#world wide money
tomwambsmilk · 1 year
As a side note I think what makes Succession such an excellent critique of capitalism is how it handles the idea of meritocracy. It's very easy to imagine conservatives (especially wealthy conservatives) as Scrooge McDuck kind of figures who really just want whatever brings in the most money. But the truth is that most of them are deeply, deeply invested in the belief that capitalism is a meritocracy, and that their own success is the result of hard work and others' failure is the result of personal failings. They are so invested in this idea that they will go to amazing lengths to reinterpret any piece of information that challenges it. Succession does a really, really good job of depicting that conviction, and depicting it so well that the audience will be occasionally sucked into it, before slapping you in the face with the utter pathetic incompetency of these people who are essentially running America.
I think that's one of the things that really sets it above a lot of other 'eat the rich' type movies that write their wealthy characters with more of a Scrooge McDuck mindset. Personally, I think any good critique is written so that the critiqued party can see themselves in the story. They may not accept the critique, but if it's good and it's accurate there will be a character they recognize as themselves. No conservative is going to see themselves in Miles Bron, a man who is clearly out of his depth and incompetent and stealing other people's ideas, or the rich people from Squid Game, who insist on 'levelling the playing field' through random chance. But they DO see themselves in characters like Tom Wamsbgans and Kendall Roy (hence why an army of reddit bros turn out to defend their every move), and I think that's what gives Succession's critique a fighting chance of actually landing with the people who need to hear it
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venterry · 29 days
its gotta be healthy to look at mid or questionable high production stuff every now and then its like a case study and ego boost at the same time
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rachaels · 4 months
do y'all ever feel like the internet is just... dying?
we bare our souls when we create art and it's snatched from our hands and used to train AI to generate soulless imitations.
we devote our hearts to writing stories that are minimized to a handful of fanfic trope tiktok trends designed to sell your story quick and dirty and squeeze as much money out of consumers as it can.
"fun" websites aren't a thing anymore. children don't have nearly as many kid-friendly sites to just waste time on, and the sites that do exist are becoming sanitized family-friendly brain killers designed to feed you advertisements and scrape your personal data.
I just want to create and laugh and expand my worldview and learn new things and instead it's algorithms and algorithms and algorithms and algorithms and algorithms and algorithms and
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transgenderization · 5 months
played minecrafft. once again i am stuck doing all the bits of minecraft you have to do before you can do the fun bits of minecraft.
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cinemajunkie70 · 2 years
Happy 60th Birthday to Tom Cruise!
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qwintly · 1 year
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newest stickman oc :)
the self-proclaimed Lord of the Internet !
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historyforfuture · 8 months
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wizard-ilove · 16 days
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artisaint · 1 year
say what you will about evangelion but the message of the original shows ending being shinji finding meaning and joy in being alive changed the way i see the world
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andromerot · 1 year
well i do find it curious that when criticizing cosmetic surgery everyone discusses the implications of altering your body irreversibly but i hear very little about the misogyny that guides these types of trends
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distopea · 1 year
"If you were a guy, what type of woman would you like?" Fang asked Sybille, after complaining about some experiences, before allowing herself to dig a little into the woman's life. Curious if she would describe herself. Blond and tall for example... an airhead. She looked like those typical cheerleader girls in Hollywood movies, who were always the bad bitches. The type, she would always cheer for than the boring, loser mc.
"I think I would be gay then," she confessed herself and let out a snort, after hearing the other's answer first. "Ultimately they better like me."
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After a regular chit-chat with that girl who was sometimes visiting the pub, the conversation took another turn. Sybille crossed her legs elegantly, her face expressing a certain surprise, before she eventually huffed and waved her fingers. 
"If I was a man, I would definitely be a very powerful one." She said with a wicked smile, then grabbed her napkin and tapped it against her lips, in case the few drops of cocktail she had sipped would cascade down her chin. She threw a glance at the bar, pouting for a second at the lack of a potential target. "I want to be the kind owning everything. Money, cars, houses, yachts... You name it, and I will have it. I want to sit at one table and be sure that everyone knows who I am and respect me for it." 
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She raised an eyebrow and grimaced. "Ew, fucking them? Hell no, the number of times I had to stick a finger up there hole because they wanted to get off, it was soooo dirty, I'd rather not." She grimaced again before she cocked her head times, eyeing Fang's legs. "Wouldn't you want to be one with legs to kick their asses?" She replaced herself and tapped Fang's arm, like patting a pet out of hidden pity. "Men all suck anyway. That's why we were born women. We have to keep a certain balance between those idiots." 
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jackgoodfellow · 2 years
Today in "texts I have sent my partner":
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[ID: A screenshot of a text message that reads, "And if there's one thing I want out of this life, it is to be a dark specter on the door of Eric Kripke's career". End ID.]
#eric kripke#the boys#supernatural#winchester#writing#I wish to be a grim portent of doom ever at the heels of his legacy#I wish to see a world in which so many marginalized people are able to tell their stories that#men like Eric Kripke fade slowly back into the irrelevance they always deserved#image description#see jack talk#your kingdom shall be mine. and I shall topple your great monuments to mediocrity and replace them with art that goddamn gives a shit#so say I to every cishet white man who has more than he has earned. go retire and enjoy your undeserved money. the real writers want a shot#all I want in this entire world is to help people and for other people to give a shit about my OCs#and whenever I see someone with a platform and an adoring fan base that they don't appreciate - it makes me want to explode#and should there come a day when I am successful in my goals. may I have the good grace to lift other voices up.#to never stop striving to be better as a person and a writer. and to never stop absolutely losing my shit over fan art of my characters.#I'm serious this is all I want in the whole wide world if I had a genie wish that had to be selfish that is what I would wish for#it would be like World Peace and Equality. and then a dedicated group of fans who care enough about my work to make their own fan work.#and then. presuming we are working by Disney Aladdin rules. I guess I would set the genie free!#and that is as much thought as I'm going to put into this until I find a magic lamp. or I will end up down a really long rabbit hole.#edit: just to be clear this is not a threat of harmful action against eric kripke it is just a harsh trashing of his work#I don't actually wish the man personal harm
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SEE i've told my sister that she should sell her art in some form or another -- prints if she doesn't wanna sell originals -- but she's reluctant bc she doesn't know how and doesn't think people would be interested in most of em but i think she'd have an audience
and she sure does make A Lot of clown art
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unabomberfanboy · 1 year
It is actually so fucking frustrating trying to find gender affirming work appropriate clothes. If anyone has links to retroish androgynous clothing that is very modest and preferably in natural fibres please hit me up.
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I hate graphics cards and 4k 60fps and models where you can count the pores and ray-tracing and normal maps and shaders and I hope everyone who has ever got anything to do with an AAA game kills themselves
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alpha-mag-media · 7 months
6 Rules French Women Always Follow When Styling Wide-Leg Trousers | In Trend Today
6 Rules French Women Always Follow When Styling Wide-Leg Trousers Read Full Text or Full Article on MAG NEWS
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