lhatake87 · 6 months
⚠️ Please be advised the following content is meant for 18+⚠️
🚨 Please review triggers🚨
Grimmjow (Bleach) x Reader
Trigger Warning: Possible triggers in this one shot include (but are not limited to) praise, degrading, edging, light BDSM, and alcohol.
Agitated didn't even begin to describe how Grimmjow felt as he walked through the city. He should've known that anything Kisuke Urahara had to offer would come with a price. And an annoying one at that. Her name was Y/n. Soul Reaper turned Visord because the old perv wanted a new experiment. That was Grimmjow's take on it, at least. Urahara was the one who turned the woman.
"Why do I have to train her?" Grimmjow snapped.
Hiding behind his fan, Kisuke waved his hand, "Mr. Kurosaki is currently busy with his family."
"Tch," Grimmjow looked into the front of the store as the h/c spoke with Nel. "Why not Nel?"
As Grimmjow asked the question, the two men watched as Nel removed her bracelet, turning her into the toddler she loved to be. Grimmjow sighed at the action before sliding open the door. Kisuke didn't have to answer Grimmjow. He could feel the instability in the woman's spiritual pressure.
"Come on, runt," Nel spun around before slipping her bracelet back on. "You're going back home."
"Grimmy!" Nel was cheerful in the time of peace.
Fighting the urge to snap at the blue-headed bombshell, Grimmjow focused on his newest task. "You're coming with me, kid."
"KID?!" Grimmjow hadn't expected the Soul Reaper to bite back. "We're probably the same age!" She shouted as he moved closer.
Grimmjow didn't stop until he was less than an inch from the woman. Blue eyes drilled into e/c ones as he told her, "Still a kid." As she peered at the much taller male, she wondered if she should continue the backlash. "That's what I thought. Training room," Grimmjow turned away, "come on."
And that was a little over six weeks ago.
"Why the fuck would he let her go out with those dumbasses," it was a rhetorical question as Grimmjow shoved his hands in the pockets of his black jeans.
While he hated his gagai, he knew he couldn't storm through the world of the living as he sought out the woman. Her spiritual pressure was close. Along with three Soul Reapers. There was something wrong. Maybe wrong wasn't the right word. Grimmjow could sense that Y/n was upset. Her spiritual pressure flared before suddenly leveling out. Quickening his pace, Grimmjow headed for the building where he could feel the woman.
Grinding his teeth, Grimmjow walked into the restaurant. He didn't have to search for the group. A certain busty blonde's loud and boisterous laugh carried through the room. Making his way through the small crowd, he caught the eyes of Y/n. E/c eyes shimmered for a moment before they were filled with confusion.
"Grimmjow?" She asked as he moved in closer. "What are you doing here?"
The three Soul Reapers, in their gagais, tensed. Renji looked to his left, where Grimmjow had stepped between him and Y/n. "Shouldn't you be in Hueco Mundo?" Renji's cheeks may have been tinted with a blush, but he quickly sobered.
Ignoring Renji, Grimmjow told Y/n, "That's my line, Kid. We were supposed to go to Hueco Mundo for training."
"Stop calling me that!" Her small shout made Shuhei and Rangiku stop their giggling.
"Maybe you should use that anger to do some fighting," Grimmjow teased. "Now, let's go."
When Grimmjow took hold of her wrist, Y/n froze momentarily. Grimmjow had a strict 'no contact' policy unless they were exchanging blows. The shock quickly vanished as she wrenched her arm from his grasp.
"I'm having fun," Y/n retorted as she crossed her arms.
Rather than turning back, Grimmjow looked Renji in the eyes. "I said let's go, Kid."
"No," she repeated her refusal.
Renji shrugged lazily, "She said no, Espada."
While it wasn't as menacing in his gagai, Grimmjow growled. It was low and throaty. Looking over his shoulder, he said, "Then why did your spiritual pressure flare?"
Renji watched Y/n closely as Grimmjow's question registered. Y/n's face fell slightly.
"What are you talking about?" Her defensive posture began to fade as she dropped her arms.
"Tch," Grimmjow let it go. "You're being a brat. Let's go."
Eyes narrowed, Y/n told him, "Make. Me."
Time seemed to pass in slow motion as Grimmjow turned around. He took the last step towards Y/n that placed him close enough their breath mingled. He could smell the sake on her. She was tipsy. It gave her a false confidence. Eyes boring into her, Y/n waited for Grimmjow's next move. He didn't have to move. The pure energy that rolled off of Grimmjow was placed solely on Y/n. It was crushing.
Y/n sucked in a breath, trying to fill her lungs with the air she so desperately needed. Watching her struggle, Grimmjow almost gave in. Then he realized that he liked it. He liked watching her become vulnerable because of him. He liked being in control of her. He liked her needing him in someway.
When Y/n's hand clutched onto Grimmjow's forearm, relief washed over her. Lifting her head, she couldn't discern the look in the male's eyes as he peered down at her.
"I'll see you three later," Y/n said meekly. "Thank you for visiting."
Whatever the Soul Reapers said fell on deaf ears as Grimmjow took hold of Y/n's hand. He maneuvered through the crowd before leaving the restaurant. Once in the street, Grimmjow wasted no time using Shinpo to arrive at Urahara's shop.
Letting go of Y/n's hand, Grimmjow entered the small building. Y/n nearly stumbled at the loss of contact. Quickly following after the brooding male, Y/n wondered what kind of torture was in store for her. They were silent as they trekked through the shop and towards the training grounds.
Once underground, Y/n began to ask, "I thought-"
Her question was never finished as Grimmjow pinned her to the wall. His long fingers were wrapped around her throat. Body pressed against her. Leg poised between her thighs as he stared at her.
"Tell me why you lied," Grimmjow seethed. "Why were you upset back there?"
Defiance and uncertainty swirled in Y/n's gaze. "It doesn't matter." Her voice was low. "It's not like you care anyway."
Another growl left the Espada. "I asked you a fucking question, you brat."
"And I don't have to answer it," she tried matching the distaste in his voice. "Quit calling me names."
As Grimmjow grinned madly, Y/n could only imagine the expression on his true self and not the doll he wore. She hated his gagai.
"You don't like being called names," his thumbs traced her quickening pulse. "Maybe you shouldn't play games you can't win, little toy."
A jolt of electricity danced over Y/n. Grimmjow felt every beat of her heart when he said the name. He had meant it as a taunting joke. He couldn't deny the spark of pleasure that ran through him as he watched her eyes dilate for a split second.
"I'm not a fucking toy, Grimm." Y/n hardly called him Grimm. She knew not to call him Grimmy. Nel was the only one who could get away with that.
"We'll see about that," Grimmjow pushed off of her. "Get out of that damn thing. I'm going to kick your ass."
Doing as she was told, Y/n only complied because she wanted to kick his ass. Grimmjow eyed the h/c carefully. Her clothes were different than usual. Rather than her Soul Reaper Shihakusho, she was dressed in human clothes.
"The fuck are you wearing?" Grimmjow asked.
Looking down, she threw her hands up, "Kisuke gave them to me. They're better to train in."
"Have you been training with that damn pervert again?" Grimmjow narrowed his eyes. "He'd be pleased seeing you prance around in that."
Smirking, Y/n crossed her arms. The white tank top made the motion bring attention to her boobs. "Jealous, Grimmy?"
"Did you just fucking call me 'Grimmy'?" The words were low as he grit them out.
As she cocked a hip, the loose black athletic shorts shifted. "Doesn't kitty want to play?"
Growling, Grimmjow lowered his stance, preparing to strike. "Kitty's going to play, alright."
That was the only warning before Y/n was tackled to the ground. The two rolled a few times before Y/n ended up with the advantage. Springing to her feet, she used Shinpo to distance herself from the angry Espada. Perhaps she had pushed too many buttons of his.
Hiding behind a rock, Y/n thought about the best strategy to defeat Grimmjow. She's never won their fights during training. And there was nothing about this fight that would be gentle. Grimmjow was going to go all out. Y/n may have been a sixth seat, but that was nothing compared to the former Sexta.
"I can smell you, my little Visord," Grimmjow was languid in his movements as he approached the boulder Y/n was pressed against. "I think I'll stick to my little toy, though."
The anger bubbled within Y/n at the taunting name. Since her spiritual pressure flared, it only confirmed what Grimmjow's nose could discern. She was behind the rock. Quietly, he climbed the structure. Peering down at the beautiful h/c, Grimmjow paused. Her pulse was stuttering as her head swiveled. She wasn't focused. Either the alcohol had gotten to her, or she was anxious.
Flipping down, Grimmjow pinned Y/n to the rough-edged stone. "You gonna tell me what your problem is?"
Gasping, Y/n drew her hand back to strike Grimmjow. Quickly catching it, Grimjoww grinned in triumph. Repeating the action, Grimmjow held both wrists against the rough stone. Y/n's breathing was as erratic as her heart as she stared into the Espada's eyes. She felt as though she was drowning in those deep pools of blue. There was no air filling her lungs. She needed to ground herself. She needed to surface again before she fell to the depths.
When Y/n leaned forward, Grimmjow froze. As he sucked in a breath, her lips met his. Grimmjow was too shocked to react at first. Stunned by the bold move that was unlike the woman. Gathering his thoughts, Grimmjow released Y/n's wrists. One hand threaded into her hair while the other pinned her hip to the stone.
Jerking back roughly, Grimmjow asked harshly, "The fuck are you doing, little toy?"
Grimmjow's eyes watched as Y/n chewed at her lip before cutting her eyes away, "I was trying to distract you enough to attack."
Giving a quick tug to Y/n's hair, Grimmjow enjoyed the spark of delight in her eyes as she gasped. "We both know you're lying, little kitty." Y/n's eyes dilated again, "Did you like that name? What about pet?" Y/n pursed her lips. "No? How about my little pet?"
When Y/n didn't move aside from her teeth grazing her lower lip, Grimmjow pressed his body to hers. The purr that escaped Grimmjow made Y/n's entire body vibrate along with him. His knee wedged itself between her legs, pressing against her sensitive clit. All she's done since her eyes met his was fantasize about having sex with him.
"Does my little pet want to play?" Something struck both of them. "I think you'll like it more than you want to admit, kitten. Does my little kitten want to play with the big bad kitty?"
To all things holy, Y/n wanted to play. Badly.
All Y/n could do at that moment was nod as she rolled her hips against his thigh. Grimmjow took a deep breath in as Y/n's scent grew heavy. It incased his senses, making his vision blur. The Espada would have to be careful to not lose control. Going feral wasn't an option with someone like Y/n. She wouldn't be able to take the brutality that was pent up inside Grimmjow. The man could admit, to himself, that the thought of fucking Y/n was more than fleeting.
The pressure against her body was suffocating. It was fueling the fire that Grimmjow had ignited. The world spun on its axis as they stared at one another. They were trying to solve the puzzle of one another. Not only that, they were trying to decipher what this would mean. Once they have sex, will that change who they are to each other? Would this be a one time thing? Grimmjow secretly hoped this was just the beginning. And Y/n, well she thought the same.
Stepping through the Garganta, Y/n grew anxious with every step they took. Calling Grimmjow's home a lair was far too fitting. Though, the home was rather spacious and filled with surprisingly expensive things. This wasn't the first time Y/n had been to his home. This was the first time she was keenly aware of his belongings.
The rug was soft beneath her bare feet. Her eyes scanned the plush looking couch and wondered if Grimmjow enjoyed soft things. Looking back on the time she's known him, he's always rubbing against fabric of some kind. He is a cat, after all.
"Are you sure about this, kitten?" Grimmjow sounded as though he was teasing. When in fact, he was rather serious about the matter.
Y/n turned her head to focus on Grimmjow. She watched as he tossed his jacket to the floor. Had she ever been in his bedroom? The thought made her chest tighten as her heart raced in anticipation. Possibly a bit of anxiety.
"You don't scare me, Grimmy," She smirked at him before pulling her shirt over her head.
Something between a snort and a growl left Grimmjow as he closed the distance between them. He was so much taller than her and she never thought about until now. He would have to lean down a bit, but his chin could easily rest on the top of her head. This only made her even more excited as she thought about the power he would have over her. She loved the thought of him controlling her. Toying with her. But deep down, she knew that Grimmjow would protect her. He wasn't a man of words. Grimmjow was a man of action.
If Y/n had wanted to continue taunting Grimmjow, it was pointless. In one swift motion, Grimmjow shredded the remainder of her clothes. As Y/n gasped, he yanked her closer by the nape of her neck.
"Looks like I hurt my kitten," Grimmjow mused as he noticed the small scratch against the top of Y/n's breast. "Let me clean it for you, pet."
Y/n sucked in a breath when his tongue traced the blood on her flesh. Grimmjow hummed happily as he continued lapping at her wound. She stood as still as possible while her eyes fluttered close at the feeling of him touching and caressing her with his hand and mouth. He was torturing her. The laps against her skin were slow and languid. He didn't seem eager to make this torture end either.
When his teeth grazed against the scratch, Y/n shuddered. Grimmjow inhaled deeply as Y/n's scent grew even heavier. She was eager, willing and all too ready for him. He wondered how long she'd been thinking of him as she fingered herself in her bed. Had she dreamt of him fucking her and woken with damp panties? Had he been oblivious to her desires? The thought made him furious. Grimmjow let his fangs pierce Y/n's flesh in an attempt at calming himself.
"GRIMM!" Y/n's scream was laced with lust as her hands flew to him. She gripped the back of his neck while her other hand was clinging to his forearm.
Blood lust satisfied, Grimmjow pulled away to begin lapping at the already bruising bite mark. "Sorry, kitten," he chuckled, "I have to taste all of you."
Those words made Y/n rub her thighs together. The aroma of her juices made Grimmjow growl deeply. Standing upright, he looked into her eyes. Both their gazes were heavy with a need that only they could satisfy. There was more between these two than either had expected. Setting aside the thought for now, Grimmjow stepped away.
Turning, he pointed to the bed, "I hope you're ready, pet." Y/n moved to crawl onto the blue velvet blanket. "I'm not going to hold back."
Only Grimmjow would have chains in his lair. Y/n shouldn't have been surprised at all. Was she truly going to let him tie her up with them? A strip of leather was tossed to the bed beside the two bundles of chains. The chains didn't look too heavy, but again, the thought of being tied down for him to worship and torture her was too alluring.
"I don't want you to," were the words Y/n offered as Grimmjow finally turned around.
If Grimmjow had a heart, it would've stopped. Y/n had spread her legs wide for him. Her hair was a mess from his grip earlier. Hands lay innocently beside her head as she gazed at him. She was waiting for him. There was no hesitation in her need to have him. Warmth filled Grimmjow at the knowledge. Of course, Grimmjow has had plenty of lovers. But Y/n, she CHOSE this. There was something different about this moment. About this woman.
Standing at the foot of the bed, Grimmjow mulled over what he wanted to do to her. "Do you want a safe word?"
Kind of surprised, Y/n grinned devilishly, "Ichigo."
"You little brat," Grimmjow gripped one of her ankles, "I'm going to enjoy fucking some sense into you. Teach you who's in control."
Yanking her leg, Grimmjow began to wrap one of the chains around her leg. Y/n hissed at the cold metal meeting her skin. He snaked the chain around her ankle before continuing up her leg. The last bit of metal was wrapped around the flesh of her thigh. Y/n hadn't noticed, but there was a hook at either end of the chain, allowing Grimmjow to lock the chain. With how tightly the chain was wound, it wasn't moving.
The action was repeated as Y/n watched Grimmjow's movements. The way his shoulders moved with each motion. His forearms as they flexed. His hands as they grazed her body. She could see the hunger in his eyes as he cut them upward.
"What's the leather for?" Y/n hesitated to ask as she saw him pick it up.
"Ask too many questions and I'll use it to gag you," his threat wasn't much of one, but Y/n decided to remain silent. "Close your eyes." Y/n followed his command. "Don't open them, kitten. Kitty is ready to play."
Y/n's mouth opened to comment about him calling himself kitty, but that didn't happen. Instead, there was a startled yelp that ended in a moan. The leather was tapped to Y/n's clit as Grimmjow pushed her legs open further. She was already seeping from her folds. Grimmjow increased the pressure with each strike to her bud.
The noises leaving her grew louder with each passing strike. The delicious feeling of the chains pressing into her added to the euphoria. Y/n swore she would orgasm if he didn't stop. There was a pause in his ministrations before Grimmjow pulled Y/n further down the bed. Her knees bent and feet dangled off the bed. When his hand wrapped around her throat, Y/n tilted her head back and gasped.
"Do you wanna cum, kitten?" Grimmjow asked as he used the leather to tease her throbbing clit.
"Y-yes," she managed to say as she rolled her hips.
"What was that?" Grimmjow gave a quick squeeze to her throat.
"Yes," she gasped.
Instead of tightening his grip on her throat, Grimmjow slapped the leather against her breasts, "I think you're forgetting something, kid."
Y/n hated the sounds she was making as she mewled with every touch from him. "P-please." Another harsh strike. "P-p-lease, Grimm!"
Feeling the weight shift around her, Y/n guessed that Grimmjow was bending forward. She wasn't sure what to expect and she tensed. One hand still at her throat, Grimmjow settled the other on her hip, pinning her to the plush bed. Startled, and sensitive, Y/n let out a soft scream when Grimmjow's tongue ran over her clit. Next he lapped at her slit before flicking her bud. She tried with all her might to buck against his mouth with ever lick he gave. It was futile.
"Stay still, kitten," another lap, "or I'll tie you down to the bed."
Those words made Y/n writhe under Grimmjow, eliciting a growl from the Espada. Moving from the foot of the bed, he walked to the side of it. Taking hold of a cuff, he reached for Y/n's hand. Slipping it on, he kissed the inside of her wrist before tightening the restraint. He offered the same treatment to her ankles and other wrist. Her feet were now planted on the floor, leaving her exposed to Grimmjow and whatever wonderful things he hand planned for her.
Standing before the beauty that lay before him, Grimmjow was stunned. Could she be any more perfect? She gave the man a headache every day he saw her. Her mouth made him want to teach her a lesson. Her body was amazing to watch as she trained. Getting to see her like this, on display, ready, willing and needy for him- he thought he might be going crazy.
In the same position as before, Grimmjow wasted no time in suckling her clit. Y/n tried to wiggle her hips in a feeble attempt to have control over the pressure. With the build up, Y/n was creeping closer and closer to the edge. Grimmjow was eager to taste the mana that flowed from Y/n as she reached her first high.
"Gr-imm!" Y/n continued to wriggle as Grimmjow refused to pull away.
In through, he wanted her to experience him as no other woman had. He wanted her to feel as though she's never had sex before. That this was how sex should feel. Y/n trembled as the overstimulation grew. Tears prickled and she wanted to blink them away, but feared that Grimmjow would be upset with her.
Languidly, Grimmjow moved to Y/n's dripping slit. He was slightly disappointed to see that he had allowed some to slide onto the blanket. He wanted to drink all of her in. His tongue was softer, kinder, as he lapped at her juice. Y/n's chest heaved with pants as she came down from the peak of the rollercoaster Grimmjow had sent her on.
"You okay, kitten?" His tone conveyed genuine concern as he pulled away.
Oh, how beautiful she was. Her chest was splotched red from the fire that danced inside of her veins. She had tugged a bit at her restraints, causing red marks to form. Those beautiful eyes were still shut as she continued to breathe heavily.
"Yes," She admitted breathlessly.
Sharp nails traced the chains that bound her, "Wanna tell me what the problem was now?"
"No," this time her admission sounded broken.
Kneading the flesh of her hips, Grimmjow told Y/n, "I won't let you cum again until you tell me, pet."
Chewing at her lip, Y/n thought of what to say. On one hand, she didn't want to tell Grimmjow what had happened while she was out with old friends. Then again, she didn't want Grimmjow to edge her either.
"I don't want to tell you," she whispered.
Sighing, Grimmjow crawled onto the bed, hovering over Y/n, "Why not?" He was frustrated with her now.
After feeling his breath fan across her face, Y/n turned her head away, "You'll think I'm weak. You won't care anyway."
That stung. It stung way more than Grimmjow had wanted it to.
"Quit being a brat," he yanked on her hair to bring her face back to his. "Open your eyes and tell me what that piece of shit Soul Reaper did."
Blinking, Y/n nearly gasped at the male above her. His hair was a chaotic mess of blue. The bone fragment was tightly clenched, signaling that his entire jaw was as well. His eyes. His eyes were heavy, laden with lust, fury and something else.
"Renji didn't do anything," she spoke softly. When Grimmjow growled lowly, she sighed. "He didn't." She repeated. "I- I was jealous. Seeing them together. Knowing I can never go back. Renji and I used to- I'm lonely."
Unable to take the broken look in her eyes, Grimmjow kissed her deeply. The action caught Y/n off guard. As Grimmjow continued to ravage Y/n's mouth, he used his free hand to yank the cuffs from her wrists. Y/n didn't fight the urge to reach for him. She was desperate for him. The look in his eyes possessed her. She never wanted him to leave her side. Hell, she never wanted him to leave her bed.
When Grimmjow gave into the temptation finally, he knew he'd be a changed... man? Espada? Whatever the word should be, Y/n had changed him. This was where he belonged. The red string of fate tied them together and there was no breaking it. No matter what or who attempted to pull them apart, Grimmjow vowed at that moment to slaughter them.
Y/n moaned heavily into their kiss as Grimmjow pushed into her. He was gentle as he eased himself into her cunt. Y/n squeezed her eyes closed at the tinge of pain that prickled her senses. Grimmjow's girth was not something Y/n had anticipated. When Grimmjow began to move, Y/n whimpered softly.
"Don't worry, kitten," Grimmjow murmured into her lips, "you won't be lonely anymore."
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lbknightauthor · 2 years
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Vampire AU Haikyuu? Yes please! https://www.wattpad.com/1279136202?utm_source=ios&utm_medium=link&utm_content=share_reading&wp_page=reading_part_end&wp_uname=lhatake87&wp_originator=yLBcyD3dA%2FhsoteDqphKu0GmtHmCvXIkXGLDVSnA%2F45cUbH7eVBAZd82tN96IrqaFI2eI6qdTH3SCUM3PiTVGgXFMEKw12Ib8Hq7igCfjhTkI8k3o%2B32el%2FzQ6WgiBu8 #haikyuu #fanfiction #wattpad #vampire #smut #writersofinstagram #writerofwattpad #haikyuuau https://www.instagram.com/p/CnSVji7J_h8/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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lhatake87 · 2 years
Kuroo Tetsuro x Reader
One shot from my Haikyuu one shot collection on Wattpad.
⚠️ 18+ ⚠️
Kenma's 21st birthday was a couple of days ago, and Hinata wanted to throw him a party. It was nice knowing that Kenma had close friends still. I haven't seen him, or anyone from Nekoma in about six months. I've been so busy with work and school, I just haven't had a chance to come back to Tokyo. I had about half a year left of college, if I continued with the schedule I was on now.
My train arrived around two in the afternoon, and Kenma told me to come to his house since the party wasn't until seven tonight. I wasn't sure where the party was, but I knew we were going out. I started walking the familiar path to Kenma's house when I started thinking back on my time at Nekoma.
Being the youngest grandchild of the boys' volleyball coach was difficult at times. Everyone expected so much from me, and I pushed myself and pushed myself, too far. So far that I injured myself at the beginning of my third year, it's a vivid memory I have. When I think of it, I can feel the impact all over again.
I was chasing a ball, a ball I should've let go, but the opposing team was at match point, we needed this point to tie. I managed to get the ball, but the lunge I made sent me into the judges' table. The crowd and team watched the ball, but I could only see stars from the pain. The impact on the table had my knee cap fractured, the flip over the table, I dislocated my shoulder, and then shattered my elbow on the same arm.
I sighed and looked up at the cloudy sky, I hated myself after that. We won, the team made it to Nationals, without their captain being able to play. We lost in the second round, and that was that. I then became a sort of coach to the boys' volleyball club, my grandfather wanting me to continue my career in any way possible.
My college career consisted of physical therapy, physical training, and sports medicine. I could easily implement those into coaching in the future. I was even the trainer for the men's volleyball club at the college I attended. I had an interview for an internship for the Japanese Olympic team for next summer. My grandfather was extremely proud of me for my achievements since my injury.
Since I spent so much time with the boys' volleyball club, I became close to the team, especially the third years. Yaku and I were closest, though Kuroo was in the same class as us. Kai was in class four, but when the three could hang out together, they did. It was fun watching them in their last year of volleyball, last year of school. They were so close and supported one another through everything.
Then it happened. I kissed Kuroo. I didn't just kiss Kuroo, I kissed Kuroo in front of the entire team, and what part of the school was present at the tournament. At the Spring High to advance to nationals. They had lost to Fukurodani, Bokuto was ecstatic, but was actually quiet afterward, not rubbing it in Kuroo's face. Next, they played Nohebi and advanced to Nationals. I ran from the stands and took the steps two at a time until I burst through the doors. I found Kuroo, his messy black hair easy to spot, and threw my arms around him. Then, I kissed him.
He eased me down to the floor, him being so much taller than me, and I stepped back. We never said a word about the kiss, even to this day, no one has said a word. Aside from Kenma, the butt always gives me a hard time about it. He even sent me a string of kissy emojis this morning when I told him I was getting on the train. Ass.
"Where's sleeping beauty?" I asked as Kenma opened his door.
"Sleeping," Kenma answered.
I gave the man a hug and smiled as I stepped back, I feel like he's grown even more. "Of course he is."
"Going to give him true loves kiss?"
I snorted. "I walked right into that one."
"Sure did." I followed Kenma into his old bedroom and found the male in question was in fact asleep.
He was just like I remember. I haven't seen him in about nine months, but while he's grown since high school, he really didn't change all that much. He's more muscular and taller, but that black messy hair that I've dreamt of brushing my fingers through again. I'd hang out with the guys and he'd always manage to put his head in my lap, simply so I'd start playing with his hair, it was always an absentminded gesture.
"I'm going to shower." Kenma's voice made me quit dreaming for a moment.
"Okay." I tossed my bag in his desk chair and plopped in the bean bag.
I pulled my phone out and smirked as I snapped a pic of the male who was sleeping peacefully.
"Did you just take a picture of me?"
I reigned in the blush that threatened to light my face, "Good blackmail material."
"Let me see." He turned his head and blinked a few times before I saw his eyes widen slightly.
I tilted my head, "Is something wrong?"
"Your hair has gotten long."
I touched my braid that was laying over my shoulder, "Oh, I always had it short when I was playing volleyball, but I prefer it long." I turned my phone around and showed him the picture I took.
He made a throaty noise, something like a grunt, and turned his head back away. "You look tired." He mumbled.
"I've been up since seven this morning, I had to work for a few hours before I headed to Tokyo."
He shifted on the bed, moving over all the way to one side. "Lay down then."
I arched a brow, though Kuroo couldn't see me. "Finally trying to get me in bed with you?"
"If I wanted you in bed with me, it would've happened." I couldn't decide if I wanted to be offended or embarrassed, but both seemed to make my stomach drop, and my heart cracks just a little. "Wait, that sounded wrong." He moved to kneel on the bed now.
"Whatever, Kuroo." Was all I managed to say.
"No." He grabbed my forearm and pulled me to the edge of the bed. He sat back on his legs and looked at me curiously. "I didn't mean it like that."
"Then how did you mean it?" I shouldn't have acted as I cared, but I found that I definitely did care.
He just stared at me and I couldn't even begin to try and guess what he was thinking. His face was so serious, he was contemplating something, that was for sure. "Why did you kiss me at the Spring High?"
"That was almost four years ago, Kuroo." Why bring that up now?
"And I think about it almost every day." His voice was dangerously low.
"Tetsu... I-"
"Hey, did you manage to- oh." Kenma caught us in an interesting position. Kuroo was kneeling on the bed, still holding my arm, and I was flush with the edge of the bed.
Kuroo let go of me and I turned my body, "He was awake, a faker like always." I was trying to joke, but I winced when I realized the tone I had.
"I was getting up so she could lay down," Kuroo answered and moved off the bed.
I craned my neck to look up at the much taller male, he was at least eight inches taller, if not an entire foot. "You didn't have to get up for me."
"You need your rest." I rubbed my thighs together but quickly stopped when I saw Kuroo cut his eyes down.
"Thanks." Was all I could think to say. I shrugged my light jacket off and crawled onto the bed. The pillow smelled of Kuroo's cologne already and I fought the urge to inhale deeply.
"I'm going to grab a snack, you want anything?" Kenma glanced between the two of us.
"I'm okay, thank though."
"I'll come with you." Kuroo thankfully followed after Kenma.
After the door closed, I gave into temptation and smelled the pillow. Heaven. I snuggled down even more and found the creeping feeling of sleep approaching fast. I didn't take time off like this often, so relaxing and having no worries at the moment, it was nice. I pulled my hair free and out the hair tie around my wrist. I was asleep before the males made it back into the room.
Kuroo POV:
"What was that all about?" Kenma pounced the second we were in the kitchen.
"What are you talking about?" I really wasn't sure what had come over me earlier, but when I opened my eyes and saw her, something ignited within me.
"Don't play stupid." Kenma grabbed a fruit tray and put it on the counter.
"We were talking."
"Funny, looked like you were about to pull her into bed with you."
"I wanted to."
Kenma dropped the strawberry he was holding. "What?"
I ran a hand through my hair and sighed heavily. "I never told you how I felt about her."
"I assumed you wanted to sleep with her like every other pretty girl you've met."
"I'm not that bad." I corrected.
"Your reputation says otherwise."
"I know that, and that's why I kept my distance." Kenma gave me a look at told me to keep going. "She's too good for me, always has been. I didn't want to drag her down with my reputation. Her grandfather would've been disappointed."
"Look, I have no idea what you're getting at, but, she's had a crush on you since your second year of high school. Then, after her injury, the two of you got closer, and she found herself falling for you. She knew you had a reputation, but she didn't care, and didn't believe it."
"You seem to know a lot about how she felt."
"I know a lot about how she feels. We talk at least once a week, Kuroo. She wanted you to look at her like you did the other girls, she wanted you to see her in a different light, not friend zone her. She loved it when you laid down in her lap, making the other girls jealous."
"What?" Kenma gave a sad smile before continuing.
"There was a rumor going around your third year, especially after the kiss incident."
"What kind of rumor?"
"You really didn't hear it?" I shook my head no, "That Y/n and you were sleeping together, but that you didn't want a relationship. Then, after the kiss, people really thought it was true and that you got pissed off and stopped talking to her. She tried to act like nothing had happened, and while you did too, you still pushed her away for the remainder of the year. She just let everyone talk shit, she didn't care what they thought of her, she only worried about you."
"Why didn't you say anything?" This strange feeling of shame washed over me and I felt anger fill me.
"We were busy with practice and then Nationals, I didn't want to distract you. I talked to Yaku about it, and he agreed."
"Yaku knew?"
"Fuck." How was I so blind? How did I never hear the rumor myself?
"Everyone respected you, but everyone was terrified of you, Kuroo. Y/n always stood up for you, and defended your honor, even if it meant damning herself. She knew the real you, just as much as I did."
"What do I do?" I seriously had no idea what to do with the information I had just heard.
Kenma shrugged, "That's up to you." He put the fruit back in the fridge and then continued talking. "But Yaku plans on asking her out tonight."
"The hell?!"
"Yaku found out that she and Daichi broke up, thinks he can swoop in and win her heart. Or something like that." Kenma waved his hand around lazily.
"Her... and Daichi... dated?"
"Couple of years if I remember correctly."
"What happened?" Daichi was a nice guy, I could see them together, for the long haul.
Kenma headed down the hall to his room and opened the door. "I'm not sure, she didn't want to talk about it."
She was sleeping soundly, in the same position I had been. Her h/c hair had fallen into her face slightly, she had taken her braid down. This warm feeling filled me and I didn't stop as I walked to the bed and brushed her hair back, letting me see her face fully.
"How long ago?" I whispered.
"Few months," Kenma answered quietly as he grabbed his phone. "I'm going to the living room." He didn't say anymore as he left the room, even closing the door.
I took her bag from the desk chair and sat down, spinning around to watch her sleep. I'm not being creepy or anything. She was in jeans and a simple t-shirt, the travel of the day making her want to be comfortable I assumed, she still looked adorable. Beautiful, she was always beautiful. I loved watching her play volleyball, the captain of her own team, and an ace. She played libero her first year of high school when she was the shortest on the team.
She stirred slightly and her shirt hiked up around her waist, exposing her lower back. I leaned over slightly, tilting my head to the side. Her smooth flesh was decorated with a tattoo it seemed, barely peeking out from under her shirt. My curiosity was about to get the better of me, but her phone started ringing next to me on the desk. She made a groaning noise and looked up at me. She was so damn sexy, that tried and disheveled look, I wanted to wake up to it. I handed her her phone and she blinked a few times before answering.
"Daichi?" I tried to remain indifferent as I heard her say his name.
I could hear the former captain on the other end of the phone. "Are you in town?"
"I'm at Kenma's with him and Kuroo." She answered sleepily.
"Kuroo?" She flinched and then rolled onto her back.
"Kenma said he got in last night and stayed here." She and Kenma did talk a lot.
"I was hoping I could talk to you." She dropped her head to the side, looking at me.
"About what, Daichi?"
"I miss you." Even I could hear the pleading tone.
She sighed, closing her eyes. I wanted to hold her, protect her from whatever harm I could. "While I miss you too, I'm not changing my mind. I do love you, Dai, just not like you want me to."
"That doesn't even make sense, if you love me, then let's get married."
I choked on air, making her open her eyes and look at me curiously. She held my stare as she answered. "I already told you, I don't want to marry you. To which you replied 'then I'm not wasting any more time trying to convince you otherwise'. I understand your reasoning."
My body seemed to move on its own as I knelt beside the bed, my fingers brushing over the skin of her neck. She shivered at my touch but didn't move away, still holding my gaze.
"Y/n, please, I was wrong in saying that. Imagine planning a proposal for the woman you want to marry and she says no. Not only that, but she also says no because she's still in love with someone else."
She rolled her head back to stare at the ceiling. "I said I couldn't marry you right now, not as long as I still loved him. There is a difference. It's fine, Daichi, I'm not mad at you. Besides, our lives are headed down separate paths."
"Does he love you?"
She let out a harsh laugh that tugged at my emotions. "I doubt it."
"So you didn't cheat on me?"
"Of course not." She sounded so crushed that he even suggested it. "I'll admit that I went into the relationship unsure of my feelings for you, and for him. But, I didn't, and still don't see a relationship happening with him, so that's why I made the effort with you."
Her shirt has now ridden up on her stomach and I could see a good four inches of her abdomen, still toned and flat. Again, my body moved without me thinking and I ran my fingertips up from her hip to the hem of her shirt and back down. The motion made her close her eyes, and she seemed to relax slightly, given the conversation she was having.
"Do I know him?" Daichi asked.
I repeated the gesture a couple of times, trying to calm her nerves. "Yes." She admitted in a hushed voice.
"Will you at least tell me who he is then?"
"I can't." Her voice was low and she sounded heartbroken. I glanced at her face and saw tears sliding down the side of her face, pooling in her ear.
"I'm sorry, baby, I didn't mean to make you cry. I just want to try and understand, that's all."
"I'm sorry, Dai." She choked on a sob when she finished saying it.
"Don't cry, okay? He's an idiot if he can't see how special you are."
She managed a small laugh before answering. "I'll see you tonight."
"Okay, baby."
She just dropped the phone from her ear and covered her face with her hands, trying to muffle her crying. I moved onto the bed and pulled her into my chest, placing an arm under her head and the other around her. I couldn't stand seeing a woman cry, but seeing her breakdown, it made me feel like my own world was crumbling around me. I wanted to pick up her broken pieces and put them back together.
"I'm about to-" Kenma stopped talking once he saw us.
"Daichi called," I explained as I moved my head to look at Kenma.
"Do you want to talk about it?" Kenma asked, and Y/n shook her head no.
"Do you want me to go?" I asked, making her shake her head no again.
"I'm going to go meet Hinata, he said he needed help moving something. I'll be back about six unless you want to come with."
She didn't move, and I took the hint. "I'll stay with her, you go ahead." Kenma gave me a stern look but simply gave me a nod as he closed the door.
"Your shirt." She mumbled into her hands. "I'm sorry." She went to pull away but I held her still.
"I have another," I answered.
She moved a hand away and wrapped it around me, her fingers clinging to the fabric of my shirt. I realized she was laying on her right side and I went to move onto my back, letting her take the weight off of her body. She peered up at me, her face red and blotched, eyes bloodshot and glassy. I wiped her exposed cheek as I answered.
"Your right side is your injured side." Her face seemed to light up slightly.
"You remember that?"
"I'll never forget it." She just stared at me, shock written on her features. "You don't remember who carried you to the medic?" She focused back onto her hand on my chest for a moment, racking her brain for the memory. "I watched you hit the table and then flip over, I jumped the barrier and scooped you up, you were biting your lip so hard to keep from screaming that you drew blood."
Reader POV:
Hearing his words made this memory come rushing back to me. "You rode in the ambulance with me."
"I stayed with you until they took in for the MRI and other tests, then I sat with your grandfather until they came out, telling him you were in surgery."
"Tetsu." I peered back up at him as I mumbled his name.
"Why didn't you ever tell me about the rumor in high school?"
"Fucking Kenma," I grumbled.
"Don't blame this on Kenma. We were talking in the kitchen and he told me about it. Don't you think I deserved to know?"
I shrugged best I could, "It was a long time ago."
"I knew what kind of reputation I had, but to let people think we were fooling around and then-"
"It doesn't matter anymore, Kuroo." I moved to push off him but he rolled so I was beneath him.
"It does matter." He snapped. "It matters to me at least."
I couldn't process his words, no, I didn't have time. He had closed the distance between us and pressed his lips to mine, silencing any thoughts, let alone words, I had. His large hands held my face and his thumbs stroked my skin tenderly. I tilted my head and opened my mouth at his request, deepening the kiss. He suddenly broke away and got off the bed in one swift motion, leaving me cold and alone.
"I'm sorry, you just broke up with Daichi." He ran a hand through his messy hair and sighed. "And you said you're in love with someone else. I'm sorry." He repeated I'm sorry a least four more times while he paced.
I mustered up every ounce of courage I had and stood up, then said it. "It's you."
He froze and looked up at me, eyes wide and face slackened. "What's me?"
"Don't make me say it." My voice was suddenly hushed.
He stepped closer and grabbed my arms, "Say it." He urged.
"I turned Daichi's proposal down.... because I'm still in love with you." There, I said it. I laid it all out on the line. He could reject me and it would all be over, it's the reason I never said anything in the four-plus years he's been the center of my world. I only saw him two or three times a year in the last couple of years, but my heart still yearned for him. "I'm not sure when it happened, but it did."
"Second year." I jerked my head up and looked into his eyes. "You were in the stands, you called out to me after a win. Then, when you made it to the floor, you called me Tetsu for the first time." He got really nervous all of the sudden, even rubbing the back of his neck. "It may sound cheesy, but no ones ever made me feel the same as when you say it."
I gripped the collar of his shirt and pulled him down to me as I pushed onto my tippy toes. I kissed him hard, trying to get him to understand, to finally see what I've been wanting to say. Kuroo wrapped his arms around my waist before his hands slid down my hips, ass and then hoisted me up. He pushed me against the wall as my legs wrapped around him, he was already hard and my body trembled with need.
Kuroo broke the kiss, simply studying my face before he slammed his lips back to mine. I couldn't get enough, I needed him, all of him. My fingers gripped his bed head hair and I tugged at it, making him buck into me. I moaned into the kiss, the pressure building within me needs to be released. His mouth left a hot, wet trail down my neck until he decided my shirt needed to be removed. Keeping me against the wall, he was able to pull my shirt off.
"Tetsu." I moaned as he licked my collarbone before biting down gently. "Harder," I whispered, making him hum against the crook of my neck. "Bite harder." I urged.
I felt the smirk on my skin before he licked, slow and teasing across my shoulder, when he felt me shiver, he bit down, hard, extracting a moan. He repeated the action a few times, littering my chest with bites, then licking and kissing them in apology. He kissed his way back to my lips and brushed his over my own before pecking me softly.
"I need you." He said breathlessly.
"Please, Tetsu, don't stop."
Kuroo kissed me again and let me slide down off his waist. He knelt before me and unbuttoned my jeans before sliding them down, peering up at me the entire time. Once I was in bra and panties only, this fire seemed to light inside of us both. I pulled Kuroo up and began undoing his shirt as he fumbled with his belt and jeans. We studied each other's almost nude bodies before I reached behind me to remove my bra, I let it drop and kicked it aside.
I bit my lip as I watched Kuroo's gaze travel the expanse of my body before he reached forward slowly, turning me around. "It's beautiful." His voice seemed to drop even deeper, making me want him even more. The tattoo on my back, a black panther, ran from shoulder to hip almost. His hands traced it before he settled at my hips and pushed my panties down, his mouth leaving a trail of kisses down my spine. I gasped in surprise when I felt him bite my ass cheek, to which let out a low chuckle.
Kuroo remained kneeling as he turned me, then he lifted one of my legs, propping it on his shoulder. He broke eye contact to take in my fully naked body, then wasted no more time as he flicked his tongue against my core. "You're gorgeous." He licked from my slit to my bundle of nerves and repeated the action over and over. I fisted his hair and brought him in even deeper.
His middle and ring finger pushed past my folds and I moaned at the feeling of him stroking my need perfectly. I couldn't help but rock into him as he ravaged me, his mouth perfect and fingers know exactly what to do. A slew of curses and praises both falling from my lips as he continued to push me to my high.
"Fuck." I rasped, trying to remain quiet.
"Scream for me, baby."
"Ahh!" I didn't hold back.
Kuroo continued to lap at my juices for a moment, stretching my orgasm for as long as he could. He stood up slowly and pushed his underwear off. I'm assuming from the biting incident, he gathered that I liked things a little rough because he rubbed his slick fingers over my lips before he pushed them in, making me taste the sweet nectar of myself. When he removed his fingers from my mouth, he replaced them with his own mouth. He moaned, tasting me on my own lips as I palmed his throbbing dick.
He lifted me again as I held him, lining us up for him to push into me. Once he felt the slick entrance, he eased himself in, letting us both relish the moment. It was like our bodies were meant for one another, fitting together perfectly. I held onto him tightly, as if my life depended on it as he began thrusting into me. I kissed his jawline, perfect and chiseled before kissing his neck, offering a few light bites of my own.
He pulled me off the wall, only to walk to the bed and drop us down, all without breaking away from me. Kuroo paused his movements, peering down at me, and what I saw, took my breath away. I saw a man looking at the woman he loved with all his heart, a man who was going to give her the world, no matter what the cost.
"Tetsu." I murmured.
"I love you, Y/n." Tears brimmed and he kissed them away.
"I love you, Tetsu."
His lips were salty from my tears, but we didn't care. Kuroo began moving again, bucking into me, long and deep strokes. Almost every move had me so close to the edge, every motion made me mewl, moan, or gasp. He began moving faster but still slammed himself home every time, striking my spot with every movement.
"I've dreamt of this," Kuroo whispered in my ear.
I couldn't form words, so I offered him hum in agreement. Kuroo rolled us over, putting me on top of him, I pushed myself upright, using his chest for balance. Eyes half-lidded and filled with lust, I looked down at this perfect man. I began moving and his fingers dug into the meaty flesh of my hips, helping me keep my pace. I became lost in him and closed my eyes, dropping my head back.
"Cum for me." He coaxed.
I rode him until I did just that, screaming his name as I did. My walls clenched around him and he pulled me down to kiss me again. He wrapped an arm around my waist as his other hand held my neck, putting my face into the crook of his neck. He began thrusting into me again, and I couldn't even begin to describe the feeling.
"Tetsu..." I moaned. "Don't stop," I begged.
"I'm close, baby."
"Cum, Tetsu." It was my turn to coax his release from him.
His chest rumbled as he grunted, I felt him swell before his salty seed filled me, making me cum again with him. After a few final thrusts, he stilled his movements. He moved an arm away, but I didn't dare move, he grabbed the sheet and pulled it over us both as he rolled onto his side. He kissed my forehead tenderly before brushing the hair from my face.
"Get some rest." He mumbled sleepily, he always loved to sleep.
"We should get dressed before Kenma gets home." I countered.
"He'll get over it." Kuroo chuckled.
I hummed as I snuggled into his chest. All because of a rumor I didn't say anything to him. All because of a rumor, he finally said something to me. Never let a rumor dictate your life.
"You're right," I said, letting sleep wash over me too.
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lhatake87 · 2 years
Possible triggers: SA/Sex/Depression
Excerpt from Mysterious Kunoichi (Book 1 of 2) posted on Wattpad:
It hurt to breath. The wound below my right breast punctured a lung. I had a cut along left abdomen. My face was bloody, swollen and bruised. My entire body burned. My dignity and pride burned as well.
"Weren't we lucky to stumble upon such a find?" Hidan cackled.
"Shut up. I'd rather have her bounty than have her join us." Kakuzu pointed out.
"I'll kill myself before I join you idiots." My voice dripped with malice.
I was rewarded with a backhand. I spit at Hidan's feet. Blood and saliva. My body was becoming heavier, like it was filled with rocks. Sinking fast in the pool of self pity.
The men continued talking until there was a knock at the door. Kakuzu opened it, allowing whoever was there to enter. With one eye swollen shut and the other obscured by my h/c hair, I wasn't sure who it was.
"Who is she?" Someone asked. A man. Orange hair.
Hidan approached me, as he lifted his hand to my chin, I bit him. I got the side of his palm, drawing blood. The taste of old copper filled my mouth. I spit it back at him.
"Bitch!" This time I was given a punch to the stomach, "And she still won't scream."
"She's from The Hidden Leaf?" The same man asked. My hitai-ate must have been found.
"Yes, Leader-sama." Kakuzu answered, "She is most commonly known as 'The Archer.' She has a pretty good bounty on her head."
"You know her Itachi?" The leader asked.
"Yes." Was the only answer Itachi gave.
Foot steps where heard and someone else entered.
"Tobi wants to see!" A childlike voice filled the room.
I glanced up to see a masked man standing amoungst the other men. Kisame, Itachi, Hidan, Kakuzu, their leader and now this man named Tobi. Tobi approached excitedly. He ducked slightly, trying to look at my face.
"Did Itachi-san say he knew her?" Tobi asked happily.
"Her name is y/n." Itachi answered again.
Tobi's demeanor seemed to change. He paused in his childish antics. There was a dark aura surrounding him all the sudden. Then it vanished as fast as it arrived.
"I can't wait to have a taste of that swee-" Hidan started.
"You'll do no such thing." Itachi warned.
"You're not getting her." Hidan snapped.
"She was like a sister to me. You won't touch her."
"Itachi, let's talk." Their leader said, "Everyone else. Out. No one touches her."
Everyone left the room in silence. There I was in a situation I didn't know how I was going to get out of. Rowan and Sage were in mating season, so I couldn't summon them earlier. I was caught off guard by two Akatsuki members and there was nothing I could do. One long range and one mid range fighter against one mid to close range fighter was difficult. I was easily subdued.
I was deep in thought, trying to figure out my chances. No one would be searching for me, I'm alone. If I had returned to the village, I wouldn't be here. This wouldn't have happened. Was it my pride that kept from going home? Was I scared? What was the real reason I wouldn't go back? I'm alone. If I go home, will I still be alone? Is that what I'm scared of?
I tensed when the door opened. The heavy foot falls made me wary. The dark, menacing laugh I heard alerted me to who was standing before me. Hidan.
"A little fun won't hurt anything."
Before I could answer, there was a cloth tied around my mouth. My teeth bit down around it. I tried to make some kind of noise to alert someone, but realized it was futile. Aside from Itachi, would anyone care?
I felt a cold metallic object press against my chest. The familiar sting and burn as it was dragged across my skin. Not deep enough to scar, but deep enough to bleed. He knelt before me, his head right at my mound. He was touching my ankles, attaching something to them. Leg spreader.
"There, now you can't trying and snap my neck that way." He commented,  "Wouldn't really matter though." He added.
"Mmmffhhgmmffff." I thrashed against my bindings, drool falling from my mouth around my gag.
"Don't worry, pet. You'll feel good soon."
As he removed his cloak, I was able to see his body for the first time. Under normal circumstances, I'd say he was attractive. Under these circumstances, he was a sadistic fuck and I needed a way out.
I had enough strength left for one move.
He knelt before me again and was looking down. Jashinist. I noted as he drew his religious symbol. I used my arms hanging for leverage and swung the leg spreader upwards, catching him under his chin.
I caught him by surprise, "You bitch!" He yelled.
His chin was dripping with blood. Before he could even move, the door swung open. I don't know if it was really appropriate, but I still sighed in relief. The orange mask of the childlike man caught my eye. The glow of a red eye was now my focus.
"Leader-sama will be angry at Hidan." Tobi warned.
"Get out, brat."
Hidan didn't seemed fazed by Tobi catching him. Instead, Hidan stood in front of me. His hands roamed my body. I refused to cry. I refused to scream. I wouldn't let him see me break. No one would break me. No one.
"Not going to react?" He smirked, picking up a kunai, "Then I'll punish you until you do."
The familiar sting of cutting flesh again, made me squeeze my eyes shut. The cut was shallow, but still there. From hip to knee. He moved behind me, cutting the back of my shirt open. He cut my bra open as well, causing it to hang loosely in front of me. I glanced up to see Tobi staring at me. One red orb unwavering. I held his gaze, even when Hidan pressed the kunai to my back. This cut was deeper, likely to scar, from left shoulder blade to right side of my lower back, I didn't flinch.
Hidan moved to stand before me again. He used the kunai to lift my chin to look at him. He leaned in, I was repulsed by this man. I refused to pull away though. He licked my cheek, tasting my blood and sweat. He straightened himself. He opened his mouth to speak but was cut off.
I gasped around the gag as blood sprayed my face. Hidan's blood. Tobi had sliced his head from his body in one clean blow. I knew Hidan was practically immortal, and this wouldn't kill him, but I found myself relieved.
Tobi unhooked my hands, casually throwing me over his shoulder. Hidan was yelling and cussing, vowing revenge against Tobi. Tobi never answered. Instead, he carried me out the door, down the hall and into another room. A bathroom.
The man sat me gently on the counter top. He moved to fill the large tub with steaming hot water. He removed his red cloud cloak to reveal a skin tight shirt. I realized now that one hand was gloved, the other was not.
He moved to me silently. He held my hands in his as he unbound me. First my gag, then my arms.
"Thank you." I choked back the tears.
"You're not safe yet." His voice was different. A mans, not that of a child.
I didn't answer, I just sat there. My body trembled in shock and fear. Tobi held my hands gently, undoing the chakra cuffs.
"I could kill you in an instant, I suggest you not fight me."
"Yes." I whispered.
He slipped my tattered shirt and bra from my body. I flinched when he grazed a wound. He guided me to stand, letting me hold onto him for support. He knelt and removed my panties. I leaned against the counter as he turned the water off. He held me as he walked me to the tub. I hissed as I eased myself into the water with his help.
He washed my body tenderly. Washing the caked blood and sweat from my skin. His skilled hands massaged my scalp as he washed my hair. He leaned against the counter, allowing me a minute to simply breath.
"Why are you helping me?" I asked quietly.
He didn't answer me as he reached for a towel. He pulled the drain and helped me stand. He wrapped the towel around me, and then his cloak. He lifted me, carrying me as though I was his bride. He carried me to a room, I assumed was his. He placed me on the bed, gently.
"I'll return with clothes and bandages." With that, he left.
I stayed huddled in the towel and cloak. The warmth from the cloak was soothing. His scent seemed inviting. I had almost fallen asleep when the door opened. As promised, Tobi entered with clothes and bandages. I stood from the bed on shaky legs, letting the towel and cloak fall.
Tobi sat everything down on the bed and stood before me. My knees were weak and I reached for him. He held my elbows as he peered down at me. He helped me sit on the edge of the bed. He moved the clothes, searching for something. I didn't question where the panties came from, I simply let him help me into them. I stood as he knelt, my hands on his back for support. He pulled them up slowly.
"Lay down on your stomach so I can treat your wounds."
I did as told and crawled on to the bed face down. The bed shifted with his weight. I tried to remain still and make no sounds as he cleaned my back. Tears stung my eyes as I squeezed them shut tightly. His hands were skilled and gentle. I found myself almost melting at his touch.
"Roll over. Carefully."
As asked, or told, I suppose, I rolled over slowly. A whimper escaped me. A few tears managed to slip from my e/c eyes. I turned my head away from him, embarrassed by my weakness and exposure.
He began cleaning my chest first. The wound was just below my collarbones. If it scarred, I'd wear it proudly, in defiance. Just like every other scar I've earned in my 22 years.
Like I often do, deep in thought, I reached for my necklace. It was gone. Panic gripped my heart like a vice. I snapped my head towards Tobi, "My necklace."
I sat up, grabbing his shoulders, the adrenaline pumping allowed me to ignore the stinging pain that shot through my body.
"Where's my necklace?"
He shook his head and removed my hands from his shoulders. He guided me back down onto the bed.
"I'll search for it later, I need to finish cleaning these wounds."
I gave a nod, trying to hold back the sobs that's threatened to leave my mouth.
"Here." He announced once finished.
He held a shirt out too me. It was a little large, likely his shirt. I sat up and took it from him.
"Thank you. Again." I mumbled.
I gingerly pulled the shirt on over my head and laid back down. I turned on my side, facing away from him. He covered me with the blanket before leaving without a word. The sweet embrace of sleep enveloped me.
Some time later, I awoke to the sound of the door opening and closing. My body was stiff, it felt like I was twig that could snap at any moment with the right amount of pressure. I sat up slowly, watching him curiously. Tobi dropped my belongings in the corner, including my tanto.
"Here." He tossed something at me.
The shiny metal shone as it flew through the air. It landed without a sound on the blanket in my lap. Tears brimmed and fell as I looked at the tiny trinket.
A sudden realization hit as I though about those two. I thought of Kakashi first. I picked the necklace up and traced each charm slowly.
"You're engaged?"
I shook my head slowly, "No," I whispered, "He was killed. Before he could ask me."
"Who was he?"
"Shisui Uchiha. Close friend of Itachi."
"He's spoken of him before." He paused, "The other charm? It's a crest, yes? A lover perhaps?"
His voice sounded distant, like was lost in thought, "No. A dear friend. Reminding me to come home when I'm ready."
"How long have you been gone?"
"Almost 7 years now." It sounded horrible once I said it out loud.
"Do you miss him?"
I balanced the charm as I balanced the question, "I don't know."
"Yet you wear the charm?"
"I don't know what we are to each other."
"He wouldn't have given you the charm if you didn't matter to him."
"No use in me worrying about it now." I sat the necklace on the beside table.
I stood slowly from the bed and walked towards Tobi. He had taken his cloak back off and stood near the door still. I looked up at him, he was around the same height as Kakashi, similar build as well.
"How can I thank you?" I placed my hands on his chest.
I could feel his body tense, "You wish to repay me?"
"You saved me from that sadistic asshole. You've been nothing but kind to me. I'd like to repay you, yes."
I let my hands slide up slowly, tracing his pecks. As I reached the end of his mask, I found myself pinned to the door, his hand around my throat.
"You don't want this."
"Are you so sure? You can check for yourself." I spread my legs wider, hinting at what I wanted him to do.
I saw his eye scan my face for deceit. He took his ungloved hand and lifted my shirt. His fingers danced at the waist of my panties. He slid them downward, slowly, he ghosted over my clit, causing me to jerk. Wasting no more time, he slipped into my folds, to find, I was indeed, quite wet. I moaned at his touch.
"Is this what you want?" His voice was even deeper now.
"Yes." I moaned.
"Aaahhh!" A small screamed slipped from me as he pushed two fingers into me.
"You want me to fuck you?"
"Y-yes." I whimpered.
"Then cum for me."
What was I thinking? I couldn't even see this mans face. I had no idea who he was. What he looked like. I knew Tobi wasn't his real name. And yet, here I was, opening my legs wider. Propping one up with my foot flat against the door behind me, allowing him to thrust deeper and harder. This is the addiction winning. He may be in control, but really, I was. I had something he wanted. I'm the one that initiated this, I'm in control.
"T-Tobi." I stuttered as my walls clamped down on his fingers.
"That's it."
He pulled his hand from my panties and shoved his soaked fingers into my mouth. I nearly gagged as he forced them all the way back. It's not the first time I've tasted myself, men seem to enjoy this action. When he was happy with me, he removed his fingers from my mouth.
"Turn around."
I turned to face door as demanded. He lifted my shirt from me, tossing aside. My panties were pulled down, and I kicked them across the room. I heard him moving around, but remained still. I felt like was drunk or high. Or both. This adrenaline rush was amazing. A new addiction.
I felt a cloth cover my eyes, "Wh-"
"You can't see my face."
I didn't push any further. His tone expressed that I shouldn't. He turned me around to face him. He took my hands and placed them together. What felt like leather was tied around my wrists, nothing too tight, just enough to show dominance.
"On your knees."
I dropped to my knees immediately. The sound of clothing being removed and hitting the ground was all I heard. The sound of a heavy mask hit the floor. Soft, supple flesh brushed my lips.
I opened my mouth, inviting him in. He was large, girth and length, I couldn't take all of him in. He held fist fulls of h/c hair and controlled the pace.
"Kami." He groaned, "Yes."
I could feel his restraint, he was trying not to cum yet. Before I could attempt at teasing him, he pulled me off of him. He lifted me and tossed me on the bed causing me to wince. I was on my back. I squeaked as he grabbed my hips, pulling me towards him.
"So tight." He mumbled as he pushed into me.
"Tobi." His name was like a mantra.
"Say it again." He thrust fully into me.
"Tobi!" I exclaimed.
Both legs over his shoulders, my arms above my head, I writhed beneath him. He bent forward, hands bracing himself. Rough lips littered my skin with kisses. His tongue traced a small scar on my neck. He kissed my left forearm, where my self inflicted scars were. Finally, his lips were pressed to mine. I was addicted. Who is this man?
I moaned into the kiss, his tongue winning the joust. I began bucking against him, the friction causing my orgasm to hit. I threw my head back, breaking the kiss.
"Ah!" I couldn't suppress the scream.
Not even down from the first high, Tobi repositioned me. He lifted one leg over, putting me on my side. He was even deeper now.
"Ngh, fuck." I mumbled.
His grip on my legs was tight, bruising. He grabbed a fist full of hair for leverage. He continued ravage me.
"Yes!" I screamed, "Oh!"
With one final, harsh and toe curling thrust, Tobi met his release as well. He pulled out of me as I lay there panting. I heard him moving around but didn't care what he was doing. I felt shame wash over me.
I simply lay there. Wallowing is self pity. Self sorrow. I wanted to cry. I wanted to scream. I wanted to feel again. Wasn't that the point? I wondered.
"I told you that you didn't want it." He was sitting on the edge of the bed, I think.
"It's not that."
"Then what?"
"I wanted to see you. Touch you." I whispered.
"Hn. Maybe one day."
His hands untied my bindings and blindfold, "Get some sleep."
He headed towards the door, "Where are you going?"
"I'll be back soon." Was all he said.
The next morning I awoke alone in bed. Not alone in the room though, "Itachi?"
He sat at the desk in the room, "Get dressed."
He tossed my pack on the bed. No, not just my pack, all of my belongings. I stood, unashamed of my nudity now. Itachi didn't look away.
"Throwing yourself at another Uchiha?" Itachi hinted.
"Hardly." I slightly flinched at his question.
I knew what I saw in Tobi's eye. I wasn't an idiot, but Itachi just confirmed it. I dressed in silence. My hair placed in a high ponytail. I sheathed my tanto on my right calf. I grabbed my necklace from the bedside table and put it on. My quiver and bow in place, I was ready.
"Where are we going?" I asked as I reached Itachi next to the door.
"I'm taking you home."
I looked at Itachi in shock. A mistake. His Sharingan flashed and I was out.
I awoke on the path to Konoha. Home. I scanned the pathway, looking for a sign I wasn't alone. No one was around. I closed my eyes and flared my chakra, alone.
How did I just survive that?
Instead of going straight to the village gates, I made my way to the place Shisui showed me. The place he died. I stood atop the cliff where he jumped. I looked down in wonder. How? Why? Didn't he love me? I didn't cry. I didn't scream.
I slipped the necklace from around my neck. I took the ring off the chain. I tucked the chain and Hatake charm in my pocket for a moment. I slipped the ring on my finger and smiled. Shisui. With that, I took the ring off and dropped it into the raging waters below.
"Goodbye, Shisui. Until I see you again."
Defined: Jashinist suck. Masked men are sexy and mysterious. I am lucky to be alive. I have many issues I need to work through. That being said, it's time to go home.
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lhatake87 · 2 years
Excerpt below is from Uchiha Corp. Available on Wattpad. Enjoy 😏
"Yes, beautiful?" He murmured, lips ghosting over mine.
"You called me babe this morning." I replied just as quiet.
"Hmm. I did." He agreed.
My eyes were half lidded, waiting for him to press his lips to mine, it was me that closed the distance though. Obito pulled me into his lap, straddling him, his hands slid under his shirt I was wearing, teasing the underside of my breasts. I moaned into the kiss when his hands finally massaged my tits, his warm, large hands making me bend to his will.
Obito's hands moved to the front of the shirt, his hands unbuttoning it. He kissed my jaw, before trailing kisses down my neck, my fingers tangled into those perfect black locks of his. His shirt was pushed off my shoulders and he moved back, his eyes studied my body a moment before he clicked his tongue.
"I have to go to the mansion today." His gesture wasn't rough, but it still stung as he pushed me off of him.
I looked down and realized my skin was littered with marks that he didn't give me. Sasuke and Itachi had left them. I felt dirty all over again. "Wait." I practically begged, picking up his shirt and wrapping it around me.
"I have to go." He grabbed his phone from the island and made for the door.
"Don't you dare walk out on me." I snapped, making him face me in the entry way.
"What?" His tone was annoyed.
I sighed, "I'm going to try and be honest here. Okay?"
"Try?" He crossed his arms, his muscles rippling.
"I don't like talking about myself. My feelings, my life- it's just how I am. So yes, grumpy, I'm going to try."
"Go on."
"I'm not happy with my actions. I should've been more adamant with all of you about keeping things professional. Now, that being said, I was a bet, I feel used and worthless. Who's to say Madara won't just fire me? Aside from that, actually initiating, I've only kissed you and Shisui."
"There's too many places that 'what' could be inserted. I'll break it down. Madara, if he finds out I've been passed around like a piece of meat, he could fire me, or, force me to sleep with him, and then fire me. Madara kissed me, Sasuke kissed me, Itachi kissed me. I've initiated two kisses with you, and one with Shisui. No, I didn't push anyone away, that's not true, I pushed Madara away."
"What are you trying to say?" He seemed to relax but still kept up his perturbed attitude.
"I don't regret sleeping with you." It was the honest truth. "I regret Itachi, I got caught up in the heat of the moment, and I tend to use sex as a distraction. Sasuke, I was pissed, and I used him."
"Use me." He dropped his arms and stepped closer. I looked up at him, confused by his words. "If you want a distraction, use me. Not them." His words were blunt, but I could hear the desire and need that laced his words. He sounded desperate almost.
Heat pooled between my legs and I rubbed my thighs together subconsciously. I nodded, not trusting myself to speak at the moment. It was Obito's turn to kiss me, making me melt into him. His shirt fell from my grasp as I wrapped my arms around his neck, hoisting myself up and legs around his waist now.
My back was slammed against the wall, making me all to aware of Obito's growing need, much like my own. I moaned at the feel of his cock pressed to my core. Our tongues danced as Obito kneaded at my breasts again. I rocked my hips, making him break the kiss to groan into my neck.
"I need to go." He rasped.
"Then go." I replied plainly.
He didn't move for a moment, simply kept his face buried into the crook of my neck. His breath was hot and ragged against my flesh. My lips were swollen from his rough kiss, cheeks flushed and body begging for release. Obito's hands held my thighs, letting my legs down slowly. I expected him to leave, but instead he kept my body pressed to the wall as he shifted slightly.
His fingers slipped into my panties and he wasted no time as he began thrusting the into me. Again, his palm was able to add friction to my clit, making me a moaning mess immediately. His mouth sucked on the flesh of my breasts before he tended to each nipple. He was marking me up and I didn't stop him.
"Bito." I mumbled, pulling at his hair. "I want you." I admitted as I felt my knot tightening.
"Say it." He mumbled against my nipple before sucking hard.
"Ah! I-I want you." I panted. "T-to f-fuck me." At my own words, my knot snapped and his hand was covered with the result.
He pushed my panties down and pulled out his stiff cock, coating it with my juices. He grabbed a fistful of my hair before giving me another bruising kiss. His hands held my hips as he lifted me, lining is up. He thrust into me and I knew immediately that I was addicted to this man.
He always lingered in the back of my mind when I wasn't focused on what I was doing. This sounds so wrong, but even when I was with Itachi, and Sasuke, I thought of Obito. His smile was soft and genuine, his eyes were hypnotizing, his body was mesmerizing and his kiss was like a drug to me.
"Yes." I moaned. "Harder." I pleaded.
"Fuck." He rasped, complying with my request. "You're perfect." I'm not sure if he meant for me to hear him, but I did. It seemed like a strange admission during a time like this.
"Don't.... stop." I panted.
His lips covered mine, muffling the scream that escaped me as I came. He bit my lip, dragging his teeth across my swollen flesh. Obito continued thrusting into me, not slowing at all. I felt him groan as he twitched inside me. He pushed into me a few more times, letting us both calm down.
Obito pulled away from me, but carried me with him. He kissed me again, tongues dancing for dominance, him easily winning. I didn't pay attention to what he was doing until I felt the soft fabric of my comforter at my back. I dropped back to the mattress and he loomed over me.
"You're going to be late." I spoke in a hushed voice, not really wanting him to leave.
"They'll be fine without me." He admitted before moving his hips again, his cock seemed even harder than before.
That morning turned into afternoon and before I knew it, I was rushing to shower before work. Obito and I laid naked in my bed, laughing and eating fruit at one point, before having sex again. Use me. His words echoed in my head even as I drove to work. What web of lies and deceit did I just weave?
Use me...
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lbknightauthor · 2 years
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Novak Chronicles will *hopefully* be published by the end of the year! A huge thank you to @exaltedvalkyrie for designing this for me 🥰 #novak #novakchronicles #smut #writer #author #writerofinstagram #writeroftumblr #writerofwattpad #mafia #darkmafia https://www.instagram.com/p/CiOh1uTrC7Y/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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