security isn't enough"
You said to Neymar leaning in the kitchen table
"Oh yeah she'll be here at around 7am "
"Don't worry" he said as he Heard the baby sitter at the door with a knock
"Hello Mr and Mrs I'm sorry I'm a bit early"
"No problem I'll leave the rules at the table call if anything goes wrong byee" Neymar said quickly taking his kit and rushing outside 
"Bye Sweetheart" you said to him leaving
"Bye papa" Davi waved to him
You were getting ready to leave and buy groceries for everyone, and maybe buy something for yourself"
Neymar arrived at the Psg training private era
As Neymar Parked the car and both of you got out
"Finally you made it" Kylian said to him
"Rin has been nagging us to when you were coming, she's so annoying"
"She still hasn't stopped be so clingy to me? That's getting tiring' Neymar said with a sigh
"Have you told Y/n about her?" Kylian
"Nah I don't wanna worry her to much about"
"Alright man wish you best of luck" kylisn said they both walked to the training yard
"Oh my God, Neymar there you are" Rin yelled running to hug Neymar
"I thought you got hurt, never scare me like that"
"I'm fine Rin, and get off me... please" Neymar said in an annoyed tone
"Hey Ney, let's warm up"
"I have to stay with you, imagine you get hurt I could help you, Ney pleaseeeee" Rin cried out to Neymars shoulders "Yea sure whatever"
"Thank youuu Querido" Rin said taking of her jacket
"I'm sorry for not wearing something pleasant or sporty today to maybe help you guys train" Rin said trying to get Neymar's attention
"Wow a doctor wants to work with the team"  Neymar said sarcastically
"Okay let's go Neyyy" Rin said going to catch up with Neymar
"On my I don't think I can run anymore I'll go sit down Ney" Rin said with her breath hitching
"Wait may I wear I shirt of yours mine looks a bit to reavling if you mind"
She wined to him
"Will you leave me alone? Then yeah whatever"
"Thank you♡" Rin said walking off to get Neymar's bag and Change as she sniffed the shirt and mumbled to herself
"God your perfect"
I walked out of the changing room just to see a random female sitting and where Neymar's seat was
I walked over slowly to her trying to Guess who she was
"Oh hello Ma'am, are you medical team or something?"
"Oh no, I just came back from somewhere and decided to visit someone"
"And that shirt looks like I've seen it who's is it?" Y/n questioned
"The Neymar jùnior let me wear it" Rin said confidently
"He did? Oh Alright" Y/n said tensely
"What's wrong?"Rin was cut of by Neymar walking by to say give you a hello and and a peck on the check he didn't know you we're coming to visit him
"Oh, your the 'Y/n' huh?"
"Yea, if i may ask how do you know me?" You asked her
"Me and Ney are close thanks to this job so he's been acting like he weird for someone named Y/n, and that's you"
"You're an imbosel going after married men" Y/n said blanky
"Why scared I'll take him from you keep thinking that, we all know it's true"
"No, I'm thinking why hasn't we report you and Leave you in fucking bloody hell, it's a real pity your parents aren't child free you know?"
"Someone's scared I'll take him huh? How cute, that ring on a finger cna always be taken off reminder!"
"And sueing can always be free you know that"
"I feel unwanted by you Y/n so I'll leave bye honet!" Rin Said leaving you pissed already
            Later during the day
Narrator pov
Neymar got injured by his ankle so the medical team had to take a inspection though his whole leg to make sure he was fine
You got a little bit worried from seeing his face in complete pain
"You guys can head out I'll take a look at him" Rin said after they placed him down
"Okay Ma'am" the two doctors lead out of the room leaving you alone with Neymar
"Are you okay Ney, don't worry I'll take care of you♡" Rin said with a glowing smile on her face
"It's just my ankle Rin, Nothing that serious" He argued
"Your a very key player Ney, everything's important you have to take of your shirt for testing"
A sudden knock played out to the door
Sigh "Come in Rin answered annoyed by seeing your figure at the door
"I just came to check if he was okay?'
"Y/n, don't worry I'm fine just an ankle problem'
"You know you're distracting me from working on Him'
"Apologies I'm advance we just really have to go"
"Oh then you'll have to wait... Outside.
"No problem, I just need the key's from his bag"
You quickly grabbed his bag and lead out"
"Okay she's gone now, Shirt off examination time"
Examination over bc I don't know what they do.
"All done, Visit me every morning to check perfectly tho"
"Uh alright thanks"
"Are you Alright?" You quickly got out of your seat
"Yeah Rin ran some useless Tests but I'm all fine okay?"
"That's great to hear let's go home Davi's babysitter is about to leave
"Wait Ney" You both heard Rin call out
"Your shirt silly how'd you forget? I'll go change quickly"
Rin Changed and gave him back his shirt
"Thank you for leading it to me"
"Yea No problem" You watched the two blanky just walking out of the era and waiting at the car
"Hey Y/n wait up!" Neymar said quickly catching up with you
"What's up with that girl, and getting so close with you?" You questioned getting into the car as he did the same
"Who Rin?, I don't know she's been like that since she got hired"
"And you're not reporting to her boss?"
"I didn't think about it like it doesn't mean I like her"
"Yea but still, she already on my nerves" you said looking out the window as he drove back home
"Look if it makes you feel any better Meu amor, I'll talk to her boss about it Tomorrow"
You remained silent and just simply nodded to his action
The whole trip was silent you didn't want to talk to him thinking he had been okay with her busy flirting with him
You both got home and Davi rushed to hug his father's leg
"hey buddy missed me?" He crouched down to give him a hug too
As soon as you walked into the house Davi slide away from his father's hug to come hug you
"Hey there Davi, how are you" you questioned him and he simply have you a smile
Neymar stood back to his normal height and held your wrists making making you worried
All Davi did was go back to watching TV
You both went upstairs he went to take a shower and you were getting the bed ready
You saw as He got out of the bathroom with his pajamas on
"Y/n do you wanna talk?" He's face seeming worried and guilty
"He sat at the edge of the bed and you were standing Infront of him
"Look Y/n, I'll report her as soon as Tomorrow"
"Why didn't you sooner" you exclaimed
"Because I never really payed much attention to her, I have you"
"That doesn't make it better but I shouldn't be mad or jealous over small stuff I'm sorry"
"It's okay I'm sorry too, are we good?"
"Yeah we're good" you said with a smile Carling up your face
"I see that smile, Come on let's go make dinner" he said getting up and holding your hand
You and Neymar made dinner for You,Him and Davi as soon as you were all done eating you washed the plates and had to take Davi to bed and you both Also went to your shared bedroom
"I think I gonna sleep now good night my love"
You said resting your head on his chest as he switched off the lights and wished you a goodnight
Morning came and Neymar left early then usual even Davi was still asleep you decide to take a bath and get something ready to eat you woke up Davi and he quickly too a shower you gave him he's food and both you headed out of the house
"Y/n am I also coming to see dad?" Davi questioned in the back seat while you were driving
"Yep, I just need to also give him his food is that Alright?"
Davi just nodded going back to play with his iPad
You both reached The psg era you got out of the car and opened Davis door to unbuckle his safety belt
He got out of the car holding your hand  but still glued to his device
You walk past to see Rin with a box of medical supplies with her and a fuming expression on her face
"This is all your fault you fucking cunt, don't worry none of this is over be warned."
She said fo you storminess out of the Psg era
"Oh she's fired" you mumbled
You and Davi both Walked out of the era looking for Neymar as you found him coming out of an office room
"I see she's fired, here's you lunch to by the way" you said with a closed eye smile
"Yeah she's fired and there isn't practice today so we can have a whole free day!"
"That's perfect we can finally have a night together" you excitedly
Narrator pov
Neymar decided to leave now as he wanted to spend most of the day with you both of you left psg's training era and decided to relax most of th day and go out at around night time
Davi was already asleep in the car drive so he decided to put him in bed and let him sleep
As you both got home you felt a weight getting lifted from you
"Love, do you think we can get take out today I don't feel like cooking today?"
"Of course, you don't always have to cook Meu Amor"
"I know Davi's already fast asleep so I thought you might be hunger"
"Don't worry about it, let's just get ready"
Neymar ended the conversation with a slight peck on the check
You went into your closet to find a dress/suit to wear
(I don't want to pick for you bc it's Y/n u🤷)
As soon as you found your outfit for you a night with your husband he already had gotten ready before you finished, he was already waiting for for you downstairs you went down as a rush
"You look beautiful as always" Neymar complicated you
"Thank you and you look handsome as always" You complicated him back
"Ready to leave?" "Yep let's head off"
Neymar went to lock Davi's door and the house you waited in the car for him busy scrolling on your phone
As he opened th car door and entered "Alrighty then let's head off"
"You still haven't said where we were going too you know?"
"It's a surprise that's why" he said rolling his eyes
As you just continued scrolling through your phone
You both finally arrived at your detention and you were shocked to see "A club?" You questioned
"No a club I helped you in"
"Oh yeah, but if there's paparazzi following us I'm out"
"There won't I promise" he laughed at you word's
"Alright let's go"
You both went Into the club era trying your best not to be spotted and go to a private line at the party
Just after a few minutes you saw bright flashes and some recorded phones around Neymar
"Are you both official?"
"Neymar you've moved on from bruna?'
"How does it feel being in a relationship with one of the best football players?"
You quickly ran away from them holding Neymar wrists
You both hide under the table and sneaked Into the car
You heard Neymar suddenly laugh
"Oh my GOD what a day" he said in between his laugh's
"Just drive"
"Alright" he said teary from laughing
You both went home you were pissed paparazzi ruined you day with him but he made it up to you by watching a movie and cuddling with each other
LMFAO correct any mistake I wrote this at 2am I'm literally dying ong
https://at.tumblr.com/write-it-motherfuvkers /703390114339012608 /f3uscn2aw1g7
Was there promote go check it out bc this story is kinda like it? Ion
I wanna kms I don't know if I'm doing this right I'm usually a Wattpad writer and write w parts so ion about here btw gimme request's
(2 am mfs help(
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Xiangyi An's free program costume at the 2023 World Junior Championships. She skated to The Theory of Everything and Song for the Little Sparrow.
(Sources: 1, 2 and 3)
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hab-a-nice-day · 6 months
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The job's not finished and we need to just continue.
—Juraj Slafkovský, Slovakia, IIHF World Juniors 2022
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cherryxcadbury · 2 years
Hope you are doing fine ☺️
Here are some ideas (saw your post asking for requests haha) I have might have a (big) crush on Neymar Jr so my ideas will be with him haha :
He is jealous of your friendship with Marco Verrati
You get to know each other before new year, he spend it with Bruna but he is falling for you and wants you to trust him that they are just friends
You are Kylian best friend and you are hiding him that you and Ney have been together for a few months
You are an actress/singer, and you decide to use a movie premiere to show the world you are together
You become friends with carol (Davi’s mother)
He hears you saying that Sergio Ramos is good looking,
I know you won’t to them all, but hope it helps your inspiration haha,
Love your writing by the way,
Have a nice day 😻😘
thank you for all your ideas love 🫶 request: He hears you saying that Sergio Ramos is good looking
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y/n- ur name 
2nd person pov 
You and Neymar were sprawled across your bed, mindlessly scrolling through your phones, cuddled next to one another. It was a lazy Sunday in Paris.
Peaceful, yet content.
This peace was quickly interrupted by the incessant beeping of the oven. 
You sat up, preparing to get out of bed, "The Feijoada's done." 
Neymar gently pushed you down, "You stay here amor. I'll get it." 
You shot him a grateful look, laying back down. 
"Where was that email I needed?" Desperately searching for a work related email you needed tomorrow. 
You then remembered you'd dmed it to your friend on Instagram.
"Where the hell is it?" You groaned in frustration while you swiftly scrolled through your instagram.
"Y/N, amore! It's ready." Neymar called to you, heading back towards the direction of your bedroom.
Oh screw it. You'd check later tomorrow.
Neymar stood leaning against the doorway, running a hand through his messy hair. 
You thought he looked so so good. 
You decided to quickly check any updates on your Instagram timeline and raised an eyebrow in delight when you saw the PSG account had posted a picture of Sergio Ramos, who'd been your celebrity crush as a teenager.
"Sergio Ramos is so fine." You muttered, before throwing your phone on the bed and getting up to move towards Neymar.
What you didn't expect was to almost see Neymar's ears perk up in alarm at your words.
"Who?" Neymar asked you with curiosity in his eyes. 
"Sergio Ramos. His new haircut makes him look so good." You gushed.
"Well what about my new haircut?" He inquired, folding his arms and pouting.
You laughed. It was so obvious he was jealous. Why not playing along with it? 
"Your hair is forever changing. It's hard to appreciate it when you have a new look each month." You giggled.
"They all look better than Ramos's." He uttered with disgust, rolling the r with extra emphasis. 
You shot him a challenging look, "Even those fake blonde dreads a few years ago?" 
That was before you two had began dating, but you never let him live that poor style choice down. 
Neymar shot you a snarky look. Jealousy was oozing out of him.
"Ramos isn't even that good. Do you know how many times he's been red carded?" He brought up, trying to make a point. 
"28." You smirked at him.
Neymar huffed in annoyance. He was trying to make a point but it just pissed him off that you knew that fact about Ramos.
"Regardless, he's a dirty player." 
"And you're a flopper." You countered.
 "Am not!" He protested.
"Are too!" You stuck your tongue out at him.
Then there was silence for a moment, a bit awkward to say the least. 
"Do you think Ramos is more attractive than me?" Neymar wondered aloud quietly.
You felt bad. You'd hit a nerve. Even though Neymar was virtually the most sought after player in the world, he got insecure and jealous very easily. 
You gingerly moved over to him, wrapping your arms around his shoulders, his instinctively finding their way to your waist. You rested your head on his chest. 
"I'm sorry." You mumbled.
"It's my fault amor. I get jealous too easily." He admitted.
You raised your head from his chest to meet his eyes. They were swirling with emotion, love, and passion.
"Well. Jealous or not, you'll always be the most beautiful man in my eyes." You smiled, pecking him on the lips. 
A smile found its way to Neymar's lips as he leaned his forehead against yours.
"Behind Davi that is." You finished.
Neymar laughed, "That's an L I'm willing to take." 
Days later, at PSG vs Lille, you were in the crowd, sitting front and center to support him. When he single handedly dribbled through the box and landed the ball at the back of the net with his signature moves, you had eyes for him and him only. 
"Wonder which celebration he'll do this time." Antonela teased from behind you. 
"Hopefully it's the Parado No Bailao one." You laughed, looking back to her. 
"I'd look straight ahead if I were you." Antonela advised.
You did as told and was shocked to see what was happening. Neymar and the rest of his teammates had run towards you to celebrate.
He'd pointed right at you, made a heart with his gloved hands, and blew you a kiss.
And very quickly, there was no other man on the field other than Neymar Jr in your eyes. 
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clinicsharmartia · 2 years
Me watching Neymar cry after Brazil losing:
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Me after the camera pans to Richarlison and Vini Jr crying:
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rabidline · 2 years
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2023 World Junior Championships - March 3, 2023 Xiangyi An → Music from “The Theory of Eveyrthing” by Jóhann Jóhannsson: Camping, Chalkboard, Song for the Little Sparrow - Ouverture by Abel Korzeniowski, choreographed by Benoît Richaud
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xinyuehui · 2 years
"Boyfriend explains the World Cup to me using Kpop"
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gulski2 · 2 years
Sure, sex is nice, but has Vinicius ever played for your team?
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leahthedreamer · 2 years
People on twitter acting like Shoma is gonna chuck Sota off the plane to worlds because he said the JSF’s selection criteria is bullshit are very ridiculous like it’s really not deep and their “criteria” has always been questionable and hypocritical.
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saintlopezlov3r · 2 years
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Matching Wallpaper/Lockscreen
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iconsneymarjr · 2 years
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(c) @njrluans ou like 
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figureskatingcostumes · 6 months
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Ilia Malinin skating to music by Autograf and Woodkid for his free program at the 2022 Junior Worlds, 2022 US Nationals and 2022 Worlds.
(Sources: 1, 2, 3 and 4)
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nymrs · 1 year
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He's so active lately, I love it
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