#would eating horse out in the west US count even if they went extinct there 12k years ago??
housecow · 4 months
Would you want to travel sometime in the future? Not just the US, but the world in general? Europe for instance.
yes!! i actually have a trip to italy set up for next year :)) idk about much more than that, grad school will be a massive time commitment but… i will get to do some traveling due to the nature of the program, sooo 🥳
i’d love to visit germany, too!! so many cool fossils, i very much want to see the solnhofen limestone and the associated museums—where the first beautifully preserved archaeopteryx was found!!!
also, as a personal goal. i wanna go to mongolia…… i am a huge fan of wide open space and i want to eat horse in their native habitat
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greenofallshades · 7 years
I saved this for when I had the time because I liked the questions, and because it was sent by a friend, @rapid-apathy.  So I had a long rainy weekend and was able to do it.  I’ve been holding onto it forever.  You’re supposed to answer the questions you like, delete the ones you don’t, and add your own to make 100.  I didn’t bullet mine but this is close to 100 either way, I guess.
So here’s a little tell-all, if anyone wants to know.  I’m tagging some unsuspecting souls so you guys can shake your fists at me and say well, fuck, it’s Monday, so naturally.   (Seriously, no one feel obligated to do it..pretending you never got tagged is perfectly fine, lol). 
@simcoedefensesquad, @abewoodhullturncoat, @cupric-solution, @enouementonism, @thesnakeinthegarden, @zaggyswag,  @080939, @teagrounebulous, @dolfinsatdawn, @west-coast-happiness
The meaning behind my url:  greenofallshades, Green is my favorite color and adding the last part made it sound vaguely...interesting, or something.
A picture of me: will post one soon.
How many tattoos i have and what they are:  none
Last time i cried and why: During the TURN finale, lol, but does that count?  Before that, a fight with my husband.
Favorite band:  Impossible to pick one, just cannot.  Also I’m one of those people who when you ask me to pick my favorite something I freeze and can think of nothing.
Biggest turn offs:  Pretentiousness, number one by far.  Also people who drop hints instead of asking for something, game-playing instead of being direct, and braggarts.
Top 5 (insert subject): Top five cookies!  Girl Scout Thin Mint, soft baked chocolate chip, M&M cookies, Nutter Butters, and Oreos.  
Tattoos i want: *shrug* none
Biggest turn ons: strong arms, hairy chest
 Age: old lady by Tumblr kid standards, I guess
Ideas of a perfect date: Sitting in front of a fire in an empty tavern with a 6'3" ginger Queen's Ranger, drinking to the point that I'm not drunk but feel good, and he gets loose and starts telling me stuff no one else knows, then getting on his horse with him (me in front, being held securely by him) and riding out to a secluded cabin in the woods only he knows about, where we spend the night having wild sex and getting as loud as we want.
Life goal: Not to have any huge regrets on my deathbed when it comes to people in my life.
Piercings i want: none
Relationship status: married
Favorite movie: Can't pick one but I love Bram Stoker's Dracula, Pulp Fiction, Gladiator, Goodfellas, Thirty Days of Night.  Not into chick flicks very much.  Also a couple of old movies---Rebecca (a total mind fuck) and Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf?, which I STRONGLY rec.  It's a middle-aged married couple who have company over and spend the night drinking and cursing and tearing each other apart with complete viciousness. 
 A fact about my life:  I'm boring but okay with it
Phobia:  Any and all bugs, especially flying ones.  I wish I could make all of them extinct, including butterflies.
.Height: 5'5"
Are you a virgin?   A what?  
What is your shoe size?  8
What’s your sexual orientation?  straight
Do you smoke, drink, or take any drugs?   Wine sometimes....red.  Used to like white, can’t stand it now, and beer makes my throat close up
Someone you miss: My parents...they had me very late in life and they're gone now.
What’s one thing you regret?  Not being a better daughter
First celebrity you think of when someone says attractive:  Samuel Roukin, are you shocked?
Favorite ice cream?  french vanilla
One insecurity: Body image.  I had an eating disorder when I was a teenager and body issues will stay with me until I die.
What my last text message says:  From me---I might answer late because we’re doing late dinner.  To me---How does she afford it
Have you ever taken a picture naked? Taken one, no---taken one OF somebody, yes
Have you ever kissed a member of the same sex?  No
Have you ever slept naked?   Yes
Have you ever stole money from a friend?  No
Have you ever gotten in a car with people you just met?  Yes
Have you ever been in a fist fight?  No
Have you ever had feelings for someone who didn’t have them back?  Yeah, I think everybody has
Have you ever been arrested?  No
Have you ever made out with a stranger?  Yes 
Have you ever laid on your back and watched cloud shapes go by?  Yes
Have you ever been lonely?  Yes
Have you ever been to a club?  Clubbing and dancing, so much fun
 Have you ever felt an earthquake?  Yes, in Virginia it's a rare thing and I thought Jesus was coming back.
Have you ever touched a snake?  I've held snakes...they're adorable.
Have you ever ran a red light?  Yes, and it was stupid as hell because my husband witnessed a horrible accident when someone ran a red.  A man was ejected out of his car into the air came down, and hit the pavement, dead.  DON'T RUN RED LIGHTS
Have you ever been in a car accident?   Yes
 Have you ever cried yourself to sleep?  Pretty sure I have
Have you ever sang karaoke?  No and never will for the mercy of the world
Have you ever done something you told yourself you wouldn’t?   Oh yeah...for example today I told myself I wouldn't touch the box of Cheezits in the pantry.
Have you ever laughed until something you were drinking came out your nose?  No, but I've laughed so hard I retched
Have you ever slept with someone at least 5 years older or younger?   Yes
Have you ever dream that you married someone?   Yes and I woke up and it was true.
Have you ever got your tongue stuck to a flag pole?  No, but points for a question that made me shudder.
Have you ever ever gone to school partially naked?  *side eye glance*
Have you ever brushed your teeth?   *second side eye glance*  I hope to hell
Have you ever ever too scared to watch scary movies alone?  Yes....I cannot watch Thirty Days of Night alone, even it's daytime
Have you ever been pushed into a pool with all your clothes on?  No, and it's a good thing, because you don't push a woman who has naturally curly hair into the water or your ass is going to have consequences.
Have you ever been told you’re hot by a complete stranger?  Yes
Have you ever broken a bone?  Just a toe
Have you ever been easily amused?  Lol, every damn day...wouldn't have it any other way.
Have you ever laughed so hard you cried?  Many times
Have you ever mooned/flashed someone?  No
Have you ever forgotten someone’s name?   Yes, embarrassing
Have you ever give us one thing about you that no one knows   I never have and I am not going to have creeps following this blog, lol.
What was your last dream?   I dreamed Samuel Roukin played a biker in black leather.  Are you seeing the trend here?
Would you be up for interplanetary travel if it was a thing?  Hard pass...I will stay safe on my couch with my fleece throw.
If you could travel back in time, where would you go?  Omg.  Again, can’t pick but I’m leaving this question up because it’s a good one.  
Do you prefer tech or real books for reading?   I like both, but prefer books
Do you dread doctor visits or do they not bother you?   They make me anxious
Favorite fashion decade of the twentieth century?  1940s
Are you wearing nail polish and if so, what color?   Manicure, Essie Watermelon; pedicure, OPI I Vant To Bite Your Neck
 Are you into working out or no?  I've always worked out, but I'm so burned out now
Do you have a temper?   Yes
Do you have one item you treat yosef with, and if so, what is it?   Josie Maran whipped argan oil
Do you eat meat?  Yes I am a happy carnivore
If yes, how do you like it cooked?  Well done and y'all can drag me for that all you want
Ever had a boss or a teacher you absolutely hated?  Oh yeah....a bitch boss who loved making lives miserable.  She snatched my engagement ring and hid it for a day so I would think I'd lost it, then gave it back at the end of the day and laughed. I was frantic.  I wish I could have a do-over with that bitch.
Coffee, tea, or hot chocolate?  Coffee
Do you wear makeup?  Yes
If you wear perfume, what's your scent type/favorite fragrance?  I like fresh/clean scents...love Versace VersenseScented 
Do you have a girl crush?  Yes
Candles, wax melts, or incense?  Wax melts....I have a shameful amount of those bitches.  Walmart, $2, too cheap to pass up.
Favorite season of the year?  Fall, fall, fall, then winter
Fanfic---do you prefer smut or fluff?   Smut, but well-written fluff about the right character (GUESS WHO) is good too
Do you like taking selfies?  Why or why not?   I hate it.  Old body image issues, not photogenic, etc.
Do you want children?   We can't, but we'll be okay.
Do you prefer lots of friends or just a few good friends?  Just a few, not interested in crowds of pseudo-friends
Introvert or extrovert, or mixture of both?  Mixture...can and do initiate conversation with strangers but I'm an only child and I need solitude to be sane
Ocean/beach or mountains?  Ocean, if it's cold, cloudy, and the water is wild and gray.  Otherwise mountains.
Morning person or night person?  Morning...first cup of coffee makes me annoyingly wired.
Do you initiate conversations with strangers?  Yes
Milk or dark chocolate?  Dark
What do you post on your blog?   Mostly Simcoe stuff, other TURN material, with some Walking Dead, Vikings, and The Strain.  Occasionally fashion, quotes, etc.
Is it hard for you to apologize when you're in the wrong?   If I know I've done wrong or hurt someone I have no problem apologizing.  I wouldn't want it to be otherwise.  And if I ever piss off any of y’all, let me know.
Love at first sight?  No.  Like/compatibility that turns into love, yes.
Best/funniest Halloween memory?  A couple, I guess.  The first was a party when my hairstylist friend did my make up and I went as a gypsy.  It was perfect, the hair, the armloads of cheap bangles and the huge earrings, a white peasant shirt with a flowing multicolored skirt, etc. 
 The second is one I was only told about, and it happened years ago, but I laugh when I think about it.   My father-in-law(to be) was home alone and a flood of kids kept coming to the door.  He gave out all the candy, then started throwing in cans of Beanie Weenies, and when they were gone, he started handing out money.  Finally he said to hell with it, turned off the light, and went to bed.
Did your first crush work out or was it unrequited?  Unrequited
Do you like old movies---and by old, I mean OLD old?  Yes, I've even watched a couple of silent movies.  The main thing about old movies that bugs is me the ever-present music.
Do you tan or burn?  Burn---don't care about tanning/lying in the sun with the heat beating down on me.  I like myself pale, anyway.
Do you think people deserve second chances?  Generally yes.  Hard to say no considering how many times I've fucked up.  But child molesters, that kind of thing--hell no.
What animal would be cutest if scaled down to the size of a cat?   A T-Rex
Do you have any weird food likes/dislikes?  I hate cheese, esp. melted. (Ikr?) Also white creamy foods...cream soups, mayonnaise, etc
.What's the funniest real person's name you've ever heard?   Andrew Lincoln is really Andrew Clutterbuck
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