#worry but they're better now.. I think it's the stress + sleeping little and badly
son1c · 1 year
turbulence? no way!
falling stars fic masterpost
Gunfire illuminated the room. Omega's shots were wild, and his bullets flew everywhere. They ricocheted off the walls, floor, and ceiling, and they shattered the empty pods lined up against the back wall. They turned the computer console in the middle of the floor into swiss cheese. They almost hit Rouge, but her reflexes were better than the robot's aim, and she managed to dive behind a bulky generator before anything bad could happen to her.
She started thinking about what she could do to stop the robot's rampage.
Sonic wasn't thinking about that at all though. He was too preoccupied with dodging Omega's shots to worry about it. He spent all of his brainpower on his jumps. Jump onto a wire, jump down to the floor, jump behind a metal box. Anything to avoid getting punched full of holes. His expression was troubled, but not because of the dire situation he was currently in; he was worried about Omega.
"If I'd known about this ice cold reception, I would've brought a jacket!" Sonic quipped in between machine gun rounds.
"A JACKET WOULD NOT SAVE YOU FROM MY WRATH," Omega said, his heavy metal arms clicking as his weapons reloaded. "NOW STAND STILL SO THAT I MAY REPLACE YOUR BONES WITH LEAD."
Sonic didn't stop moving. He was zigzagging his way closer to Omega, careful to avoid the robot's frenzied gunfire. However, right as he was about to leap onto Omega's shoulders, the robot managed to miss a shot so badly that it flew three feet over Sonic's head and pierced the base of the pod that Shadow was sleeping in.
Sonic pulled a 180 immediately. He heard the hatch unlock before he saw it start to open. His feet slipped on the liquid that drained out of the pod in a waterfall of green slime, but he kept going, scraping his claws against the slick floor stubbornly. Shadow blinked awake a second later. The dark hedgehog pushed open the hatch and looked over at Omega, but before he could take a step toward him, Sonic snatched him and they both rolled behind the computer console together.
Then, Shadow sat up. Despite the stressful situation he suddenly found himself in, his month long nap had left him feeling good, and so it was with a clear mind that he took in his surroundings. But it didn't last long. With one look at Sonic, his headache returned. "Blue?" he said, the name sounding almost hesitant as he voiced it. Like he wasn't sure if the hedgehog in front of him was really his friend or not.
"Hey, Stripes," Sonic said. "Sorry I’m late. But here, I got something that'll make it up to you!" He removed the inhibitors from his wrists, grabbed Shadow's hand, and pressed the rings into his palm. Then, he grinned. "Unfortunately, Egghead turned out to be a quack. The good news is he was lying about everything, not just the good stuff!"
Shadow stared at Sonic. He stared at him very hard. "What happened to you?" he asked quietly.
Sonic's grin didn't waver. "Well, for starters, I got a job. The uniform kicked, but that's about it."
Shadow frowned. "Your eyes," he pressed. "They're glowing."
"Heh. I guess I finally thought about it hard enough!" Sonic rubbed his nose. Under his hand, his grin faded. "Look," he said, pressing the rings firmly into Shadow's hand with both of his own, "I'm still me. The doc tried to change that, but I couldn't stand it. Following him around was way past boring!"
Shadow looked down at their clasped hands, and the rings pressed in between them. He ignored them completely. With his voice steeped in frustration, he asked, "The Doctor stripped you of your free will?"
"Technically," Sonic said, a little uncomfortable now, "he didn't strip me of anything. He gave me a new leg, and force fed me some code. I'm not gonna thank him for that, though, since it was all a bunch of pro-Ivo propaganda!"
A coil of anger burned in Shadow's chest like a snake. "He won't go unpunished," Shadow said darkly. It hurt him to think that Sonic had suffered because of his own eagerness to take Eggman's hand. And Sonic's laissez faire attitude only served to fuel his vengeful heart.
Sonic watched the fire in Shadow's eyes burn with concern. "It's okay, dude. There's no need to keep your foot on the gas. All that's gonna do is run us in circles." The blue hedgehog smiled. It was a peace offering. "I dunno about you, but I'd rather take the fast track to freedom, and leave this place behind."
The viper in Shadow's chest continued to hiss and spit. He wouldn't let go of his grudge so easily. However, when he saw a hint of tiredness flicker behind Sonic's electric eyes, he resolved to put a pin in it. For later.
Finally, Shadow snapped the inhibitor rings onto his wrists. His headache vanished. The bubbles in his blood cooled. He let out a breath, feeling truly centered for the first time since waking up in the crater all that time ago. With a small nod, he said sincerely, "Thank you."
Sonic's eyes softened. His smile got warmer. "Don't mention it," he said. "Besides, it's not like Mr. Ivo was gonna make good on his promise." Sonic's expression shifted to something in between annoyance and relief. "I'm just glad that lady showed up when she did. Without her, who knows what would've happened!"
"Are you boys talking about little old me?"
Sonic and Shadow looked up. Towering over the computer console, they saw Omega staring down at them with Rouge on his shoulder. She had her legs crossed and a smug look on her face. "The name's Rouge, by the way," she said. "While you two were having your reunion, I took care of the problem. Omega here is on our side now. You're welcome."
Sonic's eyebrow twitched at Omega's comment about his hardware. The way he saw it, him taking orders from Eggman was the real bug in his system. But Omega's bluntness wasn't intended as a means to aggravate him, and Sonic recognized that. It was just a shield to deflect from his feelings.
"It's cool," Sonic said. "It's my fault for draggin' my feet, anyway. When I got zapped by that Build-A-Robot machine, I stopped thinkin' about why I'd come here. It made me forget all about it--about Stripes, and about you. And it took awhile for me to remember." Sonic stood. Then, he winked at Omega. "Thanks for waiting up."
Sonic laughed. "If it's another bad guy's lair, I say go for it!"
Shadow, now standing, added, "You'd be doing the world a favor."
Rouge said, "Well, this heist turned out to be a total bust. I looked everywhere, but couldn't find a single gem!" She tapped her nails on Omega's shoulder. Then, her mouth tilted upwards. "But at least I won't be walking away empty handed. This makes us a team, boys!"
Sonic's ear twitched. He turned his head toward the door, but there was nothing there.
Shadow asked, "Hear something, hedgehog?"
Sonic said, "Nah. Must've been my imagination."
Rouge hopped down from Omega's shoulder. With her hands on her hips, she gestured at the door with one of her wings. "Let's beat it. As long as we're here, the deck's stacked against us. I'd rather not give Eggy any more leverage than he already has!"
With that, the four of them left the (now severely damaged) basement stasis room. Omega nearly went ballistic when he saw the buzzy bomber waiting for them in the hallway, but Sonic was quicker on the draw than him, and explained, "Think about it! You defied your programming, right? What's stopping the rest of Egghead's robots from carving their own paths too?"
Omega wasn't happy about it, but he had to admit that Sonic had a point. He stared intensely at the buzzy bomber hiding in Sonic's quills. His red eyed gaze was daring it to prove Sonic wrong. But it stayed there, its mandible slowly opening and closing as if to say, Truce?
Immediately, the wasp robot perked up. It chittered smartly, and it took every ounce of Omega's willpower to not start blasting. Sonic snickered.
Then, the group continued on through the basement with Sonic leading the way. It wasn't long before they reached the lift. After piling into it, they began the long ascent to the ground floor of the facility. Thankfully, the levels came and went quickly. Sonic watched them pass by through the window, distracted.
The lift arrived at the ground floor of the Brain Bowl with a light ding. Everyone stepped out, except for Sonic, who was still staring out the window. The buzzy bomber tapped him on the forehead with one of its arms. Blinking, Sonic smiled apologetically at the wasp robot, and then followed everyone else out of the lift.
But he didn't get very far. After taking a few steps out into the hanger, he suddenly froze, and his eyes went wide.
Eggman said, "You didn't really think you'd be able to escape me that easily, did you, rodent?"
Sonic looked around, but Eggman wasn't there. He was hearing the voice in his head, projected from somewhere else, as a side effect of the botched de-Roboticization he'd experienced.
"I'm afraid I'm not done with you yet," Eggman continued. Sonic could practically hear the evil grin on his face. "Our confrontation is long overdue. I understand you're on your way out, so if you're in need of motivation, I've gathered your pathetic little friend here to watch your inevitable defeat!"
The doctor paused to cackle maniacally. The noise bounced around inside Sonic's skull like a twisted tennis ball.
"Better hurry. I can't guarantee its safety if you dawdle!"
Sonic was mad. Eggman had already wasted so much of his time, and now he was going to waste even more? The blue hedgehog scowled and turned around on his heel. He knew where Eggman was. It was like the coordinates had been beamed into his brain. However, before he could start moving toward it, he felt a hand grasp his shoulder.
It was Shadow. The dark hedgehog was looking at him with his usual serious expression, but there was a touch of concern in the way he pursed his lips. "The door is the other way," he said. "Now isn't the time for detours."
Sonic turned back around so he could face Shadow. "Something came up," he said vaguely. "I've gotta take care of it before we split. You go on ahead--I'll meet you guys outside."
Shadow folded his arms over his chest. "I won’t accept that. If you’re going after the Doctor, it won’t be alone.”
The voice of Eggman spoke in Sonic's head again. "Haven't you left yet? It's not like you to waste time, Sonic."
Scowling, Sonic shook his head. To Shadow, he said, "Take the badniks and get outta here. There's a stash of planes in the next building over. Should be on the first floor, just grab the one that looks like a manta ray--it's got the keys in the ignition."
"We're not leaving without you," Shadow said. "Whatever it is you're about to do--"
"Clock's ticking, Sonic," Eggman interrupted. "I wonder which part I should remove first? An antenna, perhaps?"
Sonic stepped away from Shadow. He ignored the looks Rouge and Omega gave him as he began to run toward the backdoor. "Just trust me," he called back over his shoulder. "And remember: first floor, manta ship. I'm countin' on you!"
Without stopping, Sonic kicked down the Brain Bowl's backdoor. He burst through the other side with a roll, and then jumped back up to his feet, still running. He was outside now, with his sights set squarely on the tall transmission tower at the far end of Scrap Brain Base. He weaved around commuting badniks and bounced over steel obstacles in his path, but it wasn't fast enough, he wasn't fast enough.
Eggman's voice came to him again. It was mocking him now. "Holding back at a time like this? Your limits must've changed since your fall if this is really your top speed!"
Sonic pushed himself harder. The red light at the top of the transmission tower peered down at him, a tiny dot in the sky, still so far away.
And then Eggman must've held the microphone up to the motobug, because Sonic heard it beep fearfully.
And he couldn't take it anymore.
After everything Eggman had put him through, after tricking him and Stripes into falling for his scheme, turning him into a robot, and making him do his bidding… Sonic went fast. Really, truly fast. So fast he rippled the air around him, and created a deafening boom so powerful it knocked out the power to the Base.
The gears ground to a halt and the badniks shuddered. Something in Sonic's head fizzled and popped, but he kept going, faster and faster.
He cleared the winding stairs of the transmission tower in the blink of an eye. He crashed through one of the top floor windows before another second could pass. The glass shattered, and fell in a flurry around him, but his quills kept him safe. Then, he rolled to the middle of the floor and uncurled, leaping up onto his feet with a scowl.
Because the power was down, it was dark inside of the transmission tower. Only the emergency lights were still functional, and they cast the whole room in an eerie red glow.
"Very impressive," Eggman said. Behind him, the motobug with the star on its head was parked. It shook like a leaf in the wind. "But now it's time for the final act," Eggman went on to say. "Honestly, I never expected you to stay under my thumb forever. One way or another, I knew you'd wriggle your way out of my control! Which is why I started working on something… something I'm sure you'll find quite familiar! Oh-ho-ho!"
Something heavy suddenly dropped down next to Sonic.
It was… Shadow?!
All of the fur on the back of Sonic's neck stood up. He took a step back, away from his friend. But it couldn't be his friend. It looked like him, but something was off. Wrong. The way its arms hung limply at its sides was uncanny. And when the thing lifted up its head to stare at Sonic, the blue hedgehog realized why.
The Shadow standing in front of him was a fake. Its eyes were a black screen, illuminated by two glowing orange irises. A copy, made by Eggman, presumably while the real Shadow had been fridged in the basement. Worst of all, it said nothing. It just stared at Sonic with that horrible, unnerving gaze.
Sonic said, "What kind of horror show are you runnin' here, doc?!"
"One powerful enough to take down even you!" Eggman replied haughtily. "This is it for you, Sonic. You'll soon find you've met your match with my Shadow Android!"
The Shadow Android shifted. Its arms no longer hung dead at its sides, and instead bent upwards, with its hands balled into fists. An attack position. It then shot forward, but Sonic sidestepped it easily. He had no interest in fighting the Shadow Android, because that was what Eggman wanted.
And he was sick of doing what Eggman wanted.
"Sorry, bolt brain," Sonic said, not sounding sorry at all, "but I ain't got time for a doppelganger deathmatch today! I've got a flight to catch!"
In a flash, Sonic ran behind Eggman and picked up his motobug friend. The Shadow Android followed after him, but Sonic was on his A-game now, and easily outsped the robot copy.
The emergency lights lit his path back to the window, and Sonic jumped out of it without looking back.
The Shadow Android, however, paused in front of the broken glass on the floor.
"What are you waiting for?" Eggman snapped. "After him!"
In the time it took Eggman to say that, Sonic had already made it back to the other end of Scrap Brain Base. He skidded to a halt on the runway in front of the manta ray ship, with Buggy held over his head. Shadow and Rouge turned to look at him.
"Nice of you to stop by, Blue," Rouge said. "You were right about the keys, but piloting an Eggman battleship is a little out of my wheelhouse. Omega was able to push this thing out of the garage, but that won't work for getting it off the ground, you know. So, unless you're saying you can fly it..."
Sonic grinned. "That's exactly what I'm saying!"
Shadow made a face. "You seem confident. Are you sure it's not unfounded?"
"Who knows! Maybe I used to fly planes. I've just got a good feeling about this!"
Shadow and Rouge looked at each other. Then, Shadow said, "We can't risk all of our lives--and all of these robot's lives--on a 'good feeling,' Blue."
Sonic's eyes sparkled, a little deviously. "You can if the feeling's good enough," he said. "Now hang on!"
After setting down the motobug, Sonic grabbed Shadow and Rouge by the arms, and carried them into the manta ship. When the motobug rolled in behind them, it tugged on the wire for the door, and the ship's hatch slammed shut.
Inside the ship, Omega was trying very hard to remain civil with the menagerie of badniks that had decided they'd rather kick it with Sonic than Eggman. He managed this by standing in the corner and facing the wall like he was in The Blair Witch Project.
The only badnik brave enough to get close to him was the buzzy bomber from the basement. It circled his head like a buzzard, but when Sonic passed them by on his way to the cockpit, the tinny voice of the wasp robot reassured him that everything was fine.
Omega loved compliments, after all.
Once they reached the cockpit, Sonic finally let Shadow and Rouge go. Irritated, Shadow began brushing himself off. He didn't appreciate being dragged through the hull of the ship like luggage.
Meanwhile, Rouge turned to Sonic and said, "Never. Ever. Do that again."
Sonic was examining the buttons and knobs on the ceiling of the cockpit. "Wouldn't'a done it without a good reason," he said. Then, still looking over the ship's controls, he pointed out the window. "See for yourself."
Shadow and Rouge looked out the window. Skating down the runway at a frightening pace was the Shadow Android. It had finally caught up to Sonic.
"Another trick of the Doctor's?" Shadow said, troubled by the sight of his robot doppelganger.
Sonic flipped a switch on the ceiling, and then sat down in the chair in front of the yoke. He grabbed it with both hands and said, "Whatever it is, it's not our problem anymore!"
The blue hedgehog eased forward on the yoke, his excitement showing on his face. Even though the manta ray ship was a prototype, Sonic knew it could still fly--Eggman wouldn't've bothered having him cart all that wiring over to the hanger while he was still a Robian if it couldn't.
"Got your seat belts fastened?" Sonic asked, obviously having way too much fun with this. "We're ready for takeoff!"
Shadow and Rouge gripped the back of the pilot's chair as the ship lurched forward. They watched as the Shadow Android continued to approach, almost on top of them now. But the manta ray accelerated quickly, and swallowed the fake hedgehog up underneath it. Then, the ship's wheels left the ground, and the manta ray lifted into the sky.
Through the clouds, everyone could see the ground, as well as Scrap Brain Base, quickly shrink into the distance.
Sonic let out a victory cheer. He didn't know that back at the transmission tower, Eggman had just tried and failed to contact him. It seemed as though the communicator in his head had broken along with the sound barrier during his earlier race to save the motobug.
Sonic continued racing the wind, unbothered.
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kpophubb · 2 years
Hi lovely ☀ I'm so happy to hear from you, this week I was literally checking your Tumblr five times per day with my tags. I miss you so much and this week I also needed you so much, but it's okay💛 I'm so sad that you are sick😿😿 I thought you recovered but you mentioned that you don't feel good and I'm just so sad about this(((
Honestly this week I have my period, and I have to take 💊 every single day because it's just so painful 😔so I think we could have some sick party together😹
I had an exam last week which I failed, but I was so confident but I failed and my manager was so stressful and is pressuring me so much😮‍💨🤕🥴
How were your weekends? Today is Sunday and I just don't feel anything ...tomorrow I have to start work again and it's not tomorrow even it's like in 6 hours(((
Today I talked to my grandma and the second time during this 10 months and she's not doing good and mental health is bad she's pretty messed up 😣😭I'm watching this one movie now and it just reminds me of some Horrors that have been through and how lucky I am to actually Escape. ironically the movie is called No Escape. The movie is so well done tho 😭😭💔😢🥺
I Never thought these things would ever happen to me.. or would ever happen in my reality 😔😔I am just so shocked that this happened and they're still consequences and I just don't want to be a part of this you know❤️‍🩹❤️‍🩹💔 I wish all of this was just a nightmare and I wake up tomorrow and everything is like before
I actually wanted to send you a short message just wish you could have happy Monday and better week 😭😢🥺🥺🥺💛💛
Stay strong baby I am just so thankful that you exist thank you for all the love you give me💛
Thank you for hyunnies gifs and quotes 🤗💗 I miss you so badly
You probably have no idea and will never understand the way you helped me during this sickness period of my life😔❤️‍🩹💗 thank you so much for saving your hyunnie lixie. Please get well soon
Hi hi hi my love 🥺🤍 tumblr has been mean to me with my other asks since they crash when I make em too long (?) and can’t be edited later so here we go!😭 keeping it short but ilysm 💗 and value every little bit u say ~
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First of all don’t worry about me, I’m doing better now altho I skipped my medication yesterday bc I thought I got better but apparently it made my sickness worse and took away my good night’s sleep 💔 but anyway I’m mentally active now..how are you feeling baby?:( is your period pain GONE?? I’m so sorry for being ia I’m here now promise ☀️💛🫂
The movie seems so strong..and really pain invoking and lesson learning is it on Netflix? If so, I’d love to watch while trying to understand you..
Aah it’s getting hectic for you I can say :( no sleep and so much work 😭 but I really hope smh u get a break soon and can rest as much as you need anonie. <3
I can understand about the whole nightmare part. Altho I have not been in such an intense situation like you (that’s why I give it to u always that you’re super strong bc you are my love) but I have had super dark times too and I can relate to that part where I’d be terrified and cry myself to sleep everyday and beg whatever deity was listening to make it better tomorrow and make it all vanish..but everyday I woke up and nothing changed and that made me feel devastated and made me feel like I was better off gone 💔
but I sincerely hope like me a time comes in your life where everyday would feel as good as a dream where you keep wishing you never wake up from the happiness..💖 the things of the past will never really leave u and even tho the shackles are gone someday and you’re free to walk forward, the scary marks will still be there to your feet. But look baby, slowly you’re healing even if it’s at a micro pace, getting a job, connecting w your family member (grandma) and slowly getting up even tho the suffocating feeling still haunts u, it’s slowly leading to a betterment. Like this, I’m sure you will walk towards light, love and happiness soon. Just faith it till u make it okay??
exams Are shitty..and it’s so disappointing to fail after giving your best it’s like realising your best never amounted to anything but hey love remember what I told u? “Human beings are filled w crazy potential even if you feel like u gave your best today you could still wake up tomorrow and try harder.” So keep your chin high, take a deep breath and try hard again. 💘 every success comes with ten failures, remember that.
and lastly I’ll always be here to save u and pull you up just like lixie does for hyunjin. It’s a promise, not a fancy statement. And I keep my words always. I love you sm and I couldn’t add the last quote bc that post isn’t working anymore but it was..
“The world doesn’t matter. YOU matter. 💛☀️..”♡♡
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gatual · 2 years
I hope tomorrow my eyes are not swollen anymore bc Im supposed to meet a college friend from my old major and I haven't seen her in 3 years!!!!!!!! and I wanna look good for her :(
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sleepysnk · 4 years
hello guys! this wasn't a request, but it is a small gift for @kwnblack ! i decided to make a third and final part for the two previous Zeke scenarios i wrote! i hope you enjoy :).
Zeke x Fem!Reader: I Promise
Warnings: slight manga spoilers and slight angst
Part 1 Part 2
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It had been about a month or so since Zeke had his last encounter with (Y/N). After that night, he left the island, and (Y/N) had no idea. She woke up the next morning, and notice he was gone. It confused her that day. Where the hell did he go?
She spent that whole day after searching for him. She went around Marley, but she never found him.
As the weeks went on, (Y/N) began to not feel like herself. She felt sick all the time, and she was very tired. She always blamed it on stress, but a few of her friends were concerned with her behavior. They didn't like the way she was acting. (Y/N) never looked good either.
After some arguments with friends, she decided to just finally go see the doctor. She explained to the doctor about her symptoms, he was concerned with how sick she was, and how she was fatigued most of the time.
"I'm going to run a few tests (Y/N), we should figure out what's going on" he said.
(Y/N) had multiple tests run on her, and what the doctor told her was shocking.
"Congratulations! Your expecting a baby"
Those words made her whole world stop.
She was pregnant? She never imagined in her entire life she would get pregnant, even with how young she was. (Y/N) knew who the dad was, it was Zeke for sure. She was the only man she was intimate with, but where was he?
The doctor explained her options. He explained that if she wanted to terminate it he could, but she insisted that she wanted to keep the baby. (Y/N) didn't want to let the opportunity slide, so she decided to keep it.
Her friends were extremely supportive of her and the baby. Thing was, they weren't exactly happy with who the dad was. They all shamed Zeke for leaving, in a way, her friends made it seem like Zeke only wanted to have sex with her. Nothing more than a one-night stand.
This made (Y/N) extremely emotional.
Many questions ran through her head during that month. Did Zeke only want her for one thing and one thing only? Did he lie about how he felt about her? So many questions with little answers.
Zeke on the other hand, had no idea she was pregnant. The time that they met fell at an unfortunate time, he had to head back to Paradis to obtain Eren. (Y/N) had no idea about these plans, and it sort of slipped Zeke's mind. His intention was to never leave her like that, he didn't have a choice.
She had some support from her best friend Mia (random name). Mia helped a lot with anything that she needed, and (Y/N) was extremely grateful for her. Without Mia, (Y/N) probably would have been so lonely.
"Imagine if it's a girl (Y/N)! A little you running around" Mia said.
Mia had been more excited than (Y/N) was for this baby. She dreamt about her best friend having a baby, and becoming an aunt or a God-parent.
As much as (Y/N) was excited, she couldn't help but feel those dark thoughts sometimes. She always thinks about Zeke, and she feels so much sadness run through her whenever she does.
"Are you thinking about him again?" Mia asked and looked at her.
(Y/N) nodded. "No! I'm fine, I just feel really moody right now. This pregnancy has made my hormones go all over the place" she replied and tried to seem convincing.
Mia had to deal with so much when it came to her best friend being pregnant. The mood swings, cravings, constantly peeing, and constant sleep. (Y/N) was thankful though, without Mia, she would have been stressed out to the max.
"I'll rip his damn head off (Y/N). You know I'm capable of that" she said and looked at her friend.
(Y/N) chuckled. "You won't need to do that. I think I want to nap being honest, so you can go if you'd like" she said and smiled.
Mia stood up. "Alright, well you know where I'm at if you need me" she said and made her way towards the door.
She watched as Mia exited. (Y/N) felt a sad wave hit her all at once, the emotions she felt were the usual. She felt tears fall down her cheeks as she thought about Zeke again. Was she really just a one-night stand to him? A woman who he got in bed just for one night?
(Y/N) went to her bed and began to sob. Her emotions running wild, and coming out once again. She's had countless days where she'd cry about it, who could blame her? The woman was pregnant and all she had was her friends.
All she had was the memory of him.
As the weeks went on, she began to feel a bit better. She actually put on a genuine smile, and she wasn't faking it. Her friends told her to not stress, it wasn't good for the baby. She had to take that in. (Y/N) was feeling better about herself, she went out with Mia and looked at different baby items that would be needed.
She had gotten a few items. (Y/N) was quite prepared for her baby, and she was very careful. Even being only about 2 or 3 months along.
But she was in for quite the situation.
(Y/N) stood looking outside her window. It was a warm and sunny day, she missed the summer breeze. It always reminded her of how beautiful the world was. She noticed some people beginning to run in the same direction.
"They're back!"
"Do you think they got him?"
(Y/N) was confused as to who was being talked about. She began to follow the people, and she noticed a pretty large crowd formed.
She noticed Mia was there. "What's going on?" (Y/N) asked.
She looked back at her. "I'm not sure... I'm just as curious as you are" Mia replied.
That's when she felt time stop.
Zeke was standing there with Reiner badly wounded. What the hell happened? As much as she wanted to run up to him, she knew she couldn't. Reiner and Zeke looked horrible.
"Where is Eren!?"
"Yeah! You promised to bring back the founding titan!"
Zeke just stood there quiet. The mission was a failure. Bertholdt was dead, and Paradis now had his power.
His eyes scanned the area as he noticed a familiar (h/c) haired girl standing there. (Y/N). Zeke noticed how upset she looked, he wasn't sure why, but he wanted to know.
"Let's go (Y/N)" Mia said and grabbed her arm.
She lead her away from the crowd. "Mia, what the hell happened? Who is Eren? What do they want with him?" she asked.
Mia sighed. "Couldn't tell you, all I heard was that they went with each other" she replied. "I guess we know where Zeke went after all this time..." she added.
(Y/N) looked down and stood by her friend. She didn't want to face him right now, it would be too much for her.
Zeke had been taken to the infirmary along with Reiner. Both were injured and needed to be checked on.
"Your injuries are minor, but it'll take you awhile to heal.." the nurse said and looked at Zeke.
He nodded. "May I request a visitor?" he asked.
The nurse furrowed her brows. "Are you sure about that? I can get someone to do that" she asked.
Zeke ran a hand through his hair. "Yes I'm sure, please get me (Y/N) (L/N) please" he replied.
She nodded. "Very well, I'll be right back" she said and exited the room.
Zeke waited as his heart began to race, he wanted to explain everything to her about the mission. She never knew about it, he didn't want her to worry that day, so he kept what he was doing out of it.
"Zeke?" The nurse said and entered the room.
He looked up and noticed she wasn't with the nurse. "Where is she?" he asked.
She sighed. "I'm not sure why but (Y/N) refused to see you. I can't force her, I'm sorry" she replied.
What the hell was up with her? She was avoiding him now? He knew leaving her so fast was kind of not a good idea. Zeke needed to talk to her as soon as possible.
Three days had gone by, and he hadn't seen (Y/N) around Marley. She had been a ghost. He wasn't sure where she could be, but he wanted to know.
(Y/N) did her best to avoid him. She did her shopping at odd hours, or she would make Mia do things for her. Mia completely understood, but she didn't want her to run away forever.
Mia sat in a bar by herself. She wanted (Y/N) to come for some company, but she was having morning sickness, so that was a huge no.
She noticed Pieck enter the bar. She had her crutch with her, since she spent so much time in her titan form, she forgot how to actually walk like a human.
"You look like you've seen better days" Pieck said and sat next to her.
Mia looked over. "Same to you" she replied and took a sip of her drink.
Pieck never knew Mia well. "Well.. when your mission becomes a total failure, you feel like shit so" she said and shrugged.
Mia laughed a little. "Hm... it can't be as bad as your best friend being a pregnant hormonal mess" she said.
The dark haired girl nodded. "Ah pregnancy huh? Why bring a child into this world" she said and leaned against the table.
"Not sure but it happened, (Y/N) deserves better though" Mia said and shrugged.
Pieck stopped. (Y/N)? She had heard Zeke talking about her during the mission, and pretty recently. Was that the girl he was trying to speak to? She heard his constant rant about this woman ignoring him.
"Excuse me.. I need to leave" Pieck said and began to make her way to find Zeke.
Mia found it odd how quickly the girl left. She shrugged and kept drinking. Pieck rushed as quickly as she could to find him.
"Zeke!" she yelled as she saw him talking with Reiner.
He furrowed his brows noticing her quick pace. "Something wrong Pieck?" he asked.
She looked at him. "Do you know (Y/N)?" she asked.
Zeke looked at Reiner and back at Pieck. "Yes... why?" he asked.
She nodded. "Did you know she was pregnant?" she asked.
His mind totally stopped when those words came out of Pieck. She was pregnant!? Maybe that's why she was avoiding him.
"I had no idea... excuse me, I need to go" Zeke said and began to make his way to her house.
(Y/N) sat in her home exhausted. Her morning sickness was horrible, so she spent most of the day in her bed and napping. She heard a knock at her front door. She assumed that it was Mia.
"Mia I-" she opened the door and saw Zeke standing there.
She stood there for a moment in shock. "(Y/N)... can we talk please?" he asked.
She sighed. "Come in.." she replied and moved so he could come in.
Zeke entered her home and watched as she shut the door. "Why didn't you tell me?" he asked.
She furrowed her brows. "About what? What is there to talk about!?" she asked.
He rolled his eyes. "That you're pregnant!? What else?!" he replied.
Silence flooded the room between the two. "So you do know.." she said and sat down on her couch.
"I don't understand why you never told me. I've been here for days" he said.
She felt anger rushing through her. "Tell you? Why would I? You left me that day. You left me after we had SEX Zeke! You know how that made me feel? You made me feel like I was a one-night stand. I never knew you were going to leave like that" she yelled.
Zeke looked at her. "I'm sorry (Y/N). I should have told you that I had to go, I didn't want to worry you. Everything was at the wrong time" he replied.
She crossed her arms and shook her head. "You worried me 10x more when you left me that day, again" she said.
He felt horrible in the moment. "I know... I wanted to tell you" he said.
(Y/N) ran a hand down to her belly which was slowly getting bigger. "So why are you here?" she asked.
He looked up confused. "What? That's a stupid question. I'm here because I know I got you pregnant, who the fuck do you think I am (Y/N)? Some guy who bangs a girl, gets them pregnant, and then leaves? I care about you that's why I'm here. I want to be here for OUR child. If I didn't give a shit, I wouldn't have bothered showing up here" he replied.
She fell silent as he spoke, she didn't know what to say. "I'm about 3 months.." she said and looked down.
Zeke nodded and stood up. "I'm sorry for leaving you that day. Please forgive me" he said and held her hand.
She bit her lip and looked around. "I can forgive you Zeke, but how do I know you're gonna leave again?" she asked.
"I'll be more honest with you. This mission came fast and there wasn't much I could do to stop it" he replied.
(Y/N) nodded. "I see..." she said and looked at him.
He ran his hand down to her belly. "May I?" he asked.
She shook her head. "Yes" she replied and lifted her shirt a bit.
Zeke looked at how big her belly had gotten, it wasn't huge, but it was noticeable that she was bigger. He lied his head on her belly, and pulled her hips closer to him. The sight alone made her heart flutter. She ran her fingers through his hair.
"I can't wait to meet them, I don't have much time left" he said and looked down.
She nodded. "What do you mean?" she asked and furrowed her brows.
Zeke felt a bit emotional in the moment. "Curse of Ymir remember? I don't have much time left (Y/N).. I want to make it worth it for you and them" he said and stood up.
She noticed the tears in his eyes. "Zeke.. don't worry. I'll make sure it's worth it for you and the baby" she said and smiled a bit.
He wiped his eyes a bit. "I'd love that (Y/N), I promise I won't leave you ever again" he replied and hugged her.
She put her head on his chest. "Promise?" she asked.
He smiled. "I promise" he replied.
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rosedavid · 5 years
hey!! if you're still taking requests, cyrus and tj see eachother after a few months of their break up and old feelings resurface and they end up being all cute and in love again bc they're tj and cyrus lmao idk, i love your writing 🥺🤧
me going overboard on prompts?? just as likely as you think!!
thank you for the request :) enjoy!
also slight tw for swearing and panic attacks
Broken Promises
Cyrus expected college to be difficult. He was prepared for the endless late nights full of stressful studying, the constant tests, and the lack of free time. Going to an ivy league school makes things even more high stakes. It feels like every move he makes gets scrutinized by the professors and students alike. Cyrus planned to attend an ivy league school on the east coast since middle school. It was his goal, his dream one could even say. There’s just one factor that Cyrus didn’t prepare for, one that ended up changing his entire first year college experience. TJ Kippen. 
There’s no doubt that Cyrus and TJ were deeply in love. They started dating near the beginning of their first year of high school and continued strong for all four years. Soon, having TJ constantly by his side, hanging out at his house, or taking him on dates became the norm for him. Between the worries of school and standardized testing, he was the steady, comforting constant in Cyrus’s life. As such, he never even thought about leaving him when it came time for college.
It all started in the middle of senior year. Everyone has finished applying for colleges, waiting with bated breath to see if they got in. Cyrus, being the overzealous student he is, applied to at least eight different schools just in case. He had to write so many entry essays that his hand nearly fell off from cramping. All of them were extremely busy with everything happening all at once, such as jobs, final grades, and the approaching graduation.
It isn’t until one fateful day in the spring that TJ and Cyrus realize that everything is about to change.
Cyrus arrives home from school like any other day. He’s starting to get nervous about his college applications, as two places have rejected him so far, and the other three schools he got into are in his bottom choices. As he walks into the kitchen to grab a snack, he spots his stepdad sitting at the table casually sipping coffee and holding out a letter.
“Is that…?” Cyrus trails off with a gasp.
His stepdad smirks in response, wiggling the letter until Cyrus snatches it out of his hand. He reads the correspondent information on the front, eyes widening. It’s his top school choice! This is it. This is everything he’s been waiting for.
Not wanting his stepdad to see him if he’s rejected, Cyrus heads upstairs to his room and closes the door behind him. He gingerly takes a seat on his bed, ripping the top of the envelope all the way across. He pauses briefly to take a deep breath and compose himself before unfolding the small slip of paper. He ignores most of the formalities, scanning through until near the end looking for the indicating words to tell him whether he got in.
Cyrus reads over it again and again until he gets the message to fully sink in. He can’t stop grinning, clutching the letter to his chest as if it would flutter away. He can’t wait to tell everyone the good news at school tomorrow!
Suddenly, it dawns on him. He’s going to school at an ivy league college on the east coast, far away from Shadyside. Andi is going to a fancy west coast art college. Buffy is also going to a west coast college on a basketball scholarship. As of right now, Jonah doesn’t know what he wants to do, so he’s going to stick around Shadyside. And TJ…TJ is going to a college in Salt Lake City, Utah, only a few hours from Shadyside.
For the first time in four years, they would be thousands of miles apart. How would they even see each other? What if their breaks didn’t line up? Could either of them even afford a plane ticket to fly out and visit?
Cyrus decides maybe it’s best if, for a while, he keeps the news to himself.
It’s only a few weeks before graduation. All of the seniors are getting even more antsy than usual, holding their breaths for the day when they’re finally done with high school forever. Cyrus is also one of these people, but he’s antsy for an entirely different reason. He has yet to tell anyone where he’s going to school. He’s put it off for such a long time, always saying that not all his schools have responded back to him. But he knows his friends, and he knows they’re getting suspicious. He needs to tell all of them, including TJ.
So, at lunch that day, he decides to rip off the band-aid. Everyone now sits together at one large table, so it’s the ideal time to make his announcement. And, as it so happens, his friends give him the perfect segway to make his announcement (unfortunately).
“Guess what?” Amber squeals, not waiting for anyone to guess. “I got into that fashion school in California!”
Andi beams, reaching forward to hug her and kiss her cheek. “I’m so proud of you! And now we’ll be so much closer!”
As everyone says their congratulations, they notice that Cyrus is abnormally quiet. Andi frowns from her spot beside him and reaches out to tap his shoulder.
“You good, Cyrus?” She wonders. “Is it something about colleges? I know how long you’ve been waiting to hear back.”
Cyrus swallows. “I…yeah. I guess it is. I got a letter from my top choice in the mail, actually…”
“What did it say?!” Buffy asks in excitement.
On his other side, TJ nods in agreement. Cyrus can’t stand to look at TJ when he makes the announcement, so he makes sure to angle himself away.
“Um, well, I got in!” Cyrus smiles.
Everyone cheers. TJ pats his back before putting an arm around his shoulder. Cyrus leans into the touch, wondering how much longer he’ll be able to feel it. And yes, Cyrus is super happy that he got into the school of his dreams, but at the same time things are a lot different now than he expected. In other words, it will be a strange transition.
“So where are you going?” Jonah asks, of course.
“Columbia,” Cyrus murmurs.
He feels the arm wrapped around him tense up. The mood of the table becomes slightly less cheery and more morose. Thankfully, Buffy is there to alleviate some of the sadness.
“That’s amazing, Cyrus,” She says. “An Ivy League! You’re going to do so great!”
TJ speaks up, “Yeah, you’ll do amazing, Cy. You always do.”
Maybe it’s just Cyrus reading too deep into things, but something in TJ’s tone sounds off. Of course, he sounds sad about Cyrus leaving, Cyrus expected that. He also sounds proud. But there’s another tone to his voice that Cyrus can’t quite decipher.
Although he ends up forgetting about it after a few days, it certainly ended up being something. A beginning to an end.
The day before graduation. School just got out the day before, and the seniors are all buzzing waiting to be officially graduated. Cyrus personally can’t wait to wear his cap and gown and move his tassel. Even though it’s more of a symbolic idea than anything, Cyrus still loves the idea of it all. In other words, nothing can ruin his good mood. Or so he thought.
That morning, he gets a text from his boyfriend. It’s odd because normally TJ loves sleeping in late, so seeing a message from him at such an early time is peculiar. Cyrus doesn’t think much of it, though, and simply checks to see what he sent.
TJ: meet me at the swings in twenty?
Cyrus: see you there x
The swings. They’ve been through a lot of good times and bad there. Cyrus hates to think that this summer will be one of the last times they’ll probably swing on them together. He smiles, thinking that TJ invited him there for a celebratory swing, maybe a few underdogs.
When he arrives, though, and sees TJ swinging slowly with a drooped head, he realizes that’s not the case.
“TJ?” Cyrus asks tentatively. “Are you ok?”
He goes to sit on the swing beside TJ, but TJ puts up a hand to stop him.
“Don’t,” He whispers. “This won’t take long.”
“What’s going on?”
TJ sighs, standing up himself. “We need to break up.”
Cyrus’s heart stops in his chest. He blinks, trying to process the words he never thought he’d hear come out of TJ’s mouth.
“We need to break up,” TJ repeats insistently.
Cyrus shakes his head. “Why?”
“You’re going to college across the country. Did you really expect this to last?”
Tears begin to sting his eyes. Although the tone of his voice doesn’t sound hurtful, the words cut painfully deep. Did you really expect this to last? Did TJ not expect it to?
“Yes,” Cyrus answers honestly. “I did. I know it will be hard, but we can do long distance—”
TJ interrupts him. “No, Cyrus, I can’t. We can’t. I’m sorry.”
At this point, tears flow freely down Cyrus’s face. TJ appears impassive, which just hurts Cyrus even more.
“Wow, great to know that you didn’t expect this to last,” Cyrus scoffs, anger getting the better of him. “I’m so happy to know that you thought this was just a casually, high school fling that wouldn’t amount to anything. Do I really mean that little to you?”
TJ’s face morphs, “Underdog—”
“No! You don’t get to call me that. I guess it’s for the better that we’re breaking up. Goodbye, TJ.”
He doesn’t look back.
At graduation the next day, TJ isn’t there. Andi and Buffy ask him what happened, but Cyrus can’t find it in his heart to go through all the details of the situation, about how badly TJ hurt him. So, he just tells them the gist of it.
“TJ and I broke up.”
And that’s it. Buffy and Andi try to prod more information out of him at first, but after realizing how upset Cyrus is, they leave it be. Instead, they pull him into a big group hug which makes Cyrus feel at a little bit happier for the time being.
That summer goes by fast. Cyrus doesn’t see TJ once, but he does see TJ’s mother in town. She asks him how he’s doing and what his plans for college are. He answers them happily, as TJ’s mother has always been caring and sweet toward him. He has a feeling she doesn’t know they broke up.
“How are you?” He asks politely.
“Oh you know, it’s odd not having TJ around all the time,” She replies. “I’m happy he got such a good opportunity to start college early, but at the same time I’m sad he wasn’t around for the summer. I’m sure you understand exactly how I feel.”
“Uh, yeah, completely.”
Early college. He hasn’t seen TJ around Shadyside because he’s already gone. TJ didn’t even tell anyone he left. Suddenly, Cyrus feels more insignificant and used than ever before.
Moving in is a great distraction to the anger and sadness that TJ has caused him. His parents fly out with him to help him buy some things and move into his dorm. His roommate seems nice, and Cyrus can even see them becoming friends if Cyrus wasn’t so down in the dumps recently about everything. Despite his bitterness toward TJ, Cyrus also feels excited and happy. He’s going to the school of his dreams. He’s going to study his favorite subjects. It’s all going to be okay.
He talks to Buffy, Andi, and Jonah nearly every week during school. Even Amber calls up every once in a while to chat. He makes a few new friends at his college, but none nearly as close as any of his old ones. Early in the first semester, his classes are going really well. He’s acing lots of the assignments and tests, and overall, he’s happy to be exploring a new city.
Then, he returns for fall break.
Being back to Shadyside for the first time in nearly three months is like a punch to the face. Driving by all of his old spots filled with memories aches more than he thought it would. When he’s home, he hugs all his parents extra tight. When Andi, Amber, and Buffy come up around the same time to visit for their own breaks, his heart aches even more.
Hugging them all is like a breath of fresh air. He never realized how deeply he missed them. They only get a few days together, a few days to catch up on the last three months of their lives. Buffy, Andi, and Amber are at least close enough to each other to visit every so often. Meanwhile, Cyrus is living a completely separate life. He feels so disconnected from his old friends, family, and home. He wonders if it will always be like this. How much worse will it get?
When Cyrus gets back from fall break to finish up the second half of his semester, things go downhill drastically. He finds himself unable to focus on classes like he’s supposed to. He and his friends at Columbia drift apart with the constant studying. Cyrus constantly thinks about his friends and family. He talks to them on the phone less and less, too, which doesn’t help. Soon, everyday that Cyrus spends at the college feels like torture. His mood continues to drop along with his grades.
Along with all of this happening, Cyrus keeps thinking of TJ. How could he not think of the boy who was a huge part of his life for about five years? At night sometimes, when he’s lonely and wide awake in his uncomfortable dorm bed, he wishes that TJ were beside him, arm draped around his stomach and legs twisted together. Cyrus doesn’t understand. He should hate TJ after what he did to him. He should resent him. But by now, all of those feelings have faded into sadness and longing.
By the time finals come around, he’s a wreck. He can barely even muster up the energy to do his assignments much less study for finals. He wakes up from nightmares all the time, or just can’t sleep at all. He even starts having panic attacks on the worst days.
When he returns for winter break, the first thing he does when he sees his parents is collapse and cry into their arms.
It’s a cold, snowy day. Cyrus swings back and forth on the familiar swing set that he’s come to loathe. He’s come out here to cool off, literally and figuratively. Although he adores his parents, the constant questioning about his mental state soon became too much to handle after a few days. So, this morning, Cyrus snuck out. For some reason, he automatically heads to the swings. When he first comes upon the swings, he nearly turns around, but something compels him to sit down on a hard, plastic seat.
“Come here often?”
Cyrus’s breath catches in his throat because no, it can’t be him. This isn’t real, it must be another one of his convoluted nightmares. But the icy snow on his face feels real, as well as the chill of the wind and the brightness of the sky. He turns his head.
“TJ?” he whispers, breath fogging up the air around him.
Sure enough, there he is. For the most part, he looks the same; tall, sharp jawline, ruffled hair, colorful green eyes. But there’s an aura around him that feels different, that radiates maturity and confidence that Cyrus has yet to achieve.
“Hey, underdog,” he whispers back.
Underdog. Cyrus never thought he’d hear that nickname again, especially not coming from TJ’s mouth.
“What are you doing here?” Cyrus asks, almost in a harsh tone. After all, he can’t just forget what TJ did to him, how he made him feel.
“Can I sit?”
Cyrus sighs, nodding. They swing in silence, snow fluttering around them in intricate swirls. Never would Cyrus have thought things would be so awkward between them.
“I heard about what happened with school,” TJ admits.
Cyrus flips his head toward him and hisses out, “What are you talking about?!”
“Buffy’s sort of been sending me a bunch of angry text messages constantly, and in one of them she kinda admitted you were struggling being away from home.”
“She had no right to tell you that!”
“I don’t think she meant to,” TJ promises. “It was just a hint, anyway. But along with that and my parents asking about you all the time…I put it together.”
Cyrus scrapes his feet along the ice harshly. TJ flinches at the noise.
“Why do you care, anyway?”
TJ frowns, “What do you mean?”
The emotions that Cyrus has been holding in for so long suddenly burst out of him like an ocean wave crashing to the shoreline. “You left me after four years! Four years, TJ! And your explanation about college? Bullshit. You didn’t even talk to me about it first! We could have figured something out, but obviously you didn’t care then, so you can’t care now.”
TJ appears stunned at Cyrus’s outburst. Cyrus doesn’t think TJ’s ever seen him that angry before. In fact, Cyrus hasn’t felt so angry before.
“I’ve always cared,” TJ murmurs.
Cyrus scoffs. “Whatever. This is stupid. I’m leaving.”
He goes to get off his swing, but TJ’s gloved hand wraps around his own, causing him to halt his movements.
“Please,” TJ begs, “It’s true. I think about you literally all the time, Cy. I miss you more than anything.”
“Then why did you hurt me so much?” Cyrus cries out, tears dripping down his face.
It feels like a twisted repeat of the end of their senior year. The sense of Deja vu tingles from his head to toes. As they stand in the snow, their hands remain clasped together.
“I didn’t mean to, I promise!” TJ chokes out. “That was one of the worse days of my life. But I knew that if I told you how I really felt about you going to your dream college…you’d hate me forever.”
At this point, tears run down both of their faces.
“I don’t understand.”
TJ steps closer. “I didn’t want you to go, Cyrus! I wanted more than anything to tell you to stay here. But I felt so unbelieve ably guilty for feeling so selfish. This was your dream school, and I couldn’t let my selfishness take that away from you. So I thought the only way I’d be able to handle it would be breaking it off, but now I realize how incredibly stupid that was. No matter what, I can’t stop thinking about you, Cy. No matter how hard I tried, you were always there.”
“Teej,” Cyrus whispers with a sniffle. “Oh my god, TJ…”
“I’m so sorry I hurt you,” TJ sobs. “I hate myself everyday for that. I’m so sorry.”
They collapse into each other’s arms. TJ sobs into Cyrus’s shoulder, while Cyrus strokes his wet hair and cries silently. Being back in TJ’s embrace feels just like he remembers it; a warmth in the cold of the winter, a promise of comfort and security.
“It’s true,” Cyrus says softly into TJ’s ear. “I hate it at my school. I’m so anxious all the time. I’m failing almost all my classes. I’m a complete wreck. I feel like a huge baby. People do this all the time, move far away from home for college, but I couldn’t.”
“You’re not a coward, Cyrus. You were being brave trying something new.”
“But I couldn’t handle it! I feel like I failed,” Cyrus admits, pulling away.
TJ looks him in the eyes. “You didn’t fail. You just found out what doesn’t work for you. You’ll find your way again, I’m sure of it.”
Then, with the gentlest of touches, TJ reaches up to wipe a stray tear from Cyrus’s cold, rosy cheeks.
“I missed you,” Cyrus says again. “I missed you, I missed you, I missed you!”
They meet in a passionate kiss, pouring all their love and affection into it. Kissing TJ again feels like a reignited fire, a joyous song playing on repeat, fireworks exploding across the sky. In that moment, Cyrus knows that he’ll never love anyone like he loves TJ, and he needs TJ to know that.
So, when they pull apart panting for air, Cyrus’s hands cupping TJ’s cheeks, Cyrus hums out, “I love you Thelonious Jagger.”
TJ laughs before leaning in and kissing him again briefly but assertively.
“I love you endlessly, Cyrus Goodman.”
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pbandjesse · 5 years
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I'm really tired. Everyone was very surprised I came to work today was how badly injured I am. Honestly I probably could have stayed home but it's not like I didn't have a good time at work. It was a really good day. I am tired.
I slept good last night. I woke up once but I wasn't as freaked out and sleeping with the eye mask on definitely helps. I got up with my alarm at 7:30 and got dressed and felt very cute. I love my outfit today. It was only like 75 degrees out so I actually could wear sleeves and that was nice. It also helped protect my arm a little bit. The one. My elbow is pretty raw. And it hurts to bend and pick up stuff but we survived.
I had waffles for breakfast and then I headed to work. Kenneth set up tables and I unfold a chair since I couldn't pick anything up really. Honestly doing the chairs kind of hurt my arm but I was okay. The Cannery was fun but we had a big stressful moment because the person who was supposed to be doing the printmaking was an hour late. So nothing was set up and we didn't realize until right as the kids were getting there and I really shouldn't have moving to process so I had to do my best but then I got upset because I was in pain and I yelled down and somebody had to come up and do it because I was just so frustrated.
The Cannery went good. The kids were really sweet. And I stumble on my words a few times during The Company Store but mostly it was very good.
I got a half hour break. I eat my rice and chilled. And then I gave my door. There was a little bit of a problem because we ran into the neighborhood tour but it all worked out. Again I had some trouble talking because are being distracted and being in pain but at the end of the parent on my tour said that she liked it a lot and then I did a really great job and she just kept telling me how nice it was. I love giving Forest there. Just good because I have two in a row tomorrow.
I left there at 12:30 and just missed the bus as I was coming up the hill. A sweet old man was sitting on the bench and he told me he was mostly blind and asked if I could tell him when the 80 bus came. And I said of course and we talked about how nice the weather was and then his bus came. And thankfully mine came just a couple minutes after. I was texting chelsi that would be late and she told me I shouldn't even come because she was worried about me. But honestly I wanted to go see the school nurse. I don't know when you need to go to the doctor. I feel like no one ever taught me that and I just feel like I'm bothering people or it's a waste of time. When I was a kid we never went to the doctor unless we were dying. My dad didn't go until after he was done having shingles. I don't have good references for this. So I got to school and I went to the school nurse and she told me that it looks bad but it's going to keep spreading. But the blood vessels are going to spread out and then lighten. She said if it gets really bad in the next couple days like it swells up or I get a hard knot somewhere else on my leg that I should be concerned and then go to the doctor. But she said that it doesn't look that bad All Things Considered. She said it looks bad. And everyone else agreed. Because all day and that's all I had to hear. I told the story what happened like 75 times today. But I was good.
I picked up the kids and I got lots of hugs which is really what I wanted today. I was talking to Marcus and joking about that. Everyone kept saying that they would have stayed home if they were made but for real what was I going to do. Lay here and be sad. I'd rather be at work and be safe. We spend the kids will come and give me hugs and that's always nice.
We made mosaics today. Every day this week, which is just tomorrow and Wednesday, will introduce a different project that the kids have requested. So it was nice to be able to kind of come together and have options and tomorrow add more options to the board of what they can make and it's just going to be good.
We had a nice time at recess and dinner was fine. There was some conflict with one of the staff members because she thought we were taking up too many tables and kept trying to tell her this is where we always sit and she disagreed with us and I just didn't even get into it with her I'd let Chelsea handle it. I just couldn't deal with that today.
But art was really fun and I was very proud of the kids. And it was a fairly quick day. At the end of the day I ended up staying behind because one of my students parents was just really concerned. She was really worried about how they're communication is with her daughter and she doesn't know what to do. Apparently they live in a neighborhood where the girl can sleep through anything until there's gunshots. And then she freaks out and can't sleep. I don't blame her. But she doesn't feel like they can talk to each other. So I suggested they do a mommy and me Journal where they can talk to each other through that. Where it's a judgement free zone and they can get things out. Maybe it'll help. I felt really bad and I wish there was something I could have done more for them. I really like the girl. But I understand where mother is coming from and it's really hard. For everybody.
When I got outside I had to run for the bus. But he didn't make me pay for it so that was cool. And then I got back to my bike and went up to James's place.
He made me a pizza bagel. And we hung out until all of the D&D people got there. First time in almost three months! It's been too long since I've seen all of them. But it was nice to be around other people for a bit. I got to try fancy Japanese Kit Kats because one of them had just gotten back from Japan. It was really fun.
As their game got started though I headed out. Said goodbye to everyone. Tentatively told Jordan that we may still be able to go to his birthday. But I'm not sure if we're going back to Philly for Father's Day and now so who knows what's going on there. And then I came back home.
Where I became crazy angry because again the new people next door locked the back gate. So I couldn't get into my Ally. So I couldn't get into my apartment. I had to go all the way around the block to the front drag my bike in through the door where it does not fit. And go back into my apartment. I went outside and I kicked the fuck out of that gate. I broke that lock right off which is what I told them I was going to do. I gave them a warning that if they locked me out of my apartment again I would remove the lock and I was serious. If they do it again I will remove the door. I cannot wait to not live in this apartment anymore because those people next door have ruined it for me. Besides any issue I had in this apartment as soon as they moved and they have made everything around here miserable. They put trash in the alleyway they let their dog shit everywhere and they lock me out of the place I live. They do not own that public shared space. And it is ridiculous that I have to continue to ask not to be locked out. I told them to put on a type of gate where you can open it from both sides they didn't listen. I had my dad fix the gate so that it would stay closed when that broke I fixed it. And then when it broke again their maintenance people fixed it and out of the second one that broke her most immediately. The spring is still whole and that should be good enough. If it is not you guys can then put on a different piece I am not fixing it again. It is so crazy to me that they think that they can lock that gate when I live here. They know they're not the only ones that can get through that gate and it is insanity. I will not put up with it anymore.
But after I did that I calm down. They will not lock me out again so there's that. So I felt better. I brought Sweet Pea inside and I went and took a shower. My new dress came that I got on eBay it fits me great and I feel super cute in it. And basically the rest of my day has been great. I'm very sleepy. I'm going to go have a snack and then I'm going to brush my teeth and go to bed. I have double doors tomorrow and then teaching at the school. I think it's going to be an excellent day. James has his second interview and I'm very excited for him. I hate that it's on the phone for him because that sounds horrible but I hope that it goes well. He's such a good boy and he deserves to get this job. And I hope you all have a great night tonight. Sleep well everyone. Be safe out there.
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alexiela73 · 7 years
So this is a sad one ... What would Mercy do if she heard her fem!so, who's temporarily far away because of work, suddenly crying while they're talking on the phone? Her usually tough lover, now sounding desperate, telling her that she misses her :3 ?
The phone rang and instantly your heart jumped with joy. You’d be lying if you said you hadn’t been sitting by the phone, glancing at it repeatedly while trying to work on some of your papers for work. It had seemed like a good idea to try finishing up the papers, yet you hadn’t finished a single one. 
It wasn’t your fault you were so eager to talk to your long-time lover, Angela Ziegler. She was a successful medic who worked for a organization called Overwatch, who worked on saving lives. The story behind the organization is a bit messy, but you know it is important to your girlfriend.
It was lonely without her though, and you missed the warmth of her body to snuggle into at night or how she would give you a soft kiss of welcome every time you had come home from work. To put it simply, you just wished she would come home...and yet...you couldn’t ask.
Nor were you willing to stress her out by asking and letting her know how you felt. It would upset her, because Mercy would feel like she has to choose between the two. And that would break her heart...
Picking up the phone, you beamed. “Hi!” you said happily, the two of you always calling on certain days at certain times. Times the both of you figured would be safe and not be bothered by missions or your work.
“Y/n!” Angela’s voice sounded full of relief. “Oh, how I’ve missed you. How are you feeling? Is work okay?”
Unable to help how your smile softened, you cradled the phone to your ear and rested your chin in your other hand. “I’m doing fine, Angela. And work is okay. How are you, love? Are you safe?” you asked gently, unable to help the worry you feel every day knowing she was off in battle.
“Yes, I’m safe. Do not worry, I stay behind the shields usually with Reinhardt. The team is doing very well,” Angela said, and you could tell she sounded exhausted. It had to be a lot of work, helping a bunch of people who seemed drawn to danger and injury.
For a moment, you chewed on your lip. There was a question you’d had, but you were afraid it would give way to the emotion you tried to hide. “Hey...Angie...I....I was wondering...” you started, but faltered.
“Yes?” Angela probed, immediately curious as to what you could be asking her. In a way though, she had been expecting it. After all, your patience with this situation was incredible.
“When...When are you coming home?” you asked softly. 
You felt a pang in your heart at the question. She’d been gone almost four months now, busy taking care of those working alongside her to make the world a better place. That made you incredibly proud, and yet...you couldn’t help missing her....
Surely, at least, she would be coming back soon though, you thought. They won’t keep her there forever...you just couldn’t ask though. You couldn’t ask her to come back.
There was silence for a moment, before Mercy let out a soft sigh. “I...I don’t know, love. I am hoping I can come home soon, even for a little while. Unfortunately, Talon doesn’t take holidays...” she says quietly, feeling guilty for knowing that the answer must hurt, even to a degree.
After a moment you swallowed hard. “Oh...ya. That's....that's true,” you said, and you ignored the tightness in your throat. “You’re right. I’m sorry, I just thought maybe...”
Angela’s heart ached when she heard your voice, and she could tell you were on the verge of crying. You hadn’t even realized how hard you were fighting the unshed tears, and yet all you wished was that you could hold her....
“Y/n...” Mercy said softly but you cut her off.
“I miss you, Angie,” you whispered, closing your eyes tightly as you held the phone. “I miss you...so much. It’s so lonely without you...”
Clutching the phone tightly, Angela held the phone and closed her eyes too, imagining standing there in the kitchen with you, giggling and kissing over a glass of champagne. She could imagine you wearing your silk pajama bottoms and your cookie monster shirt, because that's all you liked to sleep in.
And she knew, she missed you just as much.
“I know, baby. I’m lonely without you too,” Angela said, voice hushed and she took a deep breath. “I think of you every time I wake up and every time I go to sleep, and most of in between. Trust me, sweetie. I miss you too...I just...”
Sniffling, you cursed yourself for allowing her to know how you felt in a time like this. “I’m sorry. I know you can’t leave and I’d never ask you too....I just..I wish I could hold you....” your voice choked on a sob.
Tears formed in Mercy’s eyes and she bit her lip hard, knowing it hurt you both to be separated like this. She wished so badly that things could be different, but...
“I’m going to go talk to Winston, okay baby? Maybe I can get a week off, even. I’m sure Ana can take care of any injuries for a week,” Mercy said softly. “If they need me then they can call me...I’ll call you back in a hour, okay honey?”
Covering your mouth with your hand, you managed to stifle the noises you made as you cried. You hadn’t expected to cry on this call, nor had you any signs at the beginning of it. But every little feeling of loneliness had been building up to this and it was about time it was out there...
“Okay,” you managed. “I love you, baby. Even if you can’t...I love you so much.”
“I know, y/n. I love you too, with all of my heart,” Angela said softly, before hanging up the phone carefully. Immediately she sent a text to Winston saying she was on her way to have a word with him.
You cried at the table, and let it all out. All of your sadness and regret and misery and longing. In the end though, you knew it would be okay. Even if you couldn’t see her for another year, Angela was yours and in the end, you knew you’d be reunited.
It would be okay.
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