nerfwire · 4 years
Sorry Guys, I Have To Quit The Guild Because My Antidepressants Worked
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Hey everyone, I just want to let you all know that I need to quit the guild. It’s been fun, and I have no regrets. But unfortunately, as great as y’all are, I’ve started taking a new antidepressant and it works really well for me. I’ve found that I just don’t have time to make pixels attack other pixels seventy hours a week, while spending money. I hope you understand. Read the full article
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nerfwire · 4 years
'Working From Home' Apparently Just Wiggling Mouse Every 5 Minutes And Playing Animal Crossing
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“I’m not allowed to appear ‘away’ on Zoom during work hours,” says Rachel Michelson, local software salesperson enduring yet another day of working from home. Her office shut down over a month ago, and she’s been in self-quarantine ever since. “So I just wiggle the mouse every once in a while and play Animal Crossing: New Horizons on my Switch. It resets my status, see? Just kinda wiggle it. Easy peasy. Little wiggle.” Read the full article
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nerfwire · 4 years
Internet To Spend Another Five Weeks Arguing Whether PS5 Is A Sandwich
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In a joint press statement made only hours ago, internet representatives have formally disclosed that the countless memes poking fun at the PlayStation 5’s appearance are moving into their next phase: users across Twitter, Reddit, and other platforms will now begin the debate on whether the next new next-gen console does—or does not—technically qualify as a sandwich. Read the full article
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nerfwire · 5 years
Death Stranding Official Game Guide Just Trying To Figure This Shit Out Too
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After a long and suspenseful wait, Hideo Kojima’s highly-anticipated brainchild Death Stranding is finally out on the PS4. At last, all of the invisible monsters, babies in capsules, and Mads Mikkelsen will be explained in full. Or so we thought, anyway: along with the game, we picked up a hardcover copy of the official Death Stranding game guide, which promises on the cover to “do its best.” Read the full article
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nerfwire · 5 years
Man Scrolling Through PUBG Patch Notes Like Ex-Girlfriend's Facebook Page
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19-year-old Cameron Rodriguez sits alone in a dark room while idly scrolling through the patch notes for version 4.2—the latest release of PlayerUnkown’s Battlegrounds—on his dusty old desktop. “It can’t hurt to take a look.” Read the full article
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nerfwire · 5 years
I Wouldn’t Have Called Fortnite Gay If I'd Known $3 Million Was On The Line
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Alright, here’s the deal: Fortnite was an easy target. I was a little bit naive, and whenever I see something with a colorful palate, I want to insult it. I want to insult it so bad. I had no problems playing PUBG, or Apex. I even share Minecraft with the same young demographic I make fun of for playing Fortnite. Look, I guess what I’m saying is this: I wouldn’t have called Fortnite gay if I knew 3 million dollars was on the line. Read the full article
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nerfwire · 5 years
Minecraft Creator Notch Banned From Secret Masked Orgy After Controversial Tweets
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nerfwire · 5 years
Researching Which Mousepad To Get And Other Ways To Stave Off The Crushing Loneliness
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So you’re putting together your brand new gaming PC. You’ve got the latest processor, you found a great monitor and an even better mouse and keyboard, and you’ve installed your favorite OS. You’re done, right? So why do you still feel so empty inside? Hi, today on Nerfwire Build Guides, we’ll be scraping the bottom of the custom PC barrel for any and all excuses to push away those dark thoughts. We’ll start with perhaps the least important afterthought when it comes to completing your rig: choosing a mousepad. Read the full article
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nerfwire · 5 years
Incredible: Keanu Reeves Walks Across Lake, Heals Injured Swan By Touch
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There are plenty of stories in circulation that paint Keanu Reeves as an absolute saint, like the one where he drove a woman home once, or that he plays hockey. But he might just earn a spot as an actual saint after this: this morning, Keanu Reeves walked across a lake and healed an injured swan by his touch. Read the full article
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nerfwire · 5 years
91% Of DnD Group Chat Comprised Of Finding A Date That Works For Everyone
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“Okay, I can do Monday, Wednesday, or Saturday. Does any of that work for you guys?” asks Ashley Davidson in the public forum of her personal Dungeons & Dragons group chat—a message quickly seen and left unresponded to by three of her five players. “If not, I might be able to make a different day work with enough notice. Guys?” “I don’t know why this is so hard for everyone,” Ashley tells us. “I mean, I get that we’re not kids anymore and we all have stuff on our plates. I don’t know. I’m excited for my players to meet the Dracolich Lord of the Infinite Hellplanes, but we need to make sure Jeff can get a ride first. I’ve been DMing a long time, in both senses of the word. Can we please just work this out already?” Read the full article
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nerfwire · 6 years
New Nintendo Console Playable Underwater And Nowhere Else
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If you’re a fan of Nintendo, you’ve surely heard the news. Not even two years after the highly anticipated Nintendo Switch, the industry titan just announced a brand new follow-up console, and you could certainly say it’s making waves! The new Nintendo Swim, available in 2019, will be playable underwater and nowhere else! Read the full article
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nerfwire · 6 years
New Symmetra Ult Splits Universe In Half, Still Not Played Competitively
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nerfwire · 6 years
Finally, An Overwatch Hero For Spherical People
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Overwatch is a game lauded for its diversity, but even with a cast as varied as that of Blizzard’s highly acclaimed shooter, it can be easy for certain groups to feel left behind. That’s why the release of its latest rising star, Hammond, feels so vital, so needed—finally, an Overwatch hero for spherical people. Read the full article
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nerfwire · 6 years
Heroic Protagonist Valiantly Slaughters Hundreds
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In a murderous rampage that experts are calling “totally justified,” local game protagonist John Gunman ruthlessly slaughtered hundreds of living human people this past Sunday. We had the opportunity to sit down and speak with Mr. Gunman. Nerfwire: Mr. Gunman, thanks so much for coming to this interview. You must be tired after taking so many human lives. John Gunman: Happy to be here. Read the full article
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nerfwire · 6 years
Guy On Craigslist Just Selling Fucking Emulator In Wooden Box, Calling It
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