#would it be like. 4th millenium???
The textile industry plays an important role in employment generation and exports. The textile industry is unsustainable as it has a negative impact on the environment. 
It includes various production processes like use of pesticides in cotton growing, pollution related to dyeing and chemical processing of fabric, pollution related during use and disposal of clothing. Fast fashion in the industry have made available low cost trendy clothing , encouraging the consumption of clothing resulting in a significant impact on the environment and society. 
Fast fashion can be defined as cheap, trendy clothing that samples ideas from the catwalk or celebrity culture and turns them into garments in high street stores at breakneck speed to meet consumer demand. The idea is to get the newest styles on the market as fast as possible, so shoppers can snap them up while they are still at the height of their popularity and then, discard them after a few wears. It forms a key part of the toxic system of overproduction and consumption that has made fashion one of the world’s largest polluters. 
The Slow Fashion movement is a unified representation of all the "sustainable", "eco", "green", and "ethical" fashion movements. It encourages education about the garment industry's impact on the environment and depleting resources, slowing of the supply chain to reduce the number of trends & seasons, and improved quality & value to garments while removing the image of disposability of fashion.                               sustainable initiatives in areas like organic cotton farming, natural dying and implementing the eco-friendly dyeing process at various stages from pre-treatment to fabric finishing.
Some brands which are environmentally conscious and sell slow fashion clothing are :
No Nasties
The Summer House 
The Terra Tribe
Let's move on to ETHICAL FASHION; what exactly is it , and how is it different from Sustainable Fashion.
“The general definition of ethical fashion is, “ fashion that aims to reduce the negative impact on people, animals, and the planet. Producing an item of clothing involves design, labour, and materials. Ethical fashion is kind to the planet and people every step of the way, from seed to garment.”
Ethical fashion considers the impact of using materials to make clothing. Linen, cotton, polyester, denim , each fabric has a different impact on the planet and its people, and choosing the material with the lesser environmental impact (organic cotton) is typical of ethical fashion companies.
Ethical fashion is important because the mode of consumption we have become used to is completely unsustainable. The long term effects are absolutely detrimental to the health of the planet and the people on it, and we’re already seeing just how bAccording to The True Cost, the world’s population is consuming 400% more clothing than it was at the start of the millenium, cotton production is responsible for 18% of the world’s pesticide use and 25% of its insecticide use, and the amount of resources used to raise cattle for leather production is dramatically impacting the health of our planet. The production of fast fashion contaminates all forms of water bodies, and “is responsible for producing 20% of global wastewater”; and 97% of fast fashion garments are produced overseas, with emphasis on poor countries (thank you for this info, 7 Billion for 7 Seas).
 These are just a few of the reasons why ethical fashion is important.
How many of us have heard about the terms ; REDUCE , REUSE  and RECYCLE ?
I remember learning about these terms in 4th grade.
Reduce , means to cut back on the amount of trash we generate.
Reuse  ,  means to find new ways to use things that otherwise would have been thrown out.
Recycle  ,  means to turn something old and useless (like plastic milk jugs) into something new and useful (like picnic benches, playground equipment and recycling bins).
You must be thinking , “How are these terms relevant with fashion ? “
“What does it have to do with fashion??”
Well Dear Reader , it has everything to do with fashion!
The benefits this ‘R’ brings are countless and the rewards can be felt instantly. Although a challenge (and often a gradual process), the act of decluttering has been around for years, especially as we learn the horrible impact consumerism is having on the planet, people, and animals.
A useful question to pose to yourself when you're sorting out clothes is: “When did I last wear this?”. The answer should help to determine if the garment has served its purpose, and to decipher what should stay and what should go.
When i say go , i mean give it to a friend who likes it a lot or donate to a charity or even give it at a thrift store:) 
Reusing is essential to minimising your fashion footprint, and we need to normalise rewearing outfits!
 We already have so many clothes in our closets, including many that we love and cherish, so of course, we want to wear them again and again.
Simply don't care if people come up to you and say . “ hey , weren't you just wearing that yesterday??”
A big part of this puzzle is buying better quality clothing that is made to last⁠ — garments that you will wear again and again. 
Essentially, following a slow fashion approach rather than the ever troublesome fast fashion, which is a huge contributor to the fashion industry’s greenhouse gas emissions , is much better.
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blueiscoool · 2 years
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Palace of Aigai: The Biggest Building of Ancient Greece
The palace of Aigai, known today as Vergina, is considered not only the biggest but, together with the Parthenon, the most significant building of classical Greece.
Constructed during the reign of Philip II (359 – 336 BC) on a raised outcrop in Vergina in northern Greece, the palace, a remarkable landmark and symbol of power and beauty three times the size of the Parthenon, was visible from the whole Macedonian basin.
Archaeological evidence proves that the site was continuously inhabited starting from the Early Bronze Age (3rd Millenium BC) while in the Early Iron Age (11th to 8th centuries BC), it became an important rich and densely populated center.
The city reached its zenith in the Archaic (7th – 6th centuries BC) and Classical periods (5th-4th centuries), when it was the most important urban center of the area, the seat of the Macedonian kings, and the site for the establishment of many traditional sanctuaries.
The palace of Aigai was designed for Philip by an ingenious architect, most likely Pytheos, known for his contribution to the construction of the Mausoleum at Halicarnassus and to the development of urban planning and the theory of proportion.
Aigai Palace was covered with high-quality marble stucco
The east wing of the Aigai Palace included a monumental entrance, the ‘Tholos’ (probably a place of worship), and other rooms of unknown purpose.
The south wing contained the residential rooms proper as well as banqueting halls decorated with mosaic floors. Banqueting halls were located in the west wing.
On the lower north slope, there extended a long and narrow veranda in front of the chambers.
The masonry and architectural members were covered with lustrous, high-quality marble stucco that resembles marble.
Thousands of roofing tiles and relief antefixes of excellent quality, hundreds of square meters of floors covered with marble inlays and mosaics, some of which constitute exceptional works of art, extravagant pigments, bronze, and all kinds of luxurious materials were utilized in the creation of a complex that would fulfill the king’s ambitions.
Basic elements of the structure include: the large square peristyle (row of columns surrounding a space within a building) which comprises the heart of the building; the surrounding areas with their impressive propylon (the structure forming the entrance to a building); and the stoes (porticos, roofed colonnades) which form the façade and by which the propylon is enclosed. These constitute the foundational elements of this contemporarily innovative architectural project.
Royal tombs at Aigai include King Philip II
The most important remains at Aigai are the monumental palace and burial ground with more than 300 tumuli, some of which date to the 11th century B.C..
Greek archaeologist Manolis Andronikos brought to light the royal tombs in the Great Tumulus of Vergina (Megale Toumba) in 1977.
The most remarkable of these was the tomb of Philip II (359-336 B.C.). Its discovery is considered to be one of the most important archaeological events of the century.
Since 1977, continuing excavations have revealed a series of significant monuments.
This priceless archaeological site and the treasures discovered there were included on the list of UNESCO World Heritage Sites in 1996.
By Tasos Kokkinidis.
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minamorsart · 3 years
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⭐Happy Star Wars Day!!!⭐ In honor of May the 4th, I'd like to pitch to you a TV show idea of mine called Star Wars: The Missing Year. A 26-episode minimum, animated by either Titmouse Animation (Galaxy of Adventures) or Studio Mir (Voltron, The Legend of Korra). We all know that The Rise of Skywalker takes place a year after The Last Jedi, right? What exactly happened during that year? Well I've got a few ideas of my own. Synopsis: Rey and friends have escaped on the Millenium Falcon from Crait to take refuge on a planet called Batuu (see Star Wars: Galaxy's Edge). Shortly after landing, however, they discover that the First Order has already occupied it for some time. Not only that, but it is rumored that their leader is arriving ― the newly appointed Supreme Leader Kylo Ren! With nowhere else to go, the Resistance sets up a secret base and now must face the challenge of recruiting new members to their cause while simultaneously hiding from the enemy. In the midst of all the chaos, both the Resistance and the First Order are soon to find out that the inhabitants of Batuu have their own agenda in this war... Will this be a fun, light-hearted show with lots of shenanigans involving the good guys and bad guys clashing together? YES. Will the bad guys get moments of humanization? AFFIRMATIVE. Will Kylo Ren finally get to talk to his mom?? OF COURSE. Will there be romantic tension between Rey and Kylo Ren??? DUH. Will this show be 100% canon-compliant???? ABSOLUTELY NOT!!!!!!! So yes I'm bringing back Phasma and DJ :P So there's my pitch! Haha I know something like this could never happen and DLF would never hire me to work on a show for them... unless 👀
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Three Minutes to Eternity: My ESC 250 (#140-131)
#140: Lordi -- Hard Rock Hallelujah (Finland 2006)
“You will see the jokers soon'll be the new kings!” I'm semi-convinced that if I heard this song when I was a child, I would've been so scared I would just hide (I also panicked at the cover of Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince, though that maybe because I didn't want to read such a long book). Watching it for the first time in 2020, I didn't mind it, though the monsters still puts me off. As much as I like to jam to this one, I can’t see myself listening to it over and over again. That said, one can’t take away from the sheer catharsis of this song, from the opening notes to how Lordi gleefully announces their arrival and thunders down Athens with the arockalypse. Whether it’s the first hard rock winner or the last schlager one, Lordi came, saw, and grabbed a first win for Finland after so many attempts, and made rock more popular in Eurovision for a few years. i You can’t resist yourself from headbanging to this one! Personal ranking: 3rd/37 Actual ranking: 1st/24 GF in Athens
#139: Natasha St-Pier -- Je n'ai que mon âme (France 2001)
“Mais je n'ai que mon âme pour te parler de moi, Oh, juste mon âme, mon âme et ma voix,” “But I only have my soul to talk to you about me. Oh, just my soul, my soul and my voice.” By the turn of the millenium, France switched back to contemporary ballads to represent them. While 1999 and 2000's entries didn't do well, their next two would be really strong songs amongst the weakest years ever, and that's why I appreciate France so much in the contest. Initially, I didn’t get it, because it sounded a bit derivative (not unlike what Celine Dion would sing). However, one thing which won me over was with the intro, which provided the base of a really great build. A soft intro leading to a lush instrumental, it shone above the crowd, and it turned from being "derivative" to being "gentle and sincere. Natasha delivers this with equal parts softness and grace, though the English parts did feel a bit out of place in the end. That might have cost it a (deserved) place on the podium, and France would have wait twenty more years for the next medal-placing. Personal ranking: 2nd/23 Actual ranking: 4th/23 in Copenhagen
#138: Lena -- Satellite (Germany 2010)
“I even painted my toenails for you I did it just the other day!"
Whenever you check the comments of any video on this song, you will note a bunch of angry Turkish people who insist MaNga should’ve won 2010. While I really love their song (and will end up later on the list), Satellite was a worthy winner. Along with its commercial success, Satellite is adorable because it is uptempo, sweet, and infectious. Lena acts like she’s having fun on stage and doesn’t even try to pretend. Her accent, which emerged as a result of her English teacher, adds to the charm and her overall innocence. It’s cute, which can turn off some people, but not me--I really embrace it. Also, Arilena Ara made a cover last year for Eurovision Home Concerts, which you should check out! It keeps the poppy vibe, but adds a funky edge to it. Personal ranking: 4th/39 Actual ranking: 1st/25 GF in Oslo
#137: Lazy Bums -- Shir Habatlanim (Israel 1987)
“עושה לי כוס קפה ומדליק לי הסיגריה יוצא אל המרפסת לפצח גרעינים הציפורים יורדות העציצים של המרפסת ומפזמות איתי את שיר הבטלנים” “I make myself a cup of coffee and light a cigarette I go out to the balcony to crack open some seeds The birds come down to the plants of the balcony And sing with me the bums’ song” The Culture Minister threatened to resign when Shir Habatlanim was chosen for the Israeli entry in 1987, but it adds to the charming element to this performance. After a decade in which the Israeli entries pranced around, this was something different, and the two actors really take on the role. The lyrics were a bit silly, but relatable with the bums not seeing the sun because of the buildings and doing random tasks while hanging out with the birds. The Lazy Song before the Lazy Song, I'm starting to think this is the "reality" on playing hooky, whereas "Ferris Bueller's Day Off" is the "expectations" part (and they are really high in the movie). The Blues Brothers-inspired performance ("We're coming to ya--"), combined with Kobi Oshrat's orchestration, makes this otherwise troll song into a comedic masterpiece. It's three minutes of fun and endearment, and I can't help but smile. Personal ranking: 4th/22 Actual ranking: 8th/22 in Brussels
#136: Antique -- (I Would) Die for You (Greece 2001)
"Κάθησα και σκέφτηκα Κι είδα ότι μ’ αγαπάς Μόνο εσύ, μόνο εσύ" "I sat down and thought Realised that you love me Only you, only you" Greece's first top-three placing in Eurovision is thanks to Helena Paparizou and guy whose name we do not know Nikos Panagiotidis, both who were based in Sweden at the time. They were well known for combining Greek instruments and dance beat; Opa Opa (written by Giorgios Alkaios, see #207 for his entry) is a really good example of this! (Thanks again, Nikos Terzis for composing this too) From the opening bouzouki, Die for You establishes a sense of cool; the pop production following it adds a sense of modernity that the 2001 class lacked for the most part. And compared to Je n'ai que mon ame (#139), the switch from Greek to English is absolutely natural. It feels like being in an exclusive club, filled with dim lighting and a very spacy ambience of it all--though the orange in Parken works as well. And despite being nineteen, Helena oozes cool in all the ways. From her sleek hair to her jumpsuit to how she moves, she makes the song her own, for what it's worth. I frequently find myself copying her handography, though sometimes my desk lamp blocks my left hand, making it feel a bit clumsy. Though I don't say this often, either Antique or Natasha should've won in 2001. Personal ranking: 1st/23 Actual ranking: 3rd/23 in Copenhagen Final impressions on 2001: DR tried to go big with 35,000, but everyone went to drink, and it felt like one hundred. The songs at hand tried hard to be cool, though in some places, we were better off in school. On their own, the strings in our hearts remain broke, though when the trophy did, our minds awoke. Despite the ambitions, the contest would make people leave the room. Thankfully, it was better than that of 2002! :) (On another note, of all the years Italy didn't participate in the contest, 1999 and 2001 were the most irritating. Here, Elisa's Luce (tramonti a nord-est) won Sanremo, and it's a surrealistically beautiful indie song with cool lyrics (especially it was originally written in English, and had to be changed to Italian for the contest). Had they competed, I could see a top-five finish for them, and I could see this as an all-time favorite for me.)
#135: Katerine Duska -- Better Love (Greece 2019)
“Won’t you lean on me You can lean on me Let them look, don’t know, don’t care Go deep with me...” She's not Amy Winehouse, she's Katerine Duska! I had a love/hate relationship with this song during the 2019 season. On the one hand, it’s a really good song, with a lush production and sultry vocals from Katerine Duska. The lyrics, while simple, deals with the theme of love in an interesting way--no matter who you are, you deserve a love that suits you.
On the other hand, considering my grudge towards the 2018 contest, I was worried that this may do well and restart the Greek golden age. That feeling amplified when the rehearsals started, when Katerine and co. had this faerie queene aesthetic. It looked absolutely beautiful, with flowers and fantasy and whimsy. And most important, swords (the MV had sabres whereas the live performance had epees.)!
Of course it qualified, but it collapsed in the final and placed 21st in the end. Some people attributed to how "messy" the staging was, along with Katerine's vocals. In hindsight, I could see it with the former, but the latter remained firm, and she aced that high note.
But it was a good change for Greece, showing that they can do indie music as well as pop and ethno. And Katerine's non-Eurovision songs are fantastic; especially check out Autumn Again and Athenian Skies! Personal ranking: 4th/41 Actual ranking: 21st/26 GF in Tel Aviv
#134: Netta -- Toy (Israel 2018)
“Wonder Woman don’t you ever forget You’re divine and he’s about to regret...”
This has been a total phenomenon ever since its release. However, it’s also quite polarizing, with some people really bopping to this one whether it's on the radio or Tik-tok, and others getting repulsed by the chicken noises or the strong message it provided.
For me, it's Toy's "in-your-face' nature which makes it really special. From the first listen, there's the element of surprise with Netta's looping (the MV intro on Spotify >>> regular studio intro). It then builds until Netta announces herself as a "beautiful creature" and that she wasn't going to be bullied by others. While the songwriters definitely used the "Me Too" movement as a vehicle for the song, it's Netta's influence, along with the Mizrahi instrumentation in the chorus, which packs a punch. Without those chicken noises, Toy would fall flat.
The staging had to be worked on several times, but the final result captured the song's kookiness in every way. From the fake looper to the backing dancer's choreography, the following three minutes is an explosion of fun (though some of the energy died on stage on first viewing).
In short, Netta deserved to win, and those who suggest otherwise is just mean.
Personal ranking: 5th/43 Actual ranking: 1st/26 GF in Lisbon
#133: Mariza Koch -- Panagia Mou, Panagia Mou (Greece 1976)
“Κι αν δείτε ερείπια γκρεμισμένα, όι-όι μάνα μ', Δεν θα 'ναι απ' άλλες, απ' άλλες εποχές, Από ναπάλμ θα 'ναι καμένα, όι-όι μάνα μ'…"
“And if you see shattered ruins, oh oh my Mother, It's not from other, from other eras It is burnt by napalm, oh oh my Mother...”
In their second appearance at the Eurovision Song Contest, Greece sends this politically-charged song to criticize the invasion of Cyprus two years before. The Greek military junta at the time wanted to unite the island with mainland Greece, which led to a coup. As a result, the Turkish government invaded Cyprus, and declared the non-recognized Republic of Northern Cyprus. This status remains to this day, which has hindered Turkey's admission to the European Union.
(Interestingly enough, Turkey broadcast this contest despite not participating, and censored the Greek song to replace it with a patriotic song. Haha)
Dark context aside, it ties into the folk tradition during that time, but adds a Greek touch to it with the bouzouki. Combined with thoughtful yet tragic lyrics, it stands out as a darker yet deeper tone from the 1976 contest. Mariza also conveys this with her clear, yet harsh vocals pinpoint the horrors of what was going on. Also, the orchestration adds to the grandeur of this with its lush strings.
Personal ranking: 3rd/18 Actual ranking: 11th/18 in Den Haag
#132: Chocolate, Menta, Mastik -- Emor Shalom (Israel 1976)
בוא, בוא, בוא עוד היום”, אני עוד כאן אז בוא אמור שלום, אמור שלום
“Come, come, come today, I'm still here so come say hello Say hello..”
From one heavily politically charged song to a slightly less so, haha! Emor Shalom is s very playful and cute song, the three girls charm their potential lover (or diplomatic) with their voices and dance moves.
The hidden political context comes from "shalom"--is it hello, or is it peace? When the song was performed, Israel had been independent for thirty years, but their geopolitical relationships were not good with their neighbors. So the three girls, who sung for the military, were not only hoping for a lover, but also for peace.
The song itself incorporates some elements disco with trumpets, which got me into it in the first place. I'm not entirely sure about how the latter works--they are fine, but it does feel a bit cartoonish. While the lyrics are a bit simple, they still add to it.
Personal ranking: 2nd/18 Actual ranking: 6th/18 in Den Haag
#131: Sonja Lumme -- Eläköön elämä (Finland 1985)
“Kaupungissa on yö, puistoon kanssasi jäin Sä seisot edessäin täynnä toivoa” “It’s night in the city, I stayed in the park with you You’re standing in front me full of hope” Top ten anime opening themes, part two!
From the intro until the end, I love how Eläköön elämä progresses. It not only has a sound which matches with music trends (along with those mullets, but it's the 1980s so we can move on about this...), but also has a joie-de-vivre in terms of the lyrics. I've heard about it being connected to the Cold War; considering it was before glasnost, I'd imagine one of the themes here was to enjoy every moment before the world ends.
Ossi Runne's orchestration mixes the punchy pop-rock with some really good strings and brass. An awesome instrumentation and hopeful lyrics, when put together, you’ve got one of Finland’s best ever entries.
Personal ranking: 1st/19 Actual ranking: 9th/19 in Gothenburg
Final impressions on 1985: While Sweden first hosted in 1975, the production ten years later shows their capabilities in putting on a good show. From the graphics to the stage to Lilli's hosting, it's a totally fun experience. The songs were a bit weaker than it, though there were enough gems to keep the mood buzzing. Plus, there were several good orchestral moments there (especially #193) which made it all the better!
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alindae-anne · 3 years
What Makes a Book?
I want to take a break from my novel and dive into a history lesson of books themselves. Why? Well first of all, I will be honest, this blog is for an assignment. But also because the way books have evolved over the last 5,000+ years is fascinating!
Of course no one ever really thinks about THE book, just the fact that the story within its pages--the mystery, the romance, whatever they happen to be enjoying--is a great read (or maybe not so great), but have they ever wondered what materials the book is made from? Who invented it? How the book has become one of the most common and most used items of all time?
No. Of course they didn't wonder any of those things. And if they did, they probably didn't take the time to research any of these burning questions, either.
How great, then, that I wrote this post?! Today is your lucky day! (Also, it is a good thing that Keith Houston, author of Shady Characters, decided to write a whole book about it (1).) I'm going to use the pages of a classic tale to explain some cool things you probably never noticed while reading a book before.
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Gulliver’s Travels was originally published in London in 1726 by Benjamin Motte. The author, Jonathan Swift, used it to satirize London society and culture, poking holes at the social hierarchies and systems, basically making out everyone living in the 18th century to be fools--but mostly the wealthy and those who were obsessed with scientific progression (2). If you have not read it, I highly encourage adding it to your reading list, or at the very least there is a 2010 movie, featuring Jack Black as Gulliver, that you could watch. (It’s Jack Black, okay?)
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This 2 page spread of Gulliver's Travels pictured above is actually found in The Franklin Library edition from Franklin Center, Pennsylvania, published in 1979. This is the first printing of this edition, and its pages, the way it is printed, and the way it is bound and presented, are all features of the modern 20-21st century book, plus some extra bells and whistles. The most interesting qualities come from the publishers themselves who specifically design their books to be very snazzy--meant for collectors’ editions! They include different kinds of leather binding, exclusive illustrations, and may be signed or part of a particular series specific to a certain author or genre (3). This makes the books published here very valuable and sought after.
Gulliver’s Travels is hardcover. Specifically, “fine leather in boards.” This means the spine and front and back boards (or cover) of the book are bound in leather. The leather is fine and and delicate and able to be decorated and engraved upon.4 Above you can see how fancy it looks with the gilt gold engravements. Even its pages are gilt!
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This picture shows more clearly the binding, and of course the spine, which is “hubbed,” or ridged, for added texture.
At this point you may have notice that this version is much different than the original published in 1726. That is because over time, the materials involved in making books have changed slightly or the processes have become more efficient or cost worthy, etc. Either way, the anatomy of the book has not wavered. Keith Houston has dissected the book into certain components and we can see them in each book we read:
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I have attempted to label it as best as I can, so hopefully you can follow along:
Chapter Number
a) this seems to be a description, more or less of the chapter, or the Chapter Title. b) “A Voyage to Lilliput” seems much more title-like to me, although this is technically called the “Recto Running Head.” The recto running head is a condensed or abbreviated chapter title, repeating on every right-side page to the end of the chapter.
Drop Cap. This would be the first letter of the first word of a chapter, which is usually exaggerated or embellished in some way.
Opener Text
Head Margin - the space between the top of the page and text
Foot Margin - the space between the bottom of the page and text
Folio - page number
It has taken quite a while for books to become so sophisticated. Because it was published in 1726, Gulliver's Travels is technically what you could call "modern" in terms of how long ago books began their journey to what they are today, but even between 1726 and 1979 the quality has improved. This edition published by Franklin Library is a perfect model for the modern book of today.
The 2 page spread we analyzed above is made from paper. But books were not always made with paper, or even in the book form, bound with anything at all, and they were not printed either. They were written by hand on papyrus.
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Papyrus was the first material used as "paper" beginning in Egypt. The reeds were stripped, strung side by side and pressed together. Papyrus was durable and sturdy, and the water of the Nile was abundant in aluminum sulfate, which brightened it so that writing and scribbles could be seen better. There is no particular origin of when Papyrus had first been invented but it must have been around the end of the 4th millenium BCE (Houston 4).  
Parchment is made from animal skin that has been soaked, scrubbed, dried, and stretched for days and days, creating a more flexible, yet still durable, material for writing. It was also thinner and could be made "cleaner" and brighter by chemical means. Religion heavily influenced its distribution; some parchment use was literally banned because the type of animal skin used to make it wasn't considered "holy" or "good." For example, the lamb or a calf was acceptable, but how dare you use parchment made from goat skin? What is wrong with you?
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Besides the fact that parchment is kind of gross if you think about it (although to be fair, you can’t be too choosy in times right before the common era), it was also expensive to keep certain cattle only for paper making, and the reliability of having new cattle at the time you may need more paper was not very high.
Paper was first introduced in China. It is made from bits of cloth and rags soaked in water, and after breaking down into pulp, strained through a wire grate and pressed to dry. Fun fact-- the Rhar West Art Museum in Manitowoc, Wisconsin has held classes showing how to make paper using this exact process.
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There is a trend here: the materials used to make paper (and papyrus and parchment before it) become scarce or too expensive, or they are just not “good enough.” People want their paper thin and smooth, but still strong and durable; crisp and bright, but still able to last years and years without crumbling. There have been times that processes used to ensure these preferred qualities of paper included using chemicals that ended up negatively affecting some other quality. For example, the paper would be white as snow, yet the chemical that did this broke down the natural adhesives which kept the paper intact.
Have you heard that paper grows on trees? Well, that is partly true since after rags and cloths were nowhere to be found (unless people were about to start donating the shirts off their backs), wood pulp has now since been used... the higher the demand for paper, the greater demand for those materials used for its creation. 
This brings us to printing side of things. The first ways of printing weren’t of how we think of it now. Even before papyrus, people were still writing and making inscriptions on pretty much anything they could get their hands on. The earliest forms of writing were rather indentations or markings on clay tablets. Found across the Middle East, it is a cuneiform script of the Sumerian people from 3300 BCE (Houston 79).
Similarly, the Egyptians were also keen on developing their own writing system which today we recognize as hieroglyphs. A lot of these were found carved on the walls of tombs but also began to be used on papyrus in 2600 BCE (Houston 82-83).
The Egyptians celebrated their scribes and believed those who wrote with brush and ink on papyrus to be channeling power--that it was a gift from the gods--”wielded with respect and humility” (Houston 87). The hieroglyphs not only showed the intention of the writer, visually, but often the picture would be associated with or connected to certain sounds which emerged more formal use of letters as time went on.
The alphabet we use today can be traced back to the Phoenician alphabet (used by the Egyptians) which had evolved into the Greek and then Roman alphabets (Houston 91-92). At this point in time, scribes were using water based ink which was fine for papyrus, but during the transition to parchment they realized that ink smudges quite a bit. This led to the creation of iron gall ink that would darken and adhere to the parchment as it dried due to its chemical makeup in contact with oxygen in the air.
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Jump ahead to 1400s and we are with Johannes Gutenberg and the printing press! One thing Keith Houston make sure to mention is that although Gutenberg invented the printing press itself, to help moveable type and mass printing, the idea of printing had not been new. Clay pieces used as stamps and similar objects had been excavated and dated back thousands of years before the clay inscribed cuneiform tablets were made. And a primitive version of a sort of printing press is mentioned being made by a man named Bi Sheng during the reign of Qingli from 1041-1048 AD (Houston 110). Obviously nothing great came from it, most likely because he was of unofficial position. Even so, movable type was still possible, although painstakingly slow with wooden blocks used as stamps. This was common for the next few hundred years in China.
Even though Gutenberg's press completely revolutionized the transmission of knowledge, it was still quite slow in comparison to the versions which came after, only being able to print 600 characters a day (Houston 118). From Gutenberg's printing press came other types of presses that improved the speed or efficiency of movable type immensely. These all came after the original publication of Guliver's Travels, starting in the early 1800s with the Columbian press, eventually the Linotype, and then lack of precision called for the Monotype, which could produce 140 wpm (Houston 149).
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The 2 page spread above then, could possibly have been printed by the Linotype, but most likely, however, the Monotype, which is the more accurate of the two. Another possibility could be "sophisticated photographic and 'lithographic' techniques" or "'phototypsetting'" (Houston 151). Houston mentions that the printing press age has died and now faces a digital future.
I'm at my 10 image limit which means I better wrap this up with some interesting facts about bookbinding. On BIBLIO.com I was trying to see exactly what "fine leather in boards" meant which is apparently how Gulliver's Travels is bound. I didn't find any phrase that matched, but from my understanding, the leather is very supple and pliable, which is why it was able to be gilt with gold, and it was able to form nicely to the hubbing on the spine.
The website also explains that the first "book binding" was technically just putting the pieces of paper or parchment together and pressing them between two boards. Literally. Like just setting them on a board and putting another board on top of that. Eventually leather was introduced, first as a cord wrapped around the book to keep the boards in place. As time progressed, the practice was improved and perfected so it was less crude. This involved the creation of the "spine" where the pages meet together and can therefore open and close in a v shape without flying away.
This website helped explain some of the other embellishments and extra flair that can be added to a book's binding. It mostly goes over leather binding which is from most animal skin but there is a unique leather bound book that can be bound with seal skin. Some of the books on the website are so expensive because of the materials they are bound with and the effects that have been created in the cover, for example, Benjamin Franklin's observations on electricity, which has had acid added to the page, discoloring it for a lightning strike effect, and includes a key to represent his famous experiment.
Gulliver's Travels, although not quite so fancy, is still a very beautifully bound book with decorated endpapers, meaning the inside cover is laden with designed paper rather than boring white or some other neutral color.
I hope you found this journey of the book as interesting and as exciting as I did while writing this post! You must really love books because even my attention span isn't this long. I will admit I took at least 3 different breaks.
I'm back to my novel for now, thanks for listening😎
Houston, Keith--Author of Shady Characters, which I used extensively in my TikTok “history of punctuation” project--also wrote -> The BOOK - a cover-to-cover exploration of the most powerful object of our time, 2016.
British Library Website -> works -> “Gulliver’s Travels overview”
Masters, Kristin. “Franklin Library Editions: Ideal for Book Collectors?” Books Tell You Why, 2017 (blog).
BIBLIO.com -> “Leather Binding Terminology and Techniques”
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There is more info about Razrappa? (Like her powers, behaviour, backstory, Monarch's file, what she would think of them...)
Oh wow, it's been forever since I thought about her, but yeah, I've got this file with a lot of info about her, it's a lot and I haven't touched it in two years however, I think it was a template but I have lost the source
Ruler of the sea and sky, Queen of the Mediterranean, R2 (by Monarch, R1 is Rodan)
Hatched sometime around the establishment of the first Mediterranean civilization
Titanus Razappa
Similar to a dragon, two twisted horns on her head, a beaked snout with a protruding “tooth” on one side while on the other it has been broken off. Tail shaped like a paddle. Eyes are completely orange. Front legs are clawed (3 fingers and 1 thumb) and back legs are not (3 toes) Dark blue with brown belly and tail. Horns are orange.
Threat Level:
About a 6 on a scale of 1-10
Can understand behaviors of others and understood her prehistoric worship.
Will defend her ‘territory’ (the Mettateranian sea), can be hostile but attempts to protect/adopt people living on the sea or boating around.
Follows under Godzilla (previously under Ghidorah)
Moral Alignment:
True Neutral
Godzilla, Mothra, Rodan.
None at the moment
Fight Record:
Fought prehistoric Kaiju: Won, killed Kaiju, lead to her worship, depicted in legend, supposed skull of Kaiju discovered in ancient dig sight
Fought prehistoric Guera: Tied, Guera left the Mediterranean, depicted in legend.
Fought prehistoric M.U.T.O: Won, killed M.U.T.O, depicted in legend
Destroyed human civilization, depicted in legend
Place of Origin:
The Mediterranean Sea
Date of First Appearance:
Sometime in the 4th millenium BC
Date of Last Appearance:
July 14th 2019, following a cruise ship.
Current Status:
65 meters
95 meters (nose to tail)
75 meters
Land Speed:
250 kilometers per hour.
Swimming Speed:
700 knots.
Flight Speed:
570 either miles per hour
Melee Weapons & Attacks:
Scratching, biting, headbutting, tail smacking
Special Weapons & Attacks:
Can shoot boiling hot water out of her mouth and can cause a shockwave when smashing her tail on the ground
Other Abilities / Special Traits:
Regeneration Rate:
About 1 hour to 3 days depending on the wound
Fighting Style:
Aquatic or in the air.
Biography / History:
In 4th Millennium BC, Razrappa appeared in the Mediterranean fighting a Kaiju. This lead to the nearby civilization worshipping her as their guardian. She would often appear when they gave her offerings and would eat, but sometimes would leave the food for the people depending on how she believed the civilization was doing.
After an attack by another civilization left only a few survivors, Razrappa rose and destroyed the attacking civilization and defended the final survivors (three women) until their deaths. She then returned to the sea and had various sightings until 1387 when she hibernated until being awaken by Ghidorah in 2019.
The civilization’s ruins were discovered in 1878 and her legend was discovered in ancient records along with statues and carvings of her fighting kaijus. She was discovered off the coast of Italy by Monarch in 2015 and monitored until Ghidorah woke her. She now swims around the Mediteranian and keeps other Kaiju out of the area, follows ships, and will go to the site of the civilization and stay there for a while.
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enkidusbi · 5 years
Hope this finds you well! So I’m writing a sci-fi fantasy novel & one of my mains is what amounts to a prince from Uruk. I’ve been using the name Rami for him but I’m wondering how legit that is, and I was also wondering if you could point me in the direction of any material that would give me an idea of what his life would have been like in Uruk (if you don’t mind!) so that when he’s talking to his modern comrades I know what I’m talking about lol. Thank you very much!
first of all, i'm sorry for the late answer, i didn't see your ask for a long time
secondly, i really really love the premise of this novel and would love to know more about it!!
the thing is, uruk is a sumerian city, though depending on the time period your character came from, the members of the royal family would have sumerian or akkadian names, and if i remember right, there were times when the elite of the mesopotamian cities came from the nomadic tribes who spoke indo-european languages.
mesopotamian names had meaning, they were like short sentences, really. praises to a god or something like that.
(at this point i have to say that i'm not an assyriologist, but an undergrad archaeology student, that means i'm all about the material culture, not history. i don't speak sumerian and have only been learning akkadian for a little while.)
a lot of things depend on the time period, not just the names and languages spoken by the people, but daily life and uruk existed for a long ass time. from the 4th millenium bc onward, there were so many changes that i simply cannot sum them up for you, really i think it'd be best if you picked one historical period.
good things to start with would be some comprehensive books on mesopotamian culture to go through the time periods. i'd recommend cultural atlas of mesopotamia and the ancient near east by michael roaf (this one's not as detailed, but gives you a good general knowledge and was recommended by my near-east archaeology professor) and history of the ancient near east by marc van de mieroop (this is more professional but detailed and explains historical events quite well)
for more resources about mesopotamia and info on names, i'd recommend checking out the blogs of @sisterofiris and @michi-izkur-ereshkigal and asking them. they are both very cool and have a lot broader knowledge than i do
edit: also check out @mostlydeadlanguages!!!!
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protoindoeuropean · 4 years
Rules: answer 10 questions, write 10 questions for people, tag 10 people
I was tagged by @minoan-ophidian literally ages ago, thank you!! I did answer it quite soon after being tagged but then I couldnt think of all the questions so here we are, 4 months later lmaoo (so bear that in mind when the answers refer to the “current” moment lol)
1. Is there something (an animal, plant, fashion, anything) that is generally considered ugly, but you really like?
I can’t really think of anything specific, but I feel like most things that are ugly (be it being generally considered so or to me specifically) can be beautiful if contextualized (or decontextualized) in the right way.
2. Would you rather travel back or forward in time? Where would you go?
I feel like I almost have to say I’d travel back in time and I have said so in the past (4th millenium BCE Mesopotamia, with travelling further north too), but recently I started watching The Expanse so currently I’d be interested to see what the future holds for humanity and I’d settle for anything from a hundred to a thousand to ten thousand years in the future.
3. If you were to get a tattoo, what would it be?
When I find a way to convert celestial coordinates onto my body in a coherent and visually-pleasing way it’s all over for y’all (jk jk, it’ll be *h₁, *h₂, *h₃).
4. Do you have a fascination and/or fear of the ocean and/or space?
If I may quote myself: “The universe will always be my first love” 😊
5. Do you usually remember your dreams? Do you dream in 1st person? 3rd? 2nd?
I do sometimes and I also try to write down the ones I do (bc if I want to remember it I have to write it down within the first 5 mins of waking up). Afaict I dream in 1st person.
6. What’s your opinion on abstract art?
It’s like all art – some is good, some is not. It being abstract or not isn’t usually the deciding factor for me.
7. Have you ever written a letter to your past or future self? Would you like to someday?
I haven’t and I don’t think I will. I find that documenting my current experience is more of a “message” to my future self, i. e. what I’ll be interested in then, not a directed written message. And this is sth I’d def like to get better at. But yeah, personal archaeology is what I’ll be interested in.
8. Which element (fire, water, air, earth) do you associate yourself with and why?
Water: liquids are cool and it feels good to be submerged in it. I also like that it is more substantial than air, but not as rigid as earth. There was this random quiz I took once, which “determined” my element (or a combination thereof) was ice (water+earth) and I kinda liked that result too.
9. Is there a book you were made to read in school that you ended up really enjoying?
I remember I quite liked Grum’s Dogodek v mestu Gogi (“The Event in the Town of Goga”) and Jančar’s Veliki briljantni valček (“The Great Brilliant Waltz”) too. I also liked Sophocles’ Antigone. The others don’t stand out much, even if I thought they were good. The one I remember not liking is Werther lmao
10. Describe your favourite colour without using its name.
Basically my eyes. Also, I don’t eat them, but olives kinda went off with it.
My 10 questions:
Which place that you’ve visited would you most like to return to and why?
What kind of weather do you enjoy the most?
Have you played a sport, an instrument, or was engaged in some other extracurricular activity as a child? If not, what would you usually do in your free time?
Would you rather: never have to eat again (your body gets the perfect nutrients, you’re never hungry and never have to go to the toilet again), never have to sleep again (you always have enough energy, the extra time you get that way doesn’t shorten your lifetime or anything) or never have to clean yourself (everything from your hair to your teeth, skin etc. is always perfect)?
Do you have a song you can listen to regardless of what mood you’re in at the moment? If not, what song do you most often return to?
The last topic that you ended up distractedly researching (presumably on Wikipedia, but elsewhere counts too)?
What did you last buy or make for yourself?
What colour combinations do you like? Something that you have (wear?) in those colours?
Favourite letter/sign (in whatever writing system)?
Favourite kind of light (dawn, dusk, before dawn, starlight, moonlight, light filtered through clouds, rainbow-forming ...)?
I tag: @balkansoul, @bunny-banana, @elucubrare, @grimdr, @icebluecyanide, @juliannewhore, @no-passaran, @spacepearl, @zmajski and whoever else finds the questions interesting(?)
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scullydubois · 5 years
thoughts on Millenium (7x04)
Written by Vince Gilligan and Frank Spotnitz Directed by Thomas J Wright
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Y2K!! At least that’s what I’m expecting this to be about, no idea though
I do know one thing about this episode….we’ll get to that later
Oh did the guy kill himself
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Um? I don’t understand 
Time to resurrect a man I think
I’m glad they didn’t do a Christmas episode this season
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Of course he’s in the grave
Rigged evidence! A grave robbery with a twist!
Ooo they’re in Georgia! I’m in Georgia! Crazy
Necromancy...alright Mulder
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It looks like Scully’s tattoo
Millennium Group= some kinda FBI consulting cult
This is interesting 
“Single-minded. Sounds like someone I know.”
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Is this guy gonna help them
He ain’t 
Just let him watch his game in peace
Yikes this state trooper’s gonna look in the truck
And find the stolen body
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Good lord
New Years Eve ladies
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Oh boy another body...or the original body
Ahh the hint Frank gave them was the Book of Revelation number
So the Millennium Group= 4 horsemen of the apocalypse
That’s fun
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Frank knows his stuff
This must have been weird as hell to watch pre-2000
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They...removed the staples from the mouth
And the salt
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This man is alive 
Scully’s ready
The necromancer??
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Hopefully she’ll make it to the year 2000
Skinner’s out here
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They tried to play us for a second
Mulder never answers his phone
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No service...great….seems fine...nothing bad will happen
Kosher salt...you found your man
Oh shit
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That’s terrifying...they’re all coming out of the ground
Scully’s going off on Frank
“Good and evil? Which would prevail?”
Oh god
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We’re about to find out aren’t we
Is Frank a good guy or bad guy
Frank’s about to become the 4th horseman
Oh shit, he’s turning the gun on necromancer
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Love that paper map
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OH SHIT...he ain’t got any bullets left
Scully saved them..whew
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Oh shit oh fuck I’m not ready
I’ve actually been like….genuinely anxious about this the whole episode
Aww, Frank’s daughter
If they don’t actually kiss I’m gonna feel like a goddamn fool
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We won ladies!!!! Fought the battle, and we won!!!!!
“The world didn’t end.” “No it didn’t.” Literally screaming!!
Damn...that went harder than I expected it to...like, I was prepared for it and it was still like AHHHHH
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Consensus: Probably would have died if I was watching that last scene live. The rest was good too.
4 out of 5 stars
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thefanficfaerie · 6 years
Backstreet’s Back Alright!!
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My Backstreet Boys! My beloved Backstreet Boys are celebrating 25 years of music with the release of their newest album on January 25, DNA. I can not wait!!! This is the only band that I have been loyal too both as a band and as solo artists. I have been listening to them for about as long as they have been together. I own every one of their American released albums and one european albums. So this is will be a Backstreet Boys Songfic Challenge. THIS IS OPEN TO EVERYONE!!! Details below the cut.
Challenge: To write a fic based one of these Backstreet Boys Songs. 
Characters/Pairings: Steve Rogers, Tony Stark, Jim Kirk, Leonard McCoy, McKirk, Stucky/Reader (no Stucky by themselves), Rafael Barba, Eomer, Tony DiNozzo, McKirk/Reader, Stony, Stony/Reader, Robb Stark, Chris Evans, Steve Trevor
Rules: You can only use the characters I have listed. No Peter Parker. No Bucky Barnes. If your story is more than 500 words please you a read more. I will not reblog any story that does not have a read more. It seems to be working again on mobile so please use it. Some of these songs have music videos so if you can add the link to the video that would be awesome. Please use reader-insert if possible. I will make concessions for OFC but check with me first. 
Sign up due date: January 25. I may extend this. 
Story Due Date: April 4th
Tag: BackstreetsBackChallenge, backstreetsbackchallenge, fanficfaeriechallenge
Backstreet Boys 1997 Quit Playing Games With My Heart @captain-rogers-beard Tony Stark All I Have to Give As Long as You Love Me @madpanda75 Rafael Barba Anywhere for You  I’ll Never Break Your Heart
Millenium 1999 The Perfect Fan I Want It That Way @thejemersoninferno Chris Evans I Need You Tonight The One @tilltheendwilliwrite Steve Rogers Don’t Want You Back
Black and Blue 2000  The Call @star-spangled-man-with-a-plan Steve Rogers More Than That @kaitymccoy123 Leonard McCoy Shape of My Heart What Makes You Different I Promise You
Never Gone 2005 Poster Girl I Still... Safest Place to Hide My Beautiful Woman Incomplete
Unbreakable 2007 Unsuspecting Helpless When She Smiles @themcuhasruinedme Tony Stark In Pieces Treat Me Right Something I Already Know
This Is Us 2009 Straight Through My Heart Masquerade @the-stories-in-my-head-95 with Tony Stark PDA Bigger This Is Us
In A World Like This 2013 In A World Like This @outside-the-government with McKirk Permanent Stain One Phone Call Soldier Feels Like Home
DNA 2019 Chances @hellomissmabel  Steve Rogers Don’t Go Breaking My Heart
Nick Carter I Will Wait
I’m Taking Off Just One Kiss
Now Or Never Heart Without a Home I Got You Who Needs the World
AJ McLean Have It All Sincerely Yours London I Hate it When Your Gone
Brian Littrell Welcome Home Grace of My LIfe
Misc Songs God, Your Mama and Me
tags: @lancsnerd @just-trying-to-survive-marvel @thejemersoninferno @isaxhorror @bookcaseninja @auduna-druitt @yallneedtrek @supermoonpanda @locke-writes @captainsbabysitter-blog @pinkamour1588 @promarvelfangirl @captain-rogers-beard @medicatemedrmccoy @imoutofmyvulcanmind @ruckystarnes @randomlittleimp @lt-sammi-matthews @creativeheartgemini @tacosarelife17 @letsgetfuckingsuperwholocked @ivvitm1109 @outside-the-government @star-spangled-man-with-a-plan @tilltheendwilliwrite @barnesrogersvstheworld @pegasusdragontiger @prettyyoungtragedy @becaamm @bkwrm523 @starshiphufflebadger @star-trekkin-across-theuniverse  @angryschnauzer @avengerofyourheart @after-avenging-hours @dolamrothianlady @avengerscompound @nasafic @not-close-to-straight @reioka @radi0gaga @redgillan @mrsrafaelbarba @madpanda75 @writefasttalkevenfaster @girl-next-door-writes @ghostofachancewithyou @goingknowherewastaken @musikat18 @the-stories-in-my-head-95 @thatgirlwhosalwayssinging @hellomissmabel @haveyouseenmymind @annathewitch @imamotherfuckingstar-lord @janeykath318 @kittenofdoomage @kaunis-sielu @lovelynemesis @meganlpie @ohbelieveyoume @vintagemichelle91 @rauliskafan @svu-stories @vancamps @xemopeachx
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1, 5, 6, 10, 17, 19, 22, 23, and 34 for the yugioh meme?
1)  Favourite Yu-Gi-Oh! series
This is like asking me which out of my six children should survive while the other five die XD. I love all the series since they all have both pros and cons, and they all have interesting characters and stories, but I guess ARC V will always have a special place in my heart since it got me back in Yugioh fandom (I stopped after 5Ds for a while several years ago). VRAINS is currently my favourite series plotwise since it continues to surprise me and keeps me hyped every single week.
5)  Favourite opening/ending
For the opening, it’s a tie between second and fifth ARC V opening. “Burn” has an incredibly upbeat melody that makes me smile every time I listen to it. “Light of Hope” on the other hand tells a story of how there is despair but smiles will be there to make it go away. I’m rather torn between choosing either of them since they are both really nice endings. As for ending - “Close to You”, 4th ending from 5Ds. I first started watching 5Ds in English dub but once I caught up with it, I was too curious what is going to happen next so I started watching Japanese dub from that point on and that was probably the smartest decision ever. I got to see “Close to You” not only as the first Yugioh Japanese ending but the very first anime ending ever. I loved every single moment of it, of all the characters just chilling around the city, then meeting up, watching the sunrise and then riding D-Wheels with their dragons! It is an ending that is beyond perfect and really emphasises the bonds and friendship between all Signers. 
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6)  Favourite character
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If you had asked me this question before Takeru showed up, I would’ve probably blurted out the names of several characters and say how I love them all, but Takeru is a special case. You see, he is a character that I loved before he even officially appeared XD. I’m following the news, cast lists and summaries, so when Takeru showed up for the first time in an anime magazine (like a month before his official anime appearance), I fell in love with everything about him. Both his human self and avatar had all the right colours and designs that fit his personality well, his backstory was intriguing, I was already looking forward to seeing another Lost Child and out of all possible voices, he got to be voiced by one and only Kaji Yuuki (who is among my Top 3 anime voice actors!). Then he showed up in the new opening and ending and him being friendly and cosy with Yusaku was just plain adorable! I had no idea what his role was going to be but from that point it was clear - Yusaku is getting a new friend! And was his entrance perfect - lightning, fire tornado and then him! 10/10 Burner of Souls! Not only was he righteously hyped up, but he also continues to be amazing and I have a feeling his character will get even more development!    
10)  Favourite Duel Monster
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It’s hard to pick a single monster, but I love every single card in Johan’s deck aka. Crystal/Gem Beast archetype. The designs are simple but so well executed and out of all of them, it’s hard to pick just one. I love their story, the legend and just the fact how much they all care about Johan, trying to reach out to him when Yubel possessed him. A big plus is also the fact how much personality they all have and they are always there to help up Johan.
17)  Have you ever cried over YGO and why?
You should’ve rather ask me when I didn’t lol. But yeah in every spinoff there was a moment that I actually cried. In original series there were two moments, when Yugi duelled Atem in the fourth season, letting him defeat him and then fading away in his arms and the Ceremonial duel when Yugi stumbled on his knees and cried, I cried with him cuz I also didn’t want Atem to go. Then in GX, it was basically whenever Judai would show vulnerability, cuz really, I hated his guts and his goofy overpowered persona. But then when he lost Johan, when he was afraid of Yubel, when he succumbed to the power of Supreme King and the entire season 4 when he was battling with depression - to see someone so cheerful becoming a mere shell of himself was so darn sad. 5Ds started darker but nothing could prepare me for two scenes, Yusei nearly dying, being afraid to duel and then watching his friend die in his arms and then losing another friend for real (Bruno! :’( ). Zexal made me cry a weird mixture of happy and sad tears whenever Yuma and Astral did something. When Astral sacrificed himself for Yuma I don’t know when I cried more - when Yuma watched Astral die or Yuma suffering from major depression for the next few episodes. But that scene when he got reunited with Astral was that more powerful because of it and their relationship is truly the purest of them all. ARC V, spinoff all about smiles was probably one of the saddest series, not just because of many sad moments throughout the whole thing aka. Yuto dying in Yuya’s arms for real, Yugo losing Rin, Yuya losing Yuzu, the fate of other Bracelet Girls and Yu-Boys and the overall ending, but also how inconclusive the ending felt. I kinda get the point was to show the realism of war, how not everyone can get a happy ending but it could still be executed better. Then there’s VRAINS…. *sighs* where do I even start with this….
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VRAINS truly took the plotline seriously and doesn’t seem like it’s going to back down. It is like the writing staff put together a medley of the saddest moments in Yu-Gi-Oh! and were like, “Let’s make it sadder!”. From the fact that mere six-year-old children were tortured so badly, that Ryoken was so messed up by his father, that all Lost Children are still suffering in one way or another, that SOL practically killed a living being and all the drama that it’s going on between Yusaku and Kusanagi right now. Last week’s episode had me nearly tear up and for tomorrow I will most definitely cry. It’s just so painful to see someone so desperate to save their own family, to attack someone they were all set to protect just a few episodes ago… And VRAINS isn’t even over yet. I thought nothing could top Earth’s death scene, but from the looks of it, tomorrow will be getting a dose of the most painful feels.
19)  Least favourite series
It’s a tie between GX and the first series if I had to choose one. GX has a rather monotone first half when there is some stuff going on, but it’s really episodic and easily forgotten. While there were some interesting episodes, the rest was just one giant filler that tried to deliver too much nostalgia from the first series instead of developing on its own. And speaking of the first series - I know the card game wasn’t as developed at the time so tons of duels made absolutely no sense. Then it was only Yugi, Kaiba and Joey having the development and extremely long duels that were starting to feel off and annoying to watch. But overall - I know that was the very first series and the spinoff, so it was obvious it wouldn’t be perfect. What I truly love about Yu-Gi-Oh! is that it’s a franchise that continues to grow with every single spin-off, even if they’re becoming less relevant they are still getting stronger storywise.
22)  Least favourite character
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This little brat is a perfect representation of how to create the most annoying character. Everything about him screams “annoying, useless and awful”. It would be completely fine if he was an episodic villain, but noooo for some reason writing staff was like, “hey let’s make this dude into Yuma’s friend”. I get it, Yuma can make friends easily, but for the love of God, why him?! Yuma has enough friends already, why bring this brat into his group? Tokunosuke has literally no purpose to be here but to cause trouble or be a plot device to bring Yuma trouble. Okay, I was fine with that one time that he got Yuma into trouble and Yuma still forgave him, but why the hell did they have a need to repeat that three more times? I feel the same way about Kotori - she has no basic purpose but to be moral support or act as a damsel in distress.ZEXAL had way too many characters and out of them all, they picked the most useless ones for major roles. 
23)  NOTP
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Canon datastormshipping. I think I made it clear why I dislike it in two posts already, but I guess I could sum it up for the third time. In canon verse they are two unstable people who bring out the worst of each other. They rarely interact, their ideologies are vastly different and they are in a way obsessed with each other in a very unhealthy way. If the two of them dated it would most likely result in a very toxic relationship which would only worsen up their already broken mental states. Again, I greatly dislike this ship in canon verse (in anime up to episode 92) and my opinion could change by the end of VRAINS. I still like the fanfics and fanarts that depict “what if” scenarios where their relationship could work (I’m actually writing one at the moment and I have plans to write one where I focus on their relationship in detail), but canon shipping just feels off and dysfunctional.
34)  If you met Kazuki Takahashi, what would you say to him?
First of all, I would thank him for coming up with those amazing characters and plotlines. I still love the original manga and season 0 the most since it had so much creativity with different games, but I can see it keep getting included more with new summoning methods and unique stories. Then I would most likely present him my idea for the 7th series and its protagonist. From the start of the series, there wasn’t much about card game production or who designs them. We got some info on how Pegasus discovered Millenium Items and the tablet with Egyptian Gods and in GX it showed Hayato working as a card game designer. I would love to see a protagonist who loves games just like Yugi and wishes to create more, so he strives to become the best card game designer. He is not that keen on playing the game since he prefers to make the cards more, but when he creates a particular card(kinda like how Takato created Guilmon in Digimon Tamers) he is pulled into an adventure where he must find other cards that contain powerful Duel Monsters spirits and he has to lock them back into their cards. I would also love to have a protagonist that can talk with spirits again since while Judai had adorable interactions with Winged Kuriboh and Neo Spacians, it was still largely brushed aside and not that much explored. So yeah please make the next protagonist into a card game designer, it will be unique and open to so many interesting plotlines and potentials. 
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Cells at Work! 13 (FINAL) | Double Decker! 2 | Slime Datta Ken 1 | Run with the Wind 1 | Bakumatsu 1 | Zombieland Saga 1 | DakaIchi 1 | Radiant 1 | SSSS.Gridman 1
Warning for discussion of 18+, potentially triggery things within the DakaIchi discussion...and the nature of that show being a yaoi will tell you whether you want to read that discussion in the first place. (There are full stops and lines around it in case you want to dodge that particular part, since Radiant comes right after it.)
...Otherwise, have at it.
Cells at Work! 13 (FINAL)
Apparently “distal” just means your extremities…
For some reason, I already knew about the fact that you can die from losing one third of your blood…because I read a Tumblr post that was meant to be for action writers and it was about blood loss.
…Huh? Was this a blood transfusion? That would explain why these new RBCs are so clueless about our RBC. Update: Yup, guessed it.
Come to think of it, there’s a WBC Nendoroid and a Platelet one but no RBC. That’s a bit disappointing…
The WBCs using that wobbly stick thing in the background are amusing, eheh.
Anyways, that was fun, even if I did get used to the routine of RBC getting lost and WBC fighting antigens in the end. See you next time!
Double Decker! 2
We’re now properly in the fall season, and of course now that the first drop’s out of the way, we’re starting with the best show this season (at least for the moment).
So does that mean if we’re NEETs we’re not paying for these detectives…? Is this an incentive for people to pay their taxes (LOL)…? (Okay, I’m kidding, I’m kidding. Sheesh.)
DD Partners…? Sounds…uh, partnery, considering what DD stands for.
Why is Travis blinking so much when he’s apologising…?
Snarky narrator is fun. I thought it was Kirill during ep 1 (or at least, it was for a bit), but now this narrator’s talking too much in 3rd person for it to be true. Maybe…it’s future Kirill. *collective facepalms from the peanut gallery* Or maybe it’s Kirill and a narrator, and Kirill will then break the 4th wall somewhere.
Now that’s monkeying around…LOL. *gets pelted by tomatoes* Oh c’mon, can’t I get in a decent joke around here?!
Well, as much as the can thing Doug does to Kirill is tropey for anime, I gotta admit this ain’t monkey busin-eh? You want me to stop with the jokes? Aw. Fine then, I’ll stop…
There’s something utterly relatable about having gone down the path of your dreams, only for it not to work out. In fact, I think I’m going down that path right now and I need to decide where to head next. That’s why I’m watching this episode right now – to make sure I don’t regret my future, by focussing on the present with a good anime.
According to this link to Google Books I got when I googled “ignis” and “desperatio” together, this might have something to do with a Panegyric of the Saints…something to do with hell, worms, fire and despair…? Uh, wuh? Am I just investigating this the wrong way?
Sanctus Bridge? As in “sanctuary”? Wow, that’s…ironic.
The rabbit police mascot…you can see it on Deana’s dashboard, LOL. Plus the bird police mascot that goes with it.
The name shots you get of these criminals aren’t nearly as good as “dick suck” (sic) in Kekkai Sensen, but they’re pretty close. Plus they actually do have correct Japanese translations, unlike “dick suck” (LOL).
Seriously, what’s up with Doug’s head prodding? Is it to stop him from trichotillomania (which is the pulling out of hair)? I can see it getting vaguely annoying when the excitement of a new season wears off…
The CGI is kind of awkward in this. You’d need to stare at it for a bit to realise it’s CGI and it’s not the worst effort I’ve seen (*grumbles* Tsukigakirei *grumble*) but it’s still pretty bad…
Oh! Those doors! Is Doug’s car…a DeLorean? (dramatic piano SFX in background)
Was it just me, or did Kirill’s face go funny for a second as he was moping about how he didn’t get to do anything…?
“Let me be your Double Decker!” – That’s what he says as a double decker bus goes by…clever wordplay, huh?
“One is poverty. The other is class.” – Okay, my studies tell me that’s pretty much impossible. Even in social situations, you have a clear leader and subordinates. Poverty is fine and dandy in regards to giving the boot – heck, that’s why things like the Millenium Development Goals exist (or rather, existed in that case, since those were replaced in 2015) – but class? That’s a bit of a difficult one, unless you want to resort to hardline socialist methods, Marxist methods…or communist ones. Not that any of those are bad, it’s just that I happen to like capitalism,even with its flaws and no matter what imbalances it causes to others. It’s just that not having capitalism would mean everyone’s equal, but then everyone’s worse off as a result…because if everyone has the same stuff, no one is different and no one is diverse enough to make anyone special. Get what I mean?
I think this episode sold me even more on the show, the premise…the everything. Except maybe that “I want to get rid of class” part.
That Time I Got Reincarnated as a Slime 1
I just memorise this show as “Slime Datta Ken”, so if you’re wondering what that is…now you know.
What was that opening segment for, man…? This is just a boring isekai intro.
I’m laughing! He values his computer over his life? As much as I know I’m attached to my computer, you should prioritise 1) getting Mikami an ambulance, 2) stopping the blood flow or 3) just getting Mikami to preserve his own life. Not that I’ve ever been in a life or death scenario, but that’s common sense, even if it’s a bit nihilistic or unrealistic.
Seriously, there’s currently no pull but how intriguing these unexplained “acquisition” scenes are. Like seriously. Those effects are cool and somewhat intriguing in the same way as Juuni Taisen was.
The picture of a flower…where did it come from? A child? Hmm, interesting way to express such a though process.
The CGI of the reveal was actually really good. Like, Houseki no Kuni good!
Actually, this is very Houseki no Kuni. Reestablishing what it is that makes humans human and what causes a creature to live and all that.
I never knew a slime could be this expressive…
“I see you have guts.” – That’s probably something you shouldn’t say to a slime, LOL.
Oh! This reminds me of a writing piece I had to do one time where you had to tell a tale from a monster’s perspective and make them sympathetic. I wrote about a dragon, so there’s something nostalgic about this.
There really isn’t a lot of movement in this show. Not that I mind it – Juuni Taisen I used to love a bunch and that was based off a novel, but this is an LN-based show…the level of writing in this show is clearly from the LN camp, for one thing. How it got such great production values, however, is another question entirely…
The slime and dragon friendship that just formed made me wanna go “ET!”, just because the gesture they did to seal said friendship did kind of look like that, haha.
Mechasoft Doors MX…hey, I am getting my fix of anime OSs this season after all! Just…not in Gridman yet. Update: There are zero OSs in Gridman, not in episode 1 at least...
Oh wow! That fight scene was so darned cool! It makes me wanna see more already! And the fact he (I already know from promo material the slime’s name is Rimuru) uses his slime form and human form interchangeably…that’s even cooler!
The font down the bottom and up the top of the next episode box appears to say “Tensei Shitara Slime Datta Ken” (due to the frequency of one of the symbols that appears to be an S, then you do the same for E and you realise it works…then you realise the text is just stylised romaji). There are zeroes and ones on the left and right sides, which might correlate to Rimuru’s “analysis voice”…whatever that may be. Anyways, I’m pretty confident this’ll be something for my lineup, but it’s too early for judgement calls. It’s a keeper…for now.
Run with the Wind 1
Now here’s a show I didn’t expect to follow going in…I picked it up merely on ANN recs.
I’m laughing like a maniac! As much as it was a compelling opening, after the dude arrives on his bike and asks “Do you like running?” to a thief, I lost it. For some reason, I find it almost so unrealistic it became hilarious, in a stupid sort of way. Or maybe I just have a really bad sense of humour. Who knows?
That one guy running in the back in the OP is basically me every time I’m meant to do something physical. Even going up three floors via stairs gets me out of breath though and I live a fairly sedentary lifestyle, so I ain’t a good comparison.
That nickname “Shindo” puzzles me. I can’t think of a kanji combo that would result in wordplay with the characters for “god” and “child” using the name “Takashi Sugiyama”, but I guess maybe we’ll find out in a later episode…?
Thank…uh, goodness for the censorship on Musa…
Musa speaks unusually politely (because I noticed he used “gozonji desu” at one point, which is a keigo variant for “shitteiru”). Maybe it’s because they barely know each other that there’s keigo being flung about. That seems reasonable, at least.
There’s something authentic about this sense of camaraderie. I can tell because my extended family is huge, so gatherings are often like this but multiplied in scale.
“Tsuru no Yu” – Technically that translates to “Crane’s Bath”…”Public Bath” is the place’s purpose.
I was wondering why we’d somehow reverted to not having 10 dudes, but then they show this is actually Haiji’s perspective of the event from the start of the episode and show the scar on his knee. That’s gotta be important for later.
…and Haiji left his towel, LOL.
I still laugh every time I see Haiji’s stupid face (the one he makes when he asks “Do you like running?”).
I’ve associated the slurring of words like “yakusoku-ssu” to be for smol bishies like Yumoto, so having Haiji use it is a bit of whiplash. Then again, apparently that slurring is only used by men to assert their masculinity as far as I know…so, uh, yeah.
Actually…I’ve been wondering. How long are courses at this uni? Where I am, being a straight literature major is 3 years (assuming you also do other stuff that fulfils a straight Arts degree). Also, Fune wo Amu (by the same creator) is about a dude making a dictionary…hmm, so the creator really likes books.
Wait, as far as my short term memory operates, most of these guys at Chikuseisou do arts majors, aside from the law student and the smoker (who does engineering). They do literature or sociology, mostly. So if that’s correct…the author also likes sociology. I’ve been thinking about doing some sociology myself, it would really complement what I know about international studies.
As explained by Kyra, chiku – sei – sou. The sei means blue/green and the chiku means bamboo. Switching the two and reading them differently gives you “Aotake”.
Rent’s $300? Must be cheap, eh?
Also see Kyra’s post for information about the food-based suicide note.
The Kanto Gogakuren refers to this manga, Sakigake!! Otokojuku. It’s basically Again!!, but with more Fist of the North Star-style dudes.
Hmm…turns out you can refer to this show as KazeTsuyo. That’s going to make me confuse it with SekaTsuyo, though…(SekaTsuyo = Wanna Be the Strongest in the World!) Also, it turns out the character for “Kakeru” in this case means “to run” (normally it means “to dash” with a kanji normally used for flying). Wait…did I ever mention how much this show’s aesthetic visuals always look as if they’re a Powerpoint theme (see images below)? They do look like that, don’t they?
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I still have no idea why Kakeru has a bad case of resting b**** face, but…uh yeah, forget I said that. The sound direction in this show’s really nice. It really takes advantage of quiet moment to insert natural sounds.
I think if you go “yes!” when Haiji says “I’m going to win over all the dudes”, then you’re sold on the show. I did go “yes”, just without speaking. You know those feelings you only get in your gut and heart? Yeah, like that.
Huh? I noticed a dude called Bruce Chiou is in the credits and he’s definitely on RErideD this season too…
Out of this one, Slime Datta Ken and Double Decker it’s ranked last, but this show’s still a pretty strong addition to the seasonal lineup. Only time will tell if I kick it out or not…
Bakumatsu 1
The only experience I have with this era in anime is Bakumatsu Rock, I think…and that means I don’t know much about it.
Actually…considering the OP, scratch that. I know a bunch because of Touken Ranbu and other similar historical shows.
A…boob window? On a man? I get the black skintight vest is meant to be sexy, but I can’t see the point of that diamond…it’s just something extra for the animators and the illustrators to deal with.
C’mon. Can we not have Dudes Swishing Their Swords at the 4th Wall as something meant to hype up the audience? It’s a cliché, almost as bad as the running scenes you often get in OPs and EDs…Seriously, I can’t believe I’m getting mad at 10 dudes swinging their swords like this (specifically I’m getting mad because they were all in succession – doesn’t matter if it was in time to the music or not).
Okay, who transplanted WWI into this? I know that’s the point of the show, but the sepia really sold the idea of “this is meant to be Old-Timey Wimey Stuff and whoever’s meant to be watching is meant to be a history buff so they can spot the difference”.
Part of the ep title is “Mou Ichido no Bakumatsu”, so a better translation is “The Bakumatsu (Era) – Again!”
Wait, I thought Kondo was meant to look hotter than this (especially because he had what appears to be a coin – or an old-timey family crest – on his head). The frumpy mouth doesn’t sell the goods, yo.
Somehow…I knew Katsura would have glasses. He has them in Bakumatsu Rock. But is it historically accurate to have glasses in the Bakumatsu era, though?
Come to think of it…something that controls time would be pretty hard to destroy, no?
I think I read on ANN that swords being too big to draw in ship quarters is accurate. Hmm.
If this is such an important treasure…then why not have more padlocks on it? Or more guards closer to it (although those guys probably ran away)? Or some other protection around it? Couldn’t this supposed Yoshinobu-sama fight for himself?...Then again, I think this is just a case of overthinking. (insert MST3K mantra here)
Puh-lease. As much as I want a kunoichi (lady ninja) in my shows, don’t make them Naruto run. That’s one of my pet peeves…
Uh…Hagi? That’s probably it, considering there’s a river in the show.
Tanuki soba.
Well, there’s something to be said about being able to steal Shinsengumi jackets while the men are eating noodles. At least it didn’t involve knocking them out though (weak LOL).
Okay…why do the Shinsengumi look like waiters now? As much as I like a dude in a waiter suit, if I wanted a waiter, I’d go to a fancy French restaurant…
I feel like I’m being clubbed over the head with themes in this show. C’mon, have more tact than that.
There’s basically no chemistry between these guys (Katsura and Shinsaku). How did they meet?
Wait, so Darker Blue is Sakamoto if Green is Katsura and Red is Shinsaku? Sakamoto (Ryouma) is the redhead in Bakumatsu Rock, isn’t he? Okay then. But who’s White?
Seriously, Shinsaku. Learn from the kunoichi and stay quiet and stealthy. I don’t need another shonen hero…
Oh man, Toshizou is normally one of the Shinsengumi I like best (or at least I recognise his name more) out of these kinds of shows. If he has Perma-Scowl, I can’t possibly like this version.
Oh goodness. Souji’s a friggin’ sadist. Come to think of it though, I think this (Okita) Souji looks like the one from Gintama.
Why does Toshizou sound a frigton like any given Touken Ranbu sword…?
If that katana is symbolic…Toshizou must be hecka masculine, LEL. (Note: A “LEL” is not quite a LOL, it’s mostly done in jest. If anything, it’s probably about half a LOL.)
If that blonde ain’t Abe no Seimei, Yoshinobu-sama or some other important historical figure I know the name of, I’m eating my hat! (Not that I’m wearing one, it’s a figure of speech.)
I like Sakamoto’s face here, but man, I get distracted by the man candy below it…(i.e. his abs and bare chest, LOL. What did you think I was referring to?)
Oh great. (sarcastic) Sanada Yukimura almost always has that silly helmet, ever since Sengoku Musou I’ve pretty much tried to run away from it. I’d recognise it anywhere.
Who had the grand idea of letting Sanada keep his horse, anyway?
Okay, as much as I like making snarky comments, I made one too many here, methinks. Time for the drop pile.
Zombieland Saga 1
I read spoilers just a little bit, so I know the main twist is “zombie idols that sing death metal” already. If you didn’t want to know that at this point…sorry.
Whoa! They killed their protag off the bat? Not that I didn’t know that wouldn’t happen (already knew it would), but that’s gutsy. Truck-kun, go back to your darn isekai shows already.
Okay, I know this is a schoolgirl, but can we not with Sakura’s Schoolgirl Run for Dainty Ladies? This is a zombie show, dangit. Run properly. Can we also not with the boob jiggle?
Well, that’s one way to defeat a police officer (or get yourself arrested): Spade to the Brain.
Otsumami appears to be the name for the squid in Kotaro’s pocket.
You can’t see Kotaro’s eyes, even behind those sunnies…hmm…
Wow. Miyano sounds like he’s having such fun voicing Kotaro, y’know?
From the flyer: “They are coming soon from the underground...” Yup, that’s right, alright. Zombies have already come from the underground.
Tae’s credited under ????. They’re still holding out on us!
It seems like a pretty good keeper, provided you can keep up with who’s who.
DakaIchi 1
Yep, the BL anime. Thought I’d never try one? Think again.
As much as I do think I’d want to be hugged by Takato, his face…makes him look like he came out of Junjou Romantica…? Uhh…awkward.
Please don’t let this be a work full of sadism and BDSM. I’m not that kinky, y’know…?
Uh, if you ever knew “boundaries”, Azumaya, that would be great. Thanks.
LOL, what a way to win a dude over. $10! That is cheap for a star.
I’m still wondering if this all constitutes “assault” or some other illegal business. I mean, Takato agreed to everything under the influence of a bunch of drinks.
LOL, the director’s shirt says “concentration”. As in, “focus on the stuff you’re doing”.
Hey wait, how does anyone pull off a kabedon on an operation curtain?!
Uh…maybe it’s just my inexperience with the genre, but…what the heck was that scene with the feathers?
Dangit, Yaoi Hands. If I weren’t so aware of you already, you wouldn’t be breaking the immersion of this show!!!
Random Dance Ending? I so did not expect that, I’m laughing as a result.
Uhh…I cannot believe I did that. I watched an episode of a yaoi anime and coveredit without it ruining my pride! To think I watched 18+ shoujo ai before 18+ shonen ai is really something I cannot get my head around, though…not that I will ever tell you which shoujo ai show I watched. So…uh, it was actually pretty decent aside from the “I don’t get what the heck this scene is meant to be” bits which are probably staples of the genre.
Radiant 1
Uhh…why do I feel like I’m watching Deltora Quest for the 3rd time? Not that Deltora Quest is bad, it’s just too stereotypically high fantasy.
Mahoutsukai. Literally “mage”, but could be “wizard” or “sorcerer” if you went with it loosely. Then again, the French word for sorcerer must be pretty close to the English one which should be enough of a guide for translators, right?
Eh? It’s an…elephant –cow? What is this, Avatar  the Last Airbender? (half-snarking)
I think as the show goes along, its comedic timing is actually getting…better. That’s something, huh?
The show’s just a tiny bit too heavy-handed with its themes of racism or whatever sorcerers stand for. Then again, this is a shonen show. It’s allowed to be this way.
Geez, stylised English really is the order of the day for anime these days, huh? Lessee here…Alma’s…uh, Observatory, I think it says…?
Uh…all this talk about grimoires is giving me bad flashbacks…bad, screamy flashbacks involving a certain Asta…
I just noticed Alma gets referred to that way by Seth. Are these two not related, even though they share the same house (?) and hair colour?
Oh great. (sarcastic) Toilet humour. One of my worst enemies, aside from fanservice…
What’s up with the bat (?)? It knd of seems to be Alma’s…
Hey, I…think I know this kind of story too well. It’s going to eventually end, after a long run, with an adult Seth and that girl from one of the key visuals together…or something. Shonen are weird like that. They always end with a happily ever after and an adult protagonist, or the “the adventure just keeps happening!” sort of thing…y’know?
The plural of Nemesis is “Nemeses”, but it seems the book Seth read said “Nemesis’ Egg”. So the plural is the same as the singular in this case.
Huh? They chose to put both fancily-written French and then Japanese under it, as a homage to the French origins of this work? Huh, interesting.
Tommy’s saying “Gyaaaaah!” not “Yaaaaaaah!” - there’s a difference between those two, y’know?
SSSS.Gridman 1
As a self-professed fan of heroes who never actually got into tokusatsu because I keep missing Power Rangers when it airs on local TV stations, this and Garo are filling in a genre space I never really had until I started wandering tokusatsu wikis...which was before the live-action Power Rangers came out, methinks.
Why do I feel like I’ve seen this font (the one “SSSS.Gridman” is written in)? I thought it was a Calvin Harris music video, since I have a few downloaded legally (due to a CD I found in one particular library), but Harris’s font is slightly different to this one…Well, after some experimentation, it seems to be Arial with extra kerning.
“Amnesiac” is starting to become an anime trope in itself…
Seven-Two-One, LOL.
Ahh, children in puberty. Can’t tell whether relationships are romantic or just platonic. (wistful)
If Utsumi isn’t the goth dude from earlier, I’m eating my hat! (Not that I’m wearing one right-oh, I’ve used this joke before, haven’t I?)
…dangit, now I have to eat my metaphorical hat. By the by, I thought Utsumi was an Ume sort of character (as in, the type who would usually get voiced by Yuichiro Umehara), but no, it was Soma Saito.
The girl with the purple hair reminds me of the Administrator (or whatever her name is, the AI) from Yakusoku no Nanayamatsuri.
Regardless of whether the scene was with volume or not, that awkward pause between Shinjo, Utsumi and Hibiki went just a weeny bit too long…
When Takarada approached Utsumi and Hibiki, the colours of her earphones and eyes really popped!
They seem to treat memory loss as something minor, like a cold. It’s a bit awkward, I think.
Utsumi, kid. If you think computers from the 70s and 80s are huge, you should see server rooms! Those computers are huge! Not to mention, the first computers filled up entire rooms (just like servers do). Even portable server units are about a good 160 cm tall with wheels…oh, you don’t want to hear me prattle on about this? Okay, moving on.
“This really is a pile of junk, huh?” I had to go back and check someone hadn’t skipped a word – they did skip the word, in fact.
T-This is what Trigger have held out on us for? A monster like this looks terrible in CGI, man. Even if it is one of the better efforts. I mean, the eyes don’t even look in the same direction…
Why does Utsumi refer to the computer as “Junk”?
The Ultra series? Y’mean Ultraman?
Let’s just say…Gridman looks much better than the kaiju here.
They didn’t even dispose of the kaiju head properly, LOL.
I feel like the battle didn’t quite get my blood boiling. (Probably because I was grumbling too hard at the kaiju and the parts where the execution got a little too silly.) I’ll put it on hold and see if it gets better in a few episodes, but I’m not holding my breath. Since this is Trigger, it could pull off some great stuff if it tried…it’s just this seemed a little soulless in comparison to everything else I’ve seen them do. Or maybe my increased consumption of anime this year has left me jaded...
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happy2bmyownboss · 3 years
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We had a birthday in the house and a ‘Star Wars’ cake had been requested... specifically the ‘Millenium Falcon’... <) Ummmmm... have you ever thought about the detail you would need to put on a cake like that??? There were a ton of different tutorials but many of them needed special pans (no one had them in stock for a reasonable price) or a crazy list of materials and were just way too complicated! (I also need to work on my fondant skills before tackling some of them.) I formulated a plan in my head and ordered some things from Amazon but the plan changed and I went back and ordered a small silicon mold. I watched an amazing tutorial on YouTube and it gave me some confidence... I think it turned out pretty good although the colors in the edible picture weren’t quite as vibrant as I’d hoped. The kids had fun helping melt the chocolate chips and crushing Oreos to make the ships and the sand dunes. They also loved helping to sprinkle the ‘sand’ all over the cake... and the kitchen. The cream cheese icing actually pairs well with the Golden Oreo sand... yummy! Shyanne approved all the recipes and techniques used in the making of this cake!! I’ll definitely be using the luster dust some more and experimenting with my food coloring painting techniques as well. We’ll be using the extra supplies for May 4th as I’m sure the kiddos will be wanting to celebrate that day as well! The red velvet cake and cream cheese icing recipes are on the blog... we doubled them both for this cake. https://kirbyskorner.site/2019/11/22/red-velvet-cake-w-cream-cheese-icing/ The link to the silicon mold is here: https://amzn.to/3dYhs3S The tutorial I really liked is here: https://www.howtocookthat.net/public_html/star-wars-cake/ #largefamilylife #birthdaycake #homemade #redvelvetcake #starwarscake #milleniumfalconcake #starwarsday https://www.instagram.com/p/CNjC2-FDJ0F/?igshid=14xzh9scfaoxk
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yvii7books · 7 years
whats your favourite book ever read and would also recommend
I cant pick only 1! I narrowed it down to my top 5 influential books (I count those books that impacted me the most while reading them) In no particular order1- Harry Potter and The Prisoner of Azkaban, JK Rowling (3rd book in the series)2- The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo, Stieg Larsson (1st book in a trilogy -I dont like to count the 4th book as part of Millenium-)3- Clockwork Princess, Cassandra Clare (3rd book in a trilogy)4- The Final Empire, Brandon Sanderson (1st book in a series)5- Vicious, VE Schwab (Stand alone novel)So from what you see, I get very influencial over books in a series. When I get asked for my favorite book. I find myself mentioning Vicious just for the fact that this book sucks you in so much into their characters and they are very psychologically fucked up which makes this novel much more interesting. Personally, when I was reading it i had to stop for a week because I got too much into the characters. If you want to start a series and get involved you can see my other 4 choicesIm assuming everyone already knows and read Harry Potter so I don't need to go forth with thatWith the Millenium series I waited about 6 years to be able to read them because it is a very strong series and I was too young to handle it (according to my mom) and i'm glad I waited, also because I believe I understood the books way moreThe Infernal Devices is the spinoff series of Cassandra Clare's The Mortal Instruments which you have to read in order of release date to have this last book influence you as much as it did me (it's soooo worth it)Mistborn series by Brandon Sanderson are a personal favorite because it was the book that some stranger said "you're reading my favorite series of all time" and well it's nice to have this experience. Made me enjoy the book much more
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inkbrusher · 7 years
30 Questions!
rules: answer 30 questions and tag 10 people
tagged by @bebbies
tagging: @zlnkling @grumtaire @funkadacious if yall are so inclined
# following: 250
# of followers: 505... more than my oc blog but far less than my main hah
average hours of sleep: anywhere between 6 and 8 hours
lucky number: 4! i was born on the 14th of the 4th month 4 years before the new millenium :^)
instruments: i used to play clarinet. my shitty school had it so i had to give it up to pursue art. i do miss playing music...
what are you wearing: an old high school class shirt and pj pants
dream job: i would love to be a storyboard artist. or if we’re talking big dreams a director. in my dreams i dont have the extreme social anxiety that prevents me from directing effectively haha
dream trip: hong kong or australia!
birthday: april 14th
height: 5′6″
gender/pronouns: she/her
other blogs: ofc this is my reblog blog; @katribou is my main/fanart blog, @kathleeson is my original art/character blog.
nicknames: kat! some ppl still call me kitkat back from the skype days when my display name was kitkatsatbatmatribou or somethin
star sign: aries
time: 1:47 am
favorite bands: muse, gorillaz, foster the people, animal collective
favorite artist: artist in general??? film is art right, ill say chris nolan counts for this haha. i feel dumb but i love everything he makes and he seems like such a genuine guy that just really loves the form he works in. i admire him very much for it
favorite tumblr artist: oxboxer, jeluto, woonyoung
song stuck in your head: i think its called cyberspace curse? it popped up on my spotify discover weekly and i can’t get the cheesy ‘hmm... i think im gonna go OnLine today !’ out of my head (also sidenote my spotify discover weeklys have been all over the place i dont know what spotify thinks i listen to...)
last movie you watched: rewatched psycho? for a class assignment. still holds up remarkably well imo
last show you watched: in the middle of westworld rn!! wanted to see what jonah nolan’s stuff is like haha! (i think mind fuckery runs in the family...)
why did you make your blog: this blog was made bc i kind of felt guilty reblogging to my main in its early days when i felt like people were following for art! my main was made when a few ppl on deviantart told me to make one back in like 2011
what do you post: bad joak pretty art
last thing you googled: caravaggio... a pal said they liked his art so i wanted to see what was what fkljgf
ao3: i’m not really a fic reader tbh. like i dont go out looking for fics. the few ive read were recs that ppl showed me just so they could talk abt em
do you ever get asks: yeah! i always like asks bc i get to overshare or doodle a response lkfjgf
how did you get the idea for your url: i main the inkbrush in splatoon. i consider myself pretty good at it so i like feeling important with this pretty definitive url
favorite food: i fukin love ice cream
last book you read: im in the middle of the goldfinch rn (i was told it was Gay but literally the chapter i read this morn was so hetty... bye) lfkjdf but the last book i finished was stephen hawking’s a briefer history of time. i know. fuckin nerdy. over break i was thinking abt how i miss learning things for fun so ive been hitting up the nonfiction side of the library
top 3 fictional universes: splatoon... botw... i can’t think of a last fuq
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queenmabscherzo · 7 years
DVD commentary - Targeting, Ch. 26
this is the second part of the chapter. i didn’t want to do all the post-game interviews and stuff, i mean, that is what it is. but i really like talking about the boys :’) so for the anon who requested chapter 26, here’s most of it:
Winning is a hell of a drug. And the crash? That's apocalyptic.
It starts during the trip to the hotel, the mundane reality of a bus ride that reminds Steve—it's not Hollywood, here. (obv this is a reference to big sports movies, which would end with the championship or whatever, but also any time i can make an MCU reference and like tap on the 4th wall, that’s fun.)
It all feels so big when you're standing in the middle of the stadium, in the middle of 70,000 fans and 4000-watt LEDs (i looked up “stadium lights” btw, which is one of those dumbass things that you feel like you have to research and then reread it a year later and ur like “oh ok lmao”), but when you drive away, when you watch the horizon and the dark night sky swallow that stadium right up, it doesn't feel as big anymore. It already feels like two lines of text on the NCAA Wikipedia page. (the best moments always go by too fast, don’t they, Steve) (luckily he’s got more best moments yet to come)
And now that his mind is reeling back to the dirt and the desert, all Steve can think about is Bucky's glassy eyes. He wracks his brain, running through their conversation over and over so he won't forget: something about hurting Steve, something about forgetting phone numbers, checking on Sam Wilson, (bucky rly cared a lot about sam, ngl. Protective Bucky Barnes made it a personal goal not to let freshman phenom Sam Wilson get hurt IN ANY WAY WHATSOEVER)
I love you.
Steve taps his foot incessantly through the drive to the hotel. (in retrospect i should have made a parallel between this bus and the high school bus hnng) The rest of the bus rocks with three different group chants and a tuneless rendition of "We Will Rock You" that the white boys must have started. (mannnnn i remember sports buses ……. I remember in middle school one of our fav bus songs was “stacy’s mom” …)
Steve texts Bucky a simple You okay?, but doesn't expect a response and doesn't get one.
When they finally reach the hotel, Steve's internal systems are going haywire. The euphoria of victory has nosedived, but he started so high in the atmosphere it's becoming hard to breath—the imbalance of oxygen—all the meters in the cockpit spin out of control—(speaking of mcu references) he just wants to know if Bucky is okay. He just wants Bucky to be okay.
So Steve's pretty much delirious when they enter the hotel, split into groups, and go their separate ways. He drifts onto an elevator with Sam and the Bradleys. When they reach their floor, Steve turns down the hall for his room on autopilot—then stops in his tracks.
There is a man in black leaning against his doorframe. The corridor is empty except for this dark motionless figure with a duffel bag strapped to his back. Steve is suddenly very conscious of his breathing.
(in early drafts of targeting, i sent bucky to the hospital at the end of the game. Not like in a Serious way, just in a precautionary way. he just hurt his head so they might as well get it checked out, right. in the early drafts, i had steve and his teammates visit bucky IN the hospital. i considered Rumlow being there, or pierce being there. I also considered Steve punching Rumlow for being gross. But yeah. Hospital. That lasted in the drafts for a long time, actually. It’s not a bad idea, but it’s logistically hard wrt getting him out of the hospital, and like, has more serious implications than necessary. I’m all about hurt/comfort but i didnt wanna beat bucky up too bad.)(and obviously the hotel room is ……. GREAT)
A voice sounds from behind Steve: "Did Eli lock himself out again?" (AGAIN!!!) (I wanna know that story lmfao)
Steve's friends all laugh. (steve does not laugh. He knows who it is already. nerd.)
"I'm right here!" Eli protests from the back of the group.
"That's not Eli," Steve whispers, pace accelerating—heart accelerating. He breaks away from his teammates and strides down the hall, like tripping, like falling, like pointing the nose of the plane straight toward the earth. Like plummeting forward and just barely catching himself with every step. (one time i had a coach describe “running” as “falling forward and catching yourself” and idk how i feel about that metaphor in practicality but it sure works right here lmao)
The dark figure looks up as Steve approaches, but doesn't move.
Steve wraps his arms around Bucky's waist and kisses him on the lips. (we all KNEW who it was right? It’s one of those surprises u know is gonna happen but you still can’t wait to see it)
Numbness starts to creep up his limbs—probably from the buckets of adrenaline careening through his bloodstream, a fire and flood (thank u @ vance joy) every fifteen minutes since the game started. But God, his heart is so big, right now, so loud and so real. If any heart could take it, it's Steve's.
What kind of kiss.
Steve has never kissed anyone like this. A direct line to all the empty spaces in his chest.
(this is the third time they’ve kissed, now. The first time being when bucky was freaking out in his hotel room a couple weeks ago, and pretended it didnt happen. The second time was in millenium park, aka steve’s christmas present to bucky lol. And of course, a lot happened between that kiss and this one. I’d like to think they both changed, as people, even.)
(have you ever been caught off guard by an incredible kiss when you were the one giving it???? Maybe that’s just me, because i’m so casual and careless at all times. But have you ever gone in for a kiss and Meant it, but still the other person doubles down and gangs up on you somehow? That’s this kiss. That’s this kiss for steve. Steve is like, “there’s nothing left to say, i just have to show him”; and bucky is like … still kind of thinking every kiss with steve could be his last. So he gives it all he’s got. I guess. Idk if i’m describing it v well but. What kind of kiss.)
All of Bucky is so strong: (OH YEAH that’s also rly important, i cannot stress how fucking Strong bucky is and how much i love him for it) (besides the fact that he’s been through so much and survived it all …. He’s still GOOD.) (STOP im gonna cry about bucky barnes for a bit) Steve can feel it under his lips and under his fingertips, the molten resilience warm and dormant under Bucky's skin. Steve presses harder and leans closer. He can't get close enough. His hands press into Bucky's spine, and he still can't get close enough. He opens his mouth and Bucky sighs and draws him in and he still can't get close enough.
One of his teammates whistles. Steve and Bucky don't let it stop them, this time. (oh don’t worry, i did not forget about the other boys, those poor poor babies. Isaiah is probably like :o and Eli is probably grinning and like smacking his brother on the arm until it bruises. Sam is prob the one who whistled.)
Steve's body systems are all rebooting. He can't feel anything that isn't in contact with Bucky—which is fine—that's perfect, he doesn't need anything else—
Then Bucky touches him, and Steve sucks in a sharp breath through his nose. (have you ever kissed someone and just forgot they had hands until they USE THEM??) (anyway) Bucky's hands come to rest on his face, leaving fingerprints on Steve's jaw, like lavender and cirrus clouds. His hands slide behind Steve's neck, and his fingers thread through his hair. He finds the dimple at the base of Steve's skull and whimpers.
Steve has no idea what his own hands are doing. (LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!) (they on bucky’s butt!!!!!!! I’m joking, they’re WHEREVER YOU WANT THEM TO BE.) He can't focus on more than one thing, and right now, that one thing is the feel of Bucky's bottom lip under his own.
He can't get close enough. He presses in for more contact, from knees to navel to sternum. He backs Bucky into the wall, and he can feel the jolt when his fingers are trapped between Bucky's jacket and the wallpaper. (a jolt!!! He prob was a little forceful …………… *eyes emoji*)
Bucky breaks the kiss and hisses and presses both hands to Steve's chest.
Horror washes over Steve. "What's wrong?!"
Bucky grimaces. "Sorry," he pants, eyes fixed on Steve's mouth.
"What—no, don't be—what's wrong?" He steps back, but keeps his hands on Bucky's waist in case he needs—anything. Support? What's wrong?
"Sorry. It's…" Bucky swallows. His eyes flicker. Steve can see the faint green of a lingering bruise near the bridge of his nose. "Dislocated shoulder." (in early drafts, this was a collapsed lung. In retrospect, that’s prob because it might have required the hospitalization. I think the shoulder injury is more … symmetrical, tho.)
"You—you have a dislocated shoulder?"
"Wait, you what?" That would be Eli, stepping closer, eyes wide. (athletic trainer eli!)
"Well." Bucky looks down again. "It's relocated now." (thanks buck. Thank you for that elaboration.)
"When did it happen?" Steve asks.
"That—when me and Wilson went up for that deep pass. And landed on top of each other."
(“Bucky and Sam both go up for the ball; it twirls off their fingertips; they tangle in mid-air, and they both go down hard. Steve jogs toward them, heartstrings strumming dominant chords in his bloodstream.
Sam Wilson gets up first, moving stiffly, both hands on his lower back. When Steve offers him a hand, he waves it off even while he winces. Steve glances downfield. Bucky's teammates are helping him to his feet and stuffing his shoulder pad back into his uniform.”)
Steve wracks his brain. "On the last play?"
"No," Bucky says. His eyes dart between Steve and each of his teammates. "Before. We were winning. It was a go route."
It's all kind of a blur in Steve's memory: images of Sam Wilson in deep coverage, Bucky lining up as a safety, zone reads, go routes, post routes, slant routes. He can remember Sam tumbling down on the sidelines, and something occurs to him: "Was it the fight?"
"No," Bucky answers, and Sam speaks at the same time: (<3)
"No," Sam says, staring at Bucky, a nauseated expression curling his lip. (because that play was … A LONG time ago) "No, it was in the third quarter. Right after halftime," he clarifies, and everyone knows he is right.
Steve begins to feel a strange, localized ache in the hinge of his jaw. "You played the whole second half with a dislocated shoulder?"
Bucky shrugs. And then winces. (he’s sO CUTE. and dumb. BUT CUTE.)
"Holy shit," Isaiah breathes.
"I mean, we popped it back in, first," Bucky backtracks.
"Still," Eli hisses, then leaps into action. "No wonder it hurts—Steve Rogers and the kiss of death, over here." (tbh i thought of this joke before i even decided on an injury lmfao.)(i am not funny.)
Steve opens his mouth to protest, but Eli talks over him. "Come on, come inside, I have a couple ice packs in the freezer." (ELI IS SUCH A DAD™!!!!!) Eli fumbles with the key-card and shepherds Bucky into their room. Once they're inside, he relieves him of his duffel bag—working carefully around his left shoulder—and shoves it at Sam without looking, then guides Bucky onto the end of a bed. Once he is settled, Eli turns to rummage through their mini-fridge. "Steve, grab me one of our hand-towels, yeah?" he orders.
Steve does so. When he returns from the bathroom, he stops in his tracks. Bucky is perched on the edge of Steve's bed, a little wide-eyed, but calm. Eli hovers over him, inspecting Bucky's shoulder. Sam sneaks the duffel (i only included this fucking duffel bag so bucky could sneak his Secret Documents into Steve’s room lmfao)(and so Sam could make the “overnight bag” joke tbh.) next to the TV, then catches Steve's eye and shakes his head, clearly trying not to smile.
The entire tableau punches all the air out of Steve's lungs. (same) (obv i really wanted steve’s friends to accept bucky, and i’m nothing if not Dramatic. so. Here we are)
Steve eases onto the corner of the empty bed. Eli doesn't even acknowledge him, his focus trained on Bucky. "They check you out?" he asks as he prods the left side of Bucky's back with well-trained fingers.
Bucky nods. He gazes at Eli the way you might gaze at someone who speaks to you in a different language, but nevertheless does so very earnestly. (i mean it’s safe to say bucky NEVER expected a reaction like this, not only because his own coaches/staff aren’t this nice, but also bc like, these guys are his rivals, lmao) (and he also is prob thinking about what a dick he was to Steve a week ago)
Eli tugs at the collar of Bucky's windbreaker and asks if he can remove it. Bucky lets him help without speaking and without moving his left arm much. Once the jacket is gone, Eli has better access to Bucky's torso.
"Hospital?" Eli asks.
Bucky shakes his head. (LOL)
"Broken ribs, too?"
Bucky nods. (ok ok ok . i worked very hard not to let eli fall into a trope where he just existed to “take care of bucky”. Because i wanted him to rly be the character who cared about sports medicine and … about PEOPLE. So i established it earlier, with steve, with sam, with his major, with his brother, with his kids, everything. And he really knows what he’s DOING. he sat down with bucky for like a single minute, and could tell he had loose tissue and broken ribs around the relocated shoulder. And he’s made something of himself, here, of caring about people. He’s cared about his brother for years, when no one else cared, and now he’s gonna make a living taking care of hurt athletes. I also think it … kind of fits with comics!eli, who was such a sweet bean and just wanted to be a good superhero and live up to his grandpa. I rly rly rly absurdly love eli bradley, guys.) (also contrast him with steve, who wants to take care of people but has no idea what he’s doing; isaiah, who has a good heart but isn’t good at showing it; and sam, a good friend who’s a big goof.)
"Did they scan you?" Eli goes on, and doesn't wait for an answer. "There's loose tissue, I think. Can you lift your arm?"
"Not really," Bucky says, and proceeds to lift his arm (LMAO YOU ASS). He almost makes a ninety-degree angle.
"I mean, I haven't seen the scans or nothing," Eli says, and sounds genuinely sorry for it, "But I think there's some kind of tissue damage. Maybe not torn, but ... Can't believe they didn't take you to the hospital."
"We have doctors," Bucky says dumbly.
Eli dismisses that with a wave. "Did they give you anything?"
Bucky blinks.
Eli beckons for the towel, which Steve hands over. "Any drugs?" Eli clarifies.
Bucky huffs, a small sour sound that could be laughter. "You'll have to be more specific."
Steve, Sam, Isaiah, and Eli all stare at Bucky.
Steve thinks back to the NAC Championship Game. "Pump me with enough drugs, and even I can't tell I'm injured." It could mean so many things. Even at American State, players take shots to stave off the pain long enough for a football game. Sam Wilson comes to mind, and his small doses of painkillers and muscle relaxants to alleviate the back spasms. (if you’re into that kind of thing, meaning semi-unpleasant-medical-commentary, look up “toradol shots” and “football” and some articles are more biased than others but yeah, it’s sketchy either way.)
But Bucky sounds so angry. It's the tone of voice that draws Steve's imagination to dark places.
Eli is the first to recover. He holds up the ice pack, now wrapped in a towel. "I mean anti-inflammatories," Eli explains, "or something to knock you out overnight."
Bucky accepts the ice pack. He turns it over between his hands. He looks thoughtful. He picks at a stray thread on the towel. He doesn't speak.
Sensing the toxic discomfort in the room, Steve is about to step in when Isaiah clears his throat.
"So his arm's not gonna fall off or nothing?"
Eli blinks, then ducks his head. "I mean, he said it hurt," he says sheepishly.
"You ain't have to assault him and force him to strip," Isaiah points out. (isaiah is really a big sweetheart, he just doesn’t express himself well lol.)
"I don't mind," Bucky mumbles.
Sam interrupts, then. "So what do we call you?" (and sam is ……  sam.)
Bucky and Steve both stare at him, mouths open.
"You know," Sam explains. "Do you go by … James? Or Barnes? Can I call you Bucky, or is that like a pet name? 'Property of Steve Rogers' or whatever?" Steve blushes. "Or do you prefer the Winter Soldier?"
"Anything but that."
"Bucky Bear?"
Bucky snorts. "Nice ring to it."
"But really," Sam says, smiling now. "I'm gonna hack into Steve's phone and steal your number so I can send you a ton of pictures of me with the trophy. (this is true, and definitely definitely happens.) (except the part where sam hacks into steves phone. He just gets buckys number. Hes not shy, pls.) So. What name do I save you under?"
"... Bucky's fine," he replies with a bemused half-smile.
Steve gazes at him. There is a perfect ache in his chest, like too much color bursting inside and not enough space.
"… out of it. Earth to Steve Rogers." (ISAIAH!!!!)
He snaps back to the present when he hears Isaiah speaking. "I'm—what?"
Sam cackles, which Steve thinks is pretty unfair, since it's his fault Bucky just knocked all the air out of Steve's lungs.
"Maybe we should go," Eli says gently.
"Hell yeah it's time to go," Sam says, rubbing his hands together. "We're going out, right?" He grins at Steve. (sam …… is too young to legally drink. I’m crying. i mean not that it’s hard for young people to get alcohol but he’s literally 19 and asking to go out. He’s so full of life and he’s so RIDICULOUS!!!!!!!!!)
Everyone in the room stares at him, shifting awkwardly.
"I don't think they're coming," Eli says.
Isaiah takes Sam by the elbow and steers him toward the door. "We can still go out."
"Wait." Sam plants his feet. "Steve, you …" (like sam’s not CLUELESS here, he just saw them make out for crying out loud. He’s just got so much energy and they just won a BIG GAME okay, it just takes him an extra second to process things. Which, i mean, is relatable.) He looks at Steve, then—looks at him—and seems to see something new; then he looks at Bucky, then Steve again, back and forth. "Oh."
"Sam—" Steve tries, but Sam interjects.
"Holy—okay, okay, I mean, he did bring an overnight bag and shit," Sam says, gesturing towards Bucky's duffel.
Bucky's face turns an impressive shade of crimson. "What." (he most certainly did not. Well, staying-overnight wasn’t the primary function of the duffel bag. He was maybe hopeful. maybe.)
"I think you just took their relationship to the next level," Eli cuts in with a sly look.
Sam, on the other hand, has gone from mortified to elated in the span of about four seconds. "What's in the bag, Soldier?"
Bucky levels him with a scowl to match the nickname. "Toothbrush and a box of condoms." (LIIIIIES. There’s only like 3 condoms. And they’ve been in there for months. but still.)
Sam is the first to laugh; Steve joins in, but it's weak because he's reeling with embarrassment. And distantly, definitely turned on.
"Right. We're leaving," Isaiah says pointedly. (poor frikin isaiah puts up with SO MUCH!!!!! His roommates are so ridiculous and horny and he never asked for this except he totally moved in with them and knew full well what he was getting into and is maybe into it, but anyway, anyway.) (housewarming didn’t come out of the blue that’s all i’m saYINg.) (isaiah’s BLUSHING.) Sam Wilson is laughing too hard to protest.
After a small commotion ("There's Advil in my bag!" Eli says, just as Sam calls, "Always use protection!"), and the hotel door latches with a heavy bang. Steve can still hear his teammates in the hallway, but they are muffled and unintelligible, and they fade away fast, leaving Steve alone with Bucky.
Neither of them speaks right away. Bucky is still sitting quietly on the end of Steve's bed, staring, unfocused, into the middle distance. Steve takes the opportunity to look at him. Properly, and all, without sticking his tongue down his throat or bashing his injured shoulder into a wall.
(fun fact: the following transition is a fucking bitch. I don’t think it’s great but i’m an awkward loser, so i was like ok, how do i get them to say i love you and fuck already? Like in a Realistic Fashion. Realistic for dumb jocks.) (rolls eyes forever)
Bucky is in black sweatpants and black Nikes with red soles. The back of his white T-shirt has a list of dates—probably a catalogue of Southeast State National Championships—while the front bears the Southeast logo: a red elk skull with wicked hooked antlers. (check out the “targeting art” tag, a couple people have drawn this and i love them for it) (what else would make a “tundra” logo”...? idk) His face looks better than it did a week ago. Just a little swollen. Steve probably wouldn't even notice if he didn't know to look. There's a string of bruises on Bucky's arm and his knuckles are tore up and there's still dirt clinging to his nails, but all that's just standard football wear-and-tear. He's got a couple days' worth of stubble, and there's a little crescent patch on his jaw where nothing grows; a small white scar from God knows where, God knows when. His lips are parted. Steve wants to kiss him again. But between the corridor and now, this moment with silence and an ice pack wrapped in a crisp white towel, it doesn't seem so easy, anymore.
"You doing okay?" Steve asks.
Bucky's eyes snap back to life and he looks at Steve. (bucky is so spacy lmao awww) (honestly bucky is a lot like me. I think of all the characters in this story, he’s the most like me.) "Yeah." Just yeah.
"You want to use that ice pack, or stick it back in the freezer?"
Bucky looks down at the bundle in his lap, like he forgot it was there. His chest rises and falls.
"Here," Steve says, and stands up slowly so he can slide onto the bed next to Bucky's bad shoulder. He gently takes the ice pack and folds it against his arm, the outside of the ball-and-socket joint, right along the seam of his sleeve. "Good?"
"I dunno," Bucky croaks. "You don't have to—I should probably go." (like seriously, second guessing wild, impulsive decisions? Assuming people don’t care as much as you care? That’s just relatable, man.)
A knot twists in Steve's stomach. He presses into the ice pack a little harder—not too hard—just enough to feel present.
"Why did you come, anyway?" Steve asks.
Bucky's eyes track to his duffel bag, (he came because he wanted to bring steve those documents that incriminate Pierce. He came because he wanted someone to validate him. To validate how bad he felt. To validate the abuse he’s gone through. To tell him he’s not imagining things. He came because he likes steve and he misses him. He came because his sex drive is wild. He came because if he stayed in his hotel room, he would lose his mind.) then back to Steve. "I wanted to say I'm sorry."
"Sorry? For what?"
Bucky squeezes his eyes shut. "I'm sorry I hit you," he mumbles. (and he came to say that, too. he’s been feeling bad about that for a long time.)
How ridiculous, Steve thinks. What a small, silly thing, now. He's sitting here with an ice pack to Bucky's mangled shoulder, counting the bruises up Bucky's arms and his face, and that's just the ones Steve can see. He's sitting here in good health and a golden haze of victory, and Bucky is apologizing to him. How absurd. "Oh—Buck, don't worry about that."
"No, look, I'm obviously … messed up and all," Bucky launches into a stammering speech. "I'm sorry I hit you, and yelled at you, and … kissed you. (sorry about the mixed messages, to be specific) I guess. I'm—I just—I want you to know I didn't mean all those shitty things I said. And the game today, I didn't want to hurt anyone. I don't want to hurt you."
"I'm fine," Steve assures him. "I promise."
"Right." Bucky cracks his knuckles. He doesn't look convinced. "Anyway. I've been fucking with you for weeks now, (by “fucking with you” he means stringing steve along and then pushing him away. Toying with him. Which is how it looks, from certain points of view. It’s not how steve felt, but it certainly could be read that way.) so it's cool if you don't believe a word I say." (bucky was 100% lying in chapter 23 when he told steve “I was messing with your head” [with regards to kissing steve]. At the time, he was in a really dark, messed up place, and he was really angry with steve, and thought they would both be better off apart. They couldn’t mess each other up anymore if they were apart.)
Steve gapes at him. "Buck … You were mad. You had a right to be mad." (for the record, i PERSONALLY don’t condone bucky punching steve. But steve is more forgiving than i am, and more deeply [and unhealthily] attached to bucky)
The look in Bucky's eyes is so specific. Such a localized pain. From a distance he seems hard, and strong, towering marble, but if you look from the right angle you can see the anguish buried in the rock. The fear and sorrow in David's eyes, despite the calm repose of his limbs. (as in michelangelo’s david. I kind of get michelangelo vibes whenever i watch TWS, the scene with bucky in the bank vault.) (but i knew him.) (from the right angle, David looks very scared. And it’s the same with bucky, i feel.)
"I'm real fucked up, Steve." He sighs quietly. "I should go."
Bucky lowers his shoulder to wriggle out from under the ice pack. Steve lets it fall to the bed—instead, he grabs Bucky's knee.
"Don't go."
"I shouldn't have come. Steve ... I don't want to keep hurting you."
Steve has never been able to deny Bucky anything, but this—he read this wrong, before. (when he just let bucky go after hitting Steve) Bucky begged Steve to leave him alone, and Steve has let him go too many times. He'd thought he'd been doing what was best for Bucky. All this time, Bucky thought he was doing what was best for Steve. (isn’t that kind of the point. Of the story. Of them.)
"You won't hurt me," Steve promises. "You haven't hurt me. None of that was your fault."
"I hit you."
"You think I can't take one lousy punch?"
Bucky snorts; he doesn't smile, not quite, but he looks amused, and Steve counts it as a win. "Wasn't lousy. (BUCKY IS BIG) I'm sorry."
"Nothing to be sorry for. You were hurting too." He pauses there, feeling sober again, and he braces himself. "Bucky, can I ask you something?"
"Who gave you the black eye?"
He scoffs. "You were on the field. You saw. Wasn't it Creed's elbow?"
"Bucky," Steve scolds him gently. "I mean last week."
He ducks his head and doesn't answer.
"At my house," Steve prods. "Bucky?"
"It's not a big deal."
"Was it Rumlow?"
Bucky laughs, low and bitter.
"It was, wasn't it?" (steve has probably been thinking this ever since he saw it, considering he also overheard rumlow being an ass in bucky’s hotel room a few weeks ago)
"No. It … wasn't Rumlow."
Steve's not sure he believes him, (did you guys believe him?) but doesn't press the issue. He owes Bucky a little privacy. Just asking is what matters, for now.
Bucky looks up at him through long, long lashes; the same way he has always looked at Steve, (LIKE ON THEIR BUS IN HIGH SCHOOL) a bright blue, the hottest part of a flame.
"Quite a pair, aren't we?" Steve says through a watery smile.
"What's that mean."
(means we’re both selfless shits and we both know it. means no matter how bad we’re hurt, we both still want to take care of other people first.)
"Means I'm here for you, Buck," he says, soft and insistent. "I'm not going anywhere."
Bucky shakes his head. There might be a smile leaking through his granite mask.
Now or never.
"About what you said," Steve says carefully. He squeezes Bucky's knee and rubs small circles into his thigh. "You know, after the game?"
Bucky cringes. "Oh, god. I'm sorry about that too." (NOOOOOO--)
"Don't be sorry," Steve whispers—begs, even. Please don't be sorry. Not for that.
"I shouldn't have said anything," Bucky says. The muscle of his thigh twitches under Steve's grip. "I was caught up in the moment, you know, and it just came out, and it was totally wrong-place-wrong-time, I'm sorry."
"Did you mean it?" Steve breathes, almost inaudible, because he can feel the cracks under the surface.
Bucky covers his face with both hands. "It's—yeah, Steve, yeah I meant it. I just … shouldn't." (FUCK SPORTS AND TOXIC MASCULINITY AND HOMOPHOBIA AND FUCK IT ALL and give bucky a hug 2kforever.)
"Oh, Bucky."
When he looks at Steve again, his eyes are red. "You don't have to say it back."
"Are you kidding me?"
Bucky blinks. "Um."
"Listen to me, Buck." Steve sinks to his knees between Bucky's feet and looks up at him. It's dizzying. It makes his head ache just to think of it: all the years, all the football games, all the doodles passed back and forth in class, all the times Bucky treated Steve's injuries with ice and stupid jokes. He reaches up to take Bucky's face in both hands. "Listen to me," Steve says again. "For as long as I can remember, every single day of my life, you were the most important thing in it. The best thing. Bucky, I was in love with you before I even knew what that meant."
"And then you were gone. Just gone, and I felt so … much. There was so much, and I didn't know where to put it all." Bucky is crying openly, now, his nose red and his eyes shining. "God, I don't want to feel that way ever again," Steve whispers. "So yeah, I do have to say it back." He smooths the tears from Bucky's cheeks. "I love you," he says. He says it out loud for the first time in his life as he looks into Bucky's eyes, the eyes he has known and for years, for decades, for centuries upon centuries. "I love you, Bucky."
(i practiced that love confession during my Long Commute for months before i ever published it.) (such a balancing act, making it sound like something a person would say, and also make it very very meaningful. And like ….. Adequate for these 2.)
Bucky's lips blossom for him, parting like the gentle pink petals of morning. At first, all that escapes is a sob. He blinks, hard, and tries again:
"You're a punk." (bucky’s response was not a balancing act and did not take nearly as much effort, it’s the most in-character thing i’ve ever written lmfao)
Steve grins. "Yeah?"
"Yeah. You are such a punk."
There is water gathering in the creases of Steve's palms. "Is this okay?" he asks, wiping away more tears.
"This is the worst." Bucky sucks in a breath, and then grabs both of Steve's wrists and squeezes. "Yeah it's okay."
"Okay," Steve says. He feels his own throat growing hot. They're both going to end up crying, probably. He gazes at Bucky's lips, the chapped creases and the swollen spot where he always bites down on it. Steve smiles. "I'm kind of afraid to kiss you again."
"Well, yeah, Buck, it always seems to go wrong. (I MEAN HE’S GOT A POINT!) I try to break your arm, or you end up puking everywhere—" (a stranger whistles at us in millenium park--)
"Shut the fuck up," Bucky demands, and pulls Steve in for a kiss.
It is stiff at first—more overwhelmed than anything—their noses and their lips crushed together because they need it so bad. Because if they didn't kiss right now they would probably both erupt into color and flame and leave a crater behind in the Arizona desert. After a moment of desperate contact, after the reassurance that this is real, this whole night has been real, Steve relaxes. He strokes Bucky's jaw and parts his lips. (i wrote this sex scene between a dress rehearsal and a concert. A pretty major gig actually with a big symphony in a decent-sized city. I don’t LIVE in that city, so i had nothing to do between the rehearsal and the show, so i sat in a philly cheesesteak bar and wrote smut.) (i was also very anxious about the gig at the time.)
Bucky's hands are restless. They flutter like sparrows from Steve's wrists to his face and his elbows and finally, the fabric of his shirt, where they cling tight and pull him closer. He drifts back, stretches onto the mattress and pulls Steve on top of him. Not that it takes much coaxing. Steve goes hungry and willing. He wraps an arm around Bucky's waist and helps him shift farther onto the bed. Steve nudges a knee between Bucky's thighs, and that doesn't take much, either; Bucky's legs spread easily, (*eyes emoji*) and draw Steve in, and how absurd is this, now. It's phenomenal, the goosebumps that break out at the base of his spine and sweep straight to his skull.
Bucky kisses like an ocean. Writhing and fluid and breathless, pulse as natural and magnetic as the tide. He wraps Steve in white foam and surges against him. (this metaphor, for example, gives me vivid deja vu for that restaurant where i wrote it.)
Steve's left arm is trapped between Bucky and the mattress. With his right, he gropes for Bucky's hand and tangles their fingers together. Bucky's heel hooks behind his knee and he smiles, but doesn't break the kiss.
Steve grinds against Bucky's hip bone. That earns him a delicious groan.
Bucky gasps softly as he breaks the kiss. "I should probably be careful, you know," he whispers.
"You—? Oh," Steve says, scrambling up onto his elbows. "Sorry! Are you okay? Does this hurt?"
"No, not really," Bucky says, adjusting his left arm. (a resounding “yes” if i ever heard one) (he’s fine tho, he’s fine. just. you know.)
Steve can't imagine—just—at all. He just can't imagine. He can't picture hurting until it doesn't matter anymore. He wants to fix it so much. He wants to take away all of Bucky's hurt. "Is—? We can take it slow, if you want. I'm sorry. Is this—"
"Steve." Bucky spreads his fingers through Steve's hair and smiles. "I said careful, not abstinent." (if you could not tell after reading targeting, i really wanted to attack the stereotype where bucky is a wilting flower who needs to be coddled by Everyone. including but not limited to their Bedroom Activities)
He leans up to plant a soft kiss on Steve's chin.
"Yeah, oh."
"I'm not trying to pressure you though," Steve shakes his head, trying to clear his thoughts. (but also, i mean, steve is very very very sweet and i love that about him. It’s not offensive. it’s seriously fucking sweet.) "We can stop if you want."
"Steve Rogers, so help me, if you fucking stop now, you'll—I'll—I will … I'll do something. I can't think. But I'll do something. And you won't like it." (tbh i couldn’t think of something clever to say, and you know what? that seemed like the most accurate depiction of bucky’s state of mind)
Steve couldn't argue if he wanted. "Oh yeah?"
"You don't want me to stop?"
"I don't want you to stop."
(at this point, i was picturing like, bucky hasn’t actually Had Sex in awhile. Like a year, even. he’s probably made out with someone in the dark corner of a bar or maybe fooled around in a bathroom at a frat party. which, getting a half-assed hand job 2-3 times a year is nice but it’s not exactly intimate. actually, it’s not even nice. anyway. bucky might be .. even more sensitive than usual. Especially since it’s….. steve.)
Steve leans in for a kiss again, a rich slide of lips against teeth. He tugs gently at the hem of Bucky's shirt and drags his fingernails across the ridges of his stomach.
The noise Bucky makes is sunset and surf and sin. Steve kisses that sound. He slides his left hand out from under Bucky's back and into the front of his pants. (STEEEEEEVE!!!!!!! GET IT STEVE!) That's a good reaction, too: Bucky's hips jump, as if jolted by an electric current.
Steve wants to know every single one of Bucky's reactions, wants to learn every perfect way to make Bucky squirm. He fumbles with Bucky's waistband, and that is fingernails against Steve's scalp; he wraps a hand around Bucky's dick, and that is a hiss of air through teeth; he strokes once, up and down, and that is a low whine in Bucky's throat. He tightens his hold, and that is Bucky's hand slipping into Steve's pants, grasping him and caressing him in return, which—damn, you know. (YEAH DAMN!!!)
Steve trails kisses along Bucky's jaw until he finds the soft spot under his ear. Bucky's pulse speeds up, his breath speeds up, and his hand speeds up.
"Oh, God, Bucky," Steve groans.
That's all it takes. Bucky arches his back, spilling over Steve's fist, gasping for air. (bucky came SO fast in this scene lmfao i’m dyin. I still am not sure if it’s like …. TOO fast. Like unrealistically fast. Or … unkind of me. But i just. he hasn’t done this in awhile, he’s with STEVE, steve just confessed his LOVE, all the game day adrenaline--yeah i mean, at the end of the day? same, bucky. same.)
As Bucky spirals back to earth, his grip on Steve's cock tightens and his pace quickens. Steve grinds down into his hand, desperate and fevered, and it doesn't take long for him to come, too. (i mean i guess it’s been a few months for steve too……...lmao ….)
And that—God Almighty—that doesn't feel like a small thing. That feels like a great deal more than two lines of text on a Wikipedia page. (SWEETHEARTS!!!!) (they’re so corny. STEVE is so corny.)
Steve tries to catch his breath, panting hard against the hollow of Bucky's shoulder, leaving a warm, damp patch in the fabric of his shirt. Bucky twitches under him. Static currents and shallow breath. The dappled violets and whites and yellows of the sea at sunset.
Steve is careful not to crush Bucky underneath him. Even in the dense fog of sex and happiness, he is so, so conscious of Bucky's hurts. If anything, Bucky is more delicate, this way; supine and pale and fragile under the tips of Steve's fingers.
Steve traces the lines of Bucky's abs—Jesus—he would count them if he could see straight. He wipes his hand on Bucky's hip bone and asks, "You want to clean up, or anything? You're welcome to use the bathroom."
"You hinting?"
"Am I—? No, it—I just—"
Bucky is grinning, though. (if you know me at all, you know i can’t write a whole sex scene of like, ocean tides and starlight and fragile hearts or whatever. There’s gonna be a joke about a condom or like, the realistically gross follow-up. I AM WHO I AM.) His stomach shakes with laughter, and Steve gapes at him—miles of smooth skin, threads of cum shining on his stomach. It's terrific and terrifying and it's obscene. (terrific AND terrifying!!! Steve, sweetheart!!!) Steve can't even think in words.
Bucky pokes him, hard, right near the collarbone. "You want me to clean up?"
"… I don't ever want you to leave this bed again," Steve breathes. (STEVE, on the other hand, is a much bigger sap than me.)
Bucky just laughs some more.
"What are you giggling at?"
"I ain't giggling." (oh texas boy)
"Oh yeah?"
"I don't giggle."
"What do you call it?" Steve says, running a fingertip from Bucky's sternum to his bellybutton, a slow, subtle trail.
Bucky covers his eyes so all Steve can see is his smile and the way his throat bobs when he swallows.
He can't get enough. He drinks Bucky in like a drug, every detail, every little meaningless deed. The way one side of his smile is higher than the other; the fine hair on his arms; the mess on his stomach, drying and tacky and glistening in the lines that define his abs; the way his knee sways back and forth; the T-shirt bunched up under his armpits.
"I don't giggle," Bucky repeats. Then he uncovers one eye to look at Steve. The tip of his tongue peeks between his teeth. Steve wants to kiss it. He wants to kiss it all.
"Okay," he whispers. "You don't giggle." He kisses Bucky's elbow, which is the nearest thing within reach.
It must tickle, because a noise escapes Bucky's lips. A noise that is absolutely a giggle. (i don’t think he’s laughing because he’s ticklish, at least not 100%. ;) ) "Shut up," he says before Steve can even open his mouth.
"Not a word."
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