#wow new post from me no mfing way
iamfabiloz · 1 year
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expressions practice with sillay ocs :3 I rlly like drawing their dif builds 
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flowerx-lovex · 5 years
adore 🌟🍃 -Billie Eilish fic-
This was requested by @bratyee and it was such a good ass request ✨ i blow ass bc im so mfing slow I’m sorry 🥺🥺 btw lets say your ass is on stranger things and your best friend is Clairo bc i love her ass💀 basic I know but ily
New text from:
Claire🦋: oh my god y/n have you fucking seen the interview where billie says your her celeb crush??? omfgggggg
Me: dude what??
Claire🦋: here I’ll send you the link you’re gonna flip tf out (link)
I open the link which takes me to a video of billie and an interviewer from teen vogue
It starts out with her answering questions about her music and what she plans on doing in the future and then it gets to more personal questions
“So we really want to know... who is your celebrity crush?” The interviewer asks her, Billie starts to blush and smirks a little
“Um y/n y/l/n no cap I’m serious I’ve had a crush on her ass since the very beginning of stranger things ugh she could GEETTT ITTTT” she starts laughing
“Oh my god” I say out loud, is she actually serious?
For a couple of months now, ever since ST3 came out, she’s been subtweeting/not so subtweeting about her crush on me which I’ve completely returned the favor too, I mean she’s billie fucking eilish and she’s hot as fuck of course I’m going to flirt back with her even if it’s on public social media
We haven’t talked or anything, I’ve wanted to reach out and say something but my shy ass could never
Some fans have caught on, but some haven’t, and of course the ones who haven’t certainly know now
I immediately close the video and go onto twitter to see if there is any commentary about the interview.. and of course... there is
‘Billie x y/n’ is trending on twitter, shit
I bite my lip and decide to message Claire back
Me: is this shit for real?
Claire🦋: i know it’s crazy asf you two HAVE to meet
Me: are you shitting me? how??
Claire🦋: message her on insta?? duh??
Me: oh shit lmao you right
I quickly go to Instagram but then stop myself, wait what the fuck do I even say? I don’t want to sound weird. What if I say something creepy and then she thinks I’m-
Oh shit
billieeilish: hi... so you have probably seen the interview and we are trending rn im sorry if that shit made you uncomfortable
Me: omfg no actually I’m not uncomfortable at all, I’m flattered babe really
billieeilish: are you sure?
Me: very! tbh I’ve had a crush on you since your first album came out 🥺
billieeilish: deadass? you should have said something dude!
Me: ME? omfg im shy asfff and I saw you posting shit about me why didn’t YOU say something?
billieeilish: ...lmao i was scared you’re pretty as fuck
Me: we should like go on a date or some cute shit like that... jk unlessssss
billieeilish: oh my fuck yesssss we definitely should go on a date what are you doing tomorrow??
Me: literally nothing omfg am I actually going to see your ass tomorrow?
billieeilish: do you like coffee shops? let’s go to civil coffee their shit is soooo good and no one ever goes there
Me: adore them
billieeilish: then yeah tf you are seeing my ass tomorrow im about to fall the fuck over i can’t believe I’m going to meet you
Me: aww omfg same 🥰🥰🥰 give me a time and I’ll be there babe
billieeilish: is 10am okay?
Me: it’s perfect I’ll see you there yeah?
billieeilish: of course 🖤
Holy shit this is actually happening, I’m actually going to see her
I text Claire screenshots of the chat and she is legit flipping her shit but then again so am I.
This will be very interesting
*next day*
I drive to the little coffee shop in the lowkey part of town and park in a little parking spot in front of the shop there is hardly anybody here except like 2 old peop- oh my fuck I see her, she’s in the back and she’s sitting alone, aww she looks nervous ugh and I’m already shaking, why am I shaking? She’s a human just like I am... a really cute human, who I happen to have a massive crush on shit okay just chill the fuck out, take a deep breath... let’s go
I get out of my car and take another very shaky breath
I open the shop door and hear a little ding as it opens basically telling everyone I’m here.
Billie looks up when she hears the ding, our eyes meet and she smiles really big, I smile back and wave
I quickly walk over to the table and sit across from her
She’s even prettier in person, her eyes are the most gorgeous shade of blue and she has such a calm yet bold presence, it’s hard to explain but I’m already catching major feels and we haven’t even spoken yet
“Hi i was wondering if i could get your autograph I’m a huge fan” I say jokingly, my cheeks hurt so bad from trying not to smile too hard
She bites her lip, I can see she’s also trying not to smile like a crazy person either
“I can’t believe I’m actually in front of you right now I mean shit oh my god you’re real.” She said laughing, I can see her checking me out, in a flattering way and in an analyzing way
“I hope I didn’t disappoint.” I say and wink, she shakes her head and smirks
“You’re pretty as fuck like my heart hurts oh my god I know that sounds fucking corny.” She says, she smiles and rolls her eyes
“Shush stop you’re gonna make me blush and then I’m going to get really red and ew.” I say with a smile and look away from her for a moment
We talk about a bunch of different things, her music, what she did when she was little, what I did when I was little, why I got into acting, what I think about social media, what she likes and dislikes and a bunch of other random topics. It doesn’t hit me that we’ve been talking for legit hours until I hear a phone.
It’s her phone that starts to ring, she looks at the the screen and then to me
“Oh shit it’s finneas um can you give me a second babe?” She asks me, my heart does a little jump at the nickname
“Of course.” I say with a nod and smile, she smiles back then gets up to go to the bathroom.
I wait there for a couple minutes before she comes back, she doesn’t sit down tho
“I’m so sorry but I have to go, finneas just told me that I have some dumb ass interview tomorrow and I totally forgot about it.” She tells me, my smile drops
I get up from the chair I was in so we are now a little bit closer and face to face
“Okay um do you maybe want to get together again someti-“ she cuts me off before I can finish my sentence
“Uh Fuck yessss” she says, I laugh and nod
“Okay just text me yeah.” I tell her, she nods and bites her lip
I’ve been staring at her lips the entire time we’ve been here, am I honestly THAT whipped already? It’s only been 3 hours
She notices me staring and smirks a bit
“Follow me.” She says, she grabs my hand and our fingers interlock, I follow her as we go out the back door of the coffee shop and we stop at her car
“Get in babe.” She says, I smile and feel my heart start to beat a little faster
I get inside the car and start to laugh a little “What about finneas and your interview?” I ask her still giggling
She also starts to laugh and rolls her eyes
“He’ll have to come find my ass I guess and honestly fuck that interview they just ask you the same shit over and over.” She jokes
After we both got done laughing and calmed down we then sat in a comfortable silence
I can feel the tension growing a little
I look over a little to see her hand resting on her thigh, the rings on her fingers look so good... she looks so good, I bite my lip and start feeling bold
“I honestly really like you.” I say with a slight laugh, the laugh gets cut short because I can feel her hand gently turn my face to hers, our eyes meeting, and I can feel the coldness of her rings, oh shit I’m catching fucking feelings, she rubs my cheek with her thumb and smiles
“Kiss me.. I dare you.” She teases, she licks her lips and pulls her bottom lip between her teeth
My heart is beating fast and I smirk
“And if I don’t?” I ask, she leans in to me, our lips only centimeters apart
“Pussy.” She whispers jokingly, she presses her lips to mine and starts to kiss me softly
She’s so warm and soft, my heart melts and I’m on cloud 9, I’m way too soft for her
She pulls away, both of us a little breathless
She starts to smile which causes me to also smirk a bit
“Wow I guess I really can get it huh.” I say my breath still shaking a bit
“Oh my fucking god shut up, put your seatbelt on we are going on a fucking adventure.” She starts to laugh, she sits back in her seat and turns on the car.
My cheeks are burning and I can’t stop from smiling. She gets on the road and puts on music, she turns it up as loud as she can.
I get my phone from my back pocket and video her and I singing and acting like dumb asses and post it on my insta story and tagging her.... billie x y/n is going to be trending for awhile.
im sorry if this was bad 🥴 ew and I’m so slow lmao okay anyways 💞✨✨💞💞 😌oof and she’s(the story) also long tho
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httpsung · 7 years
Seeing Day6 Live | #Day6inDet
!!Warning!! Long post ahead
Excuse me for being mushy and lame..
Honestly being able to watch Day6 perform live is a magical experience. Seeing Day6 in person.. it’s crazy the amount of emotions I felt the moment these five men walked onto that stage, it was insane. I really wish that all MyDays who really love and appreciate Day6 will be able to experience them live even if it’s just once. I’m wishing everyone the best of luck because it’s nothing like seeing your favorite people right in front of you...
October 27, 2017 was literally the best day of my life this year. It was surreal and I find my self at times throughout the day thinking “Did it really happen?” I’m going to discuss what I could recall from last night. I might post more stuff about the fanmeet later on but this it’s what’s refresh on my mind right now.
So the moment 8pm hit, the time the show was suppose to start the crowd started chanting “Day6!” over and over but the show still didn’t start and so the crowd went through all of the guys names starting with “Brian” Literally the entire venue minus me was like “Brian, Brian” but I’m like it’s YOUNG K, soon they went from Brian to Young K and it seemed to be a chanting war of both his names back and forth lol followed by everyone else’ s names.
Anyways the intro video started and Dowoon was the first person to walk out on stage and take a seat at his drums and BOY that’s when my heart started to race and I was like OH FUCK this is happening, he’s gorgeous he’s really there. Then followed Wonpil, Young K ( I think Wonpil came out before Young K I could be wrong forgive me I was trying not to loose my shit ) Jae, and last but definitely not least Sungjin. LET ME FUCKING TELL YOU when Sungjin walked out MY KNESS GOT WEAK I LITERALLY TURNED AND HELD ON TO THE BACK OF MY SEAT BECAUSE I WAS NOT READY. I was in Section 2, row L Literally right in front of where he stands on stage so he’s all I can see ( So I’m like 12 rows away from the stage? Something like that.. ) BUT ISTG Sungjin’s eyes sparkled like I’m not super close to him but I can see his eyes shining from where I’m sitting AND I shit you not I almost died.
So they performed I Wait first, I thought I was ready, I’ve watched the livestreams of the other shows before Detroit so I knew the setlist and what to get prepared for BUT YOU CANNOT PREPARE YOURSELF FOR DAY6 AT ALL. They started playing and it was so hype from start to finish, then they went on to Hunt and I’m sure most of you know the rest of the songs played before they actually sat down but even before that they kind said a few words??
Anyways the fanmeet portion began. The host came out and the translator the boys got seats and introduced themselves and I’m sorry I was one of those people who let out a louder than usual scream when Sungjin spoke like I cheered pretty loud for the other boys BUT come on... my bias introduced himself I didn’t even expect that sound to leave my throat.
So after introductions they answered some questions y’know when they pick a question a fan has asked them.. I was in awe with how adorable they were, how genuinely nice they seem and just wow I really appreciate them.
After that came a game of Bingo and I was like OH this is new because I think we’re the only stop that got the Bingo game. If I remember correctly LA & NYC had the preference game and Austin had the Wiii Boxing.
They played Bingo and if they got bingo they could draw five raffle tickets and whichever fan had that matching ticket would get a prize. They all drew one and matched with a fan, my heart was about to explode because I wanted to be picked but I also didn’t want them to see me I’m weird LMAO. I WAS LITERALLY ONE NUMBER OFF WHEN DOWOON WAS CALLING OUT HIS BOYYY. Anyways it was funny because Young K drew a ticket and no one had it so he looked sad then he had to draw again and looked happy when he finally got someone lol.
OH btw Sungjin danced to Gashina due to the number he chose for Bingo ( I forgot to mention they had to do a task that was hidden behind the number they chose ) Jae created an impromptu song AND LORD JESUS BLESS HIS VOICE, Young K’s task had everyone involved and everyone of them had to strike a pose from the option that came up which happened to be MICHAEL JACKSON so they had to do an MJ posed and Young K failed lol. Dowoon had to do a mystery box and touch something without seeing it and guess what it was THAT POOR BABY HAD TO TOUCH AN ALLIGATOR/CROCODILE IT WAS ONE OF THOSE AND I WAS LIKE OH SHIT (idk if it was truly real tho) when he realized what it was he jumped, he was cute.
Wonpil’s task was to eat a lemon and try to whistle afterward, he was cute.. I barely heard the whistle but we were all like YEAH HE WHISTLED GIVE HIM THE POINT.
This might be out of order but I remember Jae saying some really nice and encouraging stuff and talking about how he got the Kpopstar audition and that he was a political science major in college WOW.
I remember someone was like “Preach Jae” and he was so hype like ‘I’M GONNA PREACH” lmao I love him.
After the games were over they told us how we will enjoy music for the rest of the time.
They left the stage and showed the video of them in Detroit, SUNGJIN’S CUT and wow it was nice ;-;
AFTER that they came back on stage and performed You Were Beautiful and I wanted to cry on the floor but didn’t.
At the end when they did freely, I was already in the aisle and Jae did his signature jump off the stage and walk into the center thing and that’s when I got closer too and BOY what a performer... DAY6 ARE A BUNCH OF AMAZING PERFORMERS.
It all ended after that unless you had p2 hi-touch and I did... and that’s when my anxiety kicked in a little I was so nervous, I knew it was going to be a quick process because when is hi-touch ever lengthy? but I was AKJSKSKDLFLFG;GK my best friend was like you wanna go before me and I was like GIRL NO LMAO I’M ABOUT TO RUN AWAY. Our row was up  to walk on stage and here it goes, where my life was about to end.
Dowoon was first, very friendly! At first it was hard to take him in,  it was hard to take all of them in at the moment and their little actions. He was sort of leaning on the table and he really didn’t high-five but kinda grabbed my hand a little and was like “Hello, thank you!” I said thank you in return my voice was really small and high-pitched BECAUSEI WAS NOT READY FOR THIS. Next was Wonpil.... WONPIL INTIMIDATED ME SO MUCH GUYS OH MY GOD, HIS GAZE WAS STRONG AND I COULDN’T REALLY MAKE OUT HIS EXPRESSION BUT HE WAS ALSO REALLY HANDSOME, HIS FACE IS CHISELD BY THE GODS WTF Wonpil increased my nerves but his voice was so nice when he said “Hi and thank you” Next was Young K and istg I remember nothing but his smile, he was all teeth it was THE MOST BEAUTIFUL SMILE.
THEN HERE WE GO PARK SUNGJIN... MFING SUNGJIN... GRABBED MY HAND IT WAS KINDA AGRESSIVELY SOFT LIKE IS THAT EVEN A THING BUT THAT’S THE BEST WAY I CAN DESCRIBE IT. Sungjin seemed really thrilled like so bubbly, He said “Thank you for coming” and I said it back though I wanted to say I love you, I wanted to say that to all of them but I choked.
ISTG I’M NOT EVEN TRYING TO BE BIASED but his grip on my hand lingered and I was crying in my head. I was so stunned about everything that Jae ALMOST became a blur I say almost because I was like still trying to process Sungjin and our hand separating that when Jae ALSO grabbed my hand and leaned into my view and JESUS CHRIST HE’S SO PRETTY He was like “Ayeee, thanks for coming” I did say thank you but oh my god I was not ready for Sungjin or Jae... HI TOUCH WAS A SHORT SPECIAL EXPERIENCE BUT WITH JAE AND SUNGJIN INTERACTING WITH THEM STOOD OUT THE MOST WITH ME
Afterward we exited the venue I was still stunned like did that all happen??? I kept saying stuff like that all the way to my airbnb with my best friend and then when we made it to the front door everything I had been feeling throughout the whole show and hi-touch came out of me at once and I started crying akskdlf
I never expected to fall so hard for Day6, they’re amazing, they make amazing music... there’s not a single song I dislike. I love how hard working they are and I love how hard they’ve worked this year giving their fans their all. I’ve been a solid fan for 6 1/2 months  and honestly stanning them is one of the best decisions I’ve made in my life, they’re literally like home, the MyDay fandom is one of the best with such kind people and I’m grateful to be able to experience loving Day6 with them.
Anyways I do have videos hardly no picture because I’m a video kind of gal so I will be posting a few soon, once I go through them all lol and stuff.
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