#world's oldest shawol
liliana-von-k · 2 years
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Being that it's Jinki's birthday, I decided to post some of my favorite gifs of him...ending of course with The Infamous Orange Turtleneck of Ultimate Hawtness. (My continued thanks to the fellow MVP's/jjinggus who alerted me to its existence. My life is better for it.)
Thanks also to the gif-makers--you rock!
And of course happy birthday/get well soon to the often-inexplicable but always-adorable man himself. 💙
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dumbshineeimagines · 2 years
[Special Post] It’s Kim Jonghyun’s 32nd Birthday! (CW // Emotional)
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How I can put this…
I’ve been a Shawol since about 2008/2009 making me one of the oldest youngest Shawols in the world. That’s crazy.
For 13/14 years, I’ve biased Jonghyun. I’ve never once changed at all, nor even have a second bias. He pretty much raised me to the boy I am, even though we’ve only met twice in my entire life. I was very young, but I could remember the smile he had when he saw my face, the warmness he would give me whenever he laughs, smiles and even his touch.
Jonghyun may not know this, but he really means a lot to me and spending this day thinking about him is not only a dreading day, but a time where I could remember the angel that grew up with me for nearly a decade. Sometimes I want to cry, but I know he wouldn’t want that. I bet he wants everyone to be strong, so I must respect his wishes, no matter how hard he was.
For how long he has been a part of our lives, we would consider him as our brother, or even a father figure if that was the case. I, for sure, did see him as someone I could look. up to and now… I’m literally looking up at him- (sorry about the jokes… not very good at being serious-)
If I have to say one thing to him, it’s that I wanted to say thank you. Thank you for being a part of my life, thank you for helping me through my dark moments and raising me throughout those years.
His place on earth will never be forgotten and I’ll still bias him until I die. I pretty much loved him ever since he started and exited with me still loving him. Tears I had that day were real, can’t lie.
Although I hate to say this since I don’t want to be saying this to much but… I miss him. SHINee isn’t the same without him. It feels like they’re naked without their main vocalist. However, the only reason why I’m still a Shawol is because I was so fascinated that the group stayed together even after their hardships and even them being a group after a decade. They were the group I grew up with and and they were the reason why I’m the way I am today.
Me, as a transgender asian guy about to turn 18, I’d have to say those years has been the biggest roller coaster I’ve ever been in. I’m so grateful that I have this group in my life, especially having Jonghyun.
I love you Jonghyun, seriously yo. I’m crying thinking about him, but I’ll be strong for him.
We should celebrate Jjong, not cry over him. He has done so many amazing and funny things over the years, and they deserve to be celebrated over.
Happy Birthday Kim Jonghyun. Celebrate your day with ease.
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fyexo · 5 years
191115 Meet SuperM, the Team of K-Pop Superstars That Became One Big Family
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SuperM has arrived. It’s late afternoon in Los Angeles, and voices can be heard floating through the halls of Capitol Records in L.A., muffled and low. They’re just out of sight, but if the video teasers for the K-pop supergroup’s debut are to be believed, the seven members will turn the corner burning with a smoldering intensity, walking with the confidence of an elite squad of K-pop assassins trained to vaporize the competition with a single look. All have been hand-picked for this mission from some of K-pop’s most successful groups: Taemin from the legendary SHINee, Kai and Baekhyun from the record-breaking EXO, Mark and Taeyong from the massive 21-member group NCT, and Ten and Lucas from NCT’s Chinese subunit WayV. Together, they are an industry team of aces, pairing powerful performance with immense individual skill in dancing, singing, and rapping.
But as they find their seats around a massive marble conference table, they’re more like a bunch of brothers at summer camp. Kai, an often blush-inducing dancer, has pulled the arms of his sweater over his hands to create soft paws and is hiding behind them as he whispers to giggling rapper Lucas. Baekhyun, the group’s leader and stunning vocalist, scrunches his nose in frustration as he struggles to open a water bottle. One by one, each member relaxes into their chairs and widens the gap between their slick onstage personas and their sweeter offstage selves.
Taeyong looks softer than his icy rapper persona as he yawns and stretches, the blinding silver highlight on his cheeks catching the sun as he adjusts the waves of his purple hair. Ten, usually a brooding dancer, is disarmingly friendly. When a part of the conversation strikes him as funny, he looks around the room to find someone else who is laughing and wrinkles his nose at them as if to say, “Isn’t this all so silly?” Mark, the youngest, is usually the excitable little brother of NCT. But as SuperM’s strongest English speaker (he’s actually from Toronto, Canada, originally), he matures into a calm and collected translator and only ages down again when caught in a fit of laughter.
The member with the biggest gap between onstage and off is Taemin, the group’s most senior member in terms of experience, who was selected from one of K-pop’s foundational groups, SHINee, and boasts one of the most successful solo careers in the history of the industry. When performing, Taemin is wickedly villainous, sensual, and sophisticated. In a recent interview, Taeyong went so far as to describe Taemin’s stage presence as “a bit immoral.” But offstage, in this conference room, Taemin’s small frame is almost swallowed up by his chair. He likes to hold water in his cheeks so that they puff out like a fish, and his big, round eyes, which are usually narrowed for effect when he performs, stare blankly from beneath his shiny blonde bob. He is so quiet that he sometimes appears to not be paying attention at all, but then one of the other guys cracks a joke and his entire face lights up.
The group is in high spirits, coming off of an intense October weekend of stateside promotion that included their first official appearance as SuperM, the debut of the music video for their single, “Jopping,” the release of their eponymous debut mini album, and a performance for thousands outside of Capitol’s iconic headquarters in Hollywood. SuperM carries on the legacy of SM, one of K-pop’s oldest and most-revered entertainment agencies. “If you ask me, I’d say what the world now considers K-Pop began with SM Entertainment,” says Taemin, through an interpreter, as Ten nods in agreement. “SM was the very first company to take musical influences from Western culture and incorporate Korean culture into that by rearranging and writing lyrics with our style.” When Taemin finishes, he turns to Kai in embarrassment and says, “I’m too proud of SM, huh?” But Taemin is right; the company created what is considered to be the first modern K-pop idol group, H.O.T., in 1996, and has been a dominant player in the space ever since.
The guys don’t show it, but they are under an immense amount of pressure. SuperM was conceptualized and produced by the founder of SM, Soo Man Lee, and their staff notes that curiosities are piqued, even within the company itself. “I think people are interested in this new attempt because we are not newbies. Each of us are from groups that are already well-established,” says Baekhyun, the eldest. Kai agrees, “We feel obliged to live up to their expectations.” They don’t know it yet, but in a week they will have the no. 1 album in the United States.
Despite looming expectations, the guys seem more delighted by the new arrangement than worried. “I’ve been in SHINee for 10 years, so starting a new team almost felt like getting a different job,” says Taemin. “I was excited; it felt so fresh, like a new start. To be honest, I thought the project was going to get cancelled when I first heard about it, so SuperM has a special place in my heart.” Baekhyun finishes, “Each of us saw it as an opportunity, a new challenge, and that helped…” Taeyong chimes in, “It united us.” “That’s right,” nods Baekhyun, “Now, we feel like we’re a family.”
That bond was formed quickly, over a handful of summer months in 2019. Though they all trained and worked under SM, most members had only ever seen each other in passing, like students in different grades at a large school. Despite this, the synergy between them is almost telepathic. After Baekhyun fails to break the cap on his water bottle, he silently pushes it towards Taeyong, who opens it for him with a twist of his wrist and without a single word. Members often finish each others’ sentences and exchange knowing looks across the table. Whenever Taemin isn’t sure about the meaning of a word in English, he leans over to consult Ten. At one point, Taeyong looks at Mark with pride and reaches out instinctively to stroke the youngest’s ear. This must be fairly normal, because Mark barely reacts.
When they return to Korea after this trip, each member will rejoin their respective group or solo promotions until they come together again as SuperM in November to tour the U.S. and Canada. Kai discloses that Lucas is already exhibiting separation anxiety. “This morning Lucas said to me, ‘Hyung, I wanna move in with you! Can’t we move in together?’” Kai says, using the Korean word for “big brother.” Lucas lets out a wild, guttural giggle as Kai snitches again, “Even Baekhyun said in the car that he would miss us after we all got back from the States!”
For these short two weeks in Los Angeles, they’re living together and having what sounds like the time of their lives. They’ve all taken roles around the house. Baekhyun is known for recalibrating the group dynamic, cracking jokes to lighten the mood. “I’m the reaction, I react to them,” Taemin says cheerily. “Mark and Ten are English teachers,” says Baekhyun, “Taeyong is the cook and dishwasher…” “and alarm!” chimes Taemin. “Taemin is in charge of dieting,” says Kai. Taeyong points to Baekhyun, “And he disrupts dieting,” he says, as they all crack up, “he’s the Diet Destroyer.” Baekhyun shrugs. “We’re the tall ones,” says Kai, pointing to Lucas and himself. “I’m in charge of getting things that are far away,” says Lucas, with a laugh that is almost musical. “He’s the biggest baby,” says Ten, smiling lovingly from the corner. “There are cups and plates placed high on the cupboard...” says Taemin. “And Lucas takes them out for us,” finishes Taeyong.
Like most families, they watch Netflix together. “We like zombies, especially Kai hyung. He likes The Walking Dead,” says Ten. “And Black Mirror,” suggests Mark. Taemin looks up at Ten with doe eyes and says “Stranger Things!” in a small voice, which Ten repeats at a volume everyone can hear. They go swimming in the house’s pool, play mafia and video games, and share meals, Taemin’s favorite. “I love that we eat breakfast together every morning. We wouldn’t do that if we weren’t close. We feel comfortable with each other’s company, it feels natural.” They’ve had everything from Korean meals and Chinese food to pancakes but, usually, they eat cereal. That is, until the diet destroyer gets involved. “We started off with Froot Loops,” says Mark, “and then we searched through the refrigerator and saw strawberry yogurt. Baekhyun was like ‘Alright, we’ve got to put the Froot Loops in the yogurt!’”
Between the seven of them, they speak five languages: English, Korean, Chinese, Thai, and Japanese, so “sometimes communicating gets very confusing,” says Lucas, switching into Korean for the last word, to underscore his point. Still, “we understand each other very well,” assures Mark, “and I feel like that's the true role of K-pop: bringing cultures together.” Ten nods in agreement. He can speak four languages and has remained alert throughout the interview, like a guard dog, leaning in to translate Korean or Chinese to English. “What’s cool is that we’re from different places, so when we talk we get to learn new vocabulary,” Ten notes, as Taemin looks on with cheeks full of water. “Sometimes I even teach them Thai,” he says, beaming proudly. “That’s the best part.” On cue, Taeyong presses his palms together, bows his head, and says the Thai word for “hello.”
SuperM has been focused on breaking into the United States, so many of the members have been learning English from Mark and Ten. Taemin, who is already fluent in Korean and Japanese, says “pronunciation” has been the hardest part. A few days earlier in an Instagram live stream, he playfully pleaded with fans of SHINee, called Shawols, to help him learn the language. When asked about that, Taemin smiles, shrugs his shoulders up to his ears, straightens his arms and splays his hands wide in discomfort, like a scared cat. With perfect pronunciation he says, “I hope to speak English well but...” and then makes a gesture that communicates, “I hope to get better.” Taeyong nods and says in English, “Step-by-step,” while Kai lets out a supportive, “Wow!”
In September, Baekhyun also took to Instagram to announce that he and Lucas were delighted and perplexed by the sound of one word in particular: awkward. The mention of this sets off a domino effect during our interview, as each member tries pronouncing “awkward” themselves. Then Baekhyun introduces a new word: turtle. He points to his mouth, which he has opened comically wide to get the sound just right, “Toooortle!” “The word turtle is so awkward!” summarizes Taeyong. Then they can’t be stopped—their favorite terms are flying back and forth across the table: Pronunciation! Positive energy! Level! Frog! Pioneers! Taeyong slowly sounds out “performances” and then claps for himself when he’s done. Over in the corner, Baekhyun leans back in his chair and crosses his arms matter-of-factly. “Turtle!” he says with confidence, one last time, as Mark bursts out laughing and Taeyong slaps him playfully on the knee.
The room is so warm with joy, so free from ego and pretense, that it’s easy to forget that these seven friends are some of the world’s most celebrated performers. Despite their differences—in age, language, culture, and experience—they function as a single solid, supportive unit, united by one goal.
For almost the entire interview, Mark and Taemin have been playing with two thick silver rings overlaid with heavy crosses. At one point, Taemin experienced a brief panic when Mark’s ring got stuck on his finger. “We got these as a gift from Mr. Soo Man Lee,” Mark says seriously, holding his up in front of his face. Each member’s ring bears a slightly different design, but they all “have ‘Super M’ inscribed on the back.” The accessory feels overtly symbolic: a physical reminder of the heavy expectations that unite them. “This is our Thanos Infinity Gauntlet,” Mark jokes, referencing SuperM’s branding as the “Avengers of K-pop.” As he laughs with Taemin, his face softens and he looks like the group’s little brother again. Then they both pick up their rings and place them back on their fingers, joining the rest of their team.
Source: Elizabeth de Luna
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jonghyunar · 7 years
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thank you, shinee.
words cannot express how emotional and heart-wrenching this concert must’ve been for you. even from an ocean away, i could feel the sentiment behind every single song, every dance, every VCR, every talk… nothing about this was easy, but all of you held your ground and got through it in a way that makes me even prouder (if that’s even possible) to be a shawol.
thank you onew, for being the bravest and incredibly strong leader to all of the members and fans. nothing in the world could have prepared you for this, but as the oldest and leader, you’ve handled it all with a leveled head and a warm heart. no one wanted your return to be like this, but we know that you’ll only do amazing things from here on out. thank you key, for being open and honest with not only yourself, but shawols too throughout all of this. you’ve shared so much with us when you never had to, but we appreciate everything that you’ve said and done thus far so much. not only has it helped us as your fans, but i hope that relieving yourself of those thoughts and emotions has helped you as well. thank you minho, for being the pillar to support the members, your family, and the fans. no one can even begin to describe how strong your love for your brothers is and it shows with every word you say and every action you do. you’ve taken such good care of not only yourself, but jonghyun’s loved ones and you have the biggest heart i’ve ever seen. thank you taemin, for remaining strong and dependable throughout everything. i know that emotions aren’t easily to express for you, but you’ve been so brave throughout all of this and have worked hard to keep jonghyun’s spirit alive. nothing about this was easy, but you’ve handled it amazingly thus far; keep going.  thank you jonghyun, for watching over all of us and your fellow brothers not only now, but ever since you left us. you are missed everyday; there isn’t a day that goes by where i don’t think of you. as your fans though, we (and your brothers) will be sure that your memory is never forgotten. 
you did well.
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About The Admins
Hello! This is Admin Tay. I am so excited to make this because I’m so excited to have accepted the admins on the blog, they are both very talented individuals and they’re going to bring different styles to the blog so I’m really stoked. Anyway, I’m rambling…under the cut you will find a ton of info on all the admins so please…continue. This will be updated as the other two or three admins join the blog :)
Applications are here xx for anyone who wants to join~
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Name: Admin T-Swizzle Swag or Admin Tay
Position: Owner/Writer/Updater
The content you create: Scenarios, Fake Texts, Fake Snaps, Reactions, Audios and I’m working on perfecting moodboards and video imagines.
Genres you work in: Smut, Fluff, Angst
Maknae Line (BTS)
Kihyun, Jooheon, Changkyun (Monsta X)
Youngjae and BamBam (Got7)
Changbin, Jisung, Hyunjin (Stray Kids)
Hoshi, Jeonghan, Seungkwan, WoonWoo, Minghao (Seventeen)
Chanyeol, Kyungsoo (EXO)
Mark, Taeyong, Johnny, Yuta, Jaehyun, Taeil (Nct 127)
Wonshik, Taekwoon (VIXX)
Mark, Jisung, Jeno, Chenle (Nct Dream)
Mark, Ten, Taeyong, Jaehyun, Taeil (Nct U)
Kisu, Cory (24k)
Hanbin, Bobby, Junhoe (Ikon)
Moonbin, Mj, Rocky, JinJin (Astro)
Kino, Yeo One (Pentagon)
BigBang as a whole (it’s so hard to choose among these kings)
SHINee as a whole (haha how am I supposed to choose between these kings?)
Yongguk, Zelo (B.a.p)
YoungK (Day6)
Other groups/solo artists:
Jay Park Zico Dean DPR live Monster Woo Christian Yu
Affiliated fandoms:
24U, Aroha, Baby, VIP, ARMY, My Day, EXO-L, I-Got7, IKONIC, Monbebe, Nctzen, Universe, Carat, Shawol, Starlight, (No official name for Stray Kids),
I don’t have one :(
UB bias wrecker:
I don’t have one :(
Personal blogs:
Well, this is one of my personal blogs, so howdy.
Sexual orientation:
Star sign:
Writing, playing softball, reading, corrupting my friends with kpop, spamming friends with kpop memes,
Favorite American artists/bands:
Too many to name tbh, I just like what I like,
Favorite food(s):
I like all foods besides Sushi, I don’t like the taste of the rice on the Sushi Rolls,
Favorite drink(s):
Favorite color(s):
I don’t even fucking know, I like all colors, shades, sign me the fuck up–recently I’ve been liking yellow more than anything though,
Favorite animal(s):
Doggos, Kitties, Lions, Shark Whales
3 facts about me:
1.) I am the oldest on my mom’s side and the youngest on my dad’s side,
2.) I live with my mother and my step-dad who might as well be my real dad because he’s the real MVP stepping in and what not,
3.) I have a reputation for being scary, threatening but I’m actually really soft and caring and only get mad if you’re annoying, a bully, or walk too slow in the hallways.
**I write for all the groups listed above under biases and for all soloists above :)
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Name: Admin Deby (sorry for the gif, my pictures aren’t that pretty ^^)
Position: Admin/Writer
The content you create: Scenarios, Moodboards, probably gonna try reactions now that I’m here, but who knows lol
Genres you work in: Smut, Fluff, Angst
ot7 (BTS)
ot7 (GOT7)
ot4 (Mamamoo)
ot7 (Victon)
Jisung, Felix, Chan (Stray Kids)
Minghao, SeungCheol, Hoshi, WoonWoo (Seventeen)
Baekhyun, Suho, Xiumin (EXO)
Lisa (Blackpink)
ot5 (Day6)
Wonho, Shownu, Minhyuk (Monsta X)
Donghae, Leeteuk, Yesung, Ryeowook, Kyuhyun (Super Junior)
Moonbin, JinJin, Eunwoo (Astro)
Yongguk, Zelo (B.a.p)
Min Hyuk, Jong Hyun (CNBlue)
Other groups/solo artists:
Big Bang Shinee Zico IU Red Velvet Henry Myteen
Affiliated fandoms:
ARMY, I-Got7, Alice, MooMoo, ELF, (No official name for Stray Kids)
Jungkook (BTS)
UB bias wrecker:
Seokjin (BTS) Donghae (Super Junior)
Personal blogs:
Sexual orientation:
Star sign:
Writing, reading, watching series, movies and asian dramas, talking with my friends
Favorite American artists/bands:
I don’t actually have favorite artists/bands since I like random songs everywhere lol
Favorite food(s):
(same as Tay ^^)
Favorite drink(s):
Favorite color(s):
Blue, black, lilic
Favorite animal(s):
Doggos, Kitties, Wolves, Eagles, Tigers (and basically most of the members of the cat family, like lynx, cheetah, etc.)
3 facts about me:
1.) I’ve only met 2-3 people older than me in this world of tumblr fanfics (if you’re older or same age, please let me know, I feel like an ancient lol)
2.) I don’t like to cook so I still live with my parents bc my mom does it for me (and I also don’t have to pay rent which is good for my savings ^^)
3.) I’m a soft, shy girl who actually love to make new friends (and I care about all of them
**I write for all the groups listed above under biases and for all soloists above :)
Name: Admin Kat or just Kat
Position: Admin/Writer
The content you create: Scenarios, Moodboards, Reactions, fake snaps
Genres you work in: Smut, Fluff, Angst
Namjoon and Taehyung ( BTS )
ot7 (GOT7)
G-dragon, Daesung ( Bigbang )
Bobby and Junhoe (Ikon )
S.coups, Vernon, DK and Jeonghan (Seventeen)
Sehun, Kai, Yixing (EXO)
Jennie (Blackpink)
ot5 (Day6)
Wonho, Shownu, Kihyun (Monsta X)
Donghae, Leeteuk, Heechul, Eunhyuk (Super Junior)
Taemin, Jonghyun ( Shinee)
Other groups/solo artists:
Jay Park
Affiliated fandoms:
I-Got7,ARMY,ELF, VIP, Shawol, IKONIC, Monbebe
G-Dragon (Bigbang)
UB bias wrecker:
Jinyoung ( GOT7)
Personal blogs:
Sexual orientation:
I got no idea
Star sign:
Writing, reading, watching stuff , Learning Languages
Favorite American artists/bands:
Arctic Monkeys ( They’re English I know)
The Neighbourhood 
Favorite food(s):
Unlike the other two admins, my asian ass loves rice and I love Sushi. I also really enjoy the combination of chicken and rice.
Favorite drink(s):
Coffee, Cranberry and apple tea ( HNG this shit so good, got me seeing stars)
Favorite color(s):
Lavender, Baby blue, a bright orange
Favorite animal(s):
Dogs!!!( my cutie puppy Tofu ) , Kitties, Wolves, Pikas and owls
3 facts about me:
1. I am super energetic. I’m literally like a bunny on crack and a huge morning person. I actively seek out thrill and love an impromptu adventure or a party.
2. I actually started learning korean before I got into kpop. Its been a solid journey and I really hope to got study there in about a year
3. I’m Multiligual! and I digest languages really quickly so I dabble in some Japanes, chinese and Russian too!
Name: Admin Bethany
Position: Admin/Writer
The content you create: Scenarios, reactions, sometimes snaps,
Genres you work in: Smut, Fluff, Angst
Kihyun - Monsta X
Xiumin, Chen, Sehun (debatable Luhan) - EXO
Yoongi - BTS
Jinyoung - GOT7
G-dragon, Seungri - Bigbang
Joshua, Woozi, Wonwoo - Seventeen
Jennie, Jisoo -  Blackpink
Onew - Shinee
Rocky - Astro
Zelo - B.A.P.
others I’m sure, I just cant think rn.
UB: Kihyun - Monsta X
UB wrecker: Suga - BTS
Personal blogs: @kihyunsbreazy17
Age: 16
Sexual Orientation: beats me.
Star Sign: Aries
Writing, reading, culinary, makeup, musical theatre
Favorite American artists/bands:
honestly no clue… prolly like Cardi B.. and uhh.. some others? I don’t have much of favorites tbh
Favorite food(s):
seafood, and blueberry scones. not together….ew hhahahaa.
Favorite drink(s):
code red mtn dew… uhhh…. apple juice.
Favorite color(s):
teal (on the greener side) and burgundy/maroon, also any muted colors.
Favorite animal(s):
cats, pigs,
3 facts about me:
1. I’m a living meme. I’m really sensitive and shy tbh.
2. lowkey obsessed with Lab Rats, I’m almost 17 nd I watch a kids show about bionic bitches, they better make new season.
3. my own personal blog isn’t working out and it makes me sad. utterly grateful to be accepted here 3.
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dokyungsu · 7 years
Who are some of ur favorite people here and why?
i had this in drafts for so long bc i wanted to post it on valentines like di cheesy person that i am so this is kind of like my version of sending u guys a love letter of some sort,,, flowers n chocolates all that… bc i obviously can’t send u guys flowers n chocolates irl 😣😣😣 anyways aasdjhakdkjh this is gonna be long so ima put a read more right here ♥
@zyxgf​ aka jackieMISS JACKIE!?!?!? uhm i say this all di time but she’s my baby girl 🤢🤢 she’s given me nothing but love n affection and laffs for di whole time we’ve been mutuals,,, 💗💓💕💖💞💗💓💕💖💞 she’s so funni n a relateable kween. giffing kween. kween of being cute… superior xingmi n exo m stan wrow… i’m always excited to see if she’s tagged me in stuff (laysoo) or if she’s messaged me or has made posts abt me or has sent me asks…. like she’s rly one of di reasons i love being here :((((( she’s so cute ohhhh my god..  also she sends me death threats abt yixing pls dw jackie i won’t steal ur man… i’ll steal U from ur man.. 😣😣😣 i’ll make him lose his balance n sweep u away 👀👀👀 i also lowkey wished we talked but ajsdbkjashdkj 
@exoistheuniverse aka ali (formerly sooweetlies a god-tier url wow)ALI IS THE SOFTEST MUTUAL EVER !!!!!!!! AND ONE OF MY ALL TIME FAVORITE KSOO-LS :(((( everytime i think of her i think about cotton candy and clouds and penguins and ksoo :((( … she’s so talented have y’ALL SEEN HER EDITS??? AND GIFS?? AND HER CUTE KSOO ICONS !!!! when will i ever… her voice is also di cutest… she always sends me love asks and asdhkas honestly how can i ask for more when she gives me di Most… pls i have a lot of love in my hort for her i always wish her the best n hope that she’s always happy 😣😣😣
@pcys-l aka rimi (formerly loeysoul i mean its true loey is in her soul)RIMI di LOve of my LIFE!!!!!! the first ever mutual i talked to because we both cried abt bruise 🤕🤕 meme queen, is Nasty in her tags abt pcy 🚶‍♂️🚶‍♂️ THINKS I’M UNLOYAL WHEN I’M NOT but she makes me happy n holds a special place in my hort.. I LOVE RIMI SO MUCH SHE DESORVS DI WHOLE WORLD SHE’S SO FUNNI AND HAVE MADE ME LAFF COUNTLESS OF TIMES AND I’m happy i got to be mutuals w u :(((
@yiffxing aka gabbyPREDDIEST FURRY QUEEN !! YIXING’S SEKSI SHEEP BACK-UP DANCERS R SHAKING !!! even tho we’ve only started talking uhhhh she’s rly di sweetest person ik 🤕🤕🤕 is trash for ksoo but i’ll let her off bc i luv her :\ the person who’ll date will b di luckiest bc uhhh she’s a whole package… fun fact: i was intimidated by gabby at first bc she was too beautiful n i thought i couldn’t b friends w her but 😣😣 I SEND HER LOVE MSGS EVERY CHANCE I GET💗💗💗💗💗💗
@kiungsoo aka livLIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIV!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i haven’t seen her on my dash in a while bc she’s on q but i miss her :((( she a fellow twenty-four enthusiast so if u wanna slander miss twenty four u gotta go thru US !! 😤😤😤 she’s also another talented mutual :(( y’all seen her countdown bday posts for ksoo?? go check it out binch!!! go d i love liv 😩😩😩 i hope school and studying is going well for u i wish u all di best i love u 💗
@suhopps aka sunnie my SUNNIEshine (i’ve appointed u that nickname there’s lideralee no escape from it) we talked heaps before but everyone who’s… mutuals w me.. like basically everyone in this list knows i am The Worst at keeping convos 😰😰 but sunnie is so so so so sweet and soft and i love when i talk with you :((( we have so many things in common lmfao and she’s such a dramatic gay but i love it !! i always wish for your happiness and i believe that u can overcome any hardships you’re facing right now,,, i love u sunnie!!!! take care always 😙💘
@sophrosynes​ aka robertaI LOVE ROBERTA SO MUCH !!!!!!! I KNOW WE DON’T TALK BUT I HOPE U KNOW THAT I THINK ABT U AND HOPE THAT UR ALWAYS WELL :((( miss sophrosynes was my very first anon and honestly… she’s so thoughtful and considerate and nothing full of love and g od d dd she has a face to match her beautiful hort :(( thank u for sending me love always 💗💓💕💖💞 id die for u.. 
@kokobaekhyun aka jasmineY’ALL JASMINE’S A WILDT ONE Y’ALL SEEN HER TAGs??? when i thought no one can match rimi in being the Nastiest but.. ANYWAYS i love her either way 🤕🤕🤕 when she’s in soft mode it’s wholesome rly…. WE BONDED OVER MULLET!BBH BC IT’S GOD TIER AND WILL NEVER BE TOPPED anyways yea… love jas… she’s so funny n fun to talk to 😩💘 also if ur in a mood to talk about hard bbh she’S THE GIRL UR LOOKING FOR she’s always in the mood u won’t be disappointed KAJSHDjkas 
@my1ady aka arelyUHMMM NOT TO START BUT SHE’S MY BIGGEST FAN :(((((( WHEN SHE TAGS ME IN STUFF??? AND HER TAGS?? heart n*t :\ I LOVE HER SO MUCH THE LOVE SHE GIVES ME???? i don’t deserve… 😞😞😞 my anons asked abt her a lot lmfao idk why adkjahskj ONE OF MY FAVORITE XINGMIS HONESTLY!! HAS A GOD TIER URL WROW… my_lady_by_exo-m.mp3 amazing.. and uh loves my man so that’s a bonus… we share mans 🤕🤕🤕 love u arely.. 💗💗💗
@byunchen aka melqueen of making me want to d*e bc of soft n sweet bbh/exo imagines :(( also queen of making me want to KERMIT SUE OF SIDE BC OF THE NSFW BBH POSTS SHE MAKES I H*TE akjdhaskdjh SHE RLY BRINGS OUT THE BBH-L IN ME :\  ALSO MY FELLOW TRIPLE STAN??? VALID ! she’s full of nothing but love and AHHHHHHH I LOVE U MEL !!!!!!!! 💗💓💕💖💞
@exosvisual aka cindySHE ONE OF DI LOVELIEST XINGMIS IVE EVER MET PLEASE !!!! we cry about idol producer trainees together but mainly how hot and yixing distracting looks in all of di goddamn idol p episodes :\ I LOVE HER so much she’s rly so sweet and i’m rly glad i got to meet her :(( and also may i add that she’s… rly beautiful  😭😭😭 💗💓💕💖💞
@byunparks aka maddyMADDY WHO I BONDED WITH DURING THE 3 NIGHTS OF ELYXION !?!?!!?!!!! NEVER FUCKING FORGET !!!!! SHE WAS THE ONLY ONE I WAS TALKING AND UH we were both crying and truly losing our minds pls… i haven’t interacted with her much nowadays but she’s one of di best bbh-Ls i know n i love her… thank u for making me happy so i also wish for you happiness ily 🤧💖💖💖
@byunbread aka veraQUEEN VEWWA WHOMST I WUV SO MUCH :((((( not to b dramatic but she’s lideralee one of di best bbh blogs out there… (also random fact; she’s 179cm like… i’m so sorry baekhyun sweetie akshdakjsHDAAKJHDKJA) also uhhh queen of being di most beautiful ??? i’m not kidding :\ altho we’ve only interacted through posts and what not i rly love seeing her on my dash 🤧🤧🤧 i wish you di best for ur studies i wuv u vewwa 💕💕💕
@stanbaek aka ashleyASHLEY !!!!! A-SHE!!!-LY!!! uhm she’s is sososo sweet and her love for bbh is so so wholesome and beautiful and there’s A LOT of it :((( HER BBH BLOG CONTENT IS AMAZING AHH!!! we’ve talked a few times and she’s rly so sweet please.. 😞😞😞 honey i hope you know that you deserve to be happy 🤧🤧 i wish that you’ll always have strength when you experience days that are difficult to go through, i told u that i believe in u okay!!! i love you and i mean it 💞💞💞
@littlechefsoo aka courtneyONE OF MY FAVORTIE KSOO-LS AHH!!!!! i think courtney has been one of my oldest mutuals since i came on tumblr and she’s always been such a lovely person :(( her love for ksoo??? WHOLESOME…. i love it whenever she tags me in di tag games and even tho we’ve only interacted/talked a few times i love her 😣😣💗💗 also have y’all seen her ‘do it for him’ post and the pics were filled with suho’s tiddies from gayo daejun???? YEA MOOD. i love my fellow kyungmyeon-Ls 💖💖💖
@kyungsooslatinagf aka jossyJOSSY I LOVE YOU SO MUCH!??!?! i love reading her tags when she reblogs from me pls kashdkahs also another one of my all-time favorite ksoo-Ls ♥♥♥ she’s one of di few people who came to check up on me during… a hard time so thank you for that :(( a fellow shawol-L and honestly miss jossy is beautiful my gosh 😩💘 we’re both tauruses so i think we have a lot in common lmao i wanna b able to interact n talk w u more miss jossy ily 🤧🤧💖💖
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ladidalavely · 7 years
//some additional thoughts i’ve had about the situation with Shinee and some other things.
So early 2015, when the loss of Ladies Code’s EunB and RiSe was still fresh and was still a hot topic on everyone’s minds in addressing the issue of how unsafe the driving culture in south korea was, and how managers were so dangerously over scheduled that one could make such a huge oversight as speeding home in the rain to meet tomorrow’s schedules that it took the lives of two rookie k-pop idols.
and honestly, nearly four years later, I’m not entirely sure if that’s changed all that much, considering their manager wasn’t even given a very harsh sentence for what could probably, arguably be considered, murder.
but i digress.
people didn’t think twice about that until after it cost someone their life.
I do remember one horrible thing that happened shortly after Ladies Code’s accident that more relevantly applies to the current situation with Jonghyun.
and that was the suicide of Ahn Sojin.
if you don’t remember who she was, she was a contestant on a survival show that DSP Media produced to find the new member of KARA, after Nicole and Jiyoung left the group the year before. obviously not a great attempt, since after choosing a winner, they disbanded a half a year or so later.
anyway, Sojin’s dream was to be an idol. but because she was 23, she was the maximum age one can debut at, and that show was basically her last chance to make it into the industry.
her own family didn’t support her, and as she was the oldest contestant on the show, she was often criticized harshly for making small mistakes.
When the show ended, the two trainees who didn’t win, Somin and Sojin were left holding a metaphorical bag. Somin however was later chosen to be a part of DSP’s new girl group that they were putting together. (later named APRIL)
Sojin, however was not told about this and was not considered for the group, being too old to debut by that point.
DSP terminated her contract, and she reportedly spiraled into depression. and despite concerns of close friends, Sojin threw herself off the tenth floor of her apartment building.
there wasn’t very much coverage for her death, nor any conversations that took place about why she did it. her family didn’t do an autopsy. they just quietly laid her to rest and the world moved on.
I feel like, maybe that will be different this time.
Sojin was obviously not well known enough to have 24 hour media coverage, or a wake attended by other idols, since she never made it into the industry, but i don’t think there’s a single person in that whole country who hasn’t heard Jonghyun’s name, or hasn’t been made aware of the existence of Shinee in the last 24 hours.
because he was such a well known and famous celebrity, one can only hope that this will be something that continues to be talked about, and that south korea will finally address this issue and look closely at how they treat mental illnesses and mental health, especially where it concerns the entertainment industry, since he was apparently, not the only idol who’s struggled with it.
after Ladies Code’s accident, fans were worried because Ashley, Sojung and Zuny had survivors guilt and they had to have therapy for months before they were strong enough to return to the stage again. if they had chosen not to return at all, not a single person would’ve blamed them. I’m thankful that Polaris took the initiative to look after both the living and the deceased so well to prevent any further tragedy.
I think that all companies need to be that considerate of how they treat the people they employ. after all, they’re making them money, it’s the least they can do, right?
I will offer my sincerest condolences to Shawols once again, because the loss of someone you look up to is horrible and as a Lavely, it pains me that another fandom now has to go through this ugly journey. I still miss RiSe and think about her and EunB alot. keeping their pictures here helps me to cope with the fact that they’re not here anymore, despite the fact that the group marches on, and i hope that in time, you guys might be able to do the same with Jonghyun.
just as Ladies Code will always be 5, so will Shinee, and I hope you guys can hold that close to you in this difficult time.
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05-25-2008 · 8 years
HELLO! i’ve met some people who have wanted to stan shinee, and asked for information on them, so i decided to make this huge post for anyone who wants to know more about shinee and/or potentially stan!!!!! all are welcome!!!!!
-> onew: - real name: lee jinki - nicknames: dubu/tofu - his stans are called mvps - oldest member - birthday: december 14, born in 1989 in gwangmyeong, gyeonggido - only child - position: leader, vocalist - he had a vocal cord polyp removal and vocal fold mucosa reconstruction operation in june of 2014, which made him unable to sing for a few months. his first performance after the surgery was of the japanese song “rainy blue,” which can be found on youtube. you can see him get emotional there, too, which is understandable, as it was unknown if he would be able to sing the same way again. kim yeonwoo, a friend of onew as well as his vocal coach revealed that onew’s voice had improved after the vocal chords surgery. he also said that onew’s vocal range “improved and he can make sounds comfortably too”. - your local class clown - he can also play the piano - he was good at english when he was in school and still does good with it and speaks very good japanese, also rumored to know some chinese - he’s mostly ambiverted, as he can be both shy and extraverted in different situations - he is incredibly caring and respectful. he always bows fully at ninety degrees and holds the bow for a long time to show how thankful he is, and whenever his members cry or get wound up, he’s always there to settle things - he is a softie. he once cried because someone was being  nice to him - has a mole on his arm that is appreciated by all - he has a soft and beautiful voice - a smile that shines brighter than the sun - is known to have something called “onew condition” because he’s incedibly clumsy - has this famous “ttakbam” which is basically him pulling back his middle finger and releasing with a lot of force and it’s PAINFUL from what we’ve seen when he’s done it on shows, and even on jonghyun on their latest appearance on weekly idol. he left a mark!!! he also breaks walnuts and wood with his ttakbam. [examples: https://youtu.be/qIpV9lwOaX4 / https://youtu.be/13FDjk4UQ2M / https://youtu.be/c84YrCWp1_s / https://youtu.be/Xb-BW4WiO-0 ] - social media: his instagram is @dlstmxkakwldrl 
-> minho: - real name: choi minho - nicknames: flaming charisma - his stans are called flamers - birthday: december 9, born in 1991 in incheon - position: rapper, also sings - his father is the coach of a well-known south korean soccer team. minho wanted to become a professional soccer player before becoming an idol. - he has a brother - attended konkuk university’s affiliated high school - speaks japanese - very passionate about sports - has a really funny and cute high-pitched laugh - he’s a ball of energy! dabbing here and there, messing around, - he can get riled up, as seen when he’s on weekly idol haha
-> jonghyun: - real name: kim jonghyun - nicknames: puppy, dino, jjong - his stans are called blingers - birthday: april 8, born in 1990 in seoul - position: vocalist - he is the only member who doesn’t appear in all of the music videos. on april 1, 2013, he was in a car accident, causing him to injure his nasal bone. it was reported that he received surgery on the injury, and he sat out for most of shinee’s promotions for their song “why so serious?” - he has a dog named roo - he is short, and often called out for that, but dislikes it - speaks japanese - he’s a songwriter!!! he’s written many many songs, including exo’s playboy, which was originally going to be his, but he gave it to exo. - he was in a relationship with actress shin sekyung in 2010, but broke up in june 2011 because of their busy schedules - social media: his instagram is @jonghyun.948, and his twitter is @realjonghyun90 - he’s very emotional, he cries often at concerts because he is so grateful and happy - he’s got an Attitude, he can get angry when he feels like it! - he can hit some crazy high notes??? here’s a link to this high note contest: https://youtu.be/ifdUImaTUag
- jonghyun passed away on december 18, 2017. gone, but never forgotten. we as shawols continue to support shinee as a five-member group and nothing less.
-> key: - real name: kim kibum - nicknames: kibummie, almighty key, diva key - his stans are called lockets - position: rap and vocals - birthday: september 23, born in 1991 in daegu - graduated from myongji university with a degree in film and musical. he’s also attending woosuk university, majoring in “culture and education contents development” - he was raised by his grandma from birth because his mom was sick and his dad was busy with work. his grandmother unfortunately passed in 2014. - very good with languages!!! he speaks japanese and english fluently, and rumored to know chinese as well - he has two dogs named comme des and garçons that he loves very very much - known to be sassy - is really good at covering girl group songs - he loves fashion, he’s a fashion king. he designs shinee’s concert clothing and models very often and gets sent lots of clothing and just wears wonderful outfits all the time - has a scar on his eyebrow that’s appreciated, not hated! - social media: his instagram is bumkeyk - also cries kind of often - calls his fans his “little freaks” or “freaks"
-> taemin: - real name: lee taemin - nicknames: maknae, taem, taeminnie - his stans are called taemints - maknae - birthday: july 18, born in 1993 in seoul - position: vocalist - graduated from chungham high school - currently majoring in musical and film at myongji university - speaks japanese - not easily scared, unless it’s bugs, which he’s TERRIFIED of [examples: https://youtu.be/ME-OudY23pk / https://youtu.be/HI_dvlBUMeE] - acts hot and mature onstage, but then is a small baby who needs protection backstage - he’s dedicated to his catholic faith. at the end of the year performance every year he does a little prayer before the clock strikes midnight - he can play the piano - he’s also known as the dancer, he’s a very talented one - he doesn’t fully cry often in front of the camera, perhaps because he gets shy, but he is definitely grateful for his fans and the success he’s had as an idol
fan base name: shawol [a mixture of the words “shinee world,” a huge concert held by them every year]
group color: pearl aqua green
shinee debuted on may 22, 2008 under smtown entertainment with the song “replay”
their discography in order it was released [GET READY]:
- “replay" ep [may] - first full-length album “shinee world” released in august with title song “love like oxygen" - on october 30, a repackage of the “shinee world” album was released titled “a.mi.go,” which included three new songs, one of them being “amigo,” which was the title track
- on may 25 they released “romeo”. its title track is “juliette - on october 19 they released “2009, year of us”. its title track is “ring ding dong” [only one of the most iconic songs + long-haired kings not only this era, but throughout lucifer and sherlock]
- on july 19, they released their second full length album, titled “lucifer”. it became the 6th best-selling album of 2010 in south korea - in october, the “lucifer” album was re-released with the new title “hello”. - on december 26th they held their first ever shinee world concert
- on march 19, their fourth korean mini album, titled “sherlock,” was released - the japanese remake of “sherlock” was released in japan on may 16 - on june 19 they made history by becoming the first asian artists to perform at abbey road studios in london - on june 22, they made their japanese debut with a japanese version of “replay”. - their first japanese studio album “the first” was released in december - they participated in the album “2011 winter smtown - the warmest gift” with a cover of the song “last christmas”.
- on october 10, they released an original japanese single titled “dazzling girl”
- on march 13, they released the japanese song “fire” - shinee released their third korean album, which consists of two versions: the first part, titled “dream girl—the misconceptions of you,” was released on february 19. the second part “why so serious?—the misconceptions of me,” was released on april 29. a compilation album was released later on combining the two albums, and it’s called “the misconceptions of us” - on june 25, universal music japan released shinee’s 10th japanese single “lucky star" - on june 26, they released their second japanese album “boys meet u” - on august 21, they released a single with the same name, “boys meet u,” which included the japanese version of “dream girl” - on september 24, universal music japan released their 3rd japanese album, “i’m your boy,” with the singles “boys meet u,” “3 2 1,” and “lucky star" on october 14, they released the ep “everybody”
- on december 11 they released their 3rd live concert album from shinee world 3
- they held a 3-day long shinee world 4 concert between may 15 and 17, which is a live concert album - their fourth studio album “odd” was released on may 18, and the title song “view” was released on may 19. - the repackage album of “odd” titled “married to the music” was released on august 3, with 4 additional songs - they released their 11th and 12th japanese singles “sing your song” and “dxdxd” on october 25 and december 13
- on january 1, they released their fourth full-length japanese album titled “dxdxd” - they released their 13th japanese single “kimi no sei de” on may 18 - on october 5, they released their new album titled “1 of 1” - the repackage of “1 of 1” was released on november 15 with 5 new songs - on december 21, they released their 14th japanese single “winter wonderland”
- on january 27, they released their single 15th “get the treasure" - on feburary 2, they released their japanese album “FIVE"
- on march 26, they released their Japanese single “from now on"
- on may 15, sm entertainment revealed teasers for a three-part korean album titled the “story of light”
- on may 28, the first part of “the story of light,” ep one, was released with the title track being “good evening”
- on june 11, the second part of “the story of light,” ep two, was released with the title track being “i want you”
solo activities:
-> onew: - he’s been in some musicals. his musical debut was in “brothers were brave”. he was then in the musical “rock of ages” with the lead role, drew. - he appeared in the drama “dr. champs” in the final episode. he’s cameoed in “athena: goddess of war,” “oh my god x2,” “pure love,” the web drama “dating was the easiest,” [which he was chosen out of 2,000+ people for!!!] and he was in the drama “descendants of the sun” - mc - he recorded the song “in your eyes” for the drama series “to the beautiful you” - he sang the soundtrack “moonlight” for the drama “miss korea” - “law of the jungle” in 2014 - tvn showed called “eat, sleep, eat” which basically showcases different southeast asian recipes - him and lee jinah released a duet titled “starry night” as a part of sm station - fans donated 1.44 tons of rice to support him in the musical “rock of ages,” and he donated it all to help feed north korean children. he also donated 770 kg of rice to children in need in south korea. he recently donated about 1.2 million won to the korean heart association. - he’s releasing a song on may 4, 2017 through sm station with rocoberry titled “수면제” - HIS NESSUN DORMA COVER [https://youtu.be/CYsThgP3maA?list=PLD0jjg_rbTf16eqdgOtLOnqEv4gL29ry8] - HIS TAP DANCE SOLO AT SHINEE WORLD 4 [https://youtu.be/02FlinN0rIw?list=PLD0jjg_rbTf16eqdgOtLOnqEv4gL29ry8] - i won’t give up jason mraz cover [https://youtu.be/iD2HKx9rC7s?list=PLD0jjg_rbTf16eqdgOtLOnqEv4gL29ry8]
-> minho: - joined as a regular member of the show “let’s go! dream team” in 2009 - in the group romeo’s “miro” music video - he’s written the raps to many songs such as “one” and “get it” from the “hello” album, and “alarm clock” and “honesty” from the “sherlock” mini-album, “dream girl,” “girls, girls, girls,” “aside,” “beautiful,” and “dynamite” from the album “dream girl—the misconceptions of you”. the list goes on, but basically he is a talented rap writer! - he debuted as an actor on november 20, 2010 in a drama special called “pianist” - he was in sbs’ sitcom “salamander guru and the shadows” in 2012 - he was in the dramas: “to the beautiful you” [2012], “medical top team” [2013], “because it’s the first time” [2015], “hwarang: the poet warrior youth” [2016] - he debuted on the big screen as an actor in the movie called “canola,” which was released in may of 2016. he’s been in other movies such as “marital harmony” as a supporting role, and appeared as one of the main characters in the movie “derailed”, released in 2016 - sports, sports EVERYWHERE. he’s played basketball, soccer, and been in swimming competitions as well - he was part of unicef’s #IMAGINE campaign in 2016 - he was on this show called “exciting india” with other idols. he went to india to find out how popular kpop was there + how to make it more popular. cute show tbh - that part in dynamite at shinee world IV when he ripped his shirt off and performed shirtless LOL - tokyo dome solo [https://youtu.be/tDyorUbSo-4] - “oh my gosh” solo at the 1st concert in china [https://youtu.be/YC6YNyXrix0]
-> jonghyun: - as i stated, he’s a songwriter!!!!! - he was in a project with trax’s jay, super junior’s kyuhyun, and rookie singer jino called “sm the ballad” which focused on releasing ballad, r&b songs. they released their debut mini album “miss you” on november 29, 2010. they took a 4-year hiatus and came back with new members, jonghyun being the only one from the original lineup - he was on immortal songs 2 in june of 2011 - duet with taeyeon from girls’ generation titled “breath” - in july of 2014, he debuted a thing called “blue night lyrics, that man’s composition” where he personally writes a song pertaining to a listener’s story - he helped with the production and composition of taemin’s first mini album “ace,” and wrote the track called “pretty boy” - on january 12, 2015, he debuted as a solo artist with his first mini album titled “base”. the title tracks are “crazy (guilty pleasure)” and “데자-부 (déjà-boo) - held his first solo concert in august of 2015 called “the story by jonghyun” - he released a new compilation album for each of his songs that he recorded in his radio show. it’s called “story op. 1,” and was released on september 17, 2015. - he published a book called “skeleton flower: things that have been released and set free,” which talks about his experience with songwriting and inspirations - he was selected as one of the top 5 kpop idol vocalists in october of 2015 - on may 24, 2016, he released his first album titled “she is” - he was also on the radio show “blue night radio” for three years, but he has announced his departure from it recently - he released another full album on april 24, 2017 titled the collection ‘story op.2’ - sang a cover of “y si fuera ella” by alejandro sanz, titled “hyeya” !!!!! [https://youtu.be/7CP9FH1puj4?list=PLD0jjg_rbTf16eqdgOtLOnqEv4gL29ry8]
- jonghyun’s album titled ‘poet | artist’ was released on january 23, 2018. please support our beloved moon if you can. 💓💓💓💓💓
-> key - he took part in exo’s song “two moons” on their debut mini album “mama” - he’s been in musicals! he made his broadway debut when he was cast as “frank abagnale jr.” in a korean production of “catch me if you can”. he was “clyde” in the musical “bonnie & clyde,” and also “d’artagnan” in “the three musketeers”. he was cast as the lead role for the musical “zorro,” and was also in “in the heights” - he made his theatrical debut as “byeong gu” in “save the green planet” - he had his own web show called “key’s know how” - in 2014, he formed a duo with infinite’s woohyun, named toheart - he was on the variety show “we got married global edition,” his virtual wife being arisa yagi, a japanese model - he’s one of the main presenters of mnet’s m! countdown - in september of 2016, he made his official acting debut in the drama “drinking solo” - as i said, this boy loves his fashion. he’s been compared to g-dragon. he’s said that he enjoys to try something new and look different from others. he collaborated with designer ko taeyong to make self-designed sweatshirts that had his dogs and sold them for charity. he’s been designing shinee’s concert outfits since 2015 - he collaborated with japanese illustrator “bridge ship house” for shinee’s 5th shinee world concert to create costumes that had a well-balanced combination of shinee’s overall and individual identities - in 2016, he became a model for “jill stuart accessory” - he became a special editor for the korean “elle”. he shares his personal lifestyle in a column called “key story” - in 2012, key and his fans donated 2.12 tons of rice to “world vision”. on september 23, 2014 [his birthday], fans raised 2 million won and created a well in cambodia to be used for medical aid - he was a part of the “make a promise” campaign alongside group mate taemin in 2016 - he’s also done some lyric writing, such as the lyrics for “get down” in shinee’s album “2009, year of us,” “girls, girls, girls” in shinee’s “dream girl—the misconceptions of you” album, he wrote the rap in “colorful” from shinee’s mini album “everybody,” etc !!!!! - his “born to shine” tokyo dome solo !!!!! [https://youtu.be/6W9k52oVlbo] - his katy perry’s firework solo stage [https://youtu.be/NBgmVPX8zqA]
- he recently starred in a show streamed through the vlive app with fellow SM artist [and his idol!] boa titled ‘keyword boa’
- he’s currently the host of mnet’s show “breakers” [june 2018]
-> taemin: - he made his acting debut in 2009 in “tae hee, hye kyo, ji hyun” as “junsu” - in 2012, he was the voice actor for the main character “johnny” in the korean animated movie “the outback” - in 2012 he released his first ost titled “u” for the drama “to the beautiful you” - in 2012 he was in a 6-member dance team with super junior’s eunhyuk, super junior m’s henry, girls’ generation’s hyoyeon, and exo’s kai and luhan. they danced to the song “maxstep” - he was on “we got married” in 2013. his partner was son naeun - in 2013, he also made an appearance on “dating agency: cyrano” as an idol singer named “ray/yang hoyeol” - on august 18, 2014 he made his solo debut with the mini album titled “ace”. the title song is “danger”. fun fact: taemin went to a dance studio in los angeles to learn the dance for that - he was on “match made in heaven returns” - he was in jbtc’s program “off to school” with some other idols - he released a song titled “that name,” which he collaborated on with band mate jonghyun, for the sountrack of “who are you: school 2015” - taemin released his first album titled “press it” on february 23, 2016. its title tracks are “press your number” and “drip drop”. BRUNO MARS participated in producing “press your number”. - taemin’s solo debut in japan happened on june 27, 2016 when the mini album “sayonara hitori” aka “solitary goodbye” was released. - in june of 2016, taemin was casted onto the dance show called “hit the stage”. he performed/promoted a korean version of his japanese single “sayonara hitori,” performing it with the creator for the choreo of “sayonara hitori,” koharu sugawara. [https://youtu.be/kNO0XqvNncs?list=PLD0jjg_rbTf16eqdgOtLOnqEv4gL29ry8]
- in 2017 he was a mentor on the show “the unit”
- taemin had a solo comeback with a full album titled ‘move’ on october 16, 2017. please support him and his hard work!
- in may of 2018, a new show titled “why not? the dancer” featuring eunhyuk from super junior, gikwang from highlight, jisung from nct dream + 2018, and taemin began. it follows their journey to los angeles where they take on the role of choreographers in a dance studio, and is still currently running [june 2018 update]
as a group: - onew and jonghyun sang the duet “please, don’t go” for their ep “romeo”. [here’s a live performance: https://youtu.be/OlDW81BAkgI?list=PLD0jjg_rbTf16eqdgOtLOnqEv4gL29ry8] - onew and jonghyun also sang another duet together called “tragedy”, which is a cover. [https://youtu.be/7SiGLLeeNeU?list=PLD0jjg_rbTf16eqdgOtLOnqEv4gL29ry8] - onew and taemin performed the japanese song “rainy blue” together. onew sang while taemin accompanied on the piano. [prepare those tissues: https://youtu.be/0LXT4BrTZ34?list=PLD0jjg_rbTf16eqdgOtLOnqEv4gL29ry8] - jonghyun and taemin collaborated for “internet war,” but that is not spoken about often… - they’ve been on “hello baby” - they’ve endorsed several brands such as Reebok, Nana’s B [cosmetic brand], skechers, korean cosmetic brands The Saem, and Etude House. they’ve also got shinee labels on sparkling water and other products [lol] - they were part of the popular korean comic “the blade of the phantom master” - they helped african children in 2011 with the korean red cross society and the korean unicef committee - onew, key, and taemin wrote a book about their travels in barcelona called “the sun’s children”
memorable moment that makes every shawol emotional: the day shinee won “artist of the year” at the melon music awards!!! [Y’ALL BETTER GRAB ANOTHER BOX OF TISSUES: https://youtu.be/DjraUUnKAb4?list=PLD0jjg_rbTf16eqdgOtLOnqEv4gL29ry8]
some shinee videos/performances links:
- https://youtu.be/iFtzQY30YmU?list=PLD0jjg_rbTf16eqdgOtLOnqEv4gL29ry8 [onew’s “forever more” solo]
-https://youtu.be/W7AzyLElsXI?list=PLD0jjg_rbTf16eqdgOtLOnqEv4gL29ry8 [shinee world III performance of “sleepless night”]
- https://youtu.be/du2uSroboHU?list=PLD0jjg_rbTf16eqdgOtLOnqEv4gL29ry8 [onew and minho greeting in six languages just for fun]
- https://youtu.be/cZVWo2F3iao?list=PLD0jjg_rbTf16eqdgOtLOnqEv4gL29ry8 [selene 6.23 at shinee world III]
- https://youtu.be/kR41XMOzyC4?list=PLD0jjg_rbTf16eqdgOtLOnqEv4gL29ry8 [shinee singing english songs + the “shinee song” and their song “quasimodo”]
- https://youtu.be/oDrWHvhuLxc [”like a fire” shinee world III performance]
- https://youtu.be/YRcy-QVKPzY [”hitchhiking” shinee world III performance]
- https://youtu.be/wVm6zo8kUSE [”evil” shinee world III performance]
- https://youtu.be/RcEzefBmv9w [”girls, girls, girls” shinee world III performance]
- https://youtu.be/o_SZm2C5Fvw [”woof woof” shinee world IV performance]
- https://youtu.be/pt1d3wJ40mU [”replay” shinee world IV performance]
- https://youtu.be/MkSpLO3e5N4 [weekly idol: dancing to sherlock 2x faster]
- https://youtu.be/HSkrLsjsnCw [”shinee over flowers” concert vcr]
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jSORaqTQykk [”excuse me miss” shinee world IV performance]
- insert every shinee mv here???
[this technically isn’t ~essential~ but i’m adding it anyways. here’s a list of underrated/often overlooked shinee songs that you should listen to]:
- in my room
- obsession
- romantic
- all of their solo music [taemin, jonghyun, osts, station songs, etc.]
- orgel
- queen of new york
- one minute back
- spoiler
- evil
- all of their japanese discography [it’s a lot but you can start with their FIVE album- a work of art- also fire, burning up, your name, password, dazzling girl, 1000 years always by your side- EVERYTHING]
- quasimodo
- y.o.u
- life
- love should go on
- real
- up & down
- shout out [LMAO it’s like. a diss track? it’s questionable- let this one slide it goes kind of hard and shinee need all the love alright]
- a-yo
- forever or never
- electric heart
- wowowow
- alarm clock
- feel free to reblog/comment with more underrated songs :]
shinee are really humble and always so grateful to shawols for everything, it’s really touching. we’ve always got their backs. we love them, they love us.
thank you for reading! if you have any questions about shinee feel free to ask me!
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keybums · 7 years
(kkt - bummie) hellllllllloooooo~ it's your time to shine cause you're turning 9! kekeke~ (kkt - bummie) happy shinee birthday to our lovely key!! (kkt - bummie) hyung wants to thank you for being with this group together for so long. how have you manage without going crazy.. or have you already! (kky - bummie) i hope we stay together forever for many many ongoing years to achieve all our dreams together! 💖
ᴋᴋᴛ 📨 영감님 💬 ) my time to SHINee?? and here i thought i was already shining up a storm, it’s seriously vision that goes first old man ㅎㅎㅎㅎ✨✨ 💬 ) yes , how have i not managed to not go insane. 💬 ) it must be all the compensation in the form of coffee, cheers from shawols + lil freaks and 5 bottles of beer on the wall of course💬 ) i’m so sick of u guys, really  어휴~💬 ) seriously, all of us have a role to play in shinee and that one is mine. whatever i can do to improve the quality of our team i’ll do it even if it’s behind the scenes because our achievements are not individual or reliant on one member, they are reliant on us five as a whole. either way thank you for always acknowledging me and looking over me so well.  even for our dome outfits you personally thanked me for that too ahhh, you thank me too much. you know, in essence we owe a lot to your decisions and strong, selfless leadership. if not for that our foundation would be in ruins so really it’s you. Thank you hyung 💬 ) but as i’ve grown  and matured with experience i’ve learned that it’s because of your entire character, your entire being. ah,  selfless is the only way to describe you. you’re a star on your own, peculiar charm, good looks, amazing voice–  you’ve even debuted in a musical before me- and set the bar really high at that- and even debuted onscreen before me! but unlike other stars, you step back and let the others ~SHINee~. you’ve always stepped back. i really admire that about you because, really, i don’t know anyone with a heart similar or comparable to yours … 💬 )i guess it surprises me so because i’m not usually kind like you. if put in your position, i don’t think i would be able to lead 100% selflessly the way you do- at least not from the very beginning. you keep us grounded and suddenly this is getting really long and sappy, you should have called instead ㅋ~ 💬 )  #SHIN99 !! ~~ let’s see how much bigger the number nine can get and continue this love affair for an even longer time and be a SHINee we, and shawols are proud of, luvu 💖💖   💬 )also pls like my insta post about  #SHIN99 we don’t want fans to think we’re entering discord a few days in ㅋㅋㅋ~~  
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liliana-von-k · 7 months
Okay, personal post. Avoid if necessary.
I just saw the footage of SHINee performing Picasso and I fucking lost it. I know Jinki is gone because he needs to be but I just lost it. It hurts so much to see them performing without him, and I know I should be a big girl about it, but I can’t be. It just hurts so fucking much to have him not be there. Like a part of me is missing.
Does anyone else feel like this?
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liliana-von-k · 1 year
I didn’t think I could be any more worried about Jinki than I already am, but seeing how he’s almost entirely deleted his Instagram posts makes me extremely worried about his mental state at present.
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liliana-von-k · 3 years
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liliana-von-k · 5 years
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liliana-von-k · 5 years
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liliana-von-k · 4 years
When SHINee instructs the listener to, "Do me right," I always think the same thing:
"I'll do you six ways 'til Sunday, my friend! 'Til you walk with a limp!"
(Not that this statement is directed toward any particular member of SHINee, or anything. That would be wrong.)
*runs away giggling*
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liliana-von-k · 5 years
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Unlike my esteemed cohort @mvpnoona, I am not particularly keen on blonde!Jinki, but today I encountered these persuasive arguments to the contrary. Clearly I need to re-think my position on the matter. *make your own ‘position’ joke here*
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