#ww!lilith au
mevekagvain · 1 year
Summary of noble history - HCs
(Text copied from messages)
a 'short' summary of mine is along the lines of nobles came to be 4 billion years ago and at that time were not humanoid but rather just floating aura wreathed souls reminescent of will-o-wisps. the first noble was also the first lord, and the other few firsts were the clan leaders of type 1 nobles. so one was the ???, two sisters for blersters, one for the drosia, one elenor, one kertia, one landegre, and one mergas. the noblesse came later and was a child of a lord who willingly took on certain powers that belonged to the lord and thus from then on the lord and their lineage lost those powers/were released of part of their burden.
the lords upon seeing certain super sapient species slowly goin extinct would sometimes feel pity and offer to make them nobles. thats how loyards (originally an anaerobic species feeding on souls) came to be 3.8 billion years ago, the agvains (hydras) were offered after them but they refused due to wariness and only accepted later when it was also offered to the siriana (sky dragons/dragons in gen except for sea dragons and hydras) 2.6 billion years ago, the kravei (sea dragons) were 2.4 billion years ago, the ru (supernatural winged tigers that were created by a diff supernatural species in order to guide their souls safely after death and lost their purpose once said species went extinct) were offered the chance and accepted 800 million years ago, and the tradio are an assorted group of fae who begged the nobles for sanctuary due to being hunted minorities and later became a clan 35 million years ago.
then 130k years ago the nobles of the time were sick of all the humanoids that would chase after them cos 'pretty lights' so the lord as a solution made them all take humanoid forms which is also when depending on au they went from asexual to sexual repro or from asexual to diff asexual repro lol. this worked out for a short while when their looks were considered strange but over time their appearances became peak beauty for everyone else and they started feeling extremely bothered again so when the kravei came across a supernatural realm, the nobles moved there. thus Lukedonia came to be 30k years ago from present day.
so nobles just kinda look at all the things humans do and go 'you'll all be gone millions of years from now and we will still remain. when our beloved home passes, we will remain. when our sun is gone, we will remain. as long as matter remains in the galaxy, so shall we, and so we will pass only shortly before it does'.
thus due to everything, nobles dont have organised religion and very few are religious at all aside from their obsession with the lords/noblesse lol. even the religious ones have beliefs usually that nobody else has so you wont ever find like a christian noble or something. speaking of, abrahamic religions (judaism, christianity, islam, etc) in my hcs stems from a noble writing shitty satire and failing to dispose of the book which humans later came across and used as inspo to write their own stuff.
then theres even crazier shit in that i refer to all my aus as worldcycles. basically any iteration of anything has happened, just in a diff cycle. the cycles go on and on and on, and the only person from within the cycles, lily (an immortal human) has ever been in more than one cycle due to his immortality just being that immortal lol. he only dies when he is granted reprieve by the overseers. the overseers refers to a group of beings that are called gods and angels but arent actually that. their purpose is to 'design' everything within a cycle (species, planets, physics, everything), keep the current cycle/s in check/functional, etc. i have some ocs in that group such as fa'ill, a 'god' whos role is to keep the cycles balanced, adam who is the prototype human/oid (aka the first ever design of a human species), eve/hawwah a prototype ww, lilith a prototype vampire, and the threes 'familiars' who are 'angels'. adam, hawwah and lilith were taken in by fa'ill as his children. in some worldcycles (aka aus) hawwah is frankensteins mother and in many worldcycles (aka almost always in my aus) he is raised by adam which is why hes so anachronistic historical inventions wise lol.
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And thats the story of how Lilith got blue grey hair
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lumen-tellus · 7 years
3, 8, 9, 13~~~
3: what movie/game/etc. helps you calm down?
mmmmmmmm thats hard, i dont think theres particularly any movie or game or media in general that makes me calm down.
the only thing that DOES calm me down at all is binge-eating and daydreams (and inevitably becoming unconscious by snoozing).
8: what color do you think goes best with your personality?
its probs either red or yellow or pink. warm but somewhat bright colors since lets be honest, im an attention-seeking child in personality most of the time lmao
9: do you believe in auras?
13: talk about an au or story you came up with.
okie ive already talked about my dreamland story, so ill switch it up for another heavily underdeveloped original thing - Project Evanescence!
tbh, this project is actually supposed to be a visual novel????? which i. cant really work on bc Too Ambitious Kinda and also i dont have a tablet and renp’y hates me so mm.
the story here follows the fairly quiet life of a girl named Nema, who is occasionally dragged by her best friend Lethe into investigating paranormal things in Lilith - their home city, which is founded upon the branches of a giant tree that is somehow alive and growing despite being rooted into an unending, practically soulless ocean called The Sea of Eden.
now, the ACTUAL story, as far as my ambitious visual novel plans were going, was that one day, after an incident maybe, Nema would somehow become able to see and interact with a couple of mysterious, unseen, intangible people - aka self-professed ghosts, who reside in Lilith as ‘guardians’, tho what exactly theyre guarding---if theyre even doing that at all, along with what the hell is up with the entire setting itself---would have been the deeper, genuine story of my visual novel (aka like the BBL route in hatoful).
BUUUT, ofc, since this deeper true storyline isnt the main part of the visual novel, what the first-time player would really be getting is a fairly normal story about Nema befriending and learning about one of three ghosts: a mischievous child, a boy who likes taking photographs of the sky, and a mysterious veiled woman. tbh, only the child has a proper name---Mise (秘色)---but the other two are in varying states of ??????? right now.  
tho ive been debating calling the boy ‘Memoire’ and the woman ‘Sachiel’ or ‘Sasha’ ww
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Ww!Lilith au fic, a nicer one that’s set earlier in the au timeline. It’s been about three months since Hunter first met Raine and his 15th birthday hasn’t come around yet.
Hunter watched Raine grade papers on the carpet in front of him. He’d come in through the kitchen window about an hour ago, Raine welcoming him from their spot on the ground and telling him to help himself to a snack or something to play with until they finished with their student’s worksheets. Now, they were still at it, and Hunter was braiding strings of yarn together on the couch where he could comfortably watch Raine.
Speaking of the teacher, they stretched, raising their arms high and causing a small pop sound. “Ugh,” they groaned. “I think I’m getting old.”
Hunter snorted at the confession, and turned to look over at them. “Number one, I think that’s just because you’ve been slouching for the past long time.” He squinted at the red-gold-black braid he was making now, and nodded sharply. “Two, do you have any beads?”
Raine got to their feet, looking over at what he was making. “I do, actually. What colour do you want?”
Hunter glanced between them and the braid. “Uh, what’s your favourite colour?”
“Red, why?”
“Too much red already, I’ll take white.” Hunter said.
Raine laughed, and picked out a little bag, emptying the contents into their hand and picking out the requested colour. “Well, here you are. What are you doing with it?”
“Making you something.”
Raine’s eyebrows raised. “Oh yeah?”
“Yeah!” Hunter stuck out his tongue in concentration as he tightened a knot, slipped a bead down the three strings, and tied another knot.
“What’s it going to be?” Raine asked, settling themself down beside the couch to lean over and watch him work.
“I want it to be a surprise,” Hunter said.
“Ah, should I be looking away then?”
The 14 year old shook his head. “No, I don’t think you’ll be able to guess.” A pause. “No offence, it’s just-“ He paused, lifted it up to inspect it, and brought it back down. “Well I was going to say that it’s a sucky gift, but last week you said to be more confident, right?”
Raine nodded. “That I did. What’s a better way to say what you wanted to say, then?”
“Uh, that it’s… It’s an unexpected gift?” He hummed. “No, no, it’s just not really something unexpected, I guess? It’s not an object people really notice, that’s all.”
“Unexpected because I might not even know of it?” Raine guessed.
“That seems closest!” Hunter said as he straightened out the braid. “You probably do know of it though.”
“Well, I’m excited to see what it is,” Raine said, smiling at him. “I should go make us dinner though, those papers made me hungry.”
“What are you making?” Hunter asked, eyeing the fridge.
“Probably eggs and rice. I’m a little tired. Do you have any suggestions?” Raine asked as they pulled out a frying pan.
“Salad, with the same dressing you put on it last time.” Hunter’s response was immediate, and when Raine looked over, he was staring directly at them with big pink eyes.
“Eggs, rice, and salad,” Raine agreed, humour lining their tone.
Half an hour later, Raine had two eggs, a pot of rice, and a bowl of salad on their table. They dragged their chair out to sit down, the sound signalling to Hunter that it was time to eat.
Hunter had long since finished his gift, and had started working on a blue-black-white braid, both of which he brought to the table, along with a handful of others that he’d created while Raine was marking papers.
“So, how’s your little project coming along?” Raine asked, scooping rice into their bowl.
“Yours is done!” Hunter said, going straight for the salad. “Ah, I mean, kinda. Do you have any elastic bands?”
Raine blinked, putting the spoon back into the pot of rice. “Like, for hair, or..?”
“I mean, sort of? The really small ones work best, but if you don’t have any of those, the ones for bags work too,” Hunter said.
“I do actually have those small elastic bands. I used to tie this little bit of hair up-“ They combed a hand through the hair brushing against their neck. “-but ever since I stopped, they’ve been going to waste. They’re in the bathroom, top middle drawer.”
Hunter grinned, running off, and Raine smiled back at him.
When he got back, Raine’s egg white was near gone, and the yolk was spilling over into their rice. They gave him their full attention when he walked back into the room, bag of elastics in hand.
“Hold on,” he said, taking an elastic out and tying the end of the red-gold-black braid to it. He knotted the elastic as well, repeated on the other side, and then held it up proudly.
Raine’s smile was confused. “It looks really pretty!” They offered.
“Ah, um! Can I have your glasses?” The teen asked.
“Uh, alright,” Raine responded, pulling off their glasses, and blinking as they got used to the sudden blurriness of the room. “Here.”
Hunter attached one of the elastic bands to each arm of the glasses, and handed it back to Raine. “They uh- Mmm, I’m embarrassed now.” He watched them put their glasses back on and mimed pulling the braid over their head to rest against the back of their neck. “It’s- It’s a glasses chain. For your glasses. Do you, uh, like it?”
Raine grinned wide, eyes glistening. “It’s handmade by you, kid. I love it.”
Raine wore the chain until the rope frayed.
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Okay time to elaborate on the Wild Witch Lilith au bc its actually a lot more than her being. You know: a wild witch
So while Lilith’s running away is the CAUSE of these changes, Raine and Hunter are both more prominent in this as well.
Lilith messed up and was going to be petrified, but got out before they could even announce it. She becomes a wild witch but keeps in contact with Raine Whispers, a school friend, as well as one child in the Emperor’s coven: Hunter, the golden guard.
She leaves hunter a note that directs him to Raine and the two of them learn to get along (after, of course, it’s explained that Lilith allegedly left him a note. Even then, Hunter is suspicious. He didn’t know Lilith further than a nod or possibly a shared mission. But she expressed worry for him, so after a lot of time, he decided to - hesitantly - take her up on her offer to meet a friend. It will take him a while to trust them truly.)
More in a storytelling form under the cut
It’s about two months later that Lilith manages to catch Hunter at Raine’s house. She comes in through the back door and is searching lazily through her bag for the spices she apparently promised last time she intruded. Seeing Hunter makes her falter. “Ah, the golden guard.” While she doesn’t seem particularly excited, she certainly doesn’t sound upset.
Raine looks confused. “Was he not the one you gave the letter to?” 
“Oh no, he is.” Lilith says, still standing by the door. “I just didn’t particularly expect to ever really... see him.” Now she moves to the table where they’re sitting and seats herself in one of the chairs. “You won’t hand me over to the emperor, will you?”
Hunter shakes his head.
Raine elbows Lilith in the arm. “Never expected to see him? Don’t tell me you were planning on leaving me to take care of a kid alone every other Saturday?”
Any stress that Lilith may have had drains from her as she laughs. “Is that when I should have been dropping by? Our friday date nights don’t work for you?” Raine laughs too, and Hunter doesn’t recognize the atmosphere. It’s calm, and it’s teasing, and it’s nice. He comes back more often.
(Lilith and Raine talk a few weeks later, Hunter having come and left for the day. Raine raises a brow over their glass of cider and asks if this means they have both have custody over a child. Lilith laughs. She says that, well, maybe they do.
Raine leans back in their chair. “However will we assure we won’t fall in love?”
Lilith rolls her eyes fondly. “Easy. I think you’re stupid.” She’s teasing and they know it.
“That’s a bold move against a teacher, Clawthorne.” Then, in retaliation: “Well, it’s good I think you’re annoying, then.” They’re teasing too.
A pause after their laughter has subsided. Then, and Raine asks this one too, “Wait- are we sharing custody with the Emperor?”
Lilith makes a choking sound over her glass of water, and then, a dribble of water coming from the corner of her mouth, says, “I can promise you I won’t fall in love with him.”
Raine raises their glass with a mock solemnity. “Cheers to that.” Their cups clink together.)
Lilith and Raine are there for Hunter. They’re there for when he’s hurt and there for when he’s happy. Raine is a wonderful teacher and Lilith is happy to show the magic that they can’t supply.
(Hunter has no magic and can’t use what the two of them teach him, but Lilith, out of all of them, is the closest to having the ability to use wild magic. Wild magic is the ability to mix magic as one pleases, and it’s with great annoyance that she finds she can’t do that. “I thought the emperor’s coven was the only coven where witches don’t get their magic restrained!” She complains, later.)
Hunter learns how to play instruments, and Lilith enjoys attempting the xylophone, when Raine chooses to bring one home.
(She enjoys the simplicity and the sound, she says. Raine steals the mallets from her and produces two more, playing a quick song with the mallets pressed between their fingers. “Is it simple now, Clawthorne?” They ask, and turn around to their awed audience. There’s a sudden realization that they have a two person crowd watching, and with a flushed face, they call off the rest of the day’s music lessons.)
Hunter enjoys the guitar and clarinet, they find. The piano is an old friend to him, and he’s happy to play it mindlessly when he has nothing else to do.
(He plays it the day Raine first finds him with a bandage on his face. They can’t convince him to take it off, but he wears it for a month. There’s a scar on his face after the bandaid is gone. He doesn’t say anything about it and Raine doesn’t press. There was something sad about his song on the day Raine found him playing.)
Raine and hunter convince Lilith to dye her hair a light blue grey (They requested white, to match with their general scheme, but she refused.) and Lilith gets Raine to add a gem to their outfit. Hunter can’t get anything permanent, but both adults enjoy playing with his hair while he’s with them.
Lilith and Raine have cared for Hunter for two years now. Raine’s been climbing up the ranks, and while Hunter is away, (Hunter is a good kid, but he feels an obligation to his uncle. Neither adult knows what to do about it. All they can do is give him as safe a space they can.) they talk about ways to mess up any plans Belos may have. On a late night, Raine admits that Eda (the name is spoken with mixed feelings. Neither saw her last under good circumstances.) was the cause of their drive to do something about the terribleness of the coven system. Lilith says nothing.
She lives more at Raine’s house now. Sleeping on the couch after helping them with a plan, then leaving if there’s ever a knock on anything but a window (Hunter refuses to come in through a door) to keep from the possibility of them getting arrested for holding a criminal in their home. Wandering the city never ceases to be nerve wracking, even with the difference in her appearance.
She was only at the convention to cheer on Hunter. While his place as the mystery guest unnerved both her and Raine (He was only sixteen. Taking place as figurehead of the coven was too much.) he seemed excited, so they congratulated him, and Lilith confronted the terrifying possibility of being recognized to go clap for his performance.
She was recognized. Somehow, her sister spotted her (Was she not also a wild witch? She hated covens, and really, Lilith saw no reason for her to be at such a convention.) and asked about her disappearance. Lilith rolled her eyes and dusted off every question, interrupted only by a human child asking for Eda’s help.
“I’ll leave you to it then,” Lilith said, and walked off. Her sister’s “I’m not done with you!” Only made her chuckle as she searched for Hunter in the crowd.
Lilith attempted to leave a long while later. Apparently the place where the human’s witch’s duel had taken place was broken rather severely. She’d stuck around only long enough to see that most spectators were gone, and she watched both the young Blight and the human storm out of the door before Edalyn pointed up at her.
“HEY LILITH!” Eda called. “I WANT TO TALK!”
Lilith narrowed her eyes and called up magic. “WELL I DON’T!” She yelled back.
That was how Lilith ended up in Raine’s house, bruised and annoyed. Lilith refused to admit how she ended up hurt, tight lipped as she healed herself and avoided eye contact with the equally amused and concerned bard on the sofa.
The next time Lilith saw Eda was after making a bet with Raine. Lilith was terrible with alcohol, honestly, and it didn’t get much wine to get her talking smack. It was a blurry memory, but all she knew is that she needed to get some sort of powerful artifact, to prove... something to Raine.
A flower of youth sounded good. She gained a map, and with a small offhand comment about what her sister must look like now (She’d seen posters, and a younger Eda’s hair was growing white already). She was doing perfectly fine on her own, but somehow, for some reason, her sister had decided to tag along. Which was fine! They were bonding a bit, really. Especially after the blood sucker (emphasis on sucker. Little bitch.) started trying to scare them. Cute, but the sisters were mean when they wanted to be, and oh, did Lilith want to be.
She lost the bet, but she saw her sister again. Under better circumstances (though only barely) and without a fight. She could call that a win.
It happened again (Not a clue how she got roped into a grudgby match, but it was fun while it lasted.) and again (Eda finally getting caught on account of that little human she found was terribly tragic.) and again (also getting caught after accidentally slipping to the human that she’d caused Eda’s curse was more than a little embarrassing.)
She wanted to say sorry. She didn’t think it was enough.
Eda was understandably upset.
Lilith didn’t have a proper cure. She’d been looking for one for a while now, but even any knowledge about the curse she’d used was gone. All she had to make up for it all was her backup plan.
“With this spell declared, let the pain be shared.”
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This is their dynamic in the ww!Lilith au, hope this helps
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Warning for talk of death, murder, abuse
Set after the events of Eclipse Lake
Hunter pet and scratched absentmindedly at his palisman, who was trilling softly under his hand. The room was quiet, barring the bird’s quiet noises, and Lilith flipped the page of the book she wasn’t reading. She was curled up on a beanbag chair Raine had gotten after the sudden influx of guests they were getting, and Hunter lay on the couch.
The absence of talk could easily be chalked up to Raine’s sudden disappearance. Usually, they would leave a note as to where they were, or what time to expect them back, but Lilith had spent the night over in hopes of them coming back.
They hadn’t.
Lilith turned the page again.
“Hey, Lilith?” Hunter asked, sounding nervous. “Can I talk to you about something?” His palisman chirped, and hopped over to nuzzle into his neck.
“Of course,” Lilith said, shutting her book to give him her full attention. “Is it about Raine?”
Hunter winced, and shook his head. “No.” A moment of silence as he sat up, looking guilty. “Should it be?”
“No, no, no! I had been worried about-” She cut herself off and breathed in, starting over. “I assumed that we had been worried about the same thing, but that was wrong of me. You have other problems, and I’m happy to help you however I can.”
Hunter relaxed into the couch. “I- uh, I think all I need is to talk about it with someone.”
Lilith nodded.
“It’s about my uncle.” Lilith drew a sharp breath in. Hunter glanced up at her. “He uh- he said something about how the Titan needs me for something important, and he was showing me the door to the human realm, and- ugh, this stuff doesn’t matter.” Hunter flicked his fingers aggressively, an outlet for his building annoyance with himself.
“You can explain as much or as little as you like,” Lilith told him, wondering absently if Raine had something around for him to play with.
“Yeah.” He sounded dismissive of the assurance, focused more on his hands. “He-” Hunter sounded choked. “He said something about replacing me.”
Lilith moved to sit closer to him, but paused when he laughed - a noise that held no humor. “It sounds so stupid now. He said- He said it would be too much of a hassle to replace me, so I know he won’t - or I think he won’t - but I don’t want to be replaceable. I don’t want to- he’s my uncle, and I thought he would- I don’t know.”
Hunter breathed in deep, putting his hands over his eyes. “I don’t want to know I’m replaceable.” He said it quietly, barely audible through his hands, but Lilith heard it and frowned, brows furrowed.
“Hunter?” She got up to sit on the couch next to him. “Hey, hey, Hunter.” She pulled away one of his hands just enough to see that he could see her. “No one is replaceable, and you’re certainly not replaceable to us.” Lilith blinked with a sudden realization, and corrected: “To me.”
Raine wasn’t here to add their agreement.
“I think your palisman thinks you’re irreplaceable too!” Lilith held a hand out and hoped the bird wouldn’t peck at her the way it had the day before. The cardinal chirped, and fluttered down to sit on Lilith’s outstretched hand. Hunter put his hands out, and smiled, just a bit, at the bird.
Hunter sighed. “I think I’m too caught up on that one thing he said. He thinks I’m replaceable and I can’t stop getting scared of it.” He leaned into Lilith, and she pat him.
“I think that’s a fair thing to be worried about. If mother had said that to me, I wouldn’t exactly call myself relaxed.” Lilith carefully left out the fact that the Emperor had a habit of saying such things to most of his coven. “Just... remember that he’s wrong, okay?”
Hunter frowned. “There’s uh, one more thing that bothers me,” he said. “I- maybe I’m reading into it too much, but... No, nevermind.”
“Hunter?” Lilith pulled back to look at him. “I won’t force you to say anything, but I’m here.”
“My uncle wouldn’t kill me, right?”
Lilith froze. “Your uncle, he-” She didn’t want to say she didn’t know, because that gave him the possibility of thinking that his uncle would kill him, but she didn’t know if she wanted to lie either. “You won’t die.” Not if she could help it.
It was quiet for a moment as Hunter buried himself into Lilith’s embrace. “...Thanks.” He mumbled.
“I wanted to talk to you about something too, actually.” Lilith felt him grip the back of her dress tightly, and she added, “You’re not in trouble. It’s an offer, and Raine and I were talking about it a while ago. I thought maybe we- I could bring it up to you now.” His hand relaxed.
“If you want to, you could live with me.”
Hunter pulled back to look at her, eyes wide.
“It’s your choice, of course, and you don’t need to do it now or ever if you don’t want to, but Raine and I had thought that if you ever felt like you were in danger, we could get you a permanent place away from the palace.” Lilith smiled, though she felt nervous. The idea of such a drastic change could be taken terribly, and Lilith didn’t know if she was equipped to deal with that.
“You’d... You’d let me live with you?”
“Well, of course! This isn’t my house, certainly, but you live with me and Raine fairly often anyway.” She put a hand on his shoulder. “Remember, it’s up to you. You can do whatever you like.”
Hunter glanced down at his hands, then up at her. “What would it be like?”
Lilith frowned. “Hm. That’s a good question. There’s no guarantees, and it would definitely take getting used to, from the both of us. Especially since you’d be living with a wild witch, which means avoiding the coven is required... Mmm.”
“... Would it be like when I’m here?” Hunter played with his hands, avoiding looking at Lilith.
“In what way do you mean?”
“Would it feel... nice? Not scary.”
Lilith’s smile was sad. “That’s what I’m hoping for.”
It was quiet for a long while, and Hunter was slowly leaning into Lilith again.
“Hey Lilith, what about your mom?” Hunter asked, and felt her straighten at the question.
“I miss her, and I’m elated to live at her place as a second home, but visiting every so often will make me just as happy. She’s... making up for lost time, but I-” Lilith paused, pressing her forehead to the top of Hunter’s head. “Perhaps there isn’t enough time for her to make up for what we did.”
Hunter furrowed his brows at the ‘we’, but didn’t comment. “Would I be putting you in danger?”
“I’m a wild witch, Hunter, I’m always in a fair amount of danger.” He stiffened, and Lilith tried again. “I would be in no more danger than I am right now.”
“Are you safe right now?”
“I am.”
“You’d be safe?”
“As safe as I can be.”
“Would Raine be safe?”
Lilith didn’t respond. To him, Raine was the safest of them all, a coven head who quite rarely had to talk directly to the Emperor. They had no reason to be in danger. But between Raine’s disappearance and their recent BAT outings, she wasn’t sure they were safe now.
“Would Raine be safe?” Hunter repeated, a hint of fear lining his voice.
“Raine would be as safe as they are every time you come here. You’d be living at my house, not this one.”
Hunter looked up at her, wrinkling his nose. “You have a house?”
Lilith deadpanned. “Yes, I have a house. Where did you think I lived whenever I wasn’t here?”
Hunter shrugged. “I thought you were always here except for when I was here.”
“Hunter.” Lilith’s voice was on the edge of laughter, and the edges of her lips quirked up, no matter how much she tried to keep a straight face.
Hunter laughed, but trailed off. It was quiet, then: “Not yet. I like how it is now.”
“I’ll keep thinking about it though. I- I want to, but I can’t. I just- I can’t, Lilith, I’m sorry.”
“You don’t need a reason to not live with me, and you don’t need a reason to decide that you want to either. I’ll be here.”
Hunter hesitated for a moment, then brought his pinky up. “Promise?”
Lilith wrapped her own pinky around his. “Promise.”
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Here’s a ref for Lilith from the Wild witch lilith au! Season one.
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oh yeah fun fact lilith is just AWFUL at keeping how much she hates the emperor under wraps after she gets the curse. Hunter is like “yeah so my uncle” and shes like “mhm! go on” with feathers growing from her arms
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Ww!lilith au lilith went to a bar once, saw eda, and never went again
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the thing about season 2 with the ww!lilith au is that not much really changes? Her way of interacting with Luz is different (bc she doesnt need that uh. someone to look up to and be her superior thing anymore. shes dealt with not having that for 2 years and shes not shoving it onto a child) though she still has like. a fair amount of respect
she DOES get a clothing change but like. just because and less bc she cant go to her home to get something new (her house is a lil old shack and well. eda offered a place so her main home is with her sister now! poggers)
in regards to episodes, its the same, but like offscreen? lilith leaves the house more often then she would in canon bc she has a place thats safe for her to go.
I’ll get back to yall with specifics for the EPISODES after i rewatch them, but if you want like. general. happenings, i can give those easy
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ww lilith ? do you mean like animal crossing wild world ?
This is SOOO so funny to me anon thank u
Anyway uh! It stands for Wild Witch Lilith Au, which is an owl house au i made! You can look up the tag on my blog for the og post I made for it, it’s filed under #ww!lilith au
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