libidomechanica · 8 months
Now what heart is she said, “My”
Now what heart is she said, My country day, as doubt; and in baskets of bryȝt, without, my surfet I stay? Exactly his leue hem schewen, þe mon boun wynnez of þe schewe. Heard not: in the sank, pale new rays of verity. Sleep within my paine. So saying, dying to show your ears, that when the broke in summoned to thy noon, which is the figured, glorious found such a goud fayþe, ’ quoþ chefly þay wysten wel wrast not Gawayn, in the ground: there the portend no wasp shall airy voices sweet. Or love, tho’ I slept: then glut thy mammie’s cot, and, so bent, and withinne, þe hapnest vnder, þat he stars.
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leparoledelmondo · 4 years
Gas serra
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Ogni europeo emette in media circa 7 tonnellate di gas serra all’anno. Principalmente bruciando combustibili fossili per generare energia elettrica (28%), per muovere auto, treni, navi, aerei (27%), per far funzionare le industrie e fabbricare beni di consumo (18%), per riscaldare case, uffici e negozi (13%). Inoltre una frazione di gas serra (11%) viene emessa per produrre cibo tramite l’agricoltura, l’allevamento, la pesca e anche per smaltire i rifiuti (3%).
In un’economia ancora basata su petrolio, gas e carbone, tutto ciò che facciamo e acquistiamo comporta emissioni-serra. Il livello di consumi e sprechi è proporzionale al nostro impatto sul clima.
Fonte: European Environment Agency
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electricbluetempest · 5 years
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An artfight attack for @pengosolvent, hope you like!
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That night Wander feeling wide awake while Sylvia is sleeping. But Sylvia knew Wander would go running off so she have a rope tied around his wrast and around hers to keep him out of trouble. Wander thought of away to get free without Sylvia knowing he unties himself and ties it on rock and ran off exploring.
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spiceblunt · 2 years
wrist wrast
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kingedwardvi · 3 years
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Some aspects concerning Somerset’s regency in Edward VI’s reign. Above,on the left there’s a painting depicting the regent’s main critic, William Paget, and on the right, another showing us Edward Seymour.
“[...] Edward Seymour failed in the end because he broke one of the cardinal rules of governance: in difficult political circumnstances he refused to take counsel from his colleagues. William Paget told the protector that the crisis facing him in the summer of 1549 could have been averted if he had ‘folowed advyse, In geving whereof as I have bene some of what francke with your grace aparte, and sene lytle fruyte come of yt’.
Rather than using counsel to underpin and enhance his authority, Seymour pre-emptively dismissed it. When his colleagues had joined together on an issue, Paget continued, the protector worked ‘to owt reason them in yt, and wrast them by reason of your aucthorytie to bowe to yt, or fyrst shewe your owne opinion in a matter, and then aske theyrs’.
Seymour could excuse himself by arguing that he alone was responsbile to his nephew--’No man shall answer the king for these things but I’--but this was a misuse of the authority that had been delegated to him. Paget accepted that the protector would indeed have to give account because ‘thaucthoritie’ was in his hands; but so too would the men who had consented to give him that authority. But above all, Paget argued that Seymour had failed properly to exercise the absolute power of the crown. He lacked the noble courage which was needed to put subjects in their place, and had failed to maintain justice in the realm--one of the principal responsibilities of any English king.
So Edward Seymour was judged for failing to live up to the expectations of the men who had countenanced the establishment of a protectorate with quasi-monarchical powers. Paget’s critique depended heavily on the cultural understanding of governorship. For Paget, Seymour had failed to exercise proper, stern authority. Thomas Smith agreed.”
Alford, Stephen. “Kingship and Politics in the Reign of Edward VI”
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1042 · 4 years
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I was tagged by @taeyeonh 👊 to post my lockscreen, last song I listened and last photo I saved
tagging @brazilwiki @rubvens @eajpark @dlrwlma @euns00kim @wrast @airgf @lycheejpeg @saepiae @egirlyeji @engulfes
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thequarrelsome · 7 years
starchillcd replied to your post “*she totally just didnt SLAP HIS BUTT as she walked pass him*”
liz: make me
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“ If this is a challenge... I’m accepting it. “
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bluefondation-blog1 · 5 years
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they told us eat 5 vegetable per day I said picked up five wrast per day✅ 💪🚯 #plogging #plastic #plasticpollution #earthday 🌍♻️#singleuseplastic #banplastic #plasticfree #pollution #ploggers #extinction #savetheworld 🌍 #gogreen 💚✅#bethechange 🔄 #globalwarming 🌡#savetheplanet 🌍#conservation ✊#wildlife #planetearth 🌍 #environment #cleanseas 💚#déchets #proprete #planète #petition #upcycling #upclycled 🌍✅ #marinepollution #waterpollution #2minbeachcleany https://www.instagram.com/p/BrIf3BgH9zq/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1mgi7x0s50soa
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j216 · 6 years
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welshman wrast by Jared Haer Tempests Unresistedness Study #Python #generativeArt #beautiful #tbt #picoftheday
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libidomechanica · 9 months
“In honde, and quaint for I haf green”
He slavery—had laid you have belt the fest ful     god fame also a strings of courts—born and raw, long or vanishes of grew proude þat wondrous     empaled, but the other than
Dis, on the Moon. The made her marriage should have me     thus much renown’d in couchess of a women could be blonk, þat oþer more, Loves nor of it,     has harnays wits, for much was commute?
Hand grain;—suwarrow with accessionate fault; I     love, and still throat. Bi preuély apron? Leap, in vain his sway, do not. Nor herde say, leander’s     hoarder his house past eternal pore
a remorseluen quat-so þou fele hit in     a velvet scrawl through and goude in Lumbardie on the Russians to ear, or priest, and his bed     a tears froze. For his swarms: this chokes welde
sykyng you forget that amazing fair, even     gleamed for he had made his privilege; therefore so after. His layked palate hiatus     of tempts my Chloris’ dear! I doubt,
sword to a lasse with thing if to leaves me lofte, swyþe,     me schelde þat wyldren nurse offence shepherd, or Angle some chase of such as obstinate,     and rank, ribands, with alle þe brains
of the cords of the day inmyddelerde, and silvers     of good wild this like to bene he serene great deserving&never dies law of     plants to be, the poor he godmon, now
þenk werkkez, no more ofte, and þe wyȝez þe mute and     beau monde wyth þerat þe legge euen moȝt boute, þat hor be part fit to the dawn on þen lymp,     lere; at loukez innoȝe ar heart divine.
But the your more region’d heart ne þe clene charms,     wherewith ful dress. Beyond thee I shall panting on your lovely bot wel wrast. Some one throne     mischeife grand, since she wintermine, ye
virgin-choir, and the acutest liggen in     þis place lapped in view you in aspect, as powers did deny. In honde, and quaint for I     haf green knowledge of old, a little
turn’d as the flocke, there’s ane; come in the Eternity,     education’s mind cast will kiss and rills their yields, as ice, and always there in     by watz metez and shall hell where was
virtue that I neuer, his Beauty, but Helles,     and seen the midst flow’rs gain’d, in feȝt hym vprysen, gested one thrown Hebe Hebe of the joye to     shun some one at þis hous, ’ quoþ þe knots.
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libidomechanica · 2 years
Untitled Composition # 8651
The motions are scattered to clayme; þat oþer; riche  red cloud. And duty to rend. Which  them really “bonne. Day-star? neuer Krystmasse watz serued,  The Column, let as yow þere, The hand  is still art all dangerous Mind. and her things hymns in 
renoun of þe leude cowþe wel dres, for þe  wyghe, ‘Iwysse, worþilych lokkez after a lonely tread fro  þe wod of repose of the little moment  I strove Sure hyghe; in the mortgaged to croon.  to Friendships holy filling time it 
not? I mean to look like wet silk stained  something at her  forne þe worre. O Wilberforce, the came the  hearts are less drear their chins,— a daily more like mountains refrain,  here is a worse then gives, yet with  blandishment drawn to use the raging on 
did make his Wit, his trophy, and seten,  wyȝez þe rach rapes hym in arms, and tell me Papa I am  your own mouth vnfayre pelure his God, I wot  wel wrast all summer since so proud heart when every  day sprenged, for more the lawful 
wish you are welcome, and þis a pure and for  thought this hous by þe chaunged heȝe he lenge hym þat  al he slept weeping I stood and if mon kennes yow  lasse ne myȝt fallen hymself, long ago.  And strongest fishers in his mete with 
a fixd ferocious, Bold, and his whyte  tuschez; with no matter: impresario, making  bias, be it the queen waters is  the dance inquiry; and Errik, and  child toyes are booing meal she touch the tree 
she was usd, then remove, and I, ye learned  ladyes in slomeryng he stars were vented  fields I wale tryster, þe douthe way to see me six hundred  plain, and once filled, it  is had one in his brest,     love engendering soul!’”
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libidomechanica · 3 years
Untitled Composition # 8647
I bread in gome þat art of shrewe, and ryȝt to myself about him, never derne glyfte he waves, he stony statut hope,   with her honde, near: O punishing woldez he is a mandrake it investigations and play, do fears;—and the that broken vnder of fooles vnhappy man tree, such teares and þayr housbonde wyvės that work and carcassians,   and made. Maybe, all he for a silent þat cold, to an oþerquyle, care and swete,   Vpon my broȝt at a salamanden, enbrauded ray
  “in face; they were another. mynne and I, beastes; the paynt of love — put him for euermore oration well a child?
So this . I thing—” too easily and teche that odd is haf fraude sayd I them till allow, each furthermostat well array,   Expectation, that we beforne
  thoughts, wilt thus myry in his dead. what sith truth and but a debts,   by warm;   and with joy bot neuenes, what king loude cropure, to your samen þe gay gaudy dale for than wed, sanap, and much rente out my brain?
Loue, despite to his lonely night, she is close of late   our hungry jacobins, she waves with poynt of thou choses to sech to Sir Wowen non so happy, for feather haf sentinence of þe great pleasures when þay dronken bear than well-a-days both you? To make her; but to be eer diligence betweenwhile my pen dont appetit; and beauty still his wyvės hoten bounded he hade vpon rynez, as God hath laughs at sunset, and to Juanna wrast any stared, smell his gooth; but did move   with what wol hirsute seluen, and there, ȝif ȝe worþez to þe could hang the city, that it had her dear charms, but what in cost,’“tis the yate frender head, which ladies since noble, and wrother Alexander were tyme. But collusion will with joys or far,” they crowding the devil.  With vche wayte as quitte as mellows the fruit; but when she show telle þe sun and one, I marry this schal wedded into rhymes, her idiot boy?
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