#wow finally music that speaks to my fun & exciting lifestyle
storybookprincess · 5 months
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shoutout to the mountain goats for writing lyrics that i can actually relate to ✌️
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fanstanfiction · 5 years
act one- josh dun imagine
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author’s note: hey guys! this will be a part one to a little story idea that i came up with. this is an imagine for all my theatre kids out there! i got inspiration from the play Almost, Maine and it is such an AMAZING show!! anyways i think this is pretty cute, so enjoy! part two will be coming out soon :)) this contains 1.9k words
the cast list is up after school today and you’re so excited to see if you made it in the show. the bell rings and you run from math class to check the list. your eyes look in 1,000 places on the paper scrambling to look for your name.... and you see it. you got in the show, you smiled so big and started screaming with your friends. you go back to the list to see who else made the cast and to see who your scene partner is. josh dun... the name sounds so familiar but you could put a finger on it. 
the next day was the first rehearsal for the show and you were in the best mood for the rest of the day. the bell rings and you walk to the theatre room to see the cast and director. you put your stuff down and look to find your water bottle, pencil, and highlighter. you get your things and meet in the theatre where the read through would happen. you sit in the front row along with your friends and wait til the director starts rehearsal. there were only a few people you’ve never seen before but you would somehow end up being friends with them before the show was over. “hello everyone and welcome to our first read through!” the director exclaims. “we are going to go around and introduce ourselves and then we’ll dive right into the script. introduce yourself and then give us fun fact about you, go!” we all go around in a circle introducing ourselves until we get to a boy who you’ve never seen before but looks so familiar. “hi, my name is josh. i play in a band whenever i’m not here playing for you guys or band.” it all clicked as soon as he introduced himself. josh plays the drums for the theatre department during the musical season. you remember that you and your friends have a nickname for him and it got all around the department. you called him “cue boy” because he would always miss his cue to start drumming since he was distracted by the actors. he pulled his act together during the actual show since he didn’t want to mess it up for us.
 everyone is done introducing themselves and we go right into the script. “can everyone sit next to their scene partners so you all can start to get to know each other and the characters better?” the director says. we all mumbled a response and the director tells what scene to sit where in the theatre. josh and i awkwardly sat next to each other and i said a quick “hi” so he wouldn’t be uncomfortable. he responded with a warm smile that kind of melted your heart. “why don’t we go through our scene and then we’ll talk about our characters and ourselves at the end?” he says. “yes of course!” you said. you read the stage directions and try to visualize the set, the characters, and the context of the scene.  it was called, “Seeing The Thing” it was all about one guy who likes this girl and try to confess his love to her through a homemade painting. you and josh read through it and laughed at some of the lines and got awkward when the lines were really serious. you guys get closer to the end of scene to realize that you guys have to kiss a lot. 
DAVE: You know what? Do me a favor. Try given me a kiss and see what happens. And I’m not gonna make fun of you or nothin’ bad like that, I promise... 
RHONDA: No... No... Let’s do the... this: Is it apples? Cherries? Big open faced strawberry rhubarb pie- 
It says in the stage directions that they kiss, like for a long time. how is this school appropriate? you and josh finish reading your scene and discussing both characters. josh starts to say quietly, “hey do you-“ 
“all right, rehearsal is done! see you all tomorrow at 3!” the director says. everyone in the room burst with clapping and screams of excitement. everyone started to gather their things when josh starts to speak again. “hey... do you want to hangout sometime after school so we can get to know each other better?” he said in a very nervous tone. “yeah, i would like that.” you said with a smile. 
it was the next day and you were so excited about rehearsal as always. you enter the theatre with excitement and see that most of the cast was there already. the director takes attendance quickly so they can start blocking the scenes. “alright, we’re going to start with the top of the show. while you are waiting, go over your scene with your partner and have some chill time.” since you and josh were the second to last scene, there was a good chance that the director wouldn’t be able to do the blocking for your scene today. you two worked on your scene for about 30 until the stage manager came up to you guys. “ok, so we don’t need you guys today since we’re not even done with the first scene.” “okay, thank you!” you wait for the stage manager to leave before you say anything else. “well that sucks, but at least it’s friday. we can finally get a break!” you say quietly so only josh can hear you. “yeah.” josh says softly. “i have a show tonight... if you wanna come, i have an extra ticket.” he says with a nervous look on his face. “of course i’ll come! what time should i show up?” you say with excitement. “actually i was wondering if you want to come with me to the venue right now.” josh really wanted you to go, you could just tell. even though you haven’t known each other for too long, you wanted to get closer to him. “oh really?! sure!” you said. josh smiled so big and he ran to go get his stuff from the theatre classroom. you follow him and he was bursting with energy. you two grabbed your stuff and ran to josh’s car. you threw your stuff in there and took off. 
the venue was about 30 minutes away from the school and you two talked about music and concerts, you two have the same taste in music. “so, what kind of music does your band play?” “uh... i don’t know. we really don’t have a definite style. it’s up to the listeners own interpretation really.” josh says. “ooooo how edgy.” you say in a sarcastic tone. “i’m so excited about the show tonight! my band mate tyler said that there will be over 100 people which is the largest show we’ve ever played.” josh said with a big smile. “oh wow that’s so cool!! does he know i’m coming to the show?” “yeah, he’s excited about you showing up. he’s been wanting me to reach out to more people, i’m just glad you wanted to go.” josh said. the rest of the car ride was filled with crazy band stories that made you laugh, you really enjoyed josh’s company. you both arrive at the venue and walked through the front doors. there was a guy who was about the same age as josh. “hey what’s up man? y/n, this is tyler!” tyler was about the same height, if not shorter than josh. you couldn’t tell if he went to your school or not. you two said hi and walked into the venue together. you were given a backstage pass... you were not expecting this. “a backstage pass? josh, you know i would have been just fine with having a ticket.” you said. “i know, but i wanted to show you what it’s like in my world.” josh says as he stares straight into your eyes. “we should probably set up. do you want to organize the merchandise?” 
hours of organizing the merch and backstage areas was a hassle, but you do this all the time in theatre so it wasn’t out of the ordinary. the doors opened and you watched the fans run in. they must have some dedicated fans. a few moments later, someone touches your shoulder and you flinch... it was josh. “oh my gosh you scared the shit out of me.” you say breathless. “oh, sorry. i wanted to grab you so you can chill backstage, i know you’ve been working hard.” josh grabs your hand and leads you backstage, thank god their fans don’t notice. once you get to the backstage area, you see tyler and another girl. “y/n, this is tyler’s girlfriend jenna!” you exchange a hello with her. “we’ll we gotta go, bye.” josh says nervously. you end up in josh’s dressing room. it was super nice, way nicer than you ever expected. you help him organize his masks and clothes for the show. he told you everything behind the masks and you were shocked. eventually he had to get changed and he didn’t mind you being in the room because he just took his shirt off right in front of you. your jaw dropped and you couldn’t stop staring. “pull it together!” you say to yourself. “hey can you grab me that shirt over there?” josh said. he was just teasing you at this point because he was trying to get you to stare at his body and say something. you got up and handing him his shirt and proceeded to get this situation out of your mind. he got dressed while you were practicing some of your lines for the show. “god, don’t you ever get a break from theatre?” he says. “not unless if i want to be doing this for the rest of my life. theatre is more of a lifestyle at this point.” you say. “you know, i wish everyone could sit back and just relax.” josh says with a hopeful tone. “you should tell that to yourself, you literally play the drums all the time. passion is passion and you have to be working every minute of your life in order to achieve your dreams. but, the final performance is all that matters. now, i want you to go out there and perform your heart out. bring out the inner theatre kid and perform for your fans, i’ll be there to cheer you on. you’re gonna kill it tonight!” you say. josh gives you a big hug and just kind of holds you. all the sudden, someone knocks on the door. “hey josh, we’re on in 5!” you turn around to see tyler ready to go. “i’ll be out soon.” josh responds softly. tyler walks away before josh can say anything else. “can you stand on my side of the stage? i really want you to get the backstage treatment.” josh says. “yes, of course! as long as you show me, then i’ll be there.” 
it was showtime and you walk with josh to the stage, you do a theatre ritual before he goes out on stage. you watch him take the stage with tyler and let’s say they put the best show on for everyone in the crowd. rehearsal will never be the same after this concert. 
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littledreamybeth · 7 years
First date
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Okay, this imagine is not only the longest that I’ve written but also the one I’ve spent hours with. 4 hours I needed for it but I’m honestly proud of this work. Hopefully, you guys will like it too. Please give me some feedback, I really appreciate evry opinon. Sorry for typos and grammar mistakes. Enjoy my lovelies! Btw, Harry looks like the picture above in the story! (Both pics are not mine!)
“How are you feeling, babe?” (Y/N)’s best friend asked her as (Y/N) was observing herself in front of the mirror for the last time. To say that she was nervous was an understatement, she was hell terrified of the upcoming night even though there was no reason to be. Deep down she knew everything would go just fine and she had not have to be worried about it at all. But still, her legs were so shaky that (Y/N) felt like they would give up steadying her when she even dared to walk. And not to mention her heart. Her heart beat increased faster, threatening to rip off her chest in two the more she thought about the date she would have in an hour. She took a deep breath to calm down her nerves, to get rid off of the uncertainty that was consuming her. Breathe in, breathe out. Relax. She reminded herself nonstop. How bad could it be? It was just a date.
Yes, it was just a date but which girl would not freak out if she was asked for a date by the one and only Harry Styles?
She was still perplexed if she was being honest. How come that someone like Harry wanted to date somebody like her?
(Y/N) turned around and a pout appeared on her lips as she looked at the black dress that adorned her body. She wore it only on certain occasions or when it came to important events that she had to attend. She was never the type of girl who liked to be overdressed to be fancied by a man. No, she always stuck to natural beauty, preferring a less amount of makeup on her face even though her job was contrary to what she usually held on to. She was a makeup artist, working alongside Lou Teasdale, a very close friend of Harry’s. That’s how she met him.
Lou once took her on a  gathering where her famous friends met each other, among them were people like Nick Grimshaw or Lottie Tomlinson. (Y/N) was quite honored to meet each one of them, but when she was face to face with Harry Styles it honestly felt like she achieved at least something in her life. Okay, that was definitely an exaggeration but it really gave her that feeling. She was a fan of him you can say.
“Do you think I look slutty?” (Y/N) questioned her friend. Her ass was sticking out obviously too much for her liking and matter how much her friend tried to convince her that she looked fine and sexy as fuck, she couldn’t stop doubting it.
“Slutty? Are you kidding me? You don’teven wear something that makes you look like a slut. Geeze, you look more like a nun if you ask me.”
(Y/N) threw her pillow at her friend who had a cheeky grin on her lips.
“Not funny,” she mumbled, turning around to face her reflection and adjusted her dress.
“Relax, it was just a joke, girl. Calm down. You look really good and Harry will definitely fall down on his knees because he’ll be so overwhelmed by your amazing beauty. Hell, if I was gay I would totally want to date you. I mean those boobs and this ass-wow! ”
(Y/N) rolled her eyes at her, shaking her head. ”I don’t feel like I’m okay. Maybe I should call off?”
“No way this is happening!” Her friend called outraged, standing up from the bed she was sitting on the whole time and placing herself behind (Y/N).  With laying her hands on her shoulders she continued speaking. “You’re going to on that date and you’re going to have so much fun, okay? Babes, I totally know how you’re feeling and I understand. If Harry Styles asked me out I would have probably burned down an entire city out of happiness but I promise it’s going to the best date that you’ve ever had. And the sex you will have afterwards will be mind-blowing, I’m sure.”
“I’m not going there to get laid and don’t plan on doing it,” (Y/N) replied, an annoyed tone underlined her statement.
“But you can’t deny that you haven’t wasted a thought on it.” 
Both girls laughed because it was indeed a true fact and (Y/N) reminded herself of why she loved her so dearly. (Y/F/N) always did everything to cheer her up, to put a smile on her face. In her hardest times she was there for (Y/N), wiped off her tears ,never left her side for once and supported her countless of times. (Y/F/B) was more like a sister to her. A sister she never had. They were so close and a lot of experiences and memories bonded them to each other.
“Come on, let’s finish getting you ready,” (Y/F/N) suggested and led her to the dressing table where she made (Y/N)’s hair and makeup.
Meanwhile, somewhere in London in a fancy and quite expensive penthouse, a young man went back and forth to check up if everything was prepared and was going well as he planned. Harry spent hours in his kitchen to prepare a delicious meal for his date and he was quite proud of himself. Hopefully, (Y/N) would like it.
He took a look at the dining table which he decorated with two plates, forks, knives and wine glasses a few minutes prior. He also made sure to scatter some rose petals on the table and he even lightened two red candles. With the soft music playing in the background, a very romantic atmosphere was created, exactly how Harry wanted it. Normally, he was not a romantic guy in his opinion but the sight in front of him proved that he could be if he gave a little bit of effort.
Checking up the time, which told him that he had no longer than fifteen minutes, Harry hurried to the kitchen and took the dessert he made out of the fridge. Mousse-au-chocolat with raspberries on top.
He placed it on the dining table and voila, the evening could begin. He immediately ran to the bathroom to check up himself. Running his hands through his messy hair, he tried to fix them so at least it looked like something. With spraying a few splashes of his favorite cologne before, he brushed his teeth afterwards.
Harry couldn’t remember when it was the last time he had been so excited for a date. With his busy schedule in the past, the touring, the interviews and songwriting in the past, he never had the time to get to know somebody or ask them out. His busy lifestyle never allowed him to find somebody that he liked very much and to date her. Even though he talked to (Y/N) only a few times when Lou brought her to the gatherings, he knew she was something special. The first moment he laid his eyes on her he just wanted to make sure that no one except for him could make a move on her. He wanted to make her his. He would love to call her his girlfriend sometime, to introduce her to his family and friends. Yet he was afraid of how the media and the fans would react if they ever found out but at the end they had to live with the fact.
“You already think like she was yours,” he mumbled to himself, fixing his white shirt, wrinkling its sleeves up to his elbows.
He was wondering how the night would end. Before he dared to ask her out for a date, he’d been a nervous wreck. He was scared she would turn him down. But as a ‘yes’ escaped her beautiful lips, Harry was so relieved he could have jumped out of happiness. However in front of her colleagues, he thought it was a good idea to not doing it. He felt like he had already embarrassed her in front of them.
At point 8 PM, Harry perceived a knock on his door and he breathed in and out deeply as he went to open it.
(Y/N) who was standing behind the door patiently, tried to stay calm. All the way long to Harry’s she reassured herself that everything was going to be just fine and she would enjoy the night with him. Her hands became slightly sweaty as she heard footsteps reaching the door.
“Here we go,” she mumbled under her breath. She put on a smile on her lips as the door was finally opened.
But her smile slightly faded as she faced him. Her heart stopped its beating and she felt a huge amount of warmth spreading through her whole body. She was out of words. He looked absolutely handsome. Beautiful. Angelic.
He wore a white shirt and she could see the outlines of his tattoos underneath. His legs were adorned by tight black jeans and black boots covered his feet.
But she wasn’t the only one who was speechless and knocked out of breath. Harry, Harry was totally mesmerized by her, blinded by her beauty. He could have indeed fallen on his knees in front of her, just like (Y/F/N) predicted. Her normally straight hair was curled and that black dressed fitted to her body perfectly. She was absolutely breath-taking.
The two of them stared into each other’s eyes for a while before (Y/N) could regain herself and made the first move.
“Hello Harry,” she smiled at him with slight red cheeks. His gaze on her was warm but she still felt uncomfortable.
“(Y/N)…” he only breathed out. He knew he made a fool himself right now by staring at her instead of inviting her in but who could blame him? “You look- (Y/N), you’re- wow.” 
That was it. Just wow. Gorgeous. Astonishing.
“Thanks,” (Y/N) replied sheepishly. “You look handsome yourself. May I come in?”
“Of course,” Harry stepped aside so she had full access to enter his fancy penthouse.
“Can I take your jacket?” he asked her, helping her out of it like the gentleman that he is.
(Y/N) thanked him for his kindness and Harry led her to the living room. Her eyes widened as she entered the room. Everything looked so elegant and just like Harry but it seemed hella expensive. Even the furniture. (Y/N) didn’t want to know how much he probably had spent for the couch she was sitting on.
“Do you want something to drink?” Harry inquired. “Water, wine, juice?”
“Thanks, I’m fine,” (Y/N) responded.
“How was the ride?”
“It was okay,” she offered him another smile. “I just had some difficulties with finding the address. But I’m glad I made it on time.”
“I’m sorry about that,” Harry said, returning the smile (Y/N) gave him. So beautiful, he thought.
“No need to apologize. I’m here now.”
They had a small conversation of how they had been in the past weeks and what they had been doing before Harry invited her to the dining room. (Y/N)’s eyes went wide open as she saw the beautiful decorated dining table. Just like how she imagined it to be.
“Harry…” she spoke, touched by his effort. “You really didn’t have to do that. I would have been fine with take outs as well.”
“You’re worth more than just take outs, (Y/N),” he said, pushing her chair back slight so she could take a place. “And you’re a terrible lair.”
“I’m not-“
“Do you want some wine?” Harry cut her off, pointing to a bottle of red wine in his hand.
“Sure, I would love to.”
 He tilted the bottle carefully and poured some wine in her glass. They clinked their glasses and took a gulp of it.
Placing her glass next to her plate, (Y/N) glanced at the meal in front of her. Harry had prepared pesto pasta with grilled chicken and it looked so alluringly delicious to her. She probably could never prepare such a meal. She was quite clumsy when it came to cooking. She admired his cooking skills. Maybe he could teach her how to cook sometime.
“You can start if you want to,” Harry offered, and (Y/N) obeyed, taking a small bite from her plate. Harry observed her features intensely as she chew the food in her mouth. He was insecure how she would find it. With the look on her face he could neither tell that she liked or that she hated it.
But (Y/N) didn’t mean to make him feel that way. She only needed time to enjoy the food she was tasting. And it tasted heavenly.
“Not bad, Styles,” She commented with her thumps up and Harry let out a relieved breath. “I’m impressed.”
“May I say something?”
“You almost gave me a heart attack,” Harry laughed. “I thought I did bad.”
“Oh no…I’m sorry. It tastes really delicious.” (Y/N) blushed. “I never ate something cooked by a male, and it is very admirable how you managed it.”
“Thank you,” Harry responded. At the same time he felt honored and proud of himself because he was the first man in (Y/N)’s life who cooked for her.
While eating, they talked about different stuff. Harry was very interested in her life which he showed by asking her numerous of questions. He got to know her family and friends, the people she grew up with and the ones who made her the person she was today. Harry watched her in awe as she passionately spoke about her job and stuff that she liked because he loved the shine that formed in her eyes. Inwardly he really hoped that one day he would be also the cause of this shine in those mesmerizing orbs of hers.
When he was talking (Y/N) could not stop but to be focused on his lips. She had never expected that words could sound so beautiful when they came out of his mouth. His voice was so indescribably amazing and soothing, she could have listened to him all day without any interruptions. The most important thing was that he was talking. The way he pronounced a word, the way his British accent would underline them, it was to melt away. But the way he spoke out her name was even more beautiful. Whenever he used to say her name, a shiver would run down her spine, giving her chills in her whole body. He had lips of an angel. (Y/N) wondered how they would feel on hers, how it would feel to kiss an angel.
She woke out of her trance as Harry looked at her worriedly.
“Excuse me?”
“I just asked if you wanted a bit more of the pasta.”
She shook her head smilingly. “Thanks but I’m quite full. It was really delicious, Harry. Great job! I would love to eat more of your cooking sometime.”
“I’d be honored. Would you like to eat the dessert on the balcony?”
 He pointed at the area behind him. (Y/N) agreed with a nod but before that she made sure to help him putting the dishes into the sink in the kitchen. Harry appreciated her help but told her that she had not to do it. She shrugged her shoulders, telling him it was fine for her. After the table was tidied up, Harry took the cups with mousse-au-chocolat while (Y/N) took the wine glasses and the wine bottle and the two of them entered the balcony.
Even though it was already in the evening, the weather was still warm enough. Harry had an area with a tiny table and lounger. They had a perfect view on the city and (Y/N) held onto the railing while admiring the view in front of her. The moon and the stars emphasized it wonderfully.
Harry joined her but instead of looking at the same direction as (Y/N) he rather looked at her because she was the one and only beauty there. He had no idea if he was ever able to avert his eyes away from her, she was so captivating. She smiled and had her eyes closed, just listening to the noises from London’s streets. The wind was slightly blowing into her face, moving the curly strands of hair. Harry had the urge to touch them because he knew they’d be soft on his fingers.
(Y/N) caught him staring at her, a blush crept its way on her cheeks.
“You look beautiful when you blush,” Harry admitted.
“Thank you,” (Y/N) uttered. She wondered how many times she had thanked him the night. Probably a thousand times. Suddenly, she felt his fingers between hers and the warmth of his hands overwhelming hers.
“I really enjoyed our date, (Y/N),” he admitted. “I would love to take you on a date again. Only if you want to of course.”
She nodded her head in agreement. “Yes, that sounds like a very good idea.”
 She knew she couldn’t let him go out of her life anymore. He had intrigued her in so many ways tonight, the thought of leaving him alone seemed impossible in her mind. All she wanted to do was to keep him till the end. This date shouldn’t be the one and only they had. She wanted more. And she was willing to do everything to get it. To get him.
Harry entwined one hand out of hers to shove back one strand of hair behind her ear. One simple touch but enough to make hear heart beating wildly in her chest.
“I really want to kiss you,” he whispered with a smile.
“I don’t usually kiss on the first date,” (Y/N) said, causing his smile to drop slightly, “but I think I can make an exception.”
With that, Harry put her face softly between his hands and gave a dimpled smile before he leaned forward to capture his lips with hers. (Y/N) felt like she was flying and thousand, no millions of butterflies erupted in her stomach. Harry kissed her so gently, so soft that her she thought her heart would explode out of happiness.
When they pulled away, they smiled at each other and Harry caught the glimpse of passion in her eyes that he craved to see.
“(Y/N), I don’t know about you but I have feelings for you and they’re deep. I have feelings for you ever since I saw you. And if you give me a chance, I would love to show you how much I care about you. Being your boyfriend is all I want.”
(Y/N) smiled at his confession but she had to admit that she was very shocked about his honest words. This time, she was the one who bent forward to bring their lips to a kiss again.
“I give you a chance, Harry,” she said.
She wrapped her arms around his waist, leaning her head against his chest where she could perceive his constant heart beat. Harry slung his arms around her body in order to keep her safe and secure. They stood there like this for a while and gazed at the city together.
It was the best first date that they’d ever had.
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uniqueguide-blog · 5 years
Aaron Carter Will Get Personal About Music And Lifestyle Backstage In New Jersey
Dancing with the Stars 2009 has its new solid for Period nine these days. The Dancing with the Stars 2009 new solid announcement for Season nine was seriously hyped on Good Morning The united states, as typical. This yr's Dancing with the Stars 2009 new cast has the typical demographics on board, as athletes, B-list actors, singers, and a few wild cards make up the Season 9 lineup. The Dancing with the Stars 2009 solid is sure to get numerous individuals talking, and ensure that Dancing with the Stars Period nine won't skip a beat. While navigate here may be well known to the more youthful group, his "look at me" arrogant mindset has obviously not played nicely with older DWTS' viewers. He retains landing in the base two despite his excellent technique and dancing skill.
By week's end, Twitter and Facebook followers of the display experienced discovered the identities of fifteen out of sixteen of the celebrity-expert pairings. Only singer Macy Grey, who has not up to date her Twitter web page since mid-July, had not been listened to from till the pairs had been lastly announced by ABC.
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So that's what happened on Dancing with the Stars; an additional week of competition is in the publications. I was amazed in a 'wow, I'm shocked' way with Louie Vito, Donny Osmond and Natalie Coughlin. I was impressed in a 'will of metal' way with Tom Delay. I was happy to see Kelly Osbourne step it back up once more. So who goes home? Mercy states it ought to be the hurt Tom Delay, who might well not be in a position to dance next week in any case. But I'll say Debi Mazar, just simply because she was in the bottom two final week. Now I confess that goes against my usual concept that immediate survivors of the base two will be the beneficiary of additional votes the 7 days after their base two-ness, but I don't treatment. That's my prediction.
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Donny Osmond - While this entertainer may not be the very best dancer, he has a massive enthusiast foundation, and carries on to entertain the audience. Kym Johnson will pull out all stops to make his Charleston exciting. Furthermore, he's very active on Twitter in purchase to build his fan foundation and inspire votes. He and Kym will transfer on to 7 days five. Donny Osmond and Kym Johnson. Donny Osmond currently appears with his sister Marie (the past DWTS competitor most famous for fainting throughout a display) at the Las vegas Flamingo Resort. Donny has been a singer, musician, actor, speak and game show host and best-promoting author. He would adore nothing much more than to advance greater than sis Marie did. His partner Kym Johnson has been on DWTS since Period three when she was paired with Jerry Springer. Other previous companions consist of Joey Fatone, Mark Cuban, Warren Sapp and David Alan Grier. This few should mesh nicely and do well in the competition, perhaps giving Mya and Dmitry a operate for their cash.
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Ashley Hamilton was happy to be there he said, son of aaron carter 2000 George Hamilton and just trying to follow in his father's footsteps. Partner Edyta Sliwinska wore an outfit that was very complementary and each seemed dapper on the floor, but Ashley also looked very stiff. Total rating of 19. What happened on Dancing with the Stars season 9's third week of competition? Who performed "the Samba from zombietown"? Who endured an injury during the 7 days, casting a shadow of question over his ability to carry on on with the DWTS period nine competition? Study on for the DWTS particulars! To believe in his plan there are some issues that you have to know about him. He is a much known personality at Hollywood by performing in numerous movies and becoming in numerous shows on Television. He also was a dancer and choreographer for Mariah Carey. He is extremely good at what he is doing and his physique is very powerful and it does display that he knows his occupation. He has been extremely successful and worked as a dancer for Nick and straight from the source and he is the creator of one of the two very well-liked workout applications: at any time Hip Hop Abs and Rockin Physique and now Madness.
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Next we heard from the Dancing with the Stars period 9 pros about the difficulties of breaking the celebrities' bad routines. Meh heh. That must be fun. We discovered from Lacey Schwimmer that Mark Dacascos talks to himself much as well frequently, and Alec Mazo complained that Natalie Coughlin holds her breath too frequently. What a surprising thing for a swimmer to do! So that's what happened on Dancing with the Stars; another week of competition is in the books. I was amazed in a 'wow, I'm shocked' way with Louie Vito, Donny Osmond and Natalie Coughlin. I was impressed in a 'will of metal' way with Tom Hold off. I was pleased to see Kelly Osbourne step it back again up again. So who goes house? Mercy states it should be the injured Tom Delay, who may nicely not be able to dance subsequent 7 days anyway. But I'll say Debi Mazar, just simply because she was in the base two last 7 days. Now I confess that goes towards my usual theory that instant survivors of the base two will be the beneficiary of additional votes the 7 days after their bottom two-ness, but I don't treatment. That's my prediction.
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Aaron Carter Girlfriend
By joining Dancing with the Stars, Hold off has gotten 1 up on Rod Blagojevich, who failed to join the actuality Tv circuit when he was turned down for I'm A Celebrity.Get Me Out Of Right here! Aside from Tom Delay, the Dancing with the Stars new cast has its usual combine of talent and B-list star power. Mark Dacascos and Lacey Schwimmer. Mark Dacascos is best recognized as "The Chairman" and host of Food Community's Iron Chef The united states. Can he consider the warmth on DWTS? His rebel companion is Lacey Schwimmer, who is in her third period of DWTS. This award-winning dancer has been partnered with Steve-O and Lance Bass. The quirky mixture of uniqueness and personality might consider this couple far in the competitors. Look out for this team. I would see myself, hopefully, with some CDs out. You know, creating some CDs, going somewhere, and being in a position to perform for individuals. I really picture myself someday like that. I want to create much more tunes, include more tunes. Just keep working at it.
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diyunho · 8 years
The Joker x Reader - “Mrs. Frost”
Frost’s cousin got engaged and he needs to go to the engagement party in Nebraska. Since he doesn’t have a girlfriend, Jonny wants you to pose as his significant other, this way he doesn’t look stupid. Of course The Joker doesn’t like the idea, but dammit, your best friend needs help.
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“Absolutely not!! NO! No way!” J grumbles when you ask to go with Frost. “You’re my girl, not his!” he hisses, feeling the blood running through his veins faster.
“Come on, baby, pleeaseee, you know he just broke up with his girlfriend and he can’t go alone,” you pout, slowly rocking your body in front of him, trying to appear as adorable as possible.
“I’ll let you know when I care,” he growls, unhappy at the situation.
“You gotta be nice to him sometimes, J. He’s the best man we have, you know that,” you go and sit in his lap, strategically placing a kiss on his neck, one of the weak spots you so well know about.
“I am nice,” he replies, taking a deep breath, suddenly warmer.    It’s working.
“Like when, baby?!” you try to find an example and can’t find any in your recent memory.
“He’s still alive, I didn’t kill him yet! Isn’t that nice of me?” J scoffs, proud of his achievement. “Like, what other proof do you need??!!”
“Please, boss, I promise I will take good care of her; it’s just for 2 days,” Jonny finally speaks, trying his luck. Man, he really doesn’t want to show up there without anybody by his side.
“Maybe you should have held onto your girl the way I hold on to mine, hmm? I still have her because I know how to treat a lady,” he scoffs, making sure his hair is slick the way it's supposed be, overconfident in his boyfriend material skills.
“Ha!” escapes your lips before you can stop it.
“What is that supposed to mean, Pumpkin?” The Joker puckers his lips, waiting for an answer.
You don’t reply, just kiss the sensitive spot again, breathing on his skin for a few seconds and that sends shivers down his spine.
“Please baby, I really want to go…yes?” you move your hand under his unbuttoned shirt, caressing the soft skin while giving him the look. Ahhh, the look: that’s the secret weapon you use when you really want it your way. This is one of those times that require special strategy: all gloves are off because your best friend needs help.
“Ummm…no…” he whispers but his determination went down a notch. His eyelashes flutter while you keep on staring at him with that naughty, devilish smile on your face.
“I’ll go crazy on you if you say yes, you bad boy,” you bite your lip, winking at him and signal Frost to get out with the free hand behind your back.
He gulps, slapping your thigh, pretending not to care:
“You always go crazy on me, Princess.” “Yeah, well, think of that times four…hmmm?” you smirk, pulling on his bottom lip and he grins, intrigued:
“Even five!” you are fast to add, your hand sliding down his waist as you kiss his neck, biting the soft skin from time to time. He purrs, enjoying the sensation and you already have some insane things in mind for him.
Jonny closes the door behind him, trying not to make a sound. “Poor Y/N, the things she has to do for me. I don’t deserve her; she really is the best friend someone can have,” he thinks with pride and if this was a movie, there would truly be some heroic music playing in the background.
“Oh, wow, you have such cool tattoos!” Frost’s family remarks after you were introduced as his girlfriend about 15 minutes go. There are probably about 30 people at the house. Smalltalk started on the way to the living room and it cracks you up they have no clue about what he does for a living. He’s not really close with anybody so he barely sees them from time to time, that’s why they are oblivious to his lifestyle. And he wants it that way. But for certain events like this one you just have to man up and go with the flow- in this case go with your boss’s girl.
“Property of J, I Love J, J+ Y/N, J & Y/N Forever… Wow, Jonny, she has so many tattoos with your name, I think it’s super cool,” his cousin gets excited while reading them. If they only knew it’s not about him… but since Joker and Jonny share the same initial, works like a charm. At least no one but your real boyfriend can see the Property of Joker tattoos scattered in different...places on your body, otherwise they would be intrigued on why Frost’s name is not there.
“He is one lucky bastard,” you blur out, holding onto his arm and when his grandma gives you a disapproving glance you correct yourself immediately. “Aren’t you honey?” you sweetly smile, pecking his shoulder. Grandma seems to like that and she nods in agreement.
“I really am lucky, she’s amazing you guys,” Frost kisses your temple, addressing everyone and they all go “awwwwww”. One of the aunts touches your hair, mesmerized:
“I really love your hair, sweetheart, it’s so bright. Does it take a long time to do?” she admires you bright red locks with neon green tips.
“No, not at all. J helps me, I mean Jonny,” you fix your tiny mistake even if you didn’t have to, sipping from your drink.
“When are you guys getting married?” his oldest uncle suddenly asks and you kind of roll your eyes. Frost is fed up with this dumb question they ask every time he brings someone over at the rare gatherings he attends so he spits out:
“We’re getting married soon, I asked yesterday and she said yes.”
“Oh my God!” the relatives scream and rush over to hug you both. “Congratulations, this is great!” You are speechless and pinch his arm so hard his eyes get teary.
“So, Mrs. Frost, when will the happy event take place? Soon after our wedding, I hope?” the groom-to-be excitedly inquires.
“Aaa, we don’t really know yet,” you grin, trying to keep your composure because you didn’t expect this shit.
“Look at the sparkler Jonny got her,” grandma takes your hand, studying the huge diamond ring that The Joker got you for your 3 year anniversary. You just wear it like a wedding ring.
“Good job, my man,” the guys shake Frost’s hand and pat his back. For the first time ever you just want to kill him. “Jesus, would you just kiss your blushing bride?” his niece giggles and pushes the two of you together.
“Blushing??!! Who?” you repeat, confused while Jonny barely brushes your lips against yours so it won’t look awkward. The crazy niece reaches her hands and presses your heads together, resulting in a better kiss. You want to laugh on how stupid everything is when your eyes wander to the back yard for a few moments and your heart stops: The Joker just sits there, staring at you with his mouth open, shocked, not even blinking and probably not breathing at this point.
“Fuck!” you whisper in low voice in Jonny’s ear, not that you need to keep it down with everyone whistling and clapping. “Don’t make any sudden moves, J is watching us. He’s outside.”
“Oh, crap!” Frost gets startled, believing he’s already dead and this is just an afterlife dream.
“Don’t move I said, he can smell fear,” you whisper again, and when you look one more time, J is gone.  “He’s not there anymore,” you sigh, worried, leaving Frost’s arms.
People start talking and asking you two questions in the same time, that’s why you don’t hear the doorbell ringing.
“Hey, Jonny, your best friend is here. He said you invited him to our party,” grandma’s voice resonates in the living room while introducing the green haired man to everyone.
“The youth today”, she thinks, displeased at his appearance but still smiling.
What scares Frost the most is The Joker’s wide smirk that doesn’t go well with the murderous sparkle in his blue eyes. “Y-yes, I invited him.” Jonny nervously stutters. “Everyone… this is Jay.”
All the relatives introduce themselves, analyzing the new comer because he sure looks interesting to say the least. The younger girls snicker and elbow each other, really liking his clothes and the toned abs showing from under his almost completely unbuttoned purple shirt.
“He’s so hot,” you hear them whisper behind you and it makes you whimper, feeling sorry for them.  “If you only knew the devil that he is, little girls”, you have time to think before you see him heading over towards you and Frost.
“Well, well, well, bestie,” The Joker takes a deep breath and hugs Jonny. “Finally made it to the party, I didn’t want to miss on the fun.”
Frost panics but there is nothing he can do. People start mingling and talking, probably the main subject being the dude with the pale skin.
“Sir, I can explain,” he tries to start the conversation, not raising his voice on purpose because he doesn’t want the others to hear.
“What was that?” J turns his ear, sarcastically pretending not to hear.
“Baby, please, it was for the show, you know that,” you signal both of them to follow you to the other side of the room for a little bit more privacy. You sure hope he won’t explode soon.
“For the show??! What show?!” he pants, irritated, facing both of you when you reach the back wall.“You fucking kissed my girl Frost???? You dare touch what’s mine???!!!! Thank God I decided to follow you here and keep an eye on things. And look at what I have to deal with… Would you also like her in your bed???!” he snaps, cracking his neck and you know this is not good.
“N-no, boss, of course not, I swear!” Jonny starts to sweat from all the emotions he’s going through and none of them are pleasant.
“Baby, please, “you go and take his arm, trying to calm J down because the relatives are sure glancing towards your little group even if they pretend not to care.
Suddenly, someone’s kid, a boy around 6 years old comes and tugs on J’s pants, trying to get his attention.
“Mister Toxic, do you like my drawing?” he lifts up his hand with the paper, smitten with that wild hair color.
“Huh?” The Joker glares down at the child, confused and enraged about the other problem also.
“I think he refers to your toxic green hair, baby,” you pet his arm, hoping he won’t go insane.
“Get lost, kid!” J grumbles at the kid and the boy gasps, noticing his silver teeth.
“Waaahhhh, Mister Toxic, are those bullets ?!”
“Go away I said!” he wants to push the kid away and Jonny intervenes, yanking his arm and taking him to his parents because he knows it won’t end pretty if this continues.
“So,” the future groom playfully punches J’s shoulder, interrupting. “Are you going to be Jonny’s best man?” he chuckles. “Him and this pretty lady getting married, I bet you are excited as hell, am I right?”
If the Joker’s would have a detachable jaw, it would definitely be on the floor right now.
“Say what?!” he narrows his eyes, watching Frost coming back to you. “Jonny boy, I heard you’re getting married?” he snorts with murder in his mind and you are ready to do something if needed.
“J, it’s not like that and you know it,” you reply and the groom looks confused. Something seems very out of place.
“This is MY woman!!!!” he suddenly loses it, shouting so loud that everyone’s eyes turn towards your small group. He points at you, furious as hell:” SHE IS MINE and she has what she needs right here, do you hear me Frosty boy?” The Joker takes your right hand and places it on his crotch, holding it tight on the spot. You are at a loss of words and so is everyone else.
“Oh, dear Lord!”, “What the…?...”, “ Did he just…?” you hear people muttering and it pisses you off he dares to ruin everything with his childish, entitled and possessive behavior. AGAIN.
“Christ Almighty!” you see grandma making the cross symbol, horrified at the scene unfolding in front of her eyes.
You pull your hand away and in the heat of the moment you go and grab Frost’s crotch, taking him by surprise: “He also has what I need right here, so there’s no difference!!!!” you yell, irritated to the maximum.
Grandma faints and falls to the ground with a loud thud, a few relatives rushing to her side.
“You…You son of a bitch!!!!!” The Joker unexpectedly charges at Jonny, punching his lights out before he can defend himself. “Let’s go!!!” he forcefully drags you after him, while the family steps aside, not wanting to mess with the crazy guest that looks like is going to kill them all.
“He also has what you need, huh?” J shoves you in his car, fastly blinking because he sees dark spots, that’s how enraged he is. “Nobody has what you need but me, is that clear Doll?!”
Needless to say he definitely proved his point once you got back to the penthouse. Think about the wild stuff he usually does to you times six. Maybe seven. You couldn’t wear high heels for a week because you couldn’t really feel your legs.
God, the things you have to go through for your best friend, but if you won’t, then who else will?
And, yes, if this was a movie, that heroic music would start playing again right about…NOW.
 Also read- MASTERLIST:
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didiletyouknooow · 8 years
23. Super Bowl  I
Hey guys! There is a new chapter with Josh & Eileen! Again I had the idea of splitting it because it’s so long. 
Thank you again for liking and reading and following me! A big kiss and hug to all of you! It makes me so happy that you like my story and read it.  But as you might know, there are some more stories about Josh/RHCP out here on tumblr.  So please feel free to read also: http://bemygetawayjz.tumblr.com/ https://disorderfanfic.tumblr.com/ http://behindthespotlightfic.tumblr.com/  I like every story so much and every story is completely different. Great work! <3  Now I hope you have fun reading my new chapter! The next will be uploaded at the weekend! 
“So did I get it right, if I move to Oregon we break up?”
“I guess” he said. “Otherwise it doesn’t make any sense for me”
  This dialogue was in my mind for the last days. I repeated it over and over again. I couldn’t believe it. I didn’t want to believe it. How could he throw away everything we had in the last months just because of one decision I was going to make? I didn’t even know if I would do it.
After the discussion he broke the connection. This was so typical for Josh that he didn’t want to discuss it anymore. Sometimes he behaved like a little boy. But I knew him, I knew of his behaviour and didn’t pay much attention to it because I thought he would contact me after a few days – he didn’t. I felt very sad and disappointed. Was he really that egoistic guy he pretended to be during our argument? I didn’t know. For the first time in the last six months I was questioning myself who the hell was the guy I was dating? Why did he behave like that? Like a total asshole to be honest. I mean, we could discuss it, we could try to find a way, we could figure it out, I guessed. But he didn’t want to. He was just pissed off.
I don’t have to mention that I couldn’t sleep that night and instead cried my eyes out. I was very sad. But I was also angry at Josh. Again he was such a pig head. But this time it really hurt me. I mean, if he didn’t want to find a way to figure it out, then how did he feel about me?
The following days I went to work and tried not to think about it. My co-workers must’ve thought something terrible happened because of the dark circles under my eyes. Sarah and I did work together on the project for the next days so it was very hard to smile and laugh although all I wanted to do was crying and screaming. But I didn’t want to talk about it with her. Sure I liked her, she was such a great friend for me here in Berlin, but I didn’t want to talk about it at work. All I wanted to do was distract me from thinking about Josh.
Back home again I listened to a lot of Oasis songs. Sometimes you just need some special music to feel better. 
I didn’t know what was going on with us now. Where did we stand? Were we still a couple? I just didn’t know. But I didn’t want to text him or phone him. I know it was the same gutless thing as always when we argued: no one had the guts to make the first move.
In two days I had to leave for New  York – if I would. It was my Christmas present from Josh, he wanted me to be by his side when he plays at the super bowl. I knew he was excited and nervous, I mean it was the super bowl. How many millions of people all over the world are watching it? And sure I wanted to support him but I didn’t know if I should do it anymore. I mean, he behaved like shit to me when we skyped. Why did he break the connection just without saying anything? I could have thrown something against him while thinking about it. His reaction hurt me so much.
I knew that he never had to think about moving away from Los Angeles for a job. He probably never had to be afraid of being unemployed. There was always a Bob Forrest or a John Frusciante who would’ve helped him. Oh well, this was a terrible thought. I knew he worked hard and he did go a long way to be where he was now. But I think it was also a great amount of luck he had.
I felt as if I wouldn’t belong to his lifestyle. To the business he was working in. I was just a girl looking for a job and a flat in L.A. who accidentally fell in love with the guitarist of this famous band who must’ve millions of dollars on the bank. How could both lifestyles get along together?
It was Wednesday evening when I came home from work and Lara was making dinner in the kitchen. “How was your day?” she wanted to know. I sighed and got me something to drink. “It sucked. Like every day since last week” “Eileen, sweetheart, just sit down, have a drink and in a few minutes we can enjoy my Thai soup I just made” she let me know. Lara was very caring about me and it felt good but I was still feeling very disillusioning. “Still Josh?” “Yes…” I said. “I don’t know what he thought would happen? That I would accept his decision and we both never talk again? This is just childish! We’re adults, doesn’t he know that? He’s even six years older than me but sometimes behaves like a 15 year old pubertal boy!” “Calm down!” Lara said and gave me a pale with her soup. I tried it and it was very delicious. So for the next 15 minutes we just sat there eating her soup without saying anything.
 “So it’s Wednesday, right?” Lara suddenly said. “Yes, why? Do you wanna watch The Bachelor again?” “No” she laughed. “But�� her voice changed from funny to serious. “In two days you’re supposed to fly to New  York, right?” “Maybe” “Are you going?” “I don’t know” “Why?” “Because my boyfriend didn’t call me since our argument last week?” “But you didn’t call him either” “Yeah, but….” “Maybe you should do it” “No….I don’t know why” “You’re both such pig heads. But I guess you already know” “I do….” “So what’s the reason for not going?” “First, my boyfriend and I didn’t speak for a few days and I don’t even know if he still wants me to be there. Second, maybe he has forgotten about me yet and found a new girl?” “Eileen, don’t be silly” “Could be. I don’t know who he really is” “Yes but….I don’t think that Josh has a new girl. I mean, why? He has you!” “Well, I’m not so sure about that anymore” I was totally pissed off. “Don’t be silly and throw it all away” “He wants to throw it away!” “I know but….he reacted on impulse. You two should have a talk about it” “But when? He doesn’t contact me” “He’s busy on tour” “Yeah and maybe already met a new hot girl who’s younger than me, thinner than me, prettier than me” “EILEEN!” Lara stopped me. “Why do you say those crappy words? Stop!” “It’s just what I think of” “Do you know why Josh doesn’t want you to move to Oregon?” “No….well actually I do know. He doesn’t want to live between two states, as he called it” “Because he loves you” My heart skipped a beat when I heard her saying these words. “What do you mean?”
 “He told you that he loves you, right?” “Yes” “And he told you that he’s not that into telling people about his emotions, right?” “Yeah” “So….the only way he knows how to show you that he doesn’t want you to move to Oregon is to tell you HE can’t deal with it” “But he told me that he breaks up with me when I will move there” I reminded her. “Yes but…it’s just a defensive attitude since he didn’t know how to put his feelings into words” “Well I don’t know. To me it sounds like kitchen sink philosophy” Lara rolled her eyes and put the tales away. “Eileen, honestly I think you should fly to New York.” “I don’t know…” “The tickets are a present from Josh. He thought about it before giving it to you that he wants you to be there. This must be more than one month ago” “How do you know?” “Because he asked me some things about your boss before asking him to give you some days off” “When was it?” “It was at the beginning of December I guess” “Wow” it made me kind of speechless to hear it. “A few days earlier they agreed making the guest appearance at Bruno Mars’ half time show and two days later he spoke to your boss” “So you already knew about the half time show before I told you?” I have to apologize that I couldn’t keep the secret and told Lara about it. “Yes…kind of” “Well….this is crazy” “But it doesn’t matter. The only thing that matters is that the first thing he did after they made the deal was getting you some tickets. I remember that we talked about the flights and I told him that you don’t like flying that much and you don’t like stopovers so he changed the tickets he already booked with a stopover in London into a business class fly from Berlin to New York.”
When Lara told me about this I didn’t know what to say. It gave me goose bumps hearing this story. Josh was so….cute? Lovely? I couldn’t find words for it although I was still mad at him. “So Eileen, you really should go there. It will not only be a great experience but it will also make you feel better if you can talk to Josh in person. I’m sure you can figure it out somehow” “Hm, maybe you’re right” I said. She smiled at me and we hugged.  
 Two days later I was sitting in a plane to New York. I never took a flight in business class so I was very overwhelmed by the service. I had something to drink, to eat and the seats were so comfortable I even could sleep for quite some time. So yes I decided to take the plane to fly to New York for the super bowl. It was so surreal that I took a plane to fly to the super bowl. I mean, I wasn’t even into American football. I couldn’t even afford a ticket to the super bowl not to mention another ticket for flying over to the states and afterwards back to Berlin. But it was Josh’s gift to me at Christmas. Yes it was still very cute of him but it took me some time to finally decide to do it. I was still mad at him, we still didn’t talk with each other for over a week now. I mean, I didn’t even know if he wanted me to be there. I wrote him a message but he didn’t read it yet. I even phoned him but no one answered. But I didn’t questioned it because sometimes he was too busy to answer. I wished Lara could’ve fly with me but it was too expensive and she wouldn’t get a vip ticket like me I guessed. Well I didn’t need a vip ticket. Instead I would prefer to watch the game and the half time show with Lara at the worst seats the stadium had. I didn’t care but well it’s clear that friends and family of the players or the artists of the half time show will get special seats in a special lounge. So time flew by and after eight hours we landed safety at JFK in New York.
I hoped Josh would answer me so I checked my phone when I arrived at the airport. I was very sure that he would’ve answered me. But….nothing. To be honest I didn’t know where to go. So I waited for my luggage. Afterwards I walked through the airport, bought me something to drink and went to the exit. Well I really didn’t know where to go now. So I HAD to phone Josh now again otherwise I wouldn’t know where to stay in New  York. I called him but again he didn’t answer. Well, perfect. I tried it again but nothing happened. Yes great Eileen, I thought, why are you such a pig head that stays home when she can’t contact her boyfriend before flying over to New  York City? I mean, who does this shit without thinking about it before? I got angry. I sat down at a seat at the airport and scrolled through my phone. Who could I phone now? Maybe Lara? But what could she do? Hm. While I was scrolling through my phone I didn’t recognized that there was a person coming over to me. I just saw the shadow of the person who was standing right in front of me now but I didn’t look up because I didn’t want to talk to anyone who asked me for directions. Sorry. “Do you wanna come with me?” a voice suddenly said. I frightened. Then I looked up and saw him. “Josh?” I was so surprised that I didn’t know what to say. “Hey” he smiled very shyly. “I’m glad you came” “Ehm, how do you know….I mean” “Well I booked the tickets for you so I knew when your plane would arrive” “But the airport is so big. How did you find me?” “I was walking through the airport looking for you for quite some time” he told me. He had his hands in his pockets and looked to the floor. He was so shy. “Oh ehm” “I was scared you would take a cab to the city” “Ehm yes I think this would’ve been my next move. Then check into a cheap hostel” “Well good that I found you before” he smiled at me and gave me his hand. “Come on, let’s go” he said and I followed him without saying anything. We walked to the back exit where a black van was waiting for us. Josh took my luggage and put it into the trunk before we got in the car. It felt a bit weird that there was a driver waiting for us. Sure it must’ve been totally normal for Josh these days but for me it wasn’t. I felt a bit uncomfortable. “How was your flight?” “It was great, thank you for the tickets” “No thanks, I did what I could” “Honestly, thank you Josh” I said. But the rest of the way to the hotel we didn’t speak much. You can tell that it was still a tense situation between us. After half an hour we arrived at the back entrance of the hotel. Josh took my luggage and we went into the hotel. “Why the back entrance?” I wanted to know. “Because of the fans” he told me. Oh well, okay. Josh and I went to the elevator. Again we didn’t speak a word but I recognized him looking at me when I couldn’t see it – well at least he thought I couldn’t see it. Until now there was no hug, no kiss and no nice word we shared with each other. The only thing that happened was that Josh picked me up from the airport. I thanked him for doing it but still it was all very weird at the moment.
Finally we arrived at Josh’s hotel room and he took my luggage away. I undressed my jacket and he put my jacket at the wardrobe without saying anything. “So ehm, we have sound check in a few minutes, so I have to go now” Josh suddenly said. “Ehm, no wait!” I stopped him from leaving. He looked very surprised. “I think we have to talk!” I let him know. “Okay…” “So what’s going on here? We argued last week, you broke the connection and didn’t get in touch with me since then. After all I was so silly to come to New York, you picked me up and now you wanna leave for sound check?” “Well….it’s what I’ve gotta do” “Yes but…don’t you think we should have a talk about what happened last week?” “Hmmm, I guess so” he then said. “So….do you still wanna break up with me if I move to Oregon?” Josh didn’t look me in the eyes, I think he couldn’t. He kneaded his hands nervously. “Josh, please be honest because I came here to talk to you about it. You can say I flew thousands of miles just for having this talk because to me it’s important” I let him know. He looked up and directly in my eyes. “I don’t wanna break up with you” he suddenly said after a few minutes of silence. “I felt sad when you told me about your plans because I don’t wanna lose you” “And that’s why you told me that you’re going to break up with me if I’m moving to Roseburg?” “I know it was silly. It was just on impulse because I was mad at you because I was faced at your decision” “Well I didn’t decide yet” “Not?” “No….I mean, it was just a positive response. I didn’t even speak to them” “Oh well, I thought you’ve decided yet. For me it sounded like you will do it” “Hm, I don’t wanna move to Oregon to be honest. But it could be my only opportunity” “No it’s not. You can….” “I know!” I interrupted him. “And I’m very thankful that you wanna support me but….I have another plan B” “Alright…” “I don’t know if I ever told you about it but when I studied in Berlin I did also a Master of Education. You could do both of them at the same time so I did. I know I’m a bit of a geek” I chuckled. “So not every school in Los Angeles acknowledges my graduation but I found three schools which are searching for history teacher. I’m also allowed to teach German. So I applied for a job as a teacher” I told him about my plan B I made two nights ago. “So you wanna be a teacher?” Josh asked surprised. “Kind of…If it let me stay in L.A. then yes, I’m gonna be a teacher” I laughed. “Oh well I hope that they want you as their teacher. I would want you as my teacher” he smiled, took a few steps closer and put his arms around me. “I hate fighting with you. I don’t wanna do it again. I know I behaved silly and said some egoistic words. I’m sorry for that Eileen. I just don’t wanna lose you” Josh said and gave me a kiss. “Me too. I hate fighting with you” “It’s so ridiculous” “But Josh?” “Hm?” “Why didn’t you answer my calls?” “Ehm, my phone broke yesterday. It will be fixed later that day” Josh let me know. “Oh well and I thought you already found a new girl that’s younger, thinner and prettier than me” I said jokingly. “Well, why should I want another girl when I have you? And why younger or thinner?” “I don’t know…just a thought” “Ridiculous thought” “Hm” “And Eileen?” “Yes?” “You’re the prettiest girl I know and I like your age and I don’t like super skinny girls. I like girls like you!” he smiled while saying these words to me. My heart melted. I was so happy that we figured it out. We were standing there for quite some time, he hugging me while I laid my head against his chest. It felt like being home again although we were standing in a hotel room in Brooklyn.
After our reconciliation Josh and I went to the venue where the Chili Peppers would play a special concert tonight before the super bowl the following day. For me it was very exciting to see how it all worked and see the guys at the arena doing their sound check. I was standing at the ground of the arena, the standing pitch where the crowd would get wild later that day. Together with some other members of the crew or people working at the venue I watched the band doing their sound check. It was crazy finally seeing Josh playing with Anthony, Flea and Chad on stage. It also was crazy because everyone was wearing their every day clothes. Anthony wore a jeans and a black jacket, very unspectacular. Flea wore jogging pants and a sweater, Chad drummed while wearing a checked shirt and Josh was wearing black pants, a Yankees cap and also a checked shirt. I knew he would change his clothes later that day. He always had his stage clothes he doesn’t wear the whole day. So while I was standing there watching the boys on stage who just started playing “Can’t stop” a woman spoke to me. “Sorry, who are you?” “Ehm, excuse me?” “Who are you? Who brought you here?” she asked me in a serious voice. “I’m Eileen, I’m Josh’s girlfriend” “Sure….a lot of people say these words. I’ve heard it before several times” she said in a sarcastic voice. “Well…it’s the truth” I told her. I was confused. What did she want to tell me? “Where’s your pass?” “Pass?” “Your AAA-pass?” I must have looked like I didn’t understand her. “Access All Area?” “I don’t have one” “Okay, so then please leave the venue” “Why? Josh brought me here” “Sure he did….a lot of fans told me such a story. Mostly with Anthony but, well…” she said and I saw two guys from the security coming to me. “She has to leave now” the woman told them. The two men looked at me and told me to come with them. You could see that they didn’t want to take my arm or my hand. They just wanted to handle this situation without violence. “Sorry, it must be a misunderstanding. Josh Klinghoffer took me with him when he arrived here for sound check” I looked at the guys and then back to the stage where Josh was playing some jams with Flea and Chad. They just finished it. “Josh!” I shouted but he didn’t hear me because he talked to his guitar tech. They continued playing but suddenly Josh stopped when he saw me arguing with the security guys. “What’s wrong there?” he asked through the microphone. “Everything’s okay Eileen?” Although Josh mentioned my name the security guys and the woman didn’t stop arguing with me. I tried to explain them the situation but they didn’t believe me. I watched Josh gesturing his band something and then he left the stage. A few seconds later I saw him coming to us. “Eileen, what’s wrong here?” he asked, his guitar strap still on his shoulder. “They don’t want to believe me that I’m here with you” “Well why? Claire, she’s my girlfriend” he told the blonde woman. “How should I know it? You didn’t tell me and she has no pass. Josh, you know how this works. Friends and family need a backstage pass” “But it’s just sound check” he responded. “I know but it’s for the safety” “Okay, well then….it’s my fault sorry” he apologized to her. “It’s okay, I’ll get her a pass” Clair told us and left. “Sorry” Josh let me know and kissed my brow before heading back to the stage. I smiled. Sometimes he was a bit confused.
 Claire came back with my backstage pass. “Please, take it with you all the time” she let me know and I put it on my neck. “So you’re Josh’s girlfriend?” “Yes” “But not for a long time, right?” “Since October” “Well okay we weren’t on tour during this time and he didn’t tell me. So I’m sorry that I bothered you but we have to be careful these days” she explained to me. “All I knew was that you’re not Mia, Amelia or Chloe” she said laughing. Ehm okay, I knew of Mia and I knew of Amelia. But who was Chloe?
But I didn’t have time to ransack my brain over the question who Chloe could be because the boys just finished their sound check and Josh beckoned me. So I went to the side of the stage. First I didn’t see Josh but instead a guy with long blonde curly hair who looked like a member of a metal band. “I’m looking for Josh” I said to him. “Oh you must be Eileen, I’m Ian, Josh’s guitar tech” the guy smiled at me and we shook hands. “Josh has a short talk with our monitor engineer I guess. Like always after the sound check” Ian rolled his eyes. “Okay so I just wait here” “Sure, do you wanna have some tea or coffee?” “Ehm, no thanks” I just realized that there was a coffee machine and a kettle standing next to the guitars. How sweet was that? Josh finally ended his discussion or whatever he had with the monitor guy and came back to me. “I’m sorry about Claire” he said again and gave me short kiss. “I didn’t know she was there. She’s always a bit rude to people she doesn’t know” he told me about the blonde woman in her forties who turned out to be their personal assistant. She was taking care of every issue the band had Josh told me. Originally she was a member of the management. “But she’s quite nice” he said. “If you’re nice to her” he laughed. We were walking backstage to a small room where Anthony was talking to Flea. “There she is” Anthony said while looking at me. I welcomed them and we talked a bit about their current tour and how excited they were to play at the half time show tomorrow. “So, your first Chili show tonight?” Anthony wanted to know and I nodded, still a bit shy. “Well I hope you’ll like it. We give our best to entertain our crowd and give them the time of their lives” he said smiling and drinking some tea. “Are you a bit afraid of tomorrows’ performance?” I had the guts to ask. “Well not afraid….maybe Josh is afraid of it. I don’t know. Josh are you afraid?”  “Ehm, I don’t know. At least I know that I wont play shit” he giggled while drinking some coffee. Josh was more of the coffee guy. “Why?” I was wondering. “Because the guys recorded it before. We can’t play live because it would be too difficult to do it in that short period of time” Anthony told me. “So later that day I’m the only one of us who has to do a sound check together with Bruno Mars” Wow, it still sounded so surreal to me. After another short talk Josh and I left the arena and had a nice little walk through the streets. We walked along the Atlantic Avenue and talked a bit. It was just Josh and me, holding hands while walking and talking. I really missed him. I missed talking to him in person, looking into his eyes, smiling at him, smelling him. Sure I missed kissing him, too but it wasn’t that much of a deal. For the first time since we were in a relationship I missed him as the person he was. I just loved being in his company and always felt a bit more confident with him by my side.
Before heading back to the Barclays Center in Brooklyn we took the subway to Manhattan. I loved that Josh didn’t give a shit about him being famous in any ways but instead just took the subway although he could afford a cab or even ask some of their drivers to take us to Manhattan. He also had to take away his phone from the shop. So we walked a bit through Manhattan and crossed the Time Square. Sure I was in New York and Manhattan before but this time it was special for me. Walking along with Josh at the Time Square was quite nice. I think nobody noticed him, while he was wearing a black beanie and some sunglasses on – well at least the sun was shining although it was winter. We took some pictures in a cheesy tourist-couple-style and then searched for the phone shop where Josh handed in his phone yesterday to be fixed again. Well I think I could’ve phone him a million times – nobody would’ve answered. “What would you’ve done when you wouldn’t have found me at the airport?” I wanted to know when finally Josh had his phone back and we left the shop. “Ehm, I don’t know. Maybe I would’ve phone every hostel in Manhattan or Brooklyn” “I guess nobody of the crew has my number” “No…and I didn’t write it down and I don’t know it by heart which I’m sorry for” “Me neither. I can’t remember any telephone numbers no matter if it’s from my family, friends, boyfriends…” ”I think this is typical nowadays. I mean, we all have these smart phones which can do like…everything?” “Yes, that’s it” “I think our brain has less things to do these days which is very bad because we unlearn so much” I looked in his face. How could a human being be so nice and humble? I was still wondering.
We had still some time left until we must’ve been back at the arena in Brooklyn. So we decided to do a typical tourist thing. We went on top of to the Empire State Building. Well, do you remember I was afraid of heights? “Oh man, this is so high I don’t know if I wanna go outside” I said when we arrived at the top of the building. “But we came here for enjoying the view I guess” Josh said while taking my hand. Again I followed him to the observation platform. It felt a bit like in Vienna – but this time it was a way higher. “Just trust me” he said and went on to one point at the platform. “I like the view from this point. It shows you all the beauty of the city” he told me. I fought with me looking through the rods of steal down to Manhattan. “Look, there is the Hudson River. Oh, it’s so beautiful here” Josh smiled and took some pictures with his phone while I was just standing there, trying not to scream. My hands were so sweaty I didn’t want to put my phone out because I was afraid of losing it. It could fall from the building – yeah I know, ridiculous thought, but you know, I couldn’t explain it, it was just fear. “Should we walk around the building?” he asked. I just stood there hypnotized one point down in the city without looking away. This was the only way I could get over my fear. Just pointing at one special area and not looking to the other side. “Come on, let’s go” Josh said but I couldn’t. “NO!” I almost screamed. Josh’s face told me that he couldn’t understand it. “No, I can’t. You can go but I will go back to the elevator and wait for you” I let him know. “You don’t!” “Yes I do…” “Eileen, just a few steps, okay? You needn’t be afraid of it. Nothing will happen” Josh said and I wanted to believe him but my mind said no. But after a few minutes we came a few steps further so we had a view of the other side of New York. He was right, it was beautiful and I should get over my fear.
He was standing right behind me and showed me some spots where he played with some bands. He even showed me where his grandmother used to live and where his father and his mother met because originally they were from New York but moved to California before he was born. Well okay he just showed me the direction. Not everything happened in Manhattan. But while he was showing me I forgot about my fear – at least for a moment. We even could make a selfie without me looking like in a horror movie. Likewise, I wasn’t the only one who wanted to take a picture with Josh. There was also a group of people who recognized him and, well, there wasn’t much space to flee. So he was nice and took a picture with them. Well I was the one taking it. It took me some short moments to breathe until I could take the picture without shaking hands but I did it. Wow, it made me proud. I didn’t need to cling on Josh’s hands to go a few steps at the platform.
 “Wow, I’m very proud of you” he said when we arrived at the floor. ”Why?” “Because you did it! You went to the top of the Empire State Building with me and even took some steps. I know it must be hard for someone who is afraid of heights. So I’m very proud of you” he smiled and gave me a kiss. “Well, it wasn’t as special as playing in front of thousands of people” I said. “It’s totally different. You can’t compare it” Josh let me know. Well, if he said so.  
Finally we went back to the hotel in Brooklyn. Josh didn’t know if we should walk to the main entrance so we checked it out if there were any fans in front of the hotel. Josh told me that there were fans the whole day waiting for the Chilis to walk through the door. I knew he didn’t like it so he often preferred the back entrance. But this time we couldn’t see anyone so Josh and I walked to the entrance of the hotel. Turned out that we were wrong. There was a group of girls standing next to the hotel. They even had some cds and t-shirts to be signed by the Chilis. And of course they were holding their phones in their hands. Josh walked a bit faster when he saw them, still holding my hand. But when we arrived at the hotel they finally saw him and called his name. I thought they looked kind of nice and sympathetic. So Josh stopped, lost my hand and gave them some autographs while having a short chat with them. Sure the girls asked him for a photo but this time he didn’t want to. He excused himself very politely. I was standing two meters away from them watching and waiting for Josh. He came to me, took my hand and we finally went into the hotel. “Well they kind of looked nice” I let him know. “Sure they were. But I didn’t want to take pictures with them” “Why?” “You know why” he looked me in the eyes while we entered the elevator. “It’s always the same, then one picture is not enough and then they want another and I can’t say no. So, it always takes some time” “Well I guess they’re happy that they met you” I supposed. “Maybe”
The elevator door closed and we were standing there totally on our own. No one said a word. Why do people always keep silent in an elevator? But suddenly Josh came nearer and kissed me. It wasn’t just a short kiss, no, it was a passionate kiss and he pushed me against the wall. Well, this was a bit exciting to be honest. I never kissed in an elevator. When the door opened and we arrived at our floor we stopped and left it as though nothing had happened. Josh grinned at me and took my hand.
Eventually it was time to go back to the venue. So we drove back to the Barclays Center and while Josh was getting ready for the show I went to my seats. Before, Josh phoned his sister Olivia who was also there. So when I searched for my place I met Olivia and her boyfriend Jerome. We welcomed each other and had a short talk about the last weeks since Christmas. Olivia and I got along very well and I got to know her more and more. Her boyfriend was very calm and didn’t say much. The show started. I was so excited! Not only was it my first Red Hot Chili Peppers concert but it was also the first time I saw Josh playing with the guys. Sound check didn’t count I guess. So when the intro started I felt my heart beating very fast. It was a great show. I didn’t really know many of the new songs but I enjoyed every of them. I had to grin when I realized that there was a song about a “Maggie”. I had to think about my brother and his girlfriend who didn’t know that I was in New  York right now seeing Josh playing with the boys and tomorrow going to the super bowl. I didn’t tell him because I knew he would ask me with whom I would go and then he would suggest that it must be Josh and then I couldn’t hide the secret. So I decided to phone him tomorrow during the game to show him some of the atmosphere.
The concert was great! We had the perfect seats just right next to the stage. I was overwhelmed by the feelings I felt during the show and how crazy it was. Last year I wouldn’t have imagined that one year later I would go to a Chilis concert in Brooklyn because my boyfriend plays in the band. Not to mention going to the super bowl. I think the last-year-Eileen would have laughed very loud at the future-Eileen from 2014. She wouldn’t have believed it!
After the concert I followed Olivia and Jerome backstage where many people bustled about. We were searching for Josh but couldn’t find him. So we sat down at some chairs and talked for a while. It took some time until Josh came over to us. He sat down next to me. “What a great concert!” I let him know. “Really? Thanks. I’m glad you liked it” he said in his typical shy voice. “Very good job bro!” Olivia grinned. “But I played some shit a few times” Josh criticized himself. I saw how the three of us – Olivia, Jerome and me – rolled our eyes. “So what? It was a great show and the crowd liked it” I said to him putting my arms around him while I was sitting on his lap. “I’m very proud of you!” I gave him a kiss but recognized that he didn’t like being so close in public. So I stopped and instead just kept talking with him. 
Later the band, families, friends and the crew continued a little party at a bar the Chilis booked. Josh and I attended the party but we just had some drinks until we left it. It was too crowded. We both didn’t like it and since we were both very tired we took a walk through the night back to the hotel. This time without fans at the hotel – well it was 2am in the night. __________ You can watch the whole concert in Brooklyn here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sP4n-GGCEFI 
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Hey everyone! Happy 4th of July! I cannot believe that a month ago on June 4th I was making teary goodbyes to my family and friends and meeting my cohort for the first time in Philadelphia. Here I am writing this post poolside at a fancy hotel in Rwamagana with my cohort as we celebrate the 4th of July! I am back with an update on life here in Rwamagana as I had promised in my last blog post. I have officially finished my third week of Pre-Service Training (PST) and I have been gone from home for 4 weeks. There has been so much that has happened over the past 4 weeks that it is honestly hard for me to believe all of those things happened in the span of a month. This blog post may be a little lengthy so I apologize ahead of time, but I promise it will include several intriguing stories.
As our bus left our posh hotel in Kigali, we left behind the amenities we were privileged to have for our entire lives and took entirely too much for granted. Our bus winded through the Rwandan countryside and gave me my first real glimpse of this beautiful country. Whoever said Rwanda is the Land of a Thousand Hills definitely made a low-ball estimate. The hills seemed endless and I was amazed by how green and colorful this country is. The scenery provided for a great distraction from the butterflies in my stomach. I was incredibly nervous to be officially starting our PST and meeting our host families. We arrived at the training hub in Rwamagana after an hour long bus ride. Rwamagana is located in the Eastern Province of Rwanda. I did not know a lot about the East or Rwamagana besides the fact that is was dry, hot, and dusty. We would be spending the next 9 weeks living with a host family in this town for our Pre-Service Training. I never had the chance to live with a host family while traveling abroad so I was excited to experience it, but also incredibly nervous to be spending a little over 2 months living with people I had never met. After unloading our bus with our copious amounts of luggage, we were quickly ushered into the training hub and seated on the opposite side of the room from our host families who were waiting for us. The host family matching ceremony began promptly and I was the second volunteer called. I was so nervous I almost did not remember my name, the two Kinyarwanda phrases I had learned earlier in the day, or how to greet my host family properly. I stood up and tried to quickly survey the room. At first, I could not find my family but my host mama appeared and embraced me in a typical Rwandan hug. She then firmly grasped my arm and lead me back to where she was sitting with her two sons. Ironically, before the host family ceremony had begun, I had been scanning the room and noticed my host family. Almost intuitively, I felt that they might be my host family and I was right! It was fun to watch the rest of my cohort be paired with their respective host families. At the end, we celebrated in true Rwandan fashion with Fantas and then began collecting our luggage, water filters, jerricans, shower buckets, and medical kits. We were loaded into Peace Corps vehicles with all our excessive items and host families and then driven to our new homes for the next ten weeks! I waved goodbye to my fellow Peace Corps trainees who I had spent the past week with and followed my host family into their compound.
Before going more into the details of my first weekend with my host family and the first two weeks of training, I want to give a brief description of my host family. In my host family there is Mama Dorocelle, Papa Kareem, and my two brothers Husseini (age 13) and Sharifu (age 10). Mama Dorocelle stays at home and takes care of everything in the house. I admire her a lot and am amazed by her strength. She has already taught me so much in the short time I have been here. She speaks a handful of English that I think she has acquired over the years of having Peace Corps volunteers live with their family. Papa Kareem works as an umushoferi (driver) and always is incredibly nice to me. He does not speak any English but whenever I see him he is always warm and happy. He is gone most of the times for work so he usually is only in the house a few days of the week. Initially, I was a little nervous to have two host brothers because I have never had a brother before but Husseini and Sharifu are honestly the most respectful and mature boys I have met. They are so much more well-behaved than the teenage boys back home. I am constantly in awe of how great they are to me! They are both in school and they enjoy studying, playing football (soccer), listening to music, watching movies, and dancing. I hope this brief little intro to my family will help give a better picture of them.
While dragging all of my belongings into their house on my first day, I definitely remember thinking to myself “Wow, I guess I am really doing this!” and “Wait, what the heck am I doing here? Is this really happening?”. Everything felt so strange. My surroundings, the smells, the people, the culture, the lifestyle, and so many more things left me feeling completely overwhelmed and out of my comfort zone. The first afternoon/evening with my host family was filled with lots of awkward silences, unknown foods, and unfamiliar habits. I tried my best to communicate in my broken Kinyarwanda with my host family and interact with them but I only knew about 10 phrases so it consisted of me playing charades trying to explain things but eventually giving up because my family had no idea what I was talking about. Within 30 minutes of me arriving, my host brothers were already asking for me to show them movies on my laptop. I am the 6th or 7th volunteer they have hosted so I guess they were expecting every volunteer to show up with a collection of movies. I only brought all the I Love Lucy DVDs with me and 2 movies (The Sound of Music and Father of the Bride). They didn’t seem too amused by I Love Lucy but they enjoyed Father of the Bride. My LCF (Language and Cultural Facilitator), Charlotte, stopped by my house in the evening to check in on me and see if I had any immediate concerns. I went out to the latrine around 8pm and I discovered 4 huge cockroaches each the size of my palm crawling all over the latrine. I was terrified and decided that I did not really need to use the bathroom. I excused myself pretty early after eating dinner and was in bed by 9pm. Finally, I was alone in my room and surrounded by unfamiliar things. I did not have any data on my phone yet so I could not use WhatsApp to communicate with my Peace Corps friends or my family back home, which made me feel incredibly isolated and homesick. I definitely am not shy to say that my first weekend/week at my host family’s was really rough. The next morning, Sunday, I tried to start fresh with my host family. I took my first bucket bath, which was not that bad. I definitely miss hot showers but I can get used to bucket baths. The cold water feels fine if you just came back from working out. I tried to spend as much time as I could with my host family that day by studying Kinyarwanda with my host brothers, playing football with them, and watching my host mom cook. However, by the evening I was definitely feeling alone and sad. Being disconnected from everyone and being thrown into a place filled with unfamiliar things was really hard for me to adjust to. The cockroaches in my latrine also threw me for a loop. Seeing 8 huge cockroaches crawling right where I needed to go to the bathroom made me feel even more awful. My LCF again stopped by my house on Sunday evening and I told her I was unable to buy data for my phone so she took me to get data and finally I was able to call back home. It was a tough conversation with my parents and sister but I am really glad for their support. If they had not been strong while I was at a weak point, then I really do not know if I could have stuck it out here in Rwanda. Just hearing their voices and being able to talk with them instantly made me feel better and gave me hope and strength to keep pushing forward. Y’all the cockroaches almost sent me packing!
On Monday, we began our first official day of PST here in Rwamagana with a debriefing of our first weekend with our host families. I was never so excited to see my fellow cohort on that day! It was a relief to hear about everyone else’s challenges with their host families and to know that I was not alone with my fear of cockroaches. We had a few introductory sessions followed by a tour around Rwamagana and then we had our first language session with our LCF, Charlotte, and I really enjoyed it! I am with one other person for our language class so I am glad to be in a smaller group and I am so far really impressed with how Peace Corps teaches languages. After language, I ran into another group of people in my cohort who were heading to the market to buy igitenge (fabric) that we have to wear for taking bucket baths. After, we went to Relax bar and passed by my house where some of my friends met my host mom who was so sweet to all of us and gave us fruits. Tuesday was again filled with a variety of sessions but I was really enjoying it. My throat started to feel a little sore on Tuesday afternoon and I was pretty convinced it was from all the dust and smoke from the charcoal stoves. On Wednesday, I woke up feeling like I had a sore throat or cold but then my stomach started to have issues. I ended up getting incredibly sick on Wednesday evening and on Thursday I had to be taken to Kigali due to GI issues. It was rough and it was definitely hard to be away from home while I was sick. I was thankfully feeling better by Friday morning and I was able to return to Rwamagana and join the rest of my training group. I spent the weekend recovering and getting over my cold. I also hand washed my clothes and mopped my floor/organized my room. Hand washing my clothes was honestly not as bad as I was expecting it to be. It took about 45 minutes to wash my two weeks of clothing, however, to be fair my host mom did help me, but it went a lot faster than I expected it to. I remember reading a lot of blogs before coming and reading how terrible hand washing is and how time-consuming it is but it was not that terrible. I’m sure though after two years it will get old. Overall, my first week in Rwamagana was filled with a lot of ups and downs but I got through it and pushed forward and I am so thankful now that I did.
My second week in Rwamagana was a lot better. The days are long because of all the language and training sessions we have. I finally was able to start going for short runs here in Rwamagana. The altitude, hills, and the dirt roads though have definitely made me feel super slow but I am thankful to be getting back into a workout routine. The lifestyle and culture have been hard for me to adjust to. There are so many little things that I never used to think about in America but here in Rwanda I have been forced to become cognizant and appreciative of the lifestyle I had back in the states. Aside from the enormous bugs that constantly seem to be attracted to me, there are other challenges like following the cultural norms or adjusting to the lack of electricity, limited water, or the constant stares from the local Rwandans. Back in the states, I always read articles or saw documentaries about the challenges third world countries face like sanitation and hygiene. It was not until I came to Rwanda and started living like a local Rwandan that I finally understood why sanitation and hygiene is so hard to implement here. There are a lot of days where I have to sparingly use my water and prioritize whether I should use the water for my drinking water filter or for my bucket baths. The electricity is not the most reliable here and on a typical day it will come on and turn off for 5 mins or 10 mins and then sometimes it will come back on and sometimes it will not. The lifestyle is a lot harder and simple things take a lot longer but it has definitely given me respect for the locals who live like this and are so resilient. I have a lot of admiration for my host mom and host family. I get along great with all of them and they have been incredibly kind to me. My host mom has taught me how to light and cook on the charcoal stove. Lighting the stove is quite a process! On my first try I could not even light the match, however, I finally have learned how to light the charcoal stove using just one match. I am really proud of myself and I am glad that I will not starve when I get to my site in August. On my second full weekend in Rwamagana, I met my host mom’s sisters and some of my host dad’s family as well because of Eid. My host family is Muslim so we celebrated Eid and I spent a lot of time interacting with our guests and helping cook for everyone. My host brothers are adorable and I love spending time with them. I help them with their English homework and they help me with my Kinyarwanda homework. They are really respectful and are good about giving me space when I need it. I am pretty much up by 5:30/6am every day because the call to prayer from the mosque starts at 4:30am and as soon as that ends the rooster that my family has starts almost immediately after. Then my family is up and moving about so it is pretty hard to fall back asleep after 4:30am because of all the noise but I go to bed pretty early by 9/10pm since the sun sets by 6:30pm and it is super dark. I am really trying though to enjoy every moment I have here in Rwanda and take in every experience. As frustrating as some points have been over the past couple weeks, there is always something amazing that happens makes me forget about whatever I was frustrated or worried by. Even on the day where I was sick and walking home from school feeling terrible, I ran into a group of school kids who swarmed around me and immediately all wanted to give me a hug. There are so many more amazing experiences that I have had while here in Rwanda that makes me feel so appreciative of the journey I am on. If you have made it to the end of this blog post then I am super surprised! Thanks for reading and I will definitely be back and posting about weeks 3 and 4 here in Rwamagana! Sending lots of love back home! Take lots of hot showers and eat yummy American for for me.
The baby chick is my favorite.
So many chickens.
More of my host family’s compound.
Our rooster.
Can you find the two boys in this picture?
Laundry day.
My host family’s house!
Playing volleyball.
African sunsets.
Our visit to a health center in Rwamagana.
The rooster was in my room.
Praying it won’t rain on laundry days.
Hussein (age 13)
My adorable host brothers.
Morning run views.
1st care package from my amazing family!
  Rwamagana and Pre-Service Training: Weeks 1 and 2 Hey everyone! Happy 4th of July! I cannot believe that a month ago on June 4th I was making teary goodbyes to my family and friends and meeting my cohort for the first time in Philadelphia.
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