#wow I forgot to search this movie up on tumblr and yall really have it bad for warren
whalebonereviews · 3 months
American Animals (2018)
This is a movie review so....spoilers ahead :)
Honestly, I both loved this movie and hated it. On one hand, it glorifies 4 entitled white men's dumb college heist, and on the other hand, it perfectly captures the dread of waiting for something, anything to happen to change the grey 9-5 trajectory your life is currently on. I loved the cinematography and acting. I could feel their anxiety and desperation through the screen, the real-life people talking to their film screen counterparts were really the cherry on top for me.
Growing up I never had idols or people I looked up to (which sucked when I had to write essays about my non-existent idols), instead I had people I would never want to grow up to be. For example: my Tia, living with her narcissistic controlling mom, no friends, a candy crush addiction, and a bank teller job. My mother, unable to stick with a job for more than a year because she became stressed, depressed, or bored, and unable to control her emotions before they reached her children, and giving up on her dreams of art. All this is pretty depressing for a child and probably didn't help my outlook on life.
As a high school senior who has felt like she is waiting for something, anything, to change and bring me back to life or change my eventual 9-5-giving-up-on-my-dreams-for-reality fate the beginning of this movie really struck a chord with me (especially before I realized this isn't fiction and is really based in reality). I get why they started planning it. It gave them a goal to work towards, excitement, adrenaline, a change from their dull lives and futures, and a whole bunch of money. I don't believe they did it for the money though , at least not on the whole. What I don't get is why they kept going. They couldn't have been so blind-sighted that they believed they could pull it off unscathed or with a small slap on the wrist. Obviously, the excitement, adventure, money, and toeing the line kept them hooked, but their entitlement and conviction that they would get away with it was infuriating. It was meant to be infuriating watching them throw their lives away with dumb decisions and sloppy mistakes but I still sat there with my hands nervously sweating.
This movie explores the pitfall that is late-stage capitalism and the American Dream beautifully, with the constant reminder that this was and is someone's life.
Overall, this was a great movie and I definitely recommend watching it but make sure to take it with a grain of salt.
I need to say that I have tried so hard to pull myself out of this haze of disillusionment. I have been to countless hours of therapy, I started working on a farm in another state, I tried to kiss my best friend, and yes I have tried lying in the middle of the street in the rain, but those are all just temporary fixes. I am not just complaining that everything wasn't handed to me on a silver platter, I am complaining and relating to the emptiness and hopelessness I feel (and the men in this movie felt) because of our society. I feel like I go through the motions of being a good student, a good friend, a good leader, making sure I eat 3 meals a day, trying my hardest to be pretty and nice and interesting, and keeping all this and more up in hopes that someday soon I won't feel so empty inside. I feel so trapped and stuck sometimes. I want to cut off the long hair I grew out because it was pretty, tear out my piercings, eat all the garlic and onion, and seaweed I avoid because it will make my breath stink, scratch at my skin until it's scarred beyond belief and tell every person I hate that I've been nice to to kindly fuck off.
I swear watching the clock tick closer to 4:15 will kill me someday.
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theday · 6 years
i forgot to copy andpste the rules fuckjdjh anwyay taged by @younghyuuns and @pupcats :D thank u guys for tagging me i havent done this in ages
tagging: @minhyukwithagun (just saw ur new icon ffuck) @briwoon and @tokayhk u guys dont have to tho ily all oh also @hyunghoney and @hyungkyunnie and @minhyukt suddenly im tagging everyone u guys dont have to do it either ily toohdjh
drink: water hddhh im so happie to hear everyones answer is water too stay fresh
phone call: ................ oh my mum i was gonna say i dont call ppl but she called the house phone yesterday
text message: ‘what’ jhddsjhjhsh
song you listened to: beside you by 5so/s im wheesinghs falen kdhs
time you cried: really cried??? january on a thursday aka last month i broke down in school djhhsjh schools the place i cry the most i couldnt go through one month without breaking downdjhdhs every year i have 2 cry there at least once apparently jesushdjs
have you ever:
dated someone twice: i havent even dated anyone once
been cheated on: see above
kissed someone and regretted it: see above
lost someone special: immmdmfmmdkks i guess not? in terms of friends they were special but not anymore so i guess that doesnt count
been depressed: nope
been drunk and thrown up: in this house we only drink water
in the past year have you:
made a new friend: heck yeah? i made so many good pals after revamping this blog im so happie :( 
fallen out of love: no lol i stopped having this crush on this person at the end of 2016 best decision of my life
laughed until you cried: one too many times but i cant remember any ;-/ 
met someone who changed you: falen?? but everyone has an effect on mehjd 
found out who your true friends are: well . yeah
found out someone was talking about you: idk i dont rememberjhdhjhs i dont care enough
how many people on tumblr do you know in real life?: only karissa and she doenst even use tumblr much ;-/ 
do you have any pets?: i wish i did D: but not now.. jsjd maybe when im out of this country/place
do you want to change your name?: ifjkksj not rly..??????? i just hated it for a while when i was younger bc i didnt like the nicknames that came with my namejhddh
what time did you wake up this morning: 11am fuck my life
what were you doing last night: giffing :D and then i gave up bc it started messing up so i went to bed
name something you cannot wait for: school to start bc im excited since its a whole new jhhdhsh thng? but im also terrified im learning physics theres a reason why i took biology instead man my course is called biotechnology nothhjjhhjjhsjhhf physics dont interact 
have you ever talked to a person named tom?: the only tom i know is tom from tom and jerry
what’s getting on your nerves right now: the gifs 
blood type: a emoji
nickname: when ging said her answer i lost my mind how many of you arent using ur real names tf... does ging stand for ginger also this question is about me hold onfjdhhhjshd uh egg and meggan i guess? nutfucker toojhdjhhjdh bc that was my ig name so irl ppl would call me that and embarrass me thanks or just nut because of that username too
relationship status: never dated thank god
zodiac sign: capricorn sun and taurus moon im the .optimum dirt call me soil hdjsh also i showed ayesha my chart and she lost her mind saying the reason why i say oh worm so much is bc im like 50% earth i couldnt stop laughing tumblr install a filter search function in chats i need to dig that up 
pronouns: she/her
favorite show: haikyuu i aint gonna stop loving u bitch
college: idk what this means either im not gonna tell yall my school im gonna be doing biotechnology tho trust me i dont know what the fuck that course is about im a fool all i know is that it has to do with cells [changkyun voice] well its cells
hair color: black but i like to think its brown
do you have a crush on someone: crushes and the whole. love game is cursed 
what do you like about yourself: i learn... from my mistakes i guess idk also im generally friendly .         ...
first surgery: none
first piercing: none im a [redacted] 
first sport you joined: fucking. golf or swimming or tennis i used to be all about sports now i just. walk 
first vacation: probably malaysia
first pair of sneakers: converse which i used to deem as clown shoes ... now all i wear are converse dkhhdshj
right now:
eating: amylase 
drinking: nothing i need to drink water im thirsty hold on stay hydrated if ur reading this drink some water
i’m about to: pee i need to go, 
listening to: spotify ad time hates me. ill go back to this later oh wait this isnt a spotify ad anymore scavenger by finish ticket who r they? idk either my friend recommends me songs and theyre good but by bands ive never heard of
want kids: no iwnt animals
get married: marriage ? sounds phake
career: ive been saying this since 2016 but farmer
which is better:
lips or eyes: i hate myself i read lips and thought of l** m*nhyuk ;-/ singularity’s impact! and nojhhsjjhdh idk? fucking both i guess ??????? i dont look at peoples faces often
hugs or kisses: depends on the kiss but i love huggingjdhjhd i dont think. id be able to hug certain people tho? which is weird im fine with likejhdhjsjh hugging this person (usually happens when we’re watching movies bc djdkjjs im a [redacted] again so i have to hide my eyes) but i cant imagine myself.. hugging my other friendshjhdh??? idk itd be awkward ig 
shorter or taller: taller ! love me that height if ur below 165 cm dont talk to me
older or younger: older ???? or my age idk 
romantic or spontaneous: spontaneous im always like this with my friendsjhfhjhdh me: hey lets walk there instead my friends: ready tof ucking kill me
sensitive or loud: a ? a mediudndjs like... an in between 
hookup or relationship: preferably nothing but relationship of coursehjhd
troublemaker or hesitant: an inbetween jjdshjshd?? idk shit lads
have you ever:
kissed a stranger: nope
drank hard liquor: drank sparkling water once it counts 
lost contacts/glasses: no im so blind they always have to be on my fucking face 
sex on first date: sex never . 
broken someone’s heart: yeah but when i was kid so it probably didnt mean much 
been arrested: iddjsh i was gonna joke but i cant think of anything so no
turned someone down: jhdhhdjs yeah but mostly like hangouts?? hdjhd not like dates and shit 
fallen for a friend: let me think the first girl i liked wasnt a friend but when we became friends i was like o womrie nvm but she did help me realize im Not straight as did tumblr which even tho i constantly insult it helped me a lot fjdhjhs but my two crushes after were on my friends ;-/ my first crush unfortunately on a guyddhhs wasnt my friend either tho damn now u guys know my whole backstory :D
do you believe:
in yourself: sometimes bitch has 2 get those grades man
miracles: yes you (love live) please come home........ ... .... 
love at first sight: dam. was gonna talk abt anime again but hjhdhshj no ? i guess not maybe like wow ur attractive at first sight but thats it
if u read until the end thank u ur the realest have a good day!!!!!
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