#writes ivy as the sexy horror creature she deserves to be
vigilantaes · 2 years
. . .     @urushiol​​     🞂     [ prompted ]       🞂         embrace :   my  muse  abruptly  throwing  their  arms  around  your  muse,  hugging  them  tightly.   //  can be main or an au
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      it all started when she arrived in gotham  by train,  stowaway style.  she wandered the streets on her own,  fending for herself the same way she always had   —  though admittedly some of the foes here were more formidable and more aggressive.  cassandra learned years ago that people liked to target children like herself.  they underestimated what she could do to retaliate,  a fact that would make more sense once she learned how normal children were treated.  for now,  she thought them foolish at the time for picking a fight with her.
       she sought refuge one night by a building she thought was abandoned.  there was a system to her nightly camps by now;  find a shadowy corner to tuck into,  use the jacket as a blanket,  and stay vigilant in case of intruders.  that part wasn't hard with her light sleeping habits.  the spot cass chose that day was against a wall of moss,  the air nearby humid and earthy.  grass peaked from between broken concrete tiles.  she avoided laying on that part of the floor,  and when she laid down she swore she saw the moss crawl towards her.  trick of the light, maybe.  there was no time to worry about tricks.
       her eyes opened as soon as they closed,  or so she thought.  however long she was allowed to rest was unbeknownst to her.  what she did know was this;  a series of gruff grunts woke her up and it came from the entrance.  that was enough to have cass on her feet once more.  the girl grabbed at her few belongings and bundled them together before checking her surroundings.  it was dark,  oddly warm for a night in this town,  and silent.  
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       no,  wait   —  not silent.  there was bristling against the walls  ...  something light and fragile.  the footsteps that approached were so quiet that they sounded just like that bristling until the figure drew closer.  cass had missed her opportunity to escape and so her next course of action was to hide.  she was taught to always choose fight over flight in times of distress,  but something in her chest told her it would not be smart to fight.  she held her breath.
       what peeked around the corner wasn't human.  the cracks of moonlight exposed green skin and poppy red hair.  she moved in a way that felt uncanny to cass,  flowy and delicate yet commanding in her movements.  her pitch was deeper than expected,  still feminine but low and endeared in a way she didn't yet recognize but would soon learn to.  the meaning to her words were a blur but they sounded pleasant together.  she could make out bits and pieces   —  ' hey,  what—  ',  '  doing?  ',  '  name?  '   —     but she wouldn't answer.  only stare.
       her eyes were adjusted to the dark enough to see how the woman's lips thinned in a way that indicated irritation.  her pointed ears reminded her of those little women with wings she had seen on toy packaging.  fay...  rees.  fayree.  fahree   —  her pondering was cut short by a pair of thin arms around her.  a waft of something floral immediately assaulted her senses.  it didn't smell bad by any means,  but it was strong and sudden and that was a combination cass had always hated.  she struggled to be released,  shockingly more bothered by the smell than being picked up by a stranger,  but was swiftly shushed by a wave of the hand.  a different flower's scent carried in the wind.
       on the way out,  cass noticed the pile of flora that wasn't there before.  she swore she saw a puddle of blood seeping out beneath it.  another look to the hair that tickled her face revealed that it was not poppy red anymore but a pale orange.  her curiosity let her to see that her freckled skin was now pale and much more human than she previously thought.  she reached a hand into ginger locks to feel for those pointy ears she once saw and found nothing out of the ordinary.  the woman said nothing to it,  only giving the little girl a comforting squeeze.
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