#wow now we know where Kade got his does not know how to use a chair genes from
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argylemnwrites · 4 years
Facts, Fibs, and Futures
Pairing: Mal Volari x MC (Raina - f!human)
Book: Blades of Light and Shadow (Chapter 4)
Word Count: ~3300
Rating: PG-13 (innuendo)
Summary: A evening of games, cards, and fortune-telling gives Mal a better understanding of Raina.
Author’s Note: Wish I had time to do more for @bladesappreciationweek, but happy to have at least snuck this piece in under the wire for Day 7 - MC/wildcard. It’s a little bit about my MC, a little about the gang in their early days, and a little glimpse at some early Mal/MC flirtation.
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“...And so I convinced the Contessa of Ditorilla that I was merely a figment of her imagination, conjured up by her deepest desires.”
Raina couldn’t help but snort as she caught the tail end of the undoubtedly false story Mal was spinning for Nia and Tyril as she walked towards them on the deck. She’d been staring at the horizon, trying to calm her stomach. She didn’t want to admit it and give Mal more of a reason to see her as naive, a kit with no experience, but the truth was that the rocking of Gerhard’s ship on the waves left her fairly nauseous. She hoped she would get used to the sensation soon, but in the meantime, she had to resort to attempting simple solutions. Hopefully, the hour she just spent by herself along the railing would be seen as her just wanting to take in the ocean. Not that that would make her seem any less like a damn kit.
“Based on Raina’s reaction, I am going to go with ‘fib’ on that tale.” Tyril’s voice floated through the air, drawing Raina out of her introspection.
“Come on, Kit. It’s bad enough that you are shockingly skilled at this, but now you have to ruin it for me when you aren’t even playing?” She stopped and glanced over at Mal, tipping back in his chair, one foot braced against the deck, the other resting on the edge of the table where he was sitting with Nia and Tyril. When they made eye contact, he winked at her before placing his hand on his chest in mock pain.
“Raina, you should join us!” Nia called out, twisting around in her chair to flash a bright smile.
“Yes, please do,” added Tyril. “This… ruffian has convinced us to play some sort of game where we have to determine whether a statement is the truth or a lie.”
“Yeah, Fib or Fact,” Raina said as she sat down in the free chair between Nia and Tyril, “but you aren’t really playing unless you are drinking.”
“See! Thank you! I told you guys this was a drinking game!” Mal cried out, gesturing across the table to Raina with a flourish. 
Tyril shook his head briskly. “I do not understand the human fascination with needing to create banal games to drink.”
“I don’t know; I think it’s just a fun way to pass the time.” Raina glanced over to her left and gave Tyril a little shrug.
“But we know Elf Boy here would rather die than have fun.”
Tyril opened his mouth, but before he could respond, Nia cut in. “Please, we can’t be at each other’s throats constantly.”
Tyril glanced between Nia and Mal, the openingly-mocking grin plastered on Mal’s face clearly fueling the fire that Nia was trying to extinguish. After a few tense and silent seconds, he gave a terse little nod. “Fine, but if I have to listen to any more stories of his romantic... conquests, I make no promises.”
Nia let out a little sigh. “Good. Well, maybe we should pick a different game anyway, since Raina is always right at this one.”
“Is that so?”
Raina smiled and tilted her head to the side. “I’m very good at reading people. Particularly his Magnificence over there.” She gestured across the table towards Mal, who plastered a fake shocked expression on his face, eyebrows raised and eyes wide, as he mouthed “Me?” before grinning and shooting Raina a wink.
“They played quite a bit on our journey to Port Parnassus,” Nia added. “I think Mal only got her four or five times.”
“Well, nevermind then. Let’s keep playing,” Tyril said, leaning back slightly and crossing his arms, the corners of his lips quirking upwards as he glanced back at Mal.
“Nah, don’t want to offend your delicate sensibilities with my more scandalous accounts,” he responded, waggling his eyebrows.
“Does anyone know any other games we could play? I don’t know if I want to gamble again.” Nia said, clearly trying to move past any sniping between the two males of their little party. 
“Awww, priestess. Didn’t enjoy your first taste of betting?”
Her cheeks flushed as she shook her head. “I don’t think it’s for me, Mal.”
"Just you wait. We'll bring out your wild side one of these days," Mal said, winking at Nia before giving her a very genuine looking smile. "Since cards are out, does anyone have any other ideas?"
Tyril didn't move to suggest anything, sitting still, his arms still locked across his armor. Nia kept glancing around the group, a hopeful gleam in her eyes that made it clear that she was counting on someone else to offer up an idea.
Raina found her mind drifting to Kade. He always knew how to entertain a group. He could tell stories, pull out random facts and tidbits of info. He just kept the conversation flowing.
"Maybe we can still use the cards," she said, tilting her head to the side. "My brother would sometimes use the deck to tell fortunes. I think I remember the basics."
"I can do you one better than that, Kit. I happen to be a fortune telling expert." Mal was grinning widely as he shuffled the deck while he stared her down.
"Really." Tyril's deadpan answer conveyed extreme skepticism.
"Yes, really. Are you doubting my skills?”
“As a rule, yes. But doubly so here, seeing as you lack any ability to channel the Light.”
“Don’t need your Light to do this, just pure intuition. So how about it, Elf Boy? Want a chance to glimpse into your future?”
Raina thought Tyril might unsheathe his blade right there, but after a moment he merely shook his head and pushed his chair back as he stood up rapidly. “I’ll pass. Goodnight, Nia. Raina. Vagrant.” And with that he was off, heading below deck without a glance back. Nia looked worried at his rapid departure, but Mal seemed utterly unfazed, leaning forward and letting the front legs of his chair fall to the deck as he spun to face Nia.
“What about you, priestess? Care to see what’s in store for you?”
“Oh! I think I would rather just watch, if you don’t mind.”
“I guess that leaves you, Kit. You up for it, or are you scared of what the cards might hold?”
Raina laughed, leaning across the table and grabbing the cards from his hand. “Oh, I definitely want to see this.”
Mal chuckled in response. “Alright, you’re going to need to pick out seven cards and-”
“Lay them out in a row in front of me; I know.”
“Wow, talk about pushy! You aren’t even giving me the chance to explain how this works to poor Nia.” Mal’s tone was light and carefree, making it clear he had no qualms about letting her get started.
“Seeing how much you love to hear your own voice, I just figured I would actually get to work while you talked her ear off,” Raina replied, throwing Mal a teasing smile as she shuffled the cards and placed one slightly to the left in front of her.
Nia giggled as Mal clutched his shirt and gasped in exaggerated shock. “Raina, you wound me.”
“Something tells me you’ll survive that devastating blow. Nia, have you ever seen this done before?”
She shook her head, watching as Raina placed cards down one by one in a row.
“It’s pretty simple, really,” Raina said, shuffling the deck again before selecting her next card. “I’m supposed to select seven cards that ‘speak to me’ and place them face down in front of me. The first two are said to represent elements of my past, the middle three my present, and the final two my future.”
“Does it work?”
“Of course! Don’t you trust me? Would I make something up?”
“Constantly,” said Nia, causing Raina and Mal to both burst out laughing.
“Slowly but surely, we’ll get you out of your Drakna shell, priestess. It’s inevitable,” said Mal before taking the remaining cards back from Raina. “You happy with your seven?”
“Just get started, Mal. Let’s see if you can back up your bragging with some action.”
“What type of action are you interested in, Kit? Cause I can do a lot-”
“-That’ll make Nia feel real uncomfortable. So how about we stick to the fortune telling for now.”
“For now? Oh, I can work with that,” he said with a wink before pointing to the card Raina had set further to the left. “Alright, first card here is the Base Card. It reflects your origins, your roots.” Mal flipped the card over, showing a village burning, humans crying in the streets, causing Raina’s breath to catch in her throat for just a second.
“The Destruction,” she finally said, trying to hide her shock.
“Yeah. Obviously not a very happy card. In this position, it usually means death and tragedy.”
It was a very fitting card for someone orphaned in a bandit massacre. Raina didn’t quite know how to process it. She didn’t put much stock in things like this. In fact, when she’d watched Kade do this before, he’d never had something so… perfect come up. He usually had to spin things with some very nebulous interpretations to make the cards even remotely work for the person in front of him. But Mal had stumbled into an accurate first card for this reading, and he knew nothing about that part of her past.
“Raina, is that-” Nia started, but she stopped abruptly. Raina glanced up from the card to see Mal shaking his head subtly. Given his reluctance to discuss his own history, it made sense that he could recognize a similar desire in her at this moment.
“Keep going.” Raina said after a few seconds of tense silence. Mal only paused for a second more before he kept going.
“Second card is the Core Card. It is still about your past, but it focuses more on the personal, the fundamentals of your personality more than your background.” He turned over the next card and started laughing as what could best be described as two elves in a very intimate embrace was revealed.
“The Passion. Tell me, Kit - you have a lot of heartbroken lovers pining for you back in Riverbend?”
Raina chuckled, glancing up and staring Mal straight in the eye. “Wouldn’t you like to know.”
“Absolutely,” he said without missing a beat, causing Raina to laugh in earnest and Nia to cough into her Bristlegreen tea.
“Let’s just say I have no objections to your reading so far,” Raina said with a smirk. Mal joined in laughing at that, while Nia’s cheeks flushed very dark.
“I think I might turn in,” she said, placing one of her hands against her cheek, her bracelet catching the moonlight.
“Aww, sorry priestess. I promise this is the most scandalous card in the deck,” Mal said, giving Nia a contrite little nod.
Nia glanced between Mal and Raina before shaking her head. “No, it’s alright. I’m rather tired, and something tells me the innuendo will find a way to come back with you two.”
“Nia, we’re sorry.”
“Yeah, we can keep it clean… or at least mostly clean,” Mal added with a little shrug that was probably meant as an apology.
But Nia just shook her head. “It’s fine. Enjoy the rest of your evening.” She gave them both a gentle smile before standing up, waving as she made her way below deck to their shared quarters.
“And then there were two,” said Mal. “You want to keep going, or do-”
“Of course,” said Raina. “You promised me a glimpse at my future. I expect you to deliver.”
Mal grinned before shifting his hand towards the third card positioned in front of Raina. “This position is the Breaking Card. It’s supposed to represent the turning point that takes you from your past to your present.”
“Kade always said the Breaking Card represented the transition from childhood to adulthood when he did this.”
Mal shook his head. “Sometimes that’s the case, but it is more about growing up in the abstract, not literally aging.” He flipped over the card, revealing an unbalanced scale.
“The Unjust? What is that supposed to mean here?”
“It is usually interpreted to mean an imbalance and loss of stability, an upsetting of how life had been. Sometimes it refers to political upheaval or a change in power structure, but it can also be more personal, like a messy break up or the loss of the family business-”
“Or the entrapment of a brother in the Shadow Realm?”
He glanced up at her, wincing a little bit. “Uhh, yeah. That would apply here.” He moved as if to grab her hand, but apparently thought better of it, dropping his fingers to the table and tapping them restlessly a few times instead. “Do you want to stop, Raina?”
She shook her head. “This reading feels shockingly accurate. Who would I be to turn down a chance at knowing my future?”
He nodded, then moved to the middle card. “Alright, so the middle position is considered the Drive Card. It reflects the biggest event of your present.” The card he flipped over showed white light pouring from above colliding in the center with dark smoke from below. It was the Morality, the card that everyone who did readings like this interpreted as a conflict between good and evil forces.
“Well, that’s easy enough to interpret. Battle between light and dark has to represent our taking on the Shadow Court. Keep going.”
“Woah, I thought I was the one doing this reading, Kit.”
Raina smiled and shrugged. “I told you Kade liked to do this around the tavern. Besides, I’m far more interested in the outcome of the Drive Card,” she said, tapping next to the sixth card.
“Ahh, yes. The Reckoning Card. But first we need to see your Key Card to figure out what part of your present is going to be most important for your future. Shape your journey going forward.” He revealed the Twins, a male and female orc with nearly identical features.
“Well I knew the accuracy couldn’t last,” Raina said with a little laugh. “I know for a fact I don’t have a long lost twin waiting for me out there.”
Mal shook his head. “No one interprets this card so literally, Kit. It usually thought to indicate meeting someone with a… similar soul.” He paused before finishing that thought, almost as if trying to find a less emotional phrasing.
“I’m surprised your head didn’t explode from saying something so sentimental.”
“Hey, I don’t make the rules! I’m just the messenger.”
“Uh huh. So I’m going to meet someone very like me and they’re going to define the rest of my life?”
“Yeah, that’s a fair interpretation of this card in that position.”
“So, you’re saying I’m going to meet someone else with a drive for adventure and to see as much of the realm as possible and what? Go into business with them?”
Mal took a sip of his ale without breaking eye contact. “Possibly. The key card is usually read in a more passionate light than that, though.”
“Is this considered a romantic card then?” Raina found herself staring at Mal, unable to break his gaze. 
“For humans, yes. The Key Card in general is often considered to be a romantic card. Or at least it usually gets interpreted that way.”
“So I’m going to fall for my fellow adventurer?”
He kept looking right at her as he said, “Well, that would be the most common way the Twins are read in this situation.”
Things suddenly felt tense and loaded, far more expectant than they had any right to be. Not wanting to dwell on the implications of that card, Raina looked to diffuse the moment. “Of course, given that my Core Card was the Lovers, it might just be that I flirt with this adventurer until the next best thing comes along.” Raina knew she was ignoring the fact that the Key Card was supposed to carry the reading from the present to the future, but she didn’t know how to process the depth of such a statement. Not now, when so much was left to do to defeat the Shadow Court and to save Kade. And certainly not when she was staring at the person she felt more similar to than anyone else she’d met in a long time.
Mal seemed to sense her desire to not address the realities and details of such a prediction, instead laughing at her joke. “Love ‘em and leave ‘em your style, too?”
She smirked as she gave him a coy little shrug. “No comment.”
“Fair enough. I want stories later though, Kit.”
Raina waved him off and shook her head. “Just finish my reading, Mal.”
“A valid subject change, I’ll grant you that. So, you already told me that you know that the Reckoning Card represents the eventual outcome of the Drive Card. Ready to see how things go on your mission of doom?”
She rolled her eyes, but nodded. With how attuned this whole reading had been, she found herself eager to see the next card, almost believing it might actually represent their future.
Mal pulled the card toward him, drawing out the reveal. “Huh,” was all he said before placing the card face up in front of her.
“The Double-Edged Sword?”
“Does that mean we defeat the Shadow Court?”
Mal shrugged. “This card usually reflects either a desired outcome at a high price, or a wish come true that causes a new set of problems.”
“So not exactly the greatest card for the Reckoning Card.”
“But not the worst either. It’s often portrayed as a mixed outcome. Most tellers would interpret this as reflecting success when it comes to the Shadow Court, but either after suffering some steep consequences or having to traipse through all three hells. That sort of thing."
“Well, I guess that’s better than outright defeat.”
“That’s the spirit! Surviving by the skin of your teeth is all you need, anyway! Easy success is overrated.”
“And highly unlikely?”
“Yeah, that too. You ready for your final card?”
“Hit me with it.”
“Alright, so the final position is the Unwinding Card. It’s supposed to represent the overall course of your life once you’ve fully moved out of the present.” Mal flipped the final card over, showing a golden, gleaming, cup, letting out a little whistle as he saw it.
“The Golden Chalice feels like a good card here.”
“It’s a great one, Kit. It represents comfort, pleasure, contentment. In this position, it’s basically saying your life will be filled with all you could want in the future.”
Raina nodded. “Well, at least it seems like no matter what the Shadow Court deals us, we come out of it alright. Unless you are just an awful fortune teller.”
Mal chuckled at that, sliding the seven cards back into his deck. “I make no promises for the accuracy of these predictions.”
“Where did you learn how to do this anyway?”
Raina noticed that he swallowed roughly as he tucked the cards back into his sack. “That’s a story for another time,” he said finally. “You ready to call it a night?”
She shook her head. “Not just yet."
"You want any company?"
Raina gave him a smile and nodded. “Sure, that would be nice.”
And so he moved over into the chair next to her, following her gaze as she looked up at the stars. The silence was comfortable and easy and for several moments, she just soaked in the night sky.
“So really, how many jilted lovers are we talking for you?” Mal’s teasing question pulled Raina out of her thoughts. 
She laughed and shook her head. “Let it go, Mal. Some facts are just better left unmentioned.”
“Fair enough, Kit. Fair enough.”
Perma: @walkerswhiskeygirl @octobereighth @kimmiedoo5 @mom2000aggie
Blades: @marshmallowsandfire
Mal x MC: @anotherbeingsworld​
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btsqualityy · 5 years
BTS Second Pregnancy Series #4: The First Ultrasound
11 to 12 weeks, or 3 months, pregnant
Kim Seokjin
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“Y/N-ah, are you ok?” Jin wondered as he looked over at you, having noticed how much your leg was bouncing up and down nervously. The two of you were at your doctor’s office for your first ultrasound and you were more than a little anxious.
“Yeah,” you nodded and then you sighed heavily. “No. I don’t know.”
“Tell me what’s on your mind,” he encouraged, reaching over and grabbing your hand in his. 
“I’m just nervous,” you admitted.
“About what?”
“About this baby being ok,” you replied. “All of the issues we had getting pregnant with Kade, and then his birth and the c-section. All of that is just kind of coming back now.”
“I get that and it’s understandable that you feel that way,” Jin nodded. “I’m nervous too, but we should wait for the doctor to confirm or deny anything before we get upset, yeah?”
“Yeah,” you agreed with a small smile, giggling when Jin brought your hand up to his mouth and kissed it. Just then, there was a knock on the door before it opened and your doctor stepped inside.
“Hello Y/N, Seokjin,” he smiled and you and Jin greeted him back. “Are we ready to see your baby today?”
“Beyond ready,” Jin laughed. Your doctor nodded and wasted no more time, quickly squirting some of the ultrasound gel onto your stomach before setting the ultrasound wand on top and gently rolling it over your skin.
“And there they are,” your doctor announced and you and Jin looked over at the screen, a small little figure just barely visible on the screen.
“Oh,” you gasped, tears welling up in your eyes.
“How are they?” Jin questioned. “Everything good?”
“Everything look’s great,” your doctor nodded, which took a large weight off your heart. “Baby’s right on track.”
“Thank God,” you mumbled and Jin chuckled before leaning down and pressing a kiss to your forehead. 
Min Yoongi 
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“Hi Y/N,” your doctor smiled as she walked into the room, shaking hands with both you and Yoongi. 
“Hi,” you replied. 
“You’re her doctor?” Yoongi questioned and you looked up at him with a smile. 
“Yeah, my old one retired Yoongs,” you reminded him, looking back over to your doctor who was getting the ultrasound machine ready.
“Thank God she’s a woman,” he murmured and you reached over to pinch his thigh.
“Yoongs, shut up,” you laughed. You then laid back, lifting up the hem of your shirt so that your stomach was on display and you watched as your doctor put a generous amount of gel on your skin. 
“Let’s see what we can see here,” she muttered, moving the wand over your belly. “And they are right....there.” You looked up to the screen, a small spreading over your lips as you looked at your baby on the screen.
“So tiny,” you giggled.
“Do you guys wanna hear the heartbeat?” She asked, you and Yoongi both nodding at her. She pressed a few buttons and suddenly, the room was filled with a loud whooshing sound.
“It’s so strong,” Yoongi chuckled. 
“They’re feisty, just like their mama,” you smirked.
“Yeah, like we need another one of you running around,” Yoongi groaned. “You’re already rubbing off on Kins.”
“You love it,” you teased me, smiling when he leaned down and kissed your lips softly.
“Most of the time,” he smirked. 
Kim Namjoon
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“You excited?” Namjoon asked you and you looked over at him, nodding as your doctor lifted up your shirt and put a healthy amount of the ultrasound gel on your abdomen. 
“I’m excited to see them,” you smiled. “I feel like it’ll make it more real.” Your doctor then set the wand on your skin, moving it around slowly. 
“Here’s your little one,” your doctor announced as he pointed up towards the screen. 
“Joon,” you gasped, reaching out to grab his hand in yours as he leaned down and set his chin on your shoulder.
“They’re so precious,” he chuckled.
“How are they?” You asked the doctor and he nodded as he pressed a few buttons on the keyboard.
“They’re looking amazing,” he confirmed. “They’re positioned well and their heart rate looks good.”
“Oh, do you think you can give us some of those little pictures too?” Namjoon wondered and you laughed as you looked at your doctor.
“He means sonogram pictures doc,” you told him, and your doctor chuckled and nodded.
“Of course,” he smiled. 
Jung Hoseok 
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“Jung Hoseok, I swear to God and on the lives of our twins,” you started as you looked over at him as the two of you waited for your doctor to walk into the room. “If there is more than one baby inside of me, you are not walking out of this doctor’s office alive.”
“You know, a lot of people would consider it a compliment that their husband got them pregnant with twins naturally, and twice at that,” Hobi replied. 
“Listen, I said what I said,” you giggled. “No better yet, if I’m having more than one, I’m gonna leave them with you after I give birth and escape to Peru.”
“Nice to know that you’re in this for the long haul Y/N-ah,” Hobi laughed. Just then, your doctor stepped into the room. 
“Hi you two,” you doctor smiled. “So, expecting again Y/N?”
“Yeah,” you nodded.
“Are we hoping for another set of twins again?” He wondered as he motioned for you to lay back and you did so. “Or just one?”
“Just one,” you and Hobi both replied at the same time.
“Lennox and Berkeley have your hands full huh?” Your doctor chuckled as he poured a small amount of the gel onto your stomach.
“You have no idea,” you murmured. He grabbed the wand and set it on your stomach, moving it around as he pressed some buttons on the ultrasound machine. 
“Well, good news: you’re only having one,” he announced and you let out a small sigh of relief as he turned the screen around so that you and Hobi could see.
“Wow, is that them moving?” Hobi wondered in awe and your doctor nodded.
“Looks like you’ve got an active one,” he said.
“Lennox is gonna love them then,” you giggled before looking up at Hobi. “I love you”
“I love you too Y/N-ah,” he smiled, kissing you softly.
Park Jimin
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“What’s that?” Noah piped up, making your doctor laugh as she pumped a few pumps of the ultrasound gel onto your abdomen. For your first appointment, you and Jimin thought it would be cool to bring Noah so that he could see the baby for the first time as well.
“It’s gonna help us be able to see the baby inside of your mommy,” your doctor explained with a smile. She then picked up the ultrasound wand and placed it right on top of the gel, slowly moving it around.
“Does that help too?” You heard Noah ask Jimin and you looked over at them to see Jimin nodding.
“And here they are,” your doctor announced and you looked back at the small screen to see the small flickering, which was your baby’s heartbeat.
“I’ll never get over how small they start out,” you chuckled. 
“You see mini me?” Jimin said as he pointed to the screen. “That’s your brother or sister.”
“It’s too small,” Noah said as he squinted his eyes, making you laugh loudly. “It’s smaller than a regular baby.”
“Well, it’s gonna stay inside of your mommy for a few months and grow in there,” your doctor said. “When it’s ready to come out, it’ll be much bigger.”
“Ohhh,” Noah drawled as he nodded his head. 
“Jimin-ssi, that’s really our second baby,” you sighed, making Jimin chuckle as he leaned down and kissed your lips gently.
“I know, they’re beautiful,” he grinned. 
Kim Taehyung
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“Ready to see your new little one?” Your doctor wondered and both you and Taehyung nodded rapidly in response, making him laugh. After spreading the gel onto your stomach, he set the wand on your skin and turned the screen so that you and Taehyung could see it.
“That’s them right there,” your doctor said as he pointed to a small little blob on the screen.
“Oh, they’re so small,” you chuckled, feeling your eyes getting misty.
“They seem even smaller than Munchkin was,” Taehyung added. 
“Everything’s right on track though,” your doctor interjected. “You’re measuring right at 12 weeks Y/N.”
“That’s good to hear,” you nodded with a smile, looking up at Taehyung who was busy marveling at the little figure on the screen. “Tae.”
“Yeah jagi?” He murmured, looking down at you.
“You have to give them a nickname.”
“What?” He laughed. “What are you talking about?”
“Remember the first ultrasound we had with Spence?” You started.
“You mean the one that I almost missed?”
“Yeah, that one,” you giggled. “You called her Munchkin for the first time at that ultrasound. You have to give this baby one too, just to make things fair.”
“That’s so cute jagi,” he smiled, pressing a quick kiss to your cheek before looking up at the screen and tilting his head as he thought for a few seconds. “Squirt.”
“Squirt?” you repeated.
“Yeah, since they’re tinier than Munchkin was. Just feels like it fits,” he shrugged.
“Ok, I like it,” you nodded. “Squirt it is.”
Jeon Jungkook
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“Y/N-ah?” Jungkook called out as he walked into the house late at night, taking care to be as quiet as possible since he knew that Ava was probably asleep. Jungkook set his bag down by the door and took his shoes off, only to see you coming down the stairs as he stood up straight.
“Hey,” you mumbled quietly as you walked over to him, the two of you wrapping your arms around each other as you hugged tightly.
“I’m so sorry that I had to miss your first ultrasound Y/N-ah,” he murmured, pressing a kiss to the top of your head afterwards.
“Mm I don’t like it but I understand,” you shrugged lamely, pulling back from the hug to look up at him. “I have sonograms to show you though.”
“Let me see,” he smiled softly and you reached down and intertwined his fingers with yours before pulling him off into the kitchen. You moved over to the counter, where your purse sat and you reached inside with your free hand, rummaging around for a while before pulling out a strip of photos.
“Here,” you said as you handed them to him and he let go of your hand in order to hold the long strip up with both hands. 
“Wow,” he gushed softly, making you smile. “Always so small.”
“I know, Ava said the same thing,” you giggled. “She said that the baby is like a fishy right now.”
“Aw, how did she react to seeing the baby?” He asked you.
“Oh, you’ve should’ve seen her. She thought that it was the coolest thing in the world, that we could see the baby while it’s inside of me,” you told him.
“Ugh, I hate that I missed it,” he grumbled and you set your hands on his cheeks, making him look up at you.
“I still have six more months worth of appointments Kook,” you giggled. “And I know that if you were able to, you would’ve been there. Besides, Ave made a good stand in. She held my hand and everything.”
“Good,” he laughed. “The baby’s good though?”
“Perfectly healthy and everything looks good,” you nodded. “Look, there’s their little tiny foot,” you said as you pointed to one of the pictures and you and Jungkook stayed in the kitchen for a while, gushing over the pictures of your newest baby together. 
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asexual-hugger · 3 years
The moment Allison reaches her parents’ house, the Christmas display of lights lining the porch railings and the outside catches her eye. Even the small plants on the stoop have strings of lights wound around them, and the Santa sleigh with the reindeer and Allison’s Christmas Olaf from the movie Frozen are set out in the front yard. Her father had once again gone all out.
“Does your family decorate like this every year?” Detective Sinclaire is looking at the decorations with amazement.
“Basically, yes,” Allison answers. “Dominic gave me the Olaf the year after Frozen came out in theaters, and it’s been used as a Christmas tradition here ever since.”
“Oh!” Sinclaire seems to notice the snowman after a moment. “Oh. Wow! I didn’t even see him! He’s adorable!”
“I know, right?” Allison gushes. “He’s my favorite character in the whole movie. Dominic said he saw him at the Disney store and thought of me right away. My mum made the Santa hat and scarf for him.”
“That was so thoughtful of your brother to do that,” Sinclaire remarks. “I never even knew Olaf was your favorite. I was going to guess Elsa, since you seem to be into the songs and the dresses.”
“Wellllll, maaaaaybeeee Elsa is my second favorite.” Allison puts on an innocent expression and shrugs. “It’s kind of hard to choose, to be honest, but if I were to make a choice, my number one would be Olaf. He’s got so much personality and in some ways reminds me of myself.”
She grins at him widely and knocks on the door. Voices can be heard from inside, and then footsteps. The knob turns and a young man with slightly tousled dark hair opens it, staring out at her.
“She’s here!” he cries out.
“Hello, Harry.” Allison greets her second oldest brother with a smile. “Merry Christmas.”
“Merry Christmas to you, little sis.” Harry McQueen smiles widely and wraps his arms tightly around her. “How’ve you been? Where’ve you been? We’ve been waiting for you for what feels like an eternity!”
“Sorry; I got held up in the town square,” Allison tells him as he releases her. “I got distracted by the big tree and all the decorations. It’s my fault. I hope I didn’t keep you guys waiting too long. I texted Mum and Dad to say I didn’t know when I’d be coming over. Am I allowed inside or are you going to stay out here interrogating me on the invisible witness stand?”
“Sorry.” Harry backs up and opens the door all the way. “Come on in. You must be freezing!” He beckons her in almost desperately and then his eyes fall on her guest. “Er...what’s going on? Who’s the dude?”
Stranger Danger. Allison had warned Detective Sinclaire that her brothers would ask questions. This was most likely the start of it.
“Harry, meet my boss, Detective Ernest Sinclaire,” Allison says proudly before things get awkward. “Detective, my second oldest brother, Harry McQueen. Attorney.”
Detective Sinclaire steps forward and grins at the older sibling. “What she said,” he states, digging into his heavy layers and pulling out his lanyard to flash his badge. “Ernest Sinclaire, Private Investigator. You’ve probably heard of me from your sister. We work together at Ledford Park Detective Agency.”
“Private investigator, huh?” Harry narrows his eyes, almost suspiciously. “You look awfully young. In fact, you look almost the same age as Allison. Are you pulling my leg?”
“I assure you, I am not,” Sinclaire answers confidently. “I am indeed your sister’s employer, and believe me, you are not the first one to notice my youthful appearance. I may be young, but I am quite capable of running an entire detective business on my own. Consider me a self-made man. It’s a pleasure to meet you. Allison has told me great things about you and your elder brother Dominic.”
“I would believe she has.” Harry eyes his younger sister protectively. “All I can say is, sir, if you are truly a private detective, then you’d know my brother and I do not take kindly to strangers harassing our only sister.”
“Detective Sinclaire has never touched a hair on my head, Harry,” Allison announces firmly. “I already warned him about your Brother Code. He knows that he has to earn the Older Brother Seal of Approval in order to get out of the Stranger Danger zone. If you have doubts, Mum, Dad and Kade will back him up, since they met him last summer when I came home to help on the farm. Believe me when I tell you this: Detective Sinclaire is the most trustworthy, honest man I’ve ever met, and he would never hurt me on any account. This isn’t the courthouse. This is our family home, so drop the lawyer act and let us inside. Please.”
She looks back at her boss and gives him a firm, confident nod.
“Harry? What is going on out there? Is Allison here yet?” Allison recognizes her mother’s voice from inside. “What’s taking so long?”
“She’s here, Mum,” Harry calls, stepping aside to let his sister in. He continues to give Sinclaire a long, hard look, following his movements closely. “She brought some guy. Says he’s her boss. Did you know anything about this?”
“Oh! Is it that sweet detective???” There is bustling from around the corner, and Lady Eleanor McQueen appears, her long evening gown twirling around her ankles. “Well, hello there, Detective! Now, Harry, I do hope you are being respectful to your sister’s guest! Let them in, for goodness sakes! It is deathly cold outside!”
Allison and Detective Sinclaire wipe their snowy boots on the front mat in the hall and Allison gives her mother a warm hug.
“Merry Christmas, Mum; it’s so good to see you,” she says. 
“Merry Christmas, dear,” Lady Eleanor answers. “I am so glad you could come back for the holidays. And you,” she adds, turning to look at Sinclaire. “I did hope you’d come back as well. You just keep looking better each time I see you. Your cheeks are so flushed!” She places her hands on each side of his face and holds them there for a few seconds. “What have you two been doing out there? Your skin is absolutely frozen, young man!”
“I am feeling very warm, I assure you, Lady McQueen,” Sinclaire explains, looking rather embarrassed at being caught in the grip of Allison’s mother with Allison standing next to him. “I spent a lot of time indoors. It’s your daughter you should be worried about. She looked even colder than I did when I met up with her. We’re both fine; we just needed to get out of the cold. I am very sorry if I made the wrong impression on your son.”
“Nonsense,” Lady Eleanor insists, dismissing him. “Harry is just looking out for his younger sister. He and Dominic have always been that way. It’s in their blood. They carry their father’s courage. Family ties, you know. I’ll have a talk with him and Dom later on about it. You are a guest in this house. As long as Allison feels comfortable with you, I do, too. She could have brought home someone much, much worse. Speaking of which, Dominic should be in the living room with Kade, and I haven’t any idea where my husband went. Come on in and say hello.”
Allison leads the way into the living room, where her oldest brother, Dominic, is entertaining Kade with a model airplane and some flight stories about his latest mission.
“Well, go ahead and tell the story of the famous Air Captain McQueen without bringing your little sister into it,” she remarks good-naturedly.
Dominic McQueen, Air Captain, pauses the story and puts the model plane down on the coffee table the moment he hears her voice.
“Junior Commander!” He gets up off the floor and races over to her, tackling her in a giant bear hug. He squeezes her tightly to his chest, kissing the top of her head.
“Hello to you, too, big bro.” Allison giggles.
“Man; I haven’t seen you in MONTHS!” Dominic remarks, pulling away and gripping her shoulders to study her. “You look great, sis. How’s the jungle treating you?”
“Oh, you know; it’s London,” Allison responds. “Big city life and all that. I’ve been hard at work running errands and helping my boss with case files. Whom, by the way, I brought with me to introduce you. I texted you and Harry to let you know he was coming, although Harry seems like he didn’t have time to read the message. Dom, I’d like you to meet...”
“Pleasure to meet you. Ernest Sinclaire, Private Investigator.” Sinclaire pulls out his badge and exchanges pleasantries before Allison can finish, smiling and extending his hand towards Dominic. “You must be Dominic, the eldest McQueen. Allison’s told me a great deal about you. I hear you’re a pilot?”
“I am indeed.” Dominic gives the newcomer a look almost similar to the one Harry had given him. “And you’re a cop. With a badge.”
“Don’t forget the pistol and handcuffs, too,” Allison adds. “He’s the real deal, Dom. I’ve been working under him for the past three years as his personal assistant. He has his own business in London. Ledford Park Detective Agency. He may be young, but he’s a very savvy businessman.” She sneaks a wink at Sinclaire.
“Thank you, Miss McQueen.” Sinclaire blushes under the praise, although he looks proud at her glowing recommendation. “Yes, it’s everything she said,” he says to Dominic. “I’m a private investigator with my own detective business, and I hired your sister to work for me after I learned she was studying criminal justice. Apparently she wants to be a crime scene investigator.”
“We know that, bud.” Harry appears almost out of nowhere. “Don’t think we don’t know our own sister, and yes, Allison, I did get your text message. I’ve just been so swamped with work that I haven’t had a chance to really read it. Boss or not, Mr. Private Investigator better not be taking advantage of his police skills to investigate YOU, and I mean that in more ways than one.”
“Harry!” Allison cries out. 
“He does have a point,” Dominic states. “Tell me, Detective. You say my little sister is your personal assistant. What exactly do you have her do?”
“It’s simple stuff, really,” Sinclaire explains. “She goes on errands, helps me with case files, organizes my schedules. It’s nothing bad. I’d never, ever put her in harm’s way without my being there to protect her. I know how much you two love her. She’s told me all about it already.”
“So she’s your slave then.” Harry frowns. “Don’t try and argue with me, Detective, but the way you’re describing her job, it’s definitely slave labor to me. Why does she do errands and organize your schedules? Is she your secretary or your assistant?”
“Harry, I really enjoy it,” Allison insists. “It’s not what you think it is at all. I’m not his slave. The reason he has me do certain things is because he doesn’t have the time to do everything himself. He’s the big boss man. It’s kind of to be expected. He’s got enough on his plate dealing with phone calls and emails all day from elite clients hiring his services. He gets paid very well. Did you know he’s the most popular P.I. in his field? People all over the place call in to his office asking for his help on cases. He’s basically the Sherlock Holmes of the 21st century.”
“I thought that was Benedict whatshisface,” Kade calls out from the couch.
“You know what I mean,” Allison replies. “And how’s it going with you, bugger? I haven’t even greeted you yet. How silly of me! You remember Detective Sinclaire, right?”
“Sure I do!” Kade answers enthusiastically. “After you guys left last summer, Mum and Dad couldn’t shut up about you. You remember me, right, Detective?”
“I do,” Sinclaire responds, winking at him. “How are you doing, Kade? You’re looking well. I see you got the cast off your foot. I’m so glad you’re walking again.”
“Yeah, I am, too,” Kade responds gratefully. “It took months, but they finally took it off. I’m pleased to announce that I am all healed up and walking around like a normal person. Mum said that she hopes I can keep it like that, although she knows me. Kade the Klutz. I can never go for one day without tripping over something.”
“I am happy for you,” Sinclaire tells him. “Elated, actually. It must be wonderful to not have that crutch on you. You definitely look healthier than I saw you last.”
“So how much of that money you earn goes to my sister?” Dominic is speaking. “I’m guessing that you pay her a percentage of what your clients pay you, right? What kind of clients hire your services? Private investigators are not common and therefore very expensive. We don’t get very many rich folks around these parts.”
“He’s got plenty of rich clients,” Allison answers, “and it doesn’t matter how much I get paid. I’m not working for the money. I’m working for the experience and the enjoyment. It’s just like you fly in your plane for enjoyment and Harry works cases at the courthouse for enjoyment. It’s always about more than money. Mum and Dad taught us that.”
“Sure they did,” Harry states. “And while I do enjoy being a lawyer, it’s also equally important to make a living. Mum and Dad taught us that, too.”
“So, since you’re a high-and-mighty detective with a badge and gun, and that’s cool and all, it still doesn’t excuse you for any harm you might put our sister in,” Dominic warns. “You got that, buster? I’d better not be hearing that you’re taking advantage of Allison the next time I get an update. London is a big city. Lots of crazies. Being a police officer proves nothing. Cops can hurt people just as much as anyone can. You’d best be using that pistol and handcuffs for protecting my sister and not throwing yourself on her. You don’t know what we McQueens are capable of doing to those that bring harm to our younger ones. I’ve had plenty of physical training in my pilot’s license program, and you can bet Harry can pack a punch on an unsuspecting citizen just like he does in the courtroom on murder trials.”
“I’ve got it loud and clear, Mr. McQueen,” Sinclaire answers, not even flinching. Being a private investigator also means getting used to threats. “As I said, I’m a detective. I’m certified to protect those I care about. Nothing bad will happen to your sister as long as I’m around. I won’t let it. I never leave anywhere without my pistol. I’ve got it holstered right now under my jacket, and I already told Allison that if anyone tries to hurt her on my watch, they’re going to be looking down its barrel in a flash.”
“How much of a flash?” Harry demands. “Can you be fast enough?”
“I’ve got a quick-draw arm,” Sinclaire answers. “Meaning that I’m fast as fast goes. My mates at the academy used to call me The Flash. I can pull out my pistol the second a lightning bolt streaks across the sky.” He stands in front of Allison in a protective stance. “I swear to both of you that I will keep your sister safe. Scout’s honor.”
“Is everyone ready for dinner?” Lady Eleanor’s voice calls from the kitchen. “The turkey is almost out of the oven. I expect all of you to get along at the table. This is Christmas. Detective, I have placed a chair right next to Allison for you to sit. You aren’t vegetarian, are you?”
“I am not,” Sinclaire answers. “I love meat. And thank you for the seating assignment.” He looks into Allison’s eyes and nods towards the dining room. “Are you ready for dinner? I’m getting famished.”
“I’m definitely ready,” Allison answers. “I was just going to ask Mum if you could sit next to me, but it looks like she was one jump ahead. We have a huge feast every year for Christmas. There’s something for everyone, so if you don’t like turkey, there are plenty of other choices.”
“I can already tell it’s going to be wonderful,” Sinclaire comments. “I don’t think I’ll be disappointed with the selection. I’m not a picky eater.”
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queenbirbs · 4 years
find you in the night | Mal x MC
Pairing: Mal Volari x h!MC (Elwyn)
Word count: 2600+
Summary: A little conversation at sixty-three feet in the air. Or: Mal invites Elwyn to see the abandoned wonder of Westavia Woods.   Title taken from Andrew Belle’s “In My Veins.”
“This is a lot less fun than you said it would be.”
“I dunno. I’ve got a pretty spectacular view from where I’m standing,” Mal counters from where he leans over the edge, no doubt getting an eyeful.
Though she can’t see the smirk on his face, given that she’s too busy climbing up the side of a castle, Elwyn knows it’s there. The handhold she chose gives way under her palm, tearing her attention away from the man above. She digs through the vines and finds another, her nails scratching at the stone in a way that sends a shiver up her spine – and not in a good way, either.
“A little help down here?” she calls up.
In the span of a second, Mal straddles the turret’s wall and waggles his fingers for her to take. Elwyn frowns up at him, even as her boots slip across the protruding stone blocks. “There’s no way that’s safe. Throw me a rope or something.”
“It’s perfectly safe!” he defends. His confidence dims when he eyes the distance between them again. “Safe-ish. C’mon, kit, we haven’t got all day. Sun’s gonna set before you manage to inch your way up here–”
“Fine. Give me your damn hand, then.” She huffs, grinning all the while – he answers in kind with his own as he leans down and grips her hand. His skin is warm from the sun-baked stones, his palm rough from spending a lifetime scaling such structures for treasure.
“That’s it,” he coaxes. “Up and over.”
She climbs the rest of the way up and throws a leg over the wall, drawing in a breath to calm her nerves. She sucks in another when she takes in their view.
“Oh, wow.”  
“I know.”
The castle they sit atop, formerly owned by some pompous asshole (Mal’s words, not hers, though she tends to agree with his sentiments regarding the upper class), sprawls across several acres.
Or, at least, it once had. Now, some hundred or so years since its abandonment, much of it has fallen into disrepair. The gatehouse and several of the towers are nothing more than moss-coated rubble. Dense sheets of vines crawl their way up and over the remaining towers and keep. The courtyard is now an extension of the forest, trees and shrubs filling the neat square where people once bustled about.  
What’s left of the castle towers high above Westavia Woods. The name is a bit of a misnomer, considering the massive spread of forest between Undermount and Whitetower. After leaving the elven city and winding down through the Salus Mountains (while battling a few trolls along the way), they’d stopped here to rest. Tyril had called the area Tel’ eath, which roughly translated to ‘the endless.’ Elwyn didn’t need him to expand on that one.
The view before them is an ocean of green, the forest stretching as far as the eye can see. Already low in the sky, the sun traces the line of the horizon a brilliant gold. Birds soar across the landscape, their forms thrown into sharp relief.  
“I thought it’d be nice to get away.” Mal glances her way and lets out a sigh of content. “Glad to see I was right.”
“Like an adventure from our adventure?”
“Exactly.” He reaches down into his bag and produces a small bottle. The golden liquid inside almost shimmers in the waning sunlight. “Swiped this from the winery while you were grabbing the mangy cat-bat his own bottle.”
Popping out the cork with the tip of his dagger, Mal hands it off to her for the first sip. The taste is sweet, almost to the degree of too much, before the mellow hint of herbs emerges to soothe the dulcified liquid. If the Celestial icewine was sunshine-and-snow, the honey-wine is a gentle wind through a willow tree, or the first bite of autumn. Elwyn thinks of the field of meadowsweet on the eastern edge of Riverbend. How she would spend afternoons hidden in the dense thicket, her nose in a book of fantastical places like Cordonia, or La Huerta, or Lykos, or Brooklyn.    
“I can see why Threep likes it,” she says, taking another sip before passing it back to Mal.
Rolling her shoulders to ease the muscles now sore from her ascent, she indulges in the scenery. From this height, she can easily spot camp, where the steady stream of smoke from their fire snakes up through the tree cover. Their friends’ voices are nothing more than a distant thrum, indecipherable on the wind.
“I’ve never climbed something so tall. There was an old fortress south of Riverbend that I went to the top of, but it was only three stories high. And the view was nothing like this.”
“All by yourself?” he teases, making a show of licking his lips clean of the wine. “And here I thought you hadn’t taken part in a single adventure until I came along.”
“It wasn’t much of an adventure. And I went with the town blacksmith.”
“Ah. What’s his name, then?”
“Her name is Simona.”
Mal hums a tone of interest, one eyebrow peaked. “You’re just full of surprises, aren’t ya?”
She levels a look of her own at him. “You did see me make out with that mermaid, didn’t you?”
“It’s not like I was ogling you two,” he points out with a scoff. “Not that you’ll ever hear me admit it again, but I was jealous.”
“Oh, I know. You’re not exactly subtle about it.”
“I’d try to hide it, but you seem to see right through me.” He’s grinning as he says it, but there’s a softness in his gaze that wasn’t there weeks ago.
It’s his only tell that she’s been able to spot. Maybe because he lets her, she considers, and the thought warms her, oddly enough.
Turning from her companion, Elwyn scans the farthest edge of the forest as best she can, looking for the age-old sign of civilization: right angles. Even far beyond her sight, she knows that the great city of Whitetower is still many, many miles away. The thought of visiting the capital city has her torn in two.
On one hand, it’s somewhere she’s always wanted to go, after seeing a painting of the sparkling, white castles rising high into the sky, the cobblestone streets below filled with the smudged outlines of its citizens. After living most of her life in a tiny, backwater town, she longed to experience a real, bustling city filled to the brim with people.
On the other hand, she knows that it’s the last stop on their adventure through Morella. Elwyn has no doubt that they’ll find the last shard; has no qualms about fighting the Shadow Court; has no objection to doing whatever it takes to get her brother back.
She can only hope that her friends make it out alive.
A quick tug on her braid brings her out of her woolgathering.
“Penny for your thoughts.”
“Wondering what awaits us in the city,” she answers, trying her best to hide the anxiety she feels.
Mal rolls his shoulders in a lazy shrug, exuding a carefree appearance. It’s a good act, she’ll give him that.
“Destruction, devastation… death. But that’s the usual for Whitetower.”
“I know you don’t want to return, but I’m glad you’re coming.”
“It’s not that,” he says with a shake of his head. “I’d always planned to go back, of course, what with my sister still living there. But that sort of visit would be a quick in-and-out, do a bit of business, and be off before anyone who cared to know even suspected.”
Squinting out at the horizon, he sighs before flashing her a wry grin. “I have a feeling we’ll be making quite the entrance for ourselves this time.”
She watches the grin fade away as his brown eyes search hers.
“I have few memories of my village,” she tells him, “but not all of them are good. And I’m not only talking about the night it was destroyed. So, I understand about wanting to leave the past where it lies.”
“I’d be lying if I hadn’t thought about it burning down to ash. Parts of it, at least,” he amends. “I don’t wish any harm on the citizens.”
“I’m guessing those parts would be the castle.”
“Yeah,” he murmurs, something dark flashing in his eyes. “Just those.”
Before them, the sun has disappeared. It throws its last light out across the treetops, a vain attempt to keep its hold on the day. The night arrives like a deep, blue blanket thrown over the sky. High above them, stars twinkle into existence, materializing in droves. It’s as if someone has flicked a white paintbrush across the heavens. A cool wind rushes past; Elwyn shudders along with the vines.
She thinks of Kade and the realm he’s trapped in. Can he see the night sky from wherever he is? Can he keep himself sane by listing off the constellations, something that used to annoy the piss out of her growing up? Can he even still be alive?
She thinks of Kaya, frozen in death, her fear sculpted across her glass form, all alone at what seemed like the bottom of the world. Of all the terrible thoughts that bubble up, Elwyn thinks the worst might be her hands. How they were raised to shield herself from the attack, how that same instinct of survival runs deep in everything, no matter the species. Had she known what was coming? Or was there surprise hidden somewhere behind all that fear?
“Should we have… done something for Kaya?” she asks, hating how small her voice sounds.
“She was beyond our help.”
“I know that. But it still feels like we abandoned her. We left her down there.” Elwyn scrubs at her eyes, wishing she could banish away the immediate well of tears. “I keep thinking about the last time I saw Kade. He had that same expression. What if he thinks there’s no rescue coming? What if he does, though, and we can’t? What if–”
“Hey, hey,” Mal cuts off her worried rambling. He cups her face and drops a kiss to her forehead, and then another just under her eye. Something squeezes tight in her chest at the gesture. “You’ll worry yourself in circles like that.”
“I know,” she whispers, her hand covering his. “But I can’t–”
“Help it. I understand. And I wouldn’t lie to you, not about this. Kade… he–”
“May be lost forever,” Elwyn finishes for him.
He winces, but gives her a quick nod.
“I know that,” she tells him. “After all we’ve seen of what the Shadow Court can do, I can only run on blind faith at this point that I’ll get him back.”
“Hey, now. It’s not only faith. You’ve got the four of us.” He pauses and frowns. “Well, five if you count the cat, but he’s at most a glorified stomach with wings. But that doesn’t mean that we won’t fight like hell for your brother.”
His thumb sweeps across her cheek, steadying her. She turns her head and presses her lips to his palm, wishing she could express the gratitude she feels that they’ve all stuck beside her this long. Instead, she shifts to take another long look at the world as the night closes in on them.  
“I feel like I could see Riverbend from here.”
“If it weren’t for the curve of the world, and if your eyes were as good as mine, you probably could.”
She gives his thigh a light smack.
“My eyes are just fine, thank you.”
“Very fine indeed,” he agrees, that familiar smirk of his firmly in place.
She realizes that she would like to wipe it right off. Sliding her hand down along his arm, she wraps it around his bicep and hauls him down for a kiss.
He’s quick on the uptake, his arms coming around to circle her waist and drag her closer. His tongue runs across her bottom lip, asking for entry; she acquiesces with a tilt of her head and deepens the kiss. The taste of him is a concoction of aged leather, a rain-soaked forest, and a spice she can’t seem to put a name to, something that seems to be uniquely Mal.
His touch dances across her back and up along her ribs, one hand around her waist to keep her steady while the other sinks into her hair. She hooks a leg up and around his hip, drawing him flush against her. Her move is met with a satisfied hum. Pleasure travels through her veins, slow and steady like treacle. It’s dizzying, the effect of him. If he asks, she’ll blame it on the dangerous, sixty-foot drop mere inches away, but they both know a lie when they hear one.
He breaks their kiss to trail his mouth down her neck and across her chest.
“If you wanted to get me all alone so you could have your way with me,” he pauses, his tongue tracing the lines of her collarbone in a way that makes her breath hitch, “you could’ve just said so.”
“I thought our resident rogue and self-proclaimed ‘king of stealth’ would enjoy my attempt at subtlety.”
He laughs, his beard tickling at the sensitive skin of her throat. Some deep, tucked-away part of her would like to hear the sound every day of her life.
“Elwyn, I’ve seen you flirt with every living thing we’ve come across. You wouldn’t know subtle if it was branded across your forehead.”
Dragging her hand down his front, she treats him to a hint of her nails, pleased when he sucks in a breath as she continues lower.
“The way I see it,” she murmurs, “why waste all that precious time and energy when I can be as brazen as I’d like and get there even faster?”
Sliding her touch back up his body, she fits two fingers under his chin and urges him to meet her for another kiss. Her toes curl inside her boots at the heady slide of his lips against hers.
“Would you like to know my next idea?” he asks, nipping a path along her jaw to below her ear.
“Once we can get away from our merry band of misfits for more than two minutes, I plan on taking you to bed.” He bites down at the soft skin below her ear, a breathy chuckle escaping him when she bites her lip on the end of a groan. “Once there, I plan on coaxing out all these lovely noises you’re keeping bottled up.”
Shivers dance up her spine, but in a good way this time.
“What a coincidence.” She grins up at him when he pulls back to return to her mouth. “Because that’s exactly what I plan on doing with you.”
He gazes down at her with something akin to wonder. “Great minds think alike, then.”
At the horizon, the sunlight empties out the last of its parting glass. The dark blue of twilight seeps across the canvas before them. “We should probably get going,” he sighs, the disappointment ringing through his words. “Especially if we want to eat something before Threep hoards it all for himself.”
Elwyn concedes his point and casts a wary glance down the side of the castle.
“Um, how are we going to get back down?”
“Like any normal person would. By the stairs.”
She would wipe the shit-eating grin off his face if she wasn’t worried she’d knock him straight off the turret.
“There are stairs? You told me the only way up was to climb!”
“The only interesting way up. C’mon, El, what’s life without a little adventure, hmm?”
“Don’t call me El.”
“I think it suits you, but all right, fine. How about Wynnie?”
“I will throw you from this castle, I swear.”
“Ah, but you’re laughing. Admit it, you like it.”
“You’re absurd.”
“You know what, you’re right. But it’s a shame you can’t come up with a nickname for me, what with my name being so short.”
“I’m sure I can find something that suits you.”
“Oh, surely you must know by now, Elwyn. It’s you – you suit me right down to the ground.”
AN: Me, ending a story with lines of dialogue instead of giving it a proper send-off? Truly unprecedented.
References: a line from Syfy’s Alice and the Roman goddess Salus that I named the mountains after.
Was I inspired to write this by the fact that Mal Volari is essentially the whatever-century-this-book-exists-in version of Nathan Drake? Yes, thanks. Was there ever any doubt I would love him the moment he opened his smart mouth? Nope!
Honey-wine is actually another name for mead, though there is a chance they could be different drinks depending on the region (thanks wikipedia). No matter what, though, I imagine the drink tastes a lot better in the Blades universe than my only taste of it at a pub in Pitlochry.
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rescuebabiesau · 5 years
A Blessing in Disguise - Chapter 1
"And now, ladies and gentlemen... The final round is about to begin... It all comes down to this. Can the Extraterrestrial Bulldozer from Cybertron conquer the Firefighter of Terror, the Griffin Rock Rockstar, the Super-Soaker of-"
"Kade, it's a video game, not a gladiator match."
The red-head grumbled as his partner interrupted his spiel. "Whatever...Me vs. Boulder."
The green rescue bot chuckled as his fingers fiddled with the joysticks and buttons on the cybertronian-sized controller Graham had built for him. "I find this portion of human culture fascinating, though I don't see why humans would risk Carpal Tunnel Syndrome just to beat up each other on a virtual plane."
"Some people think it's worth the risk." Cody admitted, then moved his eyes from the screen to the shape sitting in the corner. "Hey Blades, you wanna come watch?"
Blades didn't even look his direction. "Nah..." He mumbled with a sigh.
Blurr crossed his arms with a groan. "Blades, you can't just sit there and pout."
"Watch me."
Chief Burns shook his head. "He just can't get over Dani..." He mumbled.
"Well she hasn't exactly shown her face much lately." Kade replied. "She's been all twitterpated with Taylor since they got married."
"You're not helping, Kade." Graham informed. "And twitterpated isn't a word."
"Well Bambi says it is! So there!"
"Blades has been kind of depressed..." Chase murmured. "...Perhaps we can find a way to cheer him up?"
"The only real way for Blades to cheer up is for Dani to come back from her honeymoon..." Graham remarked.
Blades stood up from his seat. "She hasn't even called! What if she's hurt? What if she needs my help!?"
"Taylor's a trained EMT, if she's hurt, he can help her." Heatwave informed.
"And even if they were in trouble, it's cold like death outside! Your rotors would freeze before you even got a mile off the island." Blurr added. The helicopter pouted, dropping back down and looking away from the others. "Oh come on Blades, don't be like that!"
"Cody can be his new partner!" Salvage replied. "He's not assigned to anyone."
"Blades doesn't want a new partner." Cody informed. "He wants Dani..."
They looked at the pouting bot, before Chief's phone rang and he answered it. "Griffin Rock PD... Whoa, slow down Huxley. What's on fire?... Alright, we're on our way." He hung up the phone. "There's a power line down at 5th and Grove. Its sparks started a fire on the corner."
"Aww!" Kade complained. "I was about to beat him!"
"You can finish your game when we get back." Heatwave informed. "Rescue Bots, roll to the rescue!"
Cody watched the team get up and the rest of his family head towards the elevator, then turned to Blades, who was still sitting there. "Uh..."
Chief sighed. "Blades, even if you don't do anything to help, you should get out of the firehouse for a little while."
"Can't. You heard Blurr, it's cold like death outside..."
Heatwave rolled his optics. "Blades."
Blades sighed, getting up to his feet. "Fine..."
"Careful on the streets, guys!" Cody watched them all leave, and then went to the Command Center. He reached his usual spot, only to find the chair already occupied. "...Frankie?"
"Hey Cody." Frankie greeted.
"Hi... How long have you been here?"
"A few minutes. You don't answer your phone, which I see is up here while you were down there."
"Sorry, I got busy. What's up?"
"I just wanted to talk to you. We don't see each other as much, now that I'm studying to be a scientist like my dad."
"Right... How are you?"
"Tired. Staying up all night to learn from my dad on Biochemistry isn't the most fun thing to do... What about you? How're you and the bots?"
"Me? I'm fine. We've all been trying to relax a little after Dani's wedding, and Kade's will be in a few months." Cody's face fell a little. "...But Dani's never home anymore. She's hardly been here since she got married, and Blades is missing her really badly."
"Why doesn't he just go see her?"
"He doesn't want to bother her, I guess..." Cody took a seat at the console and flipped on the monitors. "Heatwave told him to get out and help with the rescue, just to stretch his rotors out a little."
"What about you being his temporary?"
"We tried that. I rode with him for the first week, but he just wants Dani back..." Cody leaned back in the chair. "...I wish I could find a way to cheer him up. I tried calling Dani several times and she hasn't answered. I wish she'd come by."
Frankie sighed as she leaned back too. "There are days I wish Cece would disappear for a little while...But then again, she'd probably be getting into some serious trouble if she wasn't with us."
"Good point."
Hey Cody, you got the visual on the fire?
Cody leaned forward as he skimmed through the images until he found the building. "Got it! Looks like the fire's mostly sticking to the north side of the building, where there are no windows."
Good work.
Cody watched as the bots came onto the scene and immediately his family went to work. Kade pulled out the hose and sprayed the building while Chase and Boulder moved to stabilize the downed electrical line as it squiggled across the road. He saw Blades land and transform into robot mode, but stood back, just watching.
"...Wow." Frankie mumbled. "He does seem upset."
Cody threw his hands up. "I'm supposed to be helping them learn about earth and to be their liason, but I have abolutely no idea how to make him feel better!...Not except somehow trick Dani into coming over and seeing him."
"You're not seriously considering that, are you?"
"No, I'm not that kind of person...But we have to think of something!"
The two teens were quiet for a moment, trying to think of a solution, but as they watched the fire fizzle out and the power line cease its sparking, something else caught their attention. "Blades?"
The robots were all turning to their teammate as his body tried to transform, seemingly against his will. He stumbled back a few steps before collapsing onto the pavement as his legs fell out from under him, and Chase and Boulder ran over to him. "Guys? Guys, what happened?"
That's what we're going to figure out. Heatwave informed. Boulder and Chase are bringing him home, Chief's staying here and will ride back with me.
"Ten-Four." Cody replied, his eyes moving over to Frankie.
"Are you sure you'll need to make something up for Dani to visit...?" Frankie mumbled.
"...I don't know anymore."
14 notes · View notes
ask-the-phan-site · 5 years
Phan Cam: Island of Tech
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>Griffin Rock, Maine, United States. We were on a ferry headed there to help find out how we can change Skull back from Overflow, one of the new Ben 10 aliens. We gathered a list of the best to help us. Apart from the Phantom Thieves, we also had Bruce Sato, Miles Morales, Dr. Curt Connors, Ryan Choi aka The Atom, and Conor Jackson in Team Science and John Constantine, Zatanna, Robin Sena, and Faragonda the Headmistress of Alfea College for Fairies in Team Sorcery. Also with us is Mirta, her friend, Lucy, and, at the advice of Mitsuru Kirijo, Fuuka Yamagishi. We also have our two new members, whose code names are now Slice and Dice. Dr. Strange said he would meet us later.
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Wow! So this is Griffin Rock. I’ve heard so much about it, but to see it in real life? I’m totally speechless.
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The greatest of the world’s wonders are often the most hidden.
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I think I understand. Griffin Rock isn’t often seen by the public to protect its technology. Only a handful of tourists come here everyday.
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Either way or what he just said. I’m just so hyped to know I’m working with the Pha-
>I quickly cover Conor’s mouth.
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SHUSH! I don’t think anyone on here can hear us.
Conor: (surprised) Oops. Sorry. We have to keep it quiet. Right, Chim-Chim?
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(mimes zipping his mouth shut)
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It’s okay, Conor. You still get kudos for the robot monkey.
Conor: (happy) Thanks, Miles.
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Looks like you blokes are getting along.
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Yeah, it’s like having two Miles.
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(laughs a bit) That’s a good one. Like we just got more distance.
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(also laughing) That’s true!
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But it is good to know those young men have found kindred spirits in each other.
Conor: I know, right?
Miles: (whisper) Just hope Pete doesn’t get jealous.
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Glad to see all of you getting along.
Constantine: Not all of us.
Bruce: I wonder where Dr. Choi is.
Ren: He and Dr. Connors are with Ryuji in the van. The others are just spread out or want to get a better view of the island.
Zatanna: You should probably let them know we’re almost there.
>I nod. And I leave them for now. I go to the van where inside, Dr. Connors was examining Ryuji and Dr. Choi was sitting nervously. Constantine used his magic to extend the inside of the van so we can all fit in.
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Well, what’s the verdict, Doc?
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It’s too soon to say. I’m so sorry this had to happen to you. This is no different when I became that... Well, when I went to a dark place.
Ryuji: It’s not your fault, Doc. Jin did this to me and you just fell for the words of a sadistic asshole.
Dr. Connors: (sighs) I guess you’re right.
Ren: I’m glad to hear it.
Ryuji: Oh, hey, Ren. Are we almost there?
Ren: Yes. I’m going to let everyone know so we can meet.
Dr. Connors: You best do that. And while you’re at it, you may wish to check on Dr. Choi. He keeps staring anxiously at the sea.
>After I sent the message, I go over to Dr. Choi.
Ren: Is something the matter, Choi Hakasei? Are you sea sick?
Hakasei = Professor, doctor, scientist
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It’s... It’s nothing.
Ren: Are you sure?
>Dr. Choi was still look out at the sea, worried.
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Oh, I see. You think he’s going to come out of there, huh?
Dr. Choi: ... Maybe a little... Okay, a lot. I just don’t want him to come and make things hard for me. It especially got worse when Nanako Dojima broke up with his son.
Ren: Don’t worry. His queen is doing everything in her power to keep her king from bothering us.
Dr. Choi: ... I hope you’re right. I know I decided to become a hero again, but I still can’t help but feel like he’s going to show up to bother me... Is this how Dexter feels when Dee Dee comes into his lab?
Ren: Just relax. We’ll be fine.
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And if he does show up, he’ll have to answer to me.
Dr. Choi: (smiling a bit) I guess you could. Thank you.
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>Then, the others arrived.
Captain Shaw’s voice: Attention! Now arriving to port. Please gather in your vehicles if you came in one or take your seats. I repeat...
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Well, this is it. Is everyone ready?
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(putting his ID Mask on) If it means my mom will have her son back, we are.
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This will also be a good opportunity to study technology to one of its fullest.
Miles: Not to mention I get to meet Doc Greene. Everyone at Horizon says he’s a legend. Max even told me I could invite him to speak at this summer seminar at the school.
Zatanna: And I’ve always wanted to meet the Rescue Team... Especially Dani Burns.
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Just try not to forget why we’re here.
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To find a way to turn Ryuji back to normal...
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Well, as normal as he can be.
Ryuji: (not happy with that remark) Hey!
>The ferry arrives at the docks. We drive off into town.
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I know this is an island of technology, but it reminds me of... Small town nostalgia.
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I must capture this in my art when I have the chance.
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Yes. It does have that effect.
>Suddenly, something flew passed us.
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>Then, the man with the helicopter backpack crashed into some nearby bushes. He came out a little beaten.
Helicopter local: I’m okay!
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But then that happens and your remember where you are.
>The man gets back up and tries to restart his machine. But as he does, the propeller springs off and flies right into a pizza restaurant. The people, including the chef run out as the place explodes. Flames come out.
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Whoa! That was big!
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I know I needed a new pizza cutter. But this is ridiculous!
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Don’t worry, I already called the Rescue Team. They should be here soon.
>Suddenly, Miles looked like he sensed something.
Miles: I don’t think they alone are gonna help.
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Your Spider Sense on alert?
Miles: It’s off the charts.
Dr. Connors: Off the charts? ... Never mind, I don’t want to know.
Conor: Me neither.
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Same here.
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But you’ve gotta admit, things are about to get interesting around here.
>Dr. Connors, Coner, Chim-Chim, and the Deucey Twins leave the van quickly.
Dr. Choi: If you’re going to do what I think you’re going to do... At least let me help.
Zatanna: Me, too.
Mirta: And me.
Robin: I want to do my part, too.
Miles: Okay. I could use the help.
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I love it when a team comes together.
Mirta: Magic Winx! Charmix!
>Mirta goes into her Fairy Form.
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Mirta, Fairy of Illusions! I bet your science can’t do a transformation sequence like that.
Dr. Choi: ... We’ll see.
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Mirta: Okay, that is a little impressive.
Atom: Ant-Man’s got nothing on me.
Miles: Speaking of costume changes, do you think you guys can give me some privacy? I’m a little shy and the only person I’ve ever changed in front of is Peter.
Constantine: I can help with that.
>He snaps his fingers and in a poof, Miles was now in his Spider Kid costume.
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Mirta: Okay, that’s a transformation sequence.
Spider Kid: I know, right? Now I need a way out of this van without being seen.
Atom: Ever shrunk down to a subatomic level?
Spider Kid: (worried) I’m not going to like this, aren’t I?
Ryuji: Wait... I wanna help, too.
Ren: Are you sure?
Ryuji: (taking off the ID Mask) Just in case we fail to change me back, might as well make it useful.
Atom: Then we’re set. Everyone, hold on.
>Ryuji, Zatanna, Mirta, Robin, Spider Kid, and Ryuji take the Atom’s hands and they shrink. We quickly look out the window to see the Rescue Team arrived.
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Alright, everyone, back away! This places is for baking pizza, not people.
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I have scanned the building. It looks like the propeller from Mr. Harrison’s heli-pack has hit a gas tank. There is another one next to it. If the fire is not extinguished soon, the other gas tank will explode and destroy this side of the block.
Chief Burns: Then there’s not a moment to lose. Kade?
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I’m on it, Dad. Heatwave, let’s hose it down!
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It’s a gas fire. I think extinguishers would be better.
Kade: Same deference.
Chief Burns: Graham, try barricading the area. Don’t want any civilians getting too close.
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I’m way ahead of you, Dad. Boulder, how does this design look?
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This should work just fine. Dani, Blades, try to scout the size of the area.
>Up in the air.
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Looks like a good distance. You’re clear to build.
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It looks like a stretch, but I’d say it’s some of Graham’s best designs.
>Back on the ground.
Graham: Thanks.
>They built the barricade quickly as Kade Burns and Heatwave try to put out the fire.
Kade: Man, this is hard! What kind of propane are you using, Mr. Marcello?
Mr. Marcello: It’s a new invention of mine. A propane that burns fire that goes out on its own. So I won’t have to worry about it accidentally blowing out... In retrospect, that may not have been a good idea.
Kade: (amused) You think?
Chief Burns: No choice. We have to take the tank out.
Heatwave: How are we going to do that? The flames come back faster than we can put them out.
>Suddenly, the flames blocking the entrance opens... They saw Robin inside.
Robin: Will this help?
>After getting over the shock of seeing a real witch in Griffin Rock, Robin guided Kade inside. They get to the gas tank. The Atom, Spider Kid, and Ryuji unshrink.
Kade: (even more surprised) What is this!? Invasion of the Superheroes?
Spider Kid: You wish.
>Spider Kid shoots his webbing on the unexploded tank.
Spider Kid: Grab hold.
Atom: I’ll shrink the tank a bit to make it easier.
Kade: Couldn’t you just shrink it really small?
Atom: If I did that and it explodes, it could cause a chain reaction that can cause every atom to explode as well and could destroy all life as we know it.
Kade: (shocked) Never mind, shrink it however you like.
Ryuji: And if any flames come at us, I’ll blow ‘em away.
Robin: And I’ll push it aside.
Kade: Good. (on the com-link) Dad, we’re coming out. Tell Heatwave to be ready.
Chief Burns’s voice: I will? Heatwave?
Heatwave: I hear you loud and clear.
>With all their strength, Kade, Atom, Spider Kid, and Ryuji all pull the gas tank out of the restaurant. Suddenly, as they got out, the tank begins vibrating.
Heatwave: What’s happening?
Mr. Marcello: The gas tank! It’s been exposed to the heat so much, it’s going to explode anyway.
Chief Burns: We have to get it out of here!
Zatanna: (appearing with Mirta) Mirta, think you can find someplace where it can explode without hurting anyone?
Mirta: I’ll see.
>Mirta flies up into the sky until she was right next to Blades and Dani. They searched until Dani spotted a place.
Dani: Found it! The rock shoreline behind the airport.
Mirta: I’ll mark a path to make it easier.
>Mirta creates an illusion of an arrow showing where they must go.
Boulder: I could carry it or throw it, but I don’t want to take a chance that I might drop it or it misses.
Chief Burns: We’ll have to drive it out.
Chase: I am ready and able. But I think we might need a little more help. Training Center, this is Chase. We are going to need more wheels here.
Voice on com-link: Alright. Me and Blurr are on the way.
>Carefully, Boulder loaded the tank in a wagon and strapped it in.
Boulder: I don’t know, Chief. Judging by the weight, even with Heatwave, Chase, Quickshadow, and Blurr, we’re going to need two more vehicles to move it.
Makoto: (coming up in the van) I can help as well.
Chief Burns: I appreciate the offer, young ma’am, but I don’t think we should allow civilians to help in dangerous operations like this.
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Would it help if I gave you one more car to help?
Jared: (coming out of the van with Jesse) That’s our cue!
Jesse: Zatanna?
Zatanna: Gnirb Deraj dna Essej rieht rac os yeht nac pleh.
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>The cars are hitched up to the wagon, the gas tank still shaking. Then, two new cars show up... And transform.
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Did someone call for extra wheels?
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That’s right! Don’t worry, we’ve got-
>Blurr suddenly stopped... at the sight of Ryuji. He could feel Blurr’s gaze as well and look up at him... They suddenly sensed something between them.
Qucikshadow: I also think it would be best to have some of these new heroes ride with us.
Heatwave: That’s probably a good idea.
Atom: I’ll handle the spy car... Try not to get to too jealous, fire truck. (begins smirking)
>Heatwave just glared.
Heatwave: Anyway, Blurr, you and the magic girl-
Blurr: I choose the Cascan.
Heatwave: What?
Ryuji: (surprised) Me!?
Blurr: Because... We might need his water power, you know?
Ryuji: That’s... That’s right. You never know when you need H2O.
Heatwave: Not a good idea for a gas fire... But I’ll allow it.
Zatanna: And don’t worry about magic girl. Ekat em pu ot eht eno I tnaw ot teem eht tsom.
>In a flash, Zatanna was gone... And reappears in the passenger seat of Blades next to Dani.
Zatanna: Shall we?
Dani: (smiling a bit) I’m gamed if you are.
>And we were off. We drive quickly and carefully through town until we make it to the airstrip. Then, Boulder and Heatwave carefully take the gas tank out of the wagon and take it to the rocky shore. They carefully put it on the ground as the began to shake even more violently.
Heatwave: It’s getting ready to blow! TAKE COVER!
>Heatwave and Boulder run as fast as they can from the tank. We all take cover behind the Rescue Bots. And then...
>The tank exploded. Luckily, the flames hardly made it to the trees in the forest. After some minuets, the flames finally burned out.
Kade: (looking disappointed) Well, looks like we’ll have to make do without pizza for awhile. But at least we did a good job.
Mirta: (flying down and resuming civilian form) We all did.
Chief Burns: Which begs the question. What brings a bunch of superheroes, fairies, aliens, and witches to Griffin Rock?
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Kind of a funny story, actually.
Ryuji: We’re here because of me.
>Suddenly, something flew in. It was a young man on a hover board.
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I just had to see this for myself. What is it you want from here, Overflow?
Ryuji: Yeah, about that... I’m not who you think I am.
Cody: What do you mean?
Constantine: Brace yourself, lads and ladies, but Red here isn’t an alien... He’s a young Japanese man trapped in an alien’s body.
Entire Rescue Team: WHAT!?
Ryuji: ... Yo.
Headmistress Faragonda: I think we should explain this more someplace else.
Chief Burns: That’s probably a good idea.
Heatwave: Rescue Bots, roll out!
Blurr: You can ride in me again if you like.
Ryuji: I would like that. Thanks.
Blurr: (winking) No problem.
>The laboratory of Dr. Ezra Greene. On the way there, we told the Rescue Team everything about what happened with Ryuji. (We left out the fact that we’re the Phantom Thieves and that Miles is Spider Kid. He said he would meet us later after he changes.)
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Intriguing. I never thought such a thing could happen.
Ryuji: (nervous) Isn’t that a little too close.
>Doc Greene was examining Ryuji real close.
Doc Greene: Forgive me. I still find it hard to believe that you’re actually a human. Up until now, I thought only Ben Tennyson was capable of this.
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I know. It is rather unusual.
Cody: It’s just a shame Frankie and CeCe aren’t here to see this. They’re with Mrs. Neederlander and they won’t be back until later.
Professor Baranova: They’re already on their way home now. They’ll be here soon.
Doc Greene: We’re also glad to have two fellow scientists with us as well.
Dr. Connors: I am glad to meet you, too.
Dr. Choi: Likewise.
Doc Greene: I’m sure with the help of four scientists, we might help this young man with his problem.
Lucy: Don’t forget, this transformation was done with magic as well. Be grateful you have experts on that as well.
Mirta: You didn’t have to say it like that.
Lucy: Just pointing out the obvious.
Conor: (disappointed) And what do you mean four? Believe it or not, I count as well. And so does Miles as soon as he gets here.
Doc Greene: Forgive me. I guess I should have noticed because of the robot monkey.
>Chim-Chim crosses his arms and nods.
Headmistress Faragonda: Either way, with all of us here, we might be able to change Ryuji Sakamoto back to his human self... Before that self is gone for good.
Ryuji: (whispering sadly) Along with Harry.
Constantine: Stiff upper lip, lad. We’ll get through this.
Diego: (whispering to himself) I hope no one forgets the Phantom Thieves are here as well.
Makoto: So, you think you can help us?
Doc Greene: We’ll do so to the best of our abilities.
??????: That’s good to hear.
>We turn to see Miles coming in with two girls who we can only assume are the Greene girls.
Haru: Miles kun, you made it.
Diego: What took you so long?
Miles: I got lost. It’s a good thing I ran into Frankie and CeCe here.
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Frankie: We were on our way home when we met.
CeCe: (gurgles)
Frankie: And it’s not just him. We ran into someone else on the way here. But he asked that he surprise us with his arrival.
Professor Baranova: Someone else?
>Suddenly, the sound of a phone rang... It’s was Dr. Choi’s. He answers it.
Dr. Choi: Hello?
???????: Guess who?
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Not you. Anyone but you.
Ahoy there, Professor!
>We were all shocked by this new face.
Dr. Choi: What are you doing here!? I thought Mera was keeping you busy.
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And miss a chance to go on such an adventure? No, sir! It wasn’t easy to convince my dear queen though.
Yusuke: But how did you even find us?
Aquaman: ... I’ll keep that one to myself, thank you.
>We just stood silent. In defeat, we help Aquaman catch up on what’s going on.
Aquaman: Outrageous! Turning an innocent high schooler into an alien and depriving him of a future. Shame on the culprit. Shame on him.
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Can you shame someone who’s been dead for nine years?
Makoto: At any rate, we have our team. Now we can find a way to change Ryuji back.
Dr. Connors: Not all of us are here... Where’s Stephen?
Ren: He’ll be meeting with us soon. Right now, we’ve had a long day. I think we should begin our finding in the morning.
Chief Burns: Probably a good idea. We should give you some dinner to thank you for helping us.
Kade: Just don’t order us any pizza... Tonight, anyway.
Ryuji: I actually heard 'bout the New England Clam Chowder, if you have any.
Doc Greene: What a coincidence, that’s what we’re having for tonight. Do you like it?
Ryuji: I don’t think I have much a choice. In this form, I can’t even enjoy those sweet and juicy beef bowls or even Ren’s famous curry.
Ren: That reminds me. To thank you for helping us with Ryuji, I should make something for you as well.
Chief Burns: You don’t really have to do that. You are our guests.
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Still, you have to let us thank you somehow.
Chief Burns: Well, I guess that would be okay.
Miles: Actually if you don’t mind, Doc Greene, Max Modell wanted me to ask you to be a guest speaker at Horizon High. We want to get our newest students antiquated.
Doc Greene: Well, my scheduled is pretty worked up... But I’ll see what I can do.
Miles: Thank you.
>With that, we leave. Then, I get something on my phone. It’s from Admin.
Ren: You guys go on ahead. I’ll catch up.
>They leave and I check my phone.
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Hey, Amamiya kun, I heard you and the other P Thieves are in Griffin Rock. Well, I was looking through the Phan Site and this is what I found.
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Do you think you can do this? It would really help the sender.
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I guess we can do it while we’re here. Any chance, we’ll take it.
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That’s great! We’re counting on you guys. And tell Sakamoto kun that I hope he gets well soon.
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We’ll do.
>I end the text and leave to join for dinner... And tell the others about the request.
>And so, our adventures with the Transformers begins.
0 notes
btsqualityy · 5 years
BTS Toddler Series #23: First Day of Preschool
Kim Seokjin
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“Alright Kade, you have to put your shoes and your backpack here,” Jin instructed as he pointed to the little cubby that had been assigned to Kaiden. Kaiden nodded and then proceeded to do so, turning around to face you again when he was done.
“Mommy and Daddy are going to leave now and you’re gonna stay here,” you explained to Kaiden as you bent down to his level.
“Be by myself?” Kaiden wondered confusedly and you chuckled while shaking your head.
“Your teacher will be here with you,” you said as you pointed over to her. “And there will be other kids here too.”
“I play with them?” He asked.
“Yeah, if you want to,” Jin replied and Kaiden nodded. “Alright, give us hugs and kisses,” Jin requested, chuckling when Kaiden ran over to him and hugged his legs. Jin chuckled and set his hand on top of Kaiden’s head, leaning down and kissing his forehead. Kaiden then let go of Jin and moved back over to you, falling into your outstretched arms.
“I love you Kade,” you whispered, pressing a kiss to his cheek.
“Love you mommy,” Kaiden replied. You let him go and after receiving a nod from Jin, Kaiden walked over to his teacher who grabbed his hand in hers and led him into the classroom.
“This is way harder than I thought it’d be,” you admitted with a sniffle.
“Jagi, are you crying?” Jin asked in shock and he received his answer when he watched you wipe tears away from your eyes. He opened his arms and you silently stepped into them, the two of you hugging each other tightly as Jin pressed a kiss to the top of your head.
“He’s growing up,” you whimpered against his chest.
“I know baby, but it’s a good thing,” he tried to reassure you. “He’s gonna do great, yeah?” He said and you nodded, making Jin chuckle and hold you tighter against him.
Min Yoongi
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“Hi, I’m Mrs. Kang,” Kinsley’s teacher introduced herself as she reached out and shook your hand.
“Hello,” you smiled. “I’m Min Y/N and this is my husband Yoongi and our daughter Kinsley,” you said as you pointed over at Yoongi who was carrying Kinsley on his hip.
“Hi Mr. Min,” Mrs. Kang greeted, bowing slightly and Yoongi returned it. “Hi Kinsley,” she said, waving her hand at her but Kinsley responded by hiding her face in Yoongi’s neck. 
“Sorry, she’s a little nervous,” Yoongi chuckled as he softly rubbed Kinsley’s back. 
“That’s completely understandable. I’ll be right over there while you guys talk,” she smiled knowingly before walking to the opposite side of the hallway. You then turned to face Yoongi, setting your hand on Kinsley’s back next to his.
“Come on sweetheart,” you cooed. “You’ll be fine.” Kinsley just shook her head and held on tighter to Yoongi’s shirt.
“Y/N-ah, maybe we should just try again next year,” Yoongi suggested. “She seems a little too afraid right now.”
“That’s normal Yoongs. We can’t just let her chicken out of it though,” you explained. “And this is just to get her used to being in school with other kids, nothing to be afraid of.”
“What do you think baby girl?” Yoongi asked Kinsley, knowing that she had been listening the entire time. “Do you wanna try for us?” Kinsley lifted her head and looked over at the door of the classroom where the loud chatter of the other kids could be heard. 
“I have something that might make you feel better,” you spoke up suddenly, reaching into your purse and pulling out Kinsley’s paci. You handed it to her and she instantly popped it into her mouth, her body relaxing as she sucked on it.
“Wanna try going in now baby girl?” Yoongi asked her.
“Yeah daddy,” she mumbled, feeling a little braver from having the comfort of her paci. 
“That’s my girl,” you smiled.
Kim Namjoon
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“Ok Mase, today’s your first day of school,” you smiled, reaching out and fixing his shirt on his body after you got him out of the car. “Mommy and Daddy want you to listen to your teacher, ok?”
“Ok!” Mason nodded as he bounced on his feet excitedly.
“And be nice to the other kids too,” Namjoon added.
“Ok,” Mason nodded again. 
“And make sure to share the toys,” Namjoon said. 
“And don’t touch things that you’re not supposed to,” you added, giving Mason a stern look.
“Mommy,” Mason whined loudly, beginning to get antsy. “Go play,” he said, pointing over at a group of boys who were playing in the sandbox. 
“Give us a hug first,” you said and Mason gave you a quick hug before moving on to Namjoon and doing the same to him. 
“Alright, go ahead buddy,” Namjoon chuckled and you both watched as he ran over to the group of boys and sat down to play with them.
“He’s so excited, it’s cute,” you giggled, leaning against the car. Namjoon walked over and stood next to you, looking down at you with a smile on his face.
“Can you believe he’s old enough for preschool now?” He said.
“No and I almost wanna be sad, but I’m also happy and proud of him,” you smiled.
“Me too jagi,” Namjoon grinned. “Me too.”
Jung Hoseok
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“Do you think that we did the right thing?” You asked as you watched Hobi walk out of the classroom that he had taken Berkeley into. He walked over to you with a smirk on his face, because he knew that you’d ask him that particular question at some point today.
“Yeah, I think so,” he nodded. “Putting Lennox and Berkeley in separate classes is for their own good, so that we can see them grow individually. Remember?”
“I know that but they’re so used to being together all the time, I don’t want to harm them more than we want to help them,” you explained. “I mean, they are twins after all and twins like being together.”
“Baby, aren’t you the one who’s always saying that you want them to be seen as individuals and not just ‘the twins’?” Hobi chuckled. “They’ll be fine.”
“I don’t know,” you shrugged lamely and Hobi sighed heavily. Wordlessly, he grabbed your hand and led you over to the classroom that he had taken Berkeley into. He motioned for you to look into the window and you did so, only to see Berkeley playing nicely with some other girls in her class. Hobi then led you across the hallway, where Lennox’s class was. You looked through that window and saw him sitting in front of his teacher surrounded by the other kids in his class as they listened to a story.
“Ok, I get it. They’re doing fine,” you admitted with a laugh. “I just want to make sure that they’re going to be comfortable.”
“They’ll do amazing baby,” Hobi promised before leaning over and kissing your cheek.
Park Jimin
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“No,” Noah whined as he held on tighter to your leg and you looked up at Jimin, who shrugged helplessly.
“Noah, come on. It’s ok,” you tried to convince him but he just shook his head firmly and kept his grip on your leg.
“Don’t wanna leave,” he murmured. 
“Jimin-ssi, help,” you pleaded as you looked up at him again. Jimin nodded and then bent down so that he was level with Noah.
“Mini me,” Jimin called and Noah looked over at him. “Come here,” he said as he held his arms open. Noah let go of your leg and stepped over to Jimin and you watched as Jimin hugged him close. 
“Scared huh?” Jimin asked and Noah nodded as he held on to his daddy. “It’s ok to be scared. Even Daddy gets scared sometimes.”
“You too?” Noah asked in awe and Jimin nodded. 
“A lot of times. Mommy does too,” Jimin added and Noah looked over at you, watching as you nodded in agreement. “But even though you’re scared, you’re going to have a lot of fun if you go in your class.”
“Really?” Noah wondered after a few seconds of hesitation. “You and Mommy come back?”
“Yep, we’ll be waiting right here for you,” you promised. Noah then looked towards the door of his classroom and then looked back at Jimin.
“Ok, I go,” Noah acquiesced, making both you and Jimin smile widely.
“I’m very proud of you mini me,” Jimin praised him, kissing his cheek which made Noah giggle.
“Come on Noey,” you said as you held your hand out and Noah let go of Jimin to grab onto your hand. Jimin then stood up straight and watched as you led Noah into his class.
Kim Taehyung
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“I don’t think I can do this.”
“No Y/N-ah, I’m serious,” Taehyung muttered. “Munchkin’s too young.”
“Tae, she’s three,” you chuckled. “That’s the usual age for preschool.”
“She’s not used to being away from us all day like this, though.”
“She’ll only be here for four hours,” you pointed out. Taehyung then looked down at the ground and you couldn’t help but to laugh at how afraid he was for Spencer. You reached over and grabbed his hand, squeezing it tightly which made him look up at you.
“I know that you’re scared for her but she’ll be fine,” you smiled. “She’s such a sweet person just like you, she’s charismatic just like you, and you know how smart she is.”
“I know all of that but I can’t help it!” He exclaimed, shrugging his shoulders. “She’s growing up too fast.”
“Who are you telling?” You giggled. “But she’s a great kid. I mean, look at her.” You motioned into her classroom and you and Tae looked inside to see her playing with a large group of kids. 
“Wow, she went right in and made some friends,” Tae chuckled.
“See? Nothing to worry about papa bear,” you teased, making him roll his eyes at you.
Jeon Jungkook
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“Are you ready to go into your class Ave?” You asked as you walked down the hallway, Ava walking next to you and holding both yours and Jungkook’s hands.
“Mm,” she mumbled and you frowned, noticing how quiet she had gotten since the three of you had arrived at the school.
“What’s wrong Angel?” Jungkook asked as he stopped walking and looked down at her, also noticing how she was acting. “You were so excited this morning.”
“Big school,” Ava muttered.
“It’s bigger that you thought, huh?” You said and Ava nodded.
“Too many kids,” she muttered and your eyes widened in surprise.
“Are you afraid Angel?” Jungkook asked her and your heart broke when she nodded in confirmation. 
“They no like me,” Ava whimpered. Jungkook sighed heavily and bent down to her level, setting his hands on the sides of her body.
“Your teacher and your classmates are all going to like you, I promise,” Jungkook told her. “You’re so nice and fun, they’re all going to want to play with you and be your friend.”
“Really?” Ava questioned and Jungkook smiled.
“Of course,” he chuckled. “And even if they don’t, me and Mommy will always like you.”
“Like you too,” Ava smiled before looking over at you. “You too mommy.”
“Thank you Ave,” you giggled, leaning down and kissing her forehead. 
“Come on Angel,” Jungkook said as he stood up straight and the both of you led her into her class.
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btsqualityy · 6 years
BTS Baby Series Drabble: Bringing Sexy Back
Author’s Note: Feel free to laugh at the title to this drabble, because I damn sure did lol
Kim Seokjin
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“Baby, I finally got Kaiden down for his nap,” Jin announced as he walked into the bedroom. “He put up a real struggle but I managed to get it done.”
“I’m glad baby,” you purred and the tone of your voice made Jin look up. His jaw dropped as he took in the sight of you laid out of the bed, covered in a set of blue lingerie. The top of the set had an open keyhole that very nearly exposed your nipples, and the matching thong perfectly showcased your butt.
“Wow jagi,” Jin exhaled as he felt the blood rushing down to his lower half.
“What do you think?” You asked as you leaned back on your hands, pushing your chest outwards so that Jin could get a better look.
“I think you look fucking amazing,” he admitted, which made you smile.You sat up on your knees and inched your way towards the edge of the bed, motioning for Jin to come closer. He walked over to you and you set your hands on his chest.
“I was thinking, you deserve something special for working so hard lately. Not only with the boys but still helping me with Kaiden even when you’re dead tired some days,” you smiled. “I want to take care of you now.”
“You definitely can do that, jagi,” Jin grinned, leaning down to press a kiss to your lips. “Only problem is, we’ll have to be really quiet. You know how light of a sleeper Kade’s been lately.”
“Oh, that’s true,” you pouted momentarily until an idea popped into your head. “Laundry room?” You suggested.
“I like the way that you think,” Jin smirked before bending down and picking you up, throwing you over his shoulder before he walked out of your bedroom. 
Min Yoongi
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“There you are,” you looked up to see Yoongi pushing the stroller that Kinsley was in, into the lingerie store. 
“Yeah, sorry. I just saw this beautiful set in the window and I had to come in and see if they had my size,” you explained sheepishly. You held up the hanger, showcasing a wine colored bustier and high waist panty set. Yoongi smirked at you as he stepped from behind the stroller in order to come stand next to you.
“That’s beautiful, but you know what I think would look better?” He said and you looked at him quizzically. He picked up a hanger from the rack, that held a white lace bralet that had straps crossing over the breast part, and a g-string bikini bottom. 
“Yoongs!” You whispered, snatching the hanger away from him as you blushed furiously. 
“What? It reminds me of your wedding dress. You know how I feel about you in lace,” Yoongi smirked. You bit your lip and looked over both options again before looking back up at him.
“Guess I’m getting both then,” you smiled. Yoongi leaned over and left a small peck on your neck, making you squirm away from him.
“Good choice baby.”
Kim Namjoon
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“Come in,” you heard Namjoon say and you push down on the handle to his studio, pushing open the door and stepping inside. You quickly lock the door behind you and Namjoon looks behind him, his eyes widening when he sees you.
“Y/N-ah? What are you doing here?” He wondered as he turned around in his chair to face you. You slipped off your shoes and walked over to him. 
“Thought I’d come surprise you,” you shrugged innocently. 
“Where’s Mason?” Namjoon asked as his hands came up to rest on your waist.
“With your parents. They begged me to let them keep him for the night,” you laughed as Namjoon nodded in understanding. 
“Well, I’m afraid you might’ve wasted a trip down here. I’m almost done for the night.”
“No, that’s perfect actually,” you smiled and Namjoon raised an eyebrow at you. You untied the belt of your knee length jacket and left it fall freely, causing the jacket to open and reveal the set of forest green colored lingerie underneath it.
“Jagi,” Namjoon murmured in a deep tone. “What’s this?”
“I know it’s been a while but I hoped you’d remember your favorite set of lingerie on me,” you teased.
“Of course I do, but why are you wearing it here?”
“Well, after your parents called for Mason, I started thinking,” you hummed as you pushed Namjoon’s shoulders back so that he was sitting back in his chair. You gently lowered yourself so that you were straddling his waist. “You remember how we used to have sex in here all the time?”
“Do I?” Namjoon laughed. “We used to do it all the time when we were dating and engaged.”
“Exactly and I don’t know about you, but I’ve missed the thrill of it. Think you’re up for it?”
“All you had to do was say so jagi,” Namjoon smirked as he kissed you passionately.
Jung Hoseok
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“Let me see Y/N-ah,” Hobi called out to you from his place on your bed. You laid your forehead against the bathroom door, shaking your head even though he couldn’t see you.
“I can’t,” you replied. “It looks horrible Hobi.”
“Y/N, I’m 100 percent sure that it doesn’t. Nothing looks bad on you.”
“You’re obligated to say that as my husband,” you rolled your eyes and Hobi laughed at that. 
“Well, let me see you and then I can give you an actual opinion.” You took a deep breath and twisted the doorknob, pulling open the door and stepping out of the bathroom into the bedroom. Hobi’s breath hitched in his throat as he took in the sight of you. You were clad in a black one piece, but the front had a deep cut v neck, which plunged down to your belly button. You slowly turned in a circle and Hobi thought that he was going to pass out when he saw your ass. 
“So, what do you think? And be honest,” you said.
“You look beautiful,” he nodded. “Better than I imagined.” You smiled lightly and Hobi got up and walked over to you. He took your face in both of his hands and kissed you firmly, surprising you. You set your hands on his sides, gripping his sweatshirt tightly. 
“How much longer does your brother have the twins?” Hobi asked huskily. You glanced at the clock on the wall and did some quick mental math.
“About another hour,” you replied. 
“Eh, not enough time but I can work with it,” Hobi shrugged and you giggled as he kissed you once again.
Park Jimin
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You tilted your head to the side as you examined your figure in the mirror. While out at the mall earlier, you had stopped in the lingerie store just to see if they had anything that you’d like. You ended up finding a beautiful silk baby doll dress, that had sheer cutouts around your breasts. You thought it was gorgeous and figured Jimin would like it too so you bought it. 
However, now that you had gotten home and tried it on, you weren’t so sure. Even though Jimin had mentioned that he liked the newfound fullness of your hips from having Noah, you were still trying to get used to them. 
“Hey Jagi,” Jimin called as he walked into your bedroom. He froze when he saw what you had on but he quickly recovered, a smirk falling over his face as he leaned against the doorway. “What’s this?”
“I just, I saw it in the mall and thought it was pretty,” you shrugged. 
“It is,” Jimin nodded in agreement. He pushed him away from the doorway and walked over to until he was standing right right behind you. “So pretty that I really want to take it off of you,” Jimin muttered as he pressed a kiss to the back of your neck. 
“Do you really like it? You don’t think it looks weird?” You asked anxiously. Jimin met your eyes in the mirror and wrapped his arms around your waist.
“I love it jagi,” Jimin smiled, making you do the same. He turned his face towards your neck once again, starting to suck lightly on it. You groaned lowly, tilting your head to the side in order to give him better access. “Now, why don’t we work on getting it off of you?”
Kim Taehyung
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“What the hell?” Taehyung chuckled as he looked inside the package that he had just cut open. A few minutes ago, a delivery man had knocked on the door and Tae opened it. There was a package for you but since you were upstairs attempting to get Spencer dressed for the day, Tae just signed for you and brought it into the house. Not knowing that you had been expecting a package, Tae took it upon himself to open it for you and he definitely was not expecting what he found inside.
“Hey, who was at the door?” You wondered as you walked into the kitchen, Spencer babbling in your arms. Tae didn’t miss the opportunity to take Spencer from you and press multiple kisses onto her cheek. 
“Delivery man,” he replied as he walked over and set Spencer into her high chair.
“For me or you?” You asked as you opened the refrigerator and grabbed a jar of baby food. You shut the door and then walked over to where Tae was, handing him the jar.
“You,” he smirked as he opened the jar. You walked over to the box on the counter and kissed your teeth when you saw that Tae had already opened it. You looked inside and realized that it was the several sets of new lingerie that you had ordered, making you gasp loudly. 
“Tae!” You whined, turning around to look up at him. “You weren’t supposed to see these yet!”
“What’s the big deal? I would’ve seen them eventually, right? I mean, unless you bought them for your other husband,” Tae chuckled and you walked over to him just to smack him in the arm. 
“That’s not the point! It was supposed to be a surprise for you,” you pouted. Tae sighed and looked up at you.
“You know I love you in anything. And you know I’d,” he paused to look down at Spencer, who was curiously watching the interaction between the two of you. “You know, regardless of what type of underwear you have on. Ok?” You nodded and leaned down, kissing him softly. “And if it makes you feel better, I like the choices you made,” he smiled, making you blush. 
Jeon Jungkook
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“Kookie, I need your opinion on something I bought today,” you announced as you walked into your bedroom with several shopping bags in hand. Jungkook looked up from playing with Ava, which made her start to babble loudly because she had been playing with his nose and now it was out of reach.
“Please don’t tell me you bought Angel anymore clothes,” Jungkook groaned. “She has more than enough as is.”
“Nope, this is actually for me. And you too, which is why I want your opinion,” you explained and Jungkook nodded. You set the bags on the bed and looked through one until you pulled out two sets of lingerie. One was a body suit that was blue and completely sheer and the other was purple, with ribbons covering the places where your nipples and vagina would be.
“Which one?” You asked, holding them both up so that he could get a good look at them. Jungkook groaned, feeling himself starting to get worked up.
“Really Y/N? In front of Ava?” He whined, making you giggle. You glanced down at your daughter, who was attempting to climb up Jungkook in order to reach his nose again.
“She doesn’t know what we’re talking about,” you shrugged. “Now, which one do you like the best?”
“I really like both of them,” Jungkook stated. 
“Figured you would, that’s why I got them both,” you smirked, putting both sets back into the shopping bag. You got onto the bed and crawled over to them, picking Ava up and setting her in your lap. You glanced down and saw the tent forming in Jungkook’s sweatpants.
“Do I need to ask my parents to watch Ava tonight so I can wear one of those for you?” You wondered and Jungkook nodded quickly.
“See if they can pick her up as soon as possible,” he groaned and you rolled your eyes as you laughed.
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