#writers definitely didn't flesh out the story that much to answer the questions so why am i overthinking
brainrot--central Β· 7 months
saw a few comments about on it on twitter but it IS kind of fucked that eddie soul lowkey conditioned his child into being another parent to roro and lala when he definitely had the means to hire a nanny/babysitter
but there's no trace of one in the flashbacks and lore seems to indicate that rody had to do the caretaking when eddie wasn't there
like i get that it's the Eldest Child plight but if you can afford a nice house you can absolutely afford not putting that amount of responsibility to a like 10-yo kid??
a theory COULD be that he knew very early on that he was already threatened by humarize back then and was training rody to take care of himself and roro+lala to the point of gifting the pendant
it's way too early to be overthinking this
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winterandwords Β· 1 year
When you get this, answer one of the questions (or all if you really want!) then pass it on to 5 writer friends! πŸ₯° If you have more than one WIP, pick at random! We want you to talk about your works, and celebrate with you! β€οΈπŸ§‘πŸ’›πŸ’šπŸ’™πŸ’œ
1. What are you most excited to write with this WIP?
2. How has this WIP changed since the β€œdaydream/brainstorm” stage?
3. Who is your favorite character in this WIP and why?
Hello friendly anon! Thank you for the questions πŸ’œ
I'm answering these for Project Aria...
1. What are you most excited to write with this WIP?
Is it a cop out to say I'm excited about the whole thing? I'm still discovery drafting so it's a trip seeing what the characters do and finding out more about them as I write.
2. How has this WIP changed since the β€œdaydream/brainstorm” stage?
I definitely had an "Oooooh this is very much about processing medical trauma?" moment, which I hadn't been expecting. The trauma itself was always going to be an element of the story, but I didn't realise how much I'd end up digging around in the impact of it, the experience of having it diminished by the people around you and the systems that caused it, and coming to terms with the mess of your own memories.
There's also more about grief than I expected. Mourning the loss of a friend, wondering if you could have done more, wishing you'd been able to, not knowing how to fill that empty space, then anger that arrives in place of some other emotion that you don't know how to feel. That part of the story was always going to be there, but the impact is becoming a more in-depth thing.
It feels like when I realised November Breaks was about how persistent burnout and the weight of other people's expectatiosn hollow you out and fuck with your sense of self. Some part of my brain being like "Hey, wanna process some heavy shit through fiction since you aren't great at doing it any other way?"
3. Who is your favorite character in this WIP and why?
Is it too obvious to say Aria, the MC? I adore her. But I'm super attached to the other characters too. I'm really enjoying writing about Rafe from a perspective other than his own, and Gillen from a perspective other than Rafe's.
In Bridge From Ashes, they're both very serious and tortured because that's how Rafe is about everything and that book is entirely from his perpective. When Aria meets them, she's just like "Hey, silly boys" (about the grown men with a lifetime of crime and murder behind them) and perceives none of the threat that they see in themselves
Also, Viande, who appeared in Bridge From Ashes, is getting much more fleshed out in Project Aria and I love what she's becoming. I held back on describing her appearance much in BFA because that's not how Rafe perceives people, but Aria is hugely into noticing visual details so now I'm getting to be all THIS IS WHAT VIANDE LOOKS LIKE and tell more of her story.
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emjiroki Β· 2 years
I love your theme by the way and the header is so cute KJSDNgjer also I copied and pasted the whole list then erased some lmaooo so you have a bit to answer but I hope you don't mind <3
πŸ˜… What's a story or scene you've created that you're a smidge
πŸ¦… Do you outline fics or fly by the seat of your pants?
πŸ€— What advice would you give to new fanfic writers that are just getting started?
πŸ’ž Who's your comfort character?
🀩 Who is your favorite character to write?
🀲 Would you please share a snippet of a wip?
🀯 What's a genre you struggle with as a writer (ex. romance, action, etc.)?
πŸ’” Is there a fic of yours that broke your heart?
🀭 Do you have a favorite tag to use when posting your works?
πŸ₯° How do you feel about reader interaction? Are you open to receiving questions about your fics?
I definitely don't mind!!! (Thank you for the compliment on my theme btw! I just LOVE valentines day and all it's pretty colors πŸ₯°)
I'll put this under a cut so it doesn't get too long πŸ’•
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πŸ˜…- well honestly I deleted my cringest story about a year ago and it is now archived somewhere deep in my Google docs. It was a Hawks x Reader x Endeavor fic that was three parts. The title was cringe and the whole thing just wasn't planned out very well
πŸ¦…- I try my best to outline! Trying to have some organization helps me keep things in line but most of the time the characters and scenes have a mind of their own, I'm just along for the ride.
πŸ€—- advice I would give would be don't limit yourself! Write whatever you want and don't put yourself in a box. Writing something you enjoy truly is key to having a successful story because you put your all into it. And it's not all numbers, just because something you wrote and posted didn't get a lot of likes does not mean it wasn't good! Don't be discouraged!
πŸ’ž- oh wow I have so many lol Shoto, Mikey, Enji, AngelDevil and Aki and lots and lots more. (Um also Simon "Ghost" Riley from COD but I don't talk about him that often)
😍- Favorite Character to write is probably Enji. I got labeled as a top Enji writer pretty quickly (and unexpectedly) and he's just fallen into the muse category. I feel alot of freedom writing his character and hopefully don't make him to ooc lol
🀲- Hmmmmm well I guess I could.... Knight Enji WIP it is
Β Enji had a direct view of the door to the chapel from where he stood posted to the King's left beside the window, and he thinks he might have been the first to see you in the doorway. It was suddenly very hot underneath his heavy armor and he was thankful that he didn’t need to wear the helmet because he might have fainted. Was that his heart hammering behind his eyes, through his fingers tips, and toes? He was sure he died and somehow made it to heaven, broke down the pearly gate, and clawed his way through the clouds to get a glimpse of the angels as you walked through the held-open doors and seemed to suck the air from the room. The closer you got to the alter the more dry his mouth grew, the more his big hands shook, the more his stomach knotted. The stained glass of the church windows glimmered against your skin. Red, Blue, Green, He traced your features in every color, etching your beauty into his memory as a keepsake forever. He would crave it into his flesh if he could, down to the bone so after he’s dead and gone even the worms would know his devotion.
🀯- Genre I struggle with is any sort of mystery. I really don't know why I can't think of good plot twists to save my life. I usually have to talk out my plots with my husband
πŸ’”- an old Levi fic I wrote that I never released and is still archived in my docs. It's bittersweet and I just love him so much it hurts (also Oni's Heart pt 3 after readers been taken and Enji is depressed for a bit. Sad.)
🀭- em writes ✍️ is my go to tag for my fics so I can organize and em talks πŸ‘„ is my most often used I think
πŸ₯°- I LOVE reader interaction!!!! It makes me so happy! And YES PLEASE ASK ME THINGS! I'm always open to questions! And love discussing characters and plots and stuff! MY INBOX IS ALWAYS OPEN πŸ’•
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13eyond13 Β· 3 years
May I ask how is Those who stand for nothing...? I've seen a lot of posts, memes and gorgeous art about it, so much it seems to be the most famous lawlight fic, but I read a few paragraphs and it just didn't get me interested and also made me doubt the characterizations would be accurate. Are they? Should I give it another try? May I ask why do you like it? You don't have to reply, of course. Thanks either way!
Hmm, sure you can ask, I'm just not sure I'm great at explaining why I like it so much πŸ˜† I've been asked this many times on this blog now tbh, and I always feel a bit bad that the hype and discussion the fic gets also makes people side-eye it and question it and ask for it to be publicly defended or reviewed in a salesman sort of way. I always hesitate a bit to answer this kind of thing, because the writer Halfpromise is genuinely just another fan like everyone else who is writing it for free and for fun, and who never asked for all the attention, and is actually very shy and overwhelmed by it most of the time. She exists on this site as well, and she often sees the posts people make about her fic, both the good and the occasionally mean-spirited.
All I can really tell you is that the quality of the writing is fantastic, and if you're a bit of a bookworm you should be able to pick up on that right away. The characters are sometimes pretty canon-divergent, but in ways that make sense once you know their lives and the cynical/satirical type of world they're fleshing out. After a while you start to notice that they're usually still oddly in-character while seemingly not in the most interesting way, too. It took me a little while to settle into the different feeling of the world, but once I did I got very hooked on how much fun it is to sink into Light's unreliable narrator mind and lose yourself in all the incredible detail and the ridiculous humour and the horrible intrigue. It's one of those stories that sticks with you long after you read it and keeps cropping up for you in other things everywhere; and though the first arc is great, I don't think you will really get a proper sense of why Those is considered so good until you're well into the middle of the story. The three separate arcs are all rather distinctly different in focus and depth and atmosphere, I would say. The first arc is by far the most conventional of them all; the second and third arcs are where the story really begins to deepen and shine in all its surreal, hilarious and disturbing ways, imo. Once you get to know the full alternate backstories of the characters like L is when you really start to care about them and understand them and to see how they're more complex and vulnerable than they maybe first appear, I think. It's just one of the funniest and weirdest and most upsetting and entertaining reads for me all at once, but I don't really know how to convey this by just being like: "yeah you should read it because of x, y, and z". If you like it you like it, and if you don't you don't. But I definitely recommend sticking with it til the middle if you're a little bit on the fence about it. And if you still aren't enjoying it by then, that's valid as well... but please don't come back to my inbox to tell me so, because I won't post it πŸ˜… I don't think that would be polite to the person who wrote the story and is just a regular person like everyone else on this site, and who is continuously humble about her talent and shocked and grateful that people pay attention to Those as much as they do
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christinapotter18110 Β· 3 years
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When Everything Went Wrong
Rating: M
Trigger: Underage
A/N: Harry Potter belongs to J.K.Rowling.
Hi everyone. I am a new user as well as new writer.
This is my first story, so, please don't forget to leave review about it.
CREDIT: I am grateful from deep down of my heart to my beta reader Tabitha Lady.Without you, it was impossible for me to write this thing.
I don't have words to thank you ❀❀.
please review all!
When Everything Went Wrong
Chapter One
In His Hands
Snape muttered to himself as he aimlessly wandered the dark dreary back alleys of London. He was cold, damp, lost and slightly irritated with himself.. Why had he left through the Leaky Cauldrons front door?Why?
Just when he was wondering if he should go ahead and disapparate home, he heard a girls frightened voice suddenly pierce the silence of the stormy night.
"Leave me...please...leave me...oh god...somebody help..help!!!" Snape turned sharply around ,his wholebody alert. The sound of the screaming was coming from the narrow dark alley behind him.
Listening more closely he was both shocked and surprised. The voice itself in question could have been recognized by him anywhere. It was a voice he had heard frequently over the last three years.
However, this time there was something alarming about its owners tone, and it was coming from an almost pitch black alleyway he had just passed without a glance.
"Seems like she gets up to trouble even in the muggle world", Snape muttered to himself.
He shrugged and turned forward to continue his aimless wandering. But once again the voice pierced his musings, pleading earnestly. "Please, don't do this to me, please leave me, oh help me, oh.."
Snape's feet acting on there own accord turned swiftly once more towards the desperate pleads.
This time he let his feet carry him at brisk stride down the forbiddingly dark alley where the calls for help were emanating. As he entered the poorly lit alleyway, he could just barely make out five figures in the distance. At the sight of the ominous figures his brisk stride turned into a sprint.
Hearing the echo of heavy footsteps approaching, the ominous figures darted quickly out of sight through opposite alley opening, leaving in their absence a crumpled figure on the damp, cold ground.
Snape slowed his pace to a walk and approached the crumpled still figure more cautiously. As he drew closer he immediately recognized the person just like he had her voice, laying in heap on the dirty, wet, and cold alley ground was none other than Hermione Granger herself.
Snape stooped down to evaluate her condition. He noted to himself that she looked haggard, her pink shirt and blue jeans were torn in various places, her bushy hair was a tangled mess and disheveled as it
splayed across her clearly unconscious face. He was curious why such a smart witch was wearing only a short-sleeved shirt in this abysmal weather, she of all people would know better.
Snape sighed, knowing he couldn't leave her here especially in this condition. He didn't think twiceas he scooped the unconscious Miss Granger into his arms. He held her tightly as he stood up cradling her form securely. He looked down at the girl to see that the clouds had opened up just enough to allow the nearly full moon to splay fingers of light across her face. He noted with slight dread that she was freezing cold and her face was uncharacteristically pale as if there was no life at all; causing her blue lips to draw his attention.
His gaze lingered just a moment before he adjusted her weight and pulled out his wand. With a wave he muttered, β€œConcalesco”.
Her skin began to flush pink as warmth radiated over her cold, damp flesh. In just moments her skin tone looked more natural than before, however Snapes frown deepened, putting his wand away he wrapped his arm securely around her once more, and noted that her lips were still too blue.
He sighed and thought for a moment about what to do. He couldn't apparate her to her house, he didn't know where she lived, and he definitely could not leave her here in her present condition. Left with no other option Snape pulled Hermione securely against him, and with a loud crack vanished from the dark London alleyway.
In that exact moment elsewhere outside his own worn house in Spinner'sbEnd, a loud abrupt crack resonated sharply over the empty dim street as Snape appeared suddenly clutching the unconscious girl.
As Snape approached his door Hermione appeared to stir and a barely audible sentence escaped her blue hued lips. Snape slowly lowered his face closer to hers, till he could feel her soft warm breath tickle his ear, her sweet pleasant scent wrapped around his nose from the closeness of their embrace.
She whispered once again. This time her words much clearer, β€œDon't...leave...me...Harry."
Snape pulled back and grimaced looking down at her lovely face he muttered,β€œOh ..look....teenage love...how vile!"
Snape turned the handle of the door and stepped into his house, as he closed his door he was instantly aware he and Miss Granger were not alone. He peeked through the entryway to view his sitting room. There was a fire burning in his fireplace. He knew before he had left to the Leaky Cauldron it had been extinguished, he would never be so idiotic as to leave an unattended fire going in his own home of all places. A figure sat upon his sofa. The visitors back was outlined in the fires glow pointing towards him and the door. Its head appeared to be nestled on the visitors own chest.
Snape tightened his hold on, the sleeping girl in his arms and moved forward cautiously.
The visitors head snapped up abruptly sensing he was not alone anymore. He stood up and turned towards the newcomers.
Snape's features almost displayed the surprise he felt but he smoothly gathered his wits. His surprise twisted into its usual grimace when he recognized his ex coworker and despised rival Remus Lupin!
Lupin opened his mouth to quickly explain his presence in Snape's home, however, his words faltered as he noticed that a damp Snape was clutching the unconscious form of a blue lipped Hermione. His mouth remained agape in shock, his words lost at the strange image before him.
"What are you doing in my house?", Snape asked coldly sending daggers into the trespasser.
Lupin hesitated a moment. Took a breath and pulled himself out of his stupor to answer."I came to collect my Wolfs-bane potion, since the full moon is tomorrow night, but it looks like you were preoccupied..", His eyes darted between Snape and the girl coldly,"With 'work' and have forgotten!"
To be continued......
Anyone wondering what she was wearing? I think something like this....
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ask-ivory Β· 5 years
RWBY Random Rant #2!
What villain is the best? (Cinder vs Roman)
Second rant everyone! This one may be a bit longer than the first, so if you don't have time but find this interesting, then I suggest reading this later. If you have infinite time on your hands and your board, then this might help depending on your interests. So let's jump into today's rant!
So, the world of Remnant is a big place. There, you'll find friendly people, weird people, mean people, and people who are just flat out crazy. But today, we're looking at a certain group of people: Villains. Now before we jump in to the blender of craziness, this post is an analysis that can be used for predictions and plot lines. I may be wrong, but I'm writing this off of what I know.
Anyways... Let's start with the basic question, What IS a villain? A villain (or for the more technical term: antagonist) is a character who is trying to stop the hero (or protagonist) from accomplishing his or her goal. Either this, or they're trying to get something and the hero is trying to stop them because what the villain wants is wrong. This is the loosest definition, so you can imagine that this goes way deeper than you think.
There are some things that you need to ask and have answered before you confirm who is the villain in a story. Some of which includes the following:
Who is this guy? (Basic background)
Why is he or she interested in this scenario? (Could this benefit to their cause?)
Why are they doing this? (If so, then why?)
So if we take this and try and apply it to the "villain" we can tell if this is a VILLAIN. Another important thing to note is the quality of the character. What sort of events cause the villain to act like this, and why?
Well, when we're talking RWBY, then villains come in different shapes and sizes. Some villains are immature, and others have experienced enough pain and defeat to know exactly what will work to achieve their goal and/or stop the hero. Then you have the peeps in the middle who aren't as overwhelming as the big baddie, but have enough common sense to know what's going on, what needs to be done, and why they're doing it.
So I'mma gonna start at the bottom of the rainbow and work my way up to the best colors. I'll also be rating these characters on a scale of one to ten. I won't do everyone. Let's start with the entire fandom's LEAST favorite character.
Cinder Fall
Stars: 0/10
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Now if I was a writer for the show, I think the most interesting thing that could happen to Cinder is if she just dropped dead. That's how bad she. Literally. Now, what makes her so disgusting? There are two answers.
She did horrible things. Like hacking the communication towers (With help from Watts, of course), making the people at the Vytal Festival Tournament doubt the leaders of Vale, and, to top it off, KILLED Pyrrah and Ozpin.
But these are the actions a normal villain would do, so what really makes her Terrible? The second answer has the reason.
2. She's a poorly written character with a lack of depth are perception.
I have no idea what made the writers want to make Cinder a hated character, but whatever did worked really well. Honestly, it's like Roosterteeth did the opposite of what Disney did to Cinderella. But when I say she lacks depth, I mean there is nothing that makes her character any good. She's also one of the biggest mysteries in the show, and I don't mean that in a good way. Here are some of the questions that I often ask about her:
Why does she want power?
Does she want to rule the world?
Why does she wear an outfit that's guaranteed to help her freeze to death?
Does she want to kill Salem?
Why doesn't she learn from her mistakes?
Well, after some examination, I found out something shocking. She is just a plot device. She may talk and act evil, but in reality, she's just there so that the characters have something to worry about. She has nothing that makes her good, or relatable. To add to that, she's like the Grimm, all she does is attack and kill and if she loses, she DOESN'T reflect on her actions, and she DOESN'T try to fix her mistakes. She just goes back into the fight with the same strategy as before. If the main protagonists studied Cinder's basic movement, then they would be able to take her down, no doubt.
Can Cinder be saved? The answer is no. I bet that, judging from the road she's going down, her strategy will be her ultimate end.
Hazel Rainheart
(I may have spelled his name wrong. Sorry.😁)
Stars: 2/10 β˜†β˜†
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Now Hazel is a bit more interesting. Unlike Cinder, he has a reason he's on the side he is now, but like everyone, he has his flaws. He lets his anger get the better of him, and he's quick to judge. But the real reason why he's not so good is because of his reasoning. His sister died on a training mission because SHE chose to become a huntress. But Hazel takes all of his anger out on Oscar and Ozpin just because he (Ozpin) was the headmaster of Beacon, and let her into the school in the first place.
And I gotta say, this reasoning is understandable, but it's still dumb.
But there is something that makes Hazel a huge threat to the heros: his semblance of pain nullification. This gives him the ability to block out pain. And I kinda get where it comes from.
When his sister died, he was broken. She was probably the only family Hazel had, and when she was killed, he wanted to block out the emptiness, the grief, the pain. Thus his semblance was unlocked and he could no longer feel pain. This ability is probably how his aura charges up so quickly. If pain can block aura from charging, then he has the tools to be a force to be reckoned with. The only downside is that just because he can't feel pain doesn't mean that he's not hurt.
Can Hazel be saved? Maybe. But if he goes on a redemption arch, then he will probably die. But that doesn't mean that he's a lost cause. There's still plenty of things that can be added to Hazel's character to make it better. But at the present, he could be better.
Adam Taurus
Stars 2/10 β˜†β˜†
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This character is relatively horrible. In fact, he's worse than Hazel!
But the thing is, he's like Hazel in a special way: he has a tragic past. Certain events that wreck a kid's childhood can scar them for life. Adam was discriminated for his faunus traits, and this set him on a path of revenge that would be his bitter end.
He was a threat, but small compared to the real one. His semblance made him very dangerous, but it also makes sense. To be more specific, his semblance is, what I like to call, absorption of impact (or for the EruptionFang version, moon slice). This gives him the ability to absorb any damage done by the enemy into his blade, then release it back at a more powerful rate. This can cause devastating damage to both the enemy and the environment. As for why he had this semblance is pretty basic once you think about it.
Adam desired to get back at those who mistreated him. He wanted them to feel his pain, but a lot more extreme. He wanted them to feel what he felt, but worse.
Adam had a lot of potential, but, well when you get stabbed in the back, it's not easy to get back at your enemies. Over all in terms of writing, the thing that would've made him better was a better understanding of what he went through.
Tyrian Callows
Stars 4/10 β˜†β˜†β˜†β˜†
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If Adam wasn't crazy enough for you, then Tyrian's your go to guy.
I think that Tyrian is insane enough to join Salem, but has enough sense to know how to kill. He's kinda tough to figure out, but thanks to some much needed information in Volume 7, we now know a bit about Tyrian's past.
Tyrian was a mad man killer on the continent of Anima but was captured. He was then rescued by Salem and her Grimm. Since he's mad he owed his life to her ever since.
He's mad, so there's no bad excuse. And to add to that, he is flat down dangerous. His semblance is the ability to cut through aura, making him a hard to beat.
Can Tyrian be saved? Not really. The only way to kill him is for someone to fall victim to him while another strikes the killing blow.
Doctor Aurthor Watts
Stars: 5/10 β˜†β˜†β˜†β˜†β˜†
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Alright. Here we go!
Watts is very interesting. That's saying alot. Now that we have more information on him, it's easier to see why he wants to screwer Ironwood.
He was an Atlasian scientist who went against Pietro in the effort to make something great for Atlas. While Watts helped write the Atlas security code, Pietro found that the best inspiration is found inside. That was were Penny was created. Watts was disgraced and faked his death. Then Salem found him and he joined her group to get both revenge on Ironwood and respect from Atlas. Though he is clearly unaware of what Salem's true plans are.
He is a wiz when it comes to technology. Besides that, I believe he has some experience with combat. His semblance could have something to do with technology, but we're still figuring that out.
Can Watts be saved? Writing wise, maybe we can get more details about Watts in the final episodes. He's not a lost cause when it comes being a more interesting villain.
Story wise though? He's a dead man.
Stars: 6/10 β˜†β˜†β˜†β˜†β˜†β˜†
Yes, I didn't save her for until the end.😼
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Now from the writer's point of view, Salem's backstory has been completely fleshed out. It's pretty complicated so I won't go into details. But from that alone, Salem's actons make sense. As a prisoner of life, she yearns to be free. She wants to die. And she believes that the only way to do this is to divide humanity and summon the gods in there darkest hour. Then the gods destroy the world and Salem is free. She doesn't care about the people she is hurting. She hates humanity and wants to destroy everything. But above all, she wants to get permanent revenge on her ex Ozma (or Ozpin or Oscar). She wants him to die and stay dead when millennia ago she made great sacrifices to try bringing him back from the dead.
Now she has nothing to show for it except endless years of war, hatred, and suffering. There is some relation that one can have with Salem. If anyone who is reading this tried to do something for someone you cared about, but got nothing to show for it in return, then that's what Salem would be feeling. And this has caused her to spiral into madness. She is the purest definition of crazy.
Can Salem be saved? It depends at this point. Story wise, most likely not.
Emerald and Mercury!
Stars for them both 7/10 β˜†β˜†β˜†β˜†β˜†β˜†β˜†
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These two are going to be paired in honor of their beloved ship: Emercury.
Both characters have tragic pasts, so that gives them some common ground, but both are looking for something different. Emerald is looking for love, the one thing that she never had in her entire life. Mercury is looking for a purpose in life, a way to make himself Worthy of greatness. He claims that Cinder recruiting him was just destiny.
Both of these peeps are incredibly good at what they do. Both can fight better than the members of team CFVY.
Emerald's semblance is Perception manipulation, which makes perfect sense in her case. In a very special case, her semblance is similar to Adam's. She wants others to see what she sees, Emerald wants people to see how alone she is, and just how much she needs family. Her semblance is an incarnation of her desire. And she uses it to make people see what she wants them to see.
Mercury's semblance is currently unknown at this time. But we do know that his semblance was stolen by his father. After killing him, Mercury probably got his semblance back, but lives under the illusion that it's still gone.
Mercury grew up in an abusive household, under the guard of a murderer. He was tortured everyday by his father.
Emerald grew up on the streets.
Basically, these characters are well written, and both have great potential as well. There's even some hope of a redemption Arch for these two, and possibly some romance.
Can Emerald and Mercury be saved? Writing wise, yes. More trauma and info can definitely help. Story wise? Hopefully, yes.
Roman Torchwick
Stars: 9/10 β˜†β˜†β˜†β˜†β˜†β˜†β˜†β˜†β˜†
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Time for the classics!
This charming young schemer has been the first character in the actual show. Fans everywhere love him, and will often mark him as the best villain. Honestly, I have nothing against it. But for the sake of this post, let's break down this lovely character and examine his awesomeness.
Roman's origin is currently unknown, but maybe we'll get some light cast on it with Neo's backstory as well. Many believe that he is somehow connected to Brunswick Farms, and it's still a possibility that has yet to be ruled out.
Roman is a good fighter and a master mind behind the underground crime rings of Vale. By himself, he is a relatively good fighter. Though his semblance has yet to be determined, he has his own Roman candle.
Another aspect of this character that won the hearts of fans is his charming personality. I mean, who can blame him? Though his death was sudden, and unfair, his handsome face will live on in the hearts of many.
Neo Politan
Stars: 10/10⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
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The star of the show, folks!
Neo made her big enterence in Volume 2 episode 4 Painting the Town, and ever since has been one of the most popular characters in the entire show. If you break down Neo's character based on what we know, then it's actually really interesting. Let's scoop ice cream!
Neo's backstory is unknown, but we're hoping to have some light shed on the subject. Based off of the song "One Thing", we can tell that Neo's backstory is tragic in some way. She lost everything except for Roman. And she is willing to fight to protect Roman from the death. How do I know?
Her semblance is called illusions by many, but Unicorn of War calls it Mirrors, which I think is the most accurate. Her semblance gives her the ability to reflect her opponent's attacks upon themselves, and she can change her appearance right down to her hair and eye color.
What does any of this have to do with protecting Roman? She will use Any means necessary to protect what little she has left, and to her, that one thing is enough. She Will change her identity as many times as possible, and she often gets away with it. But she is so fierce in protecting that during a fight, any pain that the enemy can dish out to her dumdum would make her determined to kick her opponent's butt. She would give them a taste of their own medicine and literally reflect their attacks upon themselves.
She is a reflection of protection. And like that reflection she represents, she says not a word, but shows people how exactly they can hurt the one she loves.
After Roman's death, Neo Politan is determined to reflect her loves justice upon the true enemies. If you can't face yourself, then you can't face Neo.
So, there you have it, villains everywhere.
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