#tbh i watched this movie bc I though it was a perks of being a wildflower style fiction heist movie
whalebonereviews · 3 months
American Animals (2018)
This is a movie review so....spoilers ahead :)
Honestly, I both loved this movie and hated it. On one hand, it glorifies 4 entitled white men's dumb college heist, and on the other hand, it perfectly captures the dread of waiting for something, anything to happen to change the grey 9-5 trajectory your life is currently on. I loved the cinematography and acting. I could feel their anxiety and desperation through the screen, the real-life people talking to their film screen counterparts were really the cherry on top for me.
Growing up I never had idols or people I looked up to (which sucked when I had to write essays about my non-existent idols), instead I had people I would never want to grow up to be. For example: my Tia, living with her narcissistic controlling mom, no friends, a candy crush addiction, and a bank teller job. My mother, unable to stick with a job for more than a year because she became stressed, depressed, or bored, and unable to control her emotions before they reached her children, and giving up on her dreams of art. All this is pretty depressing for a child and probably didn't help my outlook on life.
As a high school senior who has felt like she is waiting for something, anything, to change and bring me back to life or change my eventual 9-5-giving-up-on-my-dreams-for-reality fate the beginning of this movie really struck a chord with me (especially before I realized this isn't fiction and is really based in reality). I get why they started planning it. It gave them a goal to work towards, excitement, adrenaline, a change from their dull lives and futures, and a whole bunch of money. I don't believe they did it for the money though , at least not on the whole. What I don't get is why they kept going. They couldn't have been so blind-sighted that they believed they could pull it off unscathed or with a small slap on the wrist. Obviously, the excitement, adventure, money, and toeing the line kept them hooked, but their entitlement and conviction that they would get away with it was infuriating. It was meant to be infuriating watching them throw their lives away with dumb decisions and sloppy mistakes but I still sat there with my hands nervously sweating.
This movie explores the pitfall that is late-stage capitalism and the American Dream beautifully, with the constant reminder that this was and is someone's life.
Overall, this was a great movie and I definitely recommend watching it but make sure to take it with a grain of salt.
I need to say that I have tried so hard to pull myself out of this haze of disillusionment. I have been to countless hours of therapy, I started working on a farm in another state, I tried to kiss my best friend, and yes I have tried lying in the middle of the street in the rain, but those are all just temporary fixes. I am not just complaining that everything wasn't handed to me on a silver platter, I am complaining and relating to the emptiness and hopelessness I feel (and the men in this movie felt) because of our society. I feel like I go through the motions of being a good student, a good friend, a good leader, making sure I eat 3 meals a day, trying my hardest to be pretty and nice and interesting, and keeping all this and more up in hopes that someday soon I won't feel so empty inside. I feel so trapped and stuck sometimes. I want to cut off the long hair I grew out because it was pretty, tear out my piercings, eat all the garlic and onion, and seaweed I avoid because it will make my breath stink, scratch at my skin until it's scarred beyond belief and tell every person I hate that I've been nice to to kindly fuck off.
I swear watching the clock tick closer to 4:15 will kill me someday.
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edwardslostalchemy · 1 year
So my friend wants to go watch the new kny movie that's coming out next weekend. So he gave my other friend and I homework: to watch kny so we could understand what would happen in the movie when we go see it. I got him into bnha so i think it's fair that he gets me into a series he likes (but not fairy tail ...... anything but that). I didn't expect for the explanation of watching the movie to be. Confusing? He gave me 2 options. Either finish season 1 and jump straight into the movie. Or watch the first 2 episodes of season 2 and then watch the movie. I figured out there's a 3rd option: watch season 2 episodes 1-7 and you basically watched the movie. My friend, who is going to start the series is confused about this, because she said she would only watch the seasons, but not the movie. And that's where I was like Now see you gotta watch it bc it's part of the plot. This is actually important to the story. You cannot skip the movie. And if she did, she'd miss out on the best Hashira besides Tapioca. I went into the series blind, which is honestly the way I like it (unless there's like sexual assault/abuse...then I would appreciate a huge heads up). My friend is going into it with a lot of information but she's having a problem with processing it. Hopefully, I am explaining things better. It is a very good series and I hope she's able to get into it. That way, our friend group can like bond over a series we've all watched.
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80pairsofcrocs · 2 years
baby scarab || 41
@aniskywalkerslvr - Ahhhhh I have a fic idea for future Baby Scarab series so like first of all idk if Oscar Isaac exists in that universe but if he exists I wanna see the Moon Boys (also Layla, Khonshu and Casper’s) reactions. Like if not Oscar what about Poe, Santi or Llewyn, Duke, and Apocalypse, his characters. I really would like to see them watching Oscar Isaac’s movies together w Layla and our grandpa Khonshu, Casper can be there too. If you want ofc, it can be like they have a day in a week they gather around for a whole family dinner together. Imagine them watching Triple Frontier and seeing Pedro and Oscar together in a movie?!🤩❤️ Also them watching the “In Secret” movie where Elizabeth also plays w Oscar that would be funny😭💀 but nah scratch it cuz it’s an 18+ movie and reader isn’t 18 yet if I’m right? I had these thoughts the whole damn day. I live for the Baby Scarab series! You are doing an incredible work! I hope you have lots of fun w ur friend!❤️🫶🏻
@luvxxee - idea for the amazing baby scarab series:
y/n gets a tooth ache and acts all grumpy to which all the boys are like tf is wrong with you?? and it’s pieced together that she needs to go to the dentist and she’s never gone bc of her sad sad childhood and then they have to force her to go bc she’s really doesn’t want to (que child fear moment she’s just now confronting)
What if reader notices that the moon boys are like having a bad day, so to make them fell better so makes like each of them their favorite food!!! I just thought of this so you don’t have to use it, by the way I love the baby scarab series and I can’t wait to see more!! <3
anon - Hi, my name is Mei and I love Baby Scarab. I was wondering though could I personally buy a croissant at Y/N’s work place? Would love to meet her in passing then go about my day with a tasty baked good and maybe never come up in the narrative again.
Keep up the exceptional writing!
Mei <3
A/N : i feel like i couldve done better tbh
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masterlist - marvel masterlist - series masterlist
A/N : the plan is being set
please enjoy, and don't be shy if you want to be in the taglist, just ask <3, sorry for the long wait
pairings : steven grant x (platonic)reader, marc spector x (platonic) reader, khonshu x (platonic)reader, jake lockley x (platonic)reader
TW : medicine (pills), spidey stuff, mentions of violence, fluff, let me know if i missed anything
“kid, get up” you feel marc tap your shoulder lightly.
you groggily open your eyes and blink a few times before looking up at marc, who was trying to wake you up.
“no” you push him away by the shoulder and turn the other way, covering your head with the blanket.
you hear him sigh and yank the blanket off your whole body, making you shiver.
“you have work, now get up. steven already made you breakfast” he tells you, to which you perk up and turn back to look at marc.
“exactly, now go get ready” he leaves the room, closing your door to give you some privacy while you slowly got up and got your uniform on.
once you do so, you finish getting ready in the bathroom, like brushing your teeth and all that jazz.
you came out to see marc with a plate of food at the kitchen table.
“come eat, you have to go soon” he nods to the plate, then he loves to the fridge to shuffle stuff around in it while you go and sit down.
marc comes back and gently slams a bottle of your juice on the table, making you look up at him with a small smile.
“i love you”
marc scoffs. “why?”
now its your turn to scoff. “why do you think?”
“because i got you juice?”
“nice to know” he ruffles your hair aggressively, just wanting to piss you off.
“hey- hands off” you shove him away, making him chuckle.
“khonshu will make sure you finish that, but we have to go” he starts walking backwards to the door while you nod in understanding.
“stay safe” he nods at you, reaching behind him for the door.
“we’ll see you tonight, love you” he opens the door and leaves, locking it behind him.
you smile to yourself, and happily eat your breakfast while scrolling through tiktok.
you’d come across a fun looking simple recipe, and it was vegan too.
perhaps if you got home before the guys, you could surprise them with a little treat.
just simple muffins.
but they all loved muffins so surely they’d be happy.
you finished up your food and cleaned your plate before leaving for another long day at work.
the bell rings as one of the last customers of the day comes in, so you turn your attention to them as soon as they walk in.
“welcome to espresso bay, what can i get for you?” you ask politely, the girl in front of you smiling back.
“just a croissant, please” she says, and you nod.
“can i get a name for that order?” you ask again, the girl nodding.
“it’s mei” she responds, so you nod and go to get her a croissant while she walks to the waiting counter after she pays.
once you grabbed the warm croissant with a square of dry wax paper before sticking it in a small brown paper bag.
“croissant for mei” you exclaim put to make sure she can hear you.
you set the bag down on the counter and she comes up and takes it.
“thank you so much” she nods with a smile and leaves after you wave.
that was your cue to clean up and head home, hoping that your boys weren’t back yet.
only because it would ruin the surprise if they were.
but you missed them, even though it’s only been a few hours.
it was another short walk back, since you were power walking.
and of course you threw some bird seed out for the crows.
once you got back, it was immediately time to start your muffins.
you were making three different kinds, all of them for each of your dads.
stevens we’re going to be vegan, obviously. he liked banana muffins so that’s what you’re making for him.
for marc it was chocolate. he had a sweet tooth as much as he didn’t like to admit it.
and finally for jake, you knew he enjoyed strawberry muffins. you kept coming across strawberry flavored things over time, and never once saw marc or steven eat them, so it had to have been jake.
khonshu hates strawberries, too so it just proves that your theory is correct.
you luckily had the ingredients, and quickly got to work once you got cleaned up from your job.
it was quarter to 7 when you heard the front door open and then proceed to slam shut.
the slam shook the mirrors hanging on the walls, and you were lucky you had cleaned everything up in the kitchen while the muffins cooked.
they were done, and had been sitting in the still warm oven while you waited for them all to get home.
you didn’t want to do anything to set them off, so you stayed drying off a small bowl with a towel while you heard heavy footsteps coming towards the kitchen.
it was jake that came in looking frustrated, so you avoided eye contact and kept slowly wiping the dry bowl until he left.
he paced around the kitchen for a minute before stopping and standing over the sink next to you, looking down in it with a blank stare.
you don’t say anything or look in his direction, but it only took a short choppy movement from him to make you flinch.
he didn’t notice, and he takes off his hat to slam it on the counter, making you slightly jump again for nobody to notice.
jake takes a short breath before looking over to you who was just holding a towel and a bowl in your hands while staring at the floor.
“i’m sorry i-“
jake is interrupted by khonshu showing up, making him look up at the bird with a glare.
“you” he sneers at him, walking towards him, just brushing his shoulder against yours.
“you fucked up the mission you stupid bird” he points up at him, you watching and putting both the towel and the bowl down.
jake started shouting at khonshu, the bird just tilting his head at him, and it was when jake turned around and raised his hands in the air that you brought a hand up in front of your face and backed up a step.
jake froze in his movements, bringing his hand down slowly and backing away from you as you brought your own hand down to walk towards him.
“i’m going on a walk” he says shortly, heading for the door, and would’ve made it if you didn’t shoot a web out to stop it from opening.
“princesa, let me out” he tells you, tugging on the doorknob while you come towards him, khonshu now long gone.
“why?” you ask, standing about a foot away from him.
“i.. i scared you i need to leave-“
“no you didn’t. it wasn’t you, i know you would never” you tell him, and he relaxes completely, letting you come over to hug him.
“you thought i was going to hit you, y/n” he says quietly, not wrapping his arms around you, just standing there.
“but you weren’t. it was just a force of habit” you try to explain.
“it shouldn’t be. i’m so sorry” he shakes his head, and you hear his voice crack at the end of his sentence.
“jake.. it’s okay” you hug him tighter.
you let out a small sigh when you sense a switch, leaving you to pull out of the hug and backing up.
“i’m sorry love, he’s… he’s not in a talking mood right now” steven starts slowly, and you nod.
“well, i made something for each of you” you begin, walking back to the kitchen, pulling out the single pan which had the three different kinds of muffins.
“i have muffins for all of you. your favorites” you say quietly, and steven smiles.
“that’s the sweetest thing ever” he starts, coming over slowly to put a careful hand around your shoulder.
“we don’t deserve you” marc says from the mirror across from you.
“you’re right” you start. “you deserve better” you finish, and marc chuckles.
“nice to know you still have a sense of humor” 
you roll your eyes with a small smile, wanting to try the muffins you made.
“the banana ones are for you, i made sure that they were vegan” you tell steven, making him put his hands to his heart.
“you’re such a sweetheart, we really don’t deserve this” he smiles, helping himself to one of the muffins.
he offered half of it to you, which you took happily but as you chewed on it, a sharp pain erupted in the back of your jaw, making you wince.
steven looks to you in worry.
“hey, are you alright?” he asks and you shrug.
“i’ve just had a toothache for a while, it’s no big deal” you wave him off, and he gives you a look.
“maybe you should get that checked out, when’s the last time you went to a dentist?” steven asks and you make a face.
“cant remember” you shrug like it’s no problem, and steven raises an eyebrow. 
“are you serious?” he asks and you nod.
“that isn’t healthy, darling, you should try and get an appointment” he advises and you sigh.
after the muffins and the whole lecture about your health, you ended up sitting down with him and watching a couple movies, while trying to lure jake back out.
“i wanna watch triple frontier next” you say and steven chuckles.
“aren’t you tired?”
“fine, let’s just- wait a damn minute, that’s the guy from star wars” he notices.
“yep, it’s your celebrity twin” you smile at him, which makes him raise an eyebrow.
“and one of the dilfs i have a celebrity crush on” you begin again, and steven makes a face.
“don’t say dilf” he cringes and you laugh.
“sorry sorry, let’s just watch this”
that night was spent watching movies with a certain someone in it.
it concluded of triple frontier, in secret, and many others until you fell asleep.
even thought some of them were 18+, steven still enjoyed his time with you.
jake was still weary about coming back out, even though you had repeated that it was okay, over and over.
steven carried you to your room, tucked you in and kissed you on the fore head before sneakily taking your phone and leaving the room to let you sleep.
he knew it was wrong, all of them admitted it, but it was all for the plan.
you see, your birthday was tomorrow. you hadn’t told them that, khonshu had found it out and told them.
they knew why you didn’t tell them, and it was because it only ever reminded you of when your parents gave you up.
or so you thought. but now it was considerably worse.
it just reminds you of how your mother died and your fathed left.
your dads were determined to make this the best birthday ever for you.
starting with the help of a certain someone’s.
you see, they already got casper on board. they got his number from your phone, and now they had one more call to make.
“hello? y/n, are you okay?”
“it’s steven, and we need a little favor”
A/N : the next chapter will be so much better, i promise.
thank you all for the support, i love you all and your funky requests :)
also sorry its late, i was busy today &lt;3
taglist ---
@alexloveskili @ihatemyselfmorethanmydepression @thebiggestsimpshrimp @guyinachair27 @astrobuzzsstuff @mooonlight-and-stars @moonlighting87 @mateihavenoidea @inactive-things @alondrashultz @femalemarvelself @queenthorin1 @haileymorelikestupid @jvdethirlwall @justtiredandvibing @winterfrostsarmy @themapoftinyperfectthings @littlebird101 @atzlena @httpslinow @arrowurboat @m-brekker @lifeandbandmembers-blog @adamcarlsenslvr @violet-19999 @seninjakitey @bestgirlpip @panic-in-the-multiverse @in-between-the-cafes @branolagar @bl6o6dy @annoyingmarvelreader @bee-a-cool-kid @buzzitsbeee @wintergirlsoilder2 @crow-carcass @you-bloody-shank @distinguishedmakerpandapatrol @valiantphantomangel @50shadesofcrocs @rayrlupin @kingshitonly @brekkers-desigirl @hutaos-gh0st @kayane28 @nevaeh-jasso @lizlil @scarabgrant @luvxxee
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devil-doll13 · 1 year
How my OCs would comfort you HCs
Inspired by @myers-meadow from our server <3 hope you feel better my beet
This Includes: Abigail, Max, Zach, Jude, Ciarán, Adam & Apollo
Abigail isn’t great at comfort (she can barely hold herself together let alone you) but her first instinct is to give you a bit of space, maybe discreetly watch you to see if there’s anything that can be sorted right away. Then, her next step is fixing you a drink she knows you like. Will perch awkwardly on a chair and just silently stare at u like a cat. She’s trying to tell you it’s ok to talk to her. Abigail can be gentle with you if you need physical comfort though it can come across a little like this tbh
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Max is about to dash across the room and immediately scoop you up in a big bear hug like!!! Oh no what’s wrong!!! He’ll back off quick if this overwhelms you, he’s just anxious and wants to help you feel better. Up to do whatever you want. A ride on his motorcycle? He’s already revving her up. Wanna just sit and watch a movie/show? Max will go get the snacks and drinks right now. He’s the kinda guy to try and distract you from your problems for a bit. He doesn’t like it when his little friend is down.
Zach better shut his damn mouth bc he’s terrible for sticking his foot in it. He’s not as good when it comes to verbally comforting you. Will cook you something good to eat if that helps, thinking he’s a master chef and all. He jingles his car keys for you to tell you he’ll drive you around for a bit, maybe go sightseeing, maybe cause some chaos depending on how you feel. Might end up getting you drunk and/or laid because that’s always what he does when he’s in a mood.
Jude panics a lil especially if she walks in on you crying and she feels really bad if she embarrasses you like that. Gets you smth sweet to eat and/or drink like honeyed tea hoping the sugar will perk you up a bit. One of the few people here who can talk it through with you well enough. Will rant together with you if you need a sense of unity even if she has no idea what you’re talking about. If it’s anything like injustice or you being mistreated though, her anger becomes genuine and she might try to fix the situation herself, maybe enlisting Zach.
Ciarán unfortunately can’t use words to comfort you so he settles for actions instead, being tender and gentle with you. He’ll take you out for a ride if that helps get your head cleared up a bit - Gormlaith also senses your mood and fusses over you - the wind in your face may wash away all concerns if you find it soothing. He also likes to care for your hair, brushing it and braiding it if he is able. It’s a rather intimate act for Fae, so Ciarán hopes you can feel comforted by it.
Adam will listen to your worries without judgement, and it’s at these times you appreciate his patience. He’s so easygoing that being in his presence might calm you down from any heightened emotions you were feeling before. Or maybe it’s the pheromones he’ll conjure up your favourite flowers if that helps. It’s nice to be in a natural environment, with the fresh air in you lungs. If you want, I think he’d be happy to lend you something to get stoned/high with as well. That depends on you though.
Bonus: Apollo will make soothing booping noises and play you your favourite music on his speakers. Sorry he’s a computer AI he can’t do much.
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iammissingautumn · 1 year
Re: ur tags
I DO know you. Now tell me ur genderfluid Stan thoughts 🔫
wtf. okay so bc he has Randy as a father and his grandfather is like that Stan and his gender identity is something that he has to deal with through highschool and college.
In some ways I like to think that he would make some online queer friends probably into bands or smth and he would start off in a very Gerard Way excuse of he wants to fuck with gender conformity so he asks those ppl to use she/her pronouns or smth like that. 
I like to imagine he uses music to become comfortable with going against the norm when in reality it’s just an excuse to do smth that makes him feel rlly good. As well as becoming more comfortable showing affection as he gets older.
His dad being such a terrible person and having a bad impact on his life there comes a time when he decides to just reject him fully even though he can do good. because randy stands for such terrible things.
So a genderfluid Stan i feel like comes about in a way where he can excuse it. I think he’s repressed no matter how you look at him and especially given the chance to express himself differently he would take it. Especially if it’s in this social justice esq idea.
So I think like, he would start experimenting look wise mid high school, maybe going to some concerts making going out alone.
I like the idea he gets himself a skirt and just wears it in his room while he’s under a blanket watching a movie or something. so if someone comes in it’s not that big of a deal and they don’t see it, but for him it’s everything
gender euphoria moments
I think if he leaned more into the punk scene he could end up being more comfortable doing stuff in the name of normalization and not being a coward. But it’s all just gender expression to him.
I imagine perhaps he engages in some conversation about gender expression and someone calls him trans and he doesn’t disagree. But later a friend could ask him about it and tell him he’s really genderfluid core and he would kinda perk his ears up and look at that.
It would probably be awhile before he stuck the identity to himself, probably watching it from across the room. I think he gets a lot of gender euphoria out of being amab and presenting amab but having more feminine expression. Wearing some dramatic make up, a dress, a skirt. Even just regular woman’s clothes tbh.
I think he would quietly come out to Kyle in college. Say that he feels comfortable in that area of things and has feelings of dysphoria and euphoria that he thought was normal but others seem to disagree.
(For your agender take, i imagine kyle looking at Stan describing his experience and how he describes how other ppl have said they don’t experience gender like that and Kyle’s like. lol i don’t relate to anything said here. kinda funny. and thinks he’s normal)
yeah i mean i think king term he would express pretty queerly. I like the idea of punkness being directly connected to his gender expression and he isn’t confident enough to let them live together and on their own within him till college where there’s less eyes on him.
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lazywonderlvnd · 4 years
Hi, if you are still taking prompts; A magically powerful Harry not noticing that his magic does things to make Draco happy. This can be pre-relationship or established relationship. Like it starts of with his tea being exactly as he likes and always the right temperature. Then evolves to rooms changing colour or weather changing or people being unable to invade Draco’s personal space due to an invisible barrier or something ridiculous. Btw Draco doesn’t notice as well.
anon.....you really killed me w this one. i’ve been so emo over this wyugeahrwiw might end up writing smth longer tbh bc this concept is literally the only thing that matters to me!!!!!!! i hope u enjoy i had so much fun with it ❤️❤️❤️
“Harry, you do it. Please.”
“We’re fucking watching something, Draco!”
“So just pause it!”
Harry grabs the pillow on his lap and slams it onto the sofa next to him. Hermione can see dust rise in its wake. He pauses the telly. 
“Are you doing it?” Draco asks hopefully. Harry scowls at him. 
“Well you won’t shut up until I do, will you?”
“Definitely not.”
Harry disappears into the kitchen and Draco sits there looking smug.
“It’s kind of sick how you get off on bossing him around,” says Ron, his tone one of simple observation. His fingers are idly playing with Hermione’s hair, but she doesn’t think he notices he’s doing it. 
“If I’m not mean to him a few times a week I break out in a rash, Weasley,” Draco says blithely. “Besides, he makes it perfectly. I don’t know how he does it, it’s always exactly the right temperature and sweetness and all that. I s’pose his years as a house-elf for those Muggles gave him plenty of time to perfect the art.”
“You’re a twat,” says Ron. “And my mum makes tea better than him.”
“Well you’re just a pitiful little mummy’s boy, aren’t you, Weasley? We can hardly trust your opinion.”
“Hark who the hell’s talking,” Ron scoffs. “Least I’m not twenty-three and still calling my mum ‘mummy’ like the world’s biggest bloody ponce.”
Draco splutters but before he can retort Harry’s coming back into the room hovering four cups of tea that float placidly to each of them. Draco looks exactly like a satisfied cat as he takes his and Harry drops back down onto the sofa next to him. Not too close, but certainly not too far, either.
“Literally exquisite,” Draco declares after he’s taken a sip. Ron rolls his eyes.
“It’s just tea, Draco,” says Harry, and he grabs for the remote to turn the film back on. “You’re such a demanding little brat. Merlin’s fucking tits.”
But Draco looks happy and Harry looks suspiciously content as well. Ron turns to her and makes a silent gagging face. Hermione snorts and puts a finger to her lips. They’ve decided not to say anything yet.
“Wasn’t this place a lot … uglier last time?”
“What?” Harry says absently. He’s not listening — he’s got all his attention zeroed in on a stack of parchment he’s holding. They’d only barely dragged him along to lunch; earlier the captain of the English National Team had apparently owled him a great number of brand-new Quidditch plays and required Harry’s extensive thoughts and notes before their next practise, which was tomorrow morning. 
“Uglier,” Draco says emphatically, and Ron mutters something she doesn’t catch. “Remember? The walls were that tragic egg-yolk colour.” He shivers. Hermione thinks it might have been an honest-to-god shiver of revulsion. She also thinks she knows what’s happened, even though the extent of it surprises her.
“Maybe someone heard you whingeing and changed it,” Ron apparently can’t stop himself from saying with a snigger. Hermione elbows him hard and he shoots her a glare, mouthing, he doesn’t know!
Harry would usually be the one to take the lead and get them a table when all four of them go out to eat together but today he’s too wrapped up in his Quidditch plays, so Ron steps forward and does it, which makes Hermione’s chest flutter pleasantly. He’d blush down to his bones if she ever said it aloud but he’s quite capable of being a leader in Harry’s absences. 
“Whatever happened,” says Draco pointedly as they’re led to their table, “it’s a great bloody blessing, I was genuinely unsure I’d have the mental fortitude to survive another assault like that on my delicate senses. And, I mean, this —” he gestures to the walls, which are now an admittedly pleasing dark teal above a white trim “— is stunning. It’s my favourite colour.”
“Is it? So weird they picked your favourite colour completely by coincidence,” Ron says, and Hermione elbows him again. Draco notices nothing and neither does Harry, although he does finally set the plays aside once they’re seated at the table.
“Are you complaining about the wall colour again?” he asks drily. They would both be extremely displeased to know they sound like an old married couple. Draco snatches haughtily at the paper napkin on the table and unfolds it to place over his lap. The first time he’d ever done this at a regular, decidedly not upscale restaurant Ron had taken it upon himself to spend the entire meal adopting a posh accent to match Draco’s and saying things to the waiter like “Don’t you have crystal?” while holding up a glass cup full of Pepsi and then commenting “These aren’t real silver, you know” after making a show of inspecting the titanium utensils. 
“I can complain about hideous design choices if I want to,” Draco tells Harry with his nose in the air. “Thankfully they’ve rectified it this time.”
On the other side of the restaurant, Hermione sees two employees talking, one of them gesturing at the wall with utter bewilderment. She doesn’t point it out.
“Twelve o’clock,” says Ron, nodding past Draco’s shoulder. “Some bloke staring you down hard, Malfoy.”
Draco looks excitedly behind him, but what Hermione takes more notice of is the way Harry’s face falls a little. She can’t help but wonder if he even realises it’s happened. She’s almost certain he’s aware of his feelings for Draco even though he still hasn’t said anything to her (and she’s been waiting months now, the effort of holding her tongue growing only more difficult by the day, and she knows Ron’s always seconds away from shouting at him) but she doesn’t think he knows how obvious he is. Draco doesn’t seem to know either, but she thinks that’s because Draco feels exactly the same way. She’d have called them morons, but she remembers too well how long it had taken her and Ron.
“What the fuck, Weasley,” Draco hisses, turning back around with a scowl that makes Ron laugh and Harry perk up again a little bit. “He looks like he hasn’t washed his hair in weeks.”
“Now, now,” says Ron, “mustn’t judge books by their greasy covers.”
“Then you go shag him if you think he’s so fit.”
“Maybe I will,” Ron says airily, as if he really is considering it, and Hermione can’t help chuckling and kissing his cheek. Then his expression changes to one of wicked amusement, which makes all of them look round to see the bloke coming their way. Hermione glances at Harry to find that — oh yes, he looks flustered and vaguely upset.
“Hullo,” says the greasy bloke to Draco as he comes up beside him at their table. He’s really not terrible-looking, but if she’s learned anything about Draco in the last couple years it’s that his standards amount to models and Harry Potter, so this man has almost no chance.
“Hello,” Draco drawls, reminding her fiercely of his younger self at Hogwarts. “I’m not interested.”
“Right little narcissistic bugger, aren’t you?” the man says. And now, finally, he’s begun to look as revolting to Hermione as he’d done initially to Draco — a repellent personality can do that. “Maybe I just wanted to come and have a chat.”
“Then why aren’t you looking at any of the rest of us?” Ron asks, sounding halfway between amused still and a little put off.
“Can you leave, please?” Draco interjects, cringing away from the man encroaching slowly on his personal space. And suddenly, as he looks on the verge of antagonising Draco further, he shifts his feet and slips, landing right on his bum with a yell of surprise. All four of them get to their feet to see, but there doesn’t seem to be any liquid or even slimy food for him to have tripped on.
“The fuck ...?” the man says, getting back to his feet. But when he moved towards Draco, he only slips again, on absolutely nothing at all. Something clicks and Hermione looks at Harry: he seems as confused as anyone else (if obviously pleased).
She looks at Ron then, who catches her eye and lifts his brows like he’s thinking the same thing.
Draco’s suitor gets up once more and steadies himself, looking a bit dazed. Some deep animal instinct seems to tell him to stop trying, and with a wary glance at Draco he finally leaves.
“Well that was a bit of a fucking scene,” says Harry. Draco, coming out of his own startled daze, laughs.
“Yeah,” Ron says sarcastically, “wonder what could’ve possibly happened.”
“I really thought it was going to rain,” Draco mopes where he’s standing at the window. It’s grey outside but it definitely doesn’t look like rain and Draco appears so upset about it that Hermione actually feels badly, even though she’s quite glad for the clear weather. 
“Just shut the curtains,” Ron suggests from his place on the floor. He’s sorting through Harry’s collection of VHS tapes, trying to decide on a good Halloween movie. Not that he’s ever seen any of them, and Hermione suspects he’ll end up choosing whichever cover he likes best.
“It’s not the same!” Draco wails. “The thunder and lightning is all part of it, you uncultured pillock! The atmosphere is all wrong.”
“It’ll be just as good when we shut off all the lights and draw the curtains,” she assures him, but it doesn’t remove the look of disappointment from his face. It’s a pouty sort of thing that echoes the brattiness of his youth; she imagines a five-or-six-year-old Draco giving his parents similar looks when he wasn’t getting what he wanted.
 At that moment the front door opens and Harry walks in carrying two grocery bags, one of which contains alcohol, which Hermione can tell by the way the plastic is bulging around the cans.
“The fuck are you all doing here?” he says by way of greeting.
“You said eight o’clock, fuckhead,” Ron tells him without looking up. “But it’s fine, I’ve had time to pick a film and Malfoy’s had time to moan about the weather.”
“What’s wrong with the weather?”
“I wanted a storm!”
At that exact moment, a flash of lightning lights up the sky behind Harry where he hasn’t even closed the door yet. Seconds later a downpour begins, and then there’s a rolling crash of thunder.
Hermione’s eyes widen and once more she finds Ron’s gaze, who looks about as shocked as she feels. Draco, meanwhile, has his hands over his mouth and looks like a child on Christmas morning.
For the first time since his magic had begun picking up on Draco’s wishes and granting them of seemingly its own accord, Hermione sees Harry look suspicious. He peers behind him at the storm suddenly raging outside his house before slowly closing the door. When he turns back he looks directly at Hermione, who looks away quickly.
They set up the food Harry had gotten — all kinds of Halloween-themed sweets — and once everyone has their drinks (“Make mine,” Draco tells Harry, “you do it best”) and is comfortable on the two sofas in the room (Harry and Draco are, as usual, as close to each other as they can get without actually touching) they start the movie: The Thing, which Harry swears is one of the greatest horror films of all time.
Funny thing is, an hour and a half into it she looks over and, with a jolt, realises the two of them are kissing half-covered beneath a blanket. She elbows Ron, who positively beams when he notices.
“Fucking finally, dear sweet Merlin,” he whispers, the sound muffled by the continued rain and thunder. “I nearly hit him upside the head when he made it rain, are you fucking kidding me?”
“Shh!” Hermione hisses, though she’s smiling. “They’ll hear you. We’ll rag him about it tomorrow.”
A soft sound of laughter comes from the other sofa that Hermione identifies as Draco’s, and when she risks another peek after a moment she sees that Harry has a hand on Draco’s jaw, and that he’s smiling.
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realcube · 3 years
haikyuu!! boys when you come out to them as bisexual  🏳️‍🌈
characters: yamaguchi, tsukishima & kenma
part two!!
tw// fem!reader, fluff, coming out, 
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Tadashi Yamaguchi
ok so hot-take but i think yamaguchi is straight
(or maybe bi but with a heavy preference for females)
but rn he identifies as straight 
but like..he’s so supportive of the lgbtq+ community
like tsukishima gives off ‘gay but homophobic’ energy
but yamaguchi has ‘straight but a strong ally’ energy
and this is hugely bc while tsukishima fell down the alt-right pipeline, yamaguchi was going through that ‘women 😍🤩💕’  phase which i think every WLW has went through at one point
like while tsukishima was watching ‘sjw get rekt compliation #125′ , yamaguchi was watching those heart-wrenching lgbtq+ short films on youtube 
and on tiktok his fyp was probably originally cottagecore (bc it’s his ideal lifestyle ofc) and somehow he is now kinda on sapphic cottagecore tiktok 
like not to fetishize them or anything, just bc he’s awed by how in love they are and that’s kinda what he wants for himself
(also he uses them as date inspo for you and him DFBZVAYUL)
anyway this was just my lengthened explanation as to why - unbeknownst to you or anyone - he was an ally to the lgbtq+ community (if not apart of it)
you didn’t really expect him to be disgusted or unsupportive of it tbh - i mean, it’s tadashi ffs! 💞 you know he’d never break up with you or judge you for something like that, but that didn’t stop you from being slightly nervous
but he was ten times more nervous when you texted him, asking for him to meet you by the local park’s fountain bc you had something important to tell him
mans thought you were dying ngl
he almost burst out crying on the walk to the park bc he imagined a whole scenario where he was sitting next to your fkn death-bed 
but you seemed healthy enough so his next assumption was that you were going to break-up with him
so when he approached you by the water fountain and you noticed that his eyes were glossy and his hair was damp with sweat, you were quite worried for him now
‘tadashi! are you okay?! your eyes are all puffy and red! do you have hay fever?’
yamaguchi rapidly shook his head, hastily escorting you to a nearby park bench so you could sit down beside him, ‘it’s nothing; what is it that you want to tell me?’
‘oh’ you choked, quickly averting your gaze from his kind, damp eyes. ‘it’s- um, i don’t-’ you cut yourself off, mentally cursing at yourself as you had practised what you were going to say to him hundreds of times before he arrived yet you still couldn’t stammer it out
yamaguchi was hanging on each word you uttered, but once he noticed that you were struggling, he placed his hands upon yours and shot you a reassuring smile
you let out a sigh in hopes to relieve your nerves while rehearsing what you were gonna say one more time in your head before blurting it out,
‘babe, erm, i’ve been questioning for a while and i’ve concluded that i’m bi - as in bisexual; and i just thought i’d tell you bec--’
you genuinely thought that you might have to explain to yamaguchi what bisexual means so IMAGINE your surprise when he simply replies, ‘you’re bisexual? is that all you wanted to tell me?’ and once you hum in agreement, he lets out a heave of euphoric relief
‘(y/n), please don’t make fun of me but on the way here, i was almost gonna cry because i thought you were going to tell me something horrible.’ he clutched his chest, breathing heavily - usually he’d never admit to something like that but right now, he felt that it was appropriate
you snickered at his rather exaggerated actions, ‘awh, baby. i’m sorry.’ a pout formed on your lips as you soothingly rubbed his back.
yamaguchi rapidly shook his head before turning the tables and rubbing your back instead, ‘nonono, it’s fine! i’m fine!- and i’m glad you’re fine too.’ he stumbled, hastily placing a kiss on your cheek before whispering in your ear, ‘i’m so proud of you. congratulations!’
although you couldn’t see his face, you could tell from his light voice that he was beaming 
after that, he buried his nose into the crook of you neck and snaked his arms around your waist to pull you into a hug, which you both stayed in for a good 5 minutes
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Kei Tsukishima
let’s be honest, tsukki’s definitely part of the lgbtq+ community but in deep denial
like if you ask him, he’s not even questioning his gender or sexuality, he’s just ✨straight ✨
so when you just randomly joked one day ‘oi, four-eyes, turn this shit off. she’s too much for my lil’ bi heart to handle.’ while y’all were watching a movie and you instinctively made an off-hand comment about how gorgeous the female lead was 
upon realising what you just said, you turned to him with the most awkward grin plastered on your face, ‘tsukki, i’m bisexual, by the way.’
‘no shit, sherlock.’ he hissed at your use of that little nickname 
you turned your head to look at him as you blinked rapidly, finally  mentally processing his response 
while he did the exact same thing simultaneously, dramatically turning his head to meet your gaze before muttering, ‘was that you coming out?’
your eyes widened as you realised, then nodded slowly
tsukishima smirked, shifting his attention back onto the movie, ‘congrats.’ he spoke in a mellow voice, a slight sense of amiability laced into his tone 
‘have you told your parents yet?’ he quirked a brow, his eyes remaining glued to the screen
you hesitated before shaking your head, ‘no.’ 
‘what about your friends?’
‘yeah, i came out to my friend group a few months ago - along with yamaguchi.’
tsukishima couldn’t help but frown at the fact you came out to yamaguchi before him but honestly, he couldn’t blame you - he was aware that his bitchy exterior probably discouraged you from telling him sooner, so he was just glad that you had the confidence to tell him eventually  
‘so how long have you known that you’re, like, y’know, bi?’  he inquired further
‘a while.’ you hummed, biting your bottom lip, internally so relieved that he wasn’t being too awkward or weird about it
‘good for you.’ he pushed his glasses up the bridge of his nose, not a hint of sarcasm or irony detected in his voice for a change, ‘oh, and good luck with coming out to your parents’
‘thank you.’ you murmur, happily shifting your attention back onto the movie
 tsukishima honestly doesn’t mind/care tbh
like he’s supportive and will beat a bitch up if they don’t accept you - but in general, he thinks that it’s none of his business who you love
as long as it is him (ಥ _ ಥ) 
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Kenma Kuzome
ok so fun story 
you were both chilling in his room on a saturday, he was playing on his nintendo switch as always and you were on your phone
you had been meaning to come out to him for a while now but every time you tried, it seemed as though something happened to prevent you from doing so 
for example, you tried to come out to him while y’all were chilling at the park but then a bunch of geese started terrorizing y’all and it completely ruined the mood
so you thought that now you were in his room - where there was less of an abundance of geese - it’d be a better time than any to just lift the burden that had been weighing on your chest
you were as nervous as any one would be but you kept on trying to reassure yourself that kenma would be supportive 
however, he had never discussed any lgbtq+ related issues with you so you had no idea where he stood with that sort of stuff but tbh, he doesn’t give off homophobic vibes 
after a while of staring at the wall and working up the courage, you finally spoke up, ‘hey, kenma. i think i might be bi.’
you mentally cursed at yourself as you didn’t ‘think’ that you are bi but rather you knew that you are bi, yet you felt the need to add that filler just in case things went sour
he perked up upon hearing this and turned to look at you, a small smile gracing his lips, ‘okay, that’s cool. congratulations.’ 
you couldn’t help but beam back at him, ‘thanks, babe.’ you almost whispered, gladly going back to whatever you were doing on your phone
honestly, you were happy to leave the interaction at that - i mean, his brief and calm response was satisfying beyond expected, as it was probably the least awkward way that could’ve possibly gone down
however, what happened next filled you with endless amounts of euphoria 
‘oh, and (y/n).’ kenma said to grab your attention, ‘i’m bisexual.’
you did a double-take 
your instincts told you to throw yourself into his arms and rave on about how proud you are that he had the courage to come out but after a moment of reflection, you had a better idea
‘okay, that’s cool. congratulations.’
kenma automatically pouted at how you used his own words against him when he was clearly expecting a hug, ‘(y/n)..’ he whined lowly, shifting his gaze back onto his game
but you were weak so ofc you pulled him into a hug as you both muttered sweet, reassuring things into each other’s ears
‘i love you so much, (y/n) no matter what.’
‘i know.’ you snickered.
‘i love you too. and i’m so proud of you for coming out - you’re so brave.’
‘aw, thanks. so are you, babe.’
‘i know’
kenma playfully nibbled at your neck for being such a clown during a sentimental moment
but anyway, you helped kenma come out so- yeah :))
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scandeniall · 4 years
story of us
pairing: suna x reader
the story of ur relationship <3; alternatively (more) dating sunarin headcanons but this time is somewhat of an order and talks good and bad 2K+ worth lol
a/n: i had more planned but half of these have been sitting in my notes for months and its kinda fucking long already bc he lives rent free!!!
warnings: uh the usual aged up (in ur 20s time skip type beat), language, yeah
Now when y’all met suna was not looking to love at all. That man was just living his life and so where you. The two of you pretty much meet through komori. You’re a friend and it’s his birthday so him and a few of his friends go out for drinks bc why not. Young hot pretty financially stable v-ball players. Nah no ones there for any type of hookups literally just there celebrating a great guy.
They rent out a section at a relatively nice bar tbh. Not the cheapest and you can actually hear conversation. But also not a super expensive one where the patrons are middle aged with jazz music and the occasional track to relive “youth.” Komori’s a sweetie and will come outside to get you when you text that you’re there. You’ve met washio and ofc sakusa Before so you greet them casually then you turn and there’s Suna and a few others you haven’t met.
That greeting isn’t anything special I promise. Just “hey I’m so and so” and vice versa. It’s one of those meetings where you just think “he’s cute” but it’s such a fleeting thought. Y’all don’t even really talk that first night tbh. At the next practice Suna mentions offhandedly that he didn’t know komori was dating someone and komori is like: huh? Yeah sorry. I love (Y/N) and all but were just friends. Suna just shrugs not really caring to be honest until Komori just asks what did he think of you.
“Don’t really remember much man. Seemed cool though” he didn’t think he’d really see you again. Yeah you were close enough to have been at Komori’s birthday but if that was his first time ever meeting you, he figured you weren’t from around there are present very much. Yeah he was wrong.
Suddenly you were on Komori’s snap story more often, or maybe he’d just been noticing more. Too bad he couldn’t even remember your name 💀. Then it turned into you occasionally popping up where he was. He’d been told your name at least 5 times already but wouldn’t remember it the next day. Whenever he’d see you again he’d get a strained look like: “what is this mf name again” just laugh and tell him again bby.
That changed at some random house party by another mutual friend you two apparently had? You two were the only people just around the fire pit trying to catch some warmth in the chilly night. He’s probably just on his phone head bobbing his head to the muffled music from inside. And you’re just like “remember my name yet?” All jokingly. This sparks the tiniest bit of interest in him and he lets out a low chuckle and just admits “not at all.” I also feel like this is the first time he really looks at you and he’s like 🤨, wait you’re actually kinda cute.
That night y’all just kinda talk and vibe. The conversation comes easy as you two jump back and forth from talking about the music playing to sneakers which he brings up to stuff that you like. He’s actually really easy to talk to. So easy that u can forget about him not remembering your name despite meeting several times. You mention that you’d hung around komori before while they were gaming and that he seemed pretty cool. That leads him to asking “how do you know him anyways?”
“I used to date Sakusa”
Mentally he’s just like— ‘yeah I’m not getting involved in this. Time to go.’ Until you just start laughing.
“I’m kidding. He’s not really my type. We met after being paired together for a project in school.”
The two of you spend quite a bit of time just talking that night until you are joined again by some friends and it’s deadass like y’all weren’t just talking for almost an hour straight.
Getting Together
The process of getting together is like a cat and mouse game. You two start getting closer than friends and then something happens and you’re not talking for weeks. Whether it be life just getting busy, and then someone ending up on some random tinder date or so be it. Definitely one of those things were somehow someway y’all end up just hanging on one of your couches watching a movie. At some point there’s definitely a hint of sexual tension but neither of y’all act on it (later on you find on his finsta that he used to post several “i wont you 😔” memes  Folks can’t tell if hes joking or not (hes not))
You probably gotta tell that man you like him so if that ain’t you I’m sorry. Y’all not dating 😹. It’s something casual, y’all going to pick up some snacks for a movie night and why this mf keep looking at you out the side of his eyes instead of the road. You def texting the groupchat asking if you should confess. They tell you to boss up and just do it baby.
You literally end up confessing in that parking lot. Like right when he shuts the car off and starts swinging his keys on his finger and you kinda just blurt “I like you. Like like you.” He just kinda nods before his eyes widen. “Wait are you fr?” Like no you’re joking tf. It gets a lil awkward so you just go to get out the car and he’s like “I like like you too.”
I definitely don’t think either of you ever officially asked the other out it’s just at some point the understanding that you two are a couple. Like when you’re hanging out just you two hes more touchy, and then y’all start kissing and holding hands at some point. Then when you’re with friends he almost exclusively sits next to you and your friends notice the whispers in one another’s ears at the loud bar that seem just a hint too intimate for ppl who are just friends. Then y’all start arriving and leaving places together and people just at some point get the message (it’s later confirmed by you tweeting some shit like: I hate Rin why is that mf my boyfriend)
As far as anniversaries y’all draw straws to pick a day in the ballpark of the time y’all both think you became official. That’s the day you stick with even if it’s not true.
Relationship Flaws
A fault in the relationship is sunas kinda poor communication when it comes to things that matter. How he feels. Arguments. Love sure as hell don’t come east with anyone but when your partner won’t let you in? Yeah that’s like hell. That’s something you struggle with. And then on your end, it’s the impatience with him not letting you in. You try to wrongfully rush it.
 There’s definitely been arguments that stem from him just being upset about something unrelated to the relationship then coming to you for comfort without actually telling you what’s wrong. He kinda just wants to lay with his head on his chest but at some point that’s not enough. Y’all are in a relationship and should be able to talk about your bad days too.
You’re not innocent in this issue either because sometimes it comes off too pushy. Yes it’s from a place of care but sometimes that silent comfort is necessary. The walls will break in due time and y’all both know that deep in the back of your minds But then there’s a part that’s like— yeah we can’t let this become the norm
“Rin, can you please talk to me”
He will have literally told you “whatever” and that he “can’t deal with this rn” several times as he just shrugs and is like yeah “I’m gonna just go home. I’ll text you later” with an awkward ass pat on your shoulder if it really ruined his mood. If he’s leaving before he gets super upset and uncomfortable just some half assed kiss in your cheek
Another thing is I feel like he could be passive aggressive and let’s be real other folks doing it causes you to do it to. Y’all probably drag eachother on your finstas where you can both see it lol
But when it comes to making up he cracks first and apologizes when he started it. Or as y’all get more comfy with communication. If it’s not anything major he’ll just hit you with a text like “I’m bored come hang”
More Relationship Things
I feel like he love/hates driving. Likes the ride not always driving though. So if you ever proposed a late night drive he’d be down (if you offer to drive). He does let y’all take his car though. He reclines the seat pretty far back. Alternates between just closing his eyes vibing w/ the music or kinda just looking at you (he the type of bf that makes u nervous no matter how long y’all been together)The way he looks at you makes you nervous cause that man is fine as hell and you can just feel his eyes on you.
He films you on Snapchat and sends the video to you like “you look hot”
If he’s not ‘resting his eyes’ he’s mumbling along to the music because he has the aux. if y’all music tastes are different he occasionally throws in something you really like bc he likes how you perk up at one of your fav songs
Moving on. Y’all dap eachother up after s3x because it’s “modern romance” (boy stfu). You two came up with a sex playlist together and it’s on both of your phones. Sometimes one of you will add a troll song that the other doesn’t know and put it in the lineup. (Stole my heart by 1D has definitely played before and you were practically in tears laughing at his reaction. That was one of those songs he was like ‘yeah alright i think we’re done).
At some point you two develop your own handshake and it’s cute. Whenever either of you have to travel without the other that’s always the last thing you do before you leave eachother. There’s vids of your friends daring y’all to do your elaborate ass handshake drunk and doesn’t matter what’s in your system, you both know it like the back of your hand.
I think he values quality time a lot so there’s so many nights where you’re both just chilling in his room just doing your own things. He could just be at his desk watching some game highlights and you’re just doing hw on his bed with your own earbuds in work all spread out and he’s content. He’s also attentive so if he calculates that you’ve been working too long he’ll just take ur earbud like “hey let’s go get something to eat.”
People definitely think he’s the lazy one in the relationship but it’s 100% not true. Like stated above, he’s very attentive and can pretty much gauge how you’re feeling in the blink of an eye. He knows when you need alone time but won’t go without reassuring you that he’s here whenever you’re ready. When you do just need him he’s there without a second thought. If you’re more touchy he’ll have your head in his lap his arm running up and down your as you tell him what’s wrong. He knows when to joke about a minor inconvenience and over the course of your relationship knows when to cut the jokes and be serious with you.
He’d never admit it but he knows your coffee order by heart (he keeps up his image my asking wtf do you get everytime. Just let him LOL). He the type to peek at what you plan on wearing and ‘accidentally’ color coordinate then pull some shit like “why are you copying me”
Y’all def shit talk together. See someone doing something completely out of pocket in public— straight to ur phones you go (pack it up shade room). To the public it just looks like you aren’t paying any attention to one another on your dates but y’all are. Just over the phone so u don’t piss off ur target 😌
Y’all are very comfy in your relationship that you just say stuff. Y’all don’t even think.
“Rin, what if i crashed us in this car rn 😹”
“Do it. Might be fun”
When you two finally move in together it’s almost like how your relationship starts. Slowly more and more spares of stuff for you end up at his. He does sorta make the move near the end of your lease and is just like “you’re here more than me anyways.” (hes nervous but swears he’s not. Bby you’re literally shaking). Him moving you in is like hell. This mf takes sooooo long to help with boxes. Picks up 1 then sits for like 15 minutes. You ask for help the first few times and he’s just like “I got you” while continuing to scroll his phone.
Sleepy Shoulder kisses in the mornings. Only form a greeting you get but it’s ok
this is like my 100th dating suna hc and im still going this is SICK. it was so hard to not drop old refs bc i still believe in them 100% yes i do!!!!
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fusebcx · 3 years
send ☼ + a ship! ( adam x payton ) @jackfr0sted
who would be the one to randomly adopt a puppy without consultation? payton, and she probably did it for a good reason, too. probably found, like, an ad that said if someone doesn’t adopt the dog, it will be sent to a shelter so she went and took it in, so he can’t even be mad at her for long. later that day, they go to the store to buy some stuff for the doggo. decide on a name together. it’s very wholesome. 
who would force the other to take aesthetic pictures of them? payton, but she wouldn’t really be forcing him. sometimes he doesn’t need any convincing. he’ll just look at her in that certain light, think ‘what the fuck, she’s beautiful’ and take a photo.  sometimes even when she isn’t looking. 
who would do stuff they think is stupid just to make the other one happy? adam. please use this as a reference. also, chances are he automatically stops finding something stupid if she’s the one asking for it. 
who picks out the horror movies to watch just so the other will cling to them? payton picks it, adam’s like “are you sure? it’s scary and last time we watched something scary you couldn’t sleep for two days”, she’s like “i can handle it!” but then she’s spooked the whole time so he has to cuddle her under the blankie for moral support. 
who is constantly studying and who is constantly trying to distract them? adam’s trying to do some bar paperwork stuff like a good manager but she keeps throwing stuff at him and hugging him from behind and trying to straddle him until he picks her up and pins her down. <3 
who initiates the facetime calls whenever they’re separated? payton, because adam hates facetime. she is, however, one of the few people he’ll actually do it with and not complain. she used to always ask him beforehand is she can call him on video chat because she knows he’s usually not all for it, but after some time he told her she can do it whenever, doesn’t need permission. he’s always pleased to see her face, tbh. 
who is more likely to storm out after a fight and who is more likely to cry when they do? depends. sometimes it’s payton but instead of crying, adam gets really fucking mad and breaks something. sometimes it’s adam. he’ll slams the door, too. but if he as much as hears her cry, he’ll be back there in under a minute to hug it out. 
who stays up way too late binge-watching their favorite shows? adam, the king of never fucking sleeping. they’ll start watching something in bed together, payton ends up drifting off, and he stays up for at least four more hours, finishing the season. will either put in headphones and try to be very careful not to wake her up or move to the living room like a considerate man. 
who bites the other’s ear when they’re feeling frisky? adam, cause it makes her squirm and he fucking loves it. will start with the ear, then slowly make his way down her neck, probably feeling her up in the meantime. 
who sprays the other with water when they’re washing the car? payton and adam’s like “haha wow aren’t you the funniest 🙄🙄” but sprays her back when she’s not looking. 
who has more fun decorating the house during holidays? payton and she looks so damn happy doing it he literally can’t help but have fun as well, even when she puts that tacky santa hat on his head. oh, he also definitely lifts her up so she can put the star on top of the tree. 
who is more likely to give the silent treatment when they’re mad at the other? adam, but that’s mostly bc he barely ever speaks. 
who plays with the others’ hair more? they both do. both of them have amazing hair, so they take advantage of it. little spa days where he lets payton braid his hair and then tries to do the same with hers. aside from that, he likes to pull it a lot. 
who is more likely to climb all over the other one when they’re bored? payton. will climb on him like she’s a kitten and he’s a fuckin’ curtain. sometimes starts giving him tiny little kisses, nuzzles his neck, occasionally rests her head in his lap… the whole time, he’s just there like 🥺
who tries to kiss the other as often as they can? ugh, i feel like they both do? perks of not being able to keep their hands off of each other, ig. payton maybe does it more often, but while adam acts all against pda and whatnot, he can be quite a clingy boyfriend. they’ll be at the bar, she’s in his lap, wants to get up to go somewhere with her friend but he won’t let her go until she gives him a kiss. 
who pouts when the other one tells them to shut the fuck up? payton, and you best believe when i say it’s the cutest little pout.
who initiates the sex and who walks away when the other is riled up? they both initiate sex. again, not being able to stay away from each other 🙄 but adam is def the dickhead who walks away after getting her excited. wants her all wet and desperate and begging before he wrecks her. <3 
who always forgets the umbrella and who holds it when they actually have one? adam thinks he’s too macho for the rain so he probably doesn’t even own one. payton is the one who brings it along, even tries to hold it, gets on her toes to reach above his head before he takes it from her and holds it himself. makes more sense that way, since he’s much taller. 
who demands showering first in the mornings? no one really demands anything. payton usually showers first simply because she’s up before him, but sometimes he’ll join her in the bathroom later on and they’ll have a chat while she’s washing her hair and he’s brushing his teeth. 
who sneaks into the shower with the other one in the mornings? they both do because they never lock the doors when showering. always an opportunity for the other to sneak right in, and they take it whenever they can. guess we could say they’re not big on wasting water, yeah? 
who prefers riding the roller coasters and who prefers playing the games? payton wants to ride the roller coaster even though she’s scared. adam goes with her so she can squeeze the life out of his hand at all the crazy turns. meanwhile, he likes to sometimes play the games and win stuff for her because she’s always so happy and grateful for every silly toy he brings back. 
who will text the other one thirty times in a row until they respond? payton, she’s just got a lot to say. can’t fit it all into one message. adam probably does it sometimes when drunk because autocorrect just isn’t his friend. 
who always forgets to charge their phone overnight? neither? i feel like adam has thought it’s charging that one time, but he didn’t plug it properly. payton noticed and fixed it so he wouldn’t have a hard time in the morning. heroic behavior. 
who comes up behind the other and slide their hands into their back pockets? payton. she’ll rest her head against his back, they’ll stand there like that for a moment, but then he turns around and wraps his arms around her. 
who tries to get hugs from the other as often as they can? both, but i lowkey wanna say adam... he’ll often do stuff like randomly pull her into a hug. thinks she smells amazing, likes to keep her close. also, when he cares about you, he’s quite good at giving hugs, so this is definitely fun for both sides. 
who is louder and who constantly has the tell the other to be quiet? again, adam barely makes noises, so probably payton. adam would be louder in an argument, though. and we all know payton’s louder in bed, but he never tells her to be quiet. scream for him, please. 
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coldpeachsoju · 4 years
M-may I request something? 👉👈 something like prosciutto helping a poor lost tourist and being a gentleman and showing her around Naples 😳 (or alternatively, new dad prosciutto looking after his new born while his partner recovers)kfkfkerk (இ﹏இ`。)
both prompts are good and tbh that alternative might be a part two to this 🙈
hope you enjoy !
Prosciutto helping lost tourist Reader
Prosciutto was bored.
His cold eyes glazed over the scenery before him as he rested against the adobe wall of a local cafe, previously having a coffee inside not too long ago. He studied the array of shops and buildings that lined the streets, kids running down the sidewalk playing tag, hearing their laughter and shouts. The florist across the street was conversing with one of the women that lived in the building next to his shop-Prosciutto couldn’t make it out what they were saying exactly so he played out a conversation in his head where the poor man was trying to sucker her into buying something through some two-faced lie. It wasn’t too warm today, not too cold either- it was the perfect weather to go out today.
The hitman wasn’t having any of it though. No new missions, no errands, he hated it. He had forgotten the monotony of a simple life, he wondered how it was that people managed to do this, to just go with everything that came and live without a care.
A smirk crept on his lips as he spotted someone across the street squinting down at a map, watching them look up here and there at the street signs before groaning in frustration. Classic tourist, Prosciutto thought before turning the gears in his head. A light went off in his head, maybe this would be a fun little routine breaker.
He puts his cigarette out beneath polished shoes before stuffing his hands in his pockets and making his way over.
Across the street, you were completely lost as to what direction you were supposed to be going. You had a destination, but the streets were a lot more confusing than what you were used to, even after spending a few days in Italy at this point. You looked around for a moment to ask for help, paying no mind to the figure making his way towards you before you sigh in defeat and lift up the map to look over again.
“Ti sei persa?” A smooth voice breaks you out of your jumbled plight, causing you to snap your head up towards whoever it was. As soon as you meet this man’s cool blue stare, your breath hitched in the back of your throat. Not a single blonde strand of hair was out of place and he fit in that patterned suit quite nicely. You had seen plenty of attractive men on your trip so far but he had stolen first place with just one glance.
Prosciutto wasn’t expecting his heart to skip a beat when you lock eyes, his first thought being ‘cute’ when he gets a good look at your face. Your curious, lost stare with furrowed brows and lips parted in confusion was absolutely adorable to him. He regains his train of thought and clears his throat, breaking the silence between the two of you, “Sorry.” He chuckled before repeating himself in English this time, voice coated in an accent that wasn’t too heavy, “Are you lost?”
You took a second to find your words, unable to process that this very attractive stranger was offering you a helping hand. It felt too much like the beginning of some cheesy romance movie. “Oh-uh, yeah.” you managed to cough out, directing his attention to the map in your hands. “Can you help me find this restaurant? One of the staff at the hotel recommended it to me.”
His eyes glaze over the area circled in pen on your map before he shakes his head and  tuts lightly. “I know a better place. That one isn’t bad, but they like to trick pretty little tourists like you. Come, I’ll get you a good deal.” He shot a wink towards you, knowing damn well that he’s got you in the palm of his hand. “Call me Prosciutto, what’s your name?”
He offered you his arm to take, which you gladly accepted, linking your arm with his and telling him your name before whisking you off on an impromptu tour. The alarms were going off, hollering in your mind that this man could very well be dangerous, but he had managed to sweep you off your feet within a minute and his handsome looks made you swoon. The way he had smooth talked you into going with him, his nicely pressed suit that you didn’t doubt being a designer brand, his exposed chest-you were instantly hooked.
The blonde knew Naples like the back of his hand, impressing you greatly and you internally thank fate for handing you such an attractive tour guide for free. He weaved through the streets with you in tow, guiding you away from any tourist traps you were sure you would’ve fallen for. You’re enamored with all the information he’s giving you along with all the sights around you, admiring the colorful architecture and the rich history of the city.
Once the two of you arrive, you’re instantly seated at a table and it appears the staff holds Prosciutto in high regards. They’re most attentive to the two of you, greeting you with a warm welcome when they see him by your side, and offer their best wines and put in a special order to the chef. The restaurant isn’t too flashy or grandiose, it has a homely and warm feeling to it, and you understand why Prosciutto had taken you here. Families are enjoying a meal together, laughing and catching up with friends and neighbors they happen to run into here.
While waiting for the food, Prosciutto takes a moment to ask some questions about you and in return, reveals the bare minimum about himself-at least, to your knowledge. His interest grows the more you talk about yourself, and knows that this has gone a lot farther than he expected. He isn’t complaining though, as he asks about where you’re from.
Prosciutto adores the excitement that went ablaze in your eyes as the two of you engaged in  a conversation about your countries. The way you gush about your hometown has him say, “Maybe you can show me around in the future.” The idea of taking Prosciutto around your home turf has you going red in the face and taken aback for a moment.
“I’d love to!” you declare a little too eagerly, finally forming a response. He leans back, amused as the food arrives and the two of you enjoy a meal together. Prosciutto pays for the whole lunch afterwards, catching you off-guard slightly even after you insisted to pay at least half of the bill.
“All apart of the tour package,” He quips, “my services aren’t free.” He holds back a laugh at the aghast expression that takes over your features, “I’m joking. I’ll walk you to your hotel.” There’s more to that offer, you can tell by the more flirtatious tone his voice takes as the flustered heat in your face rises for the hundredth time again and you regain your composure.
You link your arms with his once more, both of you becoming fond of the company of each other.
Prosciutto brings you to your hotel, as he promised, getting your hopes up further as he offers to take it a step further and walk you to your room. “Just making sure that you’ll be safe. Naples can be dangerous if you’re not careful.” he elaborates, your thoughts grow wilder by the second.
The silence on the way to your room is almost killing you, unsure if he’s been teasing you or not. You really hope he’s implying something by bringing you back, especially after the time spent with him today, but you know it’s not likely he’d act on anything. The way he looked so gentleman-like too wasn’t helping. When you get to the room, you turn to him with a flushed face after unlocking the door, “Would you like to come in?”
You’re a little let down when he politely declines your offer, “I’d love to, but I have a meeting soon.” You curse yourself for getting your hopes up so quick. You quickly perk back up when he speaks up again. “Will you be around here for long?”
“It’s my last week in Italy.” You admitted, heart dropping when you saw a hint of disappointment flash across his features. Your eyes darted around the inside of the room for a pad of paper and a pen. “Hold on.” You spot them laying atop the bedside drawer and rush to write a few things before tearing off a piece of paper. You hurry back to the doorway and hold the torn parchment out to him. “Here, take this.”
Scrawled in your handwriting was your email and phone number to your hotel room.
“I really want to see you again if that’s okay.” You admit, wanting to know him a little more before you had to leave, watching him stare down at your writing.
“It’s fine with me, I was hoping to show you the frescoes at the cathedral.” he replies, looking back at your hopeful expression. “See you soon.” He turns on his heel and leaves the hotel as you sit in anticipation for your next encounter together.
The blonde man looked at the scrap of paper in his hand fondly before looking up at the blue sky, watching the clouds go overhead, and making plans in his head to make it a trip the both of you would remember.
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Sarah’s lgbt faves
my post about me posting my list got like two notes so :D this goes out to the two ppl who wanted to see my lgbt media faves, yay! also, there’s a version of this list including German ppl so if anyone wants those too, lmk!
- Dutchy
→ one of my fav lgbt youtubers, she’s bi and she’s one of my no1 sources for gay content and memes
→ a classic amongst wlws
-Sufi & Anjali
→ an inter-religious wlw couple and they are SO adorable, honestly I mainly watch them to yearn ahskasdh
fav coming outs (bc I had to :D)
-Daniel Howell
-Eugene Lee Yang
-LOVE, VICTOR!! (hulu)
→ okay I have been talking abt this series for like two weeks straight now but I’m gonna keep annoying everyone on here until everyone has seen it because it is THAT GOOD
-Everything Sucks (netflix)
→ this was I think the first wlw series I’ve ever watched and honestly the overall plot was a mess and kinda meh but I loved the wlw love story so yeah ajsdhakjhd
-The Bold Type (amazon prime)
→ one of my all time fav series, I love the characters so much & the series is all about female empowerment. Also the wlw couple is insanely cute so there’s that
-Dear White People (netflix)
→ okay okay I know the characters with the gay storyline are kinda side characters but I loved it nevertheless, also I feel it’s really good to educate oneself :)
-One Day At A Time (netflix & pop tv)
→ also one of my fav series, the entire family has my heart tbh. also a great execution of the gay storyline in my opinion
-Hollywood (netflix)
→ it’s just so good!! that’s all I’m gonna say
-Queer Eye (netflix)
→ I don’t need to say more I think askhakhd
-Merry Happy Whatever (netflix)
→ okay YES I AM AWARE that this is a Christmas series but still, it was soo good
-High School Musical The Musical The Series (Disney+)
→ gay side characters I guess but still GOD TIER I love it so much (probably because I’m a sucker for musical series/movies oops)
-I Am Not Okay With This (netflix)
→ mystery, wlw content, what more can you ask for! also it’s freaking hilarious omg
movies & documentaries
-State Of Pride
→ watched this last year & I rlly rlly liked it!
-Stonewall Forever
- In A Heartbeat (although everyone has probably already watched this short movie aashdka)
→ really insightful!
-The Death & Life of Martha P. Johnson
→ also very insightful (though I walked away from it kinda anxious so if you’re easily triggered you might have to keep that in mind)
-Alex Strangelove
→ okay this movie was also hella weird and some of it is probably problematic? but I liked the love story so
-The Half Of It!!!!
→ I love LOVE this movie. It’s more of a coming of age movie than a wlw love story movie but I still think it’s great!
-The Perks of being a Wallflower
→ you guys know how I feel about this akhsdkh
-Love Simon
→ and this one too, because I legitimately don’t know how to shut up abt it oops
wlw books
-Wenn Worte meine Waffe wären/For enden af din pegefinger by Kristina Aamand
→unfortunately, there’s no English translation of this yet but I still had to put it on this list because it’s a wlw book with a Muslim protagonist which is really cool!
-Leah On The Offbeat by Becky Albertalli (ofc)
→ read for a badass bi protagonist and oh my God, so much yearning
-We Are Okay by Nina Lacour
→ okay I didn’t really like this book that much?? but a lot of people adore it so I’ve included it here
-The Truth About Keeping Secrets by Savannah Brown
→ mystery! bi wlws! what more can you ask for! (also I absolutely adore the author so)
(books that I still wanna read bc they sound amazing:
-The Falling In Love Montage by Ciara Smyth
→ two girls who plan on spending one incredible summer together & then break up; basically a plot that has been used in straight books/romcoms a lot but I’m really excited to read a wlw version of it!
-You Should See Me In A Crown by Leah Johnson
→ abt a black girl who wants to become a doctor but she needs the school’s scholarship to attend college. The school’s requirements are that u need to win prom queen to get it - so she has to win against another girl! (& u can imagine what happens)
-The Henna Wars by Adiba Jaigirdar
→ the protagonist needs to create a business for school, and hers is being an henna artist. Only problem, her crush is also doing just that so they are kinda competing
-Tell Me How You Really Feel v. Aminah Mae Safi
→ wlw enemies to lovers!! we stan!!
mlm books:
-Carry On (&Wayward Son) by Rainbow Rowell
→ fantasy mlm & I love both of them so so much, I would literally die for them
-Aristotle and Dante discover the secrets of the universe by Benjamin Alire Sáenz
→ so freaking adorable, seriously
-Simon vs the homo sapiens agenda by Becky Albertalli
→ for obvious reasons. Also, y’all how have only watched the movie seriously miss out on some adorable Bram x Simon fluff
-The Perks of being a wallflower by Stephen Chbosky
→ for obvious reasons, also it’s generally the best book I have ever read
-What If It's Us by Becky Albertalli & Adam Silvera
→ ADORABLE! but without a real happy ending
-Autoboyography by Christina Lauren
→ about a guy falling for a Mormon boy. A little bit more heavy
trans books:
-The Art Of Being Normal by Lisa Williamson
→ again, thought it was really insightful. But of course I’m not a trans person so I might not be the best person to ask for recommendations in that department
queer women:
-King Princess
-Hayley Kiyoko
-girl in red
queer men:
-Troye Sivan
-Conan Gray
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dnymirs · 5 years
Hi! I was wondering if you could do a Carol danvers×reader training...? Like, the prompt is that Carol and the reader are training together, then somehow kiss!
@dearcaptain99 asked:
Hello love your recent works. I would like ask for a Carol Danvers/Reader fic where  the reader is an avenger too and Carol has a really big crush on them but it’s to shy to something about an the reader finds out and decides to make a move. I know Carol has this big dick energy, but I would like to imagine her all shy. Thank you! 
I had the liberty to join these two together, and it’s split into two parts! I think? lmao anyway enjoy Part 1!
Carol Danvers x Avenger!Reader
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well well well
there’s a new avenger in town
and carol was immediately Smitten
like she was so impressed by your abilities, by your resolve, impressed by your commitment in doing the right thing
ever since you joined the Avengers, carol already noticed you
and dont get me wrong, you noticed her too
but she was WAAAY out of your league
like, carol, in your eyes, is the The Avenger
the embodiment of heroes
and you were just someone who discovered their powers a bit too late in life, living as a normal citizen until you got caught in the middle of a battle between the superheroes
for the longest time, you thought carol kinda looked down on you because you werent all powerful and strong
but obviously you were wrong
bc the reason carol couldnt ever seem to look you in the eye, or have a very decent conversation with you was bc she Likes you
how is it that a powerful superhero such as herself gets tongue tied whenever you come and say hi to her?
she doesnt know
so she avoids you bc she’s scared she’s gonna embarrass herself in front of you
basically the entire cause of your relationship’s setback is the misinterpretation of feelings
(aka actual lesbian dating tbh lol)
you had moved into the avengers tower and tonight is your first night there
which can be very scary,, starting a new life as an avenger is not an easy feat
it was late at night and you were drinking tea to calm your nerves
and suddenly thor was there
“hello miss (Y/N)”
flustered, you stood up in attention, “um hi,,,mr thor”
like a nice lesbian supporter that he is, thor offered to sit with you and prepared another cup of tea, just talking to you and seeing how you have been coping with moving into the tower
eventually the topic moved to how thor is probably one of the most powerful beings in the tower
and you kinda said ruefully, under your breath, “i wish i was as strong as you are”
thor’s ears perked up. “but you ARE strong, Y/N.”
not physically though, right?
and so, with thor being everyone’s best friend, offered you Fighting101
like you were surprised when he knocked on your door 2 days later saying he has laid out the best training lessons that would suit you and your abilities
you were incredibly grateful of course,,
but unbeknownst to you, thor took this opportunity to set you up with someone who likes you
(it’s carol)
at first carol was like N O
“i dont want to do this, please dont make me do this, i’ll become a stuttering mess in front of her”
and thor found it most amusing like
“you can destroy aliens attempting to invade our planet but you cant face the woman you like for 5 minutes”
“aliens are so much better, please let me fight aliens instead”
but after so much pleading and coaxing, carol finally relented to thor
so imagine your surprise when carol talks to you out of the blue that you’re going to be sparring together for the next couple of weeks
“OH!” your eyes were so wide and you opened and closed your mouth like a fish “Sure!” you practically yelled in her face bc of the excitement
and so the next few weeks with carol started slowly but surely
like slooooowly as in the first few sessions were just you internally begging the earth to swallow you
you got so embarrassed in front of carol bc you were a wimp and she was Strong™
you dont know this but carol was internally screeching as well
but anyway, after a couple of weeks you and carol finally upgraded from being teammates to training buddies to ~friends~
not best friends, but you are now comfortable sharing your thoughts with her and joking around with her
and you have greatly improved your fighting skills! carol is so proud
the downside to this is that: the ~~feelings~~ that you had for captain marvel didnt go away
like you always thought if you got to know someone on a more personal scale, you would lose interest in them romantically and enjoy their company as a friend
but SIKE! you were wrong
it only made your feelings for her all the more intense
now, you can safely say, not to anyone at all, just to yourself after waving carol goodbye, thanking her for the lessons, thanking her for the ice cream, after watching movies together, after having dinner together
you can now say to yourself as you lay down in your bed at night
“wow, i love carol danvers”
REQUESTS ARE OPEN! I apologize for being slow bc of who i am as a person skjhdkdjls but I hope you like this! Watch out for part 2!
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mikkock · 4 years
Uhm??????? Unacceptable?? Please tell me more about your OCs in that last art? I demand it? I want a full report on my desk before morning? Cite your sources please?
Oh no,, you’re asking,,, about my own faves,,, sorry to everyone, but I guess im never going to shut up ever now. (i already don’t shut up ever, what have u done, im now going to speak so much that society will collapse AT LEAST)
But for real. I enjoy pretending I don’t have faves, I love all my kids the same, buT WE ALL KNO THAT’S A LIE, those two my fave bitches (they snatched that title from the last two faves, rip to them, and they also snatched, n I must really make that clear, the title of “the bitches with the most AUs from the previous previous faves. Their power.)
SO. Get ready for a ride, table of content: them, their respective character, their story, and the pLETHORA OF ALTERNATE STORIES I GAVE THEM because i must yell about all the versions of my kids i have (non-exhaustive cause its that serious bro, but ill take extra time for the universe depicted in that art just for u bby). (tbh if clamp is allowed to sprinkle their fave gays in all their universes so am i, except they aint secondary characters there, every story is just theirs. love that concept.)(itll be so long you’re getting a whole novel even if i have to post it in two posts)
So~ Em twos. Dari n Wei-wei as I call em, or Dumbass n Egg if you wanna get friendly.
They’re my proudest instance of “oops i made a squad of characters, and two of them just accidentally were so perfectly compatible and complementary oh no I guess they’re in love now.” And then they became my favourite. Cause I guess their potential was too much (jk its bc they hot)
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I spent ten minutes wondering which to introduce first cause dang son, I want to talk bout them both so much shefjgfdg
First, as I technically designed him first (like ten minutes before the other), my man weiwei. if u ever saw my art its impossible that you havent seen him at least once. cause i’m legit always drawing him. cause im in love bro.
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Demonstration : here are my computer scribbled weiweis of 2020 so far (with a few daris there n there they’re a package deal), that i could find, and they do not include all the paper sketches that i’m too lazy to take pics of. (i just been drawing him with so much hair these days that’s illegal, his brand is baldness)
But anyway, he’s CHEN Chia-Wei, he’s 21, he’s Taiwanese n I love him. Two very important facets of his character when you meet him: he doesn’t talk, and is absolutely, in every single dimension, built to make you fall head over heels for him.
He’s (in the “canon” storyline if i may call it that since it’s def not my most developed one but oh well) an art student, mostly paints but is also great at photography and videography (his vibe is busy hectic pieces with strong bold colours, lots of harsh edges, and very people focused).
Aside from that, he’s also super into fashion, and because he’s part of the rich boy squad (the “im broke so im giving half my characters wealth in compensation) he Can and Does exhibit some quite funky fits when he feels like it. (maybe a reason I draw him a lot, since my fave thing is pretty boys in weird ass clothes)(and then i also draw him in just casual shit cuz tittiful men in plain white tees you know. there’s just something about it.)
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Small compilation of outfits. ft me and my band handwriting roasting outfits that id also kill to own but ok u know.
He digs music. (i make playlists for my OCs and i gotta say, his is the best one, i spent so many hours researching it, “arranging” it etc n its still a work in progress but dude. she got many moods my fave part is when it suddenly turns into so many cheesy ballads also she’s enormous cause im as wordy in playlists as I am in writing.) listens to a lot, n also he can play piano n guitar. cause you know. heartthrobs got to win your heart with a song (and if he’s alone he can even mumble some songs, who knows maybe even sing em softly, definitly a sight to stumble on accidentally). Big main artists that have his vibes are Hello Nico, No Party for Cao Dong, n Circa Waves’s “what’s it like over there” album.
He does a lot of sports. He ain’t fit through magic, rip to him. He’s got a serious routine, and it’s a time he likes to use alone, cause nothing like running at the break of dawn, alone with your thoughts, which you can just easily forget through the exhaustion of a workout session afterwards.
he also eats. A lot. Food is just good, bro. (the canon story is def happening some place europe aka his biggest struggle is how expensive food is here. outrageous.)
He secretly loves super cheesy movies. the dramatic romcoms??? the cute shows that are just so cute and worriless?? anything involving soulmates??? yeh dude. he watches it, he reads it, he listens to it, and he may cry about it, but no one will know. That’s the one true guilty pleasure. (and he definitly has a collection of romance dvds, books n manhuas in his old room back at the family home. where no one can see it. perks of studying abroad. no one can see ur hoarding of material that clashes your image. “yes i watch edgy experimental things haha yes i love those smart people movies of course wow the philosophy…” and then immediatly goes to watch the trashiest predictable but oh so sweet dramas all night)
While he doesn’t speak (as in with the mouth) he can communicate in a bunch of language, due to having moved around quite a bit. On top of his native mandarin and hokkien, he’s fluent in English, so he can use those to write, and is also fluent in TSL, and pretty good in HKSL (and from that, other close-in-syntax sign languages). So he doesn’t have trouble getting around, but then he is also overall quiet in public (with close friends and over text though, that’s another story, that’s where he gets chattier, and also where you may get more of his true personality). Also, he can speak with his sister. That’s pretty cool bro.
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I was going to say he’s a very “hides his true colours under a shell” type of character but you know, for an egg character, that’s pretty ironic. We love poetic cinema.
He presents himself as a very laid back, chill detached dude, going with the flow and all that great stuff, and masterfully mixes just the right doses of mysterious, flirty and calm to just go around vibing. But ain’t that jUST THE MILLENIAL’S ILLNESS, those dANG KIDS, going around, gettin relationships but never intimacy 👏😢 (there’s more to it dont leave)
First of all, before you see the Drama, the Turmoil, the first thing you notice when you really do befriend him is that he’s c h i l d i s h, he gets sulky when things dont go following the plan, he gets whiny n jealous for not getting attention , he gets competitive over stupid challenges, and way too playful if you start teasing, and when he gets flustered too…you think you get cool stoic dude but actually you get a dude who’s reacting to things with way too much intensity, and boi i thought u were gon be mature what’s that why have you been pouting for three days over losing a bet come on- That’s mostly coming up when he interacts with his sister, but the closest you are to him to more of it you get to see.
He’s also an affectionate dude actually. Like physically. As in you’ll get spontaneous hugs. He’s come nap on your shoulder. That’s a perk of befriending him if you ask me.
Also he tries to look so cool, so tough haha. He’s actually a lil sensitiv boi. he gets fluffy, he gets flustered, he heart eyes. you turn around and he’s gazing at ya as if you were the whole universe. he gets a mini crisis for holding hands with his crush. ya know. he’s secretly a softie.
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Then in the “what he doesn’t show” (my fave part), where you stock all the anxieties, all the trauma… Obviously there’s a lot of anxiety here (selective muteness being a symptom of it, he hides the other ones very well) mostly fear of inadequacy, of abandonement and of loneliness. mmmmmmmaybe that’s why he was v reticent to continue pursuing that one guy he was into when he realised he was just a tad too into him oh no is that some,, like?? some lovey-love?? cant have that im afraid of gettin heartbroken bro. Aint that sad for a someone who’s one true goal is just findin someone to love and to be with forever, the struggles of yearnin for a soulmate when there’s nothing you fear more than getting attached to a person and letting them see you and your flaws.., delicious.
Now tho (because its so alone speaking about a character on their own and i just wanna get to the part where i can speak bout em together and how they bring out bits of each others ya kno, the good kush….), Dari…
He’s pretty, i must say, and got the funniest hair to draw, and comes from the most opposite background to weiwei’s.
Darian Andriev PARVANOV, also 21, comes from the remote Bulgarian countryside, but i still love him (this makes it sound as if i wouldnt normally love someone from the bulgarian countryside. its not what i meant. by default ud remind me of my son so you’d start being liked if u came from the bulgarian countryside) Now for the first instance of “wow, the complementarity”. The first thing i thought making Dari was that he looked too cool, and that he obviously was a dumbass, and mostly that he was physically unable to shut up. (o fuck he’s me)
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best picture i could find of him. He’s got the dilemma of “wow he looked so pretty n cool until he opened his mouth” 
He’s ALSO an art student (cause they were initially created for the purpose of filling the gap of “i have ocs in every field except the one i sorta know that’s so stupid”), painting major (def vibes differently than weiwei though, he’s doing those soft pretty landscapes n flowers, everything real pretty and peaceful, we got some impressionism nerd in here folks). 
He was/is a real country boy, farm family, he helped tend the fields, he worked in plantations for pocket money, he knows how to take care of cattle and chicken and goats and all the cool babies you can take care of, he can tell whether the soil is good or not, he can drive a tractor, and doesnt fear dirt.
but then also he’s kind of a neat freak, he hates getting paint on himself, so the duality of man, dirt ok but paint? disgostin. his spaces are real neat and spotless, he likes cleaning (its relaxing) and does it nearly too often.
his dumbassery comes from lack of common sense and impulsiveness, aside from that he’s actually what you’d call “mad smart”, dude had em good grades, he can memorise pages upon pages of the most trivial information, he has an accumulation of knowledge beyond limits, and is good at problem solving. so he can recite all the words of the F letter of the dictionnary, but would also put a curling iron in his mouth to see if it would curl his tongue. (side note, he does have a problem with heat n fire, most his “oopsie how i wound up hurting myself on acccident” story involve burning -that stove was just too tempting…)
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while he doesnt feel very attached to his home country, he does feel strongly for his family. he’d do anything for his mum (and actually does everything to make her proud already, that’s his one main goal), and he’s ready to sacrifice a lot for her (as in, spend years working non-stop a really uncomfortable job so his mother wouldnt have to pay a cent of his expenses even though she said she could by doing some sacrifices herself,and then being ready to come back as soon as needed if anything happened, and potentially drop his career and dream n go back to the farm life to provide for mama)(also he still does hold onto some parts of his home country’s traditions, and does sometimes feel homesick but more in a ‘i left the most beautiful landscapes n the city feels cramped and claustrophobic and i dont know people and i dont feel in the right place cuz im a forreigner with a thicc accent who doesnt master the language of this place and straight up have different body language communicators due to cultural difference oh lord i wanna be home where a nod means no and a head shake is yes i keep misunderstanding everything”)
if you want background noise he’s the perfect pal to call over, he’s just so chatty, he got hours and hours of non stop speech ready for you. you can shut him up once you’re done listening with the offering of food. works everytime.
he’s definitly not shy. neither in terms of talking to people, nor when it comes to making decisions. he’s quite bold, and rarely hesitates to go towards something he wants. he’s direct in his approach to most everything.
he likes partying. mostly the socialising part, talkin to people is just fun ya feel. and being in the crowd, doing whatever, pressure free? ya can dance n enjoy yourself, and people wont notice? yeah that’s nice. but doesnt do it super often cause broke bitches aint got the party time n budget. 
he likes arm. (just an excuse for me to drop this thing here cuz i like it)
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While he’s an overall bubbly looking character, with a cheery loud personnality, he does carry some youth trauma that has him more reticent to engage in happiness, he comes from what you could call “not the wokest background” and he may have fallen victim of it : he’s kind of a flashy noticeable character, both physically and in his personnality, and doesnt exactly matches the expectations of dudes in the area he comes from (delicate, emotional and sweet guy? that doesnt exist bro). He went through it, and it has definitly had some impact on his confidence in many aspects. But he’s 100% the type of guy to put on the fake happy front because if feeling bad is sad, making the people you care about sad for you too is Unacceptable Right??? relying on friends?? what???
But then what are we supposed to be doing with such charming characters huh,,, 
Make them fall in love obviously.
Their story obviously has to do with falling in love and workin a relationship cause if I dont write romance i literally die, but I make the center pivot of all of it communication, and barriers in communications. Most obvious being them coming from wildly different cultures, having different native languages, and also the ways you adapt to muteness (what i love most bout that part is even then they fucked up given the easiest quickest small body language things to communicate are head nods n then i managed to make one come from the one country that reverses those like iconic how do they even understand each other -through a lot of work and love bro) but also on more “introspective” points, how to say things that you are even afraid to think about, how to open up and share your burdens and trauma with someone, how to say words you’ve been convinced you weren’t allowed to, the inner turmoil of communication in short. And then also communication through art, and through alternative unusual ways. If i were snobbish i could call it something like “a thinkpieces on how humans overcome obstacles in communication, and adapt, all for the sake of pursuing love” but fact is its mostly boys being in love n learning how to speak, figuratively and also quite literally. And also its me having fun with making characters evolve from each other, be able to influence each other for the better, helping each other be more comfortable with themselves and express the true things of their personnality, and discover new aspects. I just wanna write intense and soulful love bro.
So in less concept and more facts, weiwei meets dari, dari being his puppy self just immediatly strikes a conversation and weiwei gets interested cause “oho nice pretty boy? very good. i want some of that”. they get closer because you cant fight off the Power of friendship (and also the power of “what your friend is bestie with my friend?? guess we hanging out”) and then friendship and interest turns into pining, held back by respective dread of what romance with the other would mean (as in “romance?? cant have that we cant feel” and “with him?? cant do that, convince yourself he’s just a friend immediatly what would the family think”) but eventually they do have to just crash into one another cause that’s just the gravitational pull bro, its physics bro. and from then on its all unlearning destructive behaviours, bettering oneself with the help of the other, and getting over trauma to finally live ur best life. and gettin fckin married bro they’re both cheeseballs theyll wanna wed
BUT MAKING EM FALL IN LOVE ONCE ISNT ENOUGH time to make 3894853 alternate universes about em.
Lets speak bout my fave of those for a hot second.
First of all, the one of the art that brought this ask, guess i could call it “Pretty Tribes” AU, bunch of tribes live and do their things, having nature and energy powers. Dari n Weiwei’s tribes are bros, the latter’s powers needing them to move around to get energy from different places, enabling them different abilities. So basically they get to hang at the other’s place while the regenerate energy from there, and in exchange they help them out with various tasks (dari’s tribe is a rly farmer oriented one, with plant magic, while weiwei’s got more poyvalent powers, and have very good healers notably, so it comes in handy). The two boys were born a few months apart in their respective tribes, so naturally, anything the two clans meet, they’re put together to play and all, and from that they became besties, and each time they meet, after the gaps of time separating the two groups, they feel more and more of a little something else~ story is themed round growing up, friendship between clans, their traditions and cultures, and pretty boys in pretty clothes in pretty landscapes interacting with nature.
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The superpower AU, i fuckin love it bro. Its an old one, made for other characters, but i just love it so much that i had to inject my faves in it. Its got a grimy ugly setting, bad government, propaganda, and fights between super-people (heavily mediatised for entertainment and reinforcing the idea that “look at these evil villains thank god us the good government protects you from them”), with a side of bad ethics in science. In all that, those two have the role of “those two young enemy warrior and villain, they were so powerful and fought so hard”, public figures, legendary and admired by both sides, everyone followed their fights, til one day they presumably died in one of their showdowns. (haha sike they actually found themselves talking for 5 seconds and realised they lived in a society, n built a plan to run away). The main characters get to find they’re alive because one of em had history with super-warrior-golden-boy and go to seek their help to overthrow the Big Bads. (stealing them from their nice gay cottage hermit life smh so rude)
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Mermaids. I like those. Sailor weiwei sees merman dari, they both save each other in different occasions, they grow fascinated with each other, they’re at sea, water romance. Amazing. AU made half cuz i just like water n fish. and shirtless sailors.
(i couldnt find art of it in five minutes so have a link to that lil animatic piece i made of it once)
Indie band AU, where i was listening to songs that vibe so well with those two in general n then my brain was like “what if they’re the ones playing”. They’re (along with the rest of the art squad) a nice little alternative rock band, doing their thing, then one of their songs blows up, and they get quite the attention, to the dismay of dari who wrote that song in a moment of “oh no im so in love with my bandmate but i cant tell him what if i ruin everything we have going on ill just have to love from afar and deal with that” and now has way too many people interested in who he wrote it about and theorising from his every move when performing it (a mix of music, secret crushes and social media) (ft a picture of neither of them but its the least ugly art i found of this AU cuz its old and instruments are the bane of my existence)(also kelana is so pretty i gotta flaunt her around)
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in kind of the same vibe, as in we’re in a music world overexposed to social media, i also integrated em to an AU i did for fun, “boyband AU” as its called aka idol based band system cuz you kno, i got a hobby, lets apply it. Band boy Dari and bodyguard Weiwei got a thing going on, but can’t really act on it in any way, because they’d just destroy the whole band if it ever came public. Featuring annoying bandmates, catchy pop songs and people making fanaccounts of that one hot Mr.Bodyguard cause dang he hot.
(all the art of this one so ugly im sorry)
SPY AU, one of my fave brand. They spies, they get assigned on the same mission, they work real nice with each other. spies hot. fights. strategy. i just like the concept. Gays taking down the worst traffics imaginable??? I love that song.(i actually have so much on this cause s p i e s are fuckin great)
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Fashion. U kNOW i have an AU for fashion. Supermodel and his private stylist, trying to maintain the line of professionalism. And failing to do so. Lets make out in unpractical designer clothes.
Have an highschool AU for a bunch of characters, injected them as “spinoff”, start chatting online being art buddies, fall in love without meeting (ft. all the iconics of internet friendship like knowing tiny details of their personnalities but not the fact that they have a sister or “waIT ur a GUY i thought u were a girl wow wild good news for my gay ass”)
n those are my faves as far as i remember, i got a fuckton of small other ones that arent fleshed out enough, or some that are more of a guilty pleasure universe, and some that are more like “projects that i can expend on as soon as i run out of daydream material” (like u kno those hospital drama shows with super innacurate medicine n shit like idk scrubs or whatever, yeh i want some of that but im keeping it for later)
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lyssaraiven · 5 years
sectionals pt.1(?)
hi i finally have fucking inspo so love that for me.. Anyways im still denying everything abt IW and Endgame so here it is. Btw this is a song fic bc im obsessed w music. i use this song at 2:30 to the end.
Words: 724
Warnings: cuss words i think and i didnt edit this sorry for the mistakes
Pairing: peter parker x singer!cheerleader!reader
also sorry of the keep reading button isnt working 
“Hello! Guys! It’s me. Peter. parker.“ peter, y/n, and ned walked into the seemingly empty penthouse floor of Stark Tower. y/n had never been there before so she was nervous about meeting the Avengers and even though ned has been there plenty of times, he was still buzzing with excitement. 
“Y’know, since you live here and all, I don’t think you have to specify who you are.” y/n said as she listened to him ramble. His eyes narrowed at her, but he had a small smile on his face, so she knew it was all good. At that moment, Clint dropped down from the vents and stared at the trio with confusion, but before he could even say a word, Nat walked in.
“Who’s she?” y/n wasn’t shaking, per se, more shuddering after taking breaths. 
“Uhm, this is my friend, y/n. She’s here for annual movie night.” peter explained to his fellow spider, not that y/n knew that. 
“y/n? You mean the y/n your always talking about?” Tony was quick to butt into the room with the rest of the avengers following him. peter blushed a light crimson while y/n poked his side, 'you talk about me?' , she mouthed.
Steve was the next to help embarrass the ever living crap out of peter, “all. the. time. The kid never shuts up about you”
“Your the singing one right?” Sam looked to y/n and as predicted, she nodded yes while biting her lip from nervousness that she nearly drew blood. They had all perked up and were starting to beg for her to sing something.
“Alright! I’ll do it, I’ll do it. Okay uhm, crap okay.
No I could never judge anyone I loved
Even if you lose sight of all the things I’ve done
I’m not who I once was
These days I’m all grown up
I fuck with me heavy
I’m all chose up
And I only did right by you 
When you fucked her I survived by you
Prayin for the girls that believe your news
Prayin for myself cause I be all truth
I got a good heart, good soul, good sex, no stress
Next for me is best
Don’t you run your mouth
Cause in this song I say it best
Don’t take it personal, personal, personal
Don’t take it personal, personal, personal
I know it hurts to know. Hurts to know, hurts to know
I don’t want it (nah nah nah)
Don’t need it (yeah yeah yeah)”
y/n bit her lip and blushed as the avengers looked at her in shock, realizing peter wasn’t just saying she was good because he was practically in love with the girl, she was actually that good.
“Okay! Uh we’re gonna go watch our movie now bye, see ya.” peter grabbed y/n’s hand, and pulled her away while ned followed the two all the way to the small theater. Ned and y/n waved their goodbyes while peter just blushed and basically ran to get away from his insane family who was going to give away his huge crush on the girl. 
In peter’s room, he started to apologize profusely while the girl simply waved him off and started Empire Strikes Back, but instead of going to sit back on her side of the bed, she wedged her way next to peter, being so close that their legs were touching. When he looked at her for confirmation, she smiled and gave him a look that made his heart ache, his face hurt from smiling, and his knees weak, because he knew that that single smile would lead to a lifetime of happiness. 
After the movie, y/n realized her dad would beat her ass if she was any later so she had to hurry up and get home. She said goodbye to peter and ned in the room, since they were both half asleep by the time Star Wars had ended. When she was headed to the elevator to leave she noticed that some of the avengers were still in the living room.
“Hey, uhm so like next week, Midtown is having a competition against the local glee clubs in New York, so uh could you possibly tell peter, cause I’m kinda nervous to ask him to come, so uh yeah. Thanks, bye.”
Okay so i think im going to continue this bc tbh i dont hate it but lmk if i should or not
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moviegroovies · 5 years
oh god after last time i really did think i was done but i must have unlocked some new level of hell because here we go, here we go, lost boys hcs PART 3!!!!
so ummmmm michael... is sort of dumb. 
like, ok, specifically??? i think he’s got a higher than average emotional intelligence, but he’s just one of those kids who’s bad at school. there’s some hints of this in the movie: when michael is telling sam that he can’t tell lucy about the vampirism thing, sam’s line is that it’s “not like getting a D in school, mike!”, implying that hiding that kind of thing is something the two of them have been over before, and a deleted subplot has him repeatedly insisting to lucy that he’s going to drop out of school to get a job and help her pay for things.
tbh i think he’s got that classic “child of divorce” thing going on. he feels like a burden on sparse resources and can’t stand the thought of wasting his days in school, where he doesn’t even want to be. he wants to help his mom! he gets a job for he so he can do that! what a good, sweet boy!!!
hmmm. dyslexic michael, anyone? like, i was going to say that he was particularly vexed by math & science, but the more i think about it, the more i’m leaning toward him maybe just being disinterested in those subjects, even though they’re the ones he’s better at, while english and history (but particularly english) really piss him off because studying takes so goddamn long.
so he gets like, C+/B- in math and science, consistent C- in history, and wavers C- to D+ or even lower in english. 
he’s so polite to his teachers that they help him when they can though, especially because they know he’s trying so hard, but he’s just not entirely gifted at this sort of stuff. 
the worst is when he has to keep his grades up to stay eligible for sports--that pressure just makes everything seem so much worse.
i think michael plays some of everything. he’s like, some kind of guard on the football team, not particularly their star player or anything, but i think he’s also got a starter position on the basketball team, and he is the star pitcher on the baseball team. 
physical stuff just comes easier to him than academic stuff, you know?
his high school girlfriend was a cheerleader, but they weren’t that serious. she was a kind of preppy girl, a little vapid, and it felt to michael like they only really dated because they were supposed to. breaking up with her kind of led to michael’s attraction to star; he saw her on the boardwalk and she looked like she dressed for herself and she was outwardly enjoying her time at the concert--plus, you know, she’s really pretty.
he hates to admit it, but michael’s favorite classes in school were the home ec classes that his guidance counselor suggested he take. he took shop first, which was okay, but really, what he liked to do the most was the cooking and sewing shit. when he joins the lost boys, he kind of “takes over” these roles from star (who had been pressured into acting the mother for all these assholes who could be her great grandfathers, easily), and it turns out that he’s a lot better at that stuff than she is. 
guess he was always kind of training to be david’s bitch after all.
the guys stop ribbing on him once he shows them how he can fix their clothes and shit, though. goddamn assholes.
michael’s main circle of friends in highschool was made up of other jocks, and like with his girlfriend, they weren’t super close. he often got excluded from stuff because he would insist he couldn’t do something or other on account of his mom needing him home that night, or he would get pissed at them for making fun of sam. 
michael said family comes first, fuckers!
he did drink and smoke and shit like that back in phoenix when he knew he wouldn’t be missed at home, though. he’s not a goody two shoes, really, he just didn’t want to make things harder than they were for his mom. 
one day he did come home drunk, and he’ll never forget how upset lucy looked. he still doesn’t feel like he’s made that up to her. ouch.
one of the guys michael hung out with, probably the closest michael had to a “best friend” was a dude named declan who he’d known since elementary school. declan as the only one of the jock guys who didn’t really hold it against him when he’d skip out on stuff, and the only one he ever even thought about telling the divorce shit to, although in the end, he chickened out of actually doing it. 
like i said, they weren’t best friends or anything, but they could have been, y’know?
one of the less nice dudes in his group (probs one michael got in fights with often) started dating michael’s girlfriend about a week after he moved. michael wasn’t really pissed by the time he found out about that; he had way bigger problems to worry about by then.
there was a guy that michael saw around who was kind of a beatnik loner outcast and almost definitely a fag. he liked shakespeare and oscar wilde and probably drew pretty things in the margins of his notebook, and the guys that michael hung out with trashed on him pretty much constantly. michael himself, however, had kind of a thing for the guy: he thought he was cool and would ask when he could to see what he was working on.
you know how michael acted around star at the very beginning of their association? that’s pretty much how he was around this dude. local bi disaster is bi.
the guy (i was going to say fuck it and name him after the guy who i’m sort of basing him on from peggy sue got married, but guess what my fucking luck is, that dude’s name is michael. jfc. let’s call him charlie) thought michael was just there to make fun of him like the others did, but he eventually, he might have come around to trusting that mike really was just interested in his art. 
maybe they made out or something before charlie eventually pushed back against him because he didn’t want to get fucking murdered by michael’s friends for making him queer if they got caught 
michael always felt like he should have pushed harder to have some sort of relationship with charlie, but once he moves to santa carla, there’s no use in thinking about it anymore.
unlike michael, sam did have a close circle of friends at school, even though he wasn’t as classically “popular” as his brother. 
it was probs this reason that made him take the move a lot harder than his brother did.
sam, also unlike michael, was/is really good at school. he’s super skilled at memorizing dates & facts (just look at him rattle off semi-obscure superman trivia lol), and pretty talented at writing to boot. he doesn’t like math as much, but if he works at it, it comes to him pretty quickly. 
gifted kid perks™
being that everything came easy to sam, and that he didn’t do any sports like michael did, he had a lot of downtime to read books and comics, keep up w/ pop culture, and hang out with his nerdy friends who liked to do the same. he was even in a d&d group
his character was an elf rogue.
it’s about gay rights
re: sports, it’s not that sam couldn’t be athletic, just that he didn’t ever really want to be. he used to do little league to be like michael and as a concession to his father, but really, he was always put in the outfield, and at the end of the day he would just rather read or watch tv than stand out in the hot sun playing this game he didn’t care about.
when they were little, michael trained himself to get better at reading so that he could read stuff to sam when their parents were fighting or their mom was away. he remembered how his parents (in better times) had read to him, and he knew it made sam feel better, so he put aside his difficulties and discomfort to read to his brother before bed.
the easiest things to read for him were comic books (he had some batmans and supermans and even a few wonder womans, although it wasn’t all superhero stuff. he also had richie rich and, of course, archies), which kind of sparked sam’s love for them--they were something he shared with his brother. <3
i’m thinking sam’s nerd club was the prototypical “mostly boys who never talked to a girl in their lives” type thing, but at the same time i’d like to imagine that at least one of them had a pretty brash (and nerdy) sister who pushed her way into the club, winning their respect by doing what sam did to frog brothers, only with star wars lore.
also, i’m kind of picturing a shy girl from their school who sam takes under his wing when she’s getting bullied, only to find out that she’s really into that stuff too.
she’s part of their d&d campaign; she plays a badass orc barbarian woman and consistently has the best luck with the dice. 
the girl is almost definitely a lesbian, but sam asks her to homecoming and stuff like that so that they’ll both have dates; they’re basically each other’s beards. 
Gay Rights.
one of the only ways michael could ever really relate to his dad was when they played baseball and the dad taught him Sports™ things, so sam not being at all interested in that stuff made him kind of a disappointment. even still (or maybe for that reason), michael was always the mama’s boy, while sam spent a long time desperate for his dad’s approval.
maybe bc michael and lucy tried really hard to protect him from just how shitty their dad really was, to be honest.
speaking of michael and sam’s dad, i’ve been doing a lot of thinking about him, and now i’ve got Opinions. 
contrary to what i guess is the general fandom consensus (at least from what i’ve seen? but my scope might not be that big regarding this character, so if i’m wrong, i’m wrong lol) regarding the dad, i can’t see him being particularly abusive physically. 
however, given how sweet and agreeable lucy is, i get a sense that there must have been something REALLY insurmountable in their relationship to make her decide that divorce was the only option. the way i see it, michael and sam’s father started as one of those anti-establishment punks who eventually grew up and just... snapped back the other way entirely to end up as the establishment himself. 
main justification for this is that scene w/ michael and star; he doesn’t just refer to his mother being an ex-hippie, he refers to his folks. plus, i mean, there must have been something about the man that endeared him to lucy, right?
so, over the course of their marriage, the guy goes from being a radical dreamer type with maybe some kind punk rock aspirations to being like.... reagan’s “moral majority.” 
he starts totally stomping down his old dreams and, in the process, mocking lucy for holding onto anything from their past (you know how she told sam part of the reason she divorced him was that “he never believed in the closet monster”? that was a symptom tbh). i imagine that this, in itself, was soul crushing, but what was really the last straw was when he started in on michael and sam: getting mad and telling michael that he wasn’t going to make it in the MLB and that he had to get his shitty grades up if he wanted to amount to anything (only making him hate school even more lbr), and openly disliking sam’s rejection of sports and stuff in favor of his comic books and MTV.
before the end, i think michael got in a lot of fights with his dad when he’d make passive-aggressive comments at sam for not being enough of a man. 
who made you the fucking authority on that, huh?
if he was ever actually physically violent with anyone, it was probably michael during these fights, or mayyyybe even lucy when she’d step in.
eventually, something just tips lucy’s goddamn scales, and she snaps and goes out right then and there to file for divorce. they never saw the point in signing a prenup or anything back then, y’know, so without really fighting for it, lucy wasn’t going to get anything in the divorce. 
she doesn’t. they leave arizona with just about the clothes on their backs.
if anyone actually fought against the divorce proceedings, honestly i think it was the dad. he had this idea of his respectable nuclear family, and, even though he was basically an emotionally neglectful POS to his sons, he hated the idea of his wallstreet suit-type coworkers coming to know that his home life was anything less than perfect. 
as a last ditch effort, he probably tried to win lucy back at the very last minute, even twisting her arm in an attempt to get her to stay for the boys’ sake, but he clearly no longer knows what attracted her to him in the first place, and the “effort” just makes her sad.
in her mind, she’s already gone by then, you know?
finally, he just ives up and signs the divorce papers. for a hot second it really fucks him up; he goes in to work unshaven and haggard, he’s back to eating like a bachelor, his heart isn’t in what he’s doing. this isn’t about grief over losing his family, though, is the shitty thing. not really. instead, he’s just dealing with uncertainty over how to remake his image. 
unfortunately, that’s about as much karma as their dad gets. by the time lucy, sam, and michael are gone for good, he finds it’s easiest to just pretend that they never happened. lucy didn’t demand it, but he sends the occasional bare bones childcare check in the mail and feels like he’s the goddamn father of the year or something, and meanwhile, he remarries a woman that’s both younger and more conservative than lucy, sooner or later fathering a son with her.
lucy isn’t cruel; she doesn’t want the boys to be totally cut off from their father, and even though they both pretty clearly sided with her in the divorce she offers him visitation rights and partial custody (saying that they could stay with him at least every summer and for whatever other holidays he wanted), but he mostly rejects this. 
when the boys try to call him to ask, he gives them a noncommittal answer about them maybe visiting next summer, after they’ve all gotten settled in. 
they pretty much stop calling after that. 
remember how i said michael has an above-average emotional intelligence? he’s definitely the one who helps lucy through the divorce the most. he picks up on the signals she sends about when she needs help and when she needs space, and chides sam for pushing her too hard every now and then.
sam, on the other hand, is definitely a good kid who cares about his mom a lot, but he’s a little more selfish and has a harder time acting like he’s got no problem leaving phoenix for her. the only real fights the two of them get into before all the vampire mess are centered around sam not being sympathetic enough to lucy and michael getting onto him for it.
i think that their dad might end up being a much better father and husband for his new family, and when the eventually visit him long enough to realize this, michael and sam... aren’t sure what to think.
like, they’re glad he’s not repeating the same mistakes he made before, but it’s not fair, is it? to see your little half-brother get the father you always wanted but never got. 
their new stepmom is a sweet lady, though. she really does want to try and welcome sam and michael into the family. sam, michael, and their dad all try, but in the end they find it uncomfortable, and the boys know it’s just a facade on all sides to make her happy. 
everyone is a little bit relieved when the boys just give up and go back to santa carla. 
when michael meets the lost boys (& subsequently learns about dwayne’s past with jasper and, you know, the total boner david has for him, and oh yeah, the fact that these guys are kind of universally gay asf), his only experience with gay shit had been his closeted fumbling with charlie and like, negative stereotypes from media, so he’s kind of amazed by these totally queer dudes who just... take no shit. 
like, he gets challenged to a motorcycle race and their leader doesn’t back down at all from the fight michael tries to incite, they take him back to drink and hang out in a semi-nasty man cave. these dudes aren’t what he expects from fags at all (they’re not sissies, and that’s kind of the end of his knowledge about the gay community at that time lol), and he just doesn’t... know what to think about them.
he kind of wants to be them.
like, you know how immediately after seeing them for the first time, michael buys himself a leather jacket and goes to get his ear pierced? there’s a reason for that, babes!
in other news, michael is a cancer and there’s nothing y’all can do about it.
i mean, i have Evidence behind my theory but also i’m just right.
but like, going back to that scene with michael and star again, when he’s introducing himself, you know how he tells her that he was nearly named moonbeam or moonchild or something like that? well, another name for cancers that i’ve seen is moonchildren, after the way cancer is ruled by the moon (and bc the term “cancer” itself has some... other connotations).
in conclusion, lucy really was That Bitch sgdfhghdh
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astralgloss · 6 years
im a curious meanie so 1-134 muhahaha you get to relive the hell i just went through
etab i haTE U
1: Name
my name is marit lol but please just keep it mar
2: Age
i am 17 but i’ll b 18 in 2 months!!!!
3: 3 Fears
the dark, complete and utter loneliness, and clowns
4: 3 things I love
books, forest fruit tea, the sound of rain
5: 4 turns on
a nice smile that reaches the eyes, a nice smell, having a dog ngl, a soft touch
6: 4 turns off
extreme arrogance, insisting to pay for my meal if i want to pay bc its “what a man should do”, forcing lifestyles on me, not caring about my interests
7: My best friend
she does have tumblr but idk it but hey demi if u ever see this ur the bomb.com
8: Sexual orientation
im bi fam
9: My best first date
my bf and i went to amsterdam to go shopping and he followed me everywhere (even the bookshop even though he hates books) and idk i just love him it was a nice day
10: How tall am I
im 1,65m or 5′4″ but i can and will kick ur ass
11: What do I miss
nothing really??
12: What time was I born
ok so i asked my mom and she said i was born on a tuesday at exactly 12pm but i bet she’s lying
13: Favorite color
yellow!! im basic!!
14: Do I have a crush
well i sure hope so @ boyfriend
15: Favorite quote
to the stars who listen, and the dreams that are answered
16: Favorite place
my bf’s house tbh, specifically his bed
17: Favorite food
pizza, specifically the hot chicken one from ny pizza
18: Do I use sarcasm
nah fam (ofc i do im a little shit)
19: What am I listening to right now
god is a woman by ariana grande
20: First thing I notice in new person
how they look at other people when those people don’t notice it
21: Shoe size
38/39 idk the other size lol sorry 
22: Eye color
its blue but it changes with my mood (oh my god im so sorry im kidding please don’t hate me)
23: Hair color
im a blondie
24: Favorite style of clothing
sth casual but also a bit towards the punkish style, but i also rlly love looking tiny and soft and cute lol
25: Ever done a prank call?
ok so there’s this hotline for kids who have troubles with their parents and families but it was a shit hotline tbh so once i called it up with my friends pretending i was crying and the man on the phone asked me what was wrong so i told him that all my friends had fire type pokemon and i only had grass type pokemon and they kept beating me and i didnt know what to do and then man was so confused it was funny af
27: Meaning behind my URL
idk man i wanted a name that could b easy to remember and i was inspired by ridgeport tbh
28: Favorite movie
the perks of being a wallflower
29: Favorite song
Fav song atm is anything from p!atd's newest album and my fav song of all time is probably train of consequences by megadeth
30: Favorite band
megadeth lol
31: How I feel right now
pretty good but also annoyed bc i have to go to work in half an hour :(
32: Someone I love
my bf
33: My current relationship status
if u guys havent noticed by now im taken
34: My relationship with my parents
p ok
35: Favorite holiday
36: Tattoos and piercing i have
I have my ears pierced and thats it lol
37: Tattoos and piercing i want
i rlly want a few bookish related tattoos, like a tiny raven, a little lightning bolt, and the city of velaris and then i also rlly want a sleeve tbh but imma be a teacher and idk if i can :/ about piercings: i rlly want a helix or tragus and maybe get second holes in my hearlobes
38: The reason I joined Tumblr
ok so ive been on tumblr for about 5 years and initially it was bc i was Depressed™ and then about a year ago i found out about simblr and i was hooked
39: Do I and my last ex hate each other?
tbh i dont even talk to him anymore i dont rlly care about him in any way
40: Do I ever get “good morning” or “good night ” texts?
yes bih
41: Have I ever kissed the last person you texted?
hes my bf so yea lol
42: When did I last hold hands?
43: How long does it take me to get ready in the morning?
about 45 minutes bc im lazy and i keep getting distracted
44: Have You shaved your legs in the past three days?
45: Where am I right now?
in bed lol
46: If I were drunk & can’t stand, who’s taking care of me?
either my bf or my best friend
47: Do I like my music loud or at a reasonable level?
depends on where i am
48: Do I live with my Mom and Dad?
49: Am I excited for anything?
tbh moving out but thats gonna take a few more years
50: Do I have someone of the opposite sex I can tell everything to?
*insert bf here*
51: How often do I wear a fake smile?
every time im at work lol
52: When was the last time I hugged someone?
53: What if the last person I kissed was kissing someone else right in front of me?
lol bye
54: Is there anyone I trust even though I should not?
55: What is something I disliked about today?
the fact that i have to work a day shift instead of an evening shift
56: If I could meet anyone on this earth, who would it be?
my internet friends tbh it’d be cool to meet all the people from my bookish discord or from @booptherat​‘s discord
57: What do I think about most?
what book i should read next
58: What’s my strangest talent?
i can finish a book in about 4 hours
59: Do I have any strange phobias?
not rlly? i hate the whole asmr thing tho ew
60: Do I prefer to be behind the camera or in front of it?
behind lol
61: What was the last lie I told?
i dont remember tbh
62: Do I prefer talking on the phone or video chatting online?
neither lol
63: Do I believe in ghosts? How about aliens?
look im not saying that believing that we’re the only living species in the entire universe is narcissistic, but it is. also dont fuck with ghosts
64: Do I believe in magic?
hell yes
65: Do I believe in luck?
hell yes
66: What’s the weather like right now?
idk probably cloudy and windy
67: What was the last book I’ve read?
fahrenheit 451 by ray bradbury 
68: Do I like the smell of gasoline?
nah not rlly
69: Do I have any nicknames?
i guess mar?
70: What was the worst injury I’ve ever had?
when i was 2 i fell from sth and slammed the corner of my eye onto the corner of a table and i couldve been blind but thank god im not
71: Do I spend money or save it?
72: Can I touch my nose with a tongue?
73: Is there anything pink in 10 feet from me?
post it notes
74: Favorite animal?
75: What was I doing last night at 12 AM?
reading lol
76: What do I think is Satan’s last name is?
idk man
77: What’s a song that always makes me happy when I hear it?
i gotta feeling by the black eyed peas lol
78: How can you win my heart?
give me a samoyed and a 1000 books
79: What would I want to be written on my tombstone?
“a boss ass bitch”
80: What is my favorite word?
81: My top 5 blogs on tumblr
@cubersims​ @imvikai​ @ridgeport​ @cowplant-pizza​ @bloomlet​ @tiptoptab​
82: If the whole world were listening to me right now, what would I say?
spend fiddies, pet kitties, hold tiddies
83: Do I have any relatives in jail?
not that i know of lol
84: I accidentally eat some radioactive vegetables. They were good, and what’s even cooler is that they endow me with the super-power of my choice! What is that power?
the power to choose whatever power i want at any moment
85: What would be a question I’d be afraid to tell the truth on?
“do you like working here?”
86: What is my current desktop picture?
its an august background from @emmastudies​
87: Had sex?
88: Bought condoms?
89: Gotten pregnant?
90: Failed a class?
91: Kissed a boy?
yup, i’ve been kissing my bf for about 2,5 years now lol
92: Kissed a girl?
yup, i’m living the bisexual dream lol
93: Have I ever kissed somebody in the rain?
94: Had job?
yes, im working at a movie theater right now!!
95: Left the house without my wallet?
tbh all the time now that i can pay with my phone
96: Bullied someone on the internet?
yea i used to but that was when i was 12 and i’d like to say that i’ve grown a lot in the past 5 years
97: Had sex in public?
98: Played on a sports team?
99: Smoked weed?
nope, even though i live like 20 minutes away from amsterdam lol
100: Did drugs?
101: Smoked cigarettes?
102: Drank alcohol?
yupppp, i love me some raspberry cider
103: Am I a vegetarian/vegan?
104: Been overweight?
105: Been underweight?
106: Been to a wedding?
107: Been on the computer for 5 hours straight?
lol all the time tbh
108: Watched TV for 5 hours straight?
109: Been outside my home country?
yup, however never outside of europe tho
110: Gotten my heart broken?
a few times
111: Been to a professional sports game?
yess, i saw the dutch female volleyball team once!
112: Broken a bone?
113: Cut myself?
114: Been to prom?
we dont do prom in the netherlands lol
115: Been in airplane?
116: Fly by helicopter?
117: What concerts have I been to?
k3 (only dutchies and belgians remember this), one direction, megadeth, and ed sheeran
118: Had a crush on someone of the same sex?
119: Learned another language?
i mean im from the netherlands and im fluent in english thanks to myself
120: Wore make up?
121: Lost my virginity before I was 18?
122: Had oral sex?
lol yes
123: Dyed my hair?
124: Voted in a presidential election?
not old enough to vote :(
125: Rode in an ambulance?
126: Had a surgery?
127: Met someone famous?
128: Stalked someone on a social network?
129: Peed outside?
a few times lol
130: Been fishing?
131: Helped with charity?
132: Been rejected by a crush?
a few times
133: Broken a mirror?
lol yes
134: What do I want for birthday?
some books, money, cake, more books, makeup
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