vigilantaes · 2 years
. . .     @urushiol​​     🞂     [ prompted ]       🞂         embrace :   my  muse  abruptly  throwing  their  arms  around  your  muse,  hugging  them  tightly.   //  can be main or an au
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      it all started when she arrived in gotham  by train,  stowaway style.  she wandered the streets on her own,  fending for herself the same way she always had   —  though admittedly some of the foes here were more formidable and more aggressive.  cassandra learned years ago that people liked to target children like herself.  they underestimated what she could do to retaliate,  a fact that would make more sense once she learned how normal children were treated.  for now,  she thought them foolish at the time for picking a fight with her.
       she sought refuge one night by a building she thought was abandoned.  there was a system to her nightly camps by now;  find a shadowy corner to tuck into,  use the jacket as a blanket,  and stay vigilant in case of intruders.  that part wasn't hard with her light sleeping habits.  the spot cass chose that day was against a wall of moss,  the air nearby humid and earthy.  grass peaked from between broken concrete tiles.  she avoided laying on that part of the floor,  and when she laid down she swore she saw the moss crawl towards her.  trick of the light, maybe.  there was no time to worry about tricks.
       her eyes opened as soon as they closed,  or so she thought.  however long she was allowed to rest was unbeknownst to her.  what she did know was this;  a series of gruff grunts woke her up and it came from the entrance.  that was enough to have cass on her feet once more.  the girl grabbed at her few belongings and bundled them together before checking her surroundings.  it was dark,  oddly warm for a night in this town,  and silent.  
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       no,  wait   —  not silent.  there was bristling against the walls  ...  something light and fragile.  the footsteps that approached were so quiet that they sounded just like that bristling until the figure drew closer.  cass had missed her opportunity to escape and so her next course of action was to hide.  she was taught to always choose fight over flight in times of distress,  but something in her chest told her it would not be smart to fight.  she held her breath.
       what peeked around the corner wasn't human.  the cracks of moonlight exposed green skin and poppy red hair.  she moved in a way that felt uncanny to cass,  flowy and delicate yet commanding in her movements.  her pitch was deeper than expected,  still feminine but low and endeared in a way she didn't yet recognize but would soon learn to.  the meaning to her words were a blur but they sounded pleasant together.  she could make out bits and pieces   —  ' hey,  what—  ',  '  doing?  ',  '  name?  '   —     but she wouldn't answer.  only stare.
       her eyes were adjusted to the dark enough to see how the woman's lips thinned in a way that indicated irritation.  her pointed ears reminded her of those little women with wings she had seen on toy packaging.  fay...  rees.  fayree.  fahree   —  her pondering was cut short by a pair of thin arms around her.  a waft of something floral immediately assaulted her senses.  it didn't smell bad by any means,  but it was strong and sudden and that was a combination cass had always hated.  she struggled to be released,  shockingly more bothered by the smell than being picked up by a stranger,  but was swiftly shushed by a wave of the hand.  a different flower's scent carried in the wind.
       on the way out,  cass noticed the pile of flora that wasn't there before.  she swore she saw a puddle of blood seeping out beneath it.  another look to the hair that tickled her face revealed that it was not poppy red anymore but a pale orange.  her curiosity let her to see that her freckled skin was now pale and much more human than she previously thought.  she reached a hand into ginger locks to feel for those pointy ears she once saw and found nothing out of the ordinary.  the woman said nothing to it,  only giving the little girl a comforting squeeze.
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thisisegregiouuuus · 2 months
i love THE SHINING!!!!!!!!!! literally all week since saturday all ive been thinking abt is watching it again but since school started i made this little tradition that every saturday night id watch the shining on the tv while everyones asleep (im so cool) bc i love watching the shining on the tv (i only watch stuff on my laptop so getting to watch smth i love on the tv is rlly cool to me 😼)
ive come to a point where i dont mind watching the shining every day. like in the beginning it was all just 'oh, i havent watched the shining in a while, i feel like watching it now so im going to' that was like a month and a half ago or smth...ive never rlly had the shining as an actual interest before, but this one by far has lasted the longest, and its kind of different to any other interest i have in a way i cant explain!!!!
anyway, that little 'i wanna watch the shining tonight!" like 2 months ago sent me down a rabbit hole of youtube videos talking abt the making of the shining, theories abt the shining, and a bunch of other stuff, plus reading the actual book (which i love as much as the movie) and now here i am! when this silly little interest first started i was like 'oh i wanna pace myself, i dont want to watch the shining every night' bc i jsut didnt feel like it, but now i dont mind watching it every night or so, but i gotta wait until saturday now. at least it keeps me looking forward to smth!
dude i dont wanna sound crazy or anything, and i dont mean it in a crazy way, like i think im pretty normal abt my interest in the shining, but most of the time in my mind im just thinking abt the shining and waiting for someone to ask me if i know the shining or for someone to merely mention it bc the second they do i can just explode and finally tell SOMEONE how much i love the shining. like i kid u not i was having dinner today and while i was eating i was begging for my family to just ask me 'so are u watching any movies rn?' bc YES. YES I AM!!! and i have a lot to say abt it.... also at dinner i was thinking of all the lines from the shining i knew off by heart, reciting them to myself, i wanna quote them to someone so bad and i would to my closest friend but she wouldnt get it or find it funny, she doesnt like the shining and we kinda only quote things we find funny </3 so idk who to talk to abt the shining. thats why im on here writing abt it!
anyway thats all! im gonna post this publicly, just to try it out--i never post anything publicly but i wanna see what its like, ive been on tumblr for like a year or smth but i still dont rlly know it too well lol, so im still learning. if i like posting publicly i might post more, or ill just take this down. anyway sorry if theres any spelling mistakes or anything, this isnt proofread! :3
(also the title is a quote from the movie evan almighty in case u dont get it 😻)
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kusanalogy · 2 years
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Characters: Yelan x adopted daughter!reader
A/n: this was requested by @kujousarah007 ^ㅇ^ Uhh i think i got a bit carried away writing this 😭 it kinda became short towards the end bc i wrote it at like 1am yesterday lol. reader is a bit shy btw, but i tried not to make it too much
warnings: reader has depression according to the request, but their may be potential misinformation about depression. I made it not so depressing but more fluffy so i could avoid mistakes. Proofread, but in a rush so there might be some things grammatically incorrect
word count: aprox 1.1k words
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•Yelan found you on a mission sleeping on the grass under a tree, with a little basket beside you. There she found freshly picked berries
"This must be her food.." She thought
•You sensed her presence, waking you up from your nap
You woke up facing a person you didnt recognize. The unknown woman turned her eyes to you "Ah- Hello there, kid."
"Mhmmm.. Hi there" you rubbed your eyes to see her clearly "W-what are you gonna do to me?"
"Dont worry, I wont do anything bad. I just happen to see you while- going for a walk!" It was a half-lie. Yes she did just happen to see you, But she wondered if you knew where her target; a group of treasure hoarders were.
"Oh! Sorry for the misunderstanding. A group of strong men had recently stole my backpack and.. I thought you were one of them!"
"Strong men... stealing... Could you describe they're looks?" The unknown woman asked.
"Are you gonna help me find my backpack~?" You stood up, looking at her exictedly.
She reached out a hand to you "Sure. I have other stuff to deal with that group though. Just sit back and watch, alright? Unless you wanna cover your eyes."
Yayyy!!! Thank you uh.. ma'am~!" You happily held her hand, Exicted to watch her deal with them.
"Call me yelan by the way. You?"
"I-I'm y/n, nice to meet you yelan!"
Yelan smiled and continued to ask you more questions about the group, giving her more clues. not long after, You both managed to locate them.
You listened in amazement on how she explains the plan "So complicated... but fun!" Your mind wandered, thinking about different outcomes and turning them into scenarios
After that, you soon became fond of yelan. She treated you the way noone treated you before, Making you feel a.. different feeling.
"Im sorry y/n.. I have to get back now."
"B-but mama... I want you to stay with me!" You stared at her with puppy eyes "Let me come with you!!! Pretty pleaseeee with a cherry on top?"
She was surprised once you said "mama" she sighed, realizing you got that attached to her
"We can meet up here next time, Its getting late." She attemptee to politely answer
You shook your head and grabbed a part of her clothing. "Nuh-uh. Im not gonna sleep alone somewhere far away. If you're not gonna let me come then i'll just have to follow you! If you somehow manage to get away then ill f-find you tomorrow."
She could sense the sadness in your words. Well, Theres nothing she can do.. you seemed to be really clingy. She's dealt with children like you before, Many times. But how come torwards you, it was unalike? who could resist a poor child like you? Why did it feel... familiar? "How am i going to explain this to the agents.." She pondered
Once you both arrived in liyue harbor, She and her men set up a little room for you to settle in. You cleaned yourself up and sat on the comfortable matress.
•Your eyes roamed across the small room, you dont know why but.. it made you feel a bit emotional. Noone has ever done this for you, It made you feel a bit special.
"How is it, little one?"
You jump as you didnt notice your so called "saviour" standing behind the half-opened door.
"O-oh mothe- yelan! Its very pretty. Not like where i usually settle."
She chuckled "Mother, huh? You got comfortable really quick." Well, its not like she got comfortable too. She wont loosen up that quick though. You never know, a child could be involved with something unfortunate.
You went up to her and stared at her face. Yelan knew you wanted something, so she bent down to your level
"Its time to sleep now, y/n. We can chat tomorrow." Yelan said.
"I have one request, w-will you stay with me? just for a bit?"
Now, this moment prooves her speculations that you're having a rough time with your mental health. Seeing you having trouble falling asleep, moving a lot, all that. The sad part is, You dont notice it. You got used to living this poor life given by fate.
•The day after, she started to take care of you, Although she was always away due to her duties, you didnt mind.
•Sometimes you'd accidently call her "mother" and she'd frequently tease you about it and imitates by calling you "dearest daughter" with a hint of sarcasm
"Yelan, mother, a friend or a mere stranger. I can be any of those. I can play whoever you want me to be."
•Yelan taught you lots of stuff growing up! Most of it was on how to communicate with people, the rest, she wanted you to learn on your own so you could be independant.
•When she was away, She'd always send you letters to remind you that she hasnt forgot.
•But getting older, you soon start realizing things.
•Its the way she kept lying. You knew your mother's job was to lie, no doubt she lied to you multiple times. But as you lay down in the middle of your bed, dozens of thoughts going thru your mind, what made you believe her?
•You get up to look at your calendar.
"Mother said she'd be back yesterday. What happened to that? hrm, another lie yet again." You spoke to yourself.
"Listen to me. yes i lie, you know me. You know what i do. But i promise you one thing.."
The familiar voice made sure to speak clearly, though how it spoke so suddenly startled you.
"Missed me, my favorite y/n?" She slightly teased
You jumped to embrace her, feeling warm again. "Im listening! Tell me the promise."
"...That i'll always come back." She cleared her throat and continued. "That is the one thing that will never be untrue. I have a reason for keeping you as far as possible from my work and not telling you everything, you know? Well, one of those reasons are to keep you safe. Its for that very promise. I understand your feelings and- i apologize if i couldnt fulfill several of your wishes due to work. I'll make it up to you, next time theres another minor problem im tasked to do, i'll bring you along with me just like how i did the first time i met you. Are we clear?"
Your eyes widened, then you smiled. The genuine one you only showed to her.
"There we go, now you're smiling. Keep it up." Yelan said.
"Watch me, i'll use the technique you taught me when that time comes!"
Yelan looked thru your window, and back to you. "Exicted again, hm? Lets get you to bed now, the days will go by faster."
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laurakinney · 4 years
what are your, "thoughts on," hickmans xmen books?
im not proofreading this and im typing it on my crappy phone so sorry for any mistakes
hm okay when i first started reading dox i was like. in the middle of getting into the xmen so i didnt really have a solid idea of their characters their relationship and their history so i Loved dox, like i went crazy reading new mutants nad *sigh* marauders cause like. at the time it was everything i needed u know like pretty island? all the characters in one place and not fighting? its really great at first glance but lucky for me time passed
now my thoughts are just. unclear. cause like as much as it pains me to say hickman is a good writer but hes a good writer in the sense that its interesting to read his books when its three years later and all the plot points and big reveals have become part of their universes landscape. and honestly comics make me so tired hickman is a good writer simply for... having good ideas....
but this has been said over and over (because its true) but hickman Does Not Know How To Write Character like legit... i havent read any of his other big runs but this is a Very big problem in hoxpox and dox... i cant tell u a single thing thats happened in xmen and it has had like all my favorite characters as the “main focus”, but even then theyre used more like pieces to the story cause the main focus will always be the plot and hickman setting up a bunch of things
theres also just. the blatantly bad stuff hickmans made a part of krakoa like the imperialism, the eugenics, the exclusionism and blatant disregard for the characters cultures and origin under the guise of New Mutant Nation (cult)
it also makes me ... scared for the future of the xmen and for the undertones it has like. the xmen are not the most liked group now more than ever and the way theyre treated in universe by the population And the superhero community has always been alwful like? the mutant population has been decimated so many times over the years and there are so many groups dedicated to murdering mutants for whatever reasons and anytime any of the xmen say “oh wait this is actually a really shit and opressive society mutants shouldnt be treated like this” they get viewed in universe as crazy and “too radical” 
i got off track here but basically im worried this has some “minorities are supposed to be opressed because this is the way it has always been and any kind of change to the status quo will only lead to worse things” undertones....
send some asks that are like “thoughts on ______”
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sakuurae · 7 years
any writing tips u can share?? i adore your work so much, just the way everythings described flows so nicely~
Mmmm, im not the best with this, but ill try ^~^ thank you by the way! Ehehe, it means a lot.This advice will go on like stepping stones, haha.
1. This is probably the most broad thing i can say, but just keep on writing. When i used to tutor creative writing (or english as a whole, lol) i met a lot of students who were so focused on sculpting their writing to perfection, and the purpose of it was lost along the way. This happens a lot, from what ive seen, in creative writing. I feel as if when writers are more focused on creation their pieces to perfection in hopes of it being acknowledged and seen, theyre not writing for themselves anymore; thus, this leads into the second piece of advice. Practice makes perfect. Everything that you will write you are improving in every single piece—even if you dont realize it. The things ive written two weeks ago make me cringe, but thats a sign of improvement.
Work with your strengths, and improve your weaknesses.
Go back and read your old work so you can see what you like and dont like—what you should improve on or keep doing.
2. Write for yourself. The value of your work is so much more when you write for yourself because it makes you happy.
Moving onto the composition work…
1. Vocabulary bank. It takes a while to build up a wide vocabulary bank, but its worth it. In my opinion, its more engrossing to read a piece with a lot of high vocabulary over the simple words. It bumps up everything, and if theres a good sentence flow then its a plus.
I studied word lists everyday, and i always do every other day because i want to keep on building up my vocab. They are always out there, and its a total helper!!
For me, id rather read an entire piece that was written like an SRI test over pieces that dont have that much high lexicon.
This also becomes the case for the word said. There are many words out there to use aside said, like drones, equivocates, gasps, jeers, etc.
Ex: “He wanted to tell her the truth.” ➝ “He had an urge to apprise her of the concerning verities.”
2. Sentence structure. Some sentences are far too shot, and some are really extensive (and do not have commas, semi-colons—oh my goodness). Now, sentences dont always have to be extremely long; there should be a variety. Itll make the paragraph flow more, and you can get the emphasis where you want on certain places.
Ex: “His eyes shined under the darkness of the night. The smile that graced his face warmed you from the heart. And it was not an everyday occurrence for that to take place.” ➝ “The smile that graced his face made his eyes crinkle into crescent moons, the glint evident in his two orbs. It warmed you from the inside—his beaming grin—and it was not often you felt this from another individual.”
Speaking on this, try to not use the same prominent word twice in one sentence.
Ex: “He turned the paper face down, turning his head to face his friend.” ➝ “He turned the paper over, tilting his head to address his friend.”
3. Being metaphorical. Im not really sure how to elaborate on this; i guess it provides more depth/character to the paragraph?? Aah, heres an example instead.
Ex: “The sky was a calming blue, the cluster of brilliant stars surreal to your eyes.” ➝ “The curtain of aegean draped over the muted sky, golden pins splaying upon the surface.”
4. Adjectives. It bumps up your sentences—trust me. With more details, it becomes easier to picture in your mind. Have you read a smut without adjectives, and another smut with? The difference is quite prominent because with one you can imagine the scene with more detail, and the other not as well.
Ex: “His member was twitching, the pleasure of being inside you unbearable.” ➝ “His stiff member was twitching uncontrollably, the overwhelming pleasure of being inside you borderline unbearable.”
“Sweat dripped from his forehead.” ➝ “Beads of sweat slowly dripped from his forehead.”
But try to not be heavy on the adjectives… i still struggle with this, haha, but i think many readers can tell if you have a thesaurus in hand or not.
5. Paragraph breaks. This might not seem like a biggie, and it is completely up to you when you decide to break paragraphs, but there are times that one must paragraph break… like with dialogues or setting changes, or when a new character is introduced. Please… avoid the block… oh my goodness…
6. This might be a me thing… but go into detail with the actions. To say this under a brighter light, imagine this: actions during a kiss scene. When you kiss someone, you and the other’s mouths arent the only thing that are moving, and the touch of the lips arent the only thing youre feeling. 
Ex: “He pressed his lips against yours, his mouth prancing to the melody of your heartbeat.” (and thats it) ➝ “He pressed his lips against your own, his mouth prancing to the melody of your heartbeat as his hands trace the outline of your body. You palm snakes up his back, only to place it on the nape of his neck to tug him closer. At such a closed proximity, you noticed something else: his scent. There was a swirl of cinnamon and vanilla that intoxicated your senses… etc.”
What im trying to say is that going into some detail, brief or not, about actions will add more sparkle into the paragraph—especially dialogue.
Ex: “’You’re kidding me,’ he groaned, flailing his arms in the air animatedly. He was in a disbelief at the sudden news, lodged at a crossroads on how to respond. ‘You’re fucking kidding me!’
You took a step back, placing a fist over your heart cautiously. ‘I-I’m sorry,’ you uttered weakly, tears pooling at your eyes. ‘I didn’t mean to.’”
Obviously the apostrophes wont be there in the final product, lol, it would perturb me if i didnt write that grammatically correct, ahaha.
Think of these composition levels as a pyramid. From letters, to words, to sentences, to paragraphs, the purpose of the piece, etc. The letters would be the bottom. So if you mess up at the bottom of the pyramid, the rest is disrupted. I read over a paper before where the first and second base were horrendous, and i was correcting it so much. The student came up to me and asked me what i thought about the message of the piece, but i actually paused and thought. I was so focused on correcting the mistakes—paying attention to the mistakes—to the point i missed the entire purpose of the piece. So, honestly, proofreading will be your best friend here.
All of this falls under the tab of your style. Remember, dont try to force out word after word to sculpt your piece into perfection. Work with your strengths, find your weaknesses and improve.
On the finding inspiration and keeping motivation side…
1. Work at your own pace. Do what makes you feel like your best work will be exhibited, and dont let other deadlines push you at your limit. Personal deadlines would most likely take the fun out of your writing process, and you might miss some particulars youd wish to convey—so dont rush! Trust me on this, lol. I made this mistake again when writing overrated, and im so hesitant to even hit that upload button because of how much i rushed it to meet my personal deadline. I keep re-reading and editing it, but i know that if i spent my time on it and pushed aside the personal deadline then it would be better.
2. Inspiration comes at the most random of times. I got ideas from waiting in the line in the bathroom and in the middle of my english class; they come when you least expect them too. If you force it out then it wont be that good (for me, that is). Of course, you can go out and find inspiration by walking outside or listening to music, but dont try to force out ideas—let them come to you.
You can write about real life occurrences that have taken place, or base stories off those. ‘Two Cups of Sugar’ is based off my friends experience of trying to get a guys number at an ice cream bar, but always failing so she went back around seven times—and only got his name in the end.
An upcoming fic i have is based off my boyfriend and i, and how we came to be. To be honest, all my fics are based off some real life experiences i had, or some outrageous stories my friends have told me. ‘Study Sessions’ was some real events, and a few scenes in ‘After Hours.’ What im trying to say is that those simple stories can take you a long way. The scene that started ‘After Hours’ was my friend talking about a bar. It was supposed to be a 4k bar scene, but after thinking about her experience and incorporating it into my own piece, it built its own way to 21k, and an ongoing series.
3. Keeping up motivation. Depending on what youre writing, you should focus on those elements. For example, im writing two fics—one of them being a basketball au and the other a soccer au. My motivation for that has seriously been dying, so ive been watching basketball videos and soccer games to keep my motivation running. Also, it helps when writing out action scenes, ahaha. I also talk to my friends that play those sports and ask them about how they feel about it and the rules of the game. Just kindle your flame with more information.
I know im not the best at giving advice… and there is way more in this whole writing sphere that im not addressing, but i hope this helps!! This is just what i think, what i go through, and my opinion—i really hope this helps you out. I wasnt sure what department you wanted concrete information on, whether it be the writing process or inspiration side or etc, so i briefly did all three :)
I know its a lot, so thank you for spending the time to read all of this ^~^
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