#x | i am a writer a writer of fictions ( ooc. )
vuulpecula · 10 months
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🌸 If you get this, answer with 3 random facts about yourself and send it to the last 7 blogs in your notifications, anonymously or not! Let's get to know the person behind the blog. 🌸
✖ sent by the lovely @acharnemcnt <3
I love legos ! specifically the star wars ones - it is my dream to one day be able to afford the huge star destroyer !
I put in a little flower garden by my front door this year and within a week a garden spider moved in and made a HUGE web. Her name is Eudora and I love her.
I'm trying really hard to write a book -- its a fantasy and so far i have 12 chapters and i still feel so cringe when people ask me about it lol
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ambrosialdesire · 16 days
pairing: laois touden x fem!monster reader word count: 5k warnings + tags: general yandere and/or dark themes, kinda gory descriptions, cannibalistic ideas/thoughts/temptations, probably ooc laois, delusional ideas, monster reader w/ large breasts (i mean, it comes with the kind of monster she is tbh but this is the only physical descriptor of the reader), brief bodily mutilation + removal mention, breast milk consumption, accidental peeping (?), breast fixation, blood kink kinda, biting mention synopsis: he's always been the type with an insatiable appetite when it comes to any monsters, but he promised to never ever eat any demi-humans when it comes down to it. the temptation when it comes to you has became irresistible to try and ignore. a/n: in request of 🌷 anon and my fueled want for laois, i have made my first dungeon meshi/delicious in dungeon yan fic! i decided to do it in laois pov cause i feel it'll make for an interesting perspective. not really nsfw this time around lol since i'm still new and keeping up with the anime and learning about the characters SO IM ONLY CAUGHT UP ANIME-WISE OK LOL AND THE MONSTER I'M USING FOR THE READER ARE CONSCIOUS BEASTS THAT CAN COMMUNICATE AND SHIT LIKE THAT CAUSE IT'S SO VAGUE ON THE WIKI 😭😭 also i'm making shit up as i go okay so anything food related is like entirely made-up 💀 AND YEAH I MADE IT ABOUT BREAST MILK OKAY LMFAOOO tbh i've always wanted to try a dnd-related game but literally have no where to start (ik there's baldur's gate but i am a broke full-time student lol) hope y'all enjoy and hope i can make some more of laois cause he's so 🏃‍♀️💨💨 note: please keep in mind of the tags above and do not proceed if triggering or uncomfortable, especially if you are a minor!! do not read my or any other writers' dark content if you are underaged. this is a fictional work and does not reflect irl morals, do not believe this is how a real romance works or functions.
─── ・ 。゚☆: .☽ . :☆゚.───
Laois made a promise to never consume a demi-human, no matter the circumstances. It made sense, they were on the cusp of something that was human but not. They could have similar features like the races they respectively belonged to, could bleed red and have had a beating heart, yet in the end, they were still a monster inside and out. Morally or ethically — whichever which belonged to which — according to Chilchuck, it was still wrong to try and consume them.
He understood that completely once it got explained and stuck into his head, but then you came into question.
When you came into Laois's party during the search for his sister, you were almost attacked from how you meekly approached the small group in one of the dungeon’s levels. They were right to be cautious of course, many human-like monsters had previously attacked them when their guard was down, but once they realized you genuinely meant no harm, they let you join in. Marcille was overjoyed that another girl had joined the party, though both Laois and Chilchuck had their valid doubts about you. Senshi didn't really mind, long as you could pull your own weight and never tried to attack them.
Were you trying to play the long game? Did it make them taste better when you waited to strike? Were you eyeing your pick in the group? Senshi and him both have a lot of meat on their person, Chilchuck was definitely the least desirable since he was so small and had less meat on his body; to be honest, Marcille was in a similar boat as him too.
Food-wise, you ate whatever Senshi made with a happy smile, not even being deterred once from having to eat something that was considered to be closely related to you. He wondered if it was something you were used to, something that you had to be doing in order to survive down here. Then, if it came to other parties that came before them and being forced to defend yourself, did you ever had to... consume them?
Laois hoped it never had to occur, but he couldn't blame you if you had no other choice. He could imagine you being trapped for days before your kind could get to you, maybe one or two bodies from an adventuring party were with you from a previous scuffle and the pangs of hunger were getting to you. The thought of the remaining party members finding the torn apart limbs and strewn, chewed on bones surrounding a bloody starving monster made his stomach flip and a shiver go down his spine. Maybe it's because that's how he last remembered Falin right before she teleported them out of the dungeon, her midst of her body trapped in the toothy maw of that Red Dragon.
Because of this now since your alliance with them combined with the many questions in his head about your diet, there was one that he can't quite get rid of, no matter how much he tried.
What did a human taste like to a monster?
It's been a few weeks since they've ventured in the dungeon and Laois still had some doubts with your intentions for joining. A monster is a monster and cannot be trusted no matter what, but you didn't cause trouble or held them back from their search so he let you be... for now at least. He'd be a hypocrite for not letting you stay since he's been keeping Kensuke around, but it's only temporary and it can't really harm him without the other parts of the Living Armor. You're a moving... person? Half of one. Actually more a third-fourth of one? He doesn't quite know but still rather fascinated by your existence.
You were similar to them in conscious thought and speech, as well as appearance-wise. Well, appearance-wise, you definitely weren't human. Small, bilateral curved horns made their home on the sides of your head, floppy brown ears swung around with every step you took, a long bovine tail whipped around the bottom of your legs, and finally, your legs were curved into two thick cow-like stumps with hooves at the end as a replacement of feet. Minotaur, or that's what you said what you were, though you were smaller than those massive farm animal adjacent beasts, about a few inches taller than Marcille.
And not to sound like a perv or anything remotely similar to that, but you didn't really have udders either, unless your more than well-endowed breasts compensated for the lack thereof.
"Ow! Laois!" He snapped out of his thoughts, looking down at his metal shoe and seeing the fluffy end of your tail on the bottom of it.
"Oh, sorry." Slowly, he lifted his foot off of it, the appendage whipping around and twitching. It wrapped around your waist, almost completely hidden as a fuzzy brown and white belt.
"It's bad to get distracted here, are you hungry? Thirsty? I have some bread and milk in the pack if you want to snack on it." As you walked on forwards, you pulled the bag off of your shoulders and began to rummage through it with one hand. You finally found what you were looking for, handing it over to him without hesitation, slinging your bag back where it belonged. He stared at the milk as he chewed on the bread, the texture soft and light with each bite.
Did... did this come from you? You mentioned to them before in the beginning stages of joining that they can drink your milk if they needed to, but the horrified looks of both the elven mage and the Half-foot locksmith prevented you from trying any further. Both him and Senshi was of course curious, Minotaur milk was both difficult to come across and retrieve, but the two told the dwarf that they absolutely refused to eat anything that he cooked if it came from your body.
"Gross, don't tell me that came from you Y/N." Chilchuck grimaced as he walked on by and you shook your head.
"No! Of course not. I know you people humans are a little weird but I wouldn't give something that came from me without telling you. It's just cow milk, er... not from me." Laois felt a little disappointed as he opened the top of the bottle, wondering if it tasted different from normal cow's milk. According to the Dungeon Gourmet Guide, Minotaur milk was thicker and sweeter compared to the average cattle's; then again, this precious book of his wasn't really that accurate unfortunately.
What about your flesh?
He came to a sudden standstill, almost causing Marcille to bump into him.
"If you're gonna stop out of nowhere, at least move to the side Laois!" She grumbled, moving past him as he stood there in confusion. What was he thinking? Why would he even go so far as to think that? He started moving again, carefully watching you click on forwards. His mind began to wander at the thought again, which parts of you would be edible?
Your legs definitely, there's so much muscle built upon you there. He'd seen you strike down stone pillars and enemies in a single blow without even flinching. Maybe even your thin tail, could be tough and stringy though. Your ears would take a while to feast upon, cartilaginous but still a good source of protein. Horns are a no-go, too small and were most likely hollower than meaty. Cow hooves are a delicacy in some parts of the world, so it was possible that yours were consumable too.
Would the "human" parts of you count? You hadn't revealed if you were full or half-monster, maybe even if you were cursed, so it was hard to truly determine what you were. If you were a full monster, that meant that every bit and piece of you was edible meat.
"Laois, you’re drooling! I can hear your stomach rumbling too," Your giggling voice rang clearly in his mind, his gaze snapping downwards as he wiped his mouth quickly. "I have more bread if you want."
"No, no. It's better if we stop now and make something more nutritionally beneficial to continue forwards," Senshi stopped with the two of you, turning his head around to find a suitable room for cooking. "Think I still have some of those Harpy eggs and Kelpie flesh, would you two be so kind to try and find some more ingredients on this floor? Any vegetation would do this meal some good."
And here the two of you were, walking around the floor's grounds to spot for anything of use. It was almost completely quiet minus the shifting of his armor and the clicks of your hooves echoing throughout the stone hallway, reducing that awkward silence just a little. Your weapon, a sharpened scythe, swung around on your back as if you were a cow grim reaper; the thought of a cow dressed up in a black robe with a menacing skull mask made him chuckle in his head a little.
"Oh! Up ahead, I see something leafy." The hoof-clicking went faster as you picked up your pace, ducking your head from the fallen wooden structures that were in the way. Compared to the average Minotaur, you moved and reacted quicker, most likely because of your smaller stature and having a little less muscle in your body to heave around. That could make you vulnerable on the other hand, having less muscle everywhere else minus your legs meant diminished strength and being unable to defeat enemies in a more timely manner. Interesting.
"Laois, do you think this enough for all five of us?" You shuffled out of the crevice in a huff with bundles of thick purple, triangular leaves in your arms and he took a pinch from one of the leaves, inspecting it before placing it in his mouth. He winced, his face contorting to a pucker as you laughed at his expression. Dungeon oxalis, edible but strongly tasted similarly to citrus.
"We could work with it, could make up for lemons since they're pretty sour. Here, place it in your bag and we can search for other things." You nodded after wiping your eyes from your boisterous laughter, following his instructions and getting back up from the ground.
You dusted yourself off before picking the bag back up, smiling at him as the two of you began to move deeper into the dungeon. "I hope we find some Night Lucernes but I think since we're already so low underground, it's getting more unlikely they can grow here."
"Oh we can't eat those, they make us sluggish and gives us stomach cramps for weeks."
Blinking at him, you tilted your head in confusion. He never noticed how long your eyelashes were, is that common in your kind? "Really? They're like vitamins for me or was it something about the blood—"
"Why are you not like the other Minotaurs?"
"Huh?" The question was out of the blue, interrupting her talking as the two of you had stopped in the middle of the hallway, eyes locked with one another.
"Why are you not like the other Minotaurs?" Laois repeated, not skipping a beat and leaning down closer to you. "You're not massively built, you don't have a cow's head, you don't have large horns. You don't strictly eat vegetation, is it even good for you to eat monster meat so often? There's so very few things that are Minotaur-like on you, are you really one of their kind?"
Your eyelids fluttered in shock, each question wrapping around your brain before you leaned away from him, scratching the back of your neck. "Well... I-I don't really know why myself."
"Uh yeah. One day, when I was still young, I woke up in this dungeon alone without a single memory in my mind. I don't even remember who named me either, but I vaguely remember being told that I'm a Minotaur. Maybe it's the Mad Mage's fault but I'm sorry Laois, I really can't explain why I'm not more like them."
Did that even satisfy his question on whether you were edible as a Minotaur or not?
"I do know is that I am a monster," You put a hand over where your heart is, clenching it tightly into a fist. "I ain't like you people humans and I'm sure not like those other animal humans you coexist with, so I am nothing but a monster. I may look a little different from my kind but inside and out, I have the Minotaur’s blood in me. And the strictly herbivore thing isn't really true, I can eat meat if I have no other choice to, it's not all that bad though. Doesn't really freak me out and I'm always grateful to have the opportunity to eat a good meal."
"So have you eaten other adventurers before meeting us? I won't judge, I'm genuinely curious and I won't tell the others if you have."
You froze, eyes casting downwards suddenly as your fists gripped onto the coat you wore. "I... I don't really want to talk about it Laois, sorry. I'll answer your other questions but some things are better left off unsaid, okay? Please respect that."
His lips were pulled into a thin line, the nagging voice in his head still ever curious on whether you've eaten human before, but you really did seem uncomfortable talking about the topic. "Sorry."
He then put a hand under his chin, thinking about what you've said previously slowly. Inside and out... Does that mean you are edible? I mean, you basically said it yourself, despite you being more on the human-appearance spectrum of monsters. Then again, they met more human-like monsters like the Harpies and the Dryads, and they've eaten them before! (Well... sorta.) The mermen were edible too (despite Chilchuck stopping him from taking more of the parts), so that means—
"Can I drink your milk then?"
"Wha— H-huh?!" The apples of your cheeks glowed a dark shade of red, but his gaze remained determined, sparkling in excitement even.
"You offered it before, didn't you? Chilchuck and Marcille aren't here so they won't judge us and I've been curious since my book said that it's different from normal cow's milk." You looked around, even peeking behind him, before sighing and bashfully pouting.
"I did! I know I did! But, I have to make it fresh since I threw out the ones I had on hand a week ago and I don't have any on my person right now so..."
"It's okay, I can wait." He bluntly replied, oblivious to your wording. Laois just wanted a little taste, nothing more and nothing less.
You mumbled something under your breath, his ears catching a few words of him being 'too eager' and 'quick to answer'. Was he? He was just answering your question honestly, and he’s been ever so curious about it ever since you’ve offered it before.
"Let me find a room, just wait outside for a bit."
You were flushed, clicking away to find a place to hide out so you could produce what he wanted. Of course he followed shortly after you left, staying outside just like you told him to and it would serve as extra security. If Minotaur milk tasted as good as they say, he might just keep asking you for it when some certain party members aren't nearby. Hell, he might even be able to sneak some to Senshi since he's been curious about it too! It's only right to share a magnificent discovery to the best monster chef. Actually, he might be the only monster chef he knew but he was still the best by default.
He waited.
And waited.
And waited…
Laois started to sit down next to the door due to how long you were taking to produce a small bottle. Was it difficult to get milk out of the body by yourself? He had to ask about that too since he’s only seen male Minotaurs depicted in his book; there was nothing but a small and vague paragraph that explained about the female Minotaurs, but it was mostly about their milk.
He closed his eyes, leaning his head against the stone wall. You really were a strange individual, someone that he can’t quite understand. Your very being makes his mouth salivate whenever he thinks about you as a next meal, even if it shouldn’t. Was it because all they’ve been eating has been monster-related? His strange fixation on trying them was slowly being satiated with every step down the dungeon, so he chalked it up to just being morbidly curious.
It has to be that reason, it must be, because what kind of sick individual constantly thinks about consuming his friend?
Opening back his eyes, he took another quick glance at the wooden door. Laois was extremely curious on how the whole process worked, if you really had extra udders or if the hidden parts of your body were furry or skin. Plus, you really were taking a long time, one of the three were bound to come over soon and he wouldn't be able to try the milk! Actually... you know what? What if you had gotten attacked in there by a whole group of Mimics?! Or any other monster group, like the ghosts! You were strong but you can’t take all of them at once, and monsters aren't able to revive here. Wait...
Monsters don’t revive here.
He scrambled up on his feet at the realization, quickly knocking on the door, the sound of stumbling and thuds causing him to immediately panic and start pushing it open.
"Are you oka—" Laois froze, his eyes widening.
Your eyes were wide open as well, mouth partially parted open in dumbfounded shock. At least you looked okay and it seemed there wasn't any harmful enemies around, just some old furniture that had fallen over. It's weird though. There you sat on the ground in the midst of the mess, one arm covering your bare chest while the other was holding a partially filled glass. He stood there in puzzlement as your face grew redder by the second, placing the glass down slowly before reaching for your weapon that was right next to you.
"I'M SO SORRY!!!" He slammed the door back shut as the scythe made its way towards his head, the sharp blade slicing through the old wood, the tip just barely missing his nose. His heart pounded against the metal chest plate like a beating drum, his lungs completely drained of all air. He began to kneel on the ground for some support since his legs started to give out from the revelation. His body was burning up, like he just got lit on fire from the Red Dragon or was a little too close to one of Marcille's explosion spells.
He just saw you naked. Not completely, but still, he just saw your breasts. He was used to and never cared about seeing others nude or topless, whether they be male or female — monster or not — it's just parts but seeing you?
Despite being here for most of your life, the skin from what he saw was quite smooth and rather mostly unblemished. It's like scars weren't able to attach onto the surface, as if they weren't allowed to. And the curvature of your heavy breasts, the noticeable suppleness of both when you moved and inadvertently squeezed them with your arm. They weren't udders at all either like he thought they were, they were undeniably humanlike, no fur included. He imagined biting into them, wondering if it'll be easy to sink his teeth into the squishy fat while he sucked on both the spilling blood and milk, thinking about the mix of sweetness and tangy that'll occur if he did. He'd be especially lucky to leave any mark on your pristine skin during the process, his body tingling at the idea of being the only one — the only human — to permanently leave something behind.
Laois couldn't stop salivating, a hand over his mouth to prevent him from drooling all over himself. He's shaking, why was he shaking? Was it from the fear of these unstoppable thoughts of his? Because of the leaf he ate not a moment ago? No. It's because of these recent developments and the answers he was getting from them, he was becoming... excited.
What the fuck was wrong with him?
‘•.¸♡ ♡¸.•’'•.¸♡ ♡¸.•’'•.¸♡ ♡¸.•’
The door finally creaked open, a small glass bottle being pushed towards him from the barely ajar entrance. He looked up to where your head would be, your eyes nervously staring down to the side. You started to apologize in a soft mumble as you slowly revealed yourself, now completely dressed.
"Sorry for throwing my weapon at you earlier, but this is all I can give right now. If I had eaten Night Lucernes prior, it would've been better quality. Um... enjoy I guess?"
"Thank you for the drink." Laois smiled and took the bottle in his hands, staring at the liquid. It was warm, which was expected since it just came out of your body, and it wasn't fully white like he thought it would be, the color just had the faintest tinge of yellow that could be missed if he wasn't looking close enough. He took the glass's edge to his lips and finally, he took a small swig of it.
Sweet, precisely as he thought it would be, but not as overtly strong to make him sick or give him an immediate cavity. The book was right to say that it was thick, almost similar to a honey-like consistency but still light enough to not choke at the heavy feeling of it go down his throat. He didn't realize that he quickly drank all of it at once, his tongue running across his lips to catch any remaining liquid left. You said that this wasn't the best quality, but he couldn't imagine it being any better than what he just drank.
"That was..." Laois paused, smacking his lips to try and remember the taste once more. Your face slightly fell, eyebrows worriedly scrunching together. "Amazing!"
"R-really?" The slightly-afraid look melted off in relief, your eyes glowing in happiness. "No one ever said that it tasted amazing before... Actually, no one actually tried it before except you Laois."
He... he was the first one that tried your milk? The fleeting thoughts he had prior ran through his mind again, his cheeks flushing a slight pink. If he really was the first one that drank something of yours... then it's only right that it would be specially reserved for him right? It's really selfish of him to keep this amazing beverage from his dear party, but something like this should be cherished by the one that adores you the most.
He quickly grabbed your hands, holding them up as he squeezed them tightly in excitement. "Can I have more later? I won't tell our party, it'll be our little secret exchange between the two of us."
Laois watched your expression turned from complete shock to shy awe, your tail twitching around and thumping against your legs. You were silent for a bit before looking up at him, a determined glint in your eyes. "W-what's in it for me? I can't just be the only one giving you something.
Shit. That was fair of you to bring up but him as a normal Tall-man, there was very little he could give you in return for your breast milk. "What would you want from me anyway?"
His mind immediately went into the gutter: you wanted to eat something off of him. It could be considered a fair exchange, consumable body part for consumable bodily fluid. Maybe you were getting tired of eating monsters, needing your actual nutrition from people. He started to get nervous, what would he be able to give you from his body? Would a finger satiate you or would you need something larger? Laois can't really give up his arms or legs, he'd need them in order to get through the dungeon and save Falin. Tongue was completely out of the question, he can't imagine not being able to taste food in both normal and monster dishes.
The idea of giving you his dick to consume suddenly popped up in his mind, the thought of trying to cut it off caused him to pale. He didn't use it much compared to his other body parts, only needing it to use to take a leak; he wasn't really the sexually active type either, being able to count the partners he previously had on only one hand. Technically and hesitantly, that would be the only large body part that he can give up for you.
Briefly, he imagined how'd you eat it. You weren't an messy eater when it came to Senshi's food — despite having to learn how to use utensils but still preferring to make use of your hands — so you'd probably be as neat as possible with it. You'd eat it raw, as soon as he managed to slice it off his person, warm crimson slipping down your fingers as you bite down through the layers of skin and muscle.
Or there was the possibility that you wanted to take it off yourself, kneeling right down in-between his legs, hands slowly sliding up his thighs to his hips as you approached his lower half. He'd be forced to watch you take his soft cock into your mouth, probably struggling if he accidentally got hard during the process. The last thing that Laois would feel would be your mouth's warmth wrapping around it before chomping down.
A shiver went down his spine, though it didn't feel as horrid as it was supposed to be.
With your big lashed eyes, you slowly blinked once more as a small smile grew on your lips. "Knowledge. I want to learn about the outside world. I've never left the dungeon before, all the adventurers that came before your party prevented me from ever trying."
Oh... That's actually not a bad exchange request, simple in nature. At least he gets to keep his junk, despite his heart still pounding from what his fucked-up mind just mustered up.
"Okay deal. I'll teach you about my world in exchange for milk." He put out his hand, letting you reach out and shake it. Your eyes relaxed as you smiled warmly up at him, finally letting him go. Laois then went over and patted your head, rubbing the top gently. You stiffened lightly at the gesture, his fingers brushing over the horns. They were smooth with faint ring-like indentations, almost an ivory-creamy color. Truly a fascinating feeling.
"There you guys are! You've been gone for so long that we were starting to get worried." Marcille. You batted his hand off of your head quickly, turned around with a tautly-pulled grin towards the elven girl.
"Must've lost track of time finding what Senshi wanted, sorry about the wait. You guys must be starving by now." The two of you started to chat walking back to the temporary camp, Laois watching and following from behind. You pulled out the oxalis in your bag to show her, a proud expression beaming off your face as you brought up his face when he first tried it. His stomach twisted, his hand resting on the top of his armor-covered abdomen.
There were very few monsters he found cute, most being out-of-this-world frightening to gaze upon, but you truly were one of the cuter ones around. He felt hungry again as your hips swayed from side to side, tail flicking around. He brushed the fingers that he touched your horns with against his lips, reminiscing on the texture. How sensitive were they? You did go rigid when he brushed against them, but it could be just from the shock.
Saliva was building up in his mouth again, and he could only harshly swallow back the feeling.
Deplorable he was with this appetite, the desire to consume you piece by piece. Would you accept that as one of your final fates? Rather than being killed and left behind with little to no chance of being revived, he'd pick up every raw part of you and eat it, savoring each bite in respect for what you've sacrificed to help him find his sister. Laois would try to bring the inedible bits of you with him — bones, teeth, horns, nails, hooves, hair — for the rest of this dungeon's journey and back into his world. Your wish would be granted, despite not being able to fully witness it yourself; you might even thank him for that bit of kindness too.
This thing the two of you had was special, unbeknownst to the others. A friendship that couldn't be understood by the other members of the party, but was completely comprehensible to only you and him. Symbiotic, just almost mutualistic. A love of one's flesh in exchange for the love of another's world.
Though Laois has expressed his heavy interest and passion in monsters, he never had said he loved them. Most were mindlessly dangerous, no matter how small or large they were, acting on base instinct. Yet, you were different. In fact, he could say that you were the opposite of him. Instead of being grouped together with your fellow monster-kind, you were more interested in being around outsiders. Different sides of the same golden coin.
A realization hit him, his eyes widening. The strange feelings in his body, the perverse, obsessive fantasies he's been having about you... It could only mean that he—
"Jeez Laois, you've been spacing out all day. Are you okay?"
He snapped out of it, staring at the concerned looks of both you and Marcille. Laois only smiled, his golden eyes focused completely on your form. Both your ear and tail tip was twitching, flicking in the air as if a fly was nearby.
"I'm just hungry, that's all."
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maisonaime · 6 months
Color coding: Angst & Hurt/Comfort, Smut/Romance, Fluff, Dark
***specific warnings and ratings will be at the front of each part — but fair to assume most will be intended for mature audiences***
To be added to the tag list for any of my fics fill out this form!
Ilithyia’s Blessings [Feysand Pregnancy Rewrite] - Part 1;  Part 2; Part 3; Part 4
Give and Take [Cass x Reader] - Part 1
The Star Who Listened [Azriel x Reader] Starfall Week 2024
If I am a branch on a tree, will I snap or will I burn? [Azriel/Nesta friendship]
Patience is a Virtue [Azriel x Reader]
Beautiful Agony [Azriel x Reader blurb]
Crescent City ❤️🌙
Alma Mater [Bryce/Danika friendship]
Note a couple of things quickly before you read or comment on my work: 
Antis from any camp will be deleted unless you’re making a valid coherent criticism of a character, I don’t need or want your negativity, long-winded arguments and terrible takes. There’s no reason to be anti-any characters. It’s reductive to the complexity of the story and the characters themselves. Same goes for the ship wars: I want no part of it, I’m a multi-shipper.
If you’re confused or curious about something I wrote, my asks are open for a reason! I’m always happy to share more about where my head is at or clarify why I included something – especially when I take my writing to a darker place. If you repost pieces of my work without credit to misconstrue the meaning without allowing people to form their own opinions, you will be reported. 
Assume unless otherwise stated that I’m operating on MY headcanons for the characters, i.e. OOC. I don’t believe that any fanfiction can be truly canonical because we’re each projecting our own experiences and interpretations onto the characters. The original writer is the only person who can write/determine canon for their stories.
Please remember you’re reading fiction, like literal fantasy. If you don’t like it move on, the internet is so wide. 
PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE!!!!!!! Let me know if I am missing a warning you think should be included. My last intention would be for anyone to feel blindsided with something sensitive in my writing. I will always be open to constructive criticism and new ideas!
Much love and happy reading! 🩷🍾
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makelemonade · 2 months
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I once had this on my master list but I removed it recently since a lot of links weren’t working. I’ll have it back up soon!
I’m going into my third year of University in the fall! I major in criminology and minor in sociology.
I’ve had a few people ask in the past if I play genshin with followers- I don’t! I would love to but that’s more of a personal life thing and I am honestly too lazy to make a side account. I also hardly play genshin anymore honestly.
I am a fic writer! I like writing fics more than one shots on here, honestly. My AO3 consists of FS fictions I have between characters and a few x reader one shots, and my wattpad contains full x reader fan fics; you can find all in my bio!
there’s not rlly a lot abt me I’m boring LOL
I write for most genshin men. I will list the men I do not write for/typically don’t write for.
I write x readers on here obviously. I do not write female characters x reader- only platonically.
I write fluff, smut, angst, hurt/comfort, found family- really anything that does not consist of what’s listed below.
I do NOT write rape, incest, sexual assault, pregnancy, character deaths, or sub characters.
When requesting, you must be specific. ALL of my oneshots are AFAB and female reader when it comes in terms of smut but if you prefer Gender Neutral PLEASE specify when requesting.
The genshin men I do not write for are;
Bennet, Freminet Chongyun, Xingqiu (platonic only)
Mika, Gaming (i didn’t play during the event so I have NO idea what they are like.)
Heizou (it’s such a long story my OG followers know)
Pulcinella (platonic and reasons obvious?!)
Characters I am iffy writing;
By iffy, I mean that I don’t really have a good sense of them or I write them very OOC. I still write for them though but like…horribly.
THIS ^ is where people send in donations to do a request. You do NOT need to pay to have a request done- this is only for the people who wish to donate.
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frozenambiguity · 3 months
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NAME: Cláudia
PRONOUNS : She/her
PREFERENCE OF COMMUNICATION : Discord. Ims, sometimes, though I often forget to check them asdfghfds I also enjoy communicating via tags.
NAME OF MUSE(s) : Kaeya! But I also like calling him Kae or Yaya when talking ooc with friends. He's my pookie, so it's only natural that I use nicknames of endearment.
BEST EXPERIENCE : honestly sobbing my eyes and soul out because of interactions or potential scenarios that I discuss with friends. I crave that sweet, sweet pain. It's at times like those that I really go, 'wow, all this that we create... Art, really. This is what makes life worth living'. It is honestly one of the best feelings for a writer to feel.
RP PET PEEVES / DEALBREAKERS : I don't think I have many...? Mostly because I am pretty chill with stuff. I guess I will mention the usual god-modding stuff or forcing headcanons onto my character, though it rarely happens.
If I have to give a more specific answer, though...? Hm. This might sound controversial, but it is heartbreaking to see that people do not distinguish fiction from reality anymore. Especially when that translates into attacking//bashing//starting fandom witch hunts, only because someone likes certain contents or ships you don't like or find "immoral".
I have been roleplaying for many years and I have always thrived in fandoms whose contents or nature could be easily seen as controversial ( if you know Diabolik Lovers, I'm blowing you a little kiss ), so it's rather weird to see people so sensitive these days. Not that you have to enjoy x or y, but if you don't, then simply curate your own space and go on with your day. You don't have to attack others or make them feel inferior for enjoying something you don't. I've seen firsthand, multiple times, people who stopped writing, drawing or just creating in general because they were attacked for it. Not cool.
TLDR; Just let people enjoy what they want and write what they want. I don't need to be more direct than this to get my point across. Learn to differentiate a person's interests from their true nature. If you're not capable of doing that, then... Well. We're probably not meant to be.
MUSE PREFERENCES: For settings, I prefer writing angst! Fluff! And surprisingly domestic, day-to-day stuff. But when it comes to muses, I tend to lean toward complex, multifaceted ones. Usually ones that choose to present themselves in a certain way and carry out a performance of sorts, that may not truly represent their deepest inner musings, thought patterns, or genuine feelings.
PLOTS OR MEMES : I tend to lean toward memes because I'm not very good at plotting + Kaeya has a mind of his own. I'm just here to type, he leads fdghjhr
LONG OR SHORT REPLIES : Long! I do not know how to be concise and I love partners who match that energy www
BEST TIME TO WRITE : It depends on my mood. I don't have a preferable time to do it. When motivation strikes --- that's the best time to write.
ARE YOU LIKE YOUR MUSE(S) : I have been finding more and more that yes, I am. More than I initially thought.
Tagged by: @nagareboshiko thank you for the tag!! <3
Tagging: you!
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kuraitsune · 2 years
Can I request yandere shxtou x reader but the thing is reader actually fell in love with shxtou?
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PARiNGS - ...Shxtou x GN!reader
MENTiONS - ...no one else mentioned
SUMMARY - ...to fall in love with someone who is so head-over heels for you, might just be the greatest decision you ever made. probably ooc(im so sorry i've been putting off with this request for quite a bit).
READER'S PROFiLE - ...you begin your vtubing journey somewhere in the middle of the story.
DiSCLAiMERS - subtle yandere themes! in no way am i a professional writer, i just like english lol. please know that these writings are a work of fiction and are the appearance and persona of the character! not the person behind the screen.
iMPORTANT A/N - hi yes i said i wouldn't write anything with yandere themes in my introduction post but yk i can break my own rules sometimes. enjoy~
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You met Shoto by accident, bumping into him while you were in a hurry. Simply said, he was allured by your appearance the first encounter though thought nothing of it later.
That is, until the two of you encountered each other again. But this time, it was at a local cafe. Once again, the demon slayer was intrigued by you. And so, he did the sensible and asked if he'd seen you before.
"Oh! I think so... didn't I?" you looked at Shoto's entire form, recognizing the pure purple hair. "Sorry for bumping into you a few days ago."
"It's no problem... err.. I never caught your name," he scratched the back of his neck.
"It's [name], and you?"
"Shoto. Do you mind telling me your recommendations here?" your eyes lit up, you had actually been a regular here so you know which drinks and treats are absolutely delicious.
"Don't mind one bit! See, I usually get..." he half-listened to your ramblings and your personal ratings of the drinks, only really looking at your details carefully.
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You two started hanging out a lot more after that, and you eventually learned that he was a streamer.
"Uwahhh! That's so cool! What do you stream usually?" you asked at the time when he told you he had streamed for a living, the both of you just in your cozy house.
"Horror games, FPS games, other types, y'know. The usual games you'd expect me to play," Shoto counted off of his fingers, putting each one up for every game he thought of that he's streamed.
"Cool, I had always wished to have become a streamer myself but I don't think I'm exactly up to the task," you sighed, remembering your past memories and fantasies of being one yourself.
"It's not too late, and I'm right here???" he deadpanned at you.
"I just don't want you to spend too much of your time with me!" you rolled your eyes, trying to make a point with the stubborn slayer.
Shoto eventually convinced you to become one, helping you with each and every step along the way. That was when he knew, that he had fallen for you hard.
He accepted the fact that he wished you could be all his, but it was a bit impossible due to the fact that he just helped you become a streamer and debuted with thousands of viewers.
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Coincidentally, you equally fell for Shoto after a few months with streaming with the slayer. Though not to the extent that you'd seal him away from society, nonono! It's more like a fluffy wholesome love.
The two of you had a collab today in a horror game, and just as you were preparing to start the stream fully, Shoto dmed you asking if he could chat with you before starting. Being the great friend you are, you obliged and vc’d him soon after responding.
“Heyyyy, need anything?” you greeted, starting off with a question.
"Not really, except for the fact that I just wanna talk to you, y'know," he answered.
"Yeah sure, I'd definitely believe that. Tell me what's up?" he hesitated to respond to your words, it seemed that you won't be moving your position until you get an answer out of him.
"Don't you ever feel like... you just want someone to yourself? And only yourself?" Shoto finally breathed out, not realizing he was holding in a breath.
"Sometimes, but that's normal. Isn't it? Like a feeling of jealousy or attention-starving is what I feel."
"Err... thing is... that person is you."
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NOTE - i actually don't really like this since it doesn't really fit the request too well? i still hope you enjoyed this work tho anon!
and i am sorry for being inactive for a while, that's because (1) i've had writer's block recently (2) taking care of myself more (3) i'm starting school soon :(
but! i've been working on something nice little by little, i'll be posting it very soon~
DO NOT: repost or copy any of @kuraitsune's works! sharing is fine with credits.
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SYWTW Masterlist
Hello! I'm B (she/her), an author and fairly active single-wip writeblr working with themes such as character-driven horror, historical-fiction, whump, as well as various complicated romantic, platonic and familial relationships.
I'm providing a masterlist of the various tags on my blog (beneath the read more) for easy navigation. I always interact and am always looking for writer friends, so don't be afraid to reach out.
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Character Tags
-Main Characters-
#◇ 'long way down to the bottom of the river' (sally)
#◇ 'losing grip of what i thought i knew' (martha)
#◇ 'are these vultures overhead?' (sylvester)
#◇ 'baby lion lost his teeth' (john-ira)
#◇ 'try a little topsy-turvy' (prudence)
#◇ 'delicate in every way but one' (annie)
#◇ 'i belong to here' (rosfridur)
#◇ 'i've taken a week to feel free' (bill)
#◇ 'melodies and trees hang by my side' (amos)
-Secondary Characters- (WIP)
#◇ 'every little hour that i spend' (orie)
#◇ 'for every wrong you did to me' (kate)
#◇ 'when does the reason become the blame?' (simeon)
#◇ 'cause she's just like the weather' (flossie)
#◇ 'help me hurt you' (alfie)
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Ship Tags
#♡ 'wherever you go please take me' ⁻ (john x prudence)
#♡ 'dont you hear me howling babe' (sylvester x rosfridur)
#♡ 'moments before i hit the ground' (martha x annie)
#♡ 'star hopping lover' (bill x amos)
#♡ 'yours to keep' (simeon x flossie)
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Setting Tags (WIP)
#setting (sywtw)
#location ~ foundling creek
#location ~ the puck home
#location ~ platton
#location ~ the howley home
#location ~ the bawdy gal
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Writeblr Tags
#my writing (sywtw)
#snippet (sywtw)
#soundtrack (sywtw)
#whump writeblr
#historical fiction writing
#writing resources
#♤ ooc answers
#♤ ic answers
6,937 notes
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bas-writes · 1 year
💥🎁🦋🦈📚 💌
Hi! Thanks for the ask :3
Fanfic Writer Ask Game
💥 What is one canon thing that you wish you could change?
Sanji being a sex offender creep & all the transphobic and homophobic centered jokes he was involved with. Without a blink, I am shamelessly writing him ooc in this one aspect and I refuse to change my mind here.
🎁 Have a piece of a WIP you want to share?
From a Law x f!Reader I am really struggling with, but I am determined to pull it to the finish. It's not even proof-read so, a warning for possible typos and style glitches:
Ignoring the unpleasantly cool air, you shake the comforter off and crawl closer, soon wrapping arms around him from behind and setting chin on his shoulder. Barely does he jerk, just a sharper inhale tells you that you’ve been spotted. “Sorry.” He mumbles, face still pressed tight between hands. “Woke you up?” “Been awake sometime.” You kiss the line of hair at the back of his neck. “And you weren’t asleep at all, am I right?” Quite a long time, filled with the natural, musky smell of his skin pressed to your nose, passes before Law finds any words, his reluctance to lie fighting against need to not worry you. “Could be worse.” He grabs one of your hands and kisses its palm, his lips dry and parched—then finally moves, but slowly, visibly fighting against exhaustion and urge to fall back into the warm bed. “You need rest,” you insist, trying to keep him in place, arms holding on him as tight as your barely awake muscles let you. “Please? At least until they call us back?” “What a few more hours of lying here will do, if I can’t—” His words snap into a hiss, but he bites his tongue and sighs, heavy, as if he threw a great weight off his chest. “Ugh. Fuck. Sorry.” You kiss your forgiveness along his neck. “Maybe I can…help you relax, at least?”
🦋 Which character is your favorite to write?
I think Sanji, even if he's erm far from my favorite character in canon? He just clicks so easily with many prompts. Katakuri is a nice victim too, I like breaking introverts with issues into vulnerability, hehe. Law for similar reasons, but I am very picky with requests for him, since he has very sharp edge and, imho, doesn't fit everywhere. Slowly reclaiming Zoro after fandom pushed him out of my sphere of comfort. Luffy is a great joy to work with but, again, I'm super picky with him cause he's tough to grasp.
🦈 Which character is the toughest to write?
Crocodile. I, frankly, see him as hard aromantic and his personality is a pain in the ass to work with in typical x y/n setting. Doflamingo, too. I enjoy writing Doffy when the topic hits the spot - but it rarely does :/
📚 Is there a fanfic or fanfic writer you recommend?
My partner's in crime (@greenwitchtaimanslayer) Of Discordant Fists and Bloody Keys will change your mind on OCs if you, like me, don't particularly enjoy this kind of fiction. And I'm absolutely not mentioning it here so he'd move his ass and finish that new chapter or add that Renna x Y/N thingie :3
@heyitsdoe and her Doe's Spicy Ramen Shop is a must, if you're looking for some novelty in y/n fics. It's something completely different from majority of stuff I see around, and since it's a collection of one shots with different characters, I'm sure everyone will find something for themself.
@childofblackmaria and her dilf collection is also a must if you're looking for a mature approach to our favorite blorbos and not only. Lale's writing is like a safe harbor where you will return every time bad winds carry you to places you didn't wish to see.
I'm slowly chewing through @harudnae's portfolio and damn, they're one of those writers I will enjoy always, even if I don't particularly vibe with topic and/or characters. Sabo/Reader/Koala thingie just opened my eyes and I can't close them ever since.
For similar reasons, @doctorgerth never disappointed me with her fics. Won't link anything because I'd need to make a separate list for all fics I enjoyed. Coop is a classic in Y/N circles, if you're new here and you're not sure yet what's your flavor, take a look around her portfolio - everything will be a good, safe shot.
The fandom is packed with talented writers, there are many names that come to my mind but didn't have much time to read everything I wanted & memorize every nook enough to throw a recommendation. So please, don't be mad or disappointed at me, if I didn't include your name, even if we happen to interact T^T I'm a slow bun with everything lol
💌 Is there a favorite trope you like to write?
Does kink count as a trope? If it does, that's what my current writing obsession is. Yes, I'm horny on main & not ashamed of it :P
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roleplay-today · 1 year
Hello friends! 🫶 it’s time for another request for writing partners. To cover the basics, my pronouns are she / her — I am twenty one years old. Please be 18+ to interact!
I am a literate writer, ranging from one paragraph to ten, though I’m so open to going above and beyond if the story calls for it. I love love love ooc communication, plotting, throwing headcanons, creating playlists and Pinterest boards.
What I’m looking for in a writing partner is somebody who likes to do the same. I can’t keep interest in a roleplay where the enthusiasm isn’t shared. I will literally give you a KIDNEY if you share the same energy towards the roleplay and our characters. I love enthusing and obsessing over our creations. I really need it to stay interested so please, don’t interact unless you want to absolutely dive into our fictional world and obsess over characters we created.
I’m looking to write fandomless plots, genres being either fantasy or apocalypse themed plots. Some of my favourite troupes are — enemies to lovers, enemies to friends to enemies to lovers, sunshine x grumpy, one bed, touch them and I’ll kill you, soulmates, And literally so many more.
I want passion, I want romance, I want angst, I want drama and I want all the freaking little things that make a roleplay great and I want to befriend my writing partners. I typically use realistic face claims but I’m not opposed to anime! I feel like this is getting increasingly long so I shall end this here by saying interact and I’ll shoot you a message!!
I only roleplay on discord, any gender pairing is fine by me and I’m open to doubling up and opening multiple threads! Please do not interact if you’re under eighteen, if you’re unable to withstand gore and violence, and lastly — if you don’t contribute to plotting or enthuse about the roleplay with me. I’m truly looking for friends to write with, to enjoy the story together and create a fictional world. — interact and I’ll be in your messages as soon as possible!!
If you want to shoot me a message though, you’re welcome too! My messages are always open.
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vuulpecula · 10 months
what’s your phone wallpaper : right now its a cute little thunder cloud & lightning pattern.
last song you listened to : de selby (part 2) - hozier
currently reading : malice by john gwynne
last movie : just rewatched mandy
last show : 911
what are you wearing right now : comfy clothes; a blue witcher t-shirt immortalizing roach & blue shorts
piercings / tattoos? : two lobe piercings on each ear
glasses ? contacts? : contacts & glasses, but i h8 wearing my glasses
last thing you ate? : leftover pizza
favorite color(s) : greys, yellows, pinks, purples....honestly, they're all good in my book
current obsession : listening to the mr. ballen podcast lmao, appalachian music, dnd
do you have a crush right now? : when do i not have a crush lmao, real life people tho? only one <3
favourite fictional character : kara 'starbuck' thrace
Tagged by: @withoutpeer <3 Tagging: if you read this, consider yourself tagged !
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matuk-art · 2 years
(Same anon as the one about the emotions)
Can we also talk about the fact that half the sparrows died really early in the season and their siblings didn't seemed to care, I mean they lived in the same house for like 30 years even if they considered themselves more as a team than a family that was odd, also Luther ready to betray his family for a woman he met two days ago (as he said to her), and everyone acting as if Diego acted like a great father when he basically constantly pushed away the kid who was supposed to be his son, even saying that he has most important things to deal with than him, like ok (tbh it seemed quite ooc for Diego to act like that) and also Diego literally forbidding Lila to fight because she's pregnant and restraining her basically not respecting her choice, like I get it, he wants to protect her and the baby and she should be careful but the way he acted was a bit too much, and it gave me bad vibes. Again, I won't talk about Allison
And honestly the worst is the weird vibes and inc*sty stuff, like stop with this already pls, that made me so uncomfortable, I honestly think that the writers are so wrong for this, why are they writing all of these romantic relationships between these people, and also why did they make Five fight with a n*ked lila, like that basically his "sister-in-law" in the show, like I know that n*ked doesn't equal anything s*x*** but that was still weird. And more importantly Aidan is a teenager and Ritu a grown woman !!!
I'm so sorry for ranting in your asks honestly, there still a lot of things I liked about the new season but I needed to vent about it a little bit, I'm sorry if that gave you negative energy....
Diego's arc is incredibly frustrating for me. Firstly because it didn't mean anything, it didn’t get us anywhere!! Arggghh and secondly because ironically Diego had been a better father figure or protector in previous seasons (S1 with klaus, ej). With Stan he did a pretty lame job. All the time I was thinking: poor baby Stan with such bad parents. Haha.
I have no strong opinion on the fact that Diego forbade Lila to fight while she was pregnant. I am not for or against. And to be honest, I as an overprotective and aggressively prepotent person, who commonly thinks that everyone is making stupid decisions regarding their existence, would not have allowed a woman I love to put herself at risk during a pregnancy either. But obviously it is not my place to decide for anyone!! Diego is a flawed but sensitive man, so I do understand his position but I don't necessarily approve.
Honestly, I can't care less about the couples and all the decisions that the writers make regarding the subject, I try not to give them a lot of thought, because as I mentioned before, I think the TUA writers do not do a great job writing the romance. I'd say they do a pretty mediocre job. The only times I ever bought the credibility of a romance is when the couple is already established (ray/Allison, klaus/dave S2, Eudora/diego)
AND just as I don't care about couples, I don't care about the incestuous relationships either. I have no problem with any of the ships bc they all bore me to death haha, honestly, and I think that everyone has the right to imagine fictional characters in the situations they please. It's not like someone is getting hurt.
It does make me very uncomfortable, however, the weird vibes between five and the handler, and in this season, between five and lila. I think both relationships are mirrored. I can't believe people didn't notice how off their scenes were (as they were with the handler), I don't know if they have a hard time reading the subtone or have no clue of how ​​film language works. I seriously have the urge to isolate a couple of frames and sequences and showing them out of context so they can witness the obvious suggestive tone deliberately set by whoever wrote the script and directed the scene. But, come on!, naked Lila fighting??? Jesus
It could be the hypocrisy in the fandom. Some condemn, block, cancel any fan who refers to Five as attractive or sexy, but for some reason they have no problem with Lila referring to him that way ???? It's frustrating. Similarly with the incestuous couples. I KINDA understand the outrage over Luther/Allison, sure, they were raised as siblings, but the fact that they find Luther/Sloane so disgusting and for some reason have no problem with Lila/Diego is incredibly disconcerting to me. Beyond the fact that Lila has a different last name, it seems to me that both relationships took place in quite similar circumstances. They weren't raised together, neither of them. Andd at the end of the day ALL children with powers are siblings (whether they have the same last name or not), because they were born on the same day and conceived from the same source. Source that is Reginald himself. I think the fandom makes very impartial judgments, based on very strange, contradictory and not very objective or even fair criteria. I think we should leave each other alone, to enjoy the series as we each please.
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tea-and-finalfantasy · 8 months
don't get when ppl think an nsfw hc is ooc based on the kink itself?
ranting abt being bored w available stuff/mad i gotta make my own stuff and then get made to feel bad for liking writing submissive men LOL
like i get having preferences for what u write and don't write + what u enjoy writing and what u write bc someone requested it BUT if you have an ask blog and are taking requests, outside of the "i don't write x" things, don't have an ask blog if u like ???? aren't gonna branch out?
like you can have a hcs blog and call it that and only write what you want--that's it. that's literally it. but when u have an ask blog bc ur writing for other ppl and then u go "he wouldn't do this" like ??? just say ur writing for yourself and save us the trouble LOL
bc even if u feel like a character wouldn't have a specific kink, people aren't generally sending u scenarios bc they expect to be shot down or for the prompt to be watered down--they expect to have the actual scenario written
so again, just ??? make hcs. make posts. you don't need someone to send you the right message for you to write what you want to see--esp when u then turn ppl's requests into something they didn't ask for bc ur never going to write sub hcs WHICH IS FINE BUT DON'T GET MY HOPES UP AND DON'T TWIST WHAT I ASKED FOR
but when it comes to a kink being "ooc" it's like. yes i have my own hcs and although i'm p flexible or at least will write what ppl request if i'm taking requests (like i won't get a comm on etsy and go "well he wouldn't do that" like no he's doing it, who am i to barge in here and assert my own hc over theirs?), i do have personal opinions on what characters are super into what, how they act, and i shove all my preferences in there when i'm writing for myself!
but it's not the act that's "ooc" bc that's how you get "x person is a bottom and x person is a top and i just know--" rather than like. you cannot and should not look at someone and assume something about them physically, how they act, etc. is indicative of their sexual preferences
yeah i know it's just in fiction here and not irl but god it's so fucking grating to hear "oh this character wouldn't bottom" (like not even sub! someone is stating they will not get fucked in the ass bc they're "too tough") bc you've created this binary of who does what act all the time, who's allowed to do what--
as opposed to living a little? having fun with fiction? imagining what a tough and gruff character would be like in a vulnerable state and how they got there? what they're like giving into desires they probably feel they're not supposed to have? like you're not even making it interesting or complicated if u think a character wouldn't do it, u just see a muscular guy and go "ok i know he's a dom top all the time haha" like :/
boring, uninspired--and you're not even committing to like. "i only write what i want to write," you're going out of your way to bend these fictional dudes--who should be played with like dolls and put in scenarios--into a binary of what's acceptable for them instead of just saying u write dom top hcs bc that's what u love
u pretend there's some "correctness" to it or worse, some moral heft to it where u feel the need to specify the need for consent in a femdom scenario or a pegging scenario whereas it's a given in vanilla or het sex???
like i just want to project onto my characters in peace. i know by now, i can't go asking around for what i want as even gentle femdom is out of the question but christ. don't tell me my kinks are ooc for them based on the kink itself lol
like a character can do Anything in general like even if a writer doesn't anchor it in a scene where their personality outside of the scene comes out that's fine but like it's literally as easy as like (character doing x act) (character either doing so however they're comfortable like yea he calls u a slut but doesn't raise his voice or hit u or smtn) (or post-scene they revert back to the sweet character u think is unsuited for the kink bc u don't realize ppl are playing fucking pretend to get off here!!!)
0 notes
skits-things · 11 months
Hiya! I'm Skits, I go by She/Hers and I'm a fanfiction writer. My AO3 is linked in my about.
This is a writing blog and will post and reblog things related to my writing and interests. Currently I'm very MCU focused - Stephen Strange has infested my brain and isn't leaving anytime soon.
Asks are always open for anything. I take prompts right now, but look below the readmore for this post before sending me any. Rules are there.
Reblogs might or might not be tagged. Sometimes I forget.
This blog is for me so don't argue with me about my opinions. Disagree, sure, but don't start a fight.
These are the most consistent tags I use. This list will be edited as I remember/think up more.
#my writing is for anything that I've written
#ask will be used for any asks I get and answer
#personal will be tagged for anything about me, well, personally
Current Number of Prompts: 1
You can send them in my ask box. :)
Here are a couple of things I’d like to emphasize for those interested:
I write for fun. This is done in my freetime and whenever I get inspiration. It might take a long time for me to fill the prompt. If there's a prompt or ask I do not want to write, I will outright say so.
It comes without saying, but underage and sexual abuse is a definite no. I don't have too many other limits, but there's a lot of weird stuff out there. I might not have heard about them. Feel free to ask but please be aware there's a good chance I will say no. Limits will be updated as I come across them.
Yes, I am open to writing NSFW but all NSFW will be under a readmore. No judgement on the prompts (I'm open to trying to write things at least once) but I will also refuse if I find that something is outside my comfort zone.
Yes, I ship. My OTP is Ironstrange. I don't wanna have a mile long list of my other ships here, but feel free to ask. I'll let you know if I'm open to writing a different ship.
Genfic prompts are ABSOLUTELY WELCOME. The category is sadly underappreciated.
If I happen to reblog/participate in an event with a prompt set, I am usually alright with receiving requests about them.
Unquestionable, but, prompts from other posts/not an original prompt you made is, of course, welcome.
I have a Bad Things Happen Bingo Card. I'm up for any prompts along those lines.
I don’t write/read x reader or reader insert. Sorry. I'm okay with using second person POV however.
I do not write “Not [X] Friendly” fics. I do not like character bashing.
The rules may update from time to time. Please check them before sending requests.
My preferences
I prefer if Stephen Strange is a character I'm writing about, but I'm not entirely against writing about other MCU characters. If the character is obscure, I might not have heard about them and OOC is likely to occur. I do both fluffy works and angst, so ask for as much hurt or comfort as you want. Multiverse of Madness is also on my hate list and I am not likely to write Wanda very positively - though, again, I don't do character bashing.
Reading wise, I sample from all over the place. My hard limits on things I refuse to read/write are things like SpideyStrange, where the age difference/character generations are too far apart for me to stand. ScarletStrange is another ship I do not like personally.
Other things
While I don't mind constructive criticism, if there isn't a single thing (no matter how small) you also like about my writing, I don't know what you're doing on my blog. I am a hobby writer - not a professional, and human besides that. I have feelings. Don't hurt them.
Minors are allowed to follow as I do not post anything too explicit; at least without tagging them.
Ask me if you want to translate/post my works to other platforms. You must have my written permission.
If you disagree with me (e.g. you characterise/see/view [Character A] as … but I write them as …), please keep in mind that all of this is fiction and everyone is allowed to have their own opinions. But well, feel free to discuss with me if you’d like.
Please don’t hesitate if you have any questions! ^-^
If you've read everything above, then thanks! Let's all interact with respect and positivity! :)
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wizardlizard0 · 2 years
Looking for roleplay partners!
Howdy! I've been trying to get back into the groove of roleplaying, so I thought I might take a shot at posting about it on Tumblr!
What I'm looking for:
• Literate literate literate!!! I am absolutely no Ernest Hemingway or J.R.R. Tolkien, but I like to think of myself as a relatively good writer. Thus, I like my roleplays to be in somewhat lengthy, detailed paragraphs. I absolutely will not roleplay using asterisks or 1-2 sentences.
• Preferably someone 18 or older. I don't typically care too much for roleplaying nsfw, but I'm cool with it popping up occasionally. That being said, I am legally an adult, so I am not at all comfortable with roleplaying nsfw with a minor. If you are a minor and really wanna roleplay with me, please let me know beforehand so I can avoid nsfw topics.
• Fandom or original characters! While I typically stick to ocs, I am also up to roleplaying fandoms as well! Some fandoms that I am willing to roleplay are the Witcher series (books, games, and tv series), Homestuck, the Elder Scrolls (prefer oc x oc for this one), LotR, Dragon Age, Hannibal, Soul Eater, and probably a couple others that I can't think of right now. If you're looking for a roleplay revolving around ocs, I am cool with just about any genre. High fantasy? Absolutely love it. Horror? Definitely. Realistic fiction? Totally. I am super flexible with genre, and I can fit my ocs to fit pretty much any genre I so please.
• Any type of ship. While I usually like to do LGBT characters, I'm 100% cool with just about anything. Platonic relationships are fine, romantic relationships are fine, enemies, straight ships, gay ships, etc. etc. I'm cool with just about anything :)
• Someone who's willing to talk OOC! Please talk to me as much as you want!! One of the things I love about roleplay is how it's such a great opportunity to make friends with people. I love to talk about oc headcanons, make plans for the rp, send memes, etc etc. Obviously there is no obligation to always talk or to become besties but I'd love to try and use this as a means to make some friends on here :)
• Absolutely no non-con or children in a sexual setting. Anyone who tries to pull this on me will immediately get blocked lol
• No incest either
• If your oc or character has any mental illness such as BPD or ASPD, please try and accurately portray those. It is just a little infuriating when I see someone trying to write a character with a mental illness that has not done their research.
• Abusive relationships are also pretty iffy for me. If there's gonna be an attempt to portray a toxic relationship, I like to try and avoid romanticizing it by any means necessary. Because of this, I try to avoid doing these in general.
Anyways, I think that's about it! Please send me a message either through Tumblr or Discord (my discord is WizardLizard#2018) if you're interested in roleplaying! Just a gentle reminder, I am a college student with a job so I am pretty busy, which means that sometimes it might take me a couple days to respond depending on my workload. If I take too long to respond, feel free to shoot me a message to remind me to respond! I'll also probably do the same for you. Of course, if you ever get bored of our roleplay, let me know and we can always work something else out and don't worry about hurting my feelings! I like to think that I'm pretty flexible, and honestly I just wanna have fun and meet some cool people to write with.
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stickyy · 3 years
Can I have a gn reader x Aizawa? Maybe a college AU where Aizawa doesn't know how to handle his crush because he was awkward when he was young and ended up a bully who was handsy. Thank you!
EEEE this is my first ask so i hope you like it anon! :D thanks so much for requesting!
DISCLAIMER: i do not condone or encourage any of the behavior outlined in the following text. this is a work of fiction, and should be treated as such. :)
wordcount: 2299
warnings: dubcon, verbal abuse, slight dumbification, forced oral sex, brief mentions of gagging/vomit (doesn’t actually happen), aizawa is an law student asshole, quirkless!AU, ooc? more likely than u think
notes: im not like a writer so when i put this in word count and saw it was 2k words i gasped-
Without a doubt, Aizawa’s the smartest student in your Civil Procedure lecture. You admire him; you’re both first years, but he already has an incredible work ethic and results to show for it. He works two part-time jobs to help pay for school (alongside his impressive scholarship), studies into the late hours of the night (mostly due to his being kept awake very loud roommate), and, despite a bad habit of regularly showing up to your 8 am class slightly hungover, still manages to produce the top marks in the class. 
You’re envious of him, because you’re the exact opposite. Your tuition is paid in full by your parents, you have a wonderfully quiet apartment all to yourself, and you study as best you know how, only to practically fail every assignment. You wish you could be surprised, but the material is a dreadfully bland concoction of boring procedure and esoteric theory that you rarely get further than three or four pages into a chapter. You want to like law, you really do, but there’s something about the intricacies of drafting lawsuits that goes in one ear and out the other. It’s no surprise that you sought out Aizawa’s help, desperate to at least pass the class with a decent grade. 
You wish you hadn’t. 
You don’t understand what you do that bothers him so deeply, but something about you coaxes cruelty from somewhere dark inside of him. You always scurry towards the back of the lecture hall to grab a seat next to him, doing your best to be quiet and unassuming, but he shoots you a venomous glare or a soft flurry of harsh words. And you get it, to an extent- some days you walk into class chattering a little too loudly on the phone, and on others you loudly shuffle around in your book bag to try finding the notes that you attempted to start for this lecture (if you even brought them that day). You know it’s annoying, but you also know you don’t deserve the downright verbal abuse he throws at you for it.
“It’s hard to take notes if you forget your textbook. Try being prepared for once,” he’ll sigh as he slides his textbook to you. Like a good student, he took notes for lecture the night before, but it still took some convincing for him to spare you his textbook.
“Do you ever shut up?” He’ll interrupt you as you babble about your difficulties understanding the most recent lecture. You want to retort, tell him off for being rude, but the words die in your throat; he radiates an annoying apathy that makes you doubt the efficacy of anything you say to him.
“You wouldn’t fail every assignment if you actually studied. Or maybe, you’re actually just stupid?” He’ll quip as you clutch your paper, a red ‘47’ scrawled in the upper corner of the page littered with your professor's critiques and question marks. By contrast, Aizawa’s paper is pristine, donning a singular red mark of ‘98, nice work!’.
With a well placed glare and the sour baritone of his voice, laced with exhaustion, it’s always enough to make your stomach drop from shame and embarrassment. Under normal circumstances, you’d never allow anyone to speak to you that way, but your grade was a dire situation, and with the midterm upcoming, you forcefully swallow your pride and ask him for his help.
You have to beg, but Aizawa agrees to tutor you the day before the midterm. This grade is a make or break for the class- if you do poorly on this exam, you’ll have to drop the lecture to salvage your gpa, putting you half a semester behind your peers. It’s motivation enough to deal with his poor attitude, and the two of you end up reviewing in an empty studying room on the top floor of the library. You began the session alert and determined to catch up, but studying with him shows you just how far behind you are. The textbook sounds like foreign poetry coming from his mouth; Aizawa is nothing short of eloquent when explaining the complexities of something as boring as filing lawsuits, and you spend most of the two hours spent just zoning out, completely unable to focus.
“You’re just wasting my time at this point.” The break in his cadence snaps you out of your trance, unfocused eyes meeting his tired ones, slightly lidded in annoyance, “Are you even trying to remember the material? Or are you just expecting me to spoon-feed it to you?”
Your throat catches, forcing you to swallow a lump as you attempt to ignore his words. 
“I am trying! I just don’t understand why there are two approaches, is all,” You whine, flipping back through your sparse notes to find the section that contained the explanation. 
“I went over that almost 3 chapters ago. If you were paying attention, you would’ve stopped me by now. It’s hard to believe that you even got into this school, if this is how you studied in high school. Did your daddy pull some strings with his buddies in admissions?”
Your eyes narrow, searching harder for the correct section in your notes. That’s a pretty low blow, and even if he’s not completely wrong, it still stings. You now know for a fact you didn’t even read this part of the text, but you keep your eyes trained on the page. At this point, you’d do anything to avoid looking at Aizawa, lest you begin to cry.
“Don’t be an asshole,” is all you can muster, voice shaking with unshed tears, “Would it kill you to be a little nicer? It’s hard to focus when all you do is insult me.”
“It’s hard to focus?” He repeats, his tone a sickly sweet mockery of yours. “Sweetheart, I don’t think that’s my fault. You’re a lot dumber than you think, if you even think at all. The midterm is tomorrow, and we’re just now getting into chapter five. Don’t get mad at me for actually trying to study; if I was holding your hand through it all, we’d still be on chapter one.”
Your vision blurs and a single tear hits the lined paper of your notes, causing the ink to blur as the drop absorbs into the page. You clench your jaw and take a breath before standing up, opening your backpack to put you things away. You didn’t have to take this abuse, you could study on your own. Even if you did poorly, you’d have some of your dignity left.
“It’s pretty rude to just walk out on someone trying to help you,” Aizawa says after a moment, closing his notes shut. “Not only do you give me a headache every single morning, but I try to tutor you and you want to leave without even thanking me? I’m busy, you know? I take time that I don’t have to spare just help your sorry ass out, for free, and you’re not even capable of learning anything from it.”
You sling your bag over your shoulder and move to leave, but you find yourself face to face with Aizawa, his tall frame blocking the door, arms crossed over his chest, and a thoroughly disgusted expression plastered on his features. 
“I should charge you a fee, just for completely wasting an afternoon. Absolutely ridiculous,” His tone is a juxtaposition to his demeanor; he sounds more amused than annoyed, a jeer underlying the words. It makes you feel sick, and you’re suddenly grossly aware of the fact that you're alone with him, the only method of escape blocked. It feels dangerous, and you want nothing more than to be at home, alone and safe.
“H-how much?” You stutter meekly, eager to appease him. “I don’t really have any cash on me but if you have Venmo-”
“That’s not quite what I had in mind,” Your heart starts to jackhammer against your ribcage and panic sets in. You’re frozen in place, unwilling to ask him to elaborate. You may not be very bright, but you have a good idea of what he’s going to ask for, and you can think of a million things you’d rather do instead.
“I know your pretty little skull is practically an echo chamber, so listen closely, okay? We both know that no matter how hard you try, you won’t be ready for the exam by the end of tonight, and I have to work in an hour and a half. So, if you behave and do what I ask you, I’ll let you copy my exam answers tomorrow. Understand?”
You’re silent, paralyzed by fear. A part of you wants to run, desperately, but your mind drifts to the midterm. You know that without any help, you’ll surely fail.
That’s how you end up on your knees in front of him, tears finally streaming down your face from choking on his thick cock. 
“That’s it,” he groans breathlessly, eyes fluttering shut as his head presses back against the door, “I knew you were good for something. I bet this is how you convinced your other teachers to give you a passing grade, huh? A few cocks down your throat-fuck, to save your gpa, I wouldn’t put it past you, dumb slut.”
You hate this- hate being reduced to just a mouth for him to fuck. You hate how he sneers down at you, his eyes alight with sadistic pleasure. You especially hate the treacherous way your spine tingles and heat pools low in your stomach at his amused growls and degrading remarks. He’s just as cruel with the way he fucks into your mouth, disregarding your comfort entirely, hand in your hair roughly guiding your head over his length. He’s almost painfully thick, stretching your lips wide, tickling the recesses of your throat in a grotesque way. You try to wiggle away slightly, just to take a small breath; you’re beginning to feel dangerously lightheaded. You begin to pull your head away but he thrusts his hips upward, holding your head down and  forcing your lips to wrap around the base of his cock.
“S’okay, baby, just relax that empty little head of yours, no need to breathe right now,” he sighs, watching you struggle against him with a smirk, watching the fear bloom in your chest and your mind buzz with the lack of oxygen. Your thrashing shifts his cock in just the right way and you violently gag, eyes widening with the painful sensation. You’re almost convinced he’s going to let you pass out, right before he yanks you off of him. You cough violently, gagging a few more times, drool spilling out of your mouth.
“Throw up on me and a failing grade will be the least of your problems,” he growls, and the threat is a sobering reminder of how fucked up this is. You meet his expectant gaze, and reluctantly return to the task at hand. You can hold out just a little longer, you tell yourself; his hips are beginning to move on their own accord and you know he won’t last much longer. All you have to do is hang on and it will all be over soon.
You know that he’s just a bully, that you’re just doing what you have to do in order to pass this class, that you’re worth more than your grades, that you aren’t stupid- but the dark part of your mind questions if he’s right. Maybe you do belong on your knees, because what do you know? Maybe you are just a dumb slut; there’s no need to study if the only thing you’re good for is swallowing.
The shameful thought forces a new torrent of tears to pour from your eyes, gagging once more on both your tears and his cock, and the look of pure despair on your face pushes him over the edge. Aizawa yanks your head from his cock with a curse and you flinch as his hot cum hits your face. There’s a lot of it, the viscous seed slowly dripping down your face. The sensation is downright disgusting. You feel dirty and used, your throat sore, knees burning, lips swollen from his brutal assault. He presses the tip of his cock on your cheek, smearing his load all over your skin with a cruel laugh.
Through your panting, you keep your eyes closed for a little bit, hoping that maybe this is an awful nightmare and you’ll wake up in your dorm, with an extra day to study and a little more hope in your heart. 
The sound of a camera shutter rips you from your fantasy, opening your eyes to see Aizawa grinning at his phone. You’re too shocked to say anything, only staring at him incredulously from your position on the floor in front of him.
“You’re lucky you’re cute, you know?” He hums as he tidies himself up and grabs his bag. “So photogenic, I’ll be able to get off to this for weeks. Who knows what good you’d be if you were dumb and ugly.”
You didn’t notice that you had stopped crying, but the fresh tears and sound of your own sobs call your attention to fact.
“Try and clean up before you leave, alright? I know you’re a little too stupid to remember, but I don’t think it’d be a good look for you to walk around covered in cum.”
The door clicks closed, and through your sobs you look around at the room, only to notice that there aren’t any tissues left laying around. You hate him, you hate him, you hate him.
(But at least you get an A- on your midterm.)
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craziestfangirl98 · 3 years
My thoughts on Love, Victor season 2 cause I have too many feelings and I need to talk about it.
Disclaimer No. 1. This has massive Love, Victor season 2 spoilers so pleaseeeee leave if you have not watched it. Also if you do not want to engage with it.
Disclaimer No. 2: This is my opinion on the season so if you don't agree please leave. Don't come for me. I don't mind having proper discussions but I don't want unnecessary arguments so thanks.
There are a lot of unpopular opinions so as I said earlier if you don't want to be respectful, please leave.
I absolutely adoooooooored this season. I think it met its potential quite well and I liked how it panned out. I felt it was brilliantly done. I know a lot of people don't agree with me but I actually saw that it was gonna be an acquired liking but yeah.
Let's start with individual breakdowns.
Right of the bat we see that this season is gonna deal with Victor with the rest of the world. The first season was very internal and dealt with his own stuff in his own head. We very minutely see his interaction with different people and how that internally affects him. This season was more of how the outward world dealt with him. His intersectionality of being a Queer POC that plays sport really adds to the discussions within the queer community and the sense of being outcasted within the community. I liked how he was able to talk to Andrew about the whole being 'the most non gay gay' and also not being 'gay enough'. It was really nice and I loved that interaction. I also liked the fact that they discussed the whole aspect of being stressed about the first time and such.
I liked the full cabin sequence in terms of his anxiety about having sex for the first time. That too with an experienced gay. It all just makes sense and makes me glad that it was addressed.
I loved him as the 'mentor' for Rahim and the fact that they could relate to each other about being POC with religious parents I think was the exact push needed for the discussions to move forward.
I think his conversation about his queer experience as a POC with Rahim was something I have been waiting for since the first season. He definitely should not have revealed Benji's secrets without talking to him and that was a mistake on his part and something that will affect Venji in a long while. But the fact that Rahim and Victor relied on each other was not surprising.
I am going to address the rest of the aspects of Victor with regards to his relationships with each of them after their individual breakdown.
Now moving forward to Benji.
I know its gonna be a hard truth but I think his character was the one that I liked the least. And this is specific to the fact that his motivations are hidden from us. He is not really open to talk to us (through victor). I had the same problem with him in the first season and was hoping he would be fleshed out more. We only see him as an extension to Victor and just his boyfriend. Even then, we barely see him communicating with Victor or anybody else all through the time. Also, that being said, I have seen a lot of people say he was OOC but I think he was actually not really OOC. The way he reacts to Victor's mom's reactions although they come from a place of wanting better for Victor, he doesn't really think twice about why Victor must not be reacting or doing so subtly. He feels very unsympathetic on many occasions and that is a pattern we see from season 1.
I'm not saying he didn't have any troubles of his. Cause he definitely did. We know that with the drunken driving episode and the AA meetings and the strip club story. They were all awful, but that doesn't excuse him from trying to understand where Victor is coming from. Maybe having a little more context and communication about him would make us understand him and his motivations better.
This season specifically, I actually found him to be very token-ish of a gay guy which is weird because it has two other gay characters (or 5 based on the multiple cameos).
Now getting to Rahim.
I LOVED HIM. He is, I think right behind Victor in my heart. I fell in love with him barely minutes into the episode. His coming out retelling was the most wholesome of all things. I loved the friendship Pilar and him shared. I'm surprised we didn't get a scene with Pilar teasing him about his crush on Victor but I think that was because the writers didn't want to make it obvious. I felt he had a character of his own that was explored more than just coming in between the main couple. The one episode where they skip school we found out more about him and it was intriguing to say the least.
He is a Muslim gay boy who likes to put nail polish and fashion and believes that his parents will not accept him. It is soo refreshing to see this theory get denied and the parents being completely okay with it. Next, Victor and him have an interesting relationship between the two. When victor needs his mind to be taken off of things or talk to, Rahim does just that and when Rahim needs some advice or just some support Victor does that.
I think this is again... a little unpopular right now, but... their relationship was not that great this season. And I.... kinda expected that to happen. That is for multiple reasons. They spent 50% of their time making out, 40% of it fighting and 10% communicating. Were they flawed? Absolutely and I get that. They had massive miscommunication problems. Trust issues and everything under the moon. It is to be expected especially cause they are teenagers and they are not mature enough. That being said, flaws are not when you are dismissive of your boyfriend's issues because he doesn't fit your ideal gay stereotype. Flaws are not when you say your boyfriend is too much for you to handle and say something like you are the only one taking care of them. That's manipulation. Flaws are not when you don't realise that the context your boyfriend comes from is very specific to himself and if you want to do better you need to be open to listen to where he is coming from instead of getting offended by him saying you are white when you don't get the specifics. You need to understand that by saying you are white, he is not dismissing your experience with alcohol addiction and with your father taking you to strip clubs and shit. He is just saying you don't get where I am coming from. The reason I say I saw it coming is because even in season 1 we see Benji go ahead with what he wants to do instead of thinking about the consequences. Case in point the kiss on Victor's birthday. Victor told Benji that his grandparents are homophobic and still he kisses Derek. Because it is fiction and a teen drama the consequences weren't dire and it came to be a growth point for Victor but just imagine if the consequences were different. If it ended up being something worse, what then. I feel this season we are especially able to see Benji out of the rose tinted glasses that Victor had last season.
That being said I admit that Victor was also not entirely good. He did breach Benji's trust. I don't see how they can go back from there. He didn't communicate from his side as well, but just think of it like this if someone says you are too much to handle would their partner actually be willing to communicate what's bothering them?
The things about Isabelle walking on sex. If it was my house anything remotely sexual, irrespective of the gender would have been met with shame and anger just as Isabelle did. They are 16. The little brother was right next door. In any way whether it is straight sex or gay sex it would still have been met this way I feel.
So yeah as much as they are supposed to be the main star couple of the show they lack in almost every aspect. So yeah...
Now coming to VICTOR X RAHIM
Straight off the bat, I don't know if I watched the same season that others did because I actually felt the chemistry between them was actually more than Venji had in scenes other than the make out ones.
Also, they come from similar backgrounds. They understand each other much better than any white dude could ever understand them. They actually talk and communicate.
Rahim and Victor on the other hand are both new to this whole being gay, out and proud thing and I feel they would understand each other better. I think a big problem people have with them is that the writers fall back on the love triangle trope and stuff but I like it in this instance. It made sense to me.
Why? Because they are teenagers. Also, the gay pool in schools are so small and people are bound to explore. Like Victor said, what are the odds that you end up with the first person you start dating?
Also, regarding the wedding. Benji said he would not come, so I don't think he has the right to question who he came with. It was completely innocent on Victor's part because he did invite Pilar first. I guess it is the whole first slow dance that was the betrayal and as much as their chemistry was palpable I feel Benji should have allowed to here him out. I don't know maybe you all feel different about it but I feel that is not a betrayal on Victor's part. What could have been a betrayal was the kiss. I know it is once again a repeat of the cheating stereotype and I had hoped that the showrunner's did it a bit differently but well it has happened. (But again the chemistry in that kiss!!!)
What do I want to happen next. I definitely ship Victor x Rahim more than Victor x Benji. I would love for it to be Rahim behind the door but it feels unlikely that the showrunners will actually do that so my hope is even if they get together, Benji and Victor realise just how much they don't fit with each other and break up amicably and then Victor x Rahim gets explored and slow burn happens.
I don't want Victor to be the only one apologising if Venji do get together again. For whatever small amount of time. I need them to communicate better.
So yeah..... this was long and what I thought of the main portions of Love, Victor. It's really ironic how people love everyone other than Victor in a story about him and care for all the stories other than him.
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