#wow rp character blogs
kittycryptid · 9 days
A maine coon with messy pitch black fur sits in the shadows of an alley, its glowing eyes following the people who pass by. Suddenly, the "cat" turns into a tall, cat-like humanoid shadow, with sharp teeth. It seems to have gotten distracted by something.
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a-holy-light · 1 month
"i wish to be circumcised by gabriels stomach acid" - My questionable friend, Max
Gabriel is trying to understand your friends wild statement.
"Like.. torn in two fleshy halves with the brittle skeleton still intact in the middle as the burning acid grabs ahold of your halves, continuing to break you down? And er.."
"Just because I'm on an active watch in Gluttony- that.. doesn't mean that I'll just.. yknow- consume you like that."
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hylaversicolor · 1 year
it has actually been so good to come back to naruto after a year of not really thinking about it bc i'm not...impartial per se but having had that distance is making me notice new things that i didn't notice when i was in the throes of it. forest for the trees or something. and it's really making me appreciate the buildup and execution of hashirama's flashback in a completely new way bc i'm experiencing it almost as an outsider (but still knowing what's coming) and i'm like damn this is so good!!!
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silversovereign · 2 years
Might fuck around and remake my fantroll blog
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tf2-soldier · 2 years
!Responding Text!
I dunno?
Never had a cat so maybe
He thinks about this for a moment before putting his phone down. He needs a better answer.
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saahs · 2 years
No brain, I am not playing WoW again. You can't fool me. It will never be the same again.
I will never feel the way I used to when playing. I stopped feeling joy and inspiration from it years before I quit. It won't come back simply if I do. It feels the way you wish it does when you dream because the dreams are not WoW. They just look like it. You will never feel happy to play it again.
Stop telling me to play WoW again, brain. My heart couldn't take it.
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musee-de-muse · 2 months
That feel when people still won't reach out for RP, but will gladly use your OC aesthetic for their OCs rather than be original, or simply following the same resource blogs. Other roleplayers are here to meet people - not to provide their character themes for other people's characters. feelsbadman.jpg
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keladryhawklight · 2 years
Lady Madeleine Hawklight Hawklight Manor, Westfall
Dearest Mother,
I write to you in these darkest of days, the 7th of September, 629, with the heaviest of hearts. This morning, my brother, your son Narakos Hawklight was killed in an attack in Stormwind City.  He died valiantly defending your granddaughter, Talithe Brightmaul from assailants in our home during the early morning hours.
We, Sandor and I, have no words to describe the shock and pain of such violence in our home nor do we have any words to explain just what happened in a sensible manner. The Stormwind City Guard has instigated a manhunt into any suspects who may have any relation to the attack on our home.  
We will be accompanying Narakos' body to Westfall for burial within the coming days; the Marshal will no doubt allow us a brief respite from duties to see to the burial with few impediments to our services.
Your faithful daughter, Keladry Brightmaul
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aghskaleido · 2 years
no new agh’s lab this year makes me sad, but at least i have this unexpected official ‘primal feast’ primal beast spray art as compensation and in reference to the upcoming diretide event that’s subbing for the labyrinth (volvo, how tf am I supposed actually play the game and earn bp shit when the main pvp game modes are too toxically stinky and sweaty to actually bother attempting to get back into it. last time i tried, i had ONE(1) surprisingly good first game where 3/4 teammates were pleasant and we won despite my rustiness while the following two games were garbo and had salty, abusive peeps). when will I crop and use this as an icon for rps??? who knows, but its existence brings me a surprising amount of joy lmaooo
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smokenbreak · 4 months
“Fuck off already, will you?” | + Stress
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— art by @shokujin-art
[It seems Whitney doesn’t take too kindly to unsolicited pictures out of the blue despite their promiscuous behaviour. Ironic.]
— “You know the drill by now, slut.” ↓ (Read.)
What more is there to say? This is an ask/rp blog meant for Whitney, the bully from the hit game Degrees Of Lewdity. When I mean rp, I mean actual rp, there will be narration for the character and such lines. If not, do specify on what you’d like wether it’d be a role play with your PC, questions to be answered as though you were speaking to the bully themselves or narrations of Whitney’s thoughts. This blog was made for the masculine version but don’t hesitate to ask for the feminine version if you want, I can do both.
Rules are obvious → This is an 18+ blog so minors/ageless blogs DO NOT INTERACT. You’ll be blocked on sight regardless, I don’t give a shit. I answer whatever ask I want to answer, if I don’t get to yours, I’m either busy, uncomfortable with it or have forgotten. Don’t take any of this seriously, it’s a game. It’s fiction. I don’t condone any of the character’s actions here. Well, maybe except for a few. (Beating Kylar’s ass.)
Owner of this blog is doing it for shits and giggles since they promised @shokujin-art for it too. Like I’ve said, shits and giggles, nothing serious. Got it? Well, fucking never mind since shoku said it first, owner of this blog is @ashersanity. Y’know.. that obscenely weird horny guy who’s obsessed with Whitney, specifically F!Whitney.
Wow, you read the whole thing. Now what are you waiting for, slut?
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zeehva · 11 months
Reblog this if you are an active Alliance WRA/MG  or Horde WRA/MG Character Blog!
My dashboard has been a little quiet lately so I'm looking to find more WoW RP blogs to follow, support and interact with! Let me see those amazing OCs!
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bubu-pharmacy-doctor · 5 months
Stop asking why I don't get asks from iheartfireemblem
I get it, they talk to majority of the RP blogs but not mine. You're curious. But stop asking.
I didn't do anything to them, so stop asking what I did.
This is not an invite to harass them nor am I telling you how you should think about them.
This is my experience, and it was reason for me to block them.
You're a mod I frequently talk to either in character or out of character and you think they're perfectly fine and dandy, you like seeing them in your inbox? Then that's your opinion. I'm not here to tell you it's wrong.
Too Long; Didn't Read:
The way they interacted with Baizhu made me very uncomfortable partly due to a rather uncommon disability I have, so I blocked them.
Too Long:
As with all interactions, it started normally, they came to the pharmacy and Baizhu, though when asked, did not answer why they were here. Rather soon after, it became focused on Changsheng, feeling, to me, a little rude about Baizhu's knowledge of Changsheng. [1, 2, 3.]
After getting a plaster from Baizhu, as they finally answered why they came to Baizhu after the Changsheng questions, they ask what his favourite flower was.
At this point, they were the third person to ask, so I was a little jokey about "everyone asking". [x]
Standard (and canon) "I'll get Baizhu a gift as thanks" "No, you don't need to do that, it's just my job" interaction.
At this point, I'm fine. Annoyance with Changsheng is over, I think this is just a standard anon, so keeping with standard character interactions.
Then we begin a little more flirt-y. [x] I am not opposed to anons flirting with my muses, but there is a time and a place. And this is Baizhu. If you've played his character story, you know he's not really the type to answer those style questions. [x]
And then they immediately question the final statement further. [x]
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So, in the context of the character, they:
Insulted a medical professional's knowledge of the topic
Violated someone's privacy
Didn't believe someone's statements about themself
Didn't believe someone's statements about an animal that has lived with them for a large portion of their life
Pried into the very personal life of someone giving you medical treatment - which if it's the other way around can lose you your docotr's licence
And then asked him out for dinner. [1, 2]
Now, I suspect a lot of people are thinking "Wow, mod. You're overreacting."
Here's the thing.
Baizhu is chronically ill and largely invisibly so (even if it's for a mystical reason).
As. Am. I.
So, suddenly, all of this pushing of health questions and skepticism of his words about it hit VERY close to home. As something I have to deal with IRL.
So that is why I do not.
Now stop asking you fucks.
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matrixbearer2024 · 3 months
OC infodump
Okay so while I admittedly probably made this guy because of a shitpost and because I was inspired by @hazzbindarlingg's Fatherly Vox Headcanons, Vic was kind of an OC I've been writing for a while now that I just wasn't sure where to place. He used to be a concept when I was still obsessing over transformers but he seems to fit more into this franchise.
Now without further ado- here's a headcanon list I have for Vic just written in my notes. I also may or may not use him to interact with other Hazbin character RP blogs eventually.
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Vic is an 80s kid so he's pretty young compared to most of the Hazbin Cast.
Like bro grew up around so much tech-
Okay anyways-
This kid was highkey kind of fucked up since childhood.
His dad was a politician that always came home drunk out of his mind.
His mom left him with his dad at 4 yrs old.
Without his mom, he had to cook, clean and take care of his old man.
Not that the old geezer was even remotely thankful.
He would often punch or hit Vic just for the hell of it, sometimes even throwing his empty beer bottles at the kid while he was cleaning up the dishes.
If the glass shattered, Vic had to clean it up too.
But of course- his old man was starting to lose power and influence as a political figure.
So while it directly made "home" even more hellish for Vic-
His old man was a conniving man and wouldn't take it lying down.
So guess who the old fuck made a deal with?
If you guessed our favorite TV overlord then you guessed right!
Ding ding ding! You're a winner!
So how does Victor get wrapped in all of this?
Well his old man didn't sign his own name on the soul contract.
He signed away his son's soul to keep his power and influence.
Talk about a shitty family-
A soul is a soul no matter how you look at it so the deal still went through.
Either way, Vic didn't really know about that deal since he was still just 10 years old.
Wow he was so young when he got dammed to the inferno-
His dad managed to stay relevant and in power for a few more years.
Well, until of course Vic decided that he'd had enough enduring the hell he lived in.
He meticulously planned it all for days, hyping himself up for freedom.
He was around 15 by now.
TLDR, he took his father's pistol and shot the old man in the head while he was sleeping.
Vic wasn't exactly a religious person, but he was sure he'd be damned to hell for this anyway.
Not that he exactly gave a shit hahaha
The news blew up about his father's death, it was attributed to a break-in murder because Vic was so careful to set up the crime scene that way.
Because of that incident and because he wasn't legally an adult yet- Vic had been adopted by another family.
Thankfully this time he was watched over by a family who genuinely cared.
They helped shape him into an ambitious and resilient young fellow who majored in software engineering and computer science.
But that didn't stop Vic from dealing under the table with his peers or just in general.
He used his knowledge in programming to gather blackmail against some students and professors he disliked.
That or he would sometimes straight up hack the school website when he got bored.
Victor did graduate at the top of his class-
Problem was he decided to join a renown hacker group instead of going career hunting.
And much to his adoptive parents' dismay-
Vic was practically swimming in money because of his "job".
But it also caused him to quickly get on the FBI's hit list.
This job of his also cost him his life when he got killed during a police raid.
The popos raided the hacker headquarters while he was in it.
Unlike some others who'd been able to escape when the police made their presence known-
Vic wasn't lucky enough to and he got shot.
But that wasn't what killed him-
In fact, it was a little trap he'd made just in case this scenario would happen.
When the police successfully entered, they found him near an electrical box messing with it's contents.
Despite them telling him to put his hands up or even get on the ground- Vic didn't listen and just grinned before flipping a switch.
Thousands of volts immediately ran from the box and into all the hardware that remained in the hideout, making practically all of it useless for investigators.
Problem was, because Vic had been holding the switch and exposed so closely to lots of open wire-
He'd also effectively electrocuted himself.
And that was how he immediately found himself going from electricity fried chicken to red skies red streets and the smell of rotting corpses.
It didn't take long before Vic became as much of a menace as when he was alive.
Which quickly gathered the attention of the Vees, who he'd made the mistake of screwing with at one point.
Well- Velvette's social media actually-
Vox saw the potential in the youngster so instead of killing him like his colleagues wanted- he recruited Vic instead.
That was also around the time Vox figured out the deal he made years ago inadvertently tied Vic to him too.
"Soooo... you want me to become your assistant? That's like... secretary stuff right?"
"Not quite just that. I took notice of your exceptional hacking skills as well, any chance you'll be able to use them on competitors?"
"That's all? Well, why the hell not, I'm bored down here anyway."
And that's what pretty much started Vic's journey to becoming Vox's protege.
With powers similar enough to the tech overlord, Vox couldn't help but want to refine the great talent Vic already had.
Not to mention use him to gain more power.
So it wasn't long before Vic was able to establish his worth to the Vees either.
He was extremely good at his job and because of his cutthroat personality, he'd quickly become an honorary Vee as well.
It didn't take too long afterwards for him to grow closer to Vox despite his deal with the overlord too.
He practically became a younger sibling to Velvette and a cyber bodyguard for Valentino.
There was one time he'd accidentally called Vox "dad" and they haven't let him live it down since.
It just becomes all the more blatant when Vox takes Vic to overlord meetings as well and it's just horrible dad jokes all around.
Victor's name is often written as "Victor(y)" because of Vox being like: "HA I HAVE AN ASSISTANT AND YOU DON'T FUCK YOU ALASTOR!"
Even so, the "y" is silent and Vic finds it really corny.
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askthezeraora · 2 months
(OOC) Your Zeraora is adorable, and I really like your art style! I hope we get to know more about them! I'm currently thinking about when to send Wo to meet them too, if it's alright to do so!
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WOW thank you so much!!! I'm so happy to be getting such a positive reception, I've been working on this story for a while and there's a ton I'm excited for! Your blog looks really cool as well, Wo-Chien is such a neat pokemon to tell a story about!
And yes I would love for more character interactions ^^ To be honest, character rp is kinda limited at the moment because of super secret story reasons, but... I just love interacting with other blogs so much I will probably end up doing them anyway and tagging them as "not canon" :'3
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Welcome to the Group OC Tournament
Submissions are Closed!
What is this?
This is a tournament for groups of OC's. If you, or you and some friends have some OC's who interact, whether it be via multiverse shenanigans, ttrpg parties, or elaborate shared universes, I wanna hear about them.
This will be a low stakes, fun vibes tournament, don't be an asshole to anyone else. In fact, I would encourage OC groups going against each other to talk to each other and maybe make a collaborative piece (writing, music, art, whatever) together. These pieces will be collected and after the main poll, we'll run a secondary one about the best collaborative piece.
Don't feel pressured to do this, however, it's an opt in bonus.
We are now accepting Duo's
The rule stating groups had to have three or more members has now been pulled back to two or more, however, it should be noted that this is more about fun group dynamics, story and concept, not so much romance or oc shipping, so try to keep that in mind when submitting. After this tournament finishes, I might run one on this blog for oc shipping, so maybe save your ship's for that.
How many nominees are you accepting?
I don't know. There might be a lot of people who're interested, there might be very few. It will depend on the response to the tournament.
Submission's will stay open until I decide to close them, I will give a two day warning before closing them.
Can me and my friends submit a team or group together/can I submit a group by myself?
Yes and yes. I encourage multiple people submitting a team, but individuals submitting a team are absolutely allowed.
Can I submit a- ?
You are welcome to submit:
-Fandom OC's (Including Fantrolls/fankids, pony oc's, minecraft oc's)
-Dnd parties, characters from ttrpg groups
-RP characters
-OC's from planned stories/webcomics/ect
-OC's from existing stories/webcomics/ect (provided you, or you and your co-submitters own the OC's in question)
-OC's from mmorpg's (such as Guild Wars, Final Fantasy, WoW)
-OC groups of two or more people. (Probably if you're getting to around 15, that's maybe too many, and either focus on a smaller part of the group, or work out a different group to submit)
-Other OC's that fit the tournament theme. If you're not sure if your OC group is appropriate, message me and we can work it out.
Your should not submit:
-Harry Potter OC's. I will ignore submissions of OC's from Harry Potter. If your group previously had a fan character/s from Harry Potter, but that fact has been changed or made irrelevant, or if you have adapted the Harry Potter setting to something distinct, that's allowed.
-OC's groups of only one person.
-On behalf of other groups. If you and your friends/team/group do not own the OC's you're submitting, you shouldn't be submitting them.
-Singular OC's that two or more people share custody of. That's very fun, but not what this tournament is about.
-If you're unsure if your OC breaks a rule, feel free to message me and we can work it out.
Can I submit more then one group?
Yes. But-
Each group should be unique OC's. Or, in other words, no single OC should appear on more then one submission.
No one person should submit more then three submissions.
If there's a problem with any of your submissions, i will contact you and we can work it out.
Are you submitting?
I am submitting, but to avoid bias, I will not state the group/s I am submitting.
Where do I submit?
Can I send in propaganda?
Yes, and in fact, I encourage it. Anyone in a group can send in propaganda.
Propaganda can be writing, art, music, playlists, ect.
Propaganda will be tagged with the teams name.
If your propaganda is a pencil drawing, please make sure the lineart is dark enough to clearly make out for a better chance of people observing your propaganda.
We now have a discord server
Feel free to join, but it's not required for the competition.
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cleverthylacine · 15 days
Okay. Wow. (also feel free to circulate this post to people even if they don't like me)
I didn't want to make a post like this but things have gone too far. I am still not mentioning names. If you know you know, if you don't know, ignore this post and be happy that you don't know.
Yesterday I went on a blitz of blocking people I was told had been sharing my private DMs and talking shit about me behind my back with an artist who is freaked out that I told them I wouldn't take down a reblog, and then explained that they are popular with RavWave shippers, and that I didn't know who they were until other shippers sent me their stuff, because their art does look shippy to us.
It seems that a lot of the people who are really mad about this (and you're welcome to share this one post of mine with those people, though I do not appreciate that their friends have been stalking my blog in general) think that I was trying to ARGUE with that person.
Much as their motivation in drawing the art was not to depict my OTP, my motivation in telling them that they accidentally did was not to argue with them about how they should view the relationship. It was information about why people get what is apparently the wrong idea about their art.
If I were writing or drawing something that was being misinterpreted all over creation, I would want to know why.
Then I would be armed with the knowledge to decide whether or not I wanted to do things differently in the future.
"I don't care what those people think" is a valid decision. So is "hmm, maybe she has a point." Whichever decision I made, I'd want to make it as an informed decision.
I feel a little sorry about this giant misunderstanding, but I'm absolutely disinclined to apologise because:
Their first message to me was insulting. Many people believe that it was a "polite request". But polite words can be used in a thoroughly rude and nasty way. There is no nice way to tell someone that you think they're so nasty you don't want your public posts appearing on their blog.
Saying no to requests is a thing that people are allowed to do.
Their second message to me, which evaded my block because it was sent to another account, was blatantly offensive and went into the quality of my family and relationships. I didn't respond to that because I'd have gone off.
They have their friends stalking my blog and have admitted to doing so, and have responded to venting on my part by vagueblogging in my own blogs by telling everyone that they're the person I am annoyed with and here are the receipts. Seriously, wtf?
I only know this because I'm trying to block all the assholes who are reposting my personal conversations with them, a thing i only know because a friend of mine told me so after receiving a demand they unfriend me.
This person and their friends are sending anon asks to my friends, or in one case, publicly demanding in an RP community, that people who want to interact with them unfollow me, because they will not interact with anyone who interacts with me. Go the fuck back to high school, Regina.
Don't put icing and sprinkles on a pile of shit and tell yourself you gave someone a chocolate cake. This person has never been "nice" to me.
Under the cut: why IDW Ravage would never allow herself to be handled like a pet cat, and why RavWave shippers feel the same way about the Earthspark deleted scenes, even though we know that's probably not what the showrunners meant us to think.
I have come to the conclusion that's it's just another case of antis thinking that if you can see two people in a non-platonic relationship that they think of as family, you're just nasty. Especially if the feline shaped character is being handled like a pet cat.
But the person who said "I look disrespectfully on anyone who ships this, that's just a goof and his cat" has missed the entire point of these characters' relationship. Soundwave would never treat or handle Ravage like she was a pet cat.
Anyone else who says RavWave shippers are nasty because "it's NoRMaL to handle your cat that way" is fundamentally not getting who Ravage is and how she feels about being touched.
Ravage is a sapient adult mech with a full range of sapient adult feelings, and touching her like she's an animal is a microaggression or a macroaggression, depending upon where and how you touch her. The oppression of beastformers is a big fucking thing in IDW 2005. Other beastformers also complain about constantly having to deal with unwanted and disrespectful touching. (Fortress Maximus is a known offender.)
IDW Ravage is sleeping in Megatron's bed throughout MTMTE (when she's under it, she's guarding him). She only allows him to touch her neck in front of others...because behaving like a pet cat increases the chances that people will treat her like one.
(She almost cut Nautica several times. That's another character I ship her with, because what would be funnier than her realising that this actually is a whole ass person and if she can't stop touching her, she might actually be attracted to her?)
(Note: Canonically, Ravage in IDW uses he/him, and I do know that. However, about half the fandom writes Ravage as female. I'm in that half.)
BTW, I feel exactly the same way about the Earthspark deleted scenes. Every RavWave shipper on the planet does. We've talked about it. We realise that the artists and showrunners probably intended it to be innocent on the grounds that she is a cat. But we are also people who like to write her as an adult Decepticon officer with agency and self-respect who wouldn't behave like that in front of other people unless they knew he has privileges they don't.
I am aware that half the fandom draws Ravage art that's basically cat memes. (I hate that so much. But as a proshipper, I recognise people have the right to depict characters any way they want. That doesn't mean I haven't had to vent to people like @bitegore and @miner16 to keep myself from saying something.)
Also, I strongly suggest that people who get this worked up about misinterpretations of their art or writing do not become professional creators. As a member of fandom since the 1970s, I'm kind of super extremely aware that most of what fandom does is counter to what the creator intended, and frequently that's the point.
I'm also kind of super extremely aware that if you don't have loads of people reinterpreting and remixing your work and your characters, that actually means nobody cares about your work enough to have blorbo feels about your characters.
(The side poll, which came from another blog and mentioned no names, was an irritated attempt to find out whether people really do think it's normal to cuddle your mom that way, because the second message insinuated that my mother and I must have a terrible relationship because we don't touch each other like that. I kinda wanted to know what people who were not predisposed to take my side and did not know what was going on would think of that idea, because I really do not think most people touch their mothers like that; their mothers aren't nonsapient animals and would thus consider it weird and inappropriate.)
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