#wow work bringing out the comfy protective mood huh
There's something so fascinating about being a pred, and having prey inside me. It's a strange and wonderful sensation.
I just look down and see a small (or big, depending on the size of my prey) protrusion in my belly, and I can place a hand on it and feel something in response, maybe a wriggle, a small impact or even a hand placed back because there is a living person in there.
And there's also the feeling of fullness, not full of food (though granted I do feel that as well) but full of life. My stomach is currently home to a living being. And they feel so happy for it.
The idea of being able to look at someone I care about and see them happy, then a few minutes later look down to see the lump they make in my midsection, vaguely wriggling about as they get comfy, tucked away so close to me and safe from anything and anyone who tried to hurt them. They are safe and I will ensure their safety.
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shego89notabot · 3 years
Meet Cute
Pairing: James “Bucky” Barnes/Darcy Lewis
Rating: Teen and up audience (for swearing)
Warnings: Swearing; mild violence; Darcy’s taser can be used more than once (because in my world Tony never died and he totally hooked a girl up)
"And why were WE asked to play chauffeur to this scientist?"
Bucky was grumpy. He was beginning to think he maybe should have just said no to Sam. But, no, here he was traveling in the middle of the night to retrieve some scientist.
"Apparently Doctor Lewis is a friend of Thor. Known her since his first arrival and all. Bruce asked if we could make sure she was safe. Special favor." Sam patiently responded. He was getting used to the two moods of the man next to him, grumpy and grumpier.
"Friend, huh?"
Sam shrugged, "Friend. There has been recent, credible chatter about her. The not so friendly kind. She's being moved to another, secret location but Bruce is concerned enough to think she might need a little extra, temporary, protection."
Bucky gazed out the window. To be honest, it's not like he had anything else going on and Sam was a good guy and usually decent company, if annoying at times. When Sam had shown up out of the blue and asked if he'd like to help it didn't take long for him to pack a bag and join him.
Bruce had asked for their help. He liked Bruce. The big, green doctor was calm and sensible and one of the few people he could tolerate for long periods of time. If Bruce felt strongly enough about the threat to this scientist then he'd give him the benefit of the doubt.
Soon they were pulling into the parking lot of a small building. A van was parked haphazardly by an entrance which in and of itself was not alarming. What was alarming was a man lying on the ground not far from the door.
"Shit." Bucky muttered under his breath. Sam stopped the vehicle and the both jumped out, hands going in jackets for weapons.
They both cautiously made their way towards the door. "I'll see if there's another entrance," whispered Sam.
Bucky nodded, face grim as he checked the pulse of the downed man and finding he was still alive, merely unconscious, he watched as Sam rounded the corner then quietly headed to the door and put his back to the wall next to it. Listening, he heard loud voices from deeper within the building. He didn't hear anything closer so he turned quickly into the doorway, gun up.
Inside was a hallway with doors opening to either side, several feet from the entrance. The door on the left was open and that was where the noise and light was coming from. He walked over to it then stepped just inside to find a man grappling with a woman, the woman in question loudly cursing the larger male.
"You asshole! Let me go," she bites his arm.
"Ow, you bitch!" He then proceeds to throw her against a metal file cabinet and she falls to the side, stumbling, before grabbing a chair that was nearby and hitting him in the side with it. He grunts before pulling out a gun and aiming it at her head. She freezes, eyes big, then snaps her left arm up, shoving his gun hand up while bringing her right hand up from her side and shooting him in the center of his chest with her taser.
Bucky watches in slight awe as the small, dark haired woman smirks with satisfaction at the other man as falls, shuddering and drooling to the ground. "Lady Sif taught me that one, asshole!" Then she notices Bucky. " Oh, fudge. 3? Hey, I'm armed! Back off! ". She points the now expended taser at him.
Bucky gives her what he hopes is a reassuring smile then raises his left hand in surrender while putting his gun away. "Doctor Banner sent us. Are you Doctor Lewis?"
"Us?" Darcy looks confused for a moment before Sam pushes in through a second door at the other end of the room. Sam takes in the scene and, noticing the man still twitching in the ground, relaxed with a smile.
Darcy places her hand on her hip. "Wow, Dr. B sent in the big guns, huh? Well, you guys have any zip ties or anything? These two aren't going to restrain themselves."
"Two? " Bucky moved forward and peers down around the corner of a desk that had been blocking his view of a second unconscious man. His eyebrows shoot up and gets a good look at the woman in front of him. Long dark hair, blue eyes, full, generous lips and a pretty coke bottle figure under the turtleneck sweater and jeans she was wearing.
He watched as she tugged her crooked glasses back into place and bit her lip and gestures at the unconscious men and cocks her hip. "Yeah, these two. I mean, I used my taser on both of them so we have a little bit longer but it'd probably be best to get them restrained before they get themselves together."
Sam grabs a power cord off the table near him and proceeds to restrain the men while Bucky just stares back at the small doctor. Bucky steps forward, and extends his hand to Darcy, “James Barnes and this is Sam Wilson”. His breath catches as she gives a brilliant smile and shakes his hand. “Darcy Lewis. And it is a pleasure to meet you”.
Sam stands after tying up the goons and realizes she’s still holding Bucky’s hand and the two are just staring at each other. He clears his throat and smirks as the two startle a bit and blush - seriously, Bucky blushing?
“You might want to grab anything important so we can get out of here before their reinforcements arrive,” Sam says.
“Right!” Darcy smiles once more at Bucky then heads over to her computer.
Bucky watches her and quietly mutters to Sam, “Just how good a friend of Thor is she? Is she a friend or a friend friend?”
Sam shakes his head. “Why don’t you ask her? I’m going to walk outside and check on that guy in the parking lot”.
Sam leaves the room and Bucky shuffles his feet. She was just so pretty. But now was not the time to sit there and get goofy over a pretty face. She was just attacked and there might be more coming. His protective instincts kicked in and he strode over to her to see if he could either help or hurry her along.
“Um, can I help with anything?”
She flashes that dazzling smile at him again. “This is it. I learned years ago while I was working with Jane to keep all the important stuff close by.” She waved at the laptop in front of her then closes the laptop and puts it in a bag. “I’m all yours!”
Bucky grins at her statement and she blushes. “I mean I’m ready to go with you. Away from here. Ok. Um, this,” she lifts the bag, “is the important stuff. We can get the equipment later.”
Bucky is having a hard time reconciling this pretty, blushing woman with the badass that put down two men nearly twice her size but he’s loving it. He can’t get over how taken he is with her and wonders if when she’s safe would he, could he, ask her out.
He offers to hold her bag but she declines only to wince when she tries to put it on her shoulder. “Ow. Guess I’ll be bruised from that idiot. Can you help get this over my head?”. Bucky helps her get the strap over her head so the bag rests comfortably across her body and goes behind her and lifts the strap to free her hair from under it. “Comfy?” he asks and he’s dazzled again by her smile.
“You know, if this situation weren’t so serious I would totally ask you out for coffee or something.” She shrugs, “but I’m sure you have plenty things to keep up you busy-no time for that sort of thing, right?”
Bucky smiles, “I think I would like that. But maybe we can make it dinner and a picture, doll? Or some dancing?”. He offers Darcy his arm and she takes it.
“That sounds fantastic.”
“Um, I’m not gonna have some Norse God hunting me down for moving in on his girl, right?”
Darcy laughed. “No! He’s just a friend.”
“Well, then. It’s a date.”
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reelwriter19 · 4 years
Lights Out
Pairings: Erik Stevens X Black Reader 
Warnings: ANGST, Fluff, implied smut
Word Count: 2200
“Shit!!!” Erik yelled accompanied by a loud thud so jarring it woke you out of the first sleep you were getting in days.
You replied in a pleading, groggy whisper. “E please! You’re gonna wake the baby. What the hell are you doing anyway?”
“The power went out…and he’s already up.”
You heard your sons faint cry on the monitor and rose from your favorite armchair in the living room like a zombie to go feed, burp, change, cuddle…whichever of the nine things, if not all, that he required at this ungodly hour. You chose to nap here because Erik was PMS’ing…again. You knew raising a child with this stubborn ass man wouldn’t be easy, but lately Erik was on another level of pissing you off. His latest complaint was the fact that you babied Bakari too much.
“But he’s 4 months old E!” ...you exclaimed. He thought he should already be sleeping on his own.
You argued that you’re still breastfeeding and it’s a trek to get to him in the middle of the night. “Are you gonna start producing something more than keloids and muscles out of that chest for him instead?!”
You knew there was a root cause to Erik’s frustration, but you also knew that he needed time to express his feelings. Extra time that you didn’t have to give right now. So, for the third night in a row, he went to bed angry, while you took care of Bakari in his nursery and attempted to find peace in your comfy chair in between.
Brushing passed your husband without so much as a glance, you walk towards the hallway.
“I did that already.”
“You fed him?”
“And changed his…”
“Yes Y/N…that’s what I’m sayin, damn.
Bakari’s cries got louder by the minute.
“E…I’m exhausted. Don’t come at me with this attitude tonight ok?! I’m not beat for your shit right now.”
You make your way into your sons’ nursery and gently lift him from his crib. He’s beyond fussy but won’t latch on…not hungry. His diaper is dry…wow, Erik actually did that too. Bouncing Bakari lightly as you pace the room, you start to hum a melody hoping this will work.
“He’s hot…” Erik appeared at the door. “He’s pissed cuz there’s no air circulating. I opened the window, thought the rain would calm him down but clearly. Come on, let’s go…”
You look down to see three bags at Erik’s feet, one being an expertly packed diaper bag.
“Go where E? It’s a whole storm outside. And it’s 3AM.”
“The rain let up and it’s not windy anymore. Don’t you trust me?” You scoffed…
“Just come on girl.”
The three of you piled into Erik’s huge truck. He held the door as you secured Bakari in, choosing to sit next to him in the backseat just in case he started screaming again. Movement always helped when he was this antsy, but you were way too tired to do your usual laps around the loft to get him to sleep this time.
Erik slammed the driver’s side door, which of course scared the baby, making him scream yet again. You shot him a cold look in the rearview mirror.
“My bad.”
Addressing your son in baby talk…
“It’s okay my love…don’t cry. Daddy’s trying to take your place this week. Did he steal some of your diaper’s tonight Bakari? Is that the real reason why he was in your room?? You can tell mama…”
Erik just shook his head. Your teasing, the AC blasting and the sound of the open road actually did the trick. Bakari went from sobbing to giggling to REM sleep in no time. You didn’t bother asking Erik where you were going because, let’s be honest, you knew he wasn’t going to tell you anyway, so you decided to knock out also.
2 hours later
Erik hopped out of the truck and took the bags in to the house. He then gently took his son out of his seat before waking you up.
“Y/N…babe we’re here.”
“Are we back home?”
“Well, home for a few days yeah.”
You reluctantly took Erik’s hand as he helped you out of the car. One quick but GOOD nap wasn’t going to make you suddenly forget that you were mad at him.
“Did you remember to bring…”
“Your pump? I got everything Y/N. And whatever I didn’t pack is available here.”
Erik led you into a BEAUTIFUL beach house. Still holding Bakari, he smirked at your reaction to this surprise. Kissing you on your temple, thoroughly amused at your shocked expression…
Tumblr media
“I’ll be right back. I’m gonna go put him down.”
You couldn’t even answer. Mesmerized by the sound of the waves crashing, you walked towards the back of the open concept house in awe. The infinity pool overlooked a beautiful pre-dawn sky and the smell of fresh air hitting your nostrils was intoxicating. Truth be told, you wanted Erik to rip your clothes off and take you right here on this patio, but you needed to suppress that urge for the time being.
He walked up behind you, slowly placing his arms around your waist. It had been days since he touched you, his unexplained mood keeping you both in your individual corners of the boxing ring that had become your home. You closed your eyes and allowed yourself to lean into him. He traced a line from your ear lobe to your shoulder with his lips. You were a goner.
“Baby…who’s house is this?”
“It’s ours.”
You turned to face him. Erik had a sly grin on his face, a sight you also hadn’t seen in a very long time. Playfully hitting his chest… “Erik stop playin’. Did you steal this house? Are the owners on vacation and coming back in the morning? What’s the deal? Should I go grab Bakari now or…?” Erik caught your hand as you pretended to walk away. He had to admit that he missed this side of you too.  
“It’s kind of an inheritance thing. T’s dumbass was gonna get rid of it. Talkin’ bout some…’N’Jadaka, I live in Wakanda, why on earth do I need a house by this polluted Californian ocean?’”
You were laughing hysterically at this point. You loved when Erik impersonated T’Challa’s accent…he was SO BAD at it. You were softening up again, dammit this man was good at getting you to let your guard down. You moved closer to him, hands on his shoulders as he bit his bottom lip….he knew that made you weak too. His hands were now roaming your hips and cheeks.
“Oh really…that’s what he said huh?”
“Yep, just like that. So, I told him, T, don’t you dare get rid of this house. It’s a family keepsake, you know. My badass wife and beautiful son deserve this house T. So here we are.”
“Here we are….”
His lips finally overtook yours. All concern for previous arguments melted away as Erik lifted your legs around his waist and carried you to a lounge chair. He then ripped your clothes off and had his way with you. Filling you almost immediately, the sound of the crashing waves was no match for the moans you released finally feeling his touch again.
A little later…
You walked back out towards the pool wrapped in a blanket to rejoin Erik who was still sprawled, bare chest and as sexy as ever on the chaise lounge. The sun had just started to rise, and you couldn’t be more grateful for this moment with your man.
Nestling back into his side, Erik’s hands found their way back to some of his favorite spots on your body.
“Is he ok?”
“Yeah, I fed him, and he went right back to sleep. I think he loves it here too.”
“Y/N, I owe you an apology.” You stayed silent, this was rare, and you didn’t want any sudden movements to make him change his mind. Erik wasn’t big on words or explanations. He covered you and Bakari like no one else could. You felt protected and loved beyond measure, but there was something about having a child that opened up a new well in Erik’s heart. You fell more and more in love with him in these last few months, which was why the difference in his recent behavior had caught you so off guard.
You sat up slightly to face him, encouraging him to continue.
“I started having dreams about my pops. At first, they were nice, we’d be chillin at the playground when I was a kid or on the courts playin’ ball. He’d be laughing with me, pushing me on a swing. I’d smile cuz I’d think about those times that I’d have with B…then the dreams got dark. My mother would appear, her eyes real dark, black…and she’d end up killing me or my father in one of the dreams. Every time she’d laugh about it and I couldn’t do anything but watch. I was stuck in the corner of the room, in that same blue hoodie I was wearing when I found my dad. She’d walk over and whisper shit like, ‘you’ll never have what we had’, ‘you can never be free’. And then I’d pop up.”
By the time he finished there were tears streaming down both of your faces. You kissed his away and held him close.
“Erik, I’m so sorry. Why didn’t you tell me sooner?”
“I wanted to; I just didn’t want to scare you. The first time it happened it was really late, and you were in the other room singing to Bakari. The two of you were so peaceful…so I just listened to your voice with him and that calmed me down. I had another one a few days ago. She was in our room, standing over B’s rocker, just staring at him with those dark eyes. Then she looked over at you sleeping with your hand on him. I was stuck to the damn bed, couldn’t move. That shit was so real Y/N”
“That’s why you didn’t want him in the room.”
“Yeah…I’m sorry. I just didn’t know what to do. That seemed like the most immediate solve at the time.”
You readjusted to straddle Erik’s lap. Your love language was touch and luckily you knew Erik found peace the closer you were to him. You felt his heart beating as you retraced the scars on his chest. You steadied your hand there for a minute as he continued.
“T noticed something was off with me…”, finishing the sentence in unison…
“…because he’s T.” You both laughed. You were so grateful for his family and the second chance he had been given with them, in these very moments especially.
“Anyway, his nosy ass told my auntie about the dreams, but she really helped. She reminded me that my parents really did love me, even my mother. And that the dreams were just traces of my old life of violence refusing to die. I guess because…”
“Because you don’t think you deserve this joy…a chance at real peace?”
“Yeah…” He tried to break his gaze from your loving eyes, but you wouldn’t allow it. You held his face and kissed him softly. You moved slowly, hoping that the connection of your lips to his would somehow reassure him of who he was…recharging him in some way.
“Erik Stevens. N’Jadaka. You are my king. I loved you before I knew about your past, I loved you after I found out all of the secrets you tried to hide and since you’ve made me a mother to our gift, I’ve managed to love you even more. I feel safe, adored and beautiful when I’m with you, baby. And you know what, that little boy back there already loves and adores you too. You can calm him down in minutes…you already make him laugh. I know this hasn’t been easy, but you’ve earned this happiness. Life isn’t perfect, babe. But all of that darkness is behind us now. Let me be here for you too. We have a very bright future ahead, but I need you present and here with us to enjoy it…all of you.”
“I gotchu princess. I love you.”
“I love you too.”
Erik suddenly had a mischievous look in his eyes. You jumped up because you knew him all too well, but not fast enough. He started tickling you and laughing like a lunatic.
“Erik, stop! Your behind goes from 0 to a thousand in seconds!”
He pauses for a minute, getting close to your ear.
“Let’s make another baby.”
You laugh even louder now at this ridiculous notion and try to escape his arms.
“Uh huh! This birth control stays IN Mr. Stevens! Too soon…WAY too soon. I don’t love you that much.”
He chased you inside and into the bedroom. Hovering over you on this perfect king-sized bed, ready to pounce. There was no way you’d be willing to have another baby this soon, but there was absolutely no harm in practicing the latest techniques with this gorgeous man you cherished while Bakari finally slept peacefully in the other room.
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b4ku-h03 · 5 years
scary movie (bakugou x fem!reader)
A/N: Is this idea original at all? no. I’ve never actually written anything before, and I had the thought of what would happen if bkgo’s quirk accidentally went off when he held hands with someone, bc feelings are hard so he’d just get nervous and sweaty, which would make him more nervous and more sweaty and then..... the inevitable. anyway this is literally the first thing ive ever written and i didn’t know how to end it so here we are! if this is bad plz forgive me lol
Warning: Swearing
“Hey Kacchan!” Midoriya called out to Bakugou, who was headed to the elevators from the kitchen to catch some early shut eye on a Friday night.
“We’re all gonna watch a really scary ghost movie, do you wanna join us?”
Some of the residents at the Heights Alliance dorm had spread out the couches and pillows in the common area in front of the TV, ready for a movie night.
“We’re bonding!” Uraraka gleefully exclaimed.
“Tch.” Bakugou scoffed, glancing at who was present in the current company. Deku, Uraraka, Kaminari, Ashido, Kirishima, Sero and Jirou. A bunch of nerds that he was not in the mood to tolerate.
Kaminari looked over the back of the couch from his spot on the floor, “Cmon Bakugou, I heard this movie’s supposed to be pretty scary! None of that baby jump scare stuff.”
Bakugou shoved his hands in his pockets, annoyed that these people had the nerve to interrupt his peaceful Friday night.
“Hell no, I have much better things to do than hang out with you losers.” Bakugou continued on to the elevator, when the door dinged open before he could press the “up” button.
The elevator doors opened to reveal you, dressed in your comfy pajama shorts and a tank top. You were holding four empty water glasses that you had been hoarding in your room.
“Oh!” Your cheeks flushed from suddenly being face to face with the blond. “Um.... don’t mind me!” You slid past him, embarrassed that you were caught doing the empty cup walk-of-shame by the hot-headed boy.
Bakugou watched you head to the kitchen, hesitating a moment to take in your figure in your skimpy pajamas. “Tch.” He scoffed again, remembering his goal of sleeping for the rest of the weekend, and headed into the elevator.
“Hey (Y/N)!” Midoriya called out. “Do you wanna watch a scary movie with us?”
Bakugou suddenly stopped in his tracks and stepped back out of the elevator.
You set your glasses in the sink and walked over to the group settling in to their seats. “What kind of scary movie?” You perked up now that you were no longer carrying anything.
“A really scary ghost movie. Plus we’re watching the director’s cut that they couldn’t show in theaters! I heard there’s so much blood in it, it made one of the cast members throw up!” Kirishima said, raising a fist in the air in excitement.
“Oh... well, I was gonna go to sleep but...” you trailed off.
Ashido scooted over on the small love seat she was sitting on, “Here, (Y/N),” she patted the empty cushion on her right. “You can come sit with me and we’ll be scared together!”
You reluctantly agreed and sat down. It could be fun, even though scary movies really got to you. You had an overactive imagination and scary imagery in movies stuck with you for a long time, continuing to freak you out long after you finished watching said movie.
Kaminari was sitting on the floor in front of your and Ashido’s couch, in between the two sets of legs. “If you guys get too scared, you can just grab on to me and I’ll protect you!” Kaminari flexed, trying his hardest to look cool.
Suddenly Bakugou walked into the living room and smacked Kaminari in the head. “You can’t protect anyone, you Pikachu reject.” He pushed Kaminari over to the side, plopping down and stealing his seat next to your legs on the floor.
“Uhh Kacchan, I thought you didn’t want to watch with us?” Midoriya looked over at Uraraka, both confused about what made Bakugou change his mind.
“Y’all convinced me, so this movie better not suck or you’ll owe me for wasting my Friday night.” There was a slight blush in his cheeks as he adjusted in his seat and accidentally bumped into your legs hanging off the couch. You didn’t want to piss off Bakugou by accidentally bumping him one too many times, so you pulled your legs up under yourself, although you could still feel the warmth emanating off his body due to the close proximity.
Everyone started to settle in as Jirou and Sero tried to fix the old DVD player that was giving them issues. Midoriya watched Bakugou closely, realizing exactly what changed his mind. He had to tell Uraraka, but didn’t wanna draw any attention to the two of you.
He started typing out a text,
Deku: Ochako!!! Kacchan changed his mind bc of (Y/N) being here!! Look at him, he even went out of his way to sit near her!!”
Ochako: omg I think you’re right Deku. Tho I didn’t think Bakugou was even capable of having romantic feelings towards anyone
Deku: I mean same but deep down I think he’s a nice guy. He clearly wants to sit with her, should we do something??
Uraraka looked back up at the two of you, where Ashido was talking to you about her latest trip to the mall. Bakugou sat at your feet glaring angrily into space. She looked back at Midoriya and motioned towards Ashido. The couch you and her were sitting on was only big enough for two people. She pulled up her phone again and opened up her text conversation with Ashido.
Ochako: Mina!!!! Get off that couch and sit with us instead
Ashido’s phone dinged, and she stopped mid-story to check the text message. You weren’t really listening too intently anyway. It was too distracting sitting this close to Bakugou. He made you feel so nervous and quiet, even though compared to how he treated everyone else, he was very kind and calm with you. Plus he was really cool, and talented, and super cute... but you could never tell him that. His rough exterior and harsh personality made it impossible for someone like you to talk to him.
Ashido read her text from Uraraka, and looked up at her and Midoriya. “Huh? What?” Uraraka and Midoriya were silently motioning to you and Bakugou, trying their best to not capture your attention too. Ashido looked to Bakugou, who let out an over the top yawn, and stretched his arms up over his head, accidentally bumping your legs again. His face flushed as he quickly pulled his arms down and crossed them again. Ashido then glanced back to you, you were covering your face with your hand to hide the blush from the little physical contact you had just had with the boy.
She looked at Midoriya and Uraraka again, and mouthed an excited “oh my god” at them.
Mina: wow they’re pathetic lmao
Ochako: I know!!
Mina: what should I say?
Ochako: Just get up and say you’re gonna sit with us and offer Bakugou your seat!!! Nonchalantly though plz!!! Don’t embarrass them!!!
Ashido stood up suddenly and got off the couch, getting your attention again. “Um,” she hesitated, looking at you and glancing at Bakugou, who was pretending not to listen. “(Y/N), I’m gonna go sit on the bigger couch with Midoriya and Ochako.”
You looked at her, confused. “Oh, okay. That’s fine.” You smiled softly. Ashido looked to Bakugou, who had slightly turned his head towards her.
“Bakugou, you can have my seat if you’d like.” She winked at you and walked away towards the other couch. A sigh of relief came from Midoriya and Uraraka. 
A wave of fear rushed through you as you realized what was happening. Ashido sat down next to Uraraka, and Bakugou continued to sit on the floor. What felt like the longest minute in the world passed, and Bakugou stood up and scoffed. “The floor was uncomfortable anyway.”
He sat down on the small couch next to you, sitting as close to the arm rest as he possibly could, resting his arm on it and leaning his head into his palm. You also embarrassedly scooted farther away from him so as not to bother him, since he seemed to want to keep his distance.
“We’ve just about got the DVD player working! Now that I’ve gotten Sero to stop trying to use his tape to fix everything.” Jirou announced to the rest of the group. Sero whined, “Hey, my tape fixes ~most~ things. Ya can’t blame a guy for trying.”
Bakugou reluctantly turned his head towards you, looking at you with lidded and bored eyes. “So um... do you... like scary movies?” He hesitated a lot between words, his tone low and almost nervous, it seemed. For once he didn’t sound annoyed or angry.
You smiled at him, hoping your face didn’t noticeably twitch from how nervous you were while talking to him. “Yes and no, I like watching scary movies, but I hate being scared. Do you like these kind of movies?”
Bakugou rolled his eyes, “I don’t like any movies. They’re a big waste of two hours that could be used to do something productive.” He glanced at you to gauge your reaction, which seemed disappointed. You didn’t know what else to make of this conversation since he already seemed in a bad mood. His expression softened a little, “if you don’t like being scared, why be stupid and watch the damn movie in the first place?”
You shrugged, looking down at your hands in your lap. “I guess I like the excitement of it, if that makes sense. Even though I’ll probably cover my eyes during the really scary parts, and try to bring myself back to reality, ya know?” Bakugou looked at your hands, you were nervously twiddling your fingers.
“Well,” he lowered his voice, speaking in a calm tone, making sure only you could hear him, “even though it’s stupid as hell, if you get that scared and need help getting yourself back to reality, you can... grab my hand or something. And then you’ll realize how dumb it is to be scared of something that’s not real.” He sounded annoyed by the end of his sentence, but you could tell the sentiment was still there. His face flushed a little, and he looked away from you.
“Okay, it’s ready! Someone turn off the lights! Jirou had finally fixed the DVD player and started the movie. The opening credits started, and everyone stopped talking amongst themselves.
You didn’t respond to Bakugou, you were too surprised by his kind offer. When the lights turned off, you could see him in the light coming from the TV. He had relaxed a little in his seat. In fact, he looked like he might’ve scooted a tiny bit closer to you. You let yourself relax a little too, and turned your attention to the movie.
The movie you were watching did a really great job at setting up the scary atmosphere, and everyone seemed incredibly sucked into the story. But you were having trouble focusing. Every time Bakugou shifted in his seat, he ended up moving closer to you, bit by bit. He smelled like firewood and caramel, and he had so much warmth coming off of him, most likely from his quirk. You were generally always cold, but just from sitting next to him, you felt at a comfortably warm temperature. His right hand sat lazily on the seat between the two of you, so it seemed like he was sticking by his offer. The thought of grabbing his hand made your stomach knot, even if it was supposed to make you feel better. You didn’t have to make it weird, you were sure he meant it as a regular old nice gesture, with no ulterior motives. You didn’t know what was scarier, the movie, or the thought of holding Bakugou’s hand.
As the movie went on, you had started to get sucked in and forgot all about the boy sitting next to you. The music in the movie was building up into something that was clearly a jump scare. Every person in the room watching sat tensely and silently, anticipating the scare.
“AHHHHHH!” The protagonist of the movie screamed as a horrifying ghost popped up on the screen, making every single person watching jump and scream as well. Even Bakugou jumped in his seat a little. The scare really got you, you covered your eyes with one hand and then without thinking, you quickly grabbed hard onto Bakugou’s right hand. He looked over at you in surprise as you were leaning into him and holding onto his hand, trying not to look at the ghost that was on the screen. He smirked a little at how pathetic you looked, and then he finally took a moment to appreciate your presence. You smelled good, sweet like vanilla, and he couldn’t help but feel intoxicated by the smell. He started to grow nervous, realizing that he had never been this close to you before. As you continued to hold his hand, he could feel it getting sweatier by the second.
He tried not to pay attention to how gross and sweaty his hand must’ve felt to you, but that only made him more nervous and even more sweaty. As the sweat and nerves built up higher and higher, his heartbeat got faster and faster, he started to lose control of his emotions when...
A small explosion caused everyone in the room to turn around, surprised by the sound and sudden smell of smoke.
When everyone found the source of the explosion, they saw you and Bakugou sitting very close to each other, with you holding your wrist and coughing, your hand blackened by the soot, and Bakugou’s right hand smoking. The look of fear on his face was a tell all, as everyone slowly realized what just happened.
“Ow...” you lightly exclaimed, shaking the pain from your hand, the small explosion in your hand came as more of a shock rather than real pain.
Bakugou looked around at everybody that were all still staring at the two of you, and then he looked to you in a panic, unsure of how to play this off, but also worried that he had hurt you when he accidentally let his quirk off.
“Bakugou...” Kirishima broke the silence amongst the group, “Were you two... holding hands...?”
Bakugou, in a panic, reacted the way everyone expected him to, he stood up on the couch with an accusatory finger pointed at everyone.
“SO WHAT IF WE WERE, ASSHOLES? NEWS FLASH, I’M A NICE GUY AND WAS COMFORTING HER IN HER TIME OF NEED!!” He pointed his finger at you, and you smiled nervously at your classmates. Bakugou pointed his finger back to everyone else. “YOU GOT A PROBLEM WITH THAT??!! FUCK YOU” Bakugou was nearly breathing fire with how red and embarrassed he was, but he would not let that get in the way of his pride.
Bakugou jumped over the back of the couch and headed once again towards the elevators, refusing to make eye contact with anyone “This movie sucks anyway, now I’M GOING TO BED, YA LOSERS” he screamed, fuming as he walked away.
Once Bakugou had left the room, everyone relaxed a little in their seats. “Um...” you started, smiling at everyone again, “back to the movie?” Ashido, Uraraka and Midoriya sighed, “That’s the last time I do any favors for Bakugou.” Ashido huffed.
Everyone muttered to themselves as Jirou pressed play on the movie again. Everyone’s attention was back on the movie and away from you, which finally gave you a chance to breathe.
Your phone dinged, and you checked to see who had texted you,
K. Bakugou 📛: hope that didn’t hurt your hand too badly... Lmk if you want me to make it up to you later. GOOD NIGHT
You giggled to yourself at the aggression from his text.
(Y/N): Okee, next time I hold your hand, be sure to wipe it off first :)
You sent the text, and another moment passed before your phone went off again.
You couldn’t help but smile to yourself through the rest of the movie, so much that you didn’t even notice anymore that it was supposed to be scary.
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