#no One killed him he just drowned in a flood tragic
iamfabiloz · 1 year
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expressions practice with sillay ocs :3 I rlly like drawing their dif builds 
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tobiasdrake · 11 months
Uncovering the full truth behind case 1 left me with mixed feelings. The full truth behind case 2 left me heartbroken and emotionally shattered. The full truth behind case 3 leaves me facepalming.
Fuck this guy, man.
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They're trying to give him this vibe of "Yes, I did the murder, but I am actually a tragic victim seeking the only justice that exists in an unjust society," thing like they did for the previous two cases.
But. Like. His motive is that he gave up on liberation, opting instead to rob the bank and then skedaddle. And y'know what? I would grant him that. That's fair. You do you, man. Typically, a bank's money is insured, so it's not like he's robbing real people. There is little relationship between what you have in your account balance and what the bank has in their vault.
But he also shot Shachi for no reason. Utterly pointless. Contributes absolutely nothing to his robbery plan; In fact, he had to add so many extra steps to the plan just to pull off this pointless murder that it ultimately revealed him. We weren't here for the bank money; We were here for the murder. Had he simply robbed the bank and ran, he'd get off scot free.
He got himself caught because he wanted to kill Shachi for funsies. That makes it supremely difficult to offer him the same level of sympathy I had for the Priest or the Theater Trio.
Y'know, this is specifically why bank robbers try extremely hard not to kill people. You rob a bank, you have a fair shot of getting away with it. There's a limit to how much anyone cares when a small percentage of a rich person or organization's wealth goes missing. It's not that big a deal. But once blood has been spilled, the case takes on a whole new level of severity.
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Oh, yeah, go right ahead. Have fun. No complaints out of me this time. Fuck him.
Anyways, now that we've remote-murdered an asshole, I still have no idea how we're going to avoid being made into straws. We don't even have a nearby corpse for Shinigami to puppet and do her, "By the way, I came back to life to confess my crimes, OKAY DYING AGAIN!" shtick.
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...okay, I was going to make a joke about shoving the least likable member of our group at them and running while they're busy murdering that person. The whole, "You don't have to outrun the bear, you can just outrun the guy next to you" bit.
But the only people with us are Fubuki and Kurumi. I like Fubuki and I've come around on Kurumi. We don't have anyone here who's truly expendable. Yuma, I think you might actually have to be the one to bite this bullet.
Fubuki, Kurumi, run like hell while Dominic is busy breaking Yuma in half with his bare hands.
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Wait, what?
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Oh ho ho ho you guys are in deep shit right now. Halara's about to choke out Dominic with his own spine.
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Oh, Desuhiko! I was just talking about you a moment ago. Your timing couldn't be more perfect. Okay, guys. Plan is to shove Desuhiko at them and then run like hell!
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I think Halara's going to drown you in the flooded district if you try to take credit for their work like that.
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Nah, man, that's fair. I felt the same way about you. Thanks for bringing us Servan and, uh, Icardi's corpse. <.< Sorry about that. Accomplished absolutely nothing by killing this man. >.> But I knew Servan had to be involved too!
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Honestly, he's better off. Not living to enter CTU custody is probably for the best.
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Once again, it's not like the Peacekeepers care that much about innocent or guilty. But Halara just beat the shit out of Guillaume's random Stormtrooper, so I think the threat of violence from a Shonen Action Warrior is going to carry us out of here.
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Hold up, you didn't know about the bank robbery but you were in the boat helping Icardi rob the bank? Okay, man. However you want to spin this.
I can believe you didn't know about Shachi's murder because a) it's so random and unnecessary and b) the Mystery Labyrinth never pegged you as involved with that. If you helped plan Shachi's death, you'd be dead too right now.
But I have a hard time believing that your involvement was solely limited to bomb-manufacturing.
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That's definitely it, Desuhiko. Y'know what? We're all going to head out, but you should stay here and shoot your shot. Go for it, man. This is your moment. I believe in you.
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denimbex1986 · 10 months
'After more than 13 years off our screens, one of the Doctor's most beloved companions is returning to Doctor Who - Donna Noble, as played by Catherine Tate.
Donna first appeared in the 2006 episode Doomsday, and went on to become a fan favourite, before having one of the most tragic fates of any of the Doctor's companions.
She is now set to return in The Star Beast, Wild Blue Yonder and The Giggle, three specials to celebrate the show's 60th anniversary, which also see David Tennant returning, this time as the Fourteenth Doctor.
But just what did happen during Donna's previous tenure on the show? How did she come into the Doctor's life and how was she so cruelly snatched away from it?
Read on for everything you need to know about what has happened to Donna Noble in Doctor Who thus far.
How did Donna first meet the Doctor?
Catherine Tate's Donna Noble first appeared at the end of Doctor Who's season 2 finale, Doomsday, when she suddenly appeared in the TARDIS wearing a wedding dress.
In The Runaway Bride, we found out that the temp from Chiswick had been getting married on Christmas Day, to man called Lance, who she'd met six months ago at work.
Together, the Doctor and Donna discovered that she had been drawn to the TARDIS because of a chemical reaction in her body, caused by Huon particles she had unwittingly ingested in liquid form.
She was being poisoned by her Lance, who was working with the Empress of the Racnoss. A ship full of her Racnoss children was buried at the centre of the Earth, after the planet formed around them Millenia ago.
The particles were intended to set them free, but the Doctor flooded the pit, stopping the Empress's plans. Donna saved him when it seemed he wouldn't leave, and would be trapped inside and drowned. Lance, meanwhile, was killed by the Empress.
The Doctor offered Donna the opportunity to travel with him, but she said that she couldn't live his life of danger and adventure. She planned to travel the world, and the two thought they would never see each other again. How wrong they were...
How did Donna and the Doctor reunite?
Over a year later, in the episode Partners in Crime, we learned that Donna had never properly travelled the world, and had instead spent a lot of her time searching for the Doctor, looking to take him up on his offer.
Through a series of coincidences (and a mystery to solve) the pair were reunited to stop Miss Foster's plans to use the Earth as an Adipose breeding ground.
Donna told the Doctor she had changed her mind and off they went, travelling through time and space.
Throughout their following adventures, the Doctor would notice a host of coincidences which seemed to be drawing the pair together. He overlooked them, but they would soon pay off in a big way.
Why did Donna stop travelling in the TARDIS?
In Journey's End, the season 4 finale, things seemed hopeless. The Earth had been stolen by the Daleks and placed in a pattern with 16 other planets to create a Reality Bomb, which cancelled out the electrical field binding atoms, destroying anything in its path. Davros planned to use it destroy the entire universe.
A Dalek had also shot the Doctor, causing him to begin the regeneration process. However, after healing himself entirely but before changing his appearance, he had siphoned the remaining energy off into his spare hand, which had been cut off by the leader of the Sycorax during a battle on Christmas Day years before (as seen in The Christmas Invasion).
He had grown another hand at the time, as he was still recovering from his previous regeneration, and the spare hand had been collected by Captain Jack Harkness.
In the aftermath of the half-regeneration, the Daleks captured the TARDIS, containing the Doctor, Donna, Rose Tyler and Captain Jack, and brought it aboard their ship.
As they exited the TARDIS, Donna found herself momentarily drawn back into it by the sound of a heartbeat. Then, the doors slammed shut.
The Daleks then plummeted the TARDIS into the heart of their ship, The Crucible, intending to destroy it, with Donna left inside.
However, when all seemed lost, Donna found herself drawn to the Doctor's spare hand. She touched it and a regeneration light enveloped both her and it. The hand burst from its cage and out of it grew another Doctor! The new Doctor transported the TARDIS to safety, but the others thought it destroyed.
The new Doctor revealed that when Donna had touched his hand, she had created a biological metacrisis, from which he had grown. He was also influenced by Donna, picking up some of her voice, and only had one heart, revealing him to be half human, half Time Lord. The Doctor theorised this had been somehow destined from the beginning.
Later, the new Doctor and Donna revealed themselves to the others, and Donna was zapped with electrical energy by Davros. This unlocked regeneration energy, which had fed back into her and made Donna half human, half Time Lord as well - the DoctorDonna.
She now had some of the Doctor's voice and his intelligence, and using her own human initiative and newfound smarts was able to stop Davros and the Daleks' plans.
It was revealed that this had all been influenced by Dalek Caan, a rogue Dalek who had saved Davros but had since become disillusioned with him and the entire Dalek race. He had therefore manipulated the timelines to ensure Donna was always in the right place at the right time for this to happen.
With the Daleks stopped, the Doctor and Donna returned the planets to their rightful places and dropped all of his friends back home. They also left the new Doctor in a parallel world, with Rose.
Then, tragedy struck. As Donna started to repeat her words and struggle to get her thoughts together, the Doctor revealed the truth - that the reason there had never been a human-Time Lord metacrisis before was because it wasn't possible. The information inside her head was too much and it was burning her up.
In order to save her life, the Doctor had to wipe Donna's memories; not just of the metacrisis, but of himself, the TARDIS and all of their adventures together.
The Doctor dropped her back at home with her grandad Wilf and her mum Sylvia, and told them that they had to stop her from remembering at all costs - if she ever remembered him or anything they did together, her mind would burn and she would die.
He said goodbye to Donna as he left, but she didn't have any sense of who he was.
When did we last see Donna?
We picked up again with Donna some time later, in the Tenth Doctor's swan song, The End of Time Parts 1 and 2.
In those episodes, Wilf was being plagued by visions, and so set up a group of friends to search for the Doctor, while Donna was planning for her second wedding, this time to a man named Shaun Temple.
Wilf managed to find the Doctor, but he warned again that Donna must not remember. Wilf went on to aid the Doctor in a new fight against the Master.
As the Master set his plan into motion to turn every human into him, Donna, along with Wilf, was one of the only ones who didn't, but she started to remember her adventures.
Her mind started to overload, but it turned out the Doctor had left her with a defence mechanism, which allowed her to wipe out some of the Masters in close range and then fall asleep, forgetting all that she had started to remember.
After facing off against the Time Lords and the Master, and seeing the human race reverted back to normal, Wilf signalled the Doctor's demise with four knocks.
The Doctor saved Wilf from a radiation chamber which was about to get flooded, but in doing so took it on himself, meaning he would soon die.
However, he took the opportunity for a series of goodbyes, including visiting Donna and Shaun's wedding. There, out of sight from Donna, he gifted her, via Sylvia and Wilf, with a lottery ticket he had bought in the past, using money given to him by Donna's late father.
With a final salute from Wilf, the Doctor left, and never saw Donna again. That is, until The Star Beast...'
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beels-burger-babe · 2 years
Nothing Left to Pay
*** Here we are! The third and final installment in the Dark Mage Solomon series! Thank you guys for the crazy amount of love you've been giving this. I absolutely adored writing it and it has been so so touching to have you guys by my side for this! Without further ado, let's do this! -B***
Summary: MC has been returned, brought back to safety, and Solomon has been left behind. The world moves on, but MC and everyone else is learning just how hard "moving on" can really be.
Part 1, Part 2
CW: Panic Attack
Ceaseless, agonizing, throbbing.
Solomon groaned as he slowly blinked open his eyes and rolled onto his back. He tried to lift his head, but groaned as the ringing in his ears only grew louder.
"Fuck," he cursed as his head thudded against his hard wood floors. "What happened?" He mumbled to himself — His arm draped over his forehead as he turned his head to look in one of the many mirrors that were scattered around his house.
Silver eyes locked onto one another,
and the bubble keeping him blissfully ignorant burst.
Solomon gasped as he shot up. "MC! Oh no. No, no, no. Shit!" he tripped on his long, spindly legs as he scrambled to his feed, running desperately towards your room. He barely recognized the stairs or the direction he was fleeing as his mind drowned from the memories of the past two months flooding his brain.
He skidded to a stop as he slammed open your bedroom door and found not a soul in sight. His chest heaved, up and down, as his heart ran circles within his ribs.
You were gone.
They had taken you. The angels had taken you from him.
He shook his head as he blindly began to tear apart the room, searching desperately for any sign of you or of where you could've been taken. He ripped a drawer from your dresser. He swore under his breath as nothing but clothes and splinters of wood scattered across the floor.
Why? Why would they do this?
You were safe! You were with him, after all, and he was the strongest mage there had ever been and ever will be. He could make a hundred demons bow before him with a snap of his fingers. He-
He froze as his eyes fell to an empty glass you had left on your bedside table.
He had nearly killed you.
A hand clasped around his mouth as he weakly stumbled back. Somewhere, in all his overwhelming desire, his obsession, to protect you and keep you safe, he had done what he swore to never do, and he hurt you.
His hands trembled as his breath caught in his throat. Images of you, your face scrunched up in fear and disgust flashed behind his eyes. The sounds of your screams wailed in his ears.
He did this. He caused all of this.
He needed to find you and apologize.
Solomon quickly tried to shake off his panic and raised a hand to summon a portal.
The room sat still.
The wizard frowned and tried again, squinting his eyes this time. Once more, nothing happened. Solomon growled in frustration and rolled up his sleeves. "WORK! You stupid spell! Of all times why choose now to ... to ..." he trailed off as his eyes dragged over the skin on his arms — the clean, barren skin.
He swallowed thickly as tears welled in his eyes. "No," he breathed. "Please, fuck, no. This ... This is a nightmare. I'm dreaming this isn't," he pinched his arm. "Wake up." He pinched harder. "Wake up!" He slapped himself across the face. "WAKE UP DAMMIT!"
There was nothing left.
His magic. You. His pacts. It was all gone.
Solomon curled on himself, his body shaking fiercely as a hundred different emotions took over him.
A screech, with all the power and grief of the even the most tragic of Banshees, spilled out from the manors windows and painted the skies with the wizard's pain.
"When I went to stand up, I noticed I was feeling week, a-and that's when I realized he had done something to my drink. I passed out not too long after that," you whispered as you felt Asmodeus's arms tighten around you.
It had taken hours to get everyone to calm down, and even longer to explain everything that had happened.
You were now in the living room, seated in Asmo's lap as the demon nestled as closely to you as possible — his tears silently soaking the back of your shirt. The other brothers were surrounding you at every angle, giving you just enough room to look at contemplative Diavolo and Barbatos.
Diavolo frowned deeply as you told your story, his hands clenching and unclenching as you reached certain climaxes. His shoulders slumped with a heavy sigh as you finished explaining your side of things. "I am so sorry you had go through that, MC. I never would've thought ..."
"None of us did," Luke mumbled from where he and Simeon stood behind the prince. The young angel was clinging tightly onto his superior, showing his true youth more than ever before. "He ... He was supposed to be our friend."
A heavy, mournful silence filled the room at the admission. It was true. Solomon or at least the Solomon they had all once known as a friend. He'd help them whenever they found themselves stuck in some kind of magical mischief. He'd offered to make dinner for them countless times. He tutored Mammon during exams and would bring back anime merch for Levi from the human world. He was one of the few people that Asmodeus would allow himself to relax with, and who never once judged the brothers on their sins. Sure, they had always been skeptical of his intentions, but never once did any of them imagine he was capable of this.
Asmodeus scoffed as he lifted his face from your shoulder. "He's a monster. I don't care what that man says or tries, he will never ever be considered anything close to friend again," you gently squeezed his hand as the demon's voice grew tight.
Barbatos nodded sympathetically. "And we don't expect you to," his face grew solemn once more as he turned back to the angels. "I believe that the two of you can fill in the gap in MC's story?"
Luke's face paled at the suggestion — his ears still ringing from the sounds of Solomon's screams that he had caused. He opened and closed his mouth several times before Simeon placed a hand on his shoulder and stepped forward. "Solomon sent out a prayer."
Belphegor's nose scrunched in disgust as he crossed his arms over his chest. "He doesn't look like the praying type."
A sad smile climbed onto Simeon's expression as he locked eyes with the demon. "Any person desperate enough will cry out just to be heard. Solomon, for all his power and immortality, is still a person," his eyes slid back over to Barbatos. "When we arrived, he was ..." He hesitated as he glanced back over at you, and pursed his lips. "Is it, perhaps, not the best idea to recount this with MC still present?"
Everyone paused as they looked back at you. You continued to stare straight at Simeon, your eyes void of any emotion, lips a thin straight line, as you nodded. "Say it. I want to know."
Hesitance still clouded Simeon's judgment as he turned to Lucifer with a questioning gaze. The eldest huffed, "I'd rather they not leave our sight at the moment anyways. If they say they can handle it, let them stay."
The angel pursed his lips once more before continuing. "He was hunched over their unconscious body, mumbling to himself and trembling as he sobbed. I'd never seen him look so distraught before,"
You hated how easily you could picture that. As much as part of you hated Solomon for everything that he did, you still couldn't escape the flicker of sympathy and fondness that still yearned for the friend you once had in him. Part of you knew that everything that Solomon did, he did out of some demented, twisted version of love. You remembered how in the early weeks of your captivity he had gently walked you through the numerous panic attacks that you'd frequently endure, all while maintaining a comfortable distance. You remembered how he'd sit down across from you during every meal and give you his undivided attention as he softly told you about his day and described any of the beautiful sights or discoveries that he had stumbled upon.
It hurt to admit. It hurt to remember.
And regardless of the bitter resentment that darkened your view of him, it hurt to imagine that tender, love-sick man broken — crumbling to pieces at the consequences of his actions.
"I tried to demand answers from him, but only made him defensive, which in turn made Luke angry. He tried to attack Luke. As much as I hate that it happened, it gave me the chance to finally swoop in and take MC from him."
You inhaled sharply as your eyes snapped over to Luke, taking in his unblemished form.
Another person had almost gotten hurt — Another friend. Your hands fisted in your lap.
"He finally explained what the charm he applied to them was supposed to do," Simeon clenched his jaw as his eyes hardened. "As I said earlier. It's a potion that puts MC into a state where they can feel safe," his face scrunched up in distaste, as though just saying the words left a horrible taste on his tongue. "When I explained to him that it was exactly that, and the fact that MC couldn't feel safe around him that put them into their comatose state, he began to spiral even more," Luke tensed beside Simeon knowing what came next and clenched his eyes shut as he held his head down in guilt. " We knew action needed to be taken. Luke stripped Solomon of his pacts and magical abilities, promptly knocking him unconscious, while I tended to MC."
Your breath caught in your throat as the words acted like Medusa's gaze on your heart. "Y-You," you breathed as tears collected in the corners of your eyes. "Y-You got rid of his pacts? He ca-can't cast spells anymore?"
Luke nodded as he finally opened his eyes once more. "H-He won't be able to hurt you anymore," there was a certain confidence in his tone even as his voice trembled alongside his hands. "I made sure of it."
Mammon growled from your right, "He deserves a hell of a lot worse for what he put you and Asmo through,"
Diavolo tilted his head at the statement, "Yes. He did break a number of the agreements listed in the exchange contract," you flinched as Diavolo's golden eyes — all too similar to the golden eyes that had stalked your every movement — lit up like an inferno. "A personal offence such as this deserves a much more personal punishment."
Simeon's eyes narrowed at the statement. "As upset as I'm sure we all are about what has transpired, Solomon has already received his just awards," he stood taller as Luke cowered behind him with large, panicking eyes. "To let Solomon live the immortal life he's already subjected himself to, free of any and all of his powers, is more than punishment enough!"
Lucifer snarled as he rose to his feet, "And as I said earlier, you are not the one who gets to be the judge of that! It was our pacts that were lost because of him! It was our brother who was manipulated and taken advantage of! It was us who experienced every ounce of pain that he subject MC to in just the first day!" His lips curled back to bare his pointed teeth as he stood nose to nose with the angel. "Do not tell me what is and is not good enough for that worthless swine."
Barbatos, ever the all-knowing-peacekeeper was between the two of them in an instant. "Stand down, Lucfier. Your fight isn't with the angels."
You blinked as you tried to process the words Lucifer had shouted. Your mind slowly began to drift from your body as your breathing came out in shaky pants. Your distant eyes fixed on Beelzebub's concerned ones. "L-Lost?" you whimpered, causing the room to fall silent. "What does he mean lost? W-We can just make new ones, right? This ... There's no way that they're ..."
Asmodeus's grip around you tightened as Beel looked at you, both lost for an explanation and too afraid of the truth in the words that needed to be said.
You jumped as Satan placed a hand on your shoulder and carefully met your eyes. "We ... Demons can only make a pact with the same human once," you couldn't recognize yourself shaking your head at the words as denial filled your mind. "It's i-impossible for us to make another pact with you ... not after what he did." he rumbled as his expression slipped into momentary wrath.
"We should've fought harder against him," Leviathan whimpered as he clung onto your arm. "W-We could feel our connections slowly tightening, a-a-and we were just helpless! I've never felt so useless in my life. We didn't know where you were, and in that moment, i-it felt like we never would again."
Their words did nothing to comfort you. If anything, it only added to the building, all-consuming panic that was beginning to pulse through your veins.
"This is exactly what I was talking about," Lucifer spat, his eyes not moving from Simeon. "I'm not asking for your permission, or any of yours. I am telling you that Solomon will not be allow to breathe another breath in peace once I find him."
Your pacts were gone. Even if you had the brothers beside you ... Even if you were here in the Devildom ... You had no power anymore. You were just as weak as Solomon wanted you.
"Why is it always the same with you demons?! You always jump to mauling or death as punishment! Not everything has to end in violence! He's already going to be miserable enough!" Simeon finally snapped, his celestial origin shining brighter than ever before.
What if someone else came after you? You knew it was inevitable. How many brushes with death had you encountered in the last year alone? It was only by the grace of your pacts and your connection with the demons, and Solomon, that you survived. What would happen now?
Was Solomon right? Were you never safe here?
"Why are you taking this so lightly?!" Belphie piped in as he joined Lucifer's side. "You talk about us demons as though it wasn't you angels who started a war against us for something as innocent as loving a human! And now you dare to defend one for their crimes?"
The voices grew louder and louder around you as your heart pounded wildly within your ribs and stole the breath from your lungs.
You wanted to go back. You wanted things to be the way they were before. You couldn't stay like this. You can't.
"Fuck," Asmodeus swore behind you as he finally caught on to your panicked state. "MC?" he questioned as he lightly turned you to face him. He frowned at the sight of your unregistering eyes and wheezing breaths. "MC, can you hear me?" He cupped your face as your wide eyes continued to stare right past him. He cursed under his breath and pulled you close to cover your ears as he looked at the others. " HEY! We have more important matters to deal with at the moment than all you digging up the past if you could shut the fuck up and clue in, we have a situation!" In an instant, all eyes were on you as Asmo pulled you back to look at you once more.
Your lips were moving but no sound left them as your eyes darted around the room. "MC, please," Asmo begged as he squeezed your hands. "Focus on me. It's Asmo. You're okay. You're safe."
"No," everyone's hearts clenched at the fractured word. "Never. Not. C-Can't," your chest heaved as tears began to drip down your cheeks. "I c-can't. Can't."
Asmo flinched back at your words, hurt filling his expression as Mammon quickly moved to take his place. "None of that human," he gently cooed as he cradled your face, you winced at his word choice. "It's alright. We're here. We ain't going anywhere. We've got you. We're gonna protect ya, alright?"
You whimpered as you shook your head frantically and struggled out of Mammon's hold. "You can't! It doesn't work. Never worked. Not safe. Not safe!" You squeezed your eyes shut as you hands made their way to your hair.
Satan cursed from beside you and shoved Mammon back. "Give them space. They're spiraling. We need to get them to breathe and ground them."
Mammon slapped the hand away and glared at his brother. "So we just let them continue freaking themself out?!" He shouted as he gestured angrily over to you.
"I believe now is not the time for family bickering," Barbatos snapped sharply as he approached the group. "It was fighting that triggered this in the first place. They-"
You couldn't make out anything else as the sound of your blood thrumming through your skull pulsed behind your ears. You wheezed as you tugged at you hair and calmped your arms down tightly over your ears.
It was too much. You needed this stop. Go back.
Please just go back.
Suddenly your breath hitched as your body stilled. Everyone took an anxious step toward you as a faint shimmer washed over your body and you suddenly became relaxed.
You blinked slowly at Asmodeus as the concerned demon frantically looked you over in confusion. "Um ... Asmo? Is everything okay?"
It was Asmodeus's turn to blink at you in shock as his perfectly-plucked eyebrows furrowed in confusion. "Is everything- MC are you serious?"
A cold feeling settled into all of their stomachs as they saw nothing but pure genuine bewilderment on your expression and realized that you were, in fact, serious.
"MC," Satan began softly as he moved to sit beside you and the others. "We were all discussing what happened with Solomon and you ... Well things got out of hand and you had an panic attack."
To everyone's surprise your disoriented frown only grew deeper. "Who's Solomon?"
No one moved.
"What?" Luke whispered in disbelief.
"Who's Solomon? Why are you guys looking at me like that?" You repeated as you squirmed under the heavy tension of everyone's stare.
No one breathed.
Leviathan turned to Lucifer with all the desperation of a child seeking their parent. "Wha- What's happening? Is this some kind of sick joke?"
Diavolo pushed his way forward, his face more serious than you had ever seen it, as he looked at you. "What does the name Solomon mean to you?"
You frowned at the concern that was practically dripping from his strangely firm voice. "I think there was something about him in the Bible? I don't know."
No one even blinked
Diavolo nodded in slow consideration. "Alright. And what about pacts? Do you remember anything at all about what we just told you about your pacts? Or what you went through throughout the past two months?"
You looked at the others like they were crazy. "What do you mean? What's wrong with my pacts?"
The prince opened his mouth to speak once more but was interrupted as Lucifer stumbled over to you and quickly took your face into his hands. You yelped as he tilted your chin up, obsidian eyes scanning your face desperately. "Ah- Luci? Y-You're a little close."
The demon just ignored as he brushed your hair away from your forehead. His breath hitched, eyes growing in pure disbelief as he suddenly and desperately began to pull up your shirt sleeves, yank down the collar of your shirt, and glance down your back.
You squeaked as you harshly shoved Lucifer away and glared at him. "Oi! Peeping tom! Keep your hands to yourself and tell me what is going on!"
"They're back," Lucifer uttered, no longer addressing you, but the others. "A-All of their pacts. I don't know how, b-but."
Leviathan tsked as he shook his head, pointedly not looking at you — refusing to allow himself to get his hopes up. "That's impossible. Once the pact is gone, it doesn't come back."
Barbatos let out a hum of contemplation as he peered over at you, and the colorful pact marks, once more in their rightful place, that Lucifer had revealed. "A charm that puts them in a state where they feel safe." Everyone's heads whipped over to the butler. "MC didn't feel safe without their pacts so ..."
"It brought them back," Simeon finished in shock.
Just like that, you suddenly found yourself tackled by the twins, and a bawling Asmodeus.
As confused as you were, it didn't take a genuis to see that whatever was happening had taken a huge toll on your boys. You slowly wrapped your arms around them and looked desperately at Diavolo as they clung to the spot where their mark resided and soaked in the comforting thrum of their magic in your veins.
You had no idea what was going on. One minute you were panicking about something, though you couldn't for the life of you remember what, the next you were as you are now: relaxed and lost in the emotional chaos happening around you. It was strange. You felt like you should be more worried, or worked up, or anything to match the high levels of concern, grief and now relief pouring off the supernatural entities in the room, but you couldn't. Your thoughts remained stubbornly at ease with everything happening around you.
"Obviously I'm missing something," you stated plainly as Asmo sniffled against your neck. "Can someone please explain?"
"Not now," Beel whispered against you as he held you tightly. "Just ... We'll explain everything in a bit."
Belphie hummed in agreement as he nuzzled against his mark. "Let us be selfish and just hold you for a minute."
Lucifer, Mammon, Leviathan and Satan watched the group from a distance with the others. Their brows furrowed as you reluctantly let the topic drop — the, what would've been, adorably bewildered expression not once leaving your face.
"I don't like this," Mammon mumbled to them, hands gripping tightly onto his own arms from where they crossed over his chest. "I mean, yeah, it's amazin' that the pacts are back and I'm thankful as fuck, but ..."
Satan nodded, "The implications of that and what just happened aren't nearly as nice. If that charm could put them into a coma, erase the memory of an extremely traumatic event and person, and do the impossible by bringing back their pacts, there's no saying what else it could do if MC was ever put in a life-threatening situation again."
Luke frowned and glanced over at you as he fidgeted with his hands. "D-Do you ... Do you think it could kill them?"
Barbatos gently placed a hand on the younger angel's shoulder. As he looked down at Luke, his gaze wasn't soft or comforting as it perhaps should've been, but rather serious and remorseful. Luke's breath caught in his throat at just the sight. "We don't know enough about it yet to say. Assumably, as the charm is meant to keep them safe, it shouldn't but ..."
"It's already been proven that this 'safety' is by MC's definition." Lucifer huffed. "We'll have to keep a close eye on them until we can break it."
Simeon cocked an eyebrow at the statement, peering over at the demon. "And do you think that's possible? Breaking the charm, I mean. Solomon is a powerful wizard on his own, but with those pacts," he let out a shaky breath as he shook his head. "He was unlike any creature I've ever seen."
Diavolo took in the angel's words. He stood strong and stern, his mouth fixed in a strange frown as his soft eyes carefully kept watch over you and the younger brothers. "Solomon may have been powerful, but he would've had all the pacts in the world and still be alone with the way that he chose to live his life. MC has something he will never have," The prince smiled as looked over to Lucifer. "They have a family."
His smile grew slightly more solemn as he turned to Simeon. "I trust you, Simeon. You may not always be the perfect angel, but you are a good person," The angel's eyes widened as his lips parted for inaudible words. " I trust you. If you say that Solomon is taken care of, I trust that he is no longer a threat to MC or anyone else."
"But-" Levi tried to cut in, only to get stopped by Diavolo raising a hand.
"However," he continued, his voice dropping dangerously as his golden eyes hardened. "If I hear a single word about him causing any kind of trouble or interacting with my people again-"
"Then I'll bring him here myself," Simeon finished, his voice equally as cold. "And you and the others will be free to do whatever you please."
Diavolo hummed, his smile returning, revealing his deadly canines. "Then we have an agreement. As for the charm, we have nine of the most powerful demons in the Devildom and two extremely talented angels on our side. I imagine there isn't much we aren't able to do when we work together, wouldn't you agree Lucifer?"
Without taking his eyes away from your sheepishly smiling self, his mark practically sparkling in its proper place as you were smothered in the arms of his family, Lucifer couldn't help but smile. "Yes. I suppose you're right."
It was hard to say what the future held. The charm held a number of threats and worries that none of them could ever predict. Solomon was still out there somewhere and though he may not have power now, it was only a matter of time before he found an alternate solution. The brothers' were all healing from an event that you had no memory whatsoever about. Things were a mess.
You were home. At least for now, you were safe. And most importantly, you were all together again.
And the brothers' supposed that for now that would be enough.
***Thank you all so so much for coming on this crazy journey! I do hope you all enjoyed it! This was both frustrating, sad, and so beautiful to write, but I hope you all love it as much as I do. Thank you all for the love and support that you constantly amaze me with. Remember to keep loving and supporting each other! -B***
@thegrimgrinningghost @henry-and-the-seven-lords @satans-beloved-riv @cosmixbun @sufzku @obey-mes-treasure @kissed-by-a-dementor @justtiarra @mammoneybb @poly-bi-mf @burrixino @rul-of-demise @pumpkins-mainside-blog @acousticpen @sucker-for-angst-and-fluff @itskrispy @10paradox10 @vallison-rea @ivoryclive @newfangled-artistry @pumpkinpatchkid @chirikoheina @sailboat21 @avatar-mikazuki @reshi-galaxy @tootiredtodoanything @silentw-lker @firecatvariant @rsmrymnt-tea @wartombs @candymeowz @luvsbugs @lorkai @splashporpoise @lucidreamsxx @hobin-gnoblin @mutiachan @mymelodynumber1fan @infinnityverse @todoroses @big-bundle-of-little-mistakes @bunna-does-stuff @simpinginthecorner
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fuckingthefictional · 3 years
Hi! I would like a request about Derek from teen wolf, please. The reader is trying to approach him, taking care of him "because Derek is too busy taking care of the others", BUT IT'S BEING SO HARD because of all of his past. Derek and the reader argue one night because of the overprotective nature of the reader about him, and when she tries to leave the loft, completely upset with Derek, he tries to fix things between them. Could you do this with a lot of angst and, then, tons of fluff? Thanks!
Pairing: Derek Hale x Reader
Warnings: Angst bbyyyy, and some fluffy goodness at the end, not checked over (so probably a crap ton of spelling errors)
A/N: hello hope you enjoy, sorry it took forever! I’m so busy with work, college and personal issues that writing has been put on the back-burner.
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When the name Derek Hale was mentioned- one immediately thought of the broody, salty, sarcastic young man who lived by himself after the tragic Hale house fire.
Nobody would ever associate the name Derek Hale and caring. It just wasn’t in his nature. Because under no circumstances could Derek be remotely kind, caring or soft in any way possible.
That’s what people thought of Derek. But not you- or the majority of the pack for that matter.
Yes, you saw where others came from with their ideas and judgement (Derek’s lack of colour in his wardrobe obviously didn’t help either).
But to you when you heard the name Derek Hale, you immediately thought of the kind hearted man who would give up anything for the safety of his friends and family (as much as he claimed otherwise).
You knew him differently, you knew him like the back of your hand. You knew that his favourite food was Spagetti Carbonara without the mushrooms, that he didn’t like Coca Cola, that he secretly loved watching trashy tv shows like keeping up with the kardashians, and most importantly that he was running himself ragged.
He had bitten off more than he could chew when it came to helping everyone out. He was the one giving lifts and helping with homework and hosting pack nights, and handling Isaac’s nightmares, all of this happening at the same time as some supposed lizard creature being on the loose.
You had been ignored by Derek Hale for approximately 72 hours. Now this wouldn’t be bad if it weren’t for two things.
1. He wasn’t aware that he was actively ignoring you.
2. The idiot wasn’t your husband of 2 years.
Over 68 hours ago you hadn’t minded, you had even brushed the silence and distance off- knowing that Derek liked to have a little time to himself.
But when it hit the 5 hour mark of the 4th day, frustration and disappointment had begun to set in.
There was one more thing that made the whole situation worse. He was blatantly ignoring you- and only you.
It hurt. You could admit that to yourself easily without any qualms at all. It hurt.
Whether that was to do with the whole ‘mate’ side of things you didn’t know- all that you did know was that Derek Hale was drowning and he wasn’t going to swim until everyone else was okay.
Thud, thud, thud, creaak
“Der please sit down”
“I can’t. I gotta figure this shit out before the school finishes for the day.” Derek grunted from his spot in the middle of the room. His head firmly stuck in the thick, dusty book that he had been pouring through for the majority of the afternoon.
“Der please, take a break.” You pleaded with him, begging him to just stop for a second and relax.
“I can’t,” Derek murmured again, before he pivoted in his heel and walked away up the staircase.
His heavy footfalls retreated upstairs, the musty book still clutched in his grasp.
Swallowing the lump in your throat, you willed the tears in your eyes to stay put and to not roll down your cheeks in fat drops.
Why couldn’t you be enough for him?
The next plea came around 2 hours later, when you brought a bowl of homemade pasta and garlic bread up to Derek. Hoping that just maybe it would strike up a conversation, that maybe he would utter more than two short sentences to you.
“Babe- I made you lunch.” You elbowed your way into the room, balancing the bowl and plate in your hands.
“Just leave it on the desk.” He motioned to an empty slot on the overcrowded surface.
“I just thought that maybe we could have lunch together, have some time with each-other.”
“Y/N/N’s I would- but I have so much to do. Stiles and Scott are already on my ass about the damn lizard freak in town.”
“Der, you need to take a break.” You placed your hands on his shoulders. Instead of feeling them relax you could feel his muscles tense up.
Shrugging your hands off, he pushed the fresh plate of food away, “I can’t.” He spoke simply.
“But-“ you tried to object in protest, trying to plead with the broad shouldered man in front of you- hoping that maybe, just maybe he would come to his senses.
He did not.
“I said no Y/N.” Derek ground out, “I’m busy. Please for the love of God stop bothering me.”
The words stung you, causing you to stumble back in shock. Derek had a hard exterior, everybody knew that. But he had never spoken like that to you.
He had promised on your wedding day that he would always be kind, that he would be your biggest supporter and largest source of love.
But all those words felt like lies now. You felt alone, like an empty shell of yourself. Why couldn’t you just be enough?
Hours flew by, the watch on Derek’s wrist occasionally beeping to signify the new hour. If he were being honest- he had lost track of what the time was.
The only signifier was that Stiles, Scott and the others were in his presence- meaning it was at least 4pm
And judging by the sky outside of his office window, it was late evening, as the sky itself had melted from cool blues into a fantastic array of oranges and purples.
But besides the low chatters and bickering coming from Isaac and Stiles, the house felt almost too quiet.
There was no tv hum coming from the living room, no occasional flush or running of water from the restroom, no sizzle from food coming on the oventop, no sound of a page in a book turning. Nothing. Just silence.
“Hey Derek,” He looked up to see Scott staring at him, “Where’s Y/N?”
“Yeah, I haven’t seen her yet today.” Isaac chimed in.
“I’m not actually too sure.”
Derek was met with a sea of blank stares.
“I’m sorry- there’s a kanima out there roaming Beacon Hills, the very same kanima that is killing more people by the day. And you don’t know where your wife is?” Stiles asked incredulously, “Are you kidding me.”
“Well I’ve been so caught up on this research that I haven’t been spending as much time with her.” Derek attempted to defend himself.
“Derek, please tell me that you haven’t been ignoring your wife.”
Everybody had there eyes on him again.
There was an uproar of protests, all of which were yelling at Derek for ignoring and deserting his wife.
“You better find her Derek, before something happens and you regret it for the rest of your life.”
You really didn’t know how long you had been out here for. All you knew was that the night was closing in and the chill was setting in your bones.
But you didn’t want to go back to the loft, you honestly didn’t think you could handle seeing Derek after his outburst earlier.
The cold, damp ground soaked into your body- sucking all the warmth out of your body at a creeping pace.
The spot you sat in, hadn’t changed much since your first date with Derek. It was still isolated and it gave off the best views in Beacon Hills. Nobody knew about it but you and Derek.
Sighing deeply, you looked out over the viewing point- watching the tiny specks of light flicker in the distance. Every single light showed a different life that was being lived, each one with their own struggles. Beacon Hills was something else to say the least.
“I knew I could find you here.” A familiar voice broke your train of thought.
You kept silent, staring straight ahead, willing that your bottom lip wouldn’t start trembling and the flood gate wouldn’t open in your eyes.
“Look I’m sorry.”
You sniffed, still unable to look your husband in the eyes, “Are you though?” You briefly shut your eyes to stop any tears from breaking through, “or are you just saying that to get on my good side.”
You could feel Derek’s presence settle down besides your own. His breath creating little puffs of mist under the dark sky.
“I didn’t realise you were trying to help me, until it was too late and you’d left the apartment” He muttered, “It’s my fault, I should’ve taken your advice, I should’ve listened to you.”
You listened intently, knowing his words were sincere and heartfelt, “Why didn’t you listen to me then Der?” You responded bitterly.
“Because accepting help means showing weakness, and showing weakness is something I haven’t done since before the fire.” Derek’s voice was small now, “Before I met you, accepting help was off the table- I was a lone wolf, with no pack or family. And now I’ve found you and I’m desperate to not lose that again, I can’t lose you to this new threat in town- I can’t be alone again.”
Silence hung heavy in the air as your husband’s words set in. It made sense to you; why he was studying non-stop, why he had barely slept or ate.
It was apparent that while he was trying to protect his loved ones, he was also pushing them away in the process. That needed to change.
“You won’t be alone Der,” You lay your head down on his shoulder, “I promise that much- it’s you and me forever.”
“Through every supernatural event that happens in this town?”
You giggled softly, “Yes, and every single thing in between.”
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dragonkeeper19600 · 3 years
Jaws: The Musical (Concept)
So, out of curiosity, I looked online to see if anyone had ever adapted a musical from Jaws. There is a musical called Bruce that’s scheduled to debut in Seattle next year about the production of Jaws (and I would be interested in seeing that), but as for a musical of the Jaws story itself, I found one that’s for kids and about 48 minutes long.
Now, I’ve never seen this musical, so I cannot attest as to its quality, but, in my opinion, both of those choices are wrong. This musical should be the full two acts, and it should be aimed at adults. 
I’ve been brainstorming, and I think I’ve got a hypothetical musical all mapped out. You might think a musical based on Jaws is silly, but a lot of successful musicals have been adapted from really strange things (such as a comic book artist’s coming-out memoir, a crappy Roger Corman movie, and a collection of goofy cat poems), and I feel like a Jaws musical could be really epic. The story easily lends itself into a two-act structure. The first act is the shark attacks on Amity Island, and the second act is the hunt for the shark in the Orca. 
However, the musical wouldn’t make the mistake of putting lyrics to John Williams’s iconic Jaws theme. The theme would obviously be used as a leitmotif throughout the show, but it’s not the type of song that lends itself to lyrics, and I think that would be corny,
So, the musical would play out like this:
The movie opened with Chrissie’s death, so the stage show will do the same. The scene will be short and all dialogue, no singing. The shark will also not be seen, but its presence will be implied by the music, lighting, and Chrissy’s acting.
First song: “Welcome to Amity Island.” Functions as an intro to the setting of Act One. The tone is joyous and celebratory as the islanders welcome the flood of tourists that always come in the summer. A big portion of the song is sung by Mayor Vaughn as he sings about what a wonderful vacation spot Amity Island is. We also meet Brody, and a dark undercurrent is introduced to the song as he finds Chrissy’s mangled body.
Brody, of course, takes steps to close the beach right away, but he’s stopped by the Mayor, who sings the second song, “Summer Dollars,” where the Mayor insists that closing the beaches is bad for the town and that Brody shouldn’t be causing an unnecessary panic and causing hysteria that could drive tourists away. Brody tries to argue back but in the end, Vaughn has his way.
Brody returns to the station, apprehensive about keeping the beaches open. Here, we’re introduced to Brody’s wife, Ellen, who saw no problem with visiting him at work since nothing ever happens on Amity Island. Brody expresses his uneasiness, but Ellen assures him that his fear of the water is making him overestimate the danger. This gets Brody’s coworkers curious, so, with a little prompting from Ellen, Brody sings his first solo, “Drowning,” about his fear of the water. In the song, Brody sings about a childhood incident where a bully held him underwater at a public swimming pool. Not only did this give him a fear of water, but the bullying he received as a child is what set him on the path to become a cop, since he wanted to be able to protect people from suffering the same mistreatment he did. However, he moved from New York City because the working environment there was unfriendly to cops who wish to protect and serve instead of, well, being typical American cops.
Next song: “Blue Sky” Just as the Mayor wished, the beaches are open, and summer is in full swing. Brody is there with his family, anxiously keeping an eye on the water. The rest of the ensemble doesn’t share his anxiety, however, as they frolic and play in the sun. Brody is jolted to his feet several times by the sound of screaming, but it’s always a false alarm. However, the mood turns scary as we segue into the next song:
“Shark!” - While out swimming on his raft, young Alex Kintner is attacked and eaten. Brody sees it and screams the title of the song. It’s pandemonium as people rush out of the water, and the song is fast-paced and chaotic. However, it ends on a mournfully quiet note as Mrs. Kintner calls for her son. (”Alex? Alex!?”)
Quick scene transition, and we move immediately into he next song, called “Something Must Be Done.” Here, at a town council meeting, the townspeople argue back and forth about what to do about their shark problem. I imagine the music here sounding like the “Mayor’s Meeting” theme from The Legend of Zelda: Majora’s Mask. Brody argues strongly in favor of closing the beaches (in song, of course), but he is shut down not only by the Mayor but by the rest of the townspeople, who still rely on the income brought in by the tourists. People throw around various suggestions, with one woman finally declaring that she’ll reward whoever catches the shark with three thousand dollars. The song descends into a cacophony as people argue over each other.
The noise is interrupted by the screech of nails on a chalkboard. It’s Quint who sings the titular song, “Jaws,” as he sings about his job as a shark hunter and how dangerous sharks can be. (”Those jaws will swallow you whole. / A little shakin’, tenderizing’, down you go.”) He offers to kill the shark for ten grand, not three. The woman who made the offer balks at the high price, and the Mayor explains that kind of money isn’t in the budget “right now.” Quint takes it in stride and tells everyone they’ll know where to find him if they change their minds. He’s supposedly addressing the room, but he looks right at Brody as he says it. He can tell Brody is the only one who will actually listen.
Many sailors of various aptitudes come to Amity Island, hoping to catch the shark and cash in on that three thousand dollars. Among the new arrivals is Hooper, who introduces himself to Brody as a marine biologist from the Oceanographic Institute. Hooper sings his intro song, “Beautiful,” referring to his views on sharks. Hooper recounts how he was bitten by a shark as a child, but instead of coming to fear them, Hooper walked away fascinated by them and now views sharks to be beautiful creatures. However, the song takes a somber note as Hooper is brought in to examine Chrissie’s remains, and the word “Beautiful” is shifted from referring to sharks to referring to Chrissie when she was alive. (“She was just a kid. / So much of life to live. / Now, bits and scraps are all that’s left. / Of a girl who was once so beautiful.”)
“Hell of a Fish” - The fishermen succeed in catching a large tiger shark, presumed to be the shark that killed Alex and Chrissie. Brody joins in the celebratory atmosphere, but Hooper examines the dead shark’s teeth and is convinced they’ve got the wrong fish. The Mayor and the fisherman who caught the tiger shark argue that this is the shark that’s been causing the trouble, while Hooper argues back that it’s definitely not. Hooper angrily demands that he be allowed to dissect the shark to confirm whether there are human remains inside, but Mayor Vaughn rejects his request. He doesn't care if they’ve got the right shark. He doesn’t believe a third attack will happen either way. (”We’ve got a hell of a fish to show. / And shark attacks are pretty rare, you know?”) 
This song is interrupted by the entrance of Mrs. Kintner, in funeral attire, who goes up to Brody and slaps him. She then sings “My Boy Is Dead,” a slow, tragic lament about her son, Alex. (“He was just a boy. His whole life still ahead. / Now, I’ll never know what he would’ve been. / Because my boy is dead.”) Mrs. Kintner blames Brody for not warning the town after Chrissie’s death, and Brody takes the blame to heart. The song ends with a callback to “Hell of a Fish,” as Hooper bitterly remarks that he hopes Mayor Vaughn is right about the tiger shark being the culprit, otherwise there’s a “hell of a fish” still out there somewhere.
“Cloud on the Horizon” - Song is kicked off by a TV reporter, who delivers a brief story to the audience about the recent shark attacks on Amity Island. The holiday-making resumes on Amity’s beaches, but people are more nervous than before, The ensemble sings amongst themselves about whether they should go in the water. They finally do so with a little encouragement from the Mayor. Meanwhile, Brody encourages his son Michael to stay in the shallow pond.
“Shark! (Reprise)” - A shark fin is spotted in the water, and the ensemble takes up the alarm, scrambling while frantically singing a reprise of “Shark!” However, the alarm dies down when the fin is revealed to be a fake worn by a swimmer. However, a lone woman takes up the cry again as the shark is spotted swimming toward the pond where Michael is. The music ramps up as the shark takes down a boater mere feet away from Michael, and the audience gets their first clear view of the shark.
“Red Sea” - The song functions as a reprise of “Blue Sky,” but also contains musical elements from “My Boy is Dead.” Brody pulls his son Michael out of the water, unsure of whether he’s still alive. Luckily, Michael is only in shock. Ellen runs to call for an ambulance. As he waits by Michael’s body, Brody sings his second solo, loudly berating everyone in town, including himself, for allowing this to happen three times. All of the beachgoers, including the Mayor, are cowed by his song.
“(Can’t Find) a Good Man” - This is the first song between all three crew members of the Orca. Brody goes to hire Quint to kill the shark, agreeing to pay whatever he wants. Quint knows he has Brody by the balls and keeps upping the price, demanding additional payments like various kinds of booze and a color TV in addition to the ten thousand dollars. Brody agrees to all of it, but Quint’s one crew member refuses to go out after the shark, so Quint fires him. Hooper and Brody volunteer to go along, but Quint is reluctant to bring them aboard. He contemplates whether he should go alone, since Hooper and Brody will be useless on deck. Hooper loudly argues that he's qualified and “doesn’t need this working class hero crap,” but Brody is more gentle and persuasive. He reminds Quint that his own son was nearly killed by this shark and feels he owes it to both his family and the town to help in whatever way he can. Quint is won over by Brody’s humility and agrees to take them both on.
“Farewell, Amity Island” - Reprise of “Welcome to Amity Island” and the Act One Finale. Like “Welcome to Amity Island,” this is a huge ensemble number, this time centering around the Orca’s upcoming departure. Several characters come to see the ship off as Quint yells at Hooper and Brody, including the Mayor and Ellen. The Mayor apologizes to Brody (“I know you’re angry. You have every right to be. / My own children were there in that same red sea.”), where Ellen bids a tearful farewell, knowing she might never see Brody again. Brody’s sung farewells are intercut with a spoken back and forth between Quint and Hooper, as Quint snarks at everything Hooper does. The song also contains instrumental traces of “Spanish Ladies.” Brody and Ellen’s embrace is broken up by Quint as the Orca shoves off.
After the act two opener (which is an instrumental of “Jaws,” the song Quint sang earlier), we return to the Orca where Quint fishes off the stern, loudly singing “Spanish Ladies” a cappella. It sounds pretty good, but he’s interrupted by Hooper, who yells that he’s been listening to Quint sing for three hours and can’t take it any more. Brody has no choice but to listen to the ensuing back and forth as he chums the water. 
The childish behavior is interrupted when Quint gets a bite. He's convinced it’s the shark, but Hooper, still annoyed with Quint, believes it’s some kind of sport fish. Hooper begrudgingly goes to help Quint pull in the line, but a moment of inattention causes the line to snap.
“City Hands” - Quint berates Hooper for losing the shark and trying to tell a professional shark hunter how to hunt sharks. Their animosity finally erupts into an angry duet as they hurl very personal insults at each other, with Hooper calling Quint a drunken, senile sea dog, while Quint berates Hooper for being a coddled, privileged city boy. Their musical fight looks like it’ll get physical when Hooper snatches the beer Quint was drinking out of his hand and chucks it into the ocean. Luckily, Brody breaks it up, pointedly reminding them why they’re here and that they don’t need to be at each other’s throats when the shark will gladly do that for them. Quint sheepishly apologizes to Brody and only Brody. Hooper likewise backs down.
Brody returns to chumming the water only to toss a shovelful of chum directly into the shark’s face. The shark is right beside the Orca, and it’s huge. There is an instrumental score but no singing as all three men work together to try and bring in the shark. The shark seems unfazed by all the bullets and harpoons they shoot into it, but they manage to attach one barrel to the shark. Quint is satisfied that the shark will tire itself out with the barrel attached and that all they have to do is wait it out. Brody is all for returning to shore and calling the Coast Guard, but Quint ignores him.
Scene transition, and we’re in the ship’s cabin that night. All three men are staying up to wait for the shark, and they’ve had a bit to drink. Quint catches Brody examining the rope burn he got on his hand earlier in the day and reassures him that it won't leave a permanent scar. This segues into the duet “Something Permanent,” as Hooper and Quint compare scars. The tone isn’t angry and harsh as before but jovial and upbeat. Clearly, the earlier animosity is forgiven. 
“Those Eyes” - This is Quint’s solo about the sinking of the Indianapolis. Brody asks Quint about a scar on his arm that he hasn’t mentioned. Quint offhandedly mentions it’s a tattoo he had removed. When Hooper makes a joke about it being a “Mother” tattoo, Quint informs him it’s actually for the U.S.S. Indianapolis. Hooper clearly knows the story, but Brody doesn't, so Quint tells it. The song is slow and eerie. The words “those eyes” are used to refer to both the sharks’ eyes and the eyes of his crew mates as they were devoured or lay dead in the water. Quint sings that he still sees those eyes looming up at him in the dark of the night. He then catches the looks on Brody and Hooper’s faces and chuckles darkly, telling them not to look at him with “those eyes.” After all, they delivered the bomb. No one comments on this, but all three men have now sung their backstories at some point in the show.
Hooper quietly starts to sing “Show Me the Way to Go Home.” The other two join in. Their singing is interrupted by the shark ramming into the ship.
The crew scramble back on deck. Quint, his mind still swimming in the memory of the Indianapolis, wildly fires a rifle at the shark, but he only succeeds in driving it away, Hooper goes belowdeck  to assess the damage. The ship can still run, but it’s struggling. Brody loudly advocates returning to shore, but Quint refuses.
The shark returns, leading to the next song, “Barrels.” The song has a lot of dialogue and instrumental but also functions as a reprise of “Something Permanent,” as Quint gleefully proclaims his intent to leave “something permanent” on the shark. The crew manages to attach three barrels to the shark, but they lose track of it again. 
Quint decides that since barrels and weapons don’t seem to be working, and the ship is only becoming more damaged, that the thing to do is lure the shark back to shore and drown it in the shallow water. Hooper warns Quint that he’s overtaxing the engine, but Quint only leans harder on the throttle. The engine gives out. 
Brody goes to the radio to call the Coast Guard for help but is shocked when Quint smashes the radio with a baseball bat before the message can get out. This leads to an even angrier reprise of “City Hands,” now with Brody insulting Quint instead of Hooper, calling him “certifiable.” Quint shouts more than sings that he can handle it and he doesn’t need rescuing “this time.” The song shifts to the slower, gentler melody that was used when Brody calmed Hooper and Quint before as Quint tells Brody he vowed that would never be helpless in the water again. Both Brody and Hooper, who was heard the entire outburst, are struck silent.
“Beautiful (Reprise)” - Hooper somberly volunteers to be lowered into the anti-shark cage. Brody argues against it, but, for once, Quint is willing to hear Hooper out. Hooper sings about how putting himself in harm’s way is his only chance to the tune of his intro song, “Beautiful.” Hooper then admits that Quint is right, he hasn’t been through what Quint has, but he’s willing to try and prove his worth. Quint and Brody realize they don't have much choice and agree.
Hooper goes into the cage. Brody takes Hooper’s glasses, and Hooper gives them both one last look before he puts on his mask and goes under. 
“In the Cage” - Instrumental. While below the water (which is just another part of the stage covered in blue spotlights), Hooper tries to attack the shark with the syringe on the end of a spear, but he drops it. The shark begins to break its way into the cage, but Hooper manages to escape and hides behind some rocks, apologizing to the men above for failing.
Quint and Brody, of course, can’t hear him, nor can they see what’s happening below. Quint and Brody pull up the cage to find it mangled and empty. Brody is devastated, thinking that Hooper is dead, but Quint seems to be truly unraveling. He sings a shaky reprise of “Those Eyes,” this time obsessing over the look Hooper gave them before he went under. He frantically recalls that he saw the same look on the faces of his crew mates after the sinking of the Indianapolis. Tragically, the song also functions as a callback to “My Boy Is Dead.” (”It’s far too late for me now to take back the things I’ve said. / They’ll haunt me ‘til my dying day. / Because that boy is dead.”)
“Quint’s End” - Instrumental, spoken dialogue. Quint can’t get the last image of Hooper out of his mind and begs him to stop looking at him like that. Brody is alarmed as Quint’s pleas to Hooper change to pleas to his dead crew mate, Herbie Robinson. Quint has slid into a full-blown PTSD flashback. In his mind, he’s back in the waters of the Pacific thirty years ago, surrounded by sharks and dead crew mates. Brody tries to calm Quint down by reminding him where he is, but at that moment, the shark leaps onto the stern, and the Orca lists backwards. (In my head, the Orca set is on some kind of platform that can be raised at an incline.) Both men begin to slide toward the waiting jaws of the shark. Brody manages to grab onto the door frame leading into the cabin. He tries to hold onto Quint, but Quint slips out of his hand. Quint tries to fight back against the shark, but with a sickening crunch, Quint falls silent. The shark retreats with Quint’s lifeless body.
“Smile!” - Payback time. The Orca is sinking fast, and Brody knows that if he ends up in the water, it’s game over. Brody manages to ward the shark off with one of Hooper’s scuba tanks. The shark takes the scuba tank into its mouth, giving Brody the chance to climb onto the mast with Quint’s rifle. The music ramps up in speed and intensity as the shark closes in. Brody’s singing ramps up to match as he fires at the shark again and again, reminding himself of his promise to protect others and vowing that this shark will never kill anyone again. Then, with a final, bombastic, “So, smile you son of a bitch!” he gets a hit on the tank, and the shark explodes. He whoops and hollers as the music swells.
The finale instrumental is both sad and sweet. The sinking mast deposits Brody in the water. Hooper surfaces besides him. They laugh together, relieved that it’s over. Hooper asks about Quint, but Brody only responds with the single word, “No.” Hooper and Brody are close enough to paddle back to shore, so they do just that. As they set off, Brody begins to sing, “Show Me the Way to Go Home.” Hooper joins in. The curtain falls.
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redsbrainrot · 3 years
Gruvia Week Day 6 - Agony
warning: mentions of blood
_ _ _
"Juvia, what're you doing up again?" 
03:30 in the morning, Gray caught his wife of six months pondering around the kitchen, dressed in his shirt and nothing underneath it, other than silky underwear and knee-high, odd, socks covering her porcelain legs. Her hair had been in the same messy ponytail for the past two days; bumpy and greasy. She hadn't showered in almost a week. 
She glances up at her Gray-sama, the portrayal on her face remains bleak as she blankly shrugs, "Can't sleep." 
It'd been five days. Five days since the agonising, tragic loss she never even dreamed of having the trauma of going through. Awakening one day to buckets of rain dripping down the window, stomach cramps the same pain rate as being stabbed by a steak knife, and later that day her sheets are stained with blood dripping between her legs, followed by screams so harsh she'd lost her voice. 
Juvia shakes her head at Gray's questioning, breaking the simple eye contact and continuing to circle around the central counter. 
Gray forces her aimless pondering to stop as he takes her hand. Her eyes dart from the light grip on her hand to his eyes, hers narrowing in annoyance. 
Gray couldn't bare it. Juvia never looked at him with such hatred. She can't control the way she's feeling right now, and he's aware that anything she may spit at him won't be from her heart. It's not her, he had to remind himself. She's suffered a loss, and he has too. Her end is only much, much more painful, as she was the one who had to experience losing her unborn child. 
The two hadn't been married for long, and after Juvia discovers she's pregnant only five months into their marriage, she was delighted with excitement anyway. They never discussed exactly when kids could go on the table, yet the surprise out of nowhere was bliss. 
Juvia would go day and night protesting she needed solitude, and begged him to take a job request. On the verge of accepting, he changed his mind in an instant and stayed for her. Gray couldn't control his thoughts and his worst fear was that Juvia may do something stupid to hurt herself. 
She snatches her hand out of his grip, turning away and continuing to dawdle, "Juvia, can you come back to bed?" She shakes her head, "Please?" Another objection as Gray follows her circular path. 
"Can you take a shower then? I think it'll do you good." 
Her head shakes roughly this time, and Gray manages to catch a brief sound of sniffling, her feet remaining fixed on the floor. 
"Bath?" Gray suggests, keeping his distance in case she slaps away his touch once more, "It'll make you sleepy." 
With a release of an exhausted sigh, she agrees. "Fine." Juvia's never so blunt in her words. 
"I'll run it," He leaps in front of her before she can enter their bedroom, "Lie down for a minute, okay?" 
Juvia obliges, carefully placing herself on the edge of the mattress, not lying down, instead slouched in her seat, her fingers fiddling and pulling with the ends of her socks. Anything for a distraction. 
Gray was still in surprise of how the girl hadn't yet fainted. She'd lacked in both sleep, and eating. Truthfully, he can't remember the last time he saw something enter her system. She hadn't dropped by the guild since before the incident, refused to allow people inside the apartment, including Gajeel, and had stop using the terms "Gray-sama", when referring to her beloved husband. Gray may have found it irritating way back in the day, but now it's just not the same. He can't stand watching her suffer. What struck him down most is that he may have been trying his best to make life easier for her, however nothing was helping. 
The only other person aware of their current situation was Erza. She advised Gray he just needed to give her time, she'll come around eventually. Her biggest concern was Gray's wellbeing. He's gone through hell, and this time instead of moping around, complaining about life and frankly wishing he wasn't around anymore, he wasn't letting himself cry it out. He desperately wanted Juvia to at least smile. Her smile is what keeps him going. Without it, what's the point? 
Honestly, all Gray needed right now was to weep his depressive thoughts into someone's chest. Only this time, he can't to Juvia. She's already killing herself with guilt. 
Juvia dismally thanks Gray for running her bath as she enters the bathroom, her shirt already undone and the shoulders draping down her arms. Gray choses to leave her in peace, about to open the door and wait eyes open in their bed for her. Until Juvia latches her hand onto his, tugging him back inside. "Can you stay in here with me?" 
Juvia swirls her hand around the decently heated water, while the other is in Gray's hand as he is sat on the floor next to the tub. Her hold was weak, but at least the two were touching each other, even if it was only a hand hold. 
Neither of them spoke. Sitting in silence with each other was enough for now. 
"I'm really sorry." Juvia startles Gray as her voice cracks, breaking the silence.
"For what?" 
"The past few days," Her hand swirling ends, looking up with her watering eyes into Gray's, "I've been really cold to you. I'm not making this any easier."
"Nothing about this is easy, Juvia," If anything, Gray's wishes were the opposite of her sincere, unneeded and unwanted apologies, "You don't have to apologise. You don't need to," He lifts his hand from hers, brushing it down her dampened hair, caressing her cherubic cheeks, "It's only your way of coping. I know you don't mean anything you say." 
Juvia appreciates nothing more than her darling's kind words. Even though no smile was emitted, he knew she took his words to heart as her hand placed on top of his, turning her face slightly and planting her lips on the corner of his palm.
Unfortunately, his light touches and sweet words weren't enough for her to keep back a gush of tears. Her gloomful teardrops splatter into his hand, whimpers and sniffles following. 
_ _ _
Juvia pleaded Gray to leave her in peace in the lukewarm bathtub after her flood of tears had escaped. Gray was unsure of what to say. All she needed from him was brief contact, and of course an immediate change of heart occurred as her drops of sadness had faded. 
Gray left behind another one of his shirts and some clean underwear for Juvia. He refused to acknowledge his exhaustion and remained awake while patiently awaiting Juvia's return to their bedroom. 
Almost 04:30, Gray peeps up at the door as it creaks open. Juvia tiresomely walks through, the drips in her wet hair seeping through her braids, and the buttons on her shirt done up in the wrong order. It didn't bother her, though. She probably didn't even notice. 
Gray opens up the covers for her side, the eye contact absent as she crawls in beside him, switching off the lamp as she does so. 
Juvia lays on her side, facing Gray yet not exchanging any form of contact with him. Gray desperately wanted to pull her close to him, cuddle in their sleep and once again be comfortable with one another. She craved the space, though. 
"Juvia," He breathes, trailing his hand towards hers, implying a moment of contact, which thankfully she agrees to, "I hate seeing you beat yourself up." 
"Tomorrow will you at least go outside? Even if it's only a small walk." 
Her grip in his hand loosens, thinking it over. "I don't know..." 
After picturing the absolute elation portrayed on her face, spectating her suffering was agonising for him. 
At first, she was panicky, anxious and frightened of what Gray would think of her pregnancy. On the outside, she remained mature and adult-like, keeping the situation and her emotions under control. 
"Gray-sama?" Juvia starts as she's sat on the bathroom counter, Gray opposite and leant on the wall with his arms folded, "What if it really is positive? What will we do?" 
Juvia had been concerned whether she was pregnant or not for about four days. She first noticed her period was late, but that had happened before. Her cycle was up and down, so the notice in change wasn't a first sign of pregnancy. 
"What do you want?" Gray wasn't sure at this point. 
Gray was the one who proposed taking a pregnancy test just to make sure, as much as Juvia objected that she couldn't possibly be. 
"Well, would Gray-sama mind if Juvia is pregnant? Would it bother you?" 
Gray's response is quick with a head shake, "To be honest, no." Juvia peers up with her teeth nibbling her lip, "My main concern if you, Juvia. If you don't want to have a baby right now, that's your choice. This isn't really mine to make." Gray's tone had always been bland and he's a closed book, making their moment difficult for Juvia. 
"I want your opinion, Gray-sama." 
He tilts his head for a moment, what did he really think about this? 
"I..." Gray questioned his possible skills as a father, already wondering whether he made a good husband before hand, "We've been married for almost six months, and these months have been the best of my life. I like having fun with you, when it's just the two of us. I know you want kids at some point, and so do I. So... if you wanna have a baby now, I'd be happy with it." 
Juvia profoundly smiles at his honesty. She'd enjoyed her relationship with Gray-sama before they were even in one. She's loved him for years, and being pregnant with his baby would make her happier than ever. Even if it's sooner than she thought it'd happen. 
She realises the timer had ended, and takes the test behind her, hovering her thumb over the result before taking a look. Gray steps closer, grabbing her hand while staring down at the test. Trembling, she slips her thumb aside to see two red lines, indicating a positive test. 
"Juvia, I'm back." Gray announces himself as he enters their apartment.
As he closes the door, he quickly takes note how it's suddenly began to pour rain from outside. The windows are drowning in the water, and only a moment ago the sun was out. He hadn't seen rain like this in god knows how long. 
"Juvia?" He calls again, after no response. 
After searching the kitchen and living room, he heads to their bedroom. He opens the door to notice ruffled sheets, and towards the edge of the bed, a puddle of red was sinking into the mattress. 
Gray catches the sounds of whimpers coming from the bathroom. Struck with confusion, he storms inside and witnesses his wife on the dark towel covering the tiled floor, dressed in one of his shirts. For support, her arms depended on the edge of the bathtub, while her face dug into her arm, soaking with tears. 
Gray drops to the floor, gently shaking her arm in attempt to get words out of her. She refuses, shaking her head over and over again as her whimpers become cries of distraught. Finally, Gray notices a gush of blood between her legs. 
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scribeoffate · 2 years
(for the DVD commentary ask)
Vernon doesn’t want to go in, the first morning he’s been told he has to return. He lingers outside the school while everyone crowds towards the door. It’s impossible not to scour the faces for his sister.
Impossible to go to school without her tugging away from his hand the instant she sees her friends. Bouncing, bubbling, happy.
The reality that he may never see her again settles around him, in a way it couldn’t at home. While the world seemed paused and distant.
Walking through the halls of the school, Alicia’s missing posters flapping against the walls hurts. It feels like she’s watching him like he should have been watching her.
Paired with;
He means it too. Scott cares about him.
It’s a lot to take in. Something he’d wanted for longer than he realizes. It’s nice, but it doesn’t feel like he’d imagined as a lonely child, watching Scott go back to his friends from a distance.
It’s enough, though. For now.
It seems like less later. When the vending machine stalls and Stiles buzzes in his ears. When Isaac has left him and the more familiar friend of loneliness settles around him.
When he hears Alicia’s voice. When her face wavers in his mind. When he smells the scent of Erica’s favorite perfume lingering in the air.
When the memories come flooding in and the guilt renders it impossible to breathe.
When the weight of responsibility crushes his chest, while he drowns in pain and grief.
He’d been watching. He’d been watching like he was always watching. When Alicia disappeared. When Erica took her last breath. When Derek fell to his death. When Scott had almost died to save all of them.
Maybe he’d always been watching and never paying enough attention.
These two passages are also in my fic: From a Distance. Some more context and another passage from that story can be found here. I am not going to cut it- but be aware I will be frankly discussing suicide and suicidal ideation in this answer.
Two of the things I really wanted to explore in this fic were Boyd and Alicia and Boyd and Scott. In the first passage, I'm really trying to wrestle with what it must have been like for Boyd to go back to school after Alicia had just disappeared. Canon gives infuriatingly little about that trauma. And it was impossible not to think about Boyd and Erica's own missing posters ten-ish years later when writing about that.
Most of the time I write in a very chaotic-whee! let's see what happens sort of manner. This was a much more deliberate piece. And I really thought the theme of Boyd always watching but never really feeling like he was a part of anything was important to explore.
I rewatched Frayed, Motel California, and Currents several times during the process of writing this fic. One of the things that really stood out to me in Motel California is that neither Boyd, nor Scott really seem to fight the urge to suicide. Ethan tries not to cut himself, Isaac hides under the bed. Boyd actively participates in his own drowning- going so far as to put a safe no one else could remove on his chest. Scott softy asks "what if is him?" while holding the flare.
In Ice Pick- Boyd clearly states that he wants to be like Scott. And I played on that for Boyd's perspective on the bus scene in Frayed. Boyd really doesn't care if trying to kill Ethan and Aiden gets him killed. The anger is too overwhelming until he realizes that Scott would back his play if he has a plan- that Scott *trusts* him and Boyd hasn't felt trusted in a long time.
And it's a kind of a realization for Boyd that maybe he's done as much to keep himself distant as others have. That maybe he's been sitting alone at lunch by choice. That maybe even though his only friend is dead he belongs in more ways than he thinks. Which, of course, makes it even more tragic when he tries to suicide in Motel California and just so much worse when he survives that only to die in Currents.
I really want to highlight just how tired Boyd is by now and how that also parallels with Scott. Only when Scott tries to suicide he's surrounded by friends and when Boyd does he's alone- rescued only after it's almost irrevocably in motion. But rescued all the same.
Thank you so much for sending this. I really love how this fic turned out so I was thrilled to get two asks about it.
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jun-thorne · 3 years
This story (oneshot) takes place after the events of the auction. Wanted to do this for a long time, finally got down to do it. If you have feedback, I would be glad! Criticism is also greatly appreciated (I want to improve after all).
Even at 1am in the morning, Tokyo could not be considered as peaceful. The sound of cars and the chattering of passerbys filled the streets, creating a ubiquitous murmur. But to Seido Takizawa, this was one of the more peaceful moments.
The ghoul leaped through the night, from rooftop to rooftop, a dark shadow above the flickering city lights, his white hair illuminated by the dim light of the moon.
No one at Aogiri would miss him at this hour, he thought. Ghouls usually hunted at night; his absence was therefore expected.
But hunger was not the reason why Seido roamed through Tokyo. No, his goal that night was of different nature.
After the auction, Seidos mind had become even more confused. Before, hunger and self-hatred had been all that burned inside him. And he was content with it. Their bitter taste kept the confusion away. All these disgusting, human parts of him he had buried so deep. They muttered questions, screamed inside him and confused his already unstable mind even more. So he had supressed them, replaced them with his hatred.
But something had changed, when he had seen her. It had only been a short glimpse, one small look during his escape, but it had been enough to awaken something deep inside him. His mind wouldn’t concentrate on the anger anymore, instead he would bring up sensations or memories Seido had long thought forgotten.
The faint smell of pineapple shampoo, a pair of violet eyes, blonde hair in the sun...
"This has to end!" Seido thought. He made one last leap, landed on a rooftop and suddenly he stopped. Standing at the edge of an apartment building, his toes already hanging over the edges, he froze.
Now that he had arrived, he was not so sure anymore.
"What am I doing here?" the thought echoing through his mind.
Standing on the ledge, Seido could feel his stomach twisting.
"It’s not like I can talk to her! I am a ghoul; she would kill me without hesitation! She probably has already forgotten!"
His thoughts were racing, stomach clenching even tighter, and suddenly Seido felt sick. He rose a finger to his mouth, biting on the knuckles till blood dripped on his tongue and the sharp pain returned his mind to the moment.
"I’ll just take a look! It’s not like she’s awake. I’ll just need to see her one more time, then I’ll move on" he whispered, more to convince himself. It didn’t work.
Still Seido knew that he had to do it. In the last weeks the confusion inside of him had grown unbearable. He found himself lying awake, thinking of blonde hair and snarky comments. Emotions, he had thought long gone, resurfaced, and the human parts in him slowly crawled back up. And with these parts came the desire to see her again, to look into her eyes and hear her voice.
Of course, this was not possible, he knew that, but every time he tried to suppress these thoughts, they came back stronger.
Seido felt himself giggle, a joyless sound which was immediately swallowed by the night surrounding him.
"I’m like the protagonist in one of these stupid soaps Hina-chan watches" he thought. "Hopelessly lost to a beautiful and tragic lady".
It had to end; he knew it. These thoughts made him weak, unfocussed. And Ghouls devoured the weak.
Seido took a deep breath and stepped forward. He went into a free fall, rushing past half a dozen balcony’s before he stretched out his arm and caught himself. He could almost hear his muscles tear, felt pain race through his nerves but he welcomed the feeling which anchored him in the moment. With his other arm he pulled himself up, sitting down on the rail of the balcony. His muscles tensed as he rose his eyes to take a look.
Akiras room was minimalistic. A bed, a TV, and a blanket for her hideous Cat, which was nowhere to be found. But Seido took only quick notice of this, his eyes drawn to something else. Sleeping on the bed, only in a light black nightgown was she. Akira Mado. Her delicate figure was illuminated by the dim moonlight, her chest lifting slowly with every breath, a peaceful expression adorning her normally stoic face.
His heart was beating rapidly, but not because of the fall he had just survived. Suddenly Seido felt ashamed. He did not belong in this place, he knew that. Still, he couldn’t turn his eyes away.
“She is so beautiful” he thought. His eyes lingered over her body, absorbing every inch of her into his memory.
“What am I doing?” he whispered. He had come to end things. See her and forget her, that had been his plan. And if that wouldn’t work, well then, he would just kill her. Problem solved. She was only human after all, weak! But now that he was here, he could already feel the confusion coming, freezing his body and chocking his throat with cold, dead hands.
Weak… he repeated over and over. Weak, weak, weak, beautiful, weak, gentle, weak, admirable, BEAUTIFUL!
Seido opened his eyes again, noticing the taste of blood in his mouth. His right Hand was throbbing in pain but the confusion was supressed again.
“For now…”
As much as he hated to admit it, he had failed. Coming here had not helped him in the slightest. He could still feel his human parts, even more than before. They were clawing at his heart, eagerly trying to rip it out.
A single tear rolled down his pale check, gleaming in the moonlight.
“If they could see me now” he thought. Seido Takizawa, the feared Owl, Nightmare of the CCG defeated and destroyed by simply looking at a woman.
“It’s the second time she defeated you…” he chuckled. This thought was strangely comforting.
A sudden movement caught his eye. Akiras expression had changed, she was now frowning and rolling over, her breathing becoming faster.
“a nightmare” Seido thought, feeling a little sting of worry.
“I should go” he whispered to himself, but he couldn’t bring himself to move. He knew that forgetting her was now impossible but bizarrely this thought did not fuel his anger. He threw another look at her. Akira was still frowning, her brows pulled together in a V Shape, her soft lips pressed together. Her body was trembling lightly.
Another sting went through Seido, making him skip a breath. “I’ll protect you” he whispered, a small, but warm smile forming on his lips. He settled down on the balcony rail, dangling his legs over the edge. He averted his gaze from her and looked at the moon, a silent resolve forming in his mind, drowning out any emotions and confusion. No Harm would come to her tonight!
A sudden noise made him freeze. The balcony door had been opened. Seidos heart jumped in his chest, every nerve screamed at him to leave, but he could not move a muscle.
Leave, leave, leave, LEAVE!!!!
Quiet footsteps approached him, but he still couldn’t move. Every moment, Mados Quinke would impale him, splattering his organs and blood over here balcony. This would be his end, he knew it!
“Seido?” Her voice was soft, and still heavy with sleep. No aggression, no anger.
Seido mustered all his willpower and slowly turned his head. Akira Mado stood only an arm’s length apart, her hair tousled and her arms wrapped around her torso. Her face was full of confusion, but there was something else in her eyes as she looked at him.
Affection? Grief?
“What are you doing here?” She asked, her voice still so unbearable soft. Seidos mind was flooding with thoughts. Why was she here, unarmed, unprepared? Why didn’t she attack him, why wasn’t she angry, why was her voice so soft?
“I…uhm” Seidos words only came out as a raspy whisper. He did not know what to say. This situation did not make sense, his sudden feelings did not make sense, everything was too much!!!
Akira looked at him, patiently. There was no resentment in her expression, only confusion mixed with… grief?
“I… came to see you” Seido murmured, confusion raging through his mind like a firestorm.
Akira looked at him, her eyes locking his in place. Her lip was trembling, he realized. Suddenly she stepped forward, and before Seido could react, she wrapped her arms around him in a tight hug. Seido could feel her breath at his chest, feel her warm skin clatched at him. His mind went blank.
She was trembling, he realized. Acting instinctively, he slowly wrapped his arms around her, comforting her as she began to sob into his chest. He did not understand what was happening, but holding her felt right, just so right. And as little drops fell onto her head, still buried in his chest he realized that he was crying too, tears silently running down his cheeks.
After what felt like a moment, but what could also have been an eternity, her sobbing stopped and his tears dried out. Slowly, she was the first to pull back out of their embrace. Her eyes locked with his. They were red and swollen, but she smiled nonetheless, a warm and equally sad smile.
“I thought I lost you.” Her voice was hoarse from crying but Seido noticed the small glimmer of happiness in it. And he wanted to scream. “You lost me! I am dead! This isn’t me” But all that came out of his mouth was a small whimper “Akira…”
“Akira, I am a monster now!”
He expected her smile to die down, swallowed by the realization that he was, indeed, a monster, despicable and dangerous. But it didn’t happen. Instead, Akira raised her index finger to his mouth in a silencing gesture. Her eyes looked up to him, a violet, determined gaze.
“When you and Amon died, I lost everything.” Akiras voice was still husky but a vigorous tone was now underlining her words. “I don’t care what they did to you, or what they made you do, Seido! You are alive, you are here.”
Seidos felt his cheeks flush red in shame. This wasn’t right! Sure, he was still Seido Takizawa, but not the one she remembered. He had done terrible things, she knew that! He was a ghoul, the kind of beast she had sworn to destroy. Suddenly he couldn’t bear to look into her eyes anymore. He turned his head looking away in shame.
You’re a monster!
He felt a soft touch of fingers on his chin. Her thump gently stroked his pale skin and his black lips as she slowly turned his head, forcing him gently to look at her. And as Seido looked into her eyes he saw nothing but softness in her gaze.
“After the auction I read your file” she said, her voice now clearer. “I know what you did, what they did to you… I know that you´re a ghoul now…” She raised her chin, and Seido couldn’t help but remember the famous Mado pride. “And I´m still here Seido! I left you once, I will not do it again. Whatever comes next, well go through it together!” She said, with a voice that made absolutely clear that she had meant what she said.
Seido looked at her, a barely noticeably smile on his face. Words couldn’t express how he felt, couldn’t express the thankfulness, the shame and the happiness which sparked in his heart, not supressed anymore. And he knew that he wouldn’t find the right words to tell her. Instead, he closed his eyes and leaned slowly forward, his lips brushing softly against hers. They were so much softer than he had imagined, gentle but defined.
Slowly he pulled back, suddenly afraid he had made a mistake. But when he looked into her eyes this fear disappeared. Her gaze was still soft as she looked up to him. She shoot a quick glance at his black lips, a fire in her eyes, that he was sure had not been there before. Slowly she raised her hands, caressing his cheeks with her thump and then crossing them behind his head to pull him down to her.
Their second Kiss was more passionate. Akira pressed her lips to his, still gentle but more demanding than before. Soon she opened her mouth, gently sliding her tongue over his lips. When Seido opened his mouth, their tongues started to dance with each other, exploring the newfound spaces. Akira moaned softly, taking even the last concern from Seido. He gently grabbed her hips, moving her closer to him, embracing her and feeling her warmth through his dark cloak. For a long moment the remained like this; then Akira pulled back, emitting a small whimper from Seido.
“Will you stay the night?” She asked, making a gesture in the direction of her bed. She had lowered her head, avoiding his eyes as she asked. Seido felt a sharp spike of guilt. She was already afraid of losing him again.
“I will” he stated firmly.
Akira looked up to him again, her smile returning. “Great, because its getting a little bit cold out here.”
She grabbed his hand, leading him into her room. It was warm, Seido thought. And it smelled like her. As his eyes lingered back to her, he realized that she was inspecting him with a contained smile on her face.
“That muddy cloak does not come near my bed!” she stated. Seido couldn’t help but chuckle at her comment. Akiras smile grew wider as she closed the distance between them, her fingers quickly undoing the straps of his coat. Soon, she stripped it off his shoulders, the cloak falling silently to the ground. Seido stepped out of the legs, a little bit self-conscious and feeling somewhat naked. He was now wrapped only in his tight black shirt and a pair of loose pants which both, just like the Cloak, were rather muddy. He sighed and kicked these off as well, standing now only in his boxers. When he looked at Akira, his face flushed slightly red, he couldn’t help but notice her admiring gazes.
“You got muscular” she said, no hints of teasing in her voice. Seido couldn’t help but feel flattered.
“Thanks” he muttered. Still, he couldn’t quite shake his embarrassment and quickly slipped under the covers of Akiras bed. Only a moment later he could feel the warmness of Akiras body at his side. In a quick movement, she cradled her arms around him, and kissed his forehead. “Sleep well Seido” she whispered softly. And Seido knew he would.
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dindjarindiaries · 4 years
Mandoctober - October 14: Helmet
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summary: After Din seeks closure on his home planet, he decides to do something else to start off his new life with you. (excerpt from Home)
pairing: din djarin (the mandalorian) x gn!reader
warnings: mentions of parental death, a little angst, fluff
rating: T
word count: 1.447k
mandoctober masterlist
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october 14: helmet
Din’s finally brought you to Aq Vetina.
The settlement is completely barren aside from the remains of the battle, no other life forms having survived nor rebuilt the city to its previous and humble glory. You wonder if that makes Din satisfied or angry. Part of you knows he’d be upset to see his old home bursting with life again as if nothing tragic had ever happened to it, but another part of you knows he’d do anything to see things as normal as they once were when the galaxy wasn’t as horrifying as it’s been ever since The Clone Wars. There’s so many things you’re aching to ask him, but you refuse to stir his emotions like that, instead waiting for him to feel comfortable enough to speak as you let him lead you through the destruction.
Din suddenly stops a few steps away from the iron doors of a bunker. Your heart sinks as you realize that’s likely the same one his parents placed him in just before they died—meaning that you’re now standing just in front of their graves. You give Din’s hand another squeeze as you look up at him, watching his visor practically burn directly into the sight ahead of you. You part your lips to speak, willing yourself to get something of use out of your mouth.
“I know they’re proud of you, Din,” you tell him softly, your voice so gentle that you’re almost afraid the slight breeze in the desert air has carried it away from his ears. Instead, you’re met with the smallest squeeze from his hand in return, acknowledging your words in the best way he can right now. “The way you made a life for yourself in the midst of such a chaotic galaxy, stuck to your Creed with resilience and pride, saved a child from a horrible fate and returned him to his rightful family no matter how hard it was…” you shake your head as you give him a soft smile, “… I just know they couldn’t have asked for more of their precious son.”
Finally, Din turns to you, taking both of your hands between his as he remains silent for a moment. “Thank you.” The words are once again choked out, as if there’s a lump in his throat preventing him from saying anything more. You wish for nothing more than to bring him comfort, but before you can do anything, Din leans down to give you a Keldabe kiss. He gently drops your hands and walks closer to the bunker. You don’t follow him nor say anything, allowing him the time he needs to absorb this moment and this sight he hasn’t seen ever since that one horrifying day many, many moons ago.
You hold your arms close to you as you watch Din stand there, his cape tugging slightly with the desert breeze as his helmet tilts down at the doors of the bunker still thrown open from where the droid had tried to kill him. He looks much more powerful now than he was then, taking the place of the one who’d saved him. His gloved hands remain stiff by his side as he looks around, likely remembering that last moment when his parents had told him they loved him.
What finally takes your breath away is the moment Din’s hands begin to move upwards, slowly resting on the sides of his helmet and beginning to slide it off. You’d look away, but you know it won’t make a difference; whether you see his face or not, Din’s still taking his helmet off in front of a living thing, thus breaking his Creed. Your mouth falls open and your heart begins to race as you see the mass of dark brown locks atop his head, his helmet now in his gloved hands as he holds it in front of him. With his back facing you, you still can’t see his face—but you’re already in awe of what you can see.
Slowly, Din kneels down just in front of the bunker. You watch as he brings the helmet close to his face, no doubt leaving a gentle kiss on the top of it, and then places it gently on the sand. The visor’s now facing you, and you feel a strange pit in your stomach at the sight of it without his eyes staring through it. When Din stands back up, he takes a visible breath, finally turning around to face you.
Your eyes widen as you finally get to observe the man you love. Din’s features are gentle yet hold an edge of ferocity, his jaw sharp and his nose hooked. Small scars litter the tanned skin there, the shadow of stubble left untrimmed crowding around his jaw and upper lip. You meet his eyes when he starts to make his way back over to you, and instantly you lose yourself in the depths of pure emotion that lie there. The brown eyes staring back at you are dark yet seem to hold the entire galaxy within them, sparkling with tears as he meets you where you are. You can now clearly see the grief and nostalgia he feels within—but amidst it all, strong affection for you.
Gently, with a tearful smile of your own, you reach a hand up to meet his cheek. The skin’s surprisingly soft, and Din inhales quickly at the contact, ever-so-slightly leaning into your touch shortly after. Your smile widens as your gaze never leaves his, your thumb running over his cheek and catching a single tear that’s fallen from his eye. “Welcome home, Din.”
Din gives his head a small shake, removing his gloves and stuffing them in his belt before he takes a hold of your wrist to ease your hand off his face. “This isn’t my home anymore.” Your heart flutters at the sound of his natural voice, softer and sweeter than you’d even imagined it. The ghost of a smile appears on Din’s lips as his hands meet the sides of your face. “You are.”
Your brow furrows together as you continue returning his strong gaze. You’re at a loss for words for a moment. “I am?”
Din nods, bringing his face closer to yours until he’s brushing his nose against yours affectionately. “Gar ner yaim, cyar’ika.”
You’re my home, darling.
Your smile practically splits your lips now as you stare up at him, feeling your heart fill with more love than you’ve ever thought possible as he bends down to kiss your forehead. Yet, just for a single moment, you hesitate. Your expression falters as you lift your hands to meet his face just like he’s done to you, your gaze now watching as one of your thumbs trails down his cheek and over his lips. “But what about your Creed, Din? Your Mandalorian ways? You can’t put your helmet back on again, now.”
Din gives his head another shake, brushing a piece of hair out of your face and gently urging you to look back into his eyes. There, you find warmth and reassurance, a look that has you practically drowning in the obvious love he holds for you. “I’m done with that now. I’ve accomplished what I needed to. All I want is to find my home again—with you. I won’t stop searching the galaxy until I find the perfect place where we can be together, where we can have our own life with our own family.”
You bite your lip to keep your emotions in check as you continue searching his eyes, keenly aware of the way his face is inching even closer to your own. “You want a family? With me?”
Din smiles softly, his lips now brushing over yours as he responds. “I’ve never wanted anything so badly, cyar’ika.” He pauses as he places his first kiss to the corner of your mouth. “I love you.”
You feel breathless as you say the words back to him—meaning every bit of them. “I love you, too.” Without another moment to waste, Din’s lips are soon on yours, finally connecting you in a way that has you feeling things you’ve never felt before.
And all the while, your reflection dances in the visor of Din’s empty helmet, happily exchanging its emptiness with his heart as your love floods into it more than ever.
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666chromeskull666 · 2 years
[ The glimmer in Preston’s eyes darted at the sight of you as quickly as it faded .His lips parted quietly, slowly to muster up something to say but it never came, only silence flooded the space between you and him . Preston’s gaze shifted back to the notebook on his lap with his hands twiddling the pen yet nothing bled onto the empty pages. There was nothing to be said , nothing at all , and for a moment he returned to you for a cue to ignite whatever’s left of this damp , half-burnt candle from the matches you drowned in the river long ago . An old ,faded warmth lingered on your cheek when those defeated eyes left you at the doorway for the second time . Preston could only gave out a heavy sigh as he laid down his pen neatly and stared distantly outside.]
[ If you were a corpse standing at the doorway then it wouldn’t make much of a difference , your world had stopped dead in its tracks but Preston’s wasn’t so patient . So you only stared helplessly at his ruffled hair, his nose, the soft wrinkles beneath his eyes - your hand twitched as you saw how he winced at his wounds. A grind of Preston’s teeth , the slight twist of fabric under his rough clutching hand , he was hurting , getting more and more . . . fragile after each injury. How can you ask of Preston to be as resilient when he wasn’t as young as he used to be? You know how that asshole used to fall from a cliff them continued to run a few miles when both of you were young , to be honest you don’t think you’d be able to chase Preston in that scenario again. You’re getting older too , aren’t you ? Not as young as you used to be , just like him. You hurt more , getting a bit clumsier at dealing with piggies , getting injured more , at least you have people to take care of that for you , especially Preston , he was always there first whenever you got hurt … what a tool ahahah. . . ‘what a ,, tool’ - Your hands felt empty.
‘But what about him ?’ Your gaze fixed on Preston once more : ‘Does anyone come for him ?’ - The answer was right in-front of you. No one came except for you and you arrived only to laugh at him, how tragic , time really doesn’t have mercy on anyone or anything’ when you realized between you and Preston : “We” turned into “ You and me”. You think it’s only natural- that year’s winter memories laid cold and best not be disturbed , yet whenever you walk past it your hands feel like they brushed over someone else’s. The person’s hand was always warmer than yours , always open whenever they saw you near as if they were waiting for you, hoping that one day you will grab it .The choice to stop walking , to hold the person back , to finally talk and ask “Why?” was always there but not once did you grab their hand , instead you kept walking in circles , eventually you will both meet at the same knot again. So that was it, another chance to untie and to intertwine , you both met again and he had been waiting for a long time. ]
[ But you couldn’t do it. Preston rubbed his temple when he glanced to see you again , you hadn’t moved an inch for the past 30 minutes you were there and he simply had enough of you standing at his doorway. The first and only time he spoke to you was : “ Haven’t you had enough of seeing me like this? Fine ,I shouldn’t have stolen your kill okay ? Just leave already.” Pure disappointment and hurt hissed in Preston’s voice as he refused to even look at you and pressed a small button on his hospital bed. A few minutes later a doctor came to tell you to leave . ]
[You walked past him ,again . He was right there but you didn’t do anything. The circle only gets bigger every time you walk past eachother, eventually one day when you reached where Preston stood , he wouldn’t be there anymore. Part of you wants to break out of the circle and run away , but even then you would still think about the person who waited for you there , perhaps that’s why the other part of you wants to run away together, with him. ]
[Maybe that’s why you left the hospital feeling like shit.
Preston returned to work a few weeks later , things went back to the way it was , you both never spoke of what happened ever again. ] -end memory-
You lay the hospital record back to it’s original place. The wooden box grew heavy in your arm , the tapes stare into your soul. You think it’s time to leave , this trip has brought up too many things that you kept buried , digging more may just give you a meltdown. What do you do ?
There’s one place left , check the bed
Go home
-DGsH- { phewwwwwww }
Check the bed. I must know everything about Preston since he seems to be obsessed with me. I have to know to what extent.
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slashersins · 4 years
how  you  met  jason  .  .  . 
part one
( part two ) ( part three )
every state and town and city seemed to have their own urban legends . myths and stories and horrors . each one different and kind of the same . the small town you moved to in new jersey was no different . you expected to hear a spin of the jersey devil , a popular general cryptid , instead the locals told you of the killer of camp crystal lake . 
intrigued , and hearing so many different stories , you let your curiosity get the best of you , and you read up on the legend . but what you found in your searches through the internet and through libraries and old newspapers broke your heart . a boy , bullied , ignored , unsupervised , and drowned . killed so young . and a heart broken mother . so consumed with grief that she turned to revenge . her only son lost , just like her mind . 
it stuck at your heart strings , and you tired desperately to find a way to pay respects to the poor souls of those lost , slightly annoyed by the legends spinning off of such a tragic event . but there was none . no grave sights , no memorials . nothing . not even anything left behind at camp crystal lake . the only think left of pamela was pictures in a brochure for the camp , and images of her in the old local newspapers . and there were no pictures of jason . just words on paper .
hurt and angry at the lack of sympathy for the family, you decided that you’d make a memorial . even the worst of people had headstones at the very least . how could a broken mother and young boy not ? taking photo copies of the images from the papers , digging and searching for birthday and any information , and searching for the location of camp crystal lake you put yourself to task . 
it took time and money and a few phone calls to friends back home , but finally - finally you were looking proudly at a small bust of pamela vorhees and a plaque for both her and her son , sporting their birthday and days of death . it wasn’t much , less than six inches tall all together , but it was more than anyone had done . with careful packing and excitement at seeing the camp , you loaded everything into your truck and headed out . 
camp crystal lake’s cabins were old and in need of repair , overtaken by nature . but there was a beauty to it that you couldn’t deny . and the air just felt fresher . it reminded you of home , of the country . and it only made you more eager to find a place to put the memorial . to give the souls of the mother and son a place to rest and call home . you looked through the cabins , at the front gate , and eventually settled on setting them over near the pier that overlooked the beautiful lake . it seemed fitting . this is where jason vorhees died , so why shouldn’t it be where his own little monument should be ?
with careful fingers and arrangement you managed to set up up the bust and plaque . so intense in your work and attention to the detail , you never noticed that you were being watched . that someone , or something , was moving closer .each flower you placed against the molded concrete was another step you didn’t hear . and when you leaned back , a smile wide on your face as you looked over your handiwork , you were oblivious to the machete raised in the air .
jason heard your truck before he saw it . already sensing a trespasser on his land . the quieted anger at this intruder coursing through his undead body like blood . he’d take care of the defiler who came to disrespect his home . and mother cooed in praise at his aggression , whispering to him to get the job done so they could go back to the calm and quiet of nature , to the safety of their decaying cabin . 
with intent in his steps , jason lumbered through the trees to the clearing of camp . to decaying cabins stained with blood of trespassers and lost items , staying just out of sight as he watched his soon to be victim wonder about and look around . jason waited until the they stopped near the pier .  every step deadly silent as he crept closer , closer . idly , he wondered what you were digging around in your bag for - not that it mattered . maybe some supplies he could put to use . hunched over after fiddling with whatever it was you had , jason raised his machete , aimed to slice through you with a powerful down swing . steady . as you sat up jason started his assault , only to stop when he heard you speak . when his eyes glanced to the items you’d arranged near the pier of the lake , his machete still handing in the air .
“ i hope this helps you find some peace , ms vorhees . and you too , jason . i know it’s not much . but , it’s more than anyone else seemed to do . i don’t know if your spirits are still here or if you’ve move on or something , but . . . i hope this helps . ” you didn’t plan on saying any kind words or even speaking to the souls of the mother and son - if they were even there still . but it seemed right . so you went for it . and for some reason , it felt nice . to talk to them . so you kept speaking , eyes moving from the monument to the lake’s blue waters as you did .
for once mother was quiet . her words didn’t fill his ears as he lowered his weapon and stared at the small bust . it looked just like his mother , he’d nearly forgotten what her features were . he still had his mother’s head but it was all but a skull now , but this . . . he wanted to reach out and touch it . to hold it and trace the features . and it was decorated with vibrant flowers , neatly placed . 
when people came here it was to drink , or smoke , or have sex . to disrespect his land , to make fun of the stories of him and his mother . no one came here to pay respects . no one brought gifts . no one spoke to the air , spoke to his mother , to him . jason stared in awe at you and then back at the small statue . he listened to your words , how you talked about finding out about the killer of camp crystal lake - a legend , you said - and how you looked into it . how you found out the truth and how you’d felt hurt by it . that you wanted to make something for them . for jason and pamela . it shook jason to his core . 
“ they’re good , jason . don’t kill them . protect them . keep them safe . they gave us a gift . such a kind person . ” pamela’s voice flooded jason’s mind . soothing and soft , not holding the revengeful anger and hardness it usually held when he was hunting . and jason , ever the obedient son , took those words to heart . this had to be a good person . a kind person . so he stayed close , moving just out of eye sight from you , but close enough to hear you speak . 
“ the lake’s really beautiful . and it’s so calm out here . it must be a nice place to be . . . oh , i guess i’m not making it very peaceful by talking and stuff . i guess i’ll go now . ” standing up and brushing off the dirt , you stretched , still smiling softly . “ would it be okay if i came back next week ? i’ll bring new flowers and clean up the memorial . ” you were speaking to the air , but it also felt like you were talking to them , to pamela and jason . “ i’ll take that as a yes , then . have a nice night , jason . ms vorhees . ” it was all silly , but the bubbly happiness you felt , the sense of accomplishment and pride had you beaming as you walked back to your old truck . 
jason watched you . finally seeing your face . finally seeing all of you , not just some hunched over form . you were beautiful . like an angel . and he was weak for you . and for once , he let someone leave the camp alive , an excitement filling him at the thought of seeing you again , of hearing you again . he wanted to reach out , to thank you for the gift you left . for your kind words and questions of permission . but instead he merely stepped into the open clearing as your truck faded to turned up dust in the distance , moving to look closer at the small memorial you’d left behind for him . he wanted so badly to touch it , but feared damaging it . and pamela was speechless as she took it in through the eyes of her son .
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riversofmars · 4 years
May I propose..River and Missy stumbling upon 13 and immediately both go to flirting w her
My lovely anon, I deeply apologise for how long it has taken me to do this. And I have to confess, this is only part one, it has turned out so long that I’m having to post it in two parts! Plus I’m not quite done with the ending and if I hadn’t split it up, it would have been another couple of days lol.
Anyway, I really hope you like this. As promised, probably not what you expected but I got slightly obsessed with the idea of doing a cyberpunk inspired piece so here you are! Read on AO3 or below :)
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At The End Of The Universe
The Doctor locked up the TARDIS, just to be safe. At the end of time, one did not want to get stuck or have one’s means of escape stolen. She had often wondered what it actually was like. The very last day of the universe. She had visited once before, watching from Me’s reality bubble. Me had been watching the stars die and she had called it beautiful and the Doctor had found it sad. Me had insisted that it was both and that that wasn’t something the Doctor could ever understand… She had been right. The people around her always seem to know her better than she knew herself.
Now, she certainly couldn’t find any beauty in this place and, yet she was fascinated. This was it, the last straw, where the last people in the universe had gathered. Admittedly, she wasn't actually sure that was entirely true but these people seemed to think they were so who was she to argue? She was too exhausted to argue and at the end of everything, no-one had time to waste on such technicalities. In approximately twelves hours, death was coming for them all and there was nowhere to run.
The Doctor looked around, taking in the atmosphere. It was getting cold, probably because the nearby star was already dying. There was very little natural light now, not that it would have reached the ground through the thick smog anyway. The only light down here was from the garish neon advertisements and signs.
“I bet this has always been an awful place…“ The Doctor started saying but stopped herself. She was alone. There was no-one to talk to on this particular trip. Ryan, Yaz and Graham were still on Earth. They didn’t even know she had made it off Gallifrey in one piece, or that she had ended up in prison shortly after… And after her escape, she had felt no great need to seek them out. Not yet anyway. Her path had lead her here instead. To the end of the universe, with no companions to talk to, no-one to share the experience with. It was probably better that way, this wasn’t a trip she wanted to be sharing with anyone.
She looked around some more and decided, yes, this really must have been an awful place all along. The sort of world where only the rich and powerful flourish and everyone else cowers in the sewers. The sort of place where law and morality would break down in no time at all as the end of days drew near. The sort of place where people would want to see the universe out in delirium. And people around here have already started. They were singing in the streets, shouting, dancing, laughing, some people are crying whether with it was laughter or hysterical fear.
Those that didn’t have a time machine to escape crunch time were each facing up to the inevitable in their own way. They are incredibly brave, the Doctor thought, braver than she had ever been. She would be frantically searching for a way out and try to run away, she couldn’t deny that. She was so tired of running but she just couldn’t stop. She wished she could just stand still and face what was up ahead, head held high, just for once. But it was like a compulsion, she just had to keep going. It was always just one more adventure… maybe the next one will be the one. Maybe that would be the one that would finally give her some answers. Or closure. Or even some sort of happiness or contentment. Something, anything, to satisfy that urge to keep going. Sometimes, she forgot what she was searching for. She had been going for so long now. What purpose did this particular trip serve? By this point it was probably just to make sense of things. Of herself. Her own existence. Her life. The things that had been done to her. And the things that happened because of her. And to try and forget about them.
She could still see it. Every time she closed her eyes, she was right back in the ruins of Gallifrey. She would feel the burning heat from the flames. She would get a burning in her chest from the smoke. Her eyes would be burning from the dust. Gallifrey was burning her from the inside still. Her memories were eating at her, burning all the walls she’d built to protect myself, the structures that held her up and kept her going. She had no idea how to stop this wildfire. Maybe on her next trip, she’d find a way but now, she was here. At the edge of the universe, at the end of everything. This was not the place where she’d find her answers but maybe she could fight fire with fire for a time. Maybe she could gain a reprieve before the flames engulfed her.
She started to make her way down the street. The music was coming from somewhere up ahead. The bass was so deep, the vibrations were making her shake. She could smell alcohol now, the streets were literally drenched in it, this party had been going on for days. It wasn't just alcohol, there were chemicals, drugs, sweat, vomit, sex… At the end of everything, society, morals, inhibitions, right and wrong, disintegrated right before your eyes. There was no need for such human constructs now. Everyone here was going to die in twelve hours, the Doctor could see why they’d rather be enjoying themselves. The biggest, baddest party of the universe. The last party. On the last planet. In the last hours. No-one could charge and judge you now. What better place to drown one’s sorrows, get perspective and forget for a time?
“Alright lovely? Can we interest you in a good time?“ A young man yelled to her from across the street. There was a group of them, young people who still had so much of their life ahead of them, cut tragically short. Under normal circumstances, the Doctor, or anyone else for that matter, would have kept going, but the Doctor stepped closer.
“What’s your poison?“ She asked, eying the selection of drinks and other substances spread out over the hood of a burned out vehicle.
“By this point, does it really matter?“ One of the lads laughed taking a gulp from a half empty bottle of clear liquid.
“Suppose not.“ The Doctor chuckled and picked up a bottle she at least recognised the brand name of and took a swing. The alcohol burnt her throat. It was pure and disgusting but it was just what she needed. “Mind if I take this?“ She gave the bottle a little shake to indicate what she was talking about. Her question got swallowed up in the deafening noise of an explosion barely a block away. Some people probably got bored of waiting for the end. The Doctor took another swing from the bottle as her eyes fell on some colourful tablets. She picked up a couple, red and blue, turned them between her fingers as if they were smarties. “The red pill or the blue pill…“ She looked up to the group laughing to herself a little. “This would be funny and poignant if The Matrix was still a thing at the end of the universe…“
“You’re not even scared, are you.“ One of the boys grinned, clearly impressed, he stumbled a little, struggling to keep himself upright as he leant forward onto the hood of the vehicle.
“Scared of what?“ The Doctor raised her eyebrows without looking at him. She focused on the pills in her hand. What was the worst that could happen? These people weren’t trying to kill themselves, they were trying to have a good time so this was probably perfectly safe… and if it wasn’t?
“You know… the end. And doing drugs with people you’ve never met before.“ He grinned.
“I’m just here to have a good time.“ She shrugged as she threw both tablets into her mouth like candy and washed them down.
“I can show you a good time.“ He reached out to cup her cheek but misjudged the distance, reaching into nothingness. His friends laughed.
“Maybe later.“ The Doctor chuckled with a wink.
“Don’t keep me waiting all night, it’s not long now.“ He retorted trying his best to hide his disappointment.
“Thanks for this.“ She downed the rest of the bottle as the others cheered her finishing it. She placed the empty bottle back on the make shift table and waved goodbye to them. She only vaguely took notice of the sound of breaking glass as the youngsters smashed her empty bottle just because they could.
She followed the sound of the music as she made her way along the crowded streets, people bumped into her, unaware of their surroundings, in a drug induced haze. The Doctor was beginning to feel the effects herself. Her hearts picked up speed, she felt an indescribable rush, as her brain flooded with dopamine. The colours seemed more vivid, her skin tingled, as if she was seeing, experiencing more than ever before. Some remaining rational part of her brain insisted that these feelings weren’t real, that it was an illusion and that she would pay a price when they wore off but for now, she couldn’t care less.
She followed the sound of the music, the bass running trough her as she descended stairs to a make shift nightclub. It really just looked like a massive warehouse but people were dancing and drinking, jerking to the music, partying to their heart’s content. The Doctor steadied herself against the wall, feeling the effects of the drugs, allowing her senses to be flooded. She smiled to herself, her heart felt lighter, as if a burden was being lifted and only the here and now mattered.
“Fancy seeing you here, Professor Song.“ Missy called over the loud music as she swirled a glass of bourbon. Even at the end of the universe, she insisted on some modicum of class as she watched River Song emerging from the flurry of dancing bodies. She felt a tingle in her hand as regenerative energy started oozing out of her fingertips and she balled her fist, forcing the process to a halt, yet again. She wasn’t sure how much longer she would be able to keep it at bay but she intended to have a good time before giving in to inevitable. She pushed her hand into her pocket, hoping River hadn’t noticed as she returned her attention to her.
River wiped her brow, her tank top was sticking to her with sweat but she didn’t care, she was enjoying herself. She recognised Missy immediately, leaning against the counter set up along the side of the massive underground warehouse. She couldn’t help but smirk. Of course, of all the people she could possibly encounter at the end of the universe, it was the Master. Lightheaded and thirsty, her ears ringing with the sheer volume of the music, she made her way over to her.
“Well, this is the biggest party in the known universe.“ River winked at her as she came to a halt next to her and reached behind the makeshift bar. It astounded her that some people had actually gone through the trouble of providing these comforts, wasting what precious time they had left on setting up a bar. The counter top was covered in dirty glasses and half empty bottles, she decided it was safer to go for what was behind the bar instead. She couldn’t really expect anyone to bar tend at this point.
“Without the husband, I see?“ Missy raised her eyebrows.
“We’re not joined at the hip. We are modern like that.“ River retorted retrieving a bottle of whisky.
“Allow me.“ Missy offered her one of the few clean-ish glasses she had been able to find. “We don’t have to behave like animals, Timeladies such as ourselves.“
“I could’t agree more.“ River took the glass offered to her and poured a drink for herself. “So what brings you here?“ She eyed her over the rim of her glass as she took a sip.
“Where else would I go to kick back and soak up the atmosphere?“ Missy smirked as she looked around the makeshift nightclub, illuminated only by strobe lighting and neon.
She neglected to mention the fact that she was dying and wanted to enjoy one last night of chaos in this body. She had grown rather fond of this lady version. The annoying thing was that she didn’t even remember who or what had killed her. It was such a blur. The last thing she remembered was the Doctor wanting her to play a stupid game and for her to save some people, prove that she could be good. And now here she was without the Doctor and dying. He was bound to be responsible. Which was a real shame as she had actually enjoyed spending time with her childhood friend again… all this effort for nothing. All she remembered was lying in the middle of a forrest, her body starting to fizz with generation energy when she had almost believed it wouldn’t happen this time around. It brought her back from the brink of death and she had halted the process, keeping it at bay by sheer force of will. She wasn’t done being Miss just yet. One more adventure…
She pulled herself out of her thoughts and looked back at River. “I mean, just look around. The confusion, the chaos, the imminent death… isn't it exhilarating? You can smell the fear and the desperation on them…“ She grinned as she took a sip. “How about you?“
“I think I just saw my husband for the last time.“ River retorted, keeping her emotions out of her voice. She was determined not to overthink it too much. She had come here to lose herself in the here and now and stop her mind going in endless circles. She took a gulp of her drink, though it didn’t do much to quench her thirst from dancing.
“Is that so? What happened? Did you actually kill him at last fighting over the remote control in domestic bliss?“ Missy raised her eyebrows in amusement. She knew the last time the Doctor had been with his wife was enjoying domestic bliss on Darillium. That had been in the Doctor’s past when she had last been with him but apparently for River, that time had only just come to an end.
“Oh, he’s quite alive as far as I know. Sorry to disappoint.“ River chuckled. “But by some accounts that was the last night we spent together… who knows, we’ll see. Either way, I needed a distraction.“
“You know, I think you and I could have a great time together.“ Missy smirked leaning in closer. What was the harm really? It wasn’t like there would be any witnesses and there was a certain appeal in seducing her arch nemesis’s wife.
“Is that so.“ River took another sip of her drink.
“Absolutely.“ Missy twirled her fingers into River’s curls.
“Two psychopaths, that would not end well.“ River was drunk but not that drunk. Jumping into bed with the Master was a bad idea and she knew it. “Better not…“ She looked around the room and noticed a petite blonde making her way down the stairs into the club. She steadied herself against the wall, clearly intoxicated, but so was everyone else in this place. River instantly liked the look of her and she was probably a far safer bet than Missy. “You have yourself a good night.“ River downed the rest of her drink and placed the glass back on the counter before turning to leave.
“Oh, I see.“ Missy raised her eyebrows following River’s gaze. Most people in this place had turned into mindless junkies with poor body hygiene over the last few days, so the blonde stood out immediately. She was a pretty one too, innocent, soft features, she probably didn’t even know what she was doing here.
“Enjoy the end of the universe, I know I will.“ River shot Missy a grin over her shoulder as she headed straight for the new arrival. “Hello, lovely, looking for something in particular? Or someone?“ She stepped into her path, demanding her attention. The blonde jumped, clearly startled, she looked up at River with big eyes, struggling for a response.
“How original.“ Missy huffed at River and pushed past her, deciding there was no reason why she should just let River have her. “Are you lost, dear? Need someone to show you around?“
“Go away now.“ River gave Missy’s shoulder a shove.
“We could always, you know, share?“ Missy winked at River who rolled her eyes.
“I saw her first.“ River shot back, squabbling with Missy until the blonde finally found her voice.
“Of course, why the fuck not.“ The Doctor started giggling to herself looking in between the two women in front of her. Of course her brain would do this to her. Why not. The woman that betrayed her and the woman she had abandoned. Her brain was so cruel. She thought the drugs were meant to make her feel good, not give shape to her emotional trauma. “I haven’t got time for this…“ She walked past River and Missy who exchanged confused looks.
“Have we met?“ River asked catching up with her.
“That’s a great pick up line.“ Missy huffed sarcastically. “What better thing could you possibly have to do at the end of the universe?“ She stepped into the Doctor’s way, obviously not recognising her.
“I just want to have a good time, not to talk to myself.“ The Doctor snapped over the sound of the music. She looked around, wondering what to do next.
“Talk to yourself?“ River frowned confused. The girl was probably not thinking straight, her pupils were dilated and she was unsteady on her feet.
“That’s what you are, right? Manifestations of my subconscious? Hallucinations? Shitty street corner drugs…“ The Doctor huffed.
“I can assure you, dear, I’m very real.“ River gave it another go but was getting the impression that this might be a lost cause.
“You can’t be real, River, both of you are dead.“ The Doctor shot back in annoyance. Why was she even arguing with her?
“What…“ River felt her stomach lurch, her hearts skipped a beat. How did this woman know her name? A chance encounter at the end of time… how was that possible? And she knew Missy, too? There was only one person, apart from the Master, who would be capable of coming here and who would know her name…
“What is this? A guilt trip?“ The Doctor laughed bitterly. “I’m trying to run away from my bullshit, not confront it.“ She shook her head and made her way behind the bar searching for a bottle of something strong. Missy and River looked at each other and followed slowly. Neither of them wanted to say it but they both thought the same thing. But how was that possible?
“Doctor…“ River said softly stepping closer. It was becoming painfully obvious. It was the only plausible explanation and the random selection of clothes should have been a giveaway. If this was the Doctor, she had to be from their future… far, far into their future. River had never seen this regeneration of her husband - well, wife? And by the look on Missy’s face, neither had she. The thought turned River’s stomach. What had happened to her? For her to turn up here, drunk, high, utterly out of her mind, clearly thinking she was hallucinating. How far into their future was she for both of them to be dead to her?
“Don’t. Don’t even.“ The Doctor laughed and shook her head to herself. “Don’t even say my name like that.“ She confirmed their suspicion as she picked up the bottle of whiskey River had just poured from.
“Doctor, get ourself together.“ Missy said sternly, she wouldn’t admit to it but she was just as unsettled as River appeared to be. What had been fun and games a minute ago, suddenly turned very serious. What was she doing here? When had he - she - regenerated again? The last time she had seen the Doctor he had been perfectly fine then. This Doctor, however, seemed utterly broken.
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noonymoon · 4 years
sometimes it’s hard to believe how good and strong Noah was. i’m only following Jesus for like 4 months - and even though He has empowered me already to do incredibly hard things which i would have never done without Him - it’s just both devastating and inspiring to think of the fact that Noah spent _a hundred and twenty years_ preaching to the wicked people around him that God’s wrath will come but that He is merciful and offers safety and salvation for everyone who would stop being wicked and walk with their Creator. 
all the people around him thought Noah was a crazy lunatic and paranoid (just like believers in Jesus and the End Times are being mocked as conspiracy theorists, tragic how it’s... exactly the same..) and they sure mocked him and laughed at his diligent effort to build a wooden boat that was _half_ the size of our modern-day Queen Mary II (which can transport over 3000 people) .. Noah lived in a desperately wicked society and nobody would listen to him but he just kept following God’s instructions and had faith in Him for decades & decades until the cup of iniquity was abundantly overflowing in the eyes of God and when the flood was emerging, Noah should enter the Ark with his family and all the animals and God sealed it.
when the people realized that they are going to surely drown in the massive amounts of water, they came running and begging Noah to open the Ark and that they now are ready to return to God, but Noah told them that he was trying to save them for 120 years and that they would not listen & would just continue to be wicked day and night, and that now it’s too late and that they will all die.
somehow i am “glad” that i don’t have to preach Jesus for 120 years, but only a fragment of that, because even though i am getting more brave and open with Him (all thanks to His own works in my heart, praise the Lord), it is just so very disheartening ... people literally hate you & look down on you, or they just don’t care because “God’s word is not my way” and think they will be okay, or they say “well, i am agnostic, but it’s nice that your faith helps you” and your list of people that you are praying for gets longer and longer and you cry bitter tears for them, and you know they will experience God’s wrath and die, and there is no second chance for salvation and eternal life ever again.
when you study the Bible, you soon notice that everything happens in a pattern because God is truly a mastermind, He never ever changes and He keeps every single promise that He made. He not only planned and prophesied everything major that ever happened in human history and everything that will happen until the End of this wicked timeline (and for the followers of Jesus the beginning of the world how it was _supposed_ to be before Adam & Eve decided they want to rather listen to Satan and be their own gods), but also He has the glory and power to make it happen _exactly_ like He said He would. it’s just... wow!
in the beginning of my walk with God and Jesus, i was honestly somewhat uneased because a) i knew that this world is 100% fake - but b) i wasn’t all too grounded in Scripture to really know what is going to happen because 95% of all Christians are _not_ grounded in Scripture themselves, and they believe in theories about the End Times that have been purposefully generated to deceive the majority (which sadly worked) and they spread their beliefs around (which as a babe in Christ will just not help you) - but when you realize that everything the Bible tells is entirely true, there’s a spirit of unrest upon you and as if time is running but you don’t know how to prepare. you just know _something_ is going to happen and it’s entirely irrelevant if you personally believe it will happen or not, it will 100% happen because God said so.
i’ve prayed and prayed and prayed for Truth and God led me towards the only path that, concerning the End Times, is the correct one, and i’ve studied and studied and now i can finally say i know what is going to happen (i’m also quite sure when it is going to happen but i am still praying about it for more revelation) and now i am very certain that yes, my unrest was indeed valid, but at least i can focus on praying for strength, courage and an unbreakable faith in Jesus now because true followers of Him (and not followers of dead Christian institutional church religion) that won’t bow down to the Antichrist Beast System will be 100% persecuted and in the worst case executed like back in the Dark Ages. 
sometimes i cry because i know it’s going to be the hardest thing ever, but when you are born-again and _know_ in your heart that Jesus died for you in the most cruel and undignified way possible and when you feel His love rushing through you and you just weep uncontrollably because you can’t possibly hold this deep emotion, there is literally not a single thing in this world that you would not want to endure for Him. i would rather be beheaded than to deny the Son of God and exactly this is the reason why all of the 12 apostles of Jesus were killed in the most horrible ways (crucified upside down, beheaded, stoned, burned alive, etc.) - because they would rather die for Jesus than to bow down to anyone else or deny Him and the Gospel of salvation because when you _know_ it’s true there’s just _nothing_ in this world that could make you be so foolish.
long story short: Noah was an amazing man of God but he probably had the most unsuccessful ministry of all people ever. not a single soul was saved apart from his own family. how sad is that.
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jeks-tgs · 5 years
Don't Lose Your Head AU - Part 7
To say things weren't going well right now was a bit of an understatement.
Frankenstein, true to her word, had immediately taken to charming Robert's grandmother, and much to his horror, the two seemed to be hitting it off. This had sparked an overprotective outburst from the surgeon, who was now bickering the resurrectionist for flirting with his grandmother, the old woman watching the two with amusement. Creature was subjected to staying close by to keep his creator under control, and Henry decided that he should take Robert's advice and go get some fresh air. Alone. Far, far away from all this chaos and tense atmosphere. Maybe he should go explore every acre of the property afterall.
Much to Edward's delight and Henry's chagrin, part of the property was an expansive wetland, where the doctor had to tread carefully or risk getting his foot caught in the murk.
"Isn't this fun, Henry?" His other chirped from inside his chest, and the Scot rolled his eyes. Of course the blond would find tramping through treacherous terrain entertaining.
"About as fun as trying not to drown in mud usually is," He quipped back, only to immediately trip on something. He stumbled, barely managing to catch himself before he fell face first into the cloudy water. For once, his stilts masquerading as legs came in handy; usually, his gangly limbs only made his falls worse. He turned to see what he had struck his foot on, expecting a branch or a root, only to jump a little. "Oh.. poor thing.."
It was the skeleton of a stag, a young one by the looks of it. It was old enough to be picked clean, but not so old it was covered in moss or any other signs of weathering. It must have gotten stuck in the marsh and either died of exhaustion or fallen prey to the elements. A sudden compulsion seized hold of him, and the next thing he knew he was grabbing the spine of the animal and pulling. Surprisingly, it popped free easily, no ribs or chunks attached. It was unusually flexible, hanging down almost like a whip. It felt.. right, to be holding this. Other than being a tad damp, it fit comfortably in his slender grasp, the part he was holding feeling almost like a handle. At Edward's urging, he flicked it, almost dropping it, startled at the satisfying 'crack!' it made in the chilly air. An odd buzzing feeling tickled his skin, a sense of pride entering his chest at the simple action of snapping the spine like a whip.
It was at that moment he heard a panicked whinny.
Henry snapped his head up, looking about as that feeling from earlier in the coach clenched at his insides once more. There. A young mare with fur as black as tar, likely the one that had spooked the coach horses earlier, was struggling, her hooves caught in the mud. If she kept this up, she would exhaust herself and only get stuck worse. Henry quickly made up his mind to help if he could, hurrying over.
"Easy, easy!" He tried to calm the animal as he tucked the hilt of the deer's spine into his belt. The mare calmed, but only enough to stop thrashing, still obviously skittish. Henry smiled softly, standing next to her now. She was massive, her side reaching just above Henry's eyes. He reached out to stroke her neck soothingly, murmuring, "See? I'm not going to hurt—"
His hand stuck to the dark fur like glue. The mare immediately stopped shivering, turning her head, and there was something terrifying in the way she looked at him. She removed her hooves from the mud with little to no effort. Edward barely had time to shriek, "Kelpie!!", before the creature bolted, dragging Henry, forcing him to run alongside her. He held onto his head, terrified of losing it in such a flooded area, only to feel a spike of fear course through him as he saw the large lake up ahead. The kelpie was going to drown him.
Just as this thought entered his mind, the feeling in his gut shifted. As if on autopilot, he let go of his own hair to tangle his fingers into the kelpie's mane. He swung himself up onto its back with ease, though predictably the movement knocked his head loose. He wrenched his stuck hand free, startling the kelpie with this unexpected turn of events, and grabbed hold of his head by the hair. He held it tight to his abdomen, yanking the kelpie's mane, causing the mare to stop, rearing back. She was trying to knock him loose, bucking and rearing, but somehow he stayed on effortlessly, as if made to ride a wild beast like herself. He dug in with his knees to keep himself seated, grabbed the spine still lodged in his belt, and whipped it up into the air.
As the crack rung out the kelpie reared one final time, front legs kicking as she whinnied. Her hooves slammed down into the mud, just on the edge of the lake. Henry was breathing just as hard as she was, heart pounding, green flame roaring from his neck. The fire slowly died down as Edward began to calm. Something inside of Henry slid into place, as if he was finally whole. The whip, the kelpie, and Edward blazing from his neck made him feel complete. An almost euphoric sensation washed over him, and a grin spread across his face, still nestled comfortably in his lap. The grin seemed to stretch from ear to ear, showing off the oddly sharp canines and molars he possessed.
"Edward," He found himself saying, red eyes sparkling. It was quickly growing dark out, not unexpected with the cold weather, and the stars felt as if they were shining extra bright for the occasion. "I must be going crazy.. because all I want to do right now is—"
"Ride as fast we can throughout the countryside?"
"....God, yes."
A crack rung out once more, and they were off. The kelpie's hooves thundered along, and when they reached a stone path, the force of them striking the ground caused sparks to flare up. Edward's green inferno roared back into a frenzy, as wild and untamed as the mare Henry was sat upon. A gate came up ahead, but where Henry would normally feel the need to stop to avoid a nasty impact, he instead smirked, cracking the whip in the air once more, urging his newfound mount to increase in speed. The kelpie happily abliged, seeming just as pleased with her unexpected rider as he was with her. As they neared the gate, it burst open without being touched, as if frightened into parting at the mere sight of the duo (trio, if one knew the flames were actually a seperate entity named Edward Hyde).
Looking back, riding through a town at late dusk when there were likely still people awake was the worst thing he could have done, but in the moment the sound of the kelpie's hooves hitting the cobblestone drowned out any common sense he could have had. It was an adrenaline rush like no other, and when he reached a bronze statue of a man riding atop a rearing horse, he couldn't help but halt his steed, laughing with pure joy as she reared back, mimicking the shiny gold-brown figures in the middle of the town. When her hooves touched back down, he raised his whip, ready to strike the air and take off once more, only to freeze. The smile slowly slid off his face as he finally got a good look at the metal rider, replaced with stunned shock.
The rider was headless, a snarling head tucked under one arm, the other raised in the air with a menacing whip that looked disturbingly like a human spine. He stared, nudging the kelpie to walk closer. Edward's flames grew brighter with awe. He tucked the hilt of the spine into his belt, reaching out with a trembling hand. He pressed his palm to the cool metal, red eyes wide.
Abigail Smith was by no means the adventerous type. No, she preferred to spend her days safely tucked away in her father's shop, hammering glowing hot metals into tools and weapons and other useful things. The young blacksmith would then end her day at dusk, head inside, wash up, eat supper, and then go to bed so she could wake up early and get back to doing what she loved. Sadly, a rather snooty old nobleman had barged into the shop, demanding a complicated order finished by tomorrow, and they were the only traditional blacksmith shop left that he knew of, and he wanted the novelty of a traditionally smithed item, and blah blah blah. So, poor Abigail didn't get done working until the sky was already dark and filled with stars. She was just about to head off to bed, maybe not even bother washing up, when she heard a faint cracking sound like a whip, and thunderous, rumbling hoofbeats.
Now, again, Abigail Smith was not the adventurous type, but when the cracking and hoofbeats grew louder, the tragic phenomenon known as 'human curiosity' gripped hold of her, and she couldn't help but step out of her shop. She turned the corner into the town center and nearly fainted at the sight of a headless rider on a black horse, cackling and cracking what she could only assume was a human spine like a whip. She watched as he suddenly paused, tucking his whip away and reaching out to touch the statue that commemorated that time long ago when the townsfolk rallied together and hunted down the last Dullahan nearby, killing the demon right in the middle of the town's center, right where the statue now stood. The green flame from his neck brightened with rage, and it finally clicked in her head that there was a Dullahan right in front of her.
Another well-known fact about Abigail smith was that she had a voice that could make the gods pause in their discussions to listen to what she had to say. As such, she had a scream that could wake the dead, no matter how long ago they were laid to rest. So, when she saw the murderous, beheading demon in front of her, what else was she to do but succumb to fear and scream?
Within seconds, the wicked spirit was surrounded on all sides by angry townsfolk, and it was then and only then that Abigail saw the young face on that severed head, and her stomach began to sink as she recognized the expression on his face;
Pure terror.
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Description: Fate seemed to have other plans in store for Saeran and Saeyoung Choi then what they ever expected. One path that is bathed in the light and the other is drowned in the darkness. They are taking different roads and what will happen when those roads diverge? One time will tell their fates and if they're destined to be happy or wrought with sorrow.
Vampire AU.
Pairing(s): Choi Saeran/Original Female Character(s), Choi Saeran/Original Female Character(s)
Act I
“Saeyoung… come back… please… please…!”
“You pathetic bug. Are you still groveling and whining because that stupid Saeyoung went off and got himself killed?! I warned him what would happen if Saejoong knew! He didn't listen! Do you know what happens to boys that don't listen?”
“You're hurting me… please, Saeyoung, help!”
“I’ll teach you never to make a fuss again, Saeran Choi.”
Saeran awoke with a start in bed.
How many nights had he had that dream and how many nights had passed since he had been able to leave that place behind? He wasn’t sure at the moment. What he did know was that he felt cold and clammy.
He reached up and ran a hand through his red locks to wipe the sweat from his forehead.
He looked around the room and waited for his vision to clear up from the night of restless sleep. The room was dark but there was a night light on the corner of the room and although it was mostly barren of objects and things, there was a comfy bed and there was no sign of ropes or a basement. It was very unlike the floor and damp cement he was used to.
It took a moment for him to realize that he wasn’t back at his childhood home.
Rather, he was in the household of V and Rika, and he had been for some time now as they had taken him in after his Mom went seemingly missing one day.
He still wasn’t used to that and he doubted he would ever be. Often when he was plagued by these horrid nightmares, he would find himself wandering the halls of his own accord during the night time to clear his thoughts.
Saeran stumbled out of bed and rubbed at his eyes, walking out of his room and down the hall with no destination in mind. In this house, nobody was waiting to punish him for leaving his room and that notion still left him feeling strange. It had only been a couple of months since the tragic incident occurred, and the young boy was still trying to get his footing.
There were sounds of somebody rustling around in the house apart from him.
That wasn’t all that strange. He knew that the people he was staying with had strange hours due to their work, at least, that’s what they told him when he started staying with them. Saeran peeked into one room and saw nobody was in it, and then he glanced into another one and also found that it was empty. Where were they?
V… was usually nice about helping himself after a really bad night. Rika was also very kind to him when he needed somebody.
Were they hiding? Were they waiting for him to make a mistake so that they could yell at him and laugh in his face for believing they were going to be nice to somebody as pathetic as him?
His breath was a bit strangled in his chest as he walked towards the room at the end of the hall where the light was on. His footsteps were light, delicate, and hardly made a sound. He and Saeyoung had learned how to move around without making noise, at least, not making as much noise as they possibly could.
Saeran’s blood was pumping so quickly that he could feel it burning in his chest.
A part of him wanted to believe that none of the thoughts that he was thinking were true but another part of him was scared and almost certain that his relative happiness here with V and Rika would come to an end the moment they realized he was nothing special.
His thoughts were clouded with these notions as he reached the end of the hallway and turned to look into the kitchen where he found Rika and V, they were laughing and speaking without a care in the world as V cooked and Rika fiddled with decorative pieces. Saeran was perplexed and the confusion was written all over his face until they noticed him standing in the doorway.
“Good morning, Saeran,” V greeted with a smile. “I didn’t think you would be awake this earlier just yet.”
“...Morning,” he said, quietly.
His voice was barely above that of a small whisper. Saeran fiddled with his sleeves in front of himself. He wasn’t the best at talking to other people and he never felt quite right when people addressed him. He took a seat at the table with them, although he still wasn’t sure if they wanted him to be there with them.
Rika pressed a hand to his shoulder. It was so cold that he could feel the chill through the fabric of his shirt. She was always cold. Saeran didn’t think it was that much of a bad thing, he was often sick and plagued with fevers. Sometimes that touch soothed him.
Her smile was always directed at others, although she would never flash a toothy grin at him. “I can’t wait any longer, V. The excitement is overwhelming.  Good morning to you, Saeran. Do you happen to know what today is?”
Saeran nervously looked down at his lap, and then around the room to see if he could locate a calendar of some sort. When he couldn’t find one, he just settled his vision back on the ground. He didn’t know what the date was and he wasn’t sure why it be anything special. Why would today be different than any other day?
“I… I don’t know,” Saeran mumbled.  “Is it something important?”
Rika and V exchanged looks. It was quiet for a moment. Perhaps they were pitying him, still, or maybe they were reasoning something else. Then, the sound of a plate touching the table made him lookup. It was a slice of cake, Saeran noted.
“Happy birthday, Saeran!”  she said, gleefully.
V’s face was a little red. He rubbed at the back of his neck, “You mentioned that you liked this flavor, so I thought it was the perfect time to make you something special. I hope you like it… I’m not the best at cooking, you know, but I’ve learned a thing or two over the years.”
He hadn’t even thought about his birthday before. It had never been something that he or his brother thought about. It was never a happy thing. The day that they were born was the day that they were doomed to be miserable until they were put out of their misery.
He thought that one day his body may just give up on him, but he and Saeyoung had promised each other to keep on living.
He had to keep surviving even if his brother wasn’t there with him. Saeran missed him, and he hoped that he was okay, where ever he was. He prayed nightly that she was wrong about him getting killed by their Dad.
He was eleven years old today, he remembered. He had been alive for more than a decade, now, and somehow he was still kicking. This was the first birthday that he would be without his brother by his side, and he didn’t know it at the time, but it was the first of many birthdays that would be the very same way.
But, he thought, maybe it wasn’t so bad.
He had Rika and V with him now, and they seemed to like him.
He wasn’t sure that he was worthy of this kind of affection. It still felt nice and he didn’t want to seem ungrateful to them for what they were doing.  
Saeran’s eyes felt wet for some reason. He reached up and brushed his fingers to his face only to find that he was crying again. He couldn’t stop the tears from flooding out of his eyes, not even as he thanked both of them for being so nice to him.
“I… I can’t make them stop… I can’t stop crying. I’m sorry. I just… I don’t… I’ve never celebrated my birthday before. Saeyoung… and I never got to do stuff like that. Mom wouldn’t let us do anything but stay inside… Thank you…!”
He decided that he would try to keep on going not only for his brother Saeyoung but for the sake of Rika and V.
Seasons passed, fall, winter, spring, summer, and then it would repeat itself over and over again.
Saeran got used to living with his new family. It was a little strange but it was still something far better than anything else he ever had. He would spend most of his time in the house but he had the freedom to go outside as much as he wanted during the day time. His favorite thing to do was to watch the clouds.
But, when he wasn’t doing that on his own, he would help V in the garden.
He wasn’t the best when it came to it but he could spend hours examining different kinds as he searched for their names and tried to decide their classifications. He could learn anything that he wanted and that was the one thing that he decided he wanted to know.
He had never had friends before, but he considered all the flowers in the garden to be such. After all, he took care of them and they repaid him by blooming in season and becoming vibrant petals with a wild array of colors. He felt strangely content with that. However, it wasn’t always fun and games with this new life.
He would spend many hours in the evenings learning with Rika.
She had taken it upon herself to help him with his education and while she could be a very strict teacher, she always coaxed him when he made mistakes and corrected them. There were many times when he felt like things didn’t make sense; Rika, however, pushed him to work harder and more than he ever had.
Saeran didn’t mind studying.
He did want to know more about the real world, he wanted to see and learn as much as he could if he could have the chance to roam free without worrying about a target on his back. He was still scared of that freedom, though, despite how much he craved it, as Rika had reminded him that it wasn’t safe for him out there.
Her voice would always become nervous, panicked even when he brought it up.
Saeran started to speak less and less about it the more that he spent time with Rika. He believed her when she said those things, too. Rika couldn’t be wrong. She and V knew more about everything then he ever did and he trusted them to know what was right.
That consisted of most of the time, though, as V was busy traveling and working on his next big project.
They spoke now and again on the phone but it wasn’t quite the same as being able to speak to each other in person. Rika was different from V, and as much as he cared about her, he missed the peace that came when V was home.
When it was just him and Rika…
It felt like the threat of danger was looming in the distance. Like his Dad was going to find and get rid of him for sure this time. He was sure that Rika was right.
He just wished that one night, just for one night, that he would be able to breathe without thinking about what he knew to be the truth. He knew that he was doomed without these two in his life. But, why did they have to talk about it all the time? Why couldn’t they just keep living the way that they always had done?
He may have only been eighteen, but he knew that there to be more peaceful days in sight.
He prayed that there were. Saeran wanted to have faith in V’s words to him. That things would be okay as long as he was safe with them. But, Rika’s words to him weren’t like that. She would say that he would only be safe as long as he stayed inside this house and far away from the rest of humanity.
There was more evil in the world than the Prime Minister; Saeran was fearful of that and what it entailed. Saeran felt like it must have been rather bad if she wouldn’t tell him the full extent of what she was so fearful of.
Rika was never asleep during the night time, she was always awake and stirring doing God knows what in the house.
He didn’t know what she did most of the night but he knew the sounds of her footsteps against the wood floor and the sounds of somebody rummaging through the fridge.
He didn’t often get up unless he had a nightmare, but he knew that she would be sitting the dark, drinking from a tall glass and shifting through her paperwork.
The first few times that he had noticed her doing that, it had left him a little uncomfortable. However, V had later told him that she was just what people called a night owl. She was more aware and lively during the late-night hours. That was when she liked to collect her thoughts and piece together things she needed.
Perhaps she was spending all that time working on his lesson plans, he surmised. Rika was his teacher for everything, and it must have taken a lot to spend so much time working with him. They would sit nightly going over one subject after each other until Saeran felt like he was going to fall asleep at the kitchen table.
She was going to a lot of trouble for him.
So, he tried his best not to bother her amid the night. There were times when she comforted him and calmed him down from his fears. Her approach may have been different from V but it was still done from the kindness of her heart.
He didn’t want to act ungrateful or even think ill of somebody who cared for him.
He sat at the table that night, with his pencil firmly pressed against the paper as Rika began to speak to him once more. “And you see, that’s just another example of cruelty, Saeran. Humans never learn from the mistakes of the past, and things are destined to repeat themselves because nobody learns from what happened.”
Saeran sucked in a breath, “That’s awful.”
Tales of bloodshed and revenge.
War and the worst that could be found in humanity.
It did nothing to alleviate his fears.
“I know, I know. It’s dreadful but you must learn about even the worst of times.  But, don’t you worry about a thing, Saeran. You’re safe here in this house with me. I wouldn’t let anything like that happen to you,” she smiled, ever so cheerfully as her hand brushed against the top of his head. “After all, you’re very precious to me.”
Yes, yes, she was right.
Saeran just had to stay safe.
It may not have been the most ideal life but it was better to be safe then it was to be dead, right? Was Saeyoung living the same way? Did he feel this weight of fear and dread every day?  
Was he hiding and trying to get by where the evil could not find him? Was he thinking about the freedom they could have had if they weren’t born as begotten children?
“Thank you,” he whispered.
“Oh, you’re very welcome, my flower. I think of you as my son, Saeran. I wouldn’t want anything unfortunate to befall you, that’s why I’m spending so much time guiding you to the right path. I’m just pleased that you’re trying so hard to heed these lessons. Your future is right in front of you and I can’t wait to show you where you’re heading.”
Where were they going? He thought.
Saeran didn’t ask that.
He knew better than to question his guardians. They always knew what was right and they would never lead him astray. That was why he cared about them so much and why they cared about him so much. He was faithful and dedicated, and they were nice and compassionate.
Whatever the future had in store, it must have been great. He couldn’t wait to see what it held. He prayed that it withheld calm summer days where he could lay with his back on the grass as the clouds fluttered by in the breeze overhead.
Saeran turned his head back to his homework and started to fill out the blanks in the sheet in front of him as Rika took another sip from her glass of tomato juice. She grew strangely quiet as he continued his work, her cell phone ringing and she stepped out to answer the call. It seemed important so Saeran tuned it out.
It wasn’t his business.
However, he would come to later regret not listening and watching more closely of the warning signs that were sitting in front of him.
It was late one night, or was it very early in the morning?
Saeran had awoken from his sleep again, and this time, the house was deafly silent. There was not a single noise to be heard whatsoever. That wasn’t normal. There was always somebody awake no matter what or at the very least, there would be dull static of television or from the wind outside of the house.
That made Saeran incredibly nervous.
Why was it so quiet? Why was nobody making a sound? There was something in his body that was telling him to stay in his bed and pray for the morning to come. Something wasn’t right. He knew that Rika was going to be back to the home very late due to work, and he knew that she would likely come into the home while on the phone with V, so perhaps she wasn’t home yet?
He glanced at the clock on the wall.
It indicated that it was three in the morning. That was far too late for somebody to be out in the city. It seemed like something was amiss lately. Rika had been more stern with him and had stopped him from going outside. She seemed to have no patience for his want to go out during the day. He was used to her worry.
But, this worry was tenfold.
Her panicked hand gripped his shoulder hard and warned him of vague monsters that were lingering nearby. She warned him if he stepped into the light, then he would be hurt. She didn’t want that for him and he didn’t want to die by the hand of that man, nor any other devil that existed in the outside world.
As sad as it made him, he stayed to her word and listened dutifully.
That had been going for a few weeks now. V hadn’t contacted them for quite a while and that seemed to be a source of much of Rika’s worries and fears. Saeran knew better than to bring him up. It seemed rather touchy and sensitive. He still sort of feared for his guardians, he didn’t want to believe that they were fighting or at odds but it felt like they were.
It felt like… a knife had cut through the peace that they had once had.
Saeran walked through the house that he had called his home for years now but he felt like he was intruding on something that he shouldn’t have been. His pulse had quickened, and his ears were ringing.
Each step that he took felt like another one into a state of disrepair; He nearly turned around and went back to his room but the curiosity was eating away at him. He wanted to know why he felt so fearful and why it was things were wrong. Against his better judgment and every fiber of his body telling him to run away, he kept walking forward until his hand rested against the back door.
He pressed a hand to the glass and opened it.
Saeran took one step outside and shut the door behind himself. He peered around the garden and checked to see if there was anyone outside. He did not find a soul out in the open. Perhaps his brain was playing tricks on him or something like that?
After checking what he could see in the surrounding area, he turned his back on the forest and tried to go back to the house. A hand brushed against the back of the long-sleeved shirt he was wearing and held him in place. He strained to move but it felt like whatever was holding him had far more strength than he did.
“Saeran, what did I tell you about leaving the house?”
That voice.
“R-Rika?” he stained, “What are you doing outside? I thought you weren’t home yet. What’s going on?”  
Saeran turned his head to see that Rika was standing behind him.
It didn’t seem right. Rika was small and lithe. She looked like she wouldn’t have any more strength than a young child would but she was somehow restraining him.
Her eyes, her eyes weren’t as green as they had always been, rather, tonight they were piercing red color that struck fear into his heart. Red. Why was that? Her eyes were as red as her favorite drink was, or as brightly colored as his hair, for that matter.
Was she wearing contacts? She didn’t have vision issues or anything.
There was something more startling than the color of her eyes, too. She smiled at him, and for the first time, her pearly whites shined in the moonlight that rained down from up above. That’s when he saw why she had never smiled at him with such a wide expression before.
Because instead of the teeth you expected to see, flat and rectangular, he noted that she had two fangs protruding from either side of her mouth. That dread that had been lingering in the back of his mind was back. It was telling him that he needed to run but his body wouldn’t listen to him.
Instead of responding to him, she let go of him momentarily and a laugh escaped her lips.
The fear had eaten at him so much that he only the strength to sink to the ground. In a flash, she was standing in front of him with a worried expression on her face. She brushed her hand against his cheek. The same very way that she would often do when he was upset as a child.
It did nothing to quell the dread.
“Saeran,” her voice coaxed him. “Tell me, you would do anything for me if I asked you to, right? You know that I only want to protect you, right? That means you’re willing to do whatever I ask since you trust me to protect you, right? What if I told you that I have the means to make sure that nobody can hurt either of us, ever again?”
It sounds…
Saeran doesn’t know how to react to that.
What is she asking of him?
What is it that she wants from him? “I don’t… I don’t understand what you’re saying,” he tries to say, but his voice is caught in his throat just as quickly as he blurts it out. “What’s happening? Why are do you look like this? What happened to you?”
“Nothing happened, dear Saeran,” she murmured. “I’ve always been this way. V just never let me show you all of me. There’s nothing to be afraid of, I promise. Something has happened… and I need you to listen to me. I’m going to do something that you ensure our safety. If you don’t listen to me, then I fear you will lose your life and I won’t be able to stop it.”
“I don’t know… I don’t… I don’t… no… I don’t know if I want to do something bad... Where’s V? What’s happening? Why isn’t he here?”
Rika’s expression changes. Her softness is replaced with sharp irritation. She doesn’t seem very happy with his answer and she doesn’t seem pleased that his stumbled muttering ended in the phrase that it did.
Her grip tightened on his shoulder.
His body goes stiff.
As scared as he is of the energy that is coming from the person that he thought was true goodness in the world, he is more scared of the fate that awaits him if he doesn’t listen to everything that she asks of him.
Yet, he doesn’t want to agree to whatever she’s asking of him. The tone in her voice scares him a lot and he wants to get away. He trusts Rika but she’s scaring him.  It sounds like she’s got an idea in mind and doesn’t care if he agrees or not.  
“Fine, you don’t have to agree to it,” she says solemnly. “I told you… I love you. I’m the only one that truly loves you. Nobody else in this world cares for you the way that I do. You’ll come to understand that very soon. I’ll take care of you. I’ll take care of everything, Saeran. I’ll do what’s needed and you’ll thank you later for my kindness towards you.”
Saeran is trembling underneath her touch.
Before he knows what’s happening around him there’s a burning sensation that’s coursing through his veins that feels like he’s on fire.
It hurts, it hurts so much that he can’t even focus on anything but the pain that is overtaking every part of his core. Then, the fire starts to dwindle, only to be replaced by the feeling of intense cold, as if he fell into an icy river and his limbs and torso feel like they’re being poked with pins and needles.
It’s then that he realizes that those fangs are poked into the flesh of his neck. She’s doing something to him and it’s the worst pain that he’s ever felt in his entire life. She said she was going to help him. But, this was far worse than the pain his Mom used to inflict upon him when he was trapped in the cellar.
His body feels foreign to him and he’s grasping at Rika, begging and pleading for her to make the pain stop. Even his voice feels like it doesn’t belong to him. “I don’t… I don’t wanna die…” Saeran rasped, the pleading tone in his voice not dying down for even a moment.
“Please! Stop! Stop it!”
“It hurts! It hurts! It hurts!”
No matter how much he tries to fight it, there’s no fighting what happening to him and by the time that Rika has let go of him, he doesn’t even register that she’s done so. His screams echo into the night of the desolate mountain until there’s nothing left but a hoarse whisper that not a soul can hear any longer.
He slips into a state of unconsciousness where only pain lay ahead of him.
The vicious fire and the ruthless chill that bore into his flesh and bone dug into him with its hungry maw and left no part of Saeran Choi unscathed from their fury. He would know nothing but the ache and bitter bite of the monster’s sting for the next two weeks as he lived through a cycle of torture and agony that he would never wish to repeat.
To think that the one that he trusted the most turned against him, it was far too much to bear for one young boy who had only just passed the eighteenth anniversary of his birth by a month.
The pain was nothing compared to the thirst that he experienced when he woke up in a cold sweat in the middle of the night or was it the day? The room that he was in had no light, no windows, just walls and one doorway that seemed to lead somewhere. He sat up and tried to move but he found that his body moved far too quickly.
His head spun and he fell back down against the mattress.
Saeran was thirsty.
He had never felt this thirsty before. It was like he hadn’t had anything to drink in days and when he tried to swallow, it did nothing but made the burn that much stronger. He dug his nails into the skin of his throat trying to fight off that feeling but nothing, absolutely nothing he did would get that feeling to go away from him.
He felt himself begin to breathe hard. The air that filled his lungs did nothing for him. It didn’t satisfy him and it surely didn’t make him feel like it was helping the burn. He strained, and he struggled, but no matter what he did or tried nothing helped him. He willed himself to get up and ignored the pain in his body to try and go to the door and when his hands brushed against the knob, he twisted, and it did not open.
Saeran tried again, and again, and again.
Then, the knob was ripped from the door in one false swoop. He looked down at his hand and then he looked at the gap in the doorframe. What was this? Was this a weak door or was he suddenly strong? That couldn't be. Saeran was always weak and sickly. He couldn't even open a jar in the house. What was this? What was happening to him? He tried to shake off those feelings as quickly as they built up as he left that dark room and headed out into the hallway.
It didn't seem familiar to him and he didn't think that he knew this place. All he knew was that he needed to find some water and stop this thirst. He wound up finding a sink and he tried to swallow some but it did nothing but make him even more thirsty. It didn't even wet his dry throat. That was when he really started to feel like he was losing control of himself. He was trying to put together the pieces of what had happened to him before he fell asleep and where he was now but the thoughts were clouded.
What happened to him?
The last thing he could remember was Rika.
She had approached him in the garden late into the night and he had tried to speak with her about something, and then... wait.
Saeran remembered.
Fangs sunk deep into the skin of his throat and his body felt empty in a matter of minutes. He had heard of something like that in one of the monster books that he had found lying around in his home and he assumed that they were just that. A story for children to scare them. There was no way that there could be vampires walking amongst the living and yet, he had seen the red in Rika's irises and he had felt her teeth drill into him. He lifted his shaking hand to his throat and felt for a wound but he could find nothing but healed skin and just the smallest indentation in the skin where something had bored into him.
Right there, on his skin.  
That meant that...
Saeran gasped, once again as the realization struck him, and his body caved in on him. He fell unconscious once again.
The second time that he awoke, this time he found himself in a darkened chamber on the ground. Rika was sitting in a chair just in front of him that vaguely reminded him of a throne. Her blond curls fanned around her body and her hand press into her cheek as if bored by watching him struggle and strain against the floor. She didn't say anything to him. Her vision just turned in the direction of the other side of the room where she smiled gleefully at somebody, "Come on, bring in the traitor, would you? He's finally awakened and I think he's mighty thirsty for a feast on the blood those who have failed me."
Meanwhile, Saeran's body was screaming at him. That thirst had not gone away and it had somehow gotten much worse. It was the only thing that he could think about. He wasn't even thinking about the pain anymore. He just thinking about how thirsty he was and how badly he wanted to make the thirst stop. He dug his hands into the floor and breathed hard, as it was all that he could do, hissing out and groveling.
Was this what it felt like to suffer?
One guard came forward with a human that was struggling to fight against the tight grip the vampire held on their wrist. They were begging and pleading with both the guard and the woman in the room to let them go, and that they were sorry for what they had done. Rika merely sighed at the sight and twirled her hand around once. "If you would be so kind, dear, let the traitor go. I don't think my dear Saeran can wait any longer."
The human was shoved onto the ground in front of Saeran and the guard took a few steps back away from the newborn. Something smelled... good. Saeran's ache momentarily died as he lifted his head up and saw the terrified eyes of the man in front of him. He saw the fear and the terror in their eyes but for some reason, Saeran couldn't find himself feeling the same way. All he could think about was how thirsty he was and how good they smelled.
So good... so damn good.
Was this what it felt like to lose control?
"No... please!"
"You should be happy to serve paradise. After all, you were the one that said you were willing to do anything to please me and further my vision of paradise. I did all I could for you, and now you're going to do all you can for my dear Saeran."
He was so thirsty... and it smelled so good. It was too strong and it too much for him to ignore. He could only think about how much he wanted his thirst to be quenched. Saeran's mind went blank as his body took control.
Was this what it felt like to be a monster?
Those screams would haunt Saeran for the rest of his life.
Even after he managed to escape from the false paradise that Rika had crafted after being entrapped for over a year by sheer luck, those memories and his actions would always haunt him and plague his waking mind. He left that place as soon as he had the chance and saw the opening to run. He ran as long and as far as his legs could carry him and until his lungs burned with thirst once again. 
He refused to think about that place, and he refused to look behind him. It was a chapter in his life that he wanted to run away from, run as far away as he could. The acts committed to him were nothing he wanted to speak of.
It hurt him to even think of that first night. That first night where he took his first life out of sheer necessity. It was another nightmare to add to his collection of evergrowing pains that would weigh on him for the rest of eternity.
Saeran just kept running.
He doesn't even know for how long and how far, but he gets as far away from that place in the mountains as he can get himself. He stares up at the moon as it falls on the horizon every night when he travels and remembers that he is damned to never see the beautiful sun that had once made him so happy ever again.
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