#wrestling title cards
supakixbabe · 7 months
More wrestling title cards!
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jasmancer · 2 months
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tothesolarium · 10 months
I am completely captivated by your descriptions of these characters i am eagerly awaiting more snippets (almost like a dog waiting for table scraps you could say)
I wish I had some better treats to give you
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Both of them are like this, thinking this is pure violence and not affection involved
Also the catharsis of being a well trained weapon, treated only for your capability to destroy and realizing you can redirect that skill. Mainly, to protect those you love. Resulting in great bodily injury,,, from the other hound,,,,
But also to destroy those who tried to train you so cruelly !!
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Also some old mech concept sketches - one of which has been more developed but we still trying and full of to many ideas
I luv u coyote
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the-kipsabian · 1 year
why are so many people so mad about the all in card tho
like i understand the complaint of only one womens match in a five hour show cause yeah same but other than that???
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paradoxunknown · 2 years
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If this doesn’t end up in Bryan and Wheeler interrupting and beating ass what’s the point?
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pinkpluswhite · 1 year
kinda want seth and finns match at summerslam to be no DQ but i imagine jey and romans will have a stipulation too so i dee kay 😭😭
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heelturnt · 2 years
Wow, way to take all the air out of this 4 way tag match.
Jarrett and Lethal being added to that match does literally nothing. Super bummed would have loved to see literally anyone else
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youngloveleroy · 7 months
Hangman Adam Page
Has absolutely lost it
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idyllcy · 2 months
crooked windows
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word count: 1.5k || pt2 of sheer curtains
summary: What is there to miss if you're right there with him?
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"How rare for us to be able to get a day off like this." Tim rolls down the windows to the car, sighing as you enjoy the light breeze.
"Well, we're in Spain for a reason. Might as well enjoy it." You hand him the water as you glance at the coast. "Don't forget to put sunscreen on. Don't want you burning and peeling skin."
"You're being dramatic." He huffs. "We're going to the beach house for a business meeting. It's not even a day off."
"The rest of the day is." You close your eyes to feel the wind. "We can stay back and just left the chauffeur know."
"I suppose. Did you bring beach clothes or something?"
"Maybe." You grin. "I brought you a change too. We can have dinner at the club."
"I thought you hated those."
"Not when you're dressed like a man in finance. Too bad you're not 6'5."
"Hey." Tim grumbles. "Don't be mean."
"I'm not." You huff. "You'd think all that stretching and gymnastics would go to your height, but nooo. Where did all that shit you were eating even go?"
"The stress of the two of us ignoring our soulmate bond." He grumbles. "I don't miss that awful feeling of the two of us being apart."
"Hey, you started it."
"Yeah, I did." He huffs. "Only cuz you suck, though."
You fake a look of offense, turning the other way as the rest of the ride is in silence. 
"I was kidding." Tim mumbles.
"You're the one who refused to stick around. Maybe you're just born to be a serial cheater."
You roll your eyes, puffing your cheeks as Tim sighs.
"I'm sorry."
"Save it for after the business meeting."
You don't know how many people have accused you of getting the position because you were Tim's soulmate, but to be fair, it's not like you knew which son you were applying to be the secretary of. HR was in charge of all of that. You're pretty sure Tim didn't know it was you until Bruce had caught your name on a list of new recruits and told Tim to set things straight with you before he fucked up again. You're glad at least someone had a voice of reason in this entire conversation. 
You still fight though, you know, as normal people do. You wouldn't be childhood friends if the two of you didn't wrestle and tussle a little. It's only comedic when it's in the privacy of your shared vehicle. To the public, Tim has to keep up the appearance of a soulmate who nearly fucked himself over when he decided to ignore your warning. Something something soulmate propaganda something something no flaws in a system full of them, something something—
"We're here." The chauffeur nods. "Shall I come after the meeting?"
"I'll let you know in advance. We'll most likely stay a little while after." You hum. "And if I book the hotel we're meeting at, then you can come grab us tomorrow."
"Noted. Work safe."
"Drive safe." You step out of the car as Tim offers you a hand, and you smile.
You're never beating the publicity allegations.
"There's nothing after the meeting, right?"
"Mhm." You nod. "What's up?"
"Beach day sounds so good. If I remember right, this hotel has a good massage parlor too." Tim sighs. "Wine tonight?"
"Yeah, sure sounds like a night for me to be sipping on wine and not beer at a random parlor."
"Go figure. It is Spain."
"Can I get a beer in Germany next time?"
"Are you going to blow my card again?"
"Yeah." You lick your lips, grinning. "I'm blowing your card."
"That Birkin from me wasn't enough, huh?"
"No. It'd be better to give me mansions next time." You wave at the men at the table as you both step in. "Gentlemen."
"Why if it isn't the Waynes' golden secretary."
"Honored to hold that title." You have everyone settle down and Tim starts on the meeting. You've grown used to it. The men like pushing him because he's almost always younger than them, and if someone was the same age as him, then it was truly a fifty-fifty on whether or not they could hold their ground. Some like sucking up to the older men. Not everyone gets where they are because they deserve it. Most people are born lucky, you know, like Tim. You're not born lucky, but you suppose luck had a large part to play in your life. 
You let Tim take care of most of the meeting, your mind wandering off when you know he won't need you anymore, wondering if you'd get to actually relax at the beach. You'd probably end up talking to Tim the whole time and working out your problems again. Healthy communication but unhealthy habits. Maybe the two of you were just born to butt heads at all times. You still wonder if the two of you were really romantic soulmates or if the two of you just could not stay away from a toxic relationship. You know, the classic "but daddy, I love him!" moment for the both of you. God, the two of you need therapy.
"That concludes our meeting." Tim raises a brow at the men. "Any questions?"
The look he gives them indicates that he wants no questions at all. 
The men catch on enough, shaking their heads as they file out one by one.
"Please tell me we're staying here for the night."
"Just booked the suite. You wanna suntan?"
"And get burnt?"
"Bottomless brunch is too late, huh?"
"Bottomless brunch tomorrow, please. I have no meetings unless you scheduled one." Tim begs. "God knows I need it."
"Nope. We just have a dinner in the evening."
"Bottomless brunch tomorrow." 
"Yeah, yeah." You hum. "Ready to check in? Our luggage will arrive later."
"You really are abusing the privileges of being a rich man now, huh?" Tim clicks his tongue. "Did you bring my trunks?"
"Yeah. Why wouldn't I?"
"I don't know, maybe 'cuz you hate me?"
"Tim, I don't hate you."
"I know." He mumbles. "I wonder if we could go back to how we were before sometimes."
"We're not children anymore." You follow him out, stepping into the lobby to check in, eyes focused on the way you get deja vu from the way he turns around. "Have we done this before?"
"When we were kids, once." He holds his hand out for the bag in your hand, and you comply. "We booked a hotel room overnight once because our parents were both gone. I booked the hotel and told the receptionist that we just needed a room for a night since we were all wet from the rain."
"Right, since taxis in Gotham never mean anything good." You mumble. "Do you miss it?"
"No. You're right here. Why would I?"
Tim's honesty is enough to surprise you, blinking at him like a deer in headlights as he continues walking. You wonder somedays what he got from keeping you around. You argued over everything because of the differences in the ways you've both been raised, and even if he had a visible soft spot for you in the vulnerable mornings spent tangled in each other's limbs, you wondered just why he kept you around.
You stop right where you are, staring at Tim as he raises a brow at you from the elevator.
"Do you love me? Or are you doing this out of an obligation of being my soulmate?"
"We've been over this. Neither of us can love properly." He holds the elevator door open with one hand, pulling you in with a roll of his eyes. "I love you to the best that I can, though you deserve someone who can love better. You're my soulmate, and even in a world where you aren't, I'll still find you. There. Better?"
You roll your eyes.
"Timothy Jackson Drake, you suck ass at comforting people."
"Thanks, my parents were barely around."
"Did my mom not raise you better?"
"She raised both of us, and look where that got us."
You punch him, rolling your eyes as he cracks a grin.
"My mom has nothing to do with your shitty attachment issues. I came out just fine."
"We'll get through it." Tim hums. "Together."
"Awfully bold words coming from a guy who's been dating me for years and known me for even more yet refuses to pop a ring."
"A ring won't fix our arguing."
"This is arguing?"
Truly, it's not, which is exactly why the weight of the ring in Tim's back pocket feels so much heavier than it actually is. 
Not that he'd tell you. 
He'd just show you.
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tkwrites · 8 months
Private Lessons - Quinn Hughes x Sarah (ofc)
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Photo from Pinterest
Title: Private Lessons
Author: Tory / @tkwrites 
Relationship: Quinn Hughes x Sarah (OFC) 
Warnings: None? If I should add any, please let me know. 
Summary: As requested by @eyesthatroll, Quinn teaches Sarah to skate.
Word Count: 3,300
Comments: After taking a bit of a breather, I’m back with a requested fic. 2 months after you requested it, your wish is my command, Mari. I hope you enjoy it!
This was an interesting exercise for me to write something requested by someone else that wasn’t necessarily my own idea. I wrestled with it and got in my head a lot about it, but ultimately, I like the result I finally came to. 
Thanks for your patience and support. Please let me know if there’s anything else you’d like to see in their universe! I can’t guarantee I’ll write it, but I love the inspiration and challenge these requests bring! 
eyesthatroll asked: tory!! i absolutely adore your writing 🥹 maybe if it’s in your wheelhouse, you could write quinn teaching sarah to skate (or them going skating together) for the first time. i think that would be very adorable 😭 it’s totally fine if that’s not in the cards for the series though, don’t feel pressured! love ya! 🫶🏽
Private Lessons
A Quinn & Sarah Snapshot
At the end of every season we have a family skate. It's on the 15th. I'd like to bring you if you can come. 
Sarah knew this was a bigger deal than his crafted to be casual text was letting on. If it really was casual, he would have mentioned it before he left for the three game road trip.
She also knew dating a hockey player meant she would have to face her fear and past failure eventually. Even if a team event wasn't involved, it was such a big part of Quinns life. She wouldn't be able to avoid it forever. 
Does everyone skate? 
Usually yeah. Not all of the partners do, but most. 
I've never skated before. 
Desert flower, remember? she sent with a picture of a blooming cactus. 
He laughed. There are lots of different skill levels there. People bring their kids and stuff.
Meaning what? That I'll be the only adult with training wheels? 
No wheels ;) 
She sent a gif of someone rolling their eyes. I'd love to go with you, but I really don't want to be the only one who doesn't know what they're doing. Could I persuade you to give me some private lessons? 
I guess that depends on what you’re willing to give me. ;) 
I mean, there’s not much I wouldn’t give you. What do you want? 
A long pause passed in their conversation. When she finally read his response on her way home, her cheeks pinked so much, she had to put her phone in her bag for fear of giving herself away on the train. 
That’s how they ended up at a mostly empty training rink the Wednesday night after he got home. 
She found him waiting for her in the lobby, surrounded by a swarm of kids all jockeying for his attention. It looked like a whole little league team was getting out of practice or a game right as he arrived. They were so excited, acting as if he came in just to see them. 
Sarah waited off to the side, watching him sign autographs and give advice, and talk to each of them. She was tired and hungry, but seeing Quinn in this element gave her a new side of him to admire. He was patient and kind, and invested. She remembered him telling her how he always liked to talk to kids because he remembered how much it meant to him when his favorite players were willing to stop and talk. Seeing that quite literally come full circle was a gift she hadn’t expected to see.  
When he finally looked up and met her gaze, he flashed her a grin and mouthed, thank you. 
Smiling in return, she nodded to an empty room off to the side before settling in with her laptop to work on her publication. 
A big sigh announced his presence a while later, as Quinn slid down the wall to sit next to her on the floor. “Sorry about that,” he said, wrapping his arms around her and pressing a kiss to her temple. 
“It’s fine. I always have stuff to work on, and seeing you with the kids is sweet.” 
“Winning me some brownie points?” he asked, waggling his eyebrows. 
“Like you even need them.”
Sarah closed her laptop and turned her head so they could finally say hello properly. 
He pulled her close to deepen the kiss. Even though he'd gotten back in town after midnight the night before, they hadn’t seen each other until now. He'd debated going to the aquarium after practice, but remembered they wouldn't let him back without a pass the last time he’d tried. Besides, he didn’t want to interrupt her work so close to finals. 
The urge to climb into his lap was so strong, Sarah had to pull back from the kiss before she made a public spectacle of herself. 
“I missed you,” he said, trailing a finger from her cheekbone to her jaw. It felt like the road trip was finally over now that she was back in his arms.
“I missed you, too.” 
“I have to confess something,” Sarah blurted, nerves eating her from the inside out as he showed her how to tie her skates.
Quinn looked up from pulling her laces tight.
“I’ve been skating before.” 
One of his eyebrows cocked up, “you have, have you?” 
“It was terrible. It was on a first date with this guy when I was a freshman, and I’m pretty certain the only reason he suggested it was so he could get his hands on me.” 
Quinn wrapped his hand around her calf and joked, “I guess it’s a good thing I’ve already had my hands on you, then.” 
“You’re not mad?” she said, surprised.
“About what? That I’m not popping your ice skating cherry?” 
Laughter barked out of her mouth before she explained, “no, that I lied. I mean, I didn’t really lie. We went on ice, on skates, but no real skating was involved.”
“Now I feel like you’re lying,” his voice was teasing. 
“After half a wobbly, too touchy lap, I fell and broke my wrist.” 
The bemused smile dropped off his lips, “oh my god, Sarah, why didn’t you tell me before?” 
Her bottom jaw moved as she worried the inside of her lower lip. “I didn't know when it would come up.” she said. “I mean, if anyone can teach me to skate, you can. But that's why I wanted it to be just us first.” 
“If it makes you feel any better, I’ve broken lots of bones skating,” he said, stroking her leg. 
She smiled tightly. “I bet none of those were from you falling down.” 
“I don’t know, maybe? You’d have to ask my mom, but I fell plenty when I was learning, that’s really normal.” 
“It just feels like one of those things that I'll never live down, you know?”
“Well, you and I are the only ones that know now.” 
“Yeah and Josh Jackson and all those people at the Reno rec rink.” 
“You keep in touch with everyone who was there that night?” he joked, hoping she would see how ridiculous her worry was. 
A hand flew up to cover her face as she blushed. “I guess it just lives in my head every time I think about ice skating.” 
“I know the feeling, but it was one time seven years ago, right? And you’ve got a better teacher, now.” 
She dropped her hands so she could meet his gaze, giving him a hopeful smile. 
He changed the subject. “Are these too tight? Can you move your toes?”
“Yeah. I mean, no they're not too tight.”
He smiled, stood and held out a hand, “come on. I can't promise you won't fall, but I'll do my best.” 
As they walked through the tunnel to the rink, she said, “This is the weirdest feeling.”
“It can't be worse than wearing heels.”
“Have you ever worn heels?”
“Well, no,” he admitted. 
“Then you can't say a damn thing about it. At least in heels, the ball of your foot is on the ground. With this, it's like my feet are suddenly half an inch wide.”
“You're thinking too much.”
“What am I supposed to do, not think?”
“Don't think so much,” he said, stopping at the boards and turning around. “Okay, I'm going to get on and help you on, okay?”
She nodded. 
He bit back his smile at the determination on her face. “It's slippery, so be prepared.”
“Gee, thanks, Hughes,” she said, flatly. “I had no idea ice is slippery.”
He laughed. She’d never called him by his last name. Of course it would come out when she was nervous. 
“I'll have you the whole time. I won't let you go until you tell me to,” he promised, reaching to help her through. 
She stepped on and immediately over corrected, jerking back. 
He grabbed her shoulders and pulled her against him to keep them upright. “Calm down,” he said, trying to sound soothing. “I know it's a weird feeling.” 
In all actuality, he didn't know. He'd been skating so long it sometimes felt easier than walking.
 “Just hold on and let me pull you.” 
Skating backwards, he took her on a lap. Her fingers were hooked around his elbows, so he was forced to awkwardly hold the backs of her arms.
“Can you relax? I’ve got you.” 
She glanced down and felt her legs wobble. Visions of the ice rushing up to kiss her on the temple made her dizzy. 
“Look at me,” he said in a voice that couldn’t be ignored. 
Sarah met his eyes. The dim lights over the rink made them a sort of muddy green she’d never seen before. 
“If you keep looking down, you’re going to fall,” he said. “You go toward what you look at.” 
“I just want to make sure my feet are right.”
“Do you have to watch your feet when you’re walking?” 
“Well, no, but this is new.” 
“Sure, but once you get over the fact that you’re on the ice and used to your skates, it’ll start to feel more natural.”
“Yeah, I’ll just get over that.” 
He shook his head, and moved on. “Okay, start picking your feet up like you’re walking.” 
“Like I’m walking?” she repeated. “That seems really counterintuitive.” 
“It’s not that different from walking, you're just gliding instead.”
She leveled him with a deadpan, sarcastic look.
She was about to ask him how she was supposed to walk when she couldn’t lift her heel or push off with the ball of her foot, when she realized arguing his syntax wasn't going to get her anywhere. This was a case where she had to swallow her pride and ask for what she needed. 
“Can you break it down, like the physics of it, for me?” she asked. “It helps me to see all the steps before I do something.”
As he talked her through the mechanics of skating forward, she held onto his arm. She had so many questions he’d never considered, like how he used his edges to push off. 
Skating was so automatic on his part, he didn’t even have to think about it. He’d never had to break down what he was doing like this. 
Seeing how his legs worked up close and in slower motion helped her envision doing the same things herself. 
“Okay, come back here.” 
He moved in front of her again. 
“You make that look so easy,” she said, a bit of a whine in her voice. 
“Sarah,” he said, swallowing the bite in his tone, “I've been doing this for twenty years. I do this for a living. I'd hope I make It look easy. I couldn't take over writing one of your papers, or come into the aquarium and start taking care of Walter.”
“Yeah,” she said, resigned. 
“I know it's frustrating that you can't pick this up right away, but no one can. You can’t read your way into skating well.”
That touched a nerve and she glared at him. 
He let go of one of her hands so he could hold his up in surrender. “All I mean is that you just have to physically get used to it. How long did it take you to perfect your golf swing?” 
“That’s different.” 
“How is that different?” 
“I started that as a kid.”
“So? You can learn things now. You learn new things all the time.” 
“Yeah. It just feels so daunting. I really don’t want to look like an idiot in front of all your teammates.”
“No one will care. They’re just excited to see you. We can come back every night I’m in town if you want. Or you can just not skate.” 
That caused distress to fly over her face. “No. I can’t do that.” 
“Why not?” He glanced behind him out of habit, even though there was no one else on the ice. It was a clean sheet too, freshly zambonied after the pee-wee hockey game that ended right before they arrived. Perfect learning conditions. 
Sarah recentered herself by pulling a breath down her spine, “this is such a big part of your life. I want to be able to participate.” 
“Yeah?” he asked, a half smile lifting the right side of his mouth. 
“Yeah, and like you said, I have a better teacher now.” 
“Tell me about your day,” he said.  
“Okay,” she answered, dubious of his intentions. 
“It’ll help you to stop thinking about what your body’s doing. I think you’ll find it will sort itself out if you let it.” 
He could tell she didn’t really believe him, but went ahead anyway, telling him about the little boy at the aquarium that afternoon who had insisted he’d caught an octopus as big as Walter and thrown it back the last time he and his mom had gone fishing. 
“I mean, maybe he did,” she said, shrugging. “But his teacher gave me this look like, ‘don’t believe a single word he says’. I felt bad, She just looked so tired of him.” 
Quinn laughed and decided not to point out that she was skating perfectly naturally now that she was out of her head about it. “What happened in class?” 
“Well, even if I get a C on my comparative physiology final, I’ll still pass the class.” 
“That’s huge, Sarah,” he said. 
“Yeah, it's such a relief, but then, Paul dropped that he's adding a test on top of our publication. Thankfully it’s not a huge part of my grade, but still, more on the pile. He’s calling it a review, but that just means it’ll cover everything we’ve studied this term.” 
“That doesn’t seem fair for him to add that at the last second.” 
“Well, he can do what he wants, so,” she shrugged. “He said he thinks we need it. I think he's just being a controlling jackass.” 
“Can't you report him or something?”
“For what?”
“For changing the syllabus so late.”
“Well, he's the head of the program, so I can't complain to him, plus if I went to the dean, I'm pretty certain she'd tell me ‘this is graduate school, and you should grow up.’” 
Quinn winced. 
“Yeah. He's just a dick because he can be. He’s the lord over this little kingdom and he wants us all to know it.” 
She shook her head, “I’m sorry, we can be done talking about him.”
“You can keep complaining if you want.”
“No, it's okay. It just makes me more mad, which makes me not want to study, which only shoots me in the foot.” 
“Okay,” Quinn said, “I think you’re ready for me to be next to you.”
“Yeah, you’ve been skating fine for the last five minutes.” 
She looked down as if to confirm, “I have?” 
“It’s not like you were standing still.” 
“But you’ve been pulling me.” 
“I was, but I’ve mostly just been holding your hand, keeping distance. You've been moving yourself forward.”
“Really?” Shaking her head, Sarah laughed a little to herself, “you really are a better teacher.”
He gave her a wink and spun to stand next to her. 
“Keep talking,” he encouraged. 
“About what?” 
She didn’t know what to look at now. There were empty stands, and scratched glass, and the whole smooth sheet of ice, lines etching a curving lacey pattern around the perimeter. 
“Whatever you want.”
“I don't -” glancing down, she remembered his advice and jerked up. The sudden movement caused her to promptly fall on her rear with a frustrated grunt.
Her hands fell to her sides in a gesture that said, why is this so hard for me? 
“You're doing great.”
“I just fell down.”
“So? I fall all the time. You just need to learn to get back up.”
He did fall, and she was always so impressed with his ability to just pop back up and continue playing as if nothing happened. 
He coached her back onto her feet, and they continued around the rink as he told her about the road trip he’d just come home from. Only five days away, but the comeback overtime loss and two wins made it a huge confidence builder. 
He admitted that though some of the strain was lessened for the next month with their guaranteed spot in the finals, he still felt so much pressure to perform. 
“There was this moment on Friday, though, where we were just gelling, you know, and it felt like ‘we deserve this now.’” 
“Of course you deserve it. You work your ass off for that team, Quinn.” 
Throwing her a thankful smile, he said, “I mean we all do it together.”
“And you’re a big reason everyone is buying in.” 
“Look at you, learning hockey talk.” 
“That is something I can read my way into.” she joked. “Plus your mom explained a bunch of the idioms to me.” 
He laughed. 
She fell twice more, but got up each time. The last time, she even managed to do it without his help. 
“You’re doing great,” he praised, moving in front of her again, “you’ll be a natural in no time.” 
Pulling herself to him with their clasped hands she winked, “it's because I have the best teacher.” 
She was close enough now that he would just have to lean in to kiss her. He did, because he could. They were apart so much, it only made sense to take advantage when they were together. 
Whenever people kissed on ice rinks in movies, Sarah was always struck with what a dumb idea it was. It seemed incredibly stupid to not pay attention to what you were doing on such a volatile surface. 
In reality, when Quinn kissed her, she melted. It felt so romantic. Cold, but cozy with his warm body pressed against hers, and the confidence in knowing he wouldn’t let her fall. The only sound was the pleasant scrape of their skates on the ice. 
Suddenly, everything she’d stopped herself from saying over the past few weeks came bubbling up into her mouth. 
Just the night before, she’d felt on the cusp of saying something other than “I miss you,” at the end of their goodnight phone call. She had bit it back, not wanting that first time to happen over the phone. She felt like the moment had to be perfect. 
Fuck that, she thought, now. She didn’t want to hold it in anymore. Plus, wasn’t this moment perfect enough? 
Pulling away, she waited for him to open his eyes.
After a moment or two, Quinn realized she wasn’t teasing, and met her gaze, “what’s wrong?” 
“Nothings wrong.” 
Suddenly, it felt too formal. They weren’t in the Elizabethan era where one declared their feelings in some kind of a grand speech, but she couldn’t not say it. It felt too disingenuous to keep holding it in. 
“I just…” she brushed her fingers through the hair at the back of his neck as she ran over a few possibilities in her mind rapid fire, dismissing them all for being too much. Honesty, it seemed, was proving to be the best policy. “I just really love you.”
Quinn could feel his eyes crinkling closed as his face melted into a goofy smile, one reserved only for family and people close to him.  
It felt like something broke open in his chest, finally set free. “I love you too.”
Sarah giggled and it came out a little watery. She never expected to cry when she told him, but her body always did like to cry over big emotions. 
Quinn wiped her tears away with his thumbs before tilting her face up to his. 
This kiss was softer, not as hurried. Desire giving way to something deeper – less fickle, and more settled. 
As they walked back to the locker room, Quinn realized, suddenly, that he'd left something unsaid. He tugged on her hand, and she turned. 
“I’m really proud of you,” he said. “I know you were really nervous.”
She leaned up to kiss him. “Thank you for being a very patient teacher.”
Want more Quinn & Sarah? Check out the Snapshots Masterlist
To read all my fics, check out the Fanfiction Masterlist
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supakixbabe · 7 months
My insomnia kicked in, so I made more title cards:
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volklana · 4 months
I Really feel That I'm Losing My Best Friend.
Modern!Sihtric x Reader
Title Comes From This Song:
Request: Hi lana!! Can I get a best friend modern sithric x fem reader smut? They're just friends until everyone in their friend group brings up that reader and sithric would be a cute couple and it changes the dynamic of the relationship and they begin to have sexual tension until it just blows up
Thank youuu
A/N: I am awful a writing smut so I did my best. I'm really sorry if this wasn't what you wanted. But you know me by now there has to be angst dripping through the plot
Also this is not proof read because I have a fever, but I will correct any mistakes I come across xx
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“You always fucking cheat,” you pouted attempting to swipe the cards from Sihtric’s hands and his eyes glistened with mischeviousness.
“Do not,” he laughed incredulously, pulling them away from your hands, to which you physically attempted to wrestle them out of his grasp, his laughter bouncing off the walls.
Uhtred had bored of the game ten minutes ago and was lying sprawled out on the sofa, his head resting on Gisela’s lap, bottle of beer resting on his stomach, and rolled his eyes at the exchange between you and sighed.
“Are you seriously telling me you two are not fucking?” he swiped and Gisela gave him a warning look over the hand of cards she was still holding.
Sihtric completely stilled in your arms and you immediately retreated.
“Oh come on!” Uhtred urged looking to Finan to back him up “I can’t be the only one who thinks this right?”
“We’re just friends,” Sihtric stuttered and Finan and Uhtred laughed.
“I’m your friend and you don’t look at me like you want to take all my clothes off,” Finan teased and Uhtred smirked his way.
“Leave them alone,” Osferth chimed in and you were grateful for a second, “I’m sure they’ll tell us when they are ready,” he smirked.
“It’s not like that-really, we’re just friends,” Sihtric tried to persuade, absolutely refusing to meet your eye.
“I’d like Eadith to be my friend,” Finan winked to Uhtred’s raucous laughter.
“In that case me and Gisela are just friends,” Uhtred chimed along too and you couldn’t help but shrink at being the cause of everyone’s laughter in the room.
“Uhtred!” Gisela warned with a stern look, to which he shrugged in surrender.
“C’mon, you’d be such a cute couple,” Finan added and Sihtric was rising from his spot on the floor, cheeks tinged pink with embarrassment and made his way outside to light a cigarette.
Gisela booted Uhtred off her and tutted “Now look what you’ve done.” 
Your stomach was uneasy as you made your way into the kitchen to get another drink, you could hear Gisela and Uhtred arguing. She was scolding him for being such an arseling and you were grateful to her. 
“You know how shy he is!” she chided.
You watched Sihtric outside, pacing up and down as he smoked. He ran his fingers through his hair and your heart skipped a beat, when he suddenly looked in through the glass and into your eyes.
You made your way outside and he offered you a cigarette which you gladly accepted, and ducked down to meet the flame of his lighter.
“Are you alright?” you tried after a few minutes of uneasy silence.
“I just wish they would cut that shit,” Sihtric sighed “I don’t want things to be awkward between us.”
“They don’t have to be,” you said softly “Sihtric we know what we are, nothing they say matters, okay?”
He nodded, taking a long drag from his cigarette.
“Are we good?” you asked, bumping his arm and he laughed a shaky laugh.
“Always,” he replied.
Uhtred appeared sheepish after a few minutes, scratching the back of his neck, and Sihtric laughed.
“Did Gisela send you out here?” 
“No-Yes. Kinda.” he sighed “The bottom line is I was joking. You’re my friends and I love you both and I’m sorry if I made you uncomfortable.” 
“Forget it,” you smiled kindly, squeezing Sihtric’s hand in yours. 
Sihtric tossed and turned on Uhtred’s sofa, you were sleeping soundly on the pull out bed on the floor beside him but Sihtric was sick with anxiety.
He cursed himself for being so weak. It was getting hard to deny to his friends that there was nothing between you both when he couldn’t even deny it to himself any more. He was ashamed at the tears pooling in his eyes, threatening to spill but he swallowed the lump down and willed them away, just as his father had taught him to.
Be a fucking man, it was drilled into his head from as soon as he was old enough to comprehend and he turned his back to face away from you.
Despite his father’s beatings, despite how much he tried to stomp it out of him, Sihtric was soft and he was so painfully in love with you that sometimes his chest physically hurt with longing.
It was pathetic- he was pathetic.
Sihtric drove you back to your apartment the next morning and he was unusually quiet the whole ride back. Usually he would come up for a coffee, but when he didn’t unbuckle his belt and left the car running, you uneasily retrieved your overnight bag from the trunk of his car.
“Thanks for the ride,” you smiled, testing the waters and he gave a tight lipped smile in response.
“Of course, it’s what friends are for,” was all he offered but he didn’t get out to hug you the way he usually did and you climbed the stairs to your apartment with a feeling you couldn’t quite place brewing in your stomach.
You and Sihtric did everything together. You had a weekly cinema date without fail once a week, every week, since you met. Sihtric was a film fanatic, he consumed movies both in the theater and on his own in his apartment. You suspected it was because he was never allowed to watch films as a kid and now he was making up for lost time. You knew just enough about his childhood to know that it was not a happy one. His mum had died, leaving him to be raised by an abusive father and an older half brother who relished in torturing him. Sihtric never went into specifics but you knew that he had gone hungry and dirty for periods of time and the thought of it broke your heart. Because Sihtric was an absolute light in your life, whenever you were with him you were carefree, his joy for the little things in life was absolutely contagious, like the first time you had made him try cotton candy and you watched his eyes widen and a huge grin broke out over his face as he devoured it. But your absolute favourite thing you did together was the spontaneous late night drives in Sihtric’s car with the windows rolled down, singing along to whatever playlist was on, and on so many of those rides you wondered what it would be like if Sihtric were to put his hand on your thigh, or throw his free arm over your shoulder while you snuggled into his side, but you had to quickly dismiss these thoughts, because he had made it abundantly clear time and time again that you were his best friend and you would never risk losing him because of your little fantasies.
Except it felt like you were losing him already since the night of the party...
You collapsed onto your bed and checked your phone for the thousandth time, to find nothing, no memes, no song recommendations, no silly pictures, Sihtric had sent you absolutely nothing in the last four days and you were trying not to let it upset you, but you couldn’t help but feel hurt. This was the longest you had ever gone without hearing from him, he always texted you multiple times a day, and now you were getting radio silence.
You picked up the stuffed bear that Sihtric had won you at the fair a few months back and gave it a squish sadly, it still smelled vaguely of Sihtric's cologne after you had begged him to spray some on him.
You quickly snapped a pic of you kissing its cheek and sent it to Sihtric.
‘We miss you x’
Sihtric opened the message and sighed, how was it possible to be jealous of a damn stuffed toy.
You bit the inside of your cheek, you could see he had opened the message but no little dots popped up to indicate that he was typing back.
You let thirty minutes pass, feeling sick with anxiety the whole time, and when he still hadn’t replied you climbed under your sheets and switched out the lights.
Sihtric felt bad opening your message and not replying, but he sipped his drink as Osferth returned from the bathroom, face briefly lighting up when Osferth announced this round was on him.
While you lay in bed trying to figure out why you were crying.
‘Wish it was me there with you x’ 
He typed after a few hours, and deleted and typed again, before he accidentally pressed send in it his drunken stupidity. He fumbled to quickly unsend it, but the blue tick lit up indicating that you had read it. 
Your heart hammered in your chest, as you considered what you wanted to say, once you crossed this line, you weren’t exactly sure you would be able to put the genie back inside the bottle. 
‘I wish so too x’ 
After what seemed like an eternity he replied,
“Goodnight, y/n, Sweet dreams xx”
Sihtric was avoiding your messages and dodging all your calls. Your heart broke even more when you saw an insta story that Osferth shared of him, Finan and Sihtric at the movies, your stomach sank down to your toes because you had always thought that was yours and Sihtric’s thing.
You messaged him for the umpteenth time that week, ‘Have I done something wrong?’ But just like the previous messages you had sent, he opened but never replied.
Your heart was breaking, you were getting up going to work, and coming straight home and getting into bed. Your anxiety was the worst it had been in years and you kept a hold of your phone, willing a notification to come through anything at all that would show you Sihtric was still your friend. You were going insane at night trying to figure out what you had done wrong, had you offended him somehow? Or worse, had he sensed your feelings for him that night at Uhtred’s and just didn’t want to have the awkward conversation, or let you down gently. 
But the final nail in the coffin came when Gisela texted you late on the Saturday exactly two weeks after the night Uhtred had decided to stir the shit. 
‘I’m so sorry you couldn’t come tonight. It’s not the same without you!’
Your head was whirling, and you felt like you were going to be sick, until our phone lit up again.
‘Sihtric did invite you didn’t he?’
You could have landed Sihtric in the shit by telling her that he hadn't, but you knew Gisela would gut him from the inside out if she knew he was treating you like this, so to protect him you replied.
‘Of course! I’ll catch you next time xx’
Sihtric sat on his reading chair, the lamp in his living room the only thing lighting his apartment. His stomach was twisted up in knots and it wasn’t from the alcohol, it was because of you. He’d been avoiding you for weeks now. Dodging your calls and making excuses to not meet up and when that wasn’t enough he just stopped replying to you altogether. Radio silence.
He knew you didn’t deserve to be treated this way, and if it had been any other man treating you like this he would have offered to kick the shit out of them, but he couldn’t risk you seeing him this way. He had tried for so long to pretend that he had no feelings for you, to act as if you could just be friends, but ever since the night Uhtred had spoken his feelings out loud it was like a damn had burst and trying to bury his feelings now felt like trying to stop the tides with his bare hands.
 The crippling fear of losing you sent him into an avoidant survival state, he had never been shown a healthy way to navigate conflict or loss and so he did what that scared little boy had always done. He hid.
He sipped his brandy,enjoying the way it burned. The ‘what ifs’ swimming around in his mind. What if I were just honest with her? What if she turned her face away in disgust? What if she cast me aside? What if she couldn’t overlook his confession and ever be his friend again. Or, and his heart picked up speed, what if she felt the same?
He was pulled from his thoughts by a gentle knocking on his door, he was tempted to ignore it until the knocking progressively became more insistent.
Finally relenting he opened the door to see you before him, face a mixture of hurt and anger, and red eyes a dead give away that you had been crying.
“We need to talk,” you shook and Sihtric mindlessly stepped aside and allowed you to come in, but he remained frozen to his spot by the door when you reeled on him.
“I don’t understand Sihtric, you’ve been avoiding me for weeks now. You are my best friend and I feel like..I feel like I’m losing you, and I don’t know what I’ve done!” 
“Nothing!” Sihtric choked, shaking his head furiously “You’ve done nothing wrong. It’s me. I’m going through some shit and I just- I needed to deal with it alone.”
The anger softened from your face but the hurt remained, “You know you can talk to me Siht, so you don’t have to go through anything alone. You can tell me anything. Including- if you don’t want to be my friend anymore.”
He didn’t.
He didn’t want to be your friend anymore, he wanted to be so much more, but the fear of rejection kept him rooted to the spot. 
“I’m sorry,” he choked, voice wobbling. “I’m still learning how to communicate, I will try to do better for you I promise.” 
“Sihtric,” you cried crossing the floor and pulling him into a hug, “You don’t have to try. You just have to be you,” you muttered as your arms locked around his shaking form.
“I just really missed you,” you whispered into his hair, the smell of his apple scented shampoo that you loved filling your senses. 
“Gods, I missed you too,” he replied, shaking, but grasping on to you. 
And so things went back to some form of normality but the weight of two unspoken confessions were hanging over the friendship. 
You were officially invited to group outings again and you and Sihtric slipped back into a somewhat familiarity with each other. 
Except Sihtric felt like he was trapped in a snare. Every time you spoke, his eyes lingered on your lips imagining what they would feel like to kiss, what they would look like wrapped around his- he shook his head before his mind could even wander down that path. He was consumed with longing for you, day and night it was all he could think about, but fear of losing you always knocked whatever bravery he had within him to tell you the truth. 
Until the night he saw you across the dancefloor, dancing with another man, head thrown back in joy as he moved his body in time with yours to the beat and before he could even think straight he was marching across the floor and grasping your arm.
“Sihtric?” you questioned face full of worry.
“Please, I need to talk to you?” he begged and you followed him in an instant outside, completely ignoring the call of the man you had been dancing with moments ago.
Sihtric paced back and forward in front of you and you tried to reach out a hand to steady him but he swatted it away. 
“I have to tell you the truth,” he finally rushed “I can’t hold this in any longer. I’ve tried, believe me I’ve tried so hard to- but I can’t do it anymore.”
"-I’m in love with you y/n. Painfully. I’ve been in love with you for as long as I can remember, and I’ve been avoiding you because I know you don’t feel the same and you just want us to be friends, but I can’t pretend anymore.”
You were silent for a moment, considering him, “Who said I just wanted to be friends?” you asked bewildered.
“What?” Sihtic reeled, mismatched eyes boring into yours in surprise.
“Sihtric Kjartansson," you sighed "It is you who wanted us to stay friends. I have always wanted to be more.”
“What? He repeated face scowling trying to understand.
“At Finan’s birthday last year, you took the forfeit over the dare to kiss me, because you said you didn’t want to kiss a friend. From that night on I tried to put my feelings to bed.”
Sihtric pinched the bridge of his nose in disbelief “I didn’t kiss you that night because once I kissed you I would never have been able to stop.”
“Then I really wish you had kissed me that night,” you smiled and took his hand “In fact I think you should kiss me now.”
He didn’t need to be told twice , he surged forward, cupping your face in his hands and kissed you.
You looked up at Sihtric through hooded eyes, his naked torso glistening with a sheen of sweat. His slender body and muscled arms looked like a god carved from marble in Ancient Greece and you were willing to get down on your knees and worship.
He placed his thumb on your bottom lip, sliding your lips open as he inspected your waiting form below him.
“So beautiful,” he mused, dark eyes raking over your body “So beautiful and mine.” 
You hmmd against his thumb, and he moved to hook his finger under your chin forcing you to look up into his eyes “Say it,” he commanded “Say that you’re mine.”
Your eyes fluttered with adoration and the hazy smile that crossed your face had Sihtric’s pulse racing “I’m yours Sihtric,” you promised, “Only yours.”
“Let me show you,” you begged and you moved with him towards the bed, where he sat looking unsure for a moment, until you pressed a gentle hand to his chest, motioning for him to lay back. Others who did not know Sihtric like you did might have expected a dominant, possessive lover but you knew him better than anyone else in the whole world.
What he needed was to be taken care of, to be shown he was worthy of love and given it freely, and reassured that you were going nowhere and now that you’d had this taste of him you truly would never leave him again.
You were lovedrunk as you kissed down along his neck, collarbones, his chest and followed down the length of his abdomen, before finally taking him in your mouth.
He was a whimpering, moaning mess beneath you and he surprised even himself when he eventually found the strength to stop you, picking you up and flipping you over before slipping inside you with a gasp.
He picked up a pace that had you gasping and grabbing at his strong back for something to hold on to. Something to stop you falling off the edge. When you could finally not hold on any longer, urged by Sihtric’s whispers for you to let go, you did, seeing stars as you gripped him through his own release. 
If there was one thing you had learned about Sihtric it was that he truly meant what he said when he told you that he would never have been able to stop with one kiss, the man was insatiable. His lips or hands were always on yours and you did not know where he found his stamina for in the bedroom but one thing was for sure, he had never felt this kind of love in his entire life and he was never letting it out of his grasp again. 
Tagging: @canyonmoon-2@sihtricfedaraaahvicius@whitedarkmoonflower@shamrockqueen@thenameswinter99@foxyanon@acdassenza@thatawkwardlittlefangirl @gemini-mama
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the-kipsabian · 1 year
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menonlywrestling · 6 months
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USA 1960s Part 3
Some posed shots of various mid card pro wrestling dads. Decent wrestlers, but they never managed to be title holders.
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dustinslovehandles · 5 months
I’ve been trying to find some Chuckie T makes but both YouTube and Daily Motion’s search algorithm sucks.
If you are able and do not mind doing so, do you have any links or even search suggestions for your favorite matches of his. Indy or AEW.
Ooooooh, SO excited to get an ask about this! Buckle in your seatbelts because I'm about to talk your ear off with match recommendations! <3
If you like his more light-hearted/silly stuff:
Chuck vs Orange for PWG: Honestly my comfort match with some really great wrestling too
Chuck vs Su Yung for FEST Wrestling: Intergender shenanigans for an indie title
Chuck and Orange vs Princess Kimberly/Jervis Cottonbelly: Intergender tag match with referee Bryce getting involved
Chuck and Jock Samson vs The Jollyville Jeepers for Olde Wrestling: I feel like any Olde Wrestling match counts as hilarious
Chuck vs ZSJ falls count anywhere: Zack and Chuck have a fight in a pub. Need I say more?
Honestly, pretty much any of the Chuck/Orange tag matches on youtube work, so if you like that sort of thing then I definitely recommend looking up "Chuck Taylor Orange Cassidy".
If you want more serious stuff though, Chuck has a lot of realy cool matches. His title run in PWG in (I think?) 2017 had a lot of great stuff, especially between him and Zack, and him and Ricochet. In chronological order:
Chuck vs Zack at Only Kings Understand Each Other
Chuck vs Zack at Pushin Forward Back
Chuck vs Ricochet at All Star Weekend
Chuck vs Ricochet at Mystery Vortex V (highlights only with music over; best I could find, sorry!)
Chuck vs Trent at Neon Knights (highlights with music again, but hey, it's the lads having a scrap!
There's a lot of cool stuff from when Chuck was younger and in his shitty baby heel era, and some stuff from AEW. I only really have access to youtube at the moment so here are some general recommendations from there that didn't fit into the above:
Chuck vs Fire Ant for Chikara: Shitty baby heel Chuck showing he had great chemistry with this guy from the start!
Best Friends vs Starboy Charlie and Olumide for AEW: I had to include this match. Fast flippy boys and Chuck getting his tits out.
Chuck vs Ricochet highlights: Not a specific matc, but highlights to music of a very baby Chuck and Ricochet doing cool stuff
Chuck vs Orange at Champions of the Galaxy live event: Chuck and Orange go cosplaying as wrestling trading cards
Chuck vs Lee Johnson for AEW: AEW Dark match from the lockdown era with some of the cripsest camera work, featuring Chuck's pretty green eyes
I'm sure there's a 101 matches I could have put and have missed but hopefully this helps! So happy to put something like this together for you!
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haddonfieldwhore · 1 year
safe and sound - jeff hardy
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2000s!jeff hardy x fem! reader (requested)
word count: 1.9k
warnings: none i think, fluff, ended up mostly gender neutral except for a few pet names
november 8th 2001:
you were standing ringside as your two best friends, lita and jeff, took on lance storm and ivory in a mixed tag team match. originally, matt was supposed to be out here with lita, but he ended up in an intercontinental championship match instead, leaving her without a tag partner, until jeff stepped up. lita and jeff were both amazing to watch, but it stressed you out just how easily they threw themselves off the top ropes and around the ring. you hadn’t been wrestling as long as they had, and you were still in awe everytime you got to see them in action up close.
jeff jumped over the top rope, taking out lance as lita slammed ivory down in the centre of the ring. the redhead climbed up to the top rope and hit a perfect litasault, pinning ivory to win the match for her and jeff.
jeff, who was still outside the ring next to you hugged you and spun you around, before lita pulled him into the ring for the official to raise their arms as the winners. the three of you heading up the ramp and backstage. the three of you hugged to celebrate the victory, and you and lita went to your shared dressing room so you could get changed.
“you were incredible! you and jeff make a really good team, ya know,” you smiled, as she grabbed an outfit from her suitcase and began getting changed.
“thanks. you guys would make a better team though,” she replied.
“i doubt it. i’m nowhere near as good as you.”
“that’s not true. but even if it was, you and jeff have this… insane chemistry that i don’t have with him. you understand eachother in a way i’ve never seen before,” she said as she finished getting dressed. you and the hardy’s had been friends for years, and while you also considered lita to be your best friend, you and jeff did have a special bond; a closer connection than you’d ever had with anyone.
“maybe. but you guys work great together regardless. i don’t think i could do some of those moves you did tonight.” you knew that you weren’t on the same level as lita, and you were okay with that.
“yeah, but you and jeff are really on the same wavelength. maybe one day it’ll be you two against me and matt. that would be fun,” she laughed, grabbing her bag and getting ready to leave the venue.
“that would be amazing,” you agreed.
“that is, if matt actually showed up,” lita added, still a little upset that he had not been the one in the tag match with her tonight.
“are you guys okay?” you asked, concerned.
“yeah, we’re great. it was a title opportunity for him; i can’t really blame him for taking it.” you nodded in agreement.
you picked up your own bag, following lita out of the dressing room, and heading back to the hotel.
you and lita were watching tv in your hotel room, when she received a call from matt.
“right now? oh- okay,” she laughed. “i’ll meet you downstairs in a minute i just have to get dressed,” she spoke into her cell phone. “yeah i’ll ask them. okay see you soon.” she hung up the phone and stood up off the bed, and you looked at her expectantly.
“matt and i are going out for drinks or to the club…i don’t know he didn’t specify. you’re coming too, and jeff,” she explained, sliding her shoes on and checking her appearance in the mirror.
“lita, you know i hate the club -“
“i said i don’t know if we’re going there, matt just said out. it’ll be fun, pleaseee,” she begged, pouting and tugging at your arm to get you up off the bed.
“okay fine, but only if jeff’s going. i’m not third wheeling with you and matt again,” you laughed, recalling the last time you went out with just the two of them, and you had felt like a buzzkill the whole time.
“fine, go get him. matt left their extra key card here for me, the room numbers on it.” she sighed, grabbing her purse and putting her shoes on. “meet us downstairs in a few minutes.” you nodded, quickly fixing your appearance as you hadn’t been planning on going anywhere, before leaving the room to go find jeff.
you got to his room after a few turns down the hallway, and knocked on the door.
“who is it?” you heard jeff’s voice from in the room.
“hey, it’s me. lita gave me the key card; can i come in?” you called.
“yeah, o’course,” he replied, and you swiped the key, letting yourself in. “what’s up?” he asked, sitting up in his bed as you walked into the room.
“matt and lita want us to go out - i told her i would only go if you do.”
“where are they goin?” he asked, looking uninterested in the idea of going anywhere. he was wearing a black tank top that was tight to his torso, and some black track shorts that you could see as the blanket had gathered around his waist when he sat up.
“i don’t know, lita wasn’t sure. i guess matt didn’t say,” you answered. “they’re waiting in the lobby.”
jeff groaned as he flopped backwards to lay down again, his eyes closed. you laughed, sitting on the edge of the bed next to him and gently shaking his shoulders.
“c’mon, j.”
“do you really wanna go? baby, you hate goin’ out.” you didn’t think much of the pet name, people from the south said it all the time.
“not really, but- hey!” you yelped in surprise as jeff grabbed your wrist, gently pulling you down to lay next to him.
“good, let’s just stay here then,” he said, rightly wrapping his arms your waist, clinging to you like a koala.
“at least let me call lita and tell her we’re not going before she sends out a search party, you laughed. jeff let go of you enough for you to sit up, and you dialled litas cell number.
“hey, i think jeff and i are gonna stay in tonight. i’m sorry lita, next time. yes i know that’s what i say everytime but i promise. i know i say that too. okay, be safe, i’ll see you later.”
you hung up your cell, placing it on the nightstand before you kicked off your shoes and cuddled into bed with jeff. you had been friends for so long, it wasn’t wierd at all, often sharing a bed or falling asleep on the couch together after too many horror movies.
“your match tonight was great, by the way,” you complimented, and jeff smiled.
“thank you, i try to put on a good show. maybe one day we’ll have a tag match together,” he hummed as you laid back down, curling into his chest as he pulled you close again.
“that’s what lita was saying. she thinks we have some magical bond that would make us unstoppable,” you mumbled, your voice muffled because of how you were laying.
“i think she’s right,” jeff replied. “one day i’ll get you in the ring with me and we can prove matt’s theory. he thinks we can read each others minds and that’s why we think the same thing all the time.” you laughed at him, and jeff smiled wide at the sound.
“we’ll see. you scare me sometimes with how much you throw yourself around. and i don’t know about wrestling guys yet,“ you admitted.
“c’mon, you’re better than some of them already,” he said, ignoring your concern for his well being.
“i don’t know,” you mumbled. jeff pushed you back gently so you could look at eachother.
“well i do know. you’re amazing. and i would never let anything bad happen to you,” he promised. “inside the ring or outside of it.”
“i know. i feel safe with you,” you admitted, and jeff smiled.
“darlin, that’s the best thing i’ve ever heard.” you relaxed into him again, nuzzling into the crook of his neck.
“i don’t want anything to happen to you, either,” you said. you knew jeff was amazing at what he did, but that didn’t make it any less scary when he threw himself off of twenty foot ladders.
“you don’t have to worry about me, i ain’t going anywhere,” he said, kissing the top of your head.
“promise?” you asked, and jeff’s arms tightened around you.
“i promise, babygirl.”
“i love you, jeff,” you sighed happily.
“you mean it?” he asked, and you kissed his cheek.
“of course.” jeff rolled over so you were both laying on your sides, face to face. “you don’t know that already?”
“i just like hearin you say it,” he smiled, and you laughed. “ya know you do this little nose scrunch when you laugh sometimes, it’s really cute.”
“shut up, i do not.”
“you just did it!” he laughed, and you hid your face in his chest. “it’s cute, don’t be embarrassed.”
“too late.”
“you don’t have to be embarrassed around me, hell we’ve seen eachother at our worst and we’re still friends.” jeff was right; you had been through a lot together, and at this point you didn’t think there was anything that could come between you.
“i know,” you sighed. “i don’t think anything will ever change that.”
“good. and i love you too.” you hummed in response, and there was a comfortable silence for a minute.
“we would make a good tag team though,” you admitted, and jeff laughed, and you could feel the vibration in his chest.
“damn right,” he agreed.
“lita said we should have a match against her and matt.”
“oh hell yeah, that’d be so awesome. any excuse to wrestle my brother, and you and lita against eachother would kick ass.”
“you mean she would kick my ass,” you laughed.
“you don’t give yourself enough credit. yeah she’s great but you are too.”
“thanks jeff, i appreciate that.”
“o’course,” he kissed the top of your nose, and you giggled. “you did it again -“
“shut up!” you laughed, punching his chest playfully.
“yeah? you gonna make me?” he asked, and started tickling your ribs, causing you to laugh harder. you wrestled around until you managed to get on top of him, straddling his hips.
“stop - or i start tickling you next.”
“alright alright, truce.” he held his hands up in surrender, and you caught your breath, realizing the position you were in. jeff sat up, holding you in his lap.
“you said nothing could change our friendship right?” he asked softly, his eyes looking into yours.
“yeah, why-“ jeff leaned forward and kissed you softly, his lips barely touching yours before he pulled back. he waited for you to react, nervous that he had ruined everything, until you kissed him back, hands tangling in his messy blue and purple hair. jeff’s hands rested on your hips as he returned the kiss, smiling against your lips, before you separated.
“okay, maybe something could change the friendship slightly; but in a good way,” you smiled, and jeff bumped his forehead against yours softly, before laying back against the pillow, pulling you with him.
“i love you,” he said for the second time that night, perhaps meaning it a little differently now.
“i love you too,” you replied.
“say that again,” he breathed, squeezing you tighter.
“i love you.” jeff smiled as you kissed the underside of his jaw softly, and he turned off the lamp on the bedside table as you tangled your legs together under the blankets. jeff’s hand slid beneath the hem of your shirt slightly, drawing little shapes gently on the skin of your back as you both drifted off to sleep.
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