#wow i can't believe it's already the weekend oh my gosh
inkykeiji · 1 year
hello i hope you have a good day <3 i saw this and i was like oh clari-core!! https://twitter.com/jisoupy/status/1666471857321828353?s=46
link! <3
oh my gosh anon that is soooooo cute!!! i love the bandaids eee <33 i'm so flattered u thought of meee hehe <3 i love the sentiment it’s expressing!!! very lovely c: we can be soft n strong at the same time!
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foggyparadisecandy · 2 years
A random mistress slides into my DMs.
Mistress: Hello submissive
Me: Oh hi, how are you doing? Thanks for dropping in my DMs!
Mistress: Where are you submissive
Me: My living room. Although I might go grab a snack in a bit so I'll be in my kitchen. But I intend to come back to the living room.
Mistress: No submissive, where do you live
Me: Oh, sorry! I'm in an apartment with my wife. That's an odd question honestly.
Mistress: Are you ready to be my submissive?
Me: Oh gosh. What an offer. I'm super flattered and wasn't really expecting that.
Wow. I mean ... gosh ... we just met and everything. Holy cow. What a thing.
Am I ready to be your submissive? Well ... I mean ... yes ... but also ... maybe?
Like where do you stand on using domination as a way to help your submissive achieve peace and satisfaction and enrich their life through service? And do you believe that satisfaction is found through actual service or found through the art of waiting to be of service?
And what's your stance on punishment? I'm kind of like a pain wimp so I'm probably going to put a big nope on that. I hope that's ok?
Oh ... and are you ok with a bit of switching every once in a while? Because, yes, of course, I love to sub out for beautiful women but I kind of also want to dom the shit out of them too.
That profile pic is hot and it makes me want to put you in a collar and make you my pet. That's so much fun for me. I love having a hot little obedient pet sometimes!
I guess what I'm saying is that I contain multitudes.
Is that ok? Do you want multitudes? Or are you more of a linear thinker type dominant and only looking for just a singletude? Is that a word? Singletude? That doesn't sound right. Well what the fuck is the opposite of multitude anyway?
Well, never mind that, we can revisit it.
The other thing I would want is holidays and weekend off from service. I have a wife and a pretty full life. I mean ... I guess I can put some of that on hold to serve you and be subby to you but I can't put it ALL on hold ALL the time, you know?
So like, yeah, yeah, this could work. I'll be your submissive but I need to be able to tap out whenever it gets inconvenient.
Also, just so you know, my wife is completely opposed to me wasting money on stuff like femdom so this will have to be more of a passion project for you.
I can tell by your blank profile that you are already a minimalist at heart and probably are ok with a zen approach to money. You know ... a blank and empty checkbook? Very zen! Get it? Haha. Yeah. That was a good one.
Anyway, this is going to be fun. Let's do this thing!
Mistress? Mistress, where did you go?
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andiinaraethtash · 2 years
Chapter 17: Tell You You’re the Greatest (But Once You Turn They Hate Us)
Wow, we are getting so close to the end. I still have a minimum four or five chapters to write, which is gonna be fun cause I just injured one of my hands so I can't type as well as I usually can, but we're almost at the climax in terms of the story posted so far. Hard to believe. I already have my next fic planned, too. Gosh, I need a break. Speaking of, I'm gonna be out of town the weekend of the third of September. So no update then. But I'll try to post the Tuesday before and the Tuesday after. No guarantees, but I will try. Tw: None in particular, really, just mild descriptions of injuries. Like, very, very mild. Chapter title from Enemy by Imagine Dragons.
After about a half-day of rest, Pix is right back to work. He’s not got much to do in the way of repairs—his people have that well in hand, all he has to do is make sure the work has been done—but he does have to update the Vigil. As soon as that's done, he ponders what to do, where to go—then finds that his mind keeps getting drawn toward Rivendell. Something is going to happen there, something important.
So he sends off word to the other empires to let them know firstly where he is going to be in case they need to find him, and secondly that they should join him. Then, he takes off, heading east as fast as he can.
The journey is long, but easy, and before he knows it, the mountains of Rivendell are coming into view. He spots Joey landing as Scott’s lodge comes into view, and knows that his message got to him. That’s good. Hopefully the others will be here, soon, too.
Rivendell somehow looks exactly like it had before, and yet very different. The large snow drifts are gone, melted away, but the village is still and silent, like it had been before. It’s still cold enough that Pix is grateful he’d thought to change into more winter-appropriate clothing, but not as bitterly cold as it had been the day before.
He lands and almost immediately slips, barely catching himself in time to avoid face-planting on the thin layer of ice that covers the ground. He catches Joey smirking at him and sighs. Nevermind that he’s used to the sands of Pixandria and not the ice of Scott’s winter, he’s still going to get teased for being less than graceful.
Not that he really minds. It gives him some sense of normalcy that has been missing for the past several days.
Brushing past Joey, he knocks on the front door, and is surprised a moment later when Sausage opens the door. As far as Pix knew, Sausage was in Mythland, but apparently not. Idly, he wonders what he’s doing here, but Sausage is speaking before he can figure out the reason.
“Oh, hello! If you’re looking for Scott, he’s up at the festival grounds with Jimmy, trying to practise getting his powers under control.”
Pix nods. “We were, actually, but if he’s busy—”
“Oh, I’m sure he won’t mind the distraction. Between you and me, he’s getting a little frustrated, and I’m wondering if he doesn't need a break. I’ll go get him.” Sausage walks out of the door, spots Joey, and does a double take. “Oh, hey, Joey. What are you doing here?”
Joey presses his lips into a firm line. “Pix said something was about to happen here. But if you don’t know what…”
“Something is coming,” Pix assures him, “But, no, neither of us know what. It’s just a feeling.”
“Very helpful. Hey, why don’t your ‘feelings’ ever tell us anything useful?” Joey asks, a sneer rising on his lips, and Pix and Sausage both open their mouths to answer, when they’re interrupted by Scott and Jimmy gliding down from the festival grounds.
“What’s going on here?” Scott asks, and Pix sighs.
“Not sure, but something is coming.”
Distantly, he hears rockets being fired off. Turning to see where they’re coming from, he’s surprised to see someone headed their way from the direction of the Overgrown. It seems Katherine got his message.
When she lands, she immediately looks to Pix. “I got your message. What’s going on?”
Pix sighs, tired of explaining this. “I’ll tell you when the others get here.”
“Is it bad?” She asks, looking nervous, and he shakes his head.
“I don’t know for certain.”
Beside him, Scott huffs. “Well, we might as well go inside to wait for the others. It’s not exactly getting any warmer out here.”
It’s true; as night slowly falls, the temperature drops, and Pix is already shivering ever so slightly. As Scott opens the door for them, Pix glances around one last time before ducking inside. The others would get here when they got here.
They sit around, chatting idly, for about an hour as the others slowly trickle in. They’re just missing Shrub when Pix hears a knock on the door, and Scott rises and opens it, only to stumble back, hand on his sword, because it’s not Shrub in the doorway. 
It’s Pearl.
Immediately the rest of the rulers are on their feet, weapons in hand, except for Pix and Sausage. Something stays his hand, and he is pretty sure he can guess why Sausage is hesitating to point a weapon at his last remaining friend.
Pearl looks worse for wear. She’s favouring one side, has soot and dried blood all over her, and she’s carrying something vaguely human-shaped, bundled in a purple blanket that looks like she stole it from the Crystal Cliffs. She’s shivering, and the look on her face… she’s terrified.
“Didn’t know where else to go,” she breathes, and Scott recovers enough to snarl.
“Well, if you thought you’d be welcome here, you’re wrong. Traitor.”
Pearl swallows heavily, shifting the burden in her arms, and Pix gets the feeling there’s something going on that he doesn’t understand—that none of them do. “Please. I’ll beg on my knees if I have to, but we need help.”
This time, it’s Joey who scoffs. “You lost your right to our aid when you sided with Xornoth.”
For a moment, Pearl looks like she’s about to snap at him with something about who sided with Xornoth last time, but she calms herself and turns to Sausage. “Sausage… You know I would never betray you. You know me.”
Sausage clenches his jaw so hard Pix can see the muscle in his temple jump out. “Do I?” He asks softly, and Pearl looks close to tears.
“I didn’t want to do what I did, I didn’t have a choice!”
“There’s always a choice,” Jimmy says, but Pix has a sinking feeling in his stomach. Of course her behaviour, her betrayal made no sense, it wasn’t like her because it wasn’t her idea. Someone else had made the choices for her.
Before he can say anything, though, Scott is talking, and he has to bite his tongue to keep from cutting the elf off. “If you didn’t want to do what you did, then why did you do it? Why, Pearl? We trusted you, we loved you, and you stabbed us in the back!”
“It was just a bunch of lies, I didn’t mean for any of it to happen—”
“Yeah, well, it happened, and now those lies have a body count.” Scott shoots back, and Pix finally steps forward, because this has gone on long enough.
He puts every ounce of authority he has into his voice. “All of you stand down, she’s not going to hurt us.”
Joey huffs. “What, like she did with the end crystals? That one you managed to get off hurt me, you know.”
“I’m sorry,” Pearl says as the pieces finally click in Pix’s head, and he turns to Sausage, who seems to have come to the same conclusion as him.
“Oh, gods,” Sausage breathes, and Pearl turns to him, looking hopeful, but Joel is talking, and Pix knows he won’t be able to get a word in edgewise.
“Sorry, are you? You tried to blow up the two kingdoms you were closest to, and you’re sorry? That’s all you have to say? Unbelievable.”
Pearl opens her mouth to answer, but someone else beats her to it.
“It wasn’t Pearl who planted them, Joel.”
The voice is a faint whisper, but it echoes like a firework through the room, because they all recognize it, and none of them can believe their ears.
Jimmy breathes, “Gem?” and Pearl nods.
“Exor had her. Now can we please come in? She’s not getting any warmer.”
Katherine is the first to move. Even she is surprised when she does, but it’s instinctive to usher Pearl inside, and have her set Gem down in a chair. Pearl hovers nearby as Katherine checks her over, with Sausage right next to her, staring at Gem like he’s expecting her to disappear at any moment.
Gem is pale and her hair is nearly white, like the ice Katherine can sense in her heart is leeching out into every part of her. She’s not even shivering anymore, she’s just still and cold, and only the fact that Katherine can feel her chest rising and falling under her hands is reassuring her that she’s still alive.
She seems to have used up all her remaining strength to tell Joel off, and somehow that makes Katherine want to smile, though she restrains herself. Now is not the time for jollity.
At any rate, her eyes are closed, and she’s not responding to any of Katherine’s attempts to rouse her. There’s a long silence as she diagnoses the problems, which, surprisingly, is actually only one problem, and it’s the one that killed her in the first place: the ice lodged in her heart.
Finally, Scott breaks the quiet. “Is she going to make it?”
Katherine glances up, and isn’t really surprised to see that he looks incredibly guilty, shuffling backwards like he’s trying to put space between him and her in case he accidentally hurts her again.
Katherine sighs. “It’ll be touch and go. I need someone to go to the Overgrown and grab whatever supplies they can from the apothecary. We’ll need them to cure her. Scott, where are your potion stores?”
As Lizzie and Joel leave, going as fast as they can, Jimmy answers for Scott. “There, in that cabinet.”
Sausage turns abruptly, flings open the cabinet Jimmy’s pointing to, and starts pulling out every supply he can find, dumping them on the table. “What all do you need?” His voice is uncharacteristically solemn, and he’s still obviously in shock.
Katherine turns away from Gem for a minute to point out the ingredients for potions of regeneration and health. “Those will tide her over until Lizzie and Joel get back. In the meantime, we need to keep her warm.”
As Pix goes upstairs, undoubtedly looking for more blankets, and Jimmy moves to stoke the fire, Joey finally pipes up. “Well, while we’re waiting, why don’t you tell us exactly what you were thinking, Pearl.”
Katherine shakes her head, cutting off Pearl before she can even open her mouth to answer. “We should wait until everyone else gets here, they’ll want to know too.”
Joey humphs but acquiesces, and as Pix comes back down, arms full of woollen blankets, Sausage, who has set the potions to brew, turns to Pearl, wrapping her up in a big hug that hides his face in her shoulder.
“I knew you didn’t betray us, I knew it.”
Pearl, who’d stiffened when he’d first put his arms around her, relaxes into his hold. “I’m sorry,” she whispers, “I’m sorry I put you through that. You’ve lost so much already, and I made you think—”
“It’s okay,” Sausage whispers, so softly Katherine can only guess what he says after that. Not that she needs to know, either; this is something precious and quiet and not something to be shared.
There’s another long silence, before Pearl draws away from Sausage and lets out a long breath. “I think I need to sit.”
immediately, Katherine turns, eyeing her up and down to see if and where she’s injured, and immediately notes the bloodstains trailing down from a nasty-looking gash on her side, and the stump of an arrow poking out of her shoulder. Yeah, she’s been through the ringer, and Katherine gestures to the seat Joel had just vacated.
“Sit. As soon as the potions are ready, I’ll look over you. Until then, Sausage, can you help her clean up?”
Sausage nods, grabs some rags from near the wash basin in Scott’s kitchen, and dunks them in water. As he hands one to Pearl and starts wiping away the soot and blood on her face, Katherine turns back to Gem, whose eyes have opened to mere slits, but at least they’re open.
“Gem?” She asks softly, and immediately the wind outside, which had been starting to gust ever so slightly, picks up and starts howling. Shooting a glare at Scott and hoping desperately that Jimmy will notice and get him to calm down, she rubs her hands up and down Gem’s arms, trying to soothe her.
Pix comes and drapes another blanket over her shoulders, then lays another in her lap. “Easy, Gem,” he says softly. “It’s okay, you’re safe. You can rest.”
If anything, Gem manages to open her eyes a bit more, as if purposely ignoring what Pix is saying. “Wha…?” she murmurs, and Katherine is shoved out of the way so Sausage can kneel in front of her, grasping her hands and looking nearly teary with relief.
“Gem? It’s me. It’s Sausage. Can you hear me?”
For a second, Gem just stares at him, then manages a quiet, “Mm-hm.”
Sausage beams and wraps her in a hug as best he can. “Oh my gods, I am so sorry, we thought you were dead—how are you alive? You know what, that’s not important. You’re going to be fine. Katherine will fix you right up—”
The potions in Scott’s brewing stand choose that moment to start bubbling, and Katherine nudges Sausage to the side. “Here, Gem, drink this, it’ll tide you over until Joel and Lizzie get back.”
immediately Gem pulls away. Her movements are sluggish, but the fear in her eyes is sudden, real, and very, very visceral. Katherine and Sausage have to lunge to keep her in her seat, because she’s about to become well acquainted with the floor if she’s not careful.
But she’s staring at the regen potion in Katherine’s hand like it’s poison, and Katherine has a brief moment to wonder why before Pearl is nudging her aside, and cradling Gem’s face with both hands so she can look her in the eyes.
“It’s just us, Gem. We’d never hurt you. It’s not the potion Exor gave you, it’ll be fine. We won’t let anything happen to you, you know that.”
Gem stares at her for a long moment. Katherine holds her breath, but finally, slowly, Gem nods, and she’s able to help her down the potion. She shudders and gags, but she drinks it all, and almost immediately sighs, blinks, and perks up.
“Katherine?” She asks, and Katherine beams.
“Hi, Gem.”
As Gem’s eyes shift focus to Sausage—and Pearl behind him—Katherine sits back. Her emotions are a complex knot in her chest, and while she knows Shrub would advise her to work through them, she doesn’t have the time—
Wait. Shrub. It’s been nearly an hour since the rest of them had shown up, and no sign of her. Immediately, she stands, gives Gem’s shoulder one last squeeze, and goes over to Pix and Jimmy.
“Shrub’s still not here,” she says softly, and Pix immediately frowns.
Jimmy, too, furrows his brow. “That can’t be good. If she’s in trouble…”
Katherine nods. “I can’t leave Gem—Joel and Lizzie should be back soon with the stuff I need to cure her—but if you guys could go check on her… I’d really appreciate it.”
Pix looks over at Jimmy, who nods, then turns back to Katherine. “We’ll be back shortly, hopefully with good news.”
With that, they disappear out the door and into the night outside.
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dorkzilla-exe · 4 years
Zim, Dib, and Seven Smeets
A ZaDr series: Ep 1, Hatching Day
Dib: Zim, will you come down.
Zim: *sitting on top of the fridge* DO NOT DISTURB ME WHILE I'M IN MY PANIC SPOT!
Dib: Im just-
Dib: you said that an hour ago, I've got everything set up for the celebration, so at least be down before 3, ok?
Zim: wait, you did the decorating? You did EVERYTHING?! ON YOUR OWN?!
Dib: *smiles sinisterly* yes, yes I did, all on my own, probably made some mistakes in color arrangement-
Zim: LET ME SEE! YOU BETTER NOT HAVE MESSED ANYTHING UP!! *jumps down from the fridge and scurries into the living room*
Dib: works every time...
Zim: Dib, you didn't actually mess any of the decorations!?
Dib: I studied hard when you were decorating for Gaz's birthday, so I applied your decoration tactics to this room and... well... ta-daa!
Zim: you really are amazing, Dib. You know that, right?
Dib: I got the hint the day you gave me a ring-pop and asked for my hand in marriage.
Zim: I swear I didn't know it was candy, the person who sold it to me said it was worth 5,000$ and would sell it to me for 4,900...
Dib: I really didn't care about being proposed to with a candy ring, a ring is a ring to me, wether it's candy or not. Although, it is very concerning how someone managed to sell you a ring-pop for that much.
Zim: don't remind me...
Dib: would you believe me when I say I still have it?
Zim: no, I actually wouldn't.
Dib: well I do, I had it dipped in resin so it wouldn't deteriorate.
Zim: wow, how have I not noticed it?
Dib: remember that box I where keep stuff like pendants and pins? That's where the ring is.
Zim: that's sweet.
Dib: wait a minute, I just remembered we've got one more thing to do...
Zim: The Smeet's play-pen! We've gotta decorate that! Get the streamers! I've got some decorating to do!
[About an hour later]
Dib: alright, living room decorated, snacks and cake ready, little gift bags customized for every guest, flowers and other table decorations, and Zim's in the play-pen with the eggs. We are ready for the guests to arrive and it isn't even-
[Knocking from the front door]
Dib: right on cue, must be dad cause he's been early to ever other party. *answers the door* hey- uh...
Tallest Red: hello there, you must be Dib
Tallest Purple: How has Zim been? We haven't heard too much from him since he layed the eggs.
Dib: uhhhh... Hi I'm Dib Membrane, Zim's husband. Zim's been doing wonderfully, aside from the random anxiety attacks and his weekends of depression. Please come in! We have plenty of Irken friendly food and drinks ready, but remember to save some for the other guests. You two apparently aren't the only alien guests on our list.
Tallest Red: Thank you Mr. Membrane, we appreciate your hospitality. *enters with Tallest Purple*
Zim: My Tallest! I didn't expect you to be here until 10 minutes later.
Tallest Purple: see, I told you we were too early!
Tallest Red: EUGH, we could've brought the little ones Paks...
Dib: actually, we already thought of that. My Dad works at Membrane labs and designed him "Membrane Paks". They are designed to make it easier for them to identify us in a crowd, immediately begin healing if injured, ward off any diseases and illnesses, higher pain tolerance, and give them a longer life.
Zim: the only major differences are the Designs and application process. Instead of implanting electonics in abruptly, we will apply them more delicately, carefully and less painfully.
Tallest Red: hmm, I see, it would also be much easier to identify them if they ever decided to work for the Irken Empire.
Zim: i mean, you're not wrong. But I also invited here to ask for permission to retire.
Tallest Purple: retire?
Tallest Red: eumm... sure? Why not?
[1 hour later]
Dib: Dad, Gaz, the tallest, Skoodge, Tak, Tenn, Keef, Z, Zita, Clembrane, Prisinor 777 and his kids.
Dib: that seems to be about everyone, all we're missing are-
Anne: *annoyingly beating on Dib's Door* DIBDIBDIBDIBDIBDIBDIBDIBDIB!
Dib: Anne and Flish...
Dib: *opens the door, making Anne fall into the house*
Anne: Crikey, you've grown! You're 'bout as tall as Flishey now!
Flish: howdy, Dib. Sorry we couldn't make it to yer wedding last year.
Dib: it's ok, come on in you two.
Tallest Purple: oh yeah... we banished HER here too...
Tallest Red: I feel like Zim isn't our biggest concern anymore.
Anne: My Tallest! It's been YEARS! how've ya been!
Tallest Purple: good~
Anne: *gasp* OH MY GOSH! The eggs! Aw, they're absolutely precious! Zim, you oughta call yourself lucky! 'Lotta Irkens can't lay eggs y'know.
Zim: eheh, I know. Which is why I didn't fully expect it.
Dib: you should've seen him, he cried his eyes out the whole time and more.
Flish: Heha! sounds like Zim a'right. But don'cha get all concerned and stuff. It's completely normal to cry during egg laying. Er, from what I've heard at least.
Dib: it's official, everyone's here.
Tallest Purple: great!... Now what?
Dib: Um, we talk.
Tallest Purple: sounds boring.
Gaz: I have Videogames.
Tallest Purple: Ooo, sounds intriguing! What do you do?
Professor Membrane: son, may I speak with you for a moment?
Dib: sure.
Professor Membrane: let's go into the other room, ok.
Dib: *nods and walks into the bedroom*
Professor Membrane: something is wrong and I can tell.
Dib: *walks over to the bad, grabs a pillow, and screams in it*
Professor Membrane: I know your stressed, but everything will be just fine. I'm sure you and Zim will be great-
Dib: But what if we arent?! I work weekends at a coffee shop and Zim works at a clothing store in a mall. We can't provide for SEVEN babies! It took a lot of saving to get this party set up! I rarely get any tips and the one tip I got last weekend was from Gaz and it was a penny.
Professor Membrane: Ok, now that's just sad.
Dib: I don't know what to do! It's hard for me to get a different job, a barista was the closest I could do because I apparently make really good lattes. *sob*
Professor Membrane: have you ever considered working with me in the labs? You already know everyone there and know the place well. Plus, I could adjust your schedule so you don't have to come every day and you get paid just for being there.
Dib: you'd do that for me?
Professor Membrane: of course! You really do need the money, I could have you work as a lab assistant, but that's a little dangerous. I could put you in the mailing room? Or-
Dib: what about food service? I can cook, I can make coffee, tea, and plenty of different desserts.
Professor Membrane: that's a wonderful idea! I could make you work down at the cafeteria so your talent isn't wasted on Lattes!
Dib: Consider me hired! Ill be there tomorrow evening-
Professor Membrane: no no, you should stay home for a few days.
Dib: but dad, I-
Professor Membrane: Dibberson, I know you want to help out as soon as you can, but right now, Zim and your children need you here. Besides, it's hard to bond with a child while you're away, right?
Dib: I guess it is.
Anne: *Bursts through the door* Dib! It's about to happen! One of the eggs moved!
Dib: bwha?! Already?! I didn't think it would be this early! *runs to the living room*
Zim: Dib! There you are! Hurry over here, you don't want to miss this!
Dib: *looks over the pen* which one moved?
Zim: This one right here. *puts egg in lap*
Dib: When will they-
Zim: any moment now...
Dib: *puts hand on egg, feeling for any movement*
Zim: Dib, can I admit something before they hatch?
Dib: go ahead.
Zim: I knew about the eggs since the first day they began developing.
Dib: wanna know something? The 4 months before I helped you with the eggs, I was suspicious that you might've been pregnant. I was kinda right.
Zim: yes, yes you were. AH! DIB, IT'S HATCHING!
Dib: *removes hand, watching both the eggs hatch and his family grow before his eyes*
Zim: thank you, Dib
Dib: hm?
Zim: thank you for everything. I'll love you forever and on.
Dib: *pure panic* wait, you dont die after the eggs hatch, do you?
Zim: No, no I don't, but I'll love you longer than you'll ever know. And that's a promise.
From then and on, Zib and Dib lived a happy and eventful life with 7 beautiful Human-Irken Smeets.
The End
Zim: Or is it?
Dib: Not really, but for now, yes.
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rosesanthology · 4 years
Not as Bad as i thought | Matsukawa Issei x reader
Okay so i've been thinking about this scenario for a WHILE now and im,,,,,not mad at how it turned out ? Lmao y'all see for yourselves
- songs :  • savage remix by Megan Thee Stallion feat Beyonce
                 • kimi no nawa theme song
- weather association au : dusk (i dont even know if that's seen as a weather but oh well-)
[Tags] : @raevaioli asked sooooo👀 @haikoo
Tumblr media
- you weren't really sure how long you've been walking for
- you tried to recall the events from today with much difficulty as you strolled on the sideway at 4pm, still in school uniform but much messier than when you first got out of the house this morning, backpack lazily thrown over your left shoulder
- "and there goes a perfectly good weekend" you sighed, not talking to anyone in particular but yourself or maybe the occasional stray cat
- your house wasn't even close to the way you were going and you couldn't care less
- your phone had data anyway you could just search your way back in google maps (`ε´)
- plus it's not like you walked across the whole country and you already called your mom to make up some excuse
- "we'll talk when you get back." She had told you over the phone , you were pretty sure that the school had informed her of what happened
- thinking about it made you sick to your stomach so you opted on just focusing on how much of an anime MC vibe you were giving off right now instead !!!
- i mean, basically running away after school to go on unplanned walks with a messy uniform while listening to the new savage remix by Megan and Beyonce ???? Pretty badass ngl (◡︿◡✿)
- if only your balance wasn't -2/10 then maybe you could even skateboard and act like you were in an indie movie
- but back to the matter at hand
- the anger swelled up inside you as you started to think over what had happened
- you were in the midst of a chemistry class and you had been paired up with none other than your toxic ex who made you feel like crap for the most random stuff
- you were literally just vibing trying to adjust the microscope and he just HAD to shove you out of the way because, allegedly, you "didn't know how to do it", causing you to back into another girl's test tubes and bunsen burner !!!
- luckily the teacher was kind enough to aknowledge your apology and scold the girl for yelling but still !!! You were angry !! (⋋▂⋌)
- so angry that you may....have started crying in class just cause beating the living hell out of your ex was just not something you could do and not get at least detention for-
- the embarassment of it all had caused you to storm out of the school at the first chance you had, not wanting to murder your ex or anybody else if they made any comments
- you were taken out of your internal turmoil in the middle of the sidewalk by the smell of the sea and well,,,,,the sight that was literally right in front of you
- not to be sappy or basic or anything but a good sunset never failed to make your heart go doki doki from the pretty colors(●´ω`●)
- you didn't even notice time passing or the sky painting itself like that
- weird huh
- what a world we live in
- anyway you truly felt like things were meant to be at the moment you set foot on the soft sand (you'd have taken of your shoes if it wasn't for your socks preventing you from it)
- in this moment of awe you stuffed your phone and earbuds in your bag and made a run for the water !!!! Excited to see the cute riples of foam closer !!!
- and then you fell.
- and you would have been fine if it wasnt for the loud sound of someone SNORTING AND CACKLING BEHIND YOU LIKE ?????
- "Damn ive never seen anyone so eager to bite the dust !" And then laughed again !!
- ●︿●
- thats where it dawned upon you that this guy was one of the third years from your school's male volleyballl team !!!! If you remember correctly his name was Matsukawa Issei but did it really matter ???
- it was someone from school who was laughing at you ???? You Y/N L/N
- the embarassment came crashing onto you like the waves on the shore and in a second you were sobbing
 - the hot tears were rolling down your cheeks at high speed and you swore you heard Mattsun gulp when be realised what was going on
- "w-wait sorry...i didn't mean to make you cry" he didn't really know what to do so his hands were just hanging in the air as he knelt down in front of you
- ⋋_⋌ you mustered up the energy to glare at him thru your glossy eyes but really it looked as intimidating as a hamster- haha what no, the middle blocker's heart totally did NOT skip a beat with the pouty hamster + sunset color palette combination !!!! Not that you'd notice anyway
- instead of kneeling there awkwardly he opted for picking up your backpack before sitting next to you, putting his knees up to his chest and staring at anywhere but your very embarassed self
- "its not entirely your fault...." you managed to say between hiccups, "ive kinda had like....a really really bad day"
- ".....i see" i sEe HeAdAsS you should have thought about it before laughing at Y/N like that !!!
- after that you didn't really know what to do
- i mean yeah grabbing your bag, flipping him off and then going back home sounded like a tight plan but at the same time,,,,,the sound of the waves was calming and the sun was pretty   (●´ω`●)
- and little did you know that as you were too focused looking absolutly enamored with the sun itself Mattsun was looking at you trying to think about how the hell he was going to keep the conversation and the vibes going when you're just sitting there looking like THAT
- it was like that one scene in Kimi no Nawa when Taki and Mitsuba see each other for the first time sodjdisnakaka
- except that he was the only one staring but that didn't really phase him
- "you know-" ah here it comes
- he started talking so he'd have to go thru with it until the end
- he weirdly enough did NOT want you to turn to look at him because he knew that if you did the words would get caught up in his throat and- oh no you did
- oop the sand looks very interesting all of a sudden wow :0
- "you know when i have a bad day i usually come to sit here and watch the sunset"
- "okay and ?"
- "and it feels nice....like today for example, i just lost a volleyball match against some other school, Karasu-whatever you probably don't care but....after living such a hard loss it feels nice to look at the sky painted in all these colors you know ? Plus you don't have to talk so it's great it's as if you were on top of the world-"
- he was cut off by the sound of your laugh
- as you struggled to catch your breath you looked at him and smiled
- "you know you're not as bad as i thought !"
- huh
- you were definitely something :\
- spiking the ball right thru Matsukawa's chest and straight to his heart
- "My name's Y/N L/N im a 2nd year ! also don't worry i wasn't making fun of you at all i just can't believe that you exposed your simp card so proudly to someone you BARELY know"
- "well i felt bad because-"
- "it's cute (▰˘◡˘▰)"
- OH.
- you snapped him out of his daze by pointing out that your mom would be worried if you walked alone to your house at night
- "sooooo is it my cue to walk you home ?" smooth recovery from him, you must admit
- "should we get boba on the way ?" You said standing up and dusting your shirt
- "you bet."
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thelasttime · 3 years
Hey Madie! It's met a a guy online anon. Can't believe it's already July. Not sure when he is visiting yet because both our schedules are still shifting but we're already planning our dates that weekend! He always tells me how excited he is to finally meet and while we text every day, we've also been calling every night for the past week or so and ahhhh I think I've already fallen for him. It makes me feel out of my mind in a good way. He is just so so great in ways that would take me a while to list and I like how we can actually get somewhere when we have serious conversations. We also seem to have the same values, beliefs, and mindset of how we want our lives to play out.... In theory, absolutely everything works. Sometimes we talk about a future together and what kind of dogs and cats we'd get and where we'd live, but I should also say (so you know I'm still sane) we're both realistic in that we understand there is a large chance this doesn't end up working out bcs of the distance and the fact that since we're both just about to graduate college the immediate future is less certain. I just hope life is on my side on this one
oh my gosh 💙💙 wow my heart just got so big reading about this and also knowing that i've been able to see this story grow into something so beautiful since the beginning makes my heart squeeze a little bit out of love! oh my gosh, i really hope that life is on your side and i hope that everything works out the way that you want it to. i'm sending you ALL of my love
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New Girl in town
I'm the new girl in town, me and my folks don't get along real well, so im barely home. But people have been telling me that the Curtis Household is always unlocked, and that they don't mind if you stay the night.
--few days go by--
Me and my parents had got'n in a fight and kicked me out for the week. I had no where to go. So I went to the only place you know that Tim, and a bunch of other greasers have had told me about, the Curtis house hold. It was the middle of the night when I walked in quietly. I was so sleepy I didnt even think about a blanket or a pillow, I just plopped on the couch and slept.
--Next morning--
The next day I woke up to a slight 'hello' I opened my eyes hazly. To only a fogging outlining of a person when you heard that voice again... "Hellloo, you a wake??" I sat up when I realized it was an actual person and I freaked out. Then remembering people lived in that house. "Woah, calm down... I'm Ponyboy Curtis, I'm 14 also the youngest." He said in a calm voice almost soothing.
"Oh, sorry I wasn't planning on staying for ever just the night until I find somewherw else to sleep for the rest of the week... I swear..."
"WOAH, WOAH, slow down its okay you can stay here as long as you let me make this beautiful young lady some breakfast. And if anyone should be scared it should be me!!" He laughed towards the end, standing up and walking to the kitchen.
"Whys that?" I questioned.
"Because you could have been a Soc just waiting to jump us, and the fact that we have never had a girl sleep over just boys! And uh... Whats your name?" He said with no hesitation.
"Uh... duh... right forgot. Hi I'm y/n, I'm 13... Me and my parents got in a fight and kicked me out for the weekend. But breakfast would be nice thanks." I giggled.
"Y/n, uh thats an amazing name. But I know everyone in this town... you new!" He asked, while flipping pan cakes. Then yelling, "DARRY, SODA!!! BREAKFEST IS READY!!"
"Yes, I just moved here from Kansas." Darry and Sodapop just then walked in.
Soda was wrapped in a towel and nothing else on. "Well, who's this pretty lady!?!?" He said while slowly checking me out.
"Hi Soda and I'm gonna assume your Darry. Anywho I'm Y/n. And is it okay if I spend the week here. Me and my parents got in a fight and they kicked me out for a week. I am also new so you probably haven't seen you around I just moved from Kansas. And I'm 13." I stood there quietly after, in XL sweatpants, tank top, a bra, underwear, and a XXL solid black hoodie.
"Sure, why the hell not." Darry said after sitting down. "Let's eat!!"
--After Breakfast--
Darry then broken the silence by saying, "Ponyboy, why uh... why dont you take school off and you could show Y/n around the house and town. Go to the movies, or lunch something like that." Then handing Pony $10.
"Okay! I'm gonna change." He grabbed the money and looked at me , his hazel eyes met mine.
"Diddo!" I said walking towards my bag of stuff.
Pony looked at me and pulzzed said, "you have a strange vocabulary for girl." Then walked to Soda's and his room to change.
After I changed, I walked In with black and white converses, light blue jeans, a cute tank top with a wide area on the sides that showed my bra, and my jacket around your waist. "Woah, your even more beautiful then before!!" Ponyboy stared at me then looking up and down. "Shall we!?" We both walked out the door and to the side of the house where the rest of the gang was.
"Hey Ponyb... Wow who's she!!??" Two-bit asked as his goofy old self.
"Hey guys, this is y/n she's 13 and just moved here from Kansas. Y/n this is Two-bit.!
"Hey cutie!."
"We should hang out sometime!" He winked at me.
"Wow, prettiest girl that I've seen in along time!"
"And Steve is works at the DX with Sodapop, we'll go see them later though."
"Okay." I said turning back to Ponyboy.
"Damn... She sounds cute too!" Dally said.
"Thanks, and I think I'll take your offer for hanging out. How about later around 5. Pony here is gonna show me around!"
"Okay." The gang just then left and Pony started walking.
"Omg Ponyboy you're so much fun to hang out with, and so funny can you show me around again tomorrow. I have to go meet with Dally!?" I said slowly turning to him.
"Of course be home by 7 for dinner.!" He high fived me goodbye although I would much rather have had a hug but whatever. So I ran other quickly to Benny's because that where Dallas said he would be. When I got over to the house, he was sitting outside and smoking. He looked at me.
"Hey, doll! Looking good." He gave me a smirk as usual.
"Hey Dal!" I waved and ran up to sit next to him.
"So, y/n... What do you think of Pony uh?!"
I froze, "Why??"
"You... Uh... how do I put this. You blush around him a lot, and you laughed at everything he said. Come on be honest." He leaned in closer waiting for me to respond.
"Thats only because he's funny!!!"
"Oh, come on... I won't tell him!!" He gave me puppy eyes that unexpectedly worked.
"Uhmm, FINE" I squirmed in my chair at the fact I had to tell him. "Okay. I do I'm in LOVE with Ponyboy. He's so cute and smug, he's amazingly funny, huh and the way he stares at me with though hazel eyes its like a... Like a..." I couldn't believe I actually said that. I also can't believe I feel that. Our night went on.
It was 6: 30, and boy was I freaking out I couldn't wait for y/n to get home. I couldn't wait to see her. "Johnny, I think I'm gonna have a heart attack if these 30 minutes dont go by fast. UUUGGGHHH!!!!"
Johnny stared at me..."Somebody's love sick. Man, Ponyboy you really got a thing going for y/n don't ya?"
I sat up and came back with, "Gosh Johnnycake. How would you even know you didnt even spend a day with this Angel. I just want to kiss her already!!"
"Okay, man whatever you say." Johnny got up and went to the bathroom he's stay'n the night too, and for dinner.
--20 minutes go by--
It had just 7 O'Clock when y/n was home. I jumped up saying, "JUST IN TIME!!" Johnny had just gotten up from his nap and walked in.
She stared at me... "Hey Pony, oh hey Johnny!" Her smile was even beautiful.
"Oh yeah right. I forgot, Johnny is spending the night too, and having dinner with us. And is it okay if I sleep out here with you Johnny's gonna sleep in the bed with Soda tonight (soda in the background, 'hmhm')." I look at her and she paused and blushed into the color shade of a rose.
"I don't mind at all. But beware, when I get cold I snuggle with the closest thing to me." She giggled and went to go change in the bathroom.
As she walked I said, "I dont mind at all!"
--After dinner--
Johnny walked to the door and said " I'm gonna go grab something's from Dallas. Be back in a bit."
Everyone shouted, "Okay!"
When I got to Bennys I went upstairs to talk to Dal. "Hey Dallas!!"
"Hey, man was up Johnnycakes." He said roughly rubbing my head.
"We have a problem. Pony's love sick."
"Wait... What you're saying is Pony has feelings for Y/n!?!?"
"Yeah... how'd you know?!" I said puzzled.
Dally stood up. "She told me everything. How cute, funny, dreamy he is and she said it her self." Then in a girl voice said, "I"M IN LOVE WITH PONYBOY!!" Then he stared at me.
"Okay tomorrow we have to hook them up!"
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