#wwf godfather
May 31, 1999 - On WWF Monday Night RAW in Moline, Illinois, Jeff Jarrett defeated The Godfather to win the WWF Intercontinental Title.
On the same show The Acolytes (Bradshaw and Faarooq) became WWF Tag Team Champions for the first time, after beating Kane and X-Pac.
Start each day off right with a trip in The Spanish Announce Time Machine as Tim and Tom discuss something that happened ON THIS DAY in Pro Wrestling history.
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machobusta · 6 months
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D’Lo Brown celebrates picking up a victory over X-Pac.
Fully Loaded: In Your House July 26, 1998
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fornashbynash · 9 months
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Marie Claire magazine, Feb '00
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take-taker-taken · 2 months
Baby Taker content? Yes. Always:
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alanangels · 2 years
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This killed me though😂😂 @moxleyunstable @lilaviolet @aaronpullinteeth
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Most Beloved WWE Wrestler Tournament
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sleepy-achilles · 1 year
The Family of Destruction- The Bone Street Krew
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Baby Leon? Yes please.
Also baby bloodline members. Timeline? Gone. None of their ages would match up with their current ages so I don't mention any age at all in this. Just either ignore the fact cassie should be born but obviously isn't and yeah. We love screwing up timelines just to get ideas outta head.
Leon shovels in another mouthful of cereals as the others rush around behind him. Everyone's in a rush, but Leon? Leon isn't. Leon is quite happy in his skeleton pj's eating his black and white cereal.
John looks over at his baby brother as he shovels another colourful mouthful of cereal into his mouth. "I thought he hated those sugary things?" John asks. Shawn pauses with a piece of toast hanging from his mouth as he looks over at the youngest boy. This causes taker to bump into him. "Jesus-shawn!" Taker huffs as he spills his coffee and shawn drops his toast. "He does.." Shawn whispers confused. "What?" Taker grumbles as he tugs his, what was a nice clean white t-shirt, off and uses it to dry his skin. "Leon's eating those cereals you both hate" Shawn states. It's takers turn to pause and look at the boy.
He frowns before moving into Leon's sight. "You alright?" Taker asks. Leon looks up at him confused. Taker watches as he lowers the spoon and brings his hands up. 'Yes, why?' His small fingers sign. "You told papa you hated those" Taker states, nodding at the nearly empty bowl. 'Wanted the energy for today' Leon signs. Taker smiles as Leon does his child version of rolling his eyes. The boy had seen Shawn doing it so many times at taker that he decided he also wanted to roll his eyes whenever taker did something worthy of it. Problem was, Leon was a kid and hadn't developed thr skill of rolling them yet, so instead he just moves his eyes all around. Taker chuckles and tickles the boy causing him to giggle.
"You need to hurry and get changed if you want to meet with daddy's friends" taker tells him as he throws his t-shirt into the laundry basket. Leon nods and finishes his last few spoons before running off. "So?" Shawn asks holding out another t-shirt. Taker kisses him in thanks and pulls it on. "Wants energy for today" taker states looking at John who's cleaning the floor. "Are you coming with?" Taker asks. "Can we spar?" He questions. "Of course, with us or the kliq" Shawn hums. "Okay" John smiles.
Leon rests his chin on top of takers head as they move through the arena. Papa and John went off to find the kliq. Leon closes his eyes as his dad hums a tune and taps his fingers gently against Leon's legs. "Hey hey hey!" A voice booms, causing Leon to jerk upright. He opens his eyes and smiles at the group of men. "If it isn't little Leon michaels" Rikishi smiles as taker lifts the boy off his shoulders. Leon rushes over and allows the man to lift him up. "I've got my twins with me today" Rikishi tells him. Leon frowns slightly. He didn't have a problem with the twins really, it's just when grouped up with their other family members they liked to single Leon out. Especially Roman. Leon always got on with Solo though, no matter if the others were around. Both were quiet aloof boys. It was easy maths to them.
"What is it? Bring your kids to work day?" Taker jokes. "Why? Shawn bring his boy too?" Paul mumbles. Leon frowns at his so called grandfather. "Oi, none of that now" godfather warns. "You damn well know John is as much my son as he is shawns" Taker snaps. "Look at you, stepping up when..well its a strange one isn't it? Normally you'd be stepping up in the fathers spot but he has a father. The mother ended up being a deadbeat" yokozuna comments. "Aye..none of this infront of Lee." Taker mutters. "Well, Romans also here too Lee, plenty of boys for you to play around with" Rikishi states lowering the boy. Leon's frown grows deeper. He would not be having a fun evening anymore.
John sticks close to shawn as they walk through the halls. He knew randy was around after the harts stopped to tease Shawn. Owen, he was always kind to John, stopped to let him know what other kids were running around. He couldn't wait to see randy. They got on great, but first he really wanted to meet with his uncles and go a few rounds before the show.
Leon tilts his head back and watches in awe as his daddy throws Mideon around. Fuji looks at the small boy with a slight smile. He was going to do great things for this business. "That could be you one day kid" godfather states. Leon looks at him with wide eyes. "Talk or not. Your daddy basically doesn't talk so it can be done." He adds as Rikishi, Godwin and crush get involved in the fight. "See the way he already has taker under his thumb? This kid will be the top of the company before any of us can even blink" yokozuna chuckles. Leon smiles and looks back at his father to see him handing out chokeslams.
He then spots his Papa with uncle Kevin and John. Leon pushes away from the table and runs towards them.
Kevin chuckles and picks the boy up. Leon hugs him tightly. "Always know just what I need don't ya?" Kev mumbles rubbing the boys back. "Cmon boys! We promised John a sparring match before the show" Shawn calls. Rikishi smiles at the blonde. "Your lucky you're takers boy" he tells him. "Aw and nothing to do with me being a pretty face?" Shawn teases with a pout. Taker smiles. "Yeah, you've gotta give him credit. His pretty face has been a gift to us since we adopted him" godfather teases. Taker groans and rolls out of the ring. "Stop making it sound like your his pimp" Taker huffs hugging shawns waist. "I wouldn't complain, he'd be a great pimp" Shawn admits. "You know it. I'd actually look after him unlike his current pimp" godfather states moving closer.
"Vinnie ain't all bad. Especially with the hell I give him" shawn smirks. "You need us to stick around and show John how to really fight?" Yokozuna asks. "Nah, me and kev have it covered. Besides like you said, we want him to learn how to really fight" Shawn smirks. "Cheeky" godfather huffs. "Just the way we like him" Rikishi chuckles climbing out of the ring. "I will be taking that though" godfather states pointing at Leon. "Yeah? Who you using him to scare off this time?" Kevin asks handing the boy over. "Paul. Love how he makes the big guy tremble" godfather smirks. Taker rolls his eyes and kisses shawns cheek. "Have fun and I'm warning you, stop teaching him your dirty tricks" Taker warns Shawn. Shawn smirks and kisses the tip of takers nose. "Never" he whispers before moving to the ring.
Taker chuckles and shakes his head as he moves up the ramp.
Leon tilts his head as he examines the cards. "Give me a little bit of luck Lee" Rikishi huffs. Leon smiles at the man and tilts his head to the side. "Oh really?" Rikishi asks. "Im all in baby" he adds. Taker looks down at Leon and groans. "Leon I swear if you don't quit giving me up" it's impossible to play cards when your own son enjoys watching you lose. "Go find some of the other kids to play with" Taker sighs dropping cards. Leon frowns and shakes his head. "Cmon, gotta teach them poker young" godfather states. "Ah, are my boys being shits again? I'll sort them Lee, just give me the look" Rikishi tells him. Leon just shakes his head again before jumping down.
"So where are you going?" Taker asks. Leon looks at him and raises his hands. 'Canteen. Water.' He signs. They've been working on full sentences with Leon. Both in speech and sign. Ones going a lot further than the other. "Alright, you know the rules. Grab me one too, okay?" Taker asks. Leon nods before moving to the door. Vega opens it for the small boy. Leon looks at him and smiles. 'Thanks' "Anytime squirt" he chuckles.
"Hes a smart kid" godfather states as Leon waddles off. "Too smart." Taker huffs leaning back as the boys start to light up now the kids gone. "How's child number three coming?" Rikishi asks. "Shawn's excited. Just have to arrange it all. He wants a girl, has a name and everything" Taker answers. "You know, a girl might be the missing piece you both need" Godfather tells him. "Yeah? You reckon?" Taker asks collecting the cards. "I do. Don't get me wrong, John and Leon? Great kids, I love them both to death, you are also amazing with them both. But I have a feeling you are made to be a girl dad" godfather explains. "You never know. Anything can happen" Taker shrugs. "You sent your boy off to get drinks and didn't offer us any? The disrespect" Rikishi suddenly speaks up. "Oh come off it, you have two running around, you expect my small boy to carry enough drinks back for us all?" Taker teases. Rikishi rolls his eyes at the other. "Them? Do anything I ask? Please, I have more chance winning the lottery" he huffs.
Leon stares at the fridge. He knows the others will want water but how is he supposed to carry basically eight bottle back? He frowns but begins to take the bottles out and group them up. He could atleast stick two in his short pockets. The shorts shouldn't fall down and if he walks carefully enough the bottles won't fall. He could fit one under each arm and hold two in his hands. He thinks about those in the room.
'Daddy, Rikishi, godfather, yokozuna, fuji and Vega. That makes seven I need. Eight if I count that John will be joining us soon.' Leon thinks to himself. John always ended up joining them as the show started. "You alright there Lee?" Goldust asks kneeling next to the small boy as he grabs another water bottle. Leon nods. "Would you like help carrying those?" Goldust questions. Leon shakes his head. "Alright, well, I'll be sat at the back table with manny if you do need help, okay?" Goldust asks. Leon just nods and smiles at the man before he walks away.
Leon can do this. He sticks two in his pockets. He sticks two under his arms and then looks at the remaining four. This shouldn't be difficult. He shuffles the bottles into a slight curve and leans down, carefully scooping them up into his arms before standing. As long as he's careful, he should be able to do this.
Goldust smiles at the small boy as he begins to make his journey back to the lockerooms.
Leon keeps his eyes focused on the bottles, especially when he feels the ones under his arms begin to slip. It's times like this he wishes he did wear a hoodie.
Leon's too focused elsewhere to spot trouble coming. A foot sticks out infront of him causing him to trip. He lets out a soft grunt as the bottle fly and he hits the floor face first. "Oops" a familiar voice laughs. Leon lifts himself up slightly to see the twins laughing at him. He can't fight the way his bottom lip wobbles as blood bubbles in his sore nose. "It was too good to resist!" Jey laughs tilting his head back. "What idiot would carry all those and not ask for help?" Jimmy questions, kicking one of the bottles. Leon lowers his head. He was doing so well. He can practically hear his father and uncles laughing from here.
A new pair of shoes appear infront of him and the twins laughter dies. Leon slowly looks up confused to see Roman stood with his hand out. Roman doesn't say anything as he leans forward, forcefully grabbing Leon's hand and pulling the smaller boy up. "Roman?" Jey asks confused. "Hes bleeding." Roman states. "So?" Jimmy asks. "You took it too far." Roman snaps. Leon feels confused. A emotion he'd find out he'd always attach to Roman reigns, even as they grow old. Leon watches as Roman picks up four of the bottles and holds them out to Leon. "Are these for your papa?" Roman asks. Leon slowly shakes his head. "Dad then? Cmon" Roman tells him.
It throws Leon off. There's not positive emotion towards Leon or the twins. It's almost like Romans being forced to do this. Leon remember last time Roman taught the twins how to do the old foot out thing, that's when Leon realises, the difference was Leon could lessen the fall as his hands were free. He couldn't do that this time. Leon accepts the bottles and watches as Roman picks up the rest. "Go annoy someone else." Roman barks at the twins. "Whatever" jey huffs before walking off. "Actin real weird today Roman" Jimmy mutters before following jey. Roman doesn't say anything as he turns and leads the way.
"Ah I don't know I think their just tryna impression either Roman or dwayne. You should both of them in the ring, it's good." Rikishi states. "I bet. Doesn't excuse the fact your twins can be real assholes sometimes" vega points out. "I know that. I've been speaking to them about it" Rikishi sighs. "Must be nice. I speak to Leon about anything and he just sends me a death stare" Taker mutters, and he quite literally means a death stare. Too many times his throat has tightened. Takers just glad Leon follows his rules about the powers.
Speaking of Leon.
The men look up as the door is pushed opened. In walks roman with water bottles and behind him Leon. "Jesus, what happened?" Taker asks standing and rushing to Leon. Roman looks back at Leon who begins to move his fingers. 'I tripped.' "You tripped?" Taker asks taking the water bottles off Leon and pinching his nose. Leon nods as best as he can. "Is that true roman?" Rikishi asks. Roman stares at Leon shocked. Why would he defend the twins? Leon just glances at him. "Yes. He was trying to carry all these bottles on his own when he tripped over a bunch of cables. He could protect himself and hit the floor face first." Roman states. "And here you were calling him smart" yokozuna teases. Godfather shakes his head.
"Why didn't you ask for help with the bottles?" Taker asks. 'Wanted to do on my own.' Leon signs. "You don't have to do everything on your own though Lee." Taker sighs. He's hoping Leon doesn't bruise. Shawn will kill them both. "What do you say to roman?" Taker asks. 'Thank you' Leon signs. "Than-" "I know." Roman mutters glancing down. Roman couldn't lie, he studied Leon like he was some freak show. Like he was big foot and he just needed to know more. He asked his Grandpa to teach him some basic sign after figuring out that's what the smaller boy used to speak.
Taker examines the taller boy before nodding. "Have you seen the twins?" Rikishi asks. "No sir" Roman mutters. "Can you go find them for me please?" Rikishi asks. "Of course" Roman nods before putting the bottles down and moving back to the door. He stops next to Leon and looks down at him. A act that would change as they got older. Leon would go from the runt of the litter to the biggest. Roman would only grow to 6'3 whilst Leon would get one up on him and be an inch taller at 6'4. Not that it mattered to roman. He would always have the years before when he was bigger than him.
Roman doesn't say anything as his gaze leaves Leon's and he leaves the room. "I mean, future enemies or what?" Yokozuna asks. "Will you quit it with your dream universe that our kids will all fight each other for top dog" Rikishi huffs. "Hes not wrong. They probably will" godfather huffs as he hands taker a tissue. Taker thanks him and places it against Leon's nose, tilting his head forward. "What are we gonna tell your papa.." Taker sighs. "What did you lot do to him?" John asks walking in. "You see Johnny, takes wasn't pay attention and opened the door straight on the runt" Rikishi jokes. "The least shocking thing, but papa will kill you if thats true" John admits kneeling next to Leon.
Leon frowns at them. "Its just teasing Lee." John tells him. "Thats what you think" Taker whispers as he checks Leon's face for swelling or broken bones. "Roman says he tripped." Rikishi answers John's question. "How? The least clumsiest kid you'll ever meet" John asks. "Trying to carry eight water bottles will do that" vega comments. John looks at Leon who's frowning. Taker lowers the tissue to see the bleeding stopped. "You good bud?" Taker asks. Leon nods. "Good" Taker huffs brushing Leon's hair from his face. "Thats good" Taker repeats causing Leon to roll his eyes. Taker chuckles and stands. "I've got a match, can i trust you lot with my kids?" Taker asks. John smiles slightly at the question. It always made him feel whole when taker referred to him as his kid.
"Of course we can" vega huffs as Rikishi picks Leon up. "Yeah, since when couldn't we look after them?" Godfather asks squeezing John's shoulder. "Last time I came back to a complete mess" Taker states. "Not our fault" yokozuna huffs. "Whos fault was it?" Taker asks. "Look, your kids are pretty convincing kids. They could tell us to Rob the big man and we'd do it" Rikishi admits. "Dont give them ideas" Taker warns. He kisses Leon's cheek and ruffles John's hair before walking out. Godfather smirks and looks at the boys. "So what shall we get up to first?"
Taker finally gets backstage and is greeted by a very unhappy looking Shawn. "Oh god what happened?" Taker groans. "We have a nice fine coming our way. That's what." Shawn snaps crossing his arms. Taker whines and tilts his head back. "Not only have they ruined the harts ring gear but they destroyed many things in the arena whilst playing their own version of go karts." Shawn tells him. Taker sighs and looks to see the bsk peaking at him around the corner with his sons tucked with them. They all look guilty but taker can't be mad when he sees the genuine smiles on the boys faces. The play glint in Leon and John's eyes. Taker smiles softly and looks at shawn. "Its worth a few fines if you ask me." Taker tells him softly as he takes shawns hands into his.
Shawns frown fades into a soft smile. "Im telling Kevin and Scott this information" Shawn whispers before kissing him softly. "Oh god I can already see the competition for the highest fines" Taker groans.
Leon looks at John with a smile. John nods and looks at Rikishi. "Leon has a idea" John whispers. "A good one?" Godfather asks. "A wicked one" John smirks. The boys look at each other before back at the two troubling boys. "Ah screw it, tell us" Rikishi smiles.
I think I focused too much on the children here but I've been writing a lot of adult family of destruction stuff and I've been focusing a lot on Leon and Roman. So obviously I remembered the fact the bsk and the bloodline are really connected so that means if taker brings his kids to work, so does Rikishi, sometimes even cousins and stuff. The rock eventually brings roman instead. But you get what I mean.
I just adore the idea of roman and Leon being childhood rivals and growing up to be adult rivals. Which I keep writing about and never posting. I apologise.
Enjoy :)
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orangebapecamoprint · 2 months
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my-self-reflections · 10 months
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machobusta · 6 months
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D’Lo Brown and The Godfather make their way to the ring for D’Lo’s match against X-Pac. Fully Loaded: In Your House July 26, 1998
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ringthedamnbell · 1 year
Top Five Favorite Movies That Had Pro Wrestlers involved
Top Five Favorite Movies That Had Pro Wrestlers involved
Brian Damage Pro Wrestlers have been involved with Hollywood, almost as long as movies were being made. Many times they would film a quick cameo appearance or be an extra as a “heavy” without many even realizing they were professional grapplers. Nowadays, wrestlers have become more leading men and women, starring and headlining feature films. Today’s top five looks at my personal favorite movies…
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take-taker-taken · 1 year
Yoinked from Godfather’s IG. He said it’s not recent, so I’m not sure where it dates from, but he did say he was high so that why he initially pushed the wrong way 😂
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