#worth mentioning that once i do the rest of the batfam playlists i have planned this song is probably gonna show up even more lol
in other news, Last Hope by Paramore is on all three of my Batboys playlists that I currently have
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It All Started With A Break
AO3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/31840603
Okay, so I have fallen down the rabbit hole known as MariBat and I just can't stop all the ideas I have because of this and decided that enough is enough and I am doing it.
This is my very first fanfic - or any fic actually - but I hope you guys like it and be WARNED that some of you may find some part of this story that's similar with another and that may've been because I really liked the idea when I read it and wanna have a kinda similar thing here and the same goes with some trope of this fanfic in the future, but I'll do my best to keep it unique. I am also new to the DCU, but I'm doing research and planning to binge watch stuff and if you could please help this poor soul find a way to navigate and somehow get an idea on how that universe work (especially abt the batfam), I'll be forever grateful to thy savior.
This fic is canon until S4 Ep 1&2 (Truth & Lie) of MLU and as for the rest, I'll let you guys know.
So yeah, that's all. Enjoy and hope you guys like it. (。•̀ᴗ-)✧
P.S. Sorry I kinda ranted, this is my first time actually posting smth so bear with me people
It’s been four years ever since Hawkmoth, who now goes by the name Shadow Moth, began his reign of terror in Paris. Four years worth of akumas that have brought pain and suffering. Four years of no rest in controlling their emotions, afraid of what may come if they were controlled.
After four long years, the Miraculous Team can finally see a ray of light. Everything they have sacrificed for that one goal they all share is finally going to be repaid… Not.
Locating Hawkmoth was easier said than done, and the frustration is finally getting to them. With that, it was decided that they need a break from their hero lives — ok, maybe not. After all, Shadow Moth is proving himself to be a workaholic (like dude, don’t you have anything better to do than destroy everyone’s schedule?) — but anyways, it was clear. THEY. NEED. A. BREAK. Away from Paris. Away from Hawkmoth. Away from the frickin akumas.
So yeah, that’s how it was decided (more like forced) that they are going to America to relax, let loose, and have some fun. After all, who knows, maybe a break is all they need to get things to start getting better — or worse.
“Alright. So, we are going to take a break—”
“For two months.”
“For two months. And because it’s supposed to be a break, that means—”
“No thinking of anything Moth related.”
“No thinking of anything Moth rela— Moth related?”
“You know, Hawkmoth, Red Moth, Shadow Moth, those Moths.”
“Right. Moths. Aside from Moths, it also means—’
“No thinking of akumas.”
“No thinking of akumas. For this entire break, we’re not going to think about—”
“Anything Miraculous related.”
“Anything Miraculous related. Alya, do you really need to do that every time I’m about to say it?”
“It’s because she knows you. We know you. It’s ridiculous, utterly ridiculous, how you always promise not to worry about something, especially anything Miraculous related, just to break it the moment anything related to it comes up. So, yes. She needs to say it and repeat it as much as possible for it to go through that head of yours.”
“Guys, I swear, I’m really going to follow through with this plan. I did agree that we need to unwind ourselves since we’re getting way too stressed and that won’t help us focus on our job.”
“Only after we bugged you about it. Get it? Bugged. Pfft—”
“Hey! Puns are my thing. And you shouldn’t be saying it like that. You’re making it ape-solutely obvious and that makes it not punny anymore”
“Dude, do you really have to do that? That’s so not paw-some. Pfft—”
“All puns aside, it is true that we had to convince you, Mari-hime, to agree on taking a break. Although I rarely take a break from fencing, my Mother and I are aware of the importance of having one and may I also remind you that you were the one who taught us that.”
“And that’s why I told you guys to go have one.”
“But you plus the kitty are the ones who need it the most. Remember what future-me said? About you two always leading us and how she— or rather I am the last one called upon? That means you guys are always gonna work while the rest of us may or may not be needed in some fights.”
“There is a 97.6% probability of you two showing up in fights.”
“Because we have to. It’s our responsibility as the one leading our team.”
“M’lady’s right. Besides, there were only the two of us in the beginning and with all the akumas, we just got used to it.”
“But that doesn’t mean you don’t need to rest. The music I’m hearing from both of you is filled with the stress you guys have and it doesn’t sound nice. Maybe you two unwinding will help make it more beautiful and even more powerful than before.”
“Fine. We’re all taking a break—”
“Especially you and Adrien.”
“Especially Adrien and I, for a month. Now, does anyone have any ideas on how we're gonna do that?”
“Ooh! Me, me! I have a competition coming up this summer break so I can’t really go anywhere too far since I have some training to do.”
“I’m sticking with the ape. Gotta keep an eye on him if I don’t want him messing up with the timeline. Plus, it’ll be pretty fun beating him up every time he asks for a challenge.”
“The same goes for me. Someone has to make sure the correct time is recorded with not a single millisecond of it missed. Kwami knows how many times he messes it up whenever he does the recording himself.”
“Okay. So Kim, Alix, and Max will be staying in Paris. Are you guys sure that you’ll be able to take a break even if you’re in the city?”
“Yeah, we're fine. And I am totally beating you next time, little bunny.”
“Whatever. There’s nothing wrong with dreaming, y’know.”
“Anything else?”
“Oh, I have an internship in America this coming summer. The one at the Daily Planet. I just got the email and I was finally given an invite!”
“Really? Cool! Told you you’ll get it, babe!”
“Yeah! That’s really awesome, Alya! So I’m assuming you'll be accepting that?”
“You got it, girl! I mean, this is the Daily Planet we’re talkin’ about. I’ll learn so much about writing and journalism there, I’ve just got to take it.”
“So Alya’s going to America. Anyone else with plans outside of the country?”
“There will be an upcoming world-class fencing competition this summer and Mother and I have discussed my participation in it. It will be held in the States as well, specifically Gotham, two weeks before the end of the summer break. Maybe you should participate in it as well, Adrien. That way, you’ll have an excuse for your father to leave the country. I’m sure Mother will be happy to convince him as well to let you participate in it. That way, at the very least, I’ll have someone I know who’ll be an actual challenge.”
“Really? That actually sounds great! I’m sure Father would agree if your mother’s the one who suggested it. Thanks Kagami!”
“Okay. Kagami and hopefully Adrien will have a fencing competition in America too.”
“My Dad is having a tour in America right now. He’ll be having the last one at Metropolis during the summer break. He actually wants me to go with him, but I declined. It’ll be great if we all could go there and see it.”
“Dude, that’s so cool! Maybe you’ll even get to perform with your dad on stage. You did make that song with him that reached the record chart’s top. I’ve even made a playlist based on it.”
“Okay then, that makes Alya, Kagami, Adrien, and Luka going to the States. Chloe, do you also have plans to go there this summer? Maman said your mother was thinking of inviting you to be one of the models in an upcoming fashion show there.”
“She did mention something like that, but I wasn’t really paying attention to details once I found out that it’ll be outside of Paris. I’ll discuss it with her again then I can have my much needed vacation in the States.”
“So now that makes five of you going to America. Nino?”
“Well, I don’t really have any plans this summer. Just chill out and relax, y’know, make some playlist, listen to some music.”
“Ooh! How about you come with us, babe? That’ll be so cool and not all of us will be doing something most of the time while we’re there. You can just chill and relax there and maybe you could even study the kind of music they listen to and make a playlist out of it.”
“I would love to go, but I don’t think I really got the money for it. ‘Sides, my parents might not allow me to go out of the country.”
“You’re already 18 and if your parents ever say no, just tell them that you want to really relax, without keeping your emotions in check and have the freedom to let it out. I’m sure they’ll understand and unlike my Father, they actually listen to you.”
“As for the money, I have some savings and if you want I can lend you some-”
“Lend. I’m not just giving it to you. You will have to pay me back, alright? And if you try to say no again, I’m going to insist that you don’t pay me anymore.”
“You sure? You're the best! Thanks, Minette.”
“No problem. So now that makes six of them—”
“Seven. We’re including you.”
“Me? But Alya, I already got plans this summer.”
“Plans? What plans?”
“I was planning on working on my commissions this summer an— Guys, can you all stop rolling your eyes on me and no, Chloe. I don’t need you doing it again.”
“Girl! We all agreed that we’re going to take a break this summer. How does doing your commissions sound like a break to you?”
“You all got your own thing to do this summer and mine just happens to be those. Also, the break was for anything Miraculous related. My commissions don't exactly fall under that.”
“Nope. We actually all agreed that for you, commissions should be added to the list of things you get to take a break from.”
“Adrien! I thought you’re supposed to be my partner? So much for the two of us against the world.”
“He is still your partner alright. But also, as someone who truly cares about you, he decided that you really needed a break. And besides girl, this could be your chance!”
“Chance? What chance?”
“Your pen pal! Doesn’t he live in Gotham? You could go and finally meet him. Who knows? Maybe something might happen.”
“Ooh, he’s from there? That’s awesome! You should totally go meet him. Maybe you could even go on a date or two-”
“A date?! Kim, he’s just a frie-”
“You stop right there, Dupain-Cheng! It’s ridiculous, utterly ridiculous! All of us already had enough with Adrikins always calling you ‘just a friend’ when it’s pretty obvious how totally untrue that statement was. We don’t need you ending up just like him, thank you very much.”
“But he really is-”
“Yeah right. If he really is just a friend, then why do you guys stay up all night talking to each other? You always immediately check your phone whenever a notif comes up and you smile like a love-sick fool whenever you read his messages for you. And don’t get me started on the way you gush about him non-stop.”
“There is something beautiful in your music whenever you talk or even think about him.”
“Your smiles are much brighter compared to before the two of you got to know each other.”
“Markov and I also have a record of your heartbeat and we have observed your heart beating faster whenever we talk about this certain topic.”
“And it's been more than a year since you two have become pen pals. The two of you are now so close that it’s a wonder why you guys still haven’t video-called each other just because you insist for your first time seeing each other to be in person.”
“I think it’s rather romantic. They’ll look into each other’s eyes for the first time then BAM! They’re finally together. But I still plan on giving him a shovel talk the first chance I get. Can’t have him break my twin’s heart without him knowing I have the god of destruction on my side.”
“What do you mean shovel talk- I mean, what even gives you the idea that he thinks of me that way for you guys to assume that we’ll end up in… in that kind of relationship?”
“He’d be an idiot if he still hasn’t fallen in love with you.”
“Literally almost everyone I know had a crush on you or have you forgotten already that my boyfriend’s one of those people?”
“I know for a fact that that’s true since I’ve already admitted that one of my reasons why I began bullying you back then was because I had a crush on you.”
“I must admit, I think I also had the same feeling towards you at the beginning of our friendship until I really got to know Luka and you helped us get together.”
“Oh! There’s also that. Do you actually know just how many people you’ve helped get together, buginette? Alya’s even written an article about it at the Ladyblog of how you are also known as Paris’s own cupid and how all of the couples you’ve paired ended up living a happy life together.”
“Everyone’s been saying how Ladybug’s the next best person they can go to if they ever want to find love after Andre.”
“And yet every time you try to pair yourself with someone, the magic just doesn’t seem to work.”
“So we all decided that we’ll be Ladybug’s cupid and pair her up with the boy she just can’t seem to get off of her head.”
“Now, you coming or what? I won’t be taking the money you’ll be lending me if you say no. I’m only going with these dudes if you also come or else I’ll just end up getting bored when there’s no one who can go around the city with me.”
“Fine. You guys win—”
“So here’s the final plan for the break. Kim, Alix, and Max will be staying in Paris for Kim’s competition, while the rest of us will be going to America doing our own stuff—”
“With you finally meeting your pen pal.”
“Yes. Alright. I’ll go and meet my pen pal. And during the break, no thinking about anything miraculous related. If ever there’s an akuma, only those who’ll be needed will go. Max will bring us to the akuma’s location and if there is anything going on that we can’t be excused of or if the fight goes longer than expected, Alix will bring us back in time making it look like we just went to the toilets, the usuals. Any questions?”
“Good. Operation: Taking a Break is good to go.”
Yay! Finally got to post it. So comments? What do you guys think and who do you think who is saying what? I know there will be new holders in S4, but I decided I’ll either make them a temp or they still don’t know the other’s identities bc of stuff, so yeah. Still thinking abt it. Adios (。•̀ᴗ-)✧
AO3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/31840603
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