#wrizard writes
Guess whose trying to write again?😅
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Please give me any tips you can. I would greatly appreciate them
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wrizard · 3 months
i'm wriz (or wrizard), a little hedgehog on the internet who LOVES transformative work and storytelling.
i'm on Ao3 @wrizard and on twitter @wrizardhat! my old blog is HERE, complete with older fics, art, and links. for more, including my Ko-fi, my graphic design work, and alt accounts, check my carrd HERE.
note: THIS BLOG IS 18+, and may (likely will) dip into discussing &/or exploring the "big 4" ao3 archive warnings (major character death, graphic violence, underage sex, noncon). i do my best to tag when appropriate!
#wriz writes - my writing, incl ficlets and stuff not on ao3
#wriz draws - my art
#LHOOQueue - queue tag
#writing tag - writing thoughts, inspiration, discussion
#cracking open some cold boys with the one - terror shitposts <3
feel free to say hi! i love to chat and hang out!! i lose track of DMs on every platform SUPER easily, so always feel free to send me a nudge or a check in xox
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elapsed-spiral · 2 years
OFMD fic recs (2022)
I've been thinking about compiling a fic recs list for a while but I have this slight problem where I never bookmark anything, I just assume I'll remember the titles of things I like and mostly I don't, because my memory is bad. It's not a great system tbh. 
So, here's a very incomplete list of Flag fics I enjoyed in 2022. Everything is Ed/Stede save where I’ve stated otherwise.  
baby, would you find that so odd? by @eluciferate (T): I think about the last paragraph of this fic often, it's beautiful. 
but that's none of my business by @chaotic-neutral-knitter (T): I wish I'd had this idea, it's so simple but so funny and well executed. 
teeth marks by morian (M): my weakness is Ed POV angst fics and this may be my favourite. It's a reunion fic with a great premise, packs a massive emotional punch and their eventual forgiveness of one another feels earned. I really enjoy how Stede is written in this.  
all you left me was a pearl by JustStandingHere (M): there's dialogue and ideas in this fic which I am confident will be better than those that actually make it into season two - sorry Mr Jenkins. The best reunion fic I've read, really in keeping with the show, which I appreciate.
late night talking (Stede/Lucius) / played it so nonchalant (Stede/Lucius/Ed) by ephemeralgrime (both E): possibly my absolute favourite fic(s) in the fandom. So funny, well written and convincing. Stede apologising for how strong he is during sex by explaining that he got into cycling after his divorce… unparalleled characterisation. 
love me by the hour by getmean (E): love the rich, sensual writing style and how the pair of them are absolutely obsessed with one another. 
Transformative Work by @mia-ugly, @pinehutch (E) (variations on Olu/Frenchie/Jim): I don’t understand how anyone can write anything this clever, to be honest. It feels like a well earned victory lap of a fic. The most interesting Frenchie characterisation I’ve come across. 
caught in a waking dream by whatkindofman (E): I love this look at how class issues have shaped Ed. I am always coming back to the heart wrenching part where Stede asks what fantasies of romance Ed had when he was young and Ed thinks about how he and his mother would lie in bed at night, waiting for “her husband” to return. 
Wayfaring by JustKeepTrekking (E): one of the first longer Flag fics I read and really enjoyed. Who doesn’t love a well written desert island fic?  
Haunt You Down by @yeats-infection (E): I normally need a happy ending to my Flag fics but I make an exception for fics this good. Brilliant premise, OCs you care about, great humour mixed with devastating angst. This should have ten times the reads.
we were the same by @focusfixated (E) (Ed/Jack, Ed/Izzy, Ed/Stede): another in the handful of devastating fics I've really enjoyed. The Ed/Jack chapter is absolutely my favourite flavour for that pairing. The Ed/Stede is especially affecting, with a unique take on their reunion.
damage ensued and tabloid news by @eluciferate (E) (Mary/Ed): Mary and Ed have hot sex where they play around with gender while waiting for that Steve guy to show up or whatever. Brilliant, ten more of these please. 
to his bones by wrizard (E): it's between me and god, how many times I've read this. Heed the tags, this won't be for everyone. 
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crushcandles · 3 years
Get to know me tag game
Tagged by @ex0rin - thank you!
1. Favorite piece of clothing you own?
I have a colourblock sweater from Simons that has a thick, tall cowl instead of a hoodie and it’s the Best.
2. Your comfort food?
Toast team for life. Also, not to be a mediocre rom-com character, but ice cream
3. Favorite time of the year?
Fall. It’s been beautiful anywhere I’ve ever lived. You can’t go wrong!
4. Favorite song?
In this very moment, it’s Song of Storms from the Zelda & Chill lofi album. Choosing to combine the upbeat metallic clinking and whistling of the Breath of the Wild cooking music with the ominous grind of Ocarina of Time’s Song of Storms is inspired.
5. Do you collect anything?
6. Favorite drink?
Water? Kombucha? God, I am a boring rom-com character.
7. Favorite fanfic (if you are comfortable)?
I could even begin to answer this in the all-time sense.
Some things I’ve enjoyed recently:
+ we ate the birds by wrizard + It May Sound Harsh by @kushielsmercy + Stoking at the Fire for You by @ex0rin
I’m also always hoping to see more writing of any kind from @sirsparklepants, in a very chill, very non-thirsty lurker way.
Tagging: @candybarrnerd, @major-trouble @shiftylinguini, @sirsparklepants
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mannersminded · 4 years
heads up!
i actually started writing fic again!! (45k since january babey!!!)
if you’re interested, it’s all up on ao3, new pen name wrizard - it’s mostly smut, ngl, but like, it’s good smut. and, as always, posting vacillates wildly between goofy bullshit and angst. i’m having a great time tbh
AND made a blog specifically for my writing + hades content here so if you’re into that give uz a follow
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Second chapter is finally out!!
Idk how to link to it… but it’s there at least.
Meant to get it out sooner, but life has been hitting me like a truck.
I’ll get the tumblr version under the cut sometime. Don’t have time now. But yeah. Enjoy!!
Check out my youtube channel while you wait?
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Page four of chapter two, things are going…
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Well. They’re uhh. Yeah. Sjhvsjhvsjhvsjgc I can’t wait for y’all to read this XD
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It was an average day in the city.
Until he showed up.
A pair of cars race down the road at high speed, the one in the back with sirens blaring, the one in the front making little noise other than an occasional squeal of the tires on a sharp turn. Both engines hummed with the thrill of the chase, but the police car was panting and puffing in its struggle to keep up.
“You need to get that thing checked if you wanna keep racing, Nicky!” the illusive scum shouted out his window, not even seeming to care to watch where he was driving, only caring to use the most annoying nickname he possibly could.
I was barely able to see the miscreant roll his eyes as he turned back around and sped up even more. My car whined as I tried to keep up, narrowly missing a mailbox while taking a turn a bit too close. But even with these shortcuts, I’m not sure if I ca-
The fist slammed down on the desk with a force that made Nickolas Morin flinch, and wonder how the wood held under the force.
“THIS IS THE FIFTH TIME THIS MONTH, MORIN!” the police chief shouted, nearly frothing at the mouth.
“Sir, I apologize for my shortcomings but-” Nick started.
“NO BUTS!” the Chief interrupted, hitting the desk again to make sure his point got across, “Or ifs, ands, whats, and DEFINITELY NOT UMS!”
Nick sat back in his chair and clamped his mouth shut. It was usually better to wait these tirades out, than to try to argue.
“Did the chief chew you out again?” came the soft voice from the rows of desks.
Nick had been trying to walk past the secretary department before she would notice he was even there. Alas, he was never fast enough to avoid her.
“Good grief, Nick!” said the red head, putting a dainty hand on her hip, “This is the fifth time this week.”
“This month you mean,” Nick corrected, his pride hurt.
“No, I mean this week. But that does answer my question about what this round needless shouting was about.” the woman huffed with an obvious air of disdain towards the chief’s office.
“Angela,” Nick started.
“Don’t ‘Angela’ me, Mr.” she retorted, “It might be the fifth time this month that your no good brother has been the cause of you getting twenty lashes. But you’ve been called in five times this week for sneezing, or turning slightly wrong while on a case that no good officer should be alone on anyway!”
“Speaking of,” Nick said sheepishly, inching away before breaking into a sprint.
“AT LEAST CALL FOR BACKUP THIS TIME!” Angela shouted after him, knowing her pleas fell on deaf ears.
“What am I going to do with that… that-”
“Ungrateful brat of a new hire?” came the voice like nails on chalkboard from over the cubicle wall.
Plastic nails in neon colors snaked over soon after, followed by obviously fake blonde hair as the witch herself peeped over to peer at Angela.
“Not now, Brittany.” Angela said, rubbing her temple and hoping her new headache would go away.
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I just came up with an idea that I kinda wanna draw but I’m working another comic so this one won’t get done for a while. (This is the one universe where Mike and Olivia have kids. I usually don’t have that? But this au is for funsies)
Mike, Olivia, Michelle, and Lee-Lee are all at the beach house for the summer.
After listening to the forecast, the girls decided to enjoy the small window of sunshine in the day, and went out to play on the beach. Olivia turned to start cooking them all breakfast, and Mike picked up the morning paper. He couldn’t focus on it though, his eyes instead being drawn to the carefree figures on the beach.
After not even being sure him and Olivia could have kids… to not sure if they should given the whole… remnant thing, and that’s not even counting the reputation Afton kids have from their predecessor. Seeing two happy girls playing on the beach holds so much magic.
Shaking off the awe, Mike turned back to his paper. But not for long.
Mike turned back to find four purple eyes staring up at him.
“What is it? Did one of you get hurt?” he asked, worry slipping in around the accusatory parent voice.
“No!” piped up Michelle, doing an eye roll that made Mike wonder if she only inherited his looks, “It just started getting cloudy, and we wanted to come read the paper with you.”
“Yeah,” Lee-lee agreed, “We wanna sit in your lap and read the news.”
Mike looked at both of the girls confused.
“It hasn’t started raining yet, and there’s only a couple clouds. It’ll be raining all day once it starts, you don’t wanna waste the time you have reading boring news do you?”
Both girls looked at their feet embarrassed.
“We were gonna try to convince you to read the comics,” Michelle offered weakly.
Mike smiled a bit, “Well, that makes a little more sense at least. But still, you know you’ll be stuck in here with your Mom and I for the whole day? You can always read them then, that way we aren’t fighting over them.”
Lee-lee reached forward tentatively and put her small, 5 year old hand, on her dad’s leg.
“But that’s why we want to see them now,” she said wistfully, pleading eyes melting Mike’s heart, “We wanna hang out. Or you’ll get away like you always do.”
“Get away?” Mike asked bewildered more by the second.
“You do kinda tend to dump us on Mom whenever we try to spend time with you,” came the sassy response from Michelle.
Mike shot a glance at Olivia’s back, trying to signal to her that he needed help desperately. But the woman kept scrambling the eggs happily, humming a little tune, and working far too hard to try to seem like she wasn’t listening to the conversation happening behind her.
Mike glared at her for a second more before a pitiful “Please Daddy?” pulled him back to the other, little purple and black haired angels, at his side.
“If you’re really that adamant about wasting the beach time you have,” he sighed, pushing his chair away from the table and patting his lap.
“YAY!” both girls cheered as they jumped with glee.
“Don’t scare your Dad, more than he already is,” laughed Olivia, “You’ll spook him so much he might think you’re animatronics disguised as children.”
“Haha, you’re hilarious,” Mike halfheartedly returned, as the girls settled themselves on their perches.
Holding both wiggling, giggling girls close as they read the paper, Mike couldn’t shake the feeling of wonder that kept rising through him. His girls were healthy, happy, having fun, and wanted him to be a part of that fun. Michael Afton. The half dead, half animatronic. The night guard, who associated with horrible monstrosities. The high school bully that got his younger brother killed. But none of those things mattered to these two little sparkling, energetic balls of energy. He was Dad, and that’s all that mattered.
Mike hugged his daughters close, cherishing every moment they gave him. If he was Dad, he’d go through the scooper a hundred times before he let these girls lose faith in him. It wasn’t a hard bar to beat, but slipping to William’s level would be far more painful than any of the physical or mental trauma Mike had gone through.
“Wonder what old Henry would’ve thought of this,” Mike thought to himself, “Wish he were here so I could ask him advice. If he could handle Charlie, he would’ve loved Chell and Lee-lee.”
“Ok, you can finish reading the comics in a bit,” Olivia chirped happily. “Breakfast is gonna get cold. Get to your seats.”
Michelle and Lee-lee went to move, but the arms around them didn’t budge an inch. Another try garnered the same amount of success.
“Dad,” Michelle turned in confusion to meet her father’s smirk, “We gotta eat. Come on, let go.”
“Sorry Chell,” Mike shrugged, a bit too casually. “I must’ve had glue on me, I can’t seem to move.”
“Glue!? Oh no!” shrieked a horrified Lee-lee, starting to flail wildly.
Olivia raised an eyebrow and crossed her arms, not impressed.
“Glue huh? That would stick your arms to the girls, you’re not even moving.”
“Well… I guess the endoskeleton’s servo’s locked up,” Mike said far too fast, a grin spreading across his face no matter how hard he tried to fight it back. “You know how the animatronics had to keep moving or they’d get stuck. I guess I just sat here too long.”
“Well, I spent too long on breakfast to let these girls go hungry,” returned the woman, matching Mike’s smirk, “What do you suggest we do?”
Mike thought for a moment, making sure to look like he was considering the question deeply.
“You could push their plates over here and they just keep sitting on me?” he finally offered.
“Then you won’t be able to eat, you goof,” laughed Olivia. “Will it be enough glue remover for me to just scoot the girls’ chairs over towards yours?”
Mike looked at Chell and Lee-lee in turn, then grinned back at Olivia.
“As long as you move yours closer too.”
The family laughed as they all huddled close that morning, happy to have each other. Each member precious and necessary.
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I am on AO3!
It’s the story I’ve been doing snippets of for the past few days :3333
I’ll have chapter two up in a bit.
Also, for anyone not on AO3 (like me just a bit ago)
Also if anyone has tips on how to get italics/indents to work on AO3? I’d be eternally grateful
Edit: I FIGURED OUT ITALICS but not indents
Twice under the past, there was a village surrounded by the woods.
Ok not much of an opening, I know. But it’s the best I got.
Everything I read in the library as a kid started in the same tacky way, so I thought it’d be a good idea. Anyway, how do people usually write in one of these things?
“Dear Diary,” or something like that? Hmm… sounds too much like a person then. You’re a book. Y’know what? How about I’m the narrator, the main character, and you’re a book. Sound good? You’re already nailing it.
Let’s start again.
Thrice through the future,
The book isn't judging you and no one is going to read this, it's fine.
There was a village in the woods.
Not a very small village, but not a very big one. Farm land dotted the massive clearing of forlorn trees, broken by shops and places of learning, and even a small castle. The town provided all of its own resources. Reusing metal, keeping herds of animals extremely carefully, every stone found put to use right away. The town had to work hard, but its people were never starving or cold. It was prosperous in its own way. It had everything it needed, which was good since no one traveled in or out.
The forest was dark and foreboding, no one dared travel far within its reaching branches. Though it was said that once, many years ago, people would travel to other villages outside and in the forest, its twisted branches and forgotten paths were enough deterrent for the townsfolk of our story.
It was told in tales, that heroes of old had cleared the forest of all monsters in a great battle many years ago. No one knew what those monsters were anymore, the books and legends never specified.
Some people guessed bears, others guessed lions, some said trolls. This last category swore their great great great great great great great great uncle’s cousin had traveled to a town that had been having issues with them. The most ludicrous of all these claims were the people who said the old battle was named “The Battle of the Bugs.” In these renditions the ancestors had done battle with giant beetles, flies, maggots, and the like. A simple gnat being the size of a man’s head. Obviously these were the most mocked, also the most used to scare children into learning the deadly plagues or getting into bed.
Some people were brave enough to live under the shade of the reaching trees, the areas where the forest was trying to reclaim its lost territory. Not venturing far out, houses always built facing the village and away from the looming dread. Brave or foolhardy, the townsfolk could never make up their minds. Our protagonist is one of those people.
A sour mouthed, scrawny, beanpole of a man, not many people ventured out to visit Joshua Tailor. Living the farthest out from the village, and not following the usual tradition of having his house’s back turned to the dark, many wondered if the illusive man was a tree from the woods, come to live among them.
In reality, Joshua just didn’t like talking with the superstitious people he had been raised with, instead deciding to live alone among the sparse trees that could give him neighbors that only chirped among themselves and didn't bother him.
He had a small garden where he grew what food he could. Sending off for anything else he needed. In that list were things like cloth, needles, bobbins, and work orders. All these things were brought by three brave messengers, the only ones brave enough to traverse that far out.
The most annoying, and most persistent of these emissaries was Joseph Planter. He had come today to bring the new orders.
“So we have your food orders, about twenty five sharp things, fabric that I totally didn't drop on the way here, and three return orders from customers that I know I had to carry there and now back again. I’m blaming you for every prick, bump, and branch I got hit with, as I, again, totally didn’t chase the fabric through the underbrush and watch it roll away forever.”
“Hello Joseph,” said Joshua, stopping his work and standing up to inspect the damage on his goods and courier, “Are those all of your complaints?”
“Not even close!” replied Joe Planter flopping everything on a counter in one giant tangled pile, “Thank you for asking! Yesterday, Veronica told me tha-”
“Zip it” Josh curtly grunted, shooting a glare and a slight grin towards the sulking gossiper leaning on his counter next to the abhorrent pile, “You know I don't actually care.”
“I see you’re the usual antisocial sourpuss,” Joe pouted, watching Josh try to detangle the mess that had been brought.
“Antisocial is a bit of a strong word,” Tailor said absentmindedly, “I prefer introverted. But say what you will, lazy, good for nothing, s-”
“Woah woah woah!” proclaimed Joe, putting his hands up defensively, “I’m gonna stop you right there! We’ve been over this, just because I’m not running the family business, does not mean I am not working. I’m here, aren’t I?”
“Here, and bothering me,” Joshua rolled his eyes, “What a joy. By the by, how is your sister doing, running the family farm?”
“Mary is fine, just fine,” now it was Joseph’s turn to be curt.
“A young pretty thing like that definitely doesn't need another hand on board,” Josh couldn’t help but dig.
“Listen, ma and pa don’t even want me near the land anymore,” Joe sighed, leaning back onto the counter, “And sis is scheduled to be married soon. I’m lucky to be invited. Let alone still in her life. I'm not going to strain what I have.”
Joshua looked at his colleague curiously. When Joseph really wanted to, he could be really protective of those he cared about. It always baffled Joshua why he was the one the lonely Planter lamented to, instead of some bar in town. But he had to admit, something about it fit Joe’s character. He wouldn’t say these things to just anyone. So why him?
“Alright, alright.” Josh conceded, “I apologize.”
A turn of Joe’s head, with a flash of an upturned lower lip, told Josh that what he’d said wasn’t enough. He had to sweeten the pot a bit.
“And I admit that being a courier is a real job,” he finished, slightly less genuinely.
“Thank you,” Joe sniffed over dramatically, ignoring the inauthenticity of Josh’s addition, “You know you’d miss me if I was stuck on a hot farm all day. And what then? You’d have to walk your own sorry butt to town to come see me.”
“I have two other couriers you know,” Joshua replied flatly.
“The insults keep coming!” Joe proclaimed, falling backward and feigning inconsolable injury to his pride and social standing.
“Any notes with these orders?” Tailor ignored the dramatics happening to his right with not even a sigh.
Joe straightened and brushed off his coat, done with his act, pride only mildly damaged.
“Nope. But can you maybe make me some new duds sometime soon? I’ll give ya half off the next five trips here and back.”
So salesman mode was going to be his revenge. Challenge accepted.
“Next ten trips here and back,” was Josh’s counter offer, not even looking up as he placed the new pins into a drawer.
“Five trips, here and back,” Joe emphasized, “is already ten trips! I can’t give out discounts for that many trips! Do you know how much food costs back in town?”
“Given how much you charge, plus your shipping fee?” Josh mused, scratching his chin for mock emphasis, “Yes, yes I do. And I'll remind you, you're asking for discounted goods as well? I use every scrap of material you bring me, and my other customers pay much more than half price for walking.”
Joe groaned as Josh proudly folded the new cloth.
“Fine!” the courier conceded, much like a child would “I’ll do half off seven trips here and back. But I genuinely can’t do more than that! Mary’s wedding is coming up, and I’d rather not have to starve in order to get her a nice gift.”
“Sounds fair enough” Joshua replied, utterly deadpan. “Next time you come, I’ll take the measurements.”
“Why not now?” Joe whined, annoyed he had been bested twice in one trip.
“Because I have other work to do that's more urgent, and you've annoyed me enough for one day.” Josh returned, turning around to look Joe in the eye for the first time, while crossing his arms in a firm “I’m done talking” gesture.
“It was nice catching up, Joe,” Tailor said with finality.
“Yeah yeah,” Joe said, rolling his eyes at this display, “I get the hint.”
Joshua walked his guest to the door, mostly to make sure Joe didn’t grab anything on the way out like he usually tried to. But as Joe was about to start the trek back to the village, Josh stopped him.
“When is Mary’s wedding exactly?” he asked nonchalantly.
“About a fortnight away,” Joe called over his shoulder, before turning back to the house in curiosity. “Why?”
Josh thought for a moment, then ventured, “Would you be able to make a trip back in five to eight days time?”
Joseph cocked his head as a dog would, looking at the imposing figure standing in the doorway thoughtfully. He smiled and nodded, almost to himself.
“I think I could,” the courier stated, before turning back to the road matter of factly.
Tailor sighed a bit before calling after him again.
“That trip doesn’t have to be one of the half off ones,” he shouted. Then walked back inside and closed the door.
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Hello again yes y’all are probably getting two chapters at once depending on how long this one is
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So apparently I gotta wait until the 28th to be let into AO3…. You guys might get a double chapter upload at once lolll. No promises? But maybe.
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Here’s this in the meantime :3
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Had a crazy weird dream yesterday morning.
Was going to go to get biscuits for my family’s breakfast, at a nice little place with dad, but when I got up in the morning he said we’d go in about 30 minutes. So I went back to lie down for a little, then he’d get me up when he was ready to go.
It took me a while to go back to sleep, but when I did? Gosh I was confused.
The dream started with me waking up at noon, because I hadn’t set an alarm and I was worried dad would forget me I guess? So I got up and rushed into the hall, and the first hint I was dreaming started.
Lately the author of my dreams hasn’t been all that great, but won’t expect criticism at all! In this dream, when I rushed into the hall, it couldn’t decide what I was wearing. My pajamas, my baggy t-shirt and sweatpants that I wear around the house, or my nice t-shirt and jeans? It would glitch between all of them until I focused on it. When I really focused on it, it would stay on whatever I had stuck it on. But if I got distracted by talking to people, or looking at something else? It would go back to flashing between all the different outfits.
Rushing down the hall with my crazy flashing outfits, I found my family. Mom and dad arguing about something loudly at the end of the hall, so loudly I wondered how I hadn’t woke up earlier, and my sister (hi Mon!) in the bathroom hogging it. (Jab jab lol)
One quick tangent about Mon, my sister, in my dreams. She’s either an absolute boss, who made giant candles that worked like Roman candles/bazookas, because apparently she knew about the hillbilly ninjas that were gonna attack our grandpa’s house?! (Yes I actually had that dream. It was so stinkin cool. She let me shoot them.) Or she’s a mindless “yes-girl” who stands there with a pog-face for no reason, and agrees with everyone going on with a “that’s so keen!” kinda attitude. In this dream she was the second, even though I never saw the pog-face.
I got half way down the hall, and asked why no one had gotten me up. I was met with my parents glaring back at me for interrupting them. Then dad sighed and responded, “you were tired, so we decided to just let you sleep since we knew your order. Plus the cars broke down, so we had to call your uncle to come pick us up from his garbage route to run us by the biscuit place. So there’s no point in you going, you wouldn’t fit in the truck it only has two seats.”
Now there’s some truth and MANY flaws in reality in there. Yes I’m tired, BUT I STILL WANTED TO GO YA JERKS XD. Also my uncle doesn’t drive a garbage truck. But Dream Author™️ can’t take criticism, so we’re just excepting new information apparently. Including the fact my family now has no functional car?! Yes car trouble has been happening, it always does this time of year, welcome to older cars. But all at once!? With dad still driving to work a lot of days, having no car working is a VERY BIG PROBLEM! But apparently since I came into the conversation late, everyone else has already had this freak out, get with the program. We’re just excepting information here in Dream Author’s™️ world.
“Yeah!” chirps the bathroom door, aka my sister apparently. Just agreeing with the info dump of AAAAAAAA that was just given to me.
“O.. k? So what are y’all doing then?” I respond, trying to get my feet under me.
This was apparently the wrong question? Because my parents go back to they’re bickering, a bit calmer this time. My mom was trying to call in, so the food would be ready when dad got there, but they wouldn’t answer they’re phone.
“Chick-fil-A just won’t answer!” she stormed at him, while he rolled his eyes.
“… it’s Sunday?” I reminded her, “They’re closed. And the other place is probably closed since it’s noon and the stop around 10:30 or s-”
“I KNOW THAT!” she snapped, “Why do you think we’re calling Chick-fil-A?”
“Yeah!” piped up my little bathroom door sibling yet again.
Since we just except information here, I shrugged and decided I’d watch this unfold. Knowing full well I wasn’t getting biscuits today anymore, but hey might as well go for the ride.
Dad then notices a garbage truck pulling in our street, so he starts down to meet my uncle. Bickering with mom over his shoulder about “you’re sure you called the right place right?”
“Yes yes, it’s the one on Pine Street,” she tiredly said. (For context? I have no idea what, or where Pine Street is. Dream Author™️ is making keeping online safety easy. Just make up new names!)
“Why didn’t you call the one at [redacted]” replied dad in a huff. (I take back what I said)
Mom replied with some mumbling about how it was either on my uncle garbage route, or it was the one that she could reach. In other words she was just trying to make excuses. Which I didn’t here because I was having my mind dampened by Dream Author™️, because yes, Pine Street is definitely a place I know of, it’s totally doxxing me. Disregard anything in the parentheses earlier./sar
“Which one did you call on Pine Street?” dad asked, defeated by her unwillingness to just pick the store close to our house, “The close one right? Not the one 35 miles away?”
APPARENTLY PINE STREET IS AN INTERSTATE NOW!? WE JUST EXCEPT INFORMATION HERE I GUESS! Yeah I’m definitely not getting biscuits today, and it’s all I can do to keep from laughing now. I just plan to grab cereal once dad leaves.
Mom looks like she’s been hit, or that she’s a deer in headlights and is about to get hit. Which confirms dad’s suspicions about his breakfast being 35 whole miles away. And in something that isn’t realistic at all, not that I care I’m trying not to giggle and get two angry adults targeted on me, he sighs and goes downstairs to meet my uncle. Cause it’s still on my uncle’s route I guess so might as well!? The leaps in logic, I can’t. Oh excuse me! This perfectly crafted story! Who would dare question it! What wonderful writing!
Me and mom walk over to the front door, to wave goodbye to dad. Out of spite in my mother’s case I believe, but I’m not sure, because she’s suddenly in a happier mood. I’m also solidly in my house clothes, which I “changed into a second ago.” When? I don’t know. We except information here.
Outside, my uncle’s car is now suffering Dream Author’s™️ indecision. His bright red garbage truck with no text, flashes to the car I know he actually has and back. Yet again debunking the fact I couldn’t go with them. But then it flashes back again and again and again, because my attention went to the yard.
In reality, we’re just coming out of winter. Some weeds are waking up and green, but they’re small, and the real grass is still very much dormant. I should still probably cut it soon to stun the weeds. But in my dream? There were random patches of knee high weeds, with strange yellow flowers and tiny stems, the grass still dead. AND I KNEW ABOUT REALITY! So last night I went to bed and the yard was fine, I wake up to small foot square patches of knee high jungle all over the yard.
As my mother and I waved to my dad and uncle driving away in the strange vehicle that changed mass and shape by the half second, she commented that I should cut the grass very soon. And I start to worry that she will make me do that before I get by breakfast, since she is changing moods and is acting so out of character and erratic.
Thankfully my real dad saves me, by waking me up just then. It’s been around 45 minutes instead of the 30, and he’s wondering if I still want to go.
Rolling over, I blink a couple times to collect my thoughts. Then I remember we do has functional cars, and we don’t have to go 35 miles to a place that isn’t even open. So I tell him I’ll be there in a minute.
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Julia Rights
I actually have the tag “#wrizard writes” for my fics and stuff ;p/j Feel free to check those out tho, I’m trying to write more! :3 Not sure if it’s good? But I’m learning!
Lol! But thanks. Heh. I’ll be ok. Tonight has just been weird. Yesterday was a bit of a thing for me..l ended ok but was odd before that.
Today was ok till around 2 hours ago. Eh. Happens. I’ll survive. Life does this.
Also I’m a lil confused, (my war on grammar does this). Were you saying I am right? Or I have rights? XD
And if it’s the first what was I right about? Cause I’d like to know so I can keep getting good grades, HAHA!
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Uhhhhhhhhhhhh. Hehehehhehehe.
*nervously walks away*
*happy flappy noises*
You guys seemed interested!!! So I’m trying to make it! Hehhehehhehehe!
With this help of my ✨ABSOLUTELY AMAZING✨ friends! Seriously I couldn’t do this without you. 🥺🥺
Ok bye!
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A Best Friends AU fic. One of my first times writing fan fic, so I’m not sure how good this will be! Haha!
Yes... that had been the sound. Laughter.
So light, it might’ve just floated off the face of the Earth.
But it was as if the laughter knew how much joy it brings, as it dances through the sunny field.
There had been a field too... hadn’t there.
With sunlight bouncing off the flowers, and the grass swaying in the gentle breeze. Butterflies, fluttering along to their business. But disrupted by something.... what was that....
Oh yes, two boys. That was where the laughter was coming from too. The laughter of little children, playing in a sunny field.
There were two boys, brothers. Though they looked nothing alike.
One was tall and blonde, with round glasses over his freckled nose.
The other was shorter, but not too short! And dark haired, except for one blue streak across it.
Both boys had nets.... it was like they were having a competition.
Oh yes, to see who could capture more butterflies.
The dark haired boy was saying something.... what was it he was saying?
. . .
“HUGO! Hurry up! Your falling behind!”
“Varian! Your cheating! You can’t catch the same butterfly twice, and count it twice!”
“Who says?” shouted the little alchemist.
“I do!” returned the other.
“Well, I didn’t hear anyone saying that when we started. So it’s perfectly fine,” Varian folded his arms, as butterflies tried to get away from the boy with his net.
“If we both just catch the same ones over and over, we’ll just stand there catching the same one! They won’t have time to get away! It’ll be boring,” reasoned Hugo.
Varian pouted for a minute or two before Hugo’s reasoning took effect.
“I guess your right....” Varian muttered. “But how will we tell which ones we’ve already caught?”
Hugo shrugged and made an “I don’t know” noise.
The boys thought for a second about how to solve their fluttery predicament.
Varian’s eyes lit up as he snapped his fingers.
“I got it!” he cried.
“So what do we do, Mr. Smarty Pants?” Hugo asked.
Varian made a face, “That’s worse than Hairstripe,” winced the boy.
“Whatever,” Hugo waved away his brother’s complaint. “So what’s your idea?”
Varian ran towards a big tree that held a tree house in its strong branches.
“Come on, and I’ll show you!” he called over his shoulder.
Hugo rolled his eyes then followed. Never a straight answer from that kid.
As the boys topped the ladder, they examined their secondary lab. They came out to this field so much, they’d decided to build this tree house so they wouldn’t have to leave if one got an alchemy idea. It was sturdy! Even young boys in Old Corona knew how to build a good house! It was filled with all kinds of different bottles and beakers, the perfect area for small alchemists.
Varian ran over and picked up a couple of jars. They had juice in them that their dad had given them before they had went out to play.
Varian handed one jar to Hugo, then took the lid off of his own.
“So are you gonna tell me your idea? Or are you just gonna sit there and drink juice?”
“Silly!” Varian retorted, “these jars are my idea!”
“Huh?” a confused Hugo replied.
“Don’t you see?” Varian asked as he started drinking his juice, “we empty the jars, then use them to hold the butterflies we’ve caught!”
Hugo looked from his jar to Varian, who was still guzzling his juice.
“Are you sure that would work, Hairstripe?” Hugo said looking back at his brother, “Aren’t these jars airtight?”
Varian finished his juice with a sigh, “You start drinking yours, Hugo. I already thought of that!”
As Hugo started reluctantly sipping his juice, Varian took his jar over to the workbench and picked up a sharp tool. After screwing the lid back on the jar, Varian placed the tool on top of the lid, and reached for the hammer.
“WAIT!” Hugo shouted, “that’s one of Dad’s jars! I don’t think he’ll be too happy if you poke holes in it!”
“One,” replayed Varian as he poked the first hole, making Hugo wince, “Dad gave us these jars, knowing we were taking them out here. Where we have alchemy equipment. He knew we would try something with them.
“Two,” the hammer came down, and another hole was poked in the lid, “I don’t think Dad would mind that much anyway.”
“Three,” one last hole was punched through the lid, and Varian picked up the jar to inspect his work, “do you wanna catch butterflies or not?”
Hugo grimaced as he saw the holes in the lid, there wasn’t anyway to explain that to their dad.... other than the truth.
“I guess now that you’ve already done it....” he slowly said.
“Good!” the small boy chirped, “Now. Finish drinking your juice! I finished mine in half that time!”
Hugo, egged on by the challenge, turned up the jar and gulped the juice down as fast as he could. It was gone in a little over a minute.
“Impressive!” Varian said as he took the jars.
“Thanks,” Hugo replied, wiping his mouth.
One, two, three. The holes were punched in the lid, and then the boys started down the ladder.
When they hit the ground, they reached for their nets leaning against the tree where they left them. But all of a sudden, Varian got an odd look on his face.
“Uh....” he stammered, “hang on..... I forgot something in the bushes...”
“Bushes?” Hugo replied, “We didn’t go in the bushes. What’s in there?”
“Uh.... something!” Varian worriedly stammered, as he ran into the bushes.
Hugo stood there wondering what in the world his brother could be doing in that bush.
And then it hit him.
“Um.... yeah,” he stammered, dancing slightly, “I think I need to visit Mr. Bush too”
After a short visit to Mr. Bush, the boys were running top speed after they’re glittery prey. The big butterflies.
They laughed and romped and rolled in the dirt, until the sun was starting to set. And they only stopped then, because they heard a voice call.
“Varian! Hugo!” the deep voice rang across the field, “I said to come back before it started getting dark! What are you boys doing?”
“Hi dad!” the boys gasped in unison, “We lost track of time. We were catching butterflies!”
Each boy held up his jar of prizes, for their father to see.
Quirin looked at the butterflies, but then at the lids to his jars. The look on his face was not a happy one.
Varian saw that he was thinking about what he could ever do with these two rambunctious boys. They didn’t mean to destroy everything in sight.... it just happened.
Hugo nudged Varian in the arm. “Told you that was a bad idea.”
“Come along boys,” their father called, heading back for the house, “Let those butterflies go, they have places to be, and dinners to eat. Not unlike two other small creatures I know.”
The boys reluctantly let their prizes go, each butterfly flying back to its own home. Then Hugo set off after his dad.
Varian stayed behind, watching the butterflies fluttering in the gold and red of the sunset. Even when his dad and brother called him again, he looked back at the field as he walked away.
What he would give to stay with those butterflies.... and the sunny field.... and the drifting breeze.... and the laughter.... oh the laughter. The laughter of those two small brothers at play. Nothing could ever pull them apart..... oh the happy joy of that laughter....
. . .
I can still hear that laughter ring, distant in my memories. Two brothers, never to be pulled apart. Laughing in the joy of the family they had.... had.
Varian stands up and wraps his hands around the cold bars of his cell. They match the coldness in his heart. His eyes come back to the present, and their dark look rivals the dark bleak stone walls surrounding him.
My brother betrayed me. Never be pulled apart, ha! The happy joy of their laughter? Oh that laughter.
Who’s laughing now.
So there it is! Hope you liked it!
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