#wrenn hawke
kingvamps · 1 year
have i mentioned my new wrenn hawke idea where they die during the arishok fight and their corpse gets possessed by a spirit who thinks theyre wrenn.
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h9rd-t6-miss · 11 days
Wbn ep 27 spoilers:
The fucking image of the conclave of elders. Bear. Hawk. Serpent.
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smilingformoney · 5 years
America’s Most Eligible 3 Diamond Scene: Follow Vince
You: Where there’s smoke, there’s fire. And where there’s Vince, there’s an underhanded scheme. You: There’s no way I’m letting him just walk off with our wedding. Fiancée: That’s my Jamie. Let’s go.
You and your fiancée quietly follow Vince across the mansion’s yard, while he and the mysterious stranger approach the back gate. Stranger: …And you swear the information’s good? Vince: As long as the money’s good. If you knew half the stuff that goes on in the mansion, it’d curl your hair more than mine… You: What’s Vince talking about? Money? Information? Fiancée: If we sneak closer, we might be able to hear more. Hurry! They’re getting away! You edge closer as quietly as you can. In the darkness, you spot a broken tree branch in front of you.
You: … -Step on it!
The dried wood snaps loudly beneath your foot, and you swear beneath your breath. Stranger: What was that? We better not have company. At the last second, your fiancée pulls you down into a crouch as Vince squints from side to side. Vince: Don’t be stupid. It must’ve just been the wind. Now, you were saying?
-Trip over it!
You don’t notice the branch until it’s too late! It catches you in the ankle and sends you sprawling. You: Hnnn! Stranger: Is someone out there? I thought you said we’d be alone. Vince: We are alone! Your fiancée crawls up behind you as Vince and the stranger scour the area in the dim light. Thankfully, you remain unseen. Vince: See? Nothing. Your mind was just playing tricks on you.
-Step over it!
You tap your fiancée on the shoulder and carefully step over the branch, continuing to make your way silently toward Vince and his guest.
-No action
You don’t notice the branch until it’s too late! It catches you in the ankle and sends you sprawling. You: Hnnn! Stranger: Is someone out there? I thought you said we’d be alone. Vince: We are alone! Your fiancée crawls up behind you as Vince and the stranger scour the area in the dim light. Thankfully, you remain unseen. Vince: See? Nothing. Your mind was just playing tricks on you.
Vince and the stranger pause a few feet before the gate. You strain your ears, managing to catch every word of their conversation. Vince: …next Challenge is going to be. I wasn’t supposed to know, but I walked in on Wrenn and found out by accident. The stranger whips a notebook and pen out of their pocket and starts scribbling down notes. Stranger: Our readers like sneak previews, so I might be able to work with that. Emphasis on ‘might’. You: ‘Our readers’? Is Vince talking to a journalist? You motion for your fiancée to join you as you creep closer to make out more of their conversation. Vince: It’s going to be a relay. One of those sappy teamwork things involving equally sappy wedding traditions. Stranger: Yeah, yeah, that’s all fine. But when we made our deal, you said you’d sell me juicy secrets about the show. Vince: I told you, they’ve been watching me like a hawk. It’s not exactly like I can dig up dirt that easily. You: Little does he know, we dug up dirt on him on the very first night! Your outraged whisper is just a fraction too loud! Vince turns around, glaring at the nearby bushes. Stranger: Was that a voice? I thought you said there was no one else out here! Vince: Give me a minute. I just need to be sure. As Vince starts to walk closer, you frantically look for a place to hide…
You: … -Hide behind the bush!
You drop to the ground and crawl toward the bushes! Fiancée: Jamie! That’s exactly where Vince is looking! Your fiancée takes your hand and leads you behind a palm tree. The two of you huddle behind it as Vince scours the shadows. Vince: Show yourself! You and your fiancée crouch behind the palm tree, stifling your breaths… until Vince finally relaxes.
-Duck behind the palm tree!
You and your fiancée duck behind a thick palm tree and crouch down low to the ground. Vince’s gaze slides right over you, unseeing. Vince: I could have sworn I heard… nevermind. It must be nothing.
-Freeze in place!
You freeze in place, unable to move! Fiancée: Jamie! We have to move! Your fiancée takes your hand and leads you behind a palm tree. The two of you huddle behind it as Vince scours the shadows. Vince: Show yourself! You and your fiancée crouch behind the palm tree, stifling your breaths… until Vince finally relaxes.
-No action
You freeze in place, unable to move! Fiancée: Jamie! We have to move! Your fiancée takes your hand and leads you behind a palm tree. The two of you huddle behind it as Vince scours the shadows. Vince: Show yourself! You and your fiancée crouch behind the palm tree, stifling your breaths… until Vince finally relaxes.
Vince: I think we need to cut this short. I’m taking enough of a risk as it is. Stranger: No way. That crappy intel you just gave me isn’t worth fifteen grand! Vince: We had a deal. Stranger: Yeah. Good money for good information. So give me something juicy. Vince: Uh… well… Vince: Oh, I got it. Jamie and their fiancée? They’re not as in love as they want you to think. Fiancée: Of course he’d go there. You: This is low, even for Vince. Stranger: Are you for real? They seem pretty touchy-feely on the show. Vince: Only thanks to the editors. It’s an open secret on set that Jamie and their fiancée can’t stand each other. Vince: But Jamie brings in the ratings, so the producers do whatever they want. Stranger: Now you have my attention. Give me more of this, and the money’s all yours. Vince: Of course. The thing is, Jamie’s fiancée and Sierra have started spending time together… and they’ve been getting awfully friendly. Fiancée: If the tabloids print these lies, we could be in major trouble. You: We need to do something. Right now.
You: … -Imitate Carson’s voice!
You lower your voice to match Carson’s calibre. ‘Carson’: Wrenn! Have you seen Vince anywhere? I need to ask him how he manages to maintain those glossy, glossy curls. Vince jumps up, looking scared. The journalist lifts up his notebook with interest, while your fiancée stifles a laugh. Stranger: Vince’s top secret haircare regimen? Now this I can print. Vince: You’d better not! ‘Carson’: Vince? Is that you? You’re not supposed to be out of your house this late!
-Throw a rock!
You scramble along the ground until you find a rock. Stepping out of your crouch, you whip it toward Vince’s head! Vince: OW! What the hell was that? Fiancée: Oh shut up you big baby. I bet those curls of your absorbed most of the impact. You pick up another rock and toss it. It strikes the gates with a clang. Vince gives a startled yelp.
-Caw like a crow!
You: Cawww! Ca-cawwww! Even in the darkness, you can see Vince give a shudder. Stranger: What’s wrong? Afraid of birds? Vince: I’m not afraid of anything! They just… make me uncomfortable. Beside you, your fiancée stifles a laugh and gives it a try. Fiancée: CAW CAW CAW! You: CAWWW CAWWW… greasyhair… CAWWW!
Vince: I, uh… think it’s time for you to go. You can pay me later. Stranger: Only if your information checks out. We had to retract that last ‘hot tip’ you gave us. Vince: Fine! Yes! Whatever. Just go! A spooked Vince dashes back to his guest house without so much as a glance back, leaving the journalist to let himself out.
-If you’re marrying Adam
[x] Adam: It didn’t take him long to throw Sierra under the bus. What a shocker. You: It gets worse. I’m sure he knew you and Sierra’s showmance from Season 9 would make his lies seem more valid.
-If you’re marrying Derek
Once the coast is clear, Derek gets to his feet, his expression clouded. Derek: Vince... You lying, backstabbing coward. Just when you think he’s hit rock bottom, he drills through to the earth’s core. Derek: We’re going to need to be strategic about how we use this information. Proving it won’t be easy. You: I hate to say it, but you’re right. We’ll have to wait for the right moment to expose him.
-If you’re marrying Jen
Once the coast is clear, Jen gets to her feet, looking angrier than you’ve ever seen her. Jen: That conniving, narcissistic, bloodsucking ass! Jen: I was expecting treachery, sure. The usual lies and plots. But sabotaging the show? Sabotaging my show? You: Seeing you this furious makes me furious. You’ve worked too hard to be disrespected like this.
-If you’re marrying Mackenzie
Once the coast is clear, Mackenzie shoots to her feet, ready to fight. Mackenzie: I knew Vince was up to something shady. I knew it. But it’s so much worse than I thought. Mackenzie: Selling lies to the tabloids… lies about us? I could strangle him. You: I know the feeling. Honestly, I don’t know how I’ll even be able to look at him from now on.
You: Look, I don’t know how we’re gonna use this against Vince, but there’s one thing I do know for sure.
You: Vince… -Needs to be taken down!
You: He’s gone too far this time. Something needs to be done to shut him up, and quickly! You: I promise, we’re going to make Vince wish he’d never come back to AME.
-Has nothing on us!
You: I’m not worried. As long as we have each other, we’ll always come out on top over rats like Vince. You: Besides, you hear what the journalist said. His last tip got debunked. Clearly they’re checking their facts on this.
Fiancée: I really hope you’re right, Jamie. Because if not… I don’t know what I’ll do. You take your fiancée’s face in your hands, kissing them gently. +50 You: I wouldn’t worry about it. We always seem to figure something else out.
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striderposting · 5 years
Same unrequited Jade, now off anon. Guess who has two timelines like that? I originally meant to type Jane, but apparently my Jade has a similar timeline too! Lovely. May I please request a playlist for a lonely Jane, or maybe an aesthetic? Thank you!
Here’s the Spotify playlist. Hope you like it, sis; I wasn’t sure what music you liked so I went fucking ham on the theme - and don’t worry about the mixup. Do you want me to redo the old aesthetic for you? (Speaking of; your new aesthetic is done, too)
Here's the tracklist, plus YouTube links, as always.
Adib Sin -- ‘From Here’
eery -- ‘Her’
Gregory and the Hawk -- ‘Boats and Birds’
potsu ft. Siloh -- ‘im closing my eyes’
Peachy! ft mxmtoon -- ‘Falling for U’
Cavetown -- ‘Calpol’
dodie -- ‘She’
WRENN -- ‘You’
Extras, because I’m fucking obsessed with Cavetown and Daughter:
Cavetown -- ‘Fool’
Daughter -- ‘Medicine’
- Mod Splinter
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glassglxies · 2 years
oc page
lindiranae mahariel (any) / ilan mahariel (he/him)
rinha surana (she/they) / fillan amell (they/them)
brenn cousland (he/him) / whiltierna cousland (she/her)
aedlin tabris (she/her) / venarem tabris (he/him)
isana brosca (she/he) / seran aeducan (she/her)
kallian tabris (they/them)
tavus (he/him) / cyra (he/she)
hessle varen (she/her) / mand (they/them)
kahina ghilas (they/them) / sabre hamineth (any)
jeanne caron (he/him) / elyon andras (they/them) / eram kader (she/her)
sean hawke (he/it) / fionn hawke (he/they but any works) / maeve hawke (she/her)
siobhan hawke (they/them) / garrett hawke (she/he) / marian hawke (he/him)
bonnie hawke (she/her) / wrenn hawke (any)
rajmael lavellan arassan sabrae/rajmael lavellan arassan sulahneras (she/her)
enaya (she/her) / morgan (he/him)
oliseus trevelyan (she/her) / medea trevelyan (she/her)
rena atrius (she/her)
farida cadash (xe/xer) / niko cadash (he/she) / brytoll cadash (they/them)
kost adaar (she/he/they) / kasataash adaar (she/he)
mesiallen lavellan (they/them) / muinia lavellan (she/her)
fryns lavellan (he/him) / tanaleth lavellan (she/her)
mahanon lavellan (he/him) / ellana lavellan (he/she)
kaid cadash (he/him)
rin > maeve > kasa (canon)
linae > wrenn > ellana
bran > sean > farida
kallian > siobhan > muinia
veni > bonnie > rena
cam / ren
0 notes
Sans Serif
( Introducing a Swap alternate with a Grump from @aglitchandagrump )
Charm - [aglitchandagrump]-01/22/2017
Charm poofed in, gathering his bearings as he slowly recognized the area. The warmth of the air felt nice. He let out a small sigh, walking over to the steaming water. It couldn't hurt to just take a dip, right? He took off his jacket and shirt, slipping his pants off to -- he hated the feeling of wet clothes clinging to his bones -- before untying his sneakers and laying them to the side under a tree. He dipped his toes in, feeling the warmth, before stepping in and sinking down. This was.. nice. He sunk down, the water coming up to his neck as he leaned his head against the ground.
Serif [SecondQuill]-01/22/2017
Serif stepped through a portal, several feet off the ground, above the water. She landed rather ungracefully and was instantly soaked from head to toe. At least it was warm spring water.
Charm - [aglitchandagrump]-01/22/2017
Sans was a little less than embarrassed to say at the sudden arrival of the other he let out a high-pitched-almost-soprano-like scream. His head bolted up from it's resting position only to slam back down as the combination of the water pushing and pulling against him and his shock caused him to practically do a backwards summersault out of the pool. So he was there, having landed on his face and now supporting himself with his hands and knees, bone-naked, shaking like a wet dog, and staring wide eyes at the water. "What. The. Hell." That was all he could feebly manage out.
Serif [SecondQuill]-01/22/2017
Serif emerged from the water annoyed as hell. Of course she'd step through the wrong place. That ALWAYS happened when she came here. She looked down at her soaking wet clothes in dismay before she noticed the other. As soon as she saw him a bright blue blush appeared and she quickly covered her face with her hands. She'd only seen enough to recognize that it was an alternate of hers. "s-sorry! i-i didn't see anything i s-swear!" Not that it actually mattered considering that they were skeletons and didn't really have a real reason to wear clothes in the first place.
Charm - [aglitchandagrump]-01/22/2017
Wait a second was that "Swap?" He asked, his expression of shock turning to confusion. He sounded... different. And the magic aura was also different. Very slightly. But different. Not to mention he has seen him naked before and he is a skeleton but that was a completely different battle. The only things he was self-conscience about was his scars and ribs and both weren't visibly in his current position, anyway.
Serif [SecondQuill]-01/22/2017
Serif kept her face covered. Looks like they knew her. Was that Charmy? Wait...She sounded different. This was a guy alternate. And not another Swap otherwise he'd use the nickname she used around them. So...this must be an alternate that another Swap knew. Dangit! She should have payed attention when opening the portal here. "u-uhhh i-i....um...." Should she play along?  "y-yeah! h-haha! s-sorry for dropping in like that!"
Charm - [aglitchandagrump]-01/22/2017
"...You're lying." It was a Swap but obviously not his Swap. "Either that or you are just way too embarrassed about seeing me like this." He pushed himself back, sitting in a more comfortable position on the grass. He wrapped his arms around his top most ribs, making sure to keep his scars covered as he looked at the other. He gave himself a second to analyze the feeling of magic in the area. Yeah. This definetly not his Swap. "You sound different and your magic's different. So drop the act."
Serif [SecondQuill]-01/22/2017
Serif sunk a little deeper in the water at being caught. Still keeping her face covered for 'modesty' sake. She decided to keep denying. "w-what are you t-talking about? i-i just d-didn't know it was y-you! anyway i-it's not l-like i wanna see you naked! a-and how do y-you know my magic's different? i-i could just be having...uh...magic fluctuations! a-and that's why my voice is different!" Yes. Good lies. He'll totally fall for it!
Charm - [aglitchandagrump]-01/22/2017
"...Considering I was on the recieving end of a lot of his magic, I think i have a pretty good idea of what his magic aura is supposed to feel like. 'Flucutaions' or not. And that shouldn't effect your voice but that is a whole other rant about souls and their magics that I'm not gonna get into." He sighs, getting up and grabbing his jacket, putting it on and covering his legs with it. "I have something on now, you can go ahead and look at me."
Serif [SecondQuill]-01/22/2017
Serif sunk further into the water. Yeah looks like he wasn't falling for it. When he said she could look she hesitated for a long moment, her blush just getting brighter from the whole situation. Finally she lowered her hands, holding them at level to see just his face to check his expression in case he was lying ( she didn't know why he would be alternates could be weird sometimes)  finally she lowered her hands but couldn't bring herself to actually look at him. Instead looking down at the water. "um....yeah...y-you're right. i'm...not swap...er. not yours...i guess you can call me serif? and...you're charm right? us swaps don't really like alternates so i'm guessing if you know one of us well then you...should be...a charm?...s-sorry is this making any sense? i've never met another charm before."
Charm - [aglitchandagrump]-01/22/2017
Charm can't help but smile a small bit at the reaction, stifling a small chuckle when she began talking. He raised an eyebrow, his arms curling around his knees as he rested his skull in them. "Serif, huh? Okay, easy enough to remember. Yeah, I'm a Charm and you're making plenty of sense." He tilted his head curiously at her. "Mind me asking what kind of alternate you are?"
Serif [SecondQuill]-01/22/2017
Serif relaxed a bit when Charm understood her. He reminded her of her own Charm and she couldn't help but feel a little comfortable around him. Even so the blue faded only slightly from her face. At the question she looked confused. "what kind of alternate am i? what do you mean? that's a pretty vague question." She thought for a moment. "unless you mean what obvious differences there are. seeing as how i don't know which swap is yours I can't say for sure. but one thing that's different is that my charm is a girl. everyone is sorta swapped in my corner of the multiverse. arial is a guy, euphie is a guy, hawke- uh...wrenne is a guy. so i guess I could say i'm a gender swapped alternate?"
Charm - [aglitchandagrump]-01/22/2017
"..So you're a girl. That explains your voice." He hadn't actually realized there was a little pocket of the multiverse like that. He probably could have guessed but, hey, the more you know. "So... Do you randomly just go dropping out of portals into pools of water or was I just the lucky soul who got to witness the once in a lifetime scene?"
Serif [SecondQuill]-01/22/2017
She nodded in confirmation that she was indeed a girl. Her blush got worse at his comment on her dramatic fall. Her expression shifting to a pout as she stood up, stomped to the shore, and flopped down. "well i dunno! how about you ask your swap? does he drop out of portals into bodies of water?...probably yes. b-but in my defense I didn't mean to come here anyway! I was going to my own version of the island." Her soul glowed for a moment and she tapped the ribs above it as if testing a mic. "connection must be faulty today."  She took off her bandanna began to wring it out. "I'd go back now but I'd probably run into my charm and she'd tease me about getting soaked."
Charm - [aglitchandagrump]-01/22/2017
When she mentioned her Charm he couldn't help but let out a small, loud, sudden spurt of laughter which he quickly stifled with his hand as he regained his composure. His smile was a bit wider and more playful. "Sorry, that just.. Yeah, that sounds like something I'd do to Swap." His hand fell back curling around his legs, his smile getting a bit lazier as he looked over at Serif. "What'dya mean by 'connection?'"
Serif [SecondQuill]-01/22/2017
Serif was surprised by the laughter. Seeing him so happy she couldn't help a smile of her own. It was like those wonderful moments when she got her own Charm to laugh. At the explanation she started to piece together who this guy's Swap was. But she still wasn't sure.  "connection? oh! I mean my connection to the multiverse! it's how I make portals. and how most of the others make em too. we all found a way to link our souls to the multiverse in a way...it's confusing. anyway, it's pretty useful! doubt I'd be able to travel without it. it does have some negative side effects though, it makes the nightmares a lot worse...i can hardly sleep because every time I close my eyes I'm in another swap's place and every time that swap dies...." She stared into space for a long moment as a few memories rose that she'd rather not remember. "a-anyways! seems that all the swaps connected have the same nightmares. even yours. I've been doing a little study on it with the others but we haven't gotten too far. especially with times and red's dumb rivalry to be the 'best swap.' we all know that if anyone has a chance to be the 'best swap' it's probably tiny. he's the only one that hasn't done what we've done. although from the looks of it he might not become a swap at all. he might just stay as a ‘science.’ then i'd say clover or fluffle would be the best swap's." She paused for a moment trying to remember what they were talking about. Her blush grew when she realized just how off topic she was getting. "A-ANYWAY, CONNECTION. SOUL. SOMETIMES IT FREAKS OUT AND SENDS US PLACES WE DON'T WANT. OR WON'T OPEN PORTALS AT ALL." She wanted to dive back in the water and hide.
Charm - [aglitchandagrump]-01/22/2017
He listened as she actually explained what he had asked before going off on a whole other tangent. His lazy, curious smile grew into more of amusement. This was honestly kind of... cute? Was that the right word? He waited a few more moments after she stopped talking, just to make sure she was finished before chuckling a bit, the laughter making his whole body shake a bit. There was more of a difference between Serif and Swap then just gender, apparently. Charm's head was no longer lying on his knees, his mood going from half-curiosity-half-politeness to actual interest. When his laughter died down he wore a soft, genuine smile; his thoughts of her -- cuteness and all -- betrayed a small bit by how he looked at her. "That's interesting. I'll have to help you guys study it. Having an off-hand assistant can't hurt, right?" He paused before adding: "Plus, if all the other Swap's are as interestingly eccentric as you are I would love to meet 'em."
Serif [SecondQuill]-01/22/2017
Serif was again surprised by his laughter. It didn't seem to hold any mocking tones. She was confused by it but seeing him happy cheered her up instantly. Her eyelights shifting to stars at his suggestion. She seemed clueless to the meaning in his look. "I'D LOVE TO STUDY WITH YOU! I'M SURE THE GUYS WOULDN'T MIND! THEY ALL LIKE CHARMS AND ONE AS * CHARMING* AS YOU WOULD BE A BIG HIT!" She paused for a moment her expression turning to a pout. "eccentric?! what's that suppose to mean! I'm not eccentric! I'm....I'm...." She couldn't think of a word. "....maybe I am eccentric." That wasn't really a bad thing after all, and he did say 'interestingly eccentric.' She shrugged. "anyway I think you'd like the guys! tiny is a bit of a jurk and lavender is a little bit controlling at times. that's not really his fault though. seb is nice though! he's actually been hoping to meet a charm for a while now! after times came in and started chatting about his. oh yeah, times is...a bit of a weirdo. most of the others say we are alike but I just don't see it. he's so moody and a total drama king! you might like him though. he really cares about his charm. calls him prince just like I call my charm princess! some of the others do that but none of them talk about their charm more than times...just between you and me, i think he's totally gay for the guy."
Charm - [aglitchandagrump]-01/22/2017
As soon as Serif started talking about this "Times" he made the connections. He could barely control himself, holding in his laughter as he got progressively bluer waiting for her to stop talking before bursting again. He ended up falling over, looking like a little ball on the ground as he let out a some wheezes of laughter. It took a good three minutes, maybe more, for him to calm down enough to actually speak. "O-Oh my.. Oh my god.. Oh my god that's so..." Aaaaand he loses it again for another few minutes before finally pulling himself together nad pushing himself up, a few tear streaks down his skull and his cheekbones decorated with a bright blue streak going across his nasal cavity. He wipes away at the tears. "Can I get you to write that down for me? Because oh my gosh that's great. By the way, I'm pretty sure 'Times' is my Swap." He overdramatically gestures to himself. "I'm the charming Prince he apparently talks so much about. Probably claims to be my 'knight?'"
Serif [SecondQuill]-01/22/2017
Serif didn't know what was so funny, a moments thought connected that she must have described someone that sounded like his Swap. Apparently he had good humor about it! Serif found herself laughing along with him, mostly just because of how hilarious he looked. Her laugh regressed to little snorting giggles as she waited for him to calm down. Her expression turned to wonder at his introduction. "he does! gosh i've heard so much about you! some I didn't really want to know- but still you surely are someone to talk non stop about! truly a charming prince to behold!" She hopped to her feet and did a low bow. "your highness, it is a honor to meet you! I would be more than happy to write that down for you to tease your loyal knight!" She broke into laughter and flopped back on the ground again.
Charm - [aglitchandagrump]-01/22/2017
He rubbed at his eye sockets a bit more, his skull getting a bit bluer at her actions and words. "Please do! I can add it to the growing list of things to tease him about." he pauses for a moment, his next words holding pure curiosity and maybe a tint of awe. "I wonder why Swap has never told me about you... Or any of the other Swap's for that matter. You're a lot of fun."
Serif [SecondQuill]-01/22/2017
"well it's sorta part of our rule of not interfering with certain worlds. most of us are happy with how our worlds are and are a little afraid that introducing another swap could...mess things up. we aren't the most uh..." She tried to think of the word before just shrugging. "we're assholes. just like I'm helping you annoy times, he could go and help my charm annoy me. we all like to cause trouble but we also know that could start an all out war between us. so we just sorta agreed not to talk about the group or go to eachother's worlds." She smiled mischievously "buuut I'm not in times' world so i think I'm fine! plus we didn't make it a promise so it's totally okay to bend the rules a bit. anyway, clover and fluffle meet all the time and have their families hang out."
Charm - [aglitchandagrump]-01/22/2017
"I'm guessing you chose your names? So, by that logic, there was a Swap that willingly calls himself 'Fluffle.' That in itself makes it totally worth it to tell others." he joked, leaning back a bit. "But I can understand why you do that. I have been refusing to interact with my close alternates for the same reason."
Serif [SecondQuill]-01/22/2017
She chuckled. "yeah, fluffle is a pretty goofy name. from what I heard his wife picked it for him and he just went along with it. won't stop us from teasing him though!" She set her now, slightly dryer bandanna to the side and started trying to get the water out of her gloves. "alternates can be a little weird but sometimes they can be nice. I met some of my charm's alternates. I bet times has met some of yours too, our worlds seem to run in pretty much the same path so I wouldn't be surprised."
Charm - [aglitchandagrump]-01/22/2017
"To be honest, I really kinda hope he hasn't." his smile fell a bit, returning a moment later albeit nervous. "N-Not that anything is wrong with close alternates, I'm just not totally fond of mine.." Especially that swapped fate one. He hated him. He quickly shook that away, though, returning his attention to Serif. "A-Anyway, there is an alternate where Swap is married? I mean, I guess there was bound to be one but it's still a bit odd almost. Who's he married to? Euphie?" He joked more then he actually meant it. He was still fully aware of his friend's crush.
Serif [SecondQuill]-01/22/2017
She decided to drop the Charm alternate thing. She understood perfectly. Sure she got along with the group well enough, but there were some alternates that she despised, out of jealousy or hatred for what they became. Some of them didn't have the best intentions... She shook away the thought. "yeah! clover is married to euphie! they have a daughter named springmarch. and fluffle is married to his jan and he has a daughter and a new born son. they're always talking about them and bragging. it's kinda annoying. although they are also very supportive of other swaps that like their euphie or jan. clover has been trying to get times to confess to his euphie for months now. and fluffle is excited that tiny is still dating his jan." She paused as she realized that he probably didn't know who Jan was. "o-oh! um...and jan is a rabbit monster from our snowdins. most of us use to date him- er...I guess "her" in some worlds."
Charm - [aglitchandagrump]-01/22/2017
"So little ol' Swappy has actually had a girlfriend before~ colored me impressed." his tone was mischievous. He half wondered if there was a gay alternate of Swap that was dating his Charm. He wouldn't be surprised but it would still be hilarious to see. "Well that's good for him. I'll remember to go to him if I can ever score a date with someone." He chuckled a bit as if it were a joke. Who would ever want to to out with him? Not to mention his only actual romantic interest was the fucking queen. Yeah. He was gonna die alone.
Serif [SecondQuill]-01/22/2017
She felt like she should be offended that he was so surprised Times had a girlfriend. After all they were close alternates. She didn't take it personally though, she knew her own Charm would act the same if she ever found out that she'd had a boyfriend before. "or you could come to me for advice! you'd probably get less teasing and more actual advice." She chuckled, she knew her alternate could be a bit of a ditz when it came to romance...then again so could she. "i'm sure you'll find someone wonderful someday!....or you could settle for times. still pretty sure he's gay for you." She winked jokingly. She suspected that Times and Charm had a similar relationship to her and her Charm. Like family almost but also not. She'd never been able to quite describe it. But she knew she'd give her life for her princess, and was sure he'd give his for his prince.
Charm - [aglitchandagrump]-01/22/2017
That got more laughter out of him, his small blush growing a bit bigger. He really liked this alternate of Swap. He would have to make a note to try and find her universe. It couldn't be that hard -- just some minor code searching on the UTM should do it nicely. "He does like snuggling me, and flirts with me a lot." He gave a small shrug. "He is probably totally gay for me and just doesn't realize yet." He let out a few more chuckles before smiling, once again, brightly at her. "And maybe I'll take you up on that offer. You'll probably give better advice anyways."
Serif [SecondQuill]-01/22/2017
"can't blame him for wanting to snuggle with you. if you're anything like my charm I bet you're super nice to snuggle." She paused for a moment and thought. "joking aside, he really does care about you. and if he's anything like me, he'd do whatever it took to keep you safe. he might be a pain sometimes but...he really wants to be your knight. it's not just some joke to him." She fiddled with the fabric of her shirt nervously.
Charm - [aglitchandagrump]-01/22/2017
Charm's smile fell and he sank into his jacket. "Yeah. I know. But he doesn't need to." I don't want him to. was what he meant. The last thing he wanted was for Swap to get caught up in his own problems. "He doesn't need to worry so much about me." I don't deserve it. "N-Not that I don't appreciate it but people like me, we aren't princes who have knights and get happy endings. We get the short end of the stick and learn to live with it. It's just how things are." Welp, it seemed he was the one who talked too much this time. He sunk down more, his blush deepening. "U-Uh, sorry! Just ignore me! I don't mean it." Liar.
Serif [SecondQuill]-01/22/2017
Serif stared at him for a long moment, his words made her heart sink. She prayed that that wasn't how her own Charm felt but guessed that it was. "....why....why can't you have a happy ending? can't a pauper become a prince?...you aren't stuck in one place. things change. you deserve a happy ending." She gripped the wet fabric of her shirt tighter as she spoke with earnest. "your story doesn't have to be like this! you can change your story! i did! times did! why can't you?" She froze, realizing that she might have overstepped her bounds. She was surprise how open she was being with this alternate, saying things she wished she could say to her own Charm but was too afraid to...She wouldn't take her words back though, she meant them.
Charm - [aglitchandagrump]-01/22/2017
He had hoped she would drop it but he should have know she wouldn't. This was a Swap, after all. Idiot. What could he even say without revealing too much? Why did he feel the need to respond to her at all? He technically didn't know her -- only what she possibly was. He wasn't obligated to answer her. Yet, he felt like he should. He sunk farther into his jacket, letting the hood begin to cover him. His arms also sunk into the jacket, moving to wrap around his scars on his ribs. Even though he was covered he felt very, very exposed. When he finally spoke it was quiet and hushed. "I just can't. It's complicated. I just.. can't." So many ways he could explain it without having to lie and without being cryptic and yet he just couldn't do it. Not even with the alternate of the person who he arguably saw as his best friend. Coward. Worthless. Idiot. He growled a bit, letting out a low protest at that damned thrumming voice.
Serif [SecondQuill]-01/22/2017
Serif sighed and thought for a moment. "it's okay if you don't want to tell me. it's not really my place to know anyway." She loosened her grip on her shirt. "I still think you'd make a wonderful prince. i hope one day you'll see yourself as such."  She took a deep breath before speaking again. "i'm sorry. I didn't mean to upset you. i'd give you a hug but i'm still soaking at the moment." She awkwardly tapped her index fingers together.
Charm - [aglitchandagrump]-01/22/2017
Sans shrunk more, the annoying and repetitive insults still echoing in his soul and skull. He growled a bit more as they grew louder, only to have them abruptly stop when she spoke again. His eyes snapped up to look at her, her words slowly processing as he got even bluer remembering he was mostly naked still with nothing more then a jacket covering him. It wouldn't be so bad if this was his Swap. But this was a girl Swap. Sans lived with a human girl and that was bad enough. "It's fine," he mumbled, "a-and, uh, I mean I kinda am too." He tried to chuckle, it coming out not nearly as disarming as he would have hoped.
Serif [SecondQuill]-01/22/2017
Serif tried her best to smile in an attempt to brighten the mood. "uh...do you have a phone? if so I can give you my number so you can call me and stuff. w-we can plot against times some more and uh...text each other puns at ungodly hours."
Charm - [aglitchandagrump]-01/22/2017
Sans wore a little tired smile at her suggestion, nodding a bit. "S-Sure. I'd like that." It was nice to have someone to text in the middle of the night. He strung his arms back through the sleeves and fumbled for his phone, once again remembering he was mostly naked. "Sh-shit." He cursed as his blush returned.
Serif [SecondQuill]-01/22/2017
Serif pulled a notebook and pencil from her inventory and wrote her number down. She tore away a strip of paper to give him and re-stashed her book.  She paused at his curse, looking up with a pout. "language. what's-" ohhhhhhhhhhhhhh yeaaaah. Her face turned blue again and she quickly looked away. Covering her face with one hand, she offered him the piece of paper with the other. "h-here ya go!"
Charm - [aglitchandagrump]-01/22/2017
His face just got bluer as she obviously realized. He was suddenly regretting his decision. He took the paper as he attempted to half crawl over to his clothes. There was a grunt, and oof, and a yelp before Sans had all his clothes back on -- bandages and all. "U-Uh, it's okay to look now." He said sheepishly as he was tying his shoes.
Serif [SecondQuill]-01/22/2017
Serif was a ball of embarrassment. And even after he said it was okay she didn't actually move her hand to look. "i-isn't it kinda s-silly for us to be embarrassed? i-i mean we're both j-just skeletons a-and alternates even! w-we look practically identical! n-nothing that we h-haven't seen before...right?" Her face just got bluer at how much she was talking. She really was a mess. She did the first thing that came to mind, she stood up, walked over to the springs, and face planted in the water.
Charm - [aglitchandagrump]-01/22/2017
He chuckled a bit. "Y-Yeah, I guess it is but it's just a natural instinct right-" he cut off as his little embarrassed, nervous smile was replaced with one of dumbfoundment at what she just did. "Uh.." It took him a few moments to snap out of his shock and actually walk over to the water. "Serif?"
Serif [SecondQuill]-01/22/2017
It wasn't that deep in that area so she basically just laid there under the water for about 30 seconds before resurfacing. "JUST CHECKIN OUT THE WATER HAHAHA! NICE AND WARM! SURE IS NICE! MAN I WISH THERE WERE HOT SPRINGS BACK HOME! WELL THERE KINDA ARE BUT THEY AREN'T THIS NICE! HEY SANSCHARMPERSON WHAT'S YOUR FAVORITE QUESTION TO ASK PEOPLE?" This wasn't helping.
Charm - [aglitchandagrump]-01/22/2017
He couldn't help but laugh some more at how she was acting. He sat down near the edge, an eyebrow raised at her and her question of questions. "I dunno. I guess if it's someone who knows about the multiverse it's fun to ask what their favorite universe is."He was humoring her. Plus... it was kinda cute.
Serif [SecondQuill]-01/22/2017
"OUTERTALE!" She blurted. "WHAT'S YOURS?" She felt so dumb right now
Charm - [aglitchandagrump]-01/22/2017
"Other than my own? I would have to say Outertale, too." he gave a little playful wink, chuckling some more.
( This is all we got for this, sorry- More fluff coming soon- )
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kingvamps · 8 days
4, 10, 19 for da asks! :>
4. What does your worldstate look like going into DAV?
i only really have two put together worldstates—my main one may or may not have the inquisitor change based on veilguard (rinha surana > maeve hawke > kasataash adaar) but my surana and hawke are pretty locked in!
rinha made alistair and anora king, went for the city elf boon instead of the mage boon, and spent 7-9 years as warden-commander trying to improve conditions for elves and mages despite the pull of the chantry, the nobility, and the other grey wardens, sometimes succeeding for sure! but in the process also becoming incredibly disillusioned with the wardens and the world in general, before disappearing to attempt a cure for the blight, telling only the people that accompanied them that they were leaving.
maeve is overly cautious and fiercely protective of those she cares for, both arguably to the point of moral bankruptcy. made bethany a warden and overall agreed with anders but rarely supported his more public or risky moves. dueled the arishok for isabela and held very little, if anything, against her for it. she tried very hard to assimilate to kirkwall and was aiming for the viscount seat before the chantry explosion. she helped the mages and deeply resented anders for destroying the life she tried to build there, telling him to leave kirkwall and not speaking to him again until years later. one of my hawkes to actually be friends with varric and aveline!
as for kasa. im working on it lol, ive always found the inquisitor somewhat hard to work with but hes in progress
my other concrete worldstate is (linae mahariel > wrenn hawke > ellana lavellan) which i tend to lovingly refer to as my haunted worldstate
linae killed leliana at the temple, recruited loghain, and died killing the archdemon. wrenn died during the arishok battle and was possessed by a spirit that took their place and who actually killed the arishok. And ellana was deeply isolated and considered none of the inquisition a friend, except sera towards the very end. i'd talk more about them but this is long already haha
10. Which location are you most excited/hoping to explore in-game?
RIVAIN. ive wanted to go to rivain for so long the seemingly "conflicting" culture mesh and the views on magic/spirits are what fascinate me in particular. i want to know more about their political structure so bad.
answered 19 here!
from this ask game ! [link]
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