los-plantalones · 24 days
in dumbass news i am allergic to okra!
i thought it was urushiol because i have literally the same skin lesions but i was like 85% sure i wasn’t near any poison ivy, oak, or sumac
apparently contact dermatitis is common among gardeners, farmers and people who package okra! one of the farmers gets it and she just… doesn’t go near the okra
anywhoz that’s my co-workers problem from now on ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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snarp · 5 months
It is deeply unfair that mango - the best fruit - is also the only fruit that makes my hands blister when I touch it.
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otterloreart · 1 year
poison ivy
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poison ivy is a common, weedy ground cover plant that I'm including in my default plants for the game project. I thought people might like to see it because not everyone knows how to identify it; it has three leaves and typically a reddish stem (exaggerated here), the leaves are roughly oval and tend to have a slight point to the tip, and there are usually some lobes/serrations around the margin, although they can be smooth. they have 3 leaves coming from roughly the same point, and can grow into large, hairy vines. depending on time of year and growing location though, leaves can range from small and red when young, and grow to be a range of greens, with size varying based on light.
the "poison" in poison ivy is actually an oily substance inside the plant. This substance (urushiol) is, not poisonous to most animals which means deer and other animals will eat it and spread the oils, even to neighboring plants. so you can get poison ivy rash from walking into plants nearby. the rash is an allergic reaction as opposed to an infection, and will go away without treatment in most cases. if exposed to poison ivy multiple times, people who have previously never had an allergic reaction risk gaining it, and the reaction can also worsen with exposure.
Poison ivy is in the mango and cashew family, and mango skins, leaves, and sap contain the same oil and can cause allergic reactions as well.
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vigilantaes · 2 years
    . . .    @urushiol​    🞂   short starter.
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       to say she trusted poison ivy  would be a lie.  her only encounters with her up until her disappearance had been less than amicable,  the most notable of which involved mind control and fire.  so to say that after a few years she suddenly was back and reformed into an ordinary civilian?  all because she was dating wonder woman?  cassandra found that hard to believe.  the only thing keeping her around was her girlfriend's undying trust in her loved ones.
       still,  it wasn't like she hated her entirely.  cass read  /  listened to enough of her closed cases to see that her intentions were not bad.  batman himself didn't incriminate the woman as much as he perhaps should.  it wasn't  ...  impossible for her to finally be on the right path.  ugh,  it was too much to think about at the moment.  all she knew is that she wasn't a fan of being left alone with her when cassie and diana wrestled their way into another room.  a floral smell came from the tea that pamela poured for her.
       "   thanks.  "
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crimeloyalty-arch · 2 years
[ FRIDGE ]: a letter attached to the fridge with magnets for the recipient to read in the kitchen.
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( woman             ivy                    red       crush me beneath you          black dress gorgeous hot                       i love you                                  goddess ) 
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har1een-arch · 2 years
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ft. @urushiol​ ⸻ spring breaks loose, the time is near; what would he do if he found us out?
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riddlethat · 2 years
@urushiol asked: “Nope nope no.”, she holds up a hand, “no I do not have time for any riddles or games — or! Or whatever you have planned.” Green eyes glare sharply at him as she points to the exit, “Open it and I won’t open your flesh like a tin can! So help me Eddie.”
"'Get it while it's hot.'" Edward says it like a gameshow host, fabricated and bright. He holds up a finger. "It's not every day I offer the chance to join in my victory."
Edward stays in the chair, his ankles crossed over the table, his smile insufferably smug. He has not mentioned, yet, that he’s not entirely here to give her a chance to work with him—the word “help” does not exist in the Riddler’s personal lexicon, and he will fashion any need for assistance as pure generosity on his part. Proud and never to the point.
Not like Ivy truly cares about a thing like besting the Batman, anyway. Or being number one. Or coming out on top. She could rip him apart, too. They're oil and water. 
He laces his fingers back behind his head, and his voice crawls croaky-smooth. "I'd hate you to go green with envy."
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alicesought · 2 years
"I have an excellent idea, LETS CHANGE THE SUBJECT."
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♡♠♢♣   ⁀   Long,   uneven   teeth   shut   like   gates.
Pausing   mid   gesture   and   tensing   his   brows   in   acknowledgement   of   the   proposal,   he   tilts   his   head   down,   making   a   strange   face--   like   their   (   familiar!   )   words   had   physically   trapped   his   thought   in   his   mouth   and   he   had   no   choice   but   to   swallow   it,   even   to   his   own   irritation.   Then   he   slowly   looks   to   the   other.  
"   ...   Now   this   is   the   part   where   you   ask   Alice   for   a   story?   "   He   mutters   blankly   in   reference,   making   a   limp   gesture   with   his   hand   as   if   to   request   they   go   on.   Though   hard   to   tell   through   his   innate   eccentricities,   the   hat   maker   was   practically   reserved   when   around   the   garden   dweller.   Or   perhaps   withdrawn   and   on   edge   was   truer.   Evident   by   how   he   consistently   wanted   to   stay   about   three   steps   back   from   her,   and   the   stiff,   uneasy   focus   on   her   as   she   moved   with   his   two   shivering,   rarely   blinking   eyes.   "   W-well   go   on--   you   pick   the   subject   if   it   suits   you!   "      He   scoffs.      "   Since   I   doubt   you're   very   fond   of   tea.   "   He   can't   help   but   sneer.
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acidcaught-a · 2 years
"do not count a human dead until you’ve seen his body, and even then you can make a mistake."
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" well miss isley, sounds like you're speaking from experience. " he doesn't make that mistake. not anymore. and while she is as deadly as she is beautiful, harvey finds himself leaning toward the cruelty of man. " but last I checked, a couple bullets in the head keeps that mistake from happening. "
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hersurvival · 5 months
Poison Ivy eyes
Hold me captive
In my own mind
Her gaze lingers,
Her name on my tongue
Like a burning,
Sweet tincture
She has weaved her vines
Through my veins,
Taken root
And left my heart
I know they say
"Leaves of three, let it be,"
But I am weaker at the prospect
Of trying to resist her
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me: wow what cool berries, I wonder what plant it is
google lens: P O I S O N I V Y
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trying-to-thrive · 5 months
Just got even more mad about urushiol oil being in existence, that's funny
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writing-with-sophia · 3 months
Poison list (2)
Hello, it's me again! After some feedback on my previous potion list post, I decided to research a little more about potions and come up with this post. I hope everyone will like it!
1. Poison Ivy
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I think anyone who has watched Batman will know the female supervillain Poison Ivy. I thought it was a name she came up with until I found the Poison Ivy plant online, lol.
Eastern poison ivy is typically a hairy, ropelike vine with three shiny green leaves budding from one small stem. The leaves may be red in the fall.
Western poison ivy is typically a low shrub with three leaves. In the East, Midwest, and South, it grows as a vine.
It may have yellow or green flowers and white to green-yellow or amber berries.
It has an oily sap in its leaves called urushiol. This causes an allergic reaction that can make your skin red, swollen, and itchy.
2. Poison Oak
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It is typically, a shrub with leaves of three, like poison ivy. The sun-facing side of the leaf has tiny hairs on it and is a darker shade of green than the ground-facing side. 
Pacific poison oak may be vine-like.
Though it grows all over the country, it’s more common in the West.
It could be hours or days before your skin reacts to the plant sap (urushiol). And your rash may eventually turn bumpy and form blisters that ooze.
3. White Snakeroot
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A North American herb with flat-topped clusters of small white flowers and contains a toxic alcohol known as trematol.
Generally found in woods and along streams. It is not often found on open prairies because it does not do well in full sunlight. The plant will grow 1 to 3 feet in height and will have thin smooth leaves with toothed margins.
The poisonous effects in livestock usually result from direct consumption of the white snakeroot plants. In humans, poisoning can be caused by consumption of dairy products from cows that have eaten white snakeroot.
4. Rosary Pea
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Also called jequirity beans, these piously-named seeds contain abrin, an extremely deadly ribosome-inhibiting protein.
Rosary peas are native to tropical areas and are often used in jewelry and prayer rosaries. While the seeds are not poisonous if intact, seeds that are scratched, broken, or chewed can be lethal.
It only takes 3 micrograms of abrin to kill an adult, less than the amount of poison in one seed. It is said that numerous jewelry makers have been made ill or died after accidentally pricking their fingers while working with the seeds.
Abrin in rosary pea prevents protein synthesis within cells and can cause organ failure within four days.
5. Foxglove
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Its bell-shaped flowers are often bright purple but can be white, yellow, or pink. It blooms in the spring. It also has a fruit with lots of seeds, which kids sometimes eat.
 All parts of the flower are poisonous and can slow or disrupt your heart.
In fact, digitalis (a heart medicine) is derived from this plant. When formulated into a medication with a controlled dosage, digitalis is valuable in treating heart failure. It helps a weakened heart pump harder.
People who eat any part of the plant or make tea from the leaves are, in essence, taking an unregulated dose of heart medicine. This can cause the heart rate to slow down or become irregular. Both can be dangerous and life threatening.
6. Mistletoe
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This plant lives off of other trees and shrubs, which makes it a parasite. Its stems are thick and easy to break, with lots of branches. The leaves are often thick and stay green all year. Its little yellowish flowers don’t have petals. The small, white berries have one seed and contain a sticky, poisonous pulp.
The berries can give you diarrhea and slow or stop your heart.
All parts of American mistletoe contain a toxic protein called phoratoxin, while European mistletoe contains viscotoxins, which prevent new cells from forming.
7. Oleander
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Oleander (Nerium oleander) is a common ornamental evergreen shrub.
All parts of the oleander plant are deadly and contain lethal cardiac glycosides known as oleandrin and neriine.
If eaten, oleander can cause vomiting, diarrhea, erratic pulse, seizures, coma, and death, and contact with the leaves and sap is known to be a skin irritant to some people.
The plant is very bitter.
That's all!
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its-a-me-mango · 5 days
Fun fact about mangos, They are in the same family as poison ivy and, therefore can contain urushiol. Mangos are also related to cashews and pistachios :D
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Jokes on you guys, I've been poisonus this whole time, therefore anyone trying to eat me will die!!!!!!!!!
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vigilantaes · 2 years
. . .     @urushiol​​     🞂     [ prompted ]       🞂         embrace :   my  muse  abruptly  throwing  their  arms  around  your  muse,  hugging  them  tightly.   //  can be main or an au
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      it all started when she arrived in gotham  by train,  stowaway style.  she wandered the streets on her own,  fending for herself the same way she always had   —  though admittedly some of the foes here were more formidable and more aggressive.  cassandra learned years ago that people liked to target children like herself.  they underestimated what she could do to retaliate,  a fact that would make more sense once she learned how normal children were treated.  for now,  she thought them foolish at the time for picking a fight with her.
       she sought refuge one night by a building she thought was abandoned.  there was a system to her nightly camps by now;  find a shadowy corner to tuck into,  use the jacket as a blanket,  and stay vigilant in case of intruders.  that part wasn't hard with her light sleeping habits.  the spot cass chose that day was against a wall of moss,  the air nearby humid and earthy.  grass peaked from between broken concrete tiles.  she avoided laying on that part of the floor,  and when she laid down she swore she saw the moss crawl towards her.  trick of the light, maybe.  there was no time to worry about tricks.
       her eyes opened as soon as they closed,  or so she thought.  however long she was allowed to rest was unbeknownst to her.  what she did know was this;  a series of gruff grunts woke her up and it came from the entrance.  that was enough to have cass on her feet once more.  the girl grabbed at her few belongings and bundled them together before checking her surroundings.  it was dark,  oddly warm for a night in this town,  and silent.  
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       no,  wait   —  not silent.  there was bristling against the walls  ...  something light and fragile.  the footsteps that approached were so quiet that they sounded just like that bristling until the figure drew closer.  cass had missed her opportunity to escape and so her next course of action was to hide.  she was taught to always choose fight over flight in times of distress,  but something in her chest told her it would not be smart to fight.  she held her breath.
       what peeked around the corner wasn't human.  the cracks of moonlight exposed green skin and poppy red hair.  she moved in a way that felt uncanny to cass,  flowy and delicate yet commanding in her movements.  her pitch was deeper than expected,  still feminine but low and endeared in a way she didn't yet recognize but would soon learn to.  the meaning to her words were a blur but they sounded pleasant together.  she could make out bits and pieces   —  ' hey,  what—  ',  '  doing?  ',  '  name?  '   —     but she wouldn't answer.  only stare.
       her eyes were adjusted to the dark enough to see how the woman's lips thinned in a way that indicated irritation.  her pointed ears reminded her of those little women with wings she had seen on toy packaging.  fay...  rees.  fayree.  fahree   —  her pondering was cut short by a pair of thin arms around her.  a waft of something floral immediately assaulted her senses.  it didn't smell bad by any means,  but it was strong and sudden and that was a combination cass had always hated.  she struggled to be released,  shockingly more bothered by the smell than being picked up by a stranger,  but was swiftly shushed by a wave of the hand.  a different flower's scent carried in the wind.
       on the way out,  cass noticed the pile of flora that wasn't there before.  she swore she saw a puddle of blood seeping out beneath it.  another look to the hair that tickled her face revealed that it was not poppy red anymore but a pale orange.  her curiosity let her to see that her freckled skin was now pale and much more human than she previously thought.  she reached a hand into ginger locks to feel for those pointy ears she once saw and found nothing out of the ordinary.  the woman said nothing to it,  only giving the little girl a comforting squeeze.
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crimeloyalty-arch · 2 years
[ EXPLAIN ]: a letter that explains the reasoning behind choices that the writer has made in the past, which they would like to explain to the recipient.
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before we begin,  it’s important to me that you know that i am writing this letter under duress. ( he didn’t like that very much.  he gave me the you’re an adult, act like it frown. he’s now denying that he did that.  oh my god,  husbands.  ives,  you may have gotten the better deal here.  kidding,  kidding. ) 
okay,  he said he’s not going to read over my shoulder anymore and that this was my idea in the first place. spousal abandonment... anyways. focusing. i thought this might be easier than us trying to talk through things for the thousandth time?  that way i can say everything i need to say without having to worry about forgetting any of it.  that way if it’s uncomfortable or too much you can take a break from reading. this is probably going to take me six hours to write,  full disclosure. 
anyways. i’m sorry,  ivy.  i’m sorry that i was a terrible partner and a terrible friend.  i’m sorry that i used how much you loved me against you.  i’m sorry that i turned away when you were hurting.  i’m sorry that i hurt you. i’m sorry for every single time i implied that you were responsible for what happened with joker. 
i don’t know if it helps, but if i could go back, i would be better to you.
i was so afraid of doing the hard thing.  i was so afraid of admitting that a lot of the awful things i did were my fault.  it was easier to blame joker -- and when he wasn’t around,  it was easier for me to blame you.  that wasn’t fair of me.  you saved my life a thousand times,  ivy,  and all i did was make yours worse. 
this is not a ‘woe is me’ self-pity letter where i cry and ask you to forgive me so i can sleep at night.  i can sleep at night.  i hope that doesn’t sound awful.  i hated myself for what i did to you for a long time,  but that doesn’t serve either of us now at all. i don’t know if i’ve forgiven myself,  but i know that i would make different choices,  now.  i know that i was wrong.  i know that i’m the one that burned us down. you deserved love and respect and i gave you neither of those and i’m sorry. 
i’ve been trying to be the friend that you deserve.  to not push you anymore.  i know we joke that bruce has me on a leash ( and you know full well i wouldn’t complain -- sorry ) but i wanted to make sure that you know that he hasn’t had to step in and be like ‘harley, what the fuck’ for a very long time. i’d be a shitty wife and a shitty friend if i had to rely on my husband to babysit me and make sure i’m not being a terrible human being.  
that’s all i wanted to tell you.  that i love you,  and i’m sorry,  and that you’re one of my dearest friends.  i’m glad you have diana,  and i’m sorry that getting to this point was so awful. 
talk soon?
love always, harls
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