#would yall believe I started this a literal year ago 💀
night-triumphantt · 2 years
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Did I spend, over 100 hours on this, yes, yes I did. BUT NOW, I can look at all the exile cast standing together in a line and they all have cool outfits! ( @exilethegame I hope u like them, I stuck mostly to what doodles you had shared but also added my own design sensibilities in esp when we didnt really have a full image.)
anyway if you see me post these all individually in their own post mind your business, I spent a lot of time so I do what I want
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klxudykai · 4 months
shifttok is indeed funny asf.
i haven’t been on there in years and i somehow started getting videos abt it on my fyp. and in this one video this girl was questioning if it was really real or not. a lot of ppl in the comments were saying stuff like “it’s just lucid dreaming” and whatever other excuse they pulled out of their asses.
i decided to leave a comment which i believe i mentioned quantum jumping in?? i’m not sure cause it happened like three weeks ago or something so i don’t remember fully but anyways
this person replied and said that i was delulu 💀 i wasn’t necessarily affected by it because hey, you got your own beliefs and i got mine 🤷🏾‍♀️ (it’s 1:11 as im typing this!!)
and i told them that they can’t argue with me without doing research. that just ended up them continuing to insult me and call me delulu (might’ve also said that im going through psychosis???)
they eventually stopped replying once i mentioned that calling me delulu is unnecessary and doesn’t help their case or prove their point.
now we all know shifttok is the side of the media that demotivates us the most right? honestly it doesn’t last long. dont get me wrong there are times where i wonder if i am delusional because im literally shifting for a fictional character and i have to pause and ask myself what im doing with my life 💀💀
but i don’t let the thoughts or opinions get to me fully because like i said earlier, i know what i believe in and what i don’t believe in so no one’s opinion should harm me or stop me from accomplishing anything.
what i’m saying is don’t let shifttok or anti shifters get to you. it’s easier said than done but you have to think from a logical standpoint. if they ACTUALLY did their research, they would know it’s real and wouldn’t be talking out of their asses like that. and they were probably shifters once too but didn’t shift instantly like they expected 🤷🏾‍♀️ overall they’re a bunch of negative nancy’s that want to stay small minded.
people forget that this is a JOURNEY. its not just about getting closer to your dr. it’s also about discovering new shit about yourself and becoming more emotionally and spiritually aware. literally 6 years ago i had no idea that i found negativity as a friend which is why i had a hard time succeeding (i’ll possibly make a blog on what im talking abt with that)
shifting takes energy and patience. if you can’t handle that then maybe it isn’t for you. but i promise you, throughout your journey you’ll eventually block out negativity and doubts which will result in you being able to think clearly.
i hope yall understand what i’m getting at cause im not the best explainer and i just kinda type out whatever words is coming to my mind first 💀💀
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bitchkay · 16 days
I think yuri on ice is the only anime I've watched in full multiple times in both sub and dub
Like other animes I like I have in fact watched and rewatched various times but I don't think I e watch an anime IN FULL in dub except yuri on ice
And like yuri on ice is 12 episodes so it's not hard to be able to watch in rewatch but other animes that I have watched dubbed was always like partial
Like when I watched Attack on titan junior high I watched that majority in dub but the site I watched it on didn't have all the episodes in dub so it I'd be watching it like until like episode 6 or something and then like episode 8 and 9 would have subtitles but 10 would switch back to dub
I dont think I've ever watched Attack on titan junior high fully in sub either cus I remember rewatching it specifically so I can watch it in sub but some episodes were still dub😭😭😭
I think the first time I watched Haikyuu I watched season one in sub and season 2 in dub but I think I had it on as background noise so I wasn't reading the subs anyway
Not sure in I've fully watched saiki k in dub or not like I've definitely watched it sub and probably a majority in dub but I don't remember if I watched it fully in dub like all of it
I've watched Attack on titan an uncountable amount of times start to finish in sub mostly and probably a majority in dub, anytime I rewatch it its always subbed idk why but I whenever I think to rewatch it it's always subbed unless the intention is to watch dubbed, I think I've watch season 1-2 fully in dub, most of season 3 I've seen dubbed but similarly to junior high except I pick and choose which episodes I wanna watched in dub, I've also watch like half of season 4 part 1 in dub but yeah I don't think I've ever fully watched Attack on titan in dub
With death note idk depends on the day😭😭 I haven't watch either dub or sub fully but sometimes I just be wanting to watch it different💀
I've watched a couple episodes of naruto in dub
Idk about my hero I don't even remember what episode I left off at I stopped watching a long time ago well not that I stopped watching it's just I was getting caught up at one point cus a new season came out so right then I... stopped getting caught up... and just didn't watch the new season... its been 3 years... I think I've seen season 1 and 2 in dub but... you know clearly not the rest😶
I think I was trying to finish season 4 so I can watch season 5... or like i was starting season 5 of something... like September thru October 2021 I was attempting to get caught up...that checks out right? season 5 came out in 2021 right
Why am I thinking so hard about this😭
I believe I've watched a few episodes here and there from Jujitsu Kaisien season 1 I've watched in dub but not season 2, crazy i never actually finished jjk season 2 no but cus I would watch it w my friends weekly on the tv monitor at school like every week we would hook up some one laptop to the tv and watch the new episode but when the semester finished we obviously weren't in school and I... well I honestly forgot.. but it wasn't the same yall we were bonding we were having fun we were spending time together like yes I did actually forget but at this point I'll watch it when I decide to rewatch the series
Oh! I've definitely watched ouran in botb dub and sub fully me and my friends used to binge it on sleepovers
This was literally a post about me watching anime dubbed and subbed but it honestly just looks like a list of all the anime I've watched😭😭
Making this post is making me think I should try to log into my crunchyroll account again--
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